Class hour: what is conscience. Class hour on the topic "What is conscience?"

On the topic “Conversation about conscience”


To help students formulate and comprehend the moral concept of CONSCIENCE;


1). Based on the formation of the ethical concept of conscience, stimulate self-esteem in students and their self-control in everyday behavior.

2). Show students the need for critical reflection and analysis of their own actions and the actions of peers and classmates.

3). Development of such personal qualities in students as the ability to admit their mistakes, analyze them and draw conclusions.

Form: student-centered classroom - reflection.

Equipment and materials:

ü computer,

ü multimedia projector,

ü presentation based on class materials,

ü explanatory dictionaries and,

ü questionnaire “Conscience in human life”,

ü video film “Shards in the Heart”,

ü cards with proverbs and situational problems for working in groups,

ü evaluation circles for the reflection stage.

Roles and assignments for children:

1. Find definitions of the concepts “conscience” and “shame” in dictionaries.

2. Learn poems.

3. Preliminary survey “Conscience in human life”.

1. Was there a time in your life when you were very ashamed?

2. What did you do then?

3. And now that time has passed, remembering that incident, are you ashamed again?

Class plan:

1. Greeting.

2. Problem poem.

2. Report on dictionary entries of dictionaries and.

4. “Collect a proverb”

5. Sayings of great people

6. Books about conscience

7. Game “What should you be ashamed of?

8. Warm up.

9. Situations of choice

10. Video

11. Cluster “Conscientious person”

12. “A moment of repentance”

13. Poem about conscience

14. Summing up (reflection).


1. Greetings.Slide 1 Screensaver with spring music.

Classroom teacher. Hello guys! Today is the last day of winter, which means spring will come very soon. What do you associate with the arrival of spring?

- with warmth

- with the awakening of plants and animals

- with something new

- with the revival of beauty.

I agree with you. Everything beautiful awakens in nature, and humans also have this opportunity. Today in class we will try to awaken this feeling in ourselves. And our conversation will begin student 1 who prepared the poem.

2. Problem poem.

Got ready for a party... Waiting for the tram...

It’s dark, there’s not a soul at the bus stop...

I look, old lady, God's dandelion,

He stirs the tin can around the trash cans,

Of those who received from the state

A reward “commensurate” with the work:

Eat - there won't be enough money for medicine,

If you buy medicine, you won’t have enough money for food.

And next to it, at the stall, with the ends facing the wall,

Quite good looking

There were three boxes with cucumbers.

There is no one in the area, the stall is closed.

“Grandma, apparently, there’s not a lot of money with grandmothers?

Take a little bit - it’s a freebie, that’s all”...

“You can’t, it’s someone else’s,” she smiled sadly

And she wandered to the next trash can.

That time I didn't fall in love.

The tram left long ago, but I stood

And he cried from the greatness of the old woman.

And from what I know: I would take it...

Classroom teacher: Guys, what is this poem about? What wonderful feeling did the old lady have? What will be the topic of our class hour?

- about conscience

Slide 2 Class topic.

Classroom teacher: The topic of the class hour is “Talk about conscience”

In our countless wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:

These are such familiar and familiar words... They sound from TV screens and just on the street, they are found on the pages of newspapers and in school essays. When using them in conversation, we hardly think about the fact that the existence of these words is the basis of human existence. Without them, the human race would have died out long ago. Unfortunately, at present we can observe a decline in the level of general culture and a decline in morality. They say some people just don't have a conscience. What is conscience?

Slide 3 What is conscience

Children's answers.

Classroom teacher: Fine. Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries to confirm what has been said. Student 2 prepared a short message about what conscience is.

Slide 4 Dictionaries.

3 . Message on dictionary entriesdictionaries etc.

The dictionary gives the following definition of the concept of “conscience”:

conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people.

The dictionary gives a more detailed definition based on popular thinking:

“Conscience is moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an action; a feeling that encourages truth and goodness; turning away from evil and lies; involuntary love for good and truth; forced truth, in varying degrees of development.”

Always next to these words are other moral values: dignity and nobility.

DIGNITY is a set of high moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in oneself.

NOBILITY – high morality, dedication and honesty.

Slide 5 Definition of conscience

Classroom teacher: So, conscience is….. People began to talk about this human quality for a long time. And in oral folk art, the issue of conscience is also raised. Do you know any proverbs about conscience?

Children's answers.

Now I suggest you work in pairs. Assignment: assemble a proverb from individual words and explain its meaning.

4. "Collect a proverb"

Slide 6. Collect a proverb (music)

1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.

2. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience.

3. Gray hair, but no conscience.

4. The dress is black, but the conscience is white.

5. Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person.

Slide 7 Proverbs

Explanation of proverbs.

Classroom teacher: In addition to this, there are many sayings about conscience by great people. Let's read some of them.

5. Sayings of great people

Slide 8. Statements of great people.

Classroom teacher: Do you agree with them?

Children's answers.

Also, many works have been written about conscience that you can familiarize yourself with.

6. Books about conscience

Slide 9 Books.


Shchedrin "Conscience Lost"

"Crime and Punishment"

7. Game “What should you be ashamed of?

Classroom teacher: These works vividly tell us about the feelings of conscience and shame. What do you think, what should we be ashamed of?

Children's answers

We'll check now. I read, and you answer in unison “ashamed” or “not ashamed.”

The teacher reads:

· physical disabilities;

· ugly actions;

· worn but neat clothes;

· sloppy appearance;

· unprestigious job of parents;

· vulgar appearance;

· rude, callous attitude towards people;

· obscene expressions.

