Where and how do bananas grow. In what countries do bananas grow, how do they reproduce and what is their life cycle in nature? Where do bananas grow?

Bananas have long ceased to be an exotic fruit for a domestic buyer, they are so democratic and affordable. Let us consider in more detail how correct it is to call bananas fruits, how they grow, and what types exist.

What is this plant?

A banana is a herbaceous plant on which the fruits of the same name ripen. Even though the plant looks like a tree, it is a herb. Moreover, it is quite high, the second tallest after bamboo.

Banana grass is called because of the lack of wood on the above-ground part of the plant. In fact, the trunk (it is more correct to say “false trunk”) is formed precisely by leaves superimposed on each other. It is not surprising that in this case it does not have growth rings and branches. Over time, the banana leaves that form the trunk dry out, become brown and more and more, indeed, resemble the trunk.

The grass belongs to the banana family, the banana genus. It has branched rhizomes that spread up to 5 m and can go 1-1.5 m deep into the soil. Banana is often called a tree because of the high false trunk, which reaches 2-12 m and has a diameter of up to 40 cm.

Banana also boasts impressive leaves - they reach 3 m in length and 1 m in width. These are “ovals” with a pronounced longitudinal vein and many thinner veins extending from it.

By the way, during a strong wind, the leaves are torn along the veins, which reduces the pressure on them and bypasses the threat of the plant being pulled out of the ground by a strong gust of wind.

Leaf color can vary greatly depending on the plant variety. There is grass with dark and light green leaves, sometimes crimson spots are located on top of the green color. There are varieties that are characterized by two-color leaves - they are crimson below and bright green above.

These huge leaves have a wax coating on the outside, which prevents excessive evaporation of moisture from the leaves. As the leaves age, they fall off, and in their place new ones appear from the axils of the trunk. On average, it takes a week to develop a new leaf.

Often the plant is called a banana palm, which is due to some external similarity of plants. However, such a classification is erroneous - the banana has nothing to do with palm trees.

Banana grows in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate. The world's largest banana suppliers are Pakistan, India, China, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Brazil. Under natural conditions, it is also possible to grow a crop near Sochi, but the winter temperatures here are still too low for it.

To date, about 70 varieties of bananas are known, all of them can be attributed to one of three groups.


These plants are cultivated not for their fruits (they are inedible), but because of their attractive appearance, especially during the flowering period. In addition, the leaves and elements of the false trunk are used in industry - car seats and fishing gear are made from them.

Among the most famous decorative varieties are the following:

  • "Banana Pointy" has beautiful dark green leaves with notches, due to which the leaf resembles a bird's feather, bears fruit in a warm climate, the fruits can be eaten;
  • "Blue Burmese Banana" characterized by an attractive purple-green trunk with a silvery coating, rich green leaves and fruits with purple or blue skin.


Bananas of this variety grow large, they are suitable for eating, but usually require heat treatment. Such fruits are fried, baked, deep-fried, dipped in batter. By the way, it is from these varieties of bananas that banana chips are prepared.

Since the fruits of the plane tree are quite dense, they are subjected to heat treatment, but the ripe peel can be consumed fresh. To do this, choose a plane tree with a black peel.

Unlike dessert bananas, sycamores have firmer, unsweetened flesh and firmer skins. In addition to being eaten, they are grown as livestock feed.

In turn, plantain bananas are divided into 4 groups - French, French horn-shaped, false horn-shaped and horn-shaped.


Well-known bananas in our country, which can most often be found on store shelves in the fruit departments. They are consumed fresh, you can also dry and wither the pulp of such bananas.

Among the most famous dessert varieties are Paradise, Gros Michel, Ice Cream. Miniature bananas are a variety of "Lady's fingers" (fruit length is 10-12 cm).

How does it bloom and bear fruit?

The plant is demanding on temperature conditions. The optimal daytime temperature ranges from + 27-35C, and the night temperature should not fall below + 25-28C. Even a short-term cooling can provoke not only the fall of the inflorescences, but also the death of the entire plant.

A decrease in humidity levels can also provoke similar negative consequences. This can cause banana growth to stop.

Optimal soils are fertile, slightly acidic. Particular attention is paid to weed control, for which they use special compounds, resort to soil mulching and the help of geese. These poultry actively eat weeds, but are indifferent to bananas.

Grass flowering occurs after 8-10 months of active growth. By this period, from the tuber, which is located underground, a peduncle breaks through the entire trunk. By the flowering phase, it throws out a peduncle with a complex structure, outwardly similar to a large bud. The color is purple, sometimes greenish.

