Construction of a karmic horoscope. Astrology

The Pars of Fortune (Wheel, Point of Happiness) in astrology represents success and the absence of problems. It symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest reward that the owner of a horoscope can receive. In which field of the natal chart is the Wheel of Fortune, there the owner of the horoscope will feel the fullness of life.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the second half of life.Like Jupiter, the Pars of Fortune promises abundance and joy. It pushes a person towards the environment that is best suited for him, and helps to figure out where to succeed.

The Pars of Fortune also shows the most powerful need of a person: what he needs most and where he will find the greatest joy. This point helps to look beyond the mind, reveals goals and helps to define ideals. It expresses the very essence of the Soul.

The point of Happiness manifests itself differently in the hemispheres of the natal chart. If it is below the horizon, the satisfaction is giving. Only by sharing with others does a person achieve satisfaction. If the Pars of Fortune is in the upper part, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. A person deserves such a gift of fate thanks to the merits of the past incarnation. And the one who gives more now will receive blessings in the next life.

Pars of Fortune in houses

1 house. Joy brings independence and personal responsibility. Calls for help weaken the patronage of Fortune. Life's blessings come through one's own efforts and external attractiveness. It is recommended to build relationships with others on intimacy, and excessive conceit, selfishness and a pronounced individuality bring harm.

2 house. This position gives great chances for material wealth. It will be possible to achieve it by understanding your own ideals. If a person lives by dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, luck will turn away from him. Financial prosperity comes thanks to business qualities, ingenuity and calculations. At the same time, the receipt of an inheritance and the conclusion of a profitable marriage are not excluded.

is in exile. But it cannot be said that this is a weak position of the planet. In this water sign, she gives all the best and fully makes you feel the depth of feelings. Holders of this position choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like a little mysterious, passionate and outwardly conspicuous people.

Often feelings go beyond self-control. It can be difficult to contain emotions, which, in the end, lead to a loss of self-control.Experiences and jealousy from scratch are exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically.This is more about the affected planet. In harmonious aspects, it is easier for Venus to restrain feelings and not go to extremes.

Venus in Scorpio gives rise to jealousy, dependence and dominance. A person wants to control the life of a loved one. He limits his contacts, tries to influence the choice and desires of his partner. He does not tolerate when they argue with him and sees this as dislike for himself.

In a relationship, they put sex and trust first. Not wanting intimacy means a lack of love. If a loved one hides something from such a person, it seems to him that he has fallen in love with another. Suspicions destroy relationships if the partner is not ready for the heat of passions and disagreements are an unbearable burden for him.

Venus is a planet that is directly related to money. She is the ruler of Taurus, who rules in the second house (own material resources). Scorpio is a sign of other people's money. If the planet is not affected, its owner can count on good prosperity or a comfortable life. If there are negative degrees, it can lead to bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Throughout her life, the feelings of such a woman do not allow her to relax. She needs to feel desired and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the affairs of her lover or husband. In a calm relationship, she will be bored, and a woman can always create a situation in which she will be convinced of her love for herself. If this does not happen, she will torture herself and her partner. As a result, such interactions will lead to a protracted and painful parting.

In astrology, the seventh house, the planet Venus, as the natural ruler of Libra, and the Moon are responsible for marriage. The latter, manifesting itself in marital relations, affects the livability, comfort in partnership and family life. If planets are in the seventh house, for a strong relationship, they should not have negative aspects. And if Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune are in it, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person's desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: caring, economic and loving. Such people adapt well, tend to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely enter into a marriage that will be successful and strong. And the more harmonious aspects in the horoscope between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house, the better family life will develop.

Formulas indicate happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (marriage for love).

A stable, long-term relationship is indicated by fixed signs on the cusp of the seventh house. Mutables speak of impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - forced to be offended by a partner, without delving into the problems of conflicts, contribute to a sharp break in relations.

Unpleasant moments of marriage can brighten up Jupiter. If this planet participates in the synastry, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter / Sun, Jupiter / Moon, Jupiter / Venus, spouses will not feel miserable.

Without the participation of Saturn in the synastry, there will be no long-term relationship. Aspects from this planet strengthen the bond, teach responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The connection holds together, but adds conflict if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, the Moon.

The Moon is very comfortable in water signs. Here she shows the best qualities and gives her owner subtle intuition, sensuality and a rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpio, the Moon is in the fall, and it can be difficult for her to find harmony and not succumb to gloomy thoughts. Its owner is prone to strong feelings, doubts and increased anxiety.

Moon in Scorpio endows the owner of the horoscope with touchiness, increased emotionality and vulnerability. Lunar Scorpio is greatly tormented by feelings such as jealousy, envy and anger. He is aggressive, irritable, quick-tempered and vengeful. This attitude is influenced by the planet Mars, which, along with Pluto, is the ruler of the sign of Scorpio. The sensitive Moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and powerful.

A calm state is not for the lunar Scorpio. He is able to unconsciously create stressful situations for himself and others in order to overcome them himself. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life, this is not life. But in order to shake things up, he does not need to start a scandal. Lunar Scorpio knows how to eloquently be silent, distributing negativity to others. After the release of energy, there is a short respite, and then, emotions accumulate again on the rise.

Karmic horoscope by date of birth and your destiny. First of all, we want to draw your attention to the fact that your date of birth is by no means just a number. Each of us comes into this world at a strictly defined time with a predetermined purpose. Perhaps someone will have to finish the affairs of their past incarnation, someone will be given a harsh lesson by life for old mistakes, and someone will start everything from scratch. Be that as it may, our karmic horoscope by date of birth will help you understand a little the secrets of your past incarnation and open the veil of the future.

Karmic horoscope by date of birth and your purpose:

March 21 to April 19- time of spiritual awakening

Let's think about what we usually do in the morning when we wake up and what are they trying so hard to instill in us at school in physical education classes? The correct answer is charging. After simple physical exercises, we feel fresher and more energetic than ever throughout the day. So, if, according to the karmic horoscope, you were born during a period of spiritual awakening, then this will mean that your earthly incarnation in this life is endowed with a huge energy potential. Nature has given you a very rich inner world, so it's time to take advantage of it.

April 20 to May 20- time for spiritual growth

What do we all need to grow? Proper healthy nutrition and vitamins. And of course, your own personal space. People born according to the karmic horoscope during the period of spiritual growth, like no one else, need the isolation of their individual space. These are individuals with firm principles, who consider their own views to be almost the only true ones. Because of this, very often they have to deal with situations where their interests conflict with those of others.

May 21 to June 20- a time of prosperity and development

The nature of each person is, of course, individual. So, for people born during the period of spiritual flowering, actions are characteristic in which the mind and heart contradict each other. These are people who are often subject to deep introspection. Their life goal is to achieve a sense of inner harmony. The main advice - do not try to mix work with love. In your personal life, you need to be guided only by feelings, and in work - by reason.

