Clip where the English words weather igo. How to ask about the weather in English

The weather is a neutral topic of conversation. Since it is very changeable, communication on this topic makes it relevant for everyone. Knowing the simplest phrases about the weather on English language will make it much easier for you to discuss the topic with your foreign friend.

For those who practice speaking and listening to English, I suggest listening.

  • Questions about the weather in English;
  • Answers about the weather in English;
  • Weather phenomena with translation;

How to ask about the weather in English

What's it like out?
How / what is there on the street?

How's the weather?
How is the weather?

Lovely day, huh?
Nice day, right?

What is the weather expected to be like?
What will the weather be like?

What's the weather like?
What's the weather like there?

What is your favorite weather?
What is your favorite weather?

What Weather Do You Like?
What kind of weather do you like?

Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Do you like/prefer hot or cold weather?

What's the weather like in Russia?
What is the weather like in Russia?

What's the weather like in California?
What is the weather like in California?

Do you have rain?
Do you have rain?

What's the forecast for tomorrow?
What is the forecast for tomorrow?

Is it snowing outside?
It's snowing outside?

Is it warm or cold?
Warm or cold?

How to ask about the temperature outside in English

What's the temperature today?
What temperature today?

What is the temperature outside?
How many are outside today? What temperature.

What is the temperature in New York today?
What time is it in New York today?

What is the temperature outside today where you live?
It's - 23 and snowing and windy.

What is your outdoor temperature?
Minus 23, snow and wind.

How to answer a question about the weather

I like sunny weather.
I like sunny weather.

I like cold weather.
I like cold/cool weather.

I like rainy weather.
I like rainy weather.

I like windy weather.
I like windy weather.

I like cloudy weather.
I like cloudy weather.

I like snowy weather.
I like snowy weather.

I like foggy weather.
I like foggy weather.

I like hot weather.
I like hot weather.

I like cold weather.
I like hot weather.

It is sunny.

It is snowing.

It's raining here.
It's raining here.

A bit nippy today.
It's a little chilly today.

We're in for frost tonight.
We have frost today.

It is hailing.
It's hailing.

What gloomy weather we're having!
What gloomy weather we have!

Weather phenomena in English with translation


It is shining. The sun is shining.

It is sunny. Sunny.

Windy - Windy

It is blowing.
Wind blows.

It is windy.

Clear - Clear


It's hot today.
Today it's hot.

Stuffy – Sweltering

It's sweltering.
Stuffy / sultry / stuffy.


It is warm and sunny.
Warm and sunny.

It's warm today.
Today is warm.

Cloudy - the sky is covered with clouds.
Gloomy - cloudy - dark and overcast.
Overcast - overcast/cloudy.

It is cloudy.

It's so gloomy outside.
It's very dark outside.

Humid - Humid

It's so humid outside.
It's very humid outside.

Rainy - Rainy

It is raining. It's raining.
It is rainy. It is raining/rainy.

Foggy - Foggy

It is foggy. Fog.


It is snowing. Snowing.
It is snowy. It is snowing/snowing.

chilly/nasty/cold weather

It is cold. Cold.

It is very cold.
Very cold.

A chilly November morning.
A chilly November morning.


It is frosty.

Cool - Nippy

It's nippy today.
Today it's cool.

It is a bit nippy tonight.
A little chilly in the evening.

Very cold/frosty - Freezing

It is freezing. Terribly cold.
I'm freezing. I'm cold / I'm cold.

Natural phenomena in English

Hail was reported in Kansas on Tuesday.

ball lightning

Natural ball lightning recorded by scientists for the first time ever.
Natural ball lightning first recorded by scientists.

Freezing rain

Over the Christmas holidays we got hit pretty bad with freezing rain.
Over the Christmas holidays, we were hit hard by freezing rain.

Glaze (ice)

ice covered trees.
Trees covered with frost.
Ice trees.

If you did not find the translation of the weather phenomenon you need, leave a question in the comments. I will definitely add an English description with an example to the general list.

The climatic conditions that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion face daily have led to the fact that talking about the weather is almost an eternal topic in the mouths of the British. Therefore, if you want to speak English fluently and naturally, like a born Briton, then you simply must be able to keep up a conversation about capriciously changeable or, conversely, stubbornly stable weather outside the window. Communication on this topic and we will learn in today's lesson. We will learn what words describe the weather in English, learn popular phrases and analyze the principle of their construction, and also work through the studied information in the form of a dialogue.

