Actions of the deceased according to the dream book. Modern dream book: seeing intimacy in a dream

A brother is a very close person, so it is not surprising that he may appear in a dream. But due to the fact that relatives in night dreams always carry a semantic load, you need to know what your brother is dreaming about in order to be able to correctly respond to certain events in real life.

It is very important to pay attention to all the nuances of the dream in which the brother appeared. Of great importance for an accurate interpretation is the degree of relationship, as well as what actions the loved one took in their night dreams.

The degree of relationship is of great importance for correct interpretation. As a rule, dreams in which immediate relatives appear carry a greater meaning.


More often than others, the question arises: why do you dream about your brother? Most often, the appearance of a sibling in a dream is a harbinger of receiving news from close relatives. In addition, such a dream should be understood as a sign that at this time your brother lacks communication with you.

Brother is sleeping

If in your night dreams your brother is simply sleeping, then this is a reflection of harmonious family relationships. If in reality you do not have a sibling, but you saw him in a dream, it means that in reality you have a like-minded person and a true friend who you can completely trust.

Why do you dream about your brother’s wedding?

When you dream about your brother’s wedding, serious changes are coming in real life. Most likely, they will be positive and will relate to career growth. But if in reality your brother is still single, then such a dream may simply be a harbinger of his marriage in the near future.

Quarrel with sibling

A quarrel with your brother in your night dreams does not bode well. It is a signal that warns that relationships with your loved ones are not going well. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the current situation as soon as possible and try to correct it.

My brother got sick

If you dream that your brother is sick, then such a dream has nothing to do with the health of your relative. This dream is a warning that very unpleasant events will happen in reality. which was caused by your carelessness.

Older or younger brother

If you dream of an older brother who looks like a younger brother, then this is evidence that you are constantly competing with your brother and strive to defend your position in life. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to defend your brother, then this speaks of your spiritual closeness. And if you have to fight with a relative in the dream, then you will soon make a big profit.

Full brother

When a stepbrother appears in night dreams, which the dreamer actually has in real life, this indicates that close friends need help and support. But if such a relative does not exist in reality, it means that a person has appeared in your environment with whom it is unlikely that you will be able to establish a relationship.

Sister marries brother

A dream in which a sister marries her brother symbolizes the dreamer’s attachment to her blood relatives.

Sex with brother in night dreams

Sometimes the question arises: why do you dream about sex with your brother? Such a dream focuses attention on the troubles of a person in his personal life.

Dreaming about the birth of a brother

It is very good if in your night dreams you dreamed of the birth of your brother. This symbolizes a profitable undertaking in reality. But on the other hand, such a dream focuses on increased competition. If the little brother cries according to the plot of his night dreams, then difficulties will arise in the implementation of a profitable project. But if you managed to calm the crying baby, then you will be able to sort out all the problems.

Cousin - dream book

A cousin appears very often in dreams. Such a dream, as a rule, is always associated with life’s disappointments. In some dream books, such a dream is interpreted as a hint from the subconscious that you need to remember your relatives and visit them.

A quarrel with a cousin in a dream is considered a good omen. This is a sign that friendship and trusting relationships with a relative can be maintained for a long time. But if, according to the plot of your night dreams, you had to hug your cousin, then this indicates that in real life you will have to face betrayal. For a woman, such a dream predicts the betrayal of her beloved man.

Other interpretations of night vision with a cousin may be as follows:

    Talking to him means having a presentiment of something bad. Visiting him means the occurrence of alarming situations. Seeing him in bad condition means expecting sad events. Seeing him in a good mood means making a successful acquisition.

Brother husband

A husband's brother in a dream symbolizes dissatisfaction with family relationships or failure in a planned business.

In addition, other storylines may mean the following:

    A happy and healthy husband's brother portends joyful events in life. A relative who asks for help warns that it is necessary to minimize communication with unfamiliar people. If the husband's brother is drowning, then this indicates that in reality he will have to face a complicated matter. When a relative hugs you, then thoughts of betrayal may arise in your head.

When you dream about your ex-husband's brother, this indicates that soon someone from the past will remind you of yourself. Also, such a dream can be advice that the time has come to deal with old connections. If you don't do this, you will be constantly haunted by the fear of repeating your past mistakes.

Seeing a guy's brother in a dream

If you dream of a guy’s brother, then this is an insignificant symbol in the dream and it does not foretell any special changes in life. According to the interpretations of dream books, after such a dream, events are planned in life in which it is better not to interfere. But if the ex-boyfriend’s brother appeared in his night dreams, then maybe. There's a secret admirer in your life.

Death of a brother - interpretation of sleep

A dream in which the plot is connected with the death of a brother is always of a warning nature. The general interpretation in many dream books indicates that the dreamer may commit some reckless actions in real life. But in order to more accurately understand what should be feared in reality, it is necessary to analyze the entire plot line of night dreams.

When a brother dies according to the plot of night dreams, this, first of all, means that there is a strong emotional connection and affection between the closest relatives. Sometimes such a dream is a sign that the dreamer or woman loves his brother very much and is very afraid of losing him. The desire to constantly keep your brother close to you is very selfish, therefore, you need to overcome this.

If you dreamed about the death of your brother, then this does not have any negative consequences directly for the relative himself. Rather, on the contrary, such night dreams prophesy a long and prosperous life for the brother.

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, one dreams of a dying brother in cases where serious financial difficulties arise in real life. But on the other hand, such a dream can predict the fact that soon someone close to you will ask you to borrow money. Moreover, in this case, the dream focuses on the fact that one cannot refuse. Understanding why you dream that your brother has died, you can avoid mistakes that will negatively affect life in general.

Why do you dream about your brother’s funeral?

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to attend your brother’s funeral, then this can be interpreted as follows:

    Walking in a funeral procession means worrying about the health of your loved ones. Seeing your brother in a coffin means fate will give him longevity. Saying goodbye to the deceased at the grave means strong worries about your relatives in reality.

If you see in a dream that a brother who is alive and well is dying, then you should expect some negative changes in life. Perhaps soon you will receive unpleasant news that will concern not only you, but also your relatives.

Kill brother

Killing a brother in a dream is not a very good omen. Such a dream indicates that you will be involved in a shameful event. But if the murder of a brother was committed in the trees of self-defense, then this portends good luck in the business sphere. In Freud’s dream book, fratricide symbolizes that you are not satisfied with your relationship with your partner. Wherein:
    If you strangled your brother in your night dreams, then you want to diversify your relationship. Murder with a firearm indicates problems in the intimate sphere. If you killed your brother with a knife, then this indicates that you have cooled down towards your partner and are experiencing a strong attraction to another person.

Brother gets into a car accident

If in your night dreams you watch your brother get into a fatal car accident or simply witness his murder, then this indicates that soon in real life you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions for some reason.

