World practice of sex tourism: who, where and with whom. Girls at the resorts, what they are How women meet at the resort

Resort romances are a bright, passionate and very fleeting phenomenon. Almost everyone finds spicy entertainment for themselves when going to. These girls did not hide their love affairs on the seashore and spoke frankly about sex and passion to the sound of the surf. All of them are in relationships and have regular partners, but during the summer holidays they went all out, cheating on their halves with strangers. One of our heroines even managed to do it almost under the nose of her boyfriend.

Find out the juicy details of the resort adventures of three hot things from our material.
Most people go on vacation to enjoy the sun, sea and sex. Not everyone is honest with their soul mates when they go on vacation alone. A recent study found that one in three vacationers cheat on their partner while on vacation. 13% of the Britons surveyed cuckolded their halves while on vacation with them.

Three girls frankly confessed their love affairs in the resorts. They all cheated on their boyfriends, and one managed to sleep with another during a joint vacation with her boyfriend.

25-year-old student Natalia Grigoriu lives in London and is dating a guy. Three years ago they went on holiday together in Santorini, Greece. At that time, young people had been together for 1.5 years. Their relationship was stormy and passionate, they were very jealous of each other and loudly sorted out the relationship.

The first days of rest were great, but then the guy received an SMS from his ex, and Natalia's roof was blown off. They quarreled a lot, and the girl decided to get drunk at a local bar where her friend worked. To annoy her boyfriend, the beauty responded to the advances of a stranger, and after a few hours they had sex on the beach.

When Natalya returned to the hotel, she immediately honestly confessed everything to her boyfriend. He was shocked, because he did not expect such a sharp turn of events. As expected, their relationship fell apart.

34-year-old Maria Koroleva works as a personal assistant and lives in London. At the moment she is free. In 2013, the girl met a guy, their relationship lasted five years. Suddenly, Masha found out that he was cheating on her. She decided to go to Ibiza with her friends to hang out well and forget. The girl did not tell her boyfriend about the upcoming trip.

Maria wanted to come off to the fullest and take revenge on her boyfriend for his betrayal. She planned to meet a muscular handsome man and sleep with him. What she wanted, she got: on the very first evening, the girl met a hot macho in a nightclub, and they made love at his house. Young people liked it so much that the matter did not end at once, and they had sex everywhere: on the beach, in a club, in his car.

Masha's new lover took care of all her expenses until the end of the vacation and took her with her friends to the best clubs and bars. Upon returning home, the girl talked a little more with her lover, but then she decided to put an end to this bright episode.

Maria's boyfriend never found out about her antics in Ibiza. They broke up at the end of that year. The girl says that she does not regret her betrayal at all and does not feel the slightest remorse.

Bridget Zika, 37 married and lives in London. When she was in her twenties, she actively traveled the world and ended up in New Zealand. At that time, the girl met with a New Zealander. Young people lived together, and one day the guy flew to Australia on business.

Bridget decided to meet up with an old friend and went to the Gold Coast. She knew that this man liked her, but she was sure that there could be nothing between them. Friends went to a bar and started a heart-to-heart conversation over a glass of strong alcohol. As a result, the evening ended in the same bed.

The next morning, Bridget was shocked by what had happened. She did not expect this from herself, but admitted that the sex was amazing. When the girl returned home and saw her boyfriend who met her at the airport, she felt guilty. Bridget did not tell him the truth, but after a while she broke off relations with him. A similar story happened to her in the following relationship, when she flew to Europe on vacation and cheated on her boyfriend there.

A vacation away from home is like a different reality. We leave the routine and everything familiar behind and fly towards new sensations and freedom. Many people feel like completely different people on vacation, so they come off to the fullest. It doesn't matter if you have a soul mate or not, be careful: the sea, the sun and alcohol can turn your head so much that you can forget about shame, conscience and decency.

Change does not always lead to bad consequences. Now, after a while, each of them recalls the unpleasant situation of exposing the former with a smile.

September 14, 2017, 18:36

They go there not to eat and not to pray. The purpose of the journey is only love. From the world of victorious feminism, where you no longer expect any attention or passion from men, women are increasingly going to rest where they feel welcome. You can call it sex tourism, or you can call it the search for romance. "Gazeta.Ru" has collected six of the most popular destinations that help women perk up.


Sunny Italy has become a real paradise for those who like to brighten up loneliness during their holidays. Vacation turns out like in Italian cinema: ardent passion and painful parting. It is difficult to imagine a more beautiful romance: Italians do not skimp on attention and compliments, prepare romantic dinners, are ready to discuss any topic for hours and give a woman in bed that very feeling that we usually describe as “I felt like a woman with him.”

