Chocolate sausage is the easiest recipe. Sweet sausage made from cookies: various recipe options

Chocolate sausage made from cookies will certainly turn out delicious if you use the right products for its preparation, that is, butter without vegetable additives, and in no case margarine (as some advise), real cocoa, and not a drink, etc. It is better to choose butter cookies for sausages - sugar, chess - in a word, ordinary, by weight, so that they are sweet, not salty, and not biscuits.
I have kept the recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies since school - this is the first dessert that I learned to cook. It’s easier and safer for children to entrust the preparation of sweets without baking from cookies or ground crackers - banana cake, “anthill”, “potato” cakes, etc. - that’s why my first culinary successes began with these very simple recipes. We made sausage from cookies back then without adding nuts, I don’t know why, maybe to save money. Much later, I added nuts to the sausage recipe, leaving the rest unchanged.

One of the simplest recipes for delicious desserts comes from distant childhood - today I will tell you how to cook sweet sausage. Mommy used to make it for me and my brother, but now I spoil my kids with this wonderful delicacy. In fact, even a child (under the supervision of an adult) can prepare homemade chocolate sausage - this dessert is so simple and does not require culinary skills.

The chocolate sausage recipe includes affordable ingredients that are almost always available in every home.

  • shortbread cookies – 350 gr
  • butter - 200 gr
  • walnut – 100 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • milk - 100 ml
  • cocoa powder – 40 g

To prepare sweet chocolate sausage, we will need any shortbread cookies, butter, milk (any fat content), granulated sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, and nuts. I use peeled walnuts, but you can use others if possible and to your taste.

First of all, we will make chocolate glaze, which will become the base for the sweet sausage. To do this, take a suitable saucepan or stewpan and pour 100 milliliters of milk into it. We also pour 40 grams of high-quality cocoa powder and 150 grams of sugar there. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Sugar and cocoa should be completely dissolved.

When the glaze boils for just a minute, remove the dishes from the heat and put 200 grams of butter into it. It is better, of course, to use soft butter (take it out of the refrigerator in advance) - then it will dissolve faster in the hot glaze. But this is not important - you can add oil directly from the refrigerator.

Stir the mixture until all the butter is completely dissolved - the chocolate glaze for the sweet sausage is ready. Let it cool until warm.

In the meantime, we are working on the dry base for dessert - cookies and nuts. Cookies, for example, need to be crushed in such a way that you get some very fine crumbs and larger pieces.

To do this, you can simply break the cookies with your hands, use a rolling pin, or grind them in a food processor.

In a suitable bowl, combine the crushed cookies and peeled nuts, which also need to be either broken into large pieces or chopped with a knife.

Pour the already cooled chocolate glaze over the nuts and cookies and mix everything thoroughly.

As a result, you should get a plastic mass that holds its shape perfectly. It is not dry and at the same time does not spread.

Now you can form the dessert. To do this, you can use baking paper, like cling film or foil. Personally, I prefer food foil. I divide the entire base for chocolate sausage into 3 parts. I put one part on a sheet of foil and give it an oblong shape.

I twist the foil with the contents so that I get a dense sausage. Additionally, I level the workpiece with my palms so that there are no voids inside. I wrap the edges of the foil like a candy wrapper.

I shape the rest of the sausages in the same way. By the way, you may not have 3 pieces, but 1 large one, or, conversely, more, but small ones. All that remains is to let our chocolate sausages harden. To do this, simply put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours or in the freezer for 1 hour. I always store chocolate sausage in the freezer. Firstly, it’s safer there (no one but me will definitely find it), and secondly, the dessert can be stored longer. Although chocolate sausage is not a dish that can sit for a long time, it is extremely tasty.

When you want something sweet, take out one sausage and cut it into portions. You can do it directly in foil - it’s more convenient.

With a cup of aromatic tea or invigorating coffee, a slice (2,3,4...) of chocolate sausage is a great reason to get up early and enjoy a wonderful dessert. And how much kids love sweet sausage... I’m sure I don’t even need to tell you!

Recipe 1, ancient: chocolate sausage made from cookies

Chocolate sausage made from cookies is a delicious and quick dessert without baking. Easy, fast and simple!

  • Sugar or shortbread cookies - 250 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Cocoa powder – 15 g
  • Walnuts – 20 g

How to make sweet chocolate sausage: mix sugar, cocoa and milk in a saucepan.


Add butter. Place the saucepan on the stove. Over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool.

Chop the cookies into small pieces.

Add finely chopped nuts to the cookies.

Pour the cooled mixture into the cookies. Mix carefully so as not to break the cookies.

Divide the mass into 2 parts.

Place one part on cling film. Wrap tightly with film and shape into a sausage.

We do the same with the second part. Transfer the sausages to a flat plate or cutting board and place in the refrigerator to set for at least 1 hour.