When a deceased brother dreams, this usually warns that the dreamer may commit an unseemly act. Try to remember what the deceased relative may have told you. This may be a hint for action in the real world. The question often arises as to why a dead brother dreams of being alive. If you saw him happy and healthy in your night dreams, then the dream warns that people in your immediate circle are having a bad influence on you and are giving you the wrong advice. Because of this, your financial situation may worsen significantly.

The most complete interpretation of the dream is given in Miller's dream book. It indicates that you definitely need to pay attention to the plot of the dream in which your deceased brother hugs you. This is a warning from above and should definitely be heeded. The thing is that the things you are so passionate about can lead to unhappiness lately. You need to stop for a while and analyze the situation around you. It often happens that one dreams of a deceased brother in a variety of dream plots:

    If you see that he has climbed out of the grave, then your friends will soon turn away from you. If you dreamed of him alive, but in a state of intoxication, then your unseemly actions will soon become public knowledge. When he pushes you towards the pit, then you are in real life. life will be disappointed in love. If you hug and kiss, then you will soon become seriously ill. When he asks you to borrow money, this portends great financial losses. If he plans to kill you, then you should expect that people will trail around you intrigue.
If in a dream you have a desire to hug your brother, but for some reason this does not work out, then this indicates that you really lack family ties. On the other hand, this dream can also focus your attention on the fact that your loved ones also lack your attention and care. Try to join the family and offer your help in solving various everyday problems. After this, life will take on bright colors, and will also become more rich and interesting. A good sign is a dream in which you have to swear and fight with your deceased brother. It portends success in the financial sector. A business person will be able to conclude very successful deals that will bring great profits. But if you talk calmly with your deceased brother, then this indicates that you will have serious health problems. This is a signal that you need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, undergo treatment. Maybe you just need a good rest away from home. Try to remember what your late brother told you in your night dreams. Maybe this will be a hint for you and will help prevent unpleasant turns of fate. If you dreamed of a deceased brother who died a long time ago, then in reality problems that go back to the past will appear. But such a dream also indicates that you will be able to deal with them. In such night dreams, a relative is a symbol of help and protection. Also, a long-dead brother may dream of a change in the weather.

Some dreams disappear from memory immediately after waking up. Others sink into our souls for a long time, depriving us of peace. It’s a pity, but pleasant dreams with flowers, butterflies and winged ponies rarely fall into the category of the latter! No, much more often our thoughts are taken over by images that are extremely frightening, and sometimes downright gloomy - cemeteries, crosses, dead people... What is this, a primitive reflection of hidden fears, or are you still dreaming of something else?

General interpretation of dreams about a dead person

As usual, the master interpreters could not come to a common opinion and were divided into two camps. The first - apparently, inveterate pessimists - firmly believe that the dead do not bring good things to life.

  • Miller's Dream Book:

Any dream about a dead person gives reason to be wary. You are warned about enemies who are planning another trick, unsuccessful deals and illnesses; that a certain person is trying to gradually guide your actions and he succeeds, or that you yourself have poor control over your temper and can get into trouble because of him. In short, be extremely careful and learn restraint.

  • Vanga's Dream Interpretation:

Beware of the treachery of fake friends and global disasters: pestilence, floods, accidents with numerous victims.

  • Freud's Dream Book:

If you dream of someone who is now dead in the form of a dead person, you are advised to be careful; alive, you do not like this person.

  • Loff's Dream Interpretation:

Dead people in our dreams serve as the embodiment of feelings of guilt and regret, as well as a sense of our own powerlessness. Some situation is “dead” and you cannot change it.

  • Longo's Dream Interpretation:

The upcoming troubles will be related to the dreamer's family.

What if they didn’t come to intimidate you, but to warn you about something important?

Also, a dream about a dead person for a pregnant woman is not considered the most pleasant.

The second company of interpreters is convinced that every image that appears in a dream has exactly the opposite meaning. If you see a dead person, get ready to smile and live happily ever after.

  • Aesop's Dream Interpretation:

If the dreamed dead man behaved peacefully, did not try to threaten or show dissatisfaction, he only foreshadows a change in the weather.

  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov:

A dead person in a coffin symbolizes rain or snow; outside it symbolizes unexpected guests.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima:

The next period of life, a previously experienced feeling or problem loses its former significance and becomes a thing of the past - “dies”, and the time of change begins for you.

  • Ivanov’s newest dream book:

Good luck awaits a person who sees a dead person in a dream.

  • Dream Book of the Wanderer:

A dream promises a period of complete peace, silence and respite from problems.

  • Collection of dream books:

Expect the return of a situation that seemed completely outdated to you. To avoid trouble, you will have to stand up, act decisively and quickly.

A whole inflorescence of dream books - Hasse, Gypsy, Bitches, Modern and Simona Kananita - say: a dead person appearing in a dream promises good health and many years of life.

Dead man in a coffin

The living dead really are not to be trifled with.

Often, the combination of two negative symbols - the dead man himself and the coffin - is considered a bad sign. For the unlucky dreamer, he prophesies tears, material problems, ailments, squabbles in the family, and failures in business. In short, a complete set of all kinds of troubles; just wait to see where the next one will crawl out. And if the deceased has also come to life in a dream, it is better to put all matters aside, take a week of rest and spend time in silence and solitude, without making any serious decisions. You now have neither the energy nor the ability to see the situation clearly.

Moreover, every dream has many different interpretations, especially if you remember its details. You can find out more about what these or other signs of fate mean in the article.

Why do you dream about various parts of the deceased’s body?

If at night your attention for some reason remained focused on one specific part of the deceased’s body, this may be for a reason...

  • The head symbolizes a round dance of painful, gloomy thoughts. It sounds like you are constantly in a state of stress or increased anxiety and risk getting bogged down in it if you don't immediately take countermeasures against your depression.
  • Hands serve as a reproach for inertia. Instead of gathering your will into a fist and starting to change the situation in the right direction, you infantilely look at it from the outside and hope that everything will resolve itself, running away from problems.
  • Legs are a concrete call to stop hesitating and take a step forward.
  • Blood indicates the possibility of conflict with relatives.
  • The eyes or gaze of a dead person that has sunk into your soul indicates that you desperately need the presence of a loved one nearby who shares your interests and can, on occasion, become a reliable support.
  • A dream in which any personal belongings of the deceased appeared is considered a person’s subconscious need to take care of the final resting place of the deceased - install a tombstone or put the grave in order.

Actions with a dead body

By touching your fear you can forget about it forever

Touching a dead person, contrary to the fears of impressionable people, is rather a good sign. You will gather your strength, cast aside previous doubts, overcome fear and finally do what you had in mind a long time ago: change your lifestyle, ask your boss for a raise, confess your tender feelings to a person you have long liked. Would you like more specific interpretations? Please!

Dead Man's Wash:

  • In a bathtub filled with clean water and fragrant foam, the sign is twofold. He predicts healing for the sick (pure moisture will wash away all ailments), and material difficulties for the healthy (money will flow away from you like water).
  • From a ladle or basin - to the loss of an important item. Be careful with expensive things.
  • Washing the feet of the deceased is a sign of a long journey. Moreover, whether the trip will be successful depends on whether you managed to cope with the task you have taken on.

