Dragon age origins spells. Blood magic is a forbidden doctrine

Hello to all Dragon Age fans! In this guide I want to talk about the specialization of the mage "Battle Mage" or how to make a tanker or tanker squad. Why I chose this particular specialization, now I will explain. When I was pumping my magician and the question arose about choosing a specialization for him, I began to try in order.

Having taken the Werewolf specialization, I tested all the animals (wolf, bear, and spider), it was well conceived, of course, but none of the forms shines with any special damage, armor, or other parameters, there are very few spells in the forms and it’s not very interesting to play. To be honest, forms are a lifesaver for the most part when you're out of mana, as many have said.

“Spiritual Healer” is a very useful specialization, no doubt, but Winn already has it, and even more so, it’s not very interesting, I think, when your main character is just a healer :) As for the “blood mage”, it’s also a very good specialization, but it’s better to fully consider it separate guide.

So, having taken the specialization "Battle Mage" in the ruins of the Brecilian Forest, at first I was disappointed. Well, just think, magic replaces strength, it doesn't matter what kind of magician a warrior can be ... But, having finished the branch of the combat magician to the end, I realized that I was greatly mistaken. Only the 3rd skill in this branch can tell what a combat mage is! In fact, this is the same warrior, only without combat skills, but with hellish stability, armor and damage, which the warrior did not even dream of here! A kind of paladin who can survive in a bunch of mobs, and not just survive, but deal with hordes of enemies, uniques and bosses without any problems!

Having an armor of about 60! And the maximum stability of 75% of all magic, as well as almost 100 physical and mental stability (and this despite the gear) and damage with crits over 100! What other warrior can boast of such parameters? ;)

Pay attention to the number of "buffs"

So, having all this beauty on my Persian, I suddenly thought - but there are 2 more magicians here!

These are Wynn "Spiritual Healer" and Morrigan "Werewolf".

And what if they take the second specialization "Battle Mage", two more tankers with their own obcasts (buffs)! So, from theory to business. If you decide to really make a squad of super-tankers, then this guide is especially for you!

Firstly, I must say that playing with 3 mages is very pleasant and interesting at all stages of the game. At first, before the appearance of the “Battle Mage” specialization for all mages, and for Wynn and Morrigan, it will already be the second, i.e. up to level 14, you can fully enjoy the game of pure casters, taking only one tank, warrior or robber into the company. I took Leliana, because of her special skills to pick locks and steal cabbages and all sorts of useful things :)

Of course, you can leave the magicians in the camp up to level 14 and play only with your Persian with Alistair, Stan and someone else, this is not so important, but it was very pleasant for me to play with casters, try all sorts of effects from spells and combos;)

Well, after level 14, the game will go much faster, you won’t even need to save frequently, pause.

So where does the miracle begin? When choosing a race, we are offered two options (for a magician) elf or man. I opted for an elf, because. it's more suitable for a mage (race bonus: +2magic, +2willpower) and magic will be our main stat! After all, the damage from spells, the duration of effects, as well as the damage of the future battle mage directly depend on it. And also the number of lives replenished by healing poultices, which is also very important!

Now directly about pumping


Strength- we will not download, because the strength of the ability of the battle mage is replaced by magic, and we will get a good attack due to bonuses and skills later.

Agility- the same thing, not a single point, because the only significant thing that it gives for a battle mage is protection, which we will already have decent due to bonuses and skills later.

Willpower– definitely not 1 point! This parameter is generally useless, because mana will always be enough. At first, just put on clothes for magicians, which does not add fatigue, and therefore does not increase the cost of casting spells and carry more mana bottles.

Magic- our main and almost the only parameter! I advise you to maximize it to the fullest, because it affects the most expensive thing a magician has! Spells! And also when magic replaces the strength of the “combat magician”, it will determine his physical damage, magic is also important for accessing spells of the last levels and, as I already wrote, magic for treating poultices is very important, the bonus is not weak!

Cunning- this parameter is needed only at the beginning to pump the skill "influence" the last level requires 16 cunning. More cunning is not needed in principle if your Persian will breed any NPC for money, additional rewards or quests.

Body type- it all depends on your decisions. 1 point gives 5 to life. But to be honest, I almost didn’t invest here, because lives are added with gear and with a level, and taking into account all the armor and stability, damage to your tanks will be negligible, unless of course you play on the “nightmare”. And pumped magic will allow you to quickly restore life even with the weakest seasonings. The only ones who sometimes cause significant damage are the mages, so they need to be killed during the battle in the first place, not paying attention to the tanks. Also, you may not have enough health on such bosses that use special skills, for example, the "High Dragon" on top of the frosty mountains, sometimes he grabs a Persian in his mouth and chews for a while, at this moment you can not drink bottles, the only thing that remains is to cure healing spell by one of the allies or have a health reserve to survive this chewing attack, as well as the "Spiritual Healer" can cast a charm, and in case of death you will immediately resurrect. So, apart from the top dragon with a health reserve, I didn’t have any problems anywhere at all. And I put almost all my points into magic! This, in my opinion, is the most important parameter and everything above is justified.


