What day you need to guess. When you can and when you can’t guess on tarot cards

Many novice soothsayers have a question: what days can you take fortune telling on the cards? Are there any restrictions and recommendations about this?

Let's study the existing prescriptions and taboos about the time of divination and consider what they are connected with.

Attention! From the point of view of the Christian church, one cannot guess at all.

Priests warn against flirting with those from whom fortunetellers receive information, even if it is reliable. That is, it is understood that when fortune-telling on the cards, we probably communicate with far from the brightest forces, interfere in God's plans and "guess fate."

At the same time, the period (days between the New Year and Epiphany) is considered the most suitable time for divination. This is a tradition of divination that has been preserved since pagan times. Our ancestors believed that during the winter solstice, the border between the visible world (Yavu) and the worlds of spirits and gods (Naviu and Pravyu) is erased, and it becomes possible to communicate with the spirits of deceased relatives. Therefore, before the baptism of Russia, the winter holidays began with rituals dedicated to the departed grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They burned bonfires in cemeteries to “warm” the deceased relatives, prepared funeral food (kutya, pancakes, kolivo). The pagans believed that the souls of their dead ancestors descended at this time to them and dined at the same table with their living relatives.

Communicating with ancestors through fortune-telling, people received useful advice, instructions for the whole next year, and often predictions even for a longer period. Since then, it has been believed that by guessing at Christmas time, you can get the most accurate predictions, even without special magical abilities. After all, loving relatives seek to warn us about future dangers and joyful events.

It is considered a special day. From the point of view of astrology, the Sun on this day returns to its original position in the human horoscope. Fortune telling on this day allows you to most clearly assess the potential of the events of the coming year.

Another strong day for divination is Ivan Kupala. They begin to guess even from the Trinity, but the Kupala night has a special magic. A powerful energy flow can be caught from midnight to the first rays of the sun.

bad days

It is believed that during the days of church holidays this is the time when you cannot guess on playing cards. But, in fact, it is a matter of faith. If you do not keep icons and other religious attributes in your house, nothing will prevent you from reading information from the subtle worlds while fortune-telling on cards. Especially if you do not consider yourself a Christian and do not feel fear or guilt about your actions.

Of course, you don’t get protection from the Christian egregor these days either. We will have to work on our own energy. And with whom from the other world you will get in touch (with demons or benevolent spirits), will depend on your ability to accurately tune in to the necessary energy flows.

On what days is it even better not to guess on the cards?

  1. Difficulties with setting up your energy with cards can also arise on some unfavorable lunar days - 3, 9, 15, 19, 23, 26, 29 days of the lunar calendar.
  2. You should also not guess on the moon without a course. Maps will give very vague, inaccurate information.
  3. Some fortunetellers notice that the cards begin to "lie" on cloudy, foggy days.
  4. It is not recommended to guess for women during menstruation - at this time, many of the fair sex have an organism that is already weakened.

Strictly speaking, for those who are seriously engaged in divination on cards, the question does not arise. There is only an adequate assessment of one's ability to tune in to work.

Do not guess on those days when you are overwhelmed with emotions - negative or positive - it does not matter. Your unbalanced emotional state can affect the result of fortune-telling, and your desires and fears will be displayed in the layout, and not the real picture of what is happening. It is best to guess, being in an even mood and concentrating extremely on the question.

All about divination on Saturday

According to the Bible, God worked for six days, and rested on the seventh, on Saturday. According to the traditions of Judaism, Saturday is the "day of the Lord", on which it is supposed to dedicate physical rest and the performance of religious duties.

Fortune telling is a fascinating, mysterious process, but also dangerous at the same time. This is by no means entertainment, as many of us are accustomed to believe, but, first of all, work that is directly related to the subtle Spiritual world.

Lifting the veil of secrecy over your own or someone else's future, you should show respect for the Spirits and strictly observe the rules developed over many centuries. Otherwise, do not avoid trouble.

One of these rules is the ban on fortune-telling on one of the days of the week.

Many are interested.

Let's try to figure out what causes this.