Meneghetti's dream book advises, after a night of dreaming with ablution, to carefully monitor the condition of electrical appliances and give up the bad habit of smoking in bed. Since everything is “inside out” in dreams, instead of water you are threatened with fire or simply fire.

Anyone who combed a dead person in a dream has every chance of making a good profit. But putting it on is an unpleasant symbol, threatening the dreamer with a serious deterioration in health. By the way, popular belief believes that the soul of a dead person who appeared naked in someone’s dream found complete peace.

The funeral of a deceased person is interpreted by dream books as advice to reconsider your views on life and, perhaps, give up some of them. Because of your stubbornness and narcissism, you have reached a dead end, from which you can only get out by changing your chosen line of behavior.

Interpretation according to the mood of the night guest

A calm, peaceful deceased foreshadows a period devoid of any shocks. True, good changes are not expected ahead either. For some time there will be complete calm in your life.

A dissatisfied, angry, almost eager to fight hero of a mystical dream warns of a serious quarrel in the family. So serious that if it happened between husband and wife, the matter could easily end in divorce.

Tears in a dream are always bad

A sad, crying, complaining dead person always carries unpleasant information. Perhaps you are at risk of illness, or maybe you yourself are destroying your life with rash actions. In any case, a night dream should be taken as a reason to seriously reflect on what is happening and think about your behavior. In addition, a dream about a crying dead man may indirectly indicate the depressed state of the dreamer himself. Have phobias and doubts taken on too much power over you lately?

But the cheerful dead usually brings positivity:

  • If a girl dreams of him, she can begin to prepare for a meeting with a new admirer.
  • For a married woman, a dream predicts complete harmony in the relationship with her spouse; you can sleep peacefully and not think about the ephemeral affairs of your other half.
  • The man faces a difficult dilemma. But if the choice is made correctly, all sorts of benefits will not keep you waiting. Trust the dictates of your soul, and you will not regret it.

Conversations with the other world: talking live or on the phone, letters

A dream in which you greeted a dead person predicts a meeting with a person who has long disappeared from your horizon. So long ago that his appearance will truly be like returning from the other world!

A dead man's handshake promises unpleasant changes in life. Hold off on setting global goals, because achieving them will be very difficult - the time is not right.

But when talking to a dead person, you should keep your ears to the ground! You may receive practical advice or warning. Of course, there is always the possibility that their real source will be your own subconscious... But will this make the advice worse? A well-known theory states that in a dream we are able to think more broadly and see a situation from different sides.

Interpreters call a phone call “from the other world” a sign of interesting changes and lucrative offers.

You can hardly count on good news

The letter warns against being too gullible; you may become a victim of someone’s clever deception. It is especially unpleasant if the message turns out to be a declaration of love: this promises sadness that will “embrace” you as a result of someone’s betrayal.

News from the other world advises young girls and boys to be more careful when choosing a life partner. If you rush, you may not count on a happy family life!

If a dead person gives or asks for money in a dream

For the most part, esotericists believe: one should under no circumstances take or give anything to a dead person. However, either this rule does not apply to money, or for some other reason, there are many dream books that believe otherwise.

  • If money is offered by a person well known and loved by the dreamer during his lifetime, there is a solid jackpot ahead. Either the work done will be paid unexpectedly highly, or the lottery ticket will be played successfully, but the profit will be fair and impressive. Not taking money in this version of the interpretation means missing out on the chance to get rich.
  • If the dead man caused unpleasant feelings, the chosen method of enrichment will turn out to be not entirely decent and will cause many problems over time. If you are offered to participate in a scam, even if it seems harmless, think three times about whether you need it.
  • Did the deceased ask you to lend him some money? Be careful. As in the case of clothes, by transferring money from hand to hand to the dead, you seem to be giving away part of your vitality, which, you see, is completely useless.

Some interpret the dream this way: if there was a small thing in it, there will be tears. Are paper bills rustling? Expect good luck and joy.

Receive something as a gift from a dead person

Red rose - a sign of special favor

What if it’s not about money or personal things? How do experts explain a dream in which the deceased persistently tried to give you something?

  • Bread received as a gift promises a girl a pleasant love adventure, and a man - easy money. You can say that the money will fall into your hands.
  • Flowers symbolize the fulfillment of hidden desires. At the same time, a red rose means that you are under the protection of higher powers.
  • The ring represents the commitments you will make. Perhaps they will be connected with the affairs of the person you dreamed of: with his gift, he seemed to entrust you with a mission to complete what he did not manage to cope with during his lifetime.
  • Shoes communicate: you are on the right path. However, beware of getting bogged down in self-examination and comparing yourself with others, or there is a chance that you can very easily go astray from the right path.
  • A valuable gift, for example, gold jewelry, portends material stability.
  • An insignificant trinket promises small joys and lifts your spirits.

Your unusual guest treated you to something in a dream, and you not only accepted the delicacy, but also ate it with appetite? Don't even think about worrying! Popular rumor promises great wealth to those who accepted an edible gift from a person from the other world. By the way, it’s well deserved.

Receive an otherworldly visitor at home: feed, dance or sing with him

A dead man who suddenly appears on the doorstep or knocks on the window... Doesn't it remind you of a plot from another zombie movie? And from the point of view of dream books, you should be afraid only if an unexpected guest has caused you fear or rejection, because unforeseen difficulties should come after him. If you were happy about the visit, problems will turn into opportunities that open up wonderful prospects for you. Look, don't miss out!

If the visitor begins to manage the kitchen and prepare dinner, rejoice! Fortune has already prepared a bag of gifts, and everything is for you: wealth, personal relationships, career... there is a place for everything here.

It would also be nice if the deceased decides to clean up your house. Washing the floors, for example, symbolizes the cleansing of a reputation that has been slightly tarnished by some ugly act. If a restless guest decides to wash the windows, your eyes will be opened to a dishonest friend. But at the same time, you will easily be able to understand the motives that guided your friend who stumbled, and forgive him, so that everything will end more than happily. Approximately the same “help” will be provided by a deceased person if you both undertake to plaster the walls or do repairs.

Friendly conversation at the table is a pleasant thing. Even in such a situation

A dream in which you yourself looked after the dead, prepared food and treated him, promises the achievement of your goals. Having established friendly relations with the right people, you can easily achieve what you want, but only on the condition that you feed your guest food that is fresh and tasty! Rotten or insipid food characterizes you as a person who does not know how to make useful contacts, which is why your affairs will soon be in an upset state.

If the visitor thoughtfully chewed his piece, not paying attention to the owner, he will face misunderstandings from loved ones.

Were you two sitting at the table? The work you have started will be completed to your complete satisfaction, but you will not stop at the first victory and will immediately plan the next one. Keep it up! Don’t miss out on luck, now it’s coming into your hands.

