Potato soup diet 5. Pledge of health and beauty: diet soup puree from different vegetables

How to cook potato soup for medical and dietary nutrition. What options potato soups exist. What products can be included in composition of potato soup, without violating the medicinal and dietary properties of the dish, and how to withstand the technological regime of cooking, you will learn by reading this post.

potato soup

Soup potato recipe


  • vegetable broth (meat chicken or fish) - 1 liter
  • potatoes - 1 pc (100g)
  • Carrots - 1 small or 1/2 medium
  • Butter - a little, only onion sautés
  • salt - to taste

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely chop the onion, blanch (pour boiling water over) and sauté (fry with a little butter)
  2. Add the carrots to the onion and simmer (stew) for 5-7 minutes.
  3. We cut the potatoes into cubes and dip them into boiling water, vegetable or meat broth.
  4. Add onions and carrots.
  5. 5-10 minutes before readiness, add salt, bay leaf.

Note. The broth can be chicken, fish or meat (beef). When served at the table potato soup you can put meatballs or a piece of meat (if the broth is meat), a piece of chicken (if the broth is chicken), fish (if the broth is fish). This increases the calorie potato soup and its chemical composition is enriched.

Knowing the basic technology for making potato soup, you can cook:

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a coarse grater
  2. Put butter, onions and carrots in the slow cooker and set the mode: "baking", time - 40 minutes (It is likely that you will need less time). We do not close the lid of the multicooker, mix the vegetables with a special spoon for mixing the products in the multicooker and make sure that they do not burn
  3. Bring water to a boil in a kettle. Pour this water into the slow cooker, add the potatoes and, closing the lid, bring to a boil.
  4. We set the multicooker mode: “quenching”, time - 60 minutes, lay the meatballs and do other things 🙂
  5. After the multicooker gives a “ready” signal, open the lid, salt and, closing the lid, give potato soup with meatballs sweat 10 minutes.
  6. Serve to the table, decorating the soup with herbs. Bon Appetit.

vegetable soups

Soup recipes for diet 5 with vegetables:

Cream soup with broccoli. Ingredients: 100 g of veal, 500 g of broccoli, onion, bay leaf, 50 g of processed cheese, herbs, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Boil the veal separately until half cooked, drain the broth.
  • Boil the broccoli florets separately until soft.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces, pour fresh water, add salt and bay leaf, boiled onion, chopped in half rings. Cook for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam.
  • Mix with broccoli and grated processed cheese, mash with a blender.
  • Garnish with chopped herbs before serving.

Soup puree with zucchini. Ingredients: a tablespoon of olive oil, 120 g of boiled green peas, zucchini, one potato and one carrot each, an egg, 200 ml of low-fat milk, a tablespoon of flour, salt, herbs. To improve the taste, you can cook in vegetable broth.

Cooking process:

  • Peel and boil the vegetables separately, then wipe or chop with a blender.
  • In the meantime, prepare the sauce: bring 150 ml of water or vegetable broth to a boil, pre-dry the flour in the oven and add to the broth.
  • Mix milk with egg and butter, bring to a boil, add salt, combine with other soup ingredients.
  • Cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then grind the mass again with a blender.
  • Before serving, decorate the soup with herbs.

Pumpkin soup with chicken. Ingredients: 2 carrots, 100 g chicken, 400 g pumpkin pulp, 150 ml milk, bell pepper, herbs, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Peel pumpkin, cut into cubes. Spread on a baking sheet, cover with foil and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Cool and grind with a blender.
  • Grate carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the pepper.
  • Boil the chicken separately, drain the broth.
  • Combine with pumpkin pulp, salt and cook for 5 minutes, then pour milk in a thin stream, stirring the soup. Leave on low heat for another 4-5 minutes.
  • Beat with a blender until smooth, add greens.

Diet soups with cereals

Cereal soups can significantly diversify your menu.

Soup mix of cereals. Ingredients: 1.5 liters of water, 100 g of rice, 100 g of millet, 100 g of buckwheat, herbs, vegetable oil, salt, tomato, carrots.

