How to find out who is the admin in the VK group. Profession administrator of the VKontakte group: how to make money on a hobby

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Do you know how my site differs from many others? Now I sat down and first of all decided to look for something on Google to make sure that no new ways to find out who created the group in contact appeared.

I found not so many publications on this topic, but all of them are untenable and will not help the reader. Often, the authors simply do not understand what they are writing about, and why a person drives a similar question into the search line.

I understand social networks, and therefore I can give you good advice and try to solve a specific problem. There are only 3 reasons that come to my mind to find the creator of the group, we will now analyze them all. If I missed something and you know some more, I beg you to write in the comments for what else you can try to find the creator.

Search creator for reissuance

Let's start with the fact that the creator is the absolute owner of the group. He can do everything, for example, turn a group into a community and vice versa. The most common desire The owner cannot be changed or unlinked.

If you buy a community, then it is better to buy the creator's account along with it, in order to avoid any problems. Which ones? Well, the group seems to be yours, but in fact it belongs to another person who can enter it at any time and do whatever he pleases.

I've run into the issue of resetting many times. First you need a group, then you decide that you need to turn it into a community, and so on. In order to fulfill a desire, access to the creator's account is required, and if it is blocked, then that's it. You have no chance of completing the task.

The authors of some publications claim that you can try to contact technical support and ask to change the creator, but I assure you that nothing will work out for you. They will ask you to send a photo with a passport that shows the same name, surname and other data that were indicated in the creator's account and will offer to try to restore it.

How to find out the creator if you are one of the administrators of the group? Very simple. Open the community and go to the "Management" section, the button is located under the profile picture.

We find "Participants" here.

If there are many people in the list, then the creator is displayed first, at the very bottom of the list, and below his name in bold letters is written: "Creator".

How to contact the admin about advertising or other issue

The second logical need that can only be fulfilled after finding an administrator is buying a repost or communicating about cooperation. The easiest way to look is in the "Contacts" section. Carefully read the information under the name about the role of the account.

Choose the most suitable option, it is unlikely that you will quickly agree on advertising if you start a correspondence with the CEO. After a long, long time, when he finally gets around to replying to messages, he will send you down the ranks. To the person who is responsible for advertising or cooperation.

What to do if the "Contacts" section is hidden? You can try to find those who work on the group and ask them a question. Think in advance whether the person will be interested in your offer.

If he is anonymous, then most likely he does not want to repost and will not agree to some penny offer, he will need to be interested in something serious. Perhaps it is better to look for some other community.

You can find out the Administrator of the Vkontakte group in proven ways.

Simple ways to find out the administrator of the Vkontakte group

First way

The easiest way is to look at the Contacts tab. In this tab, you can see the names of those who are directly involved in moderating the page, collecting information in the group, and posting news. Among them are administrators, founders of the society. After reviewing their data, you can find out exactly which of them is the administrator. Only this method cannot always help, currently the group has a function to hide administrator information, and many people now use it.

Second way

If the first method does not help, try the second method, which is more difficult, but which can help you identify the administrator. Explore the community wall. This is the main page where all the news of the group, messages are posted. Usually the news is signed, and until the moment when the administrator decided to hide his data, these signatures remain. You just need to scroll the page closer to the first news and find the signature. Reach out to the person and ask him if he is the administrator of the group or if he knows his data. But this method does not always help either, since a person may not admit that he is a group administrator or simply will not respond to your request.

Third way

There is another simple way, this is to write in the news section that you will pay dearly for the placed advertisement. Who will answer your message, this is most likely the administrator of the group.

Software methods for calculating the administrator of the Vkontakte group

First way

We open the desired public page in VKontakte.
Copy the page ID, it comes after public*. If the address is changed, then we find any picture and open it.
It turned out something like this address “”
626555697 - this is the public ID.
In the address bar, type in “”
We are looking for a picture with an attached gif.
Right click on the gif and open it in a new window.
It looks like this address “http://doc51205430_2651814?hash=8e826a65aaa2c25&dl=88b7f58ebeabc80”
We delete “doc”, insert “id”, after this sign _ we erase everything.
Press Enter and see the Administrator page.