There are many more interpretations for a dream in which the dreamer drinks something with a dead person:

  • Tea poured into cups foreshadows a painful meeting with the past. Whether it's an old acquaintance or an event that stirs up old memories, don't attach too much importance to them. Remember: the past is dead and you are in the present.
  • Dream books associate vodka with a more interesting prediction. It seems that a matter that you consider trivial will ultimately bring good dividends.
  • Or you should simply remember more often the advice that the deceased gave you. Believe me, they are still relevant today!

If at an impromptu feast an unusual guest laughed a lot and shouted funny couplets at the top of his lungs, in reality you will be invited to a celebration. Do not refuse under any circumstances! Relax, have fun and recharge with new energy. Well, if in a dream you manage to walk with your unusual interlocutor in a waltz circle or dance some other dance, there will be no end to good predictions. A whole series of victories awaits ahead, each more enviable than the other.

But keep in mind: an openly drunk and violent corpse is considered a harbinger of misfortune.

Receive a call from the other side

According to popular belief, there is no worse omen than receiving a call from the dead. After all, this must mean that the dreamer, no less, is about to join his mystical counterpart and go to the next world! However, do not rush to get upset and scared. Some dream books mention that the prediction is valid only if you not only heard the call, but also resignedly obeyed it. And even here, the matter may be limited to just a serious illness, so try to take better care of your health and do not panic ahead of time.

It’s better not to respond to a call from the other side

A dream in which a dead man held your hands, according to some interpretations, promises misfortune, according to others, it warns of an enemy who is going out of his way for the opportunity to annoy you, and according to others, it just reveals your longing for the departed and your reluctance to let him go.

If an otherworldly guest picked you up, there is nothing to fear. The strange image symbolizes the support and care that a loving person tries to provide even from another world.

Love with a dead person: kissing, hugging, having sex

Sometimes you just don’t dream about anything. Kisses, weddings, even intimacy with the dead... Calm down! The dream does not at all tell about your perverted thoughts!

A kiss from a dead person promises misfortune if it is unpleasant to you or when a person who was known as your enemy during his lifetime decided to kiss you. An easily received “smack” on the cheek and even on the lips is a sign of great luck. Men will have to conclude a profitable deal, establish a partnership or make a profit, women will have to meet a caring and attentive boyfriend. For married people, kissing a dead man in a dream is also beneficial - this promises a new addition to the family. Consider that they came to congratulate you on this wonderful event.

A dream about hugging a dead person is more difficult to interpret. As a rule, experts advise paying attention to your feelings here too. If you didn’t feel comfortable hugging a night guest, a dream is considered a sure sign of troubles and illnesses surrounding you on all sides. Did contact with the deceased seem as natural as hugging a living friend? Therefore, there is nothing to fear. Things that have already begun will have a successful completion, those in the planning stage are simply doomed to success, and you personally will be able to face your fears and cope with them.

The dream about having sex with the deceased, which is so confusing to many, actually promises the dreamer many positive aspects:

  • A valuable gift or patronage from some influential person.
  • For men - wealth and strengthening of business.
  • For women - awareness of their sexuality.
  • If the hero of the dream turns out to be a former spouse, the dream speaks of longing for the dreamer’s life partner who left untimely, nothing more.
  • However, dreamers who have experienced pronounced negative emotions should begin to pay increased attention to their significant other. There is a risk that an insidious homewrecker or homewrecker will try to take your loved one away.

Dreaming next to a dead person without any sexual connotation symbolizes success in both love and financial matters. Total well-being!

And the dream is fortunate!

A wedding with a deceased person who was dear during his lifetime is considered a harbinger of a new acquaintance. A person who appears in your life will make you forget about the loss you have suffered, taking up an empty place in your soul. But getting married or marrying an enemy, or even worse, an open enemy, symbolizes a serious illness with a danger to life. If the deceased had a wedding with someone else in front of you, your peace of mind and self-esteem suffer - even in your own dream you are not its central character!

Aggression from the dead: screams, hits, strangles

A dead person who is angry and scolds you is explained by interpreters as a sign of a brewing conflict in the family or a reproach for wrong behavior. Some of your actions are so thoughtless and unfair that even a guest from the other world came to show his indignation!

  • If a dead man swears at you in a dream, you are spending your money too thoughtlessly, which may put you on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • Was the woman in a bad mood? The troubles you get into are caused solely by your careless actions. Don’t blame others for your failures; it’s better to try to carefully weigh your every step.

An attempt to escape from a dead person indicates a discord in feelings caused by tense relations with relatives. Try to take the first step towards reconciliation. You will see that the conflict can still be extinguished.

If in a dream it comes to a fight, try to spend more time with your family. Many interpreters consider a dead man who beats a person in a dream to be the embodiment of our latent understanding: we too often neglect our loved ones, for which we deserve a good beating. If you were the first to start fighting and hitting the otherworldly visitor, you yourself suffer from misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with life, which is why resentment and aggression accumulate in your soul. Try to find a way to let off steam. Well, a real full-fledged fight with a dead man and numerous blows from both sides has two opposite interpretations:

  • There will be a serious discord in the family, after which it will be almost impossible to restore the previous good relationships.
  • In the upcoming trials, you will show enviable resourcefulness and determination and emerge victorious.

Single blows or a slap in the face received in a dream from a dead person are often called in dream books a sign of profit that can be obtained without lifting a finger.

Our greatest harm comes from our old mistakes.

The dead man who is trying to strangle you represents the past. It's time to take the extra weight off your shoulders and move on lightly.

Asking for forgiveness in a dream

What could a dream mean in which the deceased suddenly begins to ask you to forgive him? If this is someone you know, perhaps deep down you actually harbor a grudge against him without even realizing it. Review your feelings, go through old omissions, realize them, forgive them and let them go. And the point here is not so much in the belief that the deceased is unable to find peace while the soul of a loved one is resentful of him, but in your own psychological health. Anger, especially at the deceased, is a nasty thing, which you need to get rid of as soon as possible.

With all the variety of interpretations of dreams about a deceased person, the final word in interpretation belongs not to dream books and esotericists, but to you personally. Who, besides you, will be able to take into account the subtlest associations and references of the subconscious? Who will determine what emotions the dream aroused in you, whether it was frightening, bright or empty, not touching a single string of your soul? Who can guarantee what exactly the words spoken by a strange guest or the gifts brought mean to you? In a word, leaf through dream books as much as you like, but rely first of all on your intuition, and the meaning of dreams will not be a mystery to you. Of course, provided that they mean something at all, and were not the result of too much dinner or watching a horror movie at night.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate.

For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find someone his own age.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a deceased person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Deceased fathers

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered;

Deceased mother - severe illness, grief;

Dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);

To meet a dead person is good, good luck // illness, death;

Man - success; woman - obstacles

The dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;

To be with the dead means to have enemies;

Seeing the dead alive means long years // a big nuisance, illness;

Seeing a sick person dead means he will recover;

Hugging a dead person is a disease;

Kissing - longevity;

Giving him something is a loss, a loss;

Moving or carrying a deceased person is bad, sadness;

Congratulations are good;

Talking - interesting news // illness;

Calls with him - death.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about sex with a Dead Man in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello. I have been dreaming about my ex-dead husband for several days now. He comes, smiles, and last night in a dream he gave me a gold ring with some white small stones, although he never gave me gold during his lifetime. I would really like to know what this all means? Thank you.

