Methods and goals of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into the brain center of the company. How to correctly determine the qualification level of an employee Assessing the quality and effectiveness of personnel training

An important element in the development and implementation of the training program for dog handlers in special forces units was the problem of substantiating the criteria and indicators for assessing the level of their professional training. To resolve this problem, the author considered an approach to defining criteria.

In the scientific literature, the concept of “criterion” is interpreted quite widely. There are a number of reasons for this. These reasons, first of all, are: firstly, the positions of the authors; secondly, there is an ambiguous understanding of the concept of “criterion” in various dictionaries and reference literature.

So in the Russian language dictionary S.I. Ozhegova criterion is understood as a “measure for assessing judgment”. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M, 1981.S. 217. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a criterion is considered as “a sign on the basis of which an assessment is made, the definition or classification of something, a measure of evaluation judgment” 2 Great Soviet Encyclopedia 3rd edition. M, 1974. T. 13, P. 450. . The philosophical understanding of the criterion is of interest. The philosophical dictionary gives the following definition: “The criterion of truth is a means of testing the truth or falsity of a statement, hypothesis, theoretical construction, etc.” 3 Philosophical Dictionary M., 1975. P. 193. .

N.V. Kuzmina identifies internal and external criteria as criteria for assessing the performance of pedagogical systems. Internal ones include: the indicator of competition for admission to an educational institution; level of academic performance; preservation of the student population throughout all years of study. External criteria: where graduates of the educational institution go; how they adapt there (what is the time and quality of the process of entering the new system); what number of graduates and in what time frame reaches a high level of activity in the new system; what percentage of graduates and to what extent are engaged in self-education; to what extent the graduate and his supervisors are satisfied with the training received. Kuzmina N.V., Rean A.A. Professionalism of teaching activities. Rybinsk G.B. Skok offers the following criteria for assessing teaching activities: the final result (learning of students when objectively determined); ability to conduct a lesson; trainees' opinions; methodological support of the course; adequacy of teacher self-esteem; knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to teach in it; ability to use a computer as a tool; some additional skills. Skok G.B. Certification of teachers: preparation and implementation. Novosibirsk 1993.

3 Bespalko V.P., Tatur YG. Systematic and methodological support of the educational process of training specialists. M, 1989. V.P. Bespalko identifies as indicators of teachers' performance: the average performance of students according to the given average score, the scientific nature of the subject being studied; completeness of the academic subject; average effectiveness of training sessions; publications of educational and methodological nature; 4 Khozyainov G.I. Pedagogical skills of the teacher. M, 1998. student reviews of the teaching and educational activities of teachers.

G.I. Khozyainov names the following criteria: stimulation and motivation of the student’s activities; organization of the student’s educational activities; mastery of the content of the subject and its didactic organization; structural and compositional construction of an educational lesson.

When considering the criteria and indicators for assessing the level of training of canine specialists and service dogs, it is fundamental, in our opinion, to understand that, first of all, the effectiveness of activities carried out in accordance with the developed pedagogical program is assessed. In this regard, it is legitimate to consider the criteria for assessing the level of training of dog handlers as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the proposed training program.

When formulating a system of evaluation criteria and indicators, the author proceeded from the fact that, on the one hand, it should give an objective assessment of the level of training of dog handlers and service dogs, and on the other, be practical and easily implemented in the educational process.

As mentioned above, we judge the effectiveness and quality of training, first of all, by those mental changes and new formations that are formed in the process of controlled educational and cognitive activity of students (V.A. Yakunin).

Based on the fact that the success of a dog handler’s upcoming activities is determined by his dominant knowledge, skills and abilities in this area, the level of development of professionally important qualities, to assess the level of training of dog handler specialists, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the developed program, the author defined criteria and indicators for assessing the level of preparedness of dog handlers and service dogs; cognitive, operational.

The first criterion is characterized by the performance of dog handlers in the disciplines “Methods and techniques of dog training” and “Service dog training”.

The second criterion characterizes the level of training skills of dog handlers and the level of training of service dogs.

The criteria and indicators for assessing the level of training of dog handlers are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Criteria and indicators for assessing the level of training of dog handlers

  • 2. Cognitive criterion (K). As the lower level of success value, dog handlers in the disciplines of canine training determined a percentage equal to 30. The success of educational activities was assessed:
    • - average percentage 40% - 60%. (low level of success in educational activities).
    • - average percentage 60% - 80%; (average level of success in educational activities;
    • - average percentage 80% - 100%; (high level of success in educational activities).

The overall value of the criterion was determined by the formula:

K = SK+MTDS. (Formula 1).

Operational criterion (O). Includes the formation of skills in dog training practice (DTP).

Training of service dogs (N).

Criterion and indicator for assessing the level of professional training of dog handlers:

high level - 80% - 100%;

average level - 60% - 80%;

low level - 40% - 60%.

The overall value of the criterion was determined by the formula

O = H + PDS (formula 2).

To determine the level of training of dog handlers, the author introduced a generalized criterion - OUpp, the value of which was determined by the formula:

OUpp = K+O(formula 3)

The proposed criteria and the mathematical apparatus for determining their values, in our opinion, allow us to quickly and fairly objectively assess the level of training of a dog handler in a special forces detachment.

The level of professional training of a dog handler is not a static characteristic. It has a dynamic character. In this regard, the assessment of the dog handler’s training should be considered dynamic, changing as he goes through the stages of training described in the previous paragraph. Based on this, the assessment was carried out in four stages: the initial level of training in the first 2 weeks of training, intermediate levels (basic and main) after the second and before the sixth week, and the final level of the seventh and eighth weeks of training. This allowed: firstly, to increase the objectivity of the assessment; secondly, have a clear understanding of the dynamics of development of a dog handler as a professional; thirdly, promptly assess the quality of activities carried out in accordance with the developed program and, if necessary, make adjustments to its course and content. It is advisable to reflect the dynamics of changes in the “Journal for assessing the level of professional training of a dog handler” and take it into account when rating assessments.

