You have to drill a hole in the concrete. How to drill a hole in a concrete wall

How to drill a hole in a wall

It would seem that it could be easier than drilling holes in the walls. However, if you look at the issue more broadly, it turns out to be multifaceted and very extensive. Firstly, what size hole should be, secondly, what material the wall itself is made of, thirdly, what tool are you going to do it with, and so on. Today we will talk about the topic how to drill a hole in a wall. We will share interesting information that can be useful both during repairs and just in everyday life.

Wear protective clothing

  1. Performing any installation work, especially with power tools, always wear at least gloves.
  2. In order not to breathe the dust thrown into the air, it is worth putting on at least a simple medical mask for 2 rubles. A hat will also help, especially if you are drilling at a height and debris can fall on your head.
  3. During drilling, the tool must be held firmly and evenly. There are cases when the drill wedges in the hole, and the punch can be pulled out of the hands, which is fraught with injury. The drill should enter the wall only perpendicular to it (unless special devices are used), any distortions can cause part of the wall to crumble.
  4. It is very convenient when an additional handle is installed on a perforator or drill - this way it is easier and more reliable to hold the tool.

The master holds the punch firmly with both hands

Prices for popular models of rotary hammers


The mode of operation for the tool is selected depending on the type of surface you are dealing with. The size of the drills or crowns is selected according to the size of the anchors and other equipment that will be installed in the hole.

The basic principle used when drilling is the material with which you do it, must be stronger than the material of the wall, that is, with a drill for wood, which does not have any additional spraying, you cannot drill concrete in any way, so it is so important to choose the right tool.

Find out and also read the step-by-step instructions and photos in a special article on our portal.

Concrete drilling – simple and professional

Professional machine for drilling large holes in thick walls

So, we may need holes in the walls for different purposes, respectively, its diameter and depth will depend on this. The photo above shows how a special water-cooled installation bites into the thickness of concrete with a powerful crown - such large holes are needed for the installation of communication lines, ventilation, sewerage and other things. The need for tools that can handle this task is Lately has increased many times, since now almost everything is built using monolith technology. For brick walls, this is also sometimes required, for example, the builders did not provide for an exhaust hood, or you need to make a neat conclusion from the boiler.

Drilling through a brick wall

This approach allows you to cope with the task in the shortest possible time, plus the strength of the wall is not violated. Only a few can afford such equipment, and there is no point in buying it. Only specialized organizations are engaged in professional drilling. We will not describe the process of diamond drilling in detail, but we will go through the main points to broaden our general horizons.

Table 1. Instructions for drilling concrete.

Steps, images:Description
Step 1. Drilling a hole for the bed.

Drilling holes for the bed

Good equipment has a bed along which the cutting crown moves in the right direction. In order to qualitatively fix the frame on the wall, it will be necessary to make a hole in it strictly perpendicular to it.
Step 2 Fixing the bed.

We fix the bed

We fix the bed with a powerful metal anchor. Now the tool is ready to work.
Step 3 Machine setup.

Setting up the car

Then the operator sets the value of rotation speed and axial load. It is very important to choose correct settings for a specific material, otherwise the drilling process may take several hours, and the hole will not be even.
Step 4 drilling.

We start drilling and do this until the crown goes through the entire wall. As a result, we get a perfectly even hole, a minimum of dirt and dust.

Interesting to know! The cutting tool must be constantly cooled. If the hole is large and the wall is thick, organize the supply of water through special hoses. This measure allows to achieve less dusting.

Now, from professional tools, let's move on to more mundane ones, to those that we constantly encounter in practice. Concrete - very hard material. Inside it, in addition, reinforcing rods made of steel or fiberglass can pass. A tool with an impact function can cope with its drilling - the impulse from the drill will more effectively destroy the material. Do not use a simple electric drill. No, you will make a hole, but spend on it not 10 seconds, but about 10 minutes. Agree, the difference is huge.

Interesting to know! If the hole diameter is less than or equal to 13 mm, then an impact drill is enough for the job. Large ones are made only with a perforator.

A screwdriver can only handle light concrete, and even then not everyone

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Concrete walls also include lightweight concrete - foam blocks, gas blocks. These materials are not very dense, so even a screwdriver can be enough for work if it has a revving and powerful electric motor.

Video - Diamond drilling holes in concrete and reinforced concrete walls HD 1080

Next important point- this is the selection of a drill. Concrete and other hard materials, such as brick, can only be drilled with carbide tools - Pobedite drills. A very strong one will win, a drill tip is made from it, after grinding which, the device becomes unusable.

Drill tip victorious

Advice! When trying to use such drills on wood, you will get ugly ragged holes. Wood is too soft for him.

Prices for a diamond drilling rig

Rig for diamond drilling

Having prepared everything you need, you can start work:

Step 1. First we need to do some preparation. The main problem may be the presence at the drilling site electrical wiring or pipes for water supply and heating. To avoid an accident, you need to make sure that you do not fall into them. A metal detector or a special device that reacts only to wiring can help in this matter. Pipes inside the walls, if they are made of polypropylene and other polymers, the metal detector will find only if they have metal reinforcement. Otherwise, you need to look at the drawings or photographs of the communication lines.

Wall metal detector

Step 2 Before drilling, you need to mark the entry point of the drill, for this you can use a pencil, marker or punch, if you need not only marking, but also a pothole so that the drill does not slip through. Usually, when you start drilling concrete or brick, the drill does not move much to the side, but still it can lead, and the hole will move a little. In some situations, this is not critical, while in others, on the contrary, it is unacceptable, for example, you need to screw on a bracket that has a strict arrangement of holes for the anchor.