Now, with regard to skills, ie. professions, so to speak. The main Persian is given the “Herbal” first

and combat tactics

I didn’t download the battle tactics for the simple reason that almost all the time I controlled the main Persian myself, and in which case you can always pause, so the tactics cells received with the level were enough for me. And I developed the herbalist at Morrigan. For myself, I immediately took the skill "Influence"

It can only be downloaded from the main Persian. And I consider it the most important, because. the rest can be downloaded from the allies, and the personal skills that are so necessary are no longer there. "Influence" gives very extensive opportunities in gaming world! You can always make peace or beg for a big reward or get an additional quest, and this is a big bonus !! So no doubt you need to max! After "Influence" I downloaded "Survival"

gives a bonus to the detection of mobs, as well as a bonus to resistance, especially since it requires cunning, and since it is already pumped, it’s a sin not to use it :) Morrigan I was a herbalist and “combat training”

although it is not particularly important for magicians, especially for combat ones, Wynn's traps, tactics (since Wynn is originally a healer, it is very useful to set up tactics for her to heal allies until she stops casting and turns into a battle mage)


(very useful from all NCPs you can cut down additional loot or gear), poisons

(even arrows can be dipped in poison, very useful for a robber), and combat training

(for a rogue, it is necessary to unlock skills). But first of all, Leliana, I downloaded theft, so as not to miss a single useful theft;)


So, the development of skills is the most interesting. At first, magicians can take everything at your discretion, for the effective removal of mobs, BUT! Be sure to upgrade each mage's skill line for a bonus to the entire squad! For future paladins, this is indispensable! The main Persian specialization "battle mage" will be available after level 7, but he will be able to take only 1 skill, because the rest will open at 12, 14 and 16 damage. After level 7, having received specialization and 1 skill, your main character will not become a tank, be patient and wait for level 14, believe me it's worth it! At the same time, prepare 3 sets of armor with maximum armor.

Now about the skills themselves directly.

Here is a list of mandatory buffs (group buffs, for the whole squad) that must be upgraded before the Battle Mage specialization appears:

In the "creation" section in the 2nd branch, the last skill "Acceleration"

I downloaded it from Wynn, because. she already had 2 skills taken in this branch.

In the "Spirit" section, the last branch, 3rd skill "Telekinetic weapon"

I downloaded it from Morrigan, because. the first skill has already been taken in this thread.

In the "Entropy" section, 1 branch, 3 skill "Poisonous fumes"

I downloaded it from the main Persian.

Also for Wynn there is an aura in the "spiritual guardian" branch - the treatment of the entire squad!

She, too, can be shaken, only she is naughty, turns off. Well, after the cooldown, we turn it on again.

In short, for ideal development, you should have 1 group buff pumped up to level 14 for each magician, and you can already pump 2 buffs of your own (magic shield and stone armor). And it is desirable to have Wynn and Morrigan sing 2 in reserve by level 14, so that having received specialization for 14, immediately drive 3 sang into the “combat magic” branch, then you will already get killing machines.

At the same time, in the pumped branches, he also took the last skills, Morrigan has a “crushing dungeon”

have "mass paralysis"

Battle mages do not need them, but casters are very useful and the combinations are good with others, and we will be casters up to lvl 14.

"Telekinetic weapon", "Poisonous fumes", "Acceleration" are three skills that complement each other, each for one of the magicians, but affects the entire squad. They turn on and work like an aura! Therefore, you can not download all three of one magician, he will not pull on mana and fatigue. Thanks to these three auras, we get significant bonuses, which, by the way, depend on the pumping of the character's magic, which is why it should be maxed out!

Battle mages immediately get a huge advantage over all mobs, thanks to the "Poisonous Vapors" aura, which slows down all mobs in a large radius that have not passed the stability check, and also reduces the defense and attack of mobs, which means it already gives us bonuses to the attack of the whole group, those. increases the chances of hitting in proportion to the pumped magic parameter of the Persian who uses this aura! "Telekinetic weapon" gives a big bonus to penetration of armored mobs, again in proportion to the magic of the Persian, so even well-armored targets are not afraid of our paladins now! "Acceleration" gives the entire squad increased running speed and increases damage per second, damage per second increases greatly, a very useful aura, but it slightly penalizes the attack, but it's worth it!

And now a list of our buffs that enhance each of the combat magicians separately, they are also mandatory: for each magician, we pump the first two spells in the “magician” branch, the first “magic arrow”

useful at low levels, and the second spell "magic shield"

aura that increases protection, the value of the bonus is commensurate with magic. After the 2nd spell in this branch, the last 2 spells do not need to be taken, because they only affect the damage from staves. Next, we take for all combat magicians in the branch of elemental magic the spell "stone armor"

the same as the "magic shield" only a bonus to armor! In general, everything is with bonuses. Even when I was developing elemental magic at early levels, I developed a branch of fire from the main Persian, and when I became a combat magician, I turned on the spell "fire weapon" (optional)

gives a good bonus to fire damage at high levels! It must be borne in mind that for some reason some buffs did not want to work together. So, for example, when Morrigan turns on the “Ice Weapon” aura, the “Telekinetic Weapon” aura turns off, it’s a pity, but you can do without the ice bonus, “Telekinetic Weapon” is much more important! Especially if your chief already has a fire weapon.

A little about pumping skills in combat magic itself.