Chocolate sweet sausage is ready. Before serving, cut into pieces. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Almond Cookie Sausage

I offer you an old step-by-step recipe with photos. I must say, this thin sweet mulatto, which in appearance resembled today’s salami, with frequent inclusions of walnuts, the aroma of vanilla and cocoa, attracted us with incredible power. For her sake, we did our homework on time, went to the store for cookies, took out the trash and washed the floors. Even today, no delicacy can eclipse its unsurpassed taste. Prepare this amazing delight for tea, treat it to your guests and you will understand that you simply cannot find anything tastier than this nondescript brown log.

  • 200 grams of shortbread cookies,
  • 90 grams of finely crystalline granulated sugar,
  • 100 grams of butter,
  • 2.5 tablespoons of milk,
  • 20 grams of cocoa powder,
  • ½ cup almonds.

Break the cookies into fine crumbs. It is better to take drier cookies, then the mass will be lighter and more tender.

Chop the peeled almonds coarsely with a knife and place in a container with chopped dry mass.

In a convenient fireproof container, mix sugar, butter and cocoa, add milk

and bring to a boil over low heat while stirring constantly.

Pour the chocolate mixture into the cookies. Stir until all components are completely combined into a homogeneous dark mass.

You can expand the flavor range of the product by adding dark chocolate. To do this, melt a quarter of a bar (50 grams) of chocolate with 1-2 tablespoons of milk in a water bath.

Place cling film or foil on a flat surface. Place the viscous brown mass in the shape of a sausage and wrap it carefully.

Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours; to speed up the process or if long-term storage is necessary, use the freezer. When serving chocolate biscuit sausage, you can lightly dust it with powdered sugar.

Recipe 4: Chocolate biscuit sausage with powdered sugar

Chocolate sausage made from cookies is a childhood favorite dessert. I want to offer you a step-by-step recipe with photos so that you can repeat it at home. My mother told me this old recipe; this is how chocolate sausage was prepared when she was little.

The advantage of the dessert is that it can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time. So, at any time you will have something to pamper yourself and your family with.

  • biscuits – 300 g.,
  • butter – 200 g.,
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. ,
  • walnuts – 1 tbsp. ,
  • cocoa – 3 tbsp. l. ,
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Powdered sugar needs to be beaten with butter. It should be at room temperature, very soft, but not liquid.

Add the crushed cookies to the mixture.

The nuts must first be fried in a frying pan or in the oven. Peel off excess husks and chop a little. Mix everything until smooth. Add cocoa along with the nuts.

You should get a tight, homogeneous mixture.

Place everything on cling film and form a sausage.

Place in the freezer for 6 hours.

Slice and serve. Now you can enjoy delicious, homemade chocolate sausage and remember your childhood.

Recipe 5: Chocolate Sausage with Cocoa Shortbread

Chocolate sausage - an imperishable recipe! “Salami” made from cookies was loved by everyone who came from the USSR. In times of shortage, Soviet housewives knew how to create masterpieces of the rank of hot-cuisine out of nothing. So this chocolate sausage is a bright representative of this legendary collection from the past.

  • Shortbread cookies 400 gr
  • Butter 200 gr
  • Sugar 150 gr
  • Cocoa 4 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Salt 1 pinch

Chocolate sausage made from cookies is a simple recipe. To begin, melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add sugar to butter.

Add cocoa to the butter-sugar mixture and heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.

Add the egg to the hot chocolate mixture and stir quickly and vigorously with a whisk to prevent the egg from curdling.

Crush the cookies into small pieces.

Combine cookies and chocolate mixture.

Spread cling film on a work surface and place the chocolate mixture on top.

Roll the film into a sausage, tie the ends with a rope and cool well. If you are not sure that you have rolled the “sausage” tightly enough, put it under a small press for an hour, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Cut the finished dessert and serve with tea or coffee.

Recipe 6: Sweet Chocolate Cookie Sausage

Now there are new recipes for chocolate sausage made from cookies (with condensed milk, in chocolate, etc.), but this old one is a real one from the past, the same as waffles in an electric waffle iron or brushwood.

Ingredients for chocolate sausage:

  • cookies ("anniversary" type) – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • cocoa powder – 5 tbsp;
  • walnuts (chopped) – 4 tbsp.

Chocolate sausage recipe:

1. We tie the cookies in a plastic bag and crush them into pieces (as small as possible) with a kitchen hammer.

2. Then put the butter in the pan and melt it.

3. Add sugar to the butter and over low heat, stirring, dissolve the sugar.

4. After the sugar has dissolved a little, remove the pan from the stove, add cocoa, nuts, and mix.

5. Then pour the cookies out of the bag and mix everything thoroughly.

6. Spread food film on the table, place the resulting sausage on it, and wrap it in a roll.

7. Place the finished chocolate sausage in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe 7: chocolate sausage with candied fruits, like in childhood

This dessert is familiar to everyone since childhood. This was probably the first dessert I made with my own hands.
In addition to the fact that chocolate sausage is very tasty and aromatic, it is very easy to prepare. I was once again convinced of this last night, preparing it in just 15 minutes. And as a result, today for breakfast my husband and I enjoyed a cup of aromatic coffee and a piece of this simple and chic dessert.