Punches of various sizes

If the wall surface is finished with ceramic tiles, then it is even more difficult to start drilling without a center punch, especially if this tile is glossy - the drill will slip over it even more, leaving scratches. If you do not have such a device at hand, then you can replace it classic dowel, which will not bend from hammer blows, or start drilling at the lowest speed, and only after making sure that the drill goes as it should, accelerate the tool.

Step 3 Small holes are used mainly for plastic dowels and metal anchors - in the first case, it is recommended to make the hole a little deeper than the length of the element, literally 3-5 mm. If this is not foreseen, it may not go all the way, it will remain protruding above the plane of the wall, or it will completely break. This feature is typical for dowels because of their shape.

This is what the depth gauge looks like

Step 4 There are very thick walls, and the depth of the hole will not play a special role for them, especially if the dowel has a limiter cap that will prevent it from slipping inside. And there are thin partitions, where busting is fraught with damage to the finish on the other side, falling off of the plaster, and so on. In such a case, it is necessary accurately determine the depth of the drill. For this, limiters in the form of rods are used, which are fixed in a special device on the additional handle of the perforator. Reliable and accurate, but not always.

There are such tool models in which the fixation of the limiter rod is poorly thought out. It can slip through the hole, making it risky and inconvenient to use. In such case you can use folk method drilling depth markings.

Homemade tape limiter

Take a piece of electrical tape and wind it right on the drill at the right level. If you need to make a lot of identical holes, then make sure that the edges of such a mark do not crumple, since after several drill entries into the concrete, it can give an error. You can also make a mark on the drill with a marker, but it won’t last very long either, as it will quickly be erased and become hardly noticeable, especially in the debris that comes out of the hole.

Step 5 When drilling concrete, a lot of drilling waste, or in a simple way - dust, is released. When you work in a house that is just under construction, this does not create any interference, but if the premises are already inhabited, everything is equipped with furniture, and you don’t want to get anything dirty, it becomes more difficult to drill a hole in the wall accurately. But we wouldn’t be us if we didn’t come up with ways to deal with such a trifling problem:

  • The photo below shows a rotary hammer equipped with a vacuum cleaner and a dust bag. It is a pleasure to work with such a tool - with a good retracting power, garbage will practically not get into the room. It is especially convenient to use it at a height.

Hammer drill with vacuum cleaner

  • Such equipment costs a lot of money, so less drastic measures can be applied. For example, use a home vacuum cleaner. It doesn't need to be attached to the drill - just have someone hold the tube under the hole while you drill it. The effect will not be worse.
  • In some situations, dust collectors, which are available in the form of plastic or rubber bowls, help. It is convenient to work with these devices when drilling the ceiling, but they are not so well suited for walls, since when the drill is removed, debris can spill out.

Tool with dust collector

  • The easiest method is to use a damp cloth. While you are drilling, the assistant holds it from below, and then gently removes it. The remaining particles of debris on the wall are wiped with a clean rag.
  • If there is absolutely no one to help you, then you can make such an envelope-garbage container, as shown in the photo below. To do this, you will need an old newspaper and masking tape, which, when peeled off, will not leave marks on the wall. It is glued just below the drilling point, and all waste will fall inward.

Garbage bin from an old newspaper

If all the dusty work has been completed and you need to prepare the wall for painting, then it will be very useful for the reader. In this material, we will consider in detail the main types of putties, the tools that will be needed in the process. As well as step-by-step instructions for applying putty on the wall.

How to drill ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware

Perfectly even hole in ceramic tiles

If you have ceramic tiles glued on the wall, then the process of drilling it will become somewhat more complicated, and will consist of two stages. Let's describe them in order.

To get started, you will need to prepare all the tools: masking tape, pencil, marker, diamond crown, pen drill, as shown in the photo above, and an electric drill. Ceramic tile is a very durable material, but she's fragile. If she gets hit, she breaks apart, so it is forbidden to drill it with a blow. However, it is very easy to drill it even without this function - rather high revolutions and a special drill.

Table 2. Instructions for drilling ceramic tiles.

Steps, photo:Description:
Step 1. Tile marking.

Marking up

The first step is accurate markup. It can be done with a marker, but in the heat of work, the cap from it is constantly lost, which is why it soon dries up and stops writing. Also, its tip is frayed, which will prevent accurate marks. In some situations, a pencil helps out, but it writes poorly on glossy tiles, and it is almost invisible.

Masking tape comes to the rescue in such a situation. We stick it on the intended drilling site and make a drawing of any complexity. In addition, this method allows you to add a small comment to the markup if necessary.

Step 2 drilling.

We clamp the pen drill in the chuck. It is very convenient to use a second tool for this, in addition to the puncher. A screwdriver will suffice.

Interesting to know! Masking adhesive tape not only allows you to make accurate markings, but also drill the first millimeters of the tile surface with high accuracy - the drill will not slip on the glossy surface.

We start drilling at low speeds, and as soon as we realize that the drill has begun to enter, we squeeze the maximum out of the tool. If you feel that the drill has fallen under the tile and touched the concrete, stop working and remove the tool.

Step 3 We drill concrete.

It is impossible to continue working with a pen drill, as it will become dull very quickly. To go deeper into concrete or brick, we will again need a hammer drill. Since the tile has already been drilled, we cannot damage it with a blow of the tool, the only thing is that small chips may form along the edges of the hole. We delve into the wall to the desired level and the hole is ready.

The larger the hole, the harder it is to drill.

When you need to make holes in the tile, and even in the concrete itself, holes for sockets, diamond-coated crowns are used. They do their job well, but there is one thing important rule, which must always be observed, namely - cool down the cutting edge. If the tool is allowed to overheat, it can burn out and lose all its properties, therefore, with some frequency, work should be suspended and immersed in a container of cold water.

