National Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties. Information and Publishing Center on Taxes and Duties: functions, purpose and features of work

Automation of office work of the Certification Center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties" (UC) within the framework of the created public key infrastructure - technological infrastructure, services, policies and procedures that ensure the issuance and management of the status of EDS public key certificates of subscribers (legal entities , individual entrepreneurs, individuals).

Main objectives of the project

Improving the quality and efficiency of CA customer service by creating a unified corporate information space that provides CA staff with automation of the basic services and procedures necessary for issuing and managing the status of subscribers’ EDS public key certificates.

Project Description

The main functionality of the electronic document management subsystem of the automated public key infrastructure information system (PED AIS PKI), which allows to automate the processes of issuing and managing the status of subscribers' EDS public key certificates, created on the basis of the RECORD TM EDMS, was implemented and put into commercial operation in 2009. PED AIS PKI was initially created for 5 (five) user registrars with the possibility of increasing their number.Currently, the number of user registrars has reached fifty.

In the period from 2009 to 2012. additional functionality has been implemented:
1.Creation of remote registration centers with the possibility of terminal access to the data processing center;
2. The ability to export data in an agreed format on the services provided by the CA from the PED AIS IOK for their subsequent processing in the enterprise accounting automation system 1C “Accounting”.
3. Automated entry of information about an individual, individual entrepreneur or an authorized representative of a legal entity when scanning identity documents using a specialized document reader (passport scanner) of the Regula 7007 model.

At the moment, the PED AIS PKI operates in seven remote registration centers (workstations are installed with a connection to the central office in terminal mode).

The number of subscribers served by the CA who have connected to the AIS PKI is more than 200 thousand.

A distinctive feature of the PED AIS PKI is that it has become the most important tool for managing the public key infrastructure of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties", ensuring the implementation of the necessary procedures for the provision of CA services, as well as control functions, statistical processing of results and forecasting .


The introduction of PED AIS PKI made it possible to increase the efficiency of management of the CA due to:
- organizing and maintaining a centralized database of electronic documents with restricted access to information;
- the ability to control all user actions in the transaction log;
- organizing the same procedure for issuing certificates for all registration centers;
- automatic uploading of information on payment for services into the enterprise accounting automation system 1C “Accounting”;
- the ability to promptly receive reports on services provided;
- reducing time and financial costs for exchanging documents between remote registration centers;

Project completion time

Implementation of the main functionality - 01/12/2009-07/02/2009.
Implementation of additional functionality - 2009-2012.

About the Customer

The Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties" carries out activities to distribute public signature verification keys on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus "On some measures for organizing work on submitting tax returns (calculations) to the tax authorities in electronic form document" dated 09.29.08 No. 84 and in accordance with the License of the Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.10.09 No. 01019.

Authorization on the Portal is possible with a valid public key certificate obtained in the public key infrastructures of the certification center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties" (hereinafter - RUP IIC) or in the Republican Certification Center of the State Public Key Management System for Verifying Electronic Digital Signatures of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as RTC GosSUOK).

Make sure that you have a disk with up-to-date software and a carrier of key information, the so-called. key (for example, AvPass, AvToken, AvBign).

To work with the portal for submitting electronic invoices you need:

Make sure your operating system is not an amateur “assembly”.

Open the system properties view: Right-click on the Computer (My Computer) shortcut - Properties.

Look at what the operating system properties look like:

The build year must correspond to the actual release year of the operating system, for example:

  • for Windows XP - 2002
  • for Windows 7 - 2009, etc.
  • There should not be any extraneous images other than the Windows logo (pre-installed systems from well-known computer manufacturers may also contain manufacturer logos and/or activation information).

    Common assemblies that may cause problems: ZverCD, ZverDVD, PiterPen, Goletsa, etc.

    The operation of cryptographic components on these types of assemblies is not guaranteed.

    Install current cryptographic information protection software "Avest" ( software package “AVEST Subscriber Kit”).

    The subscriber package includes:

  • Crypto provider Avest CSP;
  • Crypto provider Avest CSP Bel;
  • Personal certificate manager 4.0.6;
  • AvCMXWebP plugin 1.1.8;
  • AvJCEProv 1.3.1;
  • ATTENTION! If this cryptographic software is not installed on the user’s PC, then the operation of all functionality of the portal and web service is not guaranteed!

