Folk remedies for colon cancer. How to treat and cure bowel cancer with folk remedies

In the presence of oncology of various organs, it is recommended to pay attention to folk preparations that are prepared from various medicinal herbs and herbal preparations. One of the most severe forms of the disease is colon cancer. But colon cancer treatment folk methods can only be auxiliary and in no way cancels traditional drug treatment.

Folk remedies for colon cancer

All the methods offered by alternative medicine for the treatment of this disease are aimed at achieving two goals: to stop the growth of the tumor and activate the immune functions of the body. To combat malignant tumors, preparations based on poisonous plants are most often used, among which celandine and hemlock are most often used. Long before consultation with a herbalist, patients begin their treatment with these plants. But they are very poisonous, so they should be taken with extreme caution so as not to get intoxication of the whole organism.

Used as suppositories, tinctures and microclysters.

Celandine tincture is prepared as follows:

  • dry and grind half a glass of the plant;
  • pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • leave to saturate for 5 days;
  • drain the liquid.

Every day on an empty stomach, take 10 drops of the drug, after diluting them in water or milk. The duration of such treatment is 30 days. After this time, the tumor of the colon should go away completely or significantly decrease in size.

Micro enema with celandine for colon cancer:

  • grind grass;
  • Pour 20 grams of raw materials with 1 liter of boiled hot water;
  • insist until the liquid cools (the temperature should be room temperature);
  • filter.

The enema procedure should be done every two days, once a day. After the enema, you need to be in a horizontal position for some time.

Celandine candles:

  • mix the infusion of the plant for enemas with flour;
  • knead a stiff dough;
  • form candles;
  • send to the refrigerator to harden.

Such suppositories must be administered at bedtime every day for 10 days. You should stop using celandine in the presence of allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, problems with blood pressure, the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, and in case of too young age.

As well as celandine, it helps to destroy cancer cells, while not affecting other human organs. But it is important to follow the prescribed dosage. The recipe for the preparation of the drug is as follows:

  • grind the stems, leaves and shoots of grass;
  • pour everything into a glass container;
  • pour raw materials to the top with alcohol;
  • leave for 14 days to brew;
  • strain the liquid.

Take the tincture should be on the rise, every day increasing the dosage by 1 drop. The maximum amount of medicine is 30 drops. After reaching a dose of 30 drops, they should be taken for another 14 days. Such therapy can be repeated if the tumor has not completely disappeared, but only after a break of 60 days. Hemlock is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver, cardiovascular system.

Burdock root juice is considered very effective in the fight against cancer. For this:

  • the root of the plant is crushed;
  • 20-30 grams of the product is steamed with boiled water;
  • leave for a couple of hours to insist;
  • diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10.

Use this remedy 10 grams three times a day. For the prevention of oncology, it is recommended to add burdock root and leaves to fresh salads.

Alternative treatment options for colon cancer

Treatment of intestinal oncology with folk remedies involves the use, in addition to herbs, of various simple and affordable preparations and products. One such remedy in the treatment of cancer is soda. baking soda for colon cancer used for enemas and droppers. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • 40 grams of the product is poured with warm water (2 liters);
  • stir a little until the soda is completely dissolved.

The procedure must be done very slowly, after which they will gradually turn over 360 degrees. Enemas are given for six days. Then a break for the same time. The course consists of 4 such approaches. In between, droppers are placed from a solution of sodium bicarbonate. During treatment with soda, side effects are possible in the form of slight bleeding and irritation. Droppers should be canceled for a couple of days, and replaced with enemas with a solution of soda (10 grams per 1 liter of water). During the period of therapy, it is necessary to add to the diet a sufficient amount of salt, sugar, foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and various groups of vitamins.

A very effective remedy in the initial stages of the disease is the following:

  • chop the peel of green walnuts;
  • mix with honey in equal amounts (200 grams each);
  • add 2 tablespoons of iodine and medical tar;
  • stir in 100 grams of pre-chopped aloe;
  • leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.

It should be taken 5 grams a third of an hour before meals three times a day. For one course, three doses of such a medicine are needed. After a pause of 30 days, therapy can be repeated.

To prevent the formation of malignant tumors, you can prepare such a tool:

  • pour ¼ cup of dry calendula inflorescences into a dark glass bottle;
  • pour 1 liter of dry red wine into it;
  • put in a dark place for 14 days;
  • drain the liquid.

You need to drink such a drink at 200 grams in 4 sets half an hour before taking a meal. The duration of treatment is 30 days. In prophylactic means, such treatment is carried out twice a year in the autumn-spring period of the year.

When using folk remedies for oncology of the large intestine, one should focus on individual characteristics and choose the most suitable drug after consulting with a specialist.

Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. In Russia, the five-year survival rate of patients suffering from this disease does not exceed 28 percent. For Europeans, this figure is 50 percent, in the US - 80 percent.

Colorectal cancer ranks second among the most common types of malignant tumors in Europe - every year it is diagnosed in more than 400 thousand Europeans. More than half of them die because the disease is diagnosed too late - already at stage 4, when treatment is ineffective. Only early diagnosis gives a good chance of recovery, so every person should know the symptoms of this type of cancer.

A tumor of the intestine (colorectal cancer) can develop in any part, but it usually occurs in the colon and rectum. Malignant cancer cells begin to grow inside the intestinal polyps, and eventually grow outward towards the surrounding tissues. The cancer then metastasizes to the liver, ovaries, and adrenal glands. brain and bones (at 4 degrees of the disease).


There are several causes of colon cancer. Often such a complication gives advanced ulcerative colitis. However, in most cases, the tumor grows with an increase in local polyps (benign adenomas) formed on the wall of the small intestine in the form of nodules. The transformation of an adenoma into cancer usually takes about 10 years.

The development of the disease is favored by malnutrition, which is characteristic of developed countries of Western culture - the absence of vegetables, a large amount of fat and red meat (in Africa and Asia, cancer cases are much less common).

Risk factors

The likelihood of developing bowel cancer increases with age - 90% of all cases are diagnosed in patients older than 50 years, and the peak incidence occurs at the age of 60 years. You need to be especially vigilant in such cases:

  • if family members have previously been diagnosed with this type of cancer;
  • if one of the family members has polyps in the intestine;
  • if you have a chronic inflammatory process in the intestines.


Colorectal cancer can be latent for a long time. Symptoms appear only when the disease reaches stage 4. But there are some signs that should cause you concern:

  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • a sudden and unexplained change in bowel habits (eg, unreasonable diarrhea, sudden increase in intestinal gases);
  • constipation caused by intestinal stenosis (in the case of advanced cancer, there is even complete intestinal obstruction);
  • change in the nature of the chair;
  • anemia;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • constant high temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.

The above symptoms of bowel cancer should promptly undergo a detailed examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of recovery.


Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, to prevent the development of cancer in the intestines, you must follow these recommendations.

  1. Provide proper nutrition. First of all, you need to limit the consumption of meat, especially red.
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, brown rice and foods rich in calcium play an important role in the diet.
  3. Avoid fried foods. It is best to stew or bake dishes.
  4. Limit alcohol and quit smoking.
  5. Eliminate factors that increase the risk of developing this form of cancer - remove polyps, treat inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Conduct preventive checkups, especially if you are at increased risk of the disease.


Treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies is quite effective and realistic - especially if done in the early stages of the disease. How to effectively use the power of plants against cancer - read below.

