The interior of a children's room for a schoolchild, how to choose the right one - from first grade to graduation. We arrange and decorate a schoolchild's study corner (51 photos) Children's room ideas for a schoolchild

Children grow quickly, and their tastes, character traits, and behavior patterns change at the same speed. All these points must be taken into account when creating a children's room design for a boy, even if he was recently born and does not yet distinguish green from blue. If you thoughtfully approach the solution to the key issues of space design, the result will please not only parents who have invested their hearts, but also happy children.

Children's design depending on age

The rapid development of a child is the main factor that you should pay attention to when organizing the interior of a boy’s nursery. Who will live in it: a newborn with a minimum set of needs or a teenager who is interested in music? The room is the place from which children begin to explore the world, develop and form as individuals. Therefore, choosing the right design means making your contribution to the happy future of your child. All elements should be relevant, interesting and pleasant to the occupant of the room. Let's consider the basic design rules for each stage of life!

Boy under 3 years old

In the first years of a boy, the design of a nursery is more important to parents. A comfortable crib, educational toys, plenty of space for movement and exploration - this is quite enough for a developing baby. Furniture must be safe, without sharp corners. The floor has a warm carpet that is easy to wash.

It is desirable that the interior be made in pastel colors, not too colorful, but at the same time varied enough so that the child learns to perceive shades and highlight objects of interest to him. Funny, aesthetic stickers will help decorate your child’s little “world.”

At first, it is better to organize a boy’s children’s room minimalistically, so that over time you can add new, more complex details and objects.

Boy from 3 to 5 years old

During this period, the children's individuality begins to form. They try to express their desires, which also relate to filling the room. Boys develop their own hobbies, so a small table and chair should be placed in a convenient place - a miniature workspace.

Entertaining and educational toys are still an important part. Parents gradually teach boys to have order, so storage spaces should be as convenient as possible.

Interior of a room for a schoolchild

Filling the interior becomes more complicated. Due to the fact that the boy is busy with the school curriculum, the priority is to purchase a full-fledged workplace with shelves for books, drawers for notebooks, and so on. Already at this age, the child must independently organize his personal area, while maintaining order.

Games gradually take the form of hobbies. For example, in the room of a young musician you need to find a place for a piano, or an artist for an easel.

Before this time, there was probably at least once a need to update the finish. Wall decor in the children's room becomes more serious, stickers are replaced by paintings. A wall with a large world map, which also creates color accents in the interior, will look relevant.

Room for a teenage boy

During this period, not as much depends on the tastes of the parents as on the family budget. A teenage boy shows independence in arranging a room, but this concerns more decorative elements: walls covered with posters, figurines from comic book fans, and so on.

Which style should you go for?

There are not many stylistic options for decorating a children's room for a boy, but even they will not appear in the canonical interpretation. When setting up a home, parents often start from a specific theme, focusing on the child’s hobbies.

Using a certain style will help you create a design correctly, as well as fit it into the overall image of the apartment. In addition, at a more mature age, teenagers usually give up children's fun, preferring a presentable appearance. Let's look at the most popular solutions for boys of different ages.

Children's room for a boy in a modern style

Perhaps the most versatile option. In such an interior you can fit interesting furniture of an unusual shape (for example, in the shape of a typewriter), walls with photo wallpaper, and bright colors. At the same time, toys and equipment look harmonious, being a continuation of the design of the room.

The furniture is functional, comfortable, without unnecessary decor or details. Multi-level one-piece sets that combine several zones at once: for sleeping, entertainment and study look trendy.

Children's room for a boy in a space style

Of course, this is not futurism, but rather a more primitive imitation of it with the active introduction of space themes. Very popular among younger boys, because who didn’t dream of becoming an astronaut as a child? Even if in the harsh adult reality the child has to give up this fantasy, he will still have time to feel partially in the desired role.

When designing such an interior for a boy’s children’s room, you will have to start primarily from the budget. But an ordinary suspended ceiling with a starry sky, several glowing globes and toy spaceships will look very interesting.

Children's room for a boy in pop art style

This style will fit well into the room of a young comic book or video game lover. Bright colors, stylized posters and paintings, outrageous figures - your child will be delighted with such a space. An option for creative children who are focused on leaving their place in the world of art and definitely will not lose their enthusiasm over the years.

