Who is Trukhanov. Gennady Trukhanov: biography and political activity

Born on January 17, 1965 in the city of Odessa. After school he studied at the artillery school. Frunze (later the faculty of the RAE of the Odessa Institute of Ground Forces), after graduating from which he received the rank of lieutenant. Civilian specialty - engineer for the repair and operation of automotive equipment.

From 1986 to 1992 he served in the North Caucasian Military District. He retired from the Armed Forces "due to reductions and personal desire" with the rank of captain.

After the army, the retired military plunged headlong into the atmosphere of the "dashing" 90s, organizing the security company "Captain". In 2000, Trukhanov was invited to work at the representative office of the Lukoil oil company in Ukraine. He served as Assistant to the Representative of the President of the company for security issues.

Since the 1990s, Trukhanov has also been known for his Orthodox religious views and friendship with Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail. In addition, he has multiple regalia, among which is the Order of the "Reverend Nestor the Chronicler" II degree, which he received "for services to the church."

From 1992 to 1993 - head of security at the small research and production enterprise "Minimax".

From 1993 to 1996 - director of the security company "Captain and Co."

From 2001 to 2002 - Advisor to the General Director for the security of an enterprise with foreign investments "Lukoil-Ukraine".

From 2002 to 2003 - assistant to the representative of the president of the open joint-stock company "Lukoil" in Ukraine on security issues.

From 2004 to 2007 - adviser, assistant-consultant in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

From 2007 to 2008 - Advisor to the Director for Communications government bodies and the public in the private enterprise "Ukrtranscontainer".

From 2008 to 2011 - chief specialist of the department for work with regions of the Department for work with veterans of the State Committee of Ukraine for Veterans Affairs.

From March 2012 to November 2012 - Deputy General Director for Client Relations at Brooklyn-Kiev LLC.

Since November 2012, the People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VII convocation, was elected from the constituency No. 136.

On May 25, 2014, he won the extraordinary elections of the mayor of Odessa, gaining 43.49% of the votes. He took the oath at an extraordinary session of the Odessa City Council and assumed the duties of the mayor on May 27, 2014. At the same time, in violation of the law, he remained a people's deputy until the end of the work of the Verkhovna Rada of the VII convocation in November 2014.

On October 25, 2015, he was re-elected mayor of Odessa in the local elections, gaining 52.2% of the vote (138.865 thousand people). On October 28, 2015, the corresponding decision was approved by the City Council session.



Daughters: Ekaterina Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 1986, Alisa Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 2000. The elder Ekaterina graduated from the British School of Economics. Now she is the director of the Odessa spa, and also owns the Shoe luxury shoe store.

operational business

After some time, the former military and active athlete is drawn into politics. In 2004-2007, he worked in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2006, he was elected to the City Council, heads the permanent commission on youth and sports of the Odessa City Council.

In August 2008, he was appointed to the post of regional representative of the State Committee of Ukraine for Veterans Affairs in the Odessa region. In 2010, Trukhanov again became a member of the city council. He headed, having agreed with Andrei Klyuev and Sergei Levochkin, a faction of the Party of Regions. And this despite the fact that until December 2009 Trukhanov was a member of the People's Party.

In many ways, Trukhanov's rise, according to experts, was helped by the conflict between the team of Leonid Klimov, who was too keen on defending personal interests to the detriment of the party's image, and governor Eduard Matviychuk. After the latter won the undercover war, it turned out that the Regionals did not have so many personnel, and new people with weight in the city, their own team and financial resources came in handy. But he had to pay for this with an impressive quota on the electoral list. The result is known - Trukhanov has most of the faction under his heel, he is able to influence the mayor, and if he resists, put him in his place.

With the arrival of the head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, Mikheil Saakashvili, it was the turn for Trukhanov to take care of his own future. After being elected mayor, Trukhanov supported the Odessa volunteers. In particular, I bought an ambulance for the needs of the ATO.