Classroom teacher. I am very glad that you won this game and correctly identified what you need to be ashamed of.

8. Warm up.

Classroom teacher: Now let's do a warm-up not only for the soul, but also for the body. I will name different words. You will hear some of them for the first time. If the word is kind, good, you raise your hands up; if it means something bad, unkind, you lower your hands down.

Let's start: MERCY, COWARDICE, OBEDIENCE, PRIDE, CANDOR, ENVY, KINDNESS, PRIDE, ANGER, IRRITABILITY, RUDE. What happened to you? You have sunk lower. What words were said more?

Who do you look like? On animals. This is how it happens in life - doing everything because of which

we have descended, man ceases to look like a man.

Do you like standing like this? Comfortable? Let's become people again.

Help me and say words that will lift us up: JOY, PEACE, LOVE(children's hands fly up).

9. Situations of choice.

Classroom teacher: Guys, here you have perfectly separated good from evil. But our life is full of a variety of situations. And circumstances require us to choose: to do it according to our conscience or against our conscience.

Let's look at three situations. Let's divide into groups.

Each group receives a card with the situation described on it. Students discuss and argue their position on this situation:

Slide 10. Situations

Situation 1. You found a small wallet in the school corridor. There is no one in the corridor except you. What will you do?

Situation 2. On a hot summer day in a crowded bus, you return tired after sports training. Having caught your eye on one place, you settled down with pleasure. At the next stop, an old woman with two bags got on the bus and stood not far from you. Your actions?

Situation 3. You buy milk in a store, pay with a hundred-ruble bill, and the seller mistakenly returns your 100 rubles and gives you change. What will you do?

10. Video

Classroom teacher: I'm glad you made the right choice. And the survey conducted confirms that for the majority of you, your sense of conscience is not asleep.

Slide 11. Questionnaire questions

Could it be that a person’s conscience awakens only after many, many years? Let's watch a video about this.

Slide 12 Movie

Classroom teacher.

– Can you say at what time the events of this story took place?

– Why did the hero of the story throw the fragments into the blind man’s mug?

– When do you think he began to suffer from conscience?

– Do you think the hero of the story will raise good children?

– Why do you think the hero of the story remembered all his life about some poor blind old man?

– In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse? (You carried these fragments in your heart for 50 years)

– How would you title this story? (“Shards in the heart”, “Remorse”, “Conscience”, etc.)

11. Cluster “Conscientious person”

Conscience helps people behave correctly, correct their mistakes, and improve their best qualities.

If a person commits an unseemly act, this often causes him to be dissatisfied with himself, repentant, and remorseful.

“Pang of conscience” is one of the most powerful human emotions.

Every person should be raised so that the voice of conscience constantly sounds within him. Everyone must become a conscientious person.

What kind of a conscientious person is he? Let's create a cluster.

For example:

He does everything according to his conscience, he is ashamed to act dishonestly and unfairly. This fair, conscientious and responsible person.

It’s as if he’s checking his every step with those in action. moral standards and acts consciously, deliberately, in strict accordance with them.

He does not commit actions that will bring him down in the eyes of other people, even when he is quite sure that no one will know about it.

A conscientious person works with his soul, and not for show.

conscientious person will not pass by someone else's misfortune indifferently, will not cowardly shirk to the side where it is necessary to stand up for the truth.

A conscientious person, if he commits some unjust acts, does so unintentionally, and they cause him deep remorse.

Slide 13 Cluster

Classroom teacher: You and I have compiled a verbal portrait of a conscientious person. Are there any conscientious people in our class? Let's check.

12. “A moment of repentance”

Let's now (whoever has the courage) do this exercise. Let's think for a minute, remember our bad deeds this week, for which we deeply repent.

Slide 14. A moment of repentance.

The music turns on. Children spend one minute thinking about their performances.

Classroom teacher. Raise your hands if you want to clear your conscience and repent of a bad deed.

Children raise their hands and talk about their bad deeds.

Classroom teacher. The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. And if you have offended someone, then you must definitely ask for forgiveness.

13. Poem about conscience.

And in conclusion, let's listen to another poem about conscience. Speaking student 3.

We make notches for memory,

Not trusting my own tracks,

And conscience remembers all our actions

And does not age despite the years.

She's modest. Doesn't say a word

Until he weighs his thoughts and deeds,

And suddenly he reminds you directly and sternly

Just about what you wanted to forget.

She doesn’t care whether the blizzard is noisy in the field,

Are nightingales singing in the woods?

Keep the answer and neither wife nor friend

Don't call me as a witness in vain.

What to hide - it’s not easy to live with her,

But we are proud, hurrying on a new path,

What has long been called conscientious

The people have a Russian soul.

Classroom teacher: I want to wish you guys to be conscientious people. It's time to awaken your conscience! And I think today we took the first step towards this.

14. Summing up (reflection).

Slide 15 Reflection

Classroom teacher: Our conversation has come to an end. To summarize, please continue any sentence.

And now, When leaving, you color the circle lying on your desk with the appropriate color:

Red - I liked the class hour, it was interesting and made me think about a lot

Blue - the class hour was interesting, but it will not bring any benefit

Black – I didn’t like the class hour. Classroom teacher: Thanks to all! Slide 16 Thank you for your attention

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Novospasskoye settlement, Ulyanovsk region

Class hour in 8th grade.

Classroom teacher

Tabakova L.P.