Cooling the drill while drilling tiles

Also, water can be supplied directly to the drilling site - for this you need a special water pump or an assistant who will add it as needed.

Very often the right tool is not at hand. In such situations, alternative devices or original folk methods can help out.

  • If you don't have center punch, which, well, is simply desperately needed when drilling porcelain stoneware, for example, it can be replaced with such guide pads as in the photo. You can buy them in a store, or make your own from a piece of plywood or similar material. It is enough to simply hold such an overlay with your hand so that the crown cannot move anywhere. As soon as we pass the first millimeters, it can be removed to the side.

Guide pad for crown

Homemade analogue from plywood

  • There are situations when you need to drill a tile at an angle of 45 degrees. How is it even possible to do this without damaging the surface? For this, special guides are sold. The principle of its operation is as follows - first making a perpendicular hole in the usual way , then the emphasis is immersed in it, after which the drill is transferred to the inclined guide. Naturally, different guides are used for drills of different diameters.

A set for drilling porcelain stoneware with crowns will be needed for smaller holes

  • What to do if you need to drill a hole for an outlet, but apart from a drill, there was nothing at hand. Don't worry, they can do the job. To do this, on the wall you need make an accurate marking of the contours of the hole. After that, you need the entire circle drill with minimum pitch as shown in the photo below. Further inner part knocked out with a spatula with a perforator or a chisel and a hammer.

Drilling a large diameter hole without a crown

  • If during drilling you come across metal, then you won’t be able to take it with a concrete drill. Here you need to act differently - either move the hole a little to the side, or overcome the obstacle with the right drill, cut it down with an engraver, a grinder, and so on.

annoying nuisance

  • Look at the photo below and appreciate the way the master came up with. He simply assembled a corner from the Lego constructor, put it in the right place, pressed it down and did exactly all the work. We develop the idea - so that such a device does not slip on glossy ceramics, you can stuff plasticine or mastic inside, for example.

Human resourcefulness knows no bounds

  • From do-it-yourself back to professional equipment. It is very convenient to use suction cups. They are securely fixed on ceramics, but only with a flat surface, so it will not work to call such a device universal. The photo shows a model with adjustable indentation.

Professional drilling set

Find out with your own hands in a special article on our portal.

Video - Door travel limiter or how to drill a wall without dust

Today we talked about drilling solid walls, but they can also be made of wood, or drywall and other materials. Unfortunately, there is no time for these topics now, but the principle of work will be similar. At the same time, drilling such bases is much easier, it is enough to use a tool for cutting wood.

It is impossible to provide for all holes and niches in the walls during the construction of the premises. Therefore, after the construction of the monolith, it is necessary to drill it.

The most common structural material is concrete. The technique of making holes in this material is different from the processing of wood, brick and metal.

Drilling concrete - pitfalls

  • Concrete generates a lot of dust during processing. It's bad for the respiratory system in addition, abrasive particles are clogged in ventilation holes tool. Cooling is difficult, and dust trapped inside contributes to accelerated wear. It is necessary to use devices for trapping suspended matter. There are special nozzles for a vacuum cleaner, sometimes it’s enough just to substitute a container.
  • The structure of concrete does not form chips, so the removal of material from a deep hole is difficult. In order not to overload the drill, it is necessary to periodically (every 3-5 cm of the passage) clean the pit with a vacuum cleaner. When working in a hole clogged with slurry, you can break the drill.
  • The abrasive constituents of concrete contribute to strong frictional heating. The metal of the drill is “released”, loses its hardness and quickly wears off. Therefore, it is desirable to provide liquid cooling, or at least take breaks during prolonged drilling.
  • Power tools for drilling concrete (drills, hammers) have a considerable weight. It is difficult to control the horizontal level. Therefore, for such work, it is recommended to equip the tool body with a small bubble level.
  • Concrete is a heterogeneous material. In the thickness of the wall there are hard stones, steel reinforcement. When hitting such an obstacle, the drill tends to leave the trajectory. If you come across a rebar- you should choose a different place for the hole or go through the area with a drill for metal. Then again continue to work with the previous nozzle.
  • The walls are usually thick. The drill may not be long enough. If you are making a through hole, you can go through it from two sides. If possible, make an accurate marking, or determine the drilling point on the other side using a magnet and a compass.

Concrete is a very strong material with a heterogeneous structure, so it is quite difficult to drill it. To date, the most common way to create technological holes in concrete is drilling with a perforator. This method allows you to create holes quickly enough and with good quality.

The difficulty of drilling holes in concrete lies in the fact that it has a very high strength and is therefore difficult to process. In addition, concrete surfaces are not uniform in composition. They may include metal reinforcement, crushed stone and other fillers, and this greatly complicates the work. A hammer drill is capable of handling such work, which can drill holes with and without impact, as well as perform impacts without drilling.

With the help of a perforator, it is possible to carry out all types of repair and construction work related to hard materials. This tool is trusted for all concrete, brick or natural stone. Drill deep and wide holes, punch channels for laying electrical wiring, chip ceramic tiles, remove plaster or break through masonry - all this can be done with a perforator.

The hardness of crushed stone inclusions in concrete is much higher than the hardness of other fractions

Such a multifunctional tool as a hammer drill is able to make holes in concrete various sizes and for various purposes. Especially often this has to be done in the process:

  • air conditioner suspensions;
  • furniture installations;
  • plumbing installation;
  • electrical wiring devices;
  • finishing work.

Types of punchers

Perforators, like any electric tool, are divided into household and professional:

  • household punchers intended for home use. Basically, they are equipped with an SDS-plus cartridge and have a power of not more than 900 watts. Equipment of this type is offered by such well-known companies as Bosch, Skil, Hyundai, Black Decker, as well as domestic manufacturers Energomash, Caliber, Interskol, Enkor, etc.;
  • professional punchers able to withstand fairly intense loads, work longer without interruption. They have better vibration protection. The most famous manufacturers in this segment are Bosch, Hitachi, Makita, Metalbo, Dewalt.