Second way

  • We go to the site Vk master.
  • We find the section Wiki-pages of the community, click with the mouse and go to this section.
  • In the field "Link to the community ..." insert the desired link and click "Learn".
  • The service will show us the creators of the page, if the message “Wiki pages not found” is displayed, then this method will not help you either.

I would like to note that it is not always possible to find the contacts of the group administrator, in this case, Technical Support can help in the contact in the "Help" section. This service does not have a telephone, you can contact it in writing in Contact or write a message to E-mail, asking for the administrator's details, indicating the reasons why you are looking for him.

A huge number of publics and communities for every taste are regularly updated on the VKontakte website. They perform different tasks: educational, entertaining, commercial. People constantly absorb new knowledge, learn about the services offered, find friends. Other communities are private, gathering around a narrow circle of people (work colleagues, classmates, neighbors).

Let's try to connect the imagination, standing in the place of an ordinary visitor to a group or public VKontakte. When a sticky situation arises (or just out of curiosity), he will want to find out who exactly is the person who created the community. Any complaints, wishes, suggestions, feedback, thanks are important for the development of the blog, so both parties are interested in such communication (ideally).

The purpose is quite clear. But how to achieve it? How to find out who is the admin of the VKontakte group if it is hidden? Let's try to figure it out.

If you want to know the identity of the creator of the community (to publish your own content in the public, promotional offers, friendly communication), you need to follow these recommendations.

  • Go to social network VKontakte, and then click on the "Groups" section, it is located on the left.
  • Find the group you are interested in in the list of communities that opens.
  • Go to the main, main page of the community.
  • Pay attention to the right side. There is a list of contacts.

Each person from the list is usually accompanied by a brief, concise description, which indicates his role in the creation and development of the public. Sometimes the description is humorous, formal, which complicates the task. Serious communities publish clear, accessible, verified information so that users have the opportunity to express their point of view in private messages.

We do not recommend boring administrators, moderators unnecessary questions. The answers are easily found in the "Discussions" section, which often lists the most popular, hot topics. You can also ask other users, subscribers of the community: they are probably familiar with your problem.

How to find out the administrator of the VKontakte group if it is hidden

Above, we described an ideal option that is rarely found in reality: administrators are people open for dialogue, the necessary data is in the public domain. Practice shows that the prospects are usually not so bright: communities are often led by people who do not strive for openness, discussion, and feedback. How to find out the admin of the VK group if it is hidden? The question is ambiguous, not always solvable, but we will try to find an answer.

  1. Go to the community you are interested in, then find the discussion section. If it is missing, further actions are meaningless.
  2. Hover your computer mouse over any list discussion. Click right key, select Copy Link.
  3. Now go to a group where you yourself are an administrator (or create a separate group for testing).
  4. Select the "Links" section, "Edit", then "Add Link".

You will see the name of the person who created the community that intrigued you. The method does not always work: instead of the first name, last name of the person, the name of the community appears. But the chances are high, worth a try. There is no other way to find out the identity of the moderator. Now you know how to find out the creator of the VKontakte group if it is hidden.

Alternative ways

  • Often, administrators begin to hide their identity when the published content becomes impartial: maintaining anonymity ensures security. Manually scroll through the community wall to early posts. There is a hope that the admin forgot to "cover up his tracks", to delete the entries that are published on his behalf.
  • Host a small event and create an online discussion by inviting the group admin you want to figure out. If he agrees to become the host, you will be able to see the name of the administrator in the column “Leaders of the host community”.
  • If offensive materials are published in the group, please contact the technical support of the site.

In any community in VK it is possible, and the latter himself chooses whether to hide his profile from prying eyes or not. This can be done if he constantly receives spam or messages from fans (yes, yes, this happens).

But, as it turns out, you can find out the name of the admin, although you have to use a non-standard method. Actually, this is how the contacts look on the official page of the VKontakte team:

In other communities where the administrator's name is hidden, you will not see such a block.