2016-2017 academic year year

learn the meaning of moral categories: shame, conscience, repentance;

develop the ability to be critical of oneself and give an honest assessment of one’s actions;

encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for moral ideals.


Multimedia presentation.

Class plan

Test question.

Problematic situation. Dramatized story “Shards in the Heart”

Interactive conversation.

Vocabulary work “Shame” and “Conscience”.

Game “What should you be ashamed of?”

Exercises for conscience “A minute of repentance and forgiveness.”

Summing up, reflection.

Progress of the class hour.


Imagine that you have done a very bad thing. For this, the teacher can call the parents, or he can simply say in front of the whole class: “You have neither shame nor conscience!” What do you think is scarier?

Sample answers from children:

Parents are worse

These words are not scary to me, let him scold,

These words are shameful

I will be ashamed.

This was a test question. He showed that some of you still have a deep sleep of conscience. But someday she will still wake up, like the hero of this little story.

2. Staging.

One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the man was in a bad mood or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and moved on. Many years later. This man achieved everything in life: family, work, money, a good home, and respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. His conscience tormented him, gnawed at him, did not let him sleep. And so he decided to find the blind man and repent. He arrived in the city where he was born and raised, and the blind man was still sitting in the same place with the same mug.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw broken glass into your mug - it was me. I'm sorry.

I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for many years.

3. Interactive conversation.

Can you say at what time the events of this story took place?

Why did the hero of the story throw broken glass into the blind man's mug?

Why do you think he remembered this all his life?

In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse?

How can you title this story?

Do you think the hero of the story raises good children?

4. Vocabulary work.

What is conscience, shame? What is the meaning of these words?

Russian poet Alexander Yashin wrote the following lines:

In our countless wealth

There are precious words:

Fatherland, Loyalty, Brotherhood.

And there is also: Conscience, Honor.

This is how the meaning of this word is explained in the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl:

Conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

They use different expressions with this word, people say: conscience gnaws, conscience torments, conscience does not let you sleep, pangs of conscience, remorse, conscience has spoken. It’s very good if you do something with a clear conscience, a clear conscience. People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious and conscientious.

And here is how the meaning of the word “shame” is explained: it is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from a consciousness of guilt. People say: you can burn with shame, you can fall through the ground with shame, you can blush with shame.

Where there is shame, there is conscience, says a Russian proverb. It shows well the connection between these two concepts.

The Russian people came up with many proverbs about conscience and shame. (Slide No. 2)

1. No matter how wise you are, you can’t make your conscience too wise.

2. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.

3. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience.

4. Life is given for good deeds.

5. You will pass through the world by lying, but you will not turn back.

6. Truth, like a wasp, burrows into your eyes.

5. Game “What should you be ashamed of?”(Slide No. 3)

Now let's talk about opposite concepts. Shamelessness, impudence, impudence are dangerous vices of the soul. A shameless person at first does not care what people think about him and his actions, and then he becomes indifferent to his own fate. What do you think you should be ashamed of in life and why? Let's play a game: I will read the phrases, and you answer: ashamed, not ashamed.

Physical disabilities;

Ugly actions;

Not new, but neat clothes;

Old-fashioned clothes;

Sloppy appearance;

Unprestigious job of parents;

Ignorance, illiteracy;

Rudeness of speech.

I am very glad that you won this game and correctly identified what you need to be ashamed of. I would like your inner judge in life - conscience - to help you distinguish between good and evil just as well.

Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or window dressing, but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge a person.

3 groups - situations. (slide No. 4)

1 situation.

You buy milk in a store, and the seller mistakenly gives you an extra 5 rubles with change. What should you do according to your conscience?

Situation 2:

You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave your neighbor a “3” and you a “5” because he didn’t notice three gross mistakes. Your actions?

Situation 3:

For spring break, you and your whole class are planning an interesting trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone broke the mirror. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled. Do you know who did it? How can one act in good conscience here?

7. Exercises of conscience.

A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell you whether we are doing good or bad. And in order for the conscience not to remain silent, you need to train it, like athletes train their muscles, or like we train our memory by memorizing poetry, or like we train our minds. You need to do exercises of conscience. This is the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person reflects on what good he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another person, tries to see the consequences of his actions or look at himself from the outside through the eyes of other people. With such work, conscience will become a person’s inner judge. Let's do this exercise now.

Let's think for a minute, remember our bad deeds committed towards classmates, family members, teachers and apologize. Let's call it "A Minute of Repentance."

The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that even the most terrible diseases can be cured by a clear conscience and repentance. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

8. Summing up. Reflection.

There are people about whom they say: unscrupulous. Are they doing well? At first glance, yes. What about the people around you? After all, he is selfish. He lives only for himself. They say: he walks over the heads of others to his goal. How to awaken his conscience?

Our conversation is coming to an end. Do you think it will awaken your conscience? Has anything changed in you after our conversation? (signal cards).

Conscience is a measure of morality
Goal: Formation of a sense of conscience.
1). Based on the formation of the ethical concept of conscience, stimulate self-esteem in
students and their self-control in everyday behavior.
2). Show students the need for critical thinking and analysis of their own
actions and actions of peers and classmates.
3). Development of such personal qualities in students as the ability to admit their mistakes,
analyze them and draw conclusions.
“On a hot summer day in a crowded bus traveling almost the entire
city ​​to the river, for some reason my gaze lingered on a married couple. Young, plump,
a magnificently dressed woman and a girl of about thirteen were sitting in the seats above which
There was a sign: “For passengers with children and disabled people.” Mother sat down with
edge..., as luck would have it, in this shaking bus, apparently driven by an inexperienced
driver, there were an unusually large number of old women. Here he is, hung with bags,
those exhausted from the stuffiness had a particularly hard time. With every push they are mercilessly
threw back and forth. And the girl who was sitting by the window was pretending to sleep,
occupying a seat designed precisely for these old and infirm people.”
 Stage I.
1. Definition of the topic.
2. Preliminary survey “Conscience in human life”.

