Why dream of a zombie apocalypse. Dream interpretation

Mythological dream book

Zombies - how to understand the symbolism

Zombie - An animated dead man in a voodoo cult in order to perform certain tasks from a sorcerer - a symbol of forced intrusion into the psyche of a sleeping person, the so-called "zombie"; own old revived harmful "mechanical" habits, negative feelings and impulses.

Modern dream book/ Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream of zombies

Zombie - If you dreamed that you were a zombie, then happiness awaits you.

If in a dream you saw a zombie, then someone will help you soon.

If a zombie attacked you in a dream, then you will return to doing long-forgotten things.

Talking with zombies in a dream - you will soon quarrel with a friend.

If you saw in a dream a zombie man who died a long time ago in real life, then you will soon have problems.

To see relatives in a dream as zombies - you will soon begin conflicts in the family due to unrestrained drunkenness.

If you saw a lot of zombies in a dream, then you will soon get sick.

See also: what is the dream of the revived dead man, what is the dream of the living dead, what is the dream of the cemetery at night.

The dream that occurred on the 8th may be prophetic. Particular attention should be paid to memorable plots and symbols. If something frightening happens in a dream, this is not necessarily an omen of negative changes, such dreams carry a warning that something will happen soon that will give rise to a strong surge of emotions.

Zombies in the interpretation of experts

Who among us has not seen truly incredible, fabulous and fantastic dreams at least once at night?

Of course, most people see night from night dreams of a variety of kinds, which consist of obscure and confusing, and sometimes funny and strange pictures and plots.

Some dreams are pleasant and beautiful, dreams come true in them, and we get something that we don’t even expect in reality. But some dreams, on the contrary, are creepy and frightening, and resemble scary films.

Phenomena such as zombies, the risen dead, the apocalypse, walking monsters that threaten a huge, deadly danger - this is not at all what I would like to see in my dreams. But we do not choose dreams, and we cannot avoid this.

Should I be afraid of such dreams, and how to determine what zombies dream of? Scary, uncontrollable heroes of creepy thrillers about a zombie apocalypse and the rise of the dead?

You shouldn't be afraid. However, such plots, and even more so, characters, differ from the usual symbols and signs that fill any dreams.

Before trying to interpret what zombies are dreaming of, it is worth remembering that such nightmares can be a continuation or reaction of the subconscious mind to a horror movie they saw, or computer game.

They often contain such phenomena, and if you watched a video or played something similar on the eve of a dream, you should not attach excessive importance to sleep and look for an answer to it.

In other cases, zombies can serve as interesting characters. There are not many plots of such nightmares, they are as follows:

  • You saw a zombie in a dream.
  • The dead walk in their sleep.
  • A zombie passes by you in a dream.
  • You dream of a zombie apocalypse.
  • Zombies attack you, threaten your life.
  • You were able to win, killed the zombies.
  • Became zombies in a dream.
  • You have been bitten by a zombie.
  • You run away from them in dreams.

Such disturbing plots of dreams do not leave you indifferent, but, in addition, they can say a lot - both foreshadow and promise something in reality, and indicate some important features of your character or behavior.

Dreaming a nightmare...

If you really dreamed of such a dream for no clear reason, and had no reason, look for the answer in the interpreter.

The living dead and zombies can symbolize suppressed will, manipulation, but they can also portend something joyful and unexpected. Indeed, in dreams there are often such opposites, and something terrible means great joy.

1. As the modern dream book says, zombies in dreams are a symbol of great surprise. Probably, in your usual everyday life, something will appear or suddenly happen that you do not expect, cannot allow, or even do not believe in it!

Know that it will be a good and joyful surprise, but it will greatly surprise and amaze you. Get ready for something new!

2. If you dream that zombies are walking down the street, you are threatened with some kind of invasion of your privacy. Someone very curious wants to poke their nose into your private life - do not be too naive, you are not in any danger, but why let strangers unceremoniously poke their nose into your affairs?

3. It is curious what the zombie is dreaming of, which calmly passes by you in dreams. This is a prosperous sign, do not be afraid - any troubles and even great danger will pass you by without touching or affecting you and your affairs in any way. So know that you have nothing to fear!

4. The Apocalypse, the mass uprising of the dead from the graves, is a terrible dream, and a very significant one. Significant, global changes await you in reality!

Expect the best - life will change completely, and you may not even notice it right away. And with the changes, everything unnecessary, sad and interfering will go away, and new paths and opportunities will open!

5. Such a dream in which zombies attack you does not bode well - it only reflects your empty fears. Obviously, in reality you see dangers where there are none, and you are afraid of completely safe, harmless things and people.

6. If in your dreams you were able to win, kill zombies, it means that you have a huge amount of internal resources, strengths and capabilities inside you, and you do not fully realize all this. Such a dream hints - it's time to actively realize yourself, apply your talents!

7. A terrible dream in which you yourself became a zombie is very important - pay attention, probably in reality someone has too much influence over you, manipulates and controls you.

