The event after which the day of judgment will come. When will Judgment Day come? When will judgment day

It will come next year, 2019, Dialog.UA reports.

Even representatives of the ancient tribes spoke about the end of the world, the most ancient ones refer to the prophecies of the tribe. Archaeologists even discovered a stone slab with a calendar carved on it, where the Mayans put the last date, which fell on 2012. However, later experts proved that this year was not the end of the world, but the rebirth of the tribe.

By the way, some of their predictions have already come true, for example, such as the war in Iraq and the Second World War and major earthquakes.

But the end of the world, according to the Indians, should happen only after 15 years, in 2035. Before that, terrible diseases and cataclysms will rage on Earth.

In turn, the preacher from America, Paul Begley, is more accurate, he believes that the date of the Day of Judgment is January 22.

The preacher bases his assumption on Scripture, where there is a reference to the "blood moon". And astrologers and astronomers do foretell the rise of such a moon. People call it the eclipse of January 21-22, 2019.

By the way, the "blood moon" is associated with it was supposed to collide with the Earth in December of this year.

But astronomers then hastened to refute the December end of the world, emphasizing that if Nibiru is not visible in orbit, then it will not appear.

Previously, scientists said that during the end of the world people will die.

Recall, the experts explained why mankind apocalypse.

In the Abrahamic religions, great importance is attached to the appearance of the Day of Judgment. There is a lot of discussion and writing about it, but what is it? Let's figure it out.

What is doomsday

No religion speaks of the end of the world, this means the acquisition of a new life. For this reason, it is customary to understand the end of days as the end of earthly existence.

Origin of expression

The expression comes from many religious teachings, it is found in different languages.

Among them:

  • Greek ή ήμέρα τής κρίδεως, "last judgment";
  • cf. English Doomsday, "judgment day";
  • lat. iudicium universale, "universal court";
  • German das jüngste Gericht, "last judgment".

In Egyptian mythology, the rite of weighing on the scales of the good and evil deeds of each person at the afterlife court in the face of Osiris is known. In the Old Testament traditions, the idea of ​​the final and complete triumph of Yahweh was developed. With the spread of belief in the resurrection of the dead, the "day of Yahweh" is understood as the "Last Judgment".

The meaning of the concept

In monotheistic religions, this is the last judgment seat, which will determine the fate of the righteous and sinners. The idea of ​​the Last Judgment is at the heart of eschatological teachings. For example, in Judaism the manifestation of the last judgment is the resurrection of the dead in the flesh. Many Jewish prophets spoke about the resurrection, such as Daniel (Daniel), Ezekiel (Yechezkel) and others. In Islamic eschatology (arab. يوم القيامة ‎ - day of standing) means retribution for all one's deeds. In Christianity, the meaning of phraseology is expressed in the purification of the Earth by the Almighty.

Reference in the Bible

The scriptures speak of the end of the world as a judgmental event, when sinners will fall into the halls of hell, and pure souls will move to a new life. The signs of the apocalypse of the apostles are also described, which predict an impending judgment on the changed morals of people.

For example, in Peter end times are described as:

  • people's refusal to accept "common sense";
  • "hearing aversion" from true teachings;
  • people become arrogant, proud and proud;
  • children stop obeying their parents;
  • there are many slanderers, ungrateful and flatterers.

Understanding the Apocalypse

The Testament contains information about the harbingers of the Last Judgment: the very first angel, the Light Bearer, opposed himself to God, and then the Almighty brought him out of his environment. The end of the world is associated with the end of the Light Bearer.

In the Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew says that the Ecumenical Judgment will mark the coming of Christ, revealed to all people. Before this event, humanity expects many troubles. The most important feature of the last days will be the preaching of the gospel to all nations. False prophets and false Christs will try to drag people along, and only faithfulness to God will help the elect to survive these terrible times.

The last day of the world is approaching unexpectedly. It is impossible to prepare for it in advance, so Jesus commands the disciples to always stay awake and ready for judgment. The indicators by which the fate of people will be considered are described in the conversation about the Last Judgment:

"... what you have done to people, you have done to Me."

Goodness done to people and mercy to one's neighbor are the main criteria.

This video gives an interpretation of the 24th chapter of Matthew, dedicated to the description of the "last days".

In the revelation of John the Evangelist

"Revelation" (Apocalypse) is considered the most famous ancient prophecy about the day of Judgment. The disasters described in it are symbolic in nature and warn of what is about to happen on Earth.

The Apocalypse states that after the seven trumpets of angels, the following natural disasters begin:

  • the death of a third of vegetation and marine life;
  • poisoning of terrestrial reservoirs;
  • falling to the ground of a flaming mountain, fire, hail and a luminous star;
  • defeat of the third part of the Sun;
  • eclipse of the stars.

Probably, people will face hitherto unseen cataclysms. Some interpreters see these descriptions as indications of various environmental disasters. For example, the atmosphere is so heavily polluted that sunlight can hardly penetrate it.

