How to glue non-woven wallpaper and the correct docking of canvases. How to glue non-woven wallpaper and the correct docking of canvases We customize ordinary wallpaper on a wide screen

Vinyl wallpapers - modern material for renovation and decoration. Such wallpapers consist of a paper or non-woven base covered with a thin vinyl film. Nowadays, wallpapers of this type are widely used due to a large number of positive properties:

  • The highest durability. A special PVC coating has a unique ability to withstand all mechanical damage and destructive external influences.
  • Elasticity. This is one of their main distinctive features. Traditional paper versions tend to tear with any careless movement during the gluing process. Vinyl wallpaper does not have this disadvantage. They do not tear and stretch well.
  • Democratic prices. In hardware stores today you can find a wide selection of inexpensive, but very high-quality wallpapers.

The disadvantages of wallpaper include the following:

  • The complexity of pasting - the ability of wet wallpaper to stretch can play a cruel joke: after they dry, gaps will appear between adjacent strips.
  • PVC coating of the surface of the wallpaper improves their moisture resistance, but does not allow the walls to “breathe”.
  • Vinyl does not like sudden changes in the level of humidity and temperature in the room - the wallpaper can be deformed.

If you are not sure that you can glue vinyl wallpapers on your own, it is better to seek the help of professionals. This material is quite capricious and not very easy to work with.

However, if you already have some experience and useful skills in wallpapering, you can handle this task yourself. How to do it right, we will tell you in more detail.

How to glue them correctly

In order for the process of finishing a room to be successful and productive, it is necessary to strictly observe all technological subtleties and rules.

First of all, remember that you can glue such wallpapers only on a dry and perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, before embarking on this responsible business, it is necessary to process the walls in a special way. It is necessary to get rid of all old coatings (traces of paint, plaster, old wallpaper). Then it is necessary to putty the cracks and level the surface of the walls.

Only after all the necessary preparations are made, you can start wallpapering. They must be cut into strips of the desired length (do not forget to leave an allowance of about ten centimeters). Do not forget that adjacent stripes should match each other as much as possible in the pattern.

It is recommended to glue wallpaper from vinyl end-to-end. But keep in mind that this construction material has the ability to "sit down" under the influence of glue - after drying, noticeable gaps may occur between the strips. Therefore, do not apply too much glue and do not stretch the wallpaper in width when pasting. Gently apply the strips to the wall and smooth with a spatula. It is better to work the seams especially carefully with a roller or a small brush.

Starting to stick wallpaper, make sure that there are no drafts in the room. Do not open windows and doors or turn on air conditioners. Glue for vinyl wallpaper requires a special one. Dilute the adhesive according to the instructions. Usually, after dilution, the glue should stand for another 5-10 minutes.

It is almost impossible to glue wallpaper qualitatively alone. Do this with two people (one person, standing on a stepladder, applies the wallpaper to the top of the wall, and the other gently holds and smoothes the strip).

Video lesson

If you want to hang vinyl wallpaper, but doubt your abilities, one theoretical explanation will not be enough. In order to study the process of wallpapering in all details and details, we advise you to watch special videos.

Before you learn how to glue non-woven wallpaper, let's briefly learn what it is. Non-woven wallpaper is called, because of its base - non-woven, this is a canvas made of compressed textile fibers. The second, decorative, layer is porous vinyl, which forms a relief pattern. Such wallpapers are much stronger than paper ones and stretch better, keep this in mind when sticking non-woven wallpaper. They come in two types, dyed and non-dyed.

Non-woven wallpaper has a number of distinctive features that must be considered when sticking. As already mentioned, non-woven wallpaper stretches, so do not be too zealous when sticking, you can stretch a lot, so that one sheet will run over the second.
Non-woven wallpaper allows air to pass through, so they do not bubble when pasted.

Due to the large thickness, the wallpaper is glued to the joint.
The wall should be approximately the same color, as the non-woven wallpaper is slightly translucent even after the wallpaper has dried different colours walls can be seen. But on extreme case, if you glue the wallpaper for painting, you can paint it several times, then the color difference will disappear.
Non-woven wallpaper hides small wall irregularities well, so there is no need to bring the wall to perfect condition. Also, non-woven fabric does not tear on small cracks in the wall (from shrinkage at home), like paper wallpaper.

Let's start sticking non-woven wallpaper. We are preparing wallpaper glue, it must be special, the package should say: glue for non-woven wallpaper. Glue consumption can be read on the packaging. Pour the required amount of water into the container and gradually pour glue into it, stirring constantly. Let the glue sit for 5-10 minutes and mix well again.

Next, you need to remove all switches, sockets and other items that hang on the walls, if possible, remove the baseboard. Before the sticker, it is necessary to mark a vertical line, a plumb line or a building level. The first canvas should be glued along this line.

When gluing non-woven wallpaper, you need to spread only the wall, you do not need to spread the wallpaper.

After the pasted first canvas, glue the next one to the joint to the previous one and so on until the end. Non-woven wallpaper does not need to look in which direction to glue and which side to start from, like paper, from where it is more convenient for you, start from there. The canvases need to be cut with a margin, add 5-10 centimeters to the height of the walls, after gluing the excess is carefully cut off with a sharp knife.

Another important point, when gluing, leave 1 mm between the canvases, when the fabric is smoothed, gently move the glued canvas to the previous one with your hands or a plastic spatula.

After you have pasted non-woven wallpaper throughout the room, leave the room closed for a day so that the glue can dry.

Very often, regardless of how well the wallpapering work was done, problems and defects can occur, such as uneven seams, bubbles or spots. Such problems can arise even if the work was performed by a professional. Such troubles can be avoided if you take into account some rules and know the peculiar tricks and subtleties that experts use.

