Turquoise color in the interior. Turquoise color in the interior of the nursery

bright, interesting, pleasing to the eye and uplifting turquoise color in the children's room will help create stylish interior, corresponding to the age of the child, focused on "growing up" with him.

This color is combined with almost all other shades, it can be intense, or, conversely, gentle, pastel. The combination of turquoise tones of various saturation looks great, complemented by neutral colors. Turquoise can be used in interior decoration of almost any style, combined with wood and metal, glass and plastic.

Turquoise children's room will look different depending on the lighting, because this color has the ability to change depending on the temperature of the light flux. This should be taken into account when designing. Such a room will never get bored, it will always be different - and will always be interesting for the child. Turquoise sea ​​water and the tropical sky, it creates a feeling of spaciousness, the room seems to be saturated with air and light, the walls “push apart” - and even a small room seems free. Children's in turquoise tones can belong to both a boy and a girl, this is a universal color that is convenient to use if the bedroom belongs to two children of different sexes at once.

Turquoise can be the main color, but it cannot be the only color in interior design. It must be combined with other colors, as well as varying shades and saturation. Among the wide variety of color combinations allowed for turquoise, you should pay particular attention to the following: Brown Brown and turquoise - a "balanced" color combination that will create a calm atmosphere in a child's room. For example, white ceiling and the floor can be combined with dark brown and turquoise furniture, this combination is quite elegant and acceptable in various styles

Girls are known to love all things pink, so the turquoise color in a children's room designed for a girl can be complemented with pink. Both of these colors have a positive effect on the nervous system, and some shades of pink have a calming effect. Just as in the case of orange, it is necessary to carefully select shades, turquoise blue tone it would be better to combine red-pink, and green shades with peach tones.

This color is combined with almost all other shades, it can be intense, or, conversely, gentle, pastel. The combination of turquoise tones of various saturation looks great, complemented by neutral colors. Turquoise can be used in interior decoration of almost any style, combined with wood and metal, glass and plastic.

Turquoise children's room will look different depending on the lighting, because this color has the ability to change depending on the temperature of the light flux. This should be taken into account when designing. Such a room will never get bored, it will always be different - and will always be interesting for the child.

Turquoise - the color of sea water and tropical sky, it creates a feeling of spaciousness, the room seems to be saturated with air and light, the walls "push apart" - and even a small room seems free.

A nursery in turquoise tones can belong to both a boy and a girl; this is a universal color that is convenient to use if the bedroom belongs to two children of different sexes at once.

Turquoise color combinations

Turquoise can be the main color, but it cannot be the only color in interior design. It must be combined with other colors, as well as varying shades and saturation. Among the wide variety of color combinations acceptable for turquoise, special attention should be paid to the following:

  • White

The combination of turquoise in the nursery with white is perhaps the most successful. It works to expand the space, increase the volume, and in fact both of them cannot be superfluous in a room intended for a child. On the contrary, the more spacious the room allotted to him, the better baby develops, his imagination works better, creative abilities are manifested. If the child's room is small, white and turquoise can be the perfect combination.

Turquoise as a background, complemented by white accents and accessories, will create a fabulous bright atmosphere, and at the same time a feeling of isolation, security, which is very favorable for the psyche of a small child. Turquoise children's room, in which the main color is white, and turquoise is used in accessories - classic version for schoolchildren and teenagers. This combination contributes to the development of creative abilities, increases the ability to learn.

  • Orange

Both of these colors are bright and have many different shades. This is the main difficulty in using the orange-turquoise pair. However, the right shades will help create a very interesting design, characterized by originality. Usually, soft orange accents are selected for a nursery in turquoise tones, or juicy orange is complemented with whitened turquoise.

  • light green

Turquoise goes well with light green and grassy shades of green. These are close colors, and their combination is well complemented with neutral tones - beige, white, light brown. Green color adds balance, creates a feeling of peace and comfort.

  • Pink

Girls are known to love all things pink, so the turquoise color in a children's room designed for a girl can be complemented with pink. Both of these colors have a positive effect on the nervous system, and some shades of pink have a calming effect. Just as in the case of orange, it is necessary to carefully select shades, turquoise blue tones will be better combined with red-pink, and green shades with peach tones.

  • Brown

Brown and turquoise is a "balanced" color combination that will create a calm atmosphere in a child's room. For example, a white ceiling and floor can be combined with dark brown and turquoise furniture, this combination is quite elegant and acceptable in various styles.

Turquoise children's for boys

A turquoise children's room for a boy is usually decorated in nautical style. Turquoise is complemented with blue, blue, white, azure, yellow, red, orange are used as accent colors. The floor and furniture are usually made of wood, colors natural wood. The design theme is chosen according to the taste of the child - it can be a rally in the desert, or an underwater laboratory.