Sunday is the day of the sun.

In Russia, Sunday in ancient times was called “week”, literally speaking, the day on which, according to the worldview of our ancestors, it was supposed to do nothing:

  • not work;
  • not make decisions;
  • do not solve problems;
  • don't worry about tomorrow.

For our ancestors, this was a real day of Light and Sun. Such a fun, carefree day. There was no room for doubt or anxiety.

People used this day to gather together and send to the world all the best that they could accumulate over the previous six days, to sum up a certain period of life. And they did it by dancing and having fun. Chatted with nice people. Spent time in the bosom of nature.

Sunday is God's day

Each of us, regardless of whether he is a true believer or a militant atheist, has learned certain religious dogmas from childhood, the most common of which are the following statements:

  1. Any religion, be it Orthodoxy, Islam or Judaism, forbids fortune-telling, believing that in this case a person turns his free will in turning to demons.
  2. Sunday is a sacred day, on which, putting aside worldly affairs, you must visit the temple, pray and praise God.

Even in the case when a person cannot quote the above, or has no desire, he still keeps this information deep in his subconscious and fears, violating them, in an ungodly deed, incurring the wrath of some Higher powers.

Sunday - day off

  • For quite a long time, the working week in our country was six days long;
  • with a five-day work week, various obligatory events often fall on Saturday;
  • in many educational institutions, the six-day work week has been preserved to this day, which continues to keep both the student and his family members in good shape;
  • in many families on Saturday it is customary to carry out general cleaning, to buy food for the week ahead.

Thus, the only day free from everyday problems, when you can afford to fully relax and unwind for many people, again remains Sunday. So is it worth overshadowing it by solving serious issues?

Sunday is rest for the soul.

  • The human body is very fragile, it needs rest not only from work, but also from everyday fuss and everyday problems. Guessing, we are tense and cannot let go of the situation that worries us.
  • Having received an unfortunate prediction and, not being able to be distracted by a working moment, we run the risk of launching a negative forecast very deep into our subconscious. We allow the negativity to take root and develop as much as possible.
  • Let your soul rest. Help her recover, and she will answer you for your care a hundredfold.
  • Remember, despite all efforts, a person cannot outwit the Higher powers. There is no fortune-telling that will allow you to know your whole life in advance.

Having disturbed the spirits at the wrong time, showing them disrespect, you are not only more likely to receive a false answer, but also run the risk of setting higher powers against you for a long time in the future.

Since ancient times, people have sought to lift the veil over the future. They were interested in many things: what will be the harvest, how will the outcome of the battle, whether the events will be favorable, how to meet the betrothed and many other things.

Among various signs and divination, people began to notice that on some days and periods, divination is much more reliable and accurate.

What days are best for divination

In fact, our ancestors believed that fortune-telling is something unclean, reprehensible, they say, there is nothing to disturb what should not be.

But in the periods from Christmas to Holy Baptism, almost everyone without exception guessed, even the skeptics had nothing against it.

But even on this favorable day for fortune-telling, the days were still the best - this was on Christmas night from January 6 to 7, on January 13 and on Epiphany from January 18 to 19. After all, these days the protection of the light forces that protect fortunetellers is very high.

Our ancestors guessed not only in winter. Summer time from Trinity to Ivan Kupala was called Green Christmas time, and was considered a favorable time for fortune telling.

Indeed, at this time, the power of the earth, the power of the triumph of life, was revealed to the maximum, when everything blossomed, grew and turned green. And the connection with people with the elements of the earth, the forces of nature itself, became very strong. It was best to guess at green Christmas time for love, for the fulfillment of desires, and on the night of the Trinity was the most favorable day for fortune telling.

IMPORTANT. It is FORBIDDEN to guess on any other church holidays. The only exception is for Christmas, Epiphany and Trinity.

