Profession physicist: who to work with and where to apply. What is studied: Radiophysics Where to go to work as a radiophysicist

About the direction:

Radiophysics is a branch of physics that, in a broad sense, deals with the study of vibrational-wave processes of various natures, and in a narrow sense, the study of electromagnetic waves in the radio range.

Historically, the main subject of radiophysics research has been radio waves, namely their emission and reception, propagation in various media, interaction with objects, and absorption. However, subsequently the methods of radiophysics were transferred to other branches of physics: optics, acoustics, microwave electronics, semiconductor electronics. A general theory of wave propagation was created, and methods were developed for solving wave equations for nonlinear and nonequilibrium media with spatial and temporal dispersions.

Radiophysics was formed in the 30-40s of the last century thanks to the rapid development of radio engineering, radio communications, radio and television broadcasting, etc. The emergence of radar and radio navigation required the development of new frequency ranges and the development of general physical sciences. principles of generation, radiation, propagation and reception of radio waves, modulation and coding of radio signals, etc.

As radiophysics developed, its methods began to penetrate other areas of physics. As a result, Radiophysics, as it were, “branched” into “physics for radio” and “radio for physics.” New tasks, as well as the development of high frequency ranges, attracted ideas and methods from other areas of physics in Radiophysics, in particular from optics (lenses, mirrors, interferometers, polaroids, etc.), which led to the emergence of a new section of Radiophysics - quasi-optics ( quasi-optical transmission lines, open resonators, etc.). In turn, radiophysics. methods developed, for example, for the centimeter wavelength range, having penetrated into optics, significantly expanded its capabilities, giving rise to such areas as fiber optics, holography, integrated optics, etc., so that optical. The frequency range has become the area of ​​application of Radiophysics methods. Sometimes this is explained by the term “radio optics”.

Thus, radiophysics has a complex and highly branched structure and a clearly expressed tendency to further penetrate into other areas of natural science (geophysics and hydrophysics, acoustics, biophysics, etc.), and into other areas of frequencies, powers, and other parameters. , expanding traditions. spheres of influence of Radiophysics (relativistic high-power electronics, microminiaturization of radio equipment, X-ray optics).

Graduates can continue their studies at the master's level, work in academic and industry research institutes, teach in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, work in enterprises and companies in the telecommunications, petrochemical, energy, engineering sectors, banks, government agencies, etc.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Physics is a specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice

You can enter a university to major in Radiophysics by passing three exams: physics (major), Russian, mathematics/computer science. At the discretion of the university, the list may include exams in chemistry and English.

The duration of full-time study is 4 years.

The science of “radiophysics” arose thanks to the research of the great scientist A.S. Popov and his invention - a radio receiver. Radiophysics progressed: vacuum tubes and radio stations appeared, and radiotelephony began to emerge. But this science does not cease to develop, “Radiophysics” is a specialty that is ready to accept young students into its ranks, to turn them into qualified specialists who must be distinguished by ingenuity, high intelligence and logical thinking.

Received knowledge

Students will study many interesting disciplines during their course. Of course, the greatest attention is paid to the fundamental sciences: mathematics, physics, computer science. Social disciplines and a foreign language are also not ignored.

Students majoring in radiophysics will be familiar with such special disciplines as:

  • digital filtering and signal processing,
  • encoding and compression of video and audio signals,
  • electrodynamics,
  • mobile communication systems,
  • physical Electronics,
  • radio electronics,
  • telemetry and telecontrol,
  • computational optics,
  • image processing and pattern recognition.

The list of professional disciplines taught depends on the chosen profile. This information must be clarified directly with the educational institution.

Skills acquired during training

Now let's talk about what skills a graduate who has received this specialty will receive. To begin with, we note that during training the student undergoes research practice, which is expressed in the completion of coursework and dissertations at the department.

The student masters industrial practice in research institutes and large enterprises, thereby gaining valuable experience in the development and design of electronic equipment and the development of the latest technologies.

So, “Radiophysics” is a specialty that will allow in the future:

  • experiment and conduct research in various fields of radiophysics and electronics;
  • engage in teaching activities and conduct classes for students in laboratories;
  • develop projects of radio-electronic devices, generators, nanotechnological devices, special signal processing devices, communication systems;
  • implement the results of developments;
  • repair radio-electronic equipment;
  • participate in the preparation of patent and license serial passports for modern equipment;
  • monitor the quality of manufactured radio-electronic devices;
  • prepare scientific articles, draft reviews and write research reports.

Future profession

Starting from the third year, students can begin their working career at various enterprises and firms working in the relevant field.

Knowledge of mechanics and electrodynamics will facilitate career growth in both science and industry. Also, a radio physicist can find application in the information support department, in computer and telecommunications companies, in organizations that provide communications at various enterprises. Application specialists are required in companies involved in robotics, electronics, and acoustic systems.