Colchicum splendid

This herb is great at fighting any type of cancer, even at stage 4. Colchicum ointment is used to treat skin cancer. but in our case, enemas from this plant will be needed. To carry out the treatment, brew every evening 1 tablespoon of colchicum leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cool the liquid to room temperature and do enemas before going to bed. This procedure must be carried out every day. Additionally, it is recommended to use other folk remedies.
The program "Live Healthy" talked about colon cancer:

Treatment with three plants

Traditional healers have developed an effective treatment regimen against cancer with three plants - nettle, dandelion and flaxseed. It helps even at 4 stages of the disease. We share the recipe with you.

So, every evening you will need to brew 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in a glass of boiling water, and leave the mixture until the morning. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of nettle juice and 1 teaspoon of dandelion juice. After half an hour, eat the flaxseed that you brewed overnight. You can fully eat 1 hour after taking the seed. So you repeat every day. Treatment should be continued until the complete disappearance of the cancer.

Additionally, you can use alcohol tincture of calendula to strengthen the intestines. Drink 15 drops of the drug 3 times a day after meals. This helps to stop the spread of cancer and treat the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.


Numerous scientific studies have shown that saffron slows down the growth of cancer cells and even destroys malignant tissues. Therefore, we recommend saffron treatment as an adjunct therapy (in addition to the above methods). Prepare this decoction every day: 4 tsp. plants pour 1 liter of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink this medicine in small sips throughout the day. You can also try treatment with saffron enemas: prepare the decoction as described above and administer the enemas after a bowel movement.

birch mushroom

Chaga birch fungus has helped many patients even in stage 4 cancer. Often it becomes the only salvation in cases where the operation is no longer possible, and chemotherapy does not give the expected results. Chaga also significantly improves the well-being of patients undergoing chemotherapy. In a word, you should definitely try the treatment with this plant.

Thoroughly wash and chop the birch mushroom so that you get a half-liter jar of raw materials. Pour it into a large glass bottle and pour 1.5 liters of boiled warm water. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a warm, dark place for 2 days. Next, the infusion must be filtered, and the sediment carefully squeezed through cheesecloth. Take the finished drug 3 times a day, 100 ml half an hour before meals. Please note that the infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-4 days, then you need to make a new batch of medicine.


Sauerkraut juice is a natural antioxidant that helps remove cancerous toxins from the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is often used to treat bowel cancer. You can drink sauerkraut juice in unlimited quantities.

Fresh cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage is no less useful than sauerkraut. Juice helps to treat cancer at any stage, even at the 4th. The only condition is that you must take this drink every day in as large quantities as possible. Additionally, use other folk remedies against the tumor.

Aloe vera

Aloe treats infections, stimulates the immune system. This plant is especially indicated for the fight against cancer of the intestines and stomach. You should take 3 to 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast. Remember that the old leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes - they must be at least 3 years old. Before conducting a therapeutic course, aloe should stand in the refrigerator for 10 days. Immediately before squeezing the juice, the leaves should be poured over with boiling water and wait 5 minutes.


This spice has the compound curcumin, which is effective against any cancer, even at stage 4. Laboratory tests have shown that curcumin limits the growth of cancerous cells in the blood, colon, liver, stomach, and ovary, causing cancerous growths to die. However, in its pure form, turmeric is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. To get an effective medicine, you must combine this spice with red or black pepper - for example, during cooking.

How to use turmeric?
Mix 1/4 teaspoon powder with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and a pinch of pepper. It is a good sauce for fresh salads and soups. The bitter taste disappears after adding a few drops of agave nectar (available in health food stores).

Eat at least 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric per day. Continue treatment until complete recovery. Additionally, use other home remedies.


Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It effectively supports the body's fight against cancer cells, and therefore helps to reduce the formation of new metastases and tumors. If you suffer from bowel cancer, you should definitely include this spice in your daily diet. You can add ginger as a seasoning to salads, soups and teas. It is also recommended to cut the ginger root into slices, pour boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. You will get the perfect drink (it can be consumed cold or hot) to combat the nausea that often plagues cancer patients. Additionally, treat with other herbs.

Pine bark tincture

It is an excellent tonic for the immune system and a remedy for all types of cancer. If you can't find a tincture of pine bark extract in the pharmacy, prepare it yourself. Take a glass of crushed raw materials, pour it into a jar and fill it with 1 bottle of high-quality vodka. Close the lid and insist away from sunlight for 2 weeks. Then the remedy must be filtered and taken 10 drops a day before meals. If you have advanced bowel cancer, the dose should be doubled and this course of treatment should be carried out for 1 month. Then for another 2 months you take 15 drops of tincture, and for another month - 10 drops each. Then there is a break for 2 months. If during this time the tumor does not go away, repeat the treatment.

Fly agaric tincture

Fly agaric tincture has been used for a long time and very successfully against bowel cancer. However, remember that it is very poisonous, so in no case should you exceed the recommended dose. In general, this medicine works like this: fly agaric poison kills cancer cells and inhibits the production of new ones.

Recipe: take the caps of fresh fly agarics, chop them and fill a glass jar to the top. Pour the mushrooms with cold boiled water and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture and start the therapeutic course as follows: On the 1st day, you take 1 drop of the tincture in the morning before meals, dissolving it in a small amount of water. On the second day you take 2 drops, on the third - 3 drops, and then increase the dose, reaching 10 drops of the medicine on the tenth day. Then for another 10 days, take 10 drops of tincture. At this point, treatment should be interrupted for 2 months, after which the course should be repeated according to the old scheme.


Propolis helps well against cancer - it supports the body's strength, helping it fight. You can carry out treatment with pure propolis - eat 5-7 grams of this remedy before each meal.

Also, patients suffering from cancer in the intestines are recommended to put propolis candles. To do this, boil vaseline with propolis (in a ratio of 10: 1), strain through a nylon cloth, form candles and refrigerate. Place candles in the anal passage every night before going to bed. Continue treatment until you feel relief.


Some patients hope to achieve a positive result by choosing the treatment of rectal cancer with folk remedies. It may be an alternative means of surgical intervention.

But any therapeutic actions must be agreed with the doctor without fail, self-medication is completely unacceptable, as it can be the cause of death.

The best option would be to combine traditional medicine and medications.

Anticancer drugs

Today, a variety of folk remedies are presented, which are very popular in the treatment of oncological processes. Some plants actually contain components that can effectively fight the tumor, which has been confirmed during scientific research.

As part of official pharmaceutical preparations, there are various medicinal plants that are used in the treatment of oncological formations.

Rules of nutrition for rectal cancer

If there is a malignant process, then it is also important to adhere to proper nutrition.

  1. Enrich your diet with a variety of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables – red, green and orange.
  2. Instead of meat, it is recommended to eat lentils and beans.
  3. Eat a handful of nuts every day (almonds, walnuts, pistachios);
  4. The therapeutic effect can be obtained by including antitumor products in the diet: grapes, black currants, garlic and onions.
  5. Drink green and white tea without additives.
  6. Refuse fried foods, it is better to bake in foil, steam or boil.

Treatment for rectal cancer involves fasting. At the initial stage of therapy, it is recommended to go completely without food at least one day a week.

Put enemas with decoctions of herbs, drink plenty of fluids. As the body becomes accustomed to fasting, you can increase it to two or three days a week.

Treatment with traditional medicine

If the traditional method of treatment has not yielded results, the patient resorts to traditional medicine. In this case, tinctures and infusions from various herbs have proven themselves well. St. John's wort is considered the most effective medicine, for the preparation of which you need 10 grams of crushed product to pour two hundred ml of boiling water. After two hours, strain the composition and take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

A similar technique is used to prepare an infusion of meadowsweet flowers. Such a plant is distinguished by antitumor creatures. If the intestine is affected by cancer cells, you need to take the drug fifty ml four times a day. The duration of therapy directly depends on the neglect of oncology, but usually does not last less than six months.

