Hedge: what is best to make from - features of plant varieties, photos and videos. Hedge - what is best to make it from? Fast-growing, perennial shrubs: list, descriptions and photos Fast-growing perennial evergreen edible hedge

Often, owners of personal plots are faced with the problem of fencing: concrete, metal or wooden fences have lost their former popularity, and natural fences begin to perform a protective function after a long period of time. There is an alternative: a fast-growing perennial hedge - evergreen or deciduous, made of trees or shrubs.

There are many forms of green fences, so when planning a laying it is worth studying the main groups, which are distinguished based on different parameters:

By height

  • Borders up to 50 cm high.
  • Medium hedges up to two meters.
  • High fences, the height of which exceeds 2 m.

By formation

  • Free growing hedges. The species requires minimal labor on the part of the owner, while forming a beautiful natural fence. However, in order for such a fence to be pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to select the plants correctly and carefully.
  • Formed plantings. The group includes all hedges that are trimmed. These green fences look very elegant: cutting allows you to get hedges of any shape. However, leaving the owner requires certain knowledge and skills.

By plant type

  • Evergreen. All conifers belong to such plantings. Deciduous bushes for living evergreen hedges are also used: boxwood, holly, certain varieties of barberry and others.
  • Deciduous. A very extensive subgroup, which includes not only shrubs, but also trees. However, with the arrival of cold weather, such hedges lose their beauty.
  • Perennial. This includes all shrubby and tree-like plants, the planting of which is carried out for a long period.
  • Annuals. Used to decorate an existing fence made of artificial material.

According to the speed of formation

  • Fast growing fences. This subgroup includes plants that are capable of forming a full-fledged fence in a maximum of 3 years.
  • Hedges characterized by moderate growth. Plant growth for this type of fencing varies from 30 to 60 cm per year.
  • Slow growing living fences. The maximum annual growth of the crops included in the subgroup is 20 cm, so the formation of such a hedge will last at least 5 years.

By purpose

  • Protective. The purpose of creating such plantings is to protect the area from external irritants.
  • Landscape. Hedges used to separate zones within the garden.
  • Decorative. The goal is to decorate buildings and hide any imperfections.

What plants are suitable for a living fence?

Plants for hedges are selected according to the following recommendations:

  • Plants should grow at the same speed and have a similar density.
  • Greenery should fence off the area, but not penetrate into the neighboring one.


The establishment of a fast-growing hedge can be done with the help of tree-like plants.


The culture is the fastest growing, which makes it an excellent plant for laying a green fence.


Often used to form fast-growing fencing. Some varieties are particularly decorative: goat willow, purple willow. Despite the crop's undemanding nature when it comes to soil, it requires a fairly high level of humidity.


An unpretentious breed that can be cultivated on soils of any composition. To form a hedge, young seedlings are used, the shoots of which are intertwined by the gardener. The height of the green fence is adjusted by pruning.

Field maple

The use of trees of a similar species, which is intolerant of acidic soils, is suitable for forming hedges from 2 to 4 meters. Trimming, to which the tree responds well, is carried out twice a year.


Fast-growing shrubs are the best option for quickly creating a beautiful natural fence.


A shrub with beautiful leaves, excellent for external fencing, tolerates shade well and does not require special care. The shrub plant blooms before the leaf buds bloom in late March-early April and pleases owners with abundant two-week flowering, after which nutritious fruits are formed. Prefers open areas with neutral soils.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

An undemanding plant, highly decorative, with a lush, rounded crown. Due to the shade, in which the crop can easily grow, the leaves lose their contrast.


A drought-resistant shrub, which, thanks to its thorns, copes well with its protective function, looks especially decorative in the autumn - during the period when the fruits ripen and the leaf plates acquire a variety of contrasting shades. Some hybrids overwinter with leaves on the shoots.


An unpretentious compact bush with a height of up to 3 m, which does not require careful pruning. The impassability of the hedge formed by thorns is combined with the benefits of the fruits that are formed as a result of the flowering of the bush even before the leaves appear. During the flowering period, the shrub emits an almond aroma.

Thuja Brabant

The evergreen coniferous shrub deserves special attention: of all conifers, it has the largest annual growth of 40 cm. The splendor of the thuja crown directly depends on the systematicity of haircuts.