    Make sure you are using the browser version Internet Explorer 8, 10 or 11.

    Launch Internet Explorer, select the gear icon (in different versions there may be a “?” sign or the “Help” menu) - “About”.

    Internet Explorer browser version must be 8, 10 or 11.

    How install a certificate for RUE IIC or RTC GosSUOK and/or update software for it?

    The software, which includes a subscriber kit with the appropriate settings for the infrastructure of the RUP IITs or RTC GosSUOK and the organization’s personal certificate, is distributed on a CD. The certificate is usually issued for several years, so the programs transferred on the disk may become outdated over time. At the moment, the current version of the crypto provider for users with certificates from the infrastructure of the RUE IIC or RTC GosSUOK:

    Avest CSP(Check the version by opening Start - All Programs - Avest - Avest CSP - "Version" tab).

    Avest CSP bel(Check the version by opening Start - All Programs - Avest - Avest CSP bel - "Version" tab).

    If you have an older version of the Avest CSP or Avest CSP bel crypto provider installed on your computer, then it is best to use the update of the entire subscriber package. For this:

    1. Download and save to your computer an archive with the current subscriber kit for AvToken or AvPass media.
    2. The programs are archived. Be sure to unpack the archive before installing the programs.
    3. Go to the unpacked directory with the files..\AvPKISetup(4.0.6.bign)\.
    4. If you do not have a certificate in your personal directory
      Find the ..\data\ folder and copy the chain of certificates in *.p7b format with your current certificate from the RUP IIC into it. The installer will not only update your programs, but will also start importing this certificate into your personal directory.
    5. If you have a current certificate in your personal directory, then the installation can be started simply in software update mode: Find the AvPKISetup2.exe file and run it by double-clicking. The Software Update Wizard will launch. Follow the installation wizard's instructions. Be careful, you may need to restart your computer during the installation process.
    6. Detailed instructions for using the automatic installer AvPKISetup are located in the same archive in the folder..\AvPKISetup(4.0.6.bign)\Docs\Instructions for installing software using AvPKISetup on the NCES 2.0 workstation.pdf.

    Make sure your certificate is valid. Open the personal manager corresponding to the certificate, go through authorization, make sure that the certificate is valid and the SOS has not expired.

    SOS has expired. Use the button to automatically update the current Certificate Revocation Lists.

    Certification centers in the Republic of Belarus

    List of certification centers of the Republic of Belarus:

    The certification center of the secure e-mail system of government bodies "Mailgov" (hereinafter referred to as the SZEP CA "Mailgov") is designed to automate the main functions associated with the provision of services for the distribution of public keys for verifying electronic digital signatures for mail subscribers of government bodies.
    The functioning of the EPZEP CA "Mailgov" is ensured by software and hardware that automates public key management processes.

    The software and hardware complex that implements the functions of the Mailgov SZEP CA is intended for:

    Issuing public key certificates;
    issuing and maintaining an up-to-date certificate revocation list;
    secure storage of all issued public key certificates and certificate revocation lists.

  • produces signature key certificates;
  • creates keys for electronic digital signatures at the request of clients with a guarantee that the personal key of the electronic digital signature will be kept secret;
  • suspends and renews signature key certificates, as well as revokes them;
  • maintains a register of issued signature key certificates, ensures its relevance and the possibility of free access to it by clients;
  • Verifies the authenticity of signature key certificates based on user requests;
  • implements cryptographic protection means. In particular, a digital signature tool for creating electronic documents;
  • helps organize electronic document flow;
  • provides clients with other services related to the use of electronic digital signatures.

    Regulatory documents and agreements can be found here

    3. Information Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Center for Marketing and Price Research” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

    In order to become a CA Subscriber and be able to use an electronic digital signature, you must:
    — Register;
    — Pay for services;
    - Provide documents;
    - Enter into a contract;
    — Receive an electronic signature.

    4. Unitary enterprise for the provision of services “Certification center “BUTB” (BELARUSIAN UNIVERSAL TRADING EXCHANGE).

    To ensure the functioning of an electronic digital signature in the electronic document management system of the Ministry of Finance, in full compliance with the requirements of the law of December 28, 2009 No. 113-Z “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” the Certification Center of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus was created.

