How to earn ok in classmates all ways. Free Oki in classmates

Social networks are a way not only to communicate with other people, but also to brighten up your leisure time with entertainment. Some privileges have to be bought for certain bonuses (for example, Vkontakte is votes, and Odnoklassniki is Oki). Alas, not everyone has the opportunity to spend real money to purchase them, but do not forget that there is always a way to get them for free. No, we are not talking about fraud, but about completely legal and proven ways to get privileges without a financial contribution.

What is Oki?

Bonus units on the Odnoklassniki website are called Oki. Having a certain number of such bonus points on your account, you can use some paid features both on the site itself and in applications.

For Oki, you can purchase the following features:

  • invisible;
  • the opportunity to give gifts;
  • rating "5+";
  • closed profile;
  • additional emoticons.

Many Odnoklassniki users do not like the fact that visit notifications appear on their friends' pages. When you activate the "Invisible" mode, other users will not be informed that you have visited their page. There will also be no mark "on the site" at the moment when you are actively using Odnoklassniki.

For Oki, you can also give gifts to other users. The greater the number of bonus points, the longer the gift is displayed on the recipient's avatar. In some cases, you can even attach a song to the presentation or send an accompanying message.

Odnoklassniki has a whole rating system that you can put on photos of other users. They are evaluated on a five-point system, but the presence of bonus points gives you the opportunity to give such an assessment as “5+”. It would seem a completely insignificant difference, but any user will be pleased to see such a surprise under his photo.

Also, many do not like the fact that anyone can view the information or photos that are on his page. Oki provides the user with the opportunity to purchase a feature such as a "Closed Profile". It makes your Odnoklassniki profile visible only to your friends. Please note that you do not receive any restrictions in viewing other pages (only if another user has not activated a similar function).

If you are a big fan of emoticons, but the assortment provided on the site seems rather scarce to you, then the presence of bonus points will help to correct the situation. For Oki, you can buy additional emoticons to better convey your emotional state in text communication.

How are Oki acquired?

Oks are purchased via SMS or through a bank card, and each of these methods has its own privileges. Replenishment of the bonus account through messages is the most in a simple way, while buying points through a card is the cheapest. It is rather difficult to name the exact price for one bonus point, since it varies depending on the country and the currency used, but you can always see the cost yourself in a certain tab in Odnoklassniki.

You don't have to worry about the fact that Oki will simply disappear without a trace due to any failure on the site. Odnoklassniki has an account statement function, which indicates the time and purpose for which a certain number of bonus points were used. If you have any difficulties, just contact the site administration.

Is it possible to get free Oki?

On average, for 100 bonus points in Russia, you need to pay about 100 rubles. Some people, especially schoolchildren and students, can't afford it, so there are several applications that help you get Oki for free.

Even the Odnoklassniki site itself seems to be interested in giving users privileges without paying.

There is an official application called “Odnoklassniki Moderator”, which allows the user to activate the bonus feature for free every day. He can give you the status of "invisible" or provide a couple of free gifts.

The advantage of this application is that it has no limit, that is, you can use it until you get bored yourself.

Of course, privileges are given for a reason. You will have to check several photos or videos for prohibited content, after which you will receive a certain number of points that you can spend on auctions and win a prize. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: you get bonus points and clear Odnoklassniki of unnecessary information.

Another advantage of this auction app is how it works. You choose the bonus you like and place a bet just like other players. The one with the highest bid in the last second of the auction wins. The most pleasant part is that the points are debited only from the winner's account, and the points set are returned to other participants. That is, even if you lose, no one goes at a loss.

Other portals for receiving bonus points

Odnoklassniki Moderator is not the only application that allows you to earn bonus points for free. There are several more sites, using which you can get a special currency, which can then be replaced with Oki. The two most popular services are:

  • WASD;
  • CoinUp.

In order to earn bonus points on WASD, you must first register and then proceed to perform various tasks. For their completion, you will receive richiki (the site's currency), which you can then exchange for Oki in Odnoklassniki. Ten riches equals one bonus point.

You get riches by completing tasks. For the most part, these are free online games that you need to play for a certain period, after which you will receive a specified amount of currency. You can also invite friends to the site, which will give you additional profit, since you will receive 20% of the tasks completed by your friends.