An evergreen representative, used in the formation of borders and hedges of medium height, is able to tolerate moderate frosts. Winter winds and spring sun rays are more destructive to boxwood.

climbing plants

Climbing plants require support, so they are used to decorate existing fences.

climbing rose

Thanks to the thorns and interlacing of the vine, the rose perfectly protects the fence. It is most decorative during the flowering period.


Retains decorative qualities throughout the warm season. For abundant flowering, the flower requires regular pruning.


The decorative value of the plant is manifested in the abundance of foliage, the loss of which is noted in too shaded places. A prerequisite for growing is to prevent the soil from drying out.

How to choose the best option?

To choose the right plants for natural fencing, you need to consider the following basic parameters:

  1. climate zone;
  2. terrain features;
  3. frequency of formation of the future hedge;
  4. purpose of the fence;
  5. decorative period.

Coniferous or deciduous hedge?

The main disadvantage of coniferous fences, which decorate, protect the territory year-round and enrich the air with phytoncides, is their slow growth compared to deciduous ones. The latter grow quickly, delight owners with flowers and even bear fruit, being a source of raw materials for winter preparations.

DIY planting and care rules

The planting of a hedge is carried out using two to three year old seedlings in the spring before sap flow begins or in early autumn so that the planting material has time to take root, according to the following scheme:

  1. 10 days before laying, the site is prepared: a trench 50 cm deep and 100 cm wide is dug along the fixed twine.
  2. When planting, a distance of 25 to 200 cm is maintained between specimens, depending on the plant: for climbing crops - 25 cm, for bushes - 50-150 cm, for trees - over 150 cm.
  3. There are a large number of options for using hedges, which become the highlight of the entire site:

  • zoning of the territory - delimitation of zones for different purposes on the site;
  • playing with shapes - creating fences on the site in the shape of scattered cubes and balls;
  • “wavy” fence - a fence created through the use of haircuts;
  • flower wall - an artificial fence decorated with abundantly flowering plants;
  • mix - a living fence into which parts made of artificial material are wedged;
  • multi-tiered – multi-row fencing consisting of crops of different heights.

So, a hedge is an excellent solution to freshen up any area.

A hedge is not only a beautiful and effective way to create a fence around a house or garden, but also an inexpensive and environmentally friendly option. Do not be afraid that you will have to wait a long time for the necessary growth of plants; for these purposes, you can choose fast-growing shrubs. A hedge, especially beautiful on summer days, will create different zones on the site and protect from prying eyes.

Shrub hedge

In the climatic conditions of the central zone of the country April is the most optimal month to start planting a hedge of fast-growing shrubs. If you correctly follow the steps of creating a green fence and observe proper care of the shrubs, you will be able to see the result of your efforts in 2-4 years.

Main stages of the device

The first step in creating a hedge, of course, after choosing a plant, is digging a trench. It is trenches that are necessary for constructing a green fence; separate holes for each bush will not work in this case. The size of the recess will depend on how many rows you create for the fence:

  • a trench for a single-row fence will be 40 to 50 centimeters wide and 50-60 centimeters deep;
  • for two rows of fences, it is recommended to dig a trench 70-90 centimeters wide, the depth is the same;
  • a multi-row hedge of fast-growing shrubs requires a width of each row of 30 to 40 centimeters.

How to make a fast-growing hedge in your country house?

A hedge looks especially beautiful on summer days. It will not only protect the site from outsiders, but will also help to form certain zones for various purposes on it.

For a green fence, you can use various growing materials: shrubs, climbing plants and trees. Properly selected plants will delight you with greenery and flowering for many years without losing their decorative qualities with regular care.

Approximate timing of hedge formation

A hedge of plants that grow quickly can be arranged from several types of plantings. Such a fence requires constant care both during the growth of just planted shoots and during the already formed fence. Plants for a hedge are selected so that the hedge is of the same height and density. After all, different types of greenery grow unevenly - some specimens stretch upward, others manage to grow in width during this time.

A full two-meter hedge can be formed from fast-growing perennial plants in about 2 years.

Plants are selected so that they fence off the area, but do not penetrate into the neighboring area. Both perennials and annuals are used for hedges. Annual plants must be replanted annually, which is not always acceptable. Annuals are also not suitable for fencing the outside of the site.

Fast growing shrubs

Fast-growing bushes are the optimal solution for forming a dense hedge in a short time. Suitable for fencing an area from the outside specimens with spines. The result will be an impenetrable fence that will qualitatively protect the territory from uninvited guests and animals. Can be selected not only ornamental shrubs, but also fruit-bearing ones. You will receive both a luxurious fence and preparations for the winter.