After serving in the Armed Forces, for a long time the name of the politician was associated with the special services, moreover, such abbreviations as the KGB and even the GRU sounded.

In 2004, Trukhanov had a serious quarrel with Alexei Kozachenko, the future people's deputy. Kozachenko insulted Trukhanov's sports school, calling it a "forge of bandits", and Trukhanov himself - their (in the sense of bandits) educator. 6 court sessions were scheduled, but Aleksey Kozachenko did not appear at any of them. The conflict was resolved only in 2006: “Aleksey Kozachenko noted that with his words he in no way and never wanted to offend the honor of the Thai Boxing Federation and athletes, and I regarded this as an apology. I think that the representatives of the federation, in particular the athletes, just like me, will be satisfied with what Alexey Kozachenko told me, ”the Porto-Franco newspaper quotes Trukhanov. By the way, the politician acquired GLAS with PLUS after the same Kozachenko tried to close them.

But one can only guess about the causes of the incident that occurred already in February 2011. City deputies - "regionals" staged an unprecedented demarche at that time - they did not appear at the meeting of the executive committee under the leadership of Mayor Alexei Kostusev. On the sidelines of the mayor's office, they said that this happened at the personal request of the head of the faction - allegedly the then associate of Kostusev, the leader of the Rodina party, Igor Markov and Gennady Trukhanov, could not divide the city department of youth and family policy.

The politician demonstrated his direct influence in the city meeting in March of the same year. Then the deputies literally did not let Kostusev go to the Odessa residents protesting under the walls of the city hall, and Gennady Trukhanov openly stated that if citizens are dissatisfied with something, then they should contact the deputies, and not organize protests.

A small quarrel with the mayor happened and quite recently. Aleksey Kostusev noticed that the city council began to meet too often and suggested holding sessions no more than once every three months. The leader of the PR faction countered this with a statement that the mayor did not give him a decree, and sessions would be held when a third of the deputies were needed, that is, he.

The Committee of Voters of Ukraine announced the use of administrative resources by Trukhanov in the 2015 local elections. "This is both direct and indirect bribery, and, unfortunately, in Odessa we had examples of the use of administrative resources by the current mayor and leader of the election campaign, Gennady Trukhanov," said CVU chairman Alexei Koshel.

Experts from the Opora civil network, based on the analysis of data from the parallel counting of votes in the mayoral elections in Odessa, also announced the falsification of elections by mass stuffing of ballots for candidate Trukhanov in the Kievsky district of the city.

Trukhanov's main rival, Odesa mayoral candidate Oleksandr Borovyk, accused the incumbent mayor of electoral fraud. Borovik filed a lawsuit with the Odessa District Administrative Court to cancel the results of the election of the mayor.

On November 2, 2015, the Odessa District Administrative Court completed consideration of Borovik's claim against the Odessa City Territorial Election Commission. The court dismissed all five lawsuits: in addition to the lawsuit against GorTIK, it lost the lawsuits against Suvorovskaya, Malinovskaya, Kievskaya, and Primorskaya RayTIK. [

Business dossier

In the early 90s, Trukhanov created one of the first security firms in the country, which he called "Captain". Trukhanov realized in time that large Odessa enterprises would be much more pleased to deal with a legal company than with banal racketeers. All the "captain's" guards were engaged in Thai boxing. Gennadiy Trukhanov is still the head of the Federation of Ukraine in this sport. “Honestly, we made good money. Of course, as now, the forms of rewards were different. We took the object under guard, and it was always calm around it. Therefore, in a short time, they achieved that they began to serve serious enterprises in Odessa, among which were Odessaoblgaz, Eximnefteprodukt (Odessa), Odessanefteprodukt, ”the politician said in an interview with Vlast Deneg.

However, the millionaire Gennady Trukhanov "made" roads. Currently, Gennady Trukhanov de facto manages the Rost construction group, owned by Alexander Zhukov. Evil tongues say that the company, through formal tenders, participates in the repair of roads at the expense of the city and regional budgets.

