When you can call a girl affectionately. How to affectionately call a girl: the most original appeals to your beloved

Affectionate nicknames for loved ones help to better express their feelings, emphasize a tender attitude towards them, evoke pleasant emotions. Often in pairs, people come up with them for each other.

It would seem that this is a trifle, but from the point of view of psychology, it makes more sense than it might seem. How to affectionately call a loved one or beloved? Everything is individual but there are other factors to take into account.

Is it necessary to come up with affectionate nicknames, and why is it so important?

Coming up with each other affectionate names in a pair is kind of love art.

There are two main reasons for its occurrence: the first is giving the relationship some kind of uniqueness, the second is an appeal to the inner child.

Such nicknames invented unconsciously, but at the same time they almost always have a secret meaning.

Such nicknames are important because they make the relationship deeper and sincere. If , the partners forget what they called themselves.

When relationships become a formality, nicknames also remain formal. If this kind of creativity continues to develop, it talks about the development of the union Or rather, feelings in it.

Affectionate names are important as an expression of deeply tender feelings, and they are liked not only by women, but also by men.

Regarding whether it is necessary to invent them, it is worth saying that everything is individual. Basically, they are selected spontaneously, and then everything the feelings embedded in them are manifested sincerely.

It hardly makes sense to choose them specifically because you need to. In addition, there are people who do not like such displays of tenderness. So everything is individual, and depends on the relationship and the people in it.

Why don't couples use them?

Affectionate names for each other are not used by all couples.

The reasons why they do not do this may be as follows:

  1. Relationships in a couple are not deep enough and trusting enough for this.. Their level is closer to formal. This may be at the beginning of the relationship, when the partners have not yet become too close, or when the feelings have exhausted themselves.
  2. Many are afraid of getting a negative reaction in response to such a nickname.. This is especially true for men, who often try to appear more serious and brutal than they are.
  3. Lack of fantasy. Some people just can't think of a better way to call their loved one.
  4. Finally, some people simply do not like such appeals. Some people are far from romantic and prefer to be addressed by their first names.

    In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - all people are different, and a person can just feel more comfortable that way.

What does your loved one want to hear? Sweet words:

List for girls

What can you call a girl? First you need to understand in what tone will the nickname be pronounced.

You need to put maximum tenderness into it. You can choose a name that will display some character trait or appearance of the partner.

But at the same time, this feature should not be the one that the beloved perceives as his own disadvantage.

After all, you can make a mistake too much and hurt her to the quick, which significantly damage the relationship. Here are the options for nicknames that can be used for a girl: baby, my love, my dear, my dear, my beauty, honey, etc.


Here you can pay attention to some features of the girl, but only positive ones. For example.

If, say, a girl sings well, you can call her birdie or nightingale, or rummage through encyclopedias and find the name of some exotic bird with an incredible voice.

You can also come up with some variation of the name. There can be many of them, the main thing is that they are not offensive and too childish.


They are used by couples who all right with a sense of humor. Usually these are the names that the couple uses exclusively among themselves (durynda, goat, poponka, pupusik, etc.).


Girls usually love flowers and you can use them as nicknames.

In this case, you can take into account the symbolism and meaning of the flower:

  • rose, rosette- demonstrates the beauty of the girl, as well as your feelings for her;
  • violet, violet- at the same time tender and mysterious;
  • sakura- suitable if the girl has an eastern nationality or is fond of the culture of the East;
  • tulip- sounds cute and springy. Suitable for a girl with a square or a similar hairstyle;
  • aster A flower associated with Aphrodite. It's beautiful;
  • lotus- suitable for a girl who is fond of yoga or Indian culture;
  • birch- Emphasize the slimness of the lady.
  • animal

    Traditionally, among all the nicknames, animal motifs are in the lead. Here are their popular options:

    Fruity or sweet

    Many couples like to use the names of sweets, fruits, berries. Popular options: berry, cherry, strawberry, peach marshmallow and others.

    It is important here that the chosen name does not hint at the magnificent figure of the girl - this may offend her.

    Nicknames associated with the names of famous personalities or heroines of some works of art are also sometimes used. As an example, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Mona Lisa and others.

    What nicknames do girls like? Watch the video:

    What are the best options not to use?

    First of all, you should not use the words with which the lady has negative associations.

    For example, if it appeals to some of her complexes, or she was teased like that at school.

    So, with excess weight you should forget about nicknames like "pie", "donut", "pig" and so on.