The first skill "combat magic"

available immediately after opening a specialization, it is the most basic, does not require mana, turns your magic into power, so you can wear all armor and weapons! In addition, the spell (attention!) changes increased fatigue for a bonus to attack !! And this is just super for our heavyweights! The harder the armor to put on, the steeper the attack! What warrior can boast such a bonus? ;) In addition, when we turn on the "combat magic" spell, it immediately adds 50% to fatigue! Already a bonus! And each aura that is turned on does the same, which means that we will get a not weak bonus to the attack, which is why you shouldn’t pump strength or dexterity, the bonus was enough for me. But increased fatigue imposes large penalties on our tankers to cast spells, so when we are in heavy armor under auras, we can forget about casting attackers and other spells except for auras (maintenance spells). Yes, we do not need them at all! Palychs will clear faster than any fireballs with snowstorms. Well, if suddenly someone can’t wait to conjure - you are always welcome, turn off the auras, take off the armor, you can hide the staff in the second hand and go ahead, we are magicians again :) You just have to carry clothes for magicians with you in your backpack .. Well, or cast , as they say, in what the mother gave birth. Which, too, taking into account our strength of magic, is not very weak! But in this case, a couple of blows from mobs can be fatal for our naked casters.

Second spell

Battle Mage passive, very useful, gives bonuses to attack, damage and defense during the action of "battle magic".

The third spell - well, just hellish cheating, the most important spell in the branch, not counting the first :) "Flickering Shield"

absorbs damage, gives resistance bonuses + 75% to everyone and about +80 to physical and psycho resistance! But it quickly consumes mana, well, figs with it, our mana with the included buffs will be at zero, we are not casters .. well, at least when in armor. It is after receiving this spell that you can safely put on heavy armor, a sword and a shield and go into battle! Well, the last skill is passive, “shroud of shadow”

gives evasion from attacks, i.e. dodge and mana regeneration. Moreover, when you take it, the Persian will look cool translucent and leave behind a trail of white matter.

Now a little about the redhead.

More precisely, why do we need Leliana. It may seem to some that she gave up, it’s better to take a warrior, a tanker ... Of course, you can, but I don’t advise. Now I'll justify. Firstly, she's pretty;) Secondly, her "stealing" and "lockpicking" skills are priceless. And thirdly, she's a bard! And this is not a drawback, she is unlikely to endure someone strongly, but she has such a skill in the bard branch, “song of courage”

Gives the entire squad a bonus to damage, attack and crit! Moreover, the bonus depends on Lilka's cunning. It is great! Our bastards will be even stronger! And since the ability to "pick locks" and the skill "theft" need cunning, then Lilya has a big reason to download it and not spare points there !! At the initial levels, she will buff with the "song of valor" (passing and very useful at the beginning of the game for casters)

a bonus to mana and stamina regeneration, so we need it for our initial casters! As if by notes;) "Charming Song" (you can not download at all)

I do not advise you to take it because the charm radius is very small (immobilizes the target). It’s a pity that she doesn’t sing one big song at the same time .. As for Leliana’s other skills, it’s not worth pumping her attack (melee) for miles, because compared to the sticks, she is quickly hewn, the armor is not the same. And if she is lying around wounded, magicians lose very useful bonuses from the song! So I advise you to download her bows, dexterity for skills, the rest is all a trick !! From clothes you can put on excellent Wade armor after he makes them for you from the skin of dragons. Leliana's specialization I personally chose "Pathfinder"

since she is an archer with me and she doesn’t need close combat (and this is the “Killer and Duelist”), then it’s better to call a little animal, all the same spider, bear and wolf, good little animals, sometimes they help a lot! But they are far from our paladins :)


Everything is simple here, since we will never have problems with resists, dress purely on armor! The more armor, the less damage to us! It is desirable of course and stats, but not necessarily, armor is the main thing! I went in heavy armor from Wade, the juggernaut is also good, but at medium levels, otherwise look for something heavier, because heaviness = bonus to attack! By the way, the attack is not displayed anywhere, it is the rating of the combat magicians. It sucks, but I had enough of all the bonuses, they hit almost without a miss! Rings for magic, for stats. Yes, armor is desirable from one set, plus ++ bonuses.


It's easy here too. Don't take doubles! I checked that the damage of the battle mage is the same as on one-handed weapons, and sometimes less, but it swings for a long time, and without a shield we lose bonuses to protection and reflection / stats. Most best sword– Spellweaver, with two holes, drops from a battlemage in the frosty mountains when you go for the ashes of Adraste. Adds +5 magic! And that means damage! It is better to insert runes for everyone to paralysis and slowdown or to elemental damage.


It’s better to start from the tower of magicians in order to take Wynn right away, then go to the Brisilian forest for the “combat mage” specialization, then go to Redcliffe and rather for the ashes of Andraste, there will be a sword and dragon skin for armor, they are made in Denerim. There is also juggernaut armor in the forest. Defeating the ghosts and the undead at early levels is not easy, it is better to take tanks (warriors). In the future, these mobs will not cause any problems for the pals.


It is better to fill in the cells for battle mages like this: any action of your own = turning on the mode = the name of the aura, and so list all the auras. Some for some reason were not included in tactics. I had to turn it on manually, for example, Wynn's "acceleration" was often even turned off during the battle. I do not know what it is connected with. In one of the cells we set the condition = your health

And I don’t advise the main character to take the “blood magician” as a 2nd specialization, this is a completely different area with a different level, it’s better to take the “spiritual healer” because of the bonuses to restore health and spells and the aura of treatment.

If you want to try to play a blood mage, but before that you didn’t dare or didn’t succeed, then this guide is definitely for you.

Let's start with right choice race. Since gnomes do not conjure in principle, we choose either an elf or a person.