You can treat oncology with ordinary burdock. To do this, prepare an infusion based on it. Pass the stems and leaves of burdock through a meat grinder, squeezing out its juice with gauze. 500 ml of the resulting liquid should be filled with 150 ml of alcohol. Drink before meals 10 ml three times a day. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Also, burdock is used to prepare an infusion, which is highly effective in rectal cancer. To prepare, pour 30 g of the root of the plant with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. Drink before meals 3 times a day.

Herbalists advise using this medicinal plant as a decoction. Pour 10 g of ground burdock root with 200 ml of liquid, put the container on fire and cook for half an hour after the start of boiling. Strain the finished broth and drink up to five times a day, 30 ml each.

Decoction of alder cones

If there is rectal cancer, folk remedies are treated with a decoction based on alder cones.

To prepare the composition, you need to take 5 g of the crushed product, pour it with a liter of boiling water, put the container on the burner and bring to a boil. Remove the composition from the fire and let it brew for two hours. Strain the decoction and take 200 ml 3 times a day after meals.

Celandine against cancer

Speaking about folk methods of treating oncology, one cannot fail to note the use of celandine in all types of oncology. The plant must be taken along with the root, washed thoroughly and chopped in a meat grinder.

Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, pour it into a dark glass container and let it brew for three days in the refrigerator. Then add vodka to it in a ratio of 4: 1 and mix.

The drug is taken before meals, 10 ml. the duration of treatment in this case is 30 days, after which you need to take a ten-day break and continue therapy.

Soda and garlic against cancer

Ordinary baking soda may help treat colon cancer. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a solution: pour one hundred ml of boiling water into 5 g of soda. Means to drink an hour before meals three times a day. In the future, you should increase the dosage of the remedy, but in any case, it is important to listen to the sensations of your body. It is recommended to carry out treatment until a complete cure for oncology.

Other traditional treatments include the use of garlic. It should be peeled and finely chopped. Then add honey in a ratio of 1:1. Put the product in a glass container and keep in the refrigerator. Take 5 g before and after meals.

Ordinary nettle can also help to cope with oncology. For rectal cancer, it is recommended to take an infusion of nettle. For its preparation, a plant in a volume of 30 g should be 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. Drink the remedy before meals, in a warm form up to five times a day.

With different types of cancer, tincture of calendula flowers does a good job. You can buy such a tool in every pharmacy. Also, it can always be done without leaving home, for this you need to pour one hundred ml of alcohol into 10 grams of flowers.

The remedy is infused for 14 days. Take the tincture three times a day before eating 10 ml. before starting the drug is diluted in 50 ml of water to prevent burns of the gastric mucosa.

White cabbage and oncology

Beets and white cabbage help to cope with cancer. Freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables is recommended to drink 15 ml three times a day. To improve the taste of such products, you can add a small amount of honey to it.

In the treatment of oncological processes, it is recommended to use hemlock. To prepare the product, leaves and inflorescences in the amount of 100 g should be carefully crushed and pour half a liter of alcohol. Infuse for 3 weeks, strain and take according to a certain scheme.

Start therapy with one drop and bring up to fifty. True, the plant is poisonous, so it is better not to experiment with it, but to ask the doctor to paint the scheme. When taking this drug, it is recommended to monitor the general state of health, in case of discomfort, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Enemas for cleansing

During the treatment of oncology of the rectum, it is recommended to use enemas with decoctions. With the help of such means, a general relief of well-being and stopping the spread of the cancer process is achieved.

Good performance is observed when using enemas based on celandine. To prepare them, you need 10 g of the product, pour them with boiling water, put on a small flame and boil for 15 minutes.

Wait for the product to cool to room temperature, then strain and use as an enema. It is recommended to keep the remedy in the rectum for no more than 15 minutes. A decoction of oats is also used as a good remedy. For preparation, a similar technique is used, as with celandine.

An enema based on decoctions of sea buckthorn, elm and elder bark effectively fights cancer. All components should be finely chopped, after which 10 g of powder should be poured into 100 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for an hour. After that, the composition is recommended to be filtered, allowed to cool and used as an enema to cleanse the body of cancer.

Treatment of oncology of the rectum with traditional medicine is possible only with the approval of the attending physician. Traditional medicine can be combined with medications, not used as a treatment.

For Europeans, this figure is 50 percent, in the US - 80 percent.

Colorectal cancer ranks second among the most common types of malignant tumors in Europe - every year it is diagnosed in more than 400 thousand Europeans. More than half of them die because the disease is diagnosed too late - already at stage 4, when treatment is ineffective. Only early diagnosis gives a good chance of recovery, so every person should know the symptoms of this type of cancer.

A tumor of the intestine (colorectal cancer) can develop in any part, but it usually occurs in the colon and rectum. Malignant cancer cells begin to grow inside the intestinal polyps, and eventually grow outward towards the surrounding tissues. Further, cancer gives metastases to the liver, ovaries, adrenal glands, brain and bones (4 degrees of the disease).


There are several causes of colon cancer. Often such a complication gives advanced ulcerative colitis. However, in most cases, the tumor grows with an increase in local polyps (benign adenomas) formed on the wall of the small intestine in the form of nodules. The transformation of an adenoma into cancer usually takes about 10 years.

The development of the disease is favored by malnutrition, which is characteristic of developed countries of Western culture - the absence of vegetables, a large amount of fat and red meat (in Africa and Asia, cancer cases are much less common).

Risk factors

The likelihood of developing bowel cancer increases with age - 90% of all cases are diagnosed in patients older than 50 years, and the peak incidence occurs at the age of 60 years. You need to be especially vigilant in such cases:

  • if family members have previously been diagnosed with this type of cancer;
  • if one of the family members has polyps in the intestine;
  • if you have a chronic inflammatory process in the intestines.


Colorectal cancer can be latent for a long time. Symptoms appear only when the disease reaches stage 4. But there are some signs that should cause you concern:

  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • a sudden and unexplained change in bowel habits (eg, unreasonable diarrhea, sudden increase in intestinal gases);
  • constipation caused by intestinal stenosis (in the case of advanced cancer, there is even complete intestinal obstruction);
  • change in the nature of the chair;
  • anemia;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • constant high temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.

The above symptoms of bowel cancer should promptly undergo a detailed examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of recovery.


Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, to prevent the development of cancer in the intestines, you must follow these recommendations.

  1. Provide proper nutrition. First of all, you need to limit the consumption of meat, especially red.
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, brown rice and foods rich in calcium play an important role in the diet.
  3. Avoid fried foods. It is best to stew or bake dishes.
  4. Limit alcohol and quit smoking.
  5. Eliminate factors that increase the risk of developing this form of cancer - remove polyps, treat inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Conduct preventive checkups, especially if you are at increased risk of the disease.


It is quite effective and realistic - especially if you do it in the early stages of the disease. How to effectively use the power of plants against cancer - read below.

Colchicum splendid

This herb is great at fighting any type of cancer, even at stage 4. Colchicum ointment is used to treat skin cancer, but in our case, enemas from this plant will be needed. To carry out the treatment, brew every evening 1 tablespoon of colchicum leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cool the liquid to room temperature and do enemas before going to bed. This procedure must be carried out every day. Additionally, it is recommended to use other folk remedies.

The program "Live Healthy" talked about colon cancer:

Treatment with three plants

Traditional healers have developed an effective treatment regimen against cancer with three plants - nettle, dandelion and flaxseed. It helps even at 4 stages of the disease. We share the recipe with you.