June 21 to July 21- time of spiritual longevity

According to the karmic horoscope by date of birth, this is the brightest and calmest time of the year. It is easy for people born during this period to achieve their goals. Often they have an analytical mindset, which allows them to calculate any situation many steps ahead. Often, they can become bored with the fact that life goes on smoothly and measuredly, which encourages them to plunge into regrets about the past through introspection.

July 22 to August 21- the time of spiritual maturation

People born in the period of spiritual maturation, first of all, need to remember that in this world there are a great many things that are beyond the control of man. If you were born from July 22 to August 21 according to the karmic horoscope, then you should learn to accept the world directly as it is. In dealing with people, try to be kinder, then life will become much easier.

August 22 to September 21- harvest time

Very often this period in the karmic horoscope by date of birth means the time when the fruits of long work appear. For a person, this means that these are his last incarnations and the next time he will be able to move to a new world. Fate will try to reward you for past trials. You should be patient with loved ones and learn how to rationally calculate your own strength.

September 22 to October 22- time of falling leaves

According to the karmic horoscope, people with a very strong character are born at this time. Throughout their lives, they get rid of their own past without fear of making a mistake. Such individuals very rarely experience remorse, since they consider almost all their actions to be necessary and aimed at achieving inner harmony. Often these are inveterate cynics and realists.

October 23 to November 22- the time of the first snow

In the karmic horoscope by date of birth, people belonging to this period of time are very observant and have a keen sense of proportion. In everyday life, they are neat and primarily monitor their own appearance. That's just their character, however, like the first cold weather, is quite changeable, which is why they are often prone to irascibility and emotionality.

November 23 to December 21- long sleep time

People born at this time often have hidden magical abilities. According to the advice of the karmic horoscope, you should listen to your own intuition and the world around you more often. The inner voice will be an excellent adviser in any difficult matter. Very often in dreams, people belonging to this time are able to see their past incarnations.

December 22 to January 19- time of spiritual renewal

At this time, people are born with a craving for order. Sometimes the desire to ensure that everything is in its place can not put them in the best light in front of others.

You should periodically bring variety and novelty of sensations into your own life. Don't be afraid to change your own plans and act spontaneously.

January 20 to February 18- time of karmic cleansing

According to the karmic horoscope, romantics and dreamers belong to this period of time. Although, paradoxically, at the same time they are endowed with excellent analytical thinking and subject all events to a thorough analysis.

These are individuals who are deeply indifferent to what others think about their activities and actions. They set the rules themselves and are guided only by their own opinion.

February 19 to March 20- stormy wind time

People born between February 19 and March 20 should remember the main karmic lesson of this incarnation - do not try to help everyone. Learn to prioritize your own thoughts and desires.

It is likely that such people find it difficult to concentrate on a particular activity. But in love they are very lucky, although, often, a real feeling visits them already in adulthood.

Try to pay close attention to what Fate is trying to tell you through a karmic horoscope. This will not only help you better understand your own behavior, but also teach you what to avoid.

Karmic horoscope

The human soul is eternal, it goes through many incarnations on Earth not only to realize the experience already accumulated, but also for its main task - evolution and development. In each incarnation, a person is set such vital tasks and goals that allow him to spiritually grow and improve. The theme of spiritual growth, without exaggeration, is the most significant in the life of every person.

And when a person does not understand his destiny, the tasks that the Universe sets before him, there is a risk of going astray from the path of spiritual progress. Then a person begins to feel discomfort, insecurity in life, he develops anxiety that perhaps he is moving in the wrong direction, and sometimes life loses its meaning altogether.

One of the greatest values ​​of karmic astrology is precisely that it allows you to understand these spiritual issues. Even in ancient times, astrologers learned about the destiny of a person by the movement of the stars at the time of his birth.

Each person has his own unique destiny and his own unique spiritual path, astrology can give a clear understanding of what it is for you, with what life topics and questions your mission is connected. This knowledge will help you not to stray from the evolutionary path, grow spiritually, develop in harmony with the Universal laws and the Divine plan, which, of course, leads to inner fulfillment and happiness.

About karma

Word “karma”, translated from Sanskrit, literally translates as “deed”. These are all good and bad deeds committed by you in the past (in past incarnations), for which you are responsible. Depending on the deeds committed, karma can be “positive” or “negative”, as the folk saying says: “what you sow is what you reap”, what we bring into this world is returned to us. Our past in many ways shapes our present, these are inextricable relationships, because causes give rise to consequences.

That is why it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the influence of our previous incarnations. If we knew about our past experience, then many questions and uncertainties of our present life would disappear by themselves. Karmic astrology will help you discover this experience as a key to understanding your life. After all, knowing your karma can largely clarify the circumstances that have developed in your life, realize their causes. And having realized and worked through the root causes, we have the opportunity to change the current state of things in our lives for the better.

The Karmic horoscope will allow you to know your karma, destiny and thus clarify many aspects of your life.

  • The essence of the Karmic horoscope is to determine and study the Vector of Destiny, one side of which is your past, karma, all the baggage, the experience that you carry in yourself from past incarnations. And the other opposite side of the Vector symbolizes your future, those life tasks, lessons that you have to learn in your current life.
  • In other words, the Karmic horoscope will show what kind of baggage you came into this world with and how best to manage it, what to strive for, what kind of earthly experience you need for the development of the soul.
  • More importantly, this horoscope allows you to determine negative karma- those things in which you made the most mistakes in the past, causing harm to yourself and others. This information in itself will help you avoid repeating these mistakes in the future, understand how this negative karma can be worked out.
  • And most importantly, with the help of astrology, you can look at your life more globally, understand its circumstances, learn about your life tasks, about your destiny.

The karmic horoscope is made on the basis of the Personal horoscope and is included in its composition, these two horoscopes are always paired.

The cost of compiling a Karmic horoscope along with a personal consultation with an astrologer is 1000 UAH. or 4000 rubles.

Consultation of an astrologer (duration 1 - 2 hours) is carried out in person (if you are in Kyiv) or by phone or Skype.

What else is important!

In addition to the karmic horoscope can be done rectification- determination or specification to minutes of your birth time for high-quality compilation of a horoscope and, thanks to this, obtaining accurate information.