Cooking process:

  • Pour a little vegetable oil into a saucepan and stew finely chopped carrots and tomatoes (can be replaced with tomato paste).
  • Transfer the vegetables to a pot of boiling water, add thoroughly washed cereals and cook over low heat for 25 minutes.
  • 5 minutes before readiness, add salt, bay leaf.

Potato soup with grits. Ingredients: 300 g of potatoes, a liter of vegetable broth, bay leaf, salt, 150 g of cereals (optional), carrots, 35 g of parsley root, 10 g of vegetable oil, 100 g of veal.

Cooking process:

  • Boil the meat separately and cut into small pieces.
  • Boil the cereal in a separate container.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the vegetable broth and cook until half cooked.
  • Finely chop the carrots and parsley root, dry in the oven.
  • Mix all ingredients and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • A couple of minutes before readiness, add salt, bay leaf, herbs.

Fish soup with grits. Ingredients: 200 g hake fillet (or other low-fat fish), 3 potatoes, carrots, 3 tablespoons of millet, herbs, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Defrost the fillet if necessary, rinse and cut into small pieces. Boil until half cooked.
  • Peel potatoes and cut into medium sized slices. Boil in a pot of clean water or vegetable broth for 20 minutes.
  • Boil millet separately until half cooked.
  • Finely grate the carrots and dry in the oven.
  • Add all the ingredients to the pot to the potatoes, salt and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Before serving, season the soup with herbs, you can add a spoonful of sour cream.

Milk soups

Semolina soup with milk. Ingredients: 50 g of semolina, 300 ml of milk, 10 g of butter, 200 liters of water, half an egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Pour semolina into boiling water, stirring constantly so that lumps do not appear. Boil 10 minutes.
  • Add 200 ml of warmed milk, bring to a boil.
  • Mix the egg with 100 ml of hot milk, stir well and pour into the pan.
  • Add sugar, salt, butter and remove from heat.

Milk soup with broccoli. Ingredients: 400 ml of milk, 300 ml of water, 4 potatoes, 200 g of broccoli, medium carrots, salt, herbs.

Cooking process:

  • Peel the carrots, cut into slices and dry in the oven.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, divide the broccoli into inflorescences.
  • Place vegetables in boiling salted water and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add carrots, boiled hot milk and boil for another 10-15 minutes. If necessary, salt a little.
  • Before serving, add finely chopped greens.

Milk soup with dumplings. Ingredients: a liter of milk, an egg, a glass of flour, a little salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 80 g of vermicelli, 10 g of butter.

Cooking process:

  • Grind butter with egg and flour. Add a little water so that the mixture becomes like thick sour cream.
  • Bring milk to a boil. Soak a teaspoon in milk, take the dough and add to the milk.
  • Cook the dumplings for 5 minutes under the lid, then add the vermicelli and cook for another 3-5 minutes until tender.
  • Add sugar, stir and serve.

Mucus Soups

Slimy soup with oatmeal. Ingredients: 40 g of oatmeal, a glass of milk, a glass of water, half an egg yolk, a teaspoon of sugar, 10 g of butter.

Cooking process:

  • Bring water to a boil and add oatmeal. Boil on low heat for an hour.
  • Strain the broth through a sieve, pour back into the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Whisk egg yolk into warm milk and stir slowly. In a thin stream, add the mixture to the slimy decoction.
  • Add sugar, salt, maybe a little greens.

Mucus soup with rice. Ingredients: half a glass of round-grain rice, a glass of milk, 3 glasses of water, 15 g butter, an egg, 20 g sugar, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the rice well in cold running water. Dip in boiling water and boil to a state of porridge.
  • Cool the broth, strain through a sieve and bring to a boil again.
  • Mix eggs, milk and butter and add little by little to the soup.
  • Salt, add sugar, mix and serve.

Slimy soup with barley. Ingredients: a glass of milk, 100 g barley, 2 potatoes, 3.5 glasses of water, 15 g butter, egg, salt, herbs.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse pearl barley, put in cold water and cook for 2.5-3 hours.
  • Grind with a blender and bring to a boil again, put the potatoes, cut into slices and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Crack the egg into the milk, add the butter and stir. Pour into hot soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  • Salt, again interrupt with a blender. Serve with greens.