In the lower part of the "bud" flowers are formed. They are located in several tiers. Above - the largest, female flowers, the second tier are smaller bisexual, and at the very bottom - male flowers, which are the smallest.

Despite the difference in size, all flowers have the same structure and include 3 tubular petals and sepals. In addition, erect and drooping inflorescences are distinguished, which depends on the banana variety.

Pollination of female flowers occurs through insects, and this process does not stop even at night, since bats pollinate at night. With the attraction of insects and birds, pollinating mice to banana inflorescences, there are no problems - their nectar is very sweet and fragrant. Over time, when the ovaries are formed from the inflorescences, the “bud” begins to look like a hand with many fingers.

As they mature, the “fingers” turn into a well-known slightly elongated fruit with a yellow skin. However, at first it is green, and turns yellow as it matures. The size and appearance of the fruit varies and depends on the variety. In the process of aging, the pulp also changes - it acquires a creamy shade, softness, juiciness.

From a botanical point of view, the fruits of a banana plant are berries. This is due to the fact that inside the pulp there are seeds located in an arbitrary or ordered form. Seeds are absent in cultivated fruits, while they are easy to detect in wild ones. However, if you cut the flesh of a cultivated banana lengthwise, you will find small dark spots - these are the seeds.

One inflorescence can produce up to 700 bananas, the total weight of which can reach 70-80 kg. After the fruiting period is completed, and the crop is harvested from the plant, the false trunk dies off, in the place of which a new one will then appear.

On average, 16-19 months pass from the moment of planting to harvest. During the fruiting period, the stem of the plant is strengthened with props so that it does not break under the weight of the crop. Harvesting begins at a time when the ripeness of bananas is 75%. They are cooled down and transported. To preserve the freshness of fruits, special conditions are necessary - a gas-air chamber with a temperature not higher than + 14C. Under such conditions, bananas are able to maintain freshness and their properties for up to 50 days.

How does it reproduce?

In the wild, bananas are propagated using seeds. They are carried over long distances by animals that live nearby and eat bananas.

Since cultivated plants do not have a seed (only dark spots indicate their presence in ancient times, which can be found on a cut of the pulp), their reproduction in this way is impossible. In this case, resort to vegetative propagation.

If we talk about reproduction at home, then this is done through vegetation or with the help of seeds. However, contrary to some sources, you cannot grow a banana "tree" from a purchased banana pit. This will require varietal seeds. They have a dense skin, so they are first lightly rubbed and rumpled so that a sprout can break through the skin, and then soaked in water.

Dwarf species for growing at home

For cultivation at home, you should choose decorative mini-trees. It should be understood that even dwarf varieties reach a height of 1.5-2.5 m. Unlike wild and plantation-grown "relatives", this, of course, is not much. But in a small apartment, such plants can hardly be considered "dwarf".

Dwarf bananas are good for growing in a greenhouse, winter garden, while lower super-dwarf ones are suitable for a house or apartment.

At home, bananas are planted, which yield a crop, while the height of the false trunk reaches 2-2.5 m.

  • "Dwarf Cavendish". A compact plant that grows up to 1.5-2 m. When the right conditions are created, it will delight with the harvest of dessert bananas, each 12-25 cm long. The fruits have a well-known appearance - bright yellow skin with dark spots. There is another variety of variety - "Cavendish superdwarf".

  • "Kyiv dwarf". Another cold-resistant variety that produces edible fruits. The height of the plant reaches 1.7 m, and if this seems excessive to you, pay attention to the Superdwarf variety related to it. The height of the latter is not more than 1 m.

Ornamental varieties do not produce edible fruits, but they also grow a little less than the described varieties - on average, their height is 1-1.5 m. These include several varieties.

  • "Velvety". The plant forms a false trunk 1.5 m high and 7 cm in diameter. Rich green leaves have a red border, elongated. A velvety banana blooms literally all year round, this period can last for several months. Inflorescences are replaced by small fruits that acquire a pinkish skin as they ripen. During the period of technical maturity, the peel opens, revealing a creamy pulp with seeds. This variety can survive a short-term drop in temperature.

  • "Bright Red". A small banana variety, usually grows no more than 1 m, has bright green leaves and rich red inflorescences, which makes it conspicuous and elegant. The flowering period lasts up to 2-3 months.