Cooking time: 15 minutes + hardening (about 3-4 hours).


  1. Cookies 500 gr.
  2. Cocoa 3 tbsp.
  3. Sugar 4 tbsp.
  4. Butter 200 gr.
  5. Milk ½ tbsp.
  6. Vanillin
  7. Candied fruits 50 gr.
  8. Any nuts 50 gr.


  1. Chop the nuts.
  2. Finely chop the candied fruits.
  3. Break the cookies: break some finely, the rest larger.
  4. Mix nuts, candied fruits and cookies.
  5. Mix cocoa with sugar, add milk, stir until lumps are completely dissolved. Add vanillin.
  6. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the cocoa-milk mixture.
  7. Place on the fire and cook over low heat until the sugar and butter are completely dissolved.
  8. Pour the hot mixture over the cookies, nuts and candied fruits. To stir thoroughly.
  9. Place the resulting mass on foil or baking paper, wrap it into a roll and shape into a sausage.
  10. Place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
  11. When serving, cut the chocolate sausage into pieces.

Recipe 8: children's chocolate sausage step by step recipe


  • 500 grams of shortbread cookies,
  • 200 grams of butter,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder.
  • 150 grams of condensed milk with sugar,

Chocolate sausage is one of every child's favorite treats. There are quite a few variations on the theme of how to make chocolate sausage. However, this children's recipe is considered classic:

Chocolate sausage made from cookies - Preparation:

1. Break the shortbread cookies into small pieces with your hands.

2. Cut the unsalted butter into pieces and melt over very low heat in a deep saucepan. Stir constantly with a spoon or whisk.

3. When the butter has completely melted, pour condensed milk into it.

4. Stir the whole mixture thoroughly and heat again, but do not boil.

5. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (you can use “Golden Label”).

6. Stir until the color is uniform and remove all lumps. Add the crumbled cookies, having first removed the mixture from the heat.

7. Stir very quickly so that all the cookies are evenly coated with chocolate fudge.

8. Place a thick plastic bag on a flat surface and place the prepared chocolate mixture with cookies on it. Wrap tightly and place in the refrigerator until firm.

9. Once the chocolate sausage has hardened, you can unwrap and cut it.

Recipe 9: Chocolate biscuit sausage with condensed milk

Sweet sausage made from cookies (a recipe like in childhood with condensed milk) is very easy to prepare at home. You can use dried fruits, crushed nuts, and candied fruits as additional ingredients, thereby getting a new taste each time. Take soft biscuits for sausages, and unboiled condensed milk.

  • cookies – 500 grams;
  • condensed milk – 380 grams;
  • butter – 180 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 30 grams.

Use your hands to crush the cookies into small pieces.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Place it in the cookie crumbs and knead everything together with your hands or a fork.

Pour cocoa powder into the soft mixture and mix everything thoroughly again.

Transfer the condensed milk from the can and carefully combine the ingredients.

We form the sweet mass into oblong bars of medium thickness.

Wrap the bars in film, put them in the freezer for two hours - the delicacy should harden.

Delicious sausage is ready! We cut it into thin pieces and invite everyone to “try it.” Bon appetit!

Secrets of making chocolate sausage:

— the cookies must be rich and shortbread; dry cookies definitely won’t make such a delicious chocolate sausage,

- to speed up the process, you can grind half of the cookies through a meat grinder, and break the rest into large pieces,

— store-bought condensed milk can be replaced with homemade milk by brewing it from milk and sugar according to the classic recipe,

- you can take less cocoa powder (for example, just 1 tablespoon or even 2/3), if you or your child do not like the slightly bitter taste,

- if the mass is a bit runny, add some cookies, if it’s too thick, add condensed milk,

- properly prepared chocolate sausage does not melt right before your eyes (in the literal sense of the word) - it retains its shape well even at room temperature for a long time.

Sausage made from cookies and cocoa is an easy-to-prepare and incredibly tasty sweet treat, the recipe for which has been familiar since childhood. The delicacy was very popular during the Soviet era, like the legendary nuts with boiled condensed milk. The dessert is also of great interest in European countries. In the Old World, the delicacy is called chocolate salami.

To make sausage from cookies and cocoa at home like you did in childhood, you will need a simple set of ingredients, 10-20 minutes of free time for cooking and 2-3 hours to cool the dessert in the refrigerator.

I have prepared several recipes for making pastry sausage, including traditional ones, with a classic composition and set of products, and modern ones, with bold additives that add a touch of originality to the range of tastes that have been established for decades.

