Fortune telling on coffee grounds leaf. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous and popular ways to find out fate and look into the future. Every second person may not have put it into practice, but they have definitely heard about this ancient method of fortune telling, which was invented by the Italians back in the 18th century. Nowadays, fortune telling using coffee remains a popular ritual.

The process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is a fascinating activity that requires a wide flight of fancy and good imagination. The ritual is quite simple to perform and requires a minimum number of items, so it can be performed at home.

Features of fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you have a desire to penetrate into your future and spy at least one eye on your fate, remember that the process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not fun, but a magical ritual. It should be approached with all responsibility.

To perform the ritual correctly, and the result to be as reliable as possible, you must follow the following rules.

  • The ritual is best performed in the morning or after sunset.
  • Guess if you really believe in this action, and not for the sake of interest.
  • Before fortune telling, it is important to tune in to the result and clearly formulate the question. Maximum concentration is required. The best option would be a short meditation.
  • Create a suitable environment for the sacrament of fortune telling. There should be no strangers in the room that could distract. Light, unobtrusive music will help you relax and abstract from extraneous thoughts.

For the sacrament of fortune telling, you will need a minimum set of items that can be found in almost every home: ground natural coffee, a light-colored cup and saucer and a Turk.

An important stage is the correct preparation of the coffee drink, because for fortune telling the main element is the sediment, which acts as an oracle. The best option would be to use two types of coffee - coarse and fine grind in a ratio of 2 to 1. For example, 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine.

Once you have brewed the coffee, pour it into a cup and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Then, slowly drink, leaving a little liquid on top of the sediment. Holding the cup in your left hand, mentally formulate a question, make several circular movements clockwise so that the sediment is evenly distributed. Then, immediately tip the cup with the sediment onto the prepared saucer.

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How to correctly interpret coffee signs

The main stages are over, the time has come to turn on your imagination and determine the meaning of the symbols. Look carefully at the coffee figures and signs formed on the walls of the cup.

When studying coffee symbols, be sure to consider the following points.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the largest elements that catch your eye. The larger the size of the coffee figure, the more important it is in life.
  2. The figures located inside the cup will tell you about the future, and the symbols located on the saucer will remind you of past events in your life.
  3. The closer the coffee elements are located to the edge of the cup, the faster they will come true. And vice versa, the closer they are to the bottom, the longer they will have to wait.
  4. The remaining grounds in large quantities at the bottom of the cup promise many problems and troubles in the future.
  5. The symbols located closer to the handle of the cup symbolize the present fortuneteller.

Human symbols

  • A boy promises prosperity in business and attractive prospects.
  • The girl is a symbol of romance, tenderness and bright feelings.
  • An elderly woman - oddly enough, portends strong love.
  • Bride - to gossip and unpleasant conversations.
  • Eyes - be vigilant, changes are expected.
  • Head - you are in thought and confusion.
  • Two heads facing each other are a symbol of mutual love.
  • Lips located at the top - you have strong friendly support.
  • Lips located at the bottom - pleasant news or event is just around the corner.
  • The hand is a sign of disappointment, the collapse of hopes.
  • The heart is a sign of true and strong love.
  • The horseman symbolizes the patron, a strong helper.
  • Angel - portends the appearance of virtue on the path.
  • Skull - speaks of the completion of your affairs, new beginnings are on the verge.