    Another moment - animal nicknames. Here you need to find out how the girl relates to this or that animal. Nicknames like a horse, a pig, a cow, a magpie, a crow and other similar ones that have a negative color, few will like it.

    However, this list is not closed. Perhaps the girl has a subtle sense of humor and no complexes, and she will just appreciate such a name.

    But what matters here is how much you know the person and trust each other.

    Nicknames for a guy

    In the case of men, things are a little more complicated. Not each of them likes tenderness, and it is important not to overdo it so as not to humiliate the manhood of the chosen one.

  1. An affectionate name should not be one that humiliates or insults a partner. For example, if he is embarrassed by excess weight or short stature, you should not call him a hippo or a baby, or, on the contrary, a slender and giant. Even if the young man himself does not mind, in his heart it can hurt him.
  2. Words have their own energy, and there should not be any negative message in them.
  3. It is not recommended to use children's nicknames, they are best left to bosom friends.
  4. Do not use nicknames related to paraphrasing the man's last name. For him, this is pride, his family, something that is inherited, and you should not joke about it.

In addition, there are situations where both men and women Not recommended call a loved one by an invented nickname.

So, it is better not to do this in public places and companies, with parents, at a business stop.

It is better to use such nicknames then, when you are alone- so you will be more comfortable, and the names will get even more intimacy, since they will be your secret.

Affectionate nicknames and names are very cute, intimate and individual. There is no one that suits everyone, because people are different, and their idea of ​​\u200b\u200brelationships is also different.

If you know your partner well, you will surely be able to pick up a word that will be 100% suitable for him and cause only pleasant emotions.

What is the correct name for your loved one? Find out from the video:

Couples in love often use affectionate words in relation to their partner in their speech. Sometimes nicknames appear suddenly - this is when there is a well-coordinated relationship between people. And it happens that the relationship is on the verge of collapse, and then psychologists strongly recommend calling the partner not only by name, but also with warm words. What will help restore the relationship to its former spark of love.

Before a young man chooses a suitable nickname for a girl, all the nuances must be taken into account, some may offend the girl, while others carry a rather unpleasant meaning.

Women in most cases feel the real relationship of a partner. They are able to intuitively feel the hidden meaning of words by intonation, body movements and gaze. Even if a man calls her - Affectionate Bunny - the girl understands that this is not at all easy. Each sound uttered towards the half affects the further development of the relationship.

  • It is categorically impossible to call an affectionate word an ex-girlfriend. A woman on a subconscious level will think that if he calls me “Zaya”, just like his ex, then he remembers her. It is better to come up with something interesting or not to talk about past relationships.
  • Many girls are against Mimics. They believe that they have their own name, and let them call cats with all sorts of "Kiss".
  • It will be unpleasant for a girl to listen when a guy always focuses on her figure, for example, "Sexy baby." Thoughts will run through her head that a man needs only sex from her. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to her mind or other qualities.
  • Not everyone has a good sense of humor, one will perceive "Chubby Hamster" as an interesting nickname, and the other will throw a tantrum that a man is not satisfied with her figure. You have to be careful with this.

A man does not have to sit and puzzle over how to properly name his beloved. This happens automatically, for example: after an incident or by associating a beloved in appearance. And if he came up with an original name for his beloved, it’s worth pronouncing it by chance and looking at the girl’s reaction, if a smile appears on her face, then you can use the nickname further.

The meaning of sounds in nicknames

When choosing an affectionate nickname, every man relies on his intuition; the right word is completely associated with his beloved. Each sound in the name has its own meaning, many parents are serious about choosing a name for their child, so as not to bring trouble to the child. Similarly, a young man must choose a suitable nickname in order to change his attitude for the better.

The sound "sh" can be found in most affectionate words. Couples who use such words as: Sunny, Bun, baby, are able to hear each other. It is not for nothing that people pronounce -sh..sh..sh ..- in order to attract attention.

The sound "L" shows a special trusting, emotional relationship in a pair. It is natural for a person to sing a song or melody using the syllable "La-la" when in a good mood.

The sound "K" is considered the most common in relationships, for example: Fish, Bunny, Swallow. In such a relationship, lightness and simplicity are manifested between lovers.

The sound "F" is found 5 times less often than in ordinary speech. It is associated with the syllable "Fu", therefore nicknames with this consonant carry the partner's rejection.