  • "Lavender". Small (up to 1.5 m plant) with bright green leaves. This variety acquires special attractiveness during fruiting - beautiful lavender or purple fruits are formed in place of the inflorescences. In fact, they are completely tasteless.

Among the varieties popular for home cultivation, one can also name the “Dwarf Bloody Banana”, which received a similar name due to the color of the leaves - their upper part is traditionally green, the lower one is crimson.

Among the miniature varieties, one can distinguish those plants that have an interesting type of leaves and those that are especially attractive during flowering and fruiting. The latter include the variety "Pink Velvet". The plant is characterized by low growth (1.2-1.5 m) and beautiful pink inflorescences and fruits. The latter are very fragrant, but contain many seeds and are unpleasant in taste.

The Scarlet Banana variety also demonstrates special beauty during flowering. The combination of bright green narrowed leaves and fragrant scarlet inflorescences will leave few indifferent.

A plant of the Manna variety also forms beautiful scarlet inflorescences, while the height of the “tree” does not exceed 1.2 m.

You can choose not dwarf varieties, but ordinary, but very slow growing. For example, Banana Yellow. It pleases with attractive yellow inflorescences that do not fall off for several months. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a harvest, it is too difficult to recreate suitable conditions in a private house and apartment.

Seeds can be used to grow at home. Unlike the vegetative method, the plant obtained in this way will be more resistant and strong, but its growth will take longer, and it will not be possible to grow edible fruits.

If you want to grow edible fruits, pay attention to the vegetative propagation method of the plant. To do this, after the death of the banana trunk, the “bud” should be removed from the ground, from which a new sprout will develop, and divided into 2 parts. One part is sent to the old place of growth, the second is rooted in a new pot.

How to grow a banana at home, you can see in the next video.

Banana is one of the delicious tropical fruits and one of the oldest cultivated plants. Today we will find out where and how bananas grow. After all, for us, the inhabitants of Russia, this berry is brought from far away, and many people still think that bananas grow on a palm tree. Let's figure it out.

How bananas grow

From a scientific point of view, banana is a perennial herbaceous plant, and its fruits are multi-seeded and thick-skinned berries. So a banana is not a palm tree or a tree, but a giant perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful rhizome. The height of the grass can reach 15 meters.

Banana is a heat-loving crop. Air temperature below 16 degrees is unfavorable for its growth. At 10 degrees Celsius, plant development may stop altogether. In such weather conditions, banana plantations have to be heated. The optimum temperature for good growth and fruiting is from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius.

In the wild, bananas can reproduce from the seeds that are inside the fruit. Bananas that we are used to eating do not have seeds, people have worked on this by breeding and improving cultivated bananas.

Active growth of bananas lasts from 8 to 10 months, after which the flowering phase begins. At this time, a long peduncle sprouts up from the underground tuberous stem up through the entire trunk. Having made its way out, it forms a complex inflorescence, which in its shape resembles a kind of large bud, painted in purple or green shades. Banana flowers are arranged in tiers at its base. At the very top are large female flowers that form fruits, below are medium bisexual banana flowers, and even lower are small male flowers, which have the smallest sizes. 250-300 bananas are tied on the inflorescence, with a total weight of up to 50-60 kg. After the bunch is cut, all the grass dries up, but in its place a new one grows from the rhizome and will grow, bloom and sing until the next harvest for a whole year.

Now let's find out where bananas grow

Their homeland is called the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, mainly India and China. From India and China, banana culture spread to Asia Minor. Later, they began to be grown on the east and west coasts of Africa. In the 16th century, they were brought to the Canary Islands, to Central and South America.

Today, the largest banana plantations are grown: Ecuador, Colombia, Panama - these countries supply all of Europe with bananas.

And even in Russia, bananas grow in the vicinity of the city of Sochi, but the fruits do not ripen to a state of suitability for food, since the temperature in winter is below zero, and the ripening period is very long. In winter, the plant mostly dies, and with the onset of warm days it is restored again. Some types of bananas are grown primarily as ornamental plants.

Some children and adults think that bananas hang from palm trees, where they are harvested as fruits. In fact, this plant belongs to herbal species, but of gigantic height. The amazing facts about where and how bananas grow and reproduce may surprise many people.

Botanical description

According to the classification, bananas are perennial herbaceous plants that have thick-skinned berries. The question immediately arises: where does it have seeds and how does a banana reproduce in nature?