People go to Italy not for sex for the sake of sex, but for the feeling of falling in love.

“I spent a month in Rome and returned from a trip a different person. Italians know everything about what a woman needs in bed. I never had to ask to go downstairs, explain that before having sex, you need to be well turned on, and ask that the foreplay last a little longer. We could spend the whole weekend in bed, tender hugs were replaced by passionate sex, and in the morning they brought me breakfast in bed.

The best thing about Italian lovers is that they understand what a holiday romance is. Throughout the journey, we swore love to each other, but never made plans for the future. When I returned home, our relationship ended by itself. Didn't even have to blacklist. Summer is over - romance is over. It’s convenient,” says Natalia from Moscow.


Legends about the Russian "Natashas" who swear love, and in the morning it turns out that a wife and seven children are waiting at home, appeared for a reason. Men in Turkey are very fond of Russian women, and any: tall and small, slender and fat, beautiful and not very beautiful. One has only to go to the beach in Antalya - and gentlemen will appear by themselves. Moreover, most of them will know Russian. “My relationship with a Turkish man could have lasted forever, if at the last moment, I didn’t find out that he was married. In two weeks, we broke up only three times, when he needed to visit his allegedly sick mother.

Later it turned out that the role of the mother was performed by the wife and a bunch of children.

However, this is secondary. My man introduced me to all his friends and every time he did not forget to boast about what a beautiful girl he had. Friends agreed and jokingly said that they would beat me back. A big plus was the absence of a language barrier, I did not know English, and he spoke Russian almost perfectly. We had true love: sunsets on the beach, talk about the future, vows of love and crazy sex. For a long time I thought that I was frigid, but the Turkish guy was able to prove the opposite, ”said Olga, a resident of Yekaterinburg.


Cuba is considered to be another popular destination for sex tourism. And the point here is not only in the temperament of local men, but also in a light attitude towards sex in general. The candy-bouquet period in Cuba lasts 15 minutes - we crossed eyes, got to know each other and, in principle, you can already go. The place is especially popular with tourists from Europe. “Europeans are in the lead here. Rating tear off in terms of sex. Denmark, Sweden, Norway. They have many forums, they have no complexes at home, and on the island they completely lose control.

Hey, you negrito, let's go to my checkout!

This can often be heard in clumsy Spanish or English. Previously, she devoured him with her eyes for five minutes. And often a black man rides. They really film like port whores,” a user with the nickname “kybaman” writes in Livejournal.

Russians have a less utilitarian approach. “Cuba is the place to go to dance and love. Even if only 10 days a year and every day a new man.

All my novels began with an acquaintance at a dance.

Salsa best of all helps to reveal the inner potential of a man, in any case, I have never been mistaken. Cubans do not know how to care at all: there was no talk of candlelight dinners and expensive gifts, and where did poor Cubans get money for expensive wine and beautiful jewelry. However, the sex made up for it. This is a real passion, about which novels are written and films are made. Once a year, as a preventive measure, all single women should go to Cuba, ”Janna, a Muscovite, shares her experience.

United Arab Emirates

If women go to all the above countries for first-class sex, then those who are more likely to go to the emirates are those who are not enough affection, they also want gifts. Arabs are one of the most generous men in the world. But before the wedding. Russian women are well aware of this, so they do not experience illusions about romantic adventures, but dutifully accept expensive gifts. “My holiday romance in Dubai paid for the trip, probably tenfold. From my husband, I could not get a bag for New Year, and here the generous gentleman literally showered with gifts. Clothing, jewelry, perfume. Each meeting is a new gift.

There was only one condition: we were not supposed to be seen together on the street, so I came on dates late at night.

I can't say it was the best sex of my life. The Arab was rough, tough and finished quickly. Yes, and sex was more like participating in porn shootings than merging bodies together. Although maybe I was just unlucky,” said Oksana, a resident of Perm, about her impressions.


Stories about Georgian hospitality are not fiction at all. Luxurious tables are laid here, they drink until the morning and say sincere toasts. Flying to Georgia is close, living inside the country is cheap, and so many romantic films have been made about Georgian love that many women simply cannot resist the temptation.

“Georgian men are some of the most romantic in the world. During my holiday romance, wine flowed like water, tables were bursting with treats, and my ears literally turned red from the number of compliments I heard - I have never been told so many pleasant words. We met in a restaurant, had incredible sex the same night. Perhaps the first time in my life I experienced such passion! The Georgian promised love for life, but disappeared as soon as I crossed the border,” said Muscovite Irina.


European ladies are well acquainted with this direction, little studied by our women. Basically, women over 40 go to the country. Most of the fans of sex tourism come from the UK, Germany, France and Switzerland.