For the first time, a description of the weather in English occurs to us back in primary school. Often in the classroom, the teacher builds small dialogues with the children about what the weather is like today and how the children feel about it. Thus, students repeat the learned vocabulary, and also gradually get used to feeling confident in a conversation in a foreign language.

When studying today's material, we will try to adhere to a similar tactic: first, we will study the grammatical and lexical basis, and then we will practice in "live" speech, i.e. we will strive to build our own dialogue about any weather in English. So, let's look at a few small rules.

Important grammar points

  1. In order to make a simple expression about the weather in English, you need to use the grammatical construction it is . When translated into Russian, such phrases are translated as short impersonal sentences. It is windyWindy. It is sunnySunny. It is coldCold.
  2. The pronoun it is also used as a subject when referring to weather events that are characteristic of a particular season or occurring at a given point in time. Notice the difference in the context of the sentences for the Present Simple and Present Continuous aspects.
  • Itissnowingoutside- It is snowing outside (weather today, right now).
  • ItrainsinautumninPrague– It is rainy in Prague in autumn (a seasonal phenomenon).
  1. The noun weather (weather) in English is always used with the definite article the. If there is an adjective before the noun, the article is not required.
  • The weather is getting colderBecomescooler.
  • Does she like cold weather? -HerLikecoldweather?
  1. Vocabulary expressing natural phenomena, as a rule, is used without the article. But it should be borne in mind that when designating a location, English requires setting definite article the.
  • JacklikessnowJack loves snow.
  • My dog ​​likes to lie in the sunMydogloveslieon theSun.

Knowledge of these norms is necessary for the grammatically correct construction of a story about the weather in English. Now let's get acquainted with the lexical part of the material.

Description of the weather in English (vocabulary)

So, the tables below will help us learn words on the topic of weather in English. They are all divided into thematic blocks, which makes it easier and more efficient to assimilate new information. English words and expressions on the topic of the weather are given with transcription and translation, which allows you to work out all the necessary skills at once: reading, pronunciation, translation and writing.

Basic Expressions

Let's start with the simplest vocabulary. This section contains basic phrases and words about the weather in English for children, as well as for adults who are just starting their way to mastering the language. Since at the basic level it is difficult to work with English transcription, next to it is a column with an approximate pronunciation in Russian. In the following sections, only the original transcription is used.

In the first table, consider a list of nouns that describe natural phenomena.

Word Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
weather [weather] weather
sun [san] Sun
wind [wind] wind
rain [rain] rain
snow [snow] snow
fog [foog] fog
ice [ice] ice
thunder [θʌn.dər] [sunder] thunder
lighting [lighting] lightning

But in a conversation about nature, a variety of adjectives are more often used. Therefore, in the following table, we will get acquainted with the characteristics that indicate the weather in English with Russian translation and pronunciation.

Other English topics: How to say "Eight" in English, derivatives and compound numbers, examples

sunny [sled] solar
windy [windy] windy
rainy [Rainy] rainy
snowy [snowy] snow
foggy [fogs] fog
warm [woom] warm
hot [hot] hot
cold [cold] cold
frosty [frosty] frosty
cloudy [cloudy] cloudy

This short list will allow children and beginners to make a couple of sentences about the weather.

We also offer to learn a cheat sheet, which contains English questions about the weather, and several options for answering them.

Expression Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
What weather do you like? [Wat weather do yu like] what kind of weather do you like?
I like (cold/hot/snowy) weather. [Ai like cold/hot/snowy weather] I like (cold / hot

/snowy weather.

What is the weather like today? [Wat from the weather like today?] What's the weather like today?
The weather is fine. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz faɪn] [The weather from fine] Good weather.
The weather is bad. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz bæd] [Ze weather from bad] The weather is bad.
It is (sunny/warm/windy) today. [ɪt ɪz (sʌn.i/ wɔːm/ wɪn.di/) təˈdeɪ] [it from (sleigh/woom/windy) today] Today (sunny/warm


It is raining. [ɪtɪz reɪnɪŋ] [It from Reining] It's raining.
It is snowing. [ɪtɪz snəʊɪŋ] [it from snowing] Snowing.
What is the weather like in (summer/spring/ autumn/ winter)? [Wat iz the weather like in (summer/spring/ootem/winter] What is the weather like (summer/spring/autumn, winter)?
It is very cold in winter. [ɪt ɪz veri kəʊld ɪn wɪntə(r)] [it from vari cold in winter] It is very cold in winter.
It is so (cloudy/ sunny) today, isn't it?

Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

[ɪt ɪz səʊ (klaʊ.di/ sʌn.i) təˈdeɪ, izn’t it.

jesɪtɪz. nəʊ it izn't]

[It's from sow cloudy/sleigh today, yes, it's from. Know it iznt] It's so (cloudy/sunny) today, isn't it?

Yes, yes. No not like this.

For younger students, this vocabulary will be enough to ask about the weather or describe it. And everyone who is older will have more interesting and varied vocabulary.

Weather forecast

Surely, you often have the question “What will the weather be like tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / over the weekend?” Humanity has not lost this interest for many decades, despite the fact that sometimes the predictions of meteorologists do not come true at all. But we continue to closely monitor the predicted weather changes. Consider how the weather forecast sounds in English.

The table lists popular word combinations and phrases about the weather that can often be heard or read in weather forecasts. However, the British use these expressions in everyday speech, describing weather changes.

Expression Transcription Translation
Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
It's forecast to snow. [ɪt iz fɔːkɑːst tə snəʊ] They promise snow.
It's going to be sunny. [ɪt iz ɡəʊ.ɪŋ tə bi sʌn.i] It will be sunny.
The weather will change. [ðə weðə(r) wɪl tʃeɪndʒ] The weather will change.
We're expecting a thunderstorm. A storm is expected.
The temperature will be 11 degrees below zero. [ðə temprətʃə(r) wɪl bi ɪˈlevn dɪˈɡriːs bɪˈləʊ zɪərəʊ] The temperature will be minus 11 degrees.
It's supposed to clear up later. [ɪt iz səˈpəʊzd tə klɪə(r) ʌp leɪtə(r)] The sky will clear up soon.
There is a chance of some rain. [ðeə(r) ɪz eɪ tʃɑːns əv səm reɪn] Light rain possible.

good weather in english

Sometimes there are such days that you just want to admire the surrounding nature. In this section, we provide a list of phrases that will help you write an enthusiastic description of good weather in English.

This type of question is easily answered with the standard Yes, it is/No, it isn't.

bad weather in english

Nature doesn't have bad weather, but bad days do happen. To express your frustration with constant rain or other vagaries of nature, use this table. Consider how bad weather is indicated in English with Russian translation of phrases.

The vocabulary we have studied already makes it easy to translate your thoughts about the weather from Russian into English. Let's try to make dialogues.

Weather in English - dialogues with translation

Learning a language in the form of a dialogue is possible for any level of training.

Children will be interested in playing questions and answers. For example, you ask what the weather is like in Africa, and the child briefly answers.

You should not spend long dialogues with the child, otherwise the baby will get tired and bored.

A more detailed conversation can be held with a friend or acquaintance. Imagine that you want to arrange a meeting with a friend.

Hi! What are you doing tomorrow? Hello, what are you doing tomorrow?
Hi! I am free tomorrow all day. Hello, I'm completely free.
Cool! Let's go for a walk in the park tomorrow? Great! Shall we go for a walk in the park tomorrow?
Oh, do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Oh, have you heard tomorrow's weather forecast?
No, I don't. And you? No and you?
I've just heard it over the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy. I just heard it on the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy.
So, we can meet at a café. Then we can meet at the cafe.
OK. see you later. OK see you later.

The next day you met, and the weather was just wonderful.

Now practice on your own. Make up some dialogues about the hottest, coldest, and most memorable day of 2017. Successful completion of the task and always excellent weather in your area! See you soon!

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How to learn to speak English? You just have to speak. It's easy to say - "just talk", but what exactly to say? For beginners, this often happens: all the words fly out, thoughts get confused and “beeping and beeping” begins. Which exit? One way to talk is to develop topics. I already wrote that there are not so many conversational topics in our life, somewhere around 15-20. in our life I have already written. There are also card indexes of words on the topics: “Family”. "Appearance". "The house I live in". What does it mean to know a topic? This means that you have a sufficient vocabulary on this topic. This stock of words is called a card file of words. The card file of words can be updated - new words, expressions, etc. are added. After all, you are moving forward and your vocabulary is expanding. Knowing the basics of grammar, you just need to learn how to add sentences from these words (file cabinets). Do not memorize ready-made topics from books, this will not do much, but if you yourself meaningfully begin to “collect a topic”, then success is guaranteed. It is necessary to learn by heart which are needed not only for a particular topic, but in general for a conversation. You can learn proverbs, sayings, popular expressions, sayings of great people on this topic. When choosing words for a topic, one can easily understand that the categories of words for topics differ. For some topics you write out a lot of verbs, and for some topics you can get by with a couple of verbs, but you need to pick up a lot of adjectives. Therefore, conditionally the topics can be divided into: .

