Indian birthday solitaire. Fortune telling on Indian cards "Indian solitaire" Meaning and interpretation of Indian cards

As the name implies, we owe the existence of such an original and fascinating fortune-telling as Indian solitaire to the ancient Indian people. This ancient divination is interesting in that it uses special symbolic cards containing fateful meanings for predictions.

Instruction cards for Indian solitaire can be purchased at the store or, alternatively, played free divination online.

What will solitaire tell?

Solitaire is a spread of twenty-five cards with parts of divination symbols.

To start playing Indian solitaire requires a clear, mentally formulated idea of ​​the question.

The alignment is made by five pictures in a row. Having carried out the alignment, it is necessary to rotate each card around its axis and follow where the parts of the image will merge into the whole image. Each matching picture has its own meaning.

The main ones are listed below:

  • Bow - symbolizes sexual relations, communications;
  • Glass - gatherings with friends await you;
  • Libra - fluctuations, you will make an important decision;
  • Tree - business relationship, meeting with business partners;
  • Money - possible profit;
  • The castle is a problem that is difficult to solve;
  • Month young and stars - new fateful acquaintances are expected;
  • Ship - a long journey, sometimes a quick move to another place of residence;
  • Cross - trust your intuition and go with the flow, fate is in your hands;
  • Arrows in a quiver - amorous unrest;
  • The key is solving a difficult problem;
  • The book is red tape with papers, documents;
  • Rings - love relationship leading to marriage;
  • The crown is one of the main cards of the layout, a symbol of major success;
  • Bonfire - mental torment, unrest;
  • The knife is a symbol of discord, an insoluble conflict;
  • Letter (maybe in a ring) - news, news;
  • Horseshoe - at all times a symbol of happiness;
  • Piglet - speaks for itself - a vile act against you;
  • Candle - longing, lonely existence;
  • The sun is a bright life period, dawn;
  • Chains - problems, fetters on the way to the goal;
  • Hours - the imminent accomplishment of something (see the symbol next to it);
  • Skull - a serious illness is possible, serious business problems;
  • Anchor - a stable position, the possibility of rest.

Brief interpretations are presented here, the meaning of each symbol is interpreted more broadly and is described in the solitaire instructions. In some free online fortune telling, for example, there are symbols "skyscraper" - promises a change in life, "telephone" - and is interpreted - telephone conversation etc.

Types of Indian solitaire

Indian solitaire (or Omguru) has undergone some changes in the interpretation of symbols over time. Some characters have also been added. If card solitaire contains approximately the same images, then online solitaires, called Indian solitaires, differ in the set of symbols and their interpretation.

Depending on the character set, there are also types of Indian solitaire. For example, there is a classic solitaire that predicts the near future, and there is a solitaire designed to reveal love relationships, the influence of a person on the fate of a fortuneteller.

In such a solitaire, there are always queen and king cards. And the interpretation of symbols is carried out on the basis of human qualities and relationships.. For example, a lady (girl) for men promises the beginning of a new romantic relationship, for women - gossip, gossip.

Types of Omguru can differ in symbols (and their meanings): an eye with a tear - experiences, failures; the coffin is the saddest card announcing the imminent death (within a year) of someone close; glasses - symbolizes a two-faced person in your environment; penguin - symbolizes the fortuneteller himself as an indecisive timid person; hair is a symbol of the family, meetings with loved ones are possible; heart is a love confession.

What is important when conducting fortune-telling

Indian online solitaire, like simple card Indian solitaire, predicts the near future (about two months). But unlike ordinary fortune-telling, online solitaire gives a more detailed picture of relationships, both family and business. It is important to remember that frequent fortune-telling confuses fate and negatively affects the fortuneteller himself (there is an obsession with signs). The most accurate and reliable information is considered to be issued in the first scenario.

It is important to concentrate on divination, on symbols. If, when turning the cards in different rows, different symbols fall out, then the one that you saw first is selected and interpreted. But if you miss something, then this character will not be decisive in answering the question of interest.. And magicians also claim that the use of Indian solitaire develops intuitive abilities and the gift of foresight.

Indian solitaire online is a legacy of the ancient Vedic civilization. He came to us in Russia from ancient India. Girls in national saris, Krishna, Ganesha, butane (the so-called Indian cucumbers) - you will find all this on the cards of a layout that is remarkable in every respect. Fortune telling on Indian cards has been presented on the pages of Mogura for a long time and enjoys well-deserved respect among the visitors of our resource. First of all, he is respected for his radiant optimism, for his inspiration and the sea of ​​smiles that the Indian Omguru solitaire gives to the guests of the Mogura website.

