How did the Prophet Muhammad treat women? Prophet Muhammad's attitude towards his wives

Why, in your opinion, attacks on the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have become more frequent in recent years, for example, a cartoon scandal, the film “Innocence of Muslims”, etc.?

Everything happens by the will of the Lord of the worlds, and through what happens (whatever it may seem to us at first - good or bad), the beautiful and infinite qualities of the Creator, including His Wisdom, are manifested. Problems, difficulties, insults (even against one of the greatest personalities of history, whose example and call was followed by many billions of people) - this is what makes us start up, wake up, think, make a decision, understand our role and purpose on earth, and after - to do our best to fill the cup of our good deeds.

Most of the Muslims of the last centuries are very lazy, inert or radical. Difficulties force a prudent person to turn on his brains and see with his heart, to wake up through the gradual development of a highly intellectual and highly spiritual person (not a talker, but a person who reveals himself through socially useful deeds). Such a response to what is happening is for our own benefit, both in the earthly and in the eternal perspective. And if we bark like dogs, insulting and threatening others, then to our own detriment, both in the earthly perspective and in the eternal. Neither the Lord of the worlds, nor the Prophet, nor the Koran, nor Islam will suffer in any way from the ignorance and radical antics of Muslims or non-Muslims. Our faith and diligence in good things are needed by us, people, and not by God. Many do not understand this.

One of important aspects man's earthly life is clearly described in the Qur'an:

“We [says the Lord of the worlds] have made some of you [people] a test, a temptation for others. [And the main point is] Will you be patient? Do not get annoyed because someone in character, thinking, lifestyle is not the same as you? Will you be able to forgive and respond with good things to the bad things that come from others? Will you be able to suppress the feeling of envy in yourself regarding what the other has, but you do not have (for example, health, material wealth, honor and respect). One of the main and necessary qualities in relationships between people is patience, restraint, maintaining moral and psychological balance.] But your Lord sees everything. [That's all. Not only that you pray to Him for something with trepidation in your soul, but also that you have a “lucky” opportunity to deceive, insult or harm someone, like that, whether you use this opportunity or no]” (see Holy Quran, 25:20).

By the way, the Holy Quran clearly states that believers will hear insults addressed to them, and describes how to behave in this case:

“[And] undoubtedly, [the test for you will be that] pain that you often the people of the Scripture [that is, Christians and Jews] and the Gentiles will inflict with the word. [They don't skimp on different kind insults and accusations.] But if you patient[with restraint you will overcome what is unpleasant for you, you will be able to neutralize the negative sediment and forgive the offenses inflicted on you] and devout[when you are hurt and defiantly offended by honor, you still will not respond to evil with evil], then this is a great thing that requires stamina and determination from you. [Not everyone can be like that, but if anyone can, then this is truly reasonable and noble behavior] ”(see Holy Quran, 3:186).

Let us recall what the final messenger of God spoke about: “Truly, the main goal of my prophetic mission is to bring high morals to fullness and perfection”; “What has been brought down to me is true, real; lofty, pure, generous." The Prophet Muhammad also instructed: “Make it easy and don't make it difficult; give good news (calm, comfort; soften) and do not cause disgust.

I believe that any sane person will agree that radicalism, insults, even in response, or other forms of human ignorance cause only disgust and delight the Devil and his minions.

Interesting, but only now, in the era of global integration and the peak of interpersonal, social interaction, such a science as rhetoric came close to using the method that the prophet Muhammad spoke about fourteen centuries ago. Thus, rhetoric raises the following postulate to the pedestal of lofty thought.

“Speech can only be addressed to those people to whom you treat kindly. Ideally, the person who irritates you cannot be the object of your speech.

It is impossible to hide the block of the unconscious. Whatever we talk about with another person, whether we like it or not, we simultaneously tell him how we treat him.

The second reason why we should not speak to people whom we treat badly is actually moral in nature - if possible, we should not bring evil to people. There is already a lot of it, and in any case it will turn into retaliatory evil. In internal motivation, there must be a setting for good feelings that you can convey to the people around you.

The interlocutor should be treated as a vicar of God on Earth with a corresponding measure of love and respect.

By the way, the above is a manifestation of one of the qualities, thanks to the strict adherence to which the sermons of the prophets and God's messengers very soon spread throughout the Earth and penetrated into the depths of the consciousness and hearts of people.

What, in your opinion, should be the adequate reaction of the Muslim community to such attacks by ill-wishers? In other words, what can and should each of the Muslims do in this situation?

Must work on myself. Find yourself and become the best. Give children a good education and rise (through study, self-education and concentrated work) at least to the level of polymentary thinking. Must study languages ​​and cultures (at a minimum, be fluent in English and read at least a few books from the English and American classics).

The Lord created us to be ethnically and culturally different so that we could get to know each other and not impose on others his understanding of religion without even bothering to learn their idea of ​​the world. Why did Islam develop so rapidly in the first centuries after the death of God's messenger? Yes, because the companions did not impose Arab culture on other peoples, but by studying the cultures of other peoples, they conveyed Muslim values ​​to them in a language that they understood (mentally and culturally).

The Prophet Muhammad always responded to bad with good (which there is a lot of evidence in the Sunnah), following the Divine instruction:

“Good and bad are not the same. [This different things. Evil cannot be justified. But if someone showed it to you, give yourself the opportunity to grow and develop, tune in properly internally, subdue your emotions and] respond [to bad] with good (best) [from the good that you have; answer with that which does not carry bitterness, callousness, rudeness, cruelty]. You will see how your [sworn, irreconcilable] enemy [who could not stand you, suddenly after some time] turns into a close and sincere (bosom) friend [worried about you] ”(Holy Quran, 41:34).

That is why it is very important for us, who consider ourselves among his followers, to lay in the brain the appropriate neural pathways of a new view of what is happening, which will help us to abandon old bad street or ethnic mental habits and hear God's edification, hear and listen.

By the way, it was the practice of this verse that contributed to the fact that in the first centuries after the death of the Prophet, representatives of various cultures and civilizations heeded the call of the final messenger of God to believe.

What can be done against the publication of comics about the prophet in France?

Sue. To publish a book about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on an excellent literary French understandable and accessible to the modern French. This will require considerable effort, but the result should be such an information product that will reveal the greatness of the final messenger of God in all its glory and will not leave indifferent any of the readers.

Interview with Muslim Magazine. March 2013.

Radicalism is not a form of manifestation of piety and religiosity, but obvious ignorance, illiteracy, bad manners. The media that equates the madness of individual groups and the religious values ​​of billions of representatives, for example, Islam, are deeply mistaken and engage in obvious information terrorism. Of course, you can try to understand media workers, because they are ordinary people, limited in their analysis of the world by their own stereotypes and conclusions, just like those who have chosen the path of violence for themselves "in the name of something sacred." A broader and more comprehensive view of what is happening is needed, a rise at least to the level of polymentary thinking, when a person sees in what is happening not two sides, but many sides; when it is not limited by its own interpretation of reality, but is able to accommodate more than one reality at the same time. Life is not only black and white. Unfortunately, for people who have chosen the path of accusations, insults, crimes (in whatever form) and violence, it is very difficult to understand this.

Read more about the four levels of thinking in my book How to See Paradise?.

“Couldn’t they travel [study the history of past centuries and millennia, and then visit the surviving monuments, the capitals of states and civilizations that once prospered and crushed any enemy], while having understanding hearts and hearing ears?! It is not people's eyes that go blind, but the hearts that are in their chests [they do not heed the lessons of the past in the present, do not try to understand them. Their whole life is a run from nowhere to nowhere along the narrow path of stereotypes and personal interpretations, subjective conclusions]” (Holy Quran, 22:46).

“If you [people] do something good, then you do it for yourself [for your own worldly and eternal good], and if you do something bad, evil [corrupt, sow discord; dare to encroach on the honor, life or property of others], then - against themselves. [It only seems to you that you are harming others, but in fact you yourself will suffer, not from human, but from God's justice] ”(see Holy Quran, 17: 7).

“And compete [before the Almighty] in doing good deeds! [Compete in the quality and quantity of good deeds and deeds. Change, decorate this worldly abode. Understand for yourself that you will no longer return to Earth, so do not miss this one chance called "life". In your creation, do not be afraid to look in the eyes of others as non-standard, funny, too bright personalities. It is important to be, not to seem.] Wherever you are, the Supreme Creator will gather you all to the last [regardless of whether you died on land or at sea, in the first century or in the twenty-first; Regardless of anything, the Lord will put everything in its place]. There are no limits to His power [He is subject to whatever He wants]” (see the Holy Quran, 2:148).

