Calculate the lasso by date of birth. tarot

Personal tarot card by date of birth

According to tarot card system, each year of our life is under the auspices of a certain lasso. This also suggests that each of us was born under the influence of one or another card, which is considered the main one in our life, influences fate, determines the properties of character, life path and the highest destiny of a person. That is why this card is called Arcana of Fate.

This controlling lasso can be calculated (an online calculation of the Tarot card by date of birth is presented below on this page) - both for yourself and for any other person you are interested in, which will allow you to better know and understand each other, build more harmonious and trusting relationships. If you are interested in which Tarot card governs a particular year of your life, use online calculation of personal card of the year.

There are several methods for calculating the Arcana of Fate. This page presents the online calculation "Chain of Fate", built on the synthesis of images and tarot card interpretations with a numerical system of predictions - numerology. In the chain of fate, six digits of a person's date of birth are consistently used to determine the main manager of the Arcana. The first number is the birthday number; the second number is the ordinal number of the month of birth; the number 3 in the chain of fate is the sum of the digits that make up the year of birth; number 4 - the sum of the first and second numbers; the fifth number is equal to the sum of the digits included in the number 3; the sixth and main number in the Chain of Fate is the sum of the fourth and fifth numbers. When calculating each number by the method numerological folding (addition) reduced to a number less than or equal to 22.

Usually in chain of fate consider only the sixth number, which determines the Birth Card, shows the task of a person, his mission and life path, gives knowledge about a person’s karma, his past “sins”, about the level of development of the soul. In our calculation, we will also consider first number of the chain- the number of the birthday, which reveals the most noticeable personality traits, the main character traits, the characteristics of a person's behavior, his vital interests. The lasso, associated with the number of a birthday, is usually a kind of mask, a social role, the way others see us. This card can also tell about the abilities and talents of a person.

Online calculation of Tarot cards by date of birth

Enter the date of birth (in numbers) and click the "Calculate cards" button

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Fortune telling on tarot cards


By the date of birth of a person, it is possible to determine his Fate card from the Tarot arcana. For example, the first lasso is calculated based on the date of birth (excluding the numbers of the month and year) ...

Calculation of the card of Fate according to the Tarot Arcana

  • First lasso is calculated based on the day of birth (excluding the numbers of the month and year). If the number of the birthday does not exceed 22, this is its lasso number, but if it exceeds, 22 is subtracted from this number and we get the lasso we need.

1 lasso is, as it were, our face, the most noticeable qualities, our main character traits, behavior, interests. Talks about the abilities and talents of a person.

As an example, consider two dates of birth 10. 12. 1960 And 25. 08 2001. So the first arcana are respectively equal: 10 (Wheel fortu us) and (25-22=3) (Empress) .

  • Second lasso fates are calculated from the sum of all numbers of the date of birth (day, month, year).

2 lasso - this birth card is perhaps the most important. This lasso is less noticeable at first sight in a person, but it has a more noticeable effect on fate. The map gives the main semantic load, showing the program of a person, his tasks, mission and life path - this is the road along which a person walks. This is his highest destiny, his true self. It also gives knowledge about a person's karma, his past "sins", about the level of development of the soul.

Be especially attentive to the interpretation of this lasso. Try to understand how it affects you, what it gives, what is your mission on this earth.

For example: 10.12.1960 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 = 20 (Doomsday) And 25.08.2001 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 =18 (moon)

  • Third lasso is calculated a little more complicated than the first two. Separately add the numbers of the day, month and year. As a result, we get three numbers, which we add up: 10. 12. 1960 =1+0=1, =1+2=3, = 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 = 16 = 7 and 1+3+7= 11 and 25. 08 2001=2+5=7, =0+8=8, =2+0=0+1=3 and 7+8+3=.

It happens that the first two arcana do not reflect the essence of a person, and the third is just the leading one. Everything here is very individual. Usually, all three cards find a very clear expression in the fate of a person. It is similar in meaning to the second lasso of birth, but less pronounced, gives some additions. It cannot be considered separately from the first two arcana.

On the 10.12.1960 3 lasso of fate - STRENGTH, and on 25.08.2001 - MOON

A Brief Interpretation of Tarot Cards

Number 0 (22). Arkan FOOL (JOKE)

These are special people. The main quality of those born under the auspices of this lasso is adventurism, unpredictability in thoughts and actions, a tendency to take unjustified risks, actions based on "maybe". They are distinguished by an amazing ability to get into "peak" situations where others would have avoided the slightest trouble, the ability to break legs out of the blue. On the other hand, no less inherent in them is the ability to “get out of the water dry”, get off with “little blood” for the sins committed in such cases, for which terrible punishments fall on the head of others. All this testifies, firstly, that each person of this lasso has a strong Guardian Angel, and secondly, that their fate is completely in the power of Fatum, fate, they are only obedient pawns in the hands of higher powers.

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At times, difficult periods of depression, “withdrawal into oneself” come in their lives, followed by periods of intense activity. "Jesters" easily reach a position at the foot of the throne, become advisers to the greats of this world - but in the depths of their souls there is a cheerful evil imp, a subverter of foundations, because in essence the Jester is not a creator, but a destroyer.

In order not to end up in the final "with a broken trough", you should take into account this fatal tendency to build for a long time only in order to destroy the fruit of your labors in one fell swoop, and keep yourself from irreversible actions. You, like no one else, need to learn equal partnerships: make friends, communicate on an equal footing with loved ones, take advice, listen to the opinions of authoritative persons and learn from the mistakes made: because in your destiny every evil done, every petty miscalculation very soon returns to a serious one. problem. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle: diseases of the liver and stomach, endocrine system spoil your already non-sugar character. In short, try to keep yourself in good shape, maintain a positive attitude and good spirits, be more careful about the people around you and the fruits of your labors - and then destructive tendencies will be aimed solely at eradicating obstacles in your path.

(+) The most powerful birth card. An indicator of an old soul, huge psychic abilities, originality, creativity, an unusual life path. Pioneers, travelers, innovators.
(-) Eccentricity, nervousness, mental problems, lack of purpose in life, can be a very hard fall. Elementary STUPIDITY!

Main Number 1. Arcana MAG

Man is characterized by an iron will, independence, individualism, purposefulness, selfishness, narcissism, a tendency to autocracy, house building.

People who are patronized by the lasso Mage are excellent leaders, however, somewhat authoritarian, successful businessmen - especially if they work alone: ​​it is difficult for “magicians” to work in a team, partnerships are not their element. They can make excellent actors, but only on condition that they managed to break into the stars: they will never agree to vegetate on the sidelines of the "Magicians".
By the way, at home, in the family, such a person takes a leadership position. If he is smart enough, and the other half is ready to accept his (her) conditions of the game, then the marriage will be stable and happy. The main thing for the Magician is not to turn into a petty domestic tyrant and petty tyrant.

In order for a person with the lasso Mage to become even more successful and happier, he should learn flexibility, diplomacy, show perseverance and inflexibility only where they are appropriate and necessary, and be gentler and more tolerant in relations with people.

(+) Creator, skillful, sociable, very interesting person. Skillful fingers. Magic abilities. Good manager and administrator.
(-) Cunning, swindler, schemer, liar and swindler. Lives at someone else's expense. Charlatan (all his magical abilities are just a good hoax).

Main Number 2. Arkan PRIESTESS (PAPESS).

A person has a rich intuition, a good memory (especially figurative), excellent abilities for diplomacy, he knows how to keep his own and other people's secrets, and keep secrecy.

