We decorate the flowerbed with zinnias. All about zinnia: variety of varieties, planting, care and treatment Beautiful zinnia

It’s rare that a summer cottage, and even more so a garden, does without flower beds. Flowers give us considerable aesthetic pleasure; they delight us with their presence and, attracting our eyes, make us admire them. That is why flowers are permanent residents of garden plots. And they are grown, as a rule, not chaotically, but in flower beds, in beautifully decorated flower beds. At the same time, they are selected according to color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in the article, yourself, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Before you start creating a flower garden on your site, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for carrying out the work. They will make it easier to understand the process of arranging flower beds and allow them to be made not only quickly, but also in the best possible way.

On a note! Despite the fact that many gardeners choose perennials to create flower beds, annuals also do not go out of style. They are often unpretentious, easy to grow, and allow you to create completely new and unique compositions every year. In addition, they are very beautiful and bloom with rich bright flowers, which is their main advantage.

Rules for choosing planting material and location

One of the first tasks of a gardener when arranging a flower bed is the choice of its location. The flowering period will largely depend on this. The place where the flower bed is located should be well lit. It is also worth thinking about the convenience of watering - flowers need regular supplies of water. Do not place a flower bed behind the house away from a water barrel or irrigation system. It makes no sense to plant a flower bed where no one will see it - flowers are created by nature in order to admire them. So let the flower bed be in a conspicuous place - at the exit from the house or outside the window, at the entrance to the house.

A few more words about the choice of planting material. Be sure to consider color, flowering period, and height. Any flower bed should bloom for as long as possible, and the correct selection of flowers according to the flowering time will help to prolong the flower beauty - that is, at the end of the flowering period, some of them will be replaced by others.

Flower beds can be different in shape and height. And each type has its own unwritten design rules. For example, when creating three-tiered flower beds, the tallest plants should be located in the center or in the background. Along the edges there will be lower crops, which will act as a kind of frame. Between these two tiers there will be a second one, which sets the main background for the flower garden.

The number of flowers is calculated approximately like this: central flowers - several pieces or a small patch of fairly tall plants. Crops with an average height are planted in quantities twice as large as the main ones. And the shortest ones will have a population three times greater than that of the main flowers.

The main function of such a structure is, of course, decorative - a mill on the site pleases the eye and creates an atmosphere of comfort. It is also used to decorate gardens and flower beds in the Old Russian or European style (depending on the appearance of the object itself). Read more in .

It is best not to take more than 3 types of flowers and not create complex compositions when arranging your first flowerbed. In this case, care will be simple and pleasant.

Types of flower beds

Flowerbeds can have completely different shapes and sizes - it all depends on your wishes and capabilities. They are round and square, figured, triangular.

There are three main ways to form flower beds.

  1. Uniform carpet. Typically, this type uses plants of only one species or similar in size but with different petal colors. Such a flowerbed is easy to care for, and it looks very impressive.
  2. Multi-tiered flower bed. It is created by combining flowers of different heights, but the lowest crops will always be in front. It can be round, corner, wall. Such plantings are more difficult to maintain.
  3. Flower borders. These are flower beds created along garden paths. They are unpretentious and are usually created from one or two types of plants.

There are also very unusual flower beds that can complement any elements of a summer cottage - for example, decorate the area around a pond, or have the shape of an animal.

Choosing colors

An important aspect in drawing up the scheme of flower beds is the color of the buds of plants. At the initial stage, it is better to use only 2-3 contrasting shades, and later move on to more complex color transitions and combinations. But even a beginner should understand that color has a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person, so you should choose plants that give flowers with the shade of petals that you like.

Table. Colors and their effect on humans.

YellowUsually it is preferred by joyful and active people, it is the color of good mood. And he will give a shy person self-confidence. In the garden, lilies, marigolds, calendula, snapdragons, daylilies, cinquefoil, rudebeckia will give this color.
PinkImproves mood, relieves sad thoughts. Meadowsweet, kosmeya, carnation, daisy will give this color in a flower bed.
BlueSoothes, comforts, relieves stress. Iris, lavender, forget-me-not, delphinium - flowers with blue petals.
RedThe color of energy, strength, optimism, passion. Carnation, primrose, rhododendron will give it to you.
VioletA color that improves the emotional state, has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. These are lilacs, violets, veronica, pansies, aster.
OrangeA color that gives self-confidence and lifts your spirits. These are chrysanthemum, marigolds, cinquefoil, and gravilate.

