Ideal home: the water in the pool turns green: why and what to do. What to do to prevent water from blooming in the pool How to prevent water from blooming in the pool

Once upon a time, your pool was pleasing to the eye with its blue water surface, but then strange green formations began to appear on it, more and more, until the pool began to look like a muddy swamp for frogs. Common situation? Believe me, it occurs often, and there are techniques that can quickly return your water to its beautiful appearance. The water in the pool is blooming, what should I do?

Let's look at the reasons for the formation of green algae in the pool, how to get rid of it, and what pitfalls you may encounter on the way to clean water.

Why does the water bloom?

The water in the pool becomes green due to the proliferation of microorganisms and algae. If the water was not initially prepared, then it is a favorable environment for the development of fungi, viruses and bacteria, and under the influence of sunlight they multiply even faster. If the reservoir is located on the street, then the appearance of green water without prevention is inevitable.

Modern filtration systems make it possible not to be aware of such problems, but their price is not affordable for every pool owner, which leads to the search for affordable and equally effective alternatives.

Methods for getting rid of green water

The easiest way is to remove viruses and bacteria from the very beginning; they are easily killed by bleach, preparations containing bromine or hydrogen peroxide solution. Why is the pool water green even after chlorination? Because with plants everything is more complicated, despite the fact that they are visible to the human eye. Algae have a protective shell that disinfectants cannot damage. A competent approach to water purification would be:

  • Mechanical removal of visible algae with a net;
  • Adding drugs that destroy the shell and immune system of algae;
  • Chlorination or use of hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol).

Products that can destroy the biological protection of plants are called algaecides.

What is an algaecide?

Algaecides are chemicals designed to remove vegetation from private tanks. They cope well with algae, which makes them indispensable assistants for the pool owner.

Algaecides are used not only to prevent the water in the pool from blooming, but also to prevent the appearance of algae, fungi and bacteria. It is better to prevent their occurrence than to constantly clean the bottom and walls of the pool from greenery.

If the user does not violate the manufacturer’s instructions, then the drugs do not harm the health of humans or pets in any way.

How much algaecide is needed to clean a swimming pool?

The water in the pool is turning green, what should I do? What algaecides should I buy and how much should I add? Cyanobacteria (algae) removal products come in different formulations and instructions for use. We present to your attention 5 popular products with approximate dosage calculations and average cost.

  • Astral. One of the available algaecides, its cost in stores is 1,500 rubles for 5 liters. It is easy to use, half a liter of the substance per 100 m 3 of water once a week. If your pool is smaller, then calculate the dose proportionally. For example, for a volume of 25 m3 you will need 125 ml;
  • STX-570. It has the same anti-algae properties as Astral, the same dosage, but costs twice as much. However, there are adherents who claim that it is more effective;
  • Zodiac Anti Alg. This drug requires a little more than its competitors - half a liter per 40 m 3 per week, which is more than 2 times more than Astral. Zodiac costs about 2,500 rubles for 5 liters;
  • Bayrol Aquabrom. The most expensive and least economical algaecide of all presented. It costs more than 3,000 rubles per canister, consumption is 500 ml per 10 m 3 daily. In a week, 3.5 liters of the drug will be spent on such a pool. Experts note that the effectiveness corresponds to the costs, the drug destroys algae and microorganisms in the shortest possible time;

Before using any of the algaecides, read the instructions in detail. She can give you recommendations for use specifically in your case. Remember that the water will then come into contact with the human body, so strictly follow all the attached instructions.

Why are cyanobacteria still alive?

It happens that the use of the best algaecide does not lead to the desired results. Why is the water green in the pool? I added what is needed!

  • Few disinfectants. Algaecide is not an algae killer; it only disrupts their protective structure so that other drugs can eliminate them. Pay attention to the amount of perhydrol or chlorine you add to the pool along with algaecides;
  • Violation of the acid-base balance in water (pH). The norm is considered to be from 6 to 8. If the limits are violated in any direction, then the algaecides will lose their properties against algae;
  • Expired drugs. All chemicals have expiration dates; often the result in removing cyanobacteria is not achieved due to an expired canister. The problem with green water in the pool is not so common, and in the utility room there is an algaecide purchased several years ago;
  • Violation of instructions. An attempt to add funds “by eye” may end in failure. When making recommendations for use, the manufacturer takes into account many factors in the chemical laboratory. If the amount per cubic meter of water is indicated, it means that with a lower dosage the drug will not be able to destroy the cellular structure of the algae shell.