2. What did you do then?
3. And now that time has passed, remembering that incident, are you ashamed again?
3. Analysis of the questionnaire “Conscience in human life.”
4. Selection of material.
Roles and assignments for children:
1. Prepare proverbs and sayings about conscience.
2. In the Children's Bible, repeat God's Commandments.
 Stage II.
Conducting a communication class.
Man is a social creature. It cannot be separated from specific conditions
society. That is why we say that the basis of his behavior is that social
the environment in which he lives.
But at the same time, he is a rational being. Everything he does, he does meaningfully. How
a thinking, feeling being, a person has an active ability to choose

forms of their behavior. A person must do everything in his power to firmly
stand on your feet, be highly moral.
But this requires an internal spiritual volitional struggle of a person with weaknesses,
the struggle to eliminate everything that prevents us from moving forward. But actions and behavior
a person is evaluated not only by other people. You must evaluate your actions yourself
Human. This ability of a person to internally evaluate his actions, the ability
balance one's behavior with the moral norms in force in society, feeling
Moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people is conscience.
There are many popular proverbs and sayings about the manifestation of a person’s conscience. Here
some of them.
Many prominent people have pointed out that without a sense of conscience it is difficult to become
a moral person.
Socrates spoke about this matter as follows: “I consider the man lost
who has lost his sense of shame." Conscience serves as a regulator of behavior and
human activity, his internal moral controller.
Conscience is a kind of moral fear that is responsible for behavior
a person, for his choice of his actions, actions.
In preparation for this hour of communication, I asked you to answer three questions on the survey.
1. Was there a time in your life when you were very ashamed?
2. What did you do then?
3. And now that time has passed and, remembering that incident, are you ashamed again?
Conscience helps people behave correctly, correct their mistakes,
improve your best qualities. Conscience is a deep and important internal
motive for moral behavior. Conscience manifests itself in both big and small things. I'll bring you
such an example.
Guys, how do you think events developed further?
(children's answers)
Try to replay the situation. Express your pros and cons.
What does the expression mean: “It’s not appropriate for a girl to lose her conscience at this age, and neither should you.”
mother herself, as if she wouldn’t cry afterwards...”
“This is how it is with us: at seven years old they sit, and at seventy they stand. Who is to blame here? Yes
we ourselves, parents. This is the kind of steal that my father and mother raised, but invested my conscience in
forgot. Well, a person without conscience is the same cripple, he seems to have a seat
it's supposed to..."
We are often forced to think about the moral meaning of our actions and in general
over the issue of permissibility and impermissibility.
If a person commits an unseemly act, this often causes him
dissatisfaction with oneself, repentance, remorse. "Pangs of conscience" is one of the most
strong human emotions.

Guys, who is called “a person with a clear conscience”?
(children's answers)
A clear conscience means, as Feuerbach said, that a person does not feel
no evil deed, no action that should be afraid of opinion
other people.
At A.S. Pushkin has an expression: “Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean.”
How do you understand the expression “bad conscience”? And why is a person with unclean
Is your conscience really pathetic?
(children's answers)
A bad conscience is nothing more than suffering over an unfulfilled debt,
about pain caused to another person due to a misunderstanding, oversight or
At the same time, there are people with a sick conscience.
How do you understand the expression “sick conscience”?
People with a sick conscience develop uncertainty about the correctness of their
actions, constant fear of doing something wrong, they constantly punish themselves for
actions in which there was nothing essentially reprehensible.
Every person should be raised so that a voice constantly sounds within him
conscience. It is conscience that helps a person not to deviate from the norms
human morality. Conscience is of divine origin and is
a moral feeling that God puts into the human soul. Conscience is the voice of God
inside us. This voice not only tells a person what is good and what is bad, but also obliges
it is to do good and avoid evil. This is what God's Commandments teach us.
The correctness of one’s actions in accordance with one’s conscience gives a person joy and
satisfaction makes him self-confident. But how hard it is on the soul when
you feel that you did something differently than you should have done. There is a high court
probably every person. It is he, this court, that forces us to be demanding
to yourself. Feelings of shame and remorse are unpleasant feelings.
Conscience is the harshest and most unforgiving of all judges encountered in life.
person. It makes a person a person. Honesty, truthfulness, integrity everything
it is inseparable from conscience.
Peace and order rest on conscientious people. They carry a charge
moral health, which has a beneficial effect on others. Their life position
largely determines the moral climate of society and the level of its ideals. And I really want
so that you never lose your conscience and always live in accordance with it.
For, as V.I. said. Dahl, conscience - moral consciousness, moral sense
or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; secret place of the soul, in which
approval or condemnation of every action is withdrawn; ability to recognize
quality of action; a feeling that awakens to truth and goodness, aversion from lies and evil;
involuntary love for good and truth; innate truth in varying degrees of development.




“Shame and Conscience” - class hour.


Clarify the meaning of such moral categories as shame, conscience, repentance;

Contribute to the formation of the ability to be critical of oneself, to give an honest assessment of one’s actions; encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.

Classroom plan.