Depending on the number of operating modes, perforators are divided into:

  • single-mode. Such hammers are the simplest and work like an ordinary drill. With their help, you can drill holes in wooden, plastic or metal surfaces;
  • dual-mode perforators capable of drilling with impact. This mode is the main one for the perforator, therefore it is widely used when it is necessary to make blind or through holes in concrete or brick wall. Impact drilling is also called drilling. The effectiveness of this process lies in the fact that the cutting tool, installed in the hammer drill, penetrates the hard base very quickly due to the high impact force. In order for a tool (crown or drill) to simultaneously rotate and make an impact, it is usually made of very high quality materials;
  • tri-mode perforators can strike without turning the spindle. This mode is also the main one and is called slotting. In this case, the spindle performs only reciprocating movements. The puncher in the chiseling mode performs dismantling work, for example, remove old tiles, destroy beams, brickwork, chip off plaster, make large holes for utilities, ditch grooves for electrical wiring. Chisels (chisels) are used as equipment, differing in purpose and shape. All types of these Supplies combines one common property - the ability to open the structure of the stone with a blow, and then wedged it, thus destroying the hard surface.

Tri-mode perforators are the most versatile, but their cost is quite high.

Tool weight groups

There are three groups of perforators depending on their weight:

  • light hammer drills. This group includes tools weighing no more than 4 kg and with a power of up to 800 watts. The impact energy of such perforators rarely exceeds 3 J. Such a tool is intended for home use;
  • perforators middle group weigh 4-8 kg. Their power is 800-1200 W, and the impact energy is approximately 10 J. Such hammers are professional equipment and can even work with reinforced concrete. Basically, they are used to work in two modes - drilling with impact and just impact;
  • to the heavy group include perforators weighing more than 8 kg, power - from 1200 W and impact energy - from 13 J. With their help, breaks and holes are made in surfaces made of concrete and natural stone with a diameter of more than 40 mm.

Horizontal and vertical models

Perforators have not only different technical characteristics, but also a design. Some of them are similar to conventional drills because their motor is located horizontally. This arrangement is the most convenient for drilling holes and allows you to work with very high accuracy. Most of the light class rotary hammers have a horizontal layout.

For drilling large diameter holes and chiseling, rotary hammers with a vertically mounted motor are more suitable. The tool, firstly, is more compact. Secondly, a vertically mounted engine cools better. Almost all medium and heavy class rotary hammers have a body shape similar to the letter L. As a rule, horizontal models are chosen for those situations when it is necessary to drill holes, and vertical ones - if it is necessary to hammer.

Cartridge types

There is another difference between perforators. This is a type of chuck for holding a cutting tool. The cartridge plays the role of a link between the tool and the puncher. In order for the work to be carried out efficiently, the clamping device must meet a number of requirements.

For example, a chisel or auger must be securely held in the chuck, and tightening and releasing must be easy and safe. At the same time, the drill must maximally perceive the highest torque and impact force that the puncher is capable of delivering. Its shank has a special design for this. The method of fastening the cutting tool in the rotary hammer is referred to as SDS (Special Direct System).

Please note that each mounting system has its own equipment:

  • SDS plus. Torque is transmitted by two symmetrical long slots, and two oval grooves fix the shank in the chuck. The shank diameter is 10 mm. This fastening system is used in rotary hammers weighing up to 4 kg;
  • SDS top. The system is based on the same principle as the previous one, but is used for tools with a higher impact load, which belong to the medium weight group. The shank diameter is 14mm;
  • SDS-max. The torque in this fastening system is already transmitted by three long asymmetrical splines. The shank with a diameter of 18 mm is fixed in the chuck with two oval grooves.

The SDS-max mounting system is designed for rock drills weighing more than 8 kg

Perforator device

Each perforator consists of two structural systems– electrical and mechanical. The components of the electrical system are an electric motor, an operating mode switch and electronics, and a mechanical one is crank mechanisms, gears and a tool holder. Both systems are enclosed in a case, which can be plastic, metal or a combination.

A very important knot of the perforator is the percussion mechanism, which provides the main percussion function of this tool. The percussion mechanism according to the type of execution can be electropneumatic or electromechanical. The first type is now used in most models of rotary hammers. The use of such a mechanism makes it possible to obtain high impact energy with a minimum power of the electric motor.

The shock electro-pneumatic mechanism can be presented in two versions - with a swinging (“drunk”) bearing or with a crank mechanism. The first option is used mainly in light hammers, and the second - in medium and heavy ones.

During the operation of the rotary hammer, the rotational movement of the electric motor is converted by the crank mechanism into the reciprocating movement of the piston. The ram, under the action of compression present in the cavity between it and the piston, accelerates and transfers its energy through the drummer to the working tool - a drill, a crown, a chisel, etc.

Main technical characteristics

One of the main technical parameters of a perforator is the impact energy, measured in joules. The impact force of light models is no more than 1-2 J, and heavier hammers can work with an impact force of 8-15 J. The greater the impact force, the larger the hole diameter can be obtained.

If this value is small, then the hammer drill does not work more efficiently than an impact type drill. In this case, he will drill a hole, and not punch. As a result, the cutting tool will wear out quickly enough and you will have to forget about high performance.

Impact frequency

The value, called the impact frequency, indicates how many times in one minute the piston hits the striker. The larger this value, the higher the hole drilling speed. The performance of a perforator depends on both the impact energy and the frequency. In the most durable and efficient equipment, both of these parameters are harmoniously combined.