A karmic horoscope is offered, which will help you more accurately determine your tasks in this life, your mission for the current incarnation. With the word "horoscope" you should not remember that you are, say, Sagittarius or Pisces - this is the usual solar division according to the signs of the Zodiac does not fit here. The karmic horoscope is built according to the cycles of solar and lunar eclipses. So be careful with the definition of your karmic zodiac sign. It will be unpleasant for an ordinary, worldly inhabitant, because here karmic tasks are described for working out weaknesses, bad inclinations and habits that have taken root in him and have already become familiar for many incarnations. And just like that, no one wants to part with them. But there comes a period when the person himself wants to part with them, because they already stifle his independence, deprive him of freedom of choice, doom him to suffering. It was then that such a horoscope is very useful. Here you can see yourself as if in a mirror, your shortcomings, which lead away from reality, push you to make mistakes. When a person is born, the Sun announces his character. Aries, Taurus, Gemini ... - we all bear the imprint of great solar power. The main "Karma counter", which the astrologer takes into account and evaluates, is the position in the horoscope of the Lunar nodes. There are two lunar nodes, one is called Ascending, or Northern Lunar node, the other is the Setting, or South Lunar Node. In the east, in India, they are called Rahu (Ascending) and Ketu (Setting), which in translation means the Dragon's Head and the Dragon's Tail. They love different parables and myths in India, even about the Moon nodes have this legend:

“Once upon a time there was a Dragon, in fact, not even a Dragon, but such a small Dragon, cheerful and curious. Once he climbed into heaven, where at that time the gods and goddesses were engaged in their divine affairs: they talked about the world order, and at the same time they tried the wonderful drink of immortality - Soma. The little dragon, under these conversations, also decided to try catfish. One of the gods noticed the thief and ... cut the poor dragon into two parts. But since the Dragon still managed to take a sip of the drink of immortality, he could not die for good! And so it remained in heaven in a dissected form: on the one hand - the Head of the Dragon (Rahu), on the other - the Tail (Ketu). ”And in the Cosmos (as calculated points) and in the horoscope they are always located strictly opposite each other. And the Nodes are also considered not separately, but together, because no (even beautiful) future can take place without the past. If nothing is sown, what can be harvested? Astrologically, the meaning of each of the nodes is as follows: if the Ascending node describes a development program, then the Setting node is what has already been accumulated, accumulated. It is not recommended for a person to return to the accumulated, repeat it, but it is possible (and necessary) to use the acquired knowledge and qualities in life. The Sun passes through the zodiac circle in a year and moves clockwise. Ketu moves counterclockwise and circles the Zodiac in 18 years and 7 months. As we determine our character by the Sun, we can also determine our karmic mission by the Ascending Node of the Moon. As we can make an astro forecast for the solar signs of the Zodiac, we will also make a forecast for karmic signs. And by applying this forecast in life, we get a chance to improve our destiny, whatever the karma of birth.

The birth horoscope tells you about the given - about what is. Aries are impulsive, Capricorns are industrious... If you make a horoscope according to all the canons of astrology, you can learn not only about the character, but also about many life events. But the main principle remains: the usual horoscope interprets the given, about what the embodied personality is. The karmic horoscope speaks not of the given, but of the due. About the mission with which you were sent to this Earth and how you can live in accordance with your mission. You can act on the advice given by Heaven, or you can forget about it. In the first case, fate will help and support you in every possible way. In the second, the same fate will try to show with its unpleasant blows: “He didn’t go there, this is not your way.” Acting in accordance with your mission is not the most difficult thing. It is only important to understand: a prosperous fate is a consequence of the fulfillment of one's destiny, and not the result of abandoning it in the name of a prosperous fate! Karmic astrology teaches that an ordinary person successively goes through cycles of 12 reincarnations, receiving at the end of each of these cycles a particularly favorable opportunity for liberation from karmic relationships. The cycle begins in incarnation under the karmic sign of Pisces and, passing through Aquarius, Capricorn, ends with Aries. In each incarnation, you enjoy the fruits of the former and have a chance to develop new opportunities. If the mission of karmic Libra is to know the beautiful, then the sign of the next incarnation - Virgo - helps to develop industriousness. If liberation is not achieved at the end of the cycle, then 12 incarnations are repeated again, already at a higher level.

Ascending Moon node in Aries, Setting in Libra.

From June 18, 1930 to January 6, 1932,
From January 28, 1949 to August 17, 1950,
From September 9, 1967 to March 29, 1969,
April 20, 1986 to November 8, 1987

If there are solar Aries (those who are born annually from about March 21 to April 20), lunar Aries (whose Moon was in this sign at the time of birth), then these are draconic Aries (according to one of the names of the Ascending Node). Past accumulations all these people - harmony, balance and peacemaking (what is characteristic of the sign of Libra). These qualities should be the basis for new personality traits: leadership, activity, independence. People with such a karmic task have many advantages, they can prove themselves in any business that requires initiative, courage, and to some extent even chivalry. They can be pioneers in any business, this is the karma of leaders and warriors, "stars" and presidents. M. I. Kutuzov and the famous actor F. Mkrtchan had such an indicator in the horoscope, M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin, as well as the “solar clown” Oleg Popov, Valery Leontiev and Alla Pugacheva have such an indicator. In any case, belligerence, perseverance, justice are associated with Aries karma. A more “peaceful application” of Aries characteristics is also possible: it can be surgery, military affairs. Of course, the presence of a task is not a guarantee of its fulfillment, and therefore, of the entire generation, it will manifest itself most clearly in a few. After all, the main thing is not the position held, but the nature of the manifestation of certain qualities. If a person with the Ascending Moon Node in Aries tries to take a passive position, hide behind other people's backs or refuse to show initiative in the name of maintaining a dubious balance, then fate will try to put him in such conditions that he does not have a choice. And such a situation, you see, simply by definition cannot be comfortable and calm. This is the last incarnation in a cycle of 12 rebirths and is very special. You are required to be a pioneer in any area of ​​life - it does not matter if you bring something new to society, like Yeltsin, Gorbachev, etc., or your breakthrough will be spiritual, internal, personally yours. Space requires you to tirelessly search and in the field of profession, and in the field of hobbies, and in the field of religion, morality. And as long as you have not lost interest in life, the desire to seek answers and ask questions. Higher powers will help you in the most difficult circumstances.

Ascending Moon node in Taurus, setting in Scorpio.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From July 11, 1947 to January 28, 1949,
From February 19, 1966 to September 9, 1967,
From October 1, 1984 to April 20, 1986,
And a new generation of draconic Taurus will be born from May 25, 2003 to December 2004. As a child, draconic Taurus could puzzle parents and loved ones with their desire to climb into the most dangerous situations and get into the most incredible adventures. At the same time, it was clearly evident that they clearly liked such an extreme state. But these qualities are only a distant echo of karma, all risky situations have been passed, the thrills have been experienced. It is possible that in ancient times, this person could even be a magician. But now it's time to give up low passions, artificial conflicts with others and the desire to know the mysterious. Work on the ground, economic affairs, the ability to be an even and harmonious person - this is the task for this life. Draconian Taurus are called upon to accumulate energy, strength, take care of building a temple in their souls. Since Venus is the lord of karma in such a birth, talent and skill, beauty and art come to the fore in life's tasks. Painting and poetry, singing art and a penchant for needlework, gardening or theatrical activity may not become a profession, but an amateur craving for them must be realized. Not the last place in such a list is occupied by the ability to “count money”, manage finances. Draconic Taurus were A.S. Pushkin and B. Shtokolov, the legendary soothsayer Vanga and artist I. Aivazovsky. in previous lives. The measure of talent here is often honestly earned money, well-bred children and a harmonious family. The main problem of the karmic Taurus is to learn to provide for oneself financially through one's own abilities and vocation, and not in spite of them. The only way to get a decent income is to improve in your profession, the only way to a harmonious family is to improve in communication and sincerity. Violation of this simple rule, an attempt to get something without making efforts for oneself, for the development of one's capabilities, makes the acquisition very fragile and leads to a series of crises.