Don't let people, whoever they are, be manipulated. You can fulfill your duties, but remain yourself, do not forget that you are a mature person.

8. If you were bitten by zombies in your dreams, this dream also indicates a strong influence on you. Who has it? Consider whether you are not strongly subject to the opinions of others, whether you are not too driven.

9. If in a dream you ran from the walking dead as fast as you could, probably in some society (with friends or in a work team) you feel out of place, you feel fear or misunderstanding.

In this case, you should not leave everything as it is - think about whether you should either change society to a more comfortable one, or learn to communicate with people and feel comfortable in the society where you are forced to be.

Dreams about zombies, as you can see, can be very useful and deep - how much valuable and difficult advice the interpreter gives. You should not be afraid of anything - these are just tips, and you decide whether to accept them or ignore them.

Dream Interpretation Zombie, why do Zombie dream in a dream to see

Mythological dream book Why does Zombie dream?

A dream to see about Zombies - An animated dead man in a voodoo cult in order to perform certain tasks from a sorcerer - a symbol of a forced invasion into the psyche of a sleeping person, the so-called "zombie"; own old revived harmful "mechanical" habits, negative feelings and impulses.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva If Zombie is dreaming, what is it for:

If you dreamed that you were a zombie, then happiness awaits you.

Why do zombies dream - If you saw a zombie in a dream, then someone will help you soon.

If a zombie attacked you in a dream, then you will return to doing long-forgotten things.

Talking with zombies in a dream - you will soon quarrel with a friend.

If you saw in a dream a zombie man who died a long time ago in real life, then you will soon have problems.

To see relatives in a dream as zombies - you will soon begin conflicts in the family due to unrestrained drunkenness.

Why do zombies dream - If you saw a lot of zombies in a dream, then you will soon get sick.

See also: what is the dream of the revived dead man, what is the dream of the living dead, what is the dream of the cemetery at night.

Dream Interpretation Zombie

Dream Interpretation: Zombies why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of Zombie sleep

A dream about the living dead can carry a powerful signal for the dreamer. If you are walking like a zombie in your dream, it usually means that you are emotionally disconnected from things happening around you. You may feel unwell and unable to properly feel positive or negative emotions.

At this time, you may be out of touch or out of the mainstream of life. This dream can be viewed positively in general, it can help you become aware of emotional problems and circumstances in everyday life that are difficult for you to solve.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about zombies mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see zombies in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


The zombie apocalypse

Dream Interpretation Zombie Apocalypse dreamed of why the Zombie Apocalypse is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Zombie Apocalypse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Apocalypse, end of the world, cataclysms

The final destruction of the world is a topic that is touched upon in many world CULTURES, cults and RELIGIONS. In some of them, the end of the world is followed by a renewal and reorganization of the world order, which presupposes the supremacy of a certain group of people. Other worldviews provide for the reincarnation of the chosen sons of mankind in a structured paradise on earth, And the most pessimistic teachings depict irrevocable destruction and ruthless chaos on earth. Sometimes we treat dreams about the end of the world as a terrible warning. We have a strange feeling (or even a faint certainty) that what just happened in the land of dreams is about to happen in reality. The end of the world can be seen in different ways - the exact picture depends on the personal, individual vision of the world - but the general feeling caused by such dreams comes down to approximately one thing: the days of the universe are numbered. The meaning of such dreams can be sought using various approaches. These approaches depend on the person's personality, cultural beliefs, spiritual needs and religious beliefs. Feeling that your life is out of control can lead to dreams about the end of the world - the APOCALYPSE. The reasons may be the activity of hormones in youth, the death of a beloved person (especially one of the parents), divorce or other breaks and loss of relationships that are significant for you. The end of the world is a kind of defense mechanism that our subconscious mind resorts to in order to avoid the devastated state and problems caused by new circumstances. In such dreams, the sleeper is usually alone among people he does not know. This is a reflection of the fact that people close to him have passed away. Culturally, dreams about the end of the world are due to general fears about the fragility of our planet and humanity. It is the fear of what should not happen. Such dreams are characteristic of periods of general hopelessness and unpredictability. Some such dreams often occur at the turn of the millennium. For some, they are inspired by messages about the catastrophic state of the Earth, global warming, or possible cosmic collisions. For others, doomsday dreams are the result of economic uncertainty. In general, moods of hopelessness and uncertainty are almost inevitably accompanied by apocalyptic dreams. When interpreting such dreams, answer the question: how does the end of the world come and who is to blame for this? A dream may be a call to protect oneself from an outside threat; a call for greater activity in concrete cases; a call to rethink the rationality of your fears. A strong image is a religious or spiritual revelation that marks the end of the world. As a rule, the sleeper dreams of how the pillars of his faith are the initiators of destruction or oppose it. Here's another option: the adherents of mysticism resist destruction due to their solidarity. Such dreams symbolize the reorganization of the world order. They appear, as a rule, at such moments in a person’s life when it seems to him that the whole world has risen against him and only an association with something more powerful can show the way to success in the fight against earthly troubles, and perhaps this is an omen of the outcome of this peace...