The effectiveness of the training program for dog handlers in special forces units is determined based on the increase in criterion values ​​during its implementation and, in general, the level of professional training of dog handlers.

Analysis of changes in the level of training of dog handlers allowed us to state the presence of positive dynamics, indicating the effectiveness of the activities carried out in accordance with the developed program.

Conclusions on Chapter II

  • 1. The training program for canine specialists in special forces units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a system of interrelated goals, objectives, methods, forms and means, training specialists as professionals in the field of canine activity, a set of conditions affecting their training, aimed at achieving goals training of a cynologist specialist.
  • 2. The training of canine specialists is achieved by the necessary development of special pedagogical tools, which primarily include the program “Program for the training of canine specialists in special forces units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.”

The program consists of three interrelated disciplines:

Methods and techniques for training dogs:

Dog training practice: developing skills in dog training in general and special courses;

Service cynology: tactics of using dogs, cynology, management of the canine service of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3. Based on the analysis of literary sources, the practice of educational and professional activities, the author identified and justified the following criteria and indicators for assessing the training of dog handlers in special forces units: Cognitive, operational.

The proposed criterion and the mathematical apparatus for determining its value make it possible to quickly and fairly objectively assess the level of training of dog handlers during their training.

The organization of training of canine specialists in accordance with the developed program helps to improve the process of training canine specialists in special forces detachments of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, taking into account the specifics of carrying out safety and security protection. Its implementation in the educational process ensures that by the end of the second month of training, canine specialists achieve a high level of training in the specific field of the activities of special forces units, which determines the success of their professional activities in the course of performing assigned tasks.


An analysis of the requirements of the governing documents regulating the procedure for determining the level of training of aviation flight specialists was carried out. The problem of achieving high professionalism of aviation specialists is especially acute given the current state of aviation equipment and weapons, the declining level of training of flight and management personnel of aviation personnel. Compared to civil aviation, in military aviation there is a high need to train aviation specialists in the use of aviation weapons, which is due to high-cost training. If the main tasks of civil aviation are the transportation of passengers and cargo, then in military aviation they are supplemented by the use of weapons for preparing and conducting military operations, individually or in groups of aircraft. All this indicates the need to find cheaper and more effective technical means of simulator training and retraining of aviation specialists than training and preparation in real flights. The article discusses an approach to assessing the level of professional training using technical means of simulator training in order to increase the efficiency of professional activity.

technical training aids

simulator training

aviation specialists

1. Voznyuk M.A. Theoretical foundations of qualimetry of higher military school. – St. Petersburg: VAS, 1997. – 142 p.

2. Grabar M.I., Krasnyanskaya K.A. Application of mathematical statistics in educational research. – M.: Pedagogy, 1977. – 136 p.

3. Zubov N.P. The role and place of tactical training and modeling complexes in the combat training system of the Air Force. pp. 99–103. Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. – No. 1. – M., 2012. – 192 p.

4. Proceedings of the International Conference on Aviation Personnel Training WATS 2007. – June 12–14, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.

5. Ponomarenko V.A., Vorona A.A., Zatsarny N.N. Psychophysiological justification for the use of technical training aids in the training of flight personnel. – M., 1989.

6. Sinitsky A., Kazachkova E. A simulator instead of an airplane // Air transport review. – No. 76. – January-February 2007.

7. William B. Johnson, Michael E. Maddox: An imaginative model of the best human factor // Journal of Civil Aviation. Education. – 2/2007. – Halldale Media Inc. Orlando, Florida, USA. – pp. 20-21.

8. Cherepanov V.S. Expert assessments in pedagogical research. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989. – 152 p.

All flight training systems created need to be managed or monitored. During flight, the aircraft is controlled by the crew. Technical training aids and simulators are used to train aviation specialists on the ground. The set of equipment used in aviation to solve this problem is called “automated training systems.” Currently, new information technologies are of great importance in the development of education. When using these technologies for professional aviation education, interactive automated training systems with procedural simulators are very promising. The basis of such systems for studying aviation technology are multimedia automated training courses. A procedural simulator with an interactive automated training system expands the capabilities of information technology in professional aviation education and allows aviation personnel to master the information and control field of a real aircraft cockpit, acquire skills in operating controls in the aircraft cockpit and carry out real preparation of the aircraft for flight and the use of weapons.

Simulator training and retraining of aviation personnel for the needs of the air force is one of the most important tasks facing military aviation. This task is carried out in training centers for the training and retraining of aviation personnel using simulators. Today, it is necessary to train and retrain from 2 to 4 thousand aviation specialists for various types of aircraft to control them in the air, for activities in various types and branches of the air force, and according to the most approximate calculations, annually in military aviation it is necessary to train from 5 to 10 thousand aviation specialists. The validity of the use of simulators in the training of aviation specialists is presented in.

By 2020, the number of aircraft produced by domestic manufacturers will double with existing aircraft today.

The costs of training and maintaining the qualifications of pilots, engineering and technical personnel and members of the flight control group amount to up to 20% of the current costs of the air force structures. And they are justified. For example, the so-called human factor has been the cause of almost all recent major air disasters. In 60-80% of cases of aviation accidents, the level of causation of aviation accidents is due to the personal factor of specialists from among the flight personnel, the cause of which is insufficient training of the flight personnel and errors in piloting technique when operating aircraft.

