Lily's name in Japanese. What does the name lily mean?

The name Lily comes from the name of the lily flower. In Latin, the lily flower is written as lilium. From this word in many languages ​​​​there are names related to the name Lilia. French - Lili, English - Lily, American - Lylia and many others. All of them are like Lily's name means "lily flower".

However, there are also consonant names that have a different meaning. So the name Lila in Sanskrit means "illusion", although in some sources it is translated as "lily", which is completely wrong. Or, for example, the name Lilah is a Hebrew name and it translates as "lilac".

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl

Girls named Lilia usually have a rather complex character. From childhood, they are surrounded by the adoration of others and therefore become proud and slightly selfish. At the same time, they are endowed with excellent manners and from childhood they know how to flirt perfectly. The girl knows how to appear weak and thus receive help in difficult situations.

Lilia's studies are usually easy. In this she is helped by excellent natural data. Lily usually has a good memory and a great imagination by nature. This allows her to have good grades in both exact and humanitarian disciplines. Her imagination requires an outlet and the range of possible useful applications can be very different. This is choreography, and art circles, and much more where you can direct the creative energy of the child.

The health of girls named Lilia is good. They often maintain a beautiful figure for a very, very long time, while making absolutely no effort for this. Like all people, Lilia has a weak point in her health - these are her kidneys. It is desirable for her to protect herself from the cold, and especially in adolescence.

Abbreviated name Lily

Lily, Lilek, Lily.

Diminutive names

Lilechka, Lilyunya, Lilyusha, Liliyka.

Name Lily in English

In English, the name Lily is written as Lily, which reads like Lily.

Name Lily for passport- LILIIA.

Translation of the name Lilia into other languages

in Arabic - زنبق
in Bulgarian - Lily
in Hungarian - Lili
in Danish - Lilli
Spanish - Lilia
in Italian - Giglia (pronounced Giglia)
in Chinese - 莉莉婭
in German - Lilia
in Norwegian - Lilli
in Polish - Lilia
in Portuguese - Lilia
in Romanian - Lilia
in Serbian - Љiљa, Ljilja
in Ukrainian - Lilia
in Finnish - Lilja
in French - Lily
Swedish - Lilja
in Japanese - リリヤ

Church name Lily(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. The name Lily is non-church, so Lily will receive a second name at baptism, different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Lilia

The name Lilia has a very gentle sound, which creates a certain resonance with her character. Lily is characterized by a manifestation of temperament and whims. However, if in childhood she did not yet understand the perniciousness of these habits, then as an adult she tries to hide them from prying eyes. This makes Lilia quite restrained and constantly playing for the audience. True, sometimes Lily finds true humility with age and then becomes a truly pleasant person.

In the work of Lilia, her childish penchant for creativity is manifested. Whoever Lilia does not work, she always tries to come up with something that will facilitate the work. If the authorities notice this feature and put it to the good of the cause, then the result will not be long in coming. Lilia has a rather practical mind and she will not offer anything bad.

Lily has been looking for a husband for a long time and, most importantly, patient. She understands that not everyone can withstand her character. And here it is important not to rush, otherwise the marriage will be unsuccessful. Lilia is not the best hostess, but she tries. But she is a wonderful mother and is ready to devote a lot of time and effort to children. She gladly does homework with them, goes for walks and takes them to all kinds of circles. Sometimes it even causes jealousy of the husband.

The secret of the name Lily

The secret of Lily can be called her love of manipulating others. She is an excellent pretender and knows how to present herself in the right light. She can be charming, shy or helpless. In general, the one you need to get the result. Be careful with her.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Water snake.

Name color- White.

Wood- Talnik.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Pearl.

The origin of the name Lily has several equivalent options. The most common of them is a variant suggesting the origin of this beautiful female name from the name of the flower "lily" ("lilium" in Latin).

There is a version of the origin of the name Lily on behalf of the first biblical woman Lilith, who, in some early Christian sources that were not included in the Old and New Testaments, was the first wife of Adam.

There is also a variant according to which the name Lily is considered one of the forms of the biblical name Sosanna (Susanna), in translation meaning "white lily". This epithet is often used for the Virgin Mary in biblical texts.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Lilia

The lily flower in Christianity personifies purity, immortality, resurrection, rebirth, righteousness, cleansing from sins. Also, this flower is a symbol of God's mercy, providence and divine patronage.

The lily flower, as a symbol of the Virgin Mary, personifies a sharp mind (stem), modesty (lowered leaves), the divine principle (aroma), purity and purity (snow-white color). This flower, like the woman named Lily, is the embodiment of grace and royalty. Outwardly, she is gentle and romantic.

If we talk about the fact that the name Lily comes from the name Lilith, then it will mean "night" or "night silence." Also in Hebrew, the word "lilith" means a type of owl. Therefore, Lilith is usually depicted with an owl. If we assume that the name Lilith comes from the Sumerian word "lil", then it will mean "air", "wind", as well as "spirit" or "ghost".

The name Lily and its forms are widespread in the world. For example, among the Tatars, the name Lilia is a variant of the name Leila or Lilya. In turn, the name Leila is of Arabic origin, it means "darkness" or "night". So Lily, having outward tenderness, is stubborn and uncontrollable in her soul.

Lilia is one of the forms or a related name, such names as: Lily (French name), Lillian (English), Lilah and Lily (Jewish), Lilike (Bulgarian), Lilia (American).

Character traits of the name Lilia

Lilia is dreamy, emotional and artistic. The meaning of her life is constant self-improvement. Lily has a sense of harmony. Sometimes Lily can be very selfish. In difficult moments of life, Lilia does not lose her composure and behaves with dignity.

Positive character traits of this name: discipline, charm, sociability, intelligence, diplomacy. Lily has an extraordinary charm when communicating with loved ones. She is a kind and sympathetic person. She is unusually tactful with people and will never say anything superfluous. Lilia knows how to communicate and always sees the situation a few steps ahead. She is able to convey her opinion to the interlocutor, forcing him to listen to her words.

Lilia constantly learns and achieves perfection in the process of learning. Her mind must be constantly loaded with knowledge, otherwise she will be bored with life. Cognition captivates her more than family and money. Lilia really appreciates stability, which allows her to engage in self-improvement. Self-realization in life is very important for her.

She has the ability to understand people and help them, but often her actions are due only to an emotional outburst, and sometimes just idle curiosity. Therefore, it is not always worth believing in the sincerity of her actions.

Negative traits of the name Lilia: some slowness and cowardice, sometimes self-doubt. Lily knows everything about everyone and loves to gossip. She has difficulty adapting to new situations and often withdraws into herself, becoming alienated from others.

Lilia is resourceful and resourceful, which allows her to achieve her goals at any cost. Lilia is especially convincing with men who are always trying to help her, as she seems to them quiet and helpless. And she loves to manipulate them to her advantage.

Lily's family and love relationships

Lilia is a cheerful and cheerful girl. She is charming, knows how to communicate with men and conquer them. Lily is amorous and temperamental. She is always in the center of attention, which often offends her friends. Her friends envy her, seeing how Lily skillfully manipulates men. She needs a wealthy, smart and practical man.

Girls named Lilia usually get married early and are happy in marriage. They often marry older men. The husband must endure all the whims of Lily and be wise, since Lily's mood is very changeable. But Lilia is kind and unforgiving, so it is easy to build relationships with her. If she loves her husband, then she is ready for him for a lot. And this will help the man to make a good wife out of Lily.

Lily can become a companion of her husband and will help him in all matters. She is smart and will skillfully give her husband advice that will help him move up the career ladder.

Lilia can hardly be called a good housewife, as she does not know how to manage the family budget and is not always ready to do routine housework. It is better for the husband to take care of domestic issues. Lily is able to cheat on her husband, but she will never go for a divorce. She doesn't go far in her relationship. Family is more precious to her than new feelings.

Lily loves children, but she does not always want to engage in their upbringing. She can only occasionally show her love and care. But the kids love her. She loves to help them study.

The marriage of Lilia with Alexander, Andrey, Alexei, Alfred, Artem, Boris, Valery, Vadim, Victor, Dementy, Gleb, Dmitry, Yegor, Evdokim, Leonid, Makar, Nikolai, Semyon, Terenty will be favorable.

Lilia has a fragile alliance and difficult relationships with: Anton, George, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Savely, Stanislav, Stepan, Pavel, Yaroslav.

Choice of profession, business, Lilia's career

Lily is more inclined to study the humanities. The scope of her interests is extensive and she is constantly developing in the chosen direction. In addition, Lily has an inexhaustible imagination. It can be realized as a talented artist, writer, fashion designer or designer. Lily will make an excellent inventor or librarian. She is very versatile. And if she finds her calling, then a wonderful future awaits her.

Lilia can become a successful teacher or psychologist. She can prove herself as a narrow-profile highly qualified specialist, constantly improving her skills. Work is very important to her. She just needs to realize her abilities in the profession.

Lilia has an extraordinary mind and an excellent memory, so she can climb high up the career ladder, especially if she meets a man who can inspire and support her. In business, Lilia will be a reliable and intelligent partner for the man she loves.

If Lilia becomes a leader, then she will be strict with her subordinates. She does not tolerate inaccuracy in business. But she is tactful and intelligent, so she will never criticize her employees in front of strangers.

Lily is always persistent in achieving her goal. She is able to solve the most serious problems. If someone interferes with her, she will easily eliminate a competitor, showing cunning, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Lily's Health

Lily is in good health. She suffers only from colds and is usually mild. She is always upbeat and full of energy. Even without going in for sports, Lily always looks fit. She likes to appear sick and weak, but this is just her trick.

She has only one weak point - the genitourinary system. She needs to monitor the condition of the kidneys, especially in old age.

baby name lily

Lily grows up as a curious and inquisitive girl. She loves to dream and has a very rich imagination. The girl loves communication and she has many friends since childhood. She is always given a lot of attention, as she looks very tender, insecure and vulnerable. This can lead to the development of selfishness.

Lilia has been able to manipulate people for her own selfish purposes since childhood. Parents should consider this and stop such attempts at every opportunity. These abilities should not be developed. From childhood, lilies should be instilled with compassion and responsiveness, only in this way can a benevolent and sincere person be raised from it.

At school, Lilia is distinguished by exemplary behavior and diligence. She is diligent and listens to the comments of teachers. Lilia is successful in studying all subjects, she tries to study them in depth. Lilia grows up to be an obligatory and punctual girl.

Lilia pays a lot of attention to her appearance and wardrobe. She follows fashion trends and tries to follow them. She is extremely tactful and intelligent in communicating with her friends, knows how to listen and help with advice, therefore she enjoys authority and popularity among her peers.

The girl Lily is beautiful, gentle and romantic. There are always a lot of fans and girlfriends around. But she is very demanding and selective. As close friends, she chooses only good, friendly and reliable people.

The name Lilia is widespread among the Slavs and Turkic peoples. The origin of the name Lilia is indicated by several different versions. According to the first theory, the origin and meaning of the name Lily came from the flower of the same name - lily. Supporters of this theory claim that its name was formed from the name of the biblical character Lilith, which translates as "beautiful as a flower."

According to another origin of the name Lilia, it reveals a different decoding - righteousness and purity. This rare name is at least common in the expanses of the fatherland, however, not too widely. The meaning of the name Lilia can be found in other countries in the form of analogues Leila, Lili, Leili, Lili, Lila, Lilu.

The designation of the name Lily in the fate of the girl

A complex character - that's what the name Lily means for a little girl. Such a trait can develop due to the increased attention of others to the baby from childhood. The child becomes a little narcissistic and even selfish. But nature managed to reward the meaning of the name Lilia with a kind of coquetry, excellent manners. Therefore, from childhood, this child becomes an object of adoration. Even as a child, she already knows how to pretend to be weak and receive from others the help that she needs in difficult moments.

It is the meaning of the name Lily that allows the child to study well at school. Studying is simply given to her, which is facilitated by excellent natural data in the form of an excellent memory and good imagination. This allows her to excel in both the humanities and exact disciplines. But her well-developed imagination must be directed in the right direction, and most importantly, realized, it must find a way out. The girl can be given to study choreography, art circles or other sections where creative energy can be applied correctly. There are many options for her.

The fate of the name Lilia develops positively in relation to health. Girls far from adulthood manage to maintain a beautiful figure. This can go on for a very long time, and for this they do not need to make special efforts. The weak point in Lily's health is the kidneys. Therefore, she should always be wary of the cold and not be exposed to hypothermia, especially in adolescence.

The nature of the name

The nature of the meaning of the name Lilia is largely determined by the time of year when she was born.
By the meaning of the name Lily, born in winter, is very vulnerable, but restrained. With all her appearance, she will show indifference to the opinions of others, but in fact it is painful to perceive any criticism addressed to her. She always tries to hide her feelings and remains mysterious to those around her. This leads to the fact that she has very few close friends and people to whom she could trust her experiences. Any failure more and more closes it in itself and develops distrust, especially in relation to men. Therefore, she strives to give herself without a trace to work.

Lilia Gildeeva (journalist)

What the name Lily means for a girl born in spring is the brightness and activity of nature. She is used to seeing only positive qualities in people, which leads to unjustified expectations and unfulfilled hopes, because of which she is very worried. An open nature allows her to easily meet new people, among whom are those who are ready to use her kindness and responsiveness for not the best purposes. She lacks perseverance and patience to successfully and correctly build a career and personal relationships. Is in constant search of ideals.

For the summer Lily, the meaning of the name is in heightened emotionality. Any trifle can cause a storm of emotions, and from a small trouble it can make a whole tragedy. But at the same time, her character is quite malleable and soft, in which grievances quickly disappear. If she learns to listen to herself, and not the advice of others, her life will develop successfully. It is very important to have different events in life, its saturation with adventures. Otherwise, she may be too sad.

For the autumn Lily, which means the name "white flower", the main qualities are slowness, prudence and diplomacy. She does not like surprises and carefully considers her every action. This is a completely successful woman who combines diligence, wisdom and patience. For her, the main thing in life is a family, not a career. For the sake of the family hearth, she is even ready to sacrifice herself. She is always welcome in any company, she exudes sincerity, good nature and charm.

Personal life and family

The name Lily, the meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer lies in inconstancy. At a young age, a girl often changes men and does not become attached to them for a long time. She starts romances with only one purpose - to feel new sensations, feelings and stability. But her own approach to relationships does not allow her to create an ordinary understanding with an ordinary life and family affairs.

In the meaning of the name Lilia, there are freedom-loving notes that prevent the girl from settling down. In addition, not all men are ready to accept such a trait. Serious applicants immediately notice her inconstancy and quickly disappear from her life. But men with frivolous intentions, unable to satisfy all her whims, of which she has a lot, are not at all interested in the girl. She does not even allow the thought that they can be her boyfriends.

Sociable, friendly Lily, which means the name of a girl, considers love a sublime concept that is difficult to plan and predict. For her, this is an important feeling that encourages to create and create, makes every day special. Therefore, when she feels that love has passed, sympathy and attraction have cooled, she becomes bored with her partner, and she is in a hurry to end such a relationship.

For Lily, marriage is a very serious step in life. She carefully chooses a serious, wealthy, reliable and patient man as her husband. Usually the first marriage ends unsuccessfully and often because of the girl herself, her exactingness, in particular. A second marriage can become long-lasting and stable if she chooses to choose a loving and simple man who is ready to accept all her shortcomings.

Business and career

The name Lily, which means a business woman, in case of choosing a career, devotes herself entirely to her. Since she is used to fully devoting herself to work, then with all her desire, she will not have time for her family and herself.

In the business sphere, she can become a real professional in her own business and it does not matter the area in which she will realize herself. Lilya is the girl who is used to doing everything perfectly and approaching the process thoroughly. Therefore, high achievements can await her in her career. If there is a person nearby who gives her the necessary support and guides her, then she will reach maximum heights.

Such qualities as scrupulousness, discipline, initiative help her in her work, she shows interest in many things. And such qualities are always appreciated by management.

A woman with the name of a white flower has a desire for power, but it cannot be called dictatorial. Subordinates love such a boss because she treats them with understanding, appreciates their work. But Lilya really does not like irresponsible and lazy workers. If she herself acts as a subordinate, then she shows maximum diligence and does not cause problems to her superiors.

She will be able to perfectly realize herself in creative areas, as well as in those areas where a sober calculation and compliance with established standards are needed. She can become a successful psychologist and teacher. She is good at the humanities.

The secret of the name Lily
The secret name of Lilia can be called her penchant for manipulating people. This woman is a wonderful pretender, she always knows how to properly present herself from the right side at the right time. She can be charming, modest and shy, helpless or domineering. To achieve the result, she is ready for anything.

The secret of the name Lily in astrological compatibility:
  • patron planet - Neptune;
  • zodiac constellation - Aquarius;
  • totem animal - water snake;
  • shade - white;
  • plant - Lily, among the trees - willow;
  • talisman stone - pearls, jasper.


Excellent compatibility of the name Lily with such male names as Vasily, Valentin, Anatoly, Vitaly, Eugene, Konstantin, Ilya, Roman, Nikolai, Yakov. Men with this name should have the qualities of pliability, strength, intelligence, the ability to appreciate Lily.

It is very difficult to reach an understanding with men named Anton, Vladimir, Yaroslav, George, Stanislav, Yuri, Ivan, Denis.


Meaning: The origin of the name Lilia is late Latin. It happened according to the main version from the name of the flower, which sounds in Latin as "Lilium". This name is translated as “pure”, “innocent” or “pretty”. By the way, this name is especially popular among the Turkic peoples, but in a modified form.

The female name Lilia is rare today, but is still listed as the most popular, like many modern names. It has excellent significance and promises excellent compatibility with most signs of the zodiac ...

Conversational options: Lily, Lila

Modern English counterparts: Liliana, Lilith

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Lily is very often discussed by astrologers, but most agree that it gives a newborn and a girl so named a simple, cheerful and kind character. Lily is always an optimistic, friendly lady with a great sense of humor. She is restless, noisy and playful, does not know how to concentrate on one thing and craves only fun, but is changeable and easily re-educated.

Sensitive, emotional, does not forgive lies and betrayal, can begin to take revenge, vindictive, and becomes especially vengeful when her pride is hurt. Faithful to her principles and natural, she dreams of pure love and a male protector. His chosen one will surely become the wife he dreamed of.

Advantages and positive features: cheerful and optimistic, it is comfortable to communicate and be friends with her, she is always in a good mood and will support a person if she sees that he is discouraged. And most importantly, Lily will never leave a friend in trouble and will definitely help him.

Lily treats badly traitors and selfish people, profiting from other people's troubles and trust. She will never communicate with someone who hurt her pride, will not forgive deceit, will avenge the offense.

Interesting about the name Lilia: Among the Tatars, the name Lilia is also popular, but only its shortened form is used - Lily.

The nature of the name Lily

The nature of the name Lilia is such that it promises the girl who received this name many good qualities. This girl's character is usually endowed with such traits as kindness, conscientiousness, responsibility, diligence, commitment, unscrupulousness, planning, honesty, eloquence and sociability, friendliness and ease of communication. The character of this girl allows her to easily make new acquaintances and just as easily make contact with little-known people, but at the same time she is also too trusting, which can sometimes lead to bad consequences. Being an idealist by nature, Lily often idealizes people, attributing to them those features that they do not possess, but on the other hand, a girl named Lily has such a trait as self-preservation, thanks to which she quickly and abruptly makes decisions and follows them for her own safety and tranquility . The character of Lilia is such that she will never betray a loved one, she will always come to the rescue and will definitely help with advice or deed, but at the same time she herself does not let anyone close to her personal problems. Her character does not allow her to share her own problems with anyone, she decides everything on her own, even when independence can harm her.

On the other hand, the character depends on a bunch of additional factors, and not just on the characteristics of the nominal form. Character can change depending on upbringing, zodiac sign, and even the season of birth ...

Early childhood

The nature of a little girl who received the female name Lilia at birth from her parents is usually endowed with such traits as kindness, optimism, positivity, humor and integrity. The meaning of the name Lily has an extremely strong effect on the nature of the bearer, but at the same time, it is extremely positive. So, usually such a girl has a great sense of humor and is always in a good mood, she easily makes contact, rarely quarrels with anyone, never argues with people for trifling reasons, and in general, she has such a bright positive aura that it’s just around her there can be no enemies and ill-wishers. She is so kind and positive that even the most vindictive and vindictive person is able to forgive her for any offense, although, as such, there are usually very few offenses behind her.

The value can give the character of this girl attentiveness, caring, good nature, cheerfulness, energy and mobility, and plus everything, such a feature as regularity - Lily rarely makes rash and spontaneous decisions, and also very rarely acts thoughtlessly, although sometimes her actions may seem spontaneous.

And the energy of this name already in early childhood turns Lily into a person who is impossible not to admire. Lilia's parents will be extremely lucky - they are unlikely to have many reasons for frustration, plus, parents are almost the only people whose opinion Lilia listens to and will always listen to ...


As for the teenage stage of the girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the rare female name Lilia, everything is simple here. Usually in adolescence, little changes - her inner world is still bright, and her features remain basically the same. Among the main characteristics can be noted such as integrity, honesty, justice, disinterestedness, optimism and thoughtfulness. Plus, at this age, the energy of this name can also give such a quality as determination, accompanied by diligence and responsibility.

Already at school, Lilia can turn from a spoiled girl into a responsible, purposeful, executive and obligatory girl. Such a girl will never come to school unprepared, will not allow herself to disobey her parents, she takes all assignments responsibly, and no less important, she does not like not to justify anyone's expectations. Self-esteem does not allow her to allow anyone to be dissatisfied with her, and that is why she treats all assignments with such responsibility. But among other things, the meaning of the little name Lily can also bestow egoism, moreover, if it is born in her nature, then in the course of growing up it will only become stronger, and its manifestation can become more intense.

grown woman

An adult girl, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Lilia, is a kind, affectionate, attentive, caring, responsible, executive, friendly, sociable, eloquent, sociable, positive lady, with whom one simply cannot help but be friends. The only drawback that can promise significance is the excessive gullibility that manifests itself in all people without exception - such is Lily that she does not want to see enemies in anyone, trusts everyone without exception, is idealistic and ascribes to each person in the environment those features that he can not even have. But Lilia is a trouble-free person - in no case will she leave a friend or even just an acquaintance in trouble, at any moment she is ready to sacrifice her own deeds and goals for the sake of helping someone, and plus, she can also make an excellent listener-adviser , which many of us in adulthood just do not have enough.

As for professional activity, everything is simple here - on the one hand, it has obvious leadership inclinations, such as responsibility, sociability, hard work and dedication, but on the other hand, it lacks rigidity and integrity, without which a person simply cannot become a real leader. a good boss. The meaning of this name usually involves the girl named so becoming some kind of public figure, or a psychologist, or a teacher.

The interaction of the character Lily with the seasons

Spring - a girl named Lilia, who patronizes the spring months, is a sociable person, efficient and active, unable to sit still. Loves fun, avoids boring people. It seems naive and at the same time superficial, but in fact it is reasonable, always looking for the truth and the truth in people.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season bestows efficiency, activity, energy, craving for adventure, inconstancy and dependence on mood with emotions. This one hardly acquires real friends - they are all selfish and are looking for only an interlocutor in it. It is also problematic with the male sex - her instability scares away, one cannot count on a serious relationship with her.

Autumn - autumn baby grows by origin more responsible, but also sociable. She is friendly and eloquent, sociable, makes contact and suffers if she feels loneliness. She is sensitive and takes any event to heart. Able to sympathize and help, but does not accept people as they are. He lives in his own ideal fantasy world.

Winter - a harsh winter period will give a person sociability, honesty, sincerity, versatile development, passion for various hobbies, developed imagination and the ability to manipulate. Fits in any company. She does not succumb to difficulties and achieves her goals, but she is unstable and easily changes one goal for another, she is weak in character. But men are crazy about her.

The fate of the name Lily

The fate of the name Lily in relations with members of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage as such is very difficult. Fate suggests many trials for her, and in particular, in relationships with men. Betrayal, lies, lack of mutual love - this is what fate can face in adolescence for a girl named Lily by her parents ...

Already in maturity, Lily can begin to be more selective in choosing a soulmate, and it is then that she will most likely find herself the man who can satisfy all her needs. But her fate does not imply her becoming a housewife or an excellent wife, ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of the chosen one, no. Of course, she can be a good mother and a wonderful wife, this is also her destiny, but most of all, Lilia will always want self-realization.

And Lilia will never, under any circumstances, betray her family, and in particular her husband. And she herself values ​​\u200b\u200bin a man, first of all, loyalty and honesty. The fate of Lily will definitely lead her to having many children - most often, Lily becomes mothers of many children ...

Love and marriage

Lily takes the concepts of love and marriage very seriously. She believes that love is a magical feeling that can make a person move mountains. It cannot be boring with a beloved man, and she simply leaves boring and monotonous relationships. This is exactly what happens most often with Lilia in her first marriage, when she, without trying to change herself, is extremely demanding of a man.

For the second time, she chooses a serious, reliable, patient and wealthy man as her husband. Very often he can be older than Lily herself. It is such a spouse who is able to educate in her a skilled housewife and a loving wife. He must find the right lever, by clicking on which, he will teach Lily to be a real hostess with a clean and comfortable house, with delicious meals and with happy children.

Otherwise, Lilia does not stand out from most other women. What kind of mistress, wife, life partner and mother she will be, first of all, depends on how family members will treat her.

Lily as Mother

The inconstancy and obstinacy inherent in Lily affect not only her family life, but also motherhood. She decides to have children when she can confidently count on the support and help of her husband. It is no secret that only her husband can make Lilya a good housewife and caring mother.

Her attempts to shift the main care of the children and the home to her husband should not be encouraged. Her husband must find a solution so that without hurting Lilia's pride, let her know that a woman should not shift her maternal responsibilities onto her father's shoulders.

Of course, Lilya loves her kids and is very kind to them, but she needs to better listen to her husband in order to learn how to be an economic and caring mother. She needs to learn how to properly plan her time and manage to deal with the upbringing of children, and their education, and their health, and development.

Lily has the makings of an ideal mother, they just need to be revealed. Then she will be able to devote herself not only to work, but also to her beloved children. But children so much need her support, love, tenderness, maternal understanding, and without this a happy childhood is impossible.

Horoscope named after Lily


Aries - a girl named Lily, under the auspices of Aries, is bright and effective, does not sit still, develops and improves. She loves travel and adventure, does not like monotony and loneliness, tries to surround herself with true friends. Doesn't want to be deprived of freedom.


Taurus - here a charming, sociable, sociable, cheerful and optimistic lady is born by the zodiac and the name Lily. Has many friends, and all are carefully selected. Excessively open and trusting, but very rarely makes mistakes in people, and therefore does not suffer from gullibility. Trusting no one is a minus. Freedom-loving.


Gemini is a zodiac sign of a sensible, prudent, talented, intelligent and systematic person named Lilia. He tries to seem frivolous and frivolous, which attracts him. Looking for pure love and high feelings, and is ready at an early age to give herself to be torn apart by family obligations and marriage.


Cancer is a traveler and adventurer, charming and eloquent, restless and noisy. Laughter and fun are her goals. Energetic and always looking for new experiences. Laziness and loneliness hates. Wants to be the center of attention, surrounded by care.

a lion

Leo is a lioness, she is an active and responsible person, executive and serious, reliable. Has leadership and organizational skills. For the sake of material wealth, she is ready for a lot. Her true chosen one will be compliant and ready to become a "housewife and mother" in one person.


Virgo - this lady has good compatibility with the opposite sex, but there is no zest and mystery in her. Predictable, not having fun, but loves traveling and hanging out with loved ones. She will become a caring mother and an ideal wife, but she will not be a housewife, irresponsible.


Libra - and the meaning of this sign promises sociability, friendliness, an excellent sense of humor, optimism and playfulness born under the influence of the name Lily. You can’t argue with her, she quickly resolves any conflict, even if not in her favor. He does not like suspicious and insecure people.


Scorpio is the zodiac of a vulnerable, sensitive, impressionable, receptive, but benevolent and good-natured representative of the weak half of humanity. Demanding to herself and others, she tries to idealize and educate everyone. Not ready to accept real people.


Sagittarius - communication and fun is her "horse". Not a day without friends, not a moment of peace, everything is in motion. Responsible, reliable, true to principles, conflict-free and kind. Her minus is too gullible and naive. Men like her feminine nature, but they don't like her predictability.


Capricorn is interesting and diversified, eloquent, has a charm that attracts people. Popular with the opposite sex, but does not want to give herself into someone else's hands. Dreams of a serious relationship with a romantic origin, but quickly gets tired of them. Thirsts for a stormy pastime, passion, love.


Aquarius is an ideal woman, always seeming sincere and honest. He attracts attention with defiant behavior, easily adapts to any circumstances and knows how to present himself. You won’t get bored with this, she always knows what to talk about and knows how to choose an interesting topic for her interlocutor.


Pisces - and here, who received the name Lily, she absolutely loves creativity and science, fantasize and dream, animals and children. She is an ideal marriage, an excellent mother and an attentive wife. Compatibility is true only with a strong character and self-confident. The selection of the second half will be taken responsibly, it will take a long time to sort out candidates.

Compatibility with male names

Lilia has the best compatibility in terms of love, passion and sincerity of feelings with such male names as August, Vladlen, Fedor, Julius and Julian, Ostap and Pankrat, Lavr and Kirill, Yermolai.

Lilia will be able to build a strong marriage with Valentin, Victor, Mitrofan, Evdokim, Evgeny, Bronislav or Ruslan.

According to Popov

To make Lily's heart beat faster, you don't have to call her to the snowy Everest. She will prefer an easy chair to the romance of a mountain peak. And not a word about love! Just sensually touch her palm. Lily appreciates not a clever compliment, but a skillful touch.

According to Mendelev

Good, beautiful, safe name. Its owner is a bright and charming woman. She is always surrounded by people, it seems that her femininity has some kind of especially good power. But her will is weak, and her suggestibility is quite high and can be used by other, not very clean people, even for their own purposes. Lily intuitively feels mood swings and the state of mind of other people.

A business woman does not work out of her, the spheres of business and entrepreneurship are far from her - for this she is kind and not strong enough, and she is too inclined to succumb to other people's influence. However, Lily is unlikely to agree to remain only a housewife - she needs to stay among people, she does not think of herself alone.

Faithful to her friends, she will never “wash the bones” to her friends and acquaintances. He loves to read sentimental, sentimental novels about unhappy love. He perceives endless television series in the same spirit with a smile, but watches with pleasure.

In family life, love accompanies her, and part of the household chores, generally traditionally female, is taken over by the husband. Rarely has more than one child; if this is a son, he loves him blindly, to the point of unconsciousness.

Lily is very similar to Lily, but is braver and, perhaps, more active, more prone to adventures, adventures and all sorts of surprises. With age, this tendency decreases, but never completely disappears.

The name is not very common. Its popularity is higher among the Turkic-speaking peoples, but in Russian families you can sometimes meet girls with this name.

The color characteristic of the name is a blue field with a bright scarlet stripe.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Lilia has no shortage of fans, she is flirtatious, knows how to present herself, amorous and temperamental. Lily is capricious and capricious. Usually she is very picky in choosing a partner, does not reduce sex only to a biological necessity; love, tenderness and sexual satisfaction are closely related to each other. At the same time, Lily is sometimes able, “according to her mood,” to enter into an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar person simply in order to relieve sexual tension.

Lily is not strong in sexual games, but she loves to win over her partner. She is very receptive to male caresses, without them she cannot reach the climax. For her, the highest pleasure is to reach orgasm at the same time as a partner, but for this, her friend must arm himself with great patience. In general, Lily's sexual behavior largely depends on the sincerity and delicacy of her partner. Often a man who is not very experienced, but affectionate and gentle, can give her much more pleasure than the one who owns the entire arsenal of sex techniques.

Lilia is a person of mood, and that says it all. If she is not disposed to intimacy, it is useless for a man to seek her, Lily cannot be forced to do anything against her will. A person who loves her should always be able to feel her. Lily herself needs to feel the need for physical intimacy and experience a slight sexual hunger. She is difficult to adapt to a partner, so she tries to deal with one man for a long time and breaks contact with him only if serious circumstances force her to do so.

Having married, she does not particularly care about being faithful to her husband all her life, but she cheats extremely carefully, without losing her head. Attaches great importance to intimate relationships in marriage. If her husband does not live up to her sexual expectations, she withdraws into herself, becomes angry, irritable and sees no sin in seeking satisfaction on the side.

By Higiru

The name is given by the name of the flower.

She is most often outwardly pretty and fragile, seems calm and unpretentious. In fact, she is stubborn and uncontrollable.

Lily is a little tyrant. There seems to be no limit to her imagination. She likes to appear weak and offended by everyone, in every conflict situation she pretends to be sick.

In her youth, Lily's communication with others becomes more even. She hardly finds fault with her relatives, if quarrels break out in the family from time to time, then mostly around Lilia's demands to have the most fashionable clothes. In such cases, she again turns into a little capricious girl. Lilia usually has a lot of admirers, the guys are attracted by her charm, flirtatiousness, ability to dress brightly. Lilia is kind and unforgiving, in any company she feels relaxed, knows how to laugh and have fun from the heart. Likes to flirt, temperamental. She has many girlfriends who are jealous of her ability to manage men and are trying to learn this from Lily, not averse to slandering about this. She is amorous, but not enough to follow her chosen one to the ends of the world.

Lily's mother has long given up on the late return of her daughter home and her countless admirers, and, consoling herself with the saying "A girl is not a grass, she will not grow up without glory," she hopes for the best. Most often this is what happens. Lily usually marries well. It is desirable that Lilia's husband be older and wiser than her, ready to endure her whims in advance. From the very beginning of family life, he will have to get used to the fact that Lily's mood changes every minute. Minor shortcomings of Lilia are compensated by her gentle nature, compassion. The husband usually loves his Lily very much, does not limit her in dresses and gifts, does not notice her mismanagement and carelessness. Her mother-in-law arranges periodic scandals about this, but Liliya, fortunately, has the property of “not hearing” what is unpleasant for her. Sometimes she finds inspiration, and she begins to raise children, but after a while she can completely forget about them, having gone shopping with her girlfriend. On occasion, Lilia can cheat on her husband, but, feeling that this threatens her family well-being, she will immediately refuse the connection that compromises her.

He will find his happiness with Yuri, Vladimir, Evgeny, Viktor, Vadim, Stanislav, Felix. A happy marriage with Nikolai, Cyril, Pavel, Edward, Ignat is unlikely.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna, "white lily, lotus"

Name energy and character: if parents give a child such a beautiful and fragile name as Lily, then most likely they intend to pretty spoil their daughter with their immoderate love of love. However, even if this good-hearted impulse passes after the first bitter fruits of such an upbringing, the beautiful name will still do its job. Alas, the energy of the name Lily is able to drag a person into its sweet pool, it fascinates and suggests thoughts about the subtle mental organization of the bearer of this name, about her defenselessness, and in general, about everything that is understood by the term "weaker sex" and that cannot destroy no emancipation. In a word, it is very likely that Lilya will grow up to be an amazingly narcissistic and capricious woman.

Of course, life will gradually wean Lily from this, now and then provoking conflict situations, but here, most likely, another feature of the energy of the name will work - mobility, which will primarily affect the liveliness of the Lily's mind, and therefore, resourcefulness and ingenuity . Needless to say, a living mind can be used more worthy, but this requires serious educational efforts, more often Lily, left to herself, from childhood begins to use this quality in order to achieve what she wants from her parents and from others. She can skillfully use tears, can become affectionate and obedient, can learn to cheat early, and all this to achieve her main goal. Moreover, such a quality is unlikely to disappear with age, for sure Lilia will find a way to subordinate her desires and whims of some next candidate for her hand and heart.

Sometimes in the character of Lily, authority begins to appear too clearly. This, by the way, is easy to guess if she prefers to call herself Liliana. In this case, she may not be limited to the role of a purely family queen and, quite possibly, will direct her efforts to some kind of career. I don’t know how Lilin’s parents feel about such a prospect, but if they want to avoid the excessive selfishness of their daughter, it is advisable for them to start educating at a very early age and try to instill in her the ability to notice other people’s problems and respect not only their own, but also other people’s desires. Yes, and Lila herself is unlikely to interfere, because, after all, youth is not eternal, desires sooner or later begin to fade, and withering for her can become a truly global catastrophe. At the same time, having learned to give people real deep love, Lily can find in it a reliable refuge from the coming emptiness, old age and loneliness.

Secrets of communication: If you have an idea about purely female tricks and tricks, then Lilin's character will not be a mystery to you. However, she herself becomes a victim of her own cunning, when a skillfully presented gift and the ability of a man to show indifference in time can push Lily into rash steps.

The trace of a name in history:

The legend of the lily

The ancients said that a broken lily flower deprives a girl of innocence, and this poetic image once again confirms that our ancestors, who put their own special meaning into each flower, firmly associated the lily with love, innocence, and youth. In Christianity, this beautiful flower is an attribute of some saints (usually virgins), and Semitic legends say that the lily came from the tears of the inconsolably weeping foremother of mankind Eve, who was forever expelled from paradise.

However, there is another, no less beautiful legend about the origin of this delicate flower. The ancient Romans believed that at the time when the beautiful Alcmene, the mother of the legendary hero Hercules, was trying to hide her newborn son from the revenge of the jealous goddess Juno, she put him under a thick bush. However, one of the goddesses gave Juno the location of the baby and was not even too lazy to lead her to that very bush. Seeing the helpless baby, Juno changed her anger to mercy and, taking pity, even gave the hungry boy to suck her milk, but Hercules bit her chest so hard that the goddess, crying out in pain, pushed the child away. Juno's milk splashed in all directions and, spilling across the sky, formed the Milky Way, and a few drops, falling down, turned into one of the most beautiful flowers on earth - a lily.