Such people are characterized by an active desire to accumulate knowledge and experience. But at the same time they are characterized by secrecy, hypocrisy, a tendency to deceive, often they lead a double life. The more deuces in the Chain of Fate, the more secrets a man has, this is a “mystery man”. If women have many twos in the chain, then, as a rule, such ladies marry several times, their marriage will almost certainly not be the only one. Advice to such a person: try to translate your innate propensities for double play and secrets into a "peaceful channel": your path is theatrical stage, crime investigation - as an investigator, crime writer, journalist or work in state security, foreign and domestic intelligence! This is where your talents will be appreciated.

(+) Subtle, sensitive nature, always ready to help, virgin archetype, mediumistic abilities, good psychologist, teacher.
(-) Unpredictability, escape from reality, tearfulness, stupidity, energy vampire. Constantly complaining, crying. Black magician.

Main Number 3. Arcana EMPRESS

Such a person is characterized by efficiency, initiative, curiosity and curiosity. Often he is distinguished by carelessness, he tends to overestimate his abilities. People of this arcana are often very talented, but somewhat spoiled. As experience shows, in family life they are most often not very pleasant partners. But they are ideal as friends and partners: easy-going, fun, interesting with them. They are very efficient, they can get carried away with some project and work on it without rest and time, but usually they tend to leave things for later.

The main condition for happiness, the guarantee of inner harmony for the "Priestesses" is the right path of life. It is very important that the work be creative, a flexible schedule is desirable: a good accountant will never work out of this person.
Hard work and perseverance are the qualities that they need to develop in order to achieve fame and success.

(+) The mother archetype, caring, for such a person in the first place - family and children, prolific, sexy, can make very good money. Very down to earth, realist.
(-) It is difficult to control oneself, there are many excesses (alcohol, food, drugs, sex), the character is sometimes despotic, especially with domestic ones, a spender, not attuned to the family. Childless.

Main Number 4. Arcana EMPEROR

Even if the owner of the four does not become a major leader or leader of a political party, he still remains a man of principle, finds a business to which he devotes his whole life. He is distinguished by imperiousness, intelligence, scrupulousness in trifles, decency and, alas, despotism. But at the same time, he is able to be generous, to forgive people's weaknesses. If four is the main number of a man, then brilliant prospects open up for him in the military field.

And finally, advice: you were born to lead people, so make every effort to move up the corporate ladder. Go to study, improve your skills, if there are no prospects for further growth in your place, find another job! In general, do not stop there, remember: only the full realization of the inherent potential will make you truly happy.

(+) Head, active, energetic, often holds a prominent position. Good politician, director. Appreciates discipline and order in everything, especially in the family and at work.
(-) Stubborn, despotic, aggressive person. A pedant and a bore. Fighter. A lot of energy, but nowhere to put it, so he is furious!

Main Number 5. Arcana HIEROPHANTH (PRIEST, PAPA)

A person from birth is characterized by kindness, sympathy, mercy, diplomacy. He is capable of devoted disinterested friendship, caring for others (albeit, sometimes to the point of imposing his own society, the “obsessive grandmother syndrome”).

In family life, in a circle of friends, such a person is indispensable, moreover, friendship, communication often become for him the main life value. He is always ready to run to help, but when this help is not required, if for a long time his relatives are quite prosperous and cope with all the difficulties themselves, “Daddy” can feel bored, feel out of work. That is why it is best for people with this lasso to choose a profession related to caring for others: a doctor, a social worker, an educator, a teacher, etc.

Of course, there are also negative manifestations of the lasso: "The Pope" is distinguished by a tendency to deceive, lie. Sometimes these are quite harmless fantasies: you just want to somehow blossom the boring reality, but often these people get carried away - and go into the world of illusions, dragging along those who were so inspired by tales.

For women with the Papa lasso, the most important thing in life is family. The man with the Main number five, or the one who has several fives in the Chain of Fate, is Don Juan.

(+) A spiritual person, knows how to listen, a good psychologist, maybe a teacher, a good adviser.
(-) Spiritless, or spirituality and ideals only for cover, a liar, a bad adviser, a person who cannot find his way in any way!

Main Number 6. Arcane LOVERS

Six is ​​the number of harmony. A person of the six in most cases has a lively, creative mind, a good intellect, for the most part they are very talented people. If they are properly directed from childhood and develop the abilities inherent in them, they are able to achieve the highest success in the field of art, pedagogy, literature, and the humanities.

The women of this Arcana, even far from the standard of beauty, are characterized by an amazing charm, thanks to which they are happy both in love and in friendship. People with sixes in the Chain of Fate easily find a common language with anyone, they are desirable in any company.

Keep in mind: before allowing a person of the six to reach heights, life will put him in front of a global choice many times. Remember, as in a fairy tale: "If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, you will go to the left ..." and so on. In men, as a rule, the choice is: "to drink or not to drink." For women, fate usually offers more diverse options ... Therefore, the main thing is to learn how to make the right choice, based not on purely material gain or physical pleasure, but guided by higher principles.

(+) Sensual, kind, gentle and very sexy person. The soul of the company, loves to communicate and make new acquaintances. In life it is difficult to make a choice, often 2 marriages, love triangles.
(-) Squeezed, indecisive person. A bunch of complexes, especially in sex and love. Constantly fluctuates, life constantly puts before a choice.

Main Number 7. Arcana TRIUMPH (CHARIOT)

A person of the seven is characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving their goals. In addition, such people are characterized by spiritual subtlety, the ability to distinguish shades that others do not see.

In life, they need to find and occupy their niche: only then will they be able to fully realize their best qualities. Until this has been done, the Sevens are helpless, show a penchant for inexplicable, eccentric decisions and unexpected actions, rush through life, suffering from misunderstanding and "unrecognized genius." If the process of finding their destiny is delayed, they become nervous, but they tend to blame anyone but themselves for all failures.

Under the sign of this lasso, people are born very vulnerable, often painful. In general, people of the Seven rarely have good health: most often there are diseases of the nerves, stomach, blood, and head.

When choosing a specialty, put aside considerations of profit and prestige, listen not to the advice of strangers, even very authoritative persons, but to your own intuition - and you will be happy and healthy.

(+) Bold, confident. Constantly in motion, rushing somewhere, something he needs to do. Travels a lot, tourism. Lots of life changes.
(-) Either complete stagnation in life, lazy, coward. Or, on the contrary, too active, twitchy, nervous.

Main Number 8. Arcana JUSTICE

A person who is patronized by this Arcana usually has a powerful intuition: the figure eight is the number of healers, psychics and astrologers. It is unlikely that your life is a series of pleasures: before the people of the eight, fate usually puts considerable obstacles, as if testing them for strength. But each victory over circumstances adds to their strength, self-confidence, develops their abilities. Do not count on outside help, do not look for a “savior”: you yourself must go through this path, only you can overcome all obstacles and solve all problems.

The main mistake that a person with the “Justice” lasso can make is to try to build the logic of the events of his fate in order to understand why he stumbled at one turn or another. Simply put, you can’t ask a sacramental question: “Why are bumps pouring on me” and look for your own guilt, for which you are punished. The fact is that people born with this lasso, as a rule, atone for the sins of past incarnations. Keep in mind: classes in healing, occult practices, non-traditional psychology will help not only find your place in life, but also make it more even and predictable.

(+) A decent, balanced person. Often associated with jurisprudence, law, police. A clear mind can sometimes seem very cold.
(-) Biased, lives by his own law, low moral principles, no inner core. An indicator of great karma (many sins).