Ascending lunar node in Gemini, setting - in Sagittarius.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From May 12, 1927 to November 29, 1928,
From December 22, 1945 to July 11, 1947,
From August 2, 1964 to February 19, 1966,
March 14, 1983 to October 1, 1984

The Lord of your karma is the planet Mercury, which is responsible for contacts, connections, communications. Mercury translates karmic problems into an active, mobile state, allowing a large number of contacts to quickly and effectively untie karmic knots. But the little draconian Twins at all times tried not so much to learn everything themselves, but to teach their elders. The arrogant tone of the know-it-all must have amused those around him. Of course, it is difficult to "forget" the experience of teaching... But the time has come to give up the thirst for power, inertia, conservatism. In no case should you give in to the desire to pout with importance when others loudly recognize you as an authority in one area or another. The point is not that a person cannot be or become authoritative, the point is in relation to the situation that has been created. In the usual and familiar understanding of life, success comes, but one should not strive for it with all one's strength. Main tasks: study, accumulation of knowledge, mediation. Those who sincerely strive to learn everything new and develop their own view of it will receive both success and recognition as a reward. Life can turn out to be not just interesting (but how else, if a person finds new friends all the time, constantly revolves in the intellectual world ), it can become very important, because right now you can pay off the oldest karmic debts. Those people whom a person met during this life may be nearby in the next incarnation. Among the famous people who had the Ascending Lunar Node in Gemini, of course, there are many writers: F. Schiller, T. Dreiser, A. Tvardovsky, as well as modern politician V. Zhirinovsky, actor Igor Dmitriev. Your main task is not to limit yourself to formal acquaintances, not to distance yourself from people, but to take an active part in their problems. Pray for a sick girlfriend, light candles for the health of your friends, help in word and deed as much as possible - and helping others will turn into your own well-being. But it is important not to spray yourself: helping one or several people is much more important than trying to benefit all of humanity.

Ascending lunar node in Cancer, setting - in Capricorn.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From October 23, 1925 to May 12, 1927,
From June 3, 1944 to December 22, 1945,
From January 13, 1963 to August 2, 1964,
August 25, 1981 to March 14, 1983

The youngest dragon Cancers were born quite recently: from April 5, 2000 to October 24, 2001. A very important karmic program! The first thing that the sign of Cancer tells us about is service to the Motherland. And therefore, among the representatives of dragon Cancers, there are many famous personalities who, in one way or another, devoted their entire lives to serving the Motherland. In the past, such people have already worked out a program of single ascent to a goal or career advancement. Relying on the ability to endure and focus on the most important things developed in the past, you need to live for your family, for your relatives and your homeland. It is important to know and honor traditions, to be a patriot, to study national roots. One should not think that a whole generation has been given the task of locking itself within four walls, taking care of the family. Emperor Alexander the First, who had the Ascending Lunar Node in Cancer in his horoscope, defended his "family" - Russia, Seraphim of Sarov also prayed for everyone he considered close - for all Orthodox. Draconic Cancers are excellent historians and archaeologists, local historians and collectors of antiquities, organizers and keepers of various museums. The lord of karma in the case of such a birth is the changeable and emotional Moon, it means the use of accumulated subconscious experience, and therefore for many people whose horoscope has the Head The dragon is in the sign of Cancer, they have unusual abilities, they can remember their incarnations, recognize their relatives from past lives among the people around them. But one should not strive to develop such abilities artificially, one should not rush things: what is given will manifest itself at the right time. Your mission is connected with serving the home and, in a broader sense, the Fatherland (remember that it was the conscripts born in operation in Chechnya). It is important for you not to forget about your relatives, to try to learn from the experience of your ancestors. At least one problem of the kind in which you have found embodiment must end on you. What your mother missed in raising children, did not achieve in life, did wrong, should not be repeated on you. So you will improve the karma of your children and thereby ensure your well-being. It is not even about the correct upbringing of children - it will not work if you are not aware of the problems of your kind. It is in the karma of the family that you should look for sources of possible family or work problems. And they will disappear as soon as the fate of your ancestors will be realized by you.

Ascending lunar node in Leo, setting - in Aquarius.
The karmic task for those who were born:

From April 4, 1924 to October 23, 1925,
From November 15, 1942 to June 3, 1944,
From June 26, 1961 to January 13, 1963,
From February 5, 1980 to August 25, 1981,
September 17, 1998 to April 5, 2000

Babies with such an indicator in the horoscope, barely born, demand freedom. It is with difficulty (and sometimes it is not possible at all) to swaddle them tightly, they push away the hand extended to them when they take their first steps, because they see even in the gentle mother's hand an attempt to limit their independence. But time goes by and it's time to give up adventurousness, opposing yourself to the people around you. In contrast to the past absolute freedom, one should strive for freedom of creativity, the disclosure of one's creative self. Such a person can and even should stand out, but precisely as a creator, and not as a destroyer. The program of dragon Lions is a fiery, ambitious, leadership program. There is a certain similarity between the task of Lions and the task of Taurus: creativity, art. But for draconian Lions, the task of incarnation also includes sports, the education of young people. Love relationships and children will play an important role in the life of this generation. It is possible that it is during the development of romantic relationships, through the state of falling in love, and then in relations with children, that the most important karmic tasks will be solved. It is not very important in which professional area people with the Ascending Moon node in Leo will work, because creativity is activities. And the most famous people, in whose horoscopes the Dragon's Head is in the sign of Leo, appeared precisely as creative people, for example, E. Blavatsky, Mahatma Gandhi, architect K. Rossi, S. Kovalevskaya. Leo determines the karma of a leader, the karma of a person who knows how to realize his ambitions not as an end in itself, but as a service to those people for whom he is responsible as a leader. take responsibility for the fate of your own children, help your son's classmates, be the leader of a work team, or gather enthusiasts to clean up the yard in front of your windows. In the past incarnation, which proceeded under the sign of Virgo, you learned to be a good performer and trained your intellect. Now it is important for you to use this experience to take responsibility for others. If you learn to dominate, not suppressing, but developing those around you, your fate will turn out quite worthy.

