Feng Shui division of apartments into zones. Feng Shui apartments - main rules

The free flow of Qi energy is what the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui sees as the secret to a happy life. By organizing our home in accordance with her recommendations, we will create all the necessary conditions for health, love, luck, and money to come into it. How exactly to achieve this? Feng Shui of an apartment is a comprehensive concept, we will focus on the main points.

Determining Feng Shui zones in an apartment

A certain sector (zone) is responsible for each aspect of life in an apartment. Its activation leads to positive changes. But here it is important to know: what to activate and how. Let's start with the first one.

Any house is divided into 8 zones - according to the number of cardinal directions. Here they are, indicating the area of ​​responsibility of each of them:

  • north – career
  • northwest – travel and helpers
  • northeast – knowledge and wisdom
  • south – self-realization and glory
  • southwest – love and marriage
  • southeast - wealth
  • West – children and creativity
  • East – health and family.

We activate the necessary sectors

Now you need to determine which parts of your apartment they fall on. In other words, where, for example, is your wealth sector located - in the corner of the kitchen or near the entrance to the bedroom. There are three ways to find out:

  1. Ba Gua. The easiest way.
  • You need to draw a Ba Gua grid diagram on cardboard and cut it out. Here she is:
  • The next step is to reproduce the apartment plan on paper, displaying on it all the available premises, with the exception of balconies and loggias: rooms, kitchen, bath, toilet, storage room. Maintain the same scale as on the Ba Gua grid, as well as the real proportions of the rooms.
  • Remember where your windows face and connect the house plan with the Ba Gua octagon in a mirror image. If the windows face east, attach a line with their designation to the western sector on the grid. Now you can see where which zones in the apartment are located.
  1. Using a compass and protractor.
  • Again, you will need a plan of your apartment. It must be cut along the contour.
  • Now take a well-sharpened pencil and place the outline on its tip. We are looking for a balance point - a place where the paper does not fall from the pencil. This is the center of the apartment.
  • Using a compass, we determine the cardinal directions and plot them on the plan, but in a mirror image. That is, where south is, we write north, where west is east, and so on.
  • We connect the center of the protractor with the center of the apartment on the plan. We divide the apartment into 8 sectors (each 45 degrees). Now all sectors are at your fingertips.
  1. From corner to corner. We focus on the corners of the room. We determine the sectors, standing with our backs to the front door (not to the interior doors):
  • the center of the wall with the entrance door, that is, behind you is the quarry area
  • the center of the wall opposite the front door is the zone of glory and self-realization
  • the near left corner is the zone of wisdom and knowledge
  • the near right corner is the zone of assistants and travel
  • far left corner - wealth zone
  • the far right corner is the zone of love and marriage
  • the middle of the left side is the family and health zone
  • the middle of the right side is the zone for children and creativity.

A properly drawn up housing plan will help activate the right areas

Before activating specific zones, you need to harmonize the entire space of the apartment. Because if in one place everything is according to science, and in the rest - haphazardly, nothing will work out. So, where to start arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui:

  1. To clean up. This means not only washing the floor and wiping the floor, but also clearing away the rubbish, throwing away all unnecessary, unnecessary, broken things. By doing this, you will put things in order in your head, get rid of unpleasant memories and clear the way for positive thoughts. Nothing will distract you from making important decisions. If you do not dare to remove old clothes, toys, gifts from your life, this indicates that you are not ready to part with the past. And this will prevent you from moving on and you shouldn’t count on positive changes in this case.
  2. Correctly position the front door and objects at the entrance. This is important because Qi energy enters the house through the front door, and nothing should interfere with its further movement. Therefore, the front door should open inward, not outward.

Order in everything - both in the apartment and in thoughts.

If, when opening, it bumps into a wall or rests against a small and cramped hallway (corridor), this is bad. Hang a large mirror that will create the illusion of larger space.

The front door should not open onto the toilet. If this happens, keep it closed at all times.

If there are windows opposite the door, the Qi energy, as soon as it enters the house, will immediately leave through the window. With this layout, you need to curtain the windows with thick curtains.

  1. Correctly arrange interior items. The main goal of organizing the interior according to Feng Shui is to allow favorable Qi energy to move freely around the house, bringing comfort and harmony to it. Therefore, you should not clutter up the space with furniture. It is better to use built-in furniture, and regular furniture should be placed along the walls. It is also worth raising it above the floor, placing it on high legs.

Massive cabinets with mirrors should not be placed opposite stairs and doors. Their reflections can bring great misfortune to the house.

Correct arrangement of objects is the key to favorable energy circulation

Do not place the TV with its screen facing a window or door. But on the contrary, it is better to place armchairs and chairs with their backs to the window.

  1. Choose suitable decorations and images for your home. Everything that is associated with negativity should leave the house. For example, paintings and photographs depicting suffering, pain, death. Only pleasant, positive things that bring a smile and pleasant memories. Then thoughts will be directed only towards improving life.
  2. Decorate the premises of the house in accordance with their purpose. The bedroom, for example, should be quiet and cozy. Nothing should interfere with a restful sleep. Therefore, there is no place for a computer or TV here. Avoid bright colors and create narrow passages.

Activation of the Feng Shui zones of the apartment

Now let’s move on to activating the sectors you need.

Sector of love and marriage. It is perhaps the most important for women. Located in the southwest. Responsible for all types of love: between a man and a woman, parents, relatives, as well as the intimate sphere.

To maintain strong marital relationships, place two candles in this sector - red and white. They will symbolize a man and a woman. You can tie the candles with a red ribbon. When disagreements arise, you need to light these candles for a short time to clear the subtle levels of energy.

For the same purpose, it is necessary that all objects in a given zone be paired. Two armchairs, two sofa cushions, a candlestick - only two-armed, and so on. There should be no portraits or photographs of single women or men. Violation of these rules can lead to divorce or the fact that the search for your soul mate will not be successful.

On the contrary, post here your wedding photos of the two of you, happy and smiling.

Pairs of doves (symbolize romantic love), butterflies, mandarin ducks, geese (they personify marital fidelity) stimulate this zone well.

Wealth sector. Located in the southeast. The main element is wood. To attract money, Feng Shui science recommends first of all getting rid of:

  • trash cans (especially open ones)
  • boxes with metal tools
  • paper shredders
  • unpaid bills
  • broken things
  • trash.

And you need to place here everything that symbolizes the Tree and what feeds it - Water and Earth:

  • living plants: money tree (crassula tree), bamboo, fern
  • artificial tree with leaves made of stone or Chinese coins
  • toad with coins
  • small fountain
  • aquarium with goldfish
  • paintings with images of ponds, waterfalls and other sources of water
  • images of green plants and natural landscapes.

Living plants in the Wealth Sector will help you achieve what you want

There are also recommendations regarding the colors and shapes of objects located here. The best colors to use in the wealth sector are black, brown, green, blue, and light yellow (earthy). Red and orange are also acceptable, but not as primary colors. The shape of objects and drawings on them should look like rectangles, squares or waves.

Good lighting and fresh air are also necessary conditions for activating the wealth zone.

Health sector. It is no coincidence that according to Feng Shui, it is the center of the apartment: without health, there is nowhere. There will be no prosperity in any area of ​​life if there is no health. Located in the east. The main element is Wood. Therefore, the more wooden objects, living plants and green colors there are, the better.

Among the symbolic objects, it is advisable to place a crane, a deer, a porcelain peach, a pine tree and a bamboo here. They represent health and longevity.

The following can be harmful to health:

  • sharp corners and overhanging beams (drape them, cover them with climbing plants);
  • the proximity of the bed through the wall to the kitchen stove, bathtub or toilet (rearranging it will help);
  • things left over from previous residents who were ill for a long time (wash everything thoroughly and “ring” with air bells).

By eliminating everything that prevents the arrival of positive events, you can significantly increase your chances of success and happiness.

Properly organized Feng Shui of an apartment is a whole philosophy. According to ancient Eastern teachings, the energy that circulates through the rooms directly affects a person’s life. Therefore, by changing the space, you can radically change everything that happens around you.

You need to show all cardinal directions on the apartment diagram, and also mark the center. The sectors are as follows:

  1. The southeast is an area of ​​wealth. The energy of water is responsible for material well-being, so in this sector it is necessary to decorate the interior in a “water style”. The color scheme is shades of blue, the paintings depict seascapes. Indoor fountains, aquariums and oriental money talismans are suitable for decoration.
  2. The south is a zone of glory and fame. You can place all awards, certificates, medals and any other items that confirm your achievements and merits in it. Properly organized space in this zone helps to gain recognition from others, improve your reputation and increase your authority.
  3. Southwest is the sector of love. It is filled with paired objects: figurines of animals, birds, angels. It is important that there is an even number of them. Red scented candles are also placed here, and the walls are decorated with paintings of married couples and happy lovers.
  4. The West is an ideal place for a nursery. The energy that is responsible for development, the disclosure of creative potential and intellectual abilities is concentrated here.
  5. North is a work and career zone. The water element also rules here, so this sector can be designed in the same way as the wealth zone.
  6. Northeast is the zone of wisdom. An ideal space for organizing a workplace, office, library. Here you can store books, notes, and educational materials.
  7. The East is the family zone. For the energy of this sector to be “alive,” it must contain indoor plants and paintings with floral still lifes. You can decorate the walls with photographs of relatives, children, household members, and pets.

Watch a video on how to divide a room into zones according to Feng Shui:


Any symbols of fiery energy are appropriate here: bright rich shades of red, family photos with gatherings around the fire, paintings depicting the rising sun.

Decorations made from natural materials: wood, clay will also enhance the fiery energy. It is desirable that the kitchen set is not plastic, but wooden. Metal objects should be kept locked.


- another important place in, which is filled with. To avoid problems in your personal life and loneliness, you need to follow the rules of Feng Shui when organizing your space.

It is advisable that the bed be double, and there is enough free space around it. The feet of a sleeping person should not look into the doorway, and a dream catcher can be hung above the head of the bed.

Living room

The largest room in the house should be designated as the living room. Here it is necessary to create bright lighting. Hang a large chandelier or glass lamp in the center of the ceiling. It is better to choose furniture with smooth, rounded, soft outlines.

There should be a lot of fresh flowers in the living room. They are placed in areas with “non-living” energy - next to household appliances and electronics (TV, music system, and so on).

Man and the world around him are inseparable, interconnected, interdependent. This monadic postulate underlies the doctrine of proper planning and is regulated by numerous rules and recipes of Feng Shui, which are also applicable to organizing space inside a city apartment.

A person who strives to live in harmony with his environment will certainly pay attention to the dependence of his own health and success on the atmosphere prevailing in his home. How will a person feel and fulfill his responsibilities if he lives in an apartment whose windows are never washed or opened, the taps are leaking, and dusty carpets cover the floor of each room? Naturally, his health and performance are at risk, because the negative energy generated in an untidy, “sick” apartment will negate all efforts to create good feng shui and maintain an atmosphere of comfort and prosperity.