“If Allah (God, Lord) had willed, he would have made you a single nation [you could be completely identical to each other. There would be no historical stages of development, there would be no different prophets and messengers, and as a result, different Scriptures and practical advice. There would be no division into nationalities and religions]. However, [He, the Supreme Creator, made you different] in order to experience in what is given to you. Hurry to do good deeds! All of you [regardless of positions, nationalities, citizenship, religion, beliefs] will return to Allah (God) [Lord of the Worlds, Ruler of doomsday], and He will explain to you what you disagreed about [resolve all your disputes and disagreements, reward you in full for your deeds] ”(see Holy Quran, 5:48).

“Then [at the completion of your mission, Muhammad] We [says the Lord of the Worlds] left (we will leave) the Book [the Holy Quran] as an inheritance to those whom We have chosen (whom we have preferred) from among the people. Among them are also (1) those who oppress themselves [by keeping the Scripture on the shelf, not bothering to read it and study it, not to mention analysis, drawing parallels with everyday reality or the practice of high Qur'anic meanings, not to mention constancy before God, patience, gratitude and commitment. But at the same time, this category of people carefully treats the final Scripture, sacredly keeps it as given by God, and therefore they will inherit it]. [Among them] are those (2) who are something in between [devote time to the theory and practice of the meanings of the Holy Quran, but are inconsistent in this], and [finally] those (3) who are in a hurry (ahead, overtake, take the lead; precedes) in doing good deeds, with the permission of the Lord. [Koranic diamonds of meanings and pearls of the prophetic heritage, morality, piety and zeal for good - accompanying them and inspiring them throughout their lives, becoming an integral part of their personality as a result of reading the Word of God, memorizing individual chapters and reflecting on the meanings of Holy Scripture]. This is a great mercy [that is, the result of the manifestation of the greatest Divine mercy to them, because the desire to conform to what a believer should be, according to the final Scripture, will protect them from many earthly and eternal problems and contribute to the rise to the appropriate levels of earthly and eternal grace, with blessing then the All-Merciful Creator]” (Holy Quran, 35:32).

See: Al-Khamsy M. Tafsir wa bayan. S. 74.

Three hadiths with this meaning from Abu Hurairah; St. X. al-Bukhari (at-tarikh), al-Bukhari (al-adab al-mufrad), al-Hakim, al-Baykhaki, and others. S. 155, Hadith No. 2583, Sahih, No. 2584, Sahih, No. 2585, Hassan.

See, for example: Zaglul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi ash-sharif. T. 4. S. 265; Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Musnad. 2002. S. 1632, part 5/266, hadith No. 22647 (22291).

It is this verb that is used in the narrations of al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim and al-Nasai. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 4. S. 1930, hadith No. 6125; An-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 721, Hadith No. 8–(1734); al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 590, Hadith No. 10010, Sahih.

“Man is created weak. [It is difficult for him to resist the satanic calls to sin, to resist the temptations and passions of his soul, but there are many other human qualities that contribute to perfection. In order to revive them, awaken them and revive them, purposeful constant efforts and self-discipline are required from a person]” (see Holy Quran, 4:28).

Hadith from Mu'az ibn Jabal; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibn Maja and others. See, for example: Al-Benna A. (known as al-Sa‘ati). Al-fath ar-rabbani li tartib musnad al-imam ahmad ibn hanbal ash-shaybani. T. 10. Ch. 19. S. 258, hadith No. 7; al-Baga M. Mukhtasar sunan at-tirmizi. S. 386, hadith no. 2619, "hasan sahih"; al-Munziri Z. At-targhib wa at-tarhib min al-hadith ash-sharif. T. 3. S. 528, Hadith No. 23, Hasan Sahih.

The pronoun "We" indicates the greatness of the Creator, and not His plurality.

For more details, see, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. In 17 vols. T. 4. S. 341–347.

Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. al-Bukhari and others. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 4. S. 2032, hadiths No. 6475, 6476; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 14. S. 373, Hadiths No. 6475, 6476.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibn Habbana and others. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-Jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 464, hadith no. 7584, "sahih"; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 580, Hadith No. 1982, "Hasan"; Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 2. S. 397, Hadith No. 1736, "Hasan".

Zaretskaya E. N. Rhetoric. Theory and practice of speech communication. Moscow: Delo, 2002, pp. 11–15.

"O believers! You are responsible for your souls [take care of yourself, work on yourself, for you are responsible for yourself and for what is entrusted to you (responsibility to family, society, God)]. If you walk the straight path, then you will not be harmed by the one who descended from it. All of you, from the first to the last, will return to God, and He will declare to you what you have been doing. [Teach yourself to notice only your own flaws, to work on them, because this process can be quite creative and entertaining, and besides, it will give you the opportunity to reveal many positive, strong qualities in yourself. In this case, you will not have time to notice the mistakes and shortcomings of others] ”(Holy Quran, 5:105).

“He [the Lord of the worlds] created death and life in order to test you, who will be the best in deeds (in work, labor; occupations, deeds) [materializing thoughts, reflections and words into specific thoughtful and promising deeds, deeds, having this highly qualified and approaching everything responsibly]. He [the Lord of the worlds] is Almighty and Forgiving” (Holy Quran, 67:2).

« Polymentary Thinkers- people with a high tolerance - and even a preference - for uncertainty and complexity. They believe that every problem has more than one correct solution. They think, react and express their ideas with respect for the rights of other participants in the discussion. Polymentary people intuitively and consciously understand that everyone has their own truth and truth. They are able to recognize the validity of other points of view, even if it contradicts their opinions. It is more important for them to learn and develop than to be “right”. They respect reasoning, evidence, honesty and fair play and try to avoid the temptation to use their intelligence to influence other people in a dishonest way. Polymental people see themselves as unfinished creations and therefore see their opinions as unfinished creations as well - miniature building projects that take shape and evolve as their learning and understanding develops. They separate their opinion from their ego and realize that opinions are just an impersonal collection of ideas that organize what they know at the moment. Polymentary people know how to convince others by promoting their ideas in non-aggressive ways, and they don't count confrontation. effective way change a person's mind. See: Albrecht K. Practical intelligence. The science of common sense. M.: Business Psychologists, 2011. P. 125.

Read more about the four levels of thinking in my article Don't You Understand?

How did the Prophet treat his wives?

Let's ask each other about the conversion of the Prophet by our wives.

What was the condition of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with his wives? How did he balance them?

Indeed, he - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - managed to bring happiness to each of his wives. Because he knew how to treat a woman. And could delve into the depths of her tender heart. And talked to her with warm feeling and helped her to do what brings her, crawl in her religion and life in this world.

What can be said about his noble wives, believing our mothers?

If we look, the books of Syria and other books that tell about the wives of the Prophet describe them by the common property that they were in him: they strictly observed fasts and performed prayers and worship of Allah at night. They, therefore, enjoyed being very close to Allah and His many times of night.

And for this they were able to carry out a great honor for themselves.

And for this they deserved that there were mothers of all Muslims, and that there were, the wife of the Prophet Mustafa in this and the other world. Indeed, they were able to correct what was between them and Allah, and Allah Almighty improved their worldly affairs.

What about us, are we brothers?

I know that many who read this message of mine are married, and even those who are not married will look at the married life of their parents or friends……

Why has marital happiness become a rarity these days?

Is it a vice and vice in our time?

No ... on the contrary, the lack and vice is in us - men and women - and not in our time. We spoiled this happiness ourselves by following cultural materialism and forgot our religion and Islamic culture. We moved away from the teachings of our Prophets beloved Friend - may Allah bless him and welcome.

Moved away from the love of Allah. They committed sins and crimes publicly and openly.

When they committed sins, they hid from people, but did not blink their eyes and hearts for a moment, thinking about the look of Allah on us.

So, what should we do if we want love to return anew to our marriage - married life?

There is only one way to achieve this.

And this is the way of Allah and His Messenger - May Allah bless and greet him.

Then each spouse can enjoy and rejoice in their spouse, and they will be able to feel the meaning of family happiness created by Allah.

However, we, by our ignorance, deviated from it and left it.

And for this, these thoughts came to me to write them in the series: “In the House of the Prophet”, and I want to give this one to all spouses who have removed the distance between them and want to return their love again.

I hope you will follow these series……

May Allah thank you.

Oh my God, bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions and greet him with many greetings.

Remember: when the first revelation came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), to whom did he go for advice? He did not go to his uncle or friends, he went straight to Khadijah, to his wife, the mother of the faithful (may Allah be pleased with her). It was also pleasing to Allah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) spent the last day of his life in the room of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). Thus, the beginning and end of the prophecy of the Beloved of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) passed with a woman.

There is no doubt that Allah Almighty has assigned a woman a huge role in this world. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gave her her due place and endowed her with great rights.

The attitude of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) towards women

It is known that women and men often came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and asked him questions. So, once a group of women came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and they began to ask him many questions, and quite loudly. At that time, Umar Ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) came. Asking permission from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) to enter, he entered. When the women heard the voice of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), they immediately hid and fell silent. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) laughed at this. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) asked him: “Why are you laughing, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Because of these women. They spoke so loudly and asked me so many questions, and when you came they hid and were silent.”

Then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) got angry and said: You are your own enemies, you fear me more than the Messenger of Allah! » Some women asked permission from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) to answer Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) approved. One of the women said: Yes, because you are rough and harsh, but the Messenger of Allah is merciful and gentle ". The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) smiled.

This incident from the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) testifies that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) received women and answered their questions when they came individually or collectively.

The attitude of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to the talents of a woman and her education

During the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the most famous surgeon was a woman named Ummu Atiyya (may Allah be pleased with her). She is a well-known supporter. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took her with him on campaigns to help the wounded and sick.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) paid great attention to the talents of women, especially when it came to education. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered the companion of ash-Shifa (may Allah be pleased with her) to teach his wife Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her). In addition, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) paid attention to the training of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). So, Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) transmitted more than two thousand hadiths. Mrs. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was well versed in matters of Islamic law. People turned to her on matters of religion. Naturally, all this is due to the instructions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who paid special attention to his wives.

Once, when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was surrounded by his companions, a woman came, known for her evil and sharp tongue. At that moment, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions were taking food. She asked for food. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to treat her, but she replied that she wanted what was in the mouth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). He gave it to her, after which she became the most faithful woman of Medina.

The attitude of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) towards the demands of women

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave women the opportunity to pray in mosques, including the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He said: "Do not forbid the slave girls of Allah to visit mosques." When women began to visit the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), there were so many of them that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered to make a separate door for women, which has survived to this day. This door is called “the door for women”. In the mosque, women gathered after prayer, listened to his sermons and studied.

A companion named Ummu Waraqa (may Allah be pleased with her) was already an elderly woman, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) often visited her. She was also called Shahid. Once she asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) to perform a collective prayer in her house. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) appointed a muezzin to call for prayer, so that women would come to her house and perform a collective prayer.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) attached great importance to the requests of women.

Helping women in difficult times

A woman is by nature soft, merciful, compassionate. This is what makes her different from a man.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made it possible for women to actively help men in difficult times. When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) in Medina was preparing the ranks of Muslims for the march to Tabuk, after the holiday prayer, after reading a sermon to the companions, he turned to women and read a sermon on the importance of charity. After the sermon, the women gave away their jewels and ornaments. Thanks to this support of women, a lot of money has accumulated. These days, in charitable causes, women also respond first, and this is very commendable.

In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), women took Active participation in many important political and public affairs. Women also swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and on this occasion, the Almighty sent down some verses from the Koran.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made it easier for a woman to go to paradise, for this the Almighty created certain conditions. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If a woman performed her five times prayer, kept her fast (in the month of Ramadan), kept her chastity and obeyed her husband, she will be told:“ Enter heaven through which gate you desire! ”»

The concern for women on the part of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) was constant. Even at the moment of death, His last testament was this: I bequeath you to treat women well ". Such care of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) for women increases our love for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and also encourages men to treat women well. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is a real example of how to take care of women.

The example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in dealing with women is just one of the many aspects of relationships between people. We must follow the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), as well as the words of the Almighty: “Say (O Muhammad):“ If you love Allah then follow me and then Allah will love you ”” (Sura “Alu Imran”, verse 31).

Transcript of the sermon Muhammad as-Saqaf

About mercy towards animals

8.1. The Prophet Muhammad taught to show mercy not only to people, but also to animals. One day he told an instructive story about a virtuous man and a dog.

The traveler walked for a long time through the hot desert, suffering from unbearable thirst. And finally, he saw a well. But in order to get to the water, he had to go down to the very bottom of the well. Having drunk to his heart's content, he climbed out with the greatest difficulty and, refreshed, wanted to continue the long journey, but suddenly he saw a dog dragged in front of him from nowhere. The dog, languishing from thirst, collapsed on the hot sand and, out of hopelessness, began to swallow the dust. Seeing this, the traveler thought:

The dog is thirsty just like I was.

Therefore, he again descended into a deep well, drew water in the floor of his clothes and, holding the cloth in his teeth so as not to spill the precious moisture, rose to the surface and watered the dog.

For this, Allah thanked him and forgave him all his sins, - the prophet concluded his story.

His listeners asked:

Messenger of Allah, will we be rewarded for treating animals kindly?

The reward of Allah is given for helping any living creature, - confirmed the prophet.

8.2. The Prophet Muhammad told of a woman who became angry with her cat and kept it locked up until it starved to death. Shortly thereafter, the owner of the cat also died. And then Allah reminded her of her cruelty:

You locked her up and didn't feed her, didn't even give her water. You did not release her and did not allow her to eat at least the plants that the earth gives birth to.

For this, the evil woman fell into the Fire.

8.3. One day the Messenger of Allah passed by the courtyard, where there was a noise and the plaintive cries of an animal were heard, and the smell of singed meat and wool was heard. The owner had just purchased it and decided to brand it in the most prominent place, that is, the muzzle. The animal screamed in pain, and smoke still rose from its scorched nostrils. The prophet's heart sank at the sight of this scene, and he cried out:

May Allah Almighty curse the one who does such things. Allah forbids putting marks on the face and hitting it, and this applies not only to people, but also to animals.

The prophet himself did not brand his animals with iron, but marked them with pitch.

8.4. One day a man came to the Prophet Muhammad and said:

O Messenger of Allah, I was about to slaughter a sheep, but I could not do it.

Why? the prophet asked him.

I felt sorry for her,” he admitted.

The Prophet was pleased with his answer and said twice:

Because you showed mercy to the sheep, Allah will show mercy to you. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will show mercy to anyone who shows mercy, even to an animal destined for the slaughter.

8.5. One day, the Prophet Muhammad saw a boy find a bird's nest and take eggs from it. The bird, driven from the nest, bravely rushed to protect its future chicks. She circled over the boy's head and flapped her wings, hoping that he would be frightened and return the eggs to their place.

Then the Messenger of Allah, touched by the grief of the little bird and its courage, ordered the boy to put the eggs in their place.

Give them back out of mercy for this bird,” he said.

8.6. Once the Messenger of Allah and his wife Aisha were riding on camels. Suddenly, the camel on which Aisha was sitting began to stubbornly, not obeying the mistress, and then completely stopped. Aisha got angry and hit the animal with a whip.

The Prophet noticed this and said:

Stop it! The animal requires gentle handling. Indeed, if a person shows gentleness, it serves as an adornment for him, and if he is rude, then this only shames him.

8.7. The Messenger of Allah forbade torturing animals and cutting off pieces of meat from them until they died. To reason with the impatient, he said:

Any piece cut from a living animal is carrion and unfit for food.

8.8. Teaching his followers the humane treatment of animals, vice Muhammad said:

Do not punish what is created by Allah!

8.9. The Messenger of Allah cursed people when, for fun, they turned living beings into targets for archery.

That which has a spirit cannot be a target! he said.

8.10. The Messenger of Allah forbade the killing of livestock and other domestic animals, including birds, by throwing stones at them, driving them somewhere, tying or holding them in some place. An animal doomed to death should not be tortured.

Animal Kindness Award

8.11. Prophet Muhammad was once asked:

O Messenger of Allah! Is it really possible to get an award for kindness to animals?

Almighty Allah will certainly reward you for your kind attitude towards all living things, he replied.

About fleas

8.12. Once, when the Muslims were sitting with the Prophet Muhammad, one of them was attacked by fleas, and he, unable to stand it, loudly cursed these annoying insects.

Do not curse them, the prophet asked him. - Once a flea woke me up in time so that I could say a prayer.

About camels

8.13. It is easy to imagine how highly valued riding animals - camels and horses - were in the Arab world during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. So one day the Messenger of Allah said:

One who spends money on the maintenance of horses and uses them for righteous purposes is like a person who constantly gives sadaqah.

8.14. One day, a Muslim walked past the Prophet Muhammad, leading a camel. The camel looked very strange: his hair was rolled up into lumps, his eyes were completely dull, he stumbled almost at every step, moving his legs with difficulty, but the most terrible thing was that the stomach of the unfortunate animal was so tightened from hunger that it literally stuck to ridge.

The Messenger of Allah called the owner of the camel to him and severely reprimanded him for his cruel treatment of the poor animal, and at the very next sermon he said:

Fear Allah in regard to the treatment of these dumb animals! You ride them and carry loads on them if they are healthy, you share their meat and use their wool if they are healthy.

8.15. Once the Prophet Mohammed went into a grove that belonged to one of the Ansar, and suddenly saw there a hobbled skinny camel. The camel also saw the prophet, stretched his head towards him and cried plaintively. The Messenger of Allah came up to calm the agitated animal, and saw that there were tears in the eyes of the camel. The Prophet affectionately stroked his fallen hump and head and went to look for his master.

Whose camel is this? he asked everyone he met.

Finally, a young man from among the Ansar came up to him and said:

He is mine, O Messenger of Allah!

The Prophet looked reproachfully at the young Muslim and exclaimed:

Surely, owning this camel, are you not afraid of the wrath of Almighty Allah, who gave it to your power? Indeed, your camel has complained to me that you are starving him and torturing him with overwork!

Since then, the life of the unfortunate camel has changed fabulously, because the ashamed young owner began to take care of him, as expected.

8.16. The Messenger of Allah understood that any long journey, especially in the desert, is difficult not only for people, but also for camels. Therefore, instructing those who were to embark on a long journey, he said:

If your path lies where grass grows, stop and let the camels graze, and do not rush them. If your path will run through barren land, speed up there and try to get to the place as quickly as possible until your camels are completely exhausted.

8.17. The Prophet Muhammad had a beloved camel Adba, so frisky that no one could overtake her. But one day a Bedouin arrived on a camel that ran faster than Adba. The Muslims, who saw that their beloved prophet was not riding the fastest animal, were very upset and were comforted only when the Messenger of Allah said:

Indeed, whatever exalts itself in this world, Allah will certainly bring it down.

About sheep

8.18. The Prophet Muhammad highly valued the settled way of life. He said more than once that pride and arrogance are rooted in people who own camels and horses, that is, in representatives of nomadic tribes, the Bedouins. He associated calmness with peoples leading a settled way of life and raising sheep.

One sheep in the house - grace, two sheep - double grace, - he spoke of sheep, unpretentious animals that gave wool, milk, and meat, - and even more sheep - all the more grace.

About cats and dogs

8.19. The Prophet Mohammed forbade the trade in cats and dogs, with the exception of hunting dogs.

About animals pledged

8.20. The Messenger of Allah was asked what rights a Muslim has in relation to an animal pledged to him.

If a camel is received as a pledge, then a Muslim can ride it as long as he maintains it. If a milk-giving cattle is received as a pledge, then a Muslim may drink its milk as long as he maintains it. But the one who rides and drinks milk is obliged to support the animals.

About the cry of animals

8.21. Prophet Mohammed was once asked why animals sometimes scream for no reason.

The Prophet replied that roosters crow because they see angels, therefore, when you hear a rooster crow, you need to ask Allah for some kind of mercy. And if a donkey suddenly roars or a dog barks, then one should immediately ask Allah for protection, because these animals warn of the approach of Satan.

Verily, - said the Messenger of Allah, - Almighty Allah has animals, which he puts on guard. They see what you don't see.

About the similarity of people and animals

8.22. Once the Prophet of Allah was told about how a guest came to a house. The owners had a dog that had recently whelped, and her offspring were running around the yard.

Seeing that approaching the house stranger, the dog began to bark, warning the owners about the appearance of a stranger. The owners went out into the yard and said to her:

Don't bark, this is our guest.

The dog obeyed and fell silent. But her puppies continued to bark at the guest.

After hearing this story, the Messenger of Allah remarked:

It is like a society of people in which the foolish prevail over the clever.

8.23. Seeing a grown man chasing a dove, the prophet said with deep contempt:

Satan is chasing the devil.

About mice

8.24. Once the Prophet Muhammad woke up in the middle of the night from a faint noise and, looking closer, saw that a mouse had crept into the room. One of the slaves also noticed the mouse and decided to drive it away, but the prophet stopped her, saying:

Leave her alone!

The mouse, meanwhile, pulled off the wick and threw it on the carpet. And the wick immediately burned a round hole in it. Seeing this, the Messenger of Allah said:

Before going to bed, you need to put out the fire. Don't let Satan set fire to your house.

And the evil mouse, which could kill everyone who was in the house, was cursed by the prophet, after which he allowed to kill mice.

In Islam, the relationship between husband and wife is a strong bond that is fueled by kindness, love and mercy. Allah says about it in the Quran:

“Among His signs is that He made wives out of yourselves for you, so that you find comfort in them, and established love and mercy among you. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think” (30:21).

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is an example for Muslims in every area of ​​life. When you read about the attitude of the prophet (peace be upon him) towards his wives, you are amazed at the level of care, gentleness, love and compassion that he (peace be upon him) showed towards them. The following collection of hadith is a reflection best behavior in relation to wives:

She deserves better treatment.

“The most complete faith is the one of you whose character is the best, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife well.”

  1. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"The best of you is the one who is best for his wife, and I am the best of you in regard to my wives."

  1. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Let no believing man hate a believing wife, because if you don’t like any of her behavior, then be content with her other (good) qualities.”

  1. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Worldly goods are temporary pleasures, the best of which is a righteous wife."

Express your love

  1. Anas reported that he once asked the prophet (peace be upon him): “Who is the most beloved to you, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: "Aisha". “And which of the men is the Messenger of Allah?” He replied: "Her father, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him."
  2. Aisha said: “I have not been jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as I have been for Khadija, although I have never seen her. Sometimes he sacrificed a sheep, butchered it into pieces and sent it to Khadija's girlfriends.

The Prophet said that her love was given to him by Allah.

Love is in action

  1. Aisha reported that when she drank from a vessel, he took that vessel, put his lips where she touched it, and drank from it.
  2. According to Anas, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had a Persian neighbor who cooked the broth well. Once he prepared it for the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), and then he came to invite him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked: “Are you inviting her?”, referring to Aisha. He said, "No." The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Then I will answer no.” Then he came again to invite him, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) asked: “And her?” The third time he said: “Yes,” and then both of them got up and walked one after the other until they reached the neighbor’s house.
  3. Al-Aswad narrated that he asked Aisha what did the Messenger of Allah do at home? She replied: “He helped the household, and when the time for prayer came, he performed ablution and went out to prayer.”

Joint fun

  1. Aisha said that returning from a campaign, she and the Prophet (peace be upon him) lagged behind the rest. And they ran a race to overtake them. Aisha ran first.

A few years later, when Aisha again went on a campaign with the Messenger, a similar situation arose, and he again wanted to compete with her. By that time, she had already matured, recovered, and he overtook her. Then he laughed and said: “This is for you for the time you beat me to it.”

  1. Aisha also said: “It was a holiday and the Ethiopians were playing with shields and spears, I asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) to look, and he put me behind him, so that my cheek touched his cheek, and said: “Go on, sons of Arfad!” . And when I got bored with it, he said, "Enough?" I answered yes, and then he said: “Well then, go!”

Love that transcends time

  1. Sometimes gifts were brought to the Prophet, he said: "Take these gifts to the house of such and such a woman, a friend of Khadija."
  2. Aisha says: “The Messenger of Allah always remembered Khadija, and so often that one day I could not stand it and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Khadija was just an old woman. Allah has given you a better wife than her." The Prophet became angry and said, “By Allah! Khadija was the best. She believed while others were in disbelief. She supported me when others rejected me, she placed her property at my disposal when no one else did. And Almighty Allah continued my family through her…!”