  1. The question is a test.
  2. Interactive conversation.
  3. Analysis of questionnaires.
  4. Vocabulary work “Shame and conscience.”
  5. Game “What should you be ashamed of”?
  6. Situations of choice.
  7. Exercises for conscience.

Progress of the class hour.

The question is a test.

Classroom teacher.Imagine that you have done a very bad thing. For this, the teacher can call the parents, or he can simply say in front of the whole class: “You have neither shame nor conscience!” What do you think is scarier?

Problematic situation. The story "Shards in the Heart."

Classroom teacher.This was a test question. He showed that some of you still have a deep sleep of conscience. But someday she will still wake up, like the hero of this little story.

One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the man was in a bad mood or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and moved on. 50 years have passed. This man has achieved everything in life. Children, grandchildren, money, a good home, and universal respect - he had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. His conscience tormented him, gnawed at him, did not let him sleep. And so, in his declining years, he decided to find the blind man and repent. I arrived in the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man was still sitting in the same place with the same mug.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw broken glass into your mug - it was me. Forgive me, said the man.

“I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for 50 years,” answered the blind man.

Interactive conversation.

Classroom teacher.

Can you say at what time the events of this story took place?

Why did the hero of the story throw the fragments into the blind man's mug?

Why do you think the hero of the story remembered all his life about some poor blind old man?

When do you think he began to suffer from conscience?

In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse? (You carried these fragments in your heart for 50 years)

Do you think the hero of the story will raise good children?

How would you title this story? (“Shards in the heart”, “Remorse”, “Conscience”, etc.)

Analysis of questionnaires. Before we look at the meaning of the words shame and conscience, I will present you with the results of your questionnaires.

7 people could not explain these concepts, 6 people tried to reason and understand when a person is ashamed and ashamed. 12 people managed to find and select a keyword for the concept of “shame.” This feeling, someone writes: awkwardness, awareness of guilt for the actions committed. But with the concept of “conscience” it’s not so simple. Many also write that it is:

Feeling sad;

The feeling that people experience when they are remorseful;

A feeling that torments you;

A feeling that not everyone has;

This is what haunts when a person is explained his guilt.

Nastya Galkina writes: “This is the inner voice of a person that forces him to tell the truth.”

Anya Devyaterikova writes: “This is what torments a person in his inner world of the soul when he is ashamed. Indeed, these concepts are closely related to each other

Vocabulary work. "Shame and Conscience"

Classroom teacher.What is “conscience”, “shame”. What is the meaning of these words? Russian poet Alexander Yashin once wrote the following lines: (slide number 3)

In our countless wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:



This is how the meaning of the word “conscience” is explained in the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl: conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of each action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action(slide number 4).

Conscience is a category of ethics that characterizes an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently form moral responsibilities for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions. This explanation of this concept was found by Ksenia Farnosova on the Internet(slide number 4).

Very strong expressions are used with this word: people say: “gnaws at one’s conscience”, “torments one’s conscience”, “conscience does not let one sleep”, “torments of conscience”, “remorse”, “conscience speaks”. It’s very good when you do something with a “clear conscience”, with a “clear conscience”. People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious, conscientious (slide number 5).

And here is how the meaning of the word “shame” is explained: this is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from the consciousness of the reprehensibility of an act, guilt(slide number 6).

Or this explanation: shame is a feeling that arises in a person when he commits actions that contradict the requirements of morality and humiliate the dignity of an individual (slide No. 6). Shame is a very powerful feeling. People say: “you can burn with shame”, “you can fall through the ground with shame”, “you can blush with shame”, “I don’t know where to go from shame”(slide number 7).

“In whom there is shame, there is conscience,” says a Russian proverb. It shows well the connection between these two concepts. Nastya Galochkina and Sasha Romashova found many proverbs and sayings of famous people about these concepts. Here are some of them (slide No. 8, 9).

  1. No matter how wise you are, you can’t outdo your conscience.
  2. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.
  3. You can hide it from a person, but you cannot hide it from your conscience.
  4. Life is given for good deeds.
  5. It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin.
  6. You will pass through the world by lying, but you will not turn back.
  7. The truth, like a wasp, creeps into your eyes.
  8. Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person.
  9. You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.

Statements of famous people.

  1. The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. Kant Immanuel.
  2. If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed. Franklin Benjamin.
  3. We go into the midst of a noisy crowd to drown out the cry of our own conscience. Rabindranath Tagore.
  4. Shame in front of people is a good feeling, but the best feeling is shame in front of yourself. Tolstoy. L.N.
  5. The most severe shame and greatest torment is when you do not know how to worthily defend what you love, what you live with. Gorky M.A.
  6. It is in the nature of rational beings to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections. Montesquieu 3.

Game “What should you be ashamed of?”

Classroom teacher: Now let's talk about opposite concepts. Shamelessness, impudence, impudence. These are dangerous vices of the soul. A shameless person at first does not care what people think about him, and then he becomes indifferent to his own fate. What should you be ashamed of in life and why? Let's play a game. I am against everyone. I will read the words. And you answer in unison “ashamed” or “not ashamed” (option: raise your hands if you think this is something to be ashamed of).

Physical disabilities;

Ugly actions;

Worn but neat clothes;

Old-fashioned clothes;

Sloppy appearance;

Unprestigious job of parents;

Your “simple” origin;

Ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy.

Vulgar appearance;

Rude, callous attitude towards people

I am very glad that you won this game and correctly identified what you need to be ashamed of. I would like that in life your inner judge - conscience - would just as well help you distinguish between good and evil.