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

Dream Interpretation - Apocalypse

Dreams about the end of the world can be triggered by the feeling that your life is out of control. A dream can be a call to protect yourself from a threat coming from outside.

Dream Interpretation - Apocalypse, end of the world

The end of the world is a topic that is touched upon in many world cultures, cults and religions. In some of them, this event is followed by a renewal of the world order, suggesting the supremacy of a certain group of people. Others develop the idea of ​​reincarnating the chosen people into a structured heaven on earth. Thirdly, the most pessimistic teachings insist on the irrevocable destruction of the world and the reign of chaos on earth.

Dream Interpretation - Infernal Zombie Apocalypse

The Dreamer wants to break free from the material web of one-plane existence, having "thrown off" his human fetters, which are the obsolete and restraining factor in the evolution of the Dreamer's soul (clearly - vision, clearly - knowledge of one's path). Simply put, the Dreamer is looking for a completely different way to realize Himself, but for this one needs to fully realize and leave the former. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Zombies, build a shelter

Hello! It seems to me that zombies are your own fears ... Something torments you, torments, worries ... .. There may be a fear of starting a family with a loved one .... Or build a trusting, sincere relationship with him .... But you can overcome your fears (zombies) no matter what! (in a dream you fight them off). You are a strong Spirit! And you can do it! So I see the situation as a whole, based on your dream .... Good luck to you! Yours faithfully, I.

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

This dream does not threaten you with anything in real life, you are a little out of touch with reality, perhaps you live more in a world of illusions. Probably, in reality you do not have serious problems and responsibilities, there are inexplicable fears of new life stages. But since there is no conscious basis under them, they are expressed in the form of fictional characters.

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

Dreams about monsters, monsters personify your own doubts, fears, especially if monsters are impersonal in a dream (that is, you do not single out one of them). A falling plane is a collapse of your hopes, perhaps you are not sure about making some important decision for you, there is a fear that everything will not go the way you would like.

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

Despite the seemingly scary plot, the dream is very positive! Firstly, there is a phase of sleep in which many people see fight scenes, but not everyone remembers this phase. You have the energy potential for transformation. In this phase, if a person wakes up or someone wakes him up abruptly, he will walk all day broken. That is, it is better to fall asleep again and, as they say, reach “condition”, until the moment when everything settles down. (One of the main functions of our body-mind is defense.) Secondly, you are already starting to wake up from illusions and understand that you are not a biorobot! There is a disidentification with the illusions of one’s own perception of the world: “I drive a car and ram a crowd of zombies.” You are already beginning to come to understand that you are not only the body. In a dream, you are an observer. Your body is only a space suit - a shell, you do not belong to the body, but it serves you. You are pure consciousness, energy. You have never been born and will never die, you are eternal, the body is mortal and you have already changed it many times like an astronaut or a diver takes off his suit at the end of the assignment.)) Remember cancer can grow a claw, this is the ability to regenerate and restore. You still have no idea what your energy is capable of! Going to Lucid Dreaming is something that can be learned. The dream clearly says that you are going through an important stage of learning, you have a huge potential for implementing your immediate plans (dynamic pictures with technique in a dream). Good luck!;)

Zombie dog

Dream Interpretation Zombie Dog had a dream about why a zombie dog dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Zombie Dog in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion. Seeing her in a dream portends hearing from a friend or meeting him. Small dogs in a dream mean chores, worries, fuss. A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you. A white dog in a dream is your close friend. A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover. The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends. A poodle, spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a faithful and gentle friend. A dog in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream he grins at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean mercenary people who will not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for the sake of profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you. See interpretation: hunting. If in a dream dogs are chasing you, then you should beware of traps prepared for you by insidious enemies. Guard dogs are loyal, devoted and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times. To meet a dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or friend. A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. A caressing dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog caresses you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal. Caressing the dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one. A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, insults. If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so as not to quarrel with them later because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property. If in a dream you see that a small dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you. The dream in which you saw that the dog is hiding from you, avoiding you or running away from you, portends a discord in relations with a close friend and his cooling towards you. Hearing loud barking in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If in a dream barking scared you, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing the barking of several dogs in a dream is a big scandal or trouble. If you dream that an accident occurred with some large red dog, as a result of which it died, then soon you will learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident. Gnawing dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one. If you dream that your dog was put on a chain or put on a collar, then know that your friend is not free from any obligations and you cannot count on his devotion. If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals await you. A beautiful white dog in a dream portends receiving good news from a loved one. A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of trouble in his family. Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations. A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with it. Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business. Fighting dogs are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant pastime with your loved one. If in a dream a dog protects you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