Number 9. Arkan the HERMIT

A person of nines is distinguished by individualism, an analytical mind, a philosophical outlook on life. Under the auspices of the Nine, either deeply religious natures or convinced materialists are born. But in any case, the person who is patronized by this lasso is capable of self-sacrifice, they know how to forgive. It is very important for the "Hermits" to keep their individuality. They never act contrary to their principles, the worst thing for such people is to lose self-respect.

People born with the Hermit lasso do not strive too much for family life: they are loners by vocation, it is very difficult for them to create a couple and, most importantly, maintain relationships for a long time. If the "Hermit" nevertheless marries, he seeks to preserve his own territory, sits all day in his office or goes into voluntary exile to the dacha - if only he was left alone with his own thoughts.

If the “Hermit” does not want to completely break with others, if he seeks to convey to people the results of his thoughts, he should develop communication skills, learn to express his thoughts and views in such a way as to be understood by others.

(+) Wise, loves solitude. Calm and thoughtful. Constantly in spiritual search or self-knowledge. Psychologist, magician, clairvoyant.
(-) A gloomy and embittered person, many complexes, obsession only with himself, selfishness. Problems with the psyche and social adaptation.

Number 10. Arcana WHEEL OF FORTUNE

Ten rewards their wards with luck, promises success in life. But do not deceive yourself: at the slightest mistake, dozens of people tend to become discouraged. It is common for them to dwell on their failures, and, as you know, this is what can actually block a person’s path to happiness. Get rid of pessimism, resentment - and your life path will become easy and joyful.

The person who is patronized by this lasso is born to be a leader, but internal problems, mental discord, lack of a clear understanding of the goals for the implementation of which efforts should be made prevent him from being realized in this capacity.

Develop intuition, do not dramatize the situation: if life poses a problem for a person of Tens, it immediately suggests how it can be solved. You just need to learn to listen and accept these tips! Learn to take life lightly, not to cling to or become attached to what you have: giving easily, you will receive easily. The main thing is to be imbued with the understanding that you are a Man of Fortune, and gratefully accept all the gifts of fate. And go through life with a calm easy gait, completely trusting fate.

(+) Very positive personality, active, many trips. Lucky, optimistic.
(-) Fatalist, fear of the future, lazy, waiting for fate itself to bring everything on a silver platter.

Number 11. Arkan STRENGTH

The man of this Arcana is characterized by indomitability, perseverance and a large supply of vitality. These people have natural magnetism: no one can resist their charm! And they skillfully use it: they achieve their goals, and at the same time they enjoy it.

The disadvantages of the people of the "Force" include laziness and a tendency to reflection. Sometimes it is difficult for them to accept themselves as they really are, and then they come up with masks behind which they hide all their lives. this explains the tendency to lie, self-deception, characteristic of many subjects of the “Strength” lasso.

However, as a rule, eleven people are quite successful. Your main task is to learn how to accumulate energy before a new throw. To do this, you can use any methods: meditation, breathing exercises, concentration, sports, sauna, massage, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.

(+) Very energetic, self-confident, clearly knows what he wants. Leader. Athlete, wrestler. Sexual.
(-) Either weak and spineless, or too active, aggressive, unstable nervous system. Problems in the sexual sphere.

Number 12. Arcana THE HANGED

People with the Main number twelve have every chance of achieving material well-being, however, in order to get rich, they will certainly have to sacrifice something: free time, health, family or something else. Many of them are capable of devoted love and complete dedication, but among the people of the twelve there are many rude cynics. The most amazing thing is that these seemingly mutually exclusive qualities can be combined in one person: surrendering to his beloved with all his heart, the Hanged Man is able to be extremely cruel to everyone else. The path to social success and inner harmony is clear - avoid extremes, learn to combine the opposite qualities of your lasso: your inherent thriftiness and pragmatism with the highest romantic aspirations.

One more piece of advice. At the difficult crossroads of life, people who are patronized by this lasso most often fails haste. Do not rush to make a decision, even if circumstances require otherwise. Take as much time as possible for reflection. For you, more than for anyone else, the saying “Morning is wiser than evening” is relevant.

(+) Wise, unhurried. At the beginning of life, often, there are many trials, then everything returns to normal. Not of this world, creator, creativity.
(-) He sees everything upside down, many illusions, illnesses, disability (as a punishment for sins), laziness, despondency and eternal whining.

Number 13. Arcanum DEATH

People of the thirteenth lasso from childhood do not tolerate routine, they constantly strive for something new: in childhood - for new toys, then - for new friends, hobbies, sometimes, alas, for a new family, because everything old quickly bothers them . Sometimes they have conflicts with others because of their stubborn unwillingness to take into account the conservative interests of other people. Very often, upon reaching a high and difficult goal, for which it was necessary to work hard and hard, a person of this lasso cools down to the cause to which he devoted so much time and effort, loses interest in work or a problem. Unfortunately, just as quickly, he loses interest in people whom he captivated, conquered, forced to love himself.

Knowing this sin behind you, try to honestly warn partners in business and personal life about the inconstancy of your character. Resign yourself to the fact that you will not be able to work for forty years at one enterprise, having gone a long way from a courier to a production director, and when you retire, spend happy hours by the family fireside surrounded by loving grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Enjoy the constant change of places, a kaleidoscope of events, faces. The best areas of activity for you will be film production, the nomadic life of a circus performer, truck driver, sailor, photojournalist - or a crisis manager, consultant, international lawyer, associated with constant business trips. Only in this case you will be able to preserve the semblance of a family nest, returning to which you will be happy to communicate with relatives and friends.

(+) A very strong personality, which, passing through great difficulties, tempers its character. Many trials in life, danger to life, trauma, accidents, especially at the beginning of life. THIS IS AN OPTION!!! DO NOT FEAR THIS CARD! Magic abilities. Military (or espionage) career.
(-) Either destroys himself, or those around him, or both. Mental problems, especially at the end of life. Alcoholism, drug addiction, crime.

Number 14. Arcana HARMONY (MODERNITY).

A person with this lasso from birth is characterized by accuracy, decency, accuracy, scrupulousness, phlegm, calmness, thoroughness - and precisely within the limits that the bosses of the "old school" impose on subordinates with the best of intentions. From the people of the fourteenth lasso, excellent accountants, mathematicians, businessmen, and educators are obtained. To be in harmony with yourself, try to stay away from adventurous enterprises, financial pyramids, do not look for ways to get rich quick. But communication with people more frivolous than yourself will help fight the boredom of an overly “correct” existence.

Just keep in mind: this does not apply to business partnerships. Here you only need a person who is like two drops of water similar to you, a character with other life values ​​​​and attitudes will ruin you. In business, banking is your path: by giving money at interest, a man of fourteen prospers himself and strengthens the well-being of his neighbors.

(+) Calm, moderate and creative person. Soft and kind. Love to the animals.
(-) Either complete passivity in life, constantly misses chances, or imbalance, rushes from one extreme to another.

Number 15. Arcanum THE DEVIL (KARMA)

A complex card associated with karmic debts. These are multi-talented people, equally capable of the arts, and the occult sciences, and witchcraft, and business. The most difficult thing for them is to resist the temptations, not to succumb to all sorts of temptations, of which there are plenty on their way. Distinctive character traits are the desire to live brightly and unusually, ardor, the ability to flare up and flare up in one second. They do not have to complain about boredom, because life usually beats them without mercy. “Significant” changes are constantly taking place in their fate, not a single person appears next to them “just like that” - all their connections and meetings are karmic, these are people of fate. In order to succeed in life and give your existence greater regularity and stability, you should carefully analyze everything that happens to you: why this or that person appeared in your destiny, what relations with him should teach you, what conclusion should be drawn from what you received from communication with him lesson.

When you are in business, be sure to give your energy, time, and money to charity.