On a note! Variegated flower beds can always be slightly diluted with white flowers. They will add zest to the plantings. And in order to choose colors that combine with each other, use the color wheel.

Selection of types of flowers

Creating a beautiful flower bed is a creative process that can completely absorb any gardener. This is a great way to realize your potential as a creator. By choosing the right plants for your flower beds, you can create a real living work of art on your site.

A huge number of seeds of all kinds of flowering plants are now sold on store shelves. Which ones are best suited for creating flower beds? First of all, focus on the growth and flowering period of plants, as well as the color of their petals.

Table. The most popular types of flower plants for flower beds.

NameFlowering periodHeight, cm
LobeliaJune-SeptemberAbout 15
IberisJune-OctoberUp to 40
NasturtiumJune-OctoberCreeping up to 400, bush 50
PetuniaJune-mid October15-80

Also, low-growing annuals include: dwarf begonia, viola, lobularia, dwarf aster; for tall ones: lupine, peony, astilbe.

Flower schemes

To make it easier to navigate when creating your own scheme, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several simple but beautiful ready-made options.

Table. Flower bed schemes.

Scheme, photoDescription

1 – annual stock roses of three colors (white, red, yellow); 2 – decorative sunflower; 3 – Spanish poppy; 5 – cardinal lobelia; 6, 7, 8 – bell, catnip; 10 - stonecrop. The remaining flowers can be selected in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

Flowerbed cake: 1 – low red flowers; 2 – white or silver flowers; 3 – medium-sized plants with red flowers; 4 and 5 – high background crops.

Round flowerbed: 1 – cannas; 2 - begonia; 3 - petunia; 4 – snapdragon; 5 - marigolds; 6 - alyssum; 7 - ageratum; 8 - pyrethrum.

1 - amaranth; 2 - zinnia; 3 – garden quinoa; 4 - chard; 5 - basil; 6 – nasturtium.

Flowerbed of bulbous plants - diagram

We create a flower garden with our own hands

Let's look at the creation of a flower bed step by step using the example of such a wonderful flowering corner.

Step 1. Create an exact diagram of the future flower garden in accordance with your capabilities and wishes. Don’t just try to design large flower beds - it’s better to make one small and neat than a large one that you won’t have enough strength for. The best option to start with is a flower bed with 25-30 plants.

Step 2. Choose a sunny place on your summer cottage. Step back about 1 m from the fence. To prevent the sun from damaging the plants, place the flower bed on the eastern side of the fence or buildings. Mark the border of the flower bed.

Step 3. Remove all debris from the site, dig up the soil, and apply fertilizer if necessary. Weed out all the weeds.

Step 4. Level the surface of the soil, break up the earthen clods.

Step 5. Buy or use your own grown ones. Plant tall crops in the far corner, then medium-sized crops, and place low-growing crops along the edge of the flowerbed. In this case, holes for all flowers can be dug in advance.

On a note! Be sure to consider the size of an adult plant when planting. It is important that over time the flowers do not press on each other, but there are no large gaps between them.

Step 6. Take good care of the flowerbed - regularly water the flowers, remove wilted ones, and fertilize them.

So you can arrange a corner flower bed on your site. With a round one you will have to work harder. The fact is that its edges must form a perfectly smooth circle, otherwise it will appear crooked. But achieving an excellent result is quite simple: a stick is dug into the center of the flower bed, and a rope equal to the radius of the flower bed is tied to it. Moving the rope in a circle, sand outlines the boundaries of the flower bed. And so that the plants “fall” into place, you can make a preliminary sketch inside the circle with sand, outlining where the holes for each flower will be marked.

Zinnia amazes with its huge variety of varieties, which attracts the attention of many gardeners. In our country this plant is better known as majora. Unpretentious in care, zinnia is able to please the eye with its abundant flowering for a long time and at the same time it is very unpretentious. Have you planted it in your area yet? Perhaps the problem lies in the choice? If so, we suggest that you consider the most popular varieties of this flower and make an informed decision.