CoinsUp operates in a similar way. Site administrators contact advertisers who give certain tasks and the amount due for their implementation. Site users choose what they like, complete it and receive credits as a reward (a currency that can then be exchanged for the necessary bonus points on other sites).

The advantage of both sites is that they do not require a lengthy registration process. You can enter the sites through your accounts in social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter.

How to quickly buy Oki?

If you don’t have time to mess around with tasks, but at the same time you desperately need bonus points, you can use the methods of quickly buying Shackles through:

  • electronic wallets;
  • terminals;
  • mobile phones;
  • credit cards.

In order to purchase bonus points through an electronic wallet, you just need to go to the appropriate tab in Odnoklassniki, select a specific electronic wallet from the payment methods, enter right amount bonus points, after which you should receive a message on your phone with a code confirming the purchase. On average, the process takes 10 to 15 minutes.

It is worth noting that Odnoklassniki supports such wallets as Webmoney, PayPal, Qiwi, as well as Megafon mobile payment and MTS mobile payment.

You can also pay for Oki in a payment terminal, but this method has several disadvantages. Firstly, the number of transactions is limited - you can make a maximum of 10 transfers per day. Secondly, a certain amount is often withdrawn in the terminals, like a commission.

The easiest way to buy bonus points is to purchase them via SMS. The principle is very simple - you choose the desired number of points, enter your phone number, after which a message with a confirmation code is sent to it. Enter the text of the message in the appropriate window and get Oki.

Payment for Okov by credit card is also limited in quantity. As in the terminal, you can only make 10 transfers per day, but this method is the second most convenient after mobile phone. You can replenish your Odnoklassniki account and still sit at your laptop.


To consolidate the information, we list the main facts. Oki (the currency of the Odnoklassniki website) can be obtained both free of charge and paid. If we talk about getting it for free, then you can use applications such as Odnoklassniki Moderator, WASD, CoinUp. In these and other services that allow you to earn in-game currency, you have to complete simple tasks and receive rewards for them.

For regular payment, you can use the terminal, telephone, electronic wallet or credit card.

The administration of the Odnoklassniki website itself is interested in ensuring that users receive certain privileges, therefore, with a thorough search, you can find official applications that, if they don’t give you free Oki, will provide this or that advantage as a gift with minimal effort on your part.

The scheme by which the auctions on Odnoklassniki work is designed to be as sparing as possible for users, so do not be afraid and feel free to place your bets, because in case of a loss, all the points set will be returned to you without the slightest loss.

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How to earn OK

Nowadays, virtual life takes on everything greater value and occupies a significant part of the present life. Activities on the Internet have a lot in common with what we do in reality. Thus, electronic money is becoming a very important part of Internet communications. In addition to the generally accepted electronic money currency, many resources offer users their own.

So, in the social network "Odnoklassniki" they use OKs. They are needed to pay for virtual gifts, various functions in games, which can only be accessed from this social network. Many are wondering how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki. In fact, the answer is simple: no way. This social network does not provide for the earnings of "OKs" by doing any work. All you can do to have your virtual account is literally "top up" it. There are several ways to earn OK in Odnoklassniki, that is, how to purchase electronic ones for real money. We present them.

Here are some ways

The first way to earn OK in Odnoklassniki is the easiest. By sending SMS to a specific number listed on the Odnoklassniki website, you can easily replenish your virtual account. It is worth remembering that the balance on the mobile account must be no less than the cost of the service, otherwise nothing will work, or even worse, the money will be withdrawn, and OKs will not be credited. The following method will help you purchase electronic money using a plastic card. You can use whichever you are comfortable with. This method works a little differently than the first one.

Here you replenish the account of the social network and, already using it, buy virtual money. To solve the problem of how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki, you can use payment systems. Yandex money, QIWI, WebMoney are ideal for this purpose. If you find this method difficult or inconvenient, then use any terminal. Hints on the screen will make it easier for you, but you will be charged a commission.