Shrubs are selected taking into account the characteristics of the site, soil composition and climate. Different types of bushes can be arranged together.

The specimens are selected so that the resulting fence is approximately the same size. Some shrubs have a negative attitude towards removing the tops. Next, we will consider the most suitable types for a fast-growing hedge.


Shade-tolerant and unpretentious shrub. It is ideal for external hedges. It has beautiful leaves and decorative fruits that are edible. Due to their nutritional properties, the berries are used in folk medicine. The height of the bush is 2-5 m. It blooms from March to April for about two weeks, then the leaves bloom. It bears fruit abundantly in open areas and neutral soil, but grows well under any other conditions.

It is planted in spring or early summer. You can lay out a dogwood hedge in the fall, but no later than 3 weeks before frost. When planting in autumn, leaves are removed from the seedlings. Specimens under two years of age are suitable for planting a hedge. Autumn planting can be covered with foliage for the winter.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

An unpretentious shrub with excellent decorative qualities. The plant has a lush rounded crown. It can grow in the shade, but the leaves lose their rich color. The bush is perfect for urban hedges located along highways.

Container specimens are suitable for laying hedges. They can be planted throughout the warm period. Frost-resistant, does not require shelter. Only in very severe frosts can the tips of the shoots freeze.


A thorny shrub that can grow in any soil and is drought-resistant. Has a bad attitude towards stagnant water in the area. Thanks to the thorns, an impenetrable fence is formed.

Both low-growing and tall varieties are used for hedges. The plant is decorative, especially during the flowering period and when the fruits ripen. For the fence you will need a large amount of material. The fruits are suitable for home preparation.


Unpretentious and undemanding in care. The bushes are compact, up to 3 m high, and do not require careful pruning. The fence turns out to be thick and impenetrable. The fruits are edible after frost and have medicinal properties. The hedge is especially beautiful in the spring during the flowering period, when the leaves have not yet blossomed on it. It attracts with its almond aroma.

When laying a hedge, each bush is trimmed, leaving a height of up to 15 cm. This measure allows you to accelerate the growth of the bush. To obtain an impenetrable fence, pruning can be repeated next year. Next, maintain the desired height.

climbing plants

For a fast-growing hedge, you can take annuals, provided that they are placed on a support as a decorative element. They are sown quite densely. Such plants will not protect the territory from animals and strangers, but they will carefully hide it from unwanted eyes. The plants are renewed every year.

Suitable for one-year fence kobeya, sweet peas, morning glory (twisted panych), decorative beans, nasturtium and others. They are intertwined with each other, resulting in a solid green flowering panel up to 5 m high, depending on the type of annuals.

The following types of perennial plants are also popular.

Climbing (climbing) roses

Very decorative during the flowering period. The fence made from them is impenetrable due to the thorns and interweaving of the vines. It is recommended to separate the bush a little from other flowers. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water. It should not be planted in places where groundwater is located closer than 2 m.

The laying of the fence is carried out in the fall until mid-October. The appearance of the hedge is formed from the second year after planting the bushes. Plants are tied up. A horizontal garter gives only height growth, a vertical garter gives a large number of shoots. This must be taken into account when forming the density of the fence.


Decorative throughout the warm period. To lay the fence, use bushes no older than two years old; they are planted in the fall. Plants grow optimally in open areas. Clematis does not tolerate acidic soils, overwatering and constant dampness, or fertilization with peat and manure. In hot weather, the soil must be protected from overheating by mulching with humus.

In order for clematis to bloom profusely, they must be pruned. For the winter, the bushes are covered, since the root collar of the bush is susceptible to freezing, especially those parts that have not yet risen to the surface.


Decorative bush up to 6 m high. Attracts landscapers with its high decorative qualities throughout the warm season. The hedge can be formed from various varieties of honeysuckle. The result will be a flowering fence in various shades: yellow, carmine red, rose red and orange-yellow. Pairs beautifully with climbing roses.

The fruits are edible; in some varieties they fall off on their own. For the first 5-7 years, only sanitary pruning is needed; the crown of the hedge is formed at a later age.


It is decorative due to its foliage, which develops in large quantities. Hedges can be composed of different plant varieties. The bush tolerates shade well, but in too shaded places it loses its foliage. Does not tolerate scorching sun rays. Ivy is not picky about soil, pruning and care, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out.