The politician is a co-owner of a number of mass media, in particular, a group of TV channels "GLAS", "PLUS" and "Country of Soviets", as well as the newspaper "Vremya Ch". In the press, he is called a shadow business partner of the governor of the Odessa region, Eduard Matviychuk, whose business interests include real estate and construction.

There is information that most of the companies co-owned and managed by Trukhanov were rewritten to his wife, in particular media companies.


Trukhanov's income declaration for 2014 states that in total for the specified period, the mayor earned 99,770 hryvnias, of which 85,890 hryvnias were salaries, and another 13,880 hryvnias were dividends.

Among the incomes of family members (the mother and youngest daughter are indicated), the incomes are much higher: 339 thousand 335 UAH per year, of which 325 thousand 365 UAH are dividends.

Trukhanov owns a house with an area of ​​73.4 sq. meters and an apartment of 131.8 sq. meters. His family members have two land: 681 sq. meter and 2.7 ha. In addition, the candidate's household members have two houses of 179 sq. meters and 45.7 sq. meters.

The mayor of Odessa drives a 2007 Audi. On his bank account - 200 thousand 807 UAH, the nominal value of his valuable papers- 79 thousand UAH. Family members have UAH 7,587 on their accounts, and the nominal value of securities is UAH 1,626,138.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Rule of Law and Justice.
  • In 2008, he received a Ph.D. in Psychology, defending his dissertation on the topic "Basic constructs of the psychological victim's symptom complex."

Trukhanov Gennady Leonidovich - businessman, Ukrainian politician. In 2014, he was elected mayor (mayor) of the city of Odessa. Member of the parliamentary faction of the Party of Regions in the Supreme of the seventh convocation. He was a member of the City Council, worked in the administration of the Verkhovna Rada and the Department for Work with Veterans.

Gennady Trukhanov: biography

Gennady Leonidovich was born on January 17, 1965 in Odessa. He graduated from secondary school No. 4, after which he decided to master the military profession. Higher education received in the Odessa Artillery command school named after Frunze, specialty engineer for the operation and repair of vehicles with the rank of lieutenant. From 1986 to 1992 he served in the North Caucasus, rising to the rank of captain.

After the collapse of the USSR, they began in army units. Gennady Trukhanov, whose biography has changed dramatically, resigned from the Armed Forces and returned to Ukraine. An end was put on the military career. In 1992, he headed the security of NPP Minimax, in 1993 he became the head of his own security company.

The beginning of the 2000s was associated with a sharp career growth. In 2001, Gennady Trukhanov was appointed security adviser to the general director of Lukoil-Ukraine. In 2004-2007 He was an adviser-consultant in the administration of the Verkhovna Rada.

2005-2010 was elected as a member of the Odessa City Council. As part of his work, he led a commission dealing with sports and youth issues. In 2008, he was appointed to the State Committee for Veterans Affairs.

Gennady Leonidovich is a family man. Together with his wife, they are raising two daughters: Catherine and Alice.


Gennady Trukhanov in Ukraine is also known as a popularizer of martial arts. He is proud of the title of Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports, awarded in 2002 by presidential decree.

For a personal significant contribution to development physical culture and sports and significant achievements of Ukrainian athletes in the international arena On January 19, 2005, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to award the President of the Ukrainian National Thai Boxing Federation G. L. Trukhanov with a Certificate of Honor with a commemorative badge.

His merits have been repeatedly noted by the Cabinet of Ministers, the presidential vertical, the Verkhovna Rada, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Odessa City Executive Committee, and the Ministry of Defense. In 2008 he became the owner of the Order of Daniel of Galicia, in 2010 - the Order of the III degree "For Merit". In 2011, he was recognized as the "Political Leader of the Year" in the national rating "People's Recognition".

Deputy activity

On December 12, 2012, Gennady Trukhanov received deputy powers. He was elected to the Verkhovna Rada as a representative of the Odessa region from the Party of Regions, winning in constituency No. 136.

During his work, the Verkhovna Rada served as chairman of the subcommittee on issues of interaction with state bodies, local governments, enterprises and institutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Justice and the Rule of Law.

He was the deputy head of the group for ensuring inter-parliamentary relations with Albania. He was also a member of parliamentary liaison groups:

  • France;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Armenia;
  • Great Britain;
  • Germany;
  • Spain;
  • Japan;
  • Switzerland;
  • China;
  • Greece;
  • the United States of America;
  • Italy.

city ​​head

The election of G. L. Trukhanov as the mayor of Odessa can be considered the peak of his political and managerial career. For the first time, he was elected mayor of a million-plus city in early municipal elections with a score of 43.49% of the vote. On May 25, 2014, at a solemn meeting of the City Council, he took the oath.

A year and a half later (October 27, 2015), Gennady Leonidovich was re-elected as the head of Odessa with a score of 52.9% of the vote, thereby proving his competence in terms of managing one of the most important political and economic centers of Ukraine. Gennady Trukhanov, whose photo can be seen not only on the pages of the national, but also the foreign press, has become a popular politician.

Panama Dossier

The huge international scandal that arose after the publication of the so-called Panama Papers also affected Mayor Gennady Trukhanov. Local journalists said that the politician was involved in the registration of offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands. Moreover, all registration documents indicated not Ukrainian, but Russian citizenship. Given the tension between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, this information caused a significant resonance.

Journalistic investigations

Opponents have repeatedly accused the leader of the Party of Regions faction in the Odessa City Council, Gennady Trukhanov, of having links with crime, in particular with the authority of Alexander Angert. The politician decided to comment on the situation. In an interview with the magazine "Power of Money" he explained that in 1993-1996. he led the security company "Captain" and, due to the specifics of the work, naturally knew about the ins and outs of the underworld. He had to communicate with both law enforcement agencies and criminals.

“I had and still have to contact them. This layer of society has always existed, exists now and, most likely, will exist in the future. If we manage to completely eradicate crime, then perhaps it will disappear. Policemen also hold meetings with criminals. Therefore, to say that I am also a criminal is tantamount to saying the same thing to half of the law enforcement officers. Like, why are you in contact with bandits? When they show me photographs in which I am allegedly with criminals, I do not deny it. However, who determines that representatives of the criminal world are next to me, where are the court decisions? Mayor Gennady Trukhanov said. Of particular interest to journalists was the friendship of the deputy with such an odious person as Alexander Angert, who now lives in Israel.

Trukhanov came to politics from the security business and has been developing fighting sports for 20 years

Yesterday, Odessa received a new mayor - at an extraordinary session of the city council, the head of the city election committee, Alexander Akhmerov, read out a resolution according to which Gennady Trukhanov received 146 thousand 22 votes, or 43.9% of the total number of people who came to vote.

The newly elected mayor was far ahead of his main competitor, Eduard Gurvits, for whom 107 thousand 526 inhabitants of Odessa voted, or 32.02% of those who voted.


It is interesting that the extraordinary session was appointed on the evening of May 26, while the final results of the election commission were announced only the next morning. In the City Council, such haste with the inauguration was explained by the need to restore order in the city as quickly as possible.

The ceremony of taking office was modest, Trukhanov was not even presented with an order chain as a sign of the mayor. The mayor's office says that they haven't seen her... since the resignation of Aleksey Kostusev.

Gennady Trukhanov solemnly swore allegiance to Odessa, Governor Igor Palitsa congratulated him on his election: “I wish you justify the trust of the Odessans, and they again elected you to new term(The next mayoral elections in Odessa will take place in a year and a half. - Auth.)”.

During the first briefing in his new capacity, Trukhanov promised to cooperate with all political forces and establish peace: “Odessa is a Ukrainian city, and peace and tranquility will reign in it. If Hurvits is appointed governor of the Odessa region, I think we will cooperate for the benefit of the Odessans.”

The mayor has not yet decided on a new team and promised to do it in the coming days. And when asked by journalists how old Odessa is, he answered with a hint: “You can ask how old Odessa is or when the Second World War... Let's ask constructive questions."


Gennady Trukhanov has been going to victory for the last few years, gathering around him sports youth and winning the sympathy of pensioners, who make up his main electorate. The 49-year-old mayor is the first native of Odessa in this post over the past 20 years (Valentin Simonenko, who headed the city from 1983 to 1994, was also a native Odessan) and one of the youngest Odessa mayors, the last person to be elected was Eduard Gurvits , who first became mayor in 1994 at the age of 46.


The official biography of Trukhanov is not rich in details; he really became a public person only a few years ago. At the age of 7, in 1972, he went to the first grade of the Odessa secondary school No. 4 (opposite the Vympel cinema). The school remembers that even then he was active - he joined the Komsomol early, was the commander of post No. 1 on the Walk of Fame. After graduation, he entered the Odessa Higher Artillery School. Frunze.

In 1986, upon graduation, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant, after which he served in the North Caucasus for six years, ending his service with the rank of captain.

After retiring from the army, Trukhanov returned to Odessa and founded the Captain security company. By the way, in narrow circles, this title was assigned to him almost like a middle name. His career in the security business continued in 2000, when he was invited to provide security at the Odessa representative office of Lukoil.

The media wrote many times about his collaboration in the 90s with big businessman Alexander Angert (also known as crime boss Angel), who in 1980 was sentenced to death for murder (later the sentence was commuted to 15 years in prison, Angert was released settled, according to rumors, in Britain). Trukhanov does not deny his acquaintance with Angert: “Alexander Angert is my friend, and I have never been ashamed of our friendship. We met when he headed one large enterprise in Odessa. I saw a man who was the exact opposite of what they wrote and said about him, ”Trukhanov said in an interview.


In the early 2000s, Trukhanov met a people's deputy, police general Viktor Razvadovsky, in 2004 he became his assistant, and then his political career began.

For the first time, Trukhanov became a deputy of the Odessa City Council during the by-elections in one of the districts in 2005, a year later he was again re-elected to the council at the next elections and was a member of the People's Party faction (Vladimir Litvin was the leader of the party, Razvadovsky was a member of it). In the city council, Trukhanov headed the permanent commission on youth and sports.

In the next elections in 2010, Trukhanov again became a deputy of the local council, but this time he headed the faction of the Party of Regions, and was also an active participant in the For Odessa! For Yanukovych!

And two years later, the politician decided to go to the Verkhovna Rada in the majority district in the Suvorov district. Voters remember him for the reconstruction of alleys, the construction of children's and sports grounds. The campaign paid off: 48,000 voters voted for the candidate, or 61% of all those who voted.

Having become a people's deputy, Trukhanov spent most of his time in Odessa, the media have repeatedly written that his card votes in the Rada, while the people's deputy himself is at public events in South Palmyra. During his time as a deputy, he became a co-author of nine bills, many of which concerned the Odessa region.

After the February events in the country, Trukhanov left the faction of the Party of Regions, although he has not yet left the party itself. However, he ran for mayor as an independent candidate. This winter, the future mayor spoke more than once at Kulikovo Field during the Anti-Maidan protests.

Interestingly, during the mayoral election campaign, Trukhanov announced for the first time that he was a candidate of psychological sciences. It turned out that back in 2008 he defended his dissertation on the topic “The main constructs of the symptom complex of a psychological victim (on the example of casus and tort personalities)”, dedicated to the victims of crimes. Alexander Dolzhenkov, the then rector of the University of Internal Affairs, was the scientific adviser.


Last year, Gennady Trukhanov earned more than 300 thousand UAH, his family members - half a million. The mayor has a house and an apartment, his family has two more houses and two plots of land with total area more than 27 thousand sq. m. The mayor drives a 2007 Audi Q7.


Promotes and develops sports, attracts young people to a healthy lifestyle

He went to the mayor's chair gradually, winning the sympathy of voters

Has the image of a charismatic macho man

There is a large team of supporters in the city council and the executive committee

Able to use budgetary funds for infrastructure development

Accused that his sports clubs are preparing titties

Enjoys broad support from pensioners, the middle class has attracted less

Among friends there are people with a criminal past, which is regularly reproached by opponents

Evasively answers sharp questions of journalists

Accused by opponents of dual citizenship, but so far unproven


In addition to political activities, Gennady Trukhanov has been engaged in business for the past twenty years. According to Vesti, the sphere of influence of the new mayor includes the Rost investment group, which unites 15 companies involved in road construction, trucking, oil refining, as well as cosmetic and financial services. In addition, Trukhanov is called the owner of media resources, including the GLAS TV channel, the Vremya Ch newspaper and the online news resource odessit.ua.


Gennady Trukhanov has always positioned himself as an active athlete. The politician was professionally engaged in boxing and Thai boxing. As for the latter sport, in 1995 the then director of the Kapitan security agency became president of the Thai Boxing Federation (Muei Thai) of Ukraine, for which he later received the title of Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports. It is with the activities of the federation that Ukraine's entry into the leading positions in the world Thai boxing is connected.


Gennady Trukhanov is not only enjoying the role of mayor, but also trying on the presidential status. True, within the framework of his family, which he compares with the state. “For me, the family is a microstate, where the wife is the government, the children are the people, I am the president. When I am at home, the country is presidential, when I am not there, the country is in a state of emergency,” Gennady Trukhanov likes to repeat. The future mayor met his wife Tatyana at school and says that he fell in love at first sight - as a result, they have been together for 30 years. At the same time, Gennady Leonidovich prefers not to flaunt his personal life, considering it completely optional. He rarely appears in public with his wife. Almost their only joint appearance was the appearance on the red carpet of the Odessa International Film Festival last year, where the couple looked quite impressive. He is in a fashionable but strict suit, she is in a luxurious crimson dress.

The Trukhanovs are raising two daughters. The eldest, 27-year-old Ekaterina, has an excellent education behind her, in particular, in the UK, the girl graduated from the European School of Economics. Today she is engaged in business and charity, defends the rights of animals, according to her father, in her childhood she was simply fanatical about dolphins. Trukhanov admitted that he helped his daughter with her first business project - a shoe store. Now she is the director of an elite spa. A few years ago, Trukhanov became a grandfather, but the name of Dima's grandson's father is kept secret. The youngest daughter, 14-year-old Alice, is still in school. For many years, the girl has been professionally involved in equestrian sports. “I myself don’t know why I love them so much, but my grandmother put me on a horse from a very early age, and somehow I immediately liked these animals,” says Alice.

A very special place in the life of Gennady Leonidovich is occupied by his mother, Maria Dmitrievna, who, according to the politician, supports him in all endeavors. Trukhanov's father, Leonid Demyanovich, could not witness his triumph, he tragically died in 1973, when his son was only eight years old.

Evgenia Genova, Rostislav Baklazhenko



  • Married.
  • Daughters - Ekaterina Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 1986, Alisa Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 2000.
  • Father - Leonid Demyanovich Trukhanov. He died in 1973 in a car accident.
  • Mother - Maria Dmitrievna Trukhanova, born in 1942.

Private bussiness

Since the 1990s, Trukhanov has been known for his Orthodox religious views and friendship with Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail. In addition, he has multiple regalia, among which is the Order of the "Reverend Nestor the Chronicler" II degree, which he received "for services to the church."

After some time, the former military and active athlete is drawn into politics. In 2004-2007, he worked in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2006, he was elected to the City Council, heads the permanent commission on youth and sports of the Odessa City Council.