Ascending lunar node in Virgo, setting - in Pisces.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From April 27, 1941 to November 15, 1942,
From December 7, 1959 to June 26, 1961,
From July 19, 1978 to February 5, 1980,
February 27, 1997 to September 17, 1998

In the past, this generation has all the secrets left: participation in underground organizations and some secret societies, the desire to go underground or settle in a forest hut away from people. Surely the kids of this generation are suspicious, dependent and very susceptible to the influence of others. But it is time to abandon the chaos in thoughts, we must strive for clarity and understanding. All attention is given to details, details and an accurate understanding of what is happening. The lords of karma Proserpine and Mercury set a purely intellectual task for people: rationality, a sense of duty, conscious responsibility for their actions. Virgo is directly related to human health, which means that you need to monitor the state of your body, learn to understand its signals and in no case let the state of health take its course. In the most favorable case, dragon Maidens can become excellent healers. But the main content of the karma of this generation is service and work, painstaking work for the benefit of others. Very often, such work is expressed in the most complex scientific research. But in most cases, the draconian Maidens are humble servants who fulfill the commandments of Karma Yoga. By the way, few people understand the true meaning of Griboedov's phrase "I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve." The word "servant" in modern Russian has a uniquely negative connotation. But the servant is a unique person. He must enjoy the absolute trust of his master, which means that he must be exceptionally honest, accurate, and devoted. It is as a servant that a person is tested for the purity of thoughts and the ability to keep the secrets entrusted to him. From the point of view of karma, the opportunity to be a real servant must be earned! And dragon Maidens have that chance. But will any of them take advantage of the opportunity provided to them to pay off their karmic debts at a single time? There are many representatives of intellectual labor in the list of famous dragon Maidens, these are writers and poets C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, A. Herzen, Nikolai Gumilyov, scientists M. Sklodowska-Curie, Niels Bohr, N. Lobachevsky, I. Sechenov, physiologists I. Pavlov and I. Sechenov. Your karmic program is defined by two words: service and work. In addition, in this incarnation, the Cosmos invites you to develop intellect, erudition, to expand your area of ​​​​interest as much as possible. But if the development of intellect concerns you personally, refers to the production of fruits that you will use in your next incarnations, then diligence is the main lesson of this yours. life, the need to correct what was missed in the past incarnation, which proceeded under the sign of Libra. It is not particularly difficult for you to achieve well-being. You need not give up, work, think, analyze, search, and everything will be fine. Not without reason, many astrologers and soothsayers predicted (and in many ways rightly) the beginning of the heyday of Russia in the year 2000, at the time when the generation with the karma of the sign of Virgo and Leo will come of age.

Ascending lunar node in Libra, setting - in Aries.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From October 9, 1939 to April 27, 1941,
From May 20, 1958 to December 7, 1959,
From December 29, 1976 to July 19, 1978,
August 11, 1995 to February 27, 1997

A very unusual generation, since there are two Lords of karma in this position - Chiron and Venus. Venus determines a person's desire for beauty and harmony (similar to the karma of Taurus), and Chiron - for justice, diplomacy, respect for the laws. Draconic Libra can be excellent lawyers, arbitrators, diplomats, politicians, but also be related to art and perfection in any form. Many draconian Libras at a young age are characterized by increased activity up to aggressiveness, adventurousness and selfishness are manifestations of the past. We must remember the rule that applies in any case, for any type of karma: you should refuse to show the worst qualities of the sign in which the Dragon's Tail is located . You should rely on the best qualities of this sign. In this case, you should not rush forward, pushing others with your elbows, do not insist on your opinion, and, of course, rude words should be excluded from the vocabulary. The motto of life: "Calmness, harmony, compromise." There is no need to sit in a secluded corner, but life will not allow this: the upholding of justice, assumed by the karma of Libra, does not imply stagnant silence. But this should be done in a balanced way and in accordance with the law. Among the famous people with the Dragon Head in Libra, there are many representatives of science and art, composers, artists, writers: Leo Tolstoy and Michelangelo, Jules Verne and Chopin, Madonna and Michael Jackson. There are also politicians, including Karl Marx and Nazarbayev. Libra is a sign of harmony, beauty and perfection. Therefore, your karmic mission for this incarnation is to know the beautiful. You need to develop diplomacy and courtesy in yourself, learn to feel and understand beauty in all its manifestations. This is a very difficult task for us, abandoned by the will of karma to Russia in an era of change. The pursuit of a piece of bread too often reduces the world around us to a primitive work-salary-kitchen scheme. Many people forget that the sun is shining over the whole world, the sky is turning blue and the birds are singing, because there is not enough strength to solve more pressing problems. But for those who are gifted with the karma of Libra, it is especially dangerous to fall into such oblivion. You will be able to solve pragmatic tasks successfully, but only when you stand a little higher than them, you will try to understand that beauty enlivens the world.

Ascending lunar node in Scorpio, setting - in Taurus.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From March 21, 1938 to October 9, 1939,
From October 30, 1956 to May 20, 1958,
From June 12, 1975 to December 29, 1976,
January 21, 1994 to August 11, 1995

In short, such a karmic task can be called an extremist one. And she's not easy. We must do our best to get rid of our deepest shortcomings: greed, egocentrism, the desire to hurt another person. But in order to get rid of your shortcoming, you need to see it, understand and agree that this is a bad habit, a problem! Very, very strong natures are capable of such an act. There are also two Lords of Karma here, and these are the most active, even “aggressive” planets - Mars and Pluto. People with such karma can often find themselves in dangerous situations during their lives. Not only that: they seem to be pushed into such situations! It is possible that in early childhood such qualities will not appear too often and noticeably, on the contrary: small dragon Scorpios can be rather inert, attached to the material world, charming and calm. Their ability to solve problems slowly and thoroughly should be encouraged, because the manifested desire for extreme situations, passions of various kinds and the desire to control the world with the help of magic can lead them too far. And if you give free rein to such manifestations, then darkness can overwhelm a person. Any generation with the Ascending Lunar Node in Scorpio is a complex people. They want to know everything, go through everything, make a bunch of mistakes, create a sea of ​​​​problems for themselves, and only then forgetfully rake the brewed mess. Many of them become politicians, fighters for social justice, formal and informal leaders, experimental scientists and researchers, and stuntmen. It is the dragon Scorpions who are keenly interested in magic and telepathy, energy practices and occult theories. Our contemporaries are politician V. Chernomyrdin, journalist A. Nevzorov, Anatoly Kashpirovsky. N. Miklukho-Maclay, N. Gogol, M. Cervantes had such a karmic task. Scorpio is a sign of debts, so your main task is to pay them. You need to untie the karmic knots of past incarnations and try not to tie new ones. This is not necessarily associated with huge difficulties or losses. The sermon of Christ teaches us that to repay a karmic debt means to treat another as the precepts of Christianity require, no matter what. It means to forgive, to love, to help. Do not judge other people's actions, do not take revenge. Determine exactly where self-defense ends and unacceptable aggression begins. Such behavior fully guarantees you a fairly prosperous fate, although it is impossible to completely eliminate the troubles caused directly by karma, and not avoiding it. Everything is the will of God, and especially for the karmic Scorpio.