(+) A born psychologist, feels people very well. Magic abilities. Working with money, banks. Excellent manager and organizer. Seducer.
(-) Powerful manipulator, cunning and cunning strategist (typical SCORPIO). Either a banal alcoholic or a drug addict. The devil gives any form of addiction.

Number 16. Arkan TOWER

Those born under the auspices of this lasso are extremely vulnerable. These are sensitive people who are able to respond to the pain of near and far. In childhood, people of the sixteenth lasso require warmth and parental care much more than other babies.

Usually they are distinguished by fatalism, morbidity (the heart and nervous system should be especially taken care of), a kind of mental breakdown, but at the same time they are characterized by vivid sexuality and passion. These people, more than anyone, need to find themselves, it is equally important to get support - approval and practical help. In addition, they need to feel the significance of their own activities, to believe that their efforts are not in vain, that they serve the real cause, fulfill a certain mission. In this case, they can achieve unprecedented success.

In a word, the key to happiness for you is to find a kind of activity that will give moral satisfaction: engage in social protection, politics, charity, medicine, healing, creativity (directing or literary work). The most important thing for you is to have loyal associates and fans who will keep you confident in success and your genius.

Number 17. Arcana STAR

Under the sign of this lasso, people with enormous creative potential are born. They are capable of making the most unrealizable dream come true, and even helping others achieve the realization of their cherished desires. But all this is only on the condition that the "Star" sincerely believes in its destiny and does not waste itself on trifles. Always keep in your mind's eye the symbol of your lasso - the Star, this will help you constantly remember that you were born under a lucky star and simply have no right to be discouraged!

If people of the seventeenth lasso lose patience and do not achieve their goal, the life situation immediately worsens: fate makes them understand that they have gone astray. Disappointment, melancholy, decadent thoughts can lead to their complete collapse of life. To prevent this from happening, choose the right professions: those in which you can show your best features, which means you will always find a reason to rejoice at your own successes, increase self-esteem. These are medicine, healing, astrology, poetry, work in publishing houses, the media, the creation of educational and entertainment programs, care for socially unprotected citizens, the elderly, and children.

(+) Sharp, unpredictable, very active and active. Frequently changes activities. Mood changes. Emotional, very touchy and sensitive. Injuries.
(-) Big mental problems, aggression, crime. Danger to life, especially car accidents (tested in practice), with such a birth card, drive very carefully not to choose risky sports.

Number 18. Arcana MOON

People born under the sign of the Moon are distinguished by observation, developed intuition, spiritual subtlety, delicacy, sensitivity, they have a good imagination and figurative memory. Of the negative qualities, they are characterized by extreme internal anxiety, caution, secrecy, suspiciousness, suspicion.

Many of them have the ability to clairvoyance, bioenergetics. And it is very important to recognize these talents in yourself as early as possible and develop them. Otherwise, the person of the Moon will attract negativity to himself: he runs the risk of becoming lazy, becoming a victim of addiction (here are alcohol, and drugs, and games, and gambling, and other ways of escaping reality).

For happiness and prosperity, a person of the Moon should stand on his feet as firmly as possible, develop pragmatism in himself. If reality becomes more desirable and pleasant for him than the world of illusions, he will easily give up bad inclinations and bad habits. It is necessary to establish and maintain friendly relations with people who can open up new horizons for you, inspire you to accomplish, protect you from mistakes, help in difficult times, support morally, financially, physically.

(+) Medium. Of all the cards, in my experience, these people have the strongest psychic abilities. Psychologist. Creative talent, actor, singer.
(-) Illusions, fears, phobias, big mental problems, alcoholism, drug addiction. Impracticality.

Number 19. Arcana SUN

Very often, under the sign of this lasso, terry individualists are born; they always strive for an unattainable ideal, overly exaggerating their positive qualities and underestimating their negative ones. But we should give them their due: their virtues are indeed considerable - generosity, nobility, forgiveness, generosity. However, the shortcomings are also serious: the people of the Sun are characterized by arrogance and contempt for "stupid townsfolk."

Sometimes a Sunny person should be pitied - if he has not achieved noticeable success in life, he will be constantly tormented by dissatisfaction with himself.

In order to become happy and prosperous, to fully realize the desire for creative activity laid down from birth, a person of the Sun should learn to live and work in a team, master and put into practice the rules of a team game. The best field of activity for a Sunny person will be the advertising business, management, marketing, they will perfectly prove themselves as an actor, singer, musician, TV presenter, architect, politician, military personnel.

(+) Bright, noticeable personality. Creativity, show business. The desire to constantly be in the center of attention, to shine. Living in comfort and luxury.
(-) Or big egoists, they think only about themselves. Or clogged and insecure people, fears and complexes.

Number 20. Arcana JUDGMENT DAY (COURT)

People of the twentieth lasso, as a rule, demonstrate a clear logical inquisitive mind that does not miss a single detail, have their own opinion on any issue, highly value their ability to understand people and everyday problems. Their merits include enormous capacity for work, scrupulousness, dedication and devotion to duty, the ability to complete everything that they undertake to the end. The disadvantages are uncompromisingness, stubbornness, irascibility, ruthlessness (not only to others, but also to themselves). To succeed in life, they should learn to see the forest behind the trees, the common behind the private, that is, to see themselves from the outside, present their ideas not in an ultimatum tone, but in an attractive popular form. Learn to debate, win over the listener not with an abundance of facts, but with simplicity and logic of presentation - and for this, try to master the art of oratory, take up psychology, neurolinguistic programming.

To succeed in your personal life, develop the ability to empathize and empathize: learn to understand the weaknesses of other people and try to treat them condescendingly. The best field of activity for you will be scientific work, statistical research and sociological research.

(+) Spirituality, very deep and wise people. Often insecure in youth, but then achieve respect and recognition. Cardinal changes in life. Emigration.
(-) Lazy people, strive for false ideas, life is very changeable, everything has to be experienced in one's own skin, a lot of karmic sins.

Number 21. Arcana WORLD

The Man of the World is a very gifted person. He is distinguished by versatility, erudition, diverse interests, he is always able to show exactly the qualities that are required at the moment: intelligence, efficiency, activity, assertiveness, perseverance, patience, condescension. As a rule, such people make the best bosses in the world, who deeply understand the problems of their subordinates and know how to organize business without putting pressure on anyone.

The people of this lasso will not have to make an effort to advance in the service: the stars have already cleared the way for them. The only thing that is required of them is to show initiative, demonstrate competence and mastery of the topic. Learn new skills, improve your skills, if you do not see prospects for further growth, immediately move to another position. Most importantly, don't stop there!

(+) One of the best birth cards. Life is very stable, measured, strong guardian angel. This is an indicator that the soul has not sinned much and in this life there is a solid buzz.
(-) Self-doubt, flight from life, missing chances, many delusions. Laziness!

We guess and interpret the Tarot card for every day

In the classic Tarot deck, there are 78 arcana, each of which can correspond to certain numbers in a person’s birthday.

Having this information will help you better know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as indicate the development of personal relationships. To find out which tarot card by date of birth is suitable, just follow a few simple steps.

How to identify a card from a deck by date?

To find out which Tarot card of fate corresponds to a particular date of immediate birth, you need to perform fairly simple calculations. This refers to Tarot numerology, which is closely related to the Tarot card divination system.

It is also necessary to indicate the great accuracy of the information received, because it is during the period of birth that the most valuable information about a person is invested regarding past life, fate and future.

A simple example will help you figure out which fate cards correspond to the number and year of birth. Suppose you need to find out information about a person born on June 24, 1997.