With this nutrition system, soups are indispensable. Another recipe for a delicious vegetable soup step by step - in the video below.


1. potatoes - 2 pcs.,
2. rice - 100 gr.,
3. bow - 1 pc. (small),
4. carrots - 1 pc.,
5. broccoli - 50 gr.
6. salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes, put in a 2-liter saucepan with cold water.
2. Add rice, finely chopped onion and put on fire.
3. We rub the carrots on a fine grater and send them to the soup along with the broccoli inflorescences.
4. Cook the soup over low heat until vegetables and rice are ready, salt before turning off, and before serving, add greens and 1 tsp to the plate. vegetable oil.

Baked protein omelet

3 raw proteins 10 g sour cream 60 g milk 5 g butter

Mix proteins and milk with a whisk, pour into a pan, pour over sour cream and bake in the oven

lazy dumplings

- 200 g cottage cheese
- 1 egg
- 50 g sugar
- 150 g flour
- salt on the tip of a knife

1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, egg, salt and flour. Knead a slightly sticky dough and form a ball out of it.
2. Divide the ball into 4 parts and form sausages out of them on a table sprinkled with flour.
3. Cut the sausages into small pieces.
4. Cook in salted boiling water until floating + another 5 minutes.
5. Serve with sour cream.

Pumpkin porridge

Semolina 30g
Granulated sugar 10g

Pumpkin, peeled and seeds, cut into small cubes, stew with the addition of milk and butter until soft. Then gradually add semolina, add salt, sugar and cook until tender. Serve with a piece of butter.

Semolina porridge

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt.
Pour semolina into a pot of boiling water gradually, in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly so that lumps do not form.
Cook semolina porridge for 8-10 minutes while stirring.
When serving, put butter in a plate with porridge.
Semolina 50g.
Water 235g.
Butter 5g.
Salt 2g.

Milk rice porridge

Pour rice into boiling water and cook until half cooked. Then pour in the boiling milk and bring to a boil. Season with sugar, stir. When serving, put butter on the table.

Rice - 50 g, water - 50 g, milk - 150 g, sugar - 10 g, butter - 10 g.

cabbage casserole


In order to cook krupenik, you must first rinse and sort out the buckwheat groats prepared in advance. Fill with water already peeled cereals. The correct ratio of buckwheat and water is 1: 2, for 1 glass of cereal - 2 glasses of water, and this rule is important to observe not by eye, but absolutely exactly. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and cook a viscous porridge. It is also very important that the fire must be strong before boiling - this first 3-5 minutes, then a moderate boil and at the end of cooking it is necessary reduce fire to minimum and wait for the water to boil completely. The total cooking time is 15-16 minutes, it is not recommended to keep it on fire longer - the taste of porridge worsens and the cereal loses its shape.

As soon as the porridge reaches the desired consistency, remove it from the stove and let it cool. In the cooled porridge, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 160 grams of cottage cheese and stir well. After the added cottage cheese is well mixed, add 1 egg and stir well again so that there are no lumps.

The next step in preparing krupenik will be baking it. To do this, you need a form prepared in advance, crackers and sour cream. The form must be greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. We spread the porridge in a mold, grease with sour cream. You can put a piece of butter on top. Preheating the oven up to 200 degrees and bake krupenik until a crispy crust appears. Baking time takes about 30-40 minutes.

Noodles with cottage cheese

Boil the noodles, combine with grated cottage cheese, knead. Add sugar, egg, put in a mold greased with vegetable oil, pour over sour cream and bake in the oven.

Cheesecakes with carrots


1. cottage cheese 5% - 150 gr.,
2. carrots - 50 gr.,
3. butter - 20 gr.,
4. semolina - 5 gr.,
5. egg - 1 pc.,
6. sugar - 20 gr.,
7. wheat flour - 30 gr.,
8. a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

1. After rubbing the carrots on a fine grater, let it sit in water with the addition of butter for about 20 minutes, then, pouring semolina, cook, stirring.
2. Cool the resulting mass and add cottage cheese with egg, sugar, salt and most of the flour.
3. We form cheesecakes and, having breaded them in the remaining flour, fry them on both sides in butter, and then bring them to readiness in the oven.