Classroom teacher.Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or window dressing, but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge a person.

Let's look at three situations. How to act according to your conscience?

Situation one.

You're buying groceries at the store and the clerk mistakenly gives you extra change. What will you do?

Situation two.

You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave your neighbor a “3” and you a “5” because he didn’t notice the three gross mistakes he saw in her notebook. Your actions?

Situation three.

For spring break, you and your class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Rapid preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the chemistry classroom with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled. Do you know that your friend tore the tap off the fire extinguisher? How can you act according to your conscience in this situation?

Exercises of conscience. "A moment of repentance."

Classroom teacher.A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad. And so that conscience does not remain silent, you need to train it, just as you train muscles and the mind - you need to force it to constantly work, do exercises. Exercises of conscience are the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person. Otherwise - wandering in the dark. Let's now (whoever has the courage) do this exercise. Let's think for a minute, remember the bad deeds committed this week, for which we deeply repent. Let's call this exercise “a minute of repentance” (the music is turned on, for one minute the children think about their performances). Raise your hand if you want to clear your conscience and repent of a bad deed.

The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are cured by repentance. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

An exercise of conscience. "A moment of forgiveness."

Classroom teacher.The second useful exercise of conscience is to ask for forgiveness. Maslenitsa week has ended. What is the name of the last day of Maslenitsa? That's right - “Forgiveness Sunday.” On this day it is customary to ask everyone for forgiveness. When people meet, they say to each other: “Please forgive me.” In response you need to say: “God will forgive you.” Are there any brave souls among you who want to ask for forgiveness from those they have offended? I advise you to do this exercise at home.

Interactive conversation “What to do with impudent people?”

Classroom teacher. Well, what if a person has no conscience? Is it good for him to live in the world? How to awaken conscience in an unscrupulous person? Sample answers from children:

You need to tell him directly about everything, criticize him.

We need to declare a boycott.

Do not shake hands, do not greet.

We need to set up a public court.

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. If a person acts unscrupulously, dishonestly, those around him should shame him. Better the bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Maybe this will awaken a person’s conscience, and the person will feel ashamed.

Summing up (reflection).


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Shame and conscience Class hour

In our countless wealth there are precious words: Fatherland, Loyalty, Brotherhood. And there is also: Conscience, Honor. Alexander Yashin.

conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of each action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

Conscience is a category of ethics that characterizes an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently form moral responsibilities for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

Very strong expressions are used with this word: people say: “gnaws at the conscience”, “torments the conscience”, “conscience doesn’t let me sleep”, “pangs of conscience”, “remorse”, “conscience has spoken”. It’s very good when you do something with a “clear conscience”, with a “clear conscience”. People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious and conscientious.

“shame” is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from the consciousness of the reprehensibility of an act, guilt. Or this explanation: shame is a feeling that arises in a person when he commits actions that contradict the requirements of morality and humiliate the dignity of the individual.

Shame is a very powerful feeling. People say: “you can burn with shame”, “you can fall through the ground with shame”, “you can blush with shame”, “I don’t know where to go from shame”

No matter how wise you are, you can’t outdo your conscience. A conscience without teeth will gnaw. You can hide it from a person, but you cannot hide it from your conscience. Life is given for good deeds. It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin. You will pass through the world by lying, but you will not turn back. The truth, like a wasp, creeps into your eyes. Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person. You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. I. Kant If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed. B. Franklin We go into the midst of a noisy crowd to drown out the cry of our own conscience. Rabindranath Tagore Shame in front of people is a good feeling, but shame in front of oneself is best. L.N. Tolstoy The most severe shame and great torment is when you do not know how to worthily defend what you love, what you live with. M.A. Gorky The nature of intelligent beings contains the ability to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections. Montesquieu ΙΙΙ

Class hour on the topic “Shame and conscience”, grades 7-8

By the age of 12-13, teenagers are already well acquainted with such a moral category as conscience. But they do not include it among their priority values. Moreover, many teenagers note that conscience prevents them from living according to the laws of modern society. They see numerous evidence of this every day on TV screens. Meanwhile, according to the Russian Orthodox tradition, by the age of 12-13, a person must have a sufficiently mature conscience (after all, from the age of 7, a child is allowed to confess), which means he is obliged to subject all his thoughts and actions to strict consideration and analysis. Due to their activity and sociability, teenagers often commit actions that they cannot evaluate based on their life experience. In such cases, the voice of conscience may be the only force that can protect a teenager from a mistake or crime. According to the authors, a class hour on the topic “Shame and Conscience” will be very relevant in the 7th grade.

Goals: clarify the meaning of such moral categories as conscience, shame, repentance; develop the ability to be critical of oneself and give an honest assessment of one’s actions; encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.

Preparatory work: instruct 2 students to find out in the dictionary the meaning of the words “conscience”, “shame”, choose phrases and proverbs with these words.

Decor: write on the board:


Shame is the awareness of guilt for one's actions.

Conscience is our inner judge.


1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.

2. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.

3. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience.

4. Life is given for good deeds.

5. It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin.

6. You will pass through the world by untruth, but you will not return back.

7. The truth, like a wasp, crawls into your eyes.

Class plan

I. Test question.

II. Problematic situation. The story "Shards in the Heart."

III. Interactive conversation.

IV. Vocabulary work.

V. Game “What should you be ashamed of?”

1. Situation one.

2. Situation two.

3. Situation three.

VII. Problem situation “Court of conscience”.

VIII. Exercises for conscience.

1. “A moment of repentance.”