There are 3 main numbers here:

  1. First.
    Matches the day and month present in the date. In cases where this figure is less than 22, no additional actions will be required, since there are exactly 22 Major Arcana in the classical Tarot system. In the presented case, we are talking about the number "24", and therefore one simple action should be performed: 24- 22=2. This means that the first card will be the second lasso - the Priestess (Pope).
  2. Second.
    It is calculated by adding all the numbers present in the date of immediate birth. According to the presented example, the second number of fate is calculated as follows: 2+4+6+1+9+9+7=38. Since the number turned out to be greater than 22, it is necessary to again carry out simple calculations: 38-22=16. Thus, the second number is the Tower.
  3. Third.
    In the question of how to determine the third number of fate, everything is also quite simple: you need to sum up all the numbers separately:
    — the first digit is 24-22=2;
    - second digit - 6;
    - third digit - 1+9+9+7=26, 26-22=4

The result is the following calculation: 2+6+4=12. This means that the third number of fate corresponds to the hanged man lasso.

Having completed the presented calculations, it is necessary to proceed to a thorough decoding of each individual lasso. And remember - cards from the deck always carry a special designation that can have a significant impact on various aspects of life. And astrology in this case is of paramount importance.

Deciphering the arcana

After studying the information regarding how to recognize your Tarot card, and having performed the appropriate calculations, it is necessary to proceed to the process of deciphering the arcana. And the very first card of personality carries the most important and primary meaning.

It is his influence that often slips into the human character and has the maximum effect on behavior. In general, this is a social role, a kind of mask that people are used to wearing when communicating with others.

The second birthday card has less influence, indicating those personality traits that are not customary to show to outsiders. This is the fate of man, the meaning of life and the true purpose.

Often this lasso indicates an important mission destined for a person in the future. The last lasso, calculated on the basis of the day, month and year, is usually considered complementary.

And it helps to more accurately decipher the previous arcana and their main designation. Thanks to the information received, any person has the opportunity to learn in more detail not only about the features of his character, but also to discern his own purpose in life.

Each of us wants to know detailed information about our own inner world, character traits and life purpose.

According to special thematic layouts on Tarot cards, the characteristics of the personality of any person can be described in great detail. We offer five popular divinations, each of which will allow you to take a close look at your personality, understand and accept it.

"Know Thyself" layout

Even a beginner can handle this layout. It uses only three cards, which are very easy to interpret. Fortune telling helps to determine the psychological state of a person at the present time.

It can be repeated not only from time to time, but every day, especially for those who are interested in introspection. If you are just starting out with the Tarot, use only the Major Arcana for the layout, and if you already have experience, you can work with the entire deck.

Determine the significator, then draw three random cards from the deck and arrange them as shown in the diagram.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is a significator, which is chosen independently and placed on the table in an open form.
  2. The first card will answer the question "who am I?"
  3. The second will tell you what you need, what you want.
  4. The third will tell you the best way to achieve what you want, answer the question “how can I achieve this?”.

The layout of the "Seven Chakras"

In this simple Tarot layout, the characteristics of the personality are considered comprehensively. Divination affects not only the psychological and spiritual qualities of a person, but also the physical ones. The alignment symbolically reflects the state of the chakras - energy centers, which, according to Eastern teachings, tune the human body to connect with the universe and are the focus of its vitality.

For fortune-telling, you need to select only the Major Arcana from the deck, mix them together, and then divide the stack into seven approximately equal parts. After that, you need to pull out one card from each, mentally focusing at that moment on a certain area of ​​​​your body or the body of the person for whom you are doing the layout.

Cards should be laid out as shown.

The meaning of the cards

  1. When laying out the first card, you need to focus on the coccyx if you are guessing for a man, or on the crotch if you are doing a layout for a woman. This card speaks of the health, financial situation and property of a person.
  2. During the drawing of the second card, the concentration of attention should be in the area under the navel. The deuce will tell everything about sexuality, emotionality, desire and instincts of the person you are interested in.
  3. The third position shows the strength of a person, his power and endurance. When choosing a card, you need to concentrate on the solar plexus.
  4. The four symbolizes love, the desire for unity, the faith of man. The chakra this card is associated with is located in the region of the heart.
  5. As you draw the fifth card, focus on the person's throat. This position will tell everything about his perception, communication skills, features of the ego of a mysterious person.
  6. The sixth card is associated with extrasensory perception, intuition, the ability to visualize. At the moment of pulling it out, you need to concentrate attention on the area of ​​​​the third eye.
  7. The seventh chakra, located at the top of the head, speaks of a person's connection with the cosmos and the energies of the universe. From this map, one can judge how open a person is to spirituality and knowledge of the world.
  8. This alignment can also be used to diagnose a person’s energy health: negative arcana can talk about physical problems in the area with which the dropped card is associated.

Layout "All about me"

This detailed fortune-telling, which is usually used for self-diagnosis, helps a person understand himself, understand the essence of the problems that appear in his life, and successfully overcome them.

Fortune telling is carried out on a full deck, from which 10 cards are drawn randomly and laid out as in the figure.

The meaning of the cards

  1. The unit answers the question of how you satisfy the needs of your ego.
  2. The second and third positions tell about the unconscious influence that your parents have on you: the two speaks of the influence of the mother, the three of the influence of the father.
  3. The fourth card answers the question of whether your value system is false, whether it turns against you.
  4. Five tells how you feel about your body and sexual matters.
  5. The six makes it clear how successful your decisions are regarding relationships with people around you.
  6. Seven is an indicator of personal success and your self-confidence.
  7. Eight answers the question of whether your attitudes in life affect your financial situation.
  8. On the ninth card, you can judge whether you feel like a victim of circumstances.
  9. Ten is Tarot advice on what actions you need to take in order to change your own life for the better.

This fortune-telling on the characteristics of a personality is very popular among both beginner tarologists and professionals. The “Modified Celtic Cross” layout gives a deep analysis of the person you are interested in, shows her environment, and also talks about the person’s past and future. For divination, you can use both the full deck and only the Major Arcana.

If you are doing a layout for someone, ask this person to draw ten cards at random from the deck and lay them out as indicated in the diagram. When fortune-telling for yourself, you perform the same actions yourself.

The meaning of the cards

  1. The first card describes the general situation in which the person you are interested in is located. Cards can show his mood, the situation in the house and the people around him.
  2. The second position tells about the contradictions that are taking place in his life now. There may be some internal influences, and external influences, for example, the intervention of friends or enemies.
  3. The three symbolizes all the hopes of the person in question: the goals set by the person, the plans made, the ideal that he wants to achieve.
  4. The fourth card takes us to the distant past and shows what events that happened a very long time ago influenced the current life of a person.
  5. Five speaks of similar recent events and experiences.
  6. Six is ​​the future, open opportunities that await a person or any choice that he will face in the near future.
  7. The seven symbolizes all the difficulties and problems, as well as the inner essence of the person we are interested in.
  8. Eight shows any external influences, for example, help or vice versa obstacles from her human environment. Figured cards in this position, as well as the Hierophant, Magician, Priestess, Emperor or Empress, symbolize the authoritative opinion of a person to whom the hidden person listens.
  9. Nine is a strategy, a person’s internal impulses, his dreams, fears and hopes, which he does not speak out loud.
  10. Ten sums up the fortune-telling and tells what ultimately awaits this person as a result of the totality of all internal and external influences.

Alignment "12 houses of the Zodiac"

This Tarot layout will allow you to most fully analyze your own inner world or the personality of the person you are interested in. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn everything about the character, financial condition, family, health, professional life, household chores and the environment of the hidden person.