Now I will select a card index of words for the topic: “Weather and climate”. Let me remind you that the words in the card index are selected by category. The following categories of words are needed for the topic “Weather and climate”:

weather(n)= weather.

What is the weather like today? = What is the weather like today?

What weather are we having today? = What is the weather like today?

What splendid (glorious, etc.) weather! = What a wonderful (wonderful, etc.) weather!

What a wonderful day! = What a great day!

a spell of bad (fine, etc.) weather = period of bad (fine, etc.) weather.

weather forecast (n) = weather forecast.

climate(n)= climate.

atmosphere (n) = atmosphere.

the air pressure = atmospheric pressure.

moisture (n) = moisture, moisture.

temperature(n)= temperature.

What is the temperature today? = What is the temperature today?

The temperature is falling/going down. = The temperature is falling.

The temperature is rising / going up. = The temperature is rising.

Temperature in the sun = Temperature in the sun.

Temperature in the shade = The temperature in the shade.

degree (n)= degree.

zero(n)= null.

It is two degrees above zero, but yesterday it was ten degrees below zero. = Now it is two degrees above zero, but yesterday it was ten degrees above zero.

sun(n)= sun.

sunshine (n)= sunshine, good weather.

sunray(n)= sunbeam.

sunrise(n)= sunrise.

at sunrise= at dawn, at sunrise.

sunset/sundown (n)= sunset, sunset.

dawn(n)= dawn, dawn.

at dawn= at dawn.

twilight(n)= dusk.

twilight (n)= dusk.

at twilight/ dusk = at dusk.

daybreak(n)= dawn.

at daybreak = at dawn.

wind(n)= wind.

Where is the wind from? = Where does the wind blow from?

breath of wind = a breath of wind.

gust/ blust of wind = a gust of wind.

breeze (n)= breeze, light breeze.

calm(n)= silence, stillness, stillness.

light wind= light breeze.

piercing/ cutting wind= piercing wind.

storm (n)= storm.

squall(n)= storm, squall.

hurricane(n)= hurricane, storm, tempest.

For convenience, we will select words for the seasons:

SPRING(n) = spring.

We are having an early spring this year. = We have an early spring this year.

We are having a late spring this year. = We have a late spring this year.

bud(n)= bud, bud.

blossom(n)\u003d color, flowering (on fruit trees).

bloom(n)= flowering.

to be in full bloom = in full bloom.

nest(n)= nest.

twitter(n)= twitter.

seeds (n)= seeds (plural).

thaw(n)= thaw.

ice-drift (n)= ice drift.

flood(n)= flood.

leaves (n)= foliage.

petal (n)= petal.

grass(n)= grass.

blade(n)= leaf, blade of grass.

SUMMER(n) = summer.

heat(n)= heat.

What unbearable/oppressive heat! = What unbearable heat!

dust (n)= dust.

cloud(n)= cloud.

Dark clouds sail / drift in the sky. = Dark clouds float across the sky.

rain (n)= rain.

drizzle (n)= light rain.

shower (n)= downpour.

downpour(n)= downpour.

thunder(n)= thunder.

a peal/roll/clap of thunder = clap of thunder.

thunderstorm (n)= thunderstorm.

lightning(n)= lightning.

a flash of lightning = flash of lightning.

rainbow(n)= rainbow.

scent (n)= smell.

perfume (n)= fragrance, aroma.

dew(n)= dew.

hail(n)= deg.

hailstorm(n)= thunderstorm with hail.

drought (n)= drought.

AUTUMN (n) = autumn.

fog(n)= fog.

mist(n)= light fog, haze, mist.

dirt (n)= dirt.

mud(n)= dirt, slush.

pool(n)= puddle.

puddle(n)= puddle.

crop(n)= harvest, standing bread.

There is a large apple crop this year. = There is a big harvest of apples this year.

harvest(n)= harvest, harvest.

This year the harvest is better than usual. = This year's grain harvest is better than usual.

Indian summer= "Indian summer".

first autumn frosts = first autumn frosts.

fruit season = the time of harvesting fruits and vegetables.