    I had sex with my late husband and it felt good. Then he got up and said get ready and began to collect things to go to his home (he is from Rostov-on-Don) he went to collect things, and I was very worried, because I had no clothes except a robe and I didn’t I could have gone in a robe. Then I went out onto the porch and asked him did you pack everything, he said yes.

    Hello! I dreamed that my mother (she died 2 years ago) and I were at our dacha, and I wanted to buy the neighboring one (it is much better than ours), and my mother said, “Why do we need so much land, we don’t need it.” This is where the dream ended. And a couple of days before this dream, I dreamed about my mother, as if she was sitting dead on the sofa, but not exactly. I carefully laid her down flat, folded her hands and sat on my knees next to her and stroked her hands. At this time, in the next room, some people were setting the table and the man put a grapefruit on a glass and the juice began to flow from it, I said that there was no need to do that and quickly took the fruit. And the day before, my mother dreamed as if she were alive, as if we were going down to the subway, she went through the turnstile and slowly walked with the crowd to the train, and I tried to buy a ticket, sideways I saw my mother in the crowd, but my ticket didn’t work and I did not pass through the turnstile, the dream ended. Help me to understand. Thank you.

    Hello Tatiana. My name is Evgeniya. I am 29 years old. 11 years ago I lived in another city and dated a guy. I had to run away from this town because he practically tried to kill me. A little over a year ago I found out that he died, heart, he was 33. The most unpleasant thing for me was that in a dream I realized that he died and I wanted him!!! It’s very strange, we didn’t see each other again From that time on we never spoke again. So, a description of the dream. I returned again to the town where I once lived, it was winter, I saw him drinking, with friends. I was waiting for the bus to the station, he was standing with one group, then another, saw me and wanted to come up. Then the bus arrived and I started to get on it, when suddenly he ran up from behind and started helping me. Then...this cannot be explained in words, because further on, in the dream, I felt more than the events that happened. I was pleased that he was nearby, looking at me, Next, we arrived somewhere, it was an apartment and he began to pester me, I experienced sexual arousal in a dream and wanted him, I told him that this was all not true, that he is dead, that this is not the case. Horror came with my awakening, since the dream left a very pleasant feeling. Since the window in the bedroom was open, I caught a cold, a huge herpes under my nose and all the signs of a cold, but I still can’t forget this dream. I thank you in advance, Tatyana, and look forward to your response.

    • Hello Tatiana. From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that my father (deceased, 7 years old) was going somewhere, I won’t stay, it’s not interesting to be with you... I understood the hint in the dream: as if he was offended that we weren’t planning to celebrate his birthday... I went to the room and met Irina there (deceased, 12 years old) brother’s first wife, I ask, do you know when your grandfather’s birthday is? She picked up a rope from the floor and pulled it, and from under the wall and debris (as if the room was being renovated) she pulled out a small box in which we were supposed to look at the documents... and I woke up. The dream was calm, not scary... From Monday to Tuesday in the morning I dreamed: I am in bed with Sergei (deceased for 1.5 years and we have been divorced for 20 years, we separated badly, there were claims and accusations against each other. But this summer there was at his grave with his mother, and cordially asked him for forgiveness and forgave herself... Not often, but then I thought: how stupid and proud we were... and that everything could have been different...).. we kiss while looking at each other into his eyes, as if after intimacy, then he either sat down, or got out of bed, generally moved away, and either 1 or 2 kittens jumped in... I felt good, calm, a feeling of satisfaction from the closeness and that we were happy... I woke up, the feeling was strange, maybe even the same as in a dream, but I would still like to understand something, since dreams are very rare and I don’t remember them. Sergei and I have a common daughter, she is married, and I raised Irina’s son and my brother, he still lives with us. I would be very grateful if you write... Thank you.

    I dreamed of my sister’s ex-boyfriend who was dead, and he insisted on sex, brought him to his house, we slept with him, but I didn’t want it, and he threatened that if I ran away he would find me, then I wrote him a note, he came for me husband and left, but he wasn’t in the house

    • I had sex with my late wife, the bed was white. I remember that I asked for more, we were satisfied, and then she left from behind. I remember a stranger and covered us with a white blanket, I was embarrassed.

  • I dreamed of deceased relatives: mother, brother and husband. At some point, my husband and I were left alone and had sex. At the same time, the sensations were real. Then the dead came again, and with them my living brother and his friend. We all drank tea together.

    Good afternoon I saw how my late husband and I exchanged our dacha for a dacha in the same area, but in a different place. I really liked her and invited all my former neighbors to my housewarming party. And she sent her husband to the old dacha for vodka, but didn’t see him, but simply asked him to go. We've been waiting for him for a long time. He finally showed up after 2 hours, but he seemed drunk. And I woke up. My husband died on February 26, 2012. Thanks in advance for your response.

    In a dream I saw an unfamiliar building, like a dormitory, an old, shabby one. I went there with my long-dead grandfather and we had sex, I even felt it. And then I felt a feeling of shame. A terrible dream, why would that be

    Hello, I dreamed that my husband came to my home at my parents’ house in his body but with the spilled head of his late brother and we had sex with him and I saw some worms on him, I was a little disgusted because of this, but it was all over quickly and I left feed him and that's it I woke up

    a long-dead guy came to me in a dream, I don’t remember what they talked about, but we kissed and started having sex during which I thought about the safety of sex and decided for myself that I don’t care

    Hello, today I had a dream about me having sex with my dad... I’ve never dreamed of this before, we just hugged because we missed each other and then started having sex but didn’t finish the sexual intercourse, we heard someone walking and quickly jumped out of bed

    Hello. Today I dreamed that first I was making love with my husband, and then suddenly, instead of him, with my grandmother, who hanged herself almost a year ago due to pain from cancer. And then she got up and said that she was a little tired. This could be what - any warning?

    I dreamed of my cousin, who during his lifetime had some interest in me. But I always disliked this man. He died two or three years ago. I dreamed that he was trying to get sex, but I didn’t want to. Then he raped me, it was anal sex. I don't remember any other details.

    Had sex with my deceased brother. He had an HIV infection and we did not use protection, I was worried about infection. In a dream, he explained to me that not everyone gets infected. He recommended taking some kind of pill. I see him in my dreams 3 times in 10 days. He's always sad

    Today I dreamed of my ex-man, he was walking with a bag, I ran after him, then we went into the house, kissed, hugged, and had sex. It was as if we were hiding from someone. I told him let’s run away from everyone. He I agreed. Then I locked myself with him with two locks on the outside.