Symbols of animals, birds, insects, fish

  • The rooster is a happy event or news.
  • Rooster (closer to the bottom) - there is a person nearby who is negatively opposed to you.
  • Peacock is a sign of wealth.
  • Swan - promises a calm and balanced life.
  • Chicken - someone is waiting for your help.
  • Bird - to changes in the financial sector.
  • The duck is a sign of family well-being and happiness.
  • Dove - symbolizes peace and tranquility in the home.
  • Penguin - the emergence of new opportunities in life.
  • Ostrich - fabulous problems do not pose a threat.
  • Feather - means a quick-witted and savvy nature.
  • Fish - good fortune and travel awaits; it can also mean pregnancy.
  • Dolphin - symbolizes a good friend or helper.
  • Whale - a grand holiday or celebration awaits.
  • Shark - be on your guard, an enemy is waiting for you; may mean illness or misfortune.
  • Seahorse - portends a pleasant gift or surprise.
  • Crab - symbolizes the upcoming move to a new home.
  • The turtle is a sign of wisdom that will help you get out of a difficult and unpleasant situation.
  • The dragon is a good sign, indicating the successful completion of the work begun.
  • Crocodile - beware of enemies.
  • A snake with a closed mouth symbolizes wisdom; with an open mouth, danger threatens.
  • Dinosaur - you have a hidden and rare talent.
  • Bear - means squabbles or troubles that will give enemies a reason to take up arms against you.
  • A dog is a devoted friend nearby.
  • Horse - new financial opportunities will open up before you.
  • Hare - means excessive caution in actions.
  • An elephant with its trunk up symbolizes success and public recognition.
  • An elephant with its trunks down - a patron will appear in life who can change your life.
  • Cat - concerns and fears can come true.
  • Wolf - it will take a lot of strength to overcome a difficult period in life.
  • Squirrel - a long-awaited reward awaits.
  • Deer promises good luck and prosperity in business.
  • Giraffe - prudence and prudence will help in protracted matters.
  • Fox - portends betrayal of the other half, and can also mean hidden enemies in your environment.
  • Camel - symbolizes a hardy person, perhaps great sporting achievements await.
  • Hedgehog - your strength is running out, you are on the verge of a breakdown.
  • Tiger - symbolizes impartial and judicious action.
  • Monkey - surrounded by a hypocritical and deceitful person.
  • Goat - promises a pleasant pastime or a long journey.
  • Mouse - it’s time to show courage and step out of the shadows of others.
  • Frog - an unexpected turn of events awaits you soon.
  • Hippopotamus - can mean a new addition to the family.
  • The Ox is a sign of perseverance or stubbornness.
  • Elk is a good sign that promises a happy life and the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Snail - speaks of your slowness or leisurely progress in business.
  • The bat is a bad symbol, symbolizing the danger of an accident.
  • Leo - speaks of the appearance of a noble person in your life.
  • Pig - beware of betrayal.
  • Ram - stubbornness interferes with the progress of business.
  • Cow - symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Rat - beware of theft.
  • Unicorn - speaks of unexpected and incredible changes in your life.
  • Kangaroo - symbolizes the care and affection that one of your loved ones needs.
  • Butterfly means a person who has great influence over you.
  • Scorpio - be careful, a blow of fate awaits.

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Interpretation of plant meanings

  • Christmas tree - fun and joy awaits.
  • Flower - a date will take place soon.
  • Tree - you will have to fight with competitors to achieve success.
  • Mushroom - symbolizes good health and vitality.
  • Rose - portends an engagement or betrothal to a loved one.
  • Lily - there is unrequited love in life.
  • Cactus - the house is full of negative energy.
  • Spruce - you have excellent health.
  • Palm tree - symbolizes the emergence of a stormy fleeting romance.
  • Strawberry - speaks of a stable love relationship.
  • Carrots are a sign of prosperity and great progress.

Geometric figures

  • A pyramid means that you are subject to some person.
  • Triangle - the decisions made will be correct.
  • Circle means a closed circle of life.
  • A square is a sign of stability and constancy.
  • Arc - you have a rival.
  • Question mark - there are a lot of unsaid things and unresolved problems in life.
  • Exclamation mark - it's time to change something in life.

Surrounding objects

  • The mask symbolizes lies and hypocrisy; you are surrounded by two-faced people.
  • A star promises the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Crescent moon - for new acquaintances.
  • Boot - means a rude person.
  • Arrow - depending on the direction, it can mean a positive or negative answer.
  • Anchor means a decline in business.
  • A horseshoe is a symbol of great luck.
  • Cross - bad news.
  • Shoe - a new fan will appear.
  • A book means a prospect for career growth.
  • Airplane - soon there will be a business trip, vacation or travel.
  • The key is a symbol of great luck, fortune is on your side.
  • The mountain is a sign of financial growth, fame and popularity.
  • A ship promises big changes in your personal life.
  • Dress - for new pleasant purchases.
  • Kettle - there will soon be guests in the house.
  • Bow - a real gift of fate will appear in life.
  • Hat - there are pitfalls in personal relationships, deal with this as quickly as possible.
  • A candle symbolizes faith in a dream.
  • Ring - a serious relationship will appear, marriage is possible.
  • The flag is a symbol of pride for the deed.
  • Vulcan - symbolizes a passionate and hot-tempered person who will appear on your path.
  • Pin - there is an envious person nearby, beware of the evil eye.
  • Beads - minor troubles await.
  • Bonfire - health may deteriorate, you need to take a break from work and everyday problems.
  • Car - a white streak has come in life.