As a rule, these are single, but wealthy ladies who can buy anything, even the love of young and attractive men.

In 2009, photographer Sophie Amalie Klugart even made a report on "romantic tourism" in Kenya's second largest city, Mombasa. Initially, the photographer planned to show the poverty in the country, but after seeing the number of interracial romances, he returned from Kenya with completely different material - the report was about the love relationships of mature women and young Kenyans.

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For him

For most male tourists, this type of vacation is a chic way to cool off from daily business negotiations or brighten up your bachelor loneliness. The main destinations are Asian countries, where girls are easily accessible, young and ready to do anything for a crispy bill.


Thailand is the first country that comes to mind when it comes to liberated holidays for men. There are 2-3 million sex workers in this kingdom. In the main tourist cities - Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok - you don't even have to look for special places to order girls. In the evening, Thai beauties take to the streets in short dresses and offer their services.

In Thai clubs, you need to pay a bar fine - a special "tax" if you take a lady home from work. A girl from the street will cost you 600-2500 baht ($18-80). In the massage parlor, they can also offer sexual services, and in the club, go-go girls not only dance, but also engage in prostitution.

Be vigilant so as not to stumble upon an ex-man! Sex reassignment surgery is very common in Thailand.


The Philippines is the second most popular sex tourism destination after Thailand. Do not forget that this is a Catholic state, and there is no official permission for prostitution here. However, you can choose a priestess of love in almost any bar and, by paying 3,000 pesos ($ 155), pick her up for 24 hours. Be careful not to be drugged with clonidine, otherwise you will wake up in the morning without money.

The most popular sex resorts are Manila, Fr. Cebu, oh Boracay. Girls come here from different Philippine cities. Many from Davao City. In Russian, it's funny, of course, - "A prostitute from Davao."

The capital of the sex industry in the Philippines is the city of Angeles. The central street of the city - Walking Street, is filled with strip bars and salons with a large selection of young girls. Price, on average - from $ 30 to 100 per night. Western pensioners come here for adventure.

Filipinos are distinguished by beauty, complaisance and knowledge in English. Compared to Thais, they are more elegant and attractive. Sometimes it makes sense to get acquainted with Filipinas through the Internet and then buy vacation tickets. Girls can meet right on the ladder. Many dream of leaving the country, so they are ready to get acquainted almost for nothing.


Havana's Malecon embankment at night turns into a paradise for bodily pleasures. Girls work as cleaners in hotels during the day, and take to the streets at night in search of an opportunity to earn extra money. The most beautiful and expensive prostitutes live in Varadero - this is a favorite resort for foreigners. At night, picking up a lady from the club costs about $100. In the morning, you can save a lot and pay 2 times less.

You can go up to any girl and ask "Singar pozible?" (“Can I have fun with you?”) - 9 out of 10 will answer positively. There are no brothels in Cuba, but there are "particulars" - erotic sex houses of local residents. There you can spend the night with any of the ladies you like for only $20.


In terms of entertainment, Brazil can be compared with Thailand. Although prostitution is officially prohibited here, this does not prevent Brazilian women from providing sex services to tourists. The largest points are in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

In Brazil, there is the concept of "terms" - a bath, massage and sex in one bottle. Everything your heart desires will be offered here! In nightclubs, you can meet a local beauty and negotiate a small reward for dialogue. For a few cocktails or $20, you can get a pleasant continuation of the evening.


Popular hotels "Hedonism II" and "Hedonism III", in which all the guests go, in what the mother gave birth. Sex is practiced everywhere here, so these hotels deserve special attention of liberated men. The cost of such entertainment here is low - about $ 40-60. Hotel accommodation is not included in this price. It is not necessary to be a guest here in order to take part in an orgy. However, for those who are not ready for public debauchery, it is better not to show either the nose or other parts of the body here.


Male sex tourism is par for the course in this former French colony. Basically, pensioners from Europe go for such a vacation, wanting to relax in the company of young African women. The most common place to look for a girl is the capital of the island - the city of Antananarivo. Here, foreigners take the girls they like (sometimes several) with them for the whole trip or find new acquaintances directly at the resorts. Beaches near the town of Tolanaro (formerly Fort Dauphin) are considered a popular destination.

It is very easy to make an “acquaintance” - just ask how old the beautiful African woman is. If you were told that 15 - it means that they do not want to deal with you. The law does not prohibit prostitution, with the exception of the seduction of minors (under 16 years of age). But the vast majority of girls are looking for a “daddy”, starting from the age of 16-17, to replenish their wallet. In some clubs and bars, mothers invite boyfriends for their very young daughters. Moreover, the prices for entertainment are low - from $ 15 for one sexual intercourse.