An angry dog ​​dreams of failures and insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends. If you see yourself as the owner of a thoroughbred dog, then you can easily make yourself a solid fortune. A bloodhound dog following you on the trail warns you against dangerous temptations. at home or at work. A skinny and dirty dog ​​dreams of failure or illness. Barking dogs heard in a dream portends bad news. The appearance of a hunting dog in your house means favorable circumstances in business. If in a dream you were scared big dog, then you will have to resist all your surroundings. After all, you have such a great desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity! And for a woman, such a dream promises a very worthy husband. If in a dream you heard the growling of dogs behind you, then some schemer may interfere in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the event of your active resistance. A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other dream of failure in matters of the heart. But if you managed to pour water on the fighters, then everything will turn out well. A white dog wagging its tail in a friendly manner portends great luck in business and love. if you drove her away or killed her, then for sure everything will end well. A walk with a dog, especially a thoroughbred one, dreams of happiness and prosperity. According to Nostradamus, a dog is a symbol of devotion. An absolutely white huge dog is a symbol of a deterioration in living standards. new discoveries. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows. A stray dog ​​seen in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a difficult situation. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems. If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream - in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in the person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets to publicly discredit your good name. A giant dog seen in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend . Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of your old friend. If you fed a dog in a dream - in real life you can rely on. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others respect and love you. The dream of a wounded or killed dog is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If a dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an early meeting with ill-wishers, but you will be able to resist them if you contact for help to friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that a dog is man's best friend. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions associated in one way or another with this pet: “A dog is a constant friend to a person”, “It is a sin to call a dog with a human name”, “Do not kick the dog: convulsions will pull”, “Dog howl - to eternal rest. Night dog howl - to the dead man", "If the dog howls at night, then turn the pillow over under their heads, saying:" On their own head! The dog clings to the owner - unfortunately," and many others. So, the image of a dog that arose in your dream is most likely the image of a friend transformed by your subconscious. Walking in a dream with a dog - you can be envied. You have a wonderful friend who will always support you at the most difficult moment. Hearing a dog barking in a dream is evidence that you have fake friends. They discuss you behind your back and plot against you. If in a dream dogs see you off barking, then such a dream suggests that in reality you will be able to unravel the intentions of your imaginary friends in time and prevent them from harming you. If your own dog barks at you, it is a sign that you are envied with evil envy. This is due to your strong financial position. Watching dogs fight over a piece of meat in a dream is a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream suggests that in the future you will encounter a very greedy person. If in a dream you take your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously suffer from robbers or hooligans. If you dreamed of a dog with a cat's tail, then in real life the person whom you consider your friend is not really one; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility. If in a dream you were bitten by a dog, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend who is dissatisfied with your act. To see a dog dying from a snake bite in a dream is evidence that in real life you do not value your friends, which you will later regret very much. If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Sleep is very favorable. A dog - even angry and barking - means a devoted friend who will help you in any trouble. Hear dog barking - get news from an old friend. If a dog licks your hands, a friend will comfort you in sadness. If in a dream you fed a dog, in reality your friendship will be strengthened. The dog caresses you - you will spend the evening in the company of your best friends. Only the most pleasant memories will remain from this meeting. Hunting with a dog is a business that you will start with your friend, bring both good profits and make you friends even more. A hunting dog in the house means favorable circumstances for starting a business. A huge dog with big paws and awesome teeth - your influential friend will protect you in any trouble. If this dog bit you in a dream, in reality your friend will help you avoid great danger. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, this could mean marriage with a worthy and reliable person. If in a dream you are walking with a dog and suddenly she starts to growl - your friend will warn you about the intrigues being started behind your back, and you will have time to react in time. Well-fed, well-groomed lap dogs - for an unmarried girl, such a dream promises many young and beautiful admirers. If the dogs dreamed married woman or a man, it means traveling in the company of cheerful friends. Puppies dream of receiving unexpected gifts from a generous and eccentric person. A beautiful thoroughbred dog - with the help of friends you will be able to make a solid fortune. Bloodhound dog - a friend will help you find the right solution. Seeing a rabid dog - one of your friends will make an extraordinary discovery. If the dog does not let you go somewhere, a friend will warn you against a dangerous step. Riding in a sleigh with a dog sled - you have a long journey ahead of you in the company of friends. If the dog urinated on you, you will meet a stranger who will become a good friend. A skinny or dirty dog ​​- friends need your help. If you dreamed of such a dog, imagine that you washed and fed it well.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Sympathetic dog - good / friend. Antipathy, hostile - bad / your enemy / your shameless cravings and animal passions. a guest comes into the house / happiness. To hear a dog barking is danger / gossip. A dog barks at you - anger / harm. A small dog that barks at you, but does not cause fear - a quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary enmity. A dog attacking you is an enemy , slanderer. The dog bites to blood - slander, hostility from relatives. Not to blood - hostility from a loved one. Sudden bite - hidden enmity. After the fight - obvious. She threatens to bite - slander without damage. Dogs are fighting - you will witness a quarrel. White dog - a pleasant acquaintance. Red - revenge, anger. Black dog - sadness / betrayal / evil / forces of rebellion, denial, skepticism awake in you. Poodle - surprise / faith friend's property / evil spirits. If a black puppy - new friend/ young friend. Mad dog - danger, failure. But to kill her is victory. Dog caresses - friendship. But immoderate - the secret thoughts of your friends, some gain at the expense of a friend. Playing with a dog - doing bad things to a friend. Killing a dog - danger / warning. There is dog meat - a quarrel / illness. A dog with a frighteningly meaningful look - anxiety from guilt in front of a friend or loved one. Riding a dog - shamelessly exploiting friendly feelings / behaving shamelessly. a load on your conscience. A pack of dogs that follows you, accompanies your path with jumps and barks - life's vanity, interference with spiritual development. The pack surrounds you and forces you to fight back - the consciousness of the need to temporarily abandon the necessary work / the need to "plunge into life." Fantastic dog with flaming eyes, of enormous size, trying to swallow you, chasing you - some circumstances associated with a recently deceased person.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It means a true friend. Playing with a dog means a true friend. Playing with many dogs means stinginess. A white dog portends well-being, and a black dog is a betrayal of a friend. A mad dog is a sign of the greatest danger. Seeing an evil dog means shameful love. with a false friend. Seeing your own dog means a faithful, fearless and devoted friend to us. Seeing a dog tearing a dress at us marks the slander and picaresque tricks of a low and vile person who is trying to harm us. If a dog bites, then this means grief, coming from enemies. Seeing a dog with many heads, similar to the mythological Cerberus, marks a crime and a punishment worthy of it. Seeing many dogs fighting makes one fear the action of slander and envy. Seeing a dog barking is a sign of slander. .