There are more than 40 species and almost 500 varieties of bananas in the world. The homeland of the fruit is the countries of Southeast Asia and Malaysia. Wild bananas grow there right in the forest in the form of grass with thick trunks (up to 20 cm in diameter), reaching a height of 5 m. Side leaves and shoots are formed around the main stem, which, as they die, are replaced by new ones. Outwardly, they strongly resemble a palm tree.

As a rule, only one bunch of numerous fruits of different colors grows on each "palm tree" (photo below). Wild bananas are oval-shaped fruits that must be peeled to produce seeds. And the fruits that are popular and loved by many, lying on the shelves of supermarkets, are fruits specially bred by breeders for consumption.

How bananas reproduce in nature: features

The plant has a life cycle typical of herbaceous species, which begins with the appearance of a false stem and leaves, continues with flowering, fruit ripening and subsequent death of the leaves.

In the wild, when sown with seeds, bananas grow in height very quickly: in almost 9-10 months of the warm season, their false stems can grow up to 8 meters in height. Then comes the reproductive phase, in which no more new leaves are produced.

Inside the trunk, the development of a peduncle begins, which in 2-3 weeks forms a large inflorescence in the form of a kidney of a dark purple color. At its base are small bananas, which form fruits in the future, located in dense large clusters in a spiral going from the base of the inflorescence to its top. Flowers are divided into female (top), bisexual or hermaphrodite (below) and male (small, located below).

Pollination of female flowers in nature occurs with the help of several species of living beings that come to the specific smell of inflorescences:

  • nectary birds;
  • tupai - animals that look like squirrels;
  • insects - bees, wasps, butterflies;
  • bats at night.

After pollination, a bunch of fruits ripens, which outwardly resembles a brush with numerous fingers. When wild bananas ripen, they immediately become the prey of animals and birds that come to feast on it. After the completion of each cycle, the false stem of the plant dies off, allowing the beginning of the next sprout.

The fruits of the wild banana have many "pits" (50-200 pieces), similar in shape and size to cherries. With their help, bananas multiply. These seeds fall into the soil in a litter of rotted leaves. After 2 months, green sprouts appear from them and the next plant growth cycle begins.

Varieties of varieties

Bananas are one of the oldest cultivated tropical plants that have been cultivated by man since the 4th-6th century. BC. Now this crop is grown in many countries of the world where there is a humid tropical climate and where they are well aware of how bananas reproduce.

Most of the cultivated species were obtained by scientists as a result of breeding and crossing of wild varieties "pointed banana" and "Balbisa banana", widely distributed in India.

Cultivars of bananas do not have seeds and are divided into 2 main groups:

  • banana - sweet yellow fruits that can be eaten raw;
  • plantain (plantains) - fruits with a starchy core used for cooking (they can be baked in leaves, boiled, etc.).

Edible varieties

The most popular types and varieties of bananas (their description and cultivation are presented below), which are cultivated on plantations:

  • Cavendish - a dessert variety called dwarf, sugar or Canary - grows in a bunch of fruits, when ripe it is covered with brown small spots;
  • The Sage Banana is the most popular variety in tropical countries;
  • Gros Michel - has large yellow-cream inflorescences, sweet and fragrant, tolerate transportation well;
  • Lakatan - have a high resistance to diseases;
  • Lady Finger - thick fruits with a pleasant taste and tender flesh, but they do not tolerate transportation;
  • Red Dhaka - almost straight in shape and elongated, in a brush up to 9 pcs., Delicious;
  • Banana Paradise is a mealy variety, the fruits of which are boiled and baked, flour is made from unripe ones (the starch content is 66%).

Vegetable or garden varieties: Banana Sages, Indian (plant height up to 10 m), Chinese, Dwarf Cavendish (2 m). Fibrous varieties for fiber production: Textile and Bazio banana.

How bananas grow on plantations

The banana plant has a structure characteristic of herbaceous species: powerful roots, the main stem, on which there are huge leaves in an amount of 6 to 20 pieces. After bamboo, the banana plant is the 2nd tallest plant in the world.

On plantations, bananas can grow with a stem thickness of up to 40 cm, and a height of up to 8 m. Their leaves, 50 cm wide, reach 3 m in length, and they begin to grow not on branches, but from the depths of a hollow trunk, which is a characteristic feature of herbaceous plants. Reaching a certain height, the leaves begin to bend down from their own weight.

A powerful root system can penetrate into the ground to a depth of 1.5 m and a width of up to 5 m in all directions. Each rhizome can live from 2 to 5 years, giving new shoots every six months. A characteristic feature of the structure of the leaves is a long longitudinal vein located in the center of the plate. The color depends on the variety of the plant and can be either green or spotted with a burgundy or crimson hue.