Japan is rich in services that other countries have not even thought of. For example, in the Cuddle Café, you can order a girl for hugs. She will hug you, lie with you in bed, but no sex!

Although sex for money in Japan, of course, also exists. Prostitution is legally considered intercourse between a man and a woman for cash reward. The cost of half an hour of joy with a Japanese woman is $ 60-80. Everything that goes beyond this concept is not officially prohibited, including blowjobs. For example, in Pink Salon, when you buy any drink, you get a blowjob as a gift!

The No Pan Kissa cafe deserves special attention - the waitresses here do not wear panties, while tirelessly “playing cleaner”, polishing the mirrored floors. Tokyo restaurants deserve special attention, where virgins serve as furniture (tables and chairs). A special ritual of eating sushi from the body of a virgin is called. Erotic full body massage with soap - soaplands.

Do not forget about the well-known geishas - these ladies are still a priority, but they are unrealistically expensive. The cost of the services of one geisha is from $ 1000 for a couple of hours of communication.


Hamburg, Berlin, Reeperbahn - these are the main places of German escort services. Germany is distinguished by the fact that prostitution is legal here, there is a special name for brothels - puff. The most famous of them - Berlin "Artemis" - four-story, luxurious, including 46 rooms. Entrance to such an institution costs € 40. For this amount, you can swim in the pool, have a drink in a bar, watch porn or enjoy a massage from a naked German woman. You will have to pay for sex separately. Prices are high: from €150 to €450, but you don't have to worry about your health. Germans in pouffes regularly visit doctors, observe hygiene and definitely won’t infect anything.

In addition, erotic entertainment is available in sex cafes and in original German baths. The former are similar to go-go bars, but more cultured. The main difference from a regular cafe is the prices. An ignorant tourist will be very surprised by a cup of coffee for € 10 or a glass of whiskey for € 60. And on TV screens, not just another music hit parade or a match of famous football teams is played, but hard porn.

German baths are divided into two types. The first option is an ordinary bath for everyone, but the main “outfit” for visiting is its absence. It turns out a kind of nudist beach, only with high temperature and ferry. The second type is exclusively for men. In cafes, by the pool and in the steam rooms of such a bath, naked beauties sit and make eyes. With the one you like, you can spend an hour or two in the rooms.


The Czech Republic is famous for its beer, but the direction of sex services here is starting to gain momentum. The only sex machine museum in the world has been opened in the center of Prague, the exposition of which is represented by more than 200 models. You can visit it for 250 CZK (about € 10).

On Narodnaya Street and the Old Town Square of the capital, after 18 hours, girls in skimpy outfits appear. Prices are different: from € 50 to 100 per hour, depending on your desires. In the Czech Republic, there is an interesting offer - you can get a girl for free if you agree to the publication of your sexual intercourse on the Internet.


It was in the capital of Holland that the world's first museum of sex and erotica was opened. Its exposition is multifaceted - from the sexual traditions of different peoples to the collection of canes-phalluses. The cost of visiting is only € 7.

In Rotterdam and Amsterdam, prostitution is legal, and its workers pay taxes and receive a pension. In the Red Light District, you can order any girl, but you should be careful what you wish for! The rooms of the priestesses of love are equipped with alarm buttons, and the rules of solitude strain and fetter. For example, by paying €50, you can "talk" with a girl for only 15 minutes, without kissing, in a classic sex position. Foreplay no more than three minutes are possible and only in a condom.

For her

Sex tourism is not only a male form of recreation. Historically, it is not customary to talk about this type of recreation for the weaker sex. However, about 600 thousand women annually travel abroad in search of a lover. The sex tourism industry offers them few fewer options than men.


Hot Turkish guys are the most popular escort for women. Here, a Slavic girl can find a lover absolutely free of charge - the Turks have a weakness for our compatriots. Turks are very persistent in courtship, many know Russian and will readily shower you with compliments from head to toe.

In Turkey, there are entertaining excursions "Disco pirate" - for $40 you get on a 4-hour intimate trip on a boat.