What lunar days are better to guess

The moon - this earthly satellite determines a lot in our lives, it regulates the ebb and flow, affects mood and well-being. At night, the influence of the moon is stronger, and many have the ability to feel the invisible more subtle. On the full moon, a connection with the subtle world is established and strengthens, therefore it is believed that fortune-telling will be reliable. But in addition to the full moon, you can also guess when the moon is incomplete, favorable for fortunetellers - the 2nd, 5,6,7, 10, 12 and 13th days of the lunar month.

Despite the fact that during the parades of planets, eclipses, starfalls and other cosmic cataclysms, many people's intuition and ability to foresee the future increase many times over, you should not guess on such days. You need to be very careful, even if the predictions are true, but the energy of the cosmos is strong and you can inadvertently direct it to your own detriment.

The Moon and Venus influence the ability to intuition and foresight. When these planets are in the signs of the fortuneteller's zodiac, the results of fortune telling are the most likely. The location of the planets can be found by looking at the lunar calendar.

What day of the week is better to guess

And the usual calendar affects the reliability of divination. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday it is not recommended to guess, the result will still not be true. The exception is holy weeks, when you can guess any day. We noticed that fortune-telling on Monday is more often pessimistic. And if you guess on Thursday, then the results promise a lot of good

The 13th is a very good day for fortune-telling, and if the 13th falls on Friday, then the probability increases by almost 100%.

They often guess on the first day of the year, this day sets the mood for the whole year.

It used to be considered auspicious to guess at the betrothed, for love on April 26, it was believed that on this St. Andrew's night all the wishes come true. On December 13, this day was called a kind of Christmas rehearsal, and often the girls gathered and wondered. If fortune-telling coincided that night and at Christmas time, and the same person was seen in a dream, then this is definitely fate.

You can open the veil of the future on your birthday. Like January 1st, your birthday is the beginning of a new year (stage) of your life. In divination, the time of day is also important. They rarely guessed during the day, the night was considered a favorable time - before midnight and closer to dawn.

Any person in his life resorted to fortune-telling in order to find out the future, decide on work, love relationships. But in order for fortune-telling to come true, it is necessary to choose for predictions only those days that, according to the lunar calendar, are considered favorable. Only in this case you will know the truth and be able to rely on the information received.

You can guess in various ways: on ordinary cards, Tarot, coffee grounds, and so on. And for each type of predictions there is a favorable day. The only exceptions are the New Year, Maslenitsa and the holy calendar. These days are just meant for divination. All values ​​will be accurate, correct and possibly long-term. That is the only reason why it is necessary to know the influence of lunar rhythms, phases and cycles on the fate. In this article, we will tell you when it is advisable to guess in 2019, and when it is better not to do so.

New Year's Eve on January 1st. It is she who has powerful energy, which allows you to accurately predict the future. Girls guess at the grooms. Christmas (from 6 to 7 January). Dreams are always prophetic and must be remembered and correctly interpreted. This is how future events can be determined.

Divination with the help of shadows is in great demand on this day. But not everyone can master it. Here you need to have a great imagination and intuition. New Year according to the old style (the night of January 13-14) is a great day for fortune-telling on cards. You can reliably find out the future on January 17 (Feliktist Day) and 18 (Baptism). On the other days of January, it is better not to guess on the cards. You can resort to coffee magic.

On the 15th, it is better to guess at the family. The next day, it is better to find out the future with the help of candles or other objects, as long as there is fire. The 20th is an auspicious day for communicating with runes, they will be truer than ever. The 27th favors those who are trying to learn about financial well-being and good luck.


In accordance with the lunar calendar, the 6th is a fortune-telling for the near future. To find out about the fate of distant events, you can ask about it on the 9th. The next day is optimal for any fortune-telling, the answers will only be true. On the 15th, you should seek help from candles that will help you learn about important things. February 19th is a great day for rune reading. You can find out about serious financial transactions and large purchases by asking the cards about it on the 26th. Unfavorable for fortune-telling days in February are 3, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17, 23, 27.


It is this month that all young ladies want to specifically know the name of their fiancé and mutual feelings. Guess based on the Lunar calendar and get answers to all your questions. But remember about possible errors in the fortune-telling process and do not despair if you do not like what you see.