Before divination, you need to determine the significator of a person, and then lay out the cards as shown in the picture.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S - a card symbolizing the object on which fortune-telling is carried out.
  2. The unit gives a general description of a person's personality, tells about his self-esteem, life position, style of activity.
  3. Two - this is the material condition of the person of interest, the level of his income, savings, as well as the moral values ​​\u200b\u200bthat were instilled in his family.
  4. The third card shows the relationship of a person with members of his family and immediate environment, the way he communicates, behaves, how sociable he is with those who are especially close to him.
  5. The four speaks of how the mysterious person feels safe in the circle of his family and in life.
  6. The fifth card tells about how a person likes to spend time, how wide his social circle is, whether he has extramarital affairs (if he is married).
  7. The sixth reveals the details of his health or shows the balance between household chores and work.
  8. According to the seventh card, one can say with accuracy how a person behaves in relation to other people in everyday life.
  9. The figure eight symbolizes hidden processes that take place without the knowledge of a person: something that influences him, but he does not suspect about it.
  10. By nine, one can judge the level of intelligence of a mysterious person, the breadth of his horizons, and his love of travel.
  11. The number 10 means his career: what place a person occupies in the professional field, what he wants to achieve in this area, what he strives for.
  12. The eleventh card reflects the sphere of mutual assistance. She answers the questions: is this person capable of sympathy, does he delve into the problems of friends, does he help loved ones.
  13. The number 12 in this scenario is the karmic destiny of a person, his abilities and predisposition to any kind of activity, the life path that he is destined to follow.
  14. In this layout, you need not only to interpret each card separately, but also pay attention to groups of cards. Positions 1,5 and 9 reflect the personality of a person as a whole. The numbers 2, 6 and 10 are closely related to the earth and characterize the general financial condition of the individual and his opportunities in this area. Cards numbered 3, 7 and 11 symbolize the life of the person of interest, and the numbers 4, 8 and 12 speak of karmic issues.

After you have deciphered the individual cards and their triads, pay attention to the interaction of the arcana that has fallen out among themselves to get a complete picture.

Tarot layouts, in which personality characteristics are a key topic, are considered quite difficult to understand. That is why you should not try to embrace the immensity and conduct several fortune-telling at once in one session - it is better to make only one alignment and carefully analyze it.


To learn how to properly build a destiny, a subsequent life path, refer to Tarot numerology. With the help of this science, you can find out the positive and negative sides of any person of interest, compatibility with him, and also correct your own behavior "according to the situation" according to the values ​​​​of the Major Arcana of the Tarot that have fallen out.

What is Tarot Numerology: Interesting Facts

Tarot Numerology is the relationship of mathematical science with the ancient system of symbols, the origin of which has not been completely unraveled. The main task of numerology comes down to the influence of numbers on human destiny, and Tarot cards contribute to a clear interpretation of explicit and hidden relationships that play a decisive role in choosing the Path. The information obtained allows us to analyze all the events that occurred in the past and understand the relationship with the present, predicting a possible development option in the future.

In ordinary Numerology, the number 0 denotes a neutral (indifferent) attitude to ongoing events. All odd numbers (including one) refer to a person who is able to independently create and manage his own reality. All even numbers (together with two) reflect the impact of the outside world on the internal state of a person and its echoes on further behavior / life path.

How to find out your Tarot card by date of birth: practical tips and tricks

Tarot numerology by date of birth is calculated quite simply - it is somewhat reminiscent of astrological forecasts, except for the need to know the exact time of birth. After the calculations, only three digits should remain.

For example, a person was born on May 13, 1983. The first digit is less than 22, respectively, no additional manipulations are required. If the number of the month is more than 22, you should subtract the number of the Major Arcana of the Tarot from them and then look at its interpretation.

The date of birth will help determine the second lasso. To do this, you should divide the month and year into separate numbers, summing them up in turn. Example 0+5+1+9+8+3 = 26. As you can see, the sum is greater than 22, so subtract 4 to reach the required value.

In some situations, to understand the true path of a person, the third lasso is calculated. In the case of the above example, this number is 13, 5, 22 (26-4). Summing up these numbers, we end up with 13 + 5 + 22 = 40. Since the number is much larger than the number of Major Arcana Tarot, we will have to subtract 22 from the result. The final number is 18.

Tarot card by date of birth

After you have completed the necessary Tarot numerology tasks, the next step is to determine the significance of each of the obtained values. The first lasso (date of birth) plays a paramount role in the fate of a person, in particular, affects his behavior and social role in society. In addition, it is the first lasso that is able to indicate the hidden abilities, talents of the fortuneteller.

The features of the second lasso are its invisibility to the people around (relatives, friends, etc.). In other words, this is the hidden side of your "I", the existence of which you may not even be aware of. The dropped value will help you find out the main mission that needs to be completed in the current incarnation (according to the Wheel of Samsara), learn the features of the life path or find out its meaning.

The essence of the third lasso is the combination of the first, second meanings. It is not recommended to interpret it separately from the previous two, as this may affect the objectivity of the overall picture. The influence of the number of this lasso is minimal, but, at the same time, it cannot be ignored.

Features of decoding the Arcana Tarot

To find out the true meaning of numerology in Tarot cards, use the useful interpretation of the Major Arcana Tarot. But first things first.

The first card of the Major Arcana. Initially it was called "Juggler", "Magician". In medieval times, it symbolized a person who did not differ in observance of moral principles and foundations. Naturally, over the years, the interpretation has changed a little - after all, in the skill of a magician, a juggler, there are many tricks that require sophisticated skill, which is beyond the control of ordinary people. The name "" was introduced by Arthur Waite in the early twentieth century, firmly rooted for this Major Arcana. If you got this card, then most likely you are the Creator of your own destiny, so you can change your life path according to three main principles:

  • Maximalism from the series - "I'm the smartest, all the rest are fools." In such a situation, only you decide how best to build your life path further, without reacting to the opinions of others.
  • Collaboration with other members of society. You allow other people to express their subjective opinion about the current situation, after which you decide on the degree of its rationality.
  • It turns out that there are people wiser than me. A rare but possible meaning, which implies a unity of opinion at all stages of communication with others.

Priestess, Empress

The second and third cards of the Major Arcana Tarot. Interpretations of this meaning differ from each other. - this is a lady whose main task is to take care of loved ones and fertility. She is friendly to strangers, but she has no individual preferences - this is the peculiarity of her character. It was created for the family, home comfort, at the same time, it is very practical, it loves balanced decisions.

On the contrary, she loves the night, is very selective in choosing partners, she is not distinguished by malice, but willful, and will also think many times about listening to someone's opinion. Sometimes he acts like a teenager.

The fourth card, which does not indicate the magical abilities of its owner, but, on the contrary, the adoption of balanced and deliberate decisions regarding the way out of the current life situation. Rationality, power, a little ambition, business problem solving are only part of the interpretation of the Major Arcana.

Fifth Arcana - symbolizing a person who is ready for changes in social status. To understand the whole essence of internal changes, you should pay attention to the position of the card and its drawing. It involves a conscious choice of the individual and the level at which she prefers to be.


- a rather interesting card that symbolizes strong feelings, falling in love and emotions without a specific direction vector. There are several options for images (depending on the Tarot deck). A man, a woman and an angel belong to older drawings that symbolize relationships that border on the moral foundations of society. The modern image looks a little simpler - a man and a woman, which means a firework of love feelings, passion, most often fleeting.

One of the simplest interpretations of the seventh Major Arcana is victory, bordering on some negative points, such as the envy of others, the inability to handle a lot of money, etc. Dizzying success can be directly proportional to possible obstacles - it all depends on the nature of the one who is guessing.