Ascending lunar node in Sagittarius, setting - in Gemini.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From September 1, 1936 to March 21, 1938,
From April 13, 1955 to October 30, 1956,
From November 22, 1973 to June 12, 1975,
July 4, 1992 to January 21, 1994

The karmic task of such a generation, as in the case of any fire sign, is leadership. Since the Lord of Karma is Jupiter here, this leadership is associated with spiritual missionary work, education, and the unification of people connected by a common worldview. Draconic Sagittarius, like Libra, must strive for justice, observance of the law. In this case, science, research activities, the study of other countries and peoples, their cultures play a significant role. Carelessness, indecision, talkativeness and inconstancy should remain in the past. The only thing that should be used from the accumulated karmic experience is the freshness of perception, the ability to work with information flows, the ability to find a common language with any person, regardless of the level of education, nationality and religion. It is likely that one of the dragon archers can even be called an adventurer, but only in the sense that is contained in the Spanish word "aventurero", which means "adventurer". If such a person acquires a well-deserved authority, then the task has been completed correctly. Healthy conservatism in the implementation of the Sagittarius program is only welcome. Among the draconian Sagittarius J. Garibaldi, A. Solzhenitsyn, E. Gaidar, A. Sobchak, V. Shakespeare, J. Byron, K. Stanislavsky, V. Listyev. This is a special incarnation. The lord of karma here is Jupiter, a planet named after the supreme god Olympus. Your destiny is under strong patronage from above. But it also places special demands on your life. In no case should you forget about the presence of the invisible worlds, about the forces that guide you. Your well-being is directly related to how much you follow in life, and especially in relationships with people, spiritual, religious values. The karmic mission of Sagittarius is always very individual, but it is necessarily associated with expanding the scope of your personality. An interest in a variety of subjects, an attempt to comprehend various religious and philosophical systems - all this will undoubtedly help you live in harmony with karma.

Ascending lunar node in Capricorn, setting - in Cancer.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From February 12, 1935 to September 1, 1936;
from September 23, 1953 to April 13, 1955;
from May 4, 1972 to November 22, 1973;
December 15, 1990 to July 4, 1992

The main issues that are supposed to be addressed by those who were born with the Ascending Lunar Node in the sign of Capricorn are issues of profession, ambition, and social realization. The conquest of heights is the most important task of such a person. Another thing is that everyone has their own concept of this “height”. One wants to establish himself so much as to become the one and only in his business, and the other is enough to be perceived in the family as a real Master. The lord of karma here is strict and cold Saturn, and therefore it is very difficult for dragon Capricorns to fulfill their tasks. What should be done first? It is necessary to break away from excessive parental care, to abandon patronage and blat. Even being tied to your father's house sometimes turns out to be superfluous: after all, living under the same roof with those who feed you, constantly gives advice, even smart ones, is also guardianship. Alas, the path of this generation is complete independence. You can’t be lazy, you can’t look back at others, you have to learn from your mistakes. Do not stop at anything, do not be afraid of anything, always keep a clear mind and feel under your feet the solid foundation of already conquered heights. Sometimes the implementation of this program is accompanied by hardships, trials and restrictions: the influence of Saturn makes itself felt. But those who are “friendly” with their patron know: you just have to endure, endure, try - and even then a straight and even road to the sparkling peaks will open. Those who had the Capricorn program in their horoscope went exactly this way: Leonardo da Vinci , M. V. Lomonosov, Christopher Columbus, Rabindranath Tagore, Charlie Chaplin. Your karma is connected with “assertion in society, the conquest of social heights, with the achievement of professional excellence. This is not an easy mission. The cosmos invites you to serve yourself; but if, in achieving your goal, you grossly violate the interests of others, fate will not be favorable to you. N. S. Khrushchev - the karmic Capricorn - acted for the good of the country, breaking through to power. But when he “fell ill” with voluntarism, he was instantly overthrown. No less dangerous for the karmic Capricorn is an attempt to get away from material interests, to forget about his desires. This almost always programs the negative karma of the family. Direct your efforts to the secrets of the world, to achieve professional excellence, to grow the best crop in the country. But not on the fate of another person! This is the main karmic lesson of your next incarnation.

Ascending lunar node in Aquarius, setting - in Leo.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From July 25, 1933 to February 12, 1935;
from March 6, 1952 to September 23, 1953;
October 16, 1970 to May 4, 1972;
May 28, 1989 to December 15, 1990

The highest realization of the program associated with the position of the Ascending Lunar Node in Aquarius is the abandonment of personal goals in the name of the common good of mankind. If you start from the very beginning in a high sense, then Jesus Christ had just such a program. It is clear that considering the horoscope of the Savior is sacrilege, but the date of birth (the night of December 24-25, 4 BC) contains just such an indicator. The general meaning of the Aquarius program is interaction with collective karma, the karma of the nation and the karma of humanity as a whole. This is where the opportunity arises to get even with this very Karma once and for all (which means that this soul will no longer appear on Earth, it does not need earthly incarnations), you need to do only one thing - to serve the common good. Aquarius is considered a sign of Russia, which means that the program of common good for Russia in our country plays a more significant role than for those born in any other corner of the globe. The Lord of Karma of this incarnation Uranus points the way to true knowledge and suggests that the truths expressed by representatives of the , can be quite extraordinary. The nature of Aquarius is associated with science in general, with astronomy and astrology, and therefore among the draconian Aquarius are A. Einstein and L. Pasteur, astronaut Yuri Gagarin and Pierre Curie, astronomer and astrologer Johannes Kepler. Our current President Vladimir Putin also has an Aquarius karmic program. Not everyone can become Einsteins, how should one behave in order to move in the right direction during ordinary life? - it is necessary to abandon the manifestation of vanity, posturing, attention to one's person. One must be modest and "public", be able to listen to like-minded people, value friendship and pave new paths in one's business. Creativity is an important quality of Aquarius, but it’s time to learn about some of your inventions to say: “This is the idea of ​​​​our team, I just helped bring it to life.” to the concerns of the society in which he lives. In this case, each solved personal problem gives rise to two new ones. Your karma is intertwined with the karma of the country, nation, Church, collective. To realize it, it is not necessary to become a politician, writer or preacher. I repeat: on the path of karma, it is not the scale of the deed that matters, but the direction that you follow. ”You need not to focus on yourself and your personal affairs. A simple interest in the problems of society (yes, if they seem too global and out of touch with life), in religion and philosophy, in the world will help you solve your own problems much better than trying to live only your own microspace.


Ascending lunar node in Pisces, setting - in Virgo.