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Deciphering coffee symbols is a very delicate and painstaking matter. Try to look at the whole picture very carefully. And in order not to miss any elements, record them in a notepad. This will help to decipher the prediction most correctly.

Do not take the list of interpretations and meanings of coffee symbols too literally, as it cannot represent all possible events that may occur. It is important to take into account the combination of signs intertwined with each other, and experience and practice will help with this!

A flower is a symbol of the internal transformation of a person. The appearance of this symbol in various fortune-telling practices, as a rule, indicates that circumstances and people will appear in your life that can radically change your worldview and behavior.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: flower

A flower in fortune telling on coffee grounds means a change in the circumstances in your life to radically opposite ones, a way out of a dead end and a solution to problems. Seeing a flower at the bottom of a cup means that a bright future and new career prospects will open up for you, and all the business you start will bring profit and success. A flower that appears at the edges of the cup means change and romantic adventures, perhaps a honeymoon. The appearance of a large number of flowers in a cup means that a bright streak will come in your life, and friends and like-minded people will come to your aid. Flowers in fortune telling on coffee grounds are always a series of eventful events, meetings, new contacts and useful acquaintances, which will lead you to bright prospects and financial growth, as well as to success, relevance and popularity.

Wax fortune telling: flower figure

Seeing a flower in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of bad habits thanks to positive changes in your life. A field of flowers in a dream means that soon you will experience social changes, financial achievements and an increase in salary. Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means that you will receive a pleasant gift from a loved one. But seeing wilted flowers in a dream means that you will have difficulty understanding with your partner and your relationship may fall apart. Holding flowers in your hand in a dream means victory and personal achievements, and for athletes it is an excellent opportunity to take a prize.

Seeing flowers in a dream - what does it mean?

A flower on wax means that a fateful period is coming in your life. Your future depends on your choice. The flower on wax must be correlated with other symbols, then you will receive the key to solving this symbol. A flower on wax at the beginning of a fortune telling means that you should lead a more active lifestyle and engage in your social development in order to have success and better results. A flower on wax at the end of a fortune telling means changes in your personal life and your psychological transformation. Having seen a flower on wax, you need to start working on yourself: both on your appearance and behavior, and on spiritual development and self-improvement. It is worth looking closely at the signs from above so as not to miss your chance. A flower always means good luck and success, but in order to maintain them, you need to be active in the social world, take care of yourself, learn and constantly develop.

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750 rub In general, a flower in fortune-telling practices is a positive and fateful meta-symbol, which means that you need to adapt and change in order to accept success, prosperity and love sent from above. When you see this symbol, try not to let luck slip out of your hands and fight for your place in the sun. For creative people, a flower means recognition, glory, popularity and fame. Remember, in order to use the gift of Fate, you need to change and abandon the negative programs of your consciousness: laziness, doubt, resentment, discontent... Only strong will, discipline and self-confidence will help you use the gifts of Fate, which the flower symbolizes.

Many believe that fortune telling on coffee grounds originated at the beginning of the 14th century. Scientists have made assumptions: before they went hunting, the Peruvian Indians made fortunes based on coffee. Fortune telling on coffee grounds does not coincide somewhat with its interpretations and symbols of modernity and antiquity. But, in principle, this is not so important, since coffee is already popular all over the world; a huge number of people simply cannot imagine their day without this drink, which invigorates, has strength and an unsurpassed aroma. Thanks to the spread of beans, fortune telling on coffee grounds also became famous. Because of its invigorating and tonic effects on the body, legends began to circulate about coffee that it has some kind of magical power.

If you want to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, then you should drink a cup of this drink without sugar, you should not rush, enjoy every sip, immerse yourself in peace, relax, just fall into a trance, it will help you understand what the symbols mean.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - speed is not appropriate here, first tune in, and then start looking at the contents of the coffee cup.

Before you begin fortune telling, you need to concentrate and clearly formulate a question, the answer to which makes up the meaning of the moment you are experiencing. Then take the cup in your left hand, only clockwise, and in no other way, make several movements in a circle, shaking a little what is in the cup. Then place the cup on the saucer, moving away from you so that one edge is on the bottom and the other on the edge. It turns out that the cup is standing askew. Thus, everything unnecessary drains from it, and a pattern is formed on the walls. Fortune telling on coffee grounds will decipher it. The cup should stand for about a minute, after that, turn it over with your left hand, then proceed to fortune telling.