WINTER(n) = winter.

snow(n)= snow.

The snow lies deep/thick. = There is deep snow.

frost(n)= frost.

hard/bitter frost = hard frost.

snowflake (n)= snowflake.

snowman (n)= “snow woman”.

to make a snowman = to make a snowman.

snowball (n)= snowball.

to play snowballs = to play snowballs.

snowfall (n)= snowfall.

snowstorm (n)= blizzard, blizzard.

snowdrift(n)= snowdrift.

blizzard(n)= snow storm.

ice (n)= ice.

icicle(n)= icicle.

sleep (n)= rain and snow.

slush(n)= mud, slush, melted snow.

skates (n)= skates.

skis (n)= skis.

slide(n)= sled.

cold(n)= cold.

chill(n)= cold (unpleasant. penetrating).

If a survey were conducted among English learners called "The most common questions your teacher asks you at the beginning of class", then the question would be: What is the weather like today in your town/city? would undoubtedly enter the top three. The question about the weather in English is always relevant. It gives you the opportunity to tune in to the desired mood before class. In addition, we all know that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion are already very partial to such conversations, but we want to keep up with native speakers.

Words on the topic "Weather" in English

First, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the various adjectives that often describe the weather, especially if emotions are running high.

The weather can be:

  • Excellent- excellent.
  • Glorious- amazing, glorious.
  • superb- wonderful.
  • Adverse- unfavorable.
  • Sweltering- sultry.
  • Boiling- very hot.
  • Scorching- scorching, sultry.
  • Atrocious/vile- disgusting.
  • Inclement- severe.
  • Nasty- unfortunate.
  • Freezing- very cold, icy.
  • Foul- disgusting, disgusting.
  • Raw- dank.
  • Humid- wet.
  • Muggy- warm and damp, suffocating.
  • Sultry- sultry, stuffy.
  • Mild- moderate.
  • Settled- constant.
  • Unpredictable- unpredictable.
  • changeable- changeable.
  • Fierce- frantic.
  • Frosty- frosty.
  • Stormy- stormy, stormy.
  • unseasonable- out of season.
  • A spell of ... weather- a period of such and such weather.

On such a sultry summer evening we couldn't make ourselves do anything. “On a hot summer evening like this, we couldn't bring ourselves to do anything.

The day was cold and bluestery. The day was cold and windy.

In February we had a spell of unseasonably wet weather. There was an unseasonable period of rainy weather in February.

In August we usually have dry and settled weather. In August we usually have stable dry weather.

This year I wasn't happy about the weather on my birthday. It was a muggy July day. This year I was upset by the weather on my birthday. It was a suffocating July day.

We learned what the weather could be unsettled and unseasonable, and what else can happen to her, we will find out below. We continue to study vocabulary on the topic "Weather" in English.

Verbs used with the word "weather":

Expression Translation
To let up Stop (about the rain), improve
to warm up warm up
To hold out Stay the same, keep going
To keep up Continue, stay the same
to decay get worse
To worsen get worse, get worse
to remain stay the same
To allow/permit Let
to prevent Prevent

We'll go out as soon as the weather lets up. We will go outside as soon as the weather improves.

If the weather holds out, we will go swimming later. If the weather doesn't change, we'll go swimming later.

My grandfather goes for long walks as often as the weather allows. My grandfather takes long walks as often as the weather permits.

Stormy weather prevented any games that day. Thunderstorm weather prevented any games from being played that day.

And now it's time for the most common weather phrases in English, including the word weather.

Common weather phrases:

The lifeboat crews go out in all weathers. Lifeguards work in all weathers.

We packed all kinds of clothes to cope with the vagaries of the Irish weather. We took a lot of different things with us to be ready for the whims of the Irish weather.

She goes jogging every day whatever the weather. She goes for a run in any weather.

Although the weather in England today is not as capricious as it was 100 years ago, it rains quite often there. No wonder native speakers use so many words to describe it. Rain ( rain) happens driving(pouring), pouring(rain shower) lashing(slashing), heavy(strong), occasional(irregular), steady(protracted), gentle(weak), patchy(places) intermittent(intermittent), overnight(night), persistent(continuous), outbreaks of rain(short periods of rain) dry interludes(dry period).

The forecast is for wind and patchy rain. - According to the weather forecast, wind and precipitation are expected in some places.

Overnight rain freshened up the lawn. The night rain refreshed the lawn.