    Verification Center:
    — produces signature key certificates;
    — creates keys for electronic digital signatures at the request of clients with a guarantee that the personal key of the electronic digital signature will be kept secret;
    — suspends and resumes the validity of signature key certificates, as well as revokes them;
    — maintains a register of signature key certificates, ensures its relevance and the possibility of free access to it by clients;
    — checks the uniqueness of public keys of electronic digital signatures in the register of signature key certificates and the archive of the Certification Authority;
    — issues certificates of signature keys in the form of documents on paper and in the form of electronic documents with information about their operation;
    — upon requests from users of signature key certificates, confirms the authenticity of an electronic digital signature in an electronic document in relation to the signature key certificates issued to them;
    — provides clients with other services related to the use of electronic digital signatures.

    The Certification Center of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus uses certified means of cryptographic information protection, which allows the Certification Center to provide the necessary and full range of services.

    The Certificate Authority is the main component of public key infrastructure technology, on the basis of which many information security systems can be built, widely used for various types of enterprise-level secure application systems, such as secure document management, Internet banking , billing systems, e-commerce, etc..

    The core of one of these systems is the certification center of CJSC “Banking and Financial Television Network”, which provides services for the production and issuance of public key certificates for work in the Guaranteed Delivery System (SGDS) on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The presence of certificates from our certification center ensures safe operation in the AIS, NB, NM, CD, RD domains of the SGDS system.

    Functions of the certification center:

    The certification center of CJSC "Banking and Financial Telenet" performs the following functions:

    • registration and creation of public key certificates (PKC) at the user's request with a guarantee of keeping the private key secret;
    • suspension and renewal of public key certificates at the user's request;
    • replacing public key certificates at the user's request;
    • revocation of public key certificates upon user request;
    • checking and confirming the authenticity and validity of public key certificates;
      maintaining a database of public key certificates (SOK storage, SOK archive);
    • publishing and keeping up to date the list of revoked certificates (CRC), as well as providing free access to it;
    • Providing clients with advisory and technical assistance on issues within the competence of the certification center of CJSC Banking and Financial Television Network.
    • Activities for the distribution of public signature verification keys are carried out by the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties” (hereinafter referred to as Company) on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus “On some measures for organizing work on submitting tax returns (calculations) to the tax authorities in the form of an electronic document” dated September 29, 2008 No. 84 and in accordance with the License of the Operational Analytical Center under the President of the Republic Belarus dated 10.01.09 No. 01019.

      The founder of the Enterprise is the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.

      Certification center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties” (hereinafter referred to as Verification Center) carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulations for the provision of services for the distribution of public signature verification keys by the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties" (hereinafter - Regulations) and the Regulations on the Certification Center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties” (hereinafter referred to as Position).

      Registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual as a Subscriber of the Certification Center is the primary service provided by the Certification Center.

      Registration as a Subscriber of the Certification Center is carried out by the registration center.

      You can view the required package of documents here.

      Root certificate of the Certification Center of the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Belarus (download here)

      Information on the procedure for obtaining (cancelling) signature verification public key certificates (EDS) - follow the link to study.

      Your system administrator

      Notes about computers and more 😉

      Solving problems with Belarusian electronic declaration software

      Useful tips on problems with programs for submitting reports to the Tax Service, Federal Social Security Service, BelGosStrakh, BelStat etc.

      Software for tax inspection (Edeclaration)

      Method 1

      We insert the disk into the drive (if there is no CD drive, copy all the files from the disk on another computer with a disk drive to the flash drive)

      In the authorization window, check the box “Login without authorization.”
      Make sure that the key media is installed in the USB port of the computer and select the command List of keys on the media on the menu Service.

      then in the List of keys on the media window, click the button find certificate.
      We check that everything is correct and enter the password for authorization...

      Unfortunately, this method does not always work. It’s better to find a “native” disk with the program.

      Edeclaration: errors when sending reports

      A completely incomprehensible error, presumably related to encoding errors when accessing the user certificate.

      It can be treated by deleting the user certificate in the certificate manager and then adding it.

      Message “SOS has expired”

      For successful authorization in both the tax reporting software and the social security fund client software, you must have valid (not expired) certificate revocation lists (CRLs). They come in 3 types: SOS Root Certification Center of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, SOS subordinate Certification Center of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties and SOS root educational center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties”.