It is absolutely clear that you are unlikely to be able to see a drawing that will be clear. Fortune telling on coffee grounds attracts many precisely because, with a special mood, the subconscious will always find something familiar in the outlines, many associations will emerge, objects and figures of people will become complete, all this will give a single picture of the interpretation of fortune telling. Here are some interpretations and meanings for fortune telling on coffee grounds:

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols

What does what you see on the coffee grounds mean:

Oval - your personality is complete. If its edges are interrupted, then this means illness, or the personality has lost its harmony.

Semicircle - indicates your non-permanent character.

Crewe G- he concentrates all the problems that you have in himself. What you see in the circle is the basis of coffee fortune telling.

One or more lines - if the line is straight, then it speaks of the length of your life; if it rises at the edge of the cup, then this indicates the growth of your career or professionalism.

Broken dotted line - shows the blows of fate, they will be obstacles on your life path.

The pattern is woven into a human silhouette - for lovers, fortune telling on coffee grounds has a date in store; if you are telling fortunes about the loss, then know that the item is lost forever.

It seems to you that the pattern has the outline of lands, plants or trees - these are the messengers of quarrels, obstacles, a break in love, business failures, travel to distant countries, sadness and longing.

Shadow of a bird or animal - the news is sad, you will have to worry about your loved ones and yourself, there will be an obstacle on the way, there will be failures and slander because of envious people.

The shadow of a building is visible - for the rich, this means a lot of additional wealth, the poor, on the contrary, will lose what they have, the one who is generous will get rich unexpectedly.

The interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not limited to the above; this art comes only through experience. Decoding of drawings, their alternation, and merging with each other must be treated individually. Before you decide to do fortune telling on coffee grounds, remember that a clear, pre-formulated question in your head should be simple and specific, then the answer will be quite definite.

People and their figures

You can often see human figures in a coffee cup. Here are the meanings of these images:

Human head that has no body - a certain young friend influences your destiny very beneficially.

Human head looking up - a certain protector, very strong, ready to help you.

Human head looking down - expect a little danger.

If you see a couple of faces looking at each other - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that you are loved and you love.

If you see a couple of faces in a circle - expect marriage and very soon.

If you see a couple of faces that are separated by a line - betrayal, divorce.

Face profile - the defense is very strong.

There is a face in the circle - someone loves you.

Girl - tremulous, tender love.

People - someone wants to help you.

Young guy - separation.

Old woman - the love connection is reliable and strong.

Man with animal - someone is worrying about you.

The mouth that is on top of the bowl - friends, very good ones. If it is in the middle, fortune telling on coffee grounds takes on the meaning of joyful news.

Mouth - hard work, modesty.

Eyes - life changes.

Hand - means disappointment.

Shadow of a Man - nice date.

Animals and their figures in the thick of it

And here are another inhabitants of the coffee grounds, which can be seen quite often. These are animals. Fortune telling on coffee grounds interprets these symbols as follows:

Animals - joy, fun, your wishes will come true, good luck will come.

Horned animal - fast road.

Buffalo - to suffering.

Butterfly - a letter with a love message.

There is a bull at the top - a job with good earnings, profit.

The bull is below - good health.

Crow - there is misfortune in the house.

Camel - this ship of the desert portends wealth.

Pigeon - the soul is pure and innocent.

Hare - fortune telling on coffee grounds indicates cowardice and myopia. Cow - expect happiness.

Cow - expect happiness.

Snake - betrayal, intrigues, coldness.

a lion - nobility, power.

Cat - poverty, misery, ruin.

Chicken - a service for a stranger.

Swan - unexpected money.

Fox - deception, cunning.

A fox that can be seen in full length - they want to insult you, but some people don’t succeed.

Frog - luck, happiness, news full of joy, great love.

There is a frog near the road - someone who came from afar will be useful to you.

Bear - danger, life, which is very difficult, but all this can be eliminated.

Bear at the top - fortune telling tells you - be afraid of failures.

Bear below - great happiness.

Fly - inheritance, untold wealth.

Ant - troubles, anxiety.

Eagle - persist in the fight, you will win.

Deer - pure mind, honesty.

Spider - an unexpected gift.

Fish - travel or good news.