The fruits grow in clusters, each can have up to 100 pieces. bananas. Maximum productivity on plantations is achieved at high humidity. In the plots, they even use wrapping the ripening clusters with a layer of polyethylene to increase humidity and faster fruit ripening. However, this threatens the rapid emergence of fungal infections and diseases.

In which countries do bananas grow and how do they breed

In the 21st century, more than 42 million tons of bananas are grown annually in the world in 107 countries, of which 2/3 are in Latin America. The largest plantations are located in Ecuador (7 million tons annually), Brazil (6.9), in Asia - in China (10.9) and India (24.9). Bananas are also growing on the African continent, where Tanzania is in the lead, producing 2.5 million tons per year.

This plant can also be grown in cooler, non-tropical climates. In addition to tasty fruits that are eaten, ropes are made from bananas in some countries, and the stems are fed to livestock. In Russia and Europe, people prefer to eat raw fruits, but on other continents, where they are produced in abundance, bananas are used to make wine and chips, brew beer, and also create raw materials for tea bags.

The plant can be propagated in 2 ways: by seeds or shoots (vegetatively). On plantations in Latin America, Spain, China and India, sprouts are used to breed and plant new plants. They appear from the rhizome of adult bananas after the aerial part dies off.

The way bananas propagate in plantations is vegetatively. It is the most reliable and fastest. For reproduction, the strongest offspring are selected, as well as parts of tubers (rhizomes), cutting them. The most productive and persistent sprouts are formed during the fruiting period, because. they accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients.

Growing bananas at home

Back in the Victorian era, banana plants occupied a place of honor in the winter greenhouses of Europe, and in the 21st century, the popularity of growing them at home or in a winter garden is returning.

As a home plant, specially created ornamental varieties of bananas are used. When planting a crop, it should be borne in mind that in nature they love sunny, warm places with high air humidity, i.e. in an apartment they need frequent spraying.

The plant loves abundant watering, i.e. the soil should always be moist, preferably slightly acidic or neutral, loose and nutrient medium. When planting in a tub, a soil mixture should be prepared in advance, consisting of humus, foliage, turf and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 2: 2.

The optimum temperature for growing all year round should be within + 22 ... + 25 ° С. Such conditions are quite difficult to reproduce in an apartment, therefore, many flower growers cannot grow an exotic plant. Positive results are obtained by growing plants in a greenhouse, but on condition that the air temperature does not fall below + 16 ° C.

Abundant watering of planted plants should be carried out regularly all year round, as well as spraying leaves and air around with warm water. It is recommended to place a tray or container with wet pebbles next to the banana.

The plant also responds well to the use of mineral fertilizers, which should be applied monthly. In summer, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with slurry.

Planting banana seeds

One of the ways bananas are propagated at home is by sowing store-bought seeds of ornamental plant varieties.

Preparation and actions when planting a banana:

  • scarify seeds with sandpaper (rub to enhance swelling);
  • soak the seeds for 2 days in warm water;
  • plant in the ground;
  • maintain humidity and temperature + 25 ... + 30 ° С.

They germinate, as a rule, for a long time - 3-4 months. But after the appearance of a sprout above the surface, it immediately begins to grow, surprising the owner with its development speed. However, you should be aware that seeds of wild varieties of bananas that have grown into an adult plant produce inedible fruits.

For growing at home, decorative banana varieties are used: Paradise, Japanese, Manna and Wise bananas. They are characterized by low growth (2-3 m) and greater unpretentiousness compared to varieties growing in open ground. Experienced flower growers recommend planting a Cavendish banana (also known as a dwarf or Chinese banana), which grows up to 1 m high.

Flower growers grow such varieties only for decorative purposes, because. their fruits are still inedible, and the plant usually dies after fruiting.

Ornamental varieties and method A. Patia

One of the ways to grow a banana at home is the method of the Ukrainian amateur breeder A. Patia. In 1998, he created high-quality fruit-bearing varieties of fruits, which were named "Kyiv Dwarf" and "Super Dwarf". These varieties have increased resistance to cold and disease. They are able to bloom at a temperature of +15°C.

  • a young banana plant (up to 20 cm high) should be planted in a pot with a capacity of up to 3 liters, at a height of 50-70 cm - in a large container of 15-20 liters;
  • when transplanting, hardwood should be used: add 1 liter of humus (biohumus), 2 liters of river sand, 500 g of ash or wood ash to a bucket of earth.