    Hello, on the night from Friday to Saturday (today) in the early morning (even most likely in the morning), I dreamed that I was lying in my bed with my father, who died 6 years ago. He has something with his knee. I’m starting to pester him and we start having sex. At some points in time, in my father’s place, I saw my boyfriend.
    then we find ourselves in the kitchen, he (father) stands with his back to me and prepares dumplings. I hug his back.
    At this point the dream is interrupted. what could this mean?

    Hello! From Tuesday to Wednesday I dreamed of a very close person. Today he died 9 days ago. I dreamed that we were making love... I woke up in fear, I couldn’t think of such a thing in my life. But I know that this man loved me very much. What could this dream mean?

    I had sex with Boris Nemtsov. It was nice, he proposed. Then I left the scene. Before that, I was on a bus with a man whom I have loved for a very long time, but we are not together and live in different countries. After sex with Nemtsov, I returned onto the bus and this man was no longer there.

    Hello! In a dream, I made love with my late husband, I felt very good. It was at the station in Moscow, then he disappeared, I looked for him, I only had 1000 rubles. I didn't know how to leave. I was in a hotel where they didn’t give me my things for a long time, but then they finally returned them. There were a lot of different people on the platform, I went away to call him, and when I returned, there was no one there, only the train had turned somewhere. I woke up feeling happy that it was good that it was just a dream. Thank you in advance!

    My friend is no longer alive, we were close during our lifetime, today I dreamed that we were at his house, he was dating someone else, I want to get him back and am seducing him. Then I ask for his phone number to find out my rival’s number and I leave with the phone and the dream is over. He in the dream he was so handsome in white, it was as if I had fallen in love with him, and also we were like at his house there was a lot of table set for us and we were drinking cognac, and I remember that I was very jealous, there were a lot of us young people and some old woman with some little boy in a dream, it seemed like someone’s son was one of ours.

    I dreamed that my ex (deceased man) wanted to have sex with me... I was afraid of him. He threatened to stab me if I refused him... we took a bath together, but we never had sex... I also seemed to be packing my things that he had...

    Hello. I dreamed that I was having sex with a stranger who had just died (I don’t remember, I discovered that she was dead before sex or during the process), there were no unpleasant sensations, but on the contrary, I felt good. What could this mean? Thank you

    I dreamed of my first husband, who died 8 months ago. We were both naked about to have sex. In my parents’ house, he noticed my nipples. He didn’t like them, something was wrong with them

    my sister had a dream in which her father-in-law, who died 2 years ago, invited her somewhere with him, but she refused, and then the dream suddenly turned around that her late father-in-law was making love to her in a dream (to put it mildly) from behind. my sister very rarely dreams, but here such a dream is disgusting...why could someone dream like that? in life, my sister’s father-in-law was a good man; he died on Trinity Sunday at the age of 79 at home from a heart attack, when no one was at home (my sister, her husband and daughter were at the dacha). The first sister found him lying on the floor.

    I dreamed of my late uncle, with whom we had close family ties. In a dream, I had sex with him and it was as if I became pregnant. He was in shock and didn’t know what to do, but for some reason I was calm. What could this mean?

    Sex with a dead man. he courted me earlier, but we didn’t have anything other than dinner at the restaurant. and a few months later he crashed in a helicopter. And he also gave me money in a dream and I took it... Not a small amount...

    Hello, I dreamed of intimacy with my former common-law husband, he died 2 and a half months ago, there were only positive feelings. Before that, I only dreamed of him a couple of times immediately after his death and that’s all.

    my father died a long time ago (1998). Relations with him were very bad (he drank). Never dreamed of it. and today (from Thursday to Friday) I dreamed that I was having sex with him in the kitchen of my mother’s apartment.

    Write your dream here for interpretation... I clearly saw that the deceased husband of my sister came with some heavy bags, tired, he put the bags and lay down on the floor, I went up to him, sat down and began to stroke his intimate part of the body, he told me, come on right now, I sat on him and I began to rape him, but I didn’t see any emotions on his face, I also didn’t feel anything from this intimacy, I got off him, went to wash, but didn’t wash, but began to take off my clothes because after sex they were very heavily soiled by ejaculation, I was disgusted by it and it’s unpleasant, and that’s it, I woke up.

    hello! from Thursday to Friday I dreamed of intimate contact (in and out a couple of times) from which I felt pleasure. This is my classmate, he died of cancer, at school we felt sympathy for each other, we gave cards) I previously dreamed that we were hugging each other friend, but someone or something stopped us, I had such a dream a couple of times, not counting this. Now he finally achieved it, but the contact did not last long. That same night I had another dream, about my late great-grandmother. She died, it seems in a dream and her spirit was walking around the apartment, I was very scared, I started screaming but I couldn’t do it, as if there was no voice. I ran up and pushed the spirit out the door, quickly closed it. That’s where it all ended... 2 dead in one night... in my opinion it too.

    I dreamed of my boyfriend who had been gone for six months, he dreamed that we had sex with him, then I fed him and he told me in a dream that he was sorry that he had been away for a long time, he was leaving somewhere and said in the dream that he couldn’t get away from me anymore and we will be together forever. How can we be together if he is not alive.

    I dreamed that I met with my old friend who died 3 years ago. We knew each other for about 20 years. Once upon a time they were “family friends”, i.e. Neither he nor I had any sexual desires. He loved his wife, I loved my man... then, as often happens, there was no time to meet... so we called each other 1-2 times a year. He worked as a dentist. I have a toothache. I came to him for help. We started treatment. then I left for a couple of months. And when I returned, I called to continue the treatment - I was informed that a month ago he died in his sleep from cardiac arrest... this is from life... today more than 3 years have passed since his death.... I never dreamed of him... and I didn’t remember him so often... and today I dreamed that I met him, we went into my apartment, and went to bed together. Both experienced strong sexual desire…. but at the moment when the intimacy was supposed to take place, something distracted me... I got out of bed... when I turned around, he was also already getting dressed.... I repeat... we never had sexual attraction to each other in our lives... he never clicked with me..... but now he’s alive...

    Good afternoon. I often dream about my late wife. The last two are very interesting!
    1. I climb the black marble staircase of a huge, unfinished and unfamiliar house. I go out onto the spacious balcony, where my wife is already waiting for me. Before us is a beautiful sea bay with clear sea water. And then I see a large number of dolphins, of different sizes, from the smallest to the whale ones. I say, Lesya, look, you love dolphins so much!…
    She was very pleased with what she saw.
    2. We are flying together with a parachute over the sea. The weather is clear and we are in a great mood! After landing we made love!
    Actually, I have to say, I often dream that we are kissing...

    First, in a dream, I found a very beautiful sleeveless shirt for my grandfather, whom I looked at, then, going to see him, for some reason I ended up in bed with my late sister-in-law and we began to have sex, but elderly people (now alive) constantly came into the room and did not give us the opportunity to have sex in peace . Then I woke up. Strange, but sex between two women?!