Rooster - well-being, harmony in the family, new news.

There's a cock at the bottom of the cup - they are trying to harm you.

Cock at the top of the cup - the news is very good.

Rooster on the hill - marriage, happiness.

Dog - devoted friend.

Elephant - condition and strength.

Owl - death, a very serious illness.

Tiger - anger.

Duckling - your other half, despite your gender, is faithful to you.

Lizard - surprise.

Predator - poverty, anger.

Plants in a bowl

Now let's look at the drawings of different plants that appear in the bowl and their meanings, which are used to tell fortunes on coffee grounds.

Trees - there will be an obstacle on the way.

Willow - tears, sadness, melancholy.

Oak - enemies will be defeated.

Bush - failure awaits you in business.

Forest - there is a mistake on the path of life.

The forest is dense - quarrels that you never expected with your loved ones.

Clover - you will solve your problems, they will end with success.

Rose - wedding, betrothal, engagement.

Lily - friendship, constancy.

Lily at the bottom of the bowl - to a quarrel.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Violet - wedding with a rich man.

Items for fortune telling

The material world is often at the bottom of the cup, along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear, so it is important to include intuition when fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Diamond - happy love.

Automobile - trip, road, journey.

Angel - unexpected joy, good news.

Tower - a very good sign.

Mitten - old love.

Fork - luxurious life, wealth.

Bike - the journey is difficult.

Gates - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that guests will come to you or a friend will return.

Small house - tightness, need.

Lock - troubles.

Star - Liberty.

Dagger - loss, enmity.

Wheel - a symbol of adventure.

Box - success, joy.

Black cross - death, or news that is full of sadness.

White cross - happiness in family life.

Key - all doors will open before you.

Ring - wedding, engagement, very important union.

At the top of the cup is a shovel - you will find what you lost.

Woman with a shovel in her hands - inheritance.

The shovel is near the square or cross - you will be notified of the loss of the person you love.

Mill - in the relationship of loved ones there is insincerity, falsehood.

Knife - damage, sacrifice, sacrifice.

Hammer - make mistakes and try again, so you will come to success.

Scissors - luck.

Window that has a cross - to a fire.

Window - theft, theft.

Shoes - danger, meeting.

Weapon - scandal, quarrel, but also prosperity.

Folder containing papers - successful, good plan.

A loop - an unfavorable sign, foreshadows serious problems.

Glove - old feelings will awaken.

Dishes - a meeting that will happen suddenly.

Horseshoe - luck, good sign, luck.

Birdie - the news is good.

Chair - success, moving forward.

Candle - dream.

Flag - don't rush, attack.

Hat - a great honor.

The anchor is clearly visible - success.

The anchor is not clearly visible - difficulties in personal affairs.

Lines from coffee grounds

Having dealt with those figures that are most often found, it should be noted that fortune telling on coffee grounds often has lines that can also be deciphered.

Long or short straight line - life without worries in happiness.

Many straight lines - long summers, health. If a straight line is interrupted or zigzags, then all this indicates adventure.

The line is curved, arched - be afraid of the ill-wisher.

There are many curved lines - you are surrounded by enemies, they harm you.

The line is curved and oblique - disease.

There are many oblique lines - carefully! Not everything is fine with you, everything may end badly.

A large number of broken lines - financial difficulties are very serious.

The bottom of the cup is crossed by a separate line - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that the journey is very close and quite pleasant.

Lines like waves - cruise.

A straight line is crossed by broken or curved lines - problems in love affairs, received offense from a woman.

The cross has the image of the letter X - to marriage.

Broken line - uncertainty, illness, indecision, sometimes loss.

Many broken lines - material difficulties.

Square - the best sign that has fortune telling on coffee grounds. Success awaits you in every field of activity, life is full of happiness, expect considerable profits, a stable financial situation.

The dots are small - receipt of a large sum of money. Three dots will indicate longevity.

Short lines or dots - luck is close.

Dashes - you will change your activity or job.

A pair of triangles that touch each other - unstable position.

Circle - I have good relationships with others, it’s pleasant, there’s a general understanding.

Oval - marriage.

Many oval hills - luck accompanies business.

Triangle - luck, unexpected luck. The three triangles intersected - fortune telling on coffee grounds suggests that this means success with the weaker sex, love and luck in it.

Quadrangle - success, luck in love is very unexpected.

Numbers for fortune telling using coffee grounds

Sometimes, when doing fortune telling, you can see letters and numbers.

There is a good system of number magic, you can familiarize yourself with it if you wish. You can also make your own interpretations based on it.

0 - your birth took place under the star of happiness.

1 - someone feels love for you.

2 - illness, failure.

3 - the trade deal is very successful.

4 - hope for good luck.

5 - talk, talk about trifles, gossip.

6 - wedding.

7 - love, happiness in the family, success.

8 - conflict with a loved one.

9 - meeting new people.

10 - luck, luck.

100 - life happiness.

More than 100 - long summers.


Since the interpretation of letters is subjective and relative, we will not write about decoding the entire alphabet. Rely on your intuition, it will help you more. We will give only a small fraction of the interpretations that are used in fortune telling on coffee grounds.

A - enemies are defeated.

B - power.

IN - trouble.

D - loss, loss.

N - anxiety, restlessness.

P - lie.

WITH - acquaintance.

X - wedding.

YU - fears, anxieties.

I - positive changes.

We have sorted out the meanings of the drawings; this basic minimum will be enough for you for now to carry out fortune telling on coffee grounds yourself. Gradually, as you gain experience, you will decide for yourself what to cross off from this list, what to add to it, what interpretations to change. We should not forget the fact that symbols mean something different for each person. In this matter, imagination and psychology play a dominant role. The human brain is designed in such a way that someone looks at a picturesque image in his cup, while another person immediately sees only symbols and the simplest ones. Fortune telling on coffee grounds finds the truth between these contradictions exactly in the middle. If a person is inherently observant, then in general terms he will consider his future. Fortune telling on coffee grounds can also be distorted by adding too much personal information.

Take this advice - read the symbols coherently, but you shouldn’t think through or simplify them.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds will predict your fate more accurately if you take a holistic view of the contents of the coffee cup.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is the most common and favorite type of fortune telling. It’s rare who can resist knocking over a cup on a saucer after drinking coffee.

In three previous articles:

was described in detail about one of the most popular types of fortune telling.

Today, lovers of fortune telling with coffee grounds are invited to study the meaning of the symbols seen in the coffee grounds. For the convenience of readers, the interpretation of symbols is given in alphabetical order. And what symbol you will see at the bottom of your cup, your imagination will tell you.


  1. An arch is a deterioration in health that threatens a career or the fulfillment of plans. Possible accident.

  2. Harp - family harmony, for single and unmarried people - a successful outcome of love affairs.


  1. Butterfly - frivolous but innocent adventures. If the sign is surrounded by dots, you risk wasting your life.
  1. Drum - scandal and quarrels await you. Gossip is spreading around you.
  1. The boot is protection from pain. Coming from the handle - an unexpected move, dismissal. Torn - you are threatened with failure and shame.
  1. Bottle - take care of your health.

7. Libra – litigation is possible. Balanced scales - justice will prevail. Unbalanced - injustice will win.

  1. A windmill is a success that will be achieved as a result of great hard work, not talent.
  1. Question mark – doubts.

10. Volcano – passions can overwhelm you and cause harm.


11. Nail - an attacker is threatening you, they may treat you unfairly.

12. Garland - success and honors.

13. Eye - be attentive and careful, especially in business.

14. Mountains – high aspirations, success in achieving goals.

15. Rake - you should try to put things in order and regulate your lifestyle and work methods.

16. Mushroom – growth, weight gain. Near the handle, the acquisition of a summer cottage, a summer cottage.

17. Vulture – loss, possibly theft. Danger posed by the enemy.

18. Pear – comfort and prosperity.


19. Handbag – monetary profit. At the bottom of the cup is an unexpected loss.

20. Tree - plans will be fulfilled.

21.Home – reliability, especially in business, you can start new things. If the sign is next to the handle and is unclear, family discord or illness can destroy the family.

22. Spruce - success in the field of art, the higher the spruce, the better.


23. Toad - beware of flattery and flatterers.

24. The acorn is an excellent symbol that foretells good luck. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - financial success, in the middle - good health, closer to the bottom - improvement in financial situation and health.


25. Fence - you will not be free in your actions and choice of plans.

26. Castle – a strong character, often overwhelming those around him.

27. A keyhole is an obstacle to success.

28. Hare - shyness.

29. Star - -5-pointed - success that does not bring joy, 8-pointed - accident, 6-pointed - luck, 7-pointed - sadness.

30. Umbrella – You will need shelter. If the umbrella is open, you will receive it. Closed - you will be denied it.

31. Snake – hatred and intrigue.


32. Cabbage - jealousy can bring you complications in life.

33. Square - restrictions, sometimes imprisonment, closed character.

34. Dagger - ardor, impulsiveness OR conspiracy of enemies.

35. Keith - exaltation and success in business.

36. The key is to correctly assess the situation, then new opportunities will open up for you. A double sign if near the bottom of the cup means there is a danger of robbery.

37. Book - if the book is open, a lawsuit awaits you, if it is closed, a difficult search.

38. Goat - you are threatened by enemies.

39. Bell - news awaits you (bad or good - depends on neighboring signs) At the top of the cup - promotion, at the bottom - sad news. Two bells are a great joy.

40. Column – success. OR danger due to your arrogance.

41. Ring – independence, completeness of affairs, constancy. At the top of the cup - a wedding, in the middle - a proposal, at the bottom a long engagement (if there is a cross next to it, the wedding will not take place), two rings - the implementation of all plans.

42. Comet is a guest from afar.

43. Ship - good luck or news will not keep you waiting long.

44. A basket is a very good sign. Pay attention to its location: near the handle - wait for the child, at the top of the cup - receiving a sum of money. If there are flowers in the basket, happiness, success in society, receptions and celebrations await you. If the sign is surrounded by dots, your fortune will increase significantly, possibly due to receiving an inheritance.

45. Crown – great success. If the sign is clearly limited - receiving an inheritance.

46. ​​Bowler hat - service for the benefit of society.

47. Cat - your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back.

48. Cross - suffering, sacrifice, grief. Two crosses - a serious illness or a serious disaster.

49.Bed - if the bed is made - you are smart, if it is in a mess - you do not discipline your mind, it will cause you a lot of trouble.

50. Crocodile - betrayal awaits you.

51. Rabbit – timidity.

52. Wing – news (signs located nearby determine its content).

53. Rat – betrayal and loss. You have unreliable friends and powerful enemies.

54. Jug – willingness to help, ability to influence a partner. Around the handle - excellent health.


55.Swallow – ease of decision making. An unexpected journey with a happy ending.

56. Swan - a good, calm life.

57. Leo - influential friends who will help in your affairs.

58. Bat - beware of conspiracies and false friends.

59. Ladder - extension, perhaps through long hard work.

60.Lines – progress. Especially if the lines are clear and straight.

61. A leaf is news; if the leaves are in bunches, it means happiness and good luck.

62. Boat - in difficult times you will find refuge.

63. Shovel is a difficult job that will end in success.

64. Horse - a galloping horse - good news from a lover, a horse's head - a beloved.

65. Moon - full moon - love, love affairs, in the first quarter - new plans, ideas, and in the last quarter - a decline in all matters. If the sign is unclear - despondency. The sign is surrounded by dots - marriage for money.

66. Frog - avoid putting on airs, it can bring you trouble.


67. Mask - be careful, those around you are deceiving you.

69. Bear - your unreasonable decisions make your existence difficult and can put you in a dangerous situation. If the bear turns away from the pen, it's a long journey.

70. Baby - you have a lot of minor troubles ahead OR an addition to the family.

71. Hammer – ability to overcome difficulties, tendency to cruelty.

72. Bridge - luck can turn away from you when success is just a step away.

73. Ant - be persistent and success will come to you.

74. Fly - troubles and worries associated with business. The more flies, the more trouble.

75. Ball - good luck awaits you in life.


76. Insect - small troubles that will end happily

77. The pump is a noble nature.

78. Knife - break in relationships, end of friendship. Near the handle - divorce, crossed knives - major feuds

79. Scissors - quarrel, separation. Next to the pen is a family quarrel.

80. Nanny - you are threatened by illness. If the sign is located near the handle, it means an illness of a loved one.


81. Monkey - flatterers pose a danger to you; they are plotting something evil against you.

82.Clouds – doubts, unresolved problems. If the clouds are very dense - failure.

83. Fire – avoid hasty reactions, especially anger.

84. Necklace – you are supported and admired. If the necklace is broken - a quarrel with a loved one, unsuccessful love.

85. Circle - a successful outcome of the case.


86. Peacock - with a straightened tail - a state, surrounded by dots - a luxurious life, near the "ring" sign - a wedding.