Spindle speed

Depending on the class of the perforator, the spindle speed can be from 600 to 1500 rpm. With an increase in productivity and power of the perforator, the rotational speed decreases. This is due to the design features of this tool. For productive models, the tooling diameter can be quite large. A small diameter drill has to rotate quickly, and a large one slowly, otherwise it will wear out very quickly.

Clogged spiral flutes can even jam the tool in the hole

Hammer drills with high speed are quite impressive weight which does not make it easy to use. In addition, high-speed models wear out very quickly spiral grooves designed to remove drilling waste from the job site. This causes the device to get very hot.

Hammer drills can be equipped with the following additional features:

  • gearshift mechanism. It will be useful when switching from a drill to a drill and vice versa. After all, these tools work at different speeds;
  • drilling depth gauge. With its help, it is easy to determine whether the drill or drill has reached the required mark;
  • speed stabilization spindle with fluctuating load forces;
  • soft start and a special device for protection against overheating;
  • shaft reverse rotation. Such a function will be needed when the drill gets stuck in the hole being machined;
  • anti-vibration system, which compensates for the shaking of the perforator when drilling, drilling or chiselling;
  • dust protection during work;
  • locking button used to secure the puncher in operation.

As you can see, the hammer drill has a number of advantages compared to other tools that perform similar tasks:

  • Firstly, this is the presence of a separate mechanism responsible for the impact. This mechanism gives the puncher the ability to realize three modes of operation, that is, it is able to simply drill, drill with impact and carry out only impact;
  • Secondly, perforators have an SDS system for clamping equipment. Her design features provide reliable fixation of equipment and its free movement. In addition, installing a snap-in on an SDS system does not require the use of additional tools which significantly saves working time;
  • third As a result of the first two advantages, the hammer drill is able to drill holes in materials that are quite difficult to machine, such as concrete and natural stone.

Features of perforator drilling technology

Concrete structures are characterized by very high strength, reliability and durability, so their share in modern construction is constantly increasing. Along with this, it is necessary to solve the problem of efficient drilling of concrete surfaces. Most often, a hammer drill is used for this purpose, which has several advantages over other tools, such as an impact drill. The drill, fixed in the perforator chuck, bites into concrete surface much lighter and with less loss than a drill bit. Therefore, with the help of a hammer drill, concrete is drilled much faster.

This result is achieved due to several factors. First of all, a hammer drill has more power than a drill. The hammer drill makes translational movements with a greater amplitude than the drill of an impact drill. In addition, the impacts of the hammer drill have more force, so it drills the wall easier and faster.

The rotation speed of the rotary hammer chuck is less than that of a drill

Concrete is a durable material and is not easy to drill. This is due to its structure and the fillers used. The tool used for drilling is forced to deal with dissimilar materials - metal fittings and crushed stone. They are the main obstacle in the way of a drill or a drill, which can only overcome one of them. That is why drilling holes in concrete surfaces is carried out with various tools.

As a cutting tool use:

  • drill;
  • borax;
  • crowns.

A separate category is made up of punches, which are hand tools and perform auxiliary functions. The punch is a metal long trihedron with a pointed end. It is used when the cutting tool rests on the crushed stone present in the concrete. In such a situation, a punch is inserted into the hole made and hit with a hammer to crush the “pebble”.


For drilling in concrete, carbide-tipped or diamond-tipped drills are used. This tool can make a hole of small diameter (no more than 14 mm).


They differ from drills in the shape of the shank. Drills are considered a one-time tool, since they cannot be sharpened and are thrown away after their resource is exhausted. Their advantage is that they are able to remove concrete chips obtained during the drilling process from the hole. This tool is advisable to use when drilling holes of great depth, including through ones. With a drill, you can drill holes with a diameter of 4 to 80 mm.

When drilling holes with a drill, reinforcement poses a certain danger. As a rule, the drill immediately burns out after a direct hit on the metal. If the tool passes tangentially to the reinforcement element, then it simply jams and further drilling becomes impossible. So for reinforced concrete, it is more expedient to use diamond crowns.


Crowns are cut metal pipe, on one end of which there are cutting elements of very high strength, and on the other - a shank for fixing the tool in the perforator chuck. The cutting edges of the crowns can be in the form of carbide teeth, "welded" on the metal or flat diamond-coated. This tool is used for drilling holes of large diameters. With it, you can get holes in concrete with a diameter of 50-450 mm.

More versatile is drilling holes with diamond core bits. Such crowns have wide cutting segments or a solid cutting surface with a diamond (corundum) abrasive. They are used for drilling reinforced concrete using the non-impact method, which protects the load-bearing structural elements from vibrations. Diamond crowns have a fairly long service life. For example, a crown with a diameter of 200 mm with high-quality diamond segments can process up to 20 running meters concrete with an average degree of reinforcement.

Toothed crowns are commonly used when working concrete with a hammer drill in hammer mode.

Drilling holes in concrete

After turning on the perforator, the crown begins to perform circular translational movements in concrete and, as the working pressure increases, moves in the right direction. During operation, the tool gets quite hot. To protect it from overheating, a cooling system is used.

There are two drilling methods - dry and wet.. In the latter case, the tool cooler is water. It must be supplied continuously and in sufficient quantity. The required volume of water depends on the diameter of the crown and is usually indicated in the instructions. Exceeding this value makes it difficult to move the tool, and a lack of it leads to rapid wear of the cutting segments.

During dry drilling, the tool is cooled by air. Therefore, the crown must be periodically removed from the hole being processed in order to cool and check its performance. The advantage of the dry method is that drilling can be done anywhere, in structures of any shape and type. But dry drilling can only be done at shallow depths.