The scientist recommends watering the tree only after the topsoil dries up, so that the roots do not rot, with warm settled water (+25 ... + 30 ° С). During the winter months, bananas are watered less often. In summer, it is better to take the plant to the balcony or to a shady place in the garden.

Fertilizers should be applied many times:

  • in winter - monthly;
  • in spring and summer - weekly "feed" with green manure fertilizers (pour chopped green grass with boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for a day), biohumus, ash (alternately), introducing them into moist soil;
  • to enhance fruiting, it is recommended to water with fish broth, cooked from 200 g of waste or small unsalted fish per 2 liters of water (boil for 30 minutes, strain, dilute with water in equal proportions and mix with biohumus).

Plants grow up to 1.5-1.7 m, and fruits ripen in bunches of bananas up to 15 cm in length and weighing 150 g. These varieties can be kept in an apartment or house.

Diseases and pests

Like every plant, bananas can be sick and damaged by pests. The most common of them:

  • small beetles, larvae, which are called nematodes - they penetrate into the middle of the stems and begin to gnaw them;
  • black weevils - crawl into the base of the stem, gnawing passages from which juice begins to flow in the form of jelly;
  • due to the lack of renewal of the gene pool of plants, cultivars have low resistance to fungal diseases.

To control pests, you can use special means for disinfecting plants. For prevention, do not forget to moisten the earth. With a strong defeat of plantations, infected plants have to be destroyed.

In most countries of the world, these fruits are consumed only for food. Moreover, in terms of the number of bananas consumed per person, the African country of Burundi is the leader, in which each resident annually eats 190 kg of delicious yellow fruits. Slightly less bananas are eaten in Samoa, Ecuador and the Comoros. In Russia, there is a little more than 7 kg of these fruits per person.

Banana is a high-calorie product and ranks 4th in terms of cultivated products after rice, wheat and corn. In terms of the number of purchased fruits, the United States ranks first ($2.5 billion), followed by European countries and Canada.

Recently, breeders have bred an original banana variety that tastes like strawberries.

The only disadvantage when growing it is the duration of plant growth until harvest (at least 8 months).

The banana plant is a wonderful addition to the collection of ornamental plants growing in the home. Knowing the methods and conditions of how bananas reproduce, many flower growers will want to plant and keep them at home.

There are few people who do not like bananas. This sweet overseas fruit is on the shelves of our supermarkets all year round, as it ripens quite quickly and the plant has several such cycles in a year. Let's find out where bananas grow and how they are grown.

Fruits now come to the expanses of the former USSR mainly from, while previously they were brought to us from Cuba, a friendly island state. So the answer to the question in which natural zone the banana grows is obvious - it is cultivated in the tropics, where the climate is quite hot and humid.

But not only these states are producers and suppliers of bananas to the world market. They also include some African states, as well as Latin America (Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama).

But most of all bananas are grown by India and China, and it is here that the birthplace of bananas, here they appeared first of all. But not all of them are exported, but serve more for the personal consumption of the population of these countries. Bananas from Asia are not so easy to find on sale in the European market.

No matter how strange it may sound, bananas are also grown on the Scandinavian Islands, namely in Iceland. How is this possible, in such an uncomfortable climate with a minimum of sunny days and rather cool temperatures?

It's simple - bananas grow in huge greenhouses, where there are all conditions for their ripening - bright light, high humidity and temperature. Bananas were introduced back in the 30s of the last century and after a while became one of the country's export destinations.

Do bananas grow in Russia?

Due to the harsh climate of most of the Russian Federation, banana cultivation is not possible here. But this only applies to outdoor cultivation. But in a greenhouse, this is quite real, and for the sake of entertainment, some amateurs grow this overseas fruit and have an excellent result.

In Sochi, Anapa and Gelenzhik, you can also find this plant, but not in a greenhouse, but in the open. True, the fruits cannot wait here - they simply do not have time to ripen. So bananas grow here only in the form of decor for landscaping the site.

Do bananas grow on palm trees?

Often in cartoons they show how bananas are plucked from a tall palm tree, topped with clusters and a green top. But it turns out that these fruits do not grow on trees at all.

It turns out that the banana grows on the grass. Yes, yes, this is a herbaceous plant, but not in the usual sense of the word. This grass is simply huge, reaching 15 meters in height, and the leaf width is about a meter. These giants grow in the tropics.