Regarding the starting characteristics, here:

Humans get +1 to Strength, Agility, Cunning, and Magic.
Elves gain +2 Magicka and +2 Willpower.
In principle, the choice is not so difficult, only the fact that the elf in the game will be treated more contemptuously.

Concerning pumping the main characteristics then:
- first of all, we swing cunning to a value of 16 - it increases influence;
- after the first paragraph, we pump mainly magic and willpower, observing the proportion of 2 to 1.

If you still decide, then you can read about it in detail in a separate article.

Let's talk about skills:
- 16 points of cunning gives us the 4th level of "Influence" in order to avoid unnecessary battles. We remind you that only the main character has such a skill;
- "Combat Training" - required to study as it reduces the chance that your spell will be thwarted in battle;
- "Herbalist" is also pumped, but with a minor character to get a sufficient amount of lyrium potions;
“It’s better not to touch tactics, because at high levels with a decent amount of magic, you should manage it yourself.

About specializations. There are two specializations to choose from at levels seven and fourteen.
Naturally, the first specialization we will have is Blood Mage, which gives +2 to constitution and spell power.
How to get a? You need to make a deal with the demon of desire during Connor's quest. It is enough to enter the shadow and give mercy to Jovan.
There is a small bug here, so if you are going in good faith then skip this paragraph.
The bug is that you can avoid the deal - make a save before the conversation, shake hands with the demon of desires, then boot up and give him a kick.
As a result, you get the following spells: "Blood Mage", "Sacrificial Blood", "Blood Wound", "Blood Master".

Now let's talk about what specialization to take in conjunction. The most useful in such a situation is "Spiritual Healer" which adds +2 to magic and health regeneration.
How can you get? You can find a book with this specialization from Bodan in your camp or in Wonders of Thedas right after the Gathering of the Lands.
The benefits will be through the roof, especially if you do not take Wynn to the team.
You get such spells as: "Group Heal", "Resurrection", "Charm", "Healing Aura".

Let's take a look at the spell branches.

ice branch we download on the move and cover all skills except for the “Ice weapon”. Good damage, casts on even higher opponents.
Ice Snap - freeze and damage or speed penalty;
Cone of Cold - a rather lethal spell with the effect of the previous one + frozen enemies can shatter into smithereens from critical damage;
A blizzard is a snow storm that will simply freeze everything around, causing damage gradually. There is a chance that targets with low level fall or turn into ice;

Lightning branch. There are things here that work killer in conjunction with the cold + many enemies do not have lightning protection. Here's what we need to download here:
Lightning - damage to the target from lightning, you can hit your own, so be careful;
Shock is a cone of lightning that can hit both enemies and your own. Can be used after Cone of Cold;
Storm - effective against a large cluster of opponents. Works in an area, dealing lightning damage.

Mana drain branch. Swings so that other magicians do not spoil life.
Mana Drain - Drains some mana from an enemy.
Mana Break - Spends your mana and the mana of enemies in the area;
Magic power - spells are more powerful, but mana flies into the pipe and then a penalty is imposed on its restoration;
Mana Clash - At mid-range, all mages lose their mana and take Spirit damage based on the amount of mana lost

Treatment branch. We need Hill anyway, so here's what you need to take:
Treatment - there's nothing to explain here - a very useful skill;
Cleansing - accelerating the restoration of mana and forces;
Recovery - the same as the first skill, only for a longer time and heals more at a time;

Dragon Age Origins - Blood Mage Guide

let's move on spell combinations to destroy all life. There are two of them as the most effective:
Storm+Snowstorm+Magic Power= Storm of the Century - Terrible Electricity Damage;
Mana Collision and Magical Power and in pairs give an effect in which the magicians around simply lay down almost immediately;

What do we need from the equipment?
Reaper clothes.
Where to looking for? In Denerim, Curiosities of Thedas, prodst steward.
- 3 armor;
- 10 resistance to cold;
- 5% chance to dodge attacks.

Staff of the Lord Magister
Where to looking for? Sold in the apprentices' rooms by the Quartermaster when visiting the Circle.
- 6 willpower and magical powers;
- 10% fire damage and the same amount of spirit magic;
- 2 mana recovery during combat.

Blessing of Andruil
Where to looking for? In the same place as the previous item.
- 2 to all parameters;
- 10 physical stability;
- 20 resistance to the forces of nature;
- 1 increase in stamina/mana regeneration in combat.

Where to looking for? Dwarf City Common Halls, sold by Garin.
- 3 armor;
- 20% improvement in healing effects;
- 10% health regeneration out of combat;
- 10 physique;
- 3 health regeneration.

Key to the city
Where to looking for? Given after completing the quest. First you need to wander through the halls of the dwarven city and collect all the records about it, after which the quest will appear. We go to the council room and in the chest we find the desired item. The chest will be marked.
- 2 to all characteristics;
- 4% reflect magic;
- 10% to healing effects.

Antimagic amulet.
Where to get? Sold in your Bodan camp.
- 5 willpower;
30% reflect magic;
- 8 health regeneration out of combat;
- 6 projectile evasion;
- 10% evasion from attacks.

Who to take on the team?
Tank - Sheila;
Magician - Wynn or Morgan;
Rogue - Zevran.

You can also watch a video that shows how to get the specialization we need.

That's actually all you need to know about the blood magician. Dare!