Be careful

Theoretically, another person can help you with the task of how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki. That is, replenish your virtual account. This can happen if you win some kind of competition on the network, in which the prize is the coveted OKs. Or you can get them just as a gift, but this, of course, rarely happens. Also be vigilant: a lot of scammers want to cash in on your desire to learn how to earn OKs in Odnoklassniki. Many of them offer you to download paid programs that supposedly allow you to get a lot of virtual money for free. There are also links that redirect you to the fake Odnoklassniki sites and from there they ask you to pay for OKs. You will pay money, but, of course, you won’t get what you want, and you will also infect your computer with viruses. Thinking about how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki, you should understand that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Be careful when paying for anything online. And even more attentive when paid services are offered to you for free or at a reduced price. It is impossible to make money quickly on the Internet, whether it is a social network or another resource. For everything you have to pay, money or labor.

Today, social networks are something more than ordinary communication. People have learned to use electronic money. Today, every user of the social network " classmates”, can, using electronic currency, give gifts to friends, relatives and close people, use paid emoticons and other features of this resource. The currency used in the Odnoklassniki network is " OK».

"OK" in the Odnoklassniki network: the possibility of obtaining

Many users of the Odnoklassniki social network are interested in the issue of obtaining the OK currency. I wanted to say right away that receiving this electronic money you have to pay real money. There are no other ways to get "social" currency. Entering the territory of the Internet, you can find a large number of proposals that "OK" can be obtained using special programs. In fact, this is not true, since in this way scammers seek to deceive you. Also, as a result of using programs of this kind, your password can be stolen.

How then to earn "OK" in Odnoklassniki? And here's how: replenish your own account on the network. Go to the "Games" or "Applications" section. Click on the "Top up" button in the upper left corner. Then choose the method to deposit Money on account. There are several possible options for this.

To add " OK”, you have the option to send an SMS message. This is one of convenient ways to top up your account. Enter your phone number. There is a special field for this. The number includes ten digits. As soon as you complete this step, an SMS notification will be sent to your phone. It will contain a verification code, which consists of 3 digits. Of course, your mobile account must be topped up with money in advance. There are some other options for replenishing funds - currencies " OK" online " classmates».

Also, when using a plastic card, you can get "OK". Very often, people use cards such as Visa and MasterCard for replenishment. This translation option is safer, and as a result you will get the right amount of " OK" online " classmates". As soon as the payment is confirmed, you can click on the "Buy" button.

Since many have come across electronic currency on the Internet, the most popular payment systems include:

  • WebMoney
  • Qiwi wallet
  • Yandex money
  • Those who have ever used such systems probably know how to make transfers, payments, replenishment. We will not talk about this in detail.

    And how replenishment option "OK" in the social network Odnoklassniki, you can use special terminals for payment. Well, for example, you can take Kiwi. In each such terminal there is a section "Payment for services". Go there and select "Other services", then "Odnoklassniki". The presented code will need to be entered within five days on the site, after you have made the payment. You will still be charged a small commission, which is not entirely profitable. One "OK" is equal to 1 ruble.

    Of course, you can try the option that, as described above, does not make it possible to earn "OK". Still, you can find some programs that hackers offer us to replenishment of currency in Odnoklassniki. You can try, well, everything is done at your own peril and risk, I would not like to advise you on this. That's it, nothing hard to get" OK"As you can see, no. Do everything right, and you will achieve a positive result.

    Each social network has its own currency. And Odnoklassniki is no exception. The internal monetary unit of this social network has a rather uncomplicated name "OK" and is the electronic equivalent of rubles. Agree, this is very convenient - knowing the "rate", you can easily calculate the cost of a particular product or service, and this kind of opportunity is not available on every site. Many inhabitants of the site have been puzzling over how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki for more than a year.

    As mentioned above, OK is the internal currency of the Odnoklassniki portal. Just like VKontakte votes, OK is a means of payment within the portal. OK-and can be spent on a variety of games and applications. The site also offers other paid services for which you can pay OK, - additional features user profile, various modes, pictures, emoticons, themes and graffiti. In general, if there is OK, what to spend them on.

    Many guests of this resource are interested in how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki. Majority social networks provides its users with the opportunity to earn the internal currency of the resource. But this does not apply to Odnoklassniki. Here, such a practice does not take place and is not encouraged. Of course, there are ways to earn OK in Odnoklassniki. So, for the provision of services of a certain kind, another user can send them to you.

    So how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki? Is it possible to get the treasured OKs for free? As sad as it is, no. To get the internal currency that you need so much, you will have to fork out, namely, to pay quite real money. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to earn OK in Odnoklassniki.

