Big psychological dictionary - interest. Interest and its meaning What are human interests definition

Cheat sheet on general psychology Rezepov Ildar Shamilevich

17. Interests

17. Interests

Interest- this is a selective attitude of a person to an object due to its vital significance and emotional attractiveness. Interests arise on the basis of needs, but are not reduced to them. Need expresses necessity, interest expresses personal affection for some activity. A deepened and established interest can become a need.

Formation interest does not always begin with an awareness of needs, vocation or social duty. Interest may appear spontaneously and unconsciously due to the emotional attractiveness of the object, and only then its vital importance is realized, which can be determined by many reasons: needs, social requirements, abilities.

The emotional attraction of an object also has its deep, at first, perhaps, unconscious sources, roots both in the properties of the object and in the properties of the subject. The object attracts attention, gives joy if, according to its properties, it meets to some extent the mental mood and needs of the individual. That is why the same object cannot cause the same experiences in all people. True, some objects correspond to the universal human nature of people, others - age characteristics, third - social group and fourth - individual warehouse, specific inclinations, views and tastes of the individual.

Differences in relation to the object depend on wealth or poverty personal experience, education and upbringing, the originality of the spiritual make-up of the personality, reflecting the history of her life and work.

The relationship of the subject is not only directed, but also nurtured by other people. Thus, the interests of the individual, although they depend on the characteristics of the object and the mental qualities of the individual himself (his culture, upbringing, abilities and character), are ultimately shaped by other people, the team, society, social psychology. Consequently, the interests of people have a socio-historical origin. They depend on the level of development of production and the spiritual culture of society, the development of social relations, etc.

Interests have significant in human life and activity. A person experiences the fullness and happiness of life when he has interests. Interests encourage activity, activate the personality. I.P. Pavlov considered interest as something that activates the state of the cerebral cortex. Interested work is done easily and productively.

In teaching practice especially important take into account the importance of interests for the development of personality and the formation of knowledge.

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17. Interests Interest is a selective attitude of a person to an object due to its vital significance and emotional attractiveness. Interests arise on the basis of needs, but are not reduced to them. Need expresses necessity, interest expresses personal affection

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(fr. interet; this. see interested). 1) benefit, benefit, profit. 2) attitude to the subject that excites curiosity, entertaining.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) profit, profit, calculation; 2) entertainment; 3) excited attention, curiosity.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


1) benefit, calculation; 2) curiosity, entertaining.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


French interet; etymology see interesting. Benefit, benefit, profit.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


interest, m. [ from Latin. interest - matters]. 1. only units Attention excited in relation to someone. significant, important, useful or seemingly so. Listen without any interest. Show interest in the matter. Not without interest to relate to something. This event is of general interest. || Attractiveness, fascination. A story full of deep interest. || Importance, meaning. The embezzlement case is of public interest. 2. Subject, topic, captivating, exciting attention (book). interests of the day. 3. Profit, benefit (colloquial). It's in your best interest to hurry. You know that I am not flattered by interests. Griboyedov. business interest. insurance interest. || Benefit, meaning (colloquial fam.). There is no interest in going there. What an interest to watch a boring play! 4. only pl. Benefits, needs. Protection of state interests. Protect someone. interests. 5. only pl. Aspirations, needs. spiritual interests. animal interests. І Play for fun (colloquial obsolete) - play some kind of game. game for money.

Big Dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .



See what "INTEREST" is in other dictionaries:

    interest- Interest... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

    interest- a, m. intérêt m. 1. fr., Interesse, pol. interests. Benefit, benefit. PPE 1698. E. Ts. In va and this many states from the Tatars ..; and this interest these gentlemen ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Interest- Interest ♦ Intérêt Subjectively, a form of desire or curiosity, often a combination of both. At the same time, it is possible to have an objective interest in that which arouses neither desire nor curiosity. Such, for example, is the child's interest in ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    interest- a form of manifestation of a cognitive need, ensuring the orientation of the individual to the realization of the goals of activity and thereby contributing to the orientation ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin interest matters, important) social, real reason for social actions, events, accomplishments, behind the immediate. motivations, motives, thoughts, ideas, etc. of individuals participating in these actions, social ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    INTEREST, interest, husband. (from lat. interest has meaning). 1. only units Attention aroused in relation to someone for something significant, important, useful or seemingly so. Listen without any interest. Show interest in the matter. Not without… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    See the profit in the interests, violate whose l. interests, stay at peak interest, keep interest(s)... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. interest interest, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    In a broader sense, there is a participation that a person takes in some event or fact and is caused both by the property of the fact and by the inclinations of the person himself. In a closer sense, I. denotes the benefit or benefit of an individual or a well-known ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    interest- deep ( Mamin Sibiryak) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. interest 1. Attention shown to someone, something; interest. Rampant… Dictionary of epithets



  • Interest-Crossword 15-2015, Editorial Board of the newspaper Interest-Crossword. High-quality color illustrated newspaper, consisting of riddles, rebuses, labyrinths, keywords, scanwords, classic crosswords, fillwords, Sudoku anti-crosswords, Japanese ...

On understanding the goals of the activity and thereby contributing to orientation, familiarization with new facts, a more complete and deeper reflection of reality. Subjectively, I. is found in the emotional tone that the process of cognition acquires, in attention to the object of I. The satisfaction of I. does not lead to its extinction, but causes new I., corresponding to a higher level of cognitive activity. I. in the dynamics of its development can turn into as a manifestation in the implementation of activities that cause I. Distinguish direct I., caused by the attractiveness of the object, and indirect I. to the object as a means of achieving the goals of activity. I.'s stability is expressed in the duration of its preservation and in its intensity. The stability of I. is evidenced by overcoming difficulties in the implementation of activities that in itself do not cause I., but the fulfillment of which is a condition for the implementation of an activity of interest to a person. The assessment of the breadth or narrowness of I. is ultimately determined by its content and significance for the individual.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


A form of manifestation of the cognitive need, which ensures the orientation of the individual to the realization of the goals of activity and thereby contributes to orientation, familiarization with new facts, and a better reflection of reality. Subjectively, it is found in the emotional tone that the process of cognition acquires, in attention to the object of interest. Satisfaction of interest does not lead to its extinction, but causes new interests that correspond to a higher level of cognitive activity. Interest in the dynamics of development can turn into a propensity as a manifestation of the need to carry out activities that arouse interest. There is a difference between direct interest, caused by the attractiveness of the object, and indirect interest in the object as a means of achieving the goals of activity. The stability of interest is expressed in the duration of its preservation and its intensity. The stability of interest is evidenced by overcoming difficulties in the implementation of activities, which in itself does not cause interest, but is a condition for the implementation of the activity of interest. An assessment of the breadth or narrowness of interest is determined by its content and significance for the individual.

Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 .

Interest Etymology.

Comes from lat. interest - important.


Subjective representation of the elements of the motivational-need sphere.


A form of motivation for activity on the part of functional motives, the satisfaction of which is associated not with the result, but with the process of activity focused on the world. Among other types of functional motives (based on the needs for play, communication, and creativity), cognitive motives occupy a special place. It is accompanied by a specific emotion of captivity, enchantment, which presents the individual with objects with which his subject-functional needs are associated, the subjective pleasantness of which is a factor in the constant reproduction of the corresponding activity.


In laboratory and experimental studies, interest is considered as a manifestation of orienting activity aimed at adapting to the ambiguity of the surrounding world and associated with a sense of satisfaction with an optimal level of stimulation (D.E. Berlain, D.O. Hebb). With such an approach, which received the designation "ecological", the external conditions of interest (novelty, ) are determined, but the opportunity is lost to consider the individual specificity of interests, their orientation to different subjects. To a greater extent, this possibility is realized when relying on the analysis of ontogenetic development. So, when analyzing the problem of interests within the framework of age and educational psychology(S.L. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky), the main patterns and stages of formation of interests in the development of culture, their role in productive activity and stimulating effect on attention, thought processes, self-realization of the individual were identified.

Private interests are integrated into an interest in life, opposite to psychological apathy, which characterizes the level of psychological health of an individual and expresses the breadth and depth of his subject interests, the ease of their occurrence, stability in adverse conditions. Interest in life is quite independent of vital activity, another sign of psychological health, based largely on achievement motivation.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 .


(English) interest) - a need attitude or a motivational state that encourages cognitive activity, which develops mainly in the internal plan. Under the conditions of emerging cognitive activity, the content of I. can be enriched more and more, including new connections of the objective world. The emotional and volitional moments of I. act specifically - as an intellectual and the effort associated with overcoming intellectual difficulties. I. is closely connected with the actual human level of mastering reality in the form knowledge. I. (especially educational) is a traditional subject of research in psychology and pedagogy.