Driving rain ruined my plans to sunbathe on Sunday. The pouring rain ruined my plans to sunbathe on Sunday.

At the same time, the rain itself can go, charge, pour, and much more. Below are these words to describe rainy weather.

Verbs used with the word "rain":

Expression Translation
to beat Beat
to drip Drip
To drum Drum
to fall Fall
to lash whip
to patter Knock
To pour down Pouring like a bucket
To splash Splash
To trickle trickle down
To set in Charge
to cease cease
To let up pause
to continue Continue

The rain lashed at the windows. - The rain lashed the windows.

I could hear the rain patter against the window. I could hear the rain pounding on the windows.

Rain dripped down his collar. Rain dripped down his collar.

The rain didn't let up all day. - It rained non-stop all day.

The rain had set in steadily by the time we got home. - By the time we got home, it was raining non-stop (charged).

Words about snowy weather in English

The Eskimos are said to have over 50 words to describe snow. Modern English people use slightly fewer words for these purposes, which undoubtedly makes life easier for us English learners. We can use the following words when describing snow:

  • A snowfall- snowfall.
  • A snowflake- Snowflake.
  • Anicicle- icicle.
  • A snowstorm- blizzard, snow storm.
  • An ice storm- blizzard, ice storm.
  • A snowman- snowman.
  • A snowdrift / a snow bank- snowdrift.
  • Heavy- strong.
  • Thick- thick, strong
  • light- light.
  • dump- wet.
  • Crisp- creaking, crunchy.
  • Powder/powdery- snow crumb, small.
  • Drifting- driven by the wind.
  • Swirling- circling.
  • Newly fallen- freshly fallen.
  • Melting- melting.
  • Frozen- frozen.

The plants were covered in snow. The plants were in the snow.

It was pleasant to hear the crisp snow crunch under our feet. It was nice to hear the snow crunch under our feet.

The frozen snow was treacherous to walk on. It was dangerous to walk on the frozen snow.

Verbs used with the word "snow":

The garden was completely covered in snow. The garden was covered in snow.

Snow piled up against the walls of the cottage. The snow was piling up around the walls of the cottage.

It was too warm for the snow to settle. It was too warm and the snow didn't stay.

How to describe fog

England is called Foggy Albion for a reason. Fog ( mist/fog) here the phenomenon is frequent, so this word has a lot of descriptive adjectives: dense(thick), heavy(strong), thick(dense), slight(weak), dark(dark), gray(grey) white(White).

A heavy mist rolled over the fields. — Thick fog shrouded the fields.

There was a white mist in front of his eyes. He had a white mist in front of his eyes.

Verbs used with fog:

Expression Translation
To be cloaked in To be wrapped up, covered
To be covered in to be covered
To be shrouded in To be shrouded
To be wrathed in Wrapped in misty haze
To loom out Appear, outline in the fog
to shine through Weakly break through the fog
to disappear into disappear
To lie Lie
to come down go down
to float floating on the surface of the water
To roll envelop
To obscure Obstruct vision, obscure

The harbor was covered in a thick mist. The harbor was shrouded in dense fog.

The little village disappeared in the mist. The small village has disappeared into the mist.

A large figure loomed out of the mist. A huge figure loomed in the mist.

The mist cleared by dawn. By morning the fog cleared.

Words for a story about the sky

To describe what the sky is like, the English also have a lot of expressions: clear(pure) open(open), cloudless(cloudless) sunny(solar), cloudy(in the clouds), overcast(clouded) sullen(sullen) starry(star), azure(azure), pale(pale) leaden(lead).

We slept under the open sky. We slept outside.

I have never seen anywhere such azure skies. “I have never seen such an azure sky anywhere.

What are you looking for in this starry sky? What are you looking for in this starry sky?

Other expressions with the word "sky":

  • A patch of... - a piece.
  • To clear up- to be cleansed.
  • To lighten up- brighten.
  • To cloud over- covered in clouds.
  • To brighten- to clear up.
  • To darken- darken.
  • to turn gray- become grey.
  • To be streaked with smth- to be painted with some color.

Describing windy weather in English

And, of course, we cannot ignore such a weather phenomenon as the wind. Here are some adjectives that can describe this phenomenon of nature: fierce(violent) gale force(stormy), high(strong wind) stiff(fierce) strong(strong), terrible(horrible), light(light), moderate(moderate), slight(small), bluestery(violent) thick(gusty), biting(piercing), bitter(cutting), Brisk(fresh), chill(chill), icy(ice), howling(howling) favourable(favourable wind), gust of wind(gust).