    Surely you have often come across sites on the Internet that offer to install a program on your computer that will not only help you get the coveted OK, but also read other people's correspondence, hack other people's pages and much more. Do not believe false promises, all this clean water fraud.

    True, there is one way to earn OK in Odnoklassniki in a legal way - to replenish your account. To do this, you need to go to the "games" or "applications" and click on the "top up" button. All that remains for you to do is to select the OK deposit method.

    1. The most popular way is by sending SMS messages. Perhaps its popularity is due to its greater convenience compared to other methods of obtaining the internal currency of this portal. And indeed, everything is very simple and clear: in the payment column, enter your phone number, consisting of ten digits without the first eight, you will receive a response message with a verification code. The amount you entered will be automatically deducted from your phone account or prepaid card. However, this method of replenishing OK is the least profitable of all.
    2. You can pay OK and you can use any bank card. During the day, it is possible to conduct up to ten such transactions.
    3. Alternatively, you can replenish OK-i using an electronic wallet in the Yandex.Money system, a QIWI wallet or WebMoney. This method also involves the execution of no more than ten payments during the day.
    4. You can pay OK through the terminal. The most convenient, from our point of view, is a QIWI terminal. There is even a separate item for paying for the services of Odnoklassniki.

    By the way, about the question of how to quickly make money on the Internet. We believe that it would be really nice if there was an opportunity to earn OK in an honest way without participating in dubious frauds and hacks offered on the network by dishonest users. I would like to hope that the administration of the portal will take some steps in this direction in the future.

    How to get Oki in Odnoklassniki for free without spending a dime real money to purchase virtual currency, and is it even possible? In our article you will find a detailed answer to this question, as well as several different options for implementing this idea with detailed instructions.

    Many of us choose not to invest real money in social networking and online gaming - and this is a fairly fair decision. For some, this is a matter of principle, while others simply do not want to spend money earned in real life on a virtual life. But sometimes you really want to do something that requires oks - for example, give someone a gift, connect special services for your profile, for example, VIP or Invisible.

    And where is the compromise? How to make the oki appear on your Odnoklassniki account, and you would not have to invest your money in it?

    In fact, there are several ways to get Oki on Odnoklassniki for free, including those that are relevant for this year 2019. Here, we'll cover the most common ones, as well as explain how you can avoid potential scam threats.

    By registering on such a service, you can choose tasks for yourself and receive site monetary units for their completion. When a sufficient number of such units accumulate, you can withdraw them to Odnoklassniki, that is, get oki for free, and not for real money. We will show you how to do this using as an example.

    Please note that one Ok can be bought by spending ten credits.

    • Go to
    • To more confidently navigate and imagine how to earn Oki in Odnoklassniki in this way, you can watch a special introductory video.
    • Now go through registration. If you plan to withdraw funds exclusively to, then it will be enough just to click on the orange icon with the Odnoklassniki logo.
    • The site will ask you for permission to access the personal information of the page. Click on the virtual “Allow” button.
    • Your account has been created. You will have a wide selection of different tasks, as well as a price in credits for each. Choose a task to your liking.
    • When the task is selected, you will be prompted to review the license agreement. Read it and check the box at the end, and then click on “Continue”.
    • We have chosen a task that costs 50 credits. This is a Facebook group entry.
    • After its execution, the specified reward was credited to our account.
    • In order to turn credits into oki, you need to have at least two hundred of them. When you have completed enough tasks to reach the indicated amount, tap the “Spend” inscription.
    • From the proposed options for withdrawing funds, choose Odnoklassniki.

    Work as a moderator in “Odnoklassniki”

    This method, although it does not allow you to directly purchase oks, will help you acquire almost all the privileges that you can buy for oks. This method is quite simple and its essence is to check the photos and video files that users post on their pages. It is necessary to ensure that among them there are no indecent images, as well as those that can serve to incite ethnic hatred and contain calls for violence. For sorting files according to this principle, you will receive points that can be spent in auctions to purchase the functions or gifts you need.

    It should be borne in mind that participation in moderation is allowed only from the age of eighteen.

    To understand how it works, follow our instructions:

    Now you know how you can earn Oki in Odnoklassniki for free and you will probably try all the ways to find out which one suits you the most. For our part, we wish you success in this.

    How to get oki for free