In August 2008, he was appointed to the post of regional representative of the State Committee of Ukraine for Veterans Affairs in the Odessa region. In 2010, Trukhanov again became a member of the city council. Led by agreement with Andrey Klyuev and Sergei Levochkin, a faction of the Party of Regions. And this despite the fact that until December 2009 Trukhanov was a member of the People's Party.

In many ways, the rise of Trukhanov, according to experts, was helped by the conflict between the team Leonid Klimov, too carried away by defending personal interests to the detriment of the image of the party, and the governor Edward Matviychuk. After the latter won the undercover war, it turned out that the Regionals did not have so many personnel, and new people with weight in the city, their own team and financial resources came in handy. But he had to pay for this with an impressive quota on the electoral list. The result is known - Trukhanov has most of the faction under his heel, he is able to influence the mayor, and if he resists, put him in his place.


After serving in the Armed Forces, for a long time the name of the politician was associated with the special services, moreover, such abbreviations as the KGB and even the GRU sounded.

In 2004, Trukhanov had a serious quarrel with Alexei Kozachenko, the future people's deputy. Kozachenko insulted Trukhanov's sports school, calling it a "forge of bandits", and Trukhanov himself - their (in the sense of bandits) educator. 6 court sessions were scheduled, but Aleksey Kozachenko did not appear at any of them. The conflict was resolved only in 2006: “Aleksey Kozachenko noted that with his words he in no way and never wanted to offend the honor of the Thai Boxing Federation and athletes, and I regarded this as an apology. I think that the representatives of the federation, in particular the athletes, just like me, will be satisfied with what Alexey Kozachenko told me, ”the Porto-Franco newspaper quotes Trukhanov. By the way, the politician acquired GLAS with PLUS after the same Kozachenko tried to close them.

But one can only guess about the causes of the incident that occurred already in February 2011. City deputies - "regionals" staged an unprecedented demarche at that time - they did not appear at the meeting of the executive committee under the leadership of the mayor Alexey Kostusev. On the sidelines of the mayor's office, they said that this happened at the personal request of the head of the faction - allegedly the then ally of Kostusev, the leader of the Rodina party Igor Markov and Gennady Trukhanov could not divide the city department of youth and family policy.

The politician demonstrated his direct influence in the city meeting in March of the same year. Then the deputies literally did not let Kostusev go to the Odessa residents protesting under the walls of the city hall, and Gennady Trukhanov openly stated that if citizens are dissatisfied with something, then they should contact the deputies, and not organize protests.

A small quarrel with the mayor happened and quite recently. Aleksey Kostusev noticed that the city council began to meet too often and suggested holding sessions no more than once every three months. The leader of the PR faction countered this with a statement that the mayor did not give him a decree, and sessions would be held when a third of the deputies were needed, that is, he.

Business dossier

In the early 90s, Trukhanov created one of the first security firms in the country, which he called "Captain". Trukhanov realized in time that large Odessa enterprises would be much more pleased to deal with a legal company than with banal racketeers. All the "captain's" guards were engaged in Thai boxing. Gennadiy Trukhanov is still the head of the Federation of Ukraine in this sport. “Honestly, we made good money. Of course, as now, the forms of rewards were different. We took the object under guard, and it was always calm around it. Therefore, in a short time, they achieved that they began to serve serious enterprises in Odessa, among which were Odessaoblgaz, Eximnefteprodukt (Odessa), Odessanefteprodukt, ”the politician said in an interview with Vlast Deneg.

However, the millionaire Gennady Trukhanov "made" roads. Currently, Gennady Trukhanov de facto manages the Rost construction group, owned by Alexander Zhukov. Evil tongues say that the company, through formal tenders, participates in the repair of roads at the expense of the city and regional budgets.

The politician is a co-owner of a number of mass media, in particular, a group of TV channels "GLAS", "PLUS" and "Country of Soviets", as well as the newspaper "Vremya Ch". In the press, he is called a shadow business partner of the governor of the Odessa region, Eduard Matviychuk, whose business interests include real estate and construction.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Rule of Law and Justice.