Turquoise children's for girls

A nursery in turquoise colors, designed for a girl, is most often decorated using pink, beige, white, and gray colors. The combination of turquoise with white and light wood tones will help create a classic light interior that will suit a young girl.

Turquoise nursery for newborns

Yellow evokes positive associations associated with the sun, warmth, light and the joy of life. It is versatile, great for kids room design for both boys and girls. But it refers to ambiguous colors with which care should be taken. This is due to its impact on the psycho-emotional state of the child.

Impact on children

Yellow is familiar to children as they often see it in their natural surroundings. Kids enjoy the sun, often draw it, love bright colors. With the help of accompanying shades, you can create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the nursery. Color combinations will stimulate mental activity, develop the creative abilities of the child.

The design of the nursery in yellow tones under any conditions creates the impression of a bright sunny day, which has a positive effect on nervous system the baby, creating a good mood, causing positive emotions, charging him with cheerfulness.

Psychologists also note several deeper effects of this color on a child:

  • arouses interest in the surrounding world, in its active research;
  • improves attention, concentration, perseverance;
  • makes slow children much more collected, disciplines;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • increases optimism and work capacity;
  • develops intelligence and intuition.

In chromotherapy, yellow color increases the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas. Under its influence, the skin is better cleansed, congestion is eliminated, and the work of the autonomic nervous system is activated.

But you can not allow an overabundance of this "medicine". An excessive amount of its shades in the nursery can lead to increased excitability, the appearance of a headache. Therefore, this design is not suitable for excitable children or those with a history of neuralgia.

The presence of yellow in the children's room depends on the temperament of the child.

A color scheme

The condition for yellow in the children's room is its limited use. An even distribution of shades will create an atmosphere that will tune in a positive way, and not annoy or tire the child.

Interesting in this interior combinations with following colors and their shades:

  • blue - a classic option for a nursery. To make it more original, it is recommended to use turquoise or aqua;
  • green - the most natural and organic compound. It does not tire, does not irritate even in a fairly bright performance. The color of green smooths out the brightness and riot of yellow. To reduce the contrast, you should take softer shades - olive, salad, mint. Such a color balance is harmony, comfort, freshness and incredibly bright energy;
  • orange - a warm color is perfectly perceived visually and psychologically comfortable, but it is also recommended for use in the interior to a minimum. It can be replaced with red-terracotta, which will give the room an unusual flavor;
  • lilac - a very cute combination, more suitable for a girl. You can adapt such an interior for a boy with the help of appropriate accessories;
  • gray is the most gentle and calm combination for a newborn, although age and other limits are not set here. Light translucent tones interact perfectly in any light;
  • chocolate - best manifested in the combination of "yellow surfaces - dark brown furniture", complemented by contrasting accessories.

The combination of different shades of yellow looks interesting. This color is very rich in shades - from rich gold to cold lemon. Therefore, it is not difficult to find a reasonable balance for him. In this case, one should take into account the side where the windows of the nursery go: for the sunny, the cold tones of the color itself and its combinations are more suitable, for the north it is better to use saturated shades.

Spot use

Finishing of the main surfaces

When using yellow in the design of a nursery for finishing the main surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling), it is recommended to choose unobtrusive tones. On a large bright background, all other elements of the interior will be lost, and the room itself will very quickly begin to act depressingly.

For finishing large surfaces as a base color are suitable:

  • mustard;
  • saffron;
  • aged gold;
  • corn;
  • pear.

Yellow is suitable for highlighting individual zones, delimiting space. It is better to make a sleeping place in cold colors so that its abundance does not interfere with relaxation and good sleep. Bright colors in the design are good for the play area where the child is active.

Accent on the wall in the nursery in techno style

Interior items

Furniture in yellow is usually used only for small children. From the age of five, more adult models of classic colors will suit the child. You can leave one bright large object (for example, to “illuminate” a dark corner of the room), and for the rest use this color only as a finishing element. In the nursery for two children, the doors of the common closet can be decorated in different colors, for example, yellow and blue.

There are no such strict requirements for accessories. When using them in a children's room, you can choose several shades and combinations of yellow at the same time, which will make the space more lively and cheerful. If something ceases to suit, you can change the accessories according to the mood of the child.

The easiest way to finish a room in yellow is to add textiles. Suitable curtains, drapery, carpet, bedding, bedspread. The girl will be pleased with the design elements -, decorative pillows. Even small inclusions of such shades in the interior will help the child tune in to positive, improve well-being and develop a lot of creative abilities.

In design, a combination with light green color is often found.


For any nursery, soft diffused lighting is optimal. In a yellow room, it is recommended to equip lamps on the ceiling, since the light streaming from above will resemble the sun and look most natural.