Justice (Justice, Themis)

The eighth Tarot card most often characterizes life's difficulties associated with litigation and problems with the law (if the card is in an inverted position). In a straight position means perseverance in business and achieving the desired goal, regardless of the complexity of the circumstances.

Hermit (Monk)

The main meaning is insight, wisdom that does not depend on age and caution in making key decisions that will help in solving problem situations.

The interpretation of the card depends on what thoughts you have and where you are at the moment. It can be both a promising trip and positive changes in the current life path. In some situations, it can act as a neutral card.

The twelfth Major Arcana reminds us that the time has come to "pay the bills." The fortuneteller has the opportunity to review his line of behavior and make the right decision regarding the further development of events. The card is opposite to the Chariot. The advantages of the path - after reckoning, ample opportunities to choose further actions.

Death, Temperance

The thirteenth and fourteenth tarot cards. Death denotes a quick leap from one state to another, for example, the end of fantasies and dreams, the transition to more conscious actions that will help you survive a difficult period, or the beginning of a predictable finale after a series of monotonous actions. it also symbolizes the slow flow of everyday worries, the absence of something new, stability, the "rootedness of life", everyday life.

It symbolizes the negative background that sizzles the inside of the fortuneteller, the inability to give up bad habits and the unwillingness to change the course of the negative manifestations of the path. Can interpret constant illnesses in the family, financial needs, unsuccessful cases.

It is considered one of the most unsuccessful Tarot cards and displays failure in personal affairs, lack of spiritual growth, self-realization, the collapse of dreams and desires. But after destruction, rebirth will inevitably come!

A good card, the meaning of which is the appearance of a ray of light in the hopelessness of everyday life. It helps to establish new connections, new acquaintances, as well as improve your financial situation - it depends on the situation.

Moon (Twilight)

Differs in a dual interpretation and warns against gambling and other rash actions related to the fortuneteller's financial situation. Due to the peculiarities of the Major Arcana, it is difficult to catch the clarity and thoughtfulness of actions, everything is like “in a fog” - deceptions, changes in consciousness, unreasonable doubts, etc.

It is rightfully considered one of the best cards of the Major Arcana. The main meanings are family well-being, light that contributes to the path of life, since all roads are open. In some readings, too much fire can lead to a fire, but in most cases, this is a good sign.

- one of the ambiguous and inexplicable cards of the Major Arcana. It means the right to choose - the decision is up to those who guess. Assumes maximalism in taking actions from the series "either hit or miss." Depending on the layout, it can complicate the reading of other cards - it all depends on the priorities of the person. It can also symbolize a protracted lawsuit and everything connected with it.

Sometimes this card is indirectly associated with the Magician, but this is an erroneous opinion. In this situation, this Major Arcana more indicates those who in the Middle Ages were considered "blissful", clowns, cheap clowns who know how to play in public, but do not differ in a bright mind. It characterizes wasteful, inexperienced, gullible people who easily fall under the influence of society, which leads to additional problems not related to their main life path.

It is a symbol of complete harmony, successful travels, fulfillment of plans, gaining new knowledge, happiness - all doors are open on the way to achieving new goals.

To find out more information on the compatibility of Tarot numerology by date of birth, read future materials, and you will definitely find answers to your questions. I wish you good luck and creative success!

In the course of a long spiritual search, a long waste of time and effort, a special system of signs and symbols was developed, called tarot. With its help, today you can also characterize your personality or the personality of other people by finding correspondences in tarot cards. How to find out your tarot card by date of birth?

Astrology and numerology will help you. First you need to calculate the Personality Number. Let's say you were born on 04/30/1985. Considering that your birthday fell on a date that is greater than 22 (the number of major arcana of the system deck), we add 3 to 0. Next, we add the month of birth - this is 4 and get 7. Since this number is within 22, further summation is not required. The year of birth is added up according to the numbers 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23. We summarize this figure within 10, that is, 2 + 3 = 5. We add 7 to 5, it turns out 12. This value is less than 22, which means you have the Hanged Man card in the tarot. If you made calculations with your date of birth, and you got a number more than 22, let's say the number 27 - just subtract 22 from it (as a result, your lasso is under the number 5). Now you know how to determine your tarot by date of birth, all that remains is to find out the decoding.

What does your tarot card mean?

Card 1. The Mage Card. You have become like God himself, you are able to rule the whole world. Your main qualities are the desire for power and the ability to manipulate. You need to decide what is more important for you - to develop further spiritually, or try to dominate the world of people. As a Magician, you have the ability to manipulate not only those around you, but also events and objects. Your goal is to succeed by any means. Unfortunately, people with this card are most often deceivers and traitors.

Card 2. Card of the High Priestess. People with this tarot card have secret knowledge and good intuition. You are distinguished by patience and emotionality. However, you are too kind to other people, which can cause your own problems. Try to resist outside influences. You should be especially wary of friends who often complain about their fate, they take away your energy. Need to be able to. If you do not want health problems, refuse to associate with them. It is not uncommon for Priestesses to have psychic abilities that must be used in the name of good. If you choose the path of evil, then your life may end due to a serious psychological illness.

Map 3. Map of the Empress. People with this number will be good parents, they are strong and strive to achieve harmony in everything - both at work and in their personal lives. If you do not mess up your karma, you can become a famous person, successful in everything, including career and family. The disadvantage of the owners of this tarot number is that they are very selfish. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Often the trio is fixated on obtaining material wealth. Empress women often feel sexual dissatisfaction, men can become a source of wealth for those who simply use them. You can change your path with such a map.

Card 4. Card of the Emperor. People with this card have self-confidence and activity. They are born leaders with an aggressive and often explosive character. They need order in everything. Often such people choose the wrong path for themselves, they can be called despots and stubborn. They control those around them, including their family members. Fours have problems with alcohol, they are prone to depression and stress. the card is not related to karma, and therefore you can try to change your life path. If you don't want problems in your life, then try not to be so stubborn.

Card 5. He says that the human soul from birth is pure and innocent. In a past life, fives were holy people, they come to the aid of all those in need, and grow up quickly. Relations with peers they usually do not add up due to the lack of common interests. But with people older than themselves, they find a common language easily. The shadow side of these representatives is their pride and sometimes a tendency to idle talk. Often they are hypocritical and think that the truth is always on their side. Fate gives them a lot, but in return it requires a lot.

Card 6. Tarot Lovers card. You can talk about this map for a very long time, as it is really entertaining. This is a happy and peaceful number. People with him always have a soft and supple disposition. They need harmony in life and they do not tolerate conflicts. The shadow side of the personality is that in life they are often offered difficult choices, which they simply cannot make. In this regard, happy opportunities pass them by. Such people, as a rule, have several houses, jobs, lovers and mistresses. Constant uncertainty in life causes stress and depression. Lovers have no luck in love. After all, they cannot go to a meeting or just take the first step towards the chosen one. Try to get rid of doubts and start acting more decisively. You are notorious, but you can change your destiny yourself.

Map 7. Map of the Cart (Chariot). People with such a tarot card have a mobile and lively mind, they constantly strive for personal development, take risks and are self-confident. Big karmic debts are not about sevens. In life, they also do not have any serious problems. If the karma of a person with a wagon is spoiled, then he himself is not the best companion and friend. He sees no danger and suffers from delusions of grandeur. You should be careful when traveling, especially long ones. If the representative of the card is passive, then this is wrong. Since the energy of the card moves it forward. Be careful not to get into bad company. You have criminal tendencies.