87. Package - a surprise awaits you (the signs located nearby will tell you what kind it is).

88. Palm tree - success, respect, honors.

89. Fern - your lover is unfaithful to you.

90. Parachute - getting rid of danger.

91. Spider is a persistent character, not without cunning and cunning.

92. Feather – inconstancy and lack of concentration.

93. Saw - someone outside is threatening the peace of your family.

94. Gun - you are in danger.

95. A letter is news, if the sign is unclear, it is bad news.

96. Fruit is a lucky sign, especially if the fruit is in season.

97. Parrot - a scandal awaits you and gossip haunts you.

98. Reptile - you are threatened with betrayal. Beware of false friends

99. Profile – short-term friendship or acquaintance.

100. Bird - especially good if there are two or more birds. Flying birds are good news, standing birds are a successful journey.

101. Bee – success, both socially and materially. Good news. Near the handle - a meeting with friends, a swarm of bees - possible success during a speech in front of an audience.

102. Pentagon – intellectual balance.


103. Fork – it’s time to make a decision (neighboring signs will tell you whether your affairs will end successfully or not)

104. A gun - near the handle - a threat to family well-being; near the bottom of a cup - slander will undermine confidence in you; for the military, the sign means resignation.

105. Mermaid - be careful, you will be tempted.

106. Pisces is one of the best signs. LUCK IN EVERYTHING.

107. A glass is the integrity of nature.


108. Airplane - an unexpected journey with an element of risk or reaching new heights. If the plane appears to be crashed, your health or career is in danger.

109. Candle – benefit, zeal for knowledge or diligence in study.

110. Pig – success in life, accompanied by spiritual discord and illness.

111. Network - avoid the trap.

112. Skeleton – poverty, poor health.

113. Violin – individualism, egoism.

114. Elephant - wisdom, strength, not quick, but lasting success.

115. Dog – rely on friends. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup and the behavior of the dog: a running dog means good news and a happy meeting, a submissive dog means you may be slandering a friend, a dog at the bottom of the cup means a friend is in trouble.

116. An owl is a bad sign, meaning that you will face difficult trials. At the bottom of the cup is illness and financial ruin.

117. Sun – great joy, success, power.

118. Table – reception, celebration, meeting. If the sign is surrounded by dots, it means a business meeting.

119.Arrow - expect bad news.

120. Chair – improvement of position; if the chair is surrounded by dots – improvement of financial situation.

121. Bag - a trap awaits you. If the bag is zipped, you will fall into it.


122. Ax - you will face difficulties, especially if the ax is without an axe.

123.Dot – a single dot enhances the meaning of the nearest sign. A group of dots represents money.

124. Triangle - upward angle - success. Down - plans will change.


125. Flag - you are in danger, especially if the flag is black.


126. A hill is an obstacle to success, especially if there is a cloud above the hill.


127. Flower - your wish will come true.


128. A teapot - near the handle - home well-being, near the bottom or at the bottom of the cup - a family quarrel.

129. Clock – avoid doubts and delays. OR – recovery. At the bottom of the cup is death.

130. A person - near the handle - guests, with an outstretched hand - giving gifts.

131. Human figure - you need to carefully examine the figure and give your own interpretation of who it is and what its intentions are.

132. Suitcase – travel, making important decisions.

133. Turtle – excessive sensitivity to criticism.

134. Monster – horror, fear.


135. Hat - new opportunities and possible success. At the bottom of the cup is a rival, a rival; if the hat is bent or has a hole, failure awaits you.

136. Jester - avoid frivolities, they will not bring anything good. Time to get serious.

137. Brush – minor troubles will disappear


138. Egg – prosperity, success, wealth.

139. Anchor - success awaits you. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - success in business, in the middle - a journey that will bring you prosperity (especially if the symbol is surrounded by dots), closer to the bottom - success in society. If the symbol is blurry, expect trouble.

140. Hawk - you are in sudden danger.

The letter “I” ends the alphabet and our list of symbols for fortune telling on coffee grounds.

If you are interested in this process, then study and train in this exciting activity. And you will succeed. You will certainly become the center of any coffee-drinking company.

Well, if you don’t want to master this magical skill, then here you can use coffee grounds.

Enjoy your fortune telling. With this I say goodbye to you.

It’s interesting to know if you’ve read your fortune on coffee grounds? What are your impressions of such a pastime? Should we believe the conclusions of such fortune-telling?

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