Before going to Turkey, I studied the features and prohibitions of this country. A lot of things became clear to me: it is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places (with the exception of cafes and restaurants), you can’t look askance at other residents. I took the maximum amount of closed summer clothes with me on vacation, after all, a Muslim country. I was not looking for a man, my friend and I paid for a tour on a yacht. It lasts 4 hours, costs $ 40, but it does not consist in seeing the sea, but in getting to know Turkish men. These are not the lower strata of the population, but rather wealthy men looking for adventure. I was interested in this, but I didn’t want to get acquainted on the street with anyone. After the walk, it was possible to continue, which I did, but I previously wrote a receipt that we were staying in Alanya for the night deliberately. A receipt is required to avoid problems,

The best dating clubs are located in Alanya, Side, Antalya. On Bar Street in Marmaris there is a whole network of such establishments, in Bodrum there are discos “Halikarnassus” and “Catamaran”, in Kemer - “Moonlight” and "Jest". Entry fees to clubs range from $20 to $45.

You can find a lover without leaving the territory of the hotel: some have animators and masseurs who do their best to please the ladies so that the tourists return with joy.


Egypt is the second most popular country for female sex tourism. In Egypt, “habibi” addressed to tourists can be heard everywhere. It means "beloved", and if a man of Arab appearance addressed you like this, shake your mustache: this is a hint. A hint of a short, but hot passion that the burning East can offer in exchange for a small material reward, a gift, or even completely free.

In Egypt, ladies of the "Balzac age" from Europe and America often have a rest, who buy local young boys for a small amount.

If you do not want to run into trouble, then know that you cannot be with a man in his apartment, otherwise you may be sent to prison. For love comforts, there are special hotels and hotels in the popular resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. For example, the Sofitel hotel is 5 stars. The price for a double room will be about 80,000 rubles per week. Here you can order a naked masseur, with whom you can have sex if you wish.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, discos give out flyers for a discount or free admission. At the Hard Rock disco until 22.00, admission is free, Little Buddha can also be visited by girls at no material cost. The best nightclubs in Hurghada are Calypso or Sindbad Club - admission is $5-6 and you won't leave without a pair.


Spanish men are very passionate, handsome and flighty. Ibiza, Madrid and Barcelona are the main cities where you should go in search of love. Spaniards hardly speak English, so you should learn a few phrases in Spanish.

In Spain, there are semi-official brothels where a woman can choose a man of the "necessary" build. But this is for the most daring. If on the street of any Spanish city you see a sign "Club" - you are there. Drinks here are inexpensive - $ 5-6 for a glass of whiskey. There are also rooms where you can retire with a man - $ 80 per hour.

For the modest and not so outspoken the best way- book a trip on a yacht or an excursion to the mountains, be sure to warn that you need sex. No one will judge you for such a request, on the contrary, you will be presented with a "guide" who will tell you about the Kamasutra and the ways of love. Such an excursion will cost € 300.

If you are traveling by car, on the way from Valencia to Barcelona you will see clubs Cambrils, San Carlos de la Rapita, Amposta, Vinaros, Moncofa, Benicasim. Entrance to these places is free, but you will have to spend from € 10 to 20 on sex pleasures.


The Greeks are romantic and attractive in appearance. Female sex tourism is more developed in Greece than male. Men who please women for money are called "kamakia". Translated into Russian, this term means "harpoon for catching fish." A look, a compliment, flirting - and the fish got caught. It is easy for attractive girls in Greece to have a holiday romance and get sexual pleasure for free.

Sex tourism is especially developed on the Greek islands. In Mykonos, you can rent a hotel for a day for € 10. For the same amount, you can order an erotic massage.


In France, prostitution is not legalized, so you need to know the places where you can pick up a boy for the night. Paris is the city of love. This is where adventurers should go. There are many Arab men in France, immigrants from Morocco, Egypt, and they provide escort services. The Place des Stars, the Place Pigalle district are places of congestion of male prostitutes. Prices for love pleasures: € 50-100.

French seducers are unsurpassed, because as the famous saying goes: "Paris is a place where you always stand." Men willingly get acquainted with tourists and enter into an easy relationship with them.

Sex hotels in France: Hotel Auberge du Haut Salat, Résidence Le Village La Souleille Des Lannes Seix, Auberge des Deux Rivieres 1. Rest in them will cost from € 5 to € 10 per person per day. Here you will be offered an intimate massage for € 10 or something more serious - up to € 100 per hour.


Italian men are not in love with a woman in only one state - in the dead. The central streets of Rome at night turn into crowded places for men of different nationalities who want to earn extra money. True, sex tourism for ladies in this country is definitely expensive: you will have to pay up to € 100 per night for intimate services. Some alpha males put up prices up to € 1000!

If you cannot afford such expenses, there are many beaches in Palermo and Tropea where ladies are allowed to sunbathe without clothes. Accordingly, there are plenty of men who are thirsty for sex.


Sex tourism in Morocco is an exotic and relatively low-cost item of expenditure. It is enough to take the “boy” for maintenance: feed him lunches and dinners, walk him to a disco, give small presents and gifts. You can hire a personal page, which will cost $ 250-300. He will fulfill all your wishes and relentlessly accompany you throughout your vacation.