After death and famine, an angel will come into the world and crown the day of wrath. This event will be marked by a great earthquake, solar eclipses and a bloodied moon. After that, silence will come, lasting a short time, and only then will the real apocalypse come.

In the revelation of John the Theologian, the signs of the Ecumenical Judgment are distinguished into the following steps:

  1. The grass and trees will burn first.
  2. Volcanic eruptions will follow.
  3. Then a “big star” will fall into the ocean and poison the water.
  4. After these events, there will be many eclipses.
  5. Locusts will come out of the center of the Earth and begin to torment the unbelievers for five days.
  6. At the end of these torments, the Kingdom of the Lord will open before those who remained on Earth.

When Judgment Day Comes

Speaking about scenarios of the last day and signs of its approach, there are two approaches to this problem: scientific and religious.

Scripture Prophecies

There is no exact date in the biblical prophecy about the Ecumenical Judgment, and there is no statement in it that the “last day” will come. In the Bible it means "the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." This day is called Judgment Day. It is mentioned in the book of Revelation, in the Gospel of Matthew, in the letters to the Thessalonians and other books.

More than two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born on Earth. He came into this world to save all people. Because of this love for the human race, the Savior died, accepting all their sins so that they could be forgiven. The second time Jesus will come in great glory and power to judge the people. The Savior will condemn those who rejected him and save those who sincerely believed in him from torment.

There are a number of signs by which you can learn about the day of the Last Judgment. One of the key moments in the Bible is the arrival of the Antichrist, with whom there will be an uprising against the Almighty. It is during the reign of the servant of Satan that the second coming of Jesus will come. He will destroy the Antichrist and condemn all who follow him.

In Orthodoxy, not much is told about the end of the world in biblical prophecy. The information in different scriptures is very similar in meaning: they describe the forerunners of the Ecumenical Judgment, the coming of Jesus and the Antichrist. It is necessary to sincerely believe in the Savior and repent of your sins so as not to be condemned at the Last Judgment.

Predictions of other religions

Buddhist records contain information about significant changes in the planet: the Higher forces that created the Earth will destroy it. All people will three times face trials that will become a real threat to the survival of the human race. These periods are called kalpas.

Each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Creation. At this time, a person is trying to understand nature and learn the laws of its development.
  2. The rise of humanity. This is a period of great discoveries, amazing things will happen in it.
  3. Decay. The lower worlds disintegrate, the world collapses, and then unfolds again without all living things. At this time, only higher worlds and Gods.

Before the end of days, the earth will burn with fire. The flame will arise due to the appearance of seven suns in the sky. They will become the cause of the destruction of all life: the continents will be burned, and the waters will be drained. After the departure of the seven suns, a strong wind will come that will destroy all the creations of people. Then the rains will begin, they will turn the planet into a large reservoir, and new life.

Islam also does not give an exact answer: Allah has chosen the date of the great day in advance, but none of the mortals can recognize it.

This is the main meaning of the coming judgment. Every person should be ready to stand before the face of Allah in order to answer for their deeds.

The first signs of the approaching doomsday:

  • rejection of traditions;
  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • appalling number of murders;
  • the disappearance of justice;
  • frequent deception when weighing products on a scale;
  • the spread of skyscrapers around the world;
  • being in power of evil people.

When the Day of Judgment will be known only to Almighty Allah, but the Koran and Hadith are written about the omens and signs preceding this event.

Signs that the last judgment is already very close:

  • Mahdi will arrive on earth;
  • Antichrist will arrive in the world of the living;
  • an unprecedented animal of large size will appear;
  • the sun will rise in the west;
  • dense smoke will envelop the planet for forty days.

scientific point of view

Scientists agree that life on the planet is not eternal. One day the expanding Sun will destroy the Earth, but this will happen only after billions of years. Often the cause of the destruction of life on the planet is indicated by the fall of an asteroid.

One such asteroid (Apophis) will pass dangerously close to Earth in 2029. It will be captured by the planet's gravity with a probability of 1:45,000, in which case it will fall in 2036. The complete destruction of the human race will not happen, a territory comparable in size to a European country will be erased, so " end of days "It can't be counted.

Many scientists see a harbinger of the end of days in the activation of the supervolcano, which is located in the United States, in Yellowstone National Park. The awakening is indicated by the appearance of new geysers around it and tremors. At volcanic eruption, part of the United States will be turned into a desert, and huge amount of ash.

Signs and signs of the end of the world

Almost all the prophets pointed not only to social and natural disasters but also on the spiritual and moral fall of mankind. In Islam, two groups of signs are clearly distinguished: small and large.


Ordinary signs do not attract much attention of people, but at the same time they happen all the time and can appear either simultaneously or in turn.