Do you know the history of this divination? A long time ago, when India was not yet an English colony and a country of five S: sun (sun), sea (sea), sand (sand), stars (stars) and sex, the great God of wisdom Ganesh appeared to the world and presented his great gift to people . What was this gift? The people of India, living in the jungle, were in a desperate situation and needed hope more than ever. This hope has become Indian solitaire. He gave disillusioned people faith in a better future. Let's be honest - it's just a miracle, because fortune-telling cards never lie!

Indian solitaire online

What is fortune telling - Indian solitaire online? Firstly, it is an extremely effective tool for a special meditation practice. And only secondly, this is surprisingly truthful and bright divination. It will help to reveal all those bright moments of the near future that are waiting for you already there, around the next turn of fate. Usually it is laid out for a time interval from two weeks to three months. Do not be lazy, carefully study the canvas of the layout of twenty cards. Look for matches, rotate the cards and see the interpretation of the matches under the spread sheet.

Indian solitaire online is fortune-telling with a secret. This secret lies in correct setting to contact. Before you start divination on Indian cards, you need to do a little meditation. To do this, we have a special video posted on the Mogura website. Turn it on, get comfortable and listen to your feelings. They say that our fate is predetermined from above, which means that all gifts of fate, even the most dubious ones, should be accepted with a smile. Think about what would happen to you if it were not for the difficulties encountered on the way. Virtual Indian solitaire is an online hymn to all the achievements that a person goes through on the way to his goal, his dream and thirst for the best.

Well, have you finished your meditation? Time to look back again and formulate a request. For example, I ask Indian solitaire cards online to tell me about what awaits me in the next two weeks. Formulated? It's time to press the "Get Prediction" button and start deciphering the meanings of fortune-telling cards. And remember: - there are no accidents in the layout of Indian solitaire! All matches of images are a manifestation of your soul from above!

Before you is one of the most interesting divination on the site - "old solitaire". Now it is difficult to determine when this fortune-telling solitaire first appeared, time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune-telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, a happy person has always been said and is said that the sun shines brightly above him, a flower has always been a symbol of lovers, the shine of swords in a person was associated with war, a quarrel. "A penny saves a ruble," a folk saying teaches us, and they say about an idler - "Rough, broke, mill," etc.

It is this worldly wisdom that formed the basis of the divination offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Like it or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is really a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune-telling, solitaire requires a connection with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must free your mind from all thoughts except the desire to know the specific present or future.

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards are laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you the most at this time and click the "start alignment" button. After that, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces fall out. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, half of the four patterns are marked on each solitaire card. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same pattern, then such cards must be combined.

A little more. If there is a card with the second half of the picture on the last card to the left or top of the last dropped card, then such cards must be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matched picture. If both the left and the top of the last dropped card are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to choose only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching drawings. You can not rotate on its axis already previously combined cards.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be afraid of some confusing rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. Then state your question as specifically as possible in your mind.

"Don't be a fool San, he won't come."

Or will it come? Or maybe it's love?

Future love. What is she? Is there even room for love? The creators of this film showed that despite technological progress and changes in the mores and customs of society, love will always live. There is a place for love in 2050, just as it exists now, existed in 2008 and earlier. As long as people exist as individuals, love will live...

The film is essentially divided into two parts: the first is the development of the relationship between Karan and Sana in our time, namely in 2008, the second is the development of the relationship between Karan and Zeisha (the reincarnation of Sana) in 2050.

Bright, funny and romantic, the first part draws the viewer into the love story of Karan (Harman Baweja) and Sana (Priyanka Chopra) - how they met, how he sought her, stealing a toy from a store, walking in the rain, jumping through puddles and the joy of lovers knowing that before them the whole world and ahead of all life. But everything is interrupted by a tragic accident and Sana dies... Seeing Karan's grief, his uncle - Professor Yatin (Boman Irani), a mad scientist who creates a time machine, conducts the first experience of his creation and, together with Karan and Sana's sister and brother, goes to Mumbai in 2050. There they meet the reincarnation of Sana - the singer Zeisha. They have only one month for Zeisha to remember her past life, her love, her family, otherwise the time machine will go back without them...

What did you like about the movie? Good acting. Priyanka, as usual, is beautiful and charming, she did an excellent job with the role (or rather roles), and for the sake of this role she dyed her hair red twice (and Indian girls, especially actresses, are very kind to their hair, so this can be said a feat). The role was actually originally offered to Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, but Kareena didn't fit the role, and Katrina couldn't participate due to her busy work schedule. Therefore, our eye was pleased with Priyanka, and she did a good job of pleasing. Harman Baweja is quite a worthy debut, it is clear that he gave all his best to 100%. He was helped to appear in the film by his father-director (Harry Baweja), who invited his offspring to star in the film, but there is also back side- it was obviously more difficult to work in the film under the vigilant gaze of a strict and demanding dad. Nevertheless, I really liked the work of Harman, he managed to hook (as well as his role in Victory). Someone compares him with Hrithik Roshan and accuses him of copying, they say he looks like him and dances like him - well, I want to say a few words in defense of Harman - firstly, his appearance is still different (although there are common features) , and how can he copy it if it is given to him like that by nature? And as for the dances, doesn't the director invent them? The actor then has to work with finished material- do this, do that, step left, step right...