Pollock baked in kefir with carrots and sweet peppers

Clean the fish, rinse, remove the bones and cut into portions. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, peel the red pepper and cut into thin slices. Put the fish on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, pre-salted. Put the carrots and sweet red pepper in an even layer on the fish. Pour the prepared fish with kefir and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Hake stewed with vegetables

Divide the hake fillet into portions and place in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Then peel and cut into cubes zucchini and sweet peppers, and carrots into round slices and shift the prepared vegetables to the fish, add milk, salt and simmer until tender.

Beef with vegetables baked in sour cream

Well-washed vegetables are chopped with a knife and stewed in oil until they are ready. During the stew, vegetables should be salted. Cooked beef meat is cut into small portions. Half of the cabbage-carrot-onion mixture is laid out in a layer in a baking dish. Shredded beef is placed on top, then the second half of the stewed vegetable mixture and sour cream mixed with flour. The container is placed in a hot oven. The finished dish should not have a hard crust.

Beef cutlets with boiled potatoes

The potatoes are boiled in their skins, peeled and ground in a blender along with small pieces of raw meat. A homogeneous minced meat is made from a potato-beef mixture, milk, butter and salt. Cutlets are molded from the meat mixture with hands or a spoon, then the dish is brought in the oven to absolute readiness in a saucepan covered with a lid.

Boiled meat with apples baked in milk sauce

Boil lean meat and cut into several thin slices. Make milk sauce from milk and flour. Peel and core apples, cut into thin circles. Grease the frying pan with oil, lay the bottom with circles of apples, put the meat mixed with the remaining apples on the apples, pour milk sauce on top, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven.

Rice pilaf with prunes, raisins and carrots

Sort the rice, rinse, pour into boiling salted water and cook until half cooked. Separately, let chopped carrots in water until soft, adding prunes and raisins. To prunes, raisins and carrots, shift the rice, cover and cook until tender. Serve at the table with butter.

Turkey boiled in milk sauce

Put prepared pieces of turkey in a saucepan, pour a little water and simmer under a lid over low heat until tender. From the dried flour, butter and milk, prepare a milk sauce, pour over the pieces of turkey and bring to a boil.



1. beef pulp - 150 gr.,
2. milk - 2 tbsp. l.,
3. apricot or prunes - 10 gr.,
4. butter - 1 tsp,
5. egg - 1 pc.,
6. sour cream - 20 gr.,
7. salt.

Cooking method:

1. After cleaning the meat from tendons and fat, we pass it through a meat grinder twice.
2. Apricots or prunes are allowed to boil in water and, freed from stones, cut into thin noodles.
3. Add milk, butter, eggs, prepared apricots or prunes to minced meat, salt and mix.
4. Dividing the resulting mass into balls, bake until tender, pour sour cream and heat.

For those who want to lose weight and get rid of extra pounds, soups will be a great helper. The first courses can be light and low-calorie, they are quickly absorbed by the body and are very useful for the stomach.

How to cook

Dietary nutrition always implies the rejection of fatty, carbohydrate, harmful. Many people think that soups are not suitable for weight loss, but this is a mistake. There is even a special soup diet during which a person feels full, gets a lot of vitamins and at the same time loses weight.

Eating soup is good for the body, because liquid food is recommended for gastritis and ulcers, it helps to restore the normal state of the stomach.

Advice! To make the soup dietary, it must be prepared from low-calorie ingredients, do not use fatty meat, do not fry vegetables in a large amount of oil.

Diet potato soup is an appetizing and tasty dish that helps to lose weight. It is best eaten for lunch as it fills you up and helps you feel good for the rest of the day.


This soup is suitable for those who want to lose weight. In addition, it can be prepared without meat, then vegetarians will appreciate it. It is advisable to cook vegetables not for very long so that they do not lose their vitamins.