Small signs:

  1. Birth of the last Prophet Muhammad.
  2. War or clash of two great Muslim states.
  3. "A slave will give birth to a mistress." There are several interpretations: the master will marry a slave, or this is an indication that the children will stop listening to their parents. Another explanation is that the poor can get rich quick.
  4. People will start committing big sins.
  5. The spread of ignorance and the disappearance of real scientists. People will follow false scientists, devotion and reliability among people will disappear.
  6. The number of women in relation to the number of men will increase greatly.
  7. Appearance of about 30 false prophets.
  8. The number of earthquakes will increase.
  9. Time will speed up. It will seem to people that one thing can be done in one day. There is another interpretation: the emergence of high-speed transport.
  10. The number of murders will increase.
  11. There will be many rich people, so there will be no one to give Zakat to. Most people, especially believers, will lose their desire to live because of the abundance of sin around them.
  12. The prophecy will end. First there will be a caliphate, then a kingdom, then an empire. Ideologists will arise, calling for them. They stand at the gates of hell and call to it. Faithful people will also appear, calling for them along the path of Islam.


Among the small signs, large ones may appear, accompanied by significant incidents.

Big signs:

  1. Appearance of the just leader of Muslims Magdi.
  2. The sun will rise in the west and set back to the west in the afternoon.
  3. The appearance of a talking animal.
  4. Big smoke covering all people.
  5. Appearance of the Dajjal.
  6. Resurrection of Jesus.
  7. The emergence of the peoples Ya'dzhuzh and Ma'dzhuzh.
  8. Three big earthquakes: in the west, in the east and on the Arabian Peninsula.
  9. Raising the Koran: Allah will take away the sacred records at the moment when there are no believers left on the planet.
  10. There are no more believers on earth.
  11. A pleasant wind will blow, with it Allah will take the souls of the last believers, the Kaaba disappears.
  12. In the area of ​​Adana in Yemen, a great fire will arise, driving people to one place.

Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The harbingers of the apocalypse are the symbols shown in Revelation. They personify the stages of history that people and the church must go through in their development. The prophecy speaks of seven seals that hold the book together. It is believed that after the removal of the last seal, the hour of the Last Judgment will come.

They are described on different horses:

  1. A rider on a white horse, and in his hands is a bow. A symbol of purity and a sign of victory over paganism. With his appearance, the first seal is removed. In the 1st century, the church forced people to accept Christianity. A period of opposition to lies and deceit.
  2. The red horse will appear with the opening of the second seal. Symbolizes disputes between God's children. This period is attributed to the time of the hunt for Christians. As a result of the attempts of the church to convert every person to its faith, the lessons of Scripture lost their purity, and the horseman's prophecy came true: people began to kill each other.
  3. The black horse opens the third seal. In his hand he has a measure. Symbol of decline. The enemies have reached their goal, the worship of God and faith in the Savior have sunk into obscurity.
  4. At the opening of the fourth seal, a pale horse appeared, whose name is Death. Hell followed him, he was given the power to kill all life on earth. The pale horse is believed to represent the decline of the church. The teachings of Christ were distorted, and those who did not want to follow the changed doctrines were executed.

The video contains more information about the harbingers of the apocalypse.

Doomsday predictions

All famous prophets speak of the appearance of the Antichrist into the world and of the second coming of the Savior. On this day, good will triumph over evil.


Amos predicted to believers the very gloomy consequences of the coming of God to earth. He assured that the appearance of the Almighty would not be a manifestation of light, but of darkness, a horror for all living, for the divine judgment would be exceptionally strict. The coming of Christ was predicted by the prophet as the return of the tabernacle of David (in the literal translation, the tabernacle is a “tent”, that is, a narrow circle of true believers).

About this day he says:

“…I will walk among you…”.

The prophet addresses with the hope that the day of Judgment will be the end of all life. He predicts that judgment will be made on all people, regardless of their morality.


Hosea (IV century BC) - biblical prophet. Lived and prophesied in the Kingdom of Israel during the time of King Jeroboam II:

“... swearing and deceit, murder and theft, and adultery has become extremely widespread, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. For this the earth will mourn, and all who live on it with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air will be exhausted, even the fish of the sea will perish.”

He speaks of the Terrible Day that will take place at the end of time. The prophet claims that the end of days will be a sign of the victory of good over evil, and even death will be defeated.


Zechariah is one of the twelve minor prophets. Born during the Babylonian captivity, he survived it and, upon his return from it, greatly contributed to the moral rebirth of the people. The prophet owns a special Old Testament book bearing his name.

The Prophet Zechariah sees the Last Judgment as being taken into captivity and being able to return from it. In his book, he talks about the day when people will turn to the Almighty, and He will save them. The prophet largely repeats DeuteroIsaiah, emphasizing that the Messiah will free the Israelites from captivity. In the last days of life, all nations will believe in the true God and turn to Him.


Malachi is a minor biblical prophet, the last of the Old Testament prophets. Lived in the 5th century BC. He says that before the start of the divine coming, the news of him will be brought by Elijah, the messenger of God. It is believed that by Elijah is meant John the Baptist, who predicted the appearance of Jesus:

“... for behold, the day will come, burning like an oven; then all the arrogant and wicked will be like stubble, and the coming day will burn them up, leaving them neither root nor branches.”