  1. Don't get stuck on the standard elongated sausage shape made from cocoa and biscuits. The treat can be served in the form of balls, cones, stars and other figures. Use special molds if desired.
  2. When wrapping, cling film can be easily replaced with foil or a regular plastic bag.
  3. Change the taste of the sausage using additional ingredients: candied fruits, raisins, walnuts or nutmegs, baked milk-flavored cookies, strawberries, sugar.
  4. Don't like cocoa? Replace with melted milk or dark chocolate.

Cookie sausage - a recipe like in childhood

To get a delicious cocoa sausage, take sweet cookies - milk, baked or vanilla.

  • Milk – 3 large spoons,
  • Butter – 200 g,
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons,
  • Cookies – 200 g,
  • Sugar – 1 glass,
  • Egg – 1 piece.
  1. I transfer the cookies into a deep bowl. I grind it using a masher or blender. I don’t crush it too much so that there are large particles in the finished sausage.
  2. In a separate pan I mix the sweet base of granulated sugar and cocoa. I add the ingredients to the melted butter. Cook over low heat until completely dissolved. I stir until smooth. I turn off the stove and remove the pan from the heat. Leave the chocolate mixture to cool for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Using a whisk, beat the egg. Pour into the cooled glaze and stir.
  4. I pour cocoa with butter and egg into the crushed liver. I stir it carefully.
  5. I form neat sausages on the kitchen board. I wrap it in cling film. I put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Before serving the sausage recipe on the table as in childhood, I let the delicacy melt a little. Bon appetit!

Sweet sausage - classic recipe

  • Cookies – 500 g,
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons,
  • Cocoa - 3 large spoons,
  • Butter – 200 g,
  • Milk - half a tablespoon,
  • Nuts – 50 g,
  • Candied fruits – 50 g,
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  1. Using a blender, I grind some of the cookies into crumbs. The rest I break into large pieces with my hands. I pour it into one dish.
  2. I finely chop candied fruits and nuts and add them to the cookies.
  3. Mix cocoa with sugar in a small saucepan. Mix until smooth without lumps. At the end of stirring, add vanillin.
  4. I cut the melted butter into small cubes so that it dissolves faster. I transfer it to the chocolate base.
  5. I put the pan on the stove. I set the burner temperature to the minimum value. I stir the mixture until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved and the butter is melted. I take it off the stove. Let it cool for 5-10 minutes.
  6. I pour the chocolate base into the candied nut mixture. I stir.
  7. I form a sausage on baking paper. For longer storage, wrap the sausage in cling film.
  8. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk

The recipe does not use sugar. Condensed milk will add the necessary sweetness to the sausage.

  • Shortbread cookies – 600 g,
  • Condensed milk – 400 g,
  • Cocoa - 7 large spoons,
  • Butter – 200 g.
  1. I break the cookies. I crush it with a masher, leaving large particles.
  2. I put 7 tablespoons of cocoa powder into the melted butter. I pour a whole jar of condensed milk.
  3. I send the resulting chocolate-milk mixture to the crushed cookies. I stir thoroughly and slowly.
  4. I make sausages on the kitchen board. I wrap the dessert in foil or cling film. I put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

I cut the chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk into round pieces. Serve with tea or coffee.

How to cook sausage with walnuts

  • Sugar cookies – 250 g,
  • Butter – 125 g,
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g,
  • Walnuts – 150 g,
  • Condensed milk – 400 g,
  • Cocoa – 2 large spoons.

  1. I peel the walnuts. Lightly brown in a frying pan over medium heat. I take it off the stove.
  2. I sift the cocoa through a sieve to get rid of any lumps.
  3. Melt the dark chocolate pieces in a saucepan. Add melted butter to the chocolate mixture. For a rich taste, add 2 large spoons of cocoa. Mix thoroughly. After the chocolate has completely dissolved, add condensed milk.

Helpful advice. Do not bring the chocolate-cream mixture to a boil.

  1. Stir thoroughly and remove from heat. I leave it in the kitchen to cool.
  2. I grind the sugar cookies in a blender or use a good old masher. Do not grind all confectionery products into fine crumbs. Let the sausage contain medium sized cookie pieces.
  3. I carefully cut the toasted walnuts with a sharp knife. I mix cookies with nuts.
  4. I add chocolate mass, thick in consistency. Mix thoroughly.
  5. I form oblong sausages. I wrap it in cling film. I put the finished culinary products in the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours I take the dessert out of the refrigerator.
  6. I cut the sausages into portions (into round pieces) and serve with hot tea.

Eat for your health!

How to make sausage from cookies without cocoa

A non-standard approach to preparing confectionery sausages from cookies without cocoa. The sweetness of the dessert is given by delicious creamy toffee and condensed milk.