So, it's time to call under our hand the troops of magicians. The passage of dragon age begins with magicians begins. Yes, it sounds a little ridiculous, but magic in this world can become a real power if there is competent support, of course. Although I have seen how one magician goes through a couple of levels. So don't discount magic, it's potentially the most destructive ability. But you should understand this yourself, if you have already played this game even a little. In any case, it's time to start.

And we will go to the "Pier on the lake Calenhad". It is from there that you can get to the tower of magicians. So wherever you are, go there. And you will find yourself in large buildings that look a bit like Ostagar. There will be a makeshift pier right in front of you, but it's too early to go there. Go left, collect the necessary (and not so) items from the barrels, talk to the messenger. He will say that he represents a group of magicians who are tired of living at the hands of the church. He will also say that there is a note in the bag next to him. And similar notes are scattered throughout the tower. As, however, a lot of things in the passage of dragon age began. Agree to look at these notes. There is a bag on the table, by clicking on which you can take several tasks. Take them all, we'll need them. You can immediately talk to Kester, who will tell you that for many days no one has been allowed to cross the lake. And he doesn't know why it happened. Okay, let's figure it out. Next to it is the entrance to the Spoiled Princess tavern. Here you can buy something. Now let's go to the pier.

There you will meet a templar who will speak to you rather boldly. Say that you are a gray guard, and in general behave quite confidently. I still convinced him to take me on a boat. Here we are, great. Sailing, we will immediately find the orders of the templar. The passage of dragon age origins makes us understand that soon the battle will again. He's giving orders for defense, apparently. There is something strange going on here. Possessed and demons walk through the halls of the tower, the circle died, the tower fell. I offered them my help. This must be done soon, as the templar commander has requested the right to destroy. I'm sure the mages didn't all die. Therefore, I decided that I would look for the survivors. Moreover, we have already fought with the possessed. Remember when they rescued Earl Eamon? So, we have been given formal permission to visit the tower, which means we will use it. But, as always, we are not in a hurry to advance. First, let's run around, look around. For example, I found an excellent staff for a magician at the quartermaster, however, it’s terribly expensive, but oh well. The passage of dragon age origins leads us forward.

Well, it's time to enter the sealed door. She is alone, make no mistake. As soon as you enter there, Gregor will immediately seal the door behind you. So there will be no going back. Well, okay, they're worse off. Enter the right room and examine the student's nightstand - she will give you a new task. Fine. The tower is a rather small circle, so it makes no sense to describe each room in detail. Potmou will mark only the most important points. But remember that you need to explore everything. I propose to count the rooms in a circle, starting from the one next to which we entered. So, in the first room, in addition to unnecessary trophies, a student's bedside table was found, which gives a new task. In the second room - two bedside tables student. Great, two more pieces to our code. Further along the corridor you will witness the scene of the killing of the demon by one of the magicians. She threatens to kill us on the spot if we approach. This is your old friend Wynn, whom you met in front of the wild lands. She will ask if the templars are going to attack the tower. Yes, she fears the right to be destroyed. And she will tell you that many magicians survived. Ask her about what happened, and indeed, about everything you can about. Agree to help her, that's what we came here for. Do you remember where we are leading the passage of dragon age? Oh, and we need to save the first wizard, Irving. This is in case someone decides to kill everyone. There are also children, who will be taken care of by two other magicians. And we need to kill all the creatures along the way. After that, Wynn must be in the party. I took her instead of Morrigan. Still, two magicians in one squad is a bit much. Approach the magical barrier and Wynn will remove it. Fine. Move forward. In the first room, you will meet the Possessed for the first time. They didn't impress me. Collect trophies, read books and go to another room. There I used the summoning font. Several items have appeared, using which you get lightning in the forehead. Well, okay, the damage is small. Go further, kill the possessed and ghosts and go into the central room. There again you have to kill several ghosts, which, however, is quite easy. Search everything in the world and move to the second floor.

And so we went up one level. Where will the passage of dragon age take us? You will appear in the central room of the second floor. In principle, it does not matter in which direction you go to start reconnaissance. I went to the southeast. But before that, you will meet Owain, who says something about the pantry, which is a mess. I thought he was a little out of his mind. Although Wynn immediately said that he was one of the subdued. Well then, otherwise I began to suspect him of something. And he says that some Nial is going to do something to save everyone. Okay, if we meet, we will not kill. We move on. In the first room you will meet three blood mages who are rather mediocre as opponents. After their death, you will talk to one of the blood witches. Hmm, she begs for mercy. It's strange that it is. But you can understand it - constant control by the church would strain anyone. There are a lot of oddities in the passage of the game dragon age. Listen to a rather funny dialogue between this woman and Wynn. Okay it does not matter. Will you let her go? I felt sorry for her. I left her alive. Okay, now collect trophies and move on, good, there is only one way. In the second room - a couple of possessed and a handful of trophies - nothing remarkable. The third room is a few dragging dead and a closet that is shaking a little. Godwin, the mage of the circle, is hiding there. It was he who had to give the lyrium that you took from the dwarf in Orzammar. If taken. I demanded 65 gold and a dagger from the magician. Yes, and I also demanded a share of the profit from him. Great, otherwise there’s no point in drug dealing and not paying me money. Godwin will hide in the closet again, and we will move on. In the next room, a couple of blood mages and a possessed are waiting for you, who cannot compete with us in any way. You can not even mention the next room - there is nothing at all. There are many such empty rooms in the passage of the dragon age game. But in the fourth - there is an overturned statue of Andraste. It contains another amulet with an easy boss entrenched inside. I'm already killing the fifth one, if I'm not mistaken. Sometimes the passage of dragon age is a bit monotonous. But I don't get bored. But near the transition to the next level you will find the office of the main sorcerer. Search everything here. There is a box here that you need for one of the tasks in Denerim. Take her. But you will give up later. Now it's time to go up to the third floor.