Also, as I already said, I also liked the first part of the film, the acquaintance and development of the relationship of the main characters.

Did not like. The plot of the second part, it turned out too unrealistic. On the one hand, you know that half of modern Indian films are various remakes of Hollywood productions or they often use scenes from Hollywood movies - and often this is annoying. Why copy something when they can make their own great original films? Unclear. Whether for the sake of ratings, or for the sake of diversity, but often this annoys not only us (lovers of Indian cinema), but also the Indians themselves. In general, I didn’t like that in the world of the future an explosive mixture of various scenes from such films as Star Wars, Time Machine, etc. was used - lightsabers, virtual fights, flying car races, robots and so on. Despite the fact that the computer graphics in the film were excellent, it looked with some tension.

In addition, there was one more detail that was hard for me to believe (despite all the other blunders). I don’t believe that in 2050, in the world of the future, which will come in just some forty years, Indians will abandon religion, because in the film there are no statues of deities, or even a little bit of a virtual temple ... This, of course, you can say hypocrisy on my part, but I can’t help but pay attention to it ...

Overall, the film turned out well. good game actors and excellent computer graphics partly justify the film's budget, in contrast to the limping plot. But, if you do not pay much attention to the blunders, then you can enjoy the athletic and charming Harman and the beautiful Priyanka, beautiful landscapes, laugh at the funny behavior of Uncle Me and Sana's mother, played by Archana Puram Singh.


I learned about this film a long time ago, but did not dare to watch it, I was afraid to be disappointed in the talent of Harman and Priyanka. But a couple of days ago I decided...

I will divide the film into two parts, which I liked and which is not so bad, but terribly annoying.

First respectively the first hour of the film is very interesting, it was a pleasure to watch the development of the relationship between Karan and Sonam.

Oh, how I love hot dogs, well, not exactly you! But if a hot dog was a girl, he would have been married long ago!

Each scene in the first part of the film pleased, made me laugh, and I believed in the feelings of the characters.

The second part is creepy! The actors tried to improve the situation in any way, but these robots, and all the other nonsense about the time machine, annoyed ...

But still, smart Harman and beautiful Priyanka created an unforgettable atmosphere and a fun movie.

I would like to mention Boman Irani - a very versatile actor, and here he created the image of an unforgettable character.

I don’t know what to put, such a good film, but they ruined it ...

Indian solitaire is considered one of the most interesting divination in our time. This online divination uses pictures with images of the events of our lives. There are 25 such pictures.

To tell fortunes online on Indian solitaire for free, you need to arrange the pictures in 5 pieces in five lines. To match the pictures you need to rotate the cards. The cards do not change places.

In this Indian divination, you need to carefully look at the nearby cards. In most cases, the accuracy and truthfulness of the Indian card layout depends on the cards that are next to the resulting pattern. Sometimes a situation arises when a “combination of torn cards” comes across - this is when the pattern matches, but after 1 or 2 cards.

Remember! Before starting fortune-telling, try to focus on the question you want to ask the cards!
After all, the result that you get directly depends on this!

Do not play Indian solitaire too often - otherwise the probability of truthful answers may be reduced.

For fortune telling, click the "Guess" button to rotate the picture - click on it with the mouse.

Interpretation of the symbols of Indian solitaire

hospital bed

The card indicates a disease, a warning about the disease. Probably both illness and injury or accident. More caution should be exercised.


Next to you is a young man, a loving and devoted friend. If the picture is broken in one line, then the relationship has deteriorated or will worsen in the future. The halves of other cards that are nearby also matter here. For example, half of the "Question" says that he is wondering: does he need this relationship? "Queen of Spades" - another woman negatively affects your relationship with this person.


The big surprise of Fate is money, profit, wealth, big income. If the card is torn, this may mean some kind of spending - necessary or unnecessary.


You will be faced with a choice, you have to make an important decision. You should not rush, you need to carefully consider and weigh everything. Half or whole cards that are nearby can indicate the area in which a decision is to be made. For example, "Camel" (money) indicates that a decision will have to be made in monetary matters.


Fortune telling is deceiving you, or today the cards do not want to answer your question. Try laying out the cards again or guess later.


Indicates that you are concerned about some issue or problem. Sometimes it is immediately clear from neighboring cards how it can be solved.