Before sticking wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the surface of the wall. Quite often, situations arise when, at first glance, neatly and firmly glued wallpaper has a bumpy formation, pits and other roughness.

Such troubles often arise for the reason that due attention was not paid to the surface of the wall. Therefore, before proceeding with wallpapering the walls, the walls must be leveled and puttied, after which the already leveled wall should be treated with sandpaper and a primer solution made from wallpaper glue and water should be applied.

To prevent wallpaper strips from laying crooked during gluing, you should use a plumb line (a weight on a thread), otherwise such errors can only be corrected by re-gluing the wallpaper. To make the joints of the wallpaper not so noticeable, the sticker must be made according to the rule for the location of the edges (the joints of the wallpaper should be directed against the light).

In the event that the wallpaper lags behind the wall, then most likely the cause was the damp surface of the wall, which, according to the rules, must be dry so that the wallpaper glue can be better absorbed. A damp wall cannot perform such a function.

You can check whether the surface of your wall meets the criterion of dryness using cellophane and adhesive tape (stick a piece of cellophane with adhesive tape on the wall). It is best to check in the evening, and in the morning to see the result - if there is moisture on the cellophane, then the wall is not yet ready for pasting and requires additional processing.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the wall, since a dirty wall can cause the wallpaper to peel off. The wall must be cleaned of paint, putty and other dirt, after which it must be carefully primed.

If you did not remove fungal formations from the wall surface before wallpapering, the new wallpaper may become moldy. To remove the fungus, the wall must be cleaned, carefully sanded and treated with a special antibacterial solution.

The following factors can cause stains on the wall:

Increased alkaline reaction of the walls - this property is concrete walls in new buildings. In the event that the wallpaper in its composition has golden or silver components, a reaction may occur, as a result of which unwanted spots appear. Therefore, before pasting the walls with such wallpaper, you need to check the surface for the presence of an alkaline reaction, if such a reaction is present, then you need to choose a wallpaper that does not contain gold and silver particles.

If too thin wallpaper is glued, then translucent traces from grouting sockets can serve as the cause of stains. In this case, it is necessary to carefully tint the wall.

Quite often, when wallpapering, people are faced with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to the uneven distribution of the paste or other violations that were made during the application of the adhesive. You can get rid of such a defect with a syringe with wallpaper glue. The bubble must be pierced, gently insert glue under the wallpaper through the needle and smooth it out.

Well, now, I think, you will not have problems with wallpapering. Smooth walls to you!

This can be done without the use of third party software. First, determine the overall resolution of the desktop: click right click click on an empty area of ​​the desktop, select Screen resolution and find the Resolution setting. If screens with a resolution of 1920x1200 are nearby, then the total resolution will be 3840x1200.

* You will need one image that is 3840 pixels wide, such as a photo

graphics taken with a 12 megapixel camera. At smaller sizes, the Working "* I lb table will not look as attractive. If the photo is too large -

Shaya, you need to resize it using an image editor so that it does not go beyond the screen.

In the Control Panel, open the Personalization page, click on Desktop Background. From the Picture location list, select Pictures library to find all the photos in the Photos folder, or click Browse to select a different folder. (Unfortunately, the Browse window only allows you to select a folder; to view its contents, open a separate Explorer window.) You can manually copy the image to the C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper folder to make it easier to find (it will go Windows desktop (Windows Desktop Backgrounds).

Select the background image and from the list Image position (Picture position) select Tile (Tile). (None of the other options: Fill (Fill), Fit to screen (Fit), Stretch (Stretch) and Center (Center) - does not work on a desktop stretched across multiple monitors.)

*. When you select the Tile option, the upper left corner of the image is located

#% is displayed in the upper left corner of the main monitor. If the main monitor (the one that contains the Start Menu and Taskbar) is not at the top left *" of the row of monitors, then the image will be torn. (Windows is not smart enough to choose the correct display when using multiple monitors.) To fix this error , you need to open the photo in an image editor, cut it into pieces, and then fold it in the correct order.

In some cases, it is required to be able to resize an existing image. Depending on the application in which it is supposed to use such a picture, the methods for changing its size will change accordingly.

How to stretch a picture on the desktop

Quite often, when setting the desktop background, there is a discrepancy between the size of such an image and the work area (a monochromatic background is observed along the edges of the image).

It is also worth noting that it is virtually impossible to stretch an image without losing quality. Initially, an image consists of a certain number of pixels (colored dots) per square inch. Accordingly, as the size of the image increases, these dots also increase, which causes visual degradation of the image quality.

To stretch the picture on the desktop, the easiest way is to use the built-in toolkit operating system. To do this, right-click the context menu from the free area of ​​the desktop, select the "Personalization" item, and in the lower left part of the window that opens, click on the "Desktop background" icon.

At the top of the window that appears, click the "Browse" button and select the picture that you want to set as the desktop background. To fill the entire area of ​​the workspace, select "Stretch" in the drop-down list at the bottom left of the screen.

How to stretch an image in Word

To do this, you need to place the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the image, hold down the left button and drag the mouse to enlarge the image.

How to stretch an image in Photoshop

This operation can be performed in several ways. The simplest is to select the entire image by pressing the Ctrl + T key combination, and then placing the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the image, stretch it with the mouse to the required size. Thereafter. to commit the changes, you need to press Enter.

How to stretch an image in HTML

The background-size operator is used to format a block with a background image. Depending on the version of the browser in which the frontend is used - part of the site, this operator may also contain certain additional parameters.

The basic syntax for this operator, which allows you to stretch an image in HTML, is background-size: cover

This statement in the page's code array is used after the background image to be used has been determined.

Thus, the procedure that allows you to increase the size of the picture, significantly easier action undertaken to.