So we are getting higher and higher. Where will the stairs on the tower of magicians lead us? One Creator knows. There is nothing remarkable in the first room on the third floor. And from it one way out - to the west. That's where we're going. You will enter the second room - the rest room. There are dead people here who will rise as soon as you approach them. But even in this situation, they are not serious opponents. Move on. In the room, located at the very bottom of the circle, you will meet several more opponents who have the right to be called such only because of their aggressive disposition. The second room from this one - and a couple more opponents who will fall under the exact blows of your weapon. How many of them, such opponents, fell in the process of passing the game dragon age? Sixth from the beginning - two pieces to the codex. The seventh room is a crowd of enchanted templars led by a demon of desire. Enemies are quite serious, but quite killable. Collect trophies and additions to the codex - and keep moving. In the eighth room - another task. Fine. Now we go to the center. Here we are waiting for someone who looks like a boss, but is not such in strength. Kill without a twinge of conscience and collect trophies. Immediately there are two pacified, from which there is little use. And a statue that blasts electricity. Now you can safely move on to the fourth floor.

Have you come? Fine! You will appear in the south room. Collect some loot and head west as there is only one road. In the first room you will see a demon talking to the knight about their common family. Fine! And all the cries of the Templar does not pay attention, and the demoness turns to you. She says she only gave the Templar what he needed. Can you leave her? I can't let a demoness run free. Even if the price is the happiness of one warrior. I had to kill both. Well, you can do it differently. So, collect the trophies and the codex piece and move to the second room. There are only a few enemies. Kill, collect everything you need. And go to the central room, as there is no way further along the corridor. And here you will meet some creature that chats. He is busy with the human body. Hmm, it seems to me, or is he hypnotizing us? Resist! But... it doesn't work. The terrain will load and you will find yourself in a dream. Yes, we have not yet encountered such opponents. Go straight, there is only one way. And you will meet... Duncan! That's the dream. Start talking to him. And the dream is that all the creatures of darkness are already dead. And Duncan is alive. What a temptation to stay in this reality forever. Well, yes, in the conversation it is clear that this is not Duncan at all. I killed him and a shadow pedestal opened up for me. Some kind of movement. Use it and a map will appear in front of you. There is only one way - forward. You will find yourself in a primeval shadow. Here will be the same Nial, whom we were mentioned. Talk to him. A lot of interesting things will turn out, but we will not use spoilers. The point is to talk to everyone here to find out a new piece of truth. I will describe. At first I used the shadow portal. Here you will find a mouse that will tell you that it is possible to kill the demon of idleness if you kill the demoness who guards it. And the mouse will give us its shape. Fine. Change into Mouse form and enter the mouse hole. What other interesting transformations does the passage of the game dragon age origins bring us? Immediately you will be attacked by a demon, which is not at all difficult to kill in human form. Next, use the shadow portal. Follow the path forward, killing the spirits, and enter the next shadow portal. You will find yourself again near Niala. Tell him that you have become a mouse. Okay, things clear up a bit. Now use the shadow pedestal and head to the Burning Tower. Move forward until you rush to dive into holes with mice. Go into the first room on the right, kill the two templars. Then scout everything to the stairs up and return to the beginning. There, dive into the mouse hole and get an increase in cunning. Then go up the stairs. In no case do not climb into the fire! There you die immediately. Follow the only available path - and dive into the mouse hole. Immediately, when you kill opponents and almost kill them, they will start a dialogue with the amia and give you a new incarnation. Then use the shadow pedestal again and go to the "scattered magicians".

You will find yourself in a room with two mouse holes at once. But do not rush to climb there. Exit through the regular door first and scout what you can. First, go into the room where one of the mouse holes leads, and there you will meet two magicians. Kill them and move on, clockwise. In the next room is a closet with a piece of the codex. The fourth room is just two mages fighting each other. Wait and get it. Move on. Walk and walk until you hit the fire. Here take the form of a fiery man and pass. Then kill a few opponents and move on. There will be several blood mages who can kill an inexperienced player. In the next room there will be a couple more opponents and a staircase upstairs. Get up there. There's a cursed sleeper waiting for you here. Help him fight off opponents. Then talk to him and he will give us his power. Now we can take the form of a golem. Great, we'll need it. Then go up the stairs again. Here, kill the magicians, take the form of a Golem and break down the door. Walk along the corridor. Explore everything you can here. At the bottom there will be a door that opens with force. Move on and kill the quest boss. Kill him and you can exit using the shadow pedestal. Now go to the "invasion of the creatures of darkness."