The goal of Feng Shui is to help people live a life full of happiness, abundance and good luck, but no one except the person himself will change his life for the better. For example, good feng shui allowed you to improve relationships with children, since the harmony of the interior and the beneficial energy born in it gives rise to harmony in the relationships between the people living in a given apartment. But how events will develop further and whether you will be able to maintain your won positions will depend entirely on your efforts. You will have to work hard, show imagination and patience, and pay maximum attention to your children so that your relationship with them is directed in the right direction.

So, good Feng Shui attracts beneficial qi energy into your apartment, and with it good luck, success, and happiness come to the family. However, you must take advantage of these benefits yourself.

The Chinese believe that apartments, like people, suffer from a lack of positive energy that supports their strength, mood and health, and also “get sick.” A person’s task is to ensure proper care of his home, protect it from external and internal harm, create conditions for the normal functioning of all its parts, while not forgetting about the physical and spiritual health of a person. Adhering to medical terminology, preventive and therapeutic measures correctly carried out by the owner play an important role in maintaining the apartment in a “healthy” condition.

One way to check whether an apartment poses a risk to the well-being of its occupants is to inspect the home from the perspective of an outsider. Imagine that you have been offered to buy this apartment. Walk through all the rooms, following the path of qi as it moves from room to room. Is it easy for you to move around your apartment?

Take your time, stop in each room, look carefully, trying to feel the mood of the room. In order to achieve success in this matter, it is not at all necessary to have extensive experience in conducting feng shui testing; trust your own intuition, it will provide you with all the necessary information. Of course, you had to experience some anxiety, discomfort, anxiety when entering an unfamiliar room; it also happened that in a completely foreign apartment you felt more comfortable, calmer than in your own home. Your intuition will not deceive you. Enter the room, stand quietly for a few minutes, and you will understand whether something here needs correction, repair, replacement or not.

Write down or remember everything you think needs to change. Faded wallpaper, dull, unwashed window glass, leaking taps, doors that open with a creak, furniture in need of repair - all this creates additional negative energy in the apartment and causes poor health of its inhabitants. Disorder, clutter, old, faulty and simply unused things also emit sha and interfere with the flow of qi throughout the apartment.

Feng Shui recommends fixing any problems as quickly as possible and avoiding clutter and piling up of things by all means. This will save you and your family from many problems related to health, education, and relationships with people.

Entrance door as an element of the apartment

The front door is the “mouth” of the apartment, through which most of the qi enters the room. The design of this door and its technical condition determine whether you will attract qi into your home or, on the contrary, scare it away. The lock must function properly; any defect or breakdown must be repaired immediately. If a new lock is cut into the door leaf, and the old one is faulty and will no longer be used, then it must be removed by carefully sealing the hole (hiding it under the cladding, applied decorative elements, etc.).

Door hinges should be lubricated regularly to prevent them from squeaking, because unpleasant sounds scare away qi. No “wind chime” or bells above the front door will be able to attract the attention of positive energy to a creaky door.

An electric bell, so necessary in a city apartment, notifying the owners of the visit of strangers, must work properly and have a pleasant sound signal. The sharp, piercing sound it makes is unpleasant to qi and can frighten and irritate a person. When purchasing a bell in a store, be sure to listen to how its “music” sounds, and choose the device whose sound you like best. It could be a small piece of music, an imitation of bird chirping, or a combination of two sounds - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the sound evokes pleasant associations in you, then the arrival of guests will be perceived joyfully, calmly, without stress and dissatisfaction.

Cracks or cuts in the cladding, old paint that is peeling off the surface, and an erased, poorly visible apartment number also create bad feng shui. A few words need to be said about the door peephole. A peephole is a means of ensuring the safety of apartment residents; one cannot do without it, however, its installation and operation must be carried out in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. After installing the peephole, there should be no through holes left in the door; its parts should fit tightly to the surface of the door, which will protect your home from accidental penetration of negative energy. The peephole must be equipped with a protective curtain on the inside; it must be opened only when the peephole is in use, and kept closed the rest of the time.

Interior doors play an important role in Feng Shui inside the apartment and have a greater impact on the well-being of the family. Using the Bagua method, you can determine in which direction the internal doors in the apartment “look”. Each direction is responsible for one area of ​​life. When you want to benefit from one direction or another, you begin to use a certain door as often as possible, decorate it additionally or repaint it in order to attract more qi and activate one or another area of ​​the apartment.

The feedback is also clearly visible: if success has left you, you suffer one defeat after another, you begin to feel bad, you need to check the condition of the apartment door that is oriented in the direction you are interested in. Sometimes it’s enough to thoroughly wash the door itself and the jambs, rub shiny (nickel-plated, bronze) decorative elements and lubricate the door hinges so that your life can return to its previous calm course.

A door facing south belongs to the Fire element and the zone of glory. If you want to improve your reputation and strengthen your position in society, carefully check the condition of this door, if possible, use shades of red and triangular patterns in its decor, equip the door with lighting or hang a small lantern on it. Enter this door often to activate the Glory Zone.

The north-facing door is connected to the Water and Quarry area. Your success in the service and career growth depend on how often it is used and how well its design matches the element that protects it (black, blue colors, wavy lines).

A west-facing door leading to the children's area and associated with the Metal element influences the relationship between parents and children, the children's health and their mood. All metal parts of this door must be in good working order and polished to a shine. This will attract an additional flow of qi to the children's area.

A door facing east is associated with the Wood element and family. Your family will be friendly, friends will become frequent guests and will surround you with care, support you in difficult moments of life, if the eastern door is in good working order, wood and floral patterns will predominate in its design. Make sure that the wooden parts are carefully processed, their surface is smooth, without cracks or knots, and regularly renew the protective coating (varnish, paint). If you have covered this door with a self-adhesive film with a wood pattern, then check whether the film adheres tightly to the surface of the door and whether there are any voids or irregularities left under it. Any coating defect, malfunction, or contamination will worsen your relationships with loved ones.

A door oriented in the southwest direction corresponds to the Earth and affects the relationship between spouses and love affairs. Do you want to create a strong family, but are experiencing problems in intimate relationships? Then check what materials and colors are used in the design of this door, remember how often you use it, how long ago you washed it or wiped the dust while cleaning.

Rust on metal parts (door hinges, nails, handles or locks), a broken door handle or cracks in the jamb, dust accumulated at the threshold of this door explain the cooling of relations with a spouse or sexual partner. It is especially important to ensure the serviceability and absolute compliance between the paired parts of the southwestern door. There should be handles on both sides of the door, identical in shape and color. It is advisable to choose latching handles: when you press one of them, the second one is also activated. Such pens will symbolize consent and unanimity, closeness (spiritual and physical) of the married couple. The same point applies to door design: place the same pattern, paired trim elements symmetrically, on both sides of the door, paint them the same color, etc.

The door facing north-west is associated with Metal and influences relationships with leaders, spiritual mentors, the success of business trips and any other trips.

The northeast door is connected to the Earth. Proper care of it and an “earthly” design will help you and your loved ones in education and training.

A door facing southeast will bring financial success to those who use it frequently and provide proper care. This door is associated with Wood, that is, you can strengthen its influence with the help of the symbols of Water and Wood.

Doors in an apartment are needed to regulate the movement from room to room, both of people and of positive energy. If you want to be alone, to protect yourself from unwanted visits and unpleasant people, you close the door to your room. By opening it, you invite others to enter, making the space of the room permeable to air and energy flows.

Each door to the apartment must be used, opened and closed several times a day. Even if a particular room is temporarily unused, develop the habit of walking through the door leading to that room once or twice a day. You can open this door every morning and close it at night. The main thing is that in this way you will keep the room and the area of ​​the apartment coinciding with it in an active state.

Windows of your apartment

In Feng Shui, windows are called the “eyes” of an apartment. Through them, daylight penetrates into the room, and therefore qi energy. Dust and dirt on window glass absorb a significant portion of sunlight and become an obstacle to beneficial energy, the lack of which sooner or later affects the well-being of family members and their health. The person will feel tired, lethargic, unhealthy, and medical examinations will not find any abnormalities. A good doctor and an experienced Feng Shui specialist will unanimously advise in such a situation to ventilate the room more often, wash the windows and open them during the day, letting more fresh air and sunlight into the house.

The direction in which unwashed windows “look” determines the type of trouble that should be feared. Family quarrels and misunderstandings among friends are expected from the east; from the west - conflicts with children; from the south - shame and humiliation; from the north - demotion or dismissal; from the north-west - an unsuccessful trip and loss of support from a spiritual mentor; from the northeast - failures in exams; from the southwest - problems of an intimate nature, disagreements with a spouse, divorce; from the southeast - financial collapse, poverty.

Do not take unnecessary risks, do not wait until the activity of one or another sector of the apartment decreases, your career, personal life or health suffers, and as they become dirty, wash the windows, cornices, clean the external canopies from dust, fallen leaves and cobwebs, which, like a magnet, attract sha.

Regularly (at least once every one to two years) clean the window frames of old paint, sand their surfaces, cover all cracks, crevices and repaint, cover with a layer of varnish to ensure reliable protection from adverse environmental conditions. Any visible paint defects, cracks in window frames, and even more so broken, cracked glass become sources of sha or conductors of negative energy directed at the windows from the outside. Therefore, all damage to window glass and frames must be repaired immediately.

The glass in the frames must be firmly strengthened so that in case of a strong gust of wind or bad weather, they do not rattle, attracting negative energy. Moisture should not penetrate through them, creating an excess of Water and Yin in the room.

All handles and latches (other locking devices) on the windows must be in good working order, open and close easily and silently, and the window sashes must swing open completely without damaging the surface of the window sill or cornice.

To protect the home from unwanted entry from the outside, metal bars are increasingly being installed on windows. From the point of view of Feng Shui, any bars are undesirable: they block the way into the apartment not only for thieves, but also for chi energy. The thicker the bars of such a lattice, the more noticeable (darker and brighter) their color, the worse the feng shui of the room will be. A more acceptable option is shutters that open outward, like windows, or external metal roller blinds. The ideal solution is special impact-resistant glass.

Do not use reflective curtains to protect from bright sunlight, as they will block and reflect both ultraviolet rays and the flow of positive qi energy. In some apartments oriented to the west, northwest or southwest, window glass is covered with paper or foil throughout the summer so that the setting sun does not interfere with rest or heat the air in the room. From the point of view of maintaining the balance of yin and yang, this is true, but the lack of energy in this case will lead to the destruction of harmony between family members, create a tense, unhealthy atmosphere in poorly lit rooms and affect the well-being of their owners.

Technological innovations of recent years - double-glazed windows, the frames and glass of which are hermetically connected, do not contradict the principles of Feng Shui, make it easier to care for windows (they do not need to be painted or sealed for the winter) and at the same time provide an influx of fresh air and life-giving energy. The only condition: the frames must be made of natural, breathing, living, energy-conducting material - wood. And it is better to avoid using plastic, aluminum, and other synthetic materials that evaporate harmful fumes that disrupt the balance of yin and yang.