      Edeclaration won't start

      IN: When running Edeclaration, the Login window appears - what is the default username and password?
      ABOUT: User alex(lowercase Latin letters), password 111. You can change it in the program itself through the Window -> Users menu.

      IN: When launching Edeclaration, a message appears: “An error has occurred. Look at the log file..."
      ABOUT: This is usually due to the fact that the program is already running and you are trying to start another copy. In this case, simply switch to the already running copy. It also happens that the program is running in the remote desktop session of another terminal server user. Agree with your colleague about the order of priority for working with the program.

      Software for the Social Protection Fund

      useful links

      • Download certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) of certification authorities (CRLs) as well as cryptographic providers, key drivers, etc.
      • FSZN: download the Program for working with digital signature (client software).
      • How to add a user certificate to the list of certificates for authorization (2 methods)

        Complex, but the most reliable. It is based on adding a certificate to your personal directory using the cryptographic software installation program from the CD issued in the certificate during registration. The disk is needed from the exact payer whose certificate we are installing; another one is not suitable. In short, you need to use only item “Add user certificate to personal directory”

        and select the item Installing Cryptographic Software from the startup program
        (as an option we launch the application AvPKISetup2.exe from the root folder of the disk).

        In the component selection window, you need to select ONLY the option to install a certificate in your personal directory.

        Method 2.

        If there is no disk with the software, and there is no previously saved certificate file, you can try importing the certificate from the key media through the Program Avest personal certificate manager.

        As a result, after a short search for a certificate, the computer should display a message about the successfully added certificate.

        The easiest way to update the SOS is if you have a tax reporting program installed. To do this, run , then in the menu File click Receiving SOS.
        A message should appear “Received: 3 total, 1 imported” (2 or 3). Now you can check the functionality of the cryptographic system using the Test connection command in File.

        When you double-click on a JavaScript *.js script file, it opens in Notepad instead of being executed.

        Algorithm for reinstalling FSZN

        1) In installing and removing programs, find AvestCSP for BelSSF. Please note the version number. Delete it, as well as all other crypt providers starting with AvestCSP and having a version older than BelSSF.

        Software for BelGosStrakh

        Transferring the history of BelGosStrakh reports to another computer

        To transfer user data, you need to copy the ERESPONDENT.FDB file, which is located in the program directory. By default, this is “C:\Program Files\Respondent Workstation\”.

        Other questions on the topic

        What do all these abbreviations mean?

        To understand what works and how, it is very desirable to know what it is called and what it is called. At the same time, one sometimes gets the impression that a normal person simply cannot remember the unpronounceable and obscure abbreviations of the computer industry. All that remains is to keep the offer list of abbreviations on the topic “Electronic Declaration” at hand.

        AWS - automated workstation
        ACS - automated control system.
        IMNS - Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.
        BY - software.
        PSKZI - personal cryptographic information protection tool .
        PU -
        personalized accounting.
        SOS - list of revoked certificates.
        CA - verification Center.
        FSZN - social protection fund.
        EDS - electronic digital signature.

        Solving problems with Belarusian electronic declaration software: 35 comments

        Please correct the text:
        Where to turn for help (for the Social Security Fund)
        For technical support of the Program for working with EDS PCDSI ACS PU (connection to the FSZN portal, transmission of reports): +375 17 288-60-22; +375 17 288-61-51; +375 29 111-55-08; skype: - from 8.30 to 17.30 (free, but very difficult to get through).

        >This is technical support for the portal itself, and not for the digital signature program.

        For technical support of the software issued upon registration (Certification Center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties”) +375 17 269-19-00, 269-19-19 (free, but difficult to get through). You can also send a request for support by fax +375 17 269-19-43 or complain to your superiors - Lyudmila Anatolyevna +375 17 269-19-30.

        >IIC has nothing to do with the RUP Foundation. May be confusing to users who find these recommendations.

        For problems related to Avest cryptographic software: contact Avest CJSC Technical Support: +375 17 207-93-19 (69), if you can’t get through by phone, try sending a question by fax +375 17 207-91-49.

        >and here you can indicate technical support for the ACS PU PCDST program, as well as assistance in resolving authorization problems on the FSZN portal.

        Good afternoon Is it possible to delete invalid certificates, if so, how to do this (the Delete icon is not active).