With proper design, such a nursery for a boy can look solid and stylish, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors. Geometric shapes fit perfectly into the space.

Children's room for a boy in loft style

If the house is decorated in a loft style, then the children's room will most likely suffer the same fate. For boys, this will only be a plus, because nothing enhances the desire for adventure more than bare brick walls, as if in old castles and catacombs, brutality and unique decorative objects.

Modular furniture, characteristic of this style, is ideal for a developing child, whose needs and number of things grow every year. The loft is an excellent “canvas” onto which the boy will eventually add the bright colors of his hobbies.

Selecting the color scheme

In the modern world, there is a tendency to deviate from typically feminine and typically masculine colors. Indeed, a child’s tastes may vary: some like a calmer range, others like bright or rich ones. However, at a young age, color plays an important role in the formation of character, so for educational purposes it is better to focus on a cold palette.

Blue nursery for a boy

This refers to all shades of blue - from blue to deep sea. It is not for nothing that this color is considered the most popular solution for boys: it has a positive effect on them, helps to calm and balance them.

In addition, blue is associated with the sea, dark tones - with space, and this is perfect for a themed interior of a children's room. It is better if it is a dominant shade, since in combination with bright colors the calming effect is simply leveled.

Green nursery for a boy

Another best option that will help instill in your child a love of nature. Natural, aesthetic color will create a peaceful atmosphere in the interior of the nursery, especially when combined with white or brown.

White nursery for a boy

An excellent solution in the first years of a baby’s life. In the future, it is necessary to enter bright accents so that the child does not get bored in such a children's room, since with illiterate use, the space can acquire a feeling of sterility.

Gray nursery for a boy

A serious presentable color that will help the child feel like an adult. The gray shade goes well with other options, balancing them out. In order not to make such a design of a boy's nursery faceless, add interesting pieces of furniture, paintings or posters on the walls, and also fill the space with natural light.

Purple nursery for a boy

Colder shades are suitable for sensitive creative natures, while maintaining a masculine character. Making the whole nursery in this color will look too bright, but purple textiles, one side of the trim or other attention-grabbing elements will look very interesting.

Decorating a children's room

The aesthetics of space is, of course, important and plays its educational role, but do not forget about the health of the child. It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of materials for decoration, giving preference to hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly bases.


Boys under 6 spend a lot of time on the floor, where they learn to walk or play with cars. The coating should be smooth, but not slippery, elastic and easy to clean. The usual parquet loses in the last parameter, since dirt often clogs in the gaps between the boards, from where it is difficult to remove it in the usual ways.

Marmoleum, which has high aesthetic properties, is considered a versatile and environmentally friendly option for a boy's children's room.


Wall coverings should be easy to clean and replace. This is due to the dynamically changing tastes of the child, who will eventually want a different design, as well as the active actions of the kids, often painting or dirtying the partitions.

In this case, wallpaper will ideally cope with its tasks. Only preference should be given to environmentally friendly options, such as paper, liquid or eco-wallpaper.


A simple white ceiling, even with slight irregularities, remains a versatile option for any interior. A stretch ceiling with a starry or cloudy sky will look more interesting in the children's room for a boy - only some dreamy children will definitely prevent this solution from falling asleep quickly.

The selection of furniture for the nursery depends on the style of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. But there are general rules that will help you make the right choice.

Convenience and safety come first. Make sure that the objects do not have sharp corners, high placement, uncomfortable fit. The workplace, like the bed, should fit the physiological characteristics of the developing body, without causing pain or curvature.

Despite the relative high cost, furniture made from natural materials is a priority. The tree is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the covering of the headset: it should be hypoallergenic and not collect dust.

Design of a small nursery for a boy

Unfortunately, not all residents of our country can allocate a spacious room for their child, in which there will be enough space for him to meet all his needs. But don't despair! You can decorate a small space comfortably and beautifully if you follow simple recommendations.

The simplest advice that will at least visually save several square meters is to choose a light color scheme, not forgetting about bright accents. At the same time, there should not be too much decor to avoid the effect of fragmenting the design.

When planning a nursery for a boy, you will have to deviate from standard solutions. For example, try moving the radiator by organizing a work area near the window - this place is often empty.

If the height of the ceilings allows, consider a podium for the bed, which will additionally act as a storage space. Multifunctional walls will also help you plan your interior wisely, combining several zones in a small area.