Card 8. Card Strength- A person with this card tries to defend his rights always and everywhere. He is distinguished by desperation and courage in action. It would seem that violence and injustice are alien to such people. But this is not always the case. As for people with corrupted karma, their character cannot be called simple. Hence the frequent problems in personal life and family. If they fall in love, they will certainly turn the relationship into a real drama. It often happens that the Force leads a person to crimes, and all for the sake of material wealth and financial success. The owners of eight need the power they want to get at any cost. You should calm down a little and reconsider your views.

Card 9. Card of the Hermit. Its name alone can say a lot. Its representatives love peace and loneliness. They want silence and shy away from noisy gatherings, parties, crowds. Karma and nine are not strongly related to each other, if a person has problems in life, then they are associated with improper upbringing. Children lack parental love, they are prone to suicide. In order not to become embittered, you should try to accept the world around you, stop obsessing over your problems and being afraid of everything in the world, defeat fears and gloom. Otherwise, you really run the risk of becoming a Hermit in the truest sense of the word, as people will not seek to communicate with you.

Map 10. Map of Fortune (Wheel of Fate). It is a karmic card. A progressive mind, the desire for new knowledge, moving forward - all this can be safely said about the top ten. In the life of such people there are always a lot of bright incidents. In the past incarnation, the representatives of this card did not sin, hence the luck in the current one. Dozens strive for success in financial matters, and in most cases they really succeed.

Card 11. Card Justice. is the first karmic card. You sinned a lot in your past life, and in this life you have to answer for your sins. Your character is harsh, you are not afraid to break the rules without thinking about the consequences. Try to correct your past mistakes, otherwise you cannot avoid punishment from above. No need to be offended by your fate and other people. The latter were sent to test you, these are your karmic teachers. Thank even those who cause you inconvenience and lead an honest life. And only in this case you will become the master of your destiny, and the karmic program will leave you.

Card 12. The Hanged Man tarot card. It is a complex karmic map. There are many karmic debts from the past incarnation. For them, and have to pay in the present. It also happens that the twelfth has a soft and sympathetic character, but they often suffer from deceit and often remain fooled by loved ones. Do not make yourself a constant victim, give up the role of a scapegoat and your life will improve. If you have a family, then most likely your husband suffers from cravings for alcohol, and you go to any lengths to make him happy. You forget about yourself and in an effort to make your children happy. There is no need to give up opportunities to spend this life a little better than you currently have. There are talents and opportunities in your destiny.

Map 13. Map of Death. Despite its name, there is nothing terrible about it. Representatives have wisdom and calmness. In most cases, thirteen have serious problems in life. You may face betrayal by your loved ones, divorce, job loss, financial ruin. In order to change your destiny, boldly look straight into the future, forget about your past right now, no one but yourself will help you in life. If you feel the completion of a certain stage (career, marriage, relationship), refuse them yourself. Remember that a broken bowl will never be whole again. A really harsh karmic card fell out to you, but it is in your power to change your world.

Card 14 Representatives of this card have no karmic sins. Calmness, poise, tolerance for other people - all this distinguishes the fourteenth. You do not like conflicts and you need harmony. But under certain circumstances and in combination with another card of the second birth number, you can, on the contrary, have an eccentricity and an unbalanced character. In this case, there are no restrictions or boundaries for you. You are addicted to alcohol, food, drugs, lead a promiscuous sex life. In order to correct your destiny, you will gently choose a bright path and begin to follow it immediately.

Map 15 The holders of this card have a huge amount of karmic debts. As a rule, they have sexuality and attractiveness. They are the manipulators of love relationships. If they want to get something, then nothing will stop them, including generally accepted norms of morality. In their past incarnation, the Devils were rapists and murderers, and even now they are not afraid of low deeds. If you were born with this tarot card, try to forget about material values. Try to build a happy family, bring to the fore not money, but personal relationships.

Map 16- is quite complex. Representatives will have unexpected changes in fate, serious disasters. You can not avoid frequent fights, accidents, accidents and other unpleasant incidents. As a rule, the sixteenths begin to suffer from childhood. They have to endure parental violence, peer bullying. In terms of character, the Towers are as stubborn as donkeys. It is simply impossible to convince them of anything. Fortunately, despite the many troubles mentioned above, people of this card manage to easily get rid of the consequences of incidents. Do not harbor anger towards other people, aggression and violence should not be your companions.

Map 17. Map of the Star. Calm and balanced people. They love communication and easily enter into good relationships with other people. Representatives of this card do not have serious karmic sins. If you were born a Star, develop your own abilities and talents. Since in seventeen they are simply present in gigantic quantities. You can start singing or drawing, dancing or clay sculpting. Everything that you wish will be revealed to you if you find your favorite thing and discard the complexes you do not need.

Map 18. Map of the Moon. It is one of the most controversial cards. It always has a downside. The Moon is similar to the Star. Your life should be connected with creativity, you have a well-developed intuition and can predict the appearance of danger long before it comes. You have not only talents, but also great strength. Realize it and understand what you really want from life. Unfortunately, eighteenths often suffer from madness and bouts of despair. They often commit suicide. In order to forge your path, you must stand firmly on your feet. If you have to make an important decision - take it after considering all the points well, do not rush to conclusions. Sleepwalking should not prevent you from being a happy person.

Map 19 As you might guess, the representatives of this card have a bright and strong charisma. They give their warmth to everyone around them. They are optimistic and content with their lives. Their past incarnation did not sin, and therefore in the present they will have good luck and success. Nineteenths will be excellent parents, but they are not without egocentrism. Often they are hysterical and capricious, and this is despite all the positive traits of their character. The disadvantage of such individuals is that they simply need power - at work, at home, in relationships. However, having received it, they simply cannot dispose of the new power wisely and correctly. Often they decide on the lowest deeds in order to achieve the goal.

Map 20. Map of the Court. It is a karmic tarot card. Its representatives have seen a lot of things in their past guise. And now the higher powers are ready to reward them for being sinless. The twenties have a calm and even character, they are wise and love people. Often such people have a highly developed intuition and excellent psychic abilities. They have a connection with the cosmos. Their only disadvantage is that they do not believe in their own strength, they are always in doubt and it is very easy to convince them. If you were born under the Judgment card, understand that your intuition is telling you the right things. You should listen to her, and not the opinions of other people. Learn to trust someone who will never deceive you or betray you, that is, to yourself.

Card 21 It occupies the position of the most good and positive card in the entire tarot deck. Each representative of the number twenty-one has a bright and very strong energy. You have great wisdom. Your soul is as old as the world, you have seen a lot in your past life. In this regard, you are provided with a good present life. But only if your second card is also good. Just ask the higher powers for what you want more than anything. But remember that great freedom of choice always comes with great responsibility. Usually the representatives of the World have too much wisdom to carry evil. However, different things happen. Beware - if you start doing bad things, you will be punished for it much more severely and harshly than anyone else. The black path must be closed to you forever.

Map 22 In tarot, you close the deck and you can congratulate yourself on being a special person. You are able to amuse people, but you yourself know that behind your outward carelessness is not a hefty mind. Your intuition is well developed. And if you want to succeed in life, do not be afraid of new beginnings. If, for example, you feel that your current job does not suit you, quit and go in search of another. Your natural gift is that you know how to bring happiness to other people. And that's fine, but don't try to talk nonsense. Your soul is also very old. If you choose a bad path, you will be a player who will not achieve anything in life. If you can't handle the energy that the Jester gives you, you can get addicted to drugs or get drunk.


Now you know how to find out your tarot card by date of birth and what it means. Despite the fact that the interpretations of different specialists differ slightly from each other, their general meaning is always the same. Test yourself and you will see that the tarot does not deceive you. They know everything about your character and fate.