In hotels in Rabat, Marrakesh, Casablanca, you can rent a room for sex pleasures for $ 20-30 per hour and make love. An intimate excursion to the sea costs only $15.


According to statistics, in Cuba there is now a serious demographic preponderance towards men. For temperamental loving Cubans, this problem is felt especially acutely. Salvation for them - visiting ladies.

Local machos prefer to combine business with pleasure: pick up a tourist and get material benefits from her. Women are satisfied with this, and they actively use it. Hot Cuban youths are especially popular with wealthy European women over 40.

In Cuba, there is a separate estate - chulo or hineteros (in our opinion - gigolo). They specialize exclusively in foreign women with a fat wallet. These machos are distinguished by their excellent physical shape. Another feature of the Cubans is a talent for dancing. It seems that the sense of rhythm is in their blood. Therefore, they are considered good lovers.

The most popular city for female sex pleasures is Havana. If you are here and want to find love adventures, the Malecon promenade is at your service. Most of the potential partners for the night are concentrated here. Since Cubans love to dance, head to nightclubs like Casa de la Musica in Galliano. The second most popular city is the resort of Varadero. Here gigolos are found literally at every turn. A sex leisure companion will set you back $50 an hour.


Little is known about the unusual hearing of the average tourist on the island of Tanzania. Queen fans know Zanzibar as the birthplace of Freddie Mercury. But now this African region claims to be a popular hotspot for female lovemaking.

Visiting Europeans can easily find a “friend for the weekend” in the face of a guy from the Maasai tribe. They are famous for their good physical data. Long-legged, slender young men with a snow-white smile and an interesting appearance are very popular with tourists. The appearance of the Maasai is specific, their front tooth is knocked out, there are ritual scars on their cheeks, their hair is braided, which means that the Maasai is in search of a bride. There are legends about their sexual gigantism and endurance.

Finding the Maasai is easy - they work as security guards in hotels. It is enough to go outside the hotel and walk along the beaches (for example, Nungwi or Kiwengwa). Interested men themselves will show signs of attention. You will have to reciprocate the boyfriend you like. From other vacationers, the Masai differ in that they wear a traditional red cape. At the same time, they do not shy away fashion trends with stylish glasses, iPhones and other modern accessories. For only € 20-40 per day, you can "rent" any native you like.

The most popular sex festivals in the world

You can also make a festival program of sex recreation, combining physical pleasures with obtaining new intimate knowledge.

  1. For more than half a century, San Francisco has been filled with thousands of adventurers in October. At this time, there are two festivals. The Exotic Erotic Ball festival attracts with its scale, erotic shows and colorful costumes.
  2. Sex shows, strip shows and erotic performances take place as part of the grand Folsom Street Fair intimacy festival. The “must do” of the festival is to swim naked in a giant cocktail glass. Entrance ticket to the event is $50.
  3. In France, in the city of Cannes in May, Hot D’Or is held, a festival where pornographic stars expose their bodies made by the best plastic surgeons.
  4. In the US state of Indiana, during the hot summer months, naked beauties compete for the title of "Miss Nude".
  5. In the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, every October there is a “computer conference” Kinki Salon Copenhagen, where instead of mice and keyboards there are vibrators and dildos. The cost of participation in such a “scientific event” is € 30. No one leaves here without a partner: sex per night will cost € 70.

Adventure lovers should remember the main thing: the basis of sex tourism is money. Therefore, if you want to have a good rest, save up, and an unusual experience is guaranteed!

Acquaintance with a girl at sea - what is important to know

In order for you to have a pleasant acquaintance with a girl at sea on the very first day, you need to act. The ideal option would be if you already regularly go out into the fields in your city. If not, before going to the sea it is better to prepare yourself, your psyche and skills. A few days before departure, regularly go out in your city and do at least something. When you arrive, it will be much easier to get into a rut with girls.

We will analyze the nuances of dating at sea in different places: on the beach, in a club, in the evening on the embankment.

On the beach

The beach is a great place to meet. There are almost always a lot of girls on the beach. How to meet in such a place? There are many options.

#1 When you come to the beach, you can immediately ask the girl how her water is, how long she has been sunbathing, how much time she has been on vacation, and so on.

#2 Ask him to put sunblock on his back.

#3 Ask how long she rests, whether she visited any establishments or clubs. Ask her opinion where to go. Invite her to join the company.

#4 Go swimming and meet right in the sea. Again, there is no need to invent anything supernatural. Ask how far she sailed from the shore, if she can swim well. It happens that girls go swimming with circles, inflatable pillows, etc. This is also a great resource to start a conversation.