The sound "X" is used by excited couples who always miss each other, their relationship is built over to the second half.

Pairs using derivative words in relation to each other from the first name, last name, patronymic (Sergeich, Vladimirovich, Mikhailovna, Petrovna) refer to friendly relations rather than love ones. Some spouses, when disappointed with a partner or angry, often use a last name in their speech, this gives a certain sign that that's enough.

The use of the suffixes "-echka-" and "-point-" in the names, as a diminutive: Irochka, Firochka, Mashechka. They are used not only with your girlfriend, but also with colleagues and friends, as well as in a good mood.

The suffixes "-inka", "-enka-" (Sofenka, Nastenka) are used in relationships that are caring and warm.

"-ear-" and "-yusha-" (Fayusha, Marfusha). The couple enjoys every minute spent together, it's hard for them

“-yushka-”, “-ushka-” (Tanyushka, Katyushka). A person who calls his person that way cares not in words, but in deeds.

Meaning of affectionate names

Baby - the partner is not interested in the life of his girlfriend, he is interested in closer contact.

Hippo - a young man likes the independence of a partner, but he is not averse to playing with feelings

Baby is a standard nickname, the man was too lazy to come up with something.

Dear - Feelings are not as important as certainty.

Durynda - All the problems of a woman are the problems of a man.

Hedgehog - a young man values ​​relationships, but sometimes unable to control his emotions.

Toad - in such a relationship, the partner is sharp and energetic.

Bunny - the partner is set on excitement and is very jealous of his companion.

My sweetheart - the heart belongs entirely to the lady, but the mind says otherwise.

Kitty, Kitten - close contact is important for a partner, rather than a relationship.

Goat - a man feels the maximum closeness with a woman, for him a girl is a dear person, but despite this, he loves to tease his soul mate.

Chocolate - a guy is very jealous of a girl, for him she is a property that he does not intend to share with anyone.

Bell - the young man is very energetic, he is ready to take on all the problems of the lady.

Krokozyabra - relationships come first for a partner, he is ready to forgive everything except betrayal.

Doll - the relationship is of little interest to the partner, but he does not mind playing with feelings.

Sweetheart, sweetheart - for him there is no one but the woman he loves.

Swallow - relations at the highest level, a man is satisfied with his choice

Fox, fox cub - the guy is in love, but there are some doubts of infidelity.

Beloved - excessive emotions of a partner.

Lyolik, Lyalka - restrain feelings, not for this man

Masik, Masyulya, Boy - a young man is ready to take care of his chosen one, he values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship very much.

The baby partner cannot restrain his passion and love for the girl. The same is required from a companion

Teddy bear - feelings are above all, but it takes a lot of time to take a serious step.

Sweetheart - the mind and feeling of a man accept a woman for further life together.

Musipusechka - the partner is deeply in love, but he does not like the frivolity of the lady.

Mouse, mouse - a man is afraid of losing a girl, most often devotes all his free time to his beloved.

Pampushka - a young man trusts all the most secret to his soul mate and expects the opposite.

Donut - a man values ​​\u200b\u200bthe girl most of all and is afraid that someone else can take his place.

Belly, Puzik, Teletubbies - a man is serious about starting a family life together.

Baby doll, Rusik, Pusya - he is attracted to physical contact more than the girl herself

Fish - a man does not strive for romance, but for a more businesslike attitude.

Pig, pig, pig - In a relationship, a man takes full responsibility for what is happening. For him, a woman is defenseless.

Sweet, Sladik - frequent quarrels from scratch about such a man, but at the same time his love is limitless.

Elephant, Heffalump - for a man, return in a relationship is important.

The sun, the sun, the ray - the guy has a keen interest in the girl, it is important for him that she smiles.

Tiger cub - a man likes the independence of a woman and with a slight hint offers a stronger union.

Homa, Hamster - a young man is ready for a serious step and will always come to the rescue at the first opportunity.

Freak, Beast - the partner tries to scream about his lack of love from the girl.

A berry is a narcissist man, a woman is in second place for him.