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog ​​- failures, insidious deeds of your opponents; affectionate dog - good luck, true friends; to be the owner of a thoroughbred dog - you will be able to make yourself a solid fortune; the bloodhound is following you - a warning against temptations that can be disastrous for you; the dog bit you - do not expect peace in the near future, either in relations with business partners or with your wife; skinny and dirty dogs - failure or illness; hear dogs barking - bad news; a hunting dog in your house - favorable circumstances in business; pretty dogs of an exquisite breed - you will have a frivolous dapper admirer (for a girl); to be frightened by a meeting with a big dog - your lot will be resistance to the whole environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity; for women - this dream is a very worthy husband; the growling of dogs behind you - some intriguer is approaching your cherished interests, defeat is possible, but this dream is always an incentive to active resistance; a cat and a dog unexpectedly throwing themselves at each other - failure in matters of the heart; spill fighters with water - a favorable dream; a white dog circling around you in a friendly manner is a great success in business and love; many-headed dog - do not get carried away with many things at once, it turns into a fuss; a mad dog chasing you is a warning to mobilize all the forces of character in order to resist the fight; chasing or killing a rabid dog is a good dream; walking with a dog, especially a thoroughbred one, and seeing how she kills a snake is an auspicious dream. Also see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Barking, Hare, Fury, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult position. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems. If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will have a bitter disappointment in the person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name. Seeing a giant dog in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of his old friend. Feeding a dog in a dream is a sign that you can rely on you in real life. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others respect and love you. If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend. If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have an early meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life unbearable by causing you one misfortune after another. If you repel a dog attack, then you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

A dog is a friend, a friend, but how it bites is unkind, someone “bites”, there will be some kind of misfortune. The dog is the enemy. As a wolf or a dog dreams, then someone will attack. As a dog dreams, you will quarrel with someone. If you dream that the dog is fawning, then this means wooing. If a girl dreams that she was bitten by a dog, then this is an exact sign that she will get married soon. The dog will tear the girl's skirt - she will get married. Dog barking - some kind of attack. If a dog vomits and bites in a dream, then this means a beating in reality. As a puppy dreams, you will soon meet a childhood friend or he will come to visit you. Dogs - people will say something dashing about you. Black dog - you will see a friend; loyalty. Dogs of all other colors are enemies. The dog flatters - be afraid of a neighbor, bites - be in trouble through a neighbor.

Dream Interpretation - Dogs

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and insidious deeds of your opponents. Affectionate dog - promises good luck and true friends. If in a dream you are the owner of a thoroughbred dog. You will be able to make a solid fortune for yourself. If the bloodhound follows you, the dream warns you against temptations that can be disastrous for you. If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future, either with business partners or with your wife. Skinny and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness. If you hear dogs barking, bad news awaits you. A hunting dog in your house portends favorable circumstances in business. Pretty dogs of an exquisite breed are a promise to a girl, a frivolous, dapper admirer. promises a very worthy husband. The growling of dogs behind you is a sign that some kind of intriguer is approaching your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream portends your defeat, but it is always an incentive to active resistance. A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other promise you failure in matters of the heart. A dream is favorable in which you pour water on the fighters. A white dog circling around you in a friendly manner portends great luck in business and love. to the mobilization of all the forces of character in order to stand in the struggle. Good dream in which you chase or kill her. Walking with a dog, especially a thoroughbred one, and seeing how she kills a snake - both of these plots are extremely favorable.