These were the main reasons for the probable failures in clearing the pools of cyanobacteria. If you do everything correctly, but the result is disappointing, there is a possibility of product tampering.


So, the water in the pool is blooming, what should you do? The fight against green water in a pool must involve at least two components: an algaecide and a disinfectant. They should be used according to the instructions. The quantity should be calculated based on the size of the pool.

To prevent your pool water from blooming in the future, use algaecides and chlorination according to the prevention instructions on the labels.

If you have installed a swimming pool outside the city, it quickly turns out that keeping the water in it fresh and protecting it from greenery is very difficult!

Nothing is done to the water in the pool for a week or a week and a half, and then the water usually spoils, spider bugs appear, although it remains more or less transparent for another week, it is still not very fresh. You can chlorinate, but, according to reviews, even chlorination of water does not really save the water from spoiling.

You can salt the water - excellent water is obtained if you pour about 50 kg of salt and 5 kg of soda into 10 tons of water - it even tastes slightly salty. The good thing about salting the water is that it prevents midges from appearing, mosquitoes do not breed, and birds do not flock together. This is an excellent remedy, the only drawback is that you need to carry salt.

Well, salt and soda do not save water from greening; other means are also needed. Especially in the heat.

A septic tank is a must - it helps protect the water from greenery for longer.

In the heat of summer, without disinfectants, even with a filter, the water in the pool spoils in a matter of days. Chemicals must be selected based on the characteristics of the water.

Sodium chloride (that is, simple salt) does not chlorinate water. Needed free chlorine(that’s why we smell the tap water), and constantly, because... he is flying. Chlorine generators, when salt is added to the pool, work in such a way that they release chlorine, converting it into volatile substances - it maintains the water in the pool.

Awnings are good, but covering the pool every day if it’s hot is not an easy task. The awning can be used if cold weather sets in and there will be a break from swimming. Or if you are leaving.

In chemistry, you can work with water according to this plan:

1) equalize the p/h balance - for example, about 8 is high, you need 7.4

2) we put a tablet in the pump - the tablet is long-term chlorine, the cartridge in the filter is changed every 2-3 weeks

3) once a week or two at night - a tablet of rapid chlorine in the water.

4) you need to regularly measure the p/h level - this is the first thing, if the level does not fluctuate, the water can be stored much longer.

Some use hydrogen peroxide: a 10 liter tank is enough for the whole summer to supply about 20 tons of water to the pool. Peroxide is added to the water once a month. We work with gloves, because... This is a highly concentrated liquid, and the main thing is not to pour it into plastic pools in one place, otherwise it may corrode, and do not pour it onto the sides of the pool. You can swim within 24 hours. You need to pour 0.5-0.7 kg per ton of water, and it is sold in canisters of 34 liters, for about 1000 rubles. per canister. Perhydrol is a sea of ​​oxygen, do not smoke while working! Do not immediately pour the entire volume from the canister into the pool, as the perhydrol that has not had time to dissolve may fall to the bottom and as a result you will get a white spot on the bottom. We turn on the pool filtration on the second day after adding peroxide - oxygen begins to foam in the water from the pump water jet.

IMPORTANT - clean the bottom, you need a vacuum cleaner, otherwise it starts to bloom from the bottom.

The water in the pool should theoretically not change during the season, if the conditions for chlorination and p/h level are met, only add fresh water to replace the evaporated water. That is, water is poured into the pool once a season before the start of the season and before changing the water. For the winter, a special reagent and compressors are added to the water (you can use ordinary plastic water bottles), and the water is safely frozen in the winter in the pool, and the pool itself is covered with a blanket.