Back in 1971, Vanga spoke about the dramatic and drastic changes that would take place in society in the near future:

“... in the near future, great changes will take place in people's lives. People will change beyond recognition. New times are marked by many signs… Cities and villages will collapse from floods and earthquakes, the earth will shake from natural disasters, bad people will gain the upper hand, and scammers, thieves and harlots will be countless.”

Other prophets and saints

Micah predicted the beginning of the apocalypse as the first appearance of the Lord, which no one had seen before and could not see in all His essence. The greatness of the divine essence will be so great that "even the mountains will thaw."

Isaiah directly predicted the coming of Christ. The prophet said that the Almighty would send his son to earth in the form of a man, and the God-man would be born from an immaculate virgin, a descendant of King David. On the day of the Ecumenical Judgment, the world will be renewed, all evil and violence will disappear, and good will reign forever. In the new world, the wolf will get along with the lamb. Isaiah argued that not only representatives of the chosen people are subject to salvation, but also any pagan who believes in the true God and breaks with sinful delusions.

What happens after the apocalypse

Revelation says that nothing of the usual for people after the apocalypse will remain. A new sky will appear and new earth after the struggle between good and evil. Some prophets said that before the sky was purple and the leaves on the trees were not green, but after the flood the world changed. All people who have found the true faith will be transferred to the Kingdom of the Lord, and those who reject the true faith will experience severe suffering and torment. These people are doomed to suffer until the end of their days in darkness, in a world without light, where there is neither moon nor sun.


This video presents detailed description Last Judgment.

ان من اشراط الساعة ان يرفع العلم و يثبت الجهل و يشرب الخمر و يظهر الزنا

(meaning): " Indeed, the signs of the Day of Judgment are the disappearance of knowledge, the establishment of ignorance, the drinking of alcohol and the spread of adultery. ».

This sacred hadith contains four provisions, which are the most important and clear signs of the Day of Judgment.

They are the prerequisites for preparing the world for destruction and destruction.

Therefore, the Day of Judgment will come when the earth is filled with evil and violence, when society is ruled by the ignorant, when disbelief in the Almighty, the denial of Prophecy will spread. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

لا تقوم الساعة و على ظهر الارض من يقول لا اله الا الله

(meaning): " The Day of Judgment will not come as long as there are those on earth who say: “La ilaha illa llah ».

These are small signs of the Day of Judgment. Great signs will begin with the appearance of Imam Mahdi, who will fill the whole world with justice. Then the Dajjal will come out, causing great confusion among the Muslims. Then the descent of the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) will take place. The next sign is the invasion of the Yadzhudzh-Madzhudzh tribe, etc. Much can be said about each of these signs in separate lectures or articles.

Many of you have already read or heard about them. We can observe small signs even now. They can be found if you carefully look at the life of modern Muslims, how they live in committing sins and forbidden deeds, in the absence of shame, pity towards each other, in non-payment of zakat, failure to fulfill promises, etc.

The first and second of the minor signs are the disappearance of knowledge (ilmu) and the spread of ignorance. How can you understand this? Allah does not take knowledge from the hearts of scholars-Ulim. No, Allah takes the Ulama themselves, and then the knowledge disappears along with them.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

العلماء فيموت علمهم معهم ان الله لا يقبض العلم من صدور العلماء انتزاعا و لكن ينزعه بموت

(meaning): " Allah does not take the ilma from the hearts of the Ulama, but takes the ilma by the death of the Ulama, so that the ilmu dies with them. ».

Indeed, the Ulama are the light of life, the ray of instruction. When there are no Ulim, there will be no one who will take their place and fill the void in knowledge that appeared after their death, the light of truth will go out and life will become gloomy, ignorance and unbelief will spread, and people will drown in error.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

ان مثل العلماء في الارض كمثل النجوم في السماء يهتدى بهم في ظلمات البر والبحر

(meaning): " Alims on earth are like the stars in the sky, by which people are instructed in the darkness on land and at sea. ».

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:

اتبعوا العلماء فانهم سرج الدنيا و مصابيح الاخرة

(meaning): " You follow the Ulama, indeed they are the light of the world and the luminary of the akhira (the other world) ».

What will happen in the end? As a result, the place of knowledge will be occupied by ignorance. The heart is saddened by the ignorance that reigns among us in matters of religion and has no boundaries to such an extent that people do not distinguish what is permitted from what is forbidden, truth from falsehood, so that this ignorance draws them to sins.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم

(meaning): " The study of ilmu is the duty of every Muslim ».

What did the Muslims do with this duty? They left her content with ignorance. They began to avoid knowledge and gave themselves into the hands of their passions.

The third and fourth signs of the Day of Judgment are the drinking of wine and the spread of adultery.

Truly alcohol is the mother of all evil spirits, adultery is the basis of abominations. The spread of these two phenomena indicates that the society is mired in sins.

It is no secret that such a disaster as alcoholism has engulfed almost the entire globe. In every city there are markets, shops where they sell alcohol.

But the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

الخمر ام الفواحش

(meaning): "The intoxicant is the mother of all abominations."

As for adultery (zina), it also spread among Muslims. There are separate rooms for "rest", called "away from wives." It has taken root in society so much that it has already become considered a common thing.

All this is the limit of delusion and ignorance, and indicates the predominance of passions over reason, a person becomes like an animal. This leads to the destruction of the earth and the death of all people.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

ما ظهر الزنا او الربا في قرية الا احلوا بانفسهم عذاب الله

(meaning): " Adultery or usury did not appear in the village, except as a punishment from the Almighty for the sins that they (people) allowed themselves ».

Judgment Day is near, and there is no doubt about it. Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves. Now that the signs of the Day of Judgment are appearing more and more often, let us remember this day, and let us prepare for death and everything after it. Let's try to leave this world with pure souls, not stained with sins, with a calm heart, in which there is no place for love of the worldly.

There is no doubt that people today live in anticipation of the end of the world. The sun of this life has come close to disappearing after illuminating for a long time life path people, Allah knows the outcome of this time. It is enough for us to know that the message of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was also one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. More than fourteen centuries have passed since then. In sacred scriptures such as Injil, Tavrat were descriptions of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that will become a Prophet for people living close to the Day of Judgment. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

اقتربت الساعة

(meaning): " Doomsday has come ».

Therefore, Muslims, wake up before that day comes. After all, he can overtake us in our abstraction and take us by surprise.

The mythology of different nations speaks of the end of the world. Especially eschatology was developed in Christianity and Islam. In the first, there are a number of signs of the end of the world. According to the Bible, a new life will come after him. The canonical books describe all the harbingers.

No religion speaks of the beginning of the end of the world, it is about new life gained. Based on this, it is customary to accept the end of the world as the end of earthly existence. The Bible says about the end of the world, that it is this event that will be judged when pure souls go to a new life, and sinners go to hell.

Ancient Sayings of the Patriarchs

Everything that has an end has a beginning. It's hard to argue with this. This is logical and true and causes a lot of discussion, especially near the end of the world.

In the Old and New Testaments there is information about the harbingers of the end of the world. According to the traditions of the Holy Scriptures, man was born without the need for death. It is believed that before there was no bodily shell, which means that the soul does not need to go out. Angels were the first to be created. They did not have a body shell. The very first Light Bearer angel was very strong. He wanted to be equal to God, to have his own way. He opposed himself to God. And then the Lord brought the Light of the Bearer out of his environment and he became a fallen angel, like all those who followed him. There are opinions that according to the Bible, the end of the world is associated precisely with the end of the Light Bearer.

According to the biblical scripture, the fallen angel told Adam and Eve to eat the fruit in order to reveal the knowledge of what God knows. And then people learned what good and evil are. They themselves began to decide what deeds they would do.

In order to protect souls from the will of others, God enclosed them in bodies. Throughout life, people did only those deeds that they wanted to do: good or bad. After death, their souls go either to heaven or hell - it depends on how the earthly life was lived. This was the beginning of life on earth. This is told in the scriptures.

The Bible also speaks of the end of the world. This event is described in the New Testament and in the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 24.

Gospel of Matthew and John the Theologian about the end of the world

According to the Bible, the signs of the end of the world will begin with war. In the revelation of John, the first sign is symbolized by a rider on a red horse who takes peace from the earth. This is also mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus tells his disciples about how nation will rise against nation, and kingdom will go against kingdom.

The next harbinger of the end of the world will be a black horse, bringing hunger and pestilence to the earth. In the Gospel of Matthew, this sign immediately follows the wars. After epidemics that will take place throughout the earth, some people will die. All who remain will be weakened in spirit. They will "be tempted and betray each other." At this point, faith in Christianity will be lost, false prophets will appear.

In the revelation of John, after famine and death, an angel comes into the world and crowns the day of wrath. It is marked by a great earthquake, a blood moon, a solar eclipse. After that comes silence, which will not last long, because after it the true apocalypse will begin.

Signs of the end of the world, according to the Bible from John the Theologian, are distinguished in several stages. First, grass and trees will start to burn. Then volcanic eruptions occur, and then a “big star” enters the ocean and begins to poison the water. These events are followed by a series of eclipses. Then locusts come out of the bowels of the earth and begin to torment the unfaithful people for five days. At the end of all the torments, the Kingdom of the Lord will open before the people left on earth.

According to the Bible, the signs of the end of the world do not give an understanding of the exact date of the beginning of this event, but only describe it in a blurry form.

Doomsday Riders

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the symbols described in Revelation. According to the Holy Scriptures, horsemen are the stages of history that people, the church, must go through in its development. This is a prophecy about the seven seals that hold the book together. It is believed that after the removal of the seventh, the last seal, the end of the world will come. At this moment, all conflicts between good and evil will be settled, Jesus will return to the people, the hour of the terrible judgment will come.