So, every evening you will need to brew 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in a glass of boiling water, and leave the mixture until the morning. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of nettle juice and 1 teaspoon of dandelion juice. After half an hour, eat the flaxseed that you brewed overnight. You can fully eat 1 hour after taking the seed. So you repeat every day. Treatment should be continued until the complete disappearance of the cancer.

Additionally, you can use alcohol tincture of calendula to strengthen the intestines. Drink 15 drops of the drug 3 times a day after meals. This helps to stop the spread of cancer and treat the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.


Numerous scientific studies have shown that saffron slows down the growth of cancer cells and even destroys malignant tissues. Therefore, we recommend saffron treatment as an adjunct therapy (in addition to the above methods). Prepare this decoction every day: 4 tsp. plants pour 1 liter of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink this medicine in small sips throughout the day. You can also try treatment with saffron enemas: prepare the decoction as described above and administer the enemas after a bowel movement.

birch mushroom

Chaga birch fungus has helped many patients even in stage 4 cancer. Often it becomes the only salvation in cases where the operation is no longer possible, and chemotherapy does not give the expected results. Chaga also significantly improves the well-being of patients undergoing chemotherapy. In a word, you should definitely try the treatment with this plant.

Thoroughly wash and chop the birch mushroom so that you get a half-liter jar of raw materials. Pour it into a large glass bottle and pour 1.5 liters of boiled warm water. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a warm, dark place for 2 days. Next, the infusion must be filtered, and the sediment carefully squeezed through cheesecloth. Take the finished drug 3 times a day, 100 ml half an hour before meals. Please note that the infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-4 days, then you need to make a new batch of medicine.


Sauerkraut juice is a natural antioxidant that helps remove cancerous toxins from the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is often used to treat bowel cancer. You can drink sauerkraut juice in unlimited quantities.

Fresh cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage is no less useful than sauerkraut. Juice helps to treat cancer at any stage, even at the 4th. The only condition is that you must take this drink every day in as large quantities as possible. Additionally, use other folk remedies against the tumor.

Aloe vera

Aloe treats infections, stimulates the immune system. This plant is especially indicated for the fight against cancer of the intestines and stomach. You should take 3 to 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast. Remember that the old leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes - they must be at least 3 years old. Before conducting a therapeutic course, aloe should stand in the refrigerator for 10 days. Immediately before squeezing the juice, the leaves should be poured over with boiling water and wait 5 minutes.


This spice has the compound curcumin, which is effective against any cancer, even at stage 4. Laboratory tests have shown that curcumin limits the growth of cancerous cells in the blood, colon, liver, stomach, and ovary, causing cancerous growths to die. However, in its pure form, turmeric is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. To get an effective medicine, you must combine this spice with red or black pepper - for example, during cooking.

How to use turmeric?

Mix 1/4 teaspoon powder with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and a pinch of pepper. It is a good sauce for fresh salads and soups. The bitter taste disappears after adding a few drops of agave nectar (available in health food stores).

Eat at least 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric per day. Continue treatment until complete recovery. Additionally, use other home remedies.


Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It effectively supports the body's fight against cancer cells, and therefore helps to reduce the formation of new metastases and tumors. If you suffer from bowel cancer, you should definitely include this spice in your daily diet. You can add ginger as a seasoning to salads, soups and teas. It is also recommended to cut the ginger root into slices, pour boiling water over it and leave for a minute. You will get the perfect drink (it can be consumed cold or hot) to combat the nausea that often plagues cancer patients. Additionally, treat with other herbs.

Pine bark tincture

It is an excellent tonic for the immune system and a remedy for all types of cancer. If you can't find a tincture of pine bark extract in the pharmacy, prepare it yourself. Take a glass of crushed raw materials, pour it into a jar and fill it with 1 bottle of high-quality vodka. Close the lid and insist away from sunlight for 2 weeks. Then the remedy must be filtered and taken 10 drops a day before meals. If you have advanced bowel cancer, the dose should be doubled and this course of treatment should be carried out for 1 month. Then for another 2 months you take 15 drops of tincture, and for another month - 10 drops each. Then there is a break for 2 months. If during this time the tumor does not go away, repeat the treatment.

Fly agaric tincture

Fly agaric tincture has been used for a long time and very successfully against bowel cancer. However, remember that it is very poisonous, so in no case should you exceed the recommended dose. In general, this medicine works like this: fly agaric poison kills cancer cells and inhibits the production of new ones.

Recipe: take the caps of fresh fly agarics, chop them and fill a glass jar to the top. Pour the mushrooms with cold boiled water and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture and start the therapeutic course as follows: On the 1st day, you take 1 drop of the tincture in the morning before meals, dissolving it in a small amount of water. On the second day you take 2 drops, on the third - 3 drops, and then increase the dose, reaching 10 drops of the medicine on the tenth day. Then for another 10 days, take 10 drops of tincture. At this point, treatment should be interrupted for 2 months, after which the course should be repeated according to the old scheme.


Propolis helps well against cancer - it supports the body's strength, helping it fight. You can carry out treatment with pure propolis - eat 5-7 grams of this remedy before each meal.

Also, patients suffering from cancer in the intestines are recommended to put propolis candles. To do this, boil vaseline with propolis (in a ratio of 10: 1), strain through a nylon cloth, form candles and refrigerate. Place candles in the anal passage every night before going to bed. Continue treatment until you feel relief.

Write in the comments about your experience in the treatment of diseases, help other readers of the site!

An experienced beekeeper told us that it is absolutely impossible to chew propolis: teeth and a very strong allergen will fall down.

Treatment of colon cancer with folk remedies

In the presence of oncology of various organs, it is recommended to pay attention to folk preparations that are prepared from various medicinal herbs and herbal preparations. One of the most severe forms of the disease is colon cancer. But the treatment of colon cancer with folk methods can only be auxiliary and in no way cancels the traditional drug treatment.

Folk remedies for colon cancer

All the methods offered by alternative medicine for the treatment of this disease are aimed at achieving two goals: to stop the growth of the tumor and activate the immune functions of the body. To combat malignant tumors, preparations based on poisonous plants are most often used, among which celandine and hemlock are most often used. Long before consultation with a herbalist, patients begin their treatment with these plants. But they are very poisonous, so they should be taken with extreme caution so as not to get intoxication of the whole organism.

Celandine tincture is prepared as follows:

  • dry and grind half a glass of the plant;
  • pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • leave to saturate for 5 days;
  • drain the liquid.

Every day on an empty stomach, take 10 drops of the drug, after diluting them in water or milk. The duration of such treatment is 30 days. After this time, the tumor of the colon should go away completely or significantly decrease in size.

Micro enema with celandine for colon cancer:

  • grind grass;
  • Pour 20 grams of raw materials with 1 liter of boiled hot water;
  • insist until the liquid cools (the temperature should be room temperature);
  • filter.

The enema procedure should be done every two days, once a day. After the enema, you need to be in a horizontal position for some time.

  • mix the infusion of the plant for enemas with flour;
  • knead a stiff dough;
  • form candles;
  • send to the refrigerator to harden.

Such suppositories must be administered at bedtime every day for 10 days. You should stop using celandine in the presence of allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, problems with blood pressure, the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, and in case of too young age.

As well as celandine, hemlock in colon cancer helps to destroy cancer cells, while not affecting other human organs. But it is important to follow the prescribed dosage. The recipe for the preparation of the drug is as follows:

  • grind the stems, leaves and shoots of grass;
  • pour everything into a glass container;
  • pour raw materials to the top with alcohol;
  • leave for 14 days to brew;
  • strain the liquid.