Water should not be completely drained in the fall before winter. so that the soil under the pool does not disappear with the spring melting of snow, otherwise you will have to compact and level the base under the pool again. So you also need to take into account the possibilities of caring for and maintaining the pool not only in summer, but also during the “dormant” season.

Pool chemistry

In fact, for a pool you only need:

  1. Softener (or vice versa) - depends on p/h, for measurement you only need a special container and tablets. If you do not bring the p/h level to the required 7.2-7.4 in terms of hardness, then the next two chemicals will need to be added much more, so the first is to bring the water to the required hardness-softness.
  2. Desalgin - from flowering.
  3. Chlorine tablets or powder (come in different types and names).

Everything else is essentially optional and will not give a clear effect. So remember - only two chemicals - desalgin and chlorine tablets, and bringing the water hardness to normal, and EVERYTHING. Mastering this procedure is not at all difficult and it is enough to add chemicals once a week. If, of course, you filter the pool, if not, then install a filter, this will improve the situation.

The higher the temperature of the water, the stronger the processes in it; you need to monitor it more carefully in hot weather and add chemicals more often.

Another option for maintaining clean water in the pool:

1. Quickfloc Super Coagulant. Liquid solution for removing cloudiness from pool water.

2. Calcinex Pool (hardness stabilizer).

Before the first intake of water, it would be good to treat the pool walls with desalgin. This is when opening the pool in the summer. Then we add 60-65 kg of ordinary table salt per 20 tons of water, and.... until September the water is clean, no need to change!

It is advisable to pump 2-3 volumes of pool water per day with a filter, you need to look at the volume of the pool and the performance of the filter.

Is it possible to dump chlorinated salt water from a swimming pool under trees and shrubs?

This is a problem for small areas - where to drain 15 tons of chlorinated water with salt?

Rains will lower the concentration of salts, but the soil will take your salts to itself. And with a decrease in moisture reserves, the concentration of salt in the soil will increase. Over time, chlorine as a negatively charged ion will be partially washed out. It must be borne in mind that the concentration of salts in soil moisture should not exceed 2 g/l. This is where the recommendations for fertilizing plants come from (20 grams of fertilizer per bucket of water). At higher concentrations, plants are inhibited.

In the water of the pool in which the chlorine generator worked, on average 50,000 grams / 15,000 liters, this is 3.3 g/l. Too much for plants, almost 2 times higher than normal. It is better to drain not under trees and bushes, but away from them. Use this water to water lawns. But although this is not very little, for one-time lump sum reset is not critical. It all depends on how much snow there will be and how rainy the autumn-spring will be. During the fall and winter, everything should be washed thoroughly.

To neutralize salt you need an alkali, i.e. for example soda.

The salt concentration in sea water is on average 24 g per liter, i.e. 24 kg of salt per ton of water, so 50 kg dissolved in 15 tons of water is such a minuscule amount compared to sea water that it’s not even serious.

The main nutrients for plants are POTASSIUM, NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, CALCIUM. Neither sodium nor chlorine are included in this list. Chlorine is poisonous to most vegetable plants. The active part of potassium chloride and potassium salt is potassium. The same goes for sodium humate. Humic acids are a useful component, sodium is a useless additive that allows you to introduce a useful part of the fertilizer.

Chlorophobic plants that react negatively to increased chlorine content in the soil include tobacco, grapes, pumpkin, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, fruit and berry crops. In woody species, the toxic effect of chlorine appears only at high concentrations of chlorine in the nutrient solution, and in gooseberries, red currants and strawberries, its negative effect appears even at low concentrations.

In fact, if you act completely according to the rules, pouring such an amount of water (15-20 tons) on the ground at once, even without salt, is not very useful and is not recommended. Excess moisture, seeping through the fertile layer, removes nutrients from it. Moistening the soil beyond its full moisture capacity is harmful. The reason for soil salinity is precisely excessive irrigation.

The safest and most environmentally friendly way is to drain the pool into a filter well or underground filtration field. It is impossible to discharge such concentrations onto the ground (into a ditch) or into a reservoir (exceeding the maximum permissible concentration for chlorides is almost 10-fold (no more than 350 g/cub.m)). But on an underground filtration field or in a filter well - it’s possible.