Original nicknames for your beloved

  • Umka (looks like a bear)
  • Crazy (crazy)
  • Croissant (appetizing)
  • Twiksik (second half)
  • Smesharik (funny)
  • Pineapple (girl with a ponytail on her head)
  • Favorite (from the derivative "Beloved")
  • Masenenok (Baby)
  • Barabashka (crazy)
  • Murlykin (Chatterbox)
  • Zlymba (reacts to little things)
  • Bamboo (chubby without complexes)
  • Churchillka (slim)
  • Sambuska (lover of drink)
  • Sleepy (sleep)
  • kochevryakalka (kochevryakka, tussock)
  • Button (small)
  • Breast (beautiful shapes)
  • Popik (beautiful forms)
  • Farik (bright eyes)
  • Sushkins (skinny girl)
  • Universe (Universe)
  • Edna (The only one)
  • Umka (smart)
  • Zhulka (talker)
  • Bzhikalka (hurry)
  • Chuprik (chupocabra)
  • Bulka (something dissatisfied)
  • Kushonok (cuckoo)
  • Elisenok (affectionate)
  • Chain (long nails)
  • Bucha (touchy)
  • Shumka (alarmist)
  • shkolka (chocolate)
  • Chipsik (alluring)
  • Karabaska (temperamental)
  • Choked (smells delicious)
  • Malva (kind)
  • Krasnella (shy)
  • Mold (uncommon)
  • bee (hardworking)
  • Barbie (derived doll)
  • Scratch, bite, chew (passionate)
  • Ass, ass (with beautiful forms)
  • Troll
  • Marmyshka, monkey (repeat)
  • Tuzik, tusik (true)
  • Bun (appetizing)
  • Mink, shaggy (with increased hairline)
  • Mouse (cartoon lover)

The nicknames associated with the month of the birthday will sound original, this is not only creative, but it will also help not to forget the girl’s birthday, for example:

January - Yarka


March - Marik

April - Prelka


June - Yunka

July - Yulsha


September - Brik


November - Trouser


Women's unloved affectionate words

In 2013, sociologists from the United States conducted a social survey among women of different ages, from 14 to 55 years old. They asked them 2 questions:

  1. 1. What affectionate nicknames do you dislike?
  2. 2. How affectionately does your partner call you?

20% of girls from 14 to 18 years old hate it when guys call their name a diminutive.

Almost 65% like Zaya and Rybka, the remaining 15% the young man calls by name.

In the category from 19 to 25 years old, the majority, namely 65%, prefer that their partner call them Sunshine, but 23% of them are categorically against the zoo in relationships. The rest use affectionate names in relationships.

From 26 to 40, ladies are more likely to hear "Honey" from their loved ones, they like it in 60%. The other 40% are used to calling each other by their first names, but they would rather not be called by their last names.

Women aged 41 to 55 do not care what a loving man calls them, as long as they are not offensive words.

Ideal nicknames for external data and character

To make it easier to choose the right affectionate word, you can pay attention to the appearance and character of the girl.

Large physique: giraffe, Gloria, hippo.

Completeness: donut, cheesecake, condensed milk.

Endurance: savraska.

Thinness: carrot, candle

Small physique: dwarf, dwarf, squirrel, nut, bird

Small physique with fullness: watermelon, pumpkin, button.

Movable: goat, squirrel, fish.

Slow: snail, turtle.


Red - light, fox, tangerine.

Blonde - firefly, sun, ray.

Dark - imp, swallow, penguin.

The structure of the head, face: cabbage, crocodile, toe

Eyes: blue (blue); Zelenka (green) Karik (brown)

Smoke (gray)

Forehead: forehead

Nose: carrot, unicorn, rhinoceros, potato

Lips: duckling, snow maiden (synegubka).

Teeth: hare, squirrel, wire cutters.

Ears: cheburashek, ushatik, dumpling.

Gait: Ballerina, airplane (quickly), duck, peacock, kochevryakolka, hasty, bear cub, antelope.

Untidiness: lokhmakhin, slob

Hair, hairstyle: Lamb, Byasha, Byashka (curly), fluff, affectionate (shiny), shaggy, bun.

Character traits: Hedgehog (with a "prickly" character), lamb (stubborn), sheep (quiet), buzzing (noisy), Magpie (talker) little eye (notices everything), leech (sticky), darling, kindness (kind), chicken (troublesome) , inka (soft, affectionate), snake (cunning),

Laziness: lazybones, young lady

Behavior, manners: clown (funny), bubble (often offended), piglet (naughty), Chaplin (likes to fool around), finch (peaceful),

Each girl is a keyhole, to which a universal key can approach, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved with a word. The most important thing in affectionate words for a woman is sincerity, if she comes from a pure heart, then a loving girl will appreciate the efforts of her partner.