  • Cookies – 400 g,
  • Creamy toffee – 400 g,
  • Condensed milk – 400 g,
  • Butter – 200 g.
  1. I put the toffee and butter in a large, deep bowl. I set it on low heat. I constantly stir and melt the ingredients. I get a hot creamy mass of light caramel color. I remove it from the burner and let it cool.
  2. Quite a bit of cookies. To grind faster, use a blender. I put the pastry in a bag and roll it out with a rolling pin. Break some of the cookies into medium-sized pieces with your hands.
  3. I transfer the cooled candy-cream mixture to the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly with a spoon, gradually turning it into a homogeneous and soft paste.
  4. I put it on the board. I carefully shape the shapeless mass into an oblong sausage shape. I cover it with cling film, pulling it along the edges to make a big “candy”. I put it in the freezer for 5-6 hours or in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe with raisins and nuts

  • Cocoa - 2 large spoons,
  • Butter – 200 g,
  • Sugar – 1 large spoon,
  • Cow's milk – 100 ml,
  • Cookies – 400 g,
  • Raisins, walnuts, powdered sugar - to taste.

Helpful advice. Do not overdo it. Don't let your delicious sugar cookies turn into powder. The dessert should contain a small amount of small, whole pieces of confectionery.

  1. I crush some of the cookies with a masher or roll them out with a rolling pin.
  2. I chop nuts on a kitchen board. I pour it into the crushed liver and add sugar. I stir and set the dry mixture aside.
  3. I melt the butter in a saucepan.
  4. I pour milk. I bring the dessert base to a boil. Add the dry mixture and mix thoroughly.
  5. At the end I add raisins. I remove the dish from the stove, let the mixture cool and soak in the confectionery.
  6. I put cling film on the kitchen board and form an oblong sausage. I wrap it, carefully tying it at the corners.
  7. To prevent the cocoa sausage from turning out flat, wrap it in a sushi mat.
  8. I put it in the freezer for 4-6 hours.
  9. I print out the resulting treat. Place it on a plate and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Chocolate sausage "Bounty" with coconut flakes

  • Coconut cookies – 350 g,
  • Sugar – 5 large spoons,
  • Water – 100 ml,
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons,
  • Cognac – 1 teaspoon,
  • Coconut flakes – 80 g,
  • Powdered sugar – 80 g,
  • Butter – 80 g.
  1. I crush some of the coconut cookies with a masher, and break the other into medium-sized pieces. I put the dessert preparation aside.
  2. Pour water and cognac into a separate pan. I add cocoa powder and granulated sugar. I turn on the stove to medium heat. Stir and bring the mixture to a boil. The main goals are complete dissolution of sugar and obtaining a homogeneous mass.
  3. I remove the pan from the stove. I leave it to cool in the kitchen, I don’t put it in the refrigerator.
  4. I prepare a delicate and tasty white cream. Mix coconut flakes, powdered sugar and softened and melted butter.
  5. I spread the chocolate mixture onto parchment paper. I add white cream on top. I wrap the treat in a roll. Cover with cling film.
  6. I send the sausage to cool for 60-90 minutes in the freezer.

How to make an unusual sweet sausage without milk

A non-standard recipe for making delicious and original sausage without milk at home. A bold combination of dark chocolate, cream and... fresh carrots is used, giving the delicacy an unusual taste and reddish color.

  • Carrots – 250 g,
  • Apple - 1 medium size,
  • Cane sugar - 5 tablespoons,
  • Butter – 120 g,
  • Cookies “Jubilee” – 200 g,
  • Peanuts – 25 g,
  • Almonds – 50 g,
  • Condensed milk - 3 large spoons,
  • Cinnamon - a quarter teaspoon
  • Ginger (dry) - a quarter teaspoon,
  • Vanillin – 2 g,
  • Cream 33 percent fat - 3 tablespoons,
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g.
  1. I thoroughly wash and peel fresh carrots. I grate it with the smallest fraction. Transfer to a saucepan, add sugar and butter (a little more than half). Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Peel the apple and chop it on a grater. I transfer it to the carrots and mix thoroughly. I simmer for an additional 5-10 minutes.
  3. I grind 100 grams of cookies in a blender until lightly crumbly. I chop the rest coarsely along with the nuts.
  4. I remove the carrot-apple mixture from the stove. I add the remaining butter. I stir. First I lay out the pastry crumbs, then I put in a mixture of large parts (along with nuts). I'm interfering again.
  5. I carefully form a sausage on parchment paper. I wrap it in film to prevent it from weathering. I transfer it to a wide plate and put it in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.
  6. One hour before cooling is complete, I start preparing the chocolate glaze. Pour the cream into a small saucepan. I heat it, but don't boil it. I put the dark chocolate broken into pieces. I turn up the heat. I stir constantly, waiting for the dark ingredient to completely dissolve in the light mass.
  7. I take it off the fire. I leave it to cool at room temperature.
  8. Pour the glaze over the cookie sausage in an even layer. I put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours without wrapping it in film.