    I had a dream at lunchtime today. Apartment at night. Large windows outside the windows at night. The light in the apartment is beautiful, my father came, he lies down next to me on the bed. We are happy to see each other, I get excited by his presence and so does he, and sexual intercourse takes place.. we feel good together, we smile. I had this dream at lunchtime when I was sleeping.. I have never seen my father naked in my life, but here it is..

    It's been a year since my husband died. I dream very rarely. I either didn’t see dreams before or didn’t remember them. In one of the dreams, he asked for forgiveness on his knees and for some reason was wearing only his shorts. In another dream, it seems that I achieved the exhumation of the body, and in the dream I did not see coffins, a cemetery, a grave... We were talking excitedly about something (his holes were half-closed and he could not open them) - I asked him a question: I told you She constantly told everything at the grave and did you really hear everything? And he replied: of course I hear everything. And I woke up. And the day before yesterday I didn’t see him, but I know that this is my husband and we are having sex in his favorite position. It was for a moment, I felt very good and pleasant in my dream, and somehow I suddenly opened my eyes and realized that this was just a dream...

    My dear aunt caught me with her husband, who died long ago, as I was having sex with him and I had a very good time with him and he did it to me through thin boots, I told him to take them off, he said it was better like that

    I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, But we grew up with him a long time ago. And he died a year ago. I dreamed that we were lying on the sofa, watching that they were starting to make love, then I walked up to the window, looked out at him and told him, Do you remember how we walked here 1 !Then his mother appears and starts setting the tables and we are driven away. Then guests come. I can’t find the phone. My hearing is gone. I’m in a panic, looking for Denis (the deceased). And I’m looking for the phone. I start crying, saying, give me the phone, and they’ll laugh, and when I find the phone, then I understand that I was in the past!! And I already saw Denis nearby and woke up from the fact that I was crying

    Do I sometimes have a dream that I have sex with my father who died for 7 years? WHAT does this mean? It’s like he’s helping me. Some kind of liquid collected in his hand and he opened it for me and Vasya’s liquid came out a little, as if coloring the bath red. And he has such a huge member and it seemed to suit me with the digital one, I wasn’t surprised or scared

    I dreamed of a childhood friend. We called each other. First he took me by force and then everything went by itself. I asked why all this, he said that in 12 days I would find out that I was pregnant, but I didn’t understand from whom. After which he took me by the hand and led me to the basement, but I remained standing in place and my soul, I don’t seem to remember, left with him.....

    Hello. I had a terribly strange dream. I came to the grave of a deceased young man (I don’t know him in life and have never seen him). It turned out that his grave had caved in, and it was as if I was in his room, it was cold and I clearly heard an unpleasant smell (I don’t understand what that smell is was, but definitely not a corpse) When the man came out. I asked: How is this possible, you’re dead? He replied that he himself didn’t understand what was happening. And he’s so dear to me... I can’t tell you, I hugged him and realized that he wasn’t I want to go nowhere, never leave. I asked to stay with him, but he didn’t allow me. I pressed my cheek to his cheek and the whole world stopped (I thought that if I die, I don’t care, I want to stay here, in this cold room, but with him) And sexual intercourse occurred. After which he laughed and in this laughter there was pain, joy, regret, confusion... I woke up and couldn’t find a place for myself, I wanted to go there and back, I don’t understand what kind of nonsense is happening to me.

    Hello, my uncle (my mother’s brother) died, December 21 will only be 40 days from the date of his death. During our lifetime, we communicated little with him, although we didn’t fight, I respected him, and he respected me too. After his death, we already took my husband’s uncle’s favorite guitar, clothes, shoes from his house, is it possible to do this if 40 days have not yet passed from the date of death? My mother and husband decided that it was possible, because they were afraid that friends might take it. Well, now about dreams... for the 3rd night in a row I dreamed about my dead uncle and I talk to him, I dream about him alive, the first night I don’t remember what the dream was about, the second night we talked with him about his things, I myself decided to tell him that my husband took his guitar and restored it, painted it, it became like new (but it was cracked in one place where the body is)... I don’t remember my uncle, it seems he didn’t answer me anything, There was no joy or sadness on his part about this. And today, from Wednesday to Thursday, the third night, I dreamed that I came to my uncle’s house, to him, he was alive, he met me and supposedly I really wanted to have an intimate relationship with him, as if we were lovers, and he knows about this... he and I were lying on his sofa in the living room (by the way, we had already taken this sofa, it was previously mine and then I sold it cheaply to my uncle, and after his death we took it home to my son’s bedroom ). So my uncle and I lay on the sofa - in a dream and caressed each other. Then my classmate knocked on the window and called me outside in a rude manner, I don’t know where it came from, but I remember that I didn’t want to tear myself away from lovemaking with my uncle, but I had to... and we no longer had any intimacy with him . What does this mean? In my life I never even thought about any kind of intimacy with my uncle...

    I dreamed of a deceased 19-year-old son who told me: Mom, give me daddy’s shirt. I ask him why you need daddy’s, let me give you yours, daddy’s will be big for you. And he tells me No, I need my dad's. I woke up and for days now I can’t get this dream out of my head and I don’t know what to do. 10 months had passed since his death; they buried him in the summer and dressed him in a short-sleeved shirt that they had recently bought for him.

The article on the topic: “dream book dealing with a deceased person” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Death is one of the most terrible phenomena on earth. People who have experienced the death of a loved one then begin to panic about it, not only in real life, but also in dreams.

Therefore, often when widows see their deceased spouses in their dreams, they begin to fall into confusion, taking the arrival of their deceased husband as a sign and harbinger of a bad event. But don't be afraid of sleeping with a dead person.

To understand why such a vision occurs in a dream, it is worth remembering all the situations that occur in a dream:

  1. Seeing your late husband sick in a dream. The dream foreshadows trouble.
  2. See alive. This is a harbinger of worries and troubles.
  3. Hear the voice of the deceased to receive bad news.
  4. Embrace with a deceased loved one. Whether the widow hugs the deceased plays an important role in the meaning of the dream:

If the spouse returns the hug, then she will have to overcome the difficulties that she has already encountered in life. The night plot does not highlight the nature of the difficulties. They are individual for each woman. It’s worth remembering what obstacles you had to overcome and starting to prepare for similar problems to arise.

According to the second interpretation, intimacy with a deceased spouse indicates an excessive sense of ownership. The girl should get rid of this feeling, otherwise she will have problems.

If you have such visions often or constantly, you should go to church, light a candle for the repose and mentally ask for forgiveness from your deceased spouse.

Other interpretations

Many dream books describe various situations occurring in the night plot in different ways:

  • See your loved one and kiss. According to the dream book, the vision prophesies the appearance of a new lover.
  • Kiss passionately to the emergence of new ideas in the field of a woman’s hobby.
  • Have an intimate relationship. This is a reflection of longing for a loved one.
  • Fight with darling for good luck.

