Shortness of breath in late pregnancy. Why there is not enough air and shortness of breath during pregnancy

For the purpose of the normal development of the fetus inside the womb, the woman's body creates all sorts of favorable conditions. Hormonal restructuring begins in connection with which taste preferences change, a feeling of nausea (toxicosis) appears, it is not uncommon for a woman not to have enough air during pregnancy. The latter may indicate not only physiological changes, but also the presence of a disease, often heart failure.

Why is there not enough air during early pregnancy?

Change hormonal background significantly affects the entire body of a pregnant woman. Feeling of lack of air can already occur on early dates, starting from the 6th week after conception, and is considered a normal physiological manifestation.

The main reason why there is not enough air during pregnancy is toxicosis, which is characterized not only by a feeling of nausea, but also by shortness of breath. Over time, this factor influence weakens if there are no other reasons.

If there is not enough air during the gestation of the fetus for a long period, then you should pay attention to additional symptoms that can be triggered by the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe anemia;
  • constant stress;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.
Rare manifestations of shortness of breath may indicate an intensive production of hydrochloric acid for the synthesis of growth hormone, which is not a pathology.

Further studies and analyzes will be required to determine the exact causes. When diagnosing pathological factors, immediate therapy is necessary, since the child inside the womb is susceptible to hypoxia due to lack of oxygen, which affects its development.

Lack of air in the later stages?

In the second trimester, it is difficult for pregnant women to breathe, mainly due to the active growth of the baby and the enlargement of the uterine cavity, which puts significant pressure on all nearby organs. The feeling of lack of air occurs because the lungs are not able to expand fully. The formation of a large fetus or twins have an excessive effect on the respiratory system of a woman.

In the third trimester, the same symptoms appear for a similar reason. The effect on the internal organs does not weaken, the lungs are not able to fully fill with oxygen. At the same time, 2-3 weeks before labor, when the baby is preparing for birth and turns head down, the pressure decreases significantly, you can notice that it becomes easier to breathe.

Doctors never exclude pathological factors, therefore, with a stable and constant lack of oxygen, it is necessary to pay attention to the work of the cardiac and respiratory systems. Anemia, magnesium deficiency, excess weight or the common cold is also not excluded on later dates, since these are the main factors of influence, in addition to physiological causes.

If the problem of shortness of breath is accompanied by pain in the thoracic region, tachycardia, there is a fainting feeling, then you should immediately seek emergency medical care. After all, these symptoms indicate a serious complication that threatens two lives.

What to do if there is not enough air during pregnancy?

Before you panic, you need to understand that the physiological factor does not need special treatment. It will be enough to follow some recommendations in order to normalize the supply of oxygen:
  • daily long walks in the park or in the forest, where there is a lot of greenery and oxygen;
  • frequent airing of the room;
  • fractional diet, about 5-6 times a day, to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract before bedtime and not overeat;
  • moderate physical activity.
And the most important recommendation of all doctors without exception is the absence of stressful situations. After all negative emotions affect not only the condition of the woman, but on intrauterine development.

When forming pathological causes of lack of air, you will need to consult a doctor who will prescribe all the necessary diagnostic measures.
Initially, a blood test is taken to determine the level of hemoglobin. In case of a deficiency of this element, iron-containing products are used, as well as vitamin complex for pregnant.

More serious pathologies (asthma, heart failure, etc.) require consultation with narrow specialists, who will later make a conclusion together with the attending physician.

During 9 months of gestation, the expectant mother experiences various uncomfortable and sometimes painful sensations. One of the most common complaints is difficulty breathing during pregnancy. Unlike most other sensations, this problem has a limited list of causes, and it does not carry anything critical for the health of mother and baby.

Causes of heavy breathing during pregnancy

During pregnancy, absolutely all systems and organs work at an accelerated pace, and in the end, they go into turbo mode. The child is not able to provide for his livelihoods on his own - his mother does it for him. Naturally, this does not come easily to her. The greatest loads will undergo the cardiovascular system and organs of the digestive tract.

If everything is more or less clear with the heart - to pump blood 2 times more, then the organs located within the abdomen, in addition to the biological load, also experience physical. The growth of the fetus and uterus crowds the organs, pressing them against the sides and diaphragm. The larger the child, the more they shrink. This explains why there are pain sensations and problems in work are observed. In addition, the child consumes substances from the mother's body, depleting it.

Shortness of breath in early pregnancy

Shortness of breath in the early stages a rare thing. Anemia is most likely the cause. It is a completely natural feeling when there is not enough air, if hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body, is at critically low levels.

A weak body that is not accustomed to physical activity will find it difficult to endure pregnancy. The load will exceed the capacity limit. Shortness of breath, severe fatigue, pain in the legs and back will accompany the expectant mother all the time.

For petite girls with short stature, heavy breathing can be provided by the expansion of the uterus in the early stages. Due to the lack of a sufficient amount of “free” space, the organs will begin to squeeze much earlier, unlike women with more magnificent forms. All children develop with the same parameters in their mother's belly. The change in their growth occurs much later than childbirth, depending on heredity, nutrition, climate and physical activity.

Another reason why there is not enough air can be toxicosis. There are many ways to manifest this disease. The chain reaction caused by this extremely unpleasant event can lead to shortness of breath.

Attacks of shortness of breath in the later stages

The growth of the uterus is the first and most significant cause of heavy breathing. The critical size of the uterus reaches in the third trimester. At this time, its volume displaces the abdominal organs to the maximum, and reaches the diaphragm. The pressure becomes palpable, and delivers a lot of uncomfortable sensations. When you inhale, there simply will not be enough space in the body for the air consumed. From the second half of pregnancy, most women, even those who are physically fit and healthy, will begin to experience shortness of breath.

Heavy breathing will spur on the load on the heart, which increases with the growth of the child. Anemia is more likely in the third trimester.

In the later stages, air consumption for the needs of the child increases, along with useful substances necessary for its growth. Due to the limitations of the lungs by compression and the cost of blood to carry nutrients, shortness of breath is natural.

With the growth of the abdomen, any physical activity will be perceived by the female body as a sports training, due to the doubled exploitation of organs and resources. Fast walking, climbing stairs, cleaning the apartment or going shopping will make you pant, tired and sweat. There is nothing surprising.

Often, for childbirth, the fetus changes its location and sinks down, preparing to exit. In such cases, the pressure on the diaphragm is reduced, making breathing easier. Other, pressed organs also feel better.

What to do with heavy breathing during gestation

The duties of the leading gynecologist include warning about all possible deviations in the work of the female body during the gestation period. Including the fact that it will be difficult to breathe during pregnancy.

In cases where shortness of breath is not caused by pathologies or diseases, there are a number of ways to alleviate the situation:

  1. Fresh air. If there is not enough air, just increase its amount. Ventilate the room or go outside. Oxygen depletes its reserves in a closed apartment, so even healthy person it is difficult to breathe. The percentage of active oxygen molecules with carbon dioxide that a person exhales is very important. It is not necessary to walk down the street or sit five meters from a busy highway. Exit or drive to the square or park will be ideal solution- sit on a bench in a calm atmosphere, leaving all worries while the apartment is ventilated;
  2. Breathing exercises. Training complexes can be compiled with a doctor or found on the Internet. Mass benefits - improving the functioning of the body as a whole, setting up the work of the heart and lungs, which work for wear on deadlines, and rather inconsistently, preparation for childbirth, during which correct breathing will facilitate the process and provide the child with the necessary oxygen, because during contractions it is unlikely that you will be able to think about how and when to breathe. Training should start from the second half of pregnancy when there is a load on the body. Regular classes will ensure good health for the remainder of the period and will facilitate childbirth for both mother and baby;
  3. Gymnastics. Shortness of breath during late pregnancy is caused primarily by the pressure of the overgrown uterus. Knowing about the law of attraction and the location of organs inside a woman, you can relieve pressure, albeit not for long - get on all fours and relax your body. Physics will do its job, and the center of gravity will move, freeing the organs from the press;

In addition, during sleep, you can not lie on your back. It is recommended to sleep half-sitting or on your side. It is best to change your position during the night.

Healthy: You may be able to help special pillows for pregnant women.

  • Rest will help relieve heavy breathing when walking. You need to sit down or lie down, until the condition normalizes;
  • panic also provokes breathing problems- it becomes heavy and inconsistent. Calmness and balance must be maintained throughout the entire gestation period. Avoid stressful situations, and if they happen, try to take minimal part in them, entrusting the solution of the problem to a loved one, for example, your husband. Mint will help you calm down;
  • if shortness of breath is caused by anemia or a lack of any other enzymes, it makes sense to drink a course of restorative drugs on the recommendation of a doctor. Medicines can only be used as directed by a gynecologist. You can independently diversify your diet only with food - pomegranates, meat, fish, fresh juices.

Except for cases where heavy breathing is a symptom of pathologies, for example, heart failure, you should not panic. This is a natural reaction of the body to the load, which does not cause critical harm. Seeing a doctor, taking care of yourself, and being outdoors will alleviate the symptom. Do not give in to fears and rejoice in the future addition to the family.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy is usually a temporary condition and is not considered dangerous, but causes discomfort. Physiological shortness of breath appears at any time and is characterized by a lack of air. Such a symptom sometimes warns of the development of diseases, such as cardiovascular insufficiency, anemia, and others. Therefore, a pregnant woman must inform the doctor about the resulting shortness of breath to exclude pathologies.

Causes of shortness of breath during pregnancy

Often pregnancy is accompanied by shortness of breath. The condition is extremely unfortunate. Causes affecting the lack of air:

  • fast walk;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • deficiency of magnesium or useful minerals in the body;
  • severe stress and untreated neurosis;
  • obesity;
  • congestion and respiratory diseases.

With the first two factors, there is no cause for concern, since shortness of breath at rest is much more dangerous. It signals the development of diseases, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and problems in the work of the heart. If n The lack of oxygen is felt when talking, you need to see a doctor.

Acute cutting pain in the region of the heart with a lack of air, cyanosis of the lips is a reason to call emergency help.

In the early stages, that is, from 6-7 weeks, a lack of oxygen is still associated with severe toxicosis or hormonal changes in the body. The increase in the size of the uterus in the second half of pregnancy and the increasing pressure on the organs make it difficult to breathe.

Features of the third trimester

Third trimester - 37-39 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fetus increases, the uterus rises up and puts pressure on neighboring organs. The lungs and diaphragm suffer from compression of the uterus. It becomes especially difficult to breathe for women who are carrying a large fetus.

Anemia during pregnancy

Sometimes there is not enough air during pregnancy if the level of hemoglobin in the blood is low. The man is just suffocating. The process of reducing hemoglobin is associated with the amount of reduction in erythrocytes in the blood, that is, the number of healthy cells becomes smaller and cells appear that indicate pathology. There is a violation of the vitamin balance, leading to a low concentration of trace elements and enzymes in the blood.

If the hemoglobin is at the level of 110 g / l, this is a sign of anemia. Its appearance is often associated with iron deficiency, which should be at least 30 mg in a woman's body during pregnancy. Only with this indicator does a person feel healthy. Otherwise, the woman feels tired and finds it difficult to breathe. This disease can cause complications during gestation.

Anemia Prevention Measures

It is possible to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. To do this, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. 1. Take vitamins.
  2. 2. Adjust the diet. Daily consumption of meat and pomegranate juice is a prerequisite for replenishing iron deficiency in the blood. The daily dose of iron is 60 mg.
  3. 3. If toxicosis does not allow meat to be included in the diet, they undergo a course of therapy with Ferrum Lek, Fenyuls, Sorbifer Durules and others. These medicines can only be prescribed by a specialist.

To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to undergo 3-4 courses of treatment for the entire pregnancy.

It is not easy to completely correct the situation, but it is possible to facilitate the breathing process. The simplest way- to master and improve the technique of relaxing breathing, which is also practiced during contractions and childbirth:

  1. 1. Sit in comfortable armchair keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Pressing one hand to the upper abdomen, take light and relaxed breaths and exhalations.
  2. 2. Slow exhalation, freeing the lungs of air, and then a light breath through the nose, relaxing the muscles of the pelvis. Breathe out calmly through your mouth. In this case, the wall of the abdomen descends.

The duration of the inhalation should be less than the exhalation, since when inhaling the muscles abdominals, pelvic floor, intercostal region are in good shape, which does not allow them to relax. A long exhalation will help you cope with tension and breathe slowly and evenly.

Shortness of breath during early pregnancy is quite common. It is expressed in difficulties with breathing during movements: the depth, frequency of breaths is disturbed, the girl seems to lack oxygen. Moreover, the condition can occur not only when walking, but even with the most simple actions. What happens and when is it time to see a doctor?

Read in this article

Possible causes of shortness of breath in the early stages

Most often, poor health during early pregnancy can be associated with a decrease in blood levels. If there is a suspicion that it is this problem that leads to shortness of breath, then it is necessary to take a blood test and adjust nutrition. After all, anemia during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon.

The cause may be problems with the cardiovascular system. The body needs to work for two, which is reflected in breathing as well. Additionally, the expectant mother may be disturbed by heart palpitations during early pregnancy. In this case, you need to visit your doctor and tell him everything. Particular attention should be paid to girls who had problems with cardiac activity before pregnancy. The doctor will conduct an examination, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment to make you feel better. Therapeutic drugs, as a rule, include magnesium, iron, other vitamins and trace elements.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy in the early stages can be both a serious threat to the health of the mother, and a completely harmless manifestation. Quite often, the condition returns to normal on its own. For example, if the expectant mother wears tight and uncomfortable clothes, then when changing it to a special one, breathing problems disappear.

The following reasons can also provoke shortness of breath:

  • wrong lifestyle that a woman did not change when she was pregnant (, inactivity);
  • , which is especially felt after eating;
  • increased physical activity (long bike rides, heavy loads during training);
  • hormonal surge;
  • increase in blood volume in the body;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • lung diseases, including chronic diseases.

If shortness of breath during pregnancy has become almost constant, and not a one-time occurrence, it is still worth visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination. After all, the longer the period, the accumulated problems will often remind of themselves.

Rules to help a woman cope with shortness of breath

Some rules will help to alleviate the condition and eliminate discomfort. To begin with, you should carefully analyze your lifestyle:

  • quit smoking;
  • avoid strong emotional overload, stress;
  • choose the right clothes, preferring natural fabrics;
  • v summer time it does not hurt to take an umbrella from the sun and go out less often during the hottest hours;
  • slow down with an active lifestyle.

There are also general recommendations that will help relieve fatigue during pregnancy in the early stages, normalize the condition. To do this, expectant mothers need:

  • watch your own, be sure to have breakfast and not overeat;
  • drink more fluids;
  • get enough sleep (and sleep with an open window, if the weather permits, if not, then at least ventilate the room);
  • before going to bed, drink on the basis of valerian, motherwort;
  • take up breathing;
  • if shortness of breath during pregnancy bothers you more during sleep, then you should try to sleep half-sitting or use special pillows;
  • do not sit for a long time and motionless in front of a computer, TV, try to allocate 5-10 minutes per hour to walk, stretch;
  • learn to control yourself during bouts of shortness of breath, not to panic.

Some women are helped essential oils, oxygen cocktails. If shortness of breath occurs during physical activity, it is better to sit down, lie down and rest, and increase the load gradually and little by little. It is worth remembering that the mother’s breathing problems will definitely affect the child! Lack of oxygen can lead to developmental pathologies, so in no case should you ignore ailments. Better to be safe than sorry about the consequences later!

Fortunately, most often shortness of breath in the early stages is not a direct threat to the condition of the child. Quite often, it only becomes a temporary phenomenon that disappears after the normalization of hormonal levels, hemoglobin levels and lifestyle. The main thing is not to panic! Try to follow the general recommendations and walk more on the street, learn to control your breathing with the help of special exercises. They also come in handy during childbirth.