When drilling through holes the drilled concrete remains inside the bit and is removed with it. When a blind hole is made, the concrete remaining in the center of the drilled circle must be removed by chipping with a chisel or chisel. To speed up the drilling process, you can get the crown after it goes a little deeper into the concrete surface and make several holes of the required depth along the contour of the circle using a pobedit drill, the diameter of which should be equal to the width of the crown segments. Then continue drilling with a crown.

Drilling reinforced concrete

For drilling holes in reinforced concrete, conventional drills are not suitable, because they simply cannot withstand high loads. by the most effective way drilling reinforced concrete today is the use of diamond tools. With the help of such a tool, it is possible to obtain holes that correspond to a given diameter and depth with a jeweler's accuracy.

The essence of the technology is that a tool with diamond cutting segments allows you to make holes of different diameters and depths without any damage to the supporting elements of buildings. This is precisely the main advantage of this drilling method in comparison with, for example, carbide drills or a jackhammer. When drilling with a diamond tool, the walls do not experience vibrations, so their design is preserved in its original form.

Among the advantages of diamond drilling, it should be noted:

  • almost one hundred percent accuracy of the shapes and sizes of holes;
  • lack of a large amount of dust and noise;
  • high speed of work;
  • the ability to use the tool in hard-to-reach places and in a wide variety of conditions.

The main technological stages of drilling holes with a perforator

Workplace preparation

The workplace, first of all, should be well lit and free from unnecessary objects and strangers. It is necessary to check whether an electrical cable or pipe is hidden in a wall or other work surface.. This can be done with a special detector.

The drilling site should be inspected for old contaminants. If there are stains, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. Since the outer layer of concrete is usually looser than the inner layer, before starting drilling, it is necessary to mark and expand the point of the future hole, that is, make a recess for the drill to enter so that it does not slip off and does not go to the side.

If you plan to work outdoors, you should make sure that the extension cord used is suitable for outdoor use.

Preparing the cutting tool for work

Starting drilling, it is necessary to produce and prepare the working tool. This training includes:

  • unscrewing and cleaning the cartridge;
  • applying a special lubricant to the internal surfaces of the cartridge;
  • the cartridge prepared for work is installed and securely fixed.

Since drilling concrete is a long and difficult process, it is necessary to constantly monitor that the cutting tool does not overheat. A drill that heats up quickly or makes its way very hard is most likely simply dull or incorrectly sharpened. Before starting work, it is imperative to inspect the drill and other tools used.

Before starting drilling, the operating mode is checked. The puncher is turned on and checked at idle. It lasts no more than one minute.. During the operation of the puncher, there should be no extraneous sounds and vibration. The appearance of smoke or a burning smell will indicate that the hammer drill is not working properly.

Hole drilling

A drill or drill is placed in the location of the hole and the punch is turned on. Work begins at a low speed, and then gradually increase it.

In the process of drilling, it is necessary to avoid distortion of the cutting tool. There is no pressure on the perforator. After the hole is filled with dust and concrete particles, the drill is removed and the hole is cleaned.

  • when drilling hard coatings, lubricants and coolants should be used;
  • before using a long drill, it is first recommended to drill with a shorter nozzle;
  • in order to prevent spillage of porous and loose materials, their processing should be carried out in the drilling mode;
  • after drilling 170-180 holes, the drill shank is cleaned of dust, wiped with a dry cloth and lubricated with grease;
  • when using a professional puncher, periods of continuous work and rest are alternated (working time - 30 minutes, break - 10 minutes);
  • a break must be made with strong heating of the part of the body at the location of the gearbox;
  • it is strictly forbidden to cool the perforator by lowering it into water;
  • it is not recommended to increase the impact force of the perforator by increased pressure on the surface to be treated.

After completion of work, the puncher is turned off and cleaned with a soft cloth. If necessary, use a cloth soaked in soapy water.

Mandatory cleaning of dust and dirt are subject to the ventilation holes of the perforator

Security measures

Drilling concrete is a dusty, complex and extremely demanding job. It carries, first of all, the risk of injury. In addition, drilling walls can compromise their strength and integrity, and even during drilling, you can stumble upon communications and damage them or even get an electric shock.

When carrying out work, you should wear personal protective equipment: a respirator, goggles, earplugs, canvas gloves and special clothing. Work at a height of more than 1.5 m from the ground is work at height, so it is necessary to provide the worker with reliable support in the form of scaffolding. Drilling walls from a ladder or ladder is strictly prohibited.

The perforator must be correct. The presence of damage to the insulation of the supply cable is not allowed. During drilling, the cable must be positioned so that it cannot be damaged in any way. A considerable danger is also hidden electrical wiring and junction boxes immured in the walls. Therefore, before drilling, it is necessary to carefully check the surface for the presence of current-carrying wires using an electromagnetic radiation detector.

Concrete drilling cost

The cost of drilling depends on the type of concrete, diameter, shape and required hole depth.

Estimated cost of drilling holes with a puncher:

Hole diameter, mm Cost of 1 cm of passage, rub
in a concrete wall lightweight concrete reinforced concrete
up to 50 11 14 16
50-100 17 21 28
100-200 27 40 46
200-300 38 82 89
400 93 119 129


The main task of the hammer drill is drilling with impact and chiselling. For its implementation, the perforator has a very robust design allowing it to easily endure prolonged shock loads. This tool has a large impact force, which allows you to perform work quickly and easily.

It should be noted that the scope of rotary hammers with a horizontal and vertical engine is slightly different. Horizontal models are usually used in the home. In the professional field, they are used for intensive drilling of holes of small diameter and length. Due to their light weight, horizontal hammer drills can be used for a long time on weight, for example, during installation stretch ceilings or installing doors.