Trees for fast-growing fencing


Among the trees, the fastest growing is eucalyptus. For landscaping, the varieties Gunny, few-flowered and lemon are used. They are undemanding to soil and drought-resistant. The height of the hedge is adjusted by pruning. It is recommended to cover it for the winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out.


Suitable as a fast-growing hedge, unpretentious to soil quality. Some varieties can be shaped into a bush by cutting the trunk. There are low-growing and dwarf trees, for example, purple willow, goat willow; they are very decorative as a green fence, but love moisture. It is recommended to spray the hedge in hot weather.


It is unpretentious and grows in any soil. The hedge is formed from young shoots no older than a year. The branches are intertwined with each other, creating an impenetrable fence. The tree does not require maintenance. The height of the hedge is controlled by pruning; in this case, a lot of growth appears. Over time, aspen boletuses appear under such a fence.

Field maple

Suitable for hedges 2-4 m high. Does not tolerate acidic soil. It grows equally in the sun and in the shade, and easily tolerates drought and heat. Reacts well to haircuts. It is pruned twice a year, removing thick woody branches. The entire warm period is very decorative, especially in autumn.

You can learn about other types of fast-growing trees from the following video:

Undesirable plants for hedges

It is not recommended to use plants for hedges that grow strongly in different directions, digging into the soil. Such instances include raspberries and blackberries, serviceberry, fieldfare and the like. Such plants should not be planted on the border with another site. They are very difficult to control by pruning.

It is not recommended to plant bushes as a hedge that are susceptible to attack by pests and diseases, for example, viburnum. It is difficult to treat a dense fence with chemicals during an “epidemic”; moreover, such treatment is harmful to health. Such a fence quickly loses its beautiful appearance due to pests; it is extremely difficult to completely protect it from diseases.

Not recommended for fast-growing hedges non-winter-hardy perennials. Frozen specimens will need to be systematically replaced; in severe frosts, the hedge may completely die. You should not plant plants that you need replant periodically. Such a hedge gradually degenerates, losing its original appearance.

Planting and care

Initially, the territory is marked out. Material for a fast-growing hedge can be planted in two ways: dig a trench at least 40 cm deep and 60-100 cm wide, depending on the number of rows, or dig holes for each specimen separately. The planting step is chosen depending on the type of plants.

The minimum distance between specimens for single-row planting is 25 cm for climbing varieties, for shrubs 0.5-1.5 m, for trees - from 1.5 m. For double-row planting, the planting step is from 0.5 m.

It is recommended to replace the soil in the hole with a nutrient composition. The mixture is prepared according to the needs of the plant species. The crown of the hedge is formed during the first 4 years. Not all types of plants need pruning after planting. Typically, in the first 2 years, pruning is not used for climbing varieties and some shrubs. Some plant species, such as conifers, require pyramidal pruning to prevent lower branches from falling off. All types of plants require systematic watering and fertilizing during the period of rooting and growth.

At that time, they were treated with great respect; it was believed that fairies, elves and other kind fairy-tale creatures were hiding in the crowns of the trees, protecting the territory from misfortunes.

Plantings perform the following functions:

  • retention of water in the soil due to reduced drying effects of winds;
  • uniform distribution of snow in winter and slow melting in spring;
  • reduction of mechanical damage caused by wind to plants located inside the fenced area;
  • protection of livestock from bad weather and heat;
  • preventing roads from being covered with snow;
  • a habitat for birds that destroy harmful insects.

Experienced gardeners believed that a properly laid and grown hedge is much more reliable and durable than the strongest fences. Their only drawback is the unsatisfactory development of some plants, which must be taken into account when designing the site.

A hedge looks especially beautiful in the summer; it not only protects the area from prying eyes, but also ensures the formation of certain zones for different purposes.

A fast-growing hedge plays an important role in landscape design, reaching the required height in a short period

Trees, climbing plants and shrubs can be used for a green fence. To arrange a hedge, you can use several types of plantings, which are selected in such a way that the green fence in all areas is of the same density and height.

It must be taken into account that different types of plantings grow at different rates.

Find out how to make a drip irrigation system from a plastic bottle with your own hands.

Types and varieties

The following plants are used to create a fast-growing perennial hedge:

Willow. It grows quickly, the pliable branches of the tree intertwine easily. The plant gets along well in different climatic zones and feels good on different soils. In wetlands with high humidity, willow quickly forms a wide root system.

Weeping willow is most suitable for weaving branches, the best effect is achieved when weaving branches of the following varieties: goat, purple, holly and red willow.