Plant characteristics

Zinnia is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. This flower owes its name to Karl Liney, who in 1759 named it in honor of the director of the botanical garden, Johann Zinn.

Zinnia belongs to the genus of perennial and annual herbs, grows quite quickly and is a cross-pollinated plant. Depending on the variety, it can have an upright or spreading stem or form a small bush. In height, it ranges from 0.15 to 1.1 m. The powerful strong stem is covered with hard villi. On it sit elongated oval-shaped leaves, which are whorled or opposite.

On a note! The stalk of zinnia is quite strong, because of which it does not need a garter (except for special weather conditions - strong wind or heavy rain), and cut flowers remain fresh for 1-1.5 weeks!

Zinnia is unpretentious, but in order for it to bloom as luxuriantly and plentifully as possible, it needs a lot of sunlight. For this reason, it is recommended to plant the plant in a warm sunny area, protected from drafts. He does not like high humidity - watering should be rare, but at the same time plentiful.


Zinnia blooms incredibly spectacularly, forming complex large inflorescences at the ends of the stems. Their diameter can reach 15 cm, and they consist of two types of flowers. The first type is the outer flowers, quite large, reed-shaped, their shape can be elongated oval, elongated or in the form of a tube, which sometimes bifurcates at the end. The second type is tubular flowers. Their sizes are much smaller and at the same time they are, as a rule, tubular in shape. Located in the inner part of the inflorescence.

Zinnia flowers are extremely varied in color. They can be white, cream, red, scarlet, burgundy, orange, bright yellow, pinkish, violet and even lilac. Only blue is missing.

The flowering period of zinnia occurs approximately 55-65 days after sowing in the ground and lasts until late autumn. Individual inflorescences can “live” for 3 days.

Garden classification

There are 4 main types of zinnias:

  • graceful;
  • narrow-leaved;
  • thin-flowered;
  • linearis.

Moreover, according to the garden classification, these species are divided into 3 subspecies: tall zinnias, the stem length of which is from 60 to 90 cm, medium-sized ones - from 0.35 to 0.55 m and low-growing ones with a stem from 0.15 to 0.30 m.

Plants from the first subspecies are usually grown for cutting, and in general they look rather cumbersome in a flower garden. Low-growing zinnias are more versatile, since during the growth process they form neat bushes that are excellent for flower gardens, for growing in pots, and for cutting.

Zinnia graceful

Zinnia dainty is the most common species and is mostly grown for cutting. It has a powerful stem, large leaves and luxurious semi-double inflorescences, measuring 12 cm in circumference.

On a note! Modern graceful zinnia has rather dense petals, which strikingly distinguishes it from the plant that appeared at the end of the 18th century. It had small inflorescences and fully corresponded to its name - graceful!

Currently, graceful zinnia has a huge number of varieties, which are divided into separate groups.

The most unpretentious plant to grow and care for is angustifolia zinnia. It has simple flowers, which are in no way inferior in beauty to the group described above. Their hue is often yellow or deep orange. The bushes have a very beautiful spherical shape, are small and often their height does not exceed 0.5 m.

Narrow-leaved zinnia cannot boast as many varieties as graceful, and most representatives are very similar in appearance to marigolds.

Zinnia thin-flowered

This species is most often found in landscape flower beds. Its bushes are small - up to 0.6 m in height. The stalk is thin, geniculate, and has a somewhat reddish tint. The inflorescences are small - no wider than 3 cm, the flowers are narrow with curled ends. Their hue is usually purple.


Quite often, zinnia linearis is confused with thin-flowered zinnia, since it has the same thin and sharp leaves. This species is one of the smallest of all cultivated ones. The branching bush has an almost spherical shape and grows no more than 35 cm in height.

During the flowering period, linearis produces small inflorescences with yellow reed flowers. It is most suitable for growing in small containers or pots; it looks great on alpine hills and in miniature flower beds.

Popular varieties

Represented by four main species, zinnia has an incredible variety, and therefore can easily meet the highest demands of landscape designers of our time.