Consideration should be given to the reflective properties that yellow has. It is itself perceived as luminous, so the lamps general lighting it is better to choose not too powerful. They will be enough for the games of the baby. where the child reads and studies, be sure to equip with a table lamp, but also not too bright so as not to harm his eyes.

The design of the space and the choice of design for the nursery must be carried out taking into account the interests and opinions of the child. But it is worth remembering the properties of the chosen one, especially if it can affect the mood and well-being of the baby.

A competent combination of basic yellow, its shades and additional colors can fill a child's stay in his room with warmth, happiness and comfort. In such a room, he will not only enjoy life, but also develop better, grow calm, intelligent and confident.

photo: depositphotos.com/Paha_L, poligonchik, Paha_L, Baloncici, natali_grafik81, poligonchik, poligonchik, goceristeski, poligonchik, auriso, Paha_L, Paha_L, poligonchik, scaliger, auriso, vicnt2815

Dreaming of a joyful, festive atmosphere in your child's room? Decorate it in turquoise, and President Mobility will offer interesting ideas.

It is not easy to choose the main color scheme for the nursery, because the child is growing rapidly and what delights the baby will not always please the teenager. Turquoise is universal in this sense. The positive atmosphere it creates appeals to children of both sexes at any age.

Why choose turquoise for the interior of the nursery?

Turquoise is a rather complex color, it combines many shades. Psychologists do not recommend choosing too bright colors for decorating children, as they have an exciting effect on the psyche. Turquoise has both rich and calm, neutral shades, so taking it as a basis, you can easily achieve the desired effect. Another feature of this color is the ability to adapt to environment. Depending on the lighting in different time days, he can change his subtone.

The big advantage of choosing turquoise for decorating a nursery is its excellent compatibility with other colors. Taking it as a basis or selecting individual details, you can create original and spectacular combinations. Such an interior will never get bored, and as the baby grows up, it can be updated without drastic design changes.

Basic color combinations

The turquoise color in the interior of the nursery is most successfully combined with the following shades:

    • white, beige, gray- a classic combination that expands the space and creates a joyful, bright atmosphere. A win-win option in which neutral light shades emphasize the beauty and depth of turquoise;

    • orange, coral, peach- a bright and active combination in which 2 opposite shades complement each other. This combination is fraught with a lot of energy, so the designer should use it carefully. But if you manage to build a competent balance between these colors, the room will turn out to be colorful and delight the little owner;

    • all shades of green and blue- win-win combinations in which shades echo each other. This option of using turquoise color in the interior of the nursery turns out to be calm and restrained. Even if you choose bright and saturated shades, in this combination they will not be dazzling. An excellent solution for very active and restless children;

  • pink is an eye-pleasing combination. The turquoise color in the interior of the nursery, combined with pink details, creates a feeling of comfort. In such a room, your daughter will be comfortable.

And if you want to add brightness to the interior of the nursery, decorated in turquoise, complement it with yellow or purple details. But there should not be many of them, as these color pairs look very contrasting.

Themed design in turquoise color

Turquoise color in the interior of children's rooms will be a good basis for thematic design. A boy of primary school age will love the room of a real sea dog. To do this, combine a turquoise background and natural wood details in a brown-beige palette that imitate the rigging, plating and other paraphernalia of the ship.

For girls, the embodiment of the princess's room in delicate turquoise, instead of the traditional pink, will be interesting. They will create romantic mood and will bring a feeling of freshness and coolness to the interior. Combining turquoise with beige, white and light gray shades, even in a small children's room, you can recreate the interior of the fairy princess's chambers.

Turquoise color in the interior of the nursery is one of the main trends today. Why?

It is bright, but at the same time pleasing to the eye.
It has a rich palette of shades suitable for any style of interior.
It is easy to combine with other colors.

In addition, the variety of turquoise colors allows you to design a nursery, regardless of the gender and age of the child.

Interior design

The versatility and variety of the color spectrum make turquoise a universal way to decorate a children's room, thanks to which you can design an interior with a perspective, "for growth".

The play of colors with bright details and the right lighting allows you to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere.

Many associate it with the water theme. And not in vain. After all, the resulting design conveys a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness, as during the sea breeze.

How to choose shades?

As the main background, it is better to use a light and neutral palette (pale, with a blue undertone or aquamarine). Bright and rich colors (dark turquoise, pearl) will be needed to decorate one of the walls (accent) or as decorative elements.

Light turquoise children's wallpapers will help to visually enlarge the space. And richer and deeper colors will refresh sunny rooms.

Don't be afraid to improvise and don't be monochromatic! A turquoise nursery will only benefit from the presence of an accent wall! Feel free to use stripes and prints (within the same spectrum or contrasting solutions).

So the child's room will acquire taste and personality.