Barberry. In addition to the decorative effect, barberries can bring significant benefits; berries grow on their branches, from which jams and preserves can be made. The bush can be cut, given almost any shape, and a hedge can quickly be formed from the thorns. Common varieties: Thunberg barberry, Kornik, Red Chief, Atropurpurea, Superba, Golden Rocket.

Rosehip and tea rose. The plant has many useful properties; when planting, alternating bushes through one or in a certain configuration is allowed. Rose hips grow quickly, the fruit contains many useful substances, and drinks made from berries are very useful in winter.

The most common varieties are Jundzilla, Mont Blanc, Scabrosa, Robin Hood, Ballerina, Resonance.

Derain is white. The shrub is a hedge, the height of which very quickly reaches 3 m; the given height can be maintained at 1.2 m. The flower baskets have a milky tint, flowering occurs twice during the summer: in June and August. The hedge grows well in any light, the shrub is hardy and does not require frequent watering.

Derain thrives on soils with groundwater close to the surface. To prevent the hedge from growing wider, the lower branches must be trimmed regularly. The shrub allows you to grow picturesque green fences of different heights.

The shrub is large in size, its length can reach 3 m in height, its length can be up to 4 m, the hedge is dense in winter and dense in summer. Decorative effect is achieved through arched shoots with foliage of different colors, the shade of which depends on the variety.

The plant feels best on acidic and neutral soils; the shrub is drought and frost resistant and is not affected by harmful insects and diseases. The bladderwort is represented by two main varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved.

The shrub is often used to create a figured hedge; the flowers have a greenish tint, the fruits are red and have no taste. The plant is resistant to frost and wind, does not tolerate aridity and heat. With regular fertilization, dense foliage is formed, from which shaped compositions can be easily created.

Common varieties: marbled, cut-leaved, variegated, glossy.

Turn. The plant has dense, beautiful leaves, dark blue fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The tree is unpretentious, has high winter hardiness, and you can hide an ugly building or fence behind the thorns.

Thuja. In central Russia, different varieties of thuja are widely used; it grows well in the shade, is frost-resistant, and is not picky about the soil. The plant is well suited for pyramidal and columnar-shaped hedges (Brabant, Holmstrap, Smaragd). Thuja tolerates haircuts well, after which the crown becomes thicker; a hedge of various shapes can be formed from the plant.

Cotoneaster. Cotoneaster horizontalis is a shrub up to 50 cm high, the shoots of which can stretch up to 1.5 m wide. The flowering period occurs at the end of May, lasts about three weeks, the flowers are inconspicuous, have a bright pink color with a red tint, the fruits are unsuitable for food.

The most famous varieties: ordinary (whole-edged), multi-flowered, adpressed, black-fruited and red-fruited, shiny horizontal.

For hedges made from these plants, see the photo:


Many hedge plants propagate by seed, so you can start by buying one seedling and seeing how it develops. If everything is satisfactory, then you can collect seeds from the fruits and begin growing planting material.

Usually, fast-growing 2-3 year old plants are used to form a hedge; it is not recommended to buy large bushes, as they do not tolerate transplantation well.

The plants around the perimeter of the site do not have to be the same; large shrubs can be planted on the north side, and small light-loving plants on the south side. On the western and eastern sides you can create a medium-height hedge of medium-sized crops.

The best time to plant fast-growing hedge plants is early spring and autumn.

The best time for planting is considered to be early spring, before the buds begin to bloom. Planting can begin in the fall, but no later than mid-October; at the same time of year, the area for the hedge is prepared. If bushes are planned to be planted at the same time, the site should be prepared 10-12 days before the start of planting work.

For a trimmed hedge, trenches 50-70 cm deep are dug; during planting, care must be taken to ensure that the roots do not bend and that the root collar rises slightly above ground level. The width of the trench for uniform planting should be 50 cm, for 2-row - 70 cm, for 3-row - 90 cm.

Many amateur gardeners believe that fast-growing hedge– this is the unattainable limit of dreams. However, this is not entirely true, since modern agricultural technologies make it possible to achieve the desired result in a short time. Many of them are very affordable and can be used in local climatic conditions.

When choosing a hedge for yourself, be prepared for the fact that it will bring not only benefits, but also a lot of time investment. The main one will be the painstaking work of pruning bushes. Some varieties will have to be pruned once every 2 weeks, or even every 10 days. The reason for this is the appearance of new shoots on the branches, which, as luck would have it, will grow in the most inappropriate and most noticeable places. Therefore, the main thing that a gardener will have to stock up on is patience!