Vertical perforators are used for chasing and laying pipes. Tools of this class are quite expensive and are used exclusively for highly specialized tasks.

Practical tips for drilling concrete with rebar with a perforator are shown in the video:

The repair process in the apartment includes a lot of work related to creating holes in the walls: a tool can be used for this various designs and power. Many craftsmen and those who are going to do the repair themselves want to know how to drill concrete wall conventional drill and is it possible at all. For such work, a puncher is usually used, but it is not always suitable for this, moreover, if the tool has to be bought, then its cost is much higher than that of a drill.

Features of choosing a tool

In most cases, it is better to use a hammer drill: it has increased power, is designed for punching hard surfaces, and allows you to make large holes in diameter. The use of the tool is inappropriate in the following cases:

  • the need to drill a wall to a depth of 10-12 mm;
  • working with, which crumbles when processed with a perforator;
  • in the work it is required to make no more than 10-15 holes.

Before drilling a wall, it is important to choose the drill itself: it should not be unstressed, since this variety is ineffective when drilling concrete, the nozzle and cartridge become unusable almost immediately. The nozzles themselves must be victorious, designed for concrete work, the tip - with a hard-alloy coating.

In some cases, a good solution would be to purchase a hammer drill: the device is more expensive than the classic model, but it has increased power that can be adjusted.

What nozzles to choose?

Before drilling a hole in a concrete wall, you need to select a nozzle of the appropriate design. The following types are used for work:

  1. Tooth crowns impact type, designed for drilling. When working with concrete, it is recommended to use varieties from the teeth of a separate soldering, made from the most durable metal alloys. Many hole saws are equipped with SDS tails for installation in drills with keyless chucks. Drills are well suited for concrete walls, however, when in contact with metal, they can begin to collapse, so before drilling a reinforced concrete wall, you need to check that there are no reinforcement used for reinforcement in the place of work.
  2. Diamond crowns, which are designed for non-impact drilling of holes. Such nozzles are more modern, with their help it is easier to make a hole in a concrete wall. The edge of the crowns has an abrasive structure and special cutouts; during production, it is processed by spraying diamond grit or corundum. Before you make a hole in the wall, you just need to choose the right length of the nozzle: in everyday life, varieties with a diameter of up to 100-120 mm are used, in professional work larger crowns are used. Distinctive feature is the possibility of drilling without the risk of damaging the fixture with fittings.
  3. KS-crowns, which have a cutting edge with crystalline diamond particles. These bits are used for most hard walls, including drilling into concrete slabs, exterior walls, and masonry.

Before drilling or a partition, you need to make sure that during the work the wires or cables will not be touched, if any are laid inside.

How to drill concrete with a drill?

Typically, such work is performed in the following cases:

  • rough finishing of premises;
  • installation of built-in furniture and appliances;
  • installation of wiring and plumbing, when communications need to be concreted.

When using a pobedite nozzle in the course of work, it is required from time to time to use a metal punch, which is selected according to the size of the hole being formed. Such a tool allows the drill not to jam when the drill is deeply immersed: the punch is placed in concrete and deepened by hammer blows to make a hole in the wall, destroying the seal.

This process is quite long, the use of diamond crowns can serve as an alternative: a drill equipped with such nozzles will not get stuck in concrete.

Action algorithm:

  1. Before drilling a hole in the wall, you need to install the desired nozzle, after making sure that the tool is in good condition and the integrity of the drill.
  2. Drilling concrete is required carefully; when using low-power equipment, the duration of continuous operation of the drill should not be more than 10-12 minutes. If drilling is delayed in time, you need to take breaks so that the motor of the device cools down.
  3. After it became clear to drill a concrete wall, in addition it is worth considering that for each new hole it is required to process the nozzle. You can moisten the surface with water to facilitate the procedure and save the metal from deformation.

The whole process of work can be seen on the video:

If you encounter a stuck drill, you can not remove it by force: this leads to breakage of the fixture, as a result of which the tip will remain in the concrete. The nozzle needs to be disconnected, select a crown of reduced diameter and use it to pull out the stuck element.

Before you decide how to drill concrete walls and start work, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • if the hole diameter exceeds 12 mm and the depth is 10-11 cm, it is better to use a hammer drill or a hybrid device (hammer drill);
  • if holes are made for plastic dowels, the depth should be 7-10 mm larger than the size of the fastener, since concrete dust and small particles of stone remain inside;
  • it is recommended to start work at low speeds so that the nozzle does not move due to increased torque, and the impact mode is turned on when the drill goes 2-4 mm deep;
  • the dust that appeared during the drilling process can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to do this in the process, periodically stopping the drill and cleaning the hole from concrete particles;
  • it is imperative to observe safety precautions during work: it is required to wear gloves to eliminate the risk of slipping of the handle and goggles so that the crumb does not get into the eyes and does not damage the mucous membrane.

In most cases, a concrete wall is drilled with a hammer drill, without a drill. If, as part of the repair, no more than 15-20 holes need to be made or the wall is made of foam concrete, using a drill is optimal choice which will save time and money.

Before punching a hole, you need to make sure that there is no wiring in this place, and check whether the nozzle is suitable for such work (the duration and efficiency of work depends on which drill the drill is equipped with). When deciding how to drill a wall, you should pay attention to victorious crowns: with such a drill, using a drill, you can easily punch a hole up to 10-12 cm deep.

Almost all modern buildings are built of concrete slabs, so very often repairmen and home craftsmen are faced with the problem of drilling a concrete wall. Breaking through a wall made of this material, even with a victorious drill, is not an easy task, since its design includes reinforcement and stones.

Scheme of a laser electric drill: 1 - Vertical level, 2 - Angular level, 3 - Horizontal level, 4 - Electric drill.