If the soil is sandy or sandy loam, then to drain it you simply dig a hole a meter and a half deep and bury a well-perforated barrel in it, half filled inside with crushed stone, outside around the barrel to a depth of half a meter you also fill it with crushed stone and cover it over the crushed stone with roofing material, old linoleum, etc. etc., then with earth (don’t forget to remove the pipe from the center of the barrel).

You can’t pour a pool into a barrel in a day - everything will float up. But slowly, in 1-2 weeks, the water will slowly drain. Maybe faster - it all depends on the ground. If you drain once a season, this is normal. But there will be no harm to the plants, and you won’t spoil the soil, and the water from the shower can be diverted there.

Pool chlorine generator

The application technology is very simple: using a 6x3 m pool as an example. According to the instructions for the chlorine generator, 50 kg of salt is poured into the pool. The filter-chlorine generator is turned on to generate chlorine - free chlorine is obtained (according to the instructions).

The chlorine generator filter has parallel plates through which water from the pool passes. Voltage is applied to these plates. The result is electrolysis - the output is free chlorine and scale (white flakes, like on the heating element of a kettle), but not much - the smell of chlorine is not felt, but the cloudy water, which leaves green-brown mucus on the filter, becomes transparent and the filter clogs less.

Not much salt is consumed during this process.

An example of such a chlorine generator is Intex Saltwater System 54612.

Since electrolysis and chlorination are not good for health, it is natural to bathe when the chlorine generator is not working. This is exactly how (at night) water is treated in hotel pools, so swimming there at night is prohibited.

When using a chlorine generator, the water in the pool tastes slightly salty, but it is very far from sea water.

If the water became very cloudy, they turned on the chlorine generator and it became clear.

Inflatable shallow pools

Game Pool Bestway Star Wars, only 276 liters, you can change the water every day!

If you have the opportunity to constantly pour fresh water and not worry about caring for it, as an option you can take a shallow inflatable pool with a slide; it’s great for cooling in the heat.

You can't swim in it, but you can splash around all day, splash around, and slide down the slide. Several days passed, the water was no longer clean - they drained it, wiped it, and poured clean water.

It heats up instantly, and you don’t need too much input; it pours quickly.

Smart Pool cleaning systems - no problem at all!

This is a new product (since 2012), which completely eliminates water problems from the pool: it is quite expensive, but once you put this device in the pool, you can completely forget about all the chemicals and cleanings.

Smart Pool is an innovative alternative to built-in chlorine, PH, and coagulant dispensers. Eco-friendly system. Smart Pool is a compact device that ionizes water molecules in the pool, slightly changing its charge. As a result, water molecules become antagonistic towards bacteria that come into contact with it.

The difference from chemical disinfectants is that when using a Smart Pool device, organic substances (bacteria, algae) that enter the pool bowl do not oxidize (decompose into gases) as when using chemicals, but die off and precipitate.

Does not affect ph level. Can be used in salt water.

According to real reviews, the pool has been standing for 4 weeks, the water is clean.

It is only necessary to monitor mechanical contamination of the water and purify the water using filtration or a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the bottom and walls of the pool to remove debris that gets into the pool bowl. All. Chemistry is not needed.

Devices calculated for 4 seasons of use. That is, for 4 years in a row your pool will not present any problems in the summer.

Attention! The ball needs to be taken with some reserve: not two balls of small volume (adding one to the other), but preferably more. Not much, but - one ball, and - more than covering the volume of your pool. That is, two balls, designed for, say, 5 cubic meters each, do not work when cleaning a pool of 10 cubic meters. For 10 cubes and take a ball for 10-20 cubic meters. swimming pools.

There are different devices- choose depending on the volume of the pool. For example:

Smart Pool "Maxi" cleaning system for pools ranging in size from 10 to 20 cubic meters

Diameter of this magic ball: 65 mm.