Current professions:

  • technical center development engineer,
  • radar engineer,
  • communications engineer,
  • Electrical Engineer,
  • radio installer,
  • radio engineer, etc.

Many students enter the master's program and continue to engage in scientific activities at the department.

"Radiophysics" is a specialty of higher professional education, qualification - academic bachelor (030303). Overview of the specialty: exams, study periods, subjects, professions, reviews and suitable universities.


For friends!


Such an interesting science as radiophysics appeared thanks to the research of A. S. Popov and the creation of the first radio receiver. Radiophysics has been constantly evolving. This is proven first by the appearance of vacuum tubes, the emergence of radiotelephony, the emergence of radio stations and radio engineering centers. Currently, radiophysics is a complex science in the field of physics that studies the physical processes of electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves.

Description of activity

To successfully work as a radiophysicist, you need knowledge of mechanics and electrodynamics, quantum theory and statistical physics, computer hardware and software, information technology and systems. The specialist will also need skills to work in research laboratories. Many people wonder about the place of employment for a radiophysicist. In fact, there are a lot of options. This specialist can find a job not only in the field of education and science, but also work in organizations that deal with security systems or provide communications to various enterprises. Also, his knowledge may be needed in companies selling and connecting electronic equipment.

Job responsibilities

A radio physicist designs equipment and performs design and technological work. He is engaged in research work, designs various elements and components. This specialist implements prepared technological processes for the production of radio-electronic and communications equipment. His competence includes work on microcircuits with the prospect of developing microelectronics. The research work of a radiophysicist is design involving new physical phenomena and effects, new discoveries in microelectronics and microprocessor technology.

Features of career growth

A radio physicist can easily achieve career heights not only in science and industry, but also in business, management and communications. Of course, this will be facilitated by personal qualities and relevant knowledge. Professional success can be achieved by getting a job in the information support departments of government agencies, in computer and telecommunications companies. There are many clear examples of radiophysicists becoming excellent development engineers at design bureaus and technology centers and achieving success in research institutes and universities.

A.S. is considered the founder of radiophysics. Popov, he invented the radio receiver.

Now this science covers all natural phenomena, from the study of the atomic nucleus to the laws of the universe.

The main direction is electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves.

Remuneration in Russia

The largest number of vacancies for specialists in the field of radiophysics is located:

  • in the Moscow region — 21.5%;
  • in second place is the Leningrad region. - 7.9%;
  • in third - Nizhny Novgorod - 7.9%.

Employers offer 7 vacancies with a salary of up to 16,800 rubles, 70 with a salary of up to 32,600, 31 vacancies promise to pay 48,400 rubles, 14 job offers correspond to 64,200 rubles. and 8 - with a salary exceeding this amount.

A beginner specialist receives 8,000 rubles. ($136) at least.

The maximum rate received by a development engineer with at least 3 years of experience is 36,000 rubles. ($616).

The average level corresponds to 23,450 rubles. ($401) in Moscow, such professionals receive an average of 50,000 rubles. ($855), and in St. Petersburg - 40,000 rubles. ($684) .

The salary of radiophysicists in the country is distributed according to the following rating (in rubles):

  • Moscow region - 45,000 ($770);
  • Primorsky Krai - 42,552 ($728);
  • Kamchatka Territory - 38,000 ($650);
  • Murmansk region — 31668 ($542);
  • Altai Territory - 30,000 ($513).
  • engineer category I - 42,441 ($726); 41455 ($709);
  • design engineer - 46862 ($802); 48722 ($833);
  • engineer II category - 37,557 ($642); 34111 ($583);
  • low-current systems - 33,733 ($645); 48511 ($830);
  • for the introduction of new equipment and technologies - 39,032 ($668);
  • leading engineer - 52702 ($901); 51943 ($889);
  • C# developer - 50,000 ($855);
  • equipment installation engineer - 50,000;
  • programmer - 53702 ($919); 51848 ($887);
  • engineer of the production and technical department - 35,000 ($599);
  • standardization and certification specialist - 20,000 ($342);
  • electrical installation foreman - 60,000 ($1,026); 56093 ($950).

Data for Russia for other positions in rubles:

  • electronics engineer - 53889 ($922);
  • chief specialist - 43758 ($749);
  • chief - 67307 ($1151);
  • REA developer - 71667 ($1226);
  • HVAC designer - 66667 ($1140);
  • technical supervision engineer - 60667 ($1038);
  • Head of VET - 60,000 ($1,026);
  • chief engineer - 55,000 ($941);
  • technical equipment engineer - 54167 ($927);
  • project - 51667 ($884);
  • designer of low-current systems - 50417 ($862).

By CIS countries

IT specialists are the highest paid in Ukraine; they receive an average of 24,000 UAH. ($890).

The income of other radiophysicists depends on their position (in UAH):

  • communications engineer without work experience - 3000 ($111);
  • specialists in the field of information and telecommunications - 11.2 thousand ($415);
  • in the scientific and technical field - 9000 ($333);
  • laboratory tests - 7200 ($266);
  • in industry - 6844 ($254).

The minimum salary for a beginning engineer is 2,111 UAH ($78), a professional with experience receives 18,200 UAH ($674), and the average level corresponds to 5,555 UAH ($206).

In Kazakhstan, a young radio physicist receives 53,000 tenge ($158), an experienced developer earns a maximum of 254,000 tenge ($760), the national average is 94,000 tenge ($281).

The work of Belarusian specialists is valued at at least 316 rubles. ($160) Maximum salary - 1337 b.r. ($675), the average wage level is 781 b.r. ($394).

For non-CIS countries


The minimum salary of a beginning engineer in Germany is many times higher than the maximum salary in the CIS countries.

Salaries of some specialists with radio engineering education in euros per month:

  • engineer - 4380;
  • electronics and telecommunications - 4836;
  • mechanical engineering - 4668;
  • electrical engineer - 4557;
  • programmer - 4067.

More recently, Germany introduced a minimum wage level that corresponds (in euros):

  • 8.5 - for 1 hour of work;
  • 68 - in 8 hours or 1 working day;
  • 340 - in 40 hours or 5 days;
  • 1360 - for 160 hours of work.


Average salaries for radiophysicists in Poland:

  • director in the IT field - PLN 13,305. ($3494);
  • automation and robotics engineer - PLN 2993. ($786);
  • electronics – PLN 2713 ($749);
  • electrician - PLN 2853 ($750).

By city in America, annual salaries in the field of technology programming (in $):

  • Toronto - 68,000;
  • Chicago - 107,000;
    Los Angeles - 117,000;
  • Washington - 108,000;
  • Denver - 112,000;
  • Boston - 116,000;
  • New York - 121000.

Other countries

Average annual salary data for radiophysicists in dollars:

  • France - 555,000;
  • England - 574,000;
  • Singapore - 56,000;
  • Australia - 79,000;
  • Austria - 77,000.

Required knowledge

Basic knowledge of the exact sciences, as well as computer science, Russian and English, is acquired during school years.

At the university, all these subjects are studied in more depth.

Knowledge will be useful for conducting scientific and research work in the areas of:

  • laser equipment and technologies;
  • accounting systems;
  • radio engineering;
  • electrical engineering;
  • nanotechnology;
  • radio equipment;
  • quantum radiophysics and radio electronics;
  • acoustics, etc.

Where can I work?

There are almost limitless opportunities for graduates of technical universities.

They can apply their knowledge in the following areas:

  • research work;
  • radio and telecommunications enterprises;
  • video surveillance systems;
  • security companies;
  • production and servicing of electrical appliances;
  • computer companies.

A branch of physics covering the study and use of electronics. mag. oscillations and waves of the radio range, as well as the dissemination of the principles and methods developed in this case in other areas of physics and beyond. On the electromagnetic wave scale, the radio range... ... Physical encyclopedia

An area of ​​physics in which the processes associated with electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves are studied: their excitation, propagation, reception and frequency conversion, as well as the resulting interactions of electrical and... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 physics (55) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

radiophysics- — EN radiation physics The study of ionizing radiation and its effects on matter. (Source: MGH) Topics: environmental protection… Technical Translator's Guide

An area of ​​physics in which the physical processes associated with electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves (see Radio waves) are studied: their excitation, propagation, reception and frequency conversion, as well as those arising from this... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

AND; and. A branch of physics that studies the physical foundations of radio engineering and related branches of technology. * * * radiophysics is an area of ​​physics in which processes associated with electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves are studied: their excitation, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

radiophysics- radiofizika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. radiophysics vok. Radiophysics, f rus. radiophysics, f pranc. radiophysique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

Radiophysics- Socorro Radio Telescope, Mexico. RADIOPHYSICS, a field of physics in which the processes associated with electromagnetic oscillations and radio waves are studied: their excitation, propagation, reception and frequency conversion, as well as emerging... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

G. A branch of physics that studies the physical foundations of radio engineering and related branches of technology. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Radiophysics and nonlinear dynamics, Anishchenko V.S.. The textbook outlines the main issues and problems that are studied by students of physics departments as part of their training in the specialty Radiophysics. Benefit...
  • Radiophysics and electronics for beginners, Syshchenko V.V., Afanasenkov Yu.M.. The manual is intended for initial acquaintance with the basics of radiophysics, vacuum and semiconductor electronics. For junior students of physics majors at universities and…