It is desirable that the window sills of all windows in the apartment are wide, wooden and, of course, clean, well-groomed, that is, well painted, without dents or cracks. The magic square, which is used to identify nine zones when analyzing a room according to Feng Shui, can be applied to almost any plane, be it a human face, hand, foot, a piece of land, a separate room in an apartment or a window sill. Thus, by placing a magic square on the surface of the window sill, you can easily determine the area of ​​a person’s life that suffers due to improper care, careless attitude towards things, and the environment.

Remember that the window sill is not a suitable place to store anything:

books, dishes, newspapers, children's toys. If you store things on the windowsill, then this habit will serve you badly: over time, rubble will form in the path of pi, impenetrable to light and positive energy, filled with dust and unnecessary, unused things, attracting sha into your apartment. It is best to keep the window sills free so that you can wipe dust from them every day and open the windows to ventilate the room. Feng Shui allows the placement of small, shadow-free plants and aquariums on windowsills with mandatory additional lighting, but nothing more.

Dense, heavy curtains accumulate a large amount of dust. If they are not washed in time, they will turn into a bait for the bringer of evil and sha disease. Buy fabrics and tulle for curtains that are easy to wash and dry quickly, that is, they cause minimal inconvenience to the housewife who is cleaning the apartment. In summer, it is recommended to limit yourself to transparent thin curtains, and close the blinds at night. This will save you from having to hang additional night curtains. By the way, blinds also need to be washed or cleaned of dust in any other effective way.

What are apartment diseases

Disorder, chaos, piling up of things is a blood clot that disrupts the flow of energy through the rooms, another “disease” of the apartment that requires timely treatment. Over time, a lot of unnecessary items accumulate in houses and apartments. Meanwhile, Feng Shui clearly expresses its opinion on this matter: only those items that are necessary for life, the comfortable existence of a person, his family, that are regularly used (put on, turned on, read, etc.) and bring certain benefits, capable of attracting pi to themselves or becoming its sources. Therefore, only useful things can be stored in a person’s home.

Everything that is old, has fallen into disrepair, is out of fashion, unsuitable for use and useless should be thrown away without regret, taken outside the apartment, making room for new things. Worn out, outdated things, especially strangers that do not belong to you, can store negative energy and radiate it into space, reducing the energy potential of residential premises. It will become easier for you to breathe and move around your apartment more freely if its corridors and utility rooms (storage rooms, closets, garage, loggia and balcony) are cleared of trash.

Don’t buy things yourself or give other people things that have no practical or spiritual value; fight the habit of bringing into your home things you don’t need but got for free. A disorderly accumulation of things in any of the nine zones will create problems and obstacles in your life and activities, and will have a negative impact on all people living in the apartment. First of all, make sure that the hallway and corridors leading from one room to another always remain free, clean, and well lit. The named parts of the apartment are blood vessels through which life-giving energy is distributed throughout the room, healing the ailments of its inhabitants, bringing them success and happiness. A burnt-out light bulb, creaking floorboards, lifting linoleum or carpet, or a creaking door are serious obstacles to qi. Darkness, accumulation of things, dust, dirt, stagnant air, any malfunctions give rise to chaos, and therefore negatively affect the atmosphere of the apartment and the well-being of its residents.

Watch the center of the apartment, the luck zone, very carefully, keep it clean in order to attract happiness and luck into the house. Order in this area will contribute to the spiritual growth of each person living in the apartment.

So, regularly inspect your apartment, throw away all unnecessary things, organize cleaning, restore order and cleanliness, ventilate the rooms, do not put off repairing equipment and equipment for too long, use all the rooms, chairs, armchairs, compartments of the closet or chest of drawers to reduce the risk of germs developing inside apartments denied

valuable energy. These measures are to prevent diseases in your home.

If the wealth area in your apartment is cluttered and untidy (for example, in this part of the room there is a wardrobe, in which no one has put things in order for two years or ventilated drawers and sections), then you will have difficulty getting money, and the money you earn will not bring you moral satisfaction. More precisely, you will experience confusion, not knowing how to properly invest capital and benefit from it. This circumstance usually makes people angry and causes negative emotions.

A leaking faucet or water pipe is a symbol of money leaking out, meaning that all your efforts to earn more money will end in failure.

Spending material resources will turn out to be thoughtless and will not bring any benefit, and your considerable income will in no way improve the material well-being of the family. Perhaps even the next generations of your family will live in need and poverty. As soon as you put things in order in the wealth zone, fix the taps, replace damaged pipes, the family’s financial situation will improve, commercial transactions and projects will bring considerable income and well-being will begin to grow. Disorder and poor lighting in the glory zone give rise to doubts and anxiety in the soul regarding the position in society. The opinion that other people have about your professionalism and mental abilities will be characterized by biased assessment, injustice, and you will often have to suffer from the envy and hatred of others. Do a general cleaning, get rid of newspapers, old shoes or electrical appliances that cannot be repaired that have been collecting dust on the mezzanines for years, in order to get rid of your own complex, which has recently made your life and communication with people so difficult. Then the judgments of strangers about you will most likely change for the better.

Keep the marriage area clean and tidy if you don’t want problems to arise in your personal, intimate life. By striving for comfort in your home, you will simultaneously improve your relationship with your marriage partner the way you would like, and not lose control of the situation.

A cluttered family area will affect the relationships between its members, give rise to misunderstanding, indifference to other people's problems and needs, scandalously demonstrated independence, which will lead to the fact that each of the household members begins to live a separate life, and the family as such will cease to exist. Put things in order in the family area, remove all visible obstacles to the qi, increase the lighting and ventilation of this sector, and the feng shui of the apartment will change for the better.

Ideally, a kitchen or living room will be located in the family area. Ensure the circulation of chi in these rooms. Use all stove burners, repair any broken stoves, and repair leaking kitchen faucets. Take out the trash and wash the dishes on time, clear the refrigerator and pantry of food that has expired. Carry out wet cleaning regularly, clean heavily soiled surfaces using a disinfectant.

All chairs and armchairs in the dining room and living room must be used, and faulty televisions and tape recorders should not be located in these rooms. It is best to take them to a repair shop immediately.

As a result, the family will again begin to gather at the dinner table, talk in the living room in the evenings, the younger ones will begin to listen to the advice of the elders, peace and harmony will reign in your home.

In the children's area there is usually a nursery or a teenager's bedroom. Order is a phenomenon that is difficult to imagine in these rooms, but it is extremely important. The relationship between the elders and the younger ones in the family, including children and parents, depends on whether the child will put away toys, whether the parents will teach him to put all things in their places, to put things in order on the desktop, in closets, on bookshelves and under the bed. .

There is no need to take care of broken toys or store clothes that your children have already outgrown. Items that the child found on the street or traded with friends should also be disposed of. It is not recommended to fill the space under children's beds with things. Otherwise, you and your children will experience some anxiety, lack of confidence in your own strengths and the support of a loving person. The Chinese believe that things stored under the bed will come to the child in his sleep and disturb his peace.

About the collections in the apartment

Children are often keen on collecting, and their rooms accumulate a huge number of soft toys, dolls, figurines of birds and animals, CDs, miniature cars, aircraft models, all sorts of items of certain symbols, such as sports, etc.

A child’s passion for good and useful things should be welcomed by parents, because those objects and things that they like not only please the eye, but also warm the soul. From the point of view of Feng Shui, you just cannot allow the collection to gather dust on cabinets, window sills, clutter up the space, thereby worsening the Feng Shui of the children's room. Therefore, it is necessary to think about how to store and display the collection for public viewing, and ensure unhindered access to it during cleaning or inspection.

It would be nice to place these “treasures” on shelves or racks with glass doors and additional internal lighting, which will illuminate the collection day and night and attract qi into the child’s room.

It is equally important to carry out regular cleaning, remove dust, and ventilate collection storage areas.

How to create a knowledge zone in your apartment

The knowledge zone is that part of the apartment where it is easy to work on a project, bringing a new idea to life, where nothing will interfere with studying homework, reading, or working on the computer. Crowding, clutter, stale air, heat, and improperly organized lighting will distract you from your studies. Moreover, the flow of qi here will slow down, energy will begin to accumulate in this zone and, quite possibly, will be reborn into sha.

It is difficult to learn anything in such an atmosphere, and the information received will not be remembered for a long time and will not be useful. It is very simple to improve the situation: attract more chi energy to the knowledge zone, ventilate the room even in winter. When the apartment is stuffy and dry air makes breathing difficult, open the window for at least a few minutes. Remove from the table all unnecessary books, papers, all objects that distract your attention from work, empty the waste paper basket, and you will see that the effectiveness of your studies will increase.

Are you surprised by the fact that, despite all your efforts and sacrifices, the desired position remains out of reach?

Take a look around the career area of ​​your apartment, office and bedroom; don't be surprised if you find a dried-out houseplant, a storage area for old items, or a wall hanging that hasn't been cleaned for a long time.

Often, it is in this sector of the apartment that the hallway and front door are located. The influx of qi into the apartment and the speed of its movement through other rooms depends on how clean, welcoming, and light it is in this part of the room. Make sure that outerwear hangs in strict order only on a hanger (preferably on special hangers), so that shoes do not remain dirty, and the rug at the front door is regularly cleaned and replaced with a new one. Every season, put things away for storage so that they do not wait for their time of year, spreading an unpleasant odor, accumulating dust and exuding sha.

It is best to make built-in wardrobes in the hallway, install furniture that will allow you to hide stored items from prying eyes.

Of course, a mess hidden in a closet is not a way to get rid of sha. From time to time you will be forced to open the door of the storage closet and release the sha.

Even worse, if someone forgets to close the door tightly, then the entire space of the apartment and you yourself will be vulnerable to negative influences.

The consequence of any disorder in the career area can be indecision in official matters, erroneous decisions made during work, any troubles in the service, including dismissal or demotion. A person will feel insecure, doubt the correctness of his chosen profession and future career.

A cluttered teacher area will make it difficult to attract the right people. If you need advice and support, you won't find it. Another variant:

help will come, but not from the people or organizations you need. As you can see, calls to fight for cleanliness and order in your home are fully justified. Not a single person will feel physically healthy, cheerful, active, self-confident while he is surrounded by things with a negative energy charge, while the chaos in the apartment blocks and limits the spread of beneficial qi.

Wanting to correct the feng shui of an apartment, someone will think about what means of activating a particular sector are available to him, what recommendations of feng shui masters exist in this regard.

But the situation will not change as long as the attracted qi is neutralized by sha, which originated in a dimly lit, dusty, rarely ventilated room.

Start the fight for the happiness and prosperity of your family with a good cleaning, a thorough, “targeted” inspection of the apartment for sources of sha.

You will see that such actions will very soon become a habit for you and your family; Breakdowns that cause irritation and inconvenience will be noticed and corrected in a timely manner.

All the time and effort that you spend on caring for your own apartment will soon pay off, and your family will find happiness and improve their quality of life. Don't you deserve something that prolongs your life and brings success? Take care of your home, and it will take care of you!

Recipes for strengthening and restoring the missing bagua sector

First of all, place a magic square on the floor plan of your house. If the housing has two or three levels (floors), then the square is applied to each of them separately. The first thing you should pay attention to is whether the magic square covers the entire home (taking into account the change in the shape of the square in accordance with the shape of the house).