On March 1 and 2, it is permissible to guess on water or milk. The next day is suitable in order to find out if the trip will be successful. The most favorable days in March for divination are the 12th and 13th. These days will help reveal the secret of the future, and answer any questions. It is better to guess on the family on the 16th. On March 22, you should ask fate for advice. Cards will “answer” financial questions on the 28th. To find out about the outcome of major events and the likelihood of acquiring real estate, you should turn to candles. You cannot guess 2, 6, 9, 15, 19, 25, 29.


Don't take bad news to heart this month. Remember that they are received only for informational purposes and mainly in order to be taken into account and tried not to make mistakes. Know that not everything can be determined by divination. Your initiative, life position and behavior can correct your destiny in the right direction.

On April 3, you can guess on long-distance trips. On the 7th you can find out the fate for the near future. The most optimal day for divination is April 11, which also applies to the 12th. It is better to spread cards on the family on the 15th, and on the 16th it is worth turning to the candles for an answer. You can learn about the career and the financial side on April 21. Auspicious day - 27th number on the waning moon. On the 30th, it is better to use water or milk for divination. The unfavorable days are the first, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 18, 24, and 28.


Certain days of this month have the corresponding energy, so choose them exclusively for fortune telling. As a rule, the young moon is not the right moment for love predictions. It is necessary to tell fortunes on the full moon, because on such days the magic of the moon is very strong.

On the waning moon on May 3, you can get answers to questions related to the trip. For the near future, you can make a deal on the 6th. The most favorable days are May 10 and 11, these days you can get answers to various topics. You can open the curtain of secrecy regarding the family on the 14th, and the next day you should use candles for divination. 19 is a great day for divination on runes, and it is better to dedicate the 20th to divination for a betrothed. To learn about finances and wealth, manipulations 27 should be performed. Favorable are also 28 and 31. Do not tempt fate on May 1, 5, 13, 16, 17, 23, 27, and 30 May.


You need to know that correct predictions are possible only on days favored by the Moon. Therefore, in order not to deceive yourself, and then not to be upset, correspond to the Lunar calendar. Before you start fortune telling, you need to tune in. If there is no such desire, then it is better to postpone this event until better times. Don't waste your time.

On long journeys, it is worth guessing on the 1st. For the near future - 5. On the growing Moon on the 9th and 10th, you can find out the answers to the most secret questions, since these days contribute to clairvoyance and sharpening of intuition. The family should be dealt with on the 13th, and on the 14th get answers with the help of candles. It is better to use runes on the 18th, and to learn about the career and financial side on the 19th. June 23 is a successful day for divination for colleagues and work. The 25th is about luck and wealth. Auspicious days this month are 28 and 30. It is forbidden to turn to magic 2, 36 12, 16, 22, 26, 29.


If you want to tell fortunes for love, put red candles on the table. If you are interested in financial issues and business, guess by golden candles. Their light will contribute to correct predictions.

The trip is guessed on the 1st and 30th. In the distant future - July 7th. The most favorable days in this month are considered to be 8 and 9, when intuition is sharpened, and the answers will be accurate. For the family, the alignment is done on the 12th. The next day, you need to use candles for divination. Thus, the answers will be true. On the 17th, it is better to use runes or cards. On July 20, divination is allowed using various objects, except for those that reflect light. 24 is suitable for predictions for wealth and good luck. 29 on the waning moon, you can guess with the help of milk or water. Divination is forbidden on 2, 5, 11, 21, 25, and 28.


You can guess for the near future on the 3rd, and for the far future - on the 5th. The most favorable are the 7th and 8th of August, on the growing moon, when the probability that the answer will be accurate reaches 100%. On the 11th, you can tell fortunes about family members, and the next day, fortune-telling by candlelight is allowed. Runes are best picked up on the 16th. On the 19th, water or a mirror cannot be used in rituals. August 23, 26 and 28 are considered favorable. Don't tempt fate 1, 2, 4, 10, 14, 20, 24, 27, 30.