Fight zombies

Dream Interpretation Fight Zombies had a dream about why in a dream Fight zombies? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Fighting zombies by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

The animated dead in the Voodoo cult in order to perform certain tasks from the sorcerer is a symbol of a forced invasion into the psyche of the sleeping person, the so-called "zombie"; own old revived harmful "mechanical" habits, negative feelings and impulses.

Dream Interpretation - Fight

Fight with someone - to the torment.

Dream Interpretation - Fight

If a person fights with someone: these are astral attacks. Especially beware of large black dogs, usually it is impossible to run away from them, only to kill.

Dream Interpretation - Fight

This is usually a sign of internal conflict. If there are constant fights around you, review your emotional life and decide if there is an internal struggle in your soul. This can be a symbol of repressed emotions. Try to learn to enjoy all your emotions, including anger. All they are part of your life. Suppressed anger can cause serious mental problems. Are you ready to fight for your cause? There are times when it is worth showing understanding and restraint, and there are times when it is necessary to start a battle: perhaps it is time for you to fight? This may be a sign that a battle is going on within you. Perhaps it is a battle between how you act and how you should act, or a battle between personal desires and public morality, or a struggle between a child and an adult living in you? It's time to figure out which way to go, which way goes through your heart.

Dream Interpretation - Fight (fight, battle)

To achieve the goal.

Dream Interpretation - Fight

You will make useless efforts.

Dream Interpretation - Fight

If you win, you will be disappointed. If you lose, you will be ashamed of an act.

Dream Interpretation - Fight and win

There is a good sign and portends success in every business. But to be defeated is a bad sign and means failure in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - War, fight, fight

Agree, from time to time in a dream you have to fight, fight. Sometimes I dream of war, sometimes just fights, sometimes battles.

Dream Interpretation - Zombies

Your dream tells you that you are fond of the events of unreal life, do not seek to show your abilities in solving life problems, sometimes you even run away from them. But you are strong in character and can fight back difficulties (in a dream you shoot back, you wake up from fear) Your fear helps you get out of an unreal life. Make it clear to yourself that you are no longer bothered by such dreams, and you will feel better.

Modern people often have bizarre nightmares that our grandmothers hardly ever saw. Such dreams are associated with images that are broadcast in horror films or computer games.

For example, many are interested in what zombies dream of. The dream is frightening and unpleasant, but today it is quite common. Most of the authors of dream books are sure that such a dream warns us of a serious personal conflict or upcoming changes in life.

To begin with, we immediately emphasize that a dream about a zombie that you had immediately after watching a horror movie or after you played a computer game dedicated to the zombie apocalypse can not be considered as a hint of the subconscious. In this case, it is simply about reproducing the images that you long time watched.

If you are not very impressionable and the last time you watched a movie about zombies was a long time ago, and yet these unpleasant characters visited you in a dream, then you need to figure out what this means. Of course, such a dream is very disturbing, especially if it looks realistic and disturbing.

People have a question - perhaps such a dream portends something very bad? Is he talking about a catastrophe or a terrible event in the future? We must immediately reassure you: zombies are not the worst dream. There is hardly anything positive in it, but at the same time, it certainly does not portend some kind of global catastrophe.

Many experts believe that when interpreting a dream about zombies, we can talk about real manipulations. Think maybe someone is using you. Maybe you have become an instrument in someone else's game? Also, a dream can talk about your actions: if you like to manipulate other people, then such an image is a hint: it is better to reconsider your behavior.

Escape from the crowd of the living dead

Are you running away from a crowd of dangerous dead? Your dream tells you about reality: most likely, you are in a hostile environment. Even if this situation is familiar to you, it cannot be considered normal. Remember in what situations, in which company you feel misunderstood? The dream says it's time to change the environment.

A dream may tell you that the people around you are really not averse to feasting on your energy. Do not waste your potential, better change your life and change friends: you need those people who will appreciate and respect you.

Unpleasant transformation

Do you see that your friend is not changing for the better, turning into a living dead? The authors of dream books unanimously believe that this is a sign of a future quarrel. The culprit of the disagreement will not be you, but your friend. At the same time, he will not show himself from the best side, so we recommend that you be careful.

If the dream shows you your own transformation into such a disgusting character as a zombie, it tells you about your personal problems. You are very dissatisfied with something in life, an intrapersonal conflict interferes with you: your desires contradict your capabilities. Maybe you should visit a psychologist, as this plot does not exactly indicate mental health and balance.

Danger passes by

Sometimes in a dream you see a zombie that scares you, but he does not notice you and calmly passes by. This is a good one, portends that all troubles will bypass you. Perhaps in the future you will witness tense situations, but they will not affect you personally.