Friends, habits and interests. In connection with such changes in the child’s life, parents think about it, because now the child should have a separate space, but also have a place to play and relax. In order for a child to enjoy spending time in his nursery, he must take all these points into account.

Zoning may be completely different, but the main rule - convenience for the child - must remain unchanged. Remember that first-graders and teenagers have different interests, and even if these are everyone’s favorite cartoon characters, older children may not like their presence in the interior. In any case, consult with your child and take into account his wishes.

Schoolchild's room: creative ideas for the interior of a children's room

If the child’s room allows you to organize a sleeping place “under the roof” - feel free to implement this idea. This will free up space in the room to accommodate a student’s work station.

A bedside table turns into a bed, and then into a work desk - what could be more convenient? This solution is very practical, because the child will have all the things at hand. In addition, having many drawers hidden in the bed allows you to store twice as many small items.

A bunk room can consist of more than just two beds. An excellent solution would be to organize a workplace for a schoolchild on the first tier.

If you need to organize, give everyone their own work space, even if it's at the same table.

Such unique “command posts,” especially if each child is a different color, will give the children a clear understanding that these are their jobs.

When a child goes to school, toys are slowly replaced by books and school stationery, which also need to be stored somewhere. Original ones are not only beautiful, but also very practical.

You can place it along the entire wall with a window so that the child has access to both his first textbooks and his favorite toys.

Or you can arrange a workplace for a student in the form of a locker, which will be great even in the corridor if there is not enough space in the room.

An excellent solution would be to organize a study place for a student in the corner of the room. Such a corner cabinet or shelves will not take up much space in the common space, but the child will definitely have a place to do homework.

For a place where the child can do homework or be creative, try converting a small pantry. Then you don’t have to figure out where to put a desktop for a student in a small apartment and change it every 3-4 years.

If there is very little space in the apartment, transforming furniture for a child will be a salvation. For example, a shelf that turns into a table.

Schoolchildren, like any other child, always take an unimaginable amount of felt-tip pens, markers, pens and pencils from somewhere. Mobile "stations" for storing these little things will save parents the headache of where to put everything.

Or you can make organizers for storing pens and felt-tip pens with your own hands. Use glass jars, cereal boxes, or formula jars. Cool, you can find it at the link.

Do not forget to use a student's desk above, because this is additional space for storing small things. Hang a board over your child's desk: perforated, cork, or slate to leave messages to each other and keep notes.

And to organize the space above the student's desk, you can use ... kitchen or garden fixtures and organizers.

Multipurpose tables for a children's room - the irreplaceable assistant to the schoolboy. Items will always be stored in one place (table) and always be at hand for the child.

Take the ideas we've collected for any age and turn your child's nursery into a space where he will want to spend time.

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In a small apartment it is very difficult to allocate a bright, spacious room for a child’s room, however, by properly organizing the space, you can create a cozy living space for one or even two children in a small room.

Organization of space

The layout of a small children's room will require combining some areas and choosing the most functional furniture.

What you can’t refuse even in the tightest of spaces:

  • from a full-fledged sleeping place - not a sofa, but a bed, if the baby has not yet reached adolescence;
  • from the storage area - at least a small wardrobe or chest of drawers, but it must be in the room.

In addition, the room needs a place for games and creative activities, a work area - when the baby becomes a schoolchild. To properly organize the area, some zones will have to be combined:

  • install a loft bed, and use the lower space to install a desk or sofa, creating a corner for games;
  • use the height of the room: remove the bed into a podium on which to organize the student’s workplace;
  • install a corner wardrobe for clothes, choose a bed with lower drawers, allowing you to put at least bedding in them.

Important! A bunk bed can be installed in a nursery only if the ceiling level is not lower than two meters: otherwise there may be a lack of oxygen; the air above is warmer and drier than below. This microclimate is harmful for the child.

How to move walls

When planning a renovation of a small children's room, take into account some tricks that will visually expand the limited space and add light to the room:

Use only light paints for decoration; furniture should also be light. But it’s better to make the floor colored - it will make the room visually higher and wider.

In a narrow and long room, highlight only the back wall with color - then the room will seem wider. Horizontal stripes on the floor will also help in this case.

Light wallpaper with a small, dim pattern will add space to the room.

In a small, elongated room with high ceilings, horizontal stripes on the walls will help visually bring the far wall closer and steal the height of the ceiling.