You can guess any day, but it is worth remembering that only favorable days can help you lift the veil of possible events. Do not guess for the sake of just killing free time and amusing those present.

On the first day of autumn, they are guessing for the near future, and for the far future on the 4th. On the growing moon, which falls on September 5 and 6, you can ask fate questions, and it will give only truthful answers. On the 9th, they tell fortunes for the family, and the next day only candles are used for rituals. It is better to communicate with runes on the 14th. If you are tormented by questions related to work colleagues or career advancement, it is worth making an alignment on the 19th. You can learn about financial well-being on the 20th. On the waning moon, they tell fortunes using objects that reflect space. On September 29, the first day of the growing moon falls, when fortune-telling stops and think about your future. Unfavorable days this month are 2, 8.11, 18, 22, 25, 28, 29.


If you rarely guess, then make the appropriate atmosphere in the room, twilight, candles and be sure to set the mood. Nothing without him.

For the distant future in October, they are guessing the 3rd. The growing moon this month falls on the 4th and 5th, when you need to guess. These days favor those who are trying to open the curtain and learn a little about the future. The family is guessed on the 8th, and the next day candles will help to find out what you want. Runes can be dealt with on the 13th. It will be possible to find out questions about colleagues and work on the 18th. Good luck - October 20th. In addition, favorable days are 22, 23, 25, 29. It is worth taking a break from fortune telling on 1, 7, 11, 17, 21, 24, 28, 30.


In the process of divination, try not to look for decades.

The growing moon in November falls on the 2nd and 3rd, which are considered the most truthful for divination. On the family it is worth spreading the 6th. The next day, candles are used for divination. Runes are to be worked on on the 11th. Wealth is guessed on the 18th. Auspicious days when you can get answers to questions of interest are 23.28 and 30. It is forbidden to guess 5, 9, 19, 22, 26, 29.


Fortunetellers claims that the most correct predictions happen on the day a person is born. If the 13th falls on a Friday, then this day is also suitable for divination.

The 1st is guessed at the Growing Moon. On this day, it will turn out to find out the truthful answer about the distant future. The most favorable days are December 2 and 3. They tell fortunes on the family on the 6th. Working with runes is better than the 11th. The 16th is suitable for those who plan to find out further events developing at work. Unsuitable days for predictions are 5, 9, 19, 22, 25, 28.

sure that there are special days for divination. It is then that you can get the most accurate information about the future. Divination is a way of obtaining information from the other world. And in order for the prediction to be true, it is necessary to guess on specific days and hours, when the connection with the world of the dead is the strongest. So,

Days to guess
It is believed that the most truthful predictions can be obtained on certain lunar days. It is believed that the connection with the other world is strongest in 12, 14 and 18 lunar days.

And psychics and fortune tellers also highlight certain numbers on the calendar when you can get reliable information about the future:

number 2- the day is good for all kinds of divination and magical rituals;
- the day when you can find out your future;
number 10- on this day you can get the correct information about the events of the past;
number 20- the day when Fate gives the most signs. Also on this day you can guess about love;
number 22- on this day it is good to guess from books;
number 27- on this day, the events of both the past and the future life are easily opened. On the 27th you can get all the answers to questions;
number 28- on this day you can trust your intuition. Most people have their third eye open, allowing them to see the future more clearly.
In addition, there are days in the year when you can get a true prediction. Holy days are considered as such - from January 7 to 19. T You can also guess from March 15 to 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21. A holiday is considered a special day for fortune-telling. It is on these days that a person becomes more receptive to receiving information from another world.

When can you start guessing by time

Divination is recommended to be carried out with 11 am to 4 am. It is at this time that you can establish close contact with the other world and find out the answers to any questions.

You can also guess in the daytime - from 14 to 16 hours. But at this time, it is usually more difficult for a person to focus on the ritual, and he can easily lose touch with the other world.

Card divination also needs to be distinguished separately from other divination methods. You can guess on the cards at any time of the day, but on certain days. The most favorable days for divination on the cards are Monday and Friday. You should not lay out the deck on Saturday and Sunday - on these days of the week, the cards lie.