Name Bloom time, flowers Notes
Rose wrinkled April-August, flowers white, pink, red bright foliage in autumn, decorative non-falling fruits
Forsythia April-May, yellow flowers very bright flowering, before the leaves bloom
Barberry June-July, yellow and pink leaves of different colors in different varieties, very decorative in autumn
Hawthorn June, white, pink, scarlet, terry forms available decorative fruits and leaves in autumn
Decorative apple tree May, white, pink decorative bright red or yellow fruits
Lilac May-June, white, blue, pink, purple, two-color flowers has a strong and pleasant aroma
Kalina May-June, white there is a decorative form - buldenezh (large spherical inflorescences)
Japonica May, orange, red ornamental fruits, green foliage until late autumn
Irga May, white, pink lush flowering, bright foliage in autumn, beautiful and tasty berries

Climbing annuals and their features

As you understand, not every hedge grows quickly. It is the climbing annuals that show the highest growth rate. Some of them can grow to the height of a three-meter wall in just a season, but they all have one significant drawback inherent in their definition.

The last plus in favor of annual climbing plants is that they do not require pruning, unlike shrubs, which.

Shrubs and bush crops

Fast-growing hedge shrubs are an ideal solution for those who are not particularly limited in time. So, to create such a fence, it will take at least a couple of years to get at least a low, but living hedge that does not require the annual planting of new plants.

On a note! In this case, a compromise between shrubs and climbing annuals could be ivy. Its foliage is much more lush than many annuals, but this plant is quite controversial. It does not tolerate the scorching sun and does not tolerate shade.

The best shrubs for a fast-growing hedge:

  1. teren;
  2. dogwood;
  3. viburnum-leaved bladderwort;
  4. some varieties.

In addition to rapidly growing shoots that form impenetrable thickets, most of them also produce nutritious fruits several years after active cultivation.

Advice! To produce more foliage in the early years, these plants will need frequent pruning. The more often you do this, the denser their branches will grow, which means the amount of foliage will increase proportionately.

The best flowering shrubs for hedges:

  1. roses;
  2. ;
  3. decorative golden currants;
  4. yellow acacia;
  5. rose hip;
  6. .

They do not bloom all season, so in order for the bush to look neat and attractive, wilted inflorescences will have to be promptly removed. As an alternative for them can be considered fast growing evergreen hedge .

Trees and tree-like crops for perennial hedges:

In fact, instead of shrubs, tree seedlings can be used for hedges. To form it, they will require constant pruning so that the plant willy-nilly turned into a dwarf. Ideal candidates for this:

  1. aspen;
  2. eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus makes a fast-growing perennial evergreen hedge. But this plant also has its drawback - it does not tolerate low temperatures, and therefore in latitudes with subtropical and temperate climates it will grow reluctantly and will require shelter for the winter. Others may also have problems. They will also need to be trimmed often, but they will grow faster due to the fact that they do not fall asleep during the winter.

For example, you can use various varieties of spruce, including common, prickly and Canadian, Chinese and columnar, Lawson and pea-like cypress, as well as Western.

It is worth noting that from such trees it will not be possible to obtain a fence as smooth as a wall, which is formed bushes. But, for example, you can get a shrub from willow. This is done by simply cutting the trunk, after which the side branches actively begin to grow.

Another feature of tree-like plants is that they form a fairly high hedge, so they are best used for. They are also suitable for masking unsightly objects located on them, such as auxiliary buildings, such as and.

Fast-growing hedge: combinations and landscape compositions

An evergreen, fast-growing hedge is also an inexhaustible source of inspiration for professional gardeners. Craftsmen create a wide variety of shapes from it. Thanks to this, they can not only create endless labyrinths of regular geometry, but also intricate figures.

For example, spherical objects that compositionally complement the hedge on the site, bushes trimmed in the shape of regular pyramids and even complex artificial forms are popular.

Another option for using the same plant material is to create multi-level fences. To create them, plantings are carried out not in one row, but in two or more. Moreover, they look most impressive when rows planted in parallel are colored in different shades.

Idea! Alternatively, in the first year a number of tall plants with dark foliage or needles are planted, and the next season or immediately before that a number of low shrubs with brighter or lighter colors are planted.

On a note! No less impressive are hedges created on the basis of the same crops, but with different leaf colors, an example of which is