In modern conditions, the problem of ensuring the necessary level of professional training of pilots in conditions of limited resource provision is becoming more pressing than ever. The development of computer technology has opened up broad prospects for improving technical training tools, especially simulators, both in terms of simulating flight dynamics and in terms of providing a real recreation of the out-of-cockpit space. Improving the technical means necessary to maintain the appropriate level of professional training of aviation specialists is becoming an integral component of the training process. The problems of increasing the efficiency and assessing the quality of professional training of aviation specialists can be solved through the use of innovative integrated educational and training systems of a new generation, the use of which significantly reduces the number of erroneous actions of aviation specialists in their professional activities.

An analysis of the requirements of the governing documents regulating the procedure for determining the level of training of aviation flight specialists revealed a number of shortcomings that do not allow an objective assessment of the quality of their professional training.

Firstly, there is no methodology for aggregating the flight and simulator components of professional and methodological training and there is no assessment of the results of the activities of trainers in relation to trainees;

Secondly, the priorities and significance of disciplines in technical training facilities and various types of flights in the formation of professionally important qualities of aviation specialists to perform tasks as intended have not been determined.

Thirdly, the existing assessment procedure allows for subjectivity on the part of senior aviation personnel.

As a result, aviation specialists are not always able to fully perform their intended tasks with the required quality. Assessment of the quality of professional training does not meet modern requirements, is subjective in nature, and is carried out without systematically taking into account all quantitative indicators characterizing their professional activities.

One of the ways to eliminate these shortcomings is to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of professional training, taking into account indicators characterizing the activities of aviation specialists

Since the level of professional training of aviation specialists is a set of properties, therefore, the task of selecting the most preferable elements of training processes is multi-criteria. Such tasks belong to the area of ​​decision making, in which the following methods are distinguished:

single-criteria optimization, in which one of the quality indicators is recognized as the most important, and the task is reduced to minimizing or maximizing this indicator, while the specified restrictions on other quality indicators are also met;

vector optimization, when using which “Pareto-optimization” ones are selected from a finite set of vector quality estimates, while the ordering of vector estimates is carried out by the decision maker;

a generalized criterion in which all private quality criteria are normalized and, according to certain rules, replaced by generalized ones that take into account the relative importance of private criteria, after which the optimization problem is solved with respect to a single criterion.

Analysis of these methods led to the conclusion that the most preferable method for assessing the level of professional training of aviation specialists is the generalized criterion method.

As a generalized criterion, it is advisable to use the degree of readiness of an aviation specialist to perform tasks as intended, that is, to perform flight activities and train subordinates to fly. As general criteria - the level of professional, methodological and general military training of aviation specialists using technical training tools, an increase in the quality of training of trained subordinates, and a system of private criteria, the main of which are the degree of preparedness of aviation specialists when performing flights, taking tests, conducting various types of classes with subordinates on technical means of training.

The process of training aviation specialists is subject to all laws and principles of pedagogy. The use of a generalized criterion for the quality of training belongs to the field of pedagogical qualimetry - the science of quantitative assessment of the quality of pedagogical phenomena and processes. In pedagogical qualimetry the following basic principles of general qualimetry are used:

1. Quality is considered as a certain set of properties that characterize the personality of an aviation specialist. Moreover, it is presented in the form of a hierarchical tree, where a property of any level is determined by the corresponding features of a lower level.

2. Individual properties that make up the hierarchical structure of quality are expressed by numerical values ​​R ij (j is the number of properties lying at the i-th level). Using R ij we obtain the value of the relative indicator Y ji .

Y ij = ƒ (R ij , R ij required),

where R ij is the numerical value of the achieved level of preparedness; R ijreq - numerical value of the required level of preparedness.

In the most common case, the relative assessment of the quality of training, characterizing its level, is calculated using the formula

Y ij = R ij /R ij required,

1. Various scales for measuring absolute quality indicators R ij must be normalized in order to use a common scale.

2. Each quality property is determined by two numerical parameters - relative indicator (Y ij) and importance (M ij).

3. The sum of the importance of properties of one level is a constant value:

Thus, the application of these principles of qualimetry makes it possible to formulate specific, general and general indicators of the quality of professional training of aviation specialists.

The process of forming a generalized indicator reflecting the level of professional training of aviation specialists using technical means of simulator training is presented in the figure.

The process of forming a generalized indicator reflecting the level of professional training of aviation specialists

At the first stage, a list of private indicators was compiled that characterize the level of preparedness of aviation specialists to perform professional activities (flights), the results of performing test flights, passing tests, and checking by officials the quality of conducting various types of classes with trainees on simulators.

At the second stage, the process of aggregating particular indicators into general indicators was carried out and the type of function of the generalized indicator of the quality of professional training of aviation specialists was selected.

At the third stage, the aggregation of general indicators into a generalized one was carried out, taking into account the requirements for the completeness of the assessment, the sensitivity of general indicators to changes in private indicators, as well as the simplicity, accessibility, and acceptable complexity of calculations.

Thus, based on the principles of pedagogical qualimetry, the study proposes a system of private, general and generalized indicators of the quality of professional training of aviation specialists, which meets the requirements of the guidelines for the use of simulators in the preparation and execution of flights in military aviation. The resulting list of indicators meets the basic requirements of qualimetry and can be used to assess the quality of their professional training.

To implement this method in practice, it is advisable to use a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of professional training of aviation specialists using simulators, presented in Table. 1.

After the first stage, a system of specific and general quality indicators is determined and detailed in the areas of activity of aviation specialists using technical training tools. After this, to determine the importance of particular indicators of professional training of aviation specialists, the authors conducted an expert survey of aviation flight specialists, as a result of which data on the importance coefficients were obtained.

The generalized indicator of the quality of professional training of aviation specialists (C0) is determined by aggregating general indicators taking into account expert assessments of their importance using the formula

where β i are the values ​​of the i-th general indicator; k i - coefficient of importance of the i-th general criterion.