It is better to design a small nursery in soft, warm colors - they will make the room fresher and create a positive mood in the child.

Choosing colors for a children's room

Looking at various photos of a small nursery, it becomes clear that it is better to choose light shades for a small room. Pastel neutral tones in wall decoration will help create a warm interior. White walls look original in combination with white furniture, and color accents are created by textiles - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

You can highlight the color of the wall. The combination of white and light shades creates a harmonious space filled with light.

For a girl's nursery you can use:

  • snow-white;
  • light pink;
  • soft lilac;
  • light green;
  • lemon color.

A boy's room can be made in blue, light turquoise, light green, and beige tones. An interesting combination is white, brown and turquoise: complement light turquoise wall surfaces with textiles with a striped pattern, make decorative elements brighter and more monochromatic.

Important! For a small nursery, it is better to take no more than two shades, one of which can be white.

Furniture for a small nursery

There should be little furniture in a small children's area, so it is advisable to choose the most functional options.

If the room is narrow and elongated, you should not place all the furniture along the wall:

  • the bed can be placed next to the window, placing it along the far wall;
  • a corner wardrobe for clothes and linen will help to use a non-functional corner and visually change the shape of the room;
  • small spaces near the window can be used as storage space by hanging narrow corner shelves;
  • If you need to place two children in a room, it is better to install the beds not parallel, but at an angle to each other.

In a square room, the placement of furniture will depend on where the door and window are located. Use corners: the best choice is a corner wardrobe with a mirrored door. Even a very small children's room will become visually larger, and sliding doors will ensure safety from injuries and save space for games and movement.

If the ceiling height is sufficient, a loft bed will be a convenient option for organizing a place to rest at night. You can place a sleeping bed below, and equip a cozy play corner in the upper part. The space under the stairs and on the side can be used for storage.

Full-fledged cabinets cannot be installed here, but shelves for books and toys will be the best option for organizing space. A modern storage option is bright boxes and trunks that will hide the contents and be an attractive decorative element in the nursery.

Important! When choosing furniture for a nursery, pay attention to its safety. The best option is natural wood, but it is expensive. MDF will become a high-quality and affordable substitute for wooden furniture.

When purchasing children's furniture, pay attention to the absence of sharp corners and dangerous protrusions. The interior of a small-sized children's room needs to be carefully thought out, unnecessary modules should be abandoned in favor of convenience and additional free space for movement and games.

Secrets of a beautiful nursery

Numerous ideas for a small children's room can be found on the Internet. Some will suggest interior items from IKEA. The need to create a comfortable living environment in a limited space dictates its own rules:

A small nursery should have a little of everything: furniture, dark colors, corners.

Choose white as a base, light shades as complementary colors, and few bright accents.

First of all, take care not about the beauty of the interior, but about the health of the child and his safety: avoid sharp corners and clutter in the room.

There is a big “plus” in a small nursery - the need to maintain order in it will teach the child to work. A competent layout and careful selection of necessary things will avoid clutter and result in a small but cozy room for your son or daughter.

Photo of a small children's room

Quick navigation through the article

A schoolchild's room is a multifunctional space. It should be convenient to study, play, sleep, meet friends, do creative work and store many things. At the same time, I want it to be cozy and easily change as the child grows up.

From this material you will learn how to arrange a schoolchild’s room from scratch or transform an existing interior, and also get ideas from a selection of 60 photos of rooms for boys and girls aged 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old.

It is advisable to plan a student’s room so that the play, sleeping and study areas are visually and/or physically separated from each other. This is necessary so that, firstly, the child is not distracted from his studies, and secondly, so that the interior looks orderly.

Below are several examples of how you can divide the space into working and “living” parts.

Another way to create a sense of privacy at your study desk is to simply add a room divider. The reverse side of the partition can be used as a drawing area.

In the following photos you can see the interior of a schoolboy’s room, in which the play area is isolated by a partition with sliding doors, and the table and bed are placed in the same space.

If you don’t want to share the room, place the gaming corner behind the desk or to the side, but not too close. So the child simply will not see his favorite toys, which means he will be less exposed to temptations.

This technique is a win-win if you want to decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room for growth. When the time comes for change, you can update the interior without making renovations, but only by replacing furniture, curtains or decor. In addition, neutral shades are good because they do not interfere with study, games, or sleep. Well, to prevent the room from being too boring, the interior just needs to be diluted with color accents.