If the room has a complex shape, then some part of the lo shu square may turn out to be empty; as a rule, some corner is missing. Try, without affecting other areas of the square, to fill in the missing corner on the plan, this way you will find out which area is missing in your home. As a result of the analysis carried out using bagua, it will be possible to determine which specific area of ​​life of all family members living in a given house is unprotected and is exposed to negative energy.

Feng Shui, fortunately, has a number of recipes for correcting such situations. In some houses and even apartments, the entrance area is cut off, that is, the entrance door is built into a wall that runs obliquely. In this case, a correction is necessary: ​​the wall must be “straightened”, or more precisely, the missing sector must be supplemented by adding an additional room and moving the door (Fig. 14).

Often, when renovating or remodeling a house, the owner, wanting to increase the living space, adds utility rooms, balconies, a winter garden, moves or changes the number of windows, rebuilds part of the house, or an entire floor. If work is carried out without prior consultation with a Feng Shui specialist, then there is always a risk of disturbing the balance of yin and yang in the room, and the danger of losing some important part of the room, an entire sector. Unfortunately, people begin to think and look for a way to solve a problem when their life changes for the worse.

Any extension, no matter how large it is, enhances the influence of the bagua sector to which it is directly adjacent. If the front door is moved into the extension, then the room will be missing several sectors at once.

In Fig. 15a you see that a small room is attached to the marriage area. The emergence of an additional area strengthens the influence of this sector, which will change for the better the life of both a single person and a family living in a house with such a layout.

In Fig. 156 shows a different situation: the front door was moved, after the redevelopment it is located in the wall of the extension. After applying the magic square to the new room, it becomes clear that with the transfer of the entrance, two areas of the house are automatically removed at once - the career and teacher areas.

In this case, urgent correction is necessary. A family or one person living in such a room will feel lonely, will not receive any help and support (spiritual or material) in difficult times, the career growth of working family members will be suspended, and it is likely that they will be fired. Given that there is nowhere to wait for help, finding a job will be very difficult; The family's financial situation may also worsen. Here is an example of how an innocent desire to improve one’s living conditions can worsen the feng shui of a room and affect the well-being of the family.

You can see another example of unsuccessful reconstruction in Fig. 16.

The front door and hallway were moved at the owner's request. Now they are in the part of the house where the veranda used to be. As a result, the areas of knowledge and wealth were weakened.

Balconies and terraces are areas that are outside the walls in which a person lives; they are not protected by beneficial energy. By the location of the front door, using a magic square, you can easily determine which sector is missing, “falling out” from the influence of the breath of life.

In Fig. 17a shows how the balcony weakens the family zone in the apartment. Rice. 176 shows that the wealth zone is completely absent from the house, since it is reserved for the terrace, and the glory zone is half weakened.

We hope that the principle of determining the missing zone in a residential area is clear to you. Remember that when applying a magic square to the plan of your house (apartment), the front door must be combined with the zones of knowledge, career or teachers. The absence or weakening for any reason of the zones of influence of bagua certainly affects the microclimate of the family and the spheres of life of all its members. Having familiarized yourself with the principles of Feng Shui, its basic rules and recipes, you must learn to eliminate or prevent any problems, that is, change the state of affairs for the better. To solve the problem of missing sectors, Feng Shui suggests either complementing the missing areas outside the premises, or activating those areas of individual rooms that are missing in the house as a whole. We invite you to take a closer look at some of these solutions.

Indoors, the missing area can be restored using a large mirror. The mirror must be hung on the wall in the apartment that borders the area that requires restoration. It will symbolically remove the wall on which it hangs, make it permeable, and the reflection of part of the living space will complement the missing part (Fig. 18).

This correction method must be used with extreme caution. Firstly, by opening a wall, even symbolically, you risk making it vulnerable, accessible to evil spirits and sha. The space behind this wall needs to be cleared of negative energy. It is best to attract additional chi here, for example by lighting an outside wall in this area or planting a tree. Secondly, the use of a mirror in some rooms is extremely undesirable. This remark applies primarily to bedrooms and

children's rooms. There, a mirror can cause poor sleep and arouse the child’s psyche.

In each room, nine zones of bagua influence can be identified. You can take advantage of this feature of the bagua system and make up for the absence of a particular zone by activating the corresponding sectors in all other rooms of the room. Let’s assume that the teachers’ zone in the house is weakened due to the presence of a terrace. You can increase the influence of this area by activating the same zone in two or three rooms of the house. To attract chi, you should increase the lighting, place live plants in this part of the room, or install a small indoor fountain. What symbols and means of attracting qi you will use depends on your imagination and capabilities, the interior of the rooms and their shape.

Missing sectors must be supplemented or strengthened in any way. Sometimes the only acceptable remedy for a situation is an outdoor change. The easiest way to use these recipes is for home owners. For example, if the house is L-shaped, then the missing part can be symbolically filled with flooring, which should be designed as a place to relax and play. Laughter, cheerful voices, and the presence of guests will attract qi here.

Another way to strengthen a missing corner is a flower garden. Lay out a lawn, flower bed or “green corner” of arranged plants in pots so that they align the shape of the house and it becomes correct (Fig. 19).

Plants will “enliven” the space around the house and attract qi. Try to keep this corner blooming at any time of the year; select plants and shrubs so that they bloom and turn green, replacing each other, all year round.

A tree planted in the right place or a pole with a lantern will help to symbolically align the shape of the house (Fig. 20).

You had the opportunity to make sure that unsuccessful or dangerous feng shui must be changed immediately, in any of the bagua zones or in all of them at once. All areas of our lives are closely connected with each other. It often happens that one failure leads to another, misfortune follows misfortune, troubles grow like a snowball, and

Now the person no longer knows how to cope with problems, what to do so as not to worsen the situation.

And you should start with an analysis of your home and place of work according to Feng Shui, with the elimination or neutralization of the negative effects of sha energy. It doesn’t matter in which part of your apartment its source is located: the ominous breath quickly spreads throughout the house.

After clearing the room of sha and expelling evil spirits, think about where you would like to start making positive changes in your life. Activation of all areas of influence simultaneously

Bagua will not cause significant changes. The effect will certainly be noticeable, but insignificant. Therefore, identify the problems that concern you, choose the most important one, determine in what order you will solve the others, and begin to activate the corresponding zone. The impact on one sector should last 3-4 weeks, only after this period the changes that have occurred should be analyzed.

Feng Shui is not a magical cure for problems and failures. Just making a wish and properly organizing space (home, office, garden) is not enough to change your life for the better and become happy. Do you want to make a career, and is moving up the career ladder the goal and meaning of your life? To do this, you sent an additional flow of qi to the career sector, but did not achieve the expected effect and were disappointed in the effectiveness of the feng shui system? Before jumping to conclusions, consider whether you have taken any steps to achieve your goal. Luck and happiness will come into your life only when you begin to work, think positively and selflessly help people.

If you need changes in several areas at once, you can simultaneously influence 2-3 zones (if they are interconnected), changing the direction of qi no more than once a month.

Rituals to attract good luck

The history of Feng Shui goes back three thousand years. In ancient China, the principles of this teaching were used by geomancers in order to choose the right place for the burial of the deceased. Ancient books containing a huge amount of useful information for the modern feng shui master are included in the "Imperial Encyclopedia" under the following titles: "Exemplary Burials" (IV century AD) and "Exemplary Chambers of the Yellow Emperor" (5th century AD) .). The last book has already established differences in the organization of Yin dwellings (for the dead) and Yang dwellings (for the living).

Before entering a new room (house, apartment), in Asia a ritual of warming the home is traditionally performed, which ensures that all evil spirits have left the house and nothing will prevent qi from penetrating inside.

First, a favorable date and time of day for performing the ceremony is determined (according to Tunsh or the recommendation of a geomancer). A favorable time is considered to be when the stars are positioned in a special way and emit beneficial qi energy.

On the day chosen for the ritual, all inhabitants of the house, including animals (only an aquarium with fish can remain indoors) leave the house half an hour or an hour before the appointed time. Electrical appliances, gas stoves, and any other energy sources are turned off, candles and fire in the fireplace are extinguished.

All windows of the house, ventilation grilles, glazed roofs and walls, openings in the walls, floor or ceiling are covered with thick, black paper, fabric or any other material that will block the way to light. Interior doors, kitchen doors, bathroom doors and toilet doors are closed especially tightly. The whole house is plunged into darkness, peace and quiet, and above its front door you can see a red flag - a warning sign notifying outsiders of the ceremony being held in the house. A few minutes before the start of the ceremony, the owner of the house or apartment, usually the head of the family (the oldest member of the family), lights a fire in a pre-prepared brazier with charcoal, fans it and maintains it until the coals are hot and turn red. The “new” fire symbolizes the birth of a new life, its beginning.

The father of the family places the brazier in front of the front door (front door), in the middle of the doorway, and steps over the brazier, starting with his left foot. Following him, all family members step over the brazier (in hierarchy). Exactly at the appointed time (minute per minute), the owner opens the lock of the front door, lowers the red flag and enters the house. He is followed by household members and guests, friends invited to attend the ceremony. Pets (most often these are “relatives” of patron animals: birds, turtles, lizards or cats) are carried over the threshold and released into the house; they are given complete freedom of movement.

The black paper or fabric is immediately removed (preferably from all windows and openings simultaneously), and light is allowed into the house. Additionally, artificial lighting is turned on for a certain time (the duration of inclusion is set by the geomancer) to attract wealth and good luck. Then the music begins to play, the champagne is uncorked and speeches are made wishing a happy, abundant and blessed life in the new home. All family members (apartment residents) should not leave the premises during the home warming ceremony. They try to stay close to each other as a sign of unity and cohesion of the entire clan.

The Role of Color in Strengthening Qi

We mentioned above that each of the nine zones of the bagua has its own color. If the color scheme of materials and accessories used in the interior of individual rooms coincides with the color favorable for each sector of the bagua, then the flow of qi increases.

Positive energy can change direction, and you can direct it in the direction you want to strengthen its influence. You will find a table of correspondence between colors and Bagua zones in the introductory chapter of our book, and the symbolism of each color is given below.

In China, red is considered the color of strength, activity, and passion. The combination of red and gold (any other symbol of money) in the interior is a sure way to attract monetary luck, a symbol of happiness and prosperity. If you need to channel chi into the sectors of wealth or fame, then red is the perfect color.

The color red should be used carefully to attract qi and good luck. The abundance of red in the interior can cause aggression and anger in a Fire person, and plunge the measured life of a Metal person into chaos. In turn, the red color does not tolerate blue and black next to it - symbols of Water.

Feng Shui recommends using red and its shades in rooms that are in one way or another associated with active activity (physical or spiritual) to create an atmosphere of inspiration and energy that are under the auspices of Fire. Sports and games rooms, kitchens, restaurants are typical examples of such premises.

Accessories of “fiery” color will enhance any sector of your home, bring dynamism to every area of ​​life, add determination to your actions and optimism to your thoughts.