        I assume you are asking about expired personal certificates. Of course, you can remove them so they don’t get tangled under your hands. The icon is not active, apparently because you are logged into your personal certificate manager WITHOUT authorization.

        Thanks, I'll try it now))

        Good evening! It is not possible to send the Declaration. When you click “Sign and Submit,” a banner pops up » Select a certificate:
        From a personal directory
        View the certificate, but the plate is empty. there is nothing to choose from.

        It is not clear what program we are talking about. I can only assume that you need to add a personal certificate to the directory through the Personal Certificate Manager program. The certificate itself is usually on the software disk, which is issued upon concluding an agreement for digital signature.

        Good afternoon, please help me, there is a user version of the Declaration and, accordingly, the database, but you need to install a multi-user version that would work on two computers, how to do this correctly. the sequence of my actions, what needs to be installed on the computer where there are current databases. Demolish the single-user one and install a multi-user server or multi-user client. HELP.

        The sequence of actions is as follows:
        1) Install Edeclaration in “Server” mode in a SEPARATE folder on the server, for example D:\EDecl_srv. We do not start the server so that the databases can be copied.
        2) Copy the “edecl” folder from the single-user EDeclaration directory to the D:\EDecl_srv\ folder on the server, replacing all files;
        3) Launch the Edeclaration server using the shortcut of the same name on the server, confirming the request to allow the Windows firewall;
        4) Install Edeclaration in “Client” mode on client computers; When installing, specify the name or IP address of the server.
        5) Launch Edeclaration clients and make sure that all declarations and payer data were copied correctly.
        6) Install the Avest subscriber kit and add a user certificate on those client computers from which declarations are supposed to be signed and sent.

        Is it possible to install both a server and a multi-user client on a computer, and only a multi-user client (client) on a second computer?

        This option is of course possible.
        Tested: it also works quite well in the case of many users of a remote desktop server (terminal server).
        Moreover: according to my observations, a multi-user client starts faster than a single-user client on the same computer. This is understandable: after all, the server has already been launched.

        Is it possible to change the path to the server in the client when reinstalling the server part on another PC (Server), or do I need to reinstall the clients?

        Of course you can change it. The connection parameters to the Edeclaration database (to the server) are stored in the text file ‘’ in the folder with the installed client.

        Just in case, make a copy of this file, then open the original with any text editor, such as notepad.

        I think you guessed that instead of myserver you need to enter the name or IP address of your new server 😉 Good luck!

        Hello. How to delete an unsubmitted declaration? Where is it? The second copy is not created, the declaration says it exists.

        This action is described in detail in the built-in help system of the EDeclaration program.
        From the Help menu, select Help Contents. Then, in the “How to work with declarations” section, find the “Deleting a declaration” item.
        I think it makes no sense to repeat everything that is written there.

        Good afternoon Please help!!
        I get the error “Publisher SOS not found”
        Avest program. ESCHF.

    1. Alexander Posted by 01/09/2017 at 01:01
    2. Hello!
      How to overcome the “Publisher SOS not found” error is described in this article

      Good day! We downloaded and then deleted this: EDS PCDST ASU PU version 2.1 and something else, after removal, the computer on which this software was installed stopped connecting to the server remotely, Skype stopped working. You can surf the Internet and networks on computers, including shared folders on the server. Question: when deleting the digital signature of the PCDST of the ACS PU, what else is removed from the system, which makes it impossible to use Skype and remotely. No actions were performed on the terminal server, the rest of the computers on the network are working as they were, only this one experienced a “rake” precisely after uninstalling the EDS PCDST of the ACS PU. Thank you. ZY Naturally there is no restore point)

      It looks like in your case there is a problem with secure authorization when connecting to a remote desktop. Skype also uses a secure connection using features built into Windows.

      Accordingly, there is a direct connection with the Avest digital signature, which is part of the PCDST.

      We can advise you to reinstall/update Internet Explorer... This is unlikely to cause any harm.
      If you don’t want to experiment, call Avest technical support during business hours: 207-93-19, 207-93-69, or send them a request by fax: 207-91-49. They know almost everything about digital signatures, I hope they can suggest something more specific.
      Good luck!

      Hello, I can’t send the declaration, it gives the error: unknown library error((((

      I am not a telepath - describe in more detail:
      What declaration? Which Windows? Who issued your certificate?
      What steps have been taken to diagnose and correct the problem?