  • The most versatile wall shade is soft white. Other great tones: beige, light grey, grey-green, grey-blue.

This selection of photos shows the interiors of schoolgirls’ and schoolchildren’s rooms, decorated in neutral colors.

Tip 3. Decorate your work area with colors that promote concentration and brain activity

Here is a list of flowers that will decorate the interior and help with your studies:

  • Yellow;
  • Green (not too bright);
  • Orange;
  • Blue;
  • Brown.

It is not advisable to use all of the listed paints (except green) in large quantities or throughout the room. So, for example, yellow and orange begin to irritate with prolonged exposure, and blue risks “freezing” the room.

How to correctly use this advice in practice? Just hang a calendar, map, class schedule or other necessary materials in the colors listed above on the wall near your desk. You can also put a colored organizer for stationery on the table, and boxes for papers on the shelves.

It is very important to choose work furniture for a student’s room according to his height. And since schoolchildren grow very quickly, it is most rational to buy a transforming table with adjustable height and tilt of the tabletop, as well as a chair with adjustable seat height.

Below is a table to help you choose the height of your desk.

If you already have a table, but it does not correspond to the child’s height, buy a children’s “office” chair and place a stand under your feet (it can be made from thick books and extended if necessary).

  • The correct tabletop height is just below chest level (2-3 cm). Please note that your hands should rest on the table freely, without tension. Below in the memo there are other tips for arranging a student’s study table.

You can read more about arranging a schoolchild’s workplace in our article:.

Tip 5: Create even lighting and choose the right table lamp

When arranging a student’s room, it is important to plan the lighting correctly. It should be uniform, not dull and not too bright. Ideally, the central chandelier should be complemented or completely along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

If the renovation has already been done, then floor lamps and table lamps can complement the chandelier.

  • Remember that reading and doing homework only in overhead lighting is harmful to a child’s vision. The desk must have a lamp with adjustable height and tilt, as well as a lampshade/shade. The light bulb in the table lamp is preferably LED with a white matte coating (so that the light does not blind the eyes) and a power of 60 W.

The light source should be on the left if the child is right-handed and on the right if the child is left-handed.

The same rule applies to daylight, so ideally the table should be placed not parallel to the window, but perpendicular.

Children up to about 10-12 years old still need games, so the design of the play area also needs to be given a lot of attention. Moreover, it is games that help children best assimilate knowledge. Here are some ideas for arranging a developing play space:

  • Board/easel/wall for drawing and very useful role-playing games as a teacher.

  • A magnetic board on which the child can form words from magnetic letters. When the child grows up, the board can be used to display drawings, certificates, photographs, etc.

  • Table for playing chess, assembling construction sets, modeling, drawing, assembling mosaics, and handicrafts.
  • Mini theater with curtain and stage.

  • Railway.
  • Toy piano.

And so that the child can relax, warm up and give himself a “break”, it would be good, namely:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Home climbing wall;
  • Basketball hoop;
  • A gymnastic ball.

A globe, a geographical map, interior numbers and letters, pictures from botanical or ethnographic atlases, a model of the solar system, reproductions of great paintings - all this will be useful for the child’s education and, at the same time, will decorate the interior. True, you shouldn’t go overboard with educational decor either, because a student’s room is not only an office, but also a bedroom.

Below is a selection of photo examples of how you can decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room.

You should not put certificates, medals and cups in a box; it is better to collect them in one place and arrange them beautifully. It is better to frame especially important diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

An achievement corner can be placed on the top shelf above the desk, on the shelf of a bookshelf, or above the bed.

It’s good when a child has his own library and a nice reading corner - this makes it easier to instill in the child an interest in reading.

  • You can choose a bookcase that is narrow so as not to take up much space in the room, and in addition to books, it should be decorated with cute little things - figurines, favorite toys, photo frames, etc.

Tip 10. Organize a storage system for school things and clothes

Here are tips to help you organize the storage of things in your student’s room and teach your child to maintain order:

  • Distribute notebooks, textbooks, stationery, reference books, etc. according to the principle “the more necessary, the closer.” Thus, notebooks and textbooks should be in the top drawer of the nightstand or on the nearest shelf. If the child is right-handed, then the working cabinet/bedside table should be placed on the right; if the child is left-handed, then on the left.
  • The most comfortable wardrobe for a child is a narrow one (about 40 cm deep), with a rod installed at eye level, and drawers that close smoothly and cannot be pulled out completely. It's great if the wardrobe has lighting.