Take the tincture should be on the rise, every day increasing the dosage by 1 drop. The maximum amount of medicine is 30 drops. After reaching a dose of 30 drops, they should be taken for another 14 days. Such therapy can be repeated if the tumor has not completely disappeared, but only after a break of 60 days. Hemlock is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver, cardiovascular system.

Burdock root juice is considered very effective in the fight against cancer. For this:

  • the root of the plant is crushed;
  • 20-30 grams of the product is steamed with boiled water;
  • leave for a couple of hours to insist;
  • diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10.

Use this remedy 10 grams three times a day. For the prevention of oncology, it is recommended to add burdock root and leaves to fresh salads.

Alternative treatment options for colon cancer

Treatment of intestinal oncology with folk remedies involves the use of various simple and affordable drugs and products in addition to herbs. One such remedy in the treatment of cancer is soda. Soda for colon cancer is used for enemas and droppers. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • 40 grams of the product is poured with warm water (2 liters);
  • stir a little until the soda is completely dissolved.

The procedure must be done very slowly, after which they will gradually turn over 360 degrees. Enemas are given for six days. Then a break for the same time. The course consists of 4 such approaches. In between, droppers are placed from a solution of sodium bicarbonate. During treatment with soda, side effects are possible in the form of slight bleeding and irritation. Droppers should be canceled for a couple of days, and replaced with enemas with a solution of soda (10 grams per 1 liter of water). During the period of therapy, it is necessary to add to the diet a sufficient amount of salt, sugar, foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and various groups of vitamins.

A very effective remedy in the initial stages of the disease is the following:

  • chop the peel of green walnuts;
  • mix with honey in equal amounts (200 grams each);
  • add 2 tablespoons of iodine and medical tar;
  • stir in 100 grams of pre-chopped aloe;
  • leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.

It should be taken 5 grams a third of an hour before meals three times a day. For one course, three doses of such a medicine are needed. After a pause of 30 days, therapy can be repeated.

To prevent the formation of malignant tumors, you can prepare such a tool:

  • pour ¼ cup of dry calendula inflorescences into a dark glass bottle;
  • pour 1 liter of dry red wine into it;
  • put in a dark place for 14 days;
  • drain the liquid.

You need to drink such a drink at 200 grams in 4 sets half an hour before taking a meal. The duration of treatment is 30 days. In prophylactic means, such treatment is carried out twice a year in the autumn-spring period of the year.

When using folk remedies for oncology of the large intestine, one should focus on individual characteristics and choose the most suitable drug after consulting with a specialist.

Other articles on the topic of cancer treatment (oncology) with folk remedies at home:

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Treatment of bowel cancer folk remedies

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer among cancers, right after stomach cancer. Since this is a fairly common disease, a lot of people are looking for all sorts of ways to treat bowel cancer.

Folk remedies in the treatment of bowel cancer can only be used as an addition to the main treatment and only as directed by a doctor.

Celandine for bowel cancer

Folk treatment of intestinal cancer with the help of celandine juice helps to relieve spasms, reduce pain and restore diseased tissues.

To prepare the juice of celandine along with the roots, dig it up at the end of spring, during flowering, wash and clean from yellow leaves, dry in the air for 2-3 hours. Then pass the plant through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to settle, then drain the juice (about 0.5 liters of juice should be obtained from a kilogram of cake), and discard the sediment. Fill with alcohol (per 1 liter of socaml 96 ° alcohol). Everything, the healing mixture is ready. You can store this juice for 5 years without loss of medicinal properties. Take it for 1 tbsp. l. one hour before meals with water, 4 times a day.

Herbs for bowel cancer

Bowel cancer is effectively treated with folk remedies, below are some folk recipes used for cancerous tumors:

  1. Mix 10 g of fresh aloe leaves older than 4 years, 10 g of elecampane root, 10 g of chaga, chop everything, pour 0.5 liters of wine and leave in a dark place for a week, sometimes shake the infusion. Take ⅓ or ¼ cup 3 times daily after meals.
  2. Mix 30 g of fresh aloe juice with 20 g of honey. Then 20 g of St. John's wort, pour 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, strain. In this decoction, add ¾ cup of dry red wine and aloe with honey. The mixture should be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day after meals.
  3. Mix 2 tbsp. l. buckthorn and 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, chop. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 5 minutes. Strain and drink immediately.
  4. Take 8-10 crushed burdock flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Take the infusion before meals 4 times a day for half a glass as a tea.

Before treating bowel cancer with herbs, be sure to consult a doctor. This will help to make sure that the chosen treatment is correct and to exclude the negative consequences of taking the drugs.

Treatment of colon cancer with folk remedies - Journal of diet and weight loss

And we also have

Follicular thyroid cancer

Bone sarcoma

One comment.

I went through seven circles of hell, I was diagnosed with colon cancer with mt. into the liver. I was denied xt., they said it is useless in my case, they refused the operation, since mt. was present, they sent me home, they refused me. But it’s so easy to fold my hands, and I couldn’t wait, and I made a decision for myself to fight, I had to survive for the sake of my children. I tried many methods, turned to healers, psychics, read folk methods, time passed, and apart from complications, it was not possible to improve my health. Each time I faced a big problem in calculating the dose that I need to take, what I looked for, how and how much, did not suit me. But the one who seeks will always find, the doctor undertook to treat me, I was advised to turn to him. It was very unusual for me, and it was not invested in my head that the doctor not only was not against herbal treatment, but also treated with herbs when there were no other treatment options. I have been living for ten years, I am alive, and I continue to be treated with herbs. If you were denied treatment, and they say that this is the end, you need to gather all your strength and continue to fight, try, look for different options, cancer can be cured with alternative medicine.

Treatment of bowel cancer folk remedies

The 3rd place in the world in terms of the prevalence of the disease is occupied by oncology of the intestine. Modern and traditional methods are used for successful treatment and achievement of positive results.

Treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies is an additional method, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of experience and time.

Is bowel cancer treated with folk remedies and herbs? Colorectal cancer is one of the most dangerous and common types of cancer. Herbs for oncology are included in a comprehensive treatment program as a means of purifying the blood and increasing immunity.

Alternative treatment in the fight against intestinal cancer

Folk remedies for bowel cancer

Alternative methods of treatment of bowel cancer are the use of:

  • tinctures, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs and mushrooms;
  • non-traditional methods of treatment: soda and minerals;
  • appropriate medical nutrition.

Let's take a closer look at such herbs for cancer:

How to treat bowel cancer with these plants:

  • dry henbane leaves in powder (0.25 g - 0.5 tsp) are steamed with boiling water (100 ml - 0.5 tbsp.) And simmer over low heat until a thick mass is formed. Drink 1-2 drops in 1 tbsp. l. water in 20 min. before meals - 3 times a day;
  • bitter wormwood tincture: crushed dry tops with flowers (20 g) are poured with 70% alcohol (200 ml) and infused for 2 weeks in a dark corner of the room, shaken periodically. Take a drop before meals;
  • wormwood tincture with wine: wormwood leaves (30 g) are poured into a vessel with alcohol (300 ml - 70%), insisted in the dark for a day. White grape wine (100 ml) is added and infused for another 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals - 3 times a day. The tincture does not spoil. When diagnosed with bowel cancer, it exhibits an antimetastatic effect;
  • cocklebur infusion: drink instead of tea, brewing 1.h. herbs in a glass of boiling water. Let stand under a fur coat for half an hour. Drink in a semi-hot state after meals, at least 3 glasses a day, you can 4-5;
  • cocklebur + European hoof. Boil the hoof and drink before meals in a warm state, 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day: 1/3 tsp. crushed root, steam with boiling water (1 tbsp), close tightly with a lid and simmer in a bath for 30 minutes. To insist - min., You can not filter. Store - no more than 2 days. The course of treatment with cocklebur infusion is 3-4 months, the course of wild hoof is a month + a break of one month, repeat twice. After completing the courses of cocklebur and hoof - a break for six months;
  • tincture of Jungar aconite on alcohol can treat duodenal cancer. Pour the crushed roots: fresh or dry (1 tsp without top) with half a liter of alcohol (45%), infuse for 14 days in the dark and shake the container daily. Separate the thick through 2 layers of gauze. Take this: on the first day - 1 drop per 50 ml. water 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Every day, add a drop to a dose of 10 drops, which should be taken - 10 days. Then reduce the dosage, drop by drop. At the end of the course, take a break of 1-6 months, during which you can treat cancer with hemlock, milestone or fly agaric;
  • Belozor marsh can be used to treat cancer of the colon - the main part of the large intestine and cancer of the caecum, from which the colon comes. It is necessary to prepare an infusion from the aerial part: dry grass in powder (1 tbsp.) Infuse in a bath in 1 tbsp. boiling water - 2 hours and filter. Dose - 1 dessert spoon - 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Can be used for enemas.

Important! These folk remedies for bowel cancer are poisonous, so oncological diseases should be treated strictly according to the prescription.

To defeat bowel cancer, folk remedies can be used according to the following scheme:

  • perform enemas before going to bed from the magnificent colchicum: brew the plant (1 tablespoon) with half a liter of boiling water, cool to a temperature of 19-20ºС;
  • drink preparations from plants: nettle, dandelion, flaxseed, saffron and calendula. At night, steam flaxseed (2 tablespoons) in boiling water (1 tablespoon) and insist until morning. In the morning on an empty stomach, take nettle and dandelion juices - 1 tsp each, after 30 minutes - an infusion with flaxseed. An hour later - you can have breakfast;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula. Can be purchased at a pharmacy. It stops the spread of metastases and relieves the inflammatory process. Drink - 15 drops after meals - 3 times a day, tincture can treat small intestine cancer;
  • saffron decoction slows down the growth of cancer cells and contributes to their destruction: pour saffron (4 tsp) with water (1 liter) and boil for 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day in small sips. You can do enemas, alternating with magnificent colchicum.

If intestinal cancer is confirmed, treatment with folk remedies is not complete without propolis. It is necessary to maintain the body's defenses, especially in the diagnosis of colon cancer. If there is no allergy to bee products, before each meal, you can eat 5-7 g of propolis with water, because it has a bitter taste. At night - put propolis candles: boil vaseline and propolis (10: 1), stirring until smooth (10-15 minutes), filter, cool a little for better candle formation and place in the refrigerator.

To treat cancer of the small intestine, you will need pine bark infused with vodka: place chopped raw materials (1 tbsp.) In a jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Let it brew in the dark for 14 days, then separate the thick and take before meals - 10 drops each.

What to include in your diet

In the diet for bowel cancer, you need to include natural antioxidants to remove cancer toxins from the body and normalize the digestive tract. You can use a lot of fresh and sauerkraut juices even if the bowel cancer has reached 3-4 stages. Juices can be combined with Aloe Vera to get rid of infection, stimulate the immune system. Aloe Vera juice is drunk on an empty stomach for 3-5 tbsp. l. in the morning. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared from 3-year-old leaves, after holding them in the refrigerator for up to 10 days and before squeezing - dousing with boiling water.

Products against cancer

Turmeric (a spice) contains curcumin, which can limit the growth of cancer cells in the colon and gastrointestinal tract and reduce cancer formation. It is more effective to treat rectal cancer if turmeric (1/4 tsp) is mixed with a pinch of pepper: red or black, olive oil 0.5 tbsp. l. and add to green salad. To get rid of the bitter taste - add agave nectar (3-4 drops). The daily dose of turmeric is 1/3 tsp.

Ginger, as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, helps to reduce the formation of metastases and oncological tumors. If sigmoid colon cancer is detected, the spice should be consumed daily, adding it to salads, soups and teas. To get the perfect drink against nausea, you should: Pour boiling water over ginger slices and leave for up to 15 minutes. You can drink hot or chilled.

Goji berries can rejuvenate the intestines and stop the growth of oncological tumors, kill cancer cells due to the gamma-interfeon substance. Berries are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, dietary fiber, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. As well as polysaccharides with lipoproteins and protein complexes, which are present only in these berries and have great activity:

  • antitumor;
  • antiviral;
  • antibiotic;
  • antidote;
  • to improve the condition of blood vessels.

Tea from goji berries: in a thermos, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.) - 1 tbsp. l. dried berries and insist half an hour, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 tbsp. 2-3 times a day. Berries after pressing can be eaten.

Hemlock against bowel cancer

We will separately consider the hemlock herb, cancer treatment according to the Tishchenko method is carried out with an alcohol tincture from its inflorescences: pour 70% alcohol (2 liters) into a bottle (3 liters) or vodka - 1 liter. + alcohol 96% - 1 l. pour crushed hemlock inflorescences into the contents - 1 l. bank. Close the bottle with polyethylene and let it brew in the dark and cool - 3 weeks, shake occasionally.

How to take hemlock for bowel cancer:

  • 8-00 am - drink on an empty stomach half a glass of water with 1 drop of tincture;
  • 8-00 am the next day - 2 drops in half a glass of water;
  • daily add 1 drop - 25 days.

It's important to know! Hemlock herb against cancer is a strong poison, so it can make you feel sick when you use it. If, for example, at 15 drops there is nausea or vomiting, you need to return to 13 drops and take this dose for 4-5 days, then continue to increase drop by drop to 25. Then the dosage changes.

  • 8-00 in the morning take 15 drops and then every 4 hours (hours) increase the rate to 60 drops (15 each).

It's important to know! If you feel overload (nausea, vomiting), hemlock cancer treatment should be carried out at a reduced intake rate - from 60 to 45 drops, skipping the dose at 16-00. After 2 weeks, with a strengthened immune system, you can again switch to a dose of 60 drops until a complete cure.

How to take hemlock for oncology - the second option:

Attention! Treatment of cancer with a hemlock according to the Tishchenko method is long and requires patience from the patient. During the course, you can not drink milk and consume dairy products - they reduce the effect of cancer therapy.

Hemlock in oncology (tincture with alcohol) can be consumed according to an even more gentle Tishchenko method. In the morning at 8-00, take 1 drop in 0.5 tbsp. water. Add one drop for 15 days. On the 16th day - take 10 drops twice (at 8:00 am). Continue this dosage - 2 weeks. Then add another 10 drops per hour. Now the daily dose will be 30 drops. After 2 weeks, add another 10 drops per hour. The daily rate will be - 40 drops, continue to take - 2-3 weeks. When adapting the body, increase the dose of each dose by 5 drops. The daily rate will be - 60 drops: 15 drops at 8-00, 12-00, and 20-00.

Complex treatment with hemlock

Comprehensive cancer treatment according to the Tishchenko method is carried out according to the scheme: you should drink at 6-00 - urine, at 8-00 - hemlock, 8-30 - mummy, 9-00 - eat, 9-30 - drink a decoction of needles, - a decoction of collection of flowers. Further: - mummy, - eat, - coniferous decoction; - decoction from picking flowers, - coniferous decoction, - decoction from picking flowers. At night - kerosene and an enema from a hemlock.

Urinotherapy. Strain and drink morning urine (preferably for children) - 150 ml. at 6-00 o'clock. If the genitourinary organs hurt, the kidneys, bladder are inflamed, the liver hurts, you can’t drink your own urine.

