Instagram Olechka wind. Olga Veter and her pages on social networks

Olga Zhemchugova (nee Olga Veter) appeared on the television project House 2 on July 10, 2015. The girl came to the Saturday show of the popular youth program with her husband Gleb Zhemchugov and four-month-old son Mikhail. Gleb is an old participant in the television set, who has repeatedly left it and returned again for one reason or another. This time the man said that he realized all his previous mistakes, decided to end the life of a rowdy drunk and devote himself entirely to his family. And he preferred to do this under the guns of television cameras in order to prove to the audience the seriousness of his intentions.

The love story of Olga and Gleb began about a year ago. Then the rapper was once again kicked out of the television project for inappropriate behavior, and he went to China. The young man ended up in the land of the rising sun not on a tourist package, but in connection with his work activity - he was offered a job in Manchuria. The restless big man served as a creative director at a local entertainment establishment, where he met his future wife.

In the same establishment, Olya worked as a dancer and, in fact, was subordinate to Gleb Klubnichka. During the next rehearsal, Zhemchugov drew attention to a pretty brunette. After a short conversation and several meetings, the former participant in the TV show realized that he had fallen head over heels in love with the girl. She attracted him not only with her sexy appearance, but also with her flexible character and exceptional thriftiness. Soon the lovers started talking seriously about marriage. In this regard, rumors about Olya’s pregnancy began to spread on the Internet. At that moment, the guys refused to comment on them.

Olga Veter decided to celebrate the ceremonial event in Siberia. After some time, the newlyweds confirmed fans’ speculations about Olga’s pregnancy. On March 11, 2015, a wonderful baby was born into the Zhemchugov family. The hero, weighing almost 3.5 kg, was named Mikhail.

Exactly four months after the birth of his son, Gleb receives a long-awaited invitation from the TNT channel. The young father is again invited to a television production - this time with his family. Despite numerous warnings from fans that being on television around the clock in a group of different people could negatively affect the child and family relationships, Olga was very happy about the news and supported her husband’s desire to become participants in the popular television project. The guys were accommodated in a VIP house, which was once occupied by a large Gobozov family. Strawberry's friend and his girlfriend live next door to them.

The first few days in Polyana were relatively calm for Olya. She settled into the new house, communicated with neighbors and sometimes went out to the common house, leaving her four-month-old toddler with Gleb. At the same time, she never tired of repeating that she is not afraid of provocations, and believes exclusively in her husband. Meanwhile, the audience began to form a strong impression that the girl herself was trying to convince herself of this.

Olga Zhemchugova experienced her first negative emotions on the project after she learned that her husband was telling other participants in the TV set the details of their intimate life. Gleb decided to support (who suffers from a lack of passion after the birth of his daughter) by sharing his experiences about this. Of course, the team wanted to sort out this problem, but Olya did not allow interference, saying that everything was fine in their family.

We will learn from the upcoming broadcasts what the future fate of Olga Zhemchugova will be on the television project House 2.

Olya Veter met Gleb in China. The young man worked in Manchuria, holding the position of creative director in one of the clubs. It was in this entertainment establishment that he met Olya, who worked there as a dancer.

The young people fell in love with each other, submitted an application to the registry office and soon got married.

In March 2015, a son was born into the Zhemchugov family, who was named Misha.

Before meeting Olya, Gleb had already come and left the Dom-2 project several times. After the wedding, he again decided to return to the television set, but this time not in search of love, but to completely devote himself to his family and prove to his wife that he was forever done with a riotous lifestyle.

But it seems that the couple’s plans included not only life on the project as proof of the sincerity of their relationship, but also plastic surgery, which Olga Zhemchugova had long dreamed of.

Olga Zhemchugova before and after breast lift

Before the operation, Olga Zhemchugova felt insecure because of her changed figure after giving birth. After pregnancy and lactation, her breasts sagged, and she also developed severe asymmetry. It began to seem to her that her husband began to pay less attention to her and began to flirt with other heroines of the project. Having assessed the before and after results of the girls who successfully had breast surgery on the Dom-2 project (among them are presenter Ksenia Borodina and ex-participant of the show Vika Romanets), Olga Zhemchugova went for the operation herself.

Zhemchugova’s problem was solved in three stages. First, she underwent a mastopexy (breast lift), after which teardrop-shaped implants were installed, and then an asymmetric breast lift was performed.

Before plastic surgery, Olya Zhemchugova had a small bust and did not want to significantly enlarge it. As a result, the TV star received a second breast size.

By comparing what Olga Zhemchugova looked like before and after plastic surgery (photos below), you can make sure that Olga’s breasts now have a symmetrical, natural and beautiful shape.

Olga Zhemchugova boldly told her story, posting photos before and after the operation. She also talked about how difficult the rehabilitation period was: her breasts hurt and she constantly violated the doctor’s ban, who did not allow her to raise the baby in the first months after plastic surgery. But Olga’s frankness was rewarded: hundreds of subscribers thanked her for letting them believe that giving birth and feeding a baby is not a reason to give up beauty.

In addition to her new breasts, Zhemchugova decided to work on her body.

In a month of proper nutrition, Zhemchugova said goodbye to 5 kilos and told fans that now she is not going to give up a healthy lifestyle. Let's hope that all these sacrifices were not in vain, and the husband fairly appreciated the efforts of his chosen one!

Olga Zhemchugova before and after lip augmentation

Fans have always called Olga Veter one of the most natural participants in the project. While other girls had rhinoplasty and enlarged their breasts to incredible sizes, she remained faithful to the beauty given to her by nature. Olga Zhemchugova even performed a bust lift without a strong increase in order to match her image before the operation. Therefore, when at the beginning of 2016 the star went to a cosmetologist to give her lips volume, fans were unpleasantly surprised.

Photos of Olga Zhemchugova before and after the operation did not please them either: they no longer recognized their former favorite in Olga Veter.

However, not only fillers are to blame for the beauty’s transformation, but also eyebrow correction and a new, fiery hair color, which the girl came to after being tired of being a brunette.

A few years ago, Olga Veter radically changed her life when she appeared on the television project “Dom-2”. The girl became a celebrity and an example for many young mothers.


Olya was born on April 9, 1993 in the city of Bratsk (Irkutsk region). As a child, she studied dancing. Her hobby became her profession in the future. After graduating from school, the girl performed in Irkutsk nightclubs, and then went to work under a contract in China. In this country, Olga danced in the strip-plastic and go-go style. Some of the numbers with her participation were quite frank.

In China, the girl met Gleb Zhemchugov (Strawberry), a former participant in the Dom-2 project. He worked in the club where Veter performed as a show host. He liked a pretty and flexible girl, and soon they began dating. A few months later, Olya found out about her pregnancy. For Gleb, this news came as a complete surprise, but as a decent man, he proposed to her.

In October 2014, Olya and Gleb got married in Bratsk. In March 2015, the couple had their first child, who was named Mikhail. 4 months after the birth of the baby, the Zhemchugov family moved to the most famous “construction site” in the country.

House 2

Klubnichka was a rated participant in Dom-2 for several years. Finding himself unemployed in Russia in 2015, he contacted the project organizers and “asked” to return. Gleb was offered to move into a VIP house with his wife and son. In July 2015, the Zhemchugovs became participants in “House-2”.

At first, Olga was uncomfortable on the project. The girl is not used to constantly being under the guns of cameras and putting her personal life on public display. And after a while Olga and Gleb began to quarrel with each other. The guy did not hesitate to talk about their intimate problems to other participants in the television set. Of course, Olya was not happy with her husband’s behavior, and she tried to reason with him. Gradually, from an easy-going housewife, Veter turned into an impulsive bitch.

Scandals broke out more and more often in the Zhemchugov family. On the eve of the “Person of the Year” competition, the couple reconciled. Thanks to her husband’s support, Olga confidently passed all stages of the competition. Based on the results of audience voting, she became “Person of the Year 2016” and won an apartment in the Moscow region. Soon after winning the competition, Olya, tired of conflicts in the family, decided to leave her husband and leave the project. In October 2016, she and her son left the television set.

After the show

During her 1.5 years on the Dom-2 project, Olga gained many fans. Some felt sorry for the girl who linked fate with the joker Zhemchugov, while others admired her determination and willpower.

While still a participant in the TV show, Olya began to adjust her appearance. She lost weight, enlarged her lips and breasts, and got several tattoos. These metamorphoses were observed by thousands of young mothers who subscribed to Olga Zhemchugova’s Instagram page. After leaving the project, the girl began to earn money from advertising on social networks.

In January 2017, Olga and Gleb officially divorced. The young mother was not single for long. Soon she began dating driving instructor Evgeniy. When they met, Olga was still married. After the divorce, their communication gradually grew into love.
Olya managed to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband, despite past conflicts and grievances. Gleb often visits her, helps with her son and supports her financially.

Social media

The former TV show participant is registered on several social networks. Olga Veter on Instagram ( posts his photos daily. Occasionally she shares pictures of the grown-up Misha. Olga Veter’s Instagram is very popular among subscribers. That is why many advertisers turn to it to promote their product or service. Olya advertises clothes, cosmetics, beauty salons and much more. 644 thousand people have subscribed to the official Instagram of the former participant in the TV project.

Olga has a profile on the VKontakte network ( Here she shares photos, saves interesting posts and videos. Olga has 384 friends on VKontakte, among whom are many former participants of “House-2”. Almost 9 thousand people subscribe to the real Wind page on this social network. The girl is not registered on Facebook, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Olga at first glance seems to be a phlegmatic and quiet person, but she can be decisive and show character. Such qualities helped Olga Zhemchugova win the love of her followers on Instagram, as well as find herself after a divorce and improve her personal life.

The biography of Olga Zhemchugova interested thousands of people after the girl, her husband and son, came to the “Dom-2” project. Do you also want to know where she was born? How did you meet Gleb Klubnichka? Now we will tell you everything.


The biography of Olga Zhemchugova began on April 9, 1993. Her hometown is Bratsk, located in the Irkutsk region. The father and mother of our heroine are representatives of technical professions. In addition to Olga, the family raised her two younger sisters. One of them, 19-year-old Lyuba, died tragically in June 2015. The girl accidentally fell out of the window. Currently, Larisa Veter is single-handedly raising her youngest daughter, who is not yet 11 years old.

Childhood and youth

Olya grew up as an active and inquisitive girl. She liked to organize home concerts with dancing and singing. The spectators were usually parents, younger sisters and neighbors.

She did well at school. The girl attended the dance studio several times a week. Over time, her passion for choreography turned into a profession. The biography of Olga Zhemchugova (Wind) indicates that at the age of 18 she performed on the stage of many

Personal life

In 2013, Ole was offered a high-paying job in China. The girl found out the terms of employment and then agreed. While in the Middle Kingdom, our heroine continued to put on a show on the dance floor. A native of Bratsk has mastered such areas as strip plastic and go-go.

Soon, the talented dancer met ex-member of “House-2” Gleb Zhemchugov, known by his nickname Strawberry. At that time he also worked in China. A romantic relationship began between a guy and a girl.

In July 2014, Olya informed Gleb that she was expecting a child from him. Zhemchugov literally glowed with happiness. A few days later, the young man proposed to his beloved.

In October of the same year, the couple officially married in Olga’s small homeland - in the city of Bratsk. For some time, Gleb still performed in China. And his wife was on maternity leave.

Olga Zhemchugova (Wind), whose biography we are considering, always dreamed of a big family. In March 2015, she gave her husband a charming son. The boy was given a Russian name - Mikhail. In the near future, the couple are going to have a second baby (preferably a daughter).

Reality show "Dom-2"

Gleb Strawberry needs no special introduction. Fans of “House-2” remember this bright and extraordinary guy. Some participants in the famous television production maintained friendly relations with him. They repeatedly invited Gleb to return. And it seems that Strawberry listened to their words.

In July 2015, a young family appeared on the set of the Dom-2 project. Olga Zhemchugova, whose biography was little known, agreed to participate in the reality show only for the sake of her husband. A separate house with all amenities was allocated for a family with a small child.

At first, Olya did not show interest in what was happening on the project. But gradually Gleb’s wife acquired friends and like-minded people. A native of Bratsk began to speak out more and more often at the frontline. There was no trace left of the modest and uptight girl.

"Person of the Year 2016"

Every summer a competition is held on the Dom-2 project. It's called "Man of the Year". Participants in the reality show are fighting for the main prize - a fully furnished apartment in Moscow.

At the end of June 2016, Olga Buzova announced that this time the competition would be creative, related to singing. Over the course of 8 weeks, the guys demonstrated their vocal abilities and passed difficult and sometimes unpleasant tests. Four reached the final - Marina Afrikantova, Andrey Cherkasov, Olga Zhemchugova (Wind) and the gap in the number of votes between them was minimal.

Our heroine became the winner of the competition. Very soon Olya, Gleb and little Misha will have to move to a new apartment located in Zelenograd (an administrative district of Moscow). In the meantime, the Zhemchugov family continues to participate in the famous reality show. Viewers enjoy watching their daily lives and personal relationships.


The biography of Olga Zhemchugova (Wind) was reviewed in detail by us. During her time on the Dom-2 project, the girl changed a lot: she became prettier, gained self-confidence, and became more sociable. We wish her and her family every success!

Account: olechkaveter

Occupation: participant of the project “Dom-2”

Olga Zhemchugova Instagram enjoys the attention of over 167 thousand of her subscribers. It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of people interested in the beauty’s account, although not all of them are friendly. The girl is not averse to sharing photos from her life; the number of publications on her blog exceeds 460. Olga Zhemchugova, Veter before her marriage, is from Bratsk.

Olga Zhemchugova’s Instagram is not particularly distinctive, simple and cozy. The blog of a participant in the Dom-2 project contains many photographs of her little son and Olga herself. The girl happily posts her images in different places and improvisations, and male fans actively comment on the beauty’s worthy appearance. The photographs of his son, who are eagerly admired by fans of Dom-2, do not go unnoticed. It is very interesting to see how fans of this project worry about Olga with all their hearts, advising her to leave her impudent and ill-mannered husband, arguing that with such an appearance and character, she deserves the best. However, not all commentators are friendly towards the family from this famous reality show, some viciously insult and behave quite aggressively, but how can a young mother of a beautiful baby and a happy wife really care about the opinions of strangers? Olga Zhemchugova signs photos from Instagram with short and sweet messages, often using emoticons and symbols. The young mother also actively advertises clothes, perfumes, shoes, accessories and children's toys.

Biography of Olga Zhemchugova

Olga Zhemchugova’s biography, which remains unknown, became popular after taking part in the reality show “Dom-2”. The girl came to this project together with her son and husband, who, before meeting her, had already repeatedly become a participant in this television project. Despite all the advice from followers to refuse to participate in the show, the family decided to take a risk and accept the invitation. However, living under television cameras around the clock with a small child turned out to be not at all easy. And the biography of Olga Zhemchugova instantly changed: from a sweet, thrifty, flexible dancer, Olga had to become a decisive, strong wife in order to prevent discord in the family. Time will tell how this family’s life together will develop.