An unusual dessert is ready!

How many calories are in a biscuit sausage?

Butter, sugar, cookies, condensed milk are products that increase the energy value of the treat. Chocolate sausage, depending on the recipe and ingredients, has a calorie content of 410-480 kcal per 100 g of product. This is a high figure.

A delicate and melt-in-your-mouth delicacy contains a large amount of fat (20-23 g) and a considerable amount of carbohydrates (45-50 g) per 100 g. It is better not to overindulge in dessert.

We all love to enjoy delicious sweet desserts, but few people want to engage in the exhausting process of preparing them. That’s why quick dessert recipes were invented, one of which is homemade chocolate sausage, the recipe for which does not take much time and effort. Making your own chocolate products is a great opportunity to quickly cheer yourself up by creating a little chocolate paradise in your own kitchen.

Recipe for homemade chocolate sausage with walnuts

Sweet sausage is easy to prepare at home. A minimum of simple ingredients that you always have on hand and a few simple culinary steps - and you can easily make a delicious sausage from chocolate and cookies.

And by adding chopped walnuts to the sweet portions, you simply won’t be able to tear yourself away from the finished deliciousness.


  • Milk (or 10% cream) – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Shortbread cookies – 300-400 g;
  • Cocoa – 3 tbsp. l. (with a slide);
  • Walnuts – 1 tbsp. ( ~ 100 g);
  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Chocolate (not bitter) – 50 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. ( ~ 200 g).

Step-by-step preparation of chocolate sausages from cookies

  1. In a blender, grind 1/3 or even ½ of the shortbread cookies. We should now have real dry cookie powder. Pour it into a bowl, manually break the rest of the cookies into small pieces and combine with the powdery mass.
  2. Chop the nuts coarsely and mix them with the cookies.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine cocoa and sugar, dilute the mixture with milk (or cream), mix thoroughly.
  4. Place the cocoa milk mass over low heat, bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally during the boiling process.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and give the product a little time to cool.
  6. Cut the butter into small cubes, pour them into warm cocoa mass, and stir.
  7. Transfer the crushed nut cookies into a bowl with cocoa. Initially add only part of the shortbread cookies so as not to thicken the product too much. Add cookies in portions, stirring each time before adding a new portion. Add as many cookies as needed to achieve a nice thick, sticky mass.
  8. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix it with 2-4 tbsp. l. milk or cream, stir until smooth. When you mix the melted chocolate with the main mass, it may become a little liquid, in which case you will need to add a little more crushed cookies.
  9. We spread foil on the table, grease it with butter, then put some of the aromatic chocolate mass on it and carefully level it.
  10. We wrap it tightly in foil, creating a delicious sweet sausage of our own production from the shapeless chocolate mass. We shape the sausage with our own hands, using this principle we make all 6 servings of homemade sausages.
  11. We put our favorite sausages made at home in the refrigerator or freezer for a couple of hours so that they harden well.

Before serving, homemade chocolate sausage is cut into beautiful thin slices and served with aromatic black tea or freshly brewed coffee.

Secrets of a successful sweet sausage

Even the best sweet sausage recipe will not ensure you successfully prepare a delicious chocolate treat at home if you do not use the “right” ingredients for your dessert dish.

  1. For example, cookies, try to take only butter, do not use biscuits, salty or with other flavorings. There should be sweet cookies without additives.
  2. Also, do not try to replace natural butter with margarine, cocoa with cocoa drink, etc.

The taste of your favorite homemade cookies depends entirely on the quality of the products used to prepare them.

Cookie sausage recipe: recipe with condensed milk


  • — 200 g + -
  • Cookies – 600 g + -
  • Cocoa - 5 tbsp. + -
  • Condensed milk— 1 can (380 g) + -

Making homemade chocolate sausage from cookies

A quick step-by-step recipe for preparing sweet sausages takes no more than 25 minutes.

We will make sausages at home from cookies with condensed milk without eggs and walnuts. If desired, you can add nuts.

If you want, you can even put candied fruits in sweet chocolate bars. Diversify the taste of your favorite sweets at your discretion.

  1. Break the cookies into small pieces and place the slices in a large bowl.
  2. Heat butter in a saucepan, mix it with condensed milk and cocoa.
  3. Pour the broken cookies with a mixture of cocoa and condensed milk, mix the ingredients.
  4. We make medium-length chocolate bars with our own hands. You can simplify the task by using cling film. To do this, roll it out on the table, put the chocolate mass on top, wrap it in film and roll everything into small sausages.

Place the homemade sweet sausages in the freezer for 4 hours. Before serving, cut the product and serve.

Step-by-step recipe for chocolate sausage with marmalade

Making original chocolate sausages at home is no more difficult than any other classic chocolate bars.