Hemlock grass - use of tincture for cancer according to this scheme at 8-00 in the morning (once a day): inflorescences and leaves are placed in a jar not to the top, and pour vodka. Close hermetically and insist in a dark and cold place. Then drink 1 drop in 0.5 tbsp. water, increasing the dose to 40 drops (per 250 ml of water), then reduce the dose to 1 drop.

Mummy. As an anti-inflammatory agent, half an hour before a meal, place a mummy the size of a rice grain under the tongue and drink it with water. During the day, they eat 2-4 such servings of mummy. With increased pressure - 1-2 servings.

Coniferous decoction. Chop young pine twigs with needles (10 cm from the top of the branch) and mix (5 tablespoons) with rose hips (2 tablespoons) and chopped onion peel (2 tablespoons). Steam everything with boiling water (0.5 l.) And insist under a fur coat overnight. Drink at 9:30.

A decoction from the collection of flowers: chamomile and apple blossoms, tansy, hawthorn and calendula, linden and thyme, tea rose and wild rose (except delphinium). We mix in equal parts by weight, then put in a jar of 1 liter and pour into a jar - 2-3 liters, to pour boiling water - 1.5 liters. We insist in the warmth of the night and separate the thick. You should drink in small sips so that it is enough for 3 doses: at 10, 19 and 23 hours.

Kerosene. Place green walnuts in a jar - 3 liters. and fill to the top with purified kerosene (laboratory). Let it brew for 10 days and take at night - 1 dessert spoon (5 days), then - 1 tbsp. l..

For microclysters, you need to take ml. and add 10-15 drops of hemlock tincture. It is more convenient to make a microclyster from a rubber or silicone pear.

Treatment of bowel cancer with baking soda

The treatment of cancer with baking soda has become the subject of controversy among medical oncologists. Opponents of soda argue that it cannot be used to treat cancer, since it leads to complications and does not return the patient to a full life.

Scientists such as Professor Neumyvakin, chemist Otto Warburg, Italian researcher Tulio Simoncini, a group of Chinese and German doctors who conducted research in order to find out how sodium bicarbonate affects cancer patients, argue that treating intestinal cancer with soda facilitates complex therapy and gives a chance for recovery.

Of course, patients will always be interested in how cancer is treated with baking soda, who helped and due to what properties. It is known that after taking chemical drugs, chemotherapy and radiation, acid accumulates in the body, i.e. its environment becomes acidic. If the blood pH decreases (normally pH = 7.4 ± 0.15) even by 0.2-0.3, then the person can already be considered sick. If pH 6.8 or pH7.8, then these indicators are no longer compatible with life. Blood acidification leads to pronounced functional and pathological processes, including cancer. If the environment in the body is normal, then any pathogenic flora, like cancer cells, will not survive.

To replenish the blood with alkali, make it more liquid, reduce acid, destroy fungi in the body will help baking soda, its use in medicine, cancer treatment, especially after chemotherapy, gives its positive results.

  • soda must first be extinguished;
  • pour soda with boiling water (a small amount) to get the effect of hydrolysis: when sodium bicarbonate “hisses”, carbon dioxide H2CO3\u003e H2O + CO2 ^ is released, the taste changes for the better and soda is better absorbed;

To treat cancer with soda, the recipes are simple:

  • should start with 1/5 tsp. and bring the dose to 1 tsp, but no more;
  • drink with water or milk (1 tablespoon) at a warm-hot temperature for better absorption half an hour or an hour before meals - 3 times a day.

Cancer cells contain a biomarker, the CYP1B1 enzyme. It is a protein that facilitates chemical reactions. If you use fruits and vegetables with the presence of salvestrol "Angeles", then as a result of chemical reactions, salvestrol turns into a component that can kill cancer cells and not damage healthy ones. In his research, Tulio Simoncini claims that the CYP1B1 enzyme is produced only in cancer cells and reacts with salvestrol:

  • berries: strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, grapes, black currants and red currants, blackberries and cranberries;
  • fruits: apples and peaches;
  • vegetables: green - cabbage, especially broccoli and artichokes, red and yellow - peppers and avocados, asparagus and eggplant.

These products are high in salvestrol due to the fact that they are prone to fungal diseases, and salvestrol kills fungi. But soda and milk as a result of the reaction, like salvestrol, also kills fungi and molds that cause acidosis. Amino acids receive sodium salts, and when they penetrate into the blood, alkali reserves are replenished. And this aggravates the activity of cancer cells, so the introduction of a soda solution into a muscle or vein is already practiced.

Informative video: cancer treatment with soda at all stages + metastases

Colon cleansing with soda and whey

Hemlock tincture for microclysters can be alternated with a solution of whey (1 l.) And soda (1 tbsp.) And a weak bowel discharge - 2 times a month.

  • on an empty stomach - a cleansing enema of soda and serum;
  • an hour before meals, drink an infusion of lemon juice (50 ml) and garlic (2 cloves);
  • instead of food, drink kefir - 2 l / day and eat tomatoes (200 g - no more);
  • drink water.
  • on an empty stomach - a cleansing enema;
  • infusion of lemon juice and garlic (50 ml);
  • instead of food - fresh juice from apples or a mixture of juices from vegetables: cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. You can juice beets after 60 minutes of standing in the refrigerator.
  • on an empty stomach - infusion of lemon with garlic (50 ml);
  • after 60 minutes - have breakfast with vegetables or fruits (separately);
  • drink water 3 l / day and eat vegetables or fruits separately during the day.

Stones in intestinal oncology: harm or benefit?

Stones in oncology have a beneficial effect and are treated by transferring chakras and meridians:

  • frequency fluctuations;
  • energy-informational influence;
  • electromagnetic influence.

During the interaction of magnetic vibrations of minerals with metals, proteins, lipids and enzymes of body cells, the energy base of the body or organ and the physiological disorders present in them are restored.

This means that a stone in oncology has a healing effect with color, as an energy that has a certain wavelength, which is not enough for the diseased organ and its shell. These waves come both without eye contact between the patient and the stone, and with visual contact. The human eye becomes a conductor: it perceives, transforms and directs the magnetic wave to the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Here, after the final processing of information, the waves are sent to the pain zone.

Quartz stone for oncology, like other healing stones: amber and jasper, jade, pearls, coral and lapis lazuli can be lowered into water to obtain "living water". Minerals purify water from harmful and toxic substances, carcinogens, change its structure and even taste. This water can improve well-being, delay the development of tumors, the spread of metastases. When water enters the intestine, antagonistic properties are developed in microbes, the natural resistance of patients is activated, the body's resistance increases and the mutagenic load decreases.

The following minerals increase immunity and increase the body's resistance:

  • rhodonite, rhodochrosite;
  • milk opal, dendro-opal;
  • cacholong, topaz;
  • marble onyx;
  • rhinestone;
  • ice quartz.

On sale there is an elixir "Second Youth". It protects all vital organs, supports bones and joints, relieves spasms and cleanses due to its composition: mountain quartz, pink sand, jadeite, shungite and silicon. When the elixir is added to water, bacteria and viruses, fungi die, it is cleared of pesticides, nitrates and oil products, heavy metals and chlorine. Take water for 3 tbsp. in a day. You can drink medicines with it and wash your face, cook food on it and irrigate the apartment from heavy energy and negativity.

The method of preparation of preparations from minerals:

  • place pieces of minerals in a sterilized glass container without preliminary artificial processing and polishing, having previously kept them in direct sunlight - 1.5-2 hours and during sunrise - 2-2.5 hours;

It's important to know! Minerals with drilled holes, cuts, polishing are not suitable. Cracks of natural origin are allowed. Mineral therapy is carried out as an addition to the main treatment.