      Hello, I can’t send the declaration, it gives the error “unknown library error”. How to fix it?

      Good afternoon
      Please tell me why, when signing a declaration in EDeclaration (it allows you to enter a password), it writes the error “the list of trusted certification authorities was not found” and does not allow you to sign?
      It seems to me that something is missing, maybe this is due to the fact that previously the keys were received/issued to us at the tax and duties center, and now at the intellectual services center?

      If you received a new key from the National Center for Electronic Services and installed a new set of digital signature software, you need to go to the Settings of the EDeclaration electronic tax reporting program and set the path to the new certificate manager there.

      To do this: right-click on the shortcut “Personal certificate manager Avest for GosSUOK” -> Properties -> Copy the path in the “Working folder” window -> and paste it (only WITHOUT quotes) in the Edeclaration program parameters on the Avest tab.

      Thanks a lot! Not only was your answer helpful, it was also prompt!

      Hello. Previously, I easily signed reports to the Federal Social Protection Fund through the Program “PSKZI ACS PU Payers of the Federal Social Protection Fund”. I don’t know what happened today, I can’t sign a report in xml format, so that after signing in sgn format I can send it to the portal. Writes:
      AvFundCrypt Error: AvCryptMail Error: An error occurred while calling the Win32 API function.
      Code 0x00C0000225
      What could this be and what should I do? Help, please.

      Apparently you still use the old key for FSZN, on a flash drive? I think in your case it’s worth trying to remove all programs with the word “Avest” through the control panel, and then first download and install the program for working with digital signatures from the FSZN website and the subscriber kit from the website (in that order).

      Good day. I received an attribute certificate for the Federal Social Security Fund by email. I installed it as a personal manager, but the work program does not see it at all. I've installed and uninstalled it a hundred times already, but the problem still persists. People tell me what's wrong?
      The certificates are all valid, the key has not expired. Technical support said that the installation was incorrect. Several times and everything according to the instructions?
      Help me please….

      Good afternoon!
      In the Belstat online report, when sent, there is an ERROR IN LOADING THE BELSTAT KEY.
      explain how to solve this.

      Without telepathy it’s difficult to say exactly what this means...
      The easiest way to solve problems with the GOSUOK digital signature is to download and install the current version of the subscriber kit from the Avest website: (you can even over the old one).

      Warning: if you also have other cryptographic providers installed (client-bank, old FSZN keys, etc.), this may cause them to lose their functionality and will be more difficult to fix.

      Hello, . When trying to get ESChF statuses, the error: The validity period of the SOS has expired, the SOS is valid until 03/21/2018 23:59:59, check date is 03/22/2018 13:55:31. I receive SOS via Edeclaration, it says received 5, imported 0

      Good day!
      Try downloading the SOS manually from the Foundation’s portal, for example: and adding it through a personal manager with a certificate for the State Educational Inspectorate

      Hello. There is a problem. In the PMS GosSUOK I perform: Service - List of keys on the medium - select the container - RMB Find a certificate - enter the password for the key - Error “Certificate not found. Installed AvestCSP, AvestCSPBel (installed AvKPIsetup). The container is visible through AvestCSPBel. I completely removed all crypto software, reinstalled it, the error remains. There is no disk with crypto software

      I guess I realized that there is no certificate in the personal PMS, most likely because of this there is an error. That is, you need a disk to import a certificate from there?

      >> in personal PMS there is no certificate, most likely because of this error
      >> So you need a disk to import the certificate from there?
      Alternatively, you can copy it from another computer where your personal certificate already exists
      via the command File -> Export certificate to file.

      If there is neither a disk nor another computer, then just request a new certificate from the National Certification Center.

    • Region: Minsk Region
    • Locality::Minsk
    • Ultrasound type: Seminars
    • Type of ultrasound: Education
    • Address:

      Minsk, Masherova Ave., 7, room 123

    • Phones:
    • URL:

    Dear managers, accountants!

    The Republican Unitary Enterprise "Information Publishing Center on Taxes and Duties" of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus invites you to take part in our seminars.

    Seminars are held with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus and the Inspectorate for Taxes in Minsk and other departments.

    Our seminars provide reliable first-hand information, direct communication, and the opportunity to receive qualified answers to your questions directly from specialists.