  • The wardrobe can be replaced with a chest of drawers (it is more convenient for a child) and supplemented with a cute hanger for clothes that cannot be wrinkled, including school uniforms.
  • When setting up a play area, get rid of toys that the child has already outgrown, and organize a storage system for the remaining things: divide them into categories and store them in labeled containers/baskets.
  • Teach your child to put things in their place, not to accumulate rubbish, and also to put things not in piles, but... folded into rectangles or at least rolls and arranged vertically. Take a look at our article about and learn other useful tricks.
  • In a small student’s room, you need to use non-standard storage spaces and multifunctional furniture. For example, you should choose a bed with drawers or a headboard with shelves. Instead of a bedside table, you can hang a pocket for a book and a bottle of water on the side of the bed. A couple of shelves will also come in handy (they can be hung above the bed, desk, above the door and even above the window).

The environment in a living space can have a very strong impact on a person. Design can both inspire and, conversely, depress. Therefore, it is important to approach this issue responsibly. And it is important to design a schoolchild’s room with special care. After all, children are our future. And for them to be successful and want to learn, it is necessary to create all the conditions for this. But everything is not as simple as in words. It is important to follow the rules and advice from experienced designers.

If you also want to properly design and interior a schoolchild’s room, then the tips from our article will help with this. We will look at the design of a room for a schoolchild, and take a separate example of a room for a girl and a boy. We will also answer the question of what should be the design of a room for parents and a schoolchild. Then the design will only delight the child and motivate him.

Several rules for decorating a room for a schoolchild

If we talk about a schoolchild, we mean a child from 6 to 17 years old or more. This is a special period in a child's life. He begins to explore the world, learn something new and learn. To simplify the task, it is important to take care of the child’s comfort. To create the right space for it, you need to adhere to the following rules:

These are not all the tips; we will see most of them throughout the article. Then everyone will be satisfied with the design of the room for a schoolboy boy or girl. First of all, let's look at the zoning of the room.

We divide the student’s room into zones

Zoning plays a very important role in design. Thanks to this technique, you can divide the room into separate areas intended for one thing or another. Let's look at what each zone should look like in a student's room.

Creating a work area

We can say that the teenager will spend a lot of time in this zone. After all, at school they give a lot of tasks, so after school the child sits down to complete them. It is very important that the work area helps the student concentrate on lessons and does not distract him. There he should think only about lessons and nothing else. To get an idea of ​​what kind of design a children’s room and work area for a schoolchild needs to be made, look at the photo.

Colors should be neutral, not too bright or distracting. Wall decoration with drawings, shelves with toys, photographs and other accessories are unacceptable. All this distracts from the work process. In addition, the area cannot be complete without a table, a comfortable chair and a tabletop with shelves. The student needs to store books, notebooks and other school supplies. With a table and shelves, everything will be at hand. Another important point is lighting. To avoid damaging your child's eyes, it is important to provide enough light. A lamp on the table is a must. The best style direction for the work area is minimalism. Interior of a schoolchild's room photo:

Relaxation area

The main task is to ensure comfortable sleep for the student. Usually, parents decorate the sleeping area with their children’s favorite characters: cars, robots, dolls, superheroes, etc. However, you need to understand that teenagers grow very quickly, so they will soon cease to be interested in ponies and cars. That's why it's better to make the recreation area universal. Nobody forbids you to design in a fairytale style. But it is recommended to do everything so that, if necessary, the elements can be removed.

Consult with your child what kind of bed design he wants to see. All this can be supplemented with a horizontal bar or ladder for a boy and pictures, flowers or canopies for a girl. The bed should be comfortable and comfortable. As for the color design, it is better to choose pastel colors that will promote good sleep for the student.

Design of a schoolboy boy's room photo:

Design of a schoolchild's room for a girl photo:

Play area

No matter how old a teenager is, games are an integral part of his life. Therefore, it is important to allocate a place in the room where the children would play. As practice shows, usually teenagers play on the floor. To prevent bad consequences in this area, you can lay a thick carpet. It should be pleasant and environmentally friendly. Alternatively, use a laminate and lay a carpet on it.