Inside the spherical plastic case, with a hole in the upper hemisphere, there are active elements with silver and copper. The built-in power source activates the water ionization system with silver and copper ions, effectively disinfecting water without the use of chlorine and other chemicals.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Can be used throughout the shelf life unlimitedly! Can be used both constantly (the entire period during the shelf life in stationary pools) and periodically (for example, for the summer season in collapsible or inflatable pools).

Cleaning system Smart Pool Super 60 for large stationary pools with a volume of 30 to 60 cubic meters

Advantages of the Smart Pool pool disinfection system: it prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying in the water, waterlines from forming, water from blooming (algae multiplying), it can significantly reduce the cost of chlorine and chemicals, it will eliminate the headaches associated with the constant maintenance of the pool - just place the Smart Pool into the pool and forget about all the problems associated with water disinfection for 3 years!

Does not require a network connection, does not require consumables or maintenance!

All Smart Pool devices are compatible with any disinfectants (including ozonizers and ultraviolet units), since they are based on other disinfection principles. The use of chemicals - bleach, hydrogen peroxide, ph+ and ph-, algaecide preparations in most cases is not advisable when using SP.

You can use any water, including river water. In a few days it will be safe to use in the pool. But the dirtier the water, the more sediment that has fallen will have to be filtered out.

For the winter, Smart Pool can be left inside the pool if the water in it does not freeze. Or remove and store in a dry place.

One season a year, all people feel the influence of the scorching sun. Sometimes in the summer it is so hot that you want to draw a bath, fill it with ice and spend several hours in it. But there is another way to spend summer days in comfort. We are talking about a swimming pool. Residents of private homes who have spared no expense for a swimming pool are very happy with their investment. However, from time to time, each of them encounters an unpleasant phenomenon - green water in the pool. It is clear that none of the family members wants to swim in such an environment. Therefore, on forums you can often see the question: the water in the pool is turning green, what should I do?

And really, what to do when the pool turns green? In fact, this is a common phenomenon that is quite easy to deal with. This article will discuss several methods that will help not only deal with blooming water, but also make sure that the water does not bloom in the future.

Why does the water in the pool begin to bloom?

Before dealing with the consequences, it is important to focus on the source of why the water is blooming. After all, nothing in this world is done just like that. It all comes down to the fact that the water in the pool stays there for quite a long time. As a result, the water in it may become cloudy. Here are the reasons for green water:

So, we have looked at the most common reasons that contribute to water pollution in a frame or stationary pool. Having just learned them, everyone begins to understand how to solve this problem. Since there are many root causes, there are also many possible solutions. Let's look at these tips to enjoy a clean and safe pool.

Ways to deal with evil pool water

Generally speaking, all methods can be divided into several categories. They differ in many factors, but are effective in their cases. Some remove the original source, such as special means and tablets against microorganisms, while others prevent their appearance, and still others will help overcome the consequences of their vital activity. These are the methods:

  • mechanical;
  • installing a filter;
  • chemical.

How do each of them work? We need to consider all options.

Note! Sometimes it is not enough to use one of the above methods. It is important to combine them to achieve maximum effect. Then the waste products of bacteria, themselves and the color of the water in the pool will be removed.

Mechanical water purification

This cannot be done without the hands of the pool owner. It determines how clean the pool will be. Everyone knows that algae sticks to the walls and bottom of the structure. If the water in the pool turns green, you need to clean it first. To do this, resort to two methods:

  1. Removing dirt with a scraper, brush and detergents.
  2. Buying a vacuum cleaner for the pool.

The first option is simple, cheap, but requires effort on the part of the owner. The whole job is to clean the walls and bottom of the pool from algae. But, first of all, he must drain all the liquid from the tank. Only then can you begin full cleaning. You will have to take time and be patient to remove all the algae. The work is not difficult, but monotonous.

Advice! You need to be careful with PVC pools. It is important to ensure that the brush or product does not damage the surface. Otherwise, you will also have to repair the tank.

As for vacuum cleaners, everything is much simpler, but more expensive. It is enough to purchase a device for cleaning the pool, like a regular vacuum cleaner, which will do its job efficiently. It is noteworthy that three versions of products can be found on sale:

  • handheld vacuum cleaner;
  • semi-automatic;
  • Robot Vacuum Cleaner.