So, V.S. Cherepanov suggests using expert assessments. To determine the importance of general indicators of professional training of aviation specialists, the results of an expert survey were used according to Table. 2.

Based on the above, the value of the generalized indicator (C0) obtained in accordance with the proposed methodology reflects the level of professional training of an aviation specialist using technical training tools.

Table 1

System of criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of professional training of aviation specialists





Degree of readiness of aviation specialists to perform assigned tasks

An integral indicator reflecting the level of professional training of aviation specialists

Level of professional, methodological and training training of aviation specialists

An integral indicator reflecting the level of professional, methodological and simulator training of aviation specialists, the increase in the quality of training of trainees

The degree of individual preparedness of aviation specialists when performing flights and conducting various types of training

An integral indicator characterizing the degree of individual training of aviation specialists for flights, passing tests, conducting various types of training with students

table 2

Coefficients of importance of general indicators of professional training of aviation specialists

The proposed approach to assessing the quality of various types of training for aviation specialists can be implemented in automated information systems. To do this, it is necessary to include a special module in the automated information system, which, according to a given algorithm, will allow the generation of reference and analytical information about the state of flight, professional and simulator training of aviation personnel.

The approach of using a generalized quality indicator and the method of expert assessments will allow solving the following problems: analyzing the quality of professional training, monitoring the level of readiness of aviation specialists to perform training tasks for subordinates, improving the quality of professional training of aviation specialists and assessing their didactic effectiveness, automating the calculation of the level and results of training and flight training training of aviation specialists.

In the aviation of the world's leading powers, a different approach is taken to the process of training and retraining of aviation personnel. The essence of this approach is that educational and training systems not only accompany the operation of the aircraft from the moment of its release, but are also updated in the process of its modernization and further improvement.

The domestic air force is most interested in teaching military aviation specialists how to competently and safely operate supplied aircraft equipment, shifting some of the training and operation tasks to technical training tools.

Taking into account the experience of training aviation personnel on third- and fourth-generation simulators with primitive visualization and rudimentary mobility, it is proposed to build a structured and logical system for training flight and support personnel, as close as possible to the standards accepted in countries with advanced military aviation. In such a system it will be possible to use all possible modern technical teaching aids, which corresponds to the level of requirements of the time.

The use of technical training tools in the training system for aviation specialists involves:

ensuring high quality training;

ensuring standards in flight activities;

cost savings with the widespread use of technical teaching aids;

practicing the rules and methods of flight operation of aircraft, systems and engines using automated training systems.

Regular simulator training is one of the types of education and training and flight control, which makes it possible to maintain the qualifications of pilots and aviation personnel to practice various types of training.

Thus, it has been established that the effectiveness of using simulators in order to increase the level of professional training of aviation personnel improves with the improvement of programs, methods of using training, and the level of preparedness of training leaders. In accordance with this, it is proposed to apply a methodology for assessing professional activity for various types of education, training and retraining, relevant technical training aids, and simulators. Consequently, along with the development of a methodology for assessing the level of professional training, the methodology for using simulators in an aviation formation must also be developed.


Malyshev V.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Operation of Aviation Equipment, Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, Voronezh;

Donskov Yu.E., Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of the 11th Research Department of the 1st Research Directorate of the Scientific Research Center (EW and ESZ) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin", Voronezh.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: November 25, 2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

To assess K, a single set of characteristics is adopted that applies to all categories of workers: the level of special education and work experience in the specialty.

According to the level of education, all employees are divided into two groups:

Group I - those with secondary specialized education;

Group II - those with higher or incomplete higher (IV-V years of university) education.

In accordance with which of these groups the employee falls into, he is assigned a quantitative score for this characteristic, the value of which is 1 or 2.

Depending on the length of service in their specialty, workers are divided into four groups for each level of education (Table 9.4).

The qualification level assessment is determined by the formula

K = (OB + ST)/3,

where OB - education assessment (OB = 1.2);

ST - assessment of work experience in the specialty (ST = 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1.0);

Z is a constant value corresponding to the sum of the maximum grades for education and work experience.


The qualification level assessment (K) is calculated as follows.

Worker - Category I economist A.I. Pavlov has a higher education; Work experience as an economist - 12 years.

Table 9.4


Group number by experience

Evaluation of experience

Work experience in the specialty for employees with education, years

1 gr. Secondary special education

II gr. Higher and incomplete higher education

9-13, over 29

9-17, over 29

By education, he belongs to the second group, by work experience for workers with higher education - also to the second group, which corresponds to a value of 0.50:

K = (2 + 0.50) / 3 = 0.83.

A.I. qualification level Pavlova is 0.83.

3. Calculation of the complexity of the work performed (c)

To assess C for each attribute (the nature of the work, its variety, the degree of independence in its implementation, the scale and complexity of management, additional responsibility), values ​​are established due to the gradual complication of the work (from less complex to more complex).

In table Table 9.5 shows the average values ​​of the complexity coefficients of work performed for each job group of workers.

Table 9.5


Job title

Difficulty factor

Department head

Chief Specialist

Leading Specialist

4. Calculation of assessment of labor results (p)

To determine the P value, the level (degree) of manifestation of each of the following signs is assessed:

Number of completed scheduled and unscheduled work (tasks);

Quality of work (tasks) performed;

Compliance with deadlines for completing work (tasks).

Quantitative assessments for each of the characteristics are determined by comparing the actual results achieved with evaluation criteria in the form of received tasks, established deadlines, the average level of results achieved for a group of employees, etc.

Each characteristic has three levels (degrees) of manifestation and is assessed on the basis of deviation from the average value for each job group. If a particular characteristic corresponds to the average level, its quantitative assessment is 1, above the average - 1.25, below the average - 0.75.

The P estimate is determined in the same way as P (see calculation 1 and table 9.6).

Table 9.6


Signs of labor results

Specific importance of characteristics in the overall assessment of labor results

Assessment of features taking into account the specific significance of the feature

gr. 4 = = gr. 3*0.75

gr. 5 = = gr. 3*1.0

gr. 6 = gr. 3*1.25

Number of completed works

Quality of work performed

Compliance with work deadlines


When assessing category I economist A.I. Pavlov identified signs of labor results at the following levels:

Number of completed works - 1.25;

Quality of work performed - 1.0;

Compliance with work deadlines - 1.0.

According to the table 9.6 the total coefficient is determined: P = 0.375 + 0.40 + 0.30 = 1.075.

Evaluation of the labor results of Category I economist A.I. Pavlova was 1.075.

5. Calculation of a comprehensive assessment of labor results and business qualities of employees (D)

A comprehensive assessment D is obtained based on taking into account all the assessment indicators discussed above - professional and personal qualities, skill level, complexity of work and labor results:


Comprehensive assessment of category I economist A.I. Pavlova is determined based on the calculations given above,

where P = 1.07; K = 0.83; C = 0.68; P = 1.075.

D = 1.07 * 0.83+ 1.075 * 0.68= 1.619.

ISSN 1992-6502 (P ri nt)_

2014. T. 18, No. 3 (64). pp. 203-209


ISSN 2225-2789 (Online)

Method for comprehensive diagnostics of the level of professional training

and personal qualities of technical specialists

during selection and certification of personnel

n. With. Minasova 1, p. V. Tarkhov2, Yu. R. Shagieva 3

1 [email protected], 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected]

1.2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" (USATU) 3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State Agrarian University" (BSAU)

Annotation. A method of complex diagnostics has been proposed, which involves the use of a variable set of diagnostic tools when managing the process of selection and certification of personnel, based on the joint use of expert (qualitative) and qualimetric (quantitative) methods, which make it possible to determine the values ​​of the integral indicator characterizing the level of professional (qualification) and personal qualities of specialists both in the process of selecting applicants for vacant positions and in the process of employee certification.

Key words: personnel management; assessment of specialist training; personnel selection; qualimetric methods; expert methods.


In modern conditions, any successfully operating organization uses information technology in its personnel management system. One of the important and complex tasks from a scientific and practical point of view that is currently being solved in personnel management systems is the task of diagnosing the professional and personal qualities of technical specialists hired for vacant positions, as well as employees of the organization in the process of their certification. The complexity and labor intensity of solving the diagnostic problem is especially great in cases where high demands are placed on a technical specialist both in the field of specific knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies, and in his personal qualities. In this area of ​​research, there are a number of unsolved scientific and technical problems related, in particular, to the development of methods and algorithms for complex diagnostics of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists, which would be universal and equally effective when used both in the process of personnel selection for vacant jobs , and in the process of certification of employees

nicknames of the organization. A universal method for comprehensive diagnostics of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists is a key basis for creating an information decision support system (IS1II1R) for managing personnel of an organization.

Currently used personnel diagnostic methods are based, as a rule, either on the use of expert assessments of the level of professional training and personal qualities of specialists (D. A. Ashirov, I. N. Gerchikova, E. Grove), or on the use of testing technologies. (G. Dessler, V. A. Dyatlov, V. R. Vesnin, V. V. Travin, etc.). At the same time, a comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists is possible only when using the complex diagnostic method. The need and, as a consequence, the relevance of further scientific research in this area is caused by the following main reasons:

The high complexity of information processes associated with a comprehensive comprehensive diagnosis of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists as candidates for vacancies

position positions and employees of the organization undergoing certification;

Insufficient depth of scientific study and practical research of information processes to support decision-making in the management of organizational personnel.

This article is a logical continuation of a number of works in which models, methods and algorithms for diagnosing students, as well as technical specialists applying for vacant positions in the organization, were developed.

The development of a method for comprehensive diagnostics of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists will make it possible to create an ISSS, which will use unified information database resources and intelligent knowledge base algorithms used in personnel management at all stages of the specialist’s life cycle, starting from hiring an employee and ending his dismissal.

A method for complex diagnostics of the level of training and personal qualities of specialists

In Fig. Figure 1 illustrates the principle of complex diagnostics, which involves the integration of data from expert assessments (qualitative methods) and the results of qualimetric diagnostics (quantitative methods) of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists (subjects).

Rice. 1. Methods of complex diagnostics

For the practical implementation of the method of comprehensive diagnostics of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists during the selection and certification of personnel, a reference model of professional activity of a specialist (EMPDS) is being developed. In the set-theoretic description:

EMPDS =<ЦД, ЗД, РМ, ДО, ПЗК>, (1)

where CD is the goal of the activity; ZD - set of activity tasks; RM - many requirements for the workplace (environment); DO - many job responsibilities; PPC is a set of required professionally significant qualities of a specialist, determined by the formula

PZK =<УО, ОР, К, ЗУН, ПД, ЛК>, (2)

where EL is the level of education; OR - work experience; K - competences; ZUN - knowledge, skills, abilities; PD - professional achievements; LC - personal qualities.

In turn, the personal qualities of the LC are determined by the totality of the specialist’s characteristics

LC =<УИ, УЭ, УМ, УВ>, (3)

where UI is the level of intelligence (understanding of tasks and responsibilities, knowledge of the means to achieve the goal, forecast of activities, etc.); UE - level of emotionality (confidence in success, sense of responsibility, etc.); MIND - level of motivation (interest, desire for success, need for high-quality completion of assigned tasks, etc.). UL - level of will (focus on the task, mobilization of forces, distraction from interference, overcoming doubts).

When setting the values ​​of the EMPDS indicators, the required maximum as well as threshold (minimum acceptable for a given position) indicator values ​​are set.

For each specialist, a model of MTD professional activity is generated, stored and processed in the information system. In a set-theoretic description it is represented in the form

MTD =<УО" ОР, К, ЗУН", ПД ", ЛК" >, (4)

where the symbol apostrophe (““”) shows that the designations adopted in the formula, corresponding to a variety of professionally significant qualities of a specialist (see formula (2)), characterize a specific applicant.

In the case of diagnostics in the process of personnel certification in an organization, some characteristics, such as personal qualities,

Analysis, Interview, Questionnaire,

documents in 1 interview surveys

Expert Drinkable | ISS produces small ones

Performance assessment Expert


Expert Qualification Test


Qualitative methods

ISPR based on comprehensive diagnostics

Quantitative methods

Business game Expert


Adaptive diagnostics


qualities may not be used depending on the position held by the specialist.

To implement information support for decision-making based on diagnostic results, a production system is used, which provides the decision maker with recommendations R, obtained both on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis of a specialist and taking into account retrospective data on his activities in the organization, which are stored in the system database. In the set-theoretic description:

P =<БД, БП, Ф>,

where DB is a database containing information about subjects, presented in the form of models of applicants (MA) for the position; BP - base of production rules; F - selection functions based on BP from the database of subjects whose parameters do not correspond to the parameters of the EM.

To measure the values ​​of indicators (parameters and indicators) characterizing the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists (subjects), we use qualimetric diagnostic tools based on the use of test control tools and methods, which allow us to assess the conditions of the subjects. The diagnostic test consists of an interconnected set of test tasks, each of which can be implemented in one of six forms. The classification scheme for test tasks was discussed in the work. The specified classification with symbols of the types of test tasks is presented in Fig. 2.

Depending on the type of test task, the score scored by the subject when completing the test task can be either a binary assessment (for test tasks of types A and E), or range between 0 and 1 (for test tasks of types B, C, D, F and G).

When a subject performs a test task, four situations can occur:

The answer option is correct, chosen by the subjects;

The answer option is incorrect and was not chosen by the test taker;

The answer option is correct, not chosen by the subjects;

The answer option is incorrect, chosen by the test taker.

Score Y7 (0< Я < 1), полученный испытуемым после выполнения тестового задания типа А или Е, может быть определен по формуле

1, at (T, th for A) V (T, = OT for E), (6) 0, at (T, e O™" for A) V (T, * OG for E),

where T is the set of answers given to the test taker when performing the 7th test task (in the general structure of the test); - many di-

stractors (incorrect answers) of the 7th test task; OTgie - many correct answers to the 7th test task.

The score received by the subject after completing a test task of type B, C, or B can be determined by the formula

I № - N - p°sh + 2 ■ pG

at T e OT at t i eg

where №tv is the total number of answer options for the test task; NoTie - the number of correct answer options for the test task; "Answer" is the total number of answer options chosen by the test taker; nTie is the number of correct answer options chosen by the test taker.

The score received by the subject after completing a test task of type B can be determined by the formula

Rice. 2. Classification of test tasks

At the test design stage, depending on its purpose (professional achievement test, motivation test, attention test, etc.), a category can be established

the complexity of test tasks, which is determined by expert analysis by a testologist. Taking into account the difficulty levels of the test task, the weight of the test subject V7’s answer to the 7th test task is determined, calculated by the formula

where C7 is the difficulty level of the 7th test task; N is the number of test items in the overall test structure.

The difficulty level of the 7th test task C7, defined as C, = φ(Kt), where Kt is the current category (level) of complexity of the group of test tasks, Ke Zh; F - fuzzy variable, the domain of definition of which depends on the selected scale; the fuzzy variable F can take values ​​in accordance with a rank scale (for example, Harrington's preference scale) when the linguistic variable is defuzzified. The values ​​of F are calculated as the geometric mean of the membership function values ​​for the corresponding category of difficulty of test tasks. At the same time, to create a test, designing tasks with the “Minimal” difficulty category does not make sense. The values ​​of the variable F for various categories of test task complexity are given in Table. 1.

Table 1

Rank scale

test items belonging to the variable F

High 0.80 - 1.00 0.89

Good 0.64 - 0.80 0.72

Average 0.37 - 0.64 0.49

Low 0.20 - 0.37 0.27

Minimum 0.00 - 0.20 -

In addition to the complexity of the test tasks in the test, it is possible to take into account time restrictions on its completion, and, in addition, the time of the test taker’s response to a specific test task. Coefficient for taking into account the response time to the 7th task T = 1 at Tfakg< ТНОрМ и Г, =0 при

Tfakg > Tnorm. At Tnorm< Тфакт < Т™* коэффициент учета времени ответа на 7-е задание теста вычисляется по формуле

^gfact ^norm T ah _ ^giorm

where Tfact is the actual response time to the 7th test task; t™rm - standard response time

The maximum allowable response time for the 7th test task.

The standard time for answering the 7th task of the t,norm test is set taking into account that the test taker has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the content of the test task and answer options, comprehend them and choose the correct answer (answers), in his opinion. The maximum allowable response time for the 7th test task can be set as a constant for all test tasks or assigned for each individual task depending on the category of its complexity, i.e.

Tmax = / (C,),

since it is logical to assume that it takes more time to answer a complex task than a simple task.

The final score I scored by the subject during the testing process, which is an indicator characterizing the level of his professional and/or personal qualities (depending on the type of test he performed), taking into account the complexity of the test tasks and the time limit for their completion, is determined by the formula

Nc t K = T cN-T K K e.

Thus, the final result of qualimetric diagnostics makes it possible to obtain both the value of the indicator in the form of a general assessment for the test subject’s performance as a whole, and information about the subject’s responses to each test task, the time it took to complete the test as a whole, and the time to respond to each test task.

To assess the level of professional (qualification) and personal qualities of applicants using qualitative (expert) methods, we apply the membership function and the Harrington rank scale (Fig. 3), in which the actual values ​​of the relevant indicators and indicators are given a specific meaning associated with the assessment of the subjects within the framework of a comprehensive diagnostics

where E are the values ​​of the preference scale, I are the values ​​of the linguistic scale b = [-4; 4], with the corresponding values ​​of the levels of the linguistic scale.

0 I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

4-3-2-10 1 2 3 4

Rice. 3. Harrington function for scale b = [-4; 4]

The Harrington membership function value E = 0 corresponds to an unacceptable level of the parameter. The value of the membership function E = 1 (with the selected linguistic scale b = [-4; 4], E = 0.981851073), corresponds to a completely acceptable level of the indicator.

In the practical implementation of the process of diagnosing subjects to measure various indicators and indicators using expert assessment methods, the following can be used:

Five-level linguistic ranking scale with a set of basic terms: “High”, “Good”, “Medium”, “Low”, “Minimal” (see Table 1);

Expanded linguistic ranking scale (Table 2) with a set of basic and additional terms: “High”, “Not high enough”, “Good”, “Not good enough”, “Average”, “Above average”, “Low”, “Higher than low”, “Minimum”, “Higher than low minimum”.

To implement the method of multicriteria ranking of applicants, we will create an extended ranking scale, the characteristics of which are given in Table. 2.

Let us consider the formulation and solution of the problem of diagnosing the condition of subjects using expert methods.

To solve the problem, we set the membership function φ(x) and for each A we calculate the value (x). In the particular case for all pa-

dimensions (x) may be the same. The choice of the type of membership functions is largely determined by subjective factors, since it depends on the designer developing a diagnostic and decision support system.

Table 2 Extended ranking scale

Levels of linguistic- Function values ​​Characteristics of the test subject’s indicators

sky scale of affiliation

9 0.80 - 1.00 High

7 0.64 - 0.80 Good

5 0.37 - 0.64 Average

3 0.20 - 0.37 Low

1 0.00 - 0.20 Minimum

2, 4 6, 8 Intermediate values ​​Additional terms: “Higher than”; "Not enough"

We calculate the values ​​of the aggregating membership function for a set of parameters and indicators characterizing the state of the subject (values ​​of professional and personal indicators), expressed in the qualitative form ^qual., as the sum of the values ​​of the membership function cg (x) for individual values ​​of the parameters and indicators characterizing the state of the subjects

If quantitative methods are used for diagnostics, the function (x) will be identical to the actual measured value of a specific parameter on the selected measurement scale. To calculate the final indicator p for the entire set of parameters and indicators characterizing the condition of the subject (values ​​of professional and personal indicators), expressed in quantitative form 3^, we calculate the sum

Р= £рг. (15)

A complex (integral) indicator characterizing the level of professional

(qualification) of the professional and personal qualities of the subject, expressed in qualitative and quantitative form, we will define it as a sum and normalize it to unity, using the corresponding qualitative values ​​and quantitative indicators retal. EMPDS

"" quality "" quality

Download Scol.

E..Etal. , X- „Etal.

The method of qualimetric diagnostics, as well as the method of expert assessments of the level of training of the subjects, was tested by the authors in various experimental groups:

Assessment of student learning outcomes based on testing;

Selection of personnel for vacant jobs using expert methods for assessing the level of professional training of specialists.


This article presents the developed method for complex diagnostics of the level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists. Diagnosis of subjects can be carried out using both informal qualitative methods (methods of expert assessment, with the presentation of the values ​​of function indicators on a selected measurement scale), and formal quantitative methods (measurement of indicators with their presentation in numerical terms). In the process of analyzing diagnostic results and making decisions, the decision maker can change the weighting coefficients of the significance of individual parameters and indicators.

The considered method of complex diagnostics of subjects and the subsequent ordering of the values ​​in descending order of a complex indicator for a group of subjects, characterizing the level of professional (qualification) and personal qualities, will allow the decision maker (manager) to choose from among the specialists who have undergone diagnostics the one who most fully satisfies the position held.


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4. Kabalnov Yu. S., Minasov Sh. M., Tarkhov S. V. Application of multi-agent e-learning systems in heterogeneous information and educational environments. M.: MAI Publishing House, 2007. 271 p. [Yu. S. Kabalnov, Sh. M. Minasov, S. V. Tarkhov, Application of agent-based e-learning systems in heterogeneous information-educational environments, (in Russian). Moscow: MAI, 2007. ]

5. Kabalnov Yu. S., Tarkhov S. V. Minasova N. S., Algorithm for generating electronic educational modules for independent work of students // Information technologies of modeling and control. 2006. No. 2 (27). pp. 155-159. [Yu. S. Kabalnov, N. S. Minasova, S. V. Tarkhov, "The Algorithm of generation of e-learning modules for independent work of students," (in Russian), Informatsionnye tekhnologii modelirovaniya I upravleniya, no. 2, pp. 155-159, 2006. ]

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8. Tarkhov S. V., Tarkhova L. M., Shagiyeva Yu. R. Information support of decision-taking in staff recruitment management process based on complex diagnostics // CSIT"2013: Proc. 15th Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (Vienna-Budapest-Bratislava, 2013). Ufa: U^U, 2012 T. 2. pp. 138-142 [S. V. Tarkhov, L. M. Tarkhova, Yu. R. Shagieva, “Information support of decision-taking in staff recruitment management process based on complex diagnostics,” CSIT” 2013: Proc. 15th Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 2, pp. 138-142, 2013. ]

MINASOVA Natalya Sergeevna, associate professor. department computer science. Dipl. engineer-s/techn. (USATU, 2003). Cand. tech. sciences in mathematics and prog. providing computing machines, complexes and computers. networks (USATU, 2006), assistant professor. Research in the region management in social and econ. systems.

TARKHOV Sergey Vladimirovich, prof. department computer science UGATU. Dipl. mechanical engineer (UAI, 1980). Dr. Tech. sciences in exercise in social and economy systems (USATU, 2010), prof. Research in the region management in social and econ. systems.

SHAGIEVA Yulia Raisovna, ass. department descriptive geometry and graphics. Dipl. computer science teacher (Ufa, 2010). Cand. tech. sciences in exercise social and economy systems (USATU, 2013). Research in the region management in social and economic systems.

Title: Method of complex diagnostics of level of professional training and personal qualities of technical specialists in the selection and certification of personnel. Authors: N. S. Minasova 1, S. V. Tarkhov 1, Yu. R. Shagiyeva2 Affiliation:

1 Ufa State Aviation Technical University (UGATU), Russia.

2 Ufa Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU), Russia. Email: 1 [email protected].

Language: Russian.

Source: Vestnik UGATU (scientific journal of Ufa State Aviation Technical University), vol. 18, no. 3 (64), pp. 203-209, 2014. ISSN 2225-2789 (Online), ISSN 1992-6502 (Print). Abstract: Proposed method of complex diagnostics, providing for the use in the management of the process of selection and certification of personnel variant of complex diagnostics, based on the joint application of the expert (qualitative) and qualitative (numerical) methods to determine the value of the integral indicator of the level of professional qualifications and personal qualities of specialists in the process of selection of candidates for vacant positions, and in the process of appraisal. Key words: personnel management; evaluation of training; personnel selection; qualitative methods; expert methods.

MINASOVA, Natalia Sergeyevna, lecturer of Department. Informatics USATU. Dipl. systems engineer (Ufa, USATU, 2003). Ph.D., associated professor. Science: mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks (USATU, 2006). Research in the field of management in social and economic systems. TARKHOV, Sergey Vladimirovich, Professor of Department. Informatics USATU. Dipl. engineer-mechanical (Ufa. Aim, 1980). Doctor of Tech. Sciences: management in the social and economic system (USATU, 2010). Research in the field of management in social and economic systems. SHAGIEVA, Yulia Raisovna, assistant of the Department of Lacerta on geometry and graphics BSAU. Dipl. teacher information mathematics (Ufa, BSPU. 2010). Ph.D., Sciences: management in the social and economic systems (USATU, 2013). Research in the field of management in social and economic systems.

The law on professional standards has been in effect for several months, but not everyone has finally figured out how to apply the new regulations in their companies. To help employers - practical recommendations from one of the most authoritative Russian labor law experts, Maria Finatova.

What is this article about? Once again about professional standards, the application of which is still unclear to many. Let's talk about how to learn to determine the professional level at which an employee is.

All qualification levels specified in professional standards are used during their development to describe labor functions, requirements for education and training of workers. Uniform requirements for the qualifications of workers established by qualification levels can be expanded and clarified taking into account the specific types of professional activities.

The skill level is defined as the employee’s ability to perform job functions (tasks, responsibilities) of a certain composition and level of complexity, which is achieved by mastering the necessary set of theoretical knowledge and skills.

The regulatory act that names qualification levels is the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2013 N 148n “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards.” There are 9 levels in total and each has its own requirements. The higher the level, the higher the requirements; the lower the level, the lower the requirements for the position. Typically, Level 1 is unskilled labor for which there are no strict requirements. 2,3,4 levels of working specialties, 5,6 – specialists, 7,8 heads of the organization, top managers, 9 – country leadership.

Each level has certain indicators, which include: powers and responsibility, the nature of knowledge, the nature of skills and the main ways to achieve qualifications, on the basis of which a professional standard is developed.

For example, at the 1st qualification level they are like this:

And at the 6th qualification level these are:

In order to understand what level a particular employee is at, the employer needs to carry out a whole range of measures:

  • To begin, select a suitable professional standard for compliance with which the employee’s position will be checked.
  • Then analyze his labor function, defined by the employment contract or job description, for its compliance with the labor actions (LA) provided for in the selected professional standard.
  • Then compare the verified labor actions with labor functions in the same professional standard.
  • And finally, from the compared labor functions (LF), determine which or which generalized labor functions (GLF) the employee is suitable for.

For each generalized labor function (GFL), the professional standard indicates the corresponding qualification level. Using a simple procedure, you can determine what qualification level an employee has and what requirements are established for him.

For example, if you take the professional standard of “Accountant”, you can see that there are only 2 qualification levels: 5 and 6 for the positions of “Accountant” and “Chief Accountant”, and accordingly the requirements at these qualification levels are different. When comparing, it may turn out that one of the workers does not meet the standard because he does not have enough experience, or seniority, or the necessary education at a certain level for him. In this situation, the employer must solve this problem: in the case of education, by sending the employee to study, in the case of experience and length of service, by transferring the employee to another position.

Situations may be different, but it must be remembered that the requirements of Law No. 122-FZ must be fulfilled by all employers, regardless of their organizational and legal form, form of ownership, number of employees, etc. However, the law does not imply dismissals for failure to meet professional standards. Therefore, it is important and possible to find the right solution in each specific situation with each specific employee.

Maria Finatova, head of the Consulting Projects Department and partner of the Valentina Mitrofanova group of companies