In books, riders are described on different horses. It is believed that a rider with a bow on a white horse is a symbol of purity and victory over paganism. With the advent of the white horseman, the first seal will be broken. In the first century, the church forced people to accept Christianity, and it is this time that is considered the period of opposition to lies and deceit.

The red horse will appear at the time when the second seal is broken. Christians under the yoke of death remained faithful to Christ and his teaching, which passed through the centuries and remained unchanged. The main task Satan was to do everything possible to change the Christian doctrine. He tried to do it with the hands of the Roman Empire, and then other methods followed.

The red horse symbolizes disputes between God's children. Its color is compared with blood, so this period is attributed to the time when Christians were being hunted.

As you know, in the old days, the church tried to convert everyone to their faith, regardless of their original faith and nation. As a result, the Lessons of Scripture lost their purity, and the prophecy of the red horse came true: people began to kill each other.

The third seal is removed by a black horse. The third horseman of the apocalypse has the measure in his hand. The black horse is a symbol of decline. During this period, the enemies reached their goal, faith in the Savior sunk into obscurity,

At the opening of the fourth seal, a pale horse appeared. John in his writing speaks of the appearance of the fourth horseman, whose name is Death. Hell followed him: he was given the power to kill all life on earth. It is believed that the pale horse is a symbol of the decline of the church. The teachings of Jesus were distorted, and those who did not want to follow the new, changed doctrines were executed. This was the period of the Inquisition. The Church gained political power by assuming God's authority: she could declare a person infallible or speak of the sinfulness of a person.

The Four Horsemen is a period of development of the church, a change in faith in the teachings of Christ. Many people could not stand the persecution and were killed.

end of the world bible

What does the Bible say about the end of the world and when will this event occur? There is no exact date in Scripture, as well as the very statement that the “end of the world” will occur. In the Bible, this is called "the coming of the Lord Jesus." It is believed that the end of the existence of our world will occur when the Savior comes to Earth again to destroy all evil.

Thus, the end of the world will happen, but what will happen before the end of the world according to the Bible? According to the Holy Scriptures, the second coming of Christ is considered the end of the world. This day is called Judgment Day. This event is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, in the epistle to the Thessalonians, in the book of Revelation and other books.

Once upon a time, more than two thousand years ago, Christ was born on Earth. He came into the world to save us. Because of his love for people, the Savior died, because he accepted all their sins so that they could be forgiven.

In those ancient times, Jesus came to Earth as a savior, so that through faith in him, in his teachings, people could be forgiven for their sins. The second time Christ will come in great glory and power to bring Judgment upon all people. He will condemn those who rejected him, and deliver from the torment of those who sincerely believed in him.

Nobody knows the exact date of this event. It is not in the Bible, so any predictions regarding this are considered fiction. However, there are a number of signs by which we can learn about this day.

One of the key points in the Bible is At this time there will be a rebellion against God. It is during the reign of the servant of Satan that the second coming of Christ will take place. He will destroy the Antichrist and condemn all who follow him. Those who truly believed in Jesus will have the opportunity to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven. No matter when exactly this event occurs, everyone will stand before God. After death, God's judgment awaits every soul.

In Orthodoxy, the Bible does not tell much about the end of the world. All available information in different scriptures are similar in meaning. The books contain the Day of Judgment, the harbingers of the end of the world, the Antichrist and the second coming of Christ. In order not to be condemned on the day of the Last Judgment, it is necessary to repent of your sins, sincerely believe in the Son of the Lord.

Signs of the end of the world

How is the end of the world described in the Bible? Christ told his disciples about this event. They asked him when the end of the ages would come and what events would precede this. To which the Savior replied that in those distant times there would be many wars, rumors about wars. Peoples and countries will fight each other, famine will come, people will start dying, there will be earthquakes.

All these events are considered signs of the end of the world according to the Bible. The scripture also says that persecution, vile desolation will begin, lawlessness will be everywhere, people will stop loving each other. Against the background of these events, the gospel will be preached in all corners of the world. On the day of judgment, no need to return for material values, try to hide. False prophets will appear who will show various miracles and seek to seduce people. The true Christ will come like lightning. His manifestation will be seen from all directions of the world. These days, the light of the sun and moon will dim, natural disasters will begin. It is then that a sign will be revealed: people will experience both joy and sadness at the same time. Angels will gather the elect from all over the world. Only the Creator knows the date of this event. She is not known to anyone - neither to the Angels, nor to people.

Here are a few quotes about the end of the world of the Bible: "... and this coming will be sudden, as the flood suddenly occurred in the time of Noah ...", "... on the eve of the global flood, people ate, married, drank, had fun, not thinking about the terrible event ...", "... on the eve of the Day of Judgment, it will happen the same way as during the flood: people will have fun, enjoy life ... ".

During the second coming, some of the women and men will be taken to another world. And this will happen when no one dared to think. Every person must be prepared spiritually for the end of the world.

When will Judgment Day come?

So when will the world end according to the Bible, in what year? There is no answer to this question, although many prophets supposedly give a variety of dates. People, believing in them, begin to prepare for the most terrible events. Although the Bible states that there is not a single word about the date of the terrible event, except that it will happen unexpectedly.

Other prophecies

All known prophets speak of the appearance of the Antichrist into the world and of the second coming of Christ. On the Day of Judgment, good will triumph over evil. It is believed that for all the prophets about the approach of the end of the world, according to the Bible and other scriptures, they speak different, but having similar features, signs.


It is believed that Amos spoke with the voice of the Lord when he told the prophecies of the end of the world. About this day he says that "...I will pass among you...". Amos is addressing those who hope that the Day of Judgment will be the historical end of all life. He says that judgment will be carried out on all people, regardless of their morality.


Hosea has doomsday prophecies. He, like Amos, speaks of a terrible day that will happen at the end of time. Hosea claims that the end of the world will be a sign of the victory of good over the forces of evil. Even death itself will be conquered.


The prophet Zechariah considers the end of the world as captivity and the possibility of returning from it. In his book, he talks about the day when people will turn to God and he will become their salvation.


Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, predicted his coming. He spoke about the message of Elijah, which will announce the coming of the end times. This prophecy was fulfilled in the ministry of John the Baptist, whom the Angel of the Lord calls "a prophet in the spirit of Elijah."


With the coming of Jesus, the prophecies of the Old Testament begin to be fulfilled. According to him, Christ told his disciples that there would be a judgment on the whole world, which all the prophets awaited with trepidation. Everything that was said to the disciples on the Mount of Olives was called the apocalypse of the weathermen. Since this information was recorded in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke.

The Gospel of John complements several events that precede the Day of Judgment. He says that the judgment has already begun and it will continue until the last day. According to the Gospel of John, the end of the world is associated with the resurrection of the dead. People of all nations will be judged by how they act towards other people. The main criterion is the good done to people. It determines the eternal destiny of people.


In the Gospel of Luke, in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, information is given about the question posed to Christ by his disciples. They asked at the moment of his Ascension whether the end of the world was happening now, to which the Savior replied that the prophecies about the end of the world were not being fulfilled at that moment. It is not given to his disciples to know when and how exactly the apocalypse will take place.


The disciples of Christ in their writings often speak of the end of the world. In all books, Judgment Day for believers will be both the end and the beginning.

The apostles speak of the end of the world as the coming of Christ in glory, the Day of the Lord. In the apostolic church, this name is used to call the first day of the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. The coming of the Savior will entail the resurrection of the dead, the beginning of a new life.

They say that after the Resurrection of Christ, all the dates will be fulfilled and darkness will come. This time will be long, and to shorten it, you need to believe in God.

The Apostle Paul added signs of the approaching end of the world. He says that in the last times God's enemy will appear in the world, who will try to lead people. Paul also believed that the last people to turn to God would be those who were chosen by Christ, who would show that the number of believers had become complete.

Peter confirms Paul's words by speaking of the end of the world as a universal catastrophe. He believes that God gives people the opportunity to believe, to convert to the faith.

What will happen after?

And what will happen after the end of the world according to the Bible and what will the world be like? Revelation says that after the apocalypse there will be nothing of what we are accustomed to. After the confrontation between good and evil, a new earth and a new sky will appear. There are prophets who said that before the sky was purple and the leaves on the trees were not green, but after the flood the world changed. Maybe the day of judgment will be another change in which the sky will turn red, for example, and the leaves on the trees will turn blue.

All people who have found the true faith will begin to live in the Kingdom of the Lord, and all those who renounce the true faith will experience severe suffering and torment. These people are doomed to suffer until the end of their days in darkness, in a world where there is no sun, no moon, no light.

Predictions in other religions

Information about the end of the world is in the scriptures of other religions. In Buddhist records there is information about significant changes in the Earth. This is what will precede the beginning of the apocalypse. This religion says that the Higher forces that created the Earth will also destroy it. According to predictions, humanity will face trials three times that will become a real threat to the survival of people as a species. These periods are called kalpas. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The first kalpa is characterized by creation, during which one tries to understand the world and learn the laws of its development.

The second kalpa is the flowering of humanity. During this period, great discoveries will be made, amazing things will happen.

The third kalpa is decay. The lower worlds will begin to disintegrate, the world will collapse, and then unfold again, but without all living things. During the period of disintegration, only the Gods and the higher worlds will be able to withstand.

Before the end of the world, according to Buddhist prediction, the earth will burn with fire. It will arise due to the appearance of seven suns in the sky, which will cause the destruction of all life: the waters will be dried up, the continents will be burned. After the departure of the seven suns, strong winds will begin that will destroy all the creations of people. Then the rains will begin, turning the planet into a large body of water. A new life will be born in the waters, it will be the beginning of a new civilization.

Belief in the Day of Judgment is one of the main pillars of iman in Islam, that is, every believer must be convinced that this moment will come sooner or later. On that day, all people will be resurrected and will be gathered in one place before Allah, who will judge His servants according to their deeds in earthly life.

About the coming of the Day of Judgment in the surah "Earthquake" it is said:

“When the earth trembles with tremors, when the earth throws up its burden, and a man asks what is the matter with her, on that day she will tell her story, because your Lord will inspire it in her. On that day, people will come out in droves to see their deeds. The one who has done good weighing the smallest particle will see it. And the one who has done evil weighing the smallest particle will see it ”(Quran, sura 99)

The exact date of the onset of the Day of Retribution is known only to the Almighty, and it will come only with the permission of the Lord of the worlds, as stated in one of the verses of Scripture:

“Say: “Indeed, the knowledge of this belongs only to my Lord” (7:187)

However, the Qur'anic verses and hadiths contain information about signs of doomsday, let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. Sunrise is not in the east, but in the west

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “The Hour will not come until the sun rises in the west” (Bukhari).

2. Appearance of the Dajjal

Before the Day of Judgment, a person will appear on earth, whose name will be (in the biblical tradition, Antichrist). Dajjal is a false messiah who will come to Earth before the Day of Judgment. The sinners of the whole world will follow him and praise him. Muhammad (pbuh) said that the most terrible phenomenon in the history of mankind would be the appearance of the Dajjal.

3. The Second Coming of the Prophet Isa (a.s.)

After the appearance of the Dajjal, to confront the forces of evil, the real Messiah will descend to Earth - the Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him), whom Allah will send to destroy the Dajjal and his supporters. The hadith says: “The Almighty will send Isa, the son of Maryam, to the people, who will lay his hands on the wings of two angels and descend to the earth” (Muslim).

4. Invasion of the Yajuj and Majuj tribes

After the Prophet Isa (a.s.) defeats the Dajjal, the tribes will invade the Earth, which the believers, led by the Prophet Isa (a.s.), will not be able to cope with. Allah will tell Isa (a.s.) to shelter the Muslims from these tribes, who will destroy everything in their path. After the believers manage to take cover, the Lord will destroy Yajuj and Majuj.

5. The disappearance of morality and morality

After the coming of the Prophet Isa (a.s.), he will live on Earth for forty years, and then he will die. After his death, hard times will come on Earth, as stated in the following hadith: “And the worst of people will remain, who will copulate in front of everyone like donkeys, and the Hour will come with them” (Muslim).

6. The appearance of smoke, beast, giant sinkholes of earth and fire in Yemen

In one of the hadiths, a number of signs stand out, among which the above events were named.

The signs listed here, as a rule, refer to the main (large) signs of the Day of Retribution. Along with them, there are also small signs:

1) The appearance of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.)

One of the hadiths says: “I was sent at a time when the Day of Judgment became close to them, as two fingers are close” (Tirmidhi).

2) Appearance of false prophets

The Hadith narrates: “The Hour of Judgment will not come until thirty liars appear among my followers, each of whom will claim to be a prophet” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). Let us recall that after the death of the Messenger of the Almighty (SV) false prophets appeared in Arabia, posing as the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the most famous of which are Musailima, Tulayha, Sajah.

3) Spreading Adultery

The final messenger of God (LGV) spoke about the fact that before the Day of Judgment, people will appear in the Muslim ummah who will become zealous in committing adultery.

4) The transformation of the deserts of Arabia into fruitful gardens

One of the hadiths says: “The Hour of Judgment will not come until the Arab land is again transformed into pastures through which rivers flow” (Muslim).

5) Excessive decoration of mosque buildings

The Prophet (J.G.V.) said that before the Day of Retribution, people will begin to compete not in their piety and morality, but in decorating the mosques they built.

6) Children will start commanding their parents

Mercy of the worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) said: “A slave will give birth to a mistress” (Bukhari). Muslim scholars interpret this hadith by arguing that before the Day of Retribution, children will stop obeying and even begin to lead their parents.

7) Sharp imbalance between men and women

The Messenger of the Merciful and Merciful (LGV) said that one of the signs of the Hour will be a sharp increase in the number of women and a sharp decrease in the number of men. “Things will come to the point that fifty women will have only one guardian” (Bukhari, Muslim).

8) Time acceleration

Muhammad (S.A.W.) instructed: “The Day of Judgment will not come until time accelerates” (Ahmad). In this case, it is implied that people will no longer value the time they have.

9) Destruction of the Kaaba

Before the Day of Judgment, there will be destruction in Mecca. The Prophet of God (S.G.V.) said: “The Kaaba will be destroyed by a short-legged Ethiopian” (Ahmad).

10) Disappearance of religious knowledge

Another sign of the onset of the Day of Retribution will be the disappearance of knowledge relating to religion, as stated in the following hadith: “Before the Judgment Hour, religious knowledge will disappear, ignorance will spread” (Bukhari, Muslim).