Capricorn and Sagittarius relationship. Sagittarius and Capricorn - compatibility in love and family life

The relationship between them is like a volcano: frequent showdowns, passion, emotional intensity. A calm and reasonable, it would seem, Capricorn woman becomes just a fury next to a bright Sagittarius man, and here's why: his directness annoys and attracts her, she wants to unravel the reason for his bold behavior. He also likes that she is so interested in him. The Capricorn woman is not inclined to distribute sympathy right and left, so her attention is worth a lot. Together they can do something that captivates both: most often, alliances between Sagittarius and Capricorns develop precisely on the basis of a common cause and a common goal, as well as common interests. In their love there will be a little less tenderness than we would like, and a little more drive than required. However, a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man are able to maintain a vibrant and exciting relationship for a long time.

In sex, of course, the Sagittarius man will lead. Firstly, because he is a man, and secondly, because he is a Sagittarius. He is active, bright, requires attention to himself, his words and deeds. The Capricorn woman in her intimate life is revealed a little differently: for the time being, she is closed (both physically and emotionally), so the partner has to sweat to get to bed. She also sweats a lot in bed: she does not like hack work. In general, he will light her, and she will teach him the intricacies of sex. Unless, of course, he decides that he deserves it.

Family and marriage

The Capricorn woman is a supporter of legalized relationships. Give her formalities: with the notorious stamp in her passport, she feels somehow calmer than without it. The Sagittarius man is one of those who are in no hurry to tie the knot. With his independence, he challenges her: the Capricorn woman must reason with this freedom-loving mustang. If she manages to bind the Sagittarius man emotionally, they will definitely get married, all the rules will be followed and the Capricorn woman will celebrate her victory. In marriage, the Sagittarius man will cheer up the Capricorn woman, preventing her from getting bogged down in depression for a long time (oh, she loves them) and moving forward towards their common goals.

A friend like a Sagittarius man is very necessary for a Capricorn woman. With him, she will not feel lonely, he will always be able to cheer her up and inspire optimism, which she often lacks. She will help him look at things more soberly, put everything on the shelves when he is unable to think rationally. Together, a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man can do a variety of things. The list of their common interests can be huge: art, books, sports. Both of them are quite active and love life very much, so there is every reason for a strong and long friendship.

Work and business

In a couple where the Capricorn woman and the Sagittarius man are business partners, mutual understanding reigns. Both of them are determined to conquer serious peaks, to achieve high goals. Both she and he can be a strategist. In the event that the Capricorn woman sets the goal, the task will be quite specific, and the steps to it will be outlined as specifically and accurately as possible. If, however, the Sagittarius man becomes the point of application of efforts, he is more likely to outline only the main stages of achieving the goal, and the goal itself will be simply unrealistic. But by joining forces, they will achieve it.

Attraction between Sagittarius and Capricorn almost always occurs when they meet. But then things get complicated.

Some couples overcome difficulties and build happy families, some stop half way. So, is the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn a matter of chance, or are the stars favorable to this pair?

What the stars say

According to the description of astrologers, a pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn has a chance of success if they take into account the fact that everyone is entitled to their own point of view regarding their views on life, which are completely different for representatives of these signs. As for temperament, the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn is almost perfect here.

Sagittarius is very energetic, he is always full of ideas and intentions. This captivates the Capricorn, who forgets about everything at the sight of his chosen one or chosen one. Capricorn, on the other hand, is always calm and calm, finding a way out of any situation, including those that at first glance seem insoluble. By this he delights and fascinates the archer.

At first glance, the Sagittarius Capricorn pair is ideal.

But, when the conversation turns to views on life between Sagittarius and Capricorn, an abyss forms, which only increases with time. Capricorn needs a reliable rear. Representatives of this sign must be confident in their future. Sagittarius will not think about their future. He lives today, and today he wants to receive everything from life. And making plans for the future is not his destiny.

If we consider the combination of the eastern and zodiac horoscope, then the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man is more likely if Sagittarius was born in the year of the rabbit or dragon.

Love union of Capricorn and Sagittarius

V love relationships Sagittarius is the same as in the rest of life. He needs adventure. A quiet and peaceful life is not for him. Capricorn, on the other hand, needs comfort and a family hearth, a reliable rear behind. Compatibility in a love relationship between Sagittarius and Capricorn is possible only if no one pulls the blanket in their direction.