I. are classified according to content, that is, according to their subject relatedness; by the breadth of subject content; in depth, i.e., in terms of their rootedness in the system of needs relations of the individual; on sustainability; by strength; by duration. I. occupies an intermediate position in the increasingly complex series of human needs relations to the world: it arises on the basis of cognitive attraction(desires) to a particular area of ​​reality and in the process of its development can develop into a stable personal need for an active, active attitude towards its subject, in . (A. B. Orlov.)

Added ed.: A. Reber in his "Dictionary of Psychology" (1995) honestly admits the impossibility of giving a full definition of the word "I.", which, in his opinion, is used by almost everyone purely intuitively. It is limited only to the list of words that are associated with I.: from attention to desire. At the same time, attempts are sometimes made to give the concept of I. great theoretical significance.

Some authors interpret I. as one of the emotions close to surprise, curiosity. For example, K. Izard includes I. among basal(primary)emotions having, among other things, motivational value. I. is described in such terms as enthusiasm for the content and involvement in the process of activity.

L.FROM.Vygotsky interpreted I. as a specifically human level in the development of needs, which is characterized by consciousness and freedom: “I. appears to us as a conscious desire, as an attraction for itself, in contrast to the instinctive impulse, which is an attraction in itself. I. are "higher cultural needs", which are the driving forces of behavior. In the “Psychological Dictionary” (1931) by B. E. Varshava and L. S. Vygotsky, I. is defined as “an emotionally colored attitude, focus on k.-l. activity or on c.-l. object caused by a positive attitude towards the subject.

The very word "I.", although it has lat. basis, but to the classical lat. does not belong to the language; it appeared in the capitalist era as a technical, special (namely, accounting) term, meaning the expected income (benefit) from some costs. (B. M.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .



See what "interest" is in other dictionaries:

    interest- Interest... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

    interest- a, m. intérêt m. 1. fr., Interesse, pol. interests. Benefit, benefit. PPE 1698. E. Ts. In va and this many states from the Tatars ..; and this interest these gentlemen ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    INTEREST- (fr. interet; this. see interested). 1) benefit, benefit, profit. 2) attitude to the subject that excites curiosity, entertaining. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTEREST 1) benefit, profit, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Interest- Interest ♦ Intérêt Subjectively, a form of desire or curiosity, often a combination of both. At the same time, it is possible to have an objective interest in that which arouses neither desire nor curiosity. Such, for example, is the child's interest in ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    INTEREST- (from Latin interest matters, important) social, real reason for social actions, events, accomplishments, behind the immediate. motivations, motives, thoughts, ideas, etc. of individuals participating in these actions, social ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    INTEREST- INTEREST, interest, husband. (from lat. interest has meaning). 1. only units Attention aroused in relation to someone for something significant, important, useful or seemingly so. Listen without any interest. Show interest in the matter. Not without… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    interest- See the profit in the interests, break someone's l. interests, stay at peak interest, keep interest(s)... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. interest interest, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Every person has needs that he must constantly satisfy. They are the basis for the formation of interests. Therefore, in order to find out what a person's interests are, you need to understand how they are related to needs.

human needs

Every day, people are faced with the needs of their body, which they must constantly satisfy, as this supports their existence. The motives of a person's actions reflect his needs. They are divided into the following types:

Biological - the needs that provide life to our body (food, housing, clothing, etc.).

Social - each person needs communication, recognition of his merits, social connections, etc.

Spiritual - a person must receive knowledge, develop, express his individuality through creativity, etc.

Of course, each of these needs is closely related to the others. The biological needs of man are gradually turning into social needs, which radically distinguishes him from animals. Although spiritual needs are very important, they are still secondary for most people. A person, satisfying them, strives to occupy a higher level in society, that is, to fulfill social needs. You also need to understand that not all needs are equally important and can be fully implemented. A person must reasonably realize his desires and needs, while not violating the established moral standards in society.

Features of interests

Interests are the process of purposeful knowledge by a person of a certain object from the area of ​​​​his needs. They have several features:

  • The personality focuses on a small range of activities and knowledge (medicine, technology, history, music, etc.).
  • The goals and methods of activity that are interesting for a person are more specific than in ordinary life.
  • A person strives for greater knowledge and deepening in the area that interests him.
  • The personality includes not only cognitive processes, as regards the area of ​​interest to him, but also creative efforts are made.

A person's interests always have an emotional connotation, which makes him continue to do this. He seeks to improve his knowledge and skills in the chosen direction, which leads to deepening in a specific area. Interests are not mere external amusement or curiosity. They necessarily contain knowledge, practical activities and emotional satisfaction received from classes in the area of ​​interest.

When learning, a person should be interested, because without this the effectiveness of this process will be very low. First of all, this applies to schoolchildren and students, because they are in a constant stream of information that needs to be mastered. Cognitive interest is a craving for knowledge, a focus on mastering them in different subject areas. Its primary manifestation may be curiosity. It is the child's reaction to something new, allowing him to orient himself and understand the nature of what is happening. The interest of schoolchildren appears only when they begin to consider this area or subject as important for themselves and others. Being carried away by it, the child tries to study in more depth each phenomenon associated with a certain area. If this does not happen, then the interest can quickly pass and the acquisition of knowledge will be superficial.

material interest

Everyone strives for comfort, for a good life. Material interests are the motives of a person's actions aimed at satisfying any deficiency in his life and avoiding unpleasant emotions. Thanks to these aspirations, technical and material progress arose. After all, it is they who convey the desire for more comfortable housing, for the invention of devices, mechanisms and machines that make life easier. All of them increase the comfort and safety of a person. In order to realize this special interest, a person can go in two ways. The first is to become the creator of something new, giving the desired object. The second is to earn money and buy what is required. The process of receiving money for many turns into their material interest, and the activity component is excluded.

spiritual interest

In addition to the material sphere, a person is attracted by the spiritual, since it is more focused on his personality. Spiritual interests are the focus of an individual on activating his potential, enriching experience and developing inclinations. He strives to get bright emotional experiences. A person tries to improve himself, to be more virtuoso in a certain area, to show his talent. In such an aspiration, a person learns the world around him and develops himself as an individual. Thus, there is a feeling of fullness of life. It is for everyone. For some, it is general knowledge about different areas of knowledge, while for others it is a deep study of one favorite area.

Direct and indirect interest

In relation to one or another object, interest can be direct or indirect. When a person has a direct interest, he is absorbed in the very process of activity. For example, a student tries to learn something new because he likes to learn. If the interest is indirect, then the person is attracted by the results of the work already done. For example, a student studies not because he is attracted to it, but because he wants to get a diploma and find Good work. But these two kinds of interest can move from one to the other.

Passive and active interests

When a person has an interest, he can act to realize it, or he can satisfy it without much effort. On this basis, two types of interest are distinguished:

1) Active - a person is trying to get the object of his interest, while making efforts and actively acting. The consequence is that his personality improves, he acquires new knowledge and skills, character is formed, abilities develop.

2) Passive - a person does not need to make an effort, he simply contemplates the object of interest and enjoys it, for example, listening to music, watching opera or ballet, visiting galleries. But at the same time, a person does not need to show any activity, engage in creativity and perceive the objects of interest to him more deeply.

Benefit and motivation

Performing any activity, a person seeks the benefit from it for himself. Self-interest consists in satisfying one's needs, such as food, earning more money, improving one's social status etc. When a person understands that she needs to receive a higher reward, she begins to perform the work entrusted to her much better. Profit is a powerful stimulus for activity. But there are things that are more important for a person. These are his values. If he loses what he cherishes most, then no self-interest will force him to act in this way. To motivate a person, you need to offer her more favorable conditions.

Economic interest

The motive that induces a person to economic activity is called economic interest. It reflects the economic needs of man. For example, an employee, in order to sell his labor power more expensively, needs to show how skilled he is. At this point, he is trying to satisfy his financial needs. Moreover, the more he earns, the higher his self-esteem and social status will be. Competing with other employees, he achieves great results, which positively affects both himself and the entire enterprise as a whole. Therefore, economic interests and needs cannot exist without each other.

Personality and its interests

Great interest always brings a person a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, he strives to develop more and more in this area. The individual's interests are great importance for its characterization. They can be strong and deep, completely capturing a person who will do everything necessary to achieve the desired results, overcoming all difficulties. Superficial and weak interests induce only a curious contemplation of the achievements of other people. A person can focus on one thing, or can switch to different types activities. He is also able to limit himself to only one specific area or be interested in many branches of knowledge at the same time.

Thus, the interests of an individual can change throughout her life. Self-knowledge helps a person decide what interests him more and what he would like to try his hand at. In doing what fascinates him, the individual can get great pleasure when he reaches the heights of his interest.