2. “A moment of forgiveness.”

IX. Interactive conversation “What to do with impudent people?”

X. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I. Question test

Classroom teacher. Guys, I have a question for you. Imagine that you have done a very bad thing. For that

the teacher can call the parents, or he can simply say in front of the whole class: “You have neither shame nor conscience!” What do you think is scarier?

(The teacher calls the children’s names and invites them to speak.)

Sample answers from children:

It’s worse to challenge my parents, and then I can show the teacher that I have a conscience.

Better a minute of shame in front of the class than in front of your parents.

If the teacher calls my parents, it means that he thinks that I am not a completely lost person and that I have a conscience.

If he says that, it means he’s given up on me - it’s better to call his parents!

It is not shameful to call parents to school, but such words are shameful.

Not the parents!

I don't care!

II. Problematic situation. The story "Shards in the Heart"

Classroom teacher. This was a test question. He showed that some of you still have a deep sleep of conscience. But someday she will still wake up, like the hero of this little story.

Listen to what it says. (Reads the story.)

One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the man was in a bad mood or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and moved on. 50 years have passed. This man has achieved everything in life. Children, grandchildren, money, a good home, and universal respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. His conscience tormented him, gnawed at him, did not let him sleep. And so, in his declining years, he decided to find the blind man and repent. I arrived in the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man still sat in the same place with the same mug.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw broken glass into your mug - it was me. Forgive me,” said the man.

“I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for 50 years,” answered the blind man.

III. Interactive conversation

Classroom teacher.

Can you say at what time the events of this story took place?

Why did the hero of the story throw the fragments into the blind man's mug?

When do you think he began to suffer from conscience?

Do you think the hero of the story will raise good children?

Why do you think the hero of the story remembered all his life about some poor blind old man?

In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse? (You carried these fragments in your heart for 50 years.)

How would you title this story? (“Shards in the heart”, “Remorse”, “Conscience”, etc.)

IV. Vocabulary work

Classroom teacher. What is conscience? shame? (names, surnames) will tell us about this. They worked with dictionaries and found out the meaning of these words.

(Two students come to the board and read dictionary entries.)

Student I. Russian poet Alexander Yashin once wrote the following lines:

In our countless wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:

Student 2. Conscience is a precious word.

Student 1. This is how the meaning of this word is explained in S.I.’s dictionaries. Ozhegov and V.I. Dalia. (Reads his notes.) Conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

Student 2. Very strong expressions are used with this word: people say: “gnaws at the conscience”, “torments the conscience”, “conscience doesn’t let me sleep”, “torments of conscience”, “remorse”, “conscience has spoken”. It’s very good when you do something with a clear conscience, with a clear conscience. People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious and conscientious.

Student 1. And here is how the meaning of the word “shame” is explained. (Reads.) This is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from the consciousness of the reprehensibility of the act, guilt.

Student 2. Shame is a very strong feeling. People say: “you can burn with shame,” “you can fall through the ground with shame,” “you can blush with shame,” “I don’t know where to go from shame.”

Student 1. “In whom there is shame, there is conscience,” says the Russian proverb. It shows well the connection between these two concepts.

Student 2. In the dictionaries we found many proverbs about conscience and shame. We wrote these proverbs on the board.

(Read proverbs.)

V. Game “What should you be ashamed of?”

Classroom teacher. Now let's talk about opposite concepts. Shamelessness, impudence, impudence are dangerous vices of the soul. A shameless person at first does not care what people think about him, and then he becomes indifferent to his own fate.

What do you think you should be ashamed of in life and why? Let's play a game. I will read the words, and you will answer in unison “ashamed” or “not ashamed.” (Option: you raise your hands if you think this is something to be ashamed of.)

(The teacher reads.)

Physical disabilities;

Ugly actions;

Worn but neat clothes;

Old-fashioned clothes;

Sloppy appearance;

Unprestigious job of parents;

Your “simple” origin;

Ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy;

Vulgar appearance;

Rude, callous attitude towards people.

I am very glad that you correctly identified what you need to be ashamed of. I would like your inner judge in life - conscience - to help you distinguish between good and evil just as well.

Classroom teacher. Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or window dressing, but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge a person.

Let's look at three situations. Will it be difficult for you to act according to your conscience?

1. Situation one

You buy milk in a store, and the seller mistakenly gives you an extra five rubles with change. What will you do?

(Children speak out.)

2. Situation two

You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave your neighbor a “3” and you a “5” because he didn’t notice the three gross mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?

(Children speak out.)

3. Situation three

For spring break, the class and the class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the chemistry classroom with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits it. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled. You know that your friend tore off the fire extinguisher tap. How can you act according to your conscience in this case?

(Children speak out.)

VII. Problem situation “Court of conscience”

Classroom teacher. Conscience is our inner judge, which helps us distinguish good from evil. Thoughts, actions, words - everything a person must subject to the strict judgment of his conscience. And what a relief you feel when you remove the burden from your soul and clear your conscience.

Listen to a story told by one of my former students.

In the 7th grade, Sergei was a disobedient, hooligan boy. The guys considered him a leader because he constantly came up with all sorts of entertainment.

One day during class, he managed to steal a bag with a change of shoes from one girl, Tanya Ivanova, and throw it out the open window. The kids, seeing someone else's old shoes, threw them into a deep puddle.

After lessons, the guys had a match with 7 "B", and Sergei completely forgot about these unfortunate boots. He ran home, had lunch, changed clothes, then honestly stood on goal for an hour and a half, without missing a single goal.