Think, maybe in life you are afraid of such things that you definitely should not be afraid of? The dream tells about empty fears - at present there are no grounds for them.

Apocalypse: death or rebirth?

Some dreams frighten us with their scope, the presence of a huge number of actors. Such frightening dreams include the dream of a zombie apocalypse. This is a sign that can be interpreted in different ways. This may be a warning that unpleasant, catastrophic changes will indeed occur in your life. But also a dream can symbolize the onset of a streak of luck. Everything unnecessary, obsolete will go away, your life will be filled with new colors!

According to many interpreters, a dream reflects your inner subconscious processes - your attitude to complete the old relationship, the old approach to reality. Welcome to the new reality!

Miller's dream book about zombies

Miller looks at such a dream optimistically. From his point of view, the dream simply warns you that your communication is not going well. Something disturbs you in society, perhaps your position at work causes concern.

There is a chance that you will not feel as confident in the company as you would like. If you have scheduled any public speaking or negotiations that are important for you in the near future, then it is better to abandon these plans - it is highly likely that these situations will be traumatic and unsuccessful for you.

Zombies in a modern dream book

According to the ideas of modern interpreters, zombies can easily portend joyful events. Do not forget - everything is turned upside down in a dream, so do not be surprised. Also, a modern dream book speaks of a suppressed will, or, on the contrary, the desire to manipulate. Understand yourself! What are your motives now? If you had such a dream, then it is best to understand its origins.

Another interpretation is an unexpected event, a strange situation. Expect unusual, strange encounters or absurd situations.

concept zombie- the walking dead - entered our lives not so long ago, with the appearance on the screens of foreign horror films. Why do zombies dream? For Slavic mythology, more familiar concepts ghoul or ghoul, also revived dead, drinking the blood of living people who accidentally wandered into a cemetery or into reserved places.

Of course, watching a horror movie or reading similar literature can provoke such a dream. And in this case, it is useless to talk about some kind of mystical warning of fate.

Psychoanalysts believe that see zombies in a dream- this is a sign that you have big problems with communication and relationships with loved ones. Sometimes such dreams are seen by insecure, notorious people suffering from an inferiority complex before important events where you need to show your best side.

Sometimes such a dream is a sign that others really use you for their own purposes, “suck” energy from you, use your achievements. Thus, the subconscious mind indicates to you the need for changes in fate. Sometimes, after talking with some acquaintances, you feel tired, morally exhausted, after that you can see them in a dream in the form of a zombie or a vampire.

Sometimes you can in the form of a living dead see a loved one. Psychoanalysts interpret this as a sign of misunderstanding between you. In addition, zombies usually feed on the blood of the living, and if you see a zombie sucking your blood, then this indicates huge problems in your relationship.

Zombie they live on someone else's blood and energy, therefore, to see them in a dream is a sign of a possible serious illness, or, if such a dream is already ill, then his body tries to show its fight against the disease.

If in a dream you are haunted by the fear of being infected by a zombie, then in reality you are most likely communicating with a person whom you are instinctively afraid of or feel that he can bring you serious trouble.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the psychoanalyst Tsvetkov interpret such a dream, see zombies in a dream means the end of some significant period in your life and the transition to something qualitatively new.

Sometimes zombies can mean getting help from someone you don't expect it from, or returning to old, long-forgotten things.

With the help of such a dream, your subconscious mind tells you the answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time and does not give you rest. Maybe a powerful energy potential for information exchange with other people or even with the Cosmos opens up in you.

Anyway , to see zombies in a dream is a signal for action, a decisive change in one's destiny.

If you see yourself as a zombie, then you are clearly not satisfied with your life and dream of becoming a different person and getting a different fate.

Miller's dream book

If you have such a dream, you are experiencing serious problems with communication and sociability. Your environment oppresses you, you subconsciously want to change everything.

Sometimes such a dream warns that you need to refrain from public speaking for a while.

Dream Interpretation of the Prophetess Evdokia

  • Seeing a zombie in a dream, rejoice - this is a sign that great happiness awaits you. If a zombie attacks you and tries to bite you, then it's time to return to the old, postponed cases and finish them.
  • You talk about the living dead and are afraid of them - soon you will quarrel with a close friend.
  • If you saw a dead friend in the form of a zombie- be careful! Big problems await you soon.
  • If you see your a close relative in the form of a zombie- Conflicts will arise in your family due to drunkenness or drug addiction.
  • Seeing a whole crowd of zombies is an imminent serious illness.
  • If you see yourself as a zombie, then this means that you live someone else's life in which you have no place. You are tired of this and you just need to change the situation, relax and think about life.

You can also find out why zombies dream by watching the video.

Dream Interpretation Apocalypse

Each century projects its particular interpretation onto the apocalypse. The symbolism of this phenomenon is associated with the end of the world. This ties in with different kind natural disasters - wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods.

Apocalyptic symbolism in a dream

In dreams, the apocalypse is symbolically close to allegory. Night visions are not so much prophetic as moral. Let's look through thematic sources to understand what the apocalypse is dreaming of.

Old interpretations of dreams

If you dreamed of an apocalypse

Soothsayers of old years interpret dreams about the apocalypse as a reflection of exciting, sometimes tragic, phenomena in the life of a sleeping person.

Miller's dream book

It happened from the side to observe the end of the world, promises peace and prosperity.

If the dreamer saw himself injured or killed as a result of cataclysms, then he can get sick or fail in his professional field, suffer financially.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The end of the world in dreams is a reflection of skill, or a call for the use of non-standard methods and techniques in solving current problems.

Cataclysms dream during the life upheavals and stresses of the dreamer in reality.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst of the past years agrees with the opinion that during the period of everyday upheavals, tragic events, visions with pictures of the apocalypse come to us in order to clear the space of the subconscious from negativity and everything unusual for it. In other words, this is a game of the imagination of an inflamed brain.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Miss medium indicates that the end of the world personifies mockery of the dreamer because of his stupidity.

I dreamed about the end of the world associated with the Flood, which means a reflection of your awareness of all the wrongness and injustice of your life and the people around you. You have come to understand that the world is collapsing, but lack of willpower makes it impossible to start changing yourself.

When the apocalypse is caused by a meteorite fall, it means the burden of an unfulfilled task, of the promised words.

Seeing people around you transform into zombies portends the loss of true friends.

In the light of modern interpretations

The current soothsayers about the phenomenon of the apocalypse in dreams are of the opinion that it indicates the dependence of the dreamer, the critical situations that he faces.

Loff's dream book

What reflects the end of the world

The pastor writes that it is necessary to interpret similar phenomena in a dream, taking into account the cultural representation and religion of the dreamer, the degree of growth of his spirituality.

This phenomenon in a dream may indicate the uncontrollability of the dreamer's affairs. Or it can talk about hormonal activity, divorce, the loss of a relative, and other breaks in his existing ties.

Sometimes such dreams are the result of a feeling of general hopelessness, hopelessness, resulting from the unpredictability of the future.

Sometimes the sleeper sees images in the form of religious revelations: angels, or demons and zombies. The role is played by the fact - the adherent of what belief is the sleeping person. The dogmas of one or another faith can resist the actions of sleep, or be their initiators.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The esotericist considers the case of the apocalypse associated with the tsunami. He indicates that they are dreaming, foreshadowing temporary troubles if the water was clean.

When the dreamer was in the depths of the sea, this promises a carefree, financially stable life.

The fall of a meteorite heralds cardinal changes for the better.

If in a dream there was an explosion of the sun, which caused a worldwide fire, this portends false accusations and gossip.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The healer claims that if a man has dreams with a similar plot, this predicts financial difficulties. When a woman dreamed of such a plot, a long-awaited conception will occur.

Labyrinths of night visions

What were the reasons

This phenomenon can be correctly interpreted only in the context of the entire dream. In this case, the principle of combining current public and private events into one logical picture applies. Apocalypse may be preceded by various natural disasters and cataclysms. Let us consider in more detail the plots where we dreamed:

  • floods and deluges;
  • explosions on the planet;
  • meteor falling;
  • the appearance of zombies.

When in a dream, before the end of the world, a flood occurred, a journey by sea is coming, or a profitable offer that brought an unexpected fortune.

Complications in undertakings are foreshadowed by a stream that has picked up the dreamer and dragged him into the unknown.

If it was dreamed that before the end of all things came, the flood began, this is a reflection of the seething emotions of the sleeping person. His ardor leads to problems in various areas of life, sometimes incorrigible.

Dreams, where the end of the world was provoked by an explosion, will indicate the likelihood of deception, disappointment. It is likely that your project will fail as a result.

When the explosion provoked a slow extinction of the planet, it means that the partner's feelings have faded.

When in a dream you watched a meteorite fall, in reality you will fall into the love networks of a stranger. This connection will not lead to marriage, but will give indelible memories.

The cataclysms of the apocalypse can be expressed in such phenomena as zombies. Why such dreams can be dreamed depends on many nuances.

If in a dream all the streets were filled with zombies, this indicates the weakness of the sleeping person. They are very easy to manipulate. Whether because of his spinelessness, or from excessive gullibility. In any case, you need to be more persistent in your opinion.

Why in dreams I had to run away from zombies. So the sleeper does not find understanding among the friends of his company. This is due to the selfish goals of its participants.

This is a group of dubious persons and the dream calls not to continue relations with them.

I dreamed of your friend, reincarnated as a zombie, disagreements between you are likely in reality. Do not be too persistent and intrusive in expressing your point of view.

Seeing yourself in the form of a zombie means a lack of inner harmony. In society, you often present yourself not to who you really are, wanting to start a different life. But the dream calls to concentrate on more constructive things, to develop the existing talents, which will bring the desired benefits.

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