On the resort promenade

On vacation, the girl feels much more liberated and relaxed. After all, the atmosphere contributes to this. She goes out for a walk in the evening after a day of swimming and sunbathing. And with a high probability will support the conversation. And here it’s not even important where you start, but how naturally and relaxed you will behave. After all, if you approach a girl tense and all on your nerves, then it will look very strange. And, most likely, will alienate your potential girlfriend.

So be friendly, relaxed, smile. Enjoy your own acquaintance.

In club

The club atmosphere at the resort differs from the atmosphere in your city in that on vacation all the girls are newcomers, no one knows each other, everyone will leave in another week. In such a situation, girls can afford much more. So . Feel free to ask the girl to dance. Maintain many contacts. When you enter the club, immediately talk to some beauty. Ask her if she likes the atmosphere, what delicious cocktails you can order here. Don't focus on a particular girl. From several options, the most attractive will appear. And there will be a good opportunity to take the girl to your room.

Where is the best place to go?

It is better to go to a small resort where everything is nearby. In this regard, Odessa is not the most the best place for quick seduction, in my opinion. It should be convenient for you to walk to any part of the resort. For example, after a club with a girl, it is much more pleasant to walk five minutes along the evening alley to your hotel than to hurry with a taxi and go somewhere 10 km away. Again, you can quickly go to the embankment in the evening, get to know each other and also bring them to you.

You can also talk to the manager at the travel company where you are applying for a ticket and express a desire to go to a place where there are a lot of young people, discos and parties. There are many such places, and even directly hotels. The tour operator will immediately offer you a suitable option.

If you want guaranteed sex, then the best option is Thailand. Even if you don’t succeed with natural seduction, you can take off a beautiful secret, after which you will regain self-confidence and a surge of new strength to continue meeting girls :-) . Good luck!

Probably, I have already read a lot of articles on how to meet a girl on vacation at sea somewhere in Turkey. They even cited specific template phrases. But let's hope that not one of those who work according to the same template that you did not come up with. But let's get down to business. Acquaintance on vacation is a specific thing. There are many differences from the usual dating on the street, in a club, or anywhere else, and therefore the approach should be original.

Many people go on vacation just to relax. But there are people who go to other cities and even countries on a sex tour. A perfect target for a real pick-up artist. And nothing will prevent you from combining pleasant with pleasant. You will have a good time and be surrounded by beautiful girls. What could possibly be better?

Features of dating on vacation

A significant advantage of each resort is that the girls here for the most part are not distracted by other things, they do not strive to quickly reach point "B", they do not think about work and everyday life, they are almost not busy with anything, they just spend time! This is a great opportunity for you. There are several cases when you can meet a pretty girl.

Acquaintance with a girl at sea

It's almost the perfect place. Everyone here is in swimsuits, the sea, the sun, everyone is in a good mood, everyone is ready to communicate, and a swimsuit does not bring any discomfort at all. It doesn't matter who she's with. Of course, the option with another guy is better not to consider. You can run into trouble, besides, observe male solidarity, have a conscience!

She can rest alone, with her parents, with her girlfriends or friends. In any of these cases, you can find your approach. Consider one of the options when a girl is resting at sea alone. You noticed her, approached her and found any excuse to get acquainted with a girl at sea. You might have forgotten sunblock or a towel to sit on the beach or something. For the most part, girls are kind creatures, and therefore they will gladly help an unlucky tourist.

When you are next to her, the conversation will happen by itself. In 10 minutes you will be talking like old acquaintances (rest, nevertheless, communication is much easier). Then you can say that you are going to swim, at this time leave her some entertainment, but it should be really something interesting (for example, a colorful magazine that she wants to read, music in the player, and so on). There is a beginning of acquaintance, now look at the circumstances and work in accordance with the situation.

At sea, being afraid of failures is generally stupid. If a girl refused you at the initial stage, you can immediately find another one. Look how many of them are on the sea next to you! AND with the right approach, one of them will definitely be in your room today.

Parties, clubs

What would a holiday be like without them? Namely, in nightclubs there are always a lot of girls ready for dating and sex. For fans here is a real expanse, you can also use this option. I am sure that some girls will look in your direction when you find yourself in an institution. Accordingly, you can act almost immediately! In the club on vacation, the girls are always very easy to get in touch with. You will apply exactly the same rules as at home, but you will always be more successful. You can treat her with something alcoholic, invite her to dance. Don't forget to give non-banal compliments. Also use kinesthetics, touch her in the dance, touch her hair, face, say what she has beautiful hair the girls love it. Read my article on how to touch a girl on a date.

Attractions, museums, galleries, etc.

If you are sure that you are able to keep up a conversation on a highly intellectual topic, then you can use these places. Everything here is also not very difficult, it is enough just to have interesting information about a particular place (exhibit, painting, artist). As practice shows, smart girls are the most passionate. This is especially nice, because you don’t expect such agility from them.

The scheme of work is very simple. Go to a place where there will be exhibitions and so on. It is recommended to search for something along the way in the search about the place where you are going. This information will help you in the future.

During the tour, you start talking with the girl you like about what might be of interest. Since she came here to look at something, then this should be the subject of your conversation. Tell me something interesting about this exhibit. And then everything will start easily and simply, again, the rule of each resort will work, where people make contact much easier.
It is usually easy to exchange numbers in such places. Then you will act according to the circumstances. All you need is the ability to maintain an intellectual conversation. Such girls are rather cold towards not the most erudite guys.

Local population

This will be a little harder and easier at the same time. It is easier in the sense that you are relaxing here, you are a tourist, you have a special attitude, and beautiful girls will help you if you want. It is also easier because the girl has a place to have sex, she is in her city!
The difficulty will lie in the fact that it will be almost the same for you as in your city it will be difficult to meet on the street. You will have to use the same schemes and tactics, since the girl will not immediately know that you are a tourist and you need help.

What is the best way to make an acquaintance in this case? The best tactic is to be a helpless tourist who really wants to learn something new about the city or gets lost, in a pinch. It is best to ask the girl about her city. It is very likely that she loves her city and is ready to tell a lot of good things about it, and the positive when meeting is very important.

On the way to rest

It is very easy to strike up an acquaintance when you are still on the train or on the plane. If a beautiful girl is next to you, do not waste time! You are in a closed space, and even in an excellent mood, you are just heading to rest and are already looking forward to a great time.

But do not think that everything will be elementary. It is necessary to follow all the same rules as usual. No need to immediately talk about dating, relationships and so on. Talk to her about why she goes on vacation, what she wants to visit, what places attract her the most and why. Of course, do not forget how beautiful she is, that she has an excellent outfit and talented make-up.

foreign women

This is generally a separate caste, which requires a special approach. Knowledge foreign language at a good level is welcome. Of course, universal English will do, and you should know it really well. People from other countries require a different approach. Interestingly, many of them make contact very easily (many times easier than Russians). Don't be surprised if an American girl comes up to you in a club.

Talk to them on abstract topics, they themselves will bring you to the topic of sex and the continuation of events will not keep you waiting long. You may get the feeling that it is you being picked up, not you. What the hell is the difference? The result will be positive in any case, and that is exactly what you need.
General rules When meeting with every girl you need to follow certain rules. You don't want to end up in flight, do you? The first thing to talk about is rejection. On vacation, they should be treated as lightly as possible. If a girl refuses you, then there is a very good reason for this. and it doesn't even need to be specified. Of course, you should not neglect the rule of female checks either. Read my article on what to do if a girl rejected you. There are always a lot of girls around on vacation, and therefore you can calmly work on quantity. One, second, third, tenth did not agree? Agree next! And you will find these 10-15 beautiful girls in just one hour. You have really good chances to spend this night in the company of a beautiful girl.

Be sure to use your position as a tourist. Such people are always treated positively and try to help, tell something interesting and even take you to the place, you will have plenty of opportunities to take a phone number.

Go to meet only in a good mood. If your mood leaves much to be desired, do something about it. On vacation, mood problems should not arise at all. It is enough just to visit a couple of places, and your mood will immediately rise to the level of “excellent”.

Do something about your anxiety. If you still have not got rid of the fear of dating beautiful girls, it's time to get rid of the problem urgently. Understand that you will not get sex today if you are afraid to approach and meet. Such people are always visible, and they often get rejected.


Of course, do not forget about how you will meet and spend time with girls on vacation at sea, how specifically to seduce. Think about preparation. In your room, and with you just in case
should be rubber. The room should be pleasant enough, clean linen, romantic atmosphere, delicious alcoholic drinks, maybe a hookah, a set of tea or something like that. Prepare a calm relaxing playlist.

Of course, you need to think about your appearance. It would be nice to dress stylishly and smell good. Think about it, as many girls pay attention to perfume. Do not pursue the goal of getting to know each other without fail, do it in the process, so you can get the most out of your vacation.

The rules are pretty simple on vacation it is very easy to meet a girl, and here almost everyone is very simple about sex for one night. And in the heads of the girls, the desired romantic goal is still there - a holiday romance. So go ahead, conquer new heights!