    Participants in the seminar can be enterprises (organizations) of all forms of ownership, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals.

    You can familiarize yourself with the topics of the seminars by looking at the “seminar plan” section. Here you will find detailed information (topic of the seminar, date of the seminar).

    You can obtain more detailed information about the program of the seminar you are interested in, the cost of the seminar, the time and place of the seminar, the recipient of payment for the seminar, and an explanation of the conclusion of the agreement for participation in the seminar by viewing the “information letter” in the “package of documents.”

    RUE "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties." During my work I recorded the following violations:
    1) Violation of Art. 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (Article 33. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of opinions, beliefs and their free expression.). Once during work, a subscriber complained about his tax office, I agreed. At this time, the deputy passed by. the head of the Lagun department, Natalya Petrovna, heard and “called on the carpet.” She said that I could not express my opinion in the workplace. Restrictions on the expression of one's opinion exist in relation to the state. employees (communication with the press). Work in RUE does not apply to the state. service. You can verify this by looking at the Law “On Civil Service”.
    2) Violation of Article 53. (Article 53. Everyone is obliged to respect the dignity, rights, freedoms, legitimate interests of other persons). Based on the fact that the founder of the organization is the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, there is no question of any respect for the part and dignity. The workers are treated like cattle. They yell for no reason. The head of the department, Viktor Leonidovich Mogilevsky, was especially successful in this. I have never seen him in a good mood. Alla Gennadievna Silnova is another outstanding citizen of the republic and the head of the registration department (immediate supervisor). You can expect any kind of meanness from this one. She became especially adept at writing memos on the sly.
    Violation of Article 55 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 55. Responsibilities of employers when organizing the labor of workers
    a) ensure healthy and safe working conditions at each workplace, comply with labor protection requirements established by regulatory legal acts (documents) and provide guarantees and compensation for work under hazardous working conditions. If there are no requirements in regulatory legal acts (documents) to ensure safe working conditions, the employer takes measures to ensure healthy and safe working conditions;
    In summer, the air temperature rose to such levels that it became problematic to work fully. No one bothered to install an air conditioner, but why? Air conditioning is not needed for livestock. Moreover, the management did not forget to install air conditioners. In one of the offices there was no exhaust ventilation at all and the side was sunny. By the way, this is a question for the control and supervisory authorities: how did the technical supervision accept into operation a room without ventilation? And yet, an air conditioner was purchased for this room. How was this possible, you ask? Elementary: ordinary workers asked subscribers to write wishes about the installation of the “conda” in the book of comments and suggestions. And since the comments in this book are checked by the prosecutor's office, they cannot be ignored. That was the end of the matter. No one was going to install an air conditioner. Well, of course, “Well, we did you a favor, we bought an air conditioner at public expense, but there was no conversation about installation.” So it (the air conditioner) stood on the floor for months.
    b) Ensure the participation of employees in the management of the organization, promptly consider critical comments from employees and inform them about the measures taken;
    All reports on violations of labor rights were simply ignored by management. And when I reminded them of their responsibilities, the head of the legal department replied that management was not obliged to respond to written requests. They are probably guided by some kind of their Labor Code.
    Article 58. Wage indexation
    Wage indexation is carried out if the consumer price index, calculated on an accrual basis since the previous indexation, exceeds the five percent threshold.
    After the March devaluation of 2011, no one even thought about indexing anything. Quite the opposite. There was an “initiative initiated by the employees of the enterprise” to reduce their bonus at their own request. I think everyone knows about this phenomenon in the Belarusian economy.
    Article 92. Regime of working hours and rest time on a business trip
    Employees on a business trip are subject to the working and rest time regime established at the place of business trip, but the average earnings are maintained for all working days of the week according to the schedule of the permanent place of work.
    In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Scientific and Practical Commentary to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, edited by Vasilevich (former chairman of the CONSTITUTIONAL Court of the Republic of Belarus): “the employee and the employer themselves agree on the need to report to work on the day of departure for work
    business trip or arrival from it." In practice, this was expressed in the fact that all business travelers came home at night.
    Article 263. Prohibition and restriction of night work, overtime work, work on public holidays, public holidays and weekends, and sending women on business trips
    It is prohibited to engage pregnant women and women with children under three years of age to work at night, to work overtime, to work on public holidays and public holidays (part one of Article 147), to work on weekends, and to send pregnant women on business trips.
    Women with children aged from three to fourteen years (disabled children up to eighteen years old) may be involved in night work, overtime work, work on public holidays and public holidays (part one of Article 147), work on weekends and sent to business trip only with their consent.
    Girls with children under the age of 14 are required to go on business trips. Moreover, sometimes they have no one to leave these children with and written consent for the business trip was not requested on time, and then “retroactively.” In general, it should be noted that this “backdating” is a characteristic feature of this organization.
    And it’s impossible to count how many times the internal regulations of the enterprise were violated: thousands and thousands. Well, it’s convenient: we ourselves accept the regulations, we break them ourselves - beauty. In practice, this resulted in the emergence of receivables, which should not have arisen at all due to the provisions of the regulations themselves. Of course, ordinary workers had to liquidate the receivables.
    The management is legally illiterate: they don’t even know their own instructions, which they themselves wrote. As a result, bosses prevent employees from fulfilling their official duties, for which these employees receive a salary. But no one canceled the plan established by the ministry. There's actually a pun about the plan. If the company does not fulfill the quarterly plan, an even larger plan is set for the next quarter. Somehow I stayed late at work to fulfill this very plan. To do this, I had to stay until 20:00 and 21:00, and then I wrote an explanatory note as a violation of internal labor regulations. After all, you can stay at work no later than 19:00.
    These are our pies...

    The Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties was founded in March 2007. It publishes official printed publications of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, the state governing body of the Republic of Belarus. The enterprise is unitary; it operates in accordance with the current legislative acts of the state. According to the Charter, it has the status of a legal entity. The organization is a reliable link between taxpayers and legislators.

    Goals and objectives of the information and publishing center on taxes and fees:

  • notifying the public about changes in tax legislation relating to entrepreneurship;
  • providing, with the help of modern information technologies, complex automation of tax authorities to solve the assigned tasks;
  • creation and improvement of logistics and infrastructure of tax authorities in order to increase the efficiency of their work;
  • prevention of tax offenses;
  • improving legal culture;
  • clarification of issues related to the payment of mandatory payments, duties, taxes;
  • providing assistance to taxpayers in preparing various returns and statements;
  • connecting cash register equipment to the general control system;
  • distribution of public key certificates to verify digital electronic signatures;
  • providing assistance in resolving economic issues in light of the latest legal requirements;
  • control of cash register equipment.
  • The Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties successfully cooperates with tax authorities, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, republican government bodies, administrative authorities, individual entrepreneurs, local executive bodies, legal entities and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

    Magazine "Taxes of Belarus"

    The first edition was published in January 2008. The information provided is reliable, since its source is the National Center for Legal Acts. The readership consists of heads of various sectors of the republic, employees of financial departments, accountants and lawyers.

    The magazine of the Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties comprehensively examines the problems of accounting and taxation and promptly informs about changes that have occurred in tax legislation.

    Subscribers of the publication have access to the following benefits:

  • free consultation of specialists on tax issues;
  • direct hotline.
  • Magazine "Entrepreneur Consultant"

    The publication has been available to readers since January 2009. It provides individual entrepreneurs with information on the basic principles of taxation in force in the territory of the Republic and abroad. The magazine states:

  • official interpretations, explanations regarding the payment of certain fees and taxes;
  • requirements for registration of business transactions, licensing, cash acceptance and accounting.
  • Sales of blank products

    The Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties has created a network for the sale of strict reporting forms and other documentation. Transactions are carried out by bank transfer. Clients are individuals and legal entities.

    Step-by-step purchase process:

  • The buyer submits an application for the purchase of products in one of the selected ways: orally, in writing or electronically
  • The company issues an invoice, which the client pays
  • Products for sale
  • Receipt of purchased forms is carried out upon provision of a set of papers (copies and originals):

  • payment orders confirming payment;
  • documents certifying official position;
  • power of attorney to receive forms;
  • identification.
  • The Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties is implementing PED AIS IOC. Thanks to this, the management efficiency of the CA has increased:

  • control over all user actions in the transaction log;
  • prompt receipt of reports on services provided;
  • reduction of financial costs for information exchange between remote registration offices;
  • maintaining a centralized database;
  • automatic uploading of payment information to the enterprise’s 1C Accounting;
  • identical issuance of certificates for all registration authorities.