The choice of colors largely depends on the temperament of the child.
Naughty and restless children need discreet shades with a green undertone (for example, light green or sea wave). And for the quiet, more intense cheerful options paired with bright details are suitable.

Textiles can contrast with the main background or be within the same spectrum. If you do not want to take risks, then opt for white weightless curtains. Monophonic or with a pattern - it does not matter, the main thing is not to overload the situation.

But if neutral walls and bright details are needed, then feel free to hang turquoise curtains in the nursery.

As floor covering it is better to use a wooden texture. It adds comfort and harmony. Don't forget about carpets. Color solution may contain all the shades used in the interior or be plain.

A nursery in turquoise colors for a boy is more dynamic.

It is boldly combined with other "marine" colors (blue, azure, blue).

Yellow, orange or red elements act as accents.

As a result, you can get an interior in a marine style (underwater world, adventures of a sailor), a secret laboratory, a fabulous forest or a traveler's corner.

Stylized furniture (for example, a bed in the form of a ship), lamps, wallpaper and other decor will help complete the picture.

A children's room for a girl in turquoise colors can be decorated like dollhouse or have more elegant and restrained content ( classic style or Provence).

White, pink, beige and gray elements will organically fit into such rooms.

If the space is intended for a young lady, then you need to focus on her interests.

So the room can become the castle of the princess or the possession of the little mermaid. A turquoise nursery for a girl does not have to be nude. Bright colors are acceptable. But do not choose them too bright and acidic. In such an environment, the child will be extremely uncomfortable.

As a background, you can use turquoise children's wallpapers, and it is better to choose white or stylized furniture for the decor.

Hang pictures and posters with your favorite characters on the walls, and lay a soft carpet on the floor.

Textiles and decor with ornaments or carvings will help to add warmth and comfort.

Turquoise nursery for a newborn

If you are just preparing for the arrival of a baby and do not know what his room should be like, then pay attention to the delicate shades of turquoise (aquamarine, light and heavenly tones).

They can be combined with pastel colors or used as a dominant.

Furniture is better to buy white or cream.

Add delicate and cute details in the form of lamps, pictures, metrics or photo wallpapers.

And in front of you is a beautiful nursery for a baby!

Furniture in turquoise color

Many parents choose white pieces of furniture for their child. And in many situations, this is the right decision.

So the interior is not overloaded and the color combination itself is a win-win.

But if the background of the room is neutral and light, then turquoise-colored children's furniture will be quite appropriate.

In the sleeping area, a turquoise baby bed will comfortably fit. Complement it with bedding in delicate shades.

Their design will depend on the overall fullness of the interior. Products with an ornament or pattern will add the missing colors to the room.

An unusual, but functional solution for a nursery -. Above is located sleeping place, and below - a play or work area.

The design of the furniture should resonate with the main theme of the room (ship, car or castle). This design is original, beautiful, and significantly saves space.

A turquoise children's scarf is used as a storage system. The color of the doors can be plain or staggered with white, yellow or pink.

If the area allows, then why not put a turquoise sofa in the nursery? This is a great place for rocking and feeding a baby, as well as for reading books or quiet games for an older child.

In addition to it, pillows and a blanket with a geometric or floral print will go.

Combination with other colors

Monotony in the interior is boring and hard to perceive. So don't be afraid to add color to your home.

Competent color combinations create the necessary effects and set the general mood.

Consider the most successful combinations.

White turquoise children's room is a classic and win-win option.
It is fresh, light and cheerful. This is a great solution for small spaces. Such an environment will stimulate the child to be creative, learn and achieve new results.

Turquoise gray children's is universal.
Any child will live comfortably in it, regardless of age and gender. Gray reveals all the beauty and depth of turquoise. Therefore, the interiors in this combination are especially expressive and interesting.

Turquoise pink children's room is specially designed for gentle natures.
Of course, this is the space of a girl. Pink adds warmth and softness to the room. There is a feeling of peace and tranquility. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme. The blue undertone of turquoise is best combined with a reddish tint, and the green undertone with peach.

Turquoise yellow nursery is bright and cheerful.
The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation. Opt for muted and soothing shades. It is better if turquoise dominates. Combinations with an orange scale are also selected.

Beige-turquoise children's room envelops with its warmth and tenderness.
This is a great solution for a baby's room or a sophisticated nature. You can achieve balance if you use beige as a dominant color. There can be many variations: from delicate cream to brown. A bright spot will be turquoise children's furniture and decor.

Turquoise purple nursery is designed for creative and extraordinary personalities.
Deep colors are more suitable for teenagers. And soft pastel colors will create a gentle and romantic atmosphere. Combine and alternate them when decorating walls and decor - this will create the necessary balance.

As you can see, decorating a nursery in turquoise is quite simple.

It is enough just to think over the general scenario in advance and show a little imagination.