And some secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...compatibility horoscope

Although I am not a fan of such tenderness, especially from a man, guys very often " How can you affectionately call your girlfriend“, “How beautiful to call a girl”, “How to call a girl in an original way”, “How sweet and gentle to do it?” Etc.

In some situations, this is quite appropriate. Especially if not only the girl will be pleased to hear what you call her, but you will not strain yourself at the same time.

Just keep in mind the following point: a girl can be gentle with you as much as she likes, that's why she is a girl. But if you, for your part, will lisp with her in the same way, then in the end it may even repel her. A man, by definition, should be courageous, more serious and balanced. So do everything in moderation :-)

On the other hand, girls love it when they. Especially the girl - the soul. It is prone to romance. Do not feed such persons with bread - let them pamper, dream, and they love compliments, especially when they reflect her inner essence.

As a rule, guys can't come up with anything original. And all the girls turn out to be rabbits and suns :-D

How can you affectionately and beautifully call your girlfriend?

The appeal of the girl should coincide with her image, which has developed in your head and with the emotions that she evokes. Maybe she behaves like a fox? The same graceful and cunning :-) Or a hedgehog? The same "thorn", but cute.

Each person is like some kind of animal, in the best sense of the word. It can be physical features or character traits. Think about who your girlfriend looks like. And if she herself likes the comparison, then here's the original name for you :-D

If nothing really comes to mind, and your girlfriend does not cause any associations, you can choose the name you like from the options below.

How to affectionately call a girl - a list:


My joy





Call your girlfriend that when you sincerely want to do it. And not in the case when she affectionately calls you, and you think you should also come up with something original. But this is no longer your inner desire. And your friend will feel if it comes from the heart.

As for me, I believe that a man's attitude towards a woman should be more expressed in actions, in confidence in the future, in leadership in relationships. When your soulmate will really feel cozy and safe next to you. And it doesn't matter anymore What will you affectionately call her?

For any person, his name is the most sacred and dear that he has, of course, with the exception of his parents. But in relations between loved ones it so happened that I want to come up with some kind of gentle nickname for a partner for everyday use. Calling each other only by their first names is so banal and boring! Many men suffer from a lack of imagination, so they puzzle over the question of how to affectionately call a girl so that it is original and she likes it.

In fact, there are options for a wagon and a small cart to boot. One has only to move a little away from universal standards and hackneyed phrases.

  • Bunny;
  • Kitty;
  • baby;
  • Sun;
  • Darling.

It's so boring that the girl can even be unpleasant, because before that the guy also called the other one. It turns out that for him she is no one special and means no more than the previous person.

But even from such simple names, you can come up with something more unusual. Do not be afraid to violate the norms of the Russian language. Any derivative of these words or a word adjacent in meaning can become the key to the heart of a beloved woman. For example, you can beat these affectionate nicknames like this:

  • Zaya - zayusha - silly hare - goody hare - chatty bunny (if the girl likes to talk).
  • Kitten - kitty - kitty-radish (for a lover of harm) - my cat - purr.
  • Beloved - darling - darling.

By rearranging or removing letters and adding diminutive suffixes, you can create a unique home nickname for your girlfriend, which will be only her.

Appearance will tell

Focusing on external features, you can come up with an interesting and affectionate name for your beloved.

Hair. If she has long blond hair, "goldilocks" will suit her. A brunette or a brown-haired woman can be rewarded with a "chocolate". A red-haired girl deserves "redhead", "redhead", "gold" and similar names. Curly lush hair means "lion cub".

Facial features. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can navigate to them. Color, shape, size - everything matters. Attention is drawn to other facial features. Here, to affectionately call a girl, the following options are suitable:

  • black-eyed;
  • witch (for many, dark brown eyes are associated with witchcraft);
  • blue-eyed;
  • snub - chunosik;
  • hedgehog - hedgehog (for those who have a small upturned nose);
  • hamster - hamster - hamster - hamster (if the cheeks are plump or the face is round).

Any individual trait will tell you what a gentle nickname to come up with. Only this should not offend a person. If a girl is embarrassed by chubby cheeks, then calling her “homa” is a mockery of her.

Figure. Body build in general or individual features of the physique can also serve as the basis for an outstanding name-nickname.

Does the girl have long slender legs? “Bambi-Bembik” and other derivatives of this cartoon deer name are quite suitable for her. You can just "my deer."