In areas of marriage and family, its presence is desirable, but in small quantities, in combination with another color that restrains the energy of red, for example, white.

Remember that, wanting to awaken passion and love in your marriage partner, you can achieve the exact opposite result: a scandal or such a strong outburst of anger that it will destroy and incinerate your relationship with your loved one. Caution tip:

Do not use red to paint gates, doors, windows facing west and east.


Orange is a shade of red that combines its strength and energy with the good nature of yellow. This is a very favorable color, it encourages communication, brings with it the energy of goodness, well-being and creation. You can attract positive energy to the children's area with this color.

Orange is called the color of knowledge, as it stimulates mental activity, imagination, and has a beneficial effect on the process of a person remembering information. It is advisable to use it for finishing reception offices, living rooms and study rooms (including classrooms in educational schools).

Gold is the color of Metal, honor and respect. In China, only the emperor, his relatives and selected members of the court could wear clothes of this color. Its warm metallic shine is capable of changing people’s mood to a positive, optimistic one, enhancing self-esteem, awakening all the virtuous character qualities of people of Metal, Earth, and Water. Gold color is the color of money, in combination with red it is a symbol of wealth and abundance. Most often it is used in the interior precisely for the purpose of attracting monetary luck, achieving financial well-being in an honest way (hard work, diligence, perseverance), in areas of wealth, marriage, children.

White color symbolizes the purity of a person’s thoughts, his innocence and carefreeness. It awakens a love for details, exact sciences, crafts that require scrupulousness and precision in the execution of work (watchmaker, pharmacist, calligrapher).

The meaning of bright white in feng shui is similar to the meaning of light (solar or artificial): it attracts qi. However, its presence in a house or apartment is carefully dosed, verified and analyzed from the point of view of maintaining the balance of yin and yang. An absolutely white room is cold, dazzling, and you feel as uneasy in it as in a room where everything is painted black.

White color belongs to yang, is a kind of extreme, which is in principle disharmonious, unnatural, and does not occur in nature (the human eye sees in white several decks of gates, doors, windows, oriented in the north or south directions.

Blue is the color of Heaven, peace and contemplation. Its main property, which is widely used in feng shui, is the ability to calm, bring humility into the soul, and the desire to understand the world and one’s place in it.

If you have a meditation room in your home, then blue is perfect for decorating it.

To immerse yourself in thoughts about Heaven, your destiny, Tao, the harmony of the world, you don’t have to go to a special room. It is enough to choose an object in the interior of your office, bedroom or even kitchen that attracts an additional flow of qi and makes you want to think. This could be a landscape or a carpet on the wall in blue tones, a blue meditation rug, or a porcelain set made in the same color scheme.

Blue is the color of Water, a shade of blue. Blue and an even more saturated, bright color - indigo - sharpen intuition and stimulate spiritual desires in the human soul. They will attract additional chi into the areas of family and knowledge. The colors of Water are ideal for those rooms in the house that are under the auspices of this element - in the bathroom, toilet.

Green is the color of the Tree, associated with spring and growth, symbolizing peace and tranquility. This color calms, pacifies, heals stress, moderates sorrows and relieves mental pain.

In the zone of wealth of your apartment, it will become a symbol of profit, growth of family well-being, if you complement the interior with red and gold colors. In the zone of glory, green will attract the flow of qi and bring harmony to your relationships with others. The yellow-green color scheme is calm and optimistic - those qualities of character that will allow you to achieve success and take a worthy place in society. By activating the career zone with the help of green, you will achieve career advancement. Green color is also suitable for those rooms where people sleep, rest and relax - for the rest room in office, living room or dining room, light green is good for decorating a children's room.


Purple is called the color of mystics, idealists and the clergy. As you can see, it is closely connected with the spiritual side of human life, stimulates imagination, carries energy and peace at the same time, leaves the impression of the presence of something unearthly, wonderful, magical nearby. Each person sees something special in it, but interprets it in their own way: for some, purple makes them turn their thoughts to God, for others it stimulates the creative process and inspires noble deeds, for others it immerses them in dreams.

One thing is obvious - this color sharpens the sensory perception of the world, therefore it is not suitable for those rooms where people relax (body and soul). It is best used to activate your wealth zone. You will feel inspired, new ideas will come to you, and an influx of positive energy will help you concentrate and get down to business.

You can complement purple in the wealth zone with red and green, you get “explosive” symbolism: inspiration + energy + progress and optimism. With such potential, you will overcome all obstacles and will certainly achieve success.

Yellow is the color of the Sun, fun and good luck. It symbolizes positive energy. The energy of the Sun gives life to everything that is beautiful on earth: plants, animals, humans. Yellow color stimulates, cheers, enlivens even the darkest rooms and makes everyone smile, enjoy life and think only about good things.

The stimulating properties of yellow are used in the sector of fame and the center of luck. Luck is a reward for optimism, energy and philanthropy. Use the color of luck to attract happiness, warmth, improve your mood, and activate positive thinking into your home.

Yellow is perfect for decorating a living room - the spiritual center of your home, a place where all family members communicate and have fun.

Color is a powerful feng shui tool for stimulating bagua areas and attracting qi. Its correct and timely use in the interior will bring you happiness and help you achieve success in life.

Feng Shui rules for attracting good luck using color are as follows:

All colors are either yin or yang. Avoid the predominance of one color, try to create a harmonious palette of colors, because a person feels best in a home where harmony reigns, where the natural balance of yin and yang is preserved and maintained;

Experiment with the brightness, saturation and intensity of different colors, select combinations that ideally match the purpose of the rooms and your goals;

Light is your faithful ally; it will help to effectively highlight the desired color, enhance its brightness or change its tone (warm, cold) in the desired direction. Try changing the lighting of the rooms (bright, dim) and notice which has the most beneficial effect on your well-being and mood;

Each of the listed colors activates a specific bagua zone and is a universal means of attracting qi. But you will enhance the effect of color if you add your own color to the main color - the color of your element.

Each of the rooms in your apartment should have an individual character, have its own mood and tell about the tastes, habits, and character traits of its owner. Start “painting” your house in the colors that you like, which have a positive effect on your well-being. Trust your intuition, and add bright spots and stimulating colors to the interior as needed.

Numbers as a means to success

Since each element of the Feng Shui system is interconnected with its other components and has a common symbolism (nine groups according to the number of sectors of the magic square: nine trigrams and the corresponding nine directions, numbers, etc.), then the symbol of color, element, direction can be replaced by a number whose meaning matches the interpretation of the given symbol.

Numbers, like colors, can be lucky or unlucky, bringing good luck or bad luck. By the way, numerology is extremely popular in Asia. You will never sell your house if its number is 24. For the Chinese, this combination of words is homonymous (that is, consonant, similar in sound) to the phrase “easy death.” Car number 288 ("easy money, money") will be the first to be sold, as it promises good luck and wealth to its owner.

Numbers are divided into yin or yang. All even numbers belong to yin, odd numbers belong to yang. Odd numbers are considered the happiest and most favorable, but both must be present in equal numbers in order to maintain the balance of the two principles. It’s good when the house number and date of birth contain yin and yang elements. The attitude towards a numeral among the people is determined by the homonym word. The number 1 sounds like “gain, honor”, ​​so it is considered favorable, and the number 4 sounds like “death”, so it is considered bad, bringing misfortune.

Below you will see which homonym corresponds to the numbers from 1 to 9:

1 (one) pronounced as "honor, gain";

2 (two) - as “easy”;

3 (three) - as “growth”;

4 (four) - like “death”;

5 (five) - as “nothing”;

6 (six) - as “wealth”;

7 (seven) - as “for sure”;

8 (eight) - as “prosperity”;

9 (nine) - like “longevity”.

The method of interpreting combinations of numbers in Asia differs from the Western tradition. In the West, it is customary to determine the value by the sum of all digits reduced to one digit, but in Asia each digit is interpreted separately. The number 58 means “no money”, 68 means “a lot of money”, 18 means “won money”. It is interesting that in a number of situations four is interpreted not as an unlucky number, but, on the contrary, as one that brings good luck, in particular in love, sex and education. The combination of 4 and 8 does not sound like “deadly money”, but like “great wealth”, since the four is also associated with hard, honest work. The number 48 is a symbol of wealth that a person has earned by working honestly and hard.

The interpretation of numbers in traditional Chinese numerology is fundamentally different from the linguistic (folk) method described above:

1 - symbol of independence;

2 - a symbol of diplomacy, tact and love relationships;

3 - a symbol of creativity, a happy life;

4 - a symbol of slow, overcoming obstacles, but steady progress;

5 - a symbol of change, diversity, including travel;

6 - symbol of home and family responsibilities;

7 - symbol of spirituality, wisdom, knowledge;

8 - symbol of money;

9 is a symbol of love.

Now, when buying a house, you can make a forecast for your family based on its number. Suppose your house number is 267, it means that life in this house will be full of love (2), all family members will fulfill their duties (6), become wiser and increase their level of knowledge (7).

If your workplace is in office number 75, we can say that in the near future you will be working to improve your professional skills, knowledge, travel or another change in life awaits you. Perhaps this combination of numbers will sound like a “journey to knowledge” and mean a business trip to advanced training courses.

Feng Shui numbers relate to colors, elements and directions. If necessary, one of the symbols can be replaced with another, for example, a color digital one, or the influence of an important direction in a given period of your life can be strengthened.

For ease of practical use, all correspondences of numbers, colors, directions of elements and bagua zones are given in the table. 8.

The location of numbers and their meaning can attract qi, improve the feng shui of your home, office, apartment, and influence success. So, for example, if you arrange the numbers in the number of your house or apartment diagonally, going from bottom to top, you will ensure an increase in energy and the success of any enterprise. The exception is the number whose final digit is four (let's say 384). The number 4 symbolizes limitation, slow development, so it is better to place number 384 horizontally, on the same level, to neutralize the influence of the four.

Table 8

Correspondences of numbers, colors, directions, elements and bagua zones

* (by hierarchy: the first is the most favorable and powerful)

The table will also tell you what its color and material should be. 8. Favorable dimensions from the point of view of Feng Shui are determined using a geomancer’s ruler or by selecting yin and yang numbers. If the height of the tablet is 5 cm (the yang number), then its width should represent the yin element, that is, an even number, for example the number 13.

In Feng Shui, a sign indicating the number of a house (office office) is, although not a determining, but important element in the life of the owner and his activities, since it embodies the spirit and nature of the room and affects the success of the people living in it.

Feng Shui is a constantly changing system in constant motion; it will be easier for you to adjust the Feng Shui of your home or office with the help of accessories with the necessary symbols than to repaint the walls and change the flooring every month.

Do you want to succeed in your professional field? Place a living plant with round green leaves in the desired part of your office (you want your efforts to be rewarded) or hang a “wind chime” with silver pendants (ideally, they should be metal), the number of which is eight (8), above the entrance - a symbol of power and money). When the situation requires it, you can move these objects to another part of the room or apartment and activate another area of ​​influence of the bagua.