Accordingly, the first option is the cheapest and simplest. The advantage of all vacuum cleaners is that you don't have to empty the tank. The manual option will remove contaminants and clean the water inside. As for semi-automatic vacuum cleaners, they work without human intervention, remove dirt and filter water. You just need to turn the unit on and off. Robotic vacuum cleaners are considered the most expensive. They are launched into the water, after which they independently clean the walls and bottom of the pool, filtering the water. You can see this in the next video.

Now that the pool is completely cleaned, it is important to prevent the appearance of these microorganisms so that the water does not turn green again. How to do it? Install a filter.

Installing a filter in a pool

No tank can function properly without a quality filter. The owner must understand this. And if it was not installed in its place in advance, then it is important to take care of purchasing such a unit. After all, thanks to it, you won’t have to see green water in the pool. Due to the work, no microorganisms will form inside. In addition, all dirt, epidermis, secretions, etc. will be removed. Then swimming in the pool will be not only pleasant, but also safe.

All that remains is to choose the type of filter, consider its characteristics and cost. After all, as mentioned above, if the filter power is insufficient, it will not be possible to get rid of green water in the pool. Before purchasing, look at the amount of liquid that the unit processes per hour. And the larger the pool, the more powerful the filter will be required. Here are some types of pool filters:

All that remains is to allocate funds and purchase a suitable unit.

Note! There is a so-called method of water ionization. It consists in passing a low voltage current through water, which promotes the release of copper ions. And they will negatively affect the growth of algae.

Using chemistry to purify water

Perhaps this is one of the simple, fast and effective methods available to the user. There are many products available that remove microorganisms and the consequences of their activity in the pool. Can be used:

  1. Bleach.
  2. Preparations containing bromine.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide (not ordinary, but perhydrol - concentrated peroxide).
  4. Copper sulfate.
  5. Algaecide.

Instructions for use can be found on the packaging itself. Usually the product is diluted with water and added to the pool. Bleach, for example, removes all microorganisms and purifies water. Perhydrol does the same thing, and the water becomes clear after using it. Only peroxide does not have such a strong effect on human skin, and this is a big plus.

Separately, I would like to talk about algaecides. These are chemicals that are created specifically to combat green water. They remove algae of any type. Unlike bleach, it is harmless to people and is an environmentally friendly product. Capable of removing mucus from the bottom and walls, eliminating fungus, algae and other microorganisms. We suggest considering 4 algaecide products that can be purchased in the store:

Note! It is not necessary to use algaecides regularly. With their help, you can eliminate all microorganisms and continue to use other methods to prevent water from turning green.

Let's sum it up

When faced with a phenomenon such as green water in a pool, there is no need to sound the alarm. As you can see from this article, there are many ways to solve the problem. And thanks to the variety and different price categories, you can choose the right option for everyone. Combine methods, clean the pools and do everything to prevent this from happening in the future.

Chlorination is the most reliable method of disinfecting water in large and small pools, which is used in more than 90% of cases. For these purposes, special chlorine-containing preparations are sold, but at home, store-bought products can be replaced with ordinary bleach.

Despite the statements of skeptics, often representing the interests of commercial companies, it is possible to pour white into the pool, but in order for the product not to harm health and to clean the water well, it is important to make the correct calculations, follow the proportions and technology.

Theory. Chlorine and its compounds inhibit the enzyme systems of microbes, activating reduction-oxidation processes, which for a long time (in comparison with other methods of disinfecting pools) purifies the water of pathogenic microorganisms.

Benefits of chlorination:

  • cheapness and availability;
  • destroys most microbes;
  • lasts long enough;
  • Chlorine can be used to clean not only water, but also other surfaces of the pool (bottom, walls, stairs), which reduces the risk of infection.

Disadvantages of using chlorine-containing substances:

  • chlorine does not destroy spore-forming bacteria;
  • microorganisms gradually become accustomed to any drug in this group, as a result, water purification requires a sharp and significant increase in the concentration of the active substance (chlorine shock);
  • During disinfection, toxic chlorination products are formed that need to be filtered out.