To make delicious chocolate sausages you don’t need any unusual product, special herb or spice. You just need to add marmalade to the tender sweet cookie sausage. The taste of your favorite delicacy will change dramatically, but it will still be very piquant and attractively pleasant.


  • Egg (chicken) – 1 pc.;
  • Biscuit cookies – 400 g;
  • Water – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. (200 ml);
  • Cocoa – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Marmalade – 150 g;
  • Butter – 200 g.

How to make sweet sausage at home

  1. Crumble the cookies, cut the marmalade into small pieces, and mix the ingredients together.
  2. Melt the butter over moderate heat.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat sugar (½ cup) with egg.
  4. When the butter is completely melted, add the beaten egg-sugar mixture to it and quickly mix the products.
  5. Pour cocoa into the resulting mass, the rest of the sugar, pour in 1 tbsp. water.
  6. Place the container with the food on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook the chocolate mixture for 1-2 minutes, constantly stirring the sweetness during the cooking process so that by the time it is finished the chocolate product has thickened.
  7. Pour homemade chocolate into a bowl with cookies, mix everything.
  8. Place the mixture in plastic bags. It is better to divide the entire mixture into 3 parts (3 bags), this will make it easier to form delicious chocolate sausages.
  9. Let's start creating sausage molds: we manually form small chocolate bars and put them in the freezer to harden for 2-3 hours.

That’s it – our chocolate sausages with marmalade are ready. A tasty product can be stored in the freezer for a long time, so take risks and prepare a lot of delicacies at once so that there is enough not only for your family, but also for unexpected guests who come to you for tea.

This is what it is - a simple and at the same time unusual homemade chocolate sausage. The recipe for making the best sausage from cookies and cocoa is now known to you. Write it down in your cookbook and surprise your loved ones with a sweet, filling, instant dessert.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate sausage


Shortbread cookies - 200 g

Walnuts - 300 g

Oil - 200 g

Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Egg - 2 pcs.

Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Crumble cookies and toasted nuts.

2. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa.

3. Melt the butter, add the sugar-egg mixture and keep on low heat, stirring, until it boils. Remove from heat. Cool until warm.

4. Add cookies with nuts and stir.

5. Cool the mixture slightly, form into sausages (using bags or paper), wrap tightly and put in the freezer.

6. Chop the well-frozen sausage and eat and enjoy!

Chocolate sausage “Assorted nuts”


Cookies - 250-300 g

Baked milk - 50 g

Butter - 100 g

Sugar - 100 g

Vanilla sugar - 2 p.

Cocoa powder - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Roasted peanuts - 50 g

Roasted hazelnuts - 50 g

Roasted walnuts - 50 g

Cooking method:

1. Peel the peanuts. This is the most labor-intensive process in this recipe, then everything is done much easier and faster.

2. Grind all 3 types of nuts.

3. Pass the cookies through a meat grinder or grind them by hand. The smaller the pieces, the tastier the finished product will be.

4. Combine nuts with cookies.

5. Take a small saucepan and put it on fire. Place butter in a saucepan. When it melts, pour baked milk into it.

6. Then add sugar (regular and vanilla) and cocoa powder.

7. Mix thoroughly so that even the slightest lumps do not remain. Heat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

8. Pour the prepared cookies with nuts into this chocolate mass. Mix.

9. Take foil and cut rectangles out of it.

10. Place some of the mixture on each piece of foil, wrap and form into sausages. In total, this set of products makes 2 sausages.

11. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. That's it - the chocolate cookie sausage is ready! You can cut it and treat your household!

Sweet sausage. Very fast!


Sweet straw - -0.5 kg

Candy "Korovka" - 0.5 kg

Method for preparing sweet sausage:

1. We need 0.5 kg of sweet straw, put it on baking paper greased with butter,

2. In a water bath, melt 100 g of butter and 0.5 kg of Korovka sweets (break in half to melt faster), melt until smooth,

3. Pour the hot mixture onto a straw, use a spoon to even it out so that the edges are coated, and use paper to roll it up into a roll.

4. Wrap it in paper and a bag and put it in the refrigerator, cut it into circles, if you want the roll to be darker, you can add cocoa.

Sweet sausage made from cookies and cocoa


Shortbread cookies - 300-400 g

Butter - 200 g

Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cocoa - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Milk or cream (10%) - 5-6 tbsp. l.

Walnuts - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Let's start with the cookies. In the photo there is about half as much of it - the rest has already been chopped up. Approximately 2/3 of it should be ground into flour.

2. The remaining cookies need to be chopped into small pieces, mixed with the ground mass and added chopped nuts.

3. After this we move on to the next stage. Take a small saucepan and pour cocoa and sugar into it. By the way, somehow we didn’t have enough cocoa and we used hot chocolate in bags - it turned out quite well.

4. Mix them and pour in the milk. Mix all this again thoroughly until smooth and put on low heat.

5. Stirring, do not let it burn and bring it all to a boil (about 5 minutes). As soon as the milk boils, turn off the heat and let it sit for a couple of minutes.

6. Meanwhile, cut the butter into cubes and throw them into this chocolate mixture. Mix everything until the oil is completely dissolved and the substance is homogeneous.

7. Now pour everything into the cookies.

8. Mix thoroughly. You should get a mass that resembles a homogeneous one. At this stage you can take a preliminary sample - you should like it.

9. The time has come to give a doctoral/servelat/liver form to our creation. In this case, we took foil (food parchment).

We want to collect all the chocolate sausage recipes with photos and give you the opportunity to choose what you like best.

Chocolate biscuit sausage recipe - classic

If you've never made such a simple dessert as chocolate sausage, know that you don't need to bake it. The chocolate sausage is cooled to the desired hardness in the refrigerator after all the ingredients are mixed.

This recipe is the most basic and requires simple ingredients:

  • classic shortbread cookies (for example, “Jubilee” or “Baked Milk”) - 400-500 grams,
  • butter – 250 grams,
  • cocoa powder – 2-3 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Start by crushing the cookies into crumbs. This can be done with a blender, meat grinder, or by hand by placing the cookies in a bag or rolling them with a rolling pin. If you want a homogeneous, tender sausage, then grind all the cookies into fine flour. If you want to have larger pieces as “fat” in the sausage, then break about a third of the cookies with your hands into pieces of the required size.

Then, melt the butter over low heat, add sugar and cocoa powder. Stir until smooth, but do not let it boil.

Pour the cookie crumbs into the resulting sweet chocolate mass and stir thoroughly to form a stiff dough. It should turn out with lumps if you left large pieces.

Please note that the thickness of this “dough” should be sufficient to form a sausage out of it. It's helpful to have a small supply of cookies just in case they turn out too soft. But do not overdo it, the sausage will harden in the refrigerator thanks to the oil.

Wrap the sausage in cling film. If it turns out to be soft, then foil, which must be twisted in several layers, will help maintain its shape until it hardens.

After this, the sausage must be put in the refrigerator for at least six hours. It will also harden well in the freezer if you don't have much time, but let it warm up a bit before cutting it.

If you haven’t eaten it in one go, it’s best to store the finished sausage in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t melt, since it’s based on butter.

This video recipe shows a similar method of preparing chocolate sausage.

Chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk

The second recipe for chocolate sausage is different in that it uses condensed milk instead of sugar. The cookies turn out a little more tender and milky. To prepare it you will need:

  • shortbread cookies – 600 grams,
  • can of condensed milk,
  • butter – 200 grams (one pack),
  • cocoa powder - 5-6 tablespoons,

Grind the cookies into fine crumbs, leaving a few larger pieces.

Melt the butter a little, then add condensed milk and cocoa to it, stir until smooth. Add cookies to this mixture and fold in the stiff “dough.”

Place cling film on the table, lay out the mixture and roll into a long sausage. Wrap the sausage tightly in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to harden.

To serve, remove and cut into slices of the thickness you like.

This sausage is quite elastic when kneaded, so it is not necessary to make it in a classic shape; you can roll a lot of balls and you will get chocolate candies. Roll in finely chopped nuts, powder or coconut flakes. It will turn out amazingly beautiful and tasty.

Recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk and a chocolate bar

This recipe is the easiest to prepare and can even be given to a child, provided that he has already received permission from his parents to use the stove. Of course, it is advisable to do this under adult supervision. We prepare just such a sausage with my six-year-old daughter and she always participates in the process more than anyone else.

The recipe is very popular with both adults and children, does not contain a large amount of fatty butter and can vary in taste due to what ingredients are used for it.

Everything you need for cooking:

  • shortbread cookies – 400-500 grams,
  • can of condensed milk,
  • chocolate bar.

Let your imagination run wild here, but remember a few important details. The cookies should be sandy and crumble well. Take what tastes best to you. You will be mixing the chocolate with milk, so even if you use the darkest type of chocolate, it will become milkier. You can choose any chocolate from your favorite manufacturer. Or make an original white chocolate sausage.

Crush the cookies into fine and coarse crumbs. Then melt the chocolate in a water bath in a small ladle or saucepan, pour condensed milk into it and stir. Pour the resulting chocolate-milk mixture into the cookies and stir.

Place cling film on the table and put the mixture there, roll it into a sausage. For reliability and to maintain its shape, you can wrap the sausage in several layers of food foil. Then, take the sausage into the refrigerator for about 5-7 hours.

Chocolate sausage according to any of these recipes can be made tastier if you add to your taste:

  • nuts,
  • raisin,
  • candied fruit,
  • dried fruits,
  • vanilla,
  • cinnamon,
  • chocolate pieces.

All this mixes into the cookie crumbs and gives your sausage brightness and new flavor. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Here is one great example of such an interesting chocolate sausage: