How to sew a large pouf bag how much does it cost. How to make a comfortable and original bean bag chair with your own hands

Do you want to sew a bag chair yourself?

Then the following information is just for you! Below you will find patterns (pattern) and a detailed description.

So, first you need to purchase a fabric that will satisfy you in terms of color and texture. It can be: furniture velor, chenille, jacquard, leatherette or oxford.

In the retail network, you can choose the material that suits you. As a rule, such a fabric has a width of 140-150 cm - just what we need. It is not worth buying fabrics with a smaller width, as well as with a larger one, because. the rest will go to waste.

Do not forget about the fabric for the inner bag-capsule, which will be filled with polystyrene balls. Any blended fabric will work for this.

To sew a standard bean bag with dimensions of 130x90 cm, you will need:

  • Fabric for outer cover 2.5m x 1.4m
  • Fabric for inner cover 2.5m x 1.4m
  • two lightning bolts. For an external cover, at least 1 m and for an internal one, 40-50 cm will be enough.
  • Filler (polystyrene balls) 0.3-0.4m3
  • Eyelets (required for leather or leatherette)
  • Velcro 10cm x 5cm (for connecting the inner and outer covers at the top)
  • Strong reinforced threads.

For sewing a large bag chair, pear or Lux, you will need everything the same as for a standard one, with the exception of fabric, it should be 3.6m x 1.4m for each.

Note: The inner capsule bag is a must for any bean bag, except for small poufs. It prevents spillage of the filler when the outer cover is damaged.

Step 1: Cut out the fabric.

Transfer the pattern to graph paper or parchment paper, fig. 1 and carefully cut them out with scissors. This is necessary so that all six wedges are the same, otherwise, ready product it will turn out uneven. Accordingly, you will not get the desired result. Do the same with the bottom, top and handle. Now you have a pattern. Position the patterns on the fabric as shown in Figure 2, then cut them out.

Step 2: Sewing covers.

Fold 2 wedges right side inward. Sew them, leaving an allowance of 1-1.5 cm. Next, we sew all six wedges in the same way, sew the zipper. On the front side, stitch, capturing the allowances. Then sew the bottom and top of the bag.

To avoid unnecessary waste, the bottom of the bag consists of 4 parts, if desired, you can make it from 2 parts or even a whole one. True, this will require a little more material. In the same way, sew the inner bag-capsule.

Step 3: Fill the capsule with polystyrene balls.

For this you will need:

Make a funnel out of paper by folding it into a bag. Insert the narrow end of the funnel into the inner capsule bag. Pour the required amount of filler from the package inside (about three-quarters).

Make sure there are no polystyrene beads left in the funnel, then remove it. Fasten all zippers on the covers until they stop. During the filling process, it often happens that some of the granules wake up on the floor, carefully vacuum the room. Ready!

Modern furniture, which is offered by numerous furniture stores, has a high cost. Not all models are of high quality and long service life, so many people think about the possibility of creating different items on their own. An interesting choice is frameless furniture, which allows you to comfortably and conveniently arrange all guests in one room. It does not involve any frames or solid objects. Do-it-yourself frameless furniture is created quite simply and quickly, for which you can use improvised materials. The process does not take much time, money or effort, and the products look good in almost any interior.

Making frameless furniture with your own hands is a simple process. With its help, it is possible to obtain interior items that have many advantages:

  • High comfort of use - as high-quality fillers form an unusual effect of weightlessness, provide complete relaxation;
  • Safety - due to the absence of sharp corners or other dangerous elements and low weight, which is especially important for families with children;
  • Excellent mobility - allows you to rearrange such furniture from one place to another without significant effort;
  • Ecological cleanliness - due to the absence of any harmful or dangerous components in the design;
  • Ease of care - the outer cover can be easily removed and washed;
  • Ease of repair, if necessary - if the outer cover is damaged, it is easy enough to remove and repair, and a new cover can be made at any time;
  • The manufacture of frameless furniture is considered simple process, therefore, each person can deal with it independently, which will save a significant amount of money;
  • Interesting appearance furniture allows you to decorate the interior and make the room unique and bright.

Frameless interior items do not fit into all interiors, so if classics are used to decorate the room, then bean bags will not go well with carved antique furniture or a business setting. If a decision is made to independently make a certain frameless product, then the necessary materials and tools for this work are preliminarily prepared. These include:

  • Fabric for the inner and outer cover, and in the first case it should be dense and breathable, but for the outer element you can choose different types upholstery fabric;
  • Reinforced threads with high strength;
  • Lightning, which can be tractor or spiral;
  • To work, you need high-quality sewing machine, equipped with needles No. 100, designed to work with dense and heavy fabrics;
  • Special tailor's scissors, with the help of which the fabric is cut evenly and with high quality;
  • Wax chalk for transferring patterns to the material;
  • Expanded polystyrene, presented in the form of granules (if a small bean bag is created, 3 kg of this material will be enough);
  • Scotch.

The amount of fabric and stuffing material depends entirely on what kind of furniture is being formed, so patterns and calculations are made beforehand. Based on the results obtained, right amount material with which you can easily make frameless furniture.

Manufacturing technology

If a beginner is engaged in work, then it is advisable to initially try to make a simple product, for example, a bean bag chair, and after obtaining a high-quality result, you can try to make complex unusual and original models.

How to make frameless furniture? The procedure is considered simple, but is implemented in successive stages, each of which has its own characteristics. First, materials for work are selected, after which the base is formed. Next, patterns are made or found and furniture covers are created. The inner element is filled with stuffing material, which will allow you to get a beautiful and original product.

Foundation formation

In the most simple options a round or oval base is used. If you have experience creating patterns, you can try to perform more complex options. Although due to the soft filler, represented by balls of foam rubber, polystyrene or other materials, the products do not hold their shape, the furniture must still have a certain look. Due to the ability of furniture to follow the contours of the human body, such products are classified as orthopedic. The shape of the products depends on the type of furniture chosen.

Type of furniture Her form
Bag chair It has a standard round or slightly elongated oval shape. This configuration is similar to standard products that are not equipped with armrests.
Pear chair It has an oval shape and there are no corners or additional elements in it.
Represented by a small rectangle, so it does not take up much space.
pouf Its shape can be represented by a cylinder or a square. Such frameless furniture does not require much space and is convenient to use.
Ball It is a round product with different sizes.
Pyramid It has a corresponding triangular shape. The advantages of choosing such furniture include the fact that it perfectly supports not only the back, but also the head.
Sofa Consists of several modules with a rectangular shape. Due to the lack of a frame, they are connected only by fabric, and certain models can be transformed into a bed.

Bag chair

Thus, initially it is necessary to choose the type of furniture, after which its shape and dimensions are determined. The base is created using a durable fabric, for which the following steps are performed:

  • The furniture is determined, which will be formed with your own hands;
  • The material for the inner bag is selected;
  • A drawing is built using suitable tools;
  • Patterns are transferred to the selected material using chalk;
  • All elements of the base are carefully cut out;
  • They are sewn together with the use of strong threads, leaving room for a zipper;
  • The zipper is sewn on.

The resulting base is ready for filling the filler.

Choosing a fabric

Making a drawing

We make patterns

We sew patterns

Sew in a zipper

Upholstery selection

The upholstery is used to create the outer cover. Most often, fabrics are selected that are distinguished by high strength, density, and resistance to pollution. They easily withstand various impacts and serve long time. For the manufacture of frameless furniture, it is undesirable to choose silk, satin or calico, as they quickly lose their attractive appearance during use. To create the inner cover, a fabric with high strength and density is selected, for the outer one - decorative fabrics. To create an inner cover, a fabric with high strength and density is selected, but the appearance does not matter, so a standard white material is usually purchased.

The most suitable materials for tailoring frameless furniture are:

  • Velor - soft fleecy fabric, pleasant to the touch, supple to use;
  • Flock - ideal for furniture installed in a children's room. The material does not fade, it is easy to clean and wash;
  • Chenille is a natural fabric, with the addition of synthetic fibers, so the material has high strength and is easy to care for;
  • Jacquard is also formed using synthetic fibers, has good strength. It is easy to work with him and easy to care for afterwards;
  • Faux leather - easy to care for, attractive appearance and high strength;
  • Tapestry is a natural fabric in which weaves of fibers are easily visible, and threads of different colors are used to create it, which, when intertwined, form beautiful patterns.

We sew the inner bag from any unnecessary, but durable fabric in neutral shades, and the outer bag should not only be reliable and durable, but also stylish in appearance.

natural jacquard


Sewing bags requires patterns of frameless furniture, which can be made on paper yourself or downloaded from the Internet. Usually on different sites you can find photos of the furniture itself together with patterns. In this case, you can choose optimal model, print the diagrams, transfer the elements to the fabric and sew the bag.

If you plan to make patterns yourself, then this process is carried out in successive steps:

  • It is determined what dimensions the product will have;
  • It is decided what parts it will consist of;
  • A special tracing paper is prepared with cells of 2.5 or 5 cm;
  • All future furniture elements are marked on paper, and if a bean bag is created, then 4 sidewalls, 2 round parts and rectangular segments for the handle, if provided, are created;
  • During work, you must use a ruler, pencil, compass and other writing instruments to ensure the evenness and correctness of the elements;
  • Next, you need to make allowances for the seams to obtain patterns that differ in clearly conjugated sections and the direction of the warp thread.

As soon as the necessary pattern for a particular frameless furniture is prepared, the elements are transferred to the fabric. To do this, use a special wax or ordinary chalk. It is desirable to make the bottom double to increase strength. Patterns are transferred with a small allowance for seams, equal to 1 to 1.5 cm, if the patterns are made without taking them into account. If there are difficulties with creating patterns, then you can contact the studio, where specialists will quickly cope with this task.

Determining the dimensions of the chair

We get tracing paper

We make elements of future furniture

We create patterns

How to sew

Once all the details are prepared, you can start sewing. The master class for creating covers with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • Initially, the wedges are sewn together, for which they are folded face inward and connected on one side, while it is important to leave an allowance of about 10 mm;
  • The front side of the wedges is stitched;
  • A zipper is sewn on the side of one side, and it is desirable that its length be at least 40 cm, as this will ensure the ease of filling the bag with granules;
  • Velcro must be sewn at the top of the cover, which guarantees that the cover inside will not wrinkle;
  • The inner bag is filled with selected granules;
  • After the creation of this element, the manufacture of the outer cover begins, for this the same principle is used;
  • The difference is a longer zipper (about a meter);
  • Velcro is attached to the inside;
  • The inner cover is inserted into the outer one, after which the Velcro is connected.

To strengthen the seams, you can overlock them or fold the allowances, after which a line is superimposed on them. Properly tailored frameless furniture will be beautiful and durable, and will also cope well with different loads.

Sewing wedges

Sew in a zipper

Sew Velcro

Filling the bag with granules

Making an outer cover

Insert the outer cover into the inner

What to fill

Frameless products are distinguished by the absence of any solid objects, they are filled only with special granules. Fillers are usually sold by companies involved in the insulation of various structures.

The most popular are polystyrene granules, they are:

  • Have a white color;
  • They are environmentally friendly, therefore they are safe for people;
  • Have water-repellent properties;
  • Acceptable cost.

It is advisable for frameless furniture to choose small granules that are easily distributed in a bag. The required number of elements depends on the dimensions of the covers. The bags are 2/3 full.

In addition to polystyrene granules, you can use elements made of foam, but they are quite fragile. Some people prefer to use down or feathers to fill their cases, but they get tangled over time and can also cause allergic reactions.

How can you decorate

Do-it-yourself frameless furniture can not only be created, but also decorated. Even without various decorations, it looks great in different interiors, but in addition you can decorate it in various interesting ways:

  • Applications that are sewn to various large pieces of furniture, and for this, patterns and patterns are selected that match the style of the interior and the color scheme of the room;
  • Do-it-yourself embroidery, and for this only strong and bright threads are selected, and it is also usually used for child seats in the form of cartoon characters;
  • Often, different pockets are sewn to such furniture, where you can put small toys, newspapers or other little things.

Thus, frameless furniture is considered an interesting choice for different rooms. It can be created from different fabrics with a variety of colors and properties. There are many models of such furniture that differ in shape and size, so you can choose a product that is ideal for a particular room. If desired, it is created with your own hands, and can also be decorated. different ways, so it will become a highlight of any interior.

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If necessary furniture in a small apartment there is nowhere to put it, you can make portable chairs with your own hands. It can be placed in any corner of the room, and if it interferes with cleaning, then lift it onto the sofa. Such furniture is made not only because ordinary furniture simply does not fit in a small apartment. They began to make it because it is convenient and practical, frameless.

How to sew a bean bag chair with your own hands

Modern furniture without a frame is fashionable and comfortable. Especially children love it very much, as it is easy to move, rearrange and even fall on it. The frameless chair easily adapts to any body shape, so the adult population has also chosen it.

In the shop you can choose different kind bean bag chair, colors are also different. If your house has a sewing machine, then it will be much cheaper and more fun to sew such a piece of furniture with your own hands. It takes endurance, patience and imagination. The work can be done in a day, having all the necessary materials.

What is a bean bag chair?

This is a piece of furniture without a frame, which has unique properties. The bag can function as a pouffe, chair or bed, the main thing is that it takes the form of any body that sits on it. Frameless furniture can be made in the most unusual shape.

Making a chair with your own hands

At home, even a novice seamstress can do this. Consider the design of this furniture in more detail. It consists of two parts:

  • outer case;
  • inner cover.

The outer cover should be made of dense fabric, suitable:

  • jeans;
  • raincoat fabric;
  • curtain;
  • upholstery;
  • leatherette

Must be in a case should be lightning so that it can be painlessly removed and washed as it gets dirty. And be sure to sew a handle on the cover so that it is convenient to carry the bag chair around the apartment.

The inner cover can be sewn from lining fabric or use regular calico. But experts recommend taking waterproof fabric for the inner cover - this will protect the filler from getting wet. Of course, it can be dried, but this work is very painstaking. The filler can be polystyrene in the form of small balls, the same polystyrene. It differs:

  • long service life;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • mold does not form;
  • bacteria are not diluted;
  • the material is very light.

During long-term operation such furniture, the material may stray. To give the chair original view, you need to make the inner cover with a small zipper. Through it it will be possible to fill up the balls and fluff up those that are crushed.

Consider the steps for making a bag, the dimensions of which in finished form will be 120x90 cm. The following materials will be required for a bean bag chair:

  • fabric for the inner cover - 3 m;
  • fabric for the outer cover - 3 m;
  • zipper 100 cm;
  • zipper 40 cm;
  • filler - 300 l.

If you do not consider yourself to be an experienced seamstress, then pattern must be done on paper, and then transfer all the details to the fabric. To each part you need to add 1.5 cm on each side - these will be seam allowances. If, as a result of cutting, you find that the fabric is loose, then the edges of the cuts must be processed with a zigzag stitch.

The pattern of the chair is 6 wedges of the same size. The top and bottom of the chair are hexagons, only different size. For the bottom, the product is cut out bigger size, for the top - a smaller product. It turns out that a do-it-yourself bean bag pattern for each cover needs eight parts, plus a handle.

Let's start assembling.

For tailoring outer case we put together two wedges, facing each other, tack, sew on a typewriter. We iron the finished seam on one side. We apply the next wedge - baste, stitch, iron. We do this with all wedges. When you need to make the last seam, connecting six wedges into one canvas, you will need to insert a zipper into it. To do this, you need to sweep only 15 cm from above and below. In the middle you need to insert and tack the zipper. We sew with a machine.

The top is attached to the finished side surface of the chair - it is basted, and then stitched. It is necessary not to forget to insert the edges of the handle in order to baste with them, and then sew. You also need to attach the bottom of the chair. So we got an outer cover, since its lightning is larger, as much as 100 cm.

Inner case it is sewn similarly to the outer one, but the zipper in it will be only 40 cm. To do this, you will need to stitch 45 cm at the top and bottom, and insert a zipper in the middle.

The finished inner case must be filled with polystyrene balls. This work is very responsible, you need to do it yourself, without children and very carefully. If suddenly the balls get into the respiratory tract, the consequences will be very serious. For safety, you need to wear a protective mask, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

We fill the cover with balls by 2/3 of the total volume, then the chair will turn out to be soft. You should not experiment and stuff the bag to the eyeballs - it's checked, nothing good will come of it. Next, the zipper is fastened, a beautiful outer cover is put on. Job is done. The result will please you as soon as you sit down on this hand-made product. The shape of the manufactured chair resembles the shape of a drop, which is why the chair is called that.

Types of chairs

IN Lately the product has become very popular, so manufacturers offer many forms. Patterns for each option are individual, their samples can be found on the Internet. Consider some forms of chairs in more detail. The bean bag in the shape of a drop was discussed in more detail above.

Bucket-shaped bean bag chair

The pattern is made individually, consists of two circles and a rectangle, which has a semicircular notch on the long side. Suggested sizes:

  • large circle diameter 80 cm;
  • small circle diameter 70 cm;
  • chair back 110 cm;
  • the rectangular part has a length of 260 cm.

Fabrics for sewing will require the same, plus zippers and filler. Cut out the details from the fabric and sew together. This must be done for the inner cover and for the outer one. Fill the inner case with styrofoam, close the zipper. Insert into a beautiful case, straighten and also fasten the zipper. Finished photo bean bag chair.

Bean bag in the form of a large soccer ball

Here, the parts have the shape of an equilateral hexagon, the length of one side of which is 22 cm. There should be 20 hexagons. To make the chair fun, you can take parts of different colors.

Having made a blank of all the details, you need to start sewing them together using a special scheme.

The same chair can be sewn from blanks resembling the shape of a pentagon, with a side length of 34 cm. There should be 12 blanks. In the process of cutting, you need to take into account the fact that the part already comes with an allowance for seams. In order to properly sew such a chair, you need to follow the scheme.

Only external, beautiful covers will be so complicated. The inner ones are sewn in the form of a regular bag, fast way. In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions of the inner cover, sew the outer one first. Don't forget to insert the zippers into the outer and inner covers while sewing.

As you can see, the work is simple, the main thing is to make the pattern correctly, transfer it to the fabric. Cut out the required number of parts, slowly sweep and stitch everything on a typewriter. Buy, without being greedy, the right filler, and fill the resulting case. Sit in a new chair and enjoy the comfort, praise yourself for the work done.


You can relax in a frameless chair for less time, but more efficiently. Doctors recommend this chair to people who have problems with the spine, as well as pregnant women who have swollen legs or lower back pain. The filler is a completely harmless material that not only does not get wet, but also has heat-insulating properties. This must be taken into account if there are children in the family.

Not so long ago, a bean bag chair (bean bag) was considered a novelty and raised doubts about its practicality. Today, this element of the interior is treated differently. It has proved its comfort and durability in practice. Attracts in this chair and the fact that it can be made with your own hands.

Bean bag in the interior

The frameless chair is universal. It can be installed in a room of any purpose, and everywhere it will be appropriate, it will bring a note of comfort and originality. There are many varieties of shapes and colors of frameless chairs. And there are those models that are best suited to the premises of a certain purpose.

For the living room

For living rooms decorated in a calm and presentable country style, upholstered furniture with plain upholstery in discreet but saturated colors is appropriate. Bean bags made from natural fabrics look the most successful.

For country style, furniture in discreet but rich colors is appropriate.

With the help of frameless furniture, you can “revive” a strict and concise interior, make bright accents. Binbag will easily perform all these tasks.

In this case, soft chairs are not only a place to relax, but a bright accent.

The bean bag chair is a great addition to the interior of the living rooms, made in light pastel colors. It will successfully emphasize the harmony and convenience of the environment.

Nice addition to the interior

Bean bag can be as stylish as a modern respectable interior. For the manufacture of such furniture, expensive natural fabrics, leather or leatherette are used. For living rooms and offices, it is desirable to choose a clearer form of chairs.

For the manufacture of such armchairs, expensive fabrics are chosen.

Bean bags are ideal for loft-style living rooms, emphasizing the simplicity and comfort of the interior. The most successful models with rounded, smooth shapes, with covers in light colors.

For a loft, it is better to choose chairs with smooth shapes.

For the bedroom

The bean bag chair will harmoniously complement the cozy and calm design of the bedrooms. Frameless furniture can be made from long pile materials. In this case, it will become the most elegant accent of the room.

Cozy armchair for the bedroom

For bedrooms in a laconic style, armchairs made of textured fabrics in light colors are good. With the uncertainty of their form, they will soften the rigor of furniture lines and the simplicity of wall decoration.

For a room made in dark colors, it is recommended to select light-colored chairs

The chair can be made in the form of a large pillow, exactly matching in color and texture to those intended for a bed or sofa. This will bring a touch of mischief and luxury.

The harmonious combination of the armchair with other details in the bedroom

Bean bags in children's bedrooms are favorite interior items. Binbags are comfortable and cozy, will help to relax and unwind.

In the chair you can relax and unwind

A frameless chair can be given any shape. Change it, change the mood created by the interior. This technique is often used in the design of bedrooms.

One of the advantages of frameless furniture is that it can be given any shape.

For children

The bean bag chair is a good choice of furniture for a children's room. It will become a favorite resting place after outdoor games.

The bean bag will be a favorite resting place for the child

With the help of frameless furniture, color accents are placed. To do this, choose a color of covers that will be in harmony with the style decision of the interior.

Often, bean bags are used to place accents in the interior.

Bright comfortable bean bags are an excellent replacement for children's chairs. Frameless furniture is more comfortable for classes and board games.

Instead of chairs, you can use bright soft chairs.

The bean bag can act as a large soft toy, which is always pleasant and comfortable. Beanbag is good choice for small nurseries in which there is not enough space for large-sized furniture.

For a small room, a beanbag would be a good choice.

In a laconic nursery, not replete with toys and bright accents, the bean bag chair will become a favorite place to relax. It is important to choose the right fabric and its colors. They should be combined with the overall style of the room.

Soft chairs should match the style of the room

For the attic

The bean bag chair is ideal for arranging attics. It does not take up much space and performs two functions at once: it serves as a comfortable chair and a small sofa.

Both an armchair and a sofa in one solution

Elegant frameless furniture will soften the clarity of the lines of the attic beams and become an original accent of the room. These chairs are practical and durable.

Original bean bags in the interior of the attic

From several soft chairs you can create a chic relaxation area even in a small room. The small size and functionality of the furniture is especially important when designing attics.

Great recreation area

The dimensions of bean bags can be so large that it allows you to use this furniture as a featherbed or mattress, sunbed, mini-sofa. With all this, frameless chairs do not take up much space.

Armchairs can be used as a lounger or a small sofa

Saving space is the main motto in the improvement of attics. Bean bags meet all the design requirements of these small spaces.

Compact soft poufs save space


  • Pillows;

    Cushion Chair Option

  • Balls;

    Bright interior decor

The most practical and convenient filler for bean bags - styrofoam crumb. This is a heat-saving material, thanks to which the risk of a network in a cold uncomfortable chair is excluded. Dry grass, finely chopped foam rubber, pieces of fur are also used as a filler.

Advantages and disadvantages of frameless chairs

The popularity of frameless furniture is explained by its advantages, including:

  • compactness;
  • light weight;
  • mobility;
  • a wide selection of shapes, colors, sizes;
  • comfort;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to quickly change the cover.

But there is nothing perfect in the world, so frameless furniture has its drawbacks. The main one is the crushing of the filler. Over time, deformation of the foam capsules or any other material chosen for filling the chair inevitably occurs.

The disadvantages include the need for frequent washing of the cover, as well as the fact that such furniture becomes a favorite scratching post for pets.

How to sew with your own hands

Frameless furniture is also attractive because it can be made by hand without much difficulty. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules for the implementation of each stage of work.

What fabric to choose

Beanbag is always on the floor, it is a low, quickly soiled piece of furniture. This determines the choice of fabric for the manufacture of chairs. It should be durable and easy to wash.

  1. Velours. This material attracts a wide selection of colors, velvety, pliability. Of the shortcomings, low wear resistance is noted.
  2. Scotchgard. One of the best materials for the bean bag. Durable, beautiful, easy to wash. Often used for upholstery upholstered furniture. There are no disadvantages.
  3. Jacquard. Spectacular textured material that does not fade or fade in the sun. Durable and durable.
  4. Chennil. The main advantage of this fabric is its hypoallergenicity. There are other advantages: strength, easy stain removal, wear resistance.
  5. Flock. A popular material for making beanbags. Soft, pleasant to the touch, easy to wash.
  6. Natural and artificial leather. The most convenient to care for, have an easy to clean surface, strong and durable. The disadvantage is that inexpensive leatherette wears out quickly.


The best choice is expanded polystyrene pellets with a density of 25 kg/m 3 . This material is non-hygroscopic, does not absorb odors, and is durable. The only negative is that the granules deform over time.

Natural fillers are good for their hypoallergenicity. These are beans, hay, rubber shavings. But they have a shorter service life than foam granules.

How to calculate the dimensions for a pattern

The bean bag chair consists of two covers - external and internal. Both parts are made according to the same pattern, but with one difference. The dimensions of the pattern of the inner cover should be 2.5–3 cm smaller on each side. The shape of the pattern must match the shape of the selected chair model.

Each cover consists of three elements:

  • lower and upper parts;
  • sidewall, which determines the width of the bean bag.

Recently, frameless furniture has become very popular. A striking representative among this type of furniture is a bag chair or it is also called a pear chair.

How to sew a bag chair: a master class

Before moving on to the process of making the chair itself, let's deal with the features. The chair itself consists of two parts: an outer cover and an inner one.

The outer cover should be equipped with a long zipper and preferably a small handle for carrying the bag around the apartment. It is also worth considering that it is worth giving preference to dense and wear-resistant materials. It is best to make a cover from raincoat fabric, curtain fabric, leatherette or even jeans.

The inner case will be filled with small foam balls or simply polystyrene. The material can be used lining or regular calico. Also do not forget about a small zipper for filling the bag and then stuffing in case of crushing the balls (after some time).

The dimensions of the future bag are 120 x 90 cm.

Materials for work:

  • Fabric for the inner cover - 3 m
  • Fabric for the outer cover - 3 m
  • Zipper 100 cm
  • Zipper 40 cm
  • Filler - 300 l

Before you make a bag chair with your own hands, you need to carefully re-shoot all the details of the chair pattern using graph paper. But it is possible to do without it, and with the help of chalk or soap, reshoot the details immediately onto the fabric.


To simplify the question of how to sew a bag chair: the pattern is given with all sizes.

Stages of work

After the pattern is transferred to the fabric, you need to mark the allowances for the seams. They should be at least 1.5 cm in order to avoid seam fraying. If the fabric is loose, then it is better to process the edges of the cuts with a zigzag stitch.

Wedges for the chair need to be cut in the amount of 6 pieces for each cover. Hexagon for top and bottom - 1 piece for each cover.

Approximate location of the pattern on the fabric:

We begin assembling the details of the outer cover.

We put the first two wedges together so that the front side is inside. Taking into account the sewing in of a 100 cm zipper, we sew 15 cm from the bottom and from the top. Then we baste the zipper and sew it on with a machine.

We attach the next wedge and iron the seam to one side. We do the same with the rest of the details of the base of the chair. For fixing seam allowances front side cover we make a line at a distance of 1 cm from the seam. Stitching is best done using the maximum machine stitch size (4-5).

Then we sew the base and bottom of the chair.

We turn to sewing the inner cover. The sewing process is similar to sewing the outer cover, with the exception of sewing in a 40 cm zipper. To do this, you need to sew 45 cm on top and bottom.

After the inner cover is ready, we proceed to stuffing with polystyrene balls. Be extremely careful with this material, as its inhalation is fraught with serious consequences. Do not neglect the use of a protective mask from the pharmacy. We fill the cover with about 2/3 of the total volume of the bag so that the chair is soft.

To the work process described above, I also attach a small video tutorial on sewing a bean bag chair.

  • do not use too large foam balls, as they will crumble very quickly, and the chair will need to be stuffed very often
  • the use of cheap styrofoam chips is also undesirable, as it is a recycled product of used packaging foam. It’s better not to risk it so that your chair doesn’t get an unpleasant smell.
  • use paper rolled into a tube to work with polystyrene. So you can avoid sticking balls to your hands and to surrounding objects.