The plant does not have a stem as such, it is made up of leaves that rush upward and tightly adjoin each other with a cutting. There is only one flower, from which bananas will later turn out, and when it fades, a huge bunch is formed in its place, consisting of 60 or more bananas, which are tightly attached to the base.


As soon as the bunch grows up, it is packed in a linen or cellophane bag so that volatiles do not damage it. mice and large insects. Ripening lasts 11 weeks, and during this time the fruits have enough time to increase in size, but not yet turn yellow. This will happen later, on the way to the consumer.

When the bananas are ready for harvesting, the workers, and they work trampled, install a kind of conveyor on the plantation. After that, one tilts the trunk with fruits and cuts down the bunch with a sharp ax.

At this time, the task of the second worker is to prevent injury to the bunch - he simply has to catch it. After that, bags with banana bunches are hung on hooks and go on a cable to the place of washing, disinfection and packaging.

A fruit like a banana is known to everyone. In Russia, it is consumed in desserts and raw. But before hitting the table, it goes a long way.

Looking at a plant, you might think that it is a tree. But the banana is actually a herb. It has massive roots, a short stem with several large leaves. The fruit is a berry.


The leaves are long, dense texture. Grow, layering on each other. Their shape is oblong, oval. In length can reach more than three meters, in width - one meter. On their surface there is a long longitudinal vein, from which small perpendicular ones extend. The color depends on the variety and type of plant.

As the leaves grow, they fall off and new ones appear. One leaf can be completely updated in a week.


As such, the plant does not have a stem. It's just a layering of old foliage. The height of the false trunk is 2-12 m, the diameter is up to 40 cm.


The roots of the plant are fibrous. In search of moisture, they grow to the sides by 5 m, and deepen by 1.5 m.

How does it grow?

In many cartoons, showing what bananas grow on, they draw a palm tree. But this is wrong. They do not belong to the Palm family. Many mistake a banana for a tree, as the plant is quite tall. The Greeks and Romans called it the fruit tree. For this reason, the expression "banana palm" appeared.

Varieties of unusual berries

There are more than 60 species in the world, which are divided by scope into 3 varieties.


The plant blooms beautifully, the fruits are not eaten. Grows in the wild. In public places, it is grown for beauty. Inedible berries are used in the production of textile products, pillows for cars, fishing nets are made from them.


The plant has huge leaves, up to 1 m in length. As they grow, they divide, from this they become like bird feathers. The color of the foliage is dark green, rarely reddish. In greenhouses, the species grows up to 3.5 m, but in room conditions it does not even reach two meters. The length of the fruits ranges from 5 to 30 cm, they can be eaten. The countries where these bananas grow are India, Australia, China.

blue burmese

Grows up to four meters in height. The trunk is purple-green, with a silver coating. The leaves are bright green, up to 0.7 m long. The color of the fetus is blue or purple. It is used to feed Asian elephants. This "banana tree" can be grown at home in a pot.


The size of this species is small. The height of the false stem is 1.5 m. The leaves are dark green, up to 1 m in length. On the edges they have a red border. The pink-skinned fruits, when ripe, open to reveal a pulp with many seeds. The advantage of the species is the ability to survive relatively warm winters. At home, it blooms and bears fruit almost all year round.

Bright red or Indochinese banana

It does not exceed a meter in height. It has narrow leaves, inflorescences of bright color. The flowering period is 2 months.

Sycamore (plantains)

Mostly used only after heat treatment. They are fried, baked, boiled in oil, they are made into chips. The peel is also edible. Ripe fruits are black in color.

Plantains are also used as livestock feed. In the Caribbean, Africa, India, South America, platano is a side dish or an independent dish, richly seasoned with spices.

ground banana

Mostly found in Brazil. The fruit reaches a length of 27 cm, can weigh half a kilogram. The peel is thick, ribbed, the flesh is orange. It is the leader in the content of vitamins of groups A and C.


Usually fried and baked. In a raw, overripe fruit, the flesh has a lemon flavor.

green banana

It is in great demand in India. Chips, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes are prepared from it. Raw is not used.


All types of dessert bananas are eaten without heat treatment. They are dried for long-term storage. The most common type is banana paradise. It reaches a height of nine meters, its leaves are up to two meters long. The fruit is up to 20 cm, 4-5 cm in diameter. Up to 300 berries can be on one bunch. Almost all types of dessert bananas are artificially cultivated.

In what countries do they grow?

The homeland of bananas is South Asia, Latin America, Malaysia, northeast Australia, some islands of Japan.

Countries where they are grown commercially:

  • Butane,
  • Pakistan,
  • China,
  • India,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Nepal,
  • Thailand,
  • Brazil,
  • Maldives.

In Russia, the banana distribution zone is the areas adjacent to Sochi, but since the winters in this area are cold, the fruits do not ripen. Sometimes the plant dies completely.

banana blossom

The flowering period begins on the 8-10th month after the start of growth. At this time, a long peduncle grows from the underground part of the tuberous stem. Outside, it forms a complex inflorescence, resembling a kidney in its shape. Painted in green or purple hues. Flowers are arranged in rows at the base of the bud. At the top are large women's, below - same-sex, and at the very bottom - small men's.

The flower has 3 tubular petals with three sepals. In many varieties, the color of the petals is white, the leaves that cover them are purple on the outside and dark red on the inside.

At night, the flowers are pollinated by bats, and in the daytime by small animals and birds.

banana fruit

Berries are cylindrical and triangular. In length - from 3 to 40 cm. The color of the peel is yellow, green, red, sometimes with a silvery tint. As it ripens, the fruit becomes softer, juicier. Up to 300 pieces of berries are formed from one inflorescence. The total weight sometimes reaches 70 kg. The pulp also has different shades: white, cream, orange, yellow. Banana seeds are found only in wild fruits; in cultivated species, they are almost always absent. When fruiting ends, the false stem dies off, and a new one appears in its place.

Energy value of banana

For 100 grams of product there are:

Green banana - 89 kcal;

Ripe - 120 kcal;

Overripe - 180 kcal;

Dried - 320 kcal.

Note! The calorie content of the fetus depends on its size. In one banana from 70 to 135 kcal.

The fruit is not good enough to cope with the feeling of hunger. After a brief saturation, it returns again with a vengeance. This is due to the fact that the banana contains sugar, which increases the feeling of hunger.

What is the benefit of a banana?

This fruit is low-fat, yet quite nutritious. Its edible part consists of carbohydrates, sugars, solids. The pulp contains pectins, starch, fiber, proteins. Essential oils give bananas a special smell. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals for the body.

Potassium is essential for maintaining good heart function. The norm for a person is 2 fruits per day. The fruit contains useful amino acids, is a good antiseptic. Banana, like chocolate, promotes the production of serotonin. Regular use of it helps reduce the likelihood of developing depression and insomnia.

Vitamin E and carotene are needed to prevent thrombosis. B vitamins improve the condition of hair and skin.

But bananas are used for more than just food. Products are wrapped in the leaves for subsequent baking, light buildings are made from the stems, black dye is made from the peel.

The plant has also been used in medicine. It helps in the fight against anemia, high blood pressure, heartburn. Flowers are used to treat diabetes, dysentery, bronchitis, stomach ulcers. They can be brewed like tea.

banana cultivation

The peculiarity of growing is that a polyethylene cover is put on the bunch that is tied up, which protects against insects. The bunches are in it for 11 weeks. The fruits are not brought to full maturity so that they can be transported over long distances. When the harvest season comes, the worker cuts the bunch with a cleaver.

The plant is then removed, a new one is planted in its place. This process of renewal on plantations is ongoing.

Can it be grown at home?

At home, ornamental and fruit species and varieties are grown. Since this is a heat-loving plant, equatorial climate conditions are necessary. Grow a banana in two ways:

  • seeds,
  • seedlings.

There are also specially bred dwarf varieties. They are well suited for the home, less prone to disease, do not require special care.


A banana needs a lot of moisture, so it should be sprayed often, watered abundantly. Use warm water. Pour so that it begins to seep through the drain. To avoid root rot, the plant should be watered less often in winter. And spray once a week.


For good growth, the plant is fed once a week with organic fertilizer. Introduce top dressing only into moist soil, so as not to burn the roots.

How they breed

On plantations, bananas are propagated vegetatively. After cutting the fruits, the aerial part of the plant dies off, underground shoots grow from the false stem, ripening in a year.

Note! Those bananas that are on store shelves cannot reproduce on their own, without human help.

Life cycle in the wild

At home, in the wild, a real banana does not have edible fruits. Berries found on store shelves were bred by breeders.

The visible stem is formed from leaf stalks that quickly grow and die off as they grow. In warm weather, a leaf can grow by 2.5 m in a week. At the 10th month, a banana releases one peduncle. It usually blooms at night, revealing many white flowers. From the female, multi-seeded berries are formed.

In the wild, a banana lives up to 100 years. Artificially created plantations need to be renewed every 10-15 years.