Already in the last minutes of the match, he saw Ivanova come out of the school door, splashing through the mud in her slippers, smearing tears down her cheeks. Sergei called the guys over, and they laughed, looking at this gap.

And in the evening there was a scandal at their entrance. Screams were heard from the Ivanovs' apartment. The drunken father shouted that he would force Tanka to walk barefoot or in tarpaulin boots, since she did not know how to take care of her things.

Sergei put on his headphones, turned on the music and began to do his homework. For some reason I didn’t feel like laughing at all. And at night he could not sleep, something disgustingly scratched in his heart, disturbed him, did not give him peace. He recalled all the events of the day: the tear-stained Ivanova, splashing through the puddles in slippers, the voice of her drunken father, the pitiful babble of her mother - no matter how Sergei tried to persuade himself, no matter how he justified himself, it turned out that it was all his fault - Deciding that the morning was evening wiser, Sergei fell asleep.

And the next morning, an ambulance took Ivanova to the hospital with pneumonia. It was here that Sergei realized how conscience can gnaw.

He had money that he was saving for a bicycle. In a shoe store, Sergei bought size 38 women's shoes with this money, like his mother's, and went to the hospital to visit Ivanova.

He said that he came on behalf of the class teacher, put a bag of shoes on the bed and ran away. He never dared to ask Ivanova for forgiveness.

Arriving home, out of habit, he turned on the computer, put on his headphones, and turned on the music. And suddenly, remembering Ivanova’s pitiful, frightened and surprised face, Sergei for some reason began to cry. He cried for several minutes and, strangely enough, felt such relief, as if a huge, heavy stone had been lifted from his soul.

Soon the Ivanov family moved to a new apartment, and after Tanya’s illness she moved to another school.

Many years passed, Sergei became an officer, captain of the first rank. Ninth-graders invited him to a class hour to talk about the profession of a naval officer.

Then for some reason Sergei decided to tell this story.

Why do you think Sergei felt relieved when he bought Tanya boots?

And why was he still crying?

Sample answers from children:

He tried to make amends.

His conscience told him that he did everything right.

His conscience opened his eyes, and he was able to feel the pain of another person.

He had to do something to atone for his guilt.

He cried out of pity and frustration with himself.

These were tears of relief, purification.

He cried with joy: the girl would no longer be offended by him.

Classroom teacher. How can you even make amends for your unscrupulous act?

Sample answers from children:

You can ask for forgiveness from the one you offended.

Believers can repent at confession.

Promise yourself that you will never do this again.

You can do any three good things.

Classroom teacher. This is what the Abkhaz writer Fazil Iskander said about conscience: “Is it possible to educate conscience? Apart from the rarest freaks, every person has a conscience, albeit weakly expressed. If a person with a weak conscience finds himself in a team that he values, he tries to adhere to generally accepted moral standards. At first, he is ashamed not so much of the unscrupulous act as of its publication. But this is education, and, as in any education, correct behavior becomes a habit over time.”

I would like each of us to act according to our conscience and this would become a habit for him.

VIII. Exercises for conscience

1. “A moment of repentance”

Classroom teacher. A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad. And in order for the conscience not to remain silent, you need to train it, just as you train muscles and the mind - you need to force it to constantly work, do exercises. An exercise of conscience is the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person. Otherwise - wandering in the dark. Let's now (whoever has the courage) do this exercise. Let's think for a minute, remember our bad deeds, for which we deeply repent. Let's call this exercise “Minute of Repentance.”

(Music plays. For one minute, children think about their actions.)

Raise your hands if you want to clear your conscience and repent of a bad deed.

(Children raise their hands and talk about their bad deeds.)

Repentance is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are cured by repentance. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

2. “A minute of forgiveness”

Classroom teacher. The second useful exercise for conscience is to ask for forgiveness.

You know that all this week our people are celebrating Maslenitsa.

The last day of Maslenitsa is called “Forgiveness Sunday.” On this day it is customary to ask everyone for forgiveness. When people meet, they kiss and say to each other: “Please forgive me.” In response you need to say: “God will forgive you.”

Maybe there are brave souls who would like to ask for forgiveness from those they have offended?

(Children raise their hands at will and ask for forgiveness from classmates and the teacher.)

I advise you to do this exercise at home, and on Forgiveness Sunday ask everyone for forgiveness.

IX. Interactive conversation “What to do with impudent people?”

Classroom teacher. Well, what if a person has no conscience? Is it good for him to live in the world? Sample answers from children:

It's good to live, you can sleep peacefully.

Everyone envies impudent people; impudent people achieve more in life.

Of course, good, impudence is the second happiness.

He will be fine for the time being, until he himself is treated unscrupulously. And then he will immediately remember his misdeeds and his conscience will awaken in him.

He may achieve something, but people will not respect him. Classroom teacher. How to awaken conscience in an unscrupulous person?

Sample answers from children:

You need to tell him directly about everything, criticize him.

We need to declare a boycott.

Do not shake hands, do not greet.

We need to set up a public court.

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. If a person acts unscrupulously, dishonestly, those around him should shame him. Better the bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Maybe this will awaken a person’s conscience, and the person will feel ashamed.

X. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Our conversation has come to an end. Do you think this conversation awakened your conscience?

Sample answers from children:

It seems to me that my conscience is not sleeping. But the conversation was useful.

Maybe someone will feel ashamed, but talking alone will not awaken the conscience.

On Sunday I will ask everyone for forgiveness and try not to do anything bad again.