For some teenagers, the main form of entertainment is playing video games or watching television. Therefore, you need to allocate a place for the TV, make the area convenient and comfortable. And so that the teenager not only sits while playing games, you can screw a horizontal bar and a ladder to the wall. Creative furniture and other unusual accessories will help to complement everything. Unlike the work area, the child should feel free in the play area.

Note! It is important to think over the place for storing these same toys.

Choosing furniture for the student

Designers advise not to flirt with the fact that these are children. It means not to make babies out of schoolchildren. It is not always appropriate to make a fabulous lair out of a room. Decorators consider simple and concise decor to be much more appropriate. As for furniture, it should be of high quality and practical. And you should also follow the rule of three colors. This applies to the room as a whole and its accessories.

Another problem is the lack of free space. In small rooms, the furniture may be superfluous; there will be no room to turn around. In this case, it is recommended to choose transformable furniture. For example, there may be shelves under the bed or on the side for storing things or toys. The table is placed in the corner, where it will not take up much space, and a niche for the TV is made in the closet. This is what the design of a small student’s room might look like.

It's another matter when the room has enough space. Then, as they say, you can take a walk. Zoning and full-fledged furniture are already welcome here. Here are examples of what the design of a schoolchild's room of 12 sq. m photo might look like.

List of things needed for a schoolchild's room

We touched on this topic a little, but I would like to draw your attention to some main points. Here is a list of what you can’t do without in the design of a schoolchild’s room:

  • bed;
  • desk and chair;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • bedside table, chest of drawers or shelves for storing school supplies;
  • wardrobe for storing things.

I would like to pay special attention to the table and chair. They greatly affect the child's spine. The choice of this furniture depends on the student’s height. There are several rules to follow when buying a table and chair:

  1. Furniture should change or adapt to the growth of the child. It is important that the forearm and shoulder, thigh and back, lower leg and thigh are at right angles. A chair preferably with adjustable height.
  2. It is important that the edge of the table is at the level of the person sitting. The legs are at an angle of 90 degrees, and the table top from below is not supported by the knees.
  3. Optimal table dimensions: width from 120 to 170 cm, depth from 60 to 90 cm.
  4. The chair must have a back. At the same time, it must be rigid enough so that it does not bend back under pressure.

I would also like to mention lighting in design. It has been proven that when there is insufficient lighting, a child begins to study worse. He doesn't see numbers well, his eyes get tired, and more errors appear in the text. In addition, eye strain also comes from other gadgets: computer, TV, tablet or phone. To prevent this from affecting health and study, it is important to consider three lighting options: local lighting, natural and general. Therefore, it is better to install the table near a window, where there is constant access to natural light.

Advice! In order for the light to diffuse and the room to be better illuminated, the decoration should be in light colors and with glossy surfaces. This will visually expand the room.

Chandeliers or built-in lamps can complement the room. You can hang a sconce above the bed, with light control. Halogen spotlights, table lamps and other sources can make a room bright and practical.

The difference between a room for girls and boys

If there is one child in the family, then making a design is much easier. But what to do when there is both a boy and a girl in the family? The design of a room for two schoolchildren of opposite sexes should meet the needs of each of them. To save space, you can use a bunk bed. In addition, depending on the age of the children, you need to think about the design. The design of a children's room for a schoolboy boy and a girl can be seen in this photo.

It can be designed in one style, or it can be divided into zones. Girls love pink, red and a lot of additional accessories. Boys prefer blue, green, blue, gray colors and want the room to be comfortable for games. All these wishes can be taken into account. It is clear that you will need two tables and chairs. And this will take up useful space. You can install two tables in the letter L, which will not take up so much space. Each child should have his own bedside table and personal space. An example of what a schoolchild's room might look like and its design can be seen in the photo.

As you can see, it is clearly visible where exactly the girl lives and where the boy lives. This is achieved through different colors and finishes. In fact, the design is consistent in one style, but the design differs according to gender.

And here’s what a children’s corner might look like if a child lives in the same room with his parents.


Thanks to these tips, you can make your student's room beautiful, comfortable, practical and safe. It must be remembered that there are no specific instructions here. After all, every child is individual and this should be the approach. In addition, the child grows, so his tastes change. It’s better to go with a universal option that won’t carry any load. Your child will thank you for this.