Make electronic ultrasonic rodent repellers. Electric circuit of the mole repeller

There are plenty of traditional means for controlling rodents. Among them are poisons, baits, mousetraps. They are effective but not suitable for use in a home with small children and pets. You can get rid of mice and rats with an ultrasonic repeller. These devices are latest methods household pest control.

How it works

The rat and mouse repeller emits sounds at high frequencies that are not perceived by humans, and rodents feel ultrasonic waves.

The task of the device is to create sound vibrations with frequencies and power that are perceived by rats and mice (frequencies from 30 to 70 kHz).

Most repellers emit only ultrasonic waves, but there are some that also produce electromagnetic radiation.

Ultrasonic devices can only act on the area of ​​​​a separate room, since ultrasonic waves do not pass through walls, floors. Electromagnetic radiations penetrate walls, metal plates and objects are an obstacle for them.

Ultrasound, reaching any surface, is reflected from it. From this we can conclude that one ultrasonic repeller for several rooms in the house will not be enough. There are a large number of such devices on sale, but they are not cheap, so it is more economical to assemble such a device with your own hands.

We make a device that scares pests at home

The creation of such devices does not require special skills and special knowledge; any novice radio amateur will be able to assemble them with their own hands, based on the attached instructions and diagrams.

For this you will need:

  • regular soldering iron
  • parts R7, R5, C6, C5, DD1.3, DD1.4.

With the help of a soldering iron, a symmetrical multivibrator is assembled from the parts, it is the basis of the entire apparatus.

The frequencies of the emitted ultrasonic waves can be tuned by adjusting the generator. The signals emitted by the generator are fed to a device that amplifies their power.

The emission of ultrasonic waves occurs due to the operation of the element Sp1.

To assemble a more complex device with your own hands, capable of constantly changing automatically the range of ultrasound vibrations, you will need a higher level of skill and skill. You can do it based on the proposed scheme:

The frequency modulation of the emitted ultrasound occurs after a certain time interval. The setting of the device is carried out in stages and begins with determining the frequency of operation of the generating element.

What you should know

When assembling a device of this type, you should not expect that you can get rid of rodents immediately, as soon as the device is connected and starts its work.

In kitchens and pantries, where there is something to profit from small pests, it is worth installing more powerful appliances than in other rooms. In such premises, the fight against mice and rats can drag on even for two months. Where there is no available products nutrition, the process will go much faster and will be about two weeks.

To combat rodents in unheated basements and storerooms, you need to assemble the device using radio components that can function at low temperatures.

Pets can sense some of the frequencies emitted by the repeller. In this case, they are worried. In order for pets to stop feeling the effects of ultrasound, it is necessary to change the frequency of vibrations emitted by the device. If such actions did not lead to the desired result, you will have to purchase factory production. True, many devices of domestic manufacturers also operate at frequencies heard by pets, but there are models of foreign brands that do not affect animals.

Each device is able to protect a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room based on its rated power. However, mathematical calculations made using the formulas attached to the diagrams may result in an indicator that does not take into account the occupancy of the room with furniture or other obstacles that reflect ultrasound. Therefore, it is necessary to make an amendment, taking into account the characteristics of the room where the device will work.

After studying the reviews of people who have already managed to use purchased and home-made devices, you can make a choice. Of course, it is possible to make such a device with your own hands using diagrams and the necessary elements from the radio store, but this requires certain knowledge.

The principle of operation of the mole repeller is that the electronic device generates vibration pulses with a frequency of about 480 Hz.
These vibrations cause seismic waves in the earth, which propagate well in it.

Since moles are able to feel even weak vibrations of the soil at a great distance, such powerful impulses cause them a feeling of fear and the animals leave their habitats.

1 - plastic case; 2 - bushings; 3 - plug; 4 - electronic board; 5 - contacts for batteries; 6 - spring; 7 - sealed cover.

Mole repeller Tornado OZV.02 is the most powerful and effective device.
These conclusions were made by us in the process of monitoring the results of the work of many repellers for several years.

The device operates on four AA batteries and is safe for pets, plants and humans.

Guaranteed to drive out moles, ground squirrels, earth mice, bears and shrews.

Your attention is presented to several schemes of mole repellers for assembling these devices with your own hands.

The pulse generator assembled on the IS1 chip generates oscillations with a frequency of 480 Hz, which are fed to the output key assembled on the T1 transistor.
Next, the vibration motor M is turned on, which creates the vibration we need.

By selecting the resistances R1 and R2, you can set the operating time and pause time of the vibration motor M.
The vibration motor is attached to the body of the repeller, the circuit is placed in a waterproof case and the device is ready for action.

Of course, all the presented schemes are easily repeated and really work, but do not forget that the mole repellers presented on this site are factory-made by specialists, they will be much more efficient and reliable.

Scheme of a mole repeller with an emitter in the form of a relay.

Usually, the EMX-309L1 device is used as emitters in mole repellers, but if it is not possible to get just that, then the output can be found by using a conventional electronic relay.
Such a scheme is shown in the figure.

The circuit consists of two generators on microcircuits IS1 and IS2. Electrical impulses are applied to the relay contacts, which close and open in accordance with the frequency of the generator.
This creates vibration. The scheme is simple, scarce details are not required for its repetition.

The off-season is a good time to prepare for next year, when you can make a mouse repeller. This device allows you to protect beds, storages and housing from rodents and shrews. Stores sell ultrasonic repellers with complex scheme and at a fairly high price. However, you can make such a device yourself in a budget version.

Repellers and moles act with the help of ultrasound. The signal at high frequencies (30-70 kHz) is not perceived by humans, but it is perfectly audible to pests. He annoys them nervous system, and animals tend to leave the discomfort zone. Factory repellers can also generate electromagnetic waves that further depress rodents. Devices can be powered by batteries (accumulators) or from the mains. Electromagnetic pulses, unlike ultrasound, are able to penetrate almost any surface except metal.

To make a mouse repeller, you will need basic knowledge of electrical engineering and the ability to wield a soldering iron. There are many examples of working schemes with photos. Simple and versatile repellers have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • reducing the risk of errors during manufacturing;

High-quality repellers effectively eliminate rodents
  • no need for tuning devices during design;
  • economy in terms of energy consumption;
  • unpretentiousness to working conditions.

Preparation of materials for mounting the repeller

For simple option assembling a battery-powered repeller with your own hands, you will need a set of radio components:

  1. Piezo emitter (in the diagram - BQ1). The key element of the radio circuit reproduces ultrasonic waves. Suitable for any model. For example, from the ZP series.
  2. Resistors (R1-R5). They set operating points for transistors, perform a lot of auxiliary functions. For a repeller, 5 pcs will be enough. conventional output elements with a power of 0.25 W.
  3. Variable resistor (R6). Adjusts the frequency of outgoing ultrasonic waves. It is selected in accordance with the rated power of the piezo emitter.
  4. Capacitors (C1-C2). Involved in the formation of frequency contours. For the repeller, use conventional lead ceramic elements.
  5. A pair of transistors (VT1-VT2). Amplify electrical oscillations, form a frequency circuit with other details. Use PNP transistors: KT361B, 2T3307V, 2T3307A, KT3107 and other similar ones.
  6. Diode (VD1). Auxiliary detail in case of accidental polarity reversal during connection. For example, KD503A.
  7. Sliding toggle switch for power on and off.

Repeller device

The power supply of such a mouse repeller is carried out by batteries or batteries of any type. Power - in the range of 1.5-12 V. The higher, the stronger the ultrasonic vibrations of the device will be. If you plan to be powered by a Krona battery, provide additional special pads for them.

To protect against moles and rodents, you can attach a regular primer from the handset of an old landline telephone. Part brand TK-67-NT, TON-2, TA-56, TA-56M or TG-7. The winding resistance should be approximately 60 ohms. Such elements generate waves at a frequency of 300-3400 Hz. The resistance of the microcircuit inside the part is 260 ± 52 ohms (at a power level of 1000 Hz).

Attention! The main advantage of such a repeller is the tightness of the emitter housing.

Making a mouse repeller case

The device is conveniently made on the basis of a cylindrical metal can for coffee, pet food, etc. Repeller assembly order:

Advice. The printed circuit board is best placed in a plastic bag. At the exit point of the wires, tie it with a thread.

Instead of a telephone capsule, you can use a purchased piezo emitter. The principle of assembling the repeller in this case will be unchanged. Only the ultrasonic wave generator will require additional insulation. The jar will add additional distortion to the radiation, so the sound of the repeller will seem even more disgusting to rodents and moles. In fact, the metal itself will vibrate, receiving an impulse from the emitter.

Close the jar with a lid. Then bury it in the chosen place. Depth - about half the height so that water does not get under the cover of the repeller. It is far from ideal in terms of tightness.

Be prepared that it will not work out immediately to eliminate pests. Time must pass - up to 2 months. If you plan to place the repeller indoors, make it more powerful. Walls and other obstacles will reduce the effectiveness of low sound levels.

Other pets can also react negatively to waves. In this case, adjust the frequency. Experiment with this even at the stage of assembling the repeller circuit.

Mouse repellent device: video

Electric circuits of ultrasonic repellers of rodents, dogs

The main purpose of the repeller is the fight against moles on summer cottages, lawns, gardens, flower beds. The electronic mole repeller "Tornado OZV.01" is completely safe for people, plants, useful underground insects and worms and is the most optimal and environmentally friendly tool for fighting moles.

Tornado OZV.01 is required for use in open areas, so the repeller is waterproof, protected from rain and snow.

Using the electronic circuit of the repeller, you can assemble the repeller with your own hands

1 - body; 2 - bushings; 3 - plug; 4 - board; 5 - contacts; 6 - spring; 7 - cork.

Schematic diagram of a rodent repellent generator

  • Wiring diagram generator includes consists of a generator of ultrasonic vibrations (C3, C4, DD1.3, DD1.4, R3, R4), a low frequency modulator (C1, C4, DD1.4, R1, R2), a power amplifier on transistors VT1-VT3, emitter, which is used as a high-frequency loudspeaker 4GDV-1.
  • The generator emits frequency-modulated oscillations in the range of 15….40 kHz. The frequency can be adjusted by resistor R4, the modulation frequency is controlled by resistor R2 within 2….10 Hz.
  • If contact SB1 is set in such a way that this contact closes in case of unauthorized entry into the room, the generator can work as a siren burglar alarm, since it begins to radiate modulation by the oscillation frequency in the range of 1000 ... 2000 Hz.
  • It is important that during prolonged work in one frequency range, rats get used to it, so you need to change the radiation parameters with resistors R2-R4 2-3 times a week. Or connect capacitor C4 to a piece of wire that creates an additional capacitance that changes with temperature and humidity. Then the frequency will change randomly.

Generator circuit

The electrical circuit of the device for repelling rats and mice

The rat and mouse repeller is designed to repel rodents in urban areas and in the country. It can also be installed in the car to protect the wiring. The principle of operation of the model is based on the generation of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of about 23 kHz. Most rodents do not tolerate the sound of this frequency and experience anxiety, leave their habitats. Recommended case BOX-G020. The dimensions of the printed circuit board are 53x28 mm.


  • action area,
    20 m2;
  • supply voltage,
    9 V;
  • consumption current,
    50 mA;
  • working frequency,
    16…28 kHz.

Wiring diagram of the dog repeller

  • A simple version of the dog repeller (Fig. 1) is assembled on one digital microcircuit (DD1) and five transistors (VT1~VT5). An infrasonic generator is made on logic elements DD1.1, DD1.2, resistors R1, R2 and capacitors Cl, C2. It is a symmetrical multivibrator that produces rectangular pulses with a frequency of 1.5 Hz.
  • The second symmetrical multivibrator, built on elements DD1.3, DD1.4, resistors R6, R7 and capacitors C5, C6, is an ultrasonic generator, the frequency of rectangular pulses of which is 20 kHz and periodically (after 0.66 sec) increases 4 times. A smooth periodic "rise" of the ultrasonic frequency upwards performs a part of the circuit containing resistors R3-R5, transistor VT1, capacitor C3, diodes VD1.VD2.
  • Created at the output pins 10 and 11 of the DD1 microcircuit, ultrasonic rectangular waves have low power. They are amplified in power by a push-pull bridge amplifier made on VT2-VT5 transistors. The emitter load of this amplifier is a BF1 piezoceramic emitter.
  • Ultrasonic vibrations (modulated by infrasonic) are excited in it after pressing the button SB1, which performs the "on" function.
  • The power supply circuit of the DD1 microcircuit is protected from accidental "polarity reversal" of the GB1 battery by the VD3 diode, and the filter capacitors C4 and C7 provide high-frequency and low-frequency oscillations through the power supply circuit.
  • When instead of the piezo emitter SP-1, use the car piezo siren ACT-10, the range of the repeller will increase significantly.
  • The GB1 battery can be assembled from six to ten galvanic cells (316), D-0.25 batteries, or a ready-made 12-volt L1028 battery or a 9-volt Krona, Corundum can be used.
  • The K561LA7 chip can be replaced with 564LA7, K176LA7,
  • Diodes VD1-VD3 - any silicon small-sized, transistor VT1 - any silicon low-power with a base current amplification factor of at least 30.
  • Transistors VT2, VT4 and VT3, VT5 can be replaced by any of the KT3102 series
    and KT3107.

When assembling a dog repeller, you can not use microcircuits at all, then the number of transistors will increase to nine. Fig. 2 shows a diagram of the second version of the repeller, more precisely, its part (the rest is according to Fig. 1), in which the infrasonic generator consists of transistors VT6, VT7, capacitors C1, C2 and resistors R1-R4, and ultrasonic - but transistors VT8 , VT9, capacitors C4, C5 and resistors R7-R10. The ultrasonic frequency "removal" circuit has resistors R5, R6, a capacitor C3, a transistor VT1 and diodes VDI, VD2.

So that when setting up, which mainly consists in selecting the resistance of resistors R3 (Fig. 1) or R5 (Fig. 2), you can determine its operation by ear, for a while, in parallel with the capacitor C4 and C5, two capacitors with a capacity of at least 6800 are connected by soldering pf each.

Published: 2013-06-13

Mod.: 2017-08-31

  • 2590 rub.

    Ultrasonic rodent repeller SD-002 has a protection area of ​​up to 400 square meters. m. It is used against rats and mice, and repels cockroaches, ants and other insects. Food: from a network.

  • 1790 rub.

    3 types of waves. The device is ideal for use in small residential and non-residential premises, operates on 220V and is effective against rodents and crawling small insects.

  • 2100 rub.

    Tornado OG.08-400 is designed to protect premises from rodents. For installation in granaries, warehouses, domestic and industrial premises. Effective area of ​​action 400 sq.m. m., power supply: network 220 V.

  • 3150 rub.

    Tornado OG.08-800 is designed to protect premises from pests. Repeller of rodents, rats, mice for tunnels, underground utilities and other elongated objects. Effective area of ​​action 800 sq.m. m, power supply: network 220 V.

  • 1500 rub.

    For installation in all types of residential and non-residential premises. It has a wide angle of ultrasound radiation and two modes of operation (sound and silent). Effective area 400 sq. m.

  • 1300 rub.

    For installations up to 400 sq. m. For premises where people are constantly located, and for non-residential facilities with temperatures in the range from -15 to +45 degrees. Silent.

  • 2000 rub.
Summer will come soon and there will be many mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other annoying midges. Therefore, I propose to assemble a circuit of a simple, but very necessary device - an ultrasonic repeller. The proposed device will protect you both during work and during rest from mosquitoes and even from annoying barking of dogs, if you increase the frequency of the generator to ultrasound.

The diagram of the ultrasonic repeller is shown below:

The sound-reproducing element of the device is a piezo emitter (ZP-1, ZP-3, ZP25 ... in general, any). With a slight upgrade of the device, you can increase its power by adding a simple ULF and using a tweeter.

The operation of the ultrasonic repellent device. Diode VD1 is needed to protect against incorrect power connection. - battery or accumulator with voltage from 1.5V to 9V. But it is better to give the maximum voltage, since with an increase in voltage, the radiation power of the device and, accordingly, the efficiency increase. The generator frequency depends on the capacitance C1 and C2, and the resistance R1. Several more piezo emitters can be connected to the contacts of the ZP-shki. It is advisable to choose models that are more powerful.

About the details for the ultrasonic repeller circuit. Instead of the kt361 transistor, you can put any other p-n-p transistor similar to it in terms of parameters (for example, a733, kt3107).

The ultrasonic repeller almost does not need to be adjusted, only you need to adjust the frequency of the generator using resistor R6 (you can use a frequency meter, to do this, connect the frequency meter in parallel with resistor R1).

The current consumption of the device is about 1.5mA. The circuit board for the ultrasonic mosquito repeller is shown in the figure below:

An archive with a printed circuit board and a diagram in Lay format is located on the forum. I wish you a great rest in the summer, because now mosquitoes will fly around you for a kilometer! Submitted by R. Rybalko

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