The karmic task for those who were born:

From January 6, 1932 to July 25, 1933;
from August 17, 1950 to March 6, 1952;
from March 29, 1969 to October 16, 1970;
November 8, 1988 to May 28, 1989

In the broad sense of the word, the task of Pisces is associated with spirituality, creativity, religion and inspiration. The Lord of Karma of these generations, Neptune, is very ambiguous in its manifestation and can lead its ward to such transcendental heights that there will be a separation from reality. But it’s one thing to break away from reality in the case of the dragon Fish by science fiction writer B. Strugatsky, and it’s quite another to give rise to unrealistic ideas, which sometimes happens with other representatives of Pisces. Among the outstanding dragon Pisces are Joan of Arc and Peter the Great, Sergei Yesenin and Emil Zola, Francisco Goya, and P.I. - and they will have the abilities and opportunities for this. What qualities do they need to develop in themselves in order to perform their task as efficiently as possible? - give up toadying, bureaucracy, tediousness, bureaucracy, pettiness. Careerism and prudence are not in honor of this program! Only attunement to higher goals, harmonious perception of nature and help to it. The most important quality that should be shown in all dragon Pisces is love and compassion, the desire for harmony, including in art. We'll have to rethink our attitude to "iron rock", cacophonous sounds and vulgar texts. The true music for them should be the Music of the Higher Spheres. Your task in this incarnation is connected with spirituality and religion, inspiration and creativity. Often it is possible to implement it in the professional sphere, just as the physicist Max Planck, the actor Jean Paul Belmondo, our former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin did. Of course, on a different scale, but from the point of view of karma, the scale does not matter, only the path, the direction in which you act is important. Someone fulfills his mission on Earth, creating quantum physics, and someone - inventing an original pattern on needlework. You can no less successfully fulfill your mission at home, creatively approaching the upbringing of children and grandchildren, professing the spiritual, Christian way of educating a person . Whether you accept or reject the Christian view of the world, it is fundamentally important for you to look a little higher than pragmatic values ​​and turn your gaze to the spiritual.


It would be completely illogical if the lesson “given” to a person at birth was not checked in any way. And indeed, there comes a time when a whole generation falls into the “examination room”. But, alas, these people do not even suspect that they are facing strict teachers. In the horoscope, this is visible, but in life you can hear one thing from them: “Well, life has started spinning!”

In this "spun" - an almost accurate assessment of what is happening. Fate throws up tasks for a person, which are the verification tests for the execution of the program.

How did you learn to solve problems?

How independent are your decisions?

Can you find a way out of critical situations?

All these questions, of course, are related to the main karmic program.

Many people complain that life is difficult and sometimes unbearable. But it's not. In most cases, the Higher powers are merciful, and usually lead a person along the most "passable" of the roads. And the tasks during the exam are set by the solvable ones. Moreover, even the time of the onset of exams and "tests" is known in advance. If you try to understand the effect of karmic indicators using familiar analogies, it will turn out like this: 18 and a half years is like a course at a university. This means that up to 18.6 years - the first course, up to 37.36 years - the second course, up to 56 years - the third course, and so on. , 7 years old, at 65.3 years old. You should not worry too much: everyone understands that “in the first year” a person is not yet too experienced in difficulties, he has not yet “learned to live” very well, and therefore exams during this period are not too serious. But by the age of 28 (“second-year credit”), the question of responsibility for one’s own destiny can be quite strict. And the next exam is just around the corner.

A personal horoscope is the most complete psychological description of you and your behavior in various areas of your activity, based on the location of the Sun, Moon and other planets at the time of your birth. A personal karmic horoscope is a description of exactly those characteristics and behavior that are decisive for the fulfillment of the karmic task of your present incarnation. Karma is not somewhere out there, far from you, inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary person. Karma is life every day.

A prerequisite for compiling a personal horoscope is that you indicate the exact place and time of your birth. Without these data, an objective compilation of a personal horoscope, including a karmic one, is impossible. If you do not know the time of your birth with an accuracy of 5 minutes, you can order a cosmogram or some other types of forecasts based on the position of the planets in the zodiac circle at the time of your birth. A personal karmic horoscope compiled according to the approximately indicated time of birth, although it will not be completely useless, will not be able to help you adjust your behavior in all types of activities that interest you.

So, if you know the exact time and place of your birth, we can show you:

  • what the Higher Forces have prepared for you in such important categories for each person as relationships with loved ones, colleagues, money,
  • assess your chances in a career, creativity and love,
  • show your strengths and weaknesses,
  • determine the area where your goal is in society,
  • some other points.

Before bringing to your attention an example of a personal karmic horoscope compiled by us, we want to clarify that in our service all forecasts are made not automatically, but by a professional astrologer. Therefore, your personal karmic horoscope will be as accurate as possible and correspond exactly to your life, and not to the lives of many other people born at the same time as you.
Good luck and luck to you.

An example of a personal karmic horoscope

The zodiac sign that determines your main character traits, behavior, priorities and karmic task is Scorpio. Before proceeding to a direct description, let's briefly consider this side of the personal karmic horoscope, since it has a cardinal influence on all other aspects of it.

What does this zodiac sign mean? Scorpio symbolizes a huge force used in order not to lose heart from everyday troubles, to be able to rise and move on after the most seemingly mortal blows of Fate. This sign is a symbol of a way out of any crisis situation. Inner strength, pressure, deep intelligence, adventurism, passion, charisma, personal magnetism - this is a characteristic of a typical representative of the Scorpio sign. Which of the qualities of Scorpio will have a strong influence on you and on your fulfillment of your karmic destiny?

In addition to the Sun, which determines the personality as a whole and your consciousness, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and Proserpine fell into the sign of Scorpio by the date of your birth. Consider what characteristics of the Scorpio sign have become yours.

So, you received consciousness, feelings and relationships with the opposite sex from Scorpio, thinking and worldview, as well as collective strength and the possibility of transformation. Not a bad set. Let us consider in more detail in which areas of your activity you will behave like a typical Scorpio.

To remove dirt from the whole society, or to rise above it - this is your karmic task. Whatever you do, the Higher Forces will direct you to fulfill it. And since this task is recorded in your mind, you will do it consciously, understanding your mission.

The second moment, after consciousness, in terms of the power of influence on the fulfillment of your karmic task by you, is your worldview. It will also be determined by your birth sign, Scorpio. Seeing dirt and uncleanliness in each person individually and in society as a whole, and, if possible, rid the world of this burden - that's your worldview. To point out to a person his weak points, to tell the sharpest truth in person, to bite for prevention - this is philanthropy in the understanding of Scorpio. In addition to worldview, the planet Jupiter determines your ideals, luck and honor in society. Scorpio has no ideals, and luck and honor, in his view, like yours, are transient. They do not have the meaning of life. But, as a bonus, it's good. When following through the fulfillment of your karmic task, you will definitely receive it.

Mercury, a lover of information and superficial thinking, also received the characteristics of Scorpio in your personal karmic horoscope, for which only those knowledge that are important for all life as a whole matter. Why memorize a sea of ​​unnecessary information if it still may not be useful in an emergency? You rely on your intuition and luck. Or maybe it will somehow carry through without additional knowledge? Everything you need for yourself you already know. But Mercury did not leave you without gifts. He gave you the ability to speak beautifully, which is useful in fulfilling your karmic task. You are tireless in conversation. And you can be, if you want, a writer, like Dostoevsky.