Money luck

Do wealth and money influence a person’s happiness? It is unlikely that the role of money in a person’s life is so great, but it would be unnatural to underestimate its importance. Money makes a person free, enough of it will allow you to do what you could not do without it.

There are many means of attracting wealth and abundance in Feng Shui. Probably, this question worried not only modern Chinese, but also their distant ancestors more often than usual. The Chinese consider it their duty to do everything possible to achieve prosperity for their family, because wealth and the well-being of the family are a reason for pride and the basis for the future happy life of their descendants. For many people, wealth is synonymous with abundance and family prosperity.

Not everyone will agree with this point of view. Many people believe that happiness is the desire and determination to be happy: you can live in poverty and be happy. However, will you feel happy when you don't have

money for medical care for a sick child, or will you be unable to pay off the loan for your house and lose the roof over your head?

So, whether happiness comes from money is a moot point. If owning them will make you happy, then be sure to activate the wealth zone of your home, apartment or workplace. To do this, attract more chi here. You can increase the lighting or hang a crystal or mirror, but most often money is “lured” with the help of objects and images symbolizing money.

Money symbolism in this case acts as a silent maxim (a maxim is a moral rule, a saying in the form of a sentence that does not allow an objection, a briefly expressed view), that is, it is a reminder of an important moral rule that you try to adhere to in your life and activities.

Every time your gaze falls, for example, on a “money” tree, an aquarium in which eight gold and one black fish swim, or on a vase of coins, you will remember what you work for, why you organized a business.

What is considered a symbol of money in Asia? We have already talked about an aquarium with goldfish, but we will tell you in more detail about other Feng Shui remedies for attracting money luck.

Any living plant with round leaves symbolizes wealth and profit. It is advisable to purchase such a plant and bring it into the house as an adult; take good care of it so that the leaves do not wither, turn yellow or fall off, and its development is not suspended. Plant growth is a symbol of increasing wealth, falling leaves are a symbol of loss of money, financial failures. The seedling you grow is a symbol of financial revival after bankruptcy.

Round shaped objects made of metal or painted gold or silver attract money luck. A round vase with several coins can be placed in the wealth sector of your desktop; it will always be in sight, once again reminding you of the need to take care of the well-being of the family, and distracting you from selfish plans.

The Chinese use coins as amulets that help attract money, prosperity and abundance to the home. They are hung on a red ribbon or silk cord on the wall in the wealth area of ​​the bedroom or office, near the crib (wishing the newborn a rich life). If you do not want anyone to accuse you of money-grubbing, self-interest, or question you once again about the meaning and purpose of these coins, then place them where they will be invisible to prying eyes. For example, place them under a flowerpot in which there is a pot with a “money” tree (the combination of these two symbols is especially effective: your wealth will increase as the tree grows).

Some people wrap a few coins in red cloth or paper and place them in the wealth sector, but away from prying eyes, for example, in a desk drawer or bedside table, under the TV, or at the bottom of a jewelry box.

You will attract chi to the wealth zone if you keep money or jewelry there, or any signs of wealth and abundance. This could be a collection of paintings, banknotes or ancient coins (such a collection in itself is of considerable value and also attracts money into your home), a gold-plated or silver service, a gold (silver) medal received for successfully completing school or for winning a sports competitions, a painting or embroidery depicting nine fish, etc.

Decorate the rich area of ​​the dining room or kitchen with a vase of “golden” fruits - oranges or tangerines. This is also a symbol of money, because these fruits not only have a round shape, but also a golden-orange color - typically “money”.

For an ambitious person who wants to have a lot of money, FZN Shui provides a lot of opportunities (besides those already listed) that strengthen the proper bagua sector. A water stream with a calm flow is associated in Feng Shui with money. Water has life-giving power, it nourishes the earth, makes it fertile, without it all life on earth will die.

The importance of water in the house

A house next to which a river or stream flows attracts qi, which means good luck and happiness. Most people like to live near the water, see it from the window in the morning, relax on the shore, and enjoy its coolness while swimming. The influence of Water is beneficial for all elements; those elements that stand next to water in the generation cycle - Metal and Wood - are especially well combined. People born under the auspices of these three elements will be able to derive unusually great benefits by settling near water or arranging their home so that Water comes into their home.

Stormy waters and high waves destroy wealth, carry away money, deprive a family of income, so you should never go on vacation, build a house on the banks of a fast mountain river, ocean or sea (especially on the same straight line with a breakwater, on which the waves break, so it will break and your happiness). Stagnant water emitting a foul odor brings incurable illness and grief.

Only a calmly flowing water stream creates wealth. It is best if the water (swimming pool, stream, fountain) is located in front of the house facade:

in this case, it symbolizes financial opportunities used for the benefit of the family. Water behind the house is a missed opportunity to make money: the person living in the house will never be able to use it, which will lead to disappointment and lack of money.

If possible, build a house on the bank of a river flowing along a winding bed, which does not dry up in the summer and does not overflow in the spring, flooding the surrounding area. Its waters should be clean and leisurely. Be sure to clear all creeks and river banks in the immediate vicinity of the house. You will see that your financial situation will soon improve and your fortune will begin to increase rapidly. Do not build dams or water mills that block the flow of water or slow down its movement. A dam on the river is a symbol of financial difficulties, so the flow of material resources into your family (company) may stop. A natural, slowly running stream of water at the entrance to the house is ideal, according to Feng Shui, for site planning. But you can attract money luck and achieve financial prosperity by installing a miniature fountain in the hall, arranging a swimming pool, a fish pond or a small waterfall on the site next to the house.

Any structure for creating an artificial flow of water only then looks attractive, and most importantly, attracts qi and brings money, when it has dimensions proportional to the size of the plot, house, apartment.

Place the fountain in front of the entrance to the house, but no closer than 10 m from the door. Before installing it, think about whether you can ensure its uninterrupted operation, timely repairs and proper care. A non-working fountain is a symbol of ruin, financial collapse, bankruptcy. If every day, leaving home and heading to work, you see an inactive fountain in front of you, and you begin to walk or drive past it, then you will find yourself in the power of sha. Your thoughts, ideas and actions will no longer generate income, you will be left without a livelihood.

So, the fountain should turn on every day and work properly, then the financial situation of your family will improve.

A swimming pool is a useful thing, but from a feng shui point of view it is not so safe.

In order for the effect of having a swimming pool near the house or indoors to be positive, a number of Feng Shui rules must be followed when planning and arranging it:

Place the pool at the end of the building or in front of the facade;

Carefully calculate the ratio of the water volume of the planned pool and the total area of ​​the site in front of the house and the house itself. Water should not suppress the Earth (that is, your home), from this you will receive harm, not benefit. For people of Fire and Earth, it is better to limit themselves to decorative pools or a pond; a large amount of Water will weaken their strength and distract their luck;

The best shape for a pool is round, oval or bean-shaped. The corners of rectangular, square or triangular artificial reservoirs generate sha and direct its flows to the house, depriving its inhabitants of well-being and happiness.

The most effective, universal “water” way to attract monetary luck is a pond or aquarium with fish. The first one is good for the front garden, the second one looks great and “works” in any room. In every business or enterprise in which a person is a participant or initiator, he has to pass an exam, proving that he is able to cope with the task and confirm his qualifications. Only after passing the next test of life do we have the opportunity to advance in our careers, develop our abilities further, and grow. Fish that overcome many obstacles on the way to their spawning site are a symbol of growth and success in any endeavor.

It doesn’t matter what kind of fish you put in the pond. But there shouldn’t be too many of them (after all, you want to attract good luck, and you’re not organizing a fish farm). In China, preference is given to decorative fish species: goldfish and Japanese carp (the hieroglyph for the word carp is similar to the phrase, the translation of which sounds like “possession of wealth”). The number of fish in a pond or aquarium is also symbolic: the number 3 means growth, 6 - wealth, 8 - money and family prosperity, 9 - longevity. The best place for a pond with fish is in front of the front of the house; the northern, southeastern and eastern directions are also considered successful for its construction. Bad Feng Shui is a pond located on the right hand of a person leaving the house. This arrangement can destroy a marriage (it is believed that it leads husbands astray from the righteous path). Take care of the pond and fish, replace or purify the water, and make sure that algae does not grow too much. If the fish begin to hide in them, the rocky bottom of the reservoir will cease to be visible, a conspiracy awaits the owner of the house, someone is “weaving” intrigues in order to take over his money. Replace dead fish with healthy ones immediately. The loss of a fish does not always mean a loss of money; sometimes this sign is interpreted as a misfortune removed from home.

Success in friendship and love - what does it depend on?

Each of us needs the love and understanding of a loved one. In order to be happy, work successfully and feel good, we need friends with whom we can openly talk about a topic that interests us, and discuss any (even intimate) issues that concern us. We want to love and be loved, we strive to get married and start a family. It is unlikely that a person will be able to live happily, in abundance and contentment, being alone, without a stable, deep relationship and life partner. The problem is to learn to establish friendly, intimate relationships, find a suitable spouse, maintain the fire of love in your heart throughout your life, and revive faded feelings. Some people prefer to live alone in order to protect themselves from mistakes and disappointments, from the pain that you inevitably experience when parting with a loved one or despairing of finding love. But is there salvation in solitude? Numerous studies conducted by psychologists and sociologists from different countries have shown that among single people (bachelors, widowers and divorcees) the mortality rate is significantly higher than among people living in marriage with a permanent partner. Lonely people are more likely to get cancer than those who rely on the emotional support, care and closeness of a loved one. There is an opinion that despite the stress that parents experience because of their children, the latter live longer than childless men and women.

Is it necessary to talk further about the benefits of communication, relationships full of mutual love and harmony? If you are reading this book, it means you want to change your life for the better: regain your emotional relationship with your spouse, find a suitable life partner.

By applying the principles of Feng Shui in practice, you can improve your relationship with your marriage partner and make friends. We advise you to use Feng Shui to determine the level of psychological compatibility with another person. The tips offered are simple and accessible, their effectiveness is obvious and attested by many followers of Feng Shui. We hope that thanks to them, you will find happiness and love.

How to activate the marriage (partnership) zone

The most important and influential zone for maintaining partnerships of any type is the marriage zone. First, conduct an assessment of this sector of Bagua influence to determine what tools are needed to activate this zone. To do this, apply a magic square to the plan of the entire house or apartment. The area you are interested in will be in the upper right corner. In addition, be sure to check the condition of this area in your bedroom, living room and other rooms. Its absence or weakening is the reason for your loneliness, failed marriage, failed date.

In order to improve existing relationships or start new ones, it is necessary to activate the marriage zone. If it is poorly lit, remains gloomy in natural and artificial light, your relationships and connections with people will be uncertain, unproductive, and will develop slowly and without bringing satisfaction. Be sure to open the curtains and blinds in the rooms, leave some lighting fixture (sconce, night light) on all night so that qi constantly circulates in this part of the house.

Of course, qi should not encounter any obstacles on its way, so in the marriage sector you cannot store unnecessary things or create a mess. Even magazines scattered on the coffee table or things carelessly thrown on a chair in the bedroom can cause discord in your family life, depriving intimate relationships of variety and romanticism.