Does the chosen one have magnificent forms and a beautiful booty? She can be called a “bun”, “yummy”, “bombshell” with a semantic load that she is sexy and is a sex bomb for her man.

Does your loved one have a slender, thin waist? Then you can beat the word "wasp": "oska" - "osochka" - "osyuk" - "osyuka-evil", or "reed". Here it is quite suitable to combine with some character traits through rhyming.

In order to awaken fantasy, men should remember cartoon and movie characters, characters from fairy tales, some actors or artists.

Habits, traits and profession

Does the girl like to cook, work, clean up and fuss around the house? These qualities are also reflected in affectionate nicknames such as "lad" or "bee".

If a loved one reads a lot, studies well or works as a teacher, she can be called “know-it-all”, “know-it-all” and other word forms derived from these words.

Is the girl active, cheerful, goes in for sports, understands humor and sometimes makes rash acts? She is a "hooligan", "monkey", "mindful" and so on in this direction.

Does your beloved have a meek disposition, responsiveness and kindness? Then it's best to call it like this:

  • good-natured;
  • heart;
  • cutie;
  • silence - silence.

Is the girl good in intimate relationships? There is a whole list here:

  • goddess;
  • queen;
  • enchantress;
  • tigress;
  • panther;
  • entertainer.

The daily routine can also serve as the basis for creating an original home nickname. He likes to sleep - "splyuha", gets up early - "birdie", stays awake at night - "owlet - owl - scoop."

Most importantly, an affectionate nickname should reflect the main feature or quality of the personality of a particular female representative so that she herself understands this. She will be very pleased that the man noticed this.

How to impress your girlfriend? Standard compliments about the beauty of appearance (eyes, figures, hair, etc.) will not surprise a girl now. You need to be original, be able to say something that few people have told her about, know how to call a friend affectionately in this or that situation, surprise her with your attentiveness, highlight the little things, such as the perfect accessory or something like that. Your phrase will end with a question, so as not to end the acquaintance with the usual "Thank you."

The art of giving compliments needs to be learned, which takes time and practice. When you walk down the street, pay attention not just to external beauty, try to notice what she is trying to focus on, what she is improving in. Give her a compliment on this occasion, she will answer you with a sincere smile.

What do you need for the first contact? Interest and lure the girl. Talk about one thing so that there is another between the lines. Excessive openness will seem boring to her. It is better to use subtexts, intimate. To make her suddenly blush when talking about nothing, which accidentally turned out to be exciting. Speak with pauses, accents and intonation changes - the girl will love it. This is the skill of flirting: not the text but the subtext should be vulgar, so that she does not have the opportunity to accuse you, to catch you. It only seems to her that you are talking about something intimate, at this time you are enthusiastically talking about completely different things.

Do you want to get close to the fair sex? The advice and recommendations of friends are unlikely to help here. Be confident in yourself and in your abilities, act independently, girls feel comfortable with such men and want to continue communicating with them. Boldly head towards the accomplishment of the goal that you have set for yourself. How can you call a girl affectionate words?

Bunny / bunny / bunny / bunny / bunny. A very popular topic these days...
Kitten / kitty / kitty / kitty / kitty. The second most popular option today. Gotta give credit to the cats :)

Girls want to see a defender next to them, strong and courageous. She imagined every man with whom a girl kissed at least once as her husband, respectively, she has sex with someone who fits this role .. this is how the girl's subconscious works. She must be sure that you are responsible and you can build a serious relationship with you, you can raise children with you and give them a happy childhood.

Such confidence should be in a man, come from him. And for this you need to constantly work on yourself loved. And make a plan, if something goes wrong, you always have a fallback option, and you will continue to communicate. An active, purposeful, self-confident and positive man is what a girl needs. Strive for it and you will succeed!

Now you know how to build a relationship model with the girl you like, how to compliment and communicate beautifully, how to call her beautifully. Below we will tell you in detail how to attract the object of the opposite sex you like and how to affectionately name your beloved girl.


Kitten / kitty / kitty / kitty / kitty;

sun / sunshine;

Baby / baby / baby / baby;

Bunny / Bunny / Bunny / Bunny / Bunny;

Paw / honey / paw / paw;

Sweetheart / cutie / darling;

A princess;

Beauty / beauty;

Music / Musya;

Sweet / sweet / sweet / sweet;

Native / dear;

Baby doll / baby doll;

Angel / angel;



My life.