  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • fat-free sour cream - 10 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • parsley root - 5 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 5 g;
  • salt.


  1. Wash all vegetables except potatoes, peel and chop them. Chop the parsley root too and send it to them, boil everything in a small amount of water with olive oil.
  2. Cut the potatoes into slices, dip in boiling water, cook until half cooked. Vegetables, also not fully cooked, add there, salt and cook until the soup is ready.
  3. Add a teaspoon of fat-free sour cream to the soup and sprinkle it with parsley. Serve hot.

With corn and nettle

This soup is very relevant in the summer, it has a lot of vitamins, it is dietary and healthy.

You will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • green onions;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • fresh corn or from a can - 100 g;
  • nettle - 100 g;
  • celery root - 1 pc.;
  • salt.


  1. First you need to peel the potatoes and grate it on a coarse grater.
  2. Grind corn in a blender or scroll in a meat grinder.
  3. Wash the nettle well and chop finely.
  4. Mix all the products and pour boiling water, salt and add the celery, which has been finely chopped before.
  5. Fry the chopped onion in a pan with olive oil, add to the finished soup. To reduce the calorie content, onions can be added without frying.

Important! Take only young nettles, choose leaves without flaws. A flowering plant is no longer suitable.

With cheese

This soup has a very original taste and saturates well.


  • celery - 40 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • water;
  • potatoes or sweet potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil - 30 g;
  • salt.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut as you like, and throw in boiling water with salt.
  2. After about 10 minutes, add cheese, a little oil and bring everything to a boil. Sprinkle the soup with parsley and celery before serving.


Such dishes are not only dietary, but very useful for the stomach. Puree soup is recommended for those who have gastritis or want to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • raw carrots - 1 pc.;
  • skim milk - 100 ml;
  • stalk of celery - 2 pcs.


  1. Peel and cut the main ingredient - potatoes. Chop celery and onion.
  2. Fry the onion in oil with water. If the pan is non-stick, you can do with just water.
  3. When the broth boils, throw in the carrots, cook it until tender, and then remove it.
  4. Now you need to put potatoes and celery in the broth, cook for 15 minutes, then add onions and cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan and beat the vegetables with a blender to make a puree. Add carrots to it as well.
  6. Put the mass on the fire again, add low-fat milk, salt everything and mix, turn off after boiling and let stand for a while. You can use it both cold and hot!

with pumpkin

This soup has only 100 kilocalories per 100 g, it is very tasty and healthy.


  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • red or green pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • dill green.


  1. In a non-stick frying pan, fry the onion with the addition of water, in extreme cases, you can add olive oil.
  2. Dice the pumpkin and potatoes, put them in a pot and pour over the prepared vegetable broth. Let it cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pass the garlic through a crusher, chop the dill, send it to the broth after readiness.
  4. Whisk the soup in a blender to get a puree soup. Sprinkle again with dill before serving.

with egg

Very simple and healthy soup.



  1. Wash, peel and cut carrots and herbs. Put them in water and boil for 20 minutes. After that, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, add to the broth.
  2. Start preparing the dressing. Pour cold sour cream, yolk into a bowl and grind everything until smooth. Then carefully pour everything into the hot soup, stirring constantly.
  3. Chop fine greens, add to soup. Serve it to the table.

Advice! This dish is best consumed freshly prepared, so it is advisable to make only one serving at a time.

With cottage cheese

This soup is the most satisfying, it relieves hunger for a long time and is very pleasant to the taste.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • green pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley;
  • water;
  • salt.


  1. Peel and grate all vegetables. Fill them with water and put on fire.
  2. When they are almost ready, put fat-free cottage cheese on them, salt and mix.
  3. At the end, sprinkle the soup with parsley and add a teaspoon of olive oil.