Making the secret clear

Well then, let's get started. The method itself is not so simple and does not always work.

First of all, we need to go to the page of the community that interests us (it is not necessary to be a member). It must contain discussions - if they are not, then our method will not work. Remember that in the group they are at the top of the page, and in the public - in the right part of the window. Copy the link to the discussion itself:

The next step is to create your own group or public. If you already have a group, great, if not, you should create one. To do this, go to the "My groups" section and click "Create a community".

Give your community a name, check the "Group" checkbox, and click "Create Community".

The group has been created. Go to the group settings in the "Links" tab.

After that, a window appears in front of you, where the name of the administrator is written (shown by an arrow).

There are some important points. Firstly, a person with that name may not be on the list of subscribers. And secondly, in some cases, instead of the admin name, the name of the community itself is shown. In this case, unfortunately, nothing can be done.

At the moment, this is the only way to find out the name of the administrator in the group, if it is hidden.

If the administrator has not hidden information about himself, then on the right side of the page there should be a "Contacts" block, which contains information about the administrator or how to contact him:

However, it happens that you need to find out who is the administrator of the group, page, VKontakte public, but at the same time there is no information in contacts or anywhere else. There can be many reasons to define an admin. It can be a provocative public, or the “Overheard” community of your city or something similar, where information is published that may cause some inconvenience. In the end, you just need to contact the administrator to offer him something, or something to discuss. You can, of course, leave a comment under the entry, if there is such an opportunity, but the likelihood that they will answer you, and that it will be the admin, is extremely small.

1 way to determine the administrator of the VKontakte group

GIF animation is often published in VKontakte groups. You can find it manually, but it's long, it's better to use the search.

1. Go to the group where you need to find the administrator. On the main page of the group, before the start of all entries, there is a link "Community Records". Click on it:

2. Now enter in the search bar gif and press "Enter", then select "Search only in posts":

4. The image will open in a new tab. The user ID is the numbers that come after "doc" and end before «_». In this case, the user ID will be 111111111 :

5. In order to get a link to the profile of the user who published this image, you need to remove the underline «_» and everything that comes after it, and doc replaced by id and press "Enter". As a result, you will be taken to the page of the person who uploaded this image:

Most likely it will be an administrator. For reliability, you can check several GIFs, and if the ID of the one who published them is the same, then most likely it is an administrator or editor - a person who has the right to publish and who has a connection with the administrator. This method does not work with regular, non-animated images.

It is not necessary to use a GIF to identify an admin. Any other document attached to the post will also work. So you can look for something like this: rar, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, png, jpg, gif, psd, djvu, fb2, epub, ps. The action algorithm is the same as with gif animation. The main thing is to find any document attached to the post.

Often when publishing long images, such as comics, a link to it is attached below the image itself, only in full size. The image is usually uploaded as a document in the format jpg, jpeg or png.

How and why it works: the thing is that VKontakte does not allow you to upload a GIF animation as a regular image. If you upload a GIF as a simple picture, then the animation stops working. Therefore, the animated image is first loaded into documents, and after that it is already published. Uploaded documents always have in their link the ID of the user who published them. The same is true for other file formats. They cannot be downloaded without being attached to the post in the form of a document or a link to some third-party resource.

2 way to determine the administrator of the VKontakte group

1. The group needs to find "discussions", they are located somewhere on the right side of the group. Using a link to one of them, the administrator will be determined.

3. After that, create a new group. "Groups" - "Create a community" - "Community of interest". You can enter anything in the name, any topic of the group. Then click on "Create a community".

4. Now in the menu of the created group select "Control". Select "Links", then "Add Link".

5. After clicking on the "Add link" button, a window will appear in which the name of the discussion, the name and surname of the group admin will be indicated:

This method does not always work, often the name of the group is given instead of the admin name.

There are a large number of programs and services on the Internet to determine the hidden administrator in a group. However, it is strongly not recommended to use them, because they work on the same principle or do not work at all. In addition, the use of such programs and services may harm your device or lead to account theft.