You will enter a labyrinth, albeit a somewhat shabby one. Go forward, knock out the door with a golem, take an increase in strength. Then move, keeping the direction to the north. Walking through the maze is not at all difficult, the name is a map at hand. Where necessary - become a fiery person to go through the fire. After passing a couple more rooms to the north, you will meet a spirit that must be protected from the creatures of darkness. He will give you the ability to walk through the doors of spirits. That is, it will give a new look. Another walkthrough of the game dragon age origins, or rather, its feature. Fine. We move on. Ahead, knock out the door and kill another boss, which we need to kill on the quest. Now you can get out of here. We go back to the "primordial shadow". If you remember, we didn't clean it up. Near the entrance there is a door of spirits, through which we in the form of a spirit must pass. Go there and kill the demoness. Now you can safely leave this location and go to the next one. And now we will go again to the "Burning Tower". Come in? Okay. Then now go north. Go ahead and kill the crowd of templars and dogs. This is not a problem at all, they are weak opponents. And in the last room is another quest demon. Kill him and leave the location. Now go to the Templar's Nightmare. Here just climb into the mouse hole in the south of the first sector and go north in the second sector to the door of the spirits. So you will find yourself in the third sector. From there, run west and jump into the shadow portal. But first take the form of a fiery man. There, move in a straight line until you have to dive into the mouse hole. There is another boss. This time the last one. Kill her and exit this location through the shadow pedestal. Now you have access to all the remaining locations. Do not rush to the center. First go to the western nightmare.

Here you will meet Alistair with his sister. HM interesting. Never heard of Alistair's sister. Although I didn’t hear much about the passage of the game dragon age origins. He refuses to leave... weakness. human weaknesses. But I convinced him to remember how he got here. Remind him of the demon of idleness. Kill his sister and other demons. Now Alistair is with you again. In fact, he was already awake. Alright, time to go to another nightmare. We are moving into the southern nightmare. Oghren is waiting for us here. Here you will hear how his relatives run into him. Talk to him about everything. This is the easiest way to convince him. Again, kill the creatures that took the form of Oghren's relatives. After that, talk to him and he will wake up. Alright, time for one last nightmare. Winn is waiting for you there. She sees the corpses around and thinks that she failed to prevent their death. Talk to her about everything, and she will understand everything. Here we have to fight again. Well, that's not a problem. Then she, too, will wake up, and we will only have to go to the main source of all troubles. Well, use the shadow pedestal and go to the Holy of Holies.

Immediately talk to the demon of idleness. He will be very surprised to see us here. And he looks like we are in spirit form. Our companions will appear here. The demon offers to do something better. I did not accept his gift and decided to kill him. And you have to kill him five times. This is such a lively beast. Approach the place where you got on the map and talk to Nial. Very touching, he wants us to take the book off his body. He cannot come with us as his body is dead. It's a pity the poor man, but ... there's nothing to be done. Talk to him about everything and get out of here. Finally you got out of this shadow. You are again in the tower of magicians. Take the scroll from Nial's body and exit through the southeast door. The first room contains nothing but a couple of books and a few trophies. In the second room, you will be met by baby dragons who do not know what they are doing here. Okay it does not matter. Collect trophies and move to the next room. Even in the corridor you will be met by enemies who are very easy to kill. Proceed further until you reach a room with a quest mark. Save before entering. There you will be met by a templar surrounded by a cocoon. He will talk some nonsense about the fact that we can not catch him. And he hopes to survive. Well, hopefully, talk to him. He will try to exorcise you like a demon. But, of course, he won't be able to. Then he will stop playing crazy and say that Uldred must be killed in order to destroy this filth. He will say that Irving and other magicians are in the torture hall. True, he does not know what the magicians have become. Okay, we'll find out. End the conversation with him and move on. Here you will see the action. Witchcraft of magicians. Watch the video to the end. There will be a few more demons, which, most likely, will have to be killed. Talk to Uldred. I talked to him the way he deserves - he's insane and needs to be killed. It turns out that this is not Uldred, but a demon that has taken possession of him. But Irving - did not break. Fine. And, of course, he will try to persuade us to side with him. Well, a naive Chukchi boy. Just before the fight begins, pause and recite the litany you picked up from Nial's body. Fine. Now you can kill. Uldred is a strong opponent, but is easily killed. At least it was easy for me. After that, talk to Uldred. He will say that we must quickly go to the templars. Go with him, of course. We'll go downstairs to Gregor and talk to him. And our templar, with whom we spoke, will be in favor of killing them all. Irving promises to restore everything. After talking with Gregor, go to Irving and talk to him. He, of course, gives his word that the Circle of Magi will take the side of the Gray Wardens. Wynn wants to join us. Naturally, I agreed to this. Although I do not take it with me all the time, Morrigan impresses me more. Immediately tell him about Dagna, the gnome who asks to learn magic.

The ancient Tevinterers did not initially consider blood magic as a school of magic at all, for them it was simply a means of enhancing any other school of magic. Its name refers to the fact that the magic of this variety does not consume mana, but life force, especially in the form of blood. At one time, it was common practice for magisters to keep a number of slaves on hand, so that if the magister suddenly needed to cast a spell that he could not do, he could back it up with the blood of a slave.
However, over time, spells were discovered in the Empire that could only be performed on blood. While lyrium only helps the magician send his own mind into the Fade, blood allows him to enter the minds of others, see their dreams, and even influence their thoughts or directly bend them to his will. And, most dangerously, blood magic allows you to completely break through the Veil, allowing demons to physically enter our world.
The rise of the Song of Light and the subsequent fall of the old Empire meant that blood magic was all but eradicated. Which is right, because it poses a huge danger both to the one who creates it and to the whole world as a whole.

First Enchanter Josephus. “Four schools. Treatise"

Blood magic was the first form of magic in Thedas. According to legend, the ancient god of silence, Dumat, taught it to Archon Talsian, the founder of the Tevinter Empire. Historians dispute this, suggesting that Imperial mages may have learned about blood magic from the elves of Arlathan. But whatever its origin, it was used by the Magisters of the Tevinter Empire to dominate all of Thedas. The church claims that the reckless use of blood magic eventually led to the blackening of the Golden City, the appearance of darkspawn, and the first pestilence.

IN modern world blood magic is described as one of the most sinister types of magic. Blood magic is the magical use of blood, life itself, as fuel for spells. Life energy can be given both by the magician himself, and by a voluntary or violent sacrifice. It allows the mage to control the minds of others, as well as use their own life forces to fuel their own power. This practice is now so rare in Thedas that it can only be learned through contact with a demon, at the risk of being possessed.

Although blood magic itself is not inherently evil, the church strictly forbids its use, they say it defiles. Mages who practice bloodbending are called maleficars and are hunted by an order of templars created to control mages, destroy demons, and more specifically to hunt maleficars and apostates. Indeed, the church seems absolutely insane in its fear of blood magic, going so far in suppressing the teachings and ignoring the more direct and serious threats. This fear led to a relentless hunt for all apostates, regardless of their origins. While not all apostates are necessarily maleficar, the church itself seems to encourage them to be, and many apostates turn to blood magic to survive. The circle of magicians seeks to control all magically gifted people from an early age so that none of them will study the forbidden school of magic. However, even with their constant control, occasional maleficars slip through their fingers into the world.


_So, we are faced with the question: “What is maleficar? How to recognize him? I, just like you, once asked this question. You came to me for the Creator's wisdom, but no one saw firsthand how the Creator's heart saved his beloved Andraste. And therefore I act in the same way as all mortals should act, and I seek an answer in the words of His prophetess. And in them I find rest for the puzzled mind. For she told us: "Magic should serve the man, not the man of magic."

Thus, I tell you, those who use magic to control the minds and hearts of others are transgressing the Creator's law.

And Andraste also told us: “Whoever unreasonably harms the lesser of His children is cursed and will be hated by the Creator.” And it became clear to me, as it should be clear to each of you: that magic that feeds itself on the suffering of others, the shedding of blood, is cursed by the Creator.

Those magicians who revere the Creator and honor his commandments, we accept as our brothers and sisters. Those who reject the laws of the Creator and the words of His prophetess are apostates, and they have no place among us._
From the Sermons of Justin I.

Blood Mages in Dragon Age

The Guardian can become a blood mage during the game, both in Inception and Awakening.
– In Inception, Wynn can become a bloodbender.
- In Awakening, Anders can become a maleficar, but not in Dragon Age II. Moreover, it will never be mentioned that Anders used blood magic in Awakening.
– In Dragon Age II, Hawk can become a blood mage.

Blood Magic and the Gray Wardens

Despite the fact that blood magic is forbidden in Ferelden, the Gray Wardens sometimes resort to it as a means of combating the darkspawn. Duncan confirms this when questioned about the subject during the wizard's playthrough.

Blood Magic and the Order of the Templars

The templar order was created to hunt maleficars. So what kind of relationship can they have? Maleficars shy away from templars, like all mages. But if they are pressed against the wall, then they will do everything to escape from the tenacious clutches of their sworn enemies. And blood mages are capable of a lot.

Blood Magic and the Circle

The circle controls all mages. Books on blood magic exist, but are out of the reach of mere mages and apprentices. But there are blood mages here too.

The students are being watched. Any deviation in behavior, any suspicion of the use of blood magic - and the student will be pacified.
Mages are much more difficult. Usually, bloodbenders don't advertise that they study forbidden magic. But there are several examples of bloodbenders taking over the Circle. Then the templars got down to business, declaring the “right of destruction”. All the magicians were slaughtered, not caring whether it was just a magician in front of them or a maleficar.

Blood Magic and the Dalish

The Dalish Guardians are renegade mages. They use magic, they know about blood magic, but they are wary of it. Use blood magic - turn away from the clan, and the clan for the Dalish - everything. Therefore, among them, blood magicians are extremely rare. A very good example of a Dalish blood mage is Merrill. She began to learn forbidden magic, and although she was supposed to be the next guardian, she was banished by the clan. If she had stopped using blood magic, she might have returned, but she was endangering the entire clan. Blood magic. Why is she so feared and so desired?

1. Blood magic gives power over another's mind.
This is beautifully depicted in DA II. When in the brothel, Idunna forced Hawke to tell what she wanted to know.

2. Power, strength. Power granted by demons.
The magician makes a deal with the demons and can control them. The mages of Tevinter are the only ones who treat demons like pets. Any master owns blood magic and constantly uses it, without fear of becoming possessed. It seems that centuries of practice helps them in this. Whereas mages in Ferelden, the Free Marches are not so lucky. Many magicians fall under the influence of demons and become possessed.

3. Room for imagination.
A human golem sewn together from different pieces of the human body, supported by blood magic, is a beautiful piece of art. Cruel, but still art.

4. Knowledge.
Demons have vast knowledge that is beyond the reach of ordinary magicians. But for all knowledge you have to pay. And sometimes the pay is too high.

5. Blood magic prolongs life, rejuvenates.
An example of this: Avernus, Baroness. Also, Zathrian can be attributed here, who extended his life by binding his soul with a curse.

That is why ordinary people are afraid of blood magic, but magicians constantly turn to it.