The person who is next to you is faithful and devoted. In fortune-telling for love, relationships, fidelity, it can mean that a loved one does not change, is faithful to you. The second meaning of the card is happiness, peace in the house, understanding and love.

burning candles

A very good card, heralding the end of the crisis, problems and bad luck. Sometimes, by looking at the cards that are nearby, you can see where the improvement will come from.


It may indicate a deterioration in health, portend a collapse of hopes, warn of the impossibility of realizing any plans.

Two hearts

Beautiful card - you love and are loved. If the picture is torn, and there is a “Road” between the halves of the picture, your relationship may change for the worse after a trip.


Major changes are coming in my personal life. Possible relocation, change of residence. If the cards nearby are positive, then the changes will be positive. If the cards nearby are bad, then vice versa.


Have a nice trip, a good trip. If there are negative cards nearby, then you should not go on this journey, even if you really want to. Look carefully at all the cards lying nearby.

The Dragon

Gossip, slander, slander, slander go to your address. If “Points” fell out in the same scenario, then this indicates duplicity: someone says one thing in the eyes, and another behind the eyes.


The problem that exists now cannot be resolved at the moment. If you get the “Key” picture further, the problem will be resolved over time. If there are bad cards nearby, the situation will only worsen.


An obstacle in the way, obstacles in plans and deeds. Neighboring cards will indicate exactly what this obstacle is.


Indicates that a solution to problems will be found soon. And they will be resolved soon.


Soon you will receive the long-awaited good news. Do not share it with others, it is better to keep it a secret.


In the near future, you will receive important news that you have been waiting for a long time. It may even make changes to your previous plans. The card is more related to the business area of ​​​​life than to the personal one.


will appear in your life important person(if the card is not surrounded by negative cards). This person will help you in solving some issue.


A beautiful strong card, one of the strongest in the deck. It portends success in business, work, business, personal life - in any area in which fortune-telling is carried out. The goal will be achieved, the dream will come true. "Crown" neutralizes the effect of negative cards.


Indicates a new love, a new feeling that will flare up unexpectedly and brightly. This is not what is now, or has already been, namely a new acquaintance, new person, new feeling. The card is rarely dropped. Look carefully at the cards that are nearby. They can point to what will happen in the end.

Bed with a heart

An unforgettable night of love lies ahead. Look at the cards next. If, for example, there is a "Hospital Bed" nearby, the relationship will not bring joy, but will bring pain, mental, and sometimes physical illness.


The card portends career advancement, success in business, a new appointment, promotion. If the fortuneteller does not work, the plan will come true. If you are looking for a job - soon successful employment in a good position.

Moon and Stars

A very rare card that predicts changes in life, up to the day. It is important in which row it fell out. Indian solitaire cards predict events for a period of about one and a half to two months. Each row is a period of time of about 10 days. The Moon and Stars card portends major changes in life in 28 days. If each row indicates a period of a week to ten days, then it is possible to calculate when the predicted changes will begin. For example, "Moon and Stars" fell out in the third row of cards. So, to today's number we add three weeks and plus another 28 days. It turns out that changes should be expected in about 7 weeks. If negative cards fell nearby, the changes can be negative. If, besides this card, nothing else fell out at all, then the changes will be unexpected and very good.


Unexpected unpleasant news, events, blow of Fate. It can mean betrayal, deception of a loved one.


The situation in which you find yourself may seem unsolvable to you, but in fact it is not. You can find a way out of any situation. You will see it soon.

Wedding ring

During the year (the card gives a prediction for a year), you can get married (marry). If the card fell married woman or married man This means that despite the deteriorating relationship, the marriage is strong and there will be no divorce.

Buttoned necklace

Be prepared for an unexpected unpleasant event. However, it can be avoided if measures are taken in time. By neighboring cards, you can tell where the event will come from, what the consequences will be. For example, if there is a “Castle” nearby, an unsolvable problem will arise. If "Crying Eye" - failures, stressful situations are coming.


Indicates a patron who is always ready to help. Support in difficult times. It is possible to meet a wealthy person, which will become very significant in the future.


Take a close look at your immediate environment - next to you is a two-faced and hypocritical person. In the eyes he says one thing, but behind the eyes - quite another.


You have to take a decisive step with a happy ending. Sometimes on neighboring cards you can see the consequences of such a step.


Probably, you cannot decide on some act. Perhaps that is why you are haunted by failure. Card tip - finally show determination.

Queen of Spades

Some person hates you, envy you or jealous. As a rule, the card indicates an elderly woman - mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor or colleague.


The card indicates that you show excessive timidity, doubt, cannot choose the path of action. You have every chance of "missing the right moment." This can apply to anything from personal relationships to business matters.

Letter in the ring

The long-awaited news will come soon, which, unfortunately, will not change anything.