Only active chlorine has disinfecting properties - part of the total chlorine contained in water that has not reacted with organic substances: bacteria, algae, skin particles, urine, sweat, etc.

Once in contact with organic matter, chlorine is called "bound" or "chloramine". This toxic, harmful substance causes the strong smell of chlorine in the pool and causes irritation to the eyes and skin. According to sanitary standards, water can contain no more than a third of combined chlorine. To remove chloramines, filtration and water replacement are used.

The disinfecting ability of chlorine-containing products directly depends on the pH level of the water. Normal values ​​are 7.2-7.6 pH. At elevated levels, not only does efficiency decrease, but also, due to the release of volatile compounds, an unpleasant chlorine odor appears at the surface of the pool.

Another possible problem is the brown color of the water after chlorination due to the high iron content. Brown water is not suitable for bathing, and after replacement, you will have to use another disinfection method, such as cleaning with hydrogen peroxide.

The level of active chlorine in the pool should not exceed 0.6 g/m³. Optimal values ​​are 0.3-0.6 g/m³. This indicator can be measured with special devices - testers. You cannot add bleach “by eye”, otherwise the cleaning efficiency will be extremely low. Measurements must be taken at least once a day, adjusting the indicators by introducing a new dose of the substance. When the concentration of chloramines exceeds 0.2 g/m³, the water becomes unsuitable for swimming.

How to add white to a pool

Bleach is a bleach used to remove stains and disinfect surfaces. At home, the product can be used to purify pool water.

Attention! Only chlorine bleach is suitable, so read the label carefully before purchasing.


1. Adjust the pH level to 7.2-7.6.

2. Heat the water to 24-32°C.

3. Determine how many cubic meters of water are in your pool. This information is contained in passport data or calculated using formulas. To determine the volume of a square (rectangular) pool, multiply the length by the width and depth; for a round one, use the formula for the volume of a cylinder - multiply the squared radius by the height and the number Pi (3.1415926).

4. Find out the percentage of chlorine in the purchased white (indicated on the label). Usually 2-6%, maximum 10%.

5. Determine how many grams of chlorine are in one bottle. For example, 0.5 liters of 4% whiteness contains 20 grams of pure chlorine (500 * 0.04 = 20).

6. Calculate the required amount of white for the pool using the following formula: selected concentration of active chlorine (0.3-0.6 g/m³) * pool volume (m³) / chlorine content in one bottle of white.

For example, to obtain the maximum permissible concentration for a 5 m³ pool, 15% of the contents of a 0.5 liter bottle of 4% whiteness is required (0.6 * 5 / 20 = 0.15).

If the volume of the pool is indicated in liters, then you need to take into account that 1 m³ is equal to 1000 liters of water.

7. Add the calculated amount of bleach evenly around the entire perimeter of the pool.

8. After 4-5 hours, check the concentration of active chlorine. Add more white if necessary.

9. Check the chlorine content at least once a day, do not allow the indicators to go beyond the minimum values. Use filters actively.

10. If the concentration of chloramines (combined chlorine) exceeds 0.2 g/m³, replace the water. The greater the load on the pool and the weaker the filtration system, the faster the water will become unusable.

Having your own swimming pool has long ceased to be a luxury, but has acquired the status of a mandatory attribute. But its operation requires certain work that must be carried out without fail, as well as monitoring the condition of the water. Cloudy water in the pool, the appearance of an unpleasant odor or a greenish tint indicate that it is time to take action. In order for the water not to turn green and to be clean and transparent, you should know the reasons for the deterioration of its quality and how to combat them.


The water in the pool turns green and blooms when various harmful microorganisms and algae begin to appear and multiply in large quantities. Their life process is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor and greening. Under the influence of sunlight, the processes of reproduction of bacteria and viruses occur more intensely. At the same time, bathers constantly supply them with nutrition, in the form of sweat and secretions, epidermis and existing dirt on the surface of the body.

The water in the pool becomes cloudy and green for the following reasons:

  • Presence of algae. The volatile spores of these microorganisms are quite tenacious and can spread over vast distances. They are not afraid of climate change, and the most favorable environment for their life is the warm water that fills the pools;

    ​Attention! The spread of algae in indoor pools is much slower, but the water in them is also susceptible to blooms and cloudiness.

  • Poor filtration and water circulation. Standing water in the tank, infrequent replacement of filter elements, malfunction or absence of pumps contribute to the faster spread of microorganisms;
  • Imbalance of chemicals in the aquatic environment. To prevent the water in the pool from turning green and becoming cloudy, chlorine-based products and algaecides are used. If the balance of water is at an inappropriate level, then their use is ineffective;

    Attention! The chlorine level in the water should be between 0.3 mg and 0.6 mg, but should not exceed 2 mg. In this case, the pH level for the pool should be in the range from 7.0 to 7.4. One of the options for devices that help determine chlorine and pH levels is shown in the video

  • Water stabilization level. The main component, which is a stabilizer and is present in many chlorine-based products for purifying water in swimming pools, isocyanuric acid, which inhibits the decomposition of chlorine under the influence of sunlight. But its accumulation contributes to the complete cessation of the effect of chlorine, and the water becomes over-stabilized. Such water in the pool will definitely bloom, somewhere in the middle of the season, so it is recommended to completely or partially drain it and fill the pool tank with new water;
  • Excess iron. Green water in the pool comes from algae, and if it is clear, but there is a greenish or brown tint in it, then the reason lies in an excess amount of minerals - iron. To eliminate this problem, you should use coagulants for cleaning.

In addition to the reasons listed, the water may become bloomy and cloudy in the following situations:

  • Long period of inactivity of the pool;
  • Insufficient amount of sunlight;
  • Garbage carried by the wind;
  • Inadequate and insufficient mechanical cleaning;
  • Incorrectly calculated doses of chemicals and cleaning agents.

As a rule, to prevent the water in the pool from blooming, it is a good idea to regularly clean the inner coating. The first signs of beginning flowering are:

  • Slippery walls and bottom;
  • The appearance of foam on the surface of the water;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Attention! The awning that many people use to cover swimming pools cannot prevent blooms; it only protects against large debris getting into the water during periods when the structure is not in use.


There are many ways to make a green pool safe and usable. All of them can be divided into the following:

  • Mechanical;
  • Chemical;
  • Electrophysical.

Mechanical cleaning methods

One of the methods of mechanical cleaning is the installation of filter elements.

These units are capable of efficiently cleaning the pool from small particles of dirt and dust, trapping harmful microorganisms, but do not help against algae spores. Those filters that are capable of retaining spores are quite expensive, require increased attention and constant replacement of filter consumables, and still do not provide a sufficiently high-quality result.

Another mechanical way to clean a pool is to use a net. It removes visible algae spores. Also, simple mechanical cleaning involves emptying the container of water and simply washing the walls and floor.

Chemical cleaning methods

For chemical cleaning, special preparations are used - algaecides. Their peculiarity is that they are safe for human health, but have a negative effect on mold, mildew and algae, as well as other harmful microorganisms.

Depending on the manufacturer, algaecides come in different forms - tablets, granules, powder or liquid.

Important! When using algaecides, the dosage specified by the manufacturer should be strictly followed.

Another chemical method of disinfecting pool water is chlorination. When using special preparations based on chlorine, work should be carried out very carefully, since excess chlorine is unsafe for humans.

Electrophysical cleaning method

To prevent water from blooming, turning green and becoming cloudy, special devices and devices are used as an electrophysical method of purification. One of these is an ozonizer. The operating technology of such a device is discussed in the video:

Traditional cleaning methods

There are also traditional methods of cleaning pool water that will help you cope with cleaning without the use of expensive products and devices:


Having familiarized yourself with the cleaning methods, you can safely answer the question of what to do if the water in the pool turns green. The main thing is not to let it get into a neglected state, but to start acting at the first signs of contamination. And then the artificial reservoir on the site will always delight you with its cleanliness, and will provide a portion of pleasant emotions on the hottest day.