To make the soup tasty and dietary, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you want to make soup with boiled potatoes, never salt the water right away. Salt it when the potatoes are already boiled until half cooked, otherwise they will be tough.
  2. You can make your own recipes. Using low-calorie ingredients, such as celery, carrots, cottage cheese, chicken, you can cook amazing dishes. Experiment and get inspired!
  3. Potato soup is very tasty if you add spices to it. Herbs such as marjoram, tarragon, oregano, or basil are good.
  4. If you want to lose weight, eat soup without bread. It is better to use rye bread made from whole grains.
  5. Before use, let the finished soup stand for 5-10 minutes - so it will infuse and become even tastier.
  6. To prepare soup, it is best to use young potatoes. It is tastier and healthier, many vitamins are still preserved in it.


On a diet, it is very useful to consume liquid foods. Soups help the gastrointestinal tract work better and save from gastritis. In addition, they are very satiating and do not allow you to break the diet from hunger. Potato soup is great for weight loss, but it is better not to eat it for dinner, because potatoes are high in carbohydrates. The dish will be perfect for an afternoon snack and lunch.

The soup will become dietary if you do not fry vegetables in oil, do not add fatty sour cream or milk to it, if such ingredients are in the recipe, use it without bread. Potato soup is very useful for the body, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is better to add other fresh vegetables there, for example, celery, parsley root and carrots - so the dish will have even more benefits.

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One of the simple and effective ways to lose weight is the soup diet. During such a diet, you do not need to starve and torture your body with meager portions of the products used. The main and main component of this diet is potato soup. Using this simple dish in the diet helps to easily cope with hunger and improve well-being.

Features of diet potato soup

Dietary soups can be eaten at any time and in absolutely any quantity. Along with the soup, the simultaneous use of other products is also allowed, however, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to follow a certain diet by day.

Benefits of eating diet soups:

  • Prevention of diseases such as gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, constipation;
  • Getting rid of extra pounds in a fairly short time;
  • A varied selection of products and recipes for making diet soups;
  • Entry into the body of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals during the diet;

Dietary soups are often included in the diet of people suffering from chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as the intestines and stomach. In diseases of the stomach, it is necessary to eat vegetarian soups, as they contain substances that quickly break down protein. In dietary soups, experts highly do not recommend adding a large amount of spices, onions, garlic, bay leaves.

Lovers of light food, as well as those who are forced to adhere to a diet, will suit vegetarian potato soup . The slimming soup recipe is easy to modify by adding other ingredients as desired. The preparation of such a dish is extremely simple.

For Diet Potato Soup, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Potatoes 100 gr
  • Tomatoes 30 gr
  • Bulb onion 10 gr
  • Carrot 30 gr
  • Water 350 ml
  • Butter 5 gr
  • Sour cream 10 gr
  • Parsley greens 5 gr
  • Parsley root 5 gr
  • Salt 1 gr

Cooking method

Chop vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, and parsley root) into small cubes, boil in a small amount of water, adding oil.

Cut the potatoes into slices, dip in boiling water, boil until half cooked. Add the stewed vegetables to the potatoes, salt and cook until fully cooked.

Before drinking, potato soup can be seasoned with a little sour cream and sprinkled with chopped parsley.

The calorie content of this soup is only 174 kilocalories. To increase the dietary effect, you can not add milk and butter to the dish. And the ingredients can be varied, while getting a new dish each time. For example, it is useful to add various types of cabbage (plain white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) or a small amount of pumpkin and zucchini to soups.

In chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach, experts often recommend that patients use viscous cereals, a variety of kissels, and puree soups in their diet.

An example of a dietary soup is potato soup . Such a dish is able to envelop the gastric mucosa, thereby preventing its contact with hydrochloric acid and significantly reducing irritation.

To prepare mashed potato soup, you will need the following products:

  • Potatoes 200 gr
  • Wheat flour 15 gr
  • Milk 200 ml
  • Egg ½ part
  • Butter 15 gr
  • Water 350 ml

Cut potatoes into cubes and place in boiling water. Boil for 15-20 minutes, then add flour, then mix thoroughly. Together with the broth, pass through a sieve, then bring to a boil again. Mix half of the egg with milk, add to the soup. Drizzle with butter before serving.

The benefits of dietary soups have long been appreciated by both experts and many people who have included them in their diet. The frequent use of such dishes in food helps to get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, these light soups are useful for people with chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach.