Operation of the rainbow vacuum cleaner Attention, Operational capabilities of the rainbow vacuum cleaner – Rainbow e2 (Gold) User Manual. What to do if your Rainbow is broken: repair and service of vacuum cleaners Rainbow vacuum cleaner instruction manual

An important point after buying a device Wurlitzer Rainbow (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. This needs to be done for a few simple reasons:

  • to know how to use the device correctly
  • to know how to maintain / periodically check the correct operation of the Wurlitzer Rainbow product
  • to know how to behave in the event of an accident Wurlitzer Rainbow

If you have not bought Wurlitzer Rainbow yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First, look at the first pages of the instructions that you will find above. You should find there the most important technical data Wurlitzer Rainbow - thus you can check whether the equipment meets your requirements. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Wurlitzer Rainbow you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information you receive about the Wurlitzer Rainbow will certainly help you make a purchasing decision.

In a situation where you already own Wurlitzer Rainbow, but you have not read the instructions yet, you need to do it in connection with the above. You will then learn if you correctly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime of your Wurlitzer Rainbow.

However, one of the most important roles that the service manual performs for the user is to help solve problems with the Wurlitzer Rainbow. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the Wurlitzer Rainbow along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem yourself, the instructions will tell you the next steps - contact the customer service center or the nearest service center.

  • Page 3: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    2 cu sto mer care n u m ber As part of Rexair’s Customer C are program, each Rainbow and P ower Nozzle r eceives a Customer Car e serial number only after passing Quality Control assur ance testing. This serial number provides: For future reference, record the serial number in the space pro vided below. N o authentic, new Rainbow or Power No[...]

  • Page 4: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    3 * ASTHMA & ALLER GY F RIE ND LY and A ST HMA & A LL ERG Y FR IEN DLY LOG O are C er ti c at ion M ar ks an d Trad em ar ks of A LL ERG Y STAN DARD S LI MIT ED. THE A S THM A A D AL LER GY F OUN DATIO N OF A ME RIC A i s a Regi ster ed Trad ema rk of A AFA . Meets ASP:03:03 Standard for Vacuum Cleaners A MESSA GE FROM REXAIR ® [...]

  • Page 5: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    4 ! WAR N I N G: T o reduce the risk of re , electric shock, or injur y, when using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should alwa ys be followed. This, of course , is true of any use of elec tricity when electric al xtures or appliances that can develop shorts. 1. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near child[...]

  • Page 6: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    5 15. Y our Rainbow Power Nozzle contains a power ful revolving brush. T o avoid bodily injury , the Rainbow Power Nozzle should not be placed against or close to loose clothing , jewelr y , hair or body sur faces while Rainbow is connected to electrical outlet. The Power Nozzle does NOT pr otec t against bodily injury or damage to objec ts tha[...]

  • Page 7: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    6 1. Cor d Wrap 2. Exhaust Vent Plate 3. Exhaust Air Opening 4. Airow Adapter 5. Power Selector Switch 6. Handle 7. Power Unit 8. Air Inlet Opening 9. Water Basin Latches 10 . Attachment C addy 11. Separator Nut 12. Separator 13. Water Basin 14. Dolly 15. Dolly Foot Latch 16. HEP A Neutralizer 17. Conned Space Cleaner & Inator T [...]

  • Page 8: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    7 Power Selector Switch The power selector switch contr ols the speed of the R ainbow’s motor . HIGH: Use this setting for general cleaning . OFF: T urns the entire unit o . LOW: Use this setting for cleaning the air . (See page 13.) T rigger Lock Switch The hose handle ’ s trigger lock switch contr ols the functionality of the elec tr[...]

  • Page 9: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    8 quic k -s tar t g u id e In just a few quick steps, y ou'll have y our Rainbow assembled and ready t o begin cleaning. 1. Fill wa ter basin… Start with cool water from the fauc et. Fill the water basin un til the top of the dome in the bottom of the basin is cover ed. Overlling or under lling will reduce cleaning per formance. Water s[...]

  • Page 10: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    9 1 2 1 2 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8[...]

  • Page 11: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    10 proper u s e & care Change the wat er when dir t y … Do not clean too long with one lling of water . Check water during cleaning , and if water bec omes too thick with lint and dir t, empty water basin and add fresh, clean wa ter . T he correct water level is the top of the post in the c enter of the water basin. N ever ll the water [...]

  • Page 12: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    11 a comp lete ho me cleani n g solution Cleaning the attachments… The oor and wall brush, dusting br ush and upholstery tool can be whisked clean with the open end of Rainbow hose while Rainbow is running; or remove attachment and clean in warm, soap y water . Allow to dry before replacing. If bristles wear out or become damaged , contact y[...]

  • Page 13: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    12 a comp lete ho me cleani n g solution T o clean bare oors… Use the floor & wall brush. For clean and attractive looking hardwood oors and linoleum tile, the oor and wall brush does an outstanding job of r emoving sur face litter and dirt. Consisten t use will help prevent scrat ches c aused by oor debris. Set Airow Control[...]

  • Page 14: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    13 For fresh, water-washed air … The Rainbow not only cleans your oors and furnishings, it cleans the air! Simply add water t o the basin, position the Rainbow in the center of a r oom and run in low-speed mode for about one hour . The Rainbow will r emove heavy odors, airborne dust and other particles from the air , trapping them in the w[...]

  • Page 15: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    14 T o inate or blow air … Use the inflator t ool. The Rainbow inator tool works great for quickly inating air mattresses, beach balls and other inatable toys. ! WAR N I N G: Be sure inator pin is pr operly locked in place. If not, it will be blown forc efully from the tool body . INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Remove th e rear e xh aus t p[...]

  • Page 16: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    15 enhance your rainbow® with acc e s s or ie s The AquaMa te carpet cleaning extraction unit allows you to achieve professional results without the professional price tag. T he AquaMate works eectively on most carpet types and dries quickly. Stains caused by spilled beverages , pets and tracked mud can be remov ed quickly. Y our neighbors[...]

  • Page 17: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    16 1 2 3 Contact an Authorized Rainbow Distributor for replacement P ower Nozzle belts and other supplies. the rainbow ® power no z z le ™ * ! WAR N I N G: T o avoid risk of electrical shock, NEVER pick up water or any other uids with the P ower Nozzle . ! CAUTION: Use the Power Nozzle for dr y pick-up only . Do not use outdoors or on wet [...]

  • Page 18: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    17 power no z z le ™ a s sembly & o peration Assembly a. Prio r to usi ng the Powe r Noz zle, f ollow the Qu ick Star t Gu ide on p age s 8- 9 to prepare the Rainbow . b. Inse r t the b ot to m wand w ith m ale en d into th e ope ning l oc ated o n top of t he Power Noz zle. Pr es s downw ard u ntil but to n loc k cli ck s. Operation a. Plug[...]

  • Page 19: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    18 rep lac ing the po w er noz z le ™ belt ! WAR N I N G: Always disconnect from electrical supply when servicing. 1. T urn the Power Nozzle upside down. Using a at-bladed screw driver or coin, turn the fastener a quarter-turn to the left (count erclockwise). 2. Using both thumbs, push tabs on both sides of sole plate outwar d while lif tin[...]

  • Page 20: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    19 1. Remove the HEP A Neutralizer a. Using a screw driver , remove the panel fr om the back of the Rainbow by pressing up on the two lat ches on the underside of the rear panel. b. Move the bottom of the r ear panel towards y ou, lifting up. c. Remove the HEP A Neutralizer . 2. Rinse the HEP A Neutralizer a. Place the dirt y HEP A Neutralizer in [...]

  • Page 21: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    20 This Rainbow appliance has been thor oughly tested and inspected. If a minor issue develops, the following troubleshooting pr ocedures ma y help identify and correct the issue. If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact an Authorized Rainbow Distributor for service. Any service procedure not listed below should be per formed by an Author[...]

  • Page 22: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    21 ISSUE POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Unit discharges a musty odor W ater basin not cleaned or dumped after use. Clean water basin and use Deodoran t Air Freshener while cleaning . Separator clogged or dirty. Remove separator and clean. (See page 10) Damp HEP A Neutralizer . Remove HEP A Neutralizer and clean or replace. (See page 19) Rainbow [...]

  • Page 23: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    22 rainbow ® f ra g ra nce s & cleanin g solut ion s For mor e information about these products, please contact an Authorized Rainbow Distributor . Bring the sweet and refr eshing smell of a spring garden or the great out doors into your home with Rainbow fragrances . Indulge your senses with the Rainbow ® Luxur y Collection, available in fou[...]

  • Page 24: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    23 limit ed war rant y Rexair pro vides to its independent Authoriz ed R ainbow Distributors, and only to them, a writt en four (4) year warranty on the Rainbow Cleaning System and a ttached accessories and an eight (8) year warr anty on the vacuum cleaner motor/electronic controller . Replacement par ts can be new or remanufactured as pro vided a[...]

  • Page 25: Rainbow Technologies RAINBOWE2

    24 AHAM Clean Air Deliver y Rat e Certified Rating Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers AHAM AHAM CADR Ratings T obacco Smoke: Dust: Pollen: 55 61 67 80% smoke reduction. Higher Clean Air Delivery Rates p r ovide improved performance i n all r oom sizes. P ortable air cleaners will b e much mo re effective in rooms wher e all doors and wi[...]

  • This is the official instruction for Wiko Rainbow Jam in Russian, which is suitable for Android 5.1. In case you have updated your Wiko smartphone to a newer version or "rolled back" to an earlier version, then you should try other detailed operating instructions, which will be presented below. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the quick user manual in the question-answer format.

    Wiko official site?

    You've hit the nail on the head, as it contains all the information from the official Wiko website, as well as a host of other useful content.

    Settings-> About phone:: Android version (a few clicks on the item will launch the "Easter egg") [Out of the box" version of Android OS - 5.1].

    We continue to set up the smartphone

    How to update drivers on Wiko

    You need to go to "Settings -> About phone -> Kernel version"

    How to enable Russian keyboard layout

    Go to the section "Settings-> Language and input-> Select language"

    How to connect 4g or switch to 2G, 3G

    "Settings-> More-> Mobile network-> Data transfer"

    What to do if you turned on the child mode and forgot the password

    Go to "Settings-> Language and keyboard-> section (keyboard and input methods)-> check the box next to "Google voice input"

    Settings-> Screen:: Auto-rotate screen (untick)

    How to set a melody for an alarm clock?

    Settings-> Display-> Brightness-> right (increase); left (decrease); AUTO (automatic adjustment).

    Settings-> Battery-> Energy saving (tick)

    Enable battery percentage display

    Settings->Battery->Battery charge

    How to transfer phone numbers from SIM card to phone memory? Import numbers from SIM card

    1. Go to the Contacts app
    2. Click on the "Options" button -> select "Import/Export"
    3. Choose from where you want to import contacts -> "Import from SIM card"

    How to add a contact to the black list or block a phone number?

    How to set up the Internet if the Internet does not work (for example, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Life)

    1. You can contact the operator
    2. Or read the instructions for

    How to set a ringtone for a subscriber so that each number has its own melody

    Go to the "Contacts" application -> Select the desired contact -> click on it -> open the menu (3 vertical dots) -> Set ringtone

    How to disable or enable key vibration feedback?

    Go to Settings-> Language and input -> Android keyboard or Google keyboard -> Vibrate feedback of keys (uncheck or tick)

    How to set a ringtone for an SMS message or change alert sounds?

    Read the instructions for

    How to find out what processor is on Rainbow Jam?

    You need to look at the characteristics of Rainbow Jam (link above). We know that in this modification of the device the chipset is 1300 MHz.

    Settings->For Developers->USB Debugging

    If there is no item "For developers"?

    Follow the instructions

    Settings-> Data transfer-> Mobile traffic.
    Settings->More->Mobile network->3G/4G services (if the operator does not support, select only 2G)

    How to change or add the input language on the keyboard?

    Settings-> Language and input-> Android keyboard-> settings icon-> Input languages ​​(checks the ones you need)

    Rainbow vacuum cleaner instruction

    Just a few quick steps and yours is assembled and ready to start cleaning. Each rainbow vacuum cleaner model comes with an instruction manual free of charge.

    You can use simple cold water from the tap. The liquid must fill the tank so that the level indicator cap, located in the center, is covered with water. Too little or too much water can impair cleaning performance. If the cleaning process worsens, then the water in the tank should be changed to clean.

    The power block must be accurately positioned and installed on the tank. Both latches should be hooked onto the rim of the tank on the sides of the vacuum cleaner and snapped into place. To disconnect the vacuum cleaner from the tank, you need to remove the latches and lift the power unit. If the water tank is not connected to the Rainbow, the device will not start.

    This is easy to do by aligning the slots in the base with the protruding part of the vacuum cleaner. The Rainbow is fixed thanks to the base lock. To detach the latch, you just need to press it.

    Insert the hose fitting into the air inlet until it clicks into place. To disconnect the hose, press both clamps and remove the hose fitting from the nozzle.

    Connect the hose to the air inlet. It is necessary to stick one end of the section into the socket of the other until it clicks. To disconnect them, press the button and pull the sections in different directions.

    Insert the end of the tube of the hose handle into the socket of the upper suction pipe until it clicks. To disconnect, press the button and pull them in different directions.

    Attach the hose handle. Depending on the type of cleaning you want to start, decide on the nozzle. Slide it over the bottom section of the suction tube or over the tube from the bent handle of the hose. Fixing of a nozzle is carried out by means of the push-button lock. In order to detach the nozzle, press the lock button.

    Plug the Rainbow into an outlet in a convenient location for work. For the most effective cleaning, turn on the high speed mode

    On the modern market separator technology big interest evokes a fashionable American-made Rainbow vacuum cleaner with a separator and an aquafilter. The opinions of users about the technical parameters, quality and operation possibilities are very contradictory and are currently divided.

    There are positive reviews about the Rainbow vacuum cleaner, but there are also many negative opinions. Therefore, independent testing was carried out.

    About company

    The year the Rainbow vacuum cleaner was invented was 1955. The country where the cleaning apparatus and accessories are designed, manufactured and assembled is the USA. Manufacturing plant - Raxair LLC. Assembly is partly done by hand.

    A well-known company during its activity has repeatedly replenished the model ranges of such cleaning equipment. However, a significant improvement of the apparatus was made only in 2000. Since that time, the Rainbow vacuum cleaner has not changed much. There is no fundamental difference in the design and functions of old and new vacuum cleaner models. Today the market is represented by the E2 Black model. Others are no longer produced. The appearance of the plastic used in the production of units is beautiful. However, there is no strong evidence of the safety of materials. Relevant documents are not presented by sellers.

    Rainbow design

    The current appearance of the vacuum cleaner is practically no different from previous models. Unless the carriage has become more compact and there is now a backlight in the water tank. Although this is a moot point: whether it is needed at all. After all, the dirt is not very interesting to look at. The plastic of which the case is made looks like a very high-quality material, durable, without a specific smell. Color - black-gray. The shape of the flask is curved, which creates additional inconvenience. The metal hose is also uncomfortable: short and very heavy.


    The strength of the hose is increased by a metal mesh. But even this will not save you from breaking and tearing the outer coating as a result of several blows with any heavy object. Certain doubts are allowed by the reliability of the fasteners in the hoses connecting them to the vacuum cleaner bodies. They are made in the form of plastic antennae, so they can crack from prolonged use.

    Vacuum cleaner operating modes

    When creating a vacuum cleaner project, engineers provided for its operation in standard mode and in quiet mode. Regular cleanings are carried out as standard. Quiet mode should clear the airspace. But, when this option is enabled, air intake often does not occur. It does not enter the tank and, accordingly, is not cleaned. Therefore, the existence of this function is questionable.


    The main functional features of the vacuum cleaner include: the option of air purification, humidification, ionization, knocking out soft surfaces. The motor has a fairly high speed. Main mode power consumption is 875W. But at a speed of 250 W, the vacuum cleaner is not recommended, since the necessary suction does not occur and, accordingly, cleaning is not done.

    Some sellers, advertising their product, talk about its medical purpose. However, there are no official data confirming the functional ability of a vacuum cleaner to cure asthma and destroy allergens. According to the certificate, the maximum air purification is only 76%. For competitors, this figure reaches 99.99997%.

    The basis of the operation of the Rainbow vacuum cleaner

    The principle of operation of the cleaning device is based on three-stage air purification: water filtration, separation, and the use of a HEPA filter. According to the instructions, the container is filled with water (1.5 l), where dirt and dust subsequently enter. The tank is connected to the vacuum cleaner in the upper part, the separator is inside. In this position, the unit is ready for work.

    Filtration systems

    The operation of the apparatus on the separator is based. It is removable, which makes it possible to wash it thoroughly. The separator is made of high quality plastic. Technology - 2000. The blades, placed at the same angles, have the form of a longitudinally cut cup. As a disadvantage, frequent thread breaks were noted at the plastic nut, which serves to screw on the motor pin.

    In addition, the separator does not provide optimal cleaning. Therefore, a prerequisite for introducing the Rainbow vacuum cleaner to the market was the installation of a two-level filtration system: the motor and the final stage (HEPA). The second filter proved to be negative, which is confirmed by the medical community. It turns out that HEPA does not retain dust, but, by grinding, sends it back into the room. If this filter is not changed in a timely manner, the amount of dust emitted will increase, and the engine may burn out over time.

    Foam rubber is used to protect the motor from dust. For equipment of this category, this is absolutely not allowed. In addition, this filter still requires an annual replacement (the price is about $ 100), since it is not recommended to wash it. From water, the fibers lose their shape, so they become completely unsuitable for filtration. Located in foam rubber electric wires increase the risk of fire even with small short circuits in the network. The engine of the device is not protected from liquid at all.

    Among other things, the presence of filters reduces suction power, which does not allow the vacuum cleaner to compete with other popular brands.

    Water tank

    The water tank, made of separate elements and glued into the required shape, does not impress with the quality and appearance. This feature of the container makes it difficult to maintain, greatly reduces the strength and service life. Some problems are associated not only with the shape of the water container, but also due to the small size of the flask. After all, with severe contamination, the liquid needs to be changed after about 10 minutes.


    The model has standard basic nozzles, including those with natural bristles, and accessories. But quantity does not determine quality. As a rule, consumers do not use most of the nozzles at all.

    Wet cleaning kits

    in number weaknesses vacuum cleaner with aquafilter Rainbow includes wet cleaning. Moreover, both kits used are not perfect. Aqua Mate is intended for carpets and floors. Here the electric drive is used simultaneously with water. The liquid is collected in a trolley. She moves across the floor by the handle and washes it. When using the kit, there is a risk of uncontrolled spillage of water. To exclude such a situation, it is necessary to additionally buy a special device (scraper) designed to collect water. You will have to spend about 100 dollars to buy it. Thus, the price of the Rainbow vacuum cleaner increases significantly.

    Set - adapted sink

    Outwardly, it is a tube on which a plastic jar is put on. Water, falling on the nozzle, should remove stains. However, this procedure does not work well in practice. It is not possible to use the wet cleaning function when the filter is clogged, when water cannot be drawn in well by the vacuum cleaner.


    The model is equipped with a special electric brush designed for knocking out things of a soft type. Along with positive improvements, this accessory is far from perfect and is significantly inferior to beaters from other brands, such as Hyla and Pro-aqua. The positive aspects include the appearance of backlighting. The electrical contacts are now tucked away in a plastic trough.

    However, the rest of the parameters are at the same level. The brush differs in the massive sizes and the big weight reaching 5 kg. The wooden shaft makes it brittle and shortens its life. After all, wood is capricious to changes in humidity. A dry shaft can damage the surface of objects and upholstery.

    Inconvenience creates in the work and the lack of a telescopic tube. They are type-setting here, with inconvenient connections. In the lower part they are a little electrified. The electric cord just hangs along it. The brush is very clogged, so it needs to be cleaned. If you close your eyes to all this, you can, of course, use a vacuum cleaner. After attaching to the included vacuum cleaner, a fluffy roller begins to rotate inside the brush, attached to the base of the brush with a rubber band. There is a spare belt. When it also becomes unusable, you will have to buy additional options on your own.

    The "cons" include the need to frequently replace dirty water with clean water. In this case, you can easily drip on the floor. And, in general, the result is quite good, which is difficult to obtain with conventional vacuum cleaners.

    Expendable materials

    Consumables include a filter installed at the outlet, which confirms low level unit cleaning and HEPA laboratory findings of 67% air cleaning. Foam filter, indicating that the engine is not protected from dust or water. And also, the rubber pass of the beater brush, which, when hit foreign objects can stretch, which negatively affects the quality of subsequent cleaning.

    Service, warranty, maintenance

    The warranty period for Rainbow is 4 years, for the motor - 8 years, for enterprises - 1 year. When buying a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to take into account the absence of a mandatory service in the company. There is no single distributor. As a rule, none of the numerous offices and dealers undertake the service and [repair of the rainbow vacuum cleaner], even if you are lucky and you still find it.


    As a result of testing, we can conclude that [rainbow e2 vacuum cleaner] has good quality plastic, knocks out well, and has a beautiful appearance. But in terms of quality and other parameters, it is significantly inferior to other similar equipment. Disappointing wet cleaning kits, poor suction, complicated maintenance, lots of extra money spent on filters, inconvenient to use. Purification system cannot make the cleaning process completely hygienic. Filtration is not efficient and reliable enough.

    Additional discomfort in operation creates the absence of a control panel. The model provides only an on/off button. And most importantly, the goods are expensive. The acquisition will not save you from dust, will not allow you to wash and polish, purify the air, increase financial costs for filters, and add problems. Therefore, before, you need to read the instructions, look at the products in action, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. The main conclusion is that the Rainbow vacuum cleaner definitely needs improvement and refinement.