What does feelings and relationships with the opposite sex mean for Scorpio? A very strong sexuality and magnetic influence on women is your natural ability. You can behave as you like, and you will still attract them to you like a magnet. But since the inner content of a person is more important for the Scorpio sign than the outer one, and they are constant in their preferences, your choice may not be entirely clear to others. Comfort and coziness from Venus is easy for you to combine with the dirt of the surrounding reality in general, as a natural environment for Scorpio. Cleanliness and dirt are relative concepts for you. You won't dwell on them. In general, the planet Venus in Scorpio is in exile, which is manifested in the constant need for love and the desire for beauty. You are a passionate person. But for complete success, it is important to develop a more tactful treatment of people. It is advisable not to torment yourself or other people with your jealousy and selfishness.

Located in your personal karmic horoscope in the sign of Scorpio, the distant planets Pluto and Proserpine influence the entire generation in which you were born. You can, by fulfilling your karmic task, influence your entire generation. You can control the collective consciousness and make its transformation. An interesting task.

And now let's look at your personal karmic horoscope in more detail, dwelling on its aspects recorded in each of its specific houses.

You were born in the 1st house of the horoscope. Great start. The Sun and Pluto make your need to express your masculine self so strong that you can rise above your powers and become the undisputed leader of your entire generation. But in this matter, your worldview becomes especially important. The 1st house of your personal karmic horoscope takes place mainly in the sign of Sagittarius, whose task is spiritual guidance. If your understanding of everything happening in society and its priorities can become "convincing" for the environment in which you operate, then you can easily control the mass consciousness. You have huge ambitions of a leader, confirm them with the worldview that is necessary for the present time, and you will get everything.

Confirmation that your fulfillment of your karmic task will be materially valued comes in the house of money and the strongest material desires. Only the official recognition of your power will help you become a rich and influential person. Influence on your natural desire to become a wealthy and materially accomplished person is exerted by such distant planets as Uranus and Neptune. Your income will be unpredictable for society, but not for you. In addition, Uranus and Neptune are the bearers of profound changes. In our time, their influence has become especially noticeable. Only by looking closely at the entire existing society as a whole, you will be able to realize the power of these planets in your activities. They will give you intuition and a unique personality. Your officially recognized power will smoothly turn into an informal one. You will have undeniable authority in your inner circle. And along with it, material wealth.

Consider problems related to your immediate environment, information, contacts, ability to learn. Their decision in your personal karmic horoscope is influenced by the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. You get all the information you need from your immediate environment, from your friends. Short trips will be productive, and will not violate your freedom. But the concepts of justice and goodness in the existing society will infringe on your rights and interfere with the fulfillment of the karmic task. Selena and Saturn in Pisces will place limits on your education and the accumulation of further information. You don't want to be like everyone else. Yes, and the fulfillment of your own karmic task involves disagreement with the norms and rules accepted in the existing society.

Your roots, family and habitat fall on the zodiac signs of Pisces and Aries. An interesting combination. The family and the place where you live put restrictions on you and at the same time serve as an incentive to start all things. Take a look at this moment.

Creativity, love, children, entertainment. Nothing prevents you from being yourself in these areas. You want everything in these areas to start quickly and have material consequences. So it will be. Create, love and approach life with optimism.

Your duties and health are determined by the 6th house. In this area, you get to help all your achievements of past incarnations. Your duties are determined only by your own physical efforts. By the way, caring for our "smaller brothers" can be credited to you for doing your duty. You can choose this way to fulfill your duties. In all official affairs, you need to be persistent and purposeful. Such an attitude to official duties is required by the conservative Taurus.

Another point that manifested itself here is the presence of temptations. Lilith (Black Moon) is located in your personal karmic horoscope just on the border of two houses - the 6th and 7th, obligations and partnerships. Your partners in business, family will incite you to various temptations in return for your duties. But you can't go with them. All the temptations of fate are under the strict control of almost all the other planets of your personal karmic horoscope - the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron. In addition to Lilith, your partnerships are influenced by the Moon. What does this mean for you? This means that you are a changeable person in choosing your partners and like-minded people. We can say that you are a fickle person, especially since this house falls on the sign of Gemini - a sign of "windy" relationships and not very long attachments. Your emotionality is shallow. It is not very burdensome for you. You are easy to communicate, but only with people who are pleasant to you. You can flare up quickly. You are not a very patient person. The Moon in your horoscope has a relationship with Mars in the sign of Leo. Therefore, you are especially sensitive to criticism of your personality by other people.

Consider the area of ​​dangers, risks and extreme situations. With you, it falls on the sign of Cancer - a sign of family values. Your worldview is in conflict with the worldview of your parents. You are unlikely to be the successor of family traditions. But without the support of your family, you may face the risks inherent in Cancers - alcoholism, a tendency to depression. Be careful. On the other hand, the 8th house is the transition. It shows what you need to do to expand your consciousness, and how to go beyond personal self-limitations. Your family will help you through this difficult process.

Of great importance to you in fulfilling the karmic task of this incarnation is the area of ​​spiritual ideals, higher education, and long-distance travel. The signs of Leo and Virgo determine your worldview. Contradictory combination. The energy of Mars in Leo makes your ego even stronger, and your personal opinion - the most important and most authoritative. You determine your own spiritual ideals. But Virgo will sober you up, critically showing that not everything is so simple in this world. You have obligations related to the fulfillment of your karmic task. And they will leave an imprint on your worldview.

And here you come to the point of your life purpose. Its characteristics determine the signs of Virgo and Libra in your personal karmic horoscope. Having passed the mandatory program of your development, you will understand the essence of what is happening, you will be able to re-evaluate your life and work. The purpose of your present incarnation is to evaluate yourself, your generation. But you can do this only after the hard work of understanding the extremes of the existing society. Chiron, which is in your personal karmic horoscope in the sign of Virgo, will help in this task. It will lift you above the existing triangle of your own life, the sides of which are:

  • your deepest "I" with the existing collective
  • subconscious understanding of the uniqueness of today's time
  • self and temptations.

There is an exit. The four sails formed in your personal karmic horoscope will carry you along the river of your own destiny.

You will feel freedom from your inner complexes. The 11th house of your horoscope falls on the sign of Libra and Scorpio. A complete reassessment of your personality and your tasks. Proserpine in Scorpio will help you see patterns in random events, connect externally incompatible factors, bring the fragmentation of the entire society around you to a single whole. Summing up, you will see the distant future and the results of your own work in it.

The 12th house is the house of peace and self-sufficiency. It is sometimes called the house of isolation. If a person does not fulfill his karmic task, does not grow above himself, he ceases to be interested in the surrounding reality. He becomes lethargic. But if you have worked at all the previous stages and used the help of the planets, then you will certainly feel a desire to receive new knowledge from Mercury, and from Jupiter - well-deserved money, honor and respect. Your spiritual ideals will become the ideals of the entire generation. And you will successfully pass your lunar node, pass the karmic exam and make the next transition to a new level of your life.