To do this, you need to understand the tool used and have step by step instructions which will greatly facilitate the process of drilling holes in concrete.

Tools for the job

Concrete is an excellent building material that has increased strength and durability, but the presence of such properties causes certain difficulties in working with it. The need for fastening false ceiling or installing an outlet in a room requires drilling a concrete wall, which is fraught with certain difficulties. Before drilling a wall, you will need to decide on the size of the desired hole, and only then begin to select a tool. The depth and diameter of the hole, as well as the presence of reinforcement in the concrete wall, determines the method of drilling.

Cutting attachments

The shape of the nozzle is designed with safety standards in mind and allows for easy drilling in autoclaved concrete.

You can break through a concrete wall with special nozzles, which differ in shape, size of the working part and type of shank. Drills and drills are used to drill holes with small and medium diameters. The rod of such nozzles has a screw shape and a carbide tip. For impact drills, drill shanks are cylindrical in shape with a smooth surface. And in perforators they can be made in accordance with the SDS standard. During use, the cutting tool requires sharpening. But it should be noted that Pobedite drills do not tolerate overheating well and break very often. Therefore, such a process is always accompanied by cooling the drill with a special liquid.

To make a hole big size in concrete, crowns are used. This cutting tool is a hollow cylinder, inside which the cut material (core) moves. Its working part can be equipped with carbide cutting segments or diamond cutting edges.

For impact drilling using a hammer drill, a crown with carbide teeth is used. The working part with diamond coating is mainly used for non-impact method of drilling with coolant. This tool is quite wear-resistant, but in any case, it needs to be restored after a while. If the integrity of the case is not broken, then a hard-alloy or diamond segment is soldered onto the working surface of the crown. If you want to drill a hole of a relatively small diameter, the tool can be held in your hands. But for drilling holes large sizes professional installation is attached to the wall with anchors.

drilling tool

You can make a hole in concrete with an impact drill. But the puncher is best suited for such purposes. Such a tool will be effective when drilling holes with a diameter of about 100 mm. However, it must be taken into account that the reinforcing metal encountered in the path of the cutting tool can jam it and break the teeth. Serrated crowns are especially susceptible to this moment. Therefore, before work, it will be necessary to study the characteristics of the drilling tool and, in accordance with the properties of the material, select it. If it is not possible to work with a hammer drill, it can be replaced with an impact drill. It is, of course, less efficient and has some drilling features. But if there is a small amount of work to be done, then you can limit yourself to it.

To drill a hole in concrete of large diameter and with frequently occurring rebar, the diamond drilling method is used with a special non-percussive power tool that has a water supply to the drilling zone.

Drilling process

Drill or perforator

There are two ways to make a hole in a concrete wall: use a drill with an impact function or a hammer drill. The first is used when it is supposed to drill a hole to a shallow depth. As for the puncher, it is a more powerful tool and its drilling speed is much higher. Thus there is no need to use pressure when drilling. The methods of working with a drill and a hammer drill are similar.

Drilling a concrete wall is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to determine the location of the wiring. Not doing this condition, the master may receive an electric shock.
  2. Mark drilling locations. In this case, the master must have a comfortable and stable position. The drilling process is accompanied by a lot of dust, so when working, the eyes must be protected with special glasses.
  3. Prepare the tool and make a mark on the wall with a drill having a standard sharpening. Such a nuance will help to make the right start.
  4. Break stones with a punch. This is a drill that is not difficult to find in a construction kit and its price is much lower than for a cutting one.
  5. The master needs to monitor the temperature of the drill and cool it with water every 10 minutes.
  6. In the process of drilling, the tool may stumble upon rebar or stones. This can be understood by the characteristic whistle and ringing (fittings). In addition, drilling speed may drop significantly (stone). A punch is used to break the stone. To cut reinforcing metal, it is necessary to change the pobedite drill to a conventional one designed for cutting metal.
  7. In the process, every 1.5 cm, the drill must be pulled out of the hole a little, without turning off the tool itself. This will allow the accumulated concrete crumb to come out and gently approach the reinforcement.
  8. To reduce dust formation, you can make a funnel from a transparent plastic film, which is worn directly on a drill or puncher.

Drill a large diameter hole in the wall for an outlet, junction box, or make ventilation duct possible in several ways. The first is to make several holes of small diameter along the marked contour, after which the concrete should be knocked out with a chisel. But the work in this case will be sloppy, since the edges will not be smooth enough.

Therefore, it is better to punch a hole in concrete with a crown, which must be selected in accordance with the desired size. To extend its service life, you can first use the first method, and then go through the slotted hole with a crown.

diamond drilling

Diamond drilling has a serious advantage over other methods. High precision of execution, efficiency, low level of noise and vibrations allow this technology to be quite in demand.

The process of making holes can be carried out in different directions: in horizontal, vertical planes, as well as at an angle. The maximum drilling depth can be up to 2 meters, and the hole diameter can be up to 500 mm. In this case, the drilling speed is from 1…6 cm/min.

The technology of diamond drilling is carried out by special equipment using diamond ring bits. To do this, a diamond drilling unit, located on a special frame, is fixed to the working surface with an anchor fastening system or a vacuum plate. This installation method greatly facilitates the drilling process and improves the accuracy of the cut holes.

The operation of the installation begins with the spinning of the annular crown at high speed, while water is supplied by means of a pump to working area. The fluid is needed to cool and remove drilling products from the cutting tool. At the end of the process, the hole is smooth, with neat edges.

I would also like to note that the cost of new equipment or its rental is quite high. But at professional use With a special diamond machine, the costs are paid off by the accuracy of the work performed, high speed and silence. In addition, the absence of additional processing of the hole and exhausting cleaning of the premises are a significant plus for its use.