Do not allow dust and debris to accumulate in this part of the apartment, monitor and care for the plants and animals located here, and immediately eliminate all sources of dust.

Your task is to attract as much positive energy as possible into the marriage zone. It would be good to place in this part of the bedroom or living room some object that is a symbol of the element that precedes yours in the birth cycle. If your element is Earth, then in the marriage zone place an item associated with Fire, for example, a vase with fresh scarlet flowers or candles that will be lit every evening. The situation becomes somewhat more complicated if you and your partner are protected by different elements. Let's say your element is Metal, and your spouse belongs to the Wood element. The bronze sculpture in the marriage zone has sharpened your senses, increased your sex drive, and improved your overall well-being, but you notice that your wife is moving away from you more and more every day. An explanation for this fact must be sought in the theory of mutual destruction of the elements. It should be remembered that Metal destroys Wood. The sculpture strengthened Metal, and therefore further aggravated the conflict of the elements and your relationships. Remove the Metal symbol from the room and install something that belongs to Water (Metal generates Water, and Water generates Wood).

Another way to attract chi and increase its influence on both partners belonging to different elements is to keep an equal number of objects related to both elements in the room. However, this recommendation only applies if your elements are not adjacent to each other in the destruction cycle.

A universal incentive for the appearance of an ideal partner in your life, a life partner, can be an object that is your personal symbol of happy love. Of course, the word “love” evokes its own associations and memories for everyone. The talisman can be a book telling about happy love, or a porcelain figurine depicting two doves. Someone will keep a silver ring or medallion in a box - a memory of their first love.

If your relationship lacks passion, place some red object (symbol of Fire) in the marriage zone, which awakens sensuality and determination.

The tender feelings of spouses are negatively affected by factors such as household chores, business trips, stress, etc. In this situation, Feng Shui advises using yellow, the color of communication, to stimulate relationships. Just remember that too much yellow can cause headaches.

If you are alone, be sure to use all the chairs and armchairs available in the house (alternately, of course). This is done so that friends visit your home more often, and your family grows. While sleeping, change your body position so that the entire area of ​​the bed is activated. Choose a bed for your bedroom that has enough room for two. With such actions you will prepare a place for your lover and attract love to your lonely home.

A cozy atmosphere should reign in the marriage area. Soft, well-organized lighting, light, pastel colors, and favorite things are welcome. Arrange the furniture in such a way that you can spend as much time as possible in this sector of the apartment that is so important for your future. For example, place your bed in the far right corner of the bedroom, where you sleep for about 8 hours, this is quite enough. Place a desk and your chair in the appropriate area of ​​your office; progress in relationships with business partners will serve as proof of the effectiveness of this feng shui recipe. A dining table in the marriage sector in the kitchen-dining room will revive your relationships with friends and attract new people to your home and life.

Did you know that chi only attracts positive human emotions and their manifestations? Do not come to the marriage zone when you are tired, angry, do not cry or swear in the sanctuary of love. Try to think about good things, dream about the happiness that awaits you, about love and the person who will soon become part of your life, listen to pleasant music. Remember that our thoughts determine our future.

Eight trigrams for love and friendship

The bagua method (zoning a house, apartment and rooms in them) does not take into account the cardinal directions. Meanwhile, with the help of a compass and the trigram method, you can learn a lot about a person’s character, his home, and with the help of this information improve love relationships.

By superimposing a magic square indicating the trigrams (Fig. 21) on the plan of your home, you will learn what impact each of the trigrams has on your personal life, how you can activate it and improve your relationships with loved ones and friends. In China, trigrams are often referred to by their symbolic names rather than their traditional names. This greatly facilitates understanding of the essence, and the associations that arise create a holistic image and facilitate the process of memorization.

Lee - Fire

Key word: intimacy. The symbol of the Li trigram is Fire - the source of heat, strength and energy. A dying flame is associated with the end of a love relationship, while a raging, big fire destroys everything around. If you or your sexual partner are faced with problems of an intimate nature, or feel that the former passion has faded, activate this part of the house. To do this, use “fire” symbols - red objects of triangular or pyramidal shape, open fire, candles and incense. Please note that an excess of red will overstimulate the psyche; you will not be able to sleep in a bedroom where there is a red carpet on the floor, the bed is covered with scarlet sheets, and the night light has a crimson lampshade.

A small red spot in the area under the influence of Lee will be enough for you to feel changes for the better in your relationship with your spouse or lover after some time. The first manifestation may be communication that occurs more lively than before; very soon you will discover that there is no trace left of the problems and worries that tormented you.

Lonely people also need to activate this part of the apartment in order to attract the attention of others, interest them, and expand their social circle. This way you will find your life partner a little faster.

Place items associated with Metal in Li's zone of influence in order to win over those people you like, whose presence in your life is desirable. A magic crystal or white candles will stimulate your friendly relationships.

Those in whose home the area under the auspices of Lee is absent or weakened most often lack self-confidence and fail to find satisfaction in sexual relationships with a partner.

Kan - Water

Defining word: danger, progress.

The natural property of water is movement; it is necessary for humans to maintain life. The Kan sector is associated with water and movement, and is responsible for the development of all spheres of human life.

You need to activate the Kan zone in order to promote the development of relationships with your marriage partner, lover, remove any obstacles to your goal, or make new friends.

Let's assume that your lover does not want to take on obligations, you are not going to openly force yourself on him as a wife. It would seem that the situation is hopeless, but not for someone who has become acquainted with the Feng Shui system. Place a pink object in the Kan zone and you can be sure that your chosen one (chosen one) will very soon come to you and ask you to give him the great honor of becoming his wife (husband).

Kan symbolizes love in its various manifestations (physical and spiritual intimacy), promotes progress in communication with friends, children, parents. Living plants, “wind music” with red pendants or mobile phones, bright light, and fresh air will help you attract qi to this part of the house or apartment.

Do not keep dried flowers here (a symbol that attracts boring, uninteresting, useless people into your life), objects that awaken unpleasant memories (unrequited love, betrayal of a friend, separation from a loved one).

A house that does not have the Kan sector is often visited by illness and misfortune.

Zhen - Thunder

Defining word: restlessness, moving forward.

Thunder causes fear and irritability in a person, interferes with sleep at night, and disrupts plans. When communicating with people, sometimes you come across circumstances and subjects who try to influence our will and mind, to force us to live differently, not the way we would like.

The worst and most offensive thing is to face misunderstanding, aggression and condemnation from loved ones. This is the hardest test for your love. What will win: a big, strong, beautiful feeling or circumstances? In the process of fighting for your love, you lose strength and energy, after sleepless nights and intense thoughts, everything in your mind becomes confused, stress and anxiety become the cause of neuroses. Is there any love here?

Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. As soon as you feel that the pressure from the outside has increased and has begun to cause you anxiety, neutralize the flow of negative energy directed towards you and activate the Zhen zone. Place in it items related to the element that precedes yours in the generation cycle. This will restore your self-confidence, strengthen your will and help you maintain your love.

A sea green aquamarine magic crystal eliminates anxiety. All objects of light green, pale blue, and blue-green colors have a similar property. Objects that you associate with protection and strength will also help.

Residents of a house in which there is no Zhen zone will feel a lack of vitality and suffer from nervous diseases.

Dui - Lake

Defining words: joy, serenity.

Looking at the smooth waters of the lake, we feel amazing calm and tranquility. At such moments, it seems that all the troubles and problems have disappeared from life, forever remained at the bottom of the reservoir stretched out in front of us, buried under its waters.

There may be several reasons for activating this particular area of ​​the interior space of your apartment (house). Quarrels with a loved one over trifles; fatigue and irritability due to the inconstancy of your marriage partner;

doubts associated with the problem of choosing one and only one from several fans;

Finding an ideal life partner are some of the problems that can be eliminated by activating the Dui sector.

If the reason for failures in love, sexual, and friendly relationships lies within yourself, mental anxiety is generated by your indecision, suspiciousness, and shyness, then try first of all to change your approach to the problem, your outlook on life and your requirements for people.

Activating the Dui zone will set your thinking in a positive way, help you understand yourself, after which many problems will seem far-fetched and ridiculous. Love and intimacy will now delight you, and not bother you, peace and harmony will reign in your heart and home.

You can attract positive energy to this part of the room using a moderate amount of Fire symbols, living plants and bright flowers, “wind music” with seven pendants colored in the color of the element that supports and protects you.

When there is no Dui zone in a house, its inhabitants will constantly need money, as they spend it recklessly, easily, without thinking about the future. In addition, spouses living in such a house will most likely be deprived of the opportunity to have children.

Xun - Wind

Defining word: tenderness.

A strong, hurricane-force wind destroys everything around, rapidly dissipates and weakens qi, and therefore is not considered a favorable phenomenon in feng shui. Stormy and rapidly developing love relationships will make you happy, but not for long; passion will be replaced by moral and physical fatigue, weakness, and apathy.

Calmness leads to the degeneration of positive qi energy into negative sha, creating bad feng shui of the house and area. Only a light, barely perceptible breath of wind contributes to the slow but steady movement of positive qi energy throughout the house, garden and brings peace, symbolizes harmony and movement forward.

Stagnant, conservative relationships dull feelings and kill love.

If you want your relationship with a loved one or friend to be based on trust, tenderness, please both partners and bring satisfaction, activate the part of the house that is under the influence of Xun. First of all, ensure good ventilation. Chi energy and air should circulate freely here. “Wind music” in this part of the house will serve as a maxim for you: every time you hear its melodic ringing, you will remember what, from your point of view, an ideal relationship between loving people should be like. This will strengthen your belief in happiness, instill hope and add strength to search for the ideal partner.

The absence of the Xun zone causes frequent disappointments and failures for the inhabitants of the house.

Qian - Sky

Defining words: strength, creativity. Heaven gives us vitality, guides us on the right path, awakens creative inclinations, changes our views on the world around us and our attitude towards people in a positive direction.

A person or a married couple constantly needs the support of Heaven, so it is best to constantly activate the Qian zone. Then you will attract many useful people to your home, they will become your true friends and advisers. You will feel able to understand and accept what previously caused your anger and hostility, or you will feel empowered to change the status quo in your relationship with your partner. In other words, the secret meaning of many things and phenomena will be revealed to you.

How does Qian influence manifest itself in relation to love and friendship? Maybe you will understand that not all the people who make up your environment and call themselves friends actually are. Among them you will see envious people, selfish people interested in your financial or other material assistance, those who use your intelligence, social position and connections for personal gain.

Perhaps you realize that your relationship with your loved one is based only on physical intimacy, and you will feel that it lacks spirituality. The power granted by Heaven will tell you a way out of any situation, create or restore harmony in relationships with people. By activating the Qian zone, you will be able to achieve reciprocity from people: the one whom you helped with advice or money will, in turn, support you in difficult times. The one whose friendship you need, to whom you provide emotional support, will love and respect you in return, and you will also find a friend in your lover.

