Sea buckthorn is a “royal” berry, why it is useful and what it is eaten with. Knyazhenika - a description of the benefits and harm, as well as the medicinal properties of this berry. What berry in Rus' was called

Knyazhenika - arctic raspberry (Rubus arcticus) - prince's berry

On the edges of sparse forests, on hummocks of swamps, along the shores of lakes in the Far East, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, throughout the North of the European part of our country and in the Urals, the valuable princeberry is found. It is also called polyanika, mamura, Khokhlyanitsa, Khokhlushka and Arctic raspberry.

Knyazhenika is a perennial low-growing shrub of the Rosaceae family, 20-30 cm high with creeping rhizomes. Its flowers are bright crimson or pale pink, bisexual. Sweet dark red aromatic berries, similar to raspberries and blackberries, ripen in late July and August.

This plant has not yet been introduced into the agriculture of our country, but it is found in the prince’s private gardens.

In Finland, a hybrid of princess and raspberry, called nectar raspberry, was bred, and the variety of princess Heya was also bred. This plant is frost-resistant, although the above-ground part dies off every year in winter.

The increase in yield is influenced by mycorrhiza - a symbiosis of fungal mycelium and the roots of winter plants. Mycorrhiza fungus root has a very beneficial effect on the princely plant, activating its growth. If conditions favor the development of mycorrhiza, the berry yield increases. Therefore, when planting plants, it is advisable to add soil with mycorrhizal fungi to the garden soil, settling this mycorrhiza in the garden.

Knyazhenika prefers sunny places and soil enriched with humus. It should consist of rotted manure, leaf humus and sand. Knyazhenika develops well in “light”, breathable, moderately moist soil.

If you plant several plants side by side, cross-pollination will be better. As for propagation, the most reliable way is propagation by root suckers. They separate easily and take root well. Also, but less frequently, the princely plant is propagated by seeds. Freshly collected seeds are sown directly into the soil in furrows to a depth of 0.5 cm. After sowing, the furrows are sprinkled with sand, and the planting site is covered with a layer of sphagnum moss.

Knyazhenika develops well, but produces a small harvest. In spring, root shoots appear, the plant grows, forming a dense herbaceous mass, forming a continuous green carpet. In the garden, the princess is used for borders along paths and flower beds, as well as in small ridges. Berries are consumed both fresh and processed. You can make jam, juice, liqueur, tincture, liqueur from them. And the princes prepare tea from the leaves.

Knyazhenika is processed in the same way as raspberries, cloudberries and brambles. Knyazhenika is still not very common in our gardens. But this wonderful plant deserves more attention. I think that selection and hybridization of this wonderful berry is quite accessible to gardeners in our region.

Knyazhenika - description, useful properties, application

Knyazhenika belongs to the rose family, is a herbaceous perennial that can reach a height of 30 cm. It is distinguished by green, trifoliate and wrinkled leaves. The flowers can be crimson, pink or white flowers, it all depends on where it grows, the flowers can be large or single, reaching a diameter of 2 cm. The fruits are very similar to raspberries, they are collective drupes, they can be red-white, purple, red or dark cherry color it all depends on their lighting. The taste of knyazhenika is similar to strawberry; some who have tried it compare it to the taste of pineapple.

Description of the prince

Most often the plant can be found in Siberia, the Far East, and very rarely in the Tver, Smolensk, Volgograd, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Knyazhenika loves wetlands, so it grows on the outskirts of peat swamps, damp meadows, also in forests, tundra between bushes.

Princesa is also widespread in the countries of Scandinavia and North America, it all depends on the varieties of the plant, there are about 40 of them.

People can hear another name for knyazheniki - mamura, polyanika, khokhlushka, Arctic raspberry.

Useful properties of prince

The composition of princely includes sugar, ascorbic, malic and citric acids, and tannin. The berries are also rich in vitamin C, which is why they are an excellent remedy for scurvy and vitamin deficiency.

Traditional medicine uses princely in the treatment of rheumatism, liver diseases, and colds. For coughs, bronchial asthma, and problems with the upper respiratory tract, you can use a decoction of dried or raw berries.

A good antipyretic and thirst-quenching remedy is an infusion based on the fruits of the princess.

For kidney disease, disorders of water and salt metabolism, and gout, preparations with princely extract are used.

Princesa leaves are used for healing compresses; an infusion of the leaves can be taken by patients with anemia; it is an excellent tonic. For urticaria, diathesis, and dermatitis, a paste of princely leaves helps, but it must be fresh.

Application of princes

Most often, princely berries are consumed fresh; they have a pleasant taste and aroma. Juices, jams, syrups are also canned from it, and they are ground with sugar, thus preserving a lot of useful substances. Knyazhenika goes well with milk, ice cream, and cream. It is used to make liqueur and liqueur, because the berries are considered very aromatic. Dried princely leaves are suitable for brewing healthy tea.

The composition of princely fruit includes tannins, so fresh and processed berries have a good effect on the intestines. The berry is also used in the treatment of patients who have problems with the immune system.

The leaves of the prince are considered especially useful; tea from them is an excellent vitamin supplement that strengthens the immune system; it is a must-drink for viral respiratory infections, flu, and colds.

Princeberry berries are a remedy that tones the body. With their help you can quench your thirst and relieve fever.

Contraindications for princes

This plant has no specific contraindications; it should not be used only if a person individually cannot tolerate it.

Medicinal recipes based on princesses

1. If you want the wound to heal faster, you can pick a fresh leaf of the plant and apply it to the affected area. With its help you can disinfect the wound and draw out pus from it.

2. An infusion based on princely berries is suitable for rinsing the mouth for stomatitis, the throat for sore throat, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes.

3. Children often have digestive problems; they can be cured with the help of a water infusion from the leaves of the prince.

4. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink 200 ml of infusion based on princely berries twice a day. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. dried berries, pour 250 ml of boiled water, leave for up to 15 minutes.

5. To prepare juice from fresh berries, you must first sort them out, remove the leaves, wash them, put them in a sieve and pour boiling water over them. When the berries have already cooled, you need to grind them thoroughly, place them on a gauze cloth and squeeze them well. This juice will be especially useful in winter, because in order to close it, you need to remember to sterilize the jars.

6. Frozen princess berries will be an excellent immune-strengthening product for the winter; they must be thoroughly washed, wait until they dry, put in a special freezing bag and put in the freezer.

7. It is best to dry berries in the fresh air, do not forget to constantly turn them over. Most often, drying can last up to one week.

8. One of the best remedies for colds and flu is tea based on princess, to prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. fresh or dried leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Be sure to drink warm, up to 4 times a day. With its help you can heal wounds.

9. Children love knyazhenika with cream, for this you need to take 2 tbsp. berries, pour cream. This is a tasty, and most importantly healthy dish. Because you can’t force all children to eat berries.

10. When going outdoors or on a hike, you can take an excellent tonic - a drink with a handful of princess berries. To do this, you need to pour the berries into a flask of water and after two hours the energy drink is ready.

11. For tea, a godsend would be jam from knyazheniki, for this you need to add the berries to the sugar syrup that is boiling, remove and pour into a bowl, but this jam must be eaten immediately, it cannot be left for the winter. To diversify it, you can add grated apple.

12. To prepare jelly, mousse, marmalade, soufflé, you will need syrup from the princesses; for this you need to squeeze the juice from the berries and add sugar. Boil until the sugar is completely melted, cool, and place in a cool place. It can be added to tea.

So, princess is a useful berry that is worth preparing for the winter, because it will help with colds, flu, strengthen the immune system and charge the body with vigor and energy.

Cloudberry is a valuable and healing berry, known to people since ancient times. Tsar's berry - that's what they called it in Rus'. In pre-revolutionary times in Russia, the fruits of the plant were used to prepare fruit drinks and kvass. In some countries, the berry is still considered gold. In ancient times, the plant was called swamp amber, swamp guardian. In the North it is called northern orange, moss currant and royal berry.

Today, cloudberries are widely used in alternative medicine, cooking, cosmetology and other fields. Official medicine uses the plant as an auxiliary multivitamin in the therapeutic and dietary diet. Doctors recommend consuming berries for people with cardiovascular pathologies, kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, heart failure, gout, and vitamin deficiencies.

The plant has a tonic, diaphoretic, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, for which, in fact, it is valued by folk healers. The healing properties of cloudberry make it an indispensable ingredient in modern healing cosmetics. The plant is used to prepare nourishing, soothing, moisturizing and dermal-regenerating creams, lotions, soaps, foams and shower gels.

The plant's seed oil is especially popular. It is included in various masks and creams, has an antioxidant effect, helps eliminate wrinkles, freckles and age spots. Fatty acids contained in the plant help saturate the dermis with lipids, restoring its elasticity, smoothness, youth and healthy glow.

Due to the presence of carotenoids and phytosterols in the plant, as well as vitamin E, products based on it help provide the skin with protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, slow down the aging process, strengthen nails, and give hair a healthy shine.

Cloudberries in cooking

The berries of the plant in question are a valuable food product with a pleasant taste. The fruits can be consumed fresh, or you can make juices, jams, compotes, jelly, and fruit drinks from them. In addition, the fruits are used to make sweet sauces for desserts, baking fillings, and jellies. Northerners love cloudberries. According to a long-standing tradition, for a meeting or farewell, each housewife had to prepare a “tripper” - a pie or cheesecake with cloudberries.

Finland and Sweden are famous for their cloudberry liqueur. Tourists are often offered to try national dishes - fresh cloudberries with heated cheese or berry jelly with cream or milk.

Botanical characteristics

Cloudberry is a berry, a herbaceous perennial belonging to the genus Rubus and the Rosaceae family, reaching a height of thirty centimeters. The plant is equipped with long branched creeping rhizomes, smooth erect stems, alternate long-petioled round or kidney-shaped leaves, and white single flowers. Cloudberries begin to bloom at the beginning of the summer period, and the fruits ripen at the end of the summer.

Cloudberry fruits are clustered drupes of amber-yellow color. The Far East, Siberia, Belarus, Russia are the habitat of cloudberries. Swamps, swampy forests, moss and shrub tundras are the places where the plant grows.

How and when should plant materials be collected?

The leaves, flowers, fruits and rhizomes of the plant are used to make medicines. It is recommended to collect the above-ground parts of cloudberries during the period of intensive flowering of the plant. It is necessary to harvest rhizomes in mid-autumn.

The raw materials need to be thoroughly dried. To do this, the collected parts are laid out in a thin layer on paper and dried outside or in the attic. The roots are dried in the same way. To speed up the drying process, you can use a dryer. Next, the raw materials are filled into fabric or gauze bags and placed for storage in a well-ventilated area.

Composition and healing power of the plant

The plant contains a considerable amount of nutrients and healing substances. It is rich:

  • carbohydrates;
  • sesquiterpenoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • benzene and its derivatives;
  • phenols;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • aliphatic hydrocarbons;
  • alcohols;
  • aldehydes;
  • higher fatty acids;
  • provitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • micro-macroelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, chromium, silicon;
  • phytoncides;
  • natural dyes.

Plant-based products have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, lactic, wound-healing, diaphoretic, diuretic, blood purifying, astringent, hemostatic, antipyretic, anti-scorbutic, tonic, immunostimulating, antispasmodic, anti-aging, anti-cancer and thirst-quenching effects.

Cloudberry preparations contribute to:

  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminating spasms and pain;
  • prevention of development atherosclerosis;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • preventing the development of oncological pathologies;
  • increasing skin tone;
  • eliminating fever;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • reducing fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • improving capillary permeability;
  • therapy: scabies, tonsillitis, malaria, ascites, dropsy, seborrhea, vitamin deficiencies, diarrhea, nephritis, kidney stone disease.

Cloudberry - a berry in folk medicine

➡ Infusion for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Mix cloudberries with anise, budra, yarrow in equal proportions, Veronica, nettle, succession, angelica, peony, viburnum flowers, poplar buds. Steam the mixture in boiled water - half a liter. Place the container in a warm place for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass of the strained drink three times a day.

➡ Hypovitaminosis: use of infusion. Combine cloudberry leaves with viburnum in equal quantities, hazel leaves, honey, elderberry, buckwheat flowers, calendula, knotweed, strawberries, shepherd's purse, thyme, blueberry shoots, orchis. Steam the raw materials in five hundred milliliters of just boiled water. Leave the mixture for an hour. It is preferable to infuse the product in a thermos. After straining, drink ½ cup of the drug three times a day.

➡ Preparation of a hemostatic drug. Brew twenty grams of dried, finely chopped cloudberry leaves in two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Place the container in a warm place for an hour. Drink fifty milliliters of filtered drink three times a day.

➡ Scurvy, jade: juice therapy Extract the juice from the fruit of the plant. Drink 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice every day.

If in the fall in the woods

The path will lead -

Will get into the gang

Ripe cloudberry.

Cloudberry is a “royal berry”, a storehouse of vitamins, biologically active substances and microelements. The berries are stored in their own juice for several months, and pickled cloudberries do not spoil for two years.

The benefits of cloudberries were known to northern peoples back in ancient times. Hunters and sailors used it as an antiscorbutic remedy during long voyages. In our country, cloudberries were regularly supplied to the royal table. However, fruit drinks and kvass made from this berry were very popular among all levels of Russian society. According to legend, cloudberries were Alexander Pushkin’s favorite berry.

Cloudberry contains natural salicylic acid, therefore it has an antipyretic effect. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C and is used to prevent and treat colds and viral diseases. Weak and sick people should consume cloudberries together with honey. Berry pectins remove toxins from the body, and fiber improves digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cloudberry berries can be used to make juice, which is drunk to stimulate appetite, and used externally as a bactericidal agent for healing wounds. Cloudberry leaves also contain vitamins and have a general strengthening effect. They are brewed together with rose hips or strawberry leaves and drunk instead of regular tea.

Cloudberries contain four times more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and they contain three times more carotene than carrots. The berries also contain vitamins B, E, sugars, pectins, tannins and minerals. Cloudberries are rich in acids, including malic and citric, so they should not be used for gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

We offer a simple recipe for a healing infusion of cloudberries. To prepare it, place 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and 1 tablespoon of berries in a thermos, add hot water and leave for 20 minutes. The finished infusion is taken 100 ml 4 times a day for coughs and colds, flu, cystitis, urolithiasis and to normalize metabolism.

So be healthy without any chemicals!

Due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and its northern distribution area, the princely raspberry is sometimes called the Arctic raspberry. In addition to this name, you can find such local names for this berry as:

    • raspberry;
    • Khokhlushka;
    • clearing;
    • mamura;
    • drupe;
    • and others.

The fruit of the plant, a drupe berry, is very similar in shape to blackberries and ordinary raspberries. It is not for nothing that the words prince and arctic raspberry are often used as synonyms.

And in fact, the appearance of the bushes of this berry is somewhat reminiscent of dwarf raspberry shoots.

Biological characteristics

The common princess belongs to the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family. Its close relatives are such well-known berry crops as:

  • blackberry;
  • bramble;
  • cloudberry;
  • raspberries;
  • stone berry;
  • and others.

The princely berry differs from its relatives in the characteristic smell and taste of pineapple. Based on this feature, it is easily identified if found in nature.

Our help! In Latin, the prince's name is "Rubus arcticus", which literally means "Arctic blackberry".


Knyazhenika is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of about thirty centimeters. It is distinguished by a creeping rhizome, located at an average depth of about twenty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are trifoliate, reminiscent of strawberry leaves, and the berries are clustered drupes, like all Rubuses.


Like many other berries of our North, knyazhenika is rich in vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C. Thanks to this property, knyazhenika was used by northern peoples as an antiscorbutic remedy.

Currently, princely berries are used very widely in cooking. They are used to prepare such desserts and drinks as:

  • jam;
  • jams and marmalades;
  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • juices;
  • liqueurs;
  • tinctures.

As is known, all Rosaceae also use other parts of the plant. So, princess leaves are suitable for making surrogate tea with a special, unique pineapple aroma.

Distribution area

Knyazhenika sadovaya comes from the northern territories of our country. Most often it can be found in regions located above central Russia or in Siberia. The royal berry is also widespread on the Alaska Peninsula, in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Finland.

As for where the princess grows, in this regard the berry is very unpretentious. It can also be found in the undergrowth of mixed forests, in meadows, along the banks of swamps or rivers.

Attention! Knyazhenika is a moisture-loving berry, so you need to look for it in damp places.


The timing of flowering and the beginning of ripening of princely berries is very extended in time. For example, flowering begins in mid-May and continues until mid-July.

At the same time, the first berry picking begins in July, which can continue in waves until the end of August.

Interesting! Knyazhenika harvests decrease towards the southern border of its distribution area.

Growing on site

It is quite natural that recently our tireless summer residents and gardeners have begun to cultivate the prince more and more on their plots. In the conditions of the middle zone and the north of the country, the princess takes root quite well.

Those few secrets and subtleties that the princely plant requires when planting and caring for it will be discussed further in our article.


The princely plant is propagated by seeds or root suckers. Seed propagation is associated with difficulties of stratification, but with some skill it is quite successful.

You can do it in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds in the snow in seedlings with further weekly alternation of location: heat-fridge. This process should be carried out over about a month.
  2. Sowing seeds in containers dug in the garden under the trees. There is no need to bury the grains in the soil; just cover them with leaf litter. Such seeds will undergo natural stratification, and in the spring you will be able to get vigorous shoots, the main thing is to prevent the soil and seeds from drying out.

When propagating by offspring, it is enough to dig out a new rosette from the mother bush and bury it in a new place.

Site selection and soil preparation

This stage is one of the most important in growing princelings. On the one hand, we must choose the most illuminated place, on the other hand, it must be quite damp, because Arctic raspberries cannot tolerate dryness.

This issue can be solved by arranging the bed in a sunny place, deepening it a little. So, the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We take out the soil of the future bed using two shovels.
  2. We make drainage from sand and crushed stone, because there is no need for excess dampness either.
  3. Fill the bayonet with soil mixture.
  4. We water the soil well.
  5. We plant the plant.
  6. Mulch the soil with leaf litter. This technique will preserve lag in the soil, which is very much to the princess’s taste.

Thus, our plantings will be located at a slight depression relative to the rest of the site, which will create some dampness.

The composition of the soil mixture should be loose in mechanical composition and rich in nutrition. Therefore, garden soil is mixed with sand, peat and compost. Be sure to add wood ash to the soil mixture to enrich it with potassium, which is so necessary for all berry crops. Application rate: half a liter per square meter of bed.

Attention! Compost for growing princelings is best prepared using hay from meadow grasses or leaf litter.

Planting scheme and timing

New plants are planted according to a pattern of 30 by 15 centimeters. Narrow 45-centimeter beds are ideal for this, in which the plants are arranged in two lines in a checkerboard pattern.

Princes can be planted both in spring and autumn a month and a half before persistent frosts, so that the rosettes have time to take root.

Attention! Knyazhenika is characterized by weak self-fertility, so it is better to plant several varieties for cross-pollination.


Caring for the princess is not great; it is enough to maintain the optimal humidity regime. This is achieved by timely watering in dry weather and monitoring the condition of the mulch.


The berries are collected in several stages as they ripen. They do this starting at the end of July and throughout August. It is better to pick berries in the afternoon in dry weather.

A video about growing princesses will help you consolidate what you have read.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Morning! When should we consider the onset of morning, if in the summer it is as bright as day?! Mom said that morning is the first steps of berry and mushroom pickers, and not the first rays of the sun. And she also said that there was no point in sticking out, otherwise your head would be torn off or trampled under boots. Although both of them are not “good at all...”. Grow up and notice everything. Everything is interesting in the tundra, the main thing is not to miss it. What a smart and caring mother I have! And I sit on a bump and notice:
Yesterday, beautiful cranes walked around me on their stilts, back and forth... They put on airs, stood on their wings. Look, they say, what we are! You all stay here for the winter, and we fly away to warmer climes. Fly, fly, you’ll still come back - it’s like being without your homeland!
The other day a hare galloped up on his own two feet, sat side by side under a hummock, trembled and then galloped off. It's good that he's alone. In winter there are so many of them, whole herds running around. Wherever they sit down, you can count not a dry leaf or a bush - they eat everything. They should have followed the deer. Yes, where can they come from here, deer? Far away, these pastures and deer. People living on the coast have not seen any live deer at all. Yes...times have moved on. Lord, what kind of miracle is this? And... this is a vole mouse, it sniffed me and darted into its hole. Getting ready for winter. She apparently didn't like me.
So the sun straightened its rays. The tundra pleases with its warmth and light. It’s good for her up there, no one will miss her, no one will try her... Oh, it’s painfully hot!
Summer! Good in the tundra! Cosy! Nearby on a hummock of lingonberry sisters settled down. How rosy-cheeked they are, that means the youth are sour! And Mother Shiksha’s children occupied entire plantations, they couldn’t pass or walk! They sparkle with their black eyes, especially after rain... they lure you in! Nobody will review them... Such depth!
And a blueberry hid under the leaves. She's too cunning - she doesn't stick out too much. Everything strives under the leaves: to bloom, set, grow and ripen, and sometimes it remains to winter under them. It will be so camouflaged that not a single berry picker will notice it. He listens to his mother, not like us.
We are the royal berry. We sit as if on a throne. Come, gather us, how much do we need to bow down to gather us into a bucket?!
And they pluck us carefully, with their fingers, so as not to crush them, especially when we become honeyed. And we’ve heard so many declarations of love. Everyone loves us. Ripe, we are like honey, and maybe even sweeter than honey! Compote, jam and pies are tastier than us in these places and there is no one...
Well, she boasted and didn’t notice how she ended up on the palm of a little boy. The baby looked at me with amazingly sweet, sky-blue eyes and suddenly shouted loudly: “Mom, mom!” Look, I plucked the sun!”

Of course, it was cloudberry, the sunniest berry!
In ancient times, cloudberries were called “swamp amber”, “eyes of the swamp”, “swamp guard”. In the north the name “royal berry” has taken root.
Common names: moss currant, arctic raspberry, northern orange.
Cloudberry is a source of useful and healing substances. Cloudberries contain four times more vitamin C than oranges. Fruits with good taste are consumed fresh, in the form of jam, juice, jam, compote. It can be stored for a long time when soaked. Cloudberry liqueur is produced in Finland and Sweden, popular among foreign tourists. It is used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition, for the treatment of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, burns and skin diseases, for heavy metal poisoning and as an antifever agent. Cloudberries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic and antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots.
And also: Cloudberry was A.S. Pushkin’s favorite berry.
Since 1999, the Finnish Mint has minted a 2 euro coin with an image of a cloudberry created by the architect and designer R. Heino.