Sagittarius needs freedom, which Capricorn should not claim. But, in turn, he must do things that will indicate that Capricorn can be confident in a partner and in a joint future. If partners learn to balance in these difficult relationships, then an interesting and full of exciting travels await them.

Capricorn should take a closer look at the business qualities of a Sagittarius, who is a reliable companion in any endeavors. On this basis, you can build a strong family union. Sagittarius, on the other hand, needs to give free rein to a partner. No need to try to make Capricorn think and look at the world the way Sagittarius sees it. After all, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the partner will have his own vision of the world, no. On the contrary, it will bring zest to the relationship.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

If the Capricorn man and the Sagittarius woman create an alliance, then they will never be bored. What unites such a couple will be that both partners see what their life should be like. But, unfortunately, they forget to coordinate their vision of life with a partner. If a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman decide to unite themselves in marriage, then they will have to learn to listen to their partner.

Characteristics of a Capricorn Man

The problem with men born under this sign is that they are not ready to accept an opinion that does not coincide with theirs.

Capricorn men are very attached to the house. They expect their wife to become the keeper of the hearth. A woman has her own point of view on this.

CAPRICORN + SAGITTARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Capricorn Woman

Compatibility Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman

Representatives of this sign can marry for various reasons, including selfish ones. Such marriages are doomed to failure. The girl will soon expose the true intentions of her husband, and the couple will part. Therefore, you should not waste your time and take it away from your partner. As a result, you will lose much more than you will gain.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius Woman

Representatives of the fair half, born under this sign, will never agree to sacrifice their principles. They defend their point of view, no matter what. Against this background in family life conflicts will arise.

It is worth noting that women born under this sign will not be able to perform well in the role of an obedient stay-at-home wife. They need to solve global problems, keep abreast of all events and lead an active social life. Against this background, conflicts with a homebody husband are inevitable.

This couple can be united by problems in front of which other unions are powerless. And if Capricorn and Sagittarius got out of a difficult situation, while holding hands, then no one and nothing can separate them.

Capricorn woman, Sagittarius man

If a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman decide to start a family, then they will have to work hard on relationships. At first glance, a sweet and meek Capricorn woman knows exactly what she needs from life. And, despite the fact that the chosen one is silent and soft, she will never be submissive. After all, her patron is Saturn. This is a masculine planet that influences the feminine nature of Capricorns.

Characteristics of a Capricorn Woman

A feature of a Capricorn woman is that she knows exactly what she wants. These ladies will not waste time on trifles. They look at every man who appears in their life as a potential chosen one. If a man has no serious intentions, then Capricorns will not waste their precious time on them. And the Sagittarius, unfortunately, does not build far-reaching plans and turns out to be quite windy in amorous affairs. Unless the Sagittarius man changes his mind in time, he will forever lose the Capricorn woman.

It is worth noting the fact that despite the softness of the Capricorn woman, she does not forgive mistakes. Therefore, the archer, who decides to link his fate with Capricorn, will have to forget about love affairs on the side. And he, ruled by Venus, is prone to them. As soon as a woman realizes that her chosen one is not completely honest with her, she will leave without regret. The guilty hero-lover will not have a chance for forgiveness. But, if the moon patronizes the sign, then the woman has nothing to worry about.

Characteristic features of a male archer

Sagittarius is ruled by the male planet Jupiter. In addition, the sign "Sagittarius" is masculine. Therefore, male archers are almost impossible to subdue. It is also worth noting that people born under this sign are frank and honest. But, sometimes their excessive frankness offends others. They can afford to make a sharp remark to their partner in the presence of strangers. And for the wife of a Sagittarius man, this will be extremely unpleasant. But the girl will be able to forgive such behavior to her chosen one, in view of the fact that she is impressed by people who have such a character trait as honesty.

Both Capricorns and Sagittarians love honesty. This can be the foundation for building relationships. Also, in his chosen one, Sagittarius will appreciate prudence, and the ability to look at the world not in a prism Pink colour. Both partners can share a common hobby. Representatives of these signs have a predisposition to drawing and music. Therefore, it is worth looking for a common hobby that will make their union stronger.

Sagittarius needs very little to conquer and subjugate Capricorn. It is enough to make it clear to his chosen one that all his intentions are serious, and he will bring any work begun to the end. In this case, the lady of the Sagittarius heart will agree to rush with the chosen one into the world of exciting travels, and obey his decisions.

Work and general business

At first glance, it may seem that the couple should not confuse family relationships and work. After all, the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman, even at home, requires considerable effort on the part of both partners. And if labor conflicts are added, then it will be extremely difficult for the union to survive.

The main problems arise due to the fact that the Capricorn does not believe in the potential of the Sagittarius, referring to his frivolity. Sagittarius offends such an attitude. Yes, and a representative of an energetic sign, when trying to bring new ideas to work, will run into a wall of misunderstanding on the part of a partner who is afraid to deviate from the plan.

And yet, representatives of these difficult signs should trust each other. This will benefit the joint business, especially if Capricorn is patronized by Mars. In a working relationship, representatives of this zodiac couple are compatible. A smart and energetic Sagittarius is ready to generate new ideas at least every day, and a pedantic Capricorn will complete everything Sagittarius started.

Sagittarius and Capricorn Friendship

The compatibility of the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius in friendship is practically close to zero. If partners who love each other reconcile feelings, then there is nothing to be based on friendship. Even if representatives of these signs try to establish friendly relations, they cannot avoid high-profile scandals. Both Sagittarius and Capricorn need a reliable girlfriend who will take his side. Women of these signs do not differ in a complaisant character.

Friendly relations between representatives of these signs are possible only if they are united by common interests. It could be political activity or art school.

star couples

Horoscopes say that the compatibility of this pair of zodiac signs is approaching zero in all respects. However, it is not uncommon for Sagittarians and Capricorns to try to build family relationships. A striking example of this is the married couple Eva Gardner and Frank Sinatra. However, the couple was expected to part, which was preceded by numerous high-profile scandals.

More successfully managed to build a relationship with actress Alisa Freindlich and actor Igor Vladimirov. However, this couple was united by a common hobby. The same applies to the couple Valentina Serova (actress) and Konstantin Simonov (writer). Despite various activities, Kate Moss (supermodel) and Jamie Hince (musician) were able to build a strong marriage.

As you can see, there are examples of successful relationships between the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. In order for the union to develop successfully, it must be based on:

  • true love;
  • common interests;
  • compromise.


These signs do not match. Despite the fact that the sexual life according to the compatibility horoscope of Capricorn and Sagittarius will be interesting, especially if one of the signs is patronized by the sun, astrologers advise finding a more suitable pair for each of the partners.

Both signs are strong, which will lead to constant conflicts. It is advisable for both Capricorn and Sagittarius to look for a partner who was born under the influence of more soft sign zodiac capable of yielding.

According to the signs of the Zodiac, you can roughly determine how future relationships between people will develop. One of the interesting couples is the Sagittarius man and the Capricorn woman, the union of which has many features.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

How much the relationship between the Sagittarius man, who belongs to the elements of Fire, will develop with the Capricorn woman, who belongs to the elements of Earth, is difficult to say unequivocally. In some cases, the couple manages to get used to it and they can safely live a long time. happy life, but if none of them compromises, then the union is doomed to failure.

How things are in real life depends on the personal qualities of each partner, as well as on the type of relationship between these two people, for example, love, friendship or career. Capricorn and Sagittarius are initially strong signs, with differences in worldview, interests and temperaments.

Overall Compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Love between Sagittarius and Capricorn, turning into a real relationship and a happy marriage, is not common. Only with strong feelings, especially men, can a couple take place, have a happy future and children.

The Capricorn woman can ignore the active and romantic Sagittarius man for quite a long time, but only if at that time she is passionate about her own affairs. It can be a career, study or other activities. A man will have to make every effort to arouse interest in a Capricorn girl. If at this moment it seems to her that the young man is not erudite enough for her, then there will be no further acquaintance. If he was still able to hook her, then a happy family life is quite likely.

A man of a fiery sign will like her outward restraint, patience, ability to listen and support in a Capricorn woman. Sometimes all these features are only superficial, but inside she has a lot of emotions and contradictions. If all the same serious relationship tie up, then over time the Capricorn woman will open up and there will be no trace of her restraint.

Long-term marriages between Capricorns and Sagittarius are rare, since their compatibility in love relationships is doubtful. Mostly relationships are based on common interests, aspirations, and already love is born in them. Husband and wife in the initial stages should work on their union. This is not only trust in each other when making decisions, but also the ability to restrain oneself regarding the expression of one's opinion.

Compatibility in love relationships: 3 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

Relationships in bed between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman can develop in different ways, it all depends on how ready the woman is to open up and including the emotional side. Both signs are sexually active, ready for both romance and experimentation.

For some couples, sex may be the only link from which a deeper relationship will develop. Much depends on whether a man can eliminate the girl's secrecy and feel her desires.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

These signs can truly be friends only if they have joint interests. It can be hobbies, hobbies, outlook on life or joint projects. In case of disagreement, this friendly union may break up. Only if people value each other, they can maintain friendship, become a reliable support for their partner.

The Sagittarius guy can become a support. A man with whom girls will never be bored. In turn, she will teach him to take a sober look at the situation, not to rush to conclusions and emotionally respond to events.

In the absence of coincidences in needs, regardless of their type, Sagittarius and Capricorn will diverge. They will seek compromises only in exceptional cases.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

The working relationship between the representatives of Fire and Earth can develop effectively, regarding the desires to achieve their goals. In the work they find a unifying interest, both make efforts to obtain the planned achievements. If we consider the relationship as a boss and a subordinate, then there is a possibility of conflicts, more often if Sagittarius has to listen to Capricorn.

If a Capricorn woman is planning actions, then this will be a clearly drawn up scheme in which logic can be traced and all possible risks are taken into account. The Sagittarius man can give out non-standard ideas, sometimes develop projects that are difficult to implement. The general compatibility of signs in business is considered normal, but on the condition that people equally want to achieve good results.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Even little compatible, according to astrologers, the signs of the zodiac find a certain mutual understanding if they know the nature and characteristics of each other.

For a Sagittarius man, it will be useful to know the following features about his companion under the sign of Capricorn:

  1. The softness, complaisance of a girl is not always a true character trait. There is a possibility that she is not ready to open up, she will soon surprise with a difficult disposition.
  2. Capricorns value intelligence and erudition, stupid jokes and lack of awareness, which can push a companion away from further communication.
  3. Compliments, a girl can perceive with slight irritation, although flattering words and confessions are pleasant to her for her own satisfaction.
  4. The ability to listen is positive trait, which often attracts the opposite sex.
  5. Capricorns do not accept deception in a relationship, having lost trust, it will be difficult to restore it.

To attract attention, to interest a Capricorn woman, a number of efforts must be made. Even after a certain arrangement, you should not give up, because until the lady is completely subdued, she will not open up for a full-fledged relationship.

For a Capricorn girl, if she plans any relationship with Sagittarius, she should know the following qualities of a man:

  1. A guy can be romantic, sometimes dive into fantasies and drag a lady into them.
  2. Curiosity, the search for adventure are present in the life of Sagittarius. This allows you to diversify the lives of people who are next to such a man.
  3. Flirting and the desire to please do not always indicate the infidelity of a partner. For new sensations, Sagittarius can go further, but only in the absence of stability, reciprocity in the existing union.
  4. The desire to give advice and recommendations is a sign not only of care, but also of some self-affirmation in front of a partner.
  5. Sagittarius men can become a reliable support in difficult situations, they will not remain indifferent if they are able to help.

The personal characteristics that the horoscope gives are not unambiguous, since each person has his own characteristics of behavior.

Relationship Benefits

The union of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman has some positive aspects. They lie in the ability to regulate each other, to direct. For example, Capricorn can "open his eyes" to the real situation, since this sign of the Zodiac is characterized by clarity, the actual perception of the situation. Sagittarius is more amenable to emotions and fantasies, which sometimes leads him to failure.

The activity, purposefulness of a man and a woman makes them excellent parents, as children become their common vital interest. Career and material wealth are also one of the goals of Sagittarius and Capricorn, together they will be able to effectively go towards them.

Relationship Disadvantages

Since in general the signs of the zodiac are not very suitable for each other, there are frequent conflict situations. It is difficult for each of the couple to give in to each other, and only many years of work on relationships gives results. Some people have to “break” themselves in such relationships. For many, this time becomes wasted, as the union breaks up anyway.

The horoscope helps to determine the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, and not of personalities, so it is not necessary to definitely part if a low percentage of successful relationships is predicted. Each union requires the work of each half, and if there are feelings, then there will be a future.

Representatives of these zodiac signs very rarely form any union, since psychological tension always forms between them. These people can get along only in the working field of activity, and only in case of equality. If one of them is the boss, the second will annoy him even for no apparent reason.


Not the best combination of zodiac signs, even with a great desire, it will be very difficult for these people to find mutual language. In the view of a conservative Capricorn man, a woman should have completely different qualities than a Sagittarius woman, and should recognize the supremacy of a man, and this is completely uncharacteristic of her. The farther these people are from each other, the more chances they have for relatively peaceful communication.

♑ + ♐: In love

UNWANTED UNION- If a Sagittarius girl pays attention to a Capricorn guy, it will not be difficult for her if he doesn’t like him, then at least arouse a strong interest in her person. She is bright, smart, it is never boring with her.

Relationships will almost immediately be complicated by Capricorn's desire to dominate, because this girl will not let anyone control herself. Capricorn recognizes only two opinions: his own and the wrong one, which will cause indignation in the Sagittarius girl. A little time will pass, and the young man will hear from his chosen one that he was born in the wrong century, or at least in the wrong country, the patriarchy has forever remained in the past, and it is time for him to change his outlook on life. Capricorn will not even think about changing, his opinion about his beloved will deteriorate completely, on his part there will be reproaches against the girl about the absurdity of her character and lack of femininity. For her, this will be the last straw, most likely, the couple will break up, and with a scandal and mutual insults.

If the couple still manages to survive this crisis, this speaks of the depth of their feelings and gives hope for a joint future.

♑ + ♐: Married

UNWANTED UNION- This marriage will come as a surprise to the environment of the couple, because no one sees prospects for a bright future in the relationship of these people. The Capricorn man is inclined to suppress the morally nearby woman, but his wife Sagittarius has a far from malleable disposition. She will live as she is used to and act in her own way. Almost all of her actions do not find support from her husband, but the wife does not wait for approval, she does not consider it necessary to consult with him with or without reason, especially since this is always followed by another quarrel.

Conflicts in this family will be about money spending, distribution of household duties, leisure activities and just empty place. Spouses may have two main motives for maintaining this marriage: strong mutual love or material dependence of one of them (usually Capricorn).

♑ + ♐: In friendship

UNWANTED UNION- Friendship in this case is impossible, they are completely incompatible and in close communication get on each other's nerves. Even fleeting communication can lead to conflict. The Sagittarius girl will get the impression that the Capricorn guy clings to every phrase, and she will seem to him too cheeky and fussy. It is better for these people to avoid each other's company.

Sagittarius man and CAPRICORN woman

If for some reason these people ended up together, there are two options: this is either forced communication due to circumstances, or the law of attraction of opposites still worked. For a Sagittarius man, a Capricorn woman will be a mystery - she keeps her thoughts and feelings deep in herself. Let us consider in more detail what the development of the relationship of this couple can be.

♐ + ♑: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If a Capricorn girl is interested in a Sagittarius guy, she will hide her feelings to the last, because she is a secretive person and is not sure of the seriousness of her lover. If the situation is reversed, and the Sagittarius guy was the first to notice this girl, he will have to convince her for some time in the depths of his feelings.

Even if they start dating, Sagittarius will continue to spend most of his time with friends, as he did before starting a relationship with a Capricorn girl. This will hurt his chosen one very much, but she will not be able to influence the situation. If a girl forces a guy to choose between herself and a bunch of buddies, the guy's choice is unlikely to be in her favor.

♐ + ♑: Married

UNWANTED UNION- If this couple decided to start a family, then they have good reasons for that, namely, the calculation in the relationship of at least one of the spouses, or passionate love. The first option gives hope for a relatively peaceful life in marriage, and in the second case, the relationship is not yet well-established and it is too early to judge them.

As a rule, a marriage concluded on the basis of passion and love is fragile and very vulnerable. If the spouses are also of a young age, this family has even less chances for a long existence.

In an intimate life, discord, a Sagittarius man hopes for at least some kind of romance, but his wife is constrained in bed and not so sensual. The Capricorn woman will get the impression that her husband demands the impossible from her, it may happen that she completely withdraws into herself and then it will be very difficult to correct the situation.

♐ + ♑: In friendship

UNWANTED UNION- in this zodiac combination simply cannot be. There is no mutual trust and intimacy between a Capricorn girl and a Sagittarius guy. They can communicate if they have known each other since childhood or are relatives. In other situations, there is no hope for mutual understanding at all.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

For some reason, the horoscope is wary of this union. The difference between the elements, temperaments and values ​​of signs affects. But no one and nothing can break the compatibility in love of Sagittarius and Capricorn, if these two have firmly decided to be together.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man in a love relationship are an interesting couple. She finds solidity and peace in him. He is in it - beauty, fun, mental alertness and dynamics. Together they are easy and difficult at the same time.

Easy - because the two signs complement each other. The earth element balances the element of Fire, and that, in turn, does not allow the earth to stagnate to the state of a swamp.

Husband Capricorn may have been satisfied with the achieved position, but the restless little wife constantly seduces him with new horizons. Therefore, the career goes up all the time and the material well-being of the family is growing.

The Sagittarius girl learns from her serious husband patience and the fact that things still need to be brought to an end.

She has serious problems with this. Without proper training, fire signs can jump from one to another, quickly get carried away, but just as quickly cool down. Therefore, close communication with Capricorns can increase the abilities of Sagittarius many times over.

Sagittarius wives, having mastered the main traffic, are building a dizzying career. This has a positive effect on the compatibility of the couple in marriage. It is difficult for a girl of this sign to constantly sit at home, and this is exactly what her husband Capricorn requires of her. But he takes on part of the household duties if the wife has a good well-paid job.

How to overcome relationship difficulties?

The horoscope is not in vain harsh to this unusual union. It literally collides ice and fire. The woman of the element of Fire is too freedom-loving and independent to be obedient and rational.

Therefore, if these two signs decide to stay together for a long time, in marriage and love they will have to learn the art of compromise.

Moreover, both Capricorn and Sagittarius will have to get out of their familiar world and look into another, completely different one.

But spouses should not be afraid of this. Once they decide to accept and understand the partner's point of view, they will be able to significantly expand their personal horizons and achieve tremendous success. To do this, both signs will have to learn not only to listen to their soul mate, but also to hear it.

Certain difficulties for the couple arise in the intimate sphere. In bed, Capricorn shows shyness and a certain severity. It is difficult for a more liberated wife of Sagittarius to stir him up. But if she wants to, she will do an excellent job with this task. It is important not to rush and solve the problem gradually, and not with the help of scandals and tantrums.

The compatibility of this union entirely depends on the ability of lovers or spouses to negotiate. They will never be able to live "correctly" from each other's point of view. Therefore, it is important to take steps towards and understand the fact that the partner has other needs. They initially need to take a position of friendship, and not a dispute and confrontation. Then everything will work out.

Relationship between Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man

This pair is interesting for the balance of dominance. The fact is that both in friendship and in love relationships, the Capricorn girl prefers to command. And no matter how windy, but charismatic Sagittarius resists, he still recognizes the authority of a smart and insightful woman.

Will this reduce Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility? Not at all. If fate has given you such a treasure as a wise wife, it’s a sin not to use it. Moreover, the benefits will be common. The family of these signs is always successful and prosperous.

It is possible that they will organize a joint business, and it will certainly bring good profits.

As for the head of the house, the Capricorn woman is so wise to guide, not to subdue. And even if her advice does not immediately resonate, she will wait. Over time, Sagittarius will understand that in his hands is a real gold mine.

In such a marriage, real respect and friendship is born between the spouses. They become equal partners in everything: in solving family problems, raising children, making money. Common affairs bring together, increase the compatibility of a couple and help overcome dissimilarity in character and temperament.

Both the girl Capricorn and the guy Sagittarius are very interesting in a pair. Sagittarius learns to take heights unattainable for himself, and for a woman the world seems to be moving apart. The restless husband pulls her out of the shell of rationality and pragmatism, making her life much brighter and more interesting.

What can cause difficulties?

The horoscope calls the greatest difficulty the different attitude of signs to life. For example, the Sagittarius man is not used to long courtship and uncertainty. And the Capricorn girl doubts for a long time, looks closely and checks a potential partner. The guy can just leave the race prematurely, without waiting for a response.

A woman's habit of commanding in love relationships is also unlikely to please the freedom-loving representative of the element of Fire. If these two initially come into confrontation, it is unlikely that they will be able to get along. Perhaps they will suffer for many years.

To prevent this from happening, they need to cooperate from the very beginning, not argue. Then Sagittarius and Capricorn in love will be able to overcome any differences. “We are friends, not enemies” - this is the main setting of the couple.

As for intimacy, the Sagittarius husband will have to fight stereotypes. Here it is important not to spit and not to switch to more understanding and accessible ones. Then the marriage can break up. You just need to overcome prejudices gradually. Fortunately, in our time there are much fewer of them than half a century ago.

Thus, love and marriage between Sagittarius and Capricorn is difficult, but possible. Their compatibility is based on:

  • love;
  • compromise;
  • complementary qualities;
  • opportunities to significantly increase their potential in partnership.