To attract qi to the Qian sector, use any green objects (candles, crystals, plants, fabrics, other accessories). This way you will create in your home an atmosphere of calm, peace, harmony, so favorable for finding friendship and love.

If the Qian zone is absent in the house, its residents will find it difficult to achieve mutual understanding from colleagues, friends, family members and lovers. They will feel a lack of positive emotions and confusion.

Kun - Earth

Defining word: feelings.

In Feng Shui, the Earth is the source of common sense, stability, faith and honesty. That part of the house that is under the influence of the Kun trigram is capable of stabilizing human feelings and relationships, balancing the ratio of reason and passion, prudence and sensuality in a person’s temperament and behavior. Good or bad, but very often we lose control over our feelings, become unrestrained, hot-tempered, and then other people seem cold and insensitive to us. As a result of this imbalance, many connections are disrupted, including love and friendship.

Activating the Kun zone will help you solve problems caused by imbalance. Sometimes it is useful to think soberly, to act guided by the advice of reason, and not by emotions.

Expansive individuals need to store in this part of the house objects that are symbols of the Earth: ceramic or porcelain dishes, sculptures, yellow or brown objects.

For those who find it difficult to express their feelings openly, whose relationships with partners suffer because of their restraint, isolation, and utilitarianism, it is better to place symbols of Fire in the Kun zone - red objects, candles, and place a fireplace here. Fire creates and supports the Earth, the energy of passion, which is so lacking in phlegmatic people.

In addition, fire symbolism in the Kun zone will sharpen your intuition and sensitivity to the feelings and experiences of those people with whom you communicate closely.

A person who lives in a house with a missing Kun zone will find it difficult to start a family, since any woman will feel uncomfortable and wary in such a cold, insensitive atmosphere.

Gen - Mountain

Defining words: stability, focus on the inner world.

The Gen zone is responsible for stability, calm and stability in communication. If your relationship with your loved one lacks precisely these qualities, activate this area of ​​the apartment. This will allow you to become spiritually close to this or that person, to provoke him into a frank conversation about feelings and problems that concern both of you.

If you are alone, please quickly start activating the Gen zone. Who knows, maybe the reason for your loneliness lies precisely in the inability to be frank, to trust people with your most secret dreams, secret thoughts, in the fear of spiritual intimacy.

Any pink item will be appropriate in the Gen sector. If any of your family members are having communication problems, place here the symbol of the element that precedes their personal one in the cycle of generation. Yellow color, “wind chime”, crystal will help prevent any troubles that may arise in the future due to excessive sensitivity and frankness.

If there is no Gen sector in the house, women living in it experience health problems, and love relationships are characterized by instability and transience.

Your direction of love.

Each of the eight directions of the bagua is associated with one or another aspect of your life, in this case we are interested in the direction of love. It is determined individually, taking into account the personal trigram corresponding to the year of birth and gender.

Tables 9 and 10 will help you determine which direction is the direction of love for you and will open up a lot of opportunities for improving this area of ​​your life.

How does Feng Shui advise using the direction of love? You can orient your bed in this direction, place your chair in the living room so that when sitting in it, you look exactly in this direction of the world.

In this way, you will direct your energy and chi energy to intensify relationships of love, friendship, and cooperation.

Inspect more carefully than usual, analyze in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui that part of your home that is closely connected with the relationship of marriage (partnership). It is bad if there is a toilet or bathroom in it. This means that all your dreams of marriage, efforts to win the love of the person you like will be washed down the drain, that is, they will not bring satisfaction.

Direction of love Year of birth

If possible, it is better not to use such a toilet at all; the door should be kept constantly closed and the leakage of qi should be eliminated with the help of mirrors on the walls of the toilet.

Be sure to take these recommendations into account when assessing your home from a Feng Shui point of view. Remember that there are no ideal homes or hopeless situations; you can improve any home and attract love into your home. Do not rush to act, first think carefully about what in your love, friendship, partnership relationships does not suit you, worries you, what you want to see them as. Only after this, apply the listed Feng Shui remedies in practice. You must certainly believe in the success and effectiveness of the reforms being carried out and be convinced from personal experience that by changing your home, you can improve your relationships with people.

Any thing or living space has its own unique energy. Many people try to arrange their home in such a way that all family members and guests feel comfortable here. An ancient teaching from China, Feng Shui, which is more than 2 thousand years old, can help with this.

The name, consisting of a pair of words, translates as air-water. The doctrine says that certain zones are responsible for any area of ​​human life, and living space is divided into them. By properly arranging this or that area, it is possible to achieve success in life.

There are 9 feng shui zones in the apartment, represented on the Ba Gua octagon in the form of career, family, children, wealth, health, fame, love, career and wisdom. According to ancient history, about 2 thousand years ago, a large turtle came ashore, whose shell was decorated with a divine message in the form of trigrams orderedly arranged in a circle. They were deciphered by a sage named Fu Xi. Ba-Gua consists of eight trigrams facing the cardinal directions, and the ninth is located in the center.

Finding zones

To independently delimit the feng shui zones in your home in the correct order, you should acquire a compass, an apartment plan and an octagonal Ba-Gua grid.

First of all, using a compass, determine the place in the house where the north is. This is the starting point. Having marked the north on the plan, they combine it with the Ba-Gua trigram, which is responsible for the career; by laying out the grid on the plan, it becomes clear where a specific zone is located in the house.

However, due to modern non-standard layouts, the apartment plan does not always fit into the Ba Gua grid. Often, some areas simply fall out. It is possible to harmonize missing areas by strengthening them in the largest room - the living room. To do this, the room is divided into sectors using the same method so that the dropped zones are included in the Ba-Gua grid.

After delimiting the space into zones, you can begin to activate each individual sphere.

Feng Shui rules

Feng Shui of an apartment depends not only on the competent activation of a particular area, but also on adhering to general rules.

The most important rule is maintaining cleanliness in every corner of the living space. The teaching prohibits accumulating and storing unnecessary things, as this contributes to the accumulation of destructive energy.

Much attention is paid to windows. They must be kept clean. Through large openings, the favorable energy “qi” penetrates well inside. A coating of dust and dirt on the glass indicates the accumulation of bad energy. It is also unacceptable to clutter the window sills with a large number of flower pots.

All old, broken, unnecessary things and equipment must be thrown out of the house, as they accumulate negative energy. The same applies to the first aid kit and ladies' cosmetic bag.

In order for good Feng Shui to be present in an apartment at all times, it is necessary to frequently move objects in the rooms. Then the energy “qi” will be able to circulate freely in space. To do this, it is enough to change the location of 27 any objects in the house, for example, swap photo frames or rehang paintings.

All plumbing must work flawlessly, and the bathroom and toilet remain perfectly clean. And to attract cash flows, you should close the toilet lid.

Bright lighting contributes to the strong attraction of positive energy flows. Therefore, the entire apartment should be well lit; any burnt out light bulbs should be thrown away immediately.

It is important to correctly arrange the furniture in the apartment according to Feng Shui. To do this, knowing the Ba Gua zones, you need to arrange the main furniture items in their places.

Activation of Ba Gua zones

So, in order for favorable energy flows to penetrate the house and begin to have a beneficial effect on the lives of household members, after dividing the space into separate zones, each of them should be activated.

Career (north) – it can be activated by enhanced lighting and placement of the “wind chime” accessory. If you have a goal to consolidate your career successes, then pictures or photos with calm water placed in the zone will help with this.

A figurine of a wise turtle will support career success. If the focus is on career advancement, then any office paraphernalia placed here will additionally saturate this area.

Knowledge and wisdom (northeast direction) – it is ideal to place an office or library here. All mental endeavors here will succeed. Any things related to learning activate the area. It is prohibited to place cutting objects here.

Travel (northwest) – by activating this area, helpers appear in difficult matters. Here you need to place figurines of divine guardians, photos of mentors in spiritual practices. It is possible to influence travel by placing photos of places for future trips and means of transportation in the zone. It's better not to leave broken things here.

Family (east) – element – ​​wood, color – green. This area symbolizes loved ones. Family photos, views of forest landscapes, plants, potted flowers and things made of wood are posted here.

It is strictly forbidden to leave metal objects, images of the dead, herbariums and dried flowers here. And the presence of sharp or piercing objects provokes additional quarrels.

Children and creativity (West), color – snow-white. It is better to place here bronze figurines in the form of divine protectors, children's drawings and crafts, living indoor plants or a flowerpot with real flowers. The presence of dried flowers is unacceptable.

Wealth (southeast direction). The site has a direct relationship with material well-being. In this zone you should place any symbols of money, objects with precious stones, a vessel with water made of silver.

An aquarium in which goldfish live, or accessories in the form of red fish, is appropriate. A miniature fountain or a money tree in a pot will also work.

Glory (south) – responsible for social position. All existing awards and diplomas, figurines in the form of non-birds of prey should be moved to this zone, the main thing is that they are not made of wood.

Love, marriage (southwestern part). You should definitely place a picture of your loved one here. Characteristic of this area are paired objects in the form of mandarin ducks, doves, and butterflies. Erotic paraphernalia and literature should also be stored here. It is forbidden to include here photos with lonely sad people, climbing plants.

Health (center) color – lemon or orange-orange. A pot of soil and wood objects should be placed here. The area will be decorated with images of landscapes with water and natural paintings. Symbolic objects in the form of a pine or bamboo twig, a figurine of a crane or a deer will only help to activate this area.

Feng Shui of one-room apartments

It is still possible to decorate a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui, even despite its small area. To do this, you should free up space from unnecessary and bulky things so that “qi” energy can circulate freely.

Using the Ba-Gua octagon, you need to delimit the zones, and then also activate each one by placing the necessary attributes.

Photos of the design of a small apartment according to Feng Shui show that any room can be both beautiful and energetically positively charged if you follow simple recommendations and advice.

Photo of the basics of Feng Shui for an apartment

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or we suddenly start to get sick. The worst thing is when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It needs to be activated for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in your home, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule one. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of things you haven't used for a long time. This way you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your home, you need to hang a mirror above the front door, preferably a round or octagonal one. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the person who enters, thereby returning it to the owner. This is also an excellent way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. Feng Shui of an apartment says that financial success will be brought by the front door, which will be located in the southeast. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wood or glass panels.

Fourth rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy and will also help neutralize negativity.

Fifth rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. There should be nothing superfluous in these feng shui zones. Clothes and shoes for which the season has long passed must be put away in closets and only what you are wearing at that time should be kept in the hallway. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

Sixth rule. There must be a wall or partition behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially the one on which you sleep. There should be no empty space. This can rob you of your support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then energy flies out of your home. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to Feng Shui at home, it is necessary to place tall plants on the windowsill, mainly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or crassula. They will retain positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth rule. For financial well-being, hang a large mirror in front of your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All food that lies on the table will be reflected, thereby doubling it. This will attract money to the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . Under no circumstances should they be directed at your resting place, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to regain your strength and relax properly.

Tenth Rule. The largest room should house the oldest residents of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those living in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. When you come home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. Your home will become a place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to know more about Feng Shui, then write to us in the comments. And don't forget to click and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy, both positive and negative, enters the house. ...