Among the low-growing zinnias you can find both an elegant variety and a narrow-leaved one. The following miniature varieties are very popular with many gardeners:

  • The “Liliput” series is a double zinnia that produces fairly large (about 10 cm in circumference) dome-shaped inflorescences. The bush is of medium height - about 0.5 m. It blooms profusely and continuously.
  • "Rotcopchen", or "Little Red Riding Hood" is one of the most sought after varieties of graceful pompom zinnia. The plant got its name due to the thick red color of the petals, which do not lose their richness even under strong rays of the sun. “Little Red Riding Hood” is a low bush, the height of which can be 0.55 m and has a spherical shape. Covered with dense inflorescences - round or in the shape of a truncated cone.
  • “Tom-Thumb”, or “Tom-Thumb” - this flower also belongs to the graceful zinnia variety. Its bushes are small, up to 45 cm in height, the flowers are bright red. This variety is very similar to “Little Red Riding Hood”, but its inflorescences are not so rounded - in this case the shape is more flattened.

  • "Short Staff" is one of the most popular representatives of low-growing zinnias. The height of the bush is often no more than 25 cm, but it produces quite large inflorescences - about 10 cm in diameter. Flowers can have different colors: coral, cherry, red and white.

Varieties of dahlia zinnia

Among dahlia zinnias, the most popular varieties are:

  • “Crimson Monarch” - this variety produces an incredibly beautiful spreading bush, the height of which can range from 65 to 75 cm. During the flowering period, double inflorescences are formed, which can be either dense or loose. Their color is dark red, diameter is about 14 cm. An individual flower can “live” from 17 to 26 days. The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts until the first frost.
  • “Violet” is a spreading bush, about 65-78 cm high. During the flowering period, dense inflorescences are formed, the diameter of which is from 11 to 13 cm. The inflorescences are double, purple tones. It begins to bloom in July and continues until frost.

  • “Orange King” - the height of the plant is from 65 to 75 cm. The inflorescences are large, painted in a bright red-orange color. Their density is average, diameter is from 13 to 15 cm. The flowers are double.

  • “Lavender Queen” is a relatively tall plant, about 0.85 m. The shrub is spreading, the inflorescences are dense, double, about 12 cm in diameter. The hue is purple.

  • “Purple Prince” - the height of the bush varies between 60-65 cm. During the flowering period it produces large inflorescences with a purple tint. The flowering period lasts from the last ten days of June until the first frost.

  • “Envy” is a plant about 70 cm high, the inflorescence circumference is approximately 12-13 cm. The most popular variety that looks very advantageous in any flower bed, especially surrounded by pink and purple flowers.

  • “Polar Bear” is a medium-sized bush - about 66-69 cm. A compact plant with dense flowers. The inflorescences are dense, 14-15 cm in diameter. Painted white with a greenish tint.

Varieties of zinnia angustifolia

The most common varieties of narrow-leaved zinnia are:

  • “Persian Carpet” is a very beautiful plant that in its appearance resembles an oriental carpet. The bush has a pattern made up of flowers of various colors: from bright yellow to rich brown.
  • "Glorienshine" is a branched bush with double inflorescences. It blooms profusely throughout the entire flowering period. The flowers are bright orange, with a brown border visible at the tips.
  • "CandiStripe" is somewhat similar to the "Persian Carpet" variety. It also has a second name, “Tiger”. The petals of the inflorescences are striped, which is why this plant looks great in a flower bed.

Hybrid varieties

The largest number of hybrid plants was obtained by crossing graceful zinnia and angustifolia zinnia. This tandem produces very expressive bushes with incredibly lush, dense hats and bright patterns. Among the hybrids:

  • “ProfusionMixed” series - plant height is from 30 to 35 cm. The bush is dotted with small flowers that are very similar to daisies. However, their color may vary.
  • The “Carousel” series is a medium-sized bush, about 60 cm high. The flowers are large, double, and the inflorescences are bicolor. The petals are narrowed at the ends.
  • "Shaggy Dog" - on the bushes there are small leaves twisted into tubes. Leaves look down.
  • "PeppermintStick" is a very interesting hybrid, the petals of the inflorescences of which are painted in a bright yellow-red color.
  • "Envy" - the bush has fairly large light green foliage and a very expressive head of flowers.
  • "Magellan" is a relatively small plant - approximately 35 cm in height. The inflorescences are densely double dahlia-shaped, their diameter is about 10 cm. The color is coral, pink, orange, salmon, cherry, red, yellow.
  • The “Swizzle” series is represented by two varieties - “Cherry Ivory”, the flowers of which have a cream tint at the tips of the reeds, and “Scarlet Yellow” with bright red flowers with a yellow border at the tips.

Bouquet varieties

Zinnia is a unique plant that can be grown both in open ground and in small pots right in the house. It behaves well when cut, and under the right conditions it will last in a bouquet for two weeks.

On a note! Zinnia is good because it has a very weak aroma, and therefore will not cause discomfort to those people who are sensitive to the floral smell!

If zinnia interests you solely as a bouquet flower, then we advise you to use mixtures of varieties for cutting. Among the most successful species in this regard will be the aforementioned California Giant zinnia. The bushes can reach a meter in height and will give you large inflorescences of various colors. Among the representatives of this variety you can see white and yellow specimens, cream and purple, red and lilac, as well as all shades of pink and orange. Such a bouquet can stand for at least 12 days.

Zinnia cactus is also a good choice. Its bushes are quite tall - about 90 cm, and the flowers are great for cutting. There are large inflorescences on straight strong stems. It blooms for a long time - from early summer until September, and lasts quite a long time after cutting.

flower zinnia

But be that as it may, zinnia still looks most successful in a flower bed, as you can see by looking at the following photos. Among the flower garden varieties, the most popular are the following:

  • Variety series “PersianCarpetMixed” - Hage zinnia. It produces amazingly beautiful semi-double bicolor inflorescences. Here you can find red-white, red-yellow, red-orange and red-lemon combinations. Often, plants from this variety series are grown in huge masses, which from a distance resemble beautiful colorful carpets.
  • Any varieties of thin-flowered zinnia will look best in landscape flower beds. Its bushes with reddish stems and small flowers will be a real find for all lovers of neat flower beds.
  • Zinnia Linearis is also suitable for growing in a flower garden, but it should be small. An alpine slide would be a great place for it. The most popular varieties for this case will be the varieties “Caramel” with a sharp center and dark yellow petals, as well as “Golden Eye” with small white inflorescences and a cheerful yellow center.

What's the best way to use zinnias?

Obviously, zinnia has a huge variety of varieties, which makes it possible to easily “fit” it into absolutely any landscape. At the same time, this flower can be placed in separate arrays: somewhere to create a picturesque carpet, somewhere to cover empty areas, somewhere to smooth out the transitions between cultures. And in any case, zinnia will be in its place. What else to advise?

  • Despite the fact that this plant looks great when planted alone, it is still better to place it in groups.
  • If you are creating a mixborder, then tall varieties are best suited for it, but for the border it is preferable to use dwarf species.
  • Zinnia can recreate a rustic design, for this it must be combined with marigolds, aster, calendula, chrysanthemums and daisies.
  • It can also be used to create a kind of “fence,” for example, by planting bushes in a row between vegetables and herbs. This way you will get a bright spot on a somewhat “sad” garden background, which will not only perform a decorative function, but will attract pollinating insects.
  • It is quite possible to plant zinnia along the path leading to your house, as well as around the garden building. Such linear plantings diversify the overall picture of the landscape and add bright, picturesque notes to it.

Zinnia is considered an excellent choice for any garden, as this flower has a truly unique and vibrant appearance. It becomes a decoration of the area, and can be used in different flower beds or other flower arrangements. To get a strong and beautiful plant, it is important to understand the nuances of planting and caring for it.

Description of zinnia

Zinnia is presented in numerous varieties and species with significant differences. Its height can vary from 20 to 100 cm, and taller plants are also found. Its features include:

  • Zinnia leaves are ovoid in shape, slightly pointed towards the apex. They are equipped with stiff hairs, and can be arranged oppositely or whorled.
  • The inflorescences are represented by single baskets located at the very top of the stem. Their diameter varies from 2 to 4 cm. They are located on peduncles of considerable height.
  • The flowers have a reed shape. They are arranged in several rows or tiled. They can have different colors, so you can choose flowers of orange, red or even white.
  • The fruit of zinnia is represented by an achene equipped with a tuft.

Important! Zinnia blooms in mid-July, and this process continues until the cold weather.

The main feature of zinnia is its excellent resistance to high temperatures or drought. It is considered unpretentious, therefore it is perfectly grown in different areas together with other flowers, without requiring specific and constant care.

Types and varieties of zinnia

Zinnia comes in numerous varieties, and each variety has many unique varieties. Before purchasing any variety, it is recommended to evaluate its parameters in order to know in advance about the peculiarities of care.

Zinnia graceful

It is considered the most popular type of zinnia. It is an annual plant characterized by rapid growth. The plant is equipped with stems that are resistant to various factors, and its height can reach 90 cm. The main varieties of this species include:

  • Violet- zinnia, which has a spreading bush reaching a height of 75 cm. The inflorescences are dense and double, and usually have a purple color.

Zinnia Violet

  • Lavender Queen. It has a spreading bush and reaches a height of 80 cm. The inflorescences are highly dense and reach 12 cm in diameter. They have a lavender flower with a purple tint.

  • Little Red Riding Hood. This variety of zinnia is represented by a densely double bush with a round shape. The height reaches 55 cm, and the inflorescences are dense and dense. The diameter is 4 cm. The flowers have a bright red color, and even constant exposure to sunlight does not lead to fading.

  • Tom-Thumb. They are a compact bush, the height of which does not exceed 45 cm. The inflorescences are extremely dense and double, and their diameter is on average 5 cm. They have a bright red color, which does not change even with constant exposure to sunlight.

Elegant zinnia is available in many other varieties, all of which are considered easy to care for and have a similar appearance.

Zinnia angustifolia

This type of zinnia appeared in Mexico. It is an erect plant with fairly branched bushes. Their height reaches 40 cm. The leaves are elongated and pointed towards the end. The length usually does not exceed 6 cm, and at the same time they have a wide base. The inflorescences are small in size, so their diameter is no more than 4 cm. In most cases they have monochromatic colors. They often have a bright orange hue, with some varieties having red spots at the ends of the petals. Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until the coldest weather.

Important! Zinnia angustifolia is a fruitful plant, and the resulting seeds can be planted over the next four years.

The most popular variety of zinnia angustifolia is solar circle. It is represented by a well-developed bush, the height of which usually reaches 25 cm. The inflorescences are double and reach 3.5 cm in diameter. Flowering is considered abundant and long-lasting. The flowers are reed-shaped, and at the base they have a dark orange color, and at the ends they have a reddish tint.

Zinnia angustifolia is often used by lovers of alpine hills and rocky gardens (rockeries).

Thus, zinnia is presented in several types and varieties, and each variety has its own characteristics, specific appearance and care rules.

Zinnia - growing from seeds

This plant can be grown on the territory in different ways, so the owners of the plots independently choose whether seeds or ready-made seedlings will be used for this.

For the competent process of growing zinnia, certain rules and recommendations are taken into account:

  • The plant can be grown by seeds only in those areas where in May there are no frosts at night, since at a temperature of -1 degree the seeds in the soil will die;
  • if the territory is located in a region where there is a possibility of night frosts even in June, then it is recommended to buy zinnia seedlings or grow them yourself, for which they are grown at home, since if the seedlings are properly planted and hardened, they will take root well and quickly in open ground;
  • before using seeds, they should be wrapped in gauze, which is pre-treated with epin, which will allow you to determine in advance which seeds will be optimal for use;
  • if the zinnia seeds are of high quality and fresh, then literally in a few days they will begin to hatch, but old and not very good seeds will begin this process only after a week or more;
  • at the end of March, zinnia seeds are sown in threes, and it is advisable to deepen them by about 1 cm, and for this, peat pots are selected, into which a moist substrate is placed in advance;
  • the crops are watered with a small amount of water;
  • pots of zinnia are moved to a well-lit place;
  • It is advisable to maintain the temperature within 23 degrees, and if optimal conditions are created, then in just a couple of days you can observe the appearance of sprouts.

Important! Placing zinnia seeds in threes allows you to avoid picking in the future, and this process can harm even the remaining plants.

In order for the seedlings to grow quickly, it is important to provide them with plenty of sunlight. At the end of May, it is necessary to begin to harden the resulting seedlings, which will have a positive effect on their planting in the future. Hardening involves taking the pots outside during the daytime for a short period of time.

Planting zinnia in open ground

Zinnias are specific plants that have significant sensitivity even to zero temperatures, so seedlings are certainly grown at home, which are then transplanted into open ground at the beginning of summer.

To ensure that the process of planting seedlings is correct, the recommendations of experts are taken into account:

  • Planting zinnia in open ground can only begin after spring frosts have completely stopped, so usually mid-June is chosen for this, but the prevailing temperature outside must be additionally taken into account;
  • a distance of 30 cm must be left between the flowers;
  • It is necessary to replant plants together with a lump of earth, and zinnia tolerates this process quite easily;
  • after about 2.5 months, you can observe the zinnia blooming, and the flowers themselves last quite a long time, since often even after 30 days they delight with their unique appearance;
  • After the start of flowering, approximately two months must pass for the seeds to ripen, and if they are collected in time and stored correctly, they will remain viable for three to four years.

Thus, planting zinnias is considered a simple process. It is allowed to plant plants not only separately, but also in a flower bed with other flowers; you can use them to create unique flower arrangements or arrange a rock garden and rock garden.

Zinnia - care

Zinnias are considered low-maintenance plants, so they are actually easy to care for. To do this, only a few rules are taken into account:

  • the soil needs regular loosening, and during this process care must be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to the stems or roots of the plant;
  • zinnias must be weeded to remove weeds;
  • if the summer is dry, then it is important to provide the flowers with abundant watering, and it is carried out directly at the root of the plant, and this procedure is not allowed to be repeated too often;
  • when watering zinnias, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers themselves;
  • after flowering begins, it is important to monitor the appearance of wilted flowers, as they must be promptly removed from the stem;
  • if there is a powerful stem, then it is not necessary to use supports or tying for it, but these procedures are certainly carried out for weak flowers;
  • Before planting zinnia in open ground, the seedlings must be fed, for which mineral fertilizers are used, and they should not contain a lot of nitrogen;
  • after planting in the ground, it is necessary to apply fertilizer, and you can use liquid manure or standard fertilizers with minerals, and this process is carried out twice during the summer.

Important! If you want zinnia to bush, then it should be pinched while still in seedlings, and it is also possible to perform this process after planting in open ground, but only after the flowers have taken root and taken root.

Zinnia after flowering

After the zinnia blooms, you can start collecting seeds. They ripen 2 months after flowering begins.

Important! It is recommended to identify in advance several inflorescences that opened first, so that in the future they can be used to obtain seeds, and this is due to the fact that the shoots of the first order produce the highest quality seeds.

We must wait until the ripe zinnia baskets acquire a dark brown color. Next, they are cut and thoroughly dried. The seeds are dried, which are then stored in a warm and dry place, and it is important that the temperature remains constant.

Diseases and pests of zinnia

Like all other plants, zinnia is exposed to various pests and diseases:

  • common pests are chafers, slugs and aphids;
  • It is recommended to install small bowls filled with beer on the territory, since this drink attracts gastropods, after which the mollusks will have to be collected by hand;
  • May beetles are also collected by hand, after which they are immersed in water with a soap solution;
  • To destroy aphids, a solution consisting of water and tar soap is purchased, and if there is a severe infection of zinnia, then it can only be saved with a solution of furfanon.

Common diseases are powdery mildew, gray mold, bacterial spot and fusarium. To combat these diseases, it is necessary to quickly eliminate all infected zinnia leaves, and it is often necessary to remove the entire plant if the disease has spread to all the leaves.

Fungicides are used to treat fusarium and gray rot.

Important! Various diseases are usually associated with poor care during the cultivation of zinnia, and can also result from deep planting or significant watering, so it is recommended to initially determine the cause of the disease.

Zinnia - photo

Thus, zinnia is considered an interesting and attractive plant. Growing them is quite simple, so this process can be performed even by beginners. At the same time, it is important to correctly follow all the recommendations of experienced gardeners, as well as ensure proper care of the plants. This guarantees that they will grow beautiful, bright and strong, so they will delight with their unsurpassed appearance.

One of the ways to achieve your cherished goal is to plant zinnias on the plot. This is an obligatory attribute of the garden and a favorite of gardeners, because this common flower is very beautiful. But you should understand that the measures for caring for it are not as simple as it might seem at first glance; they differ in a number of features.

Description of the plant

Zinnia is related to the herbaceous and shrub group; its official homeland is considered to be Southern Mexico. By the 20th century, it began to be cultivated all over the world. The appearance of a flower largely depends on the variety and its variety. In general, the size indicator can be 20-100 cm or more. The leaves are pointed at the apex, entire, and ovoid in shape. Inflorescences are represented by single baskets with a diameter of 3-14 cm.

On a note! The flowering process occurs before frost; this crop has high endurance and easily tolerates drought.

Summer residents often call these flowers “majors”; they are appropriate in the garden among any other plants.

Varieties and varieties

Zinnia graceful

This is a fast-growing annual plant that has stable, erect stems, the height of which can reach 95 cm. The edge is hard, the inflorescences are represented by baskets up to 16 cm in a circle. The shape can be any; practice shows that most often it is elongated or elongated oval. Flowering lasts a long time, and zinnia pleases with its beauty right up to the first frost.

Orange King

This species is represented by a bush up to 75 cm high. The inflorescences are large and brightly colored. The flowering process begins in July and continues until frost. Planting and care do not require much labor, so this royal variety is chosen by many summer residents for its nobility and beauty.

Lavender Queen

This is a bush up to 85 cm high, with spreading elements. The beautiful shade makes this variety elegant and noble.

Purple Prince

Huge inflorescences combined with the incredible beauty of the culture as a whole. Currently, this is the most unusual and widespread type of this plant. In contrast to other vibrant crops, it has a rather advantageous appearance.

polar bear

Blooms in bushes from 64 cm in height, compact. Inflorescences with a diameter of up to 16 cm are particularly dense and densely terry.


Another common variety with loose double red-orange flowers. There are several varieties available.

Decoration in the garden

You can decorate this beauty in the garden at a discount. Usually the flower is grown in groups. As for the tall varieties, they go well with flower bed decorations.

Advice! If you need to plant spectacular flowers on the balcony, the optimal solution would be low-growing varieties of zinnia that bloom profusely and continuously.

In a cut bouquet, such flowers look attractive for a long time. If it has already withered, you can restore freshness to the flowers by first refreshing the oblique cut from below and placing them in hot water.


  1. The plant loves a lot of warmth and light, but does not tolerate frost.
  2. In order for flowering to be long and abundant, it is necessary to choose soil that has a neutral reaction and contains nutrients.
  3. The place allocated for cultivation must first be dug up, then soil, compost, and humus are added to it.
  4. As for fertilizers, substances such as nitrophoska, superphosphate, and potassium are most often added. After that, everything is dug up again on the bayonet.
  5. You need to plant a flower on a site in a place where there is enough sunlight and where there are no drafts.

There is no special scheme of action in this case, but it varies depending on the variety. Typically, flower growers recommend leaving a distance of 30-40 cm between flowers. From the moment of planting, you can begin directly caring for zinnia.

Advice! It is important to make pinches so that young shoots ensure abundant flowering.

Features of sowing in open soil

  • If we are talking about planting directly in the garden bed, then you can plant it in late May and early June. The time must be chosen so that there is no threat of cold weather, in particular frost.
  • If you decide to use this particular method, you should understand that the development of flowers will be slower compared to performing procedures at home. Accordingly, the zinnia flowering process will begin later.
  • Important! Moisture should remain in the soil for a short time. The first shoots will appear within one and a half to two weeks from the moment of planting.