The forecast was for thick winds and steady rain. The weather forecast is for gusty winds and heavy rain.

The weather man has mentioned something about biting wind. The weatherman said something about a piercing wind.

High winds caused delays on the ferries. - Due to stormy winds, the crossing worked intermittently.

Verbs used with the word "wind":

Expression Translation
to blow Blow
to blow up play out
To sweep (through) smth carry away
To howl Howl
to moan Moan
To roar roar
to whistle Whistle
to increase Increase
To pick up Gain strength
To rise Rise, soar
to die down Calm down, calm down
to drop Stop

The wind started dying down an hour ago. The wind started to die down an hour ago.

The wind was moaning all night and I found it difficult to fall asleep. The wind howled all night and I couldn't sleep.

The wind is picking up. We'd better go home. - The wind is picking up. We'd better go home.

Other words about the weather in English:

  • black ice- ice, frost.
  • Sleep- rain with snow.
  • Bitterly cold- bitter cold.
  • Frostbite- frostbite.
  • thunderstorm- thunderstorm.
  • Slush- slush.

Well, now it's time to look at the real weather forecast, which is conducted not by anyone, but by His Highness!

"When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather".
When two English people meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel Johnson

Hello! Who better than the British to talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often, the British, meeting on the street with acquaintances, first of all say such phrases:

- It "s splendid weather, isn't it? - Great weather, isn't it??

— What a terrible day! — What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable for communication with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of "small" conversation, probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions without causing disputes and disagreements. Let's take a look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons - all have different weather!

Expressions about the weather in different seasons





Phrases and expressions about the weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and expressions in English related to weather phenomena will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Snow (snow)

Wind (wind)

cloud (cloud, cloud)

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let's see how to maintain a dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • talk about the weather in your hometown, etc.

Here are some similar dialogues on the topic of various similar conditions

The first topic of the dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hey Nick! What a nice day!
Hello, Kate! Oh indeed, the weather is fine!
Hey Kate! Oh, the weather is really great!
We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
It was raining this morning. I thought the weather would be terrible today.
— Yeah! Now it doesn't look like rain.
Yes! But it doesn't look like it's going to rain right now.
— It is sunny and probably about 20 °C.
Sunny and probably around 20°C.
— Enjoy yourself, Kate.
I wish you a good time, Kate.
— Thank you!

The second theme of the dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
Hi, Ann! What's the forecast for today?
Hey En! What is the weather forecast?
— I didn't weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
I don't know today's weather forecast. But it's cold today.
Yes, also the sky's overcast. It looks like rain.
Yes, the sky is overcast. Seems it will rain.
— The sun's just gone in.
The sun has disappeared.
— We have to go back.
We must return.
— I agree. I don't want to be wet through.
I agree. I don't want to get wet.
- Let "s hurry! It's starting to rain. It's necessary to keep the rain out.
Let's hurry up! The rain starts. You need shelter from the rain.
— That sounds like thunder!
Looks like thunder too!
— The bus stop is very close. Let's go.
Bus stop nearby. Went.

The third theme of the dialogue:

Phone call from a foreign friend in winter

Hello, John!
Hey John!
Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice is chanced.
Good afternoon Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you okay? I think your voice has changed.
- I "ve caught a cold.
I caught a cold.
— Oh! I forgot that now it's so cold in your country.
O! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
- It's very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
Very cold. In addition, strong winds blow.
— What's the temperature?
How many degrees?
— It's 12 degrees below zero.
12 degrees below zero.
Is it snowing?
— No, now it isn't.
No, it's not running right now..
— But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
But there was a snowstorm 3 days ago.
— It's difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
It's hard to imagine such weather conditions.

The fourth theme of the dialogue:

First fresh spring morning

— Good morning, dear neighbor!
Good morning dear neighbor!
Good morning, Ann! What a nice morning!
Good morning En! What a wonderful morning!
— The sun is coming out. It will be a sunny day.
The sun is peeking out. It will be a sunny day.
— I there are no clouds in the sky. I think it will not be rain.
There is not a cloud in the sky. I don't think it will rain.
- I hope so, but it's a windy day. We have to dress warmly.
Hopefully it's windy today. We must dress warmly.
— I agree. Now it is easy to catch cold.
Agree. It's very easy to catch a cold right now.