  • let the water stand in a closed container and in a bright room at a temperature of 16-18ºС (but not in the kitchen) - 4 hours;
  • drain the water into a dark container and stick a label with the date of manufacture. The elixir is stored - 5-7 days, the extract - 3 months;
  • elixir is boiled water (20-30 ml) + extract - 2-3 drops. Drink - 3 times a day before meals;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers and cancer: take on an empty stomach in the morning vodka tincture on amber powder, 1 tbsp. l .: pour amber powder (25 g) into vodka or medical alcohol (0.5 l), mix and let it brew for 10 days, filter from the sediment. If there is no powder in the pharmacy, you can take wild amber and grind it with a flea market. In the evening tea - add 1-2 drops per cup.

In the presence of functional disorders and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, the elixir is prepared from jasper, cat's eye, obsidan: black, snow and brown, malachite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, dumortierite.

Chaga in oncology

Birch mushroom chaga is sold in pharmacies. It has an antitumor effect due to trace elements, acids, polysaccharides, sterols, fiber and the substance - lignin.

How to drink chaga with intestinal oncology to remove tumor toxins:

  • chop the mushroom and mix with the root of the mountaineer snake (3 tablespoons each);
  • pour half a liter of vodka and insist in a dark cabinet for 2 weeks;
  • take 3-6 drops a day.

How to brew chaga for children with oncology: insist mushroom and mountaineer root on boiling water (1 tablespoon) in a thermos - 8 hours. Drink the child on an empty stomach in half a glass and then in small sips until night.

To prepare an infusion only from chaga, you need to wash the mushroom and pour it with cold boiled water 1 cm above the level of the mushroom. 2 days. Squeeze out the sediment and separate from the water, then add warm boiled water to the container to the original volume.

Important! The product is stored for no more than 2 days, then a fresh infusion is prepared.

Dosage: drink 1 glass before meals, 3 times a day.

Mushrooms in oncology

In the treatment of cancer folk remedies include mushrooms: reishi, shiitake, meitake, cordyceps, brazilian agaric. Mushrooms, as folk remedies for cancer, are recognized and used by medicine in the complex treatment of tumors, including cancer, prevention of metastasis, normalization of hormonal levels, reduction of side effects of chemotherapy: hair loss, pain and nausea.

The reishi mushroom is known for its active substance Lentinan, amino acids and polysaccharides, the use of the fungus in oncology is combined with the shiitake mushroom to activate specific immunity and restore the blood count.

How to cook and drink reishi:

  • crushed dry mushroom (1 tablespoon) pour water (350 ml) and cook for 1 hour on minimum heat, strain and drink 200 ml for a minute before meals - 3 times a day;
  • pour 2 tbsp. l. mushroom 350 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes and pour the contents into a thermos, leave for 8 hours. Strain the tea and take according to the scheme: daily 40 minutes before meals 5 times - 2 tbsp. l. Course - 3 weeks. Break - a week and again the course - 21 days;
  • chopped mushroom (10 g) pour vodka - 0.5 l. Close the container tightly and put in a dark place for 6-8 weeks. Take: on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 tsp. with water.

Prevention of cancer with folk remedies

As a cancer prevention, for hematopoiesis and to reduce side effects after chemotherapy and radiation, antitumor agents are used: teas from goji berries, mushrooms: chaga, reishi, shiitake, meitake and cordyceps, berries and fruits, medicinal herbs, tinctures for alcohol from minerals, soda after consultation with the treating oncologist.

Conclusions! Folk methods of treating bowel cancer are included after surgery, as part of complex therapy, as prescribed by the attending physician. It should be remembered that most medicinal preparations are made from poisonous herbs, so you should follow the recipe and not self-medicate - this is not safe.

Informative video: cancer treatment with herbs, celandine, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda or radiation, chemotherapy, surgery?

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For 27 years at the Savin Pasek, 590 people have been treated with folk remedies for colon cancer with different localization of tumors (rectum, colon, caecum). Of these, 430 received positive results - 73%.

Colon cancer treatment with folk remedies

Colon and rectal cancer (collector cancer) is a malignant tumor of the large intestine, which is the third most common of all cancers. Histologically, colon cancer is a type of carcinoma. The vast majority up to 95% is adenocarcinoma. Currently, there is a whole range of treatments for this form of cancer - from surgery to remove tumor tissue to radiation and chemotherapy. However, most treatment regimens cause severe side effects and significantly impair the patient's quality of life. Therefore, intestines are often used. By right, the most effective of them is considered to be intestinal cancer immunotherapy. Experience shows that a complete cure of stage 3 and 4 colon cancer with metastases is possible even after numerous unsuccessful attempts at conventional medicine.

Ordinary chewing gum will help start the work of the intestines in cancer

British doctors recommend that patients after surgery for the treatment of bowel cancer often chew sugar-free gum to normalize the digestive tract. London surgeons recommend chewing gum to patients 3 times a day for 1 hour. Intestinal obstruction interferes with recovery after oncological surgery - the intestines cannot cope with the processing of food. But chewing gum helps to actively secrete saliva, which leads to the work of the pancreas and the production of enzymes. Thanks to these processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated and nutrition is improved, the diet is relaxed.

Be careful with aloe for colon cancer

Very often you can find advice in the literature on the use of aloe for cancer. On the one hand, it treats infections, stimulates the immune system. This plant is especially indicated for the fight against and intestines. It is recommended to take 3 to 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast. In medicine, aloe vera juice is prescribed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, recent research has shown that such treatment may actually cause cancer. Clinical trials under the National American Toxicology Program have shown that drinking aloe vera juice can lead to the formation of tumors in the intestines.

These conclusions were made based on the results of an experiment on laboratory rats. The animals were divided into two groups. One received water for two years, and the other received aloe vera juice. As a result, 39% of females and 74% of males among those who received the juice of the plant developed malignant or benign tumors of the large intestine. In the control group, cancer was not detected in any of the rats. Exactly which compounds in aloe vera juice cause cancer have not yet been clarified.

Cabbage and grapes are healthy and safe for natural cancer treatment

Improves the patient's condition, increases protective functions. Colon cancer, which was treated with fresh cabbage juice, reacted positively. Proper intake involves taking half a glass of juice three times a day for a month. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the remedy.

Black grapes and their seeds contain a large amount of polyphenols, the content of which increases during the fermentation process in red wine. The main polyphenol in the fight against cancer is resveratrol. The concentration of polyphenols in wine varies: if in red wine they are on average from 2.5 g / l, then in white - 0.16-0.30 g / l. It all depends on the grape variety, climate, harvest year, processing, fermentation.

Resveratrol inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. It has also been shown to cause suicide in cancer cells of the lung, prostate, glioblastoma (malignant brain tumor), chronic myeloid leukemia, and lymphoma. It is recommended to consume one glass of red wine per day for bowel cancer to saturate the body with this beneficial polyphenol.

Natural anti-cancer cocktail for bowel cancer

A glass of red wine per day for 3 doses + cabbage juice

Immunotherapy with bee preparations Savina

During the treatment of rectal cancer with immunotherapy, you do not need to live in Pasek. After the consultation, you will receive a course of bee preparations that you take at home. 2 weeks after the start of taking the drugs - you only need to come to the Crimea for 1 day to undergo a therapy session in the bee house.

Bees will not bite you :-) - they are in special houses.

An example of rectal cancer treatment at Savina Apiary

Oncologist's opinion

Andrei Ivanovich Babik
Candidate of Medical Sciences, oncologist, oncosurgeon, chemotherapist. He has a wealth of experience in the best medical centers in Ukraine. He taught at the departments of faculty surgery, general surgery, oncology. Author of 59 scientific papers.