It is worth remembering in what form the spouse appeared before the dreamer in a dream:

  1. To see him naked. Expect an unsuccessful period in life.
  2. To see him in blood. This is a direct threat to the dreamer's life.
  3. Drunk the spouse prophesies trouble. The second interpretation says that a dead man in a drunken state promises the onset of complications in life.
  4. Sad the deceased promises problems at work.
  5. See gray-haired husband to sadness.
  6. See the cute one in tears to trouble.
  7. To see him scarred face to making a big mistake.

Table: interpretation of the vision based on the actions performed by the deceased husband in a dream:

One of the most terrible visions for the human psyche is dreams where a deceased husband lies in a coffin. Miller's dream book interprets such a vision as a harbinger of sad news.

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Good evening! and this morning I had a dream that my late husband was sitting on my lap and we were kissing passionately, but he was cheerful and said that we had not seen him for a long time, and some children were playing in the room in the back, and ours seemed - I wish my daughter would too, but I don’t remember exactly, tell me what this means? bad or not? Thank you

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House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

in a dream

Dream interpretation of making love

Why do you dream of making love in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of making love - disappointment in an existing relationship. You will be upset that you turned down your former fans.

Making love with a dead person - you are immersed in the other world, wanting to return the one who left this world. Let him out of your thoughts, live in the present.

Dream Interpretation sex with a Dead Man

Why do you dream about sex with a Dead Man in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed that you had an intimate relationship with a deceased person, it means that you cannot come to terms with the loss of this person, and are striving to establish at least astral contact with him.

Making love to a dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dream that you are dead, rest assured that good health and a long, happy life await you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in your dealings, because enemies surround you;

to see your deceased mother - excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you, the illness of one of your loved ones is possible;

a deceased brother or other relative, friend - in the near future someone will ask you for advice or financial help;

the deceased looks alive and happy - someone is exerting a bad influence on you, succumbing to which you risk incurring serious losses;

talking to some long-dead relative and he is trying to wrest some promise from you - a dark streak will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice of your friends;

for a girl - the dead, risen from their graves, surround you, and friends refuse to come to the rescue - unpleasant events.

Also see Cellar, Shroud, Death, Conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Dead people (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream)

In general, to a change in weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a deceased person is taken “to one’s place” very badly (unfortunately, serious illness, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A deceased acquaintance who comes back to life in your dream reminds you of the type of character he possessed.

Dream Interpretation – Exercise

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Deceased - good health, long life.

Dream Interpretation – Love

If in a dream you experience strong and irresistible love for your chosen one, it means that in real life you will be cheerful, cheerful and satisfied with your position.

Dream Interpretation – Love

Dreaming about a loved one means that you are satisfied with your surroundings.

Dream Interpretation - Occupy

Dream Interpretation – Love

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current environment.

Making love to a dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dream in which you dreamed of a deceased person symbolizes a change in the weather.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

It means outdated feelings. The dream suggests that some affairs or problems will soon lose their meaning for you, and a new period will begin in your life. Often such dreams foreshadow a normal change in the weather, but they can also signal more important changes.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead person appearing in your dream is a harbinger of bad things that will be associated with your family.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To improve business

Dream Interpretation – Deceased (coffin)

Seeing your deceased father and talking to him means losses in business.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see in a dream foretells a change in the weather.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones was dead, you should prepare for trials and even losses.

Dream Interpretation - A dead man yawns

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - A dead person washes the floor in your house

Poor sleep; portends death

what does it mean in a dream to make love with your late husband and he died 8 years ago? I didn't see his face.


Nothing, except that you yearn for him in the depths of your soul, and your body remembers him. his caresses... your sex life! Apparently it was stormy for you, and now you miss it. .

Don’t be sad, go to church and order a proskomedia and requiem service for his repose, give bread to the church.

ivan borisov

It doesn't mean anything.

Del) Delovich)

go to church. love DU-SHO-Y first of all. !

no plot no answer

Svetlana Goreglyad

a friend of mine often dreamed of this, and years later a precancerous disease was discovered on the female part. Go to church, ask for his repose and ask for help for you.

Having sex with a deceased person

Dream Interpretation Having sex with the deceased I dreamed about why I dream about having sex with the deceased? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I have sex with the deceased by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Exercise

Farming among the mountains means abundance in food and basic necessities.

Dream Interpretation - Occupy

Borrowing money means there will be no quick healing.

Dream Interpretation – Borrow money

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation – Play sports

Individual lessons - try to stay away from others.

Dream Interpretation – Corolla (on the forehead of the deceased)

Dream Interpretation – Meet the deceased

This dream means that the dead should be remembered, and in general, going with the deceased means death.

Dream Interpretation - Mother of the deceased

Change of situation for the better.

Dream Interpretation – Practicing witchcraft

The presence of pronounced abilities that allow one to engage in the occult sciences professionally.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Receive surprising news about an event or person from your past.

Dream Interpretation – Bed

According to the symbols of the dream, lying on the bed with or without a man is always a sign of illness, malaise, since the dream has been dreamed for a week, then, according to the symbols, it should have already come true; if everything is in order with health, then the dream as a repeating factor is psychological in nature , namely that for some reason you are now not satisfied with the relationship with your man. Therefore, these subconscious dreams come in them with images of men, or rather, perhaps the qualities or appearance, or attitude that you lack, and which you would like to see in your man. Or maybe even that he’s married, that is, you yourself know the reason better than I do.

Dream Interpretation – Bed

The bedroom and your bed in particular are your personal life, your relationship with a man. The dream suggests that some news will come from your man that will surprise you, pleasant news. But this news will initially lead to some kind of barrier between you (black woman), but the misunderstanding will be resolved (the girl leaves). A man will give you hope (smell the perfume). A closet and a mess in it - we are talking about a lot of money that you will hide.

Dream Interpretation – Abandoned house with ghosts

An interesting dream.. It seems to me that this is love not for a ghost, but most likely for a real person.. Phantom relationships, unreal.. Coldness in the relationship, the moment of separation, fear, what will happen next.. Some kind of fatal feelings, doomed to death. The moment of choice - to be or not to be together.. You should know this girl..

Dream Interpretation - My dream today)

Hello, Tatyana! Sorry to disappoint you, but this dream means that you will never be together. A dream for farewell. Best regards, Vedana

You think about him a lot in real life, “how nice it would be if.” “This prevents you from living fully, at least from rejoicing (strawberries). If you feel any guilt, forgive yourself and let him go anyway. You can do it like this. Imagine/visualize your farewell on the platform of the station (at the airport), you forgive him and yourself everything, he gets on the train (plane) and leaves (flies away) FOREVER, you know this for sure and let him go with love. In your case, you will have to do this technique more than once. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Raped by uncle

A dream may indicate a significant trouble that may happen to you. (violence, scary). It will become known to your MCH (photo). Your boyfriend has strong feelings about this (nose bleeding, tears in his eyes). Finding out what happened (quarrel), reconciliation (talk calmly, walk).

Dream Interpretation - Am I bi?

Good day! I watched all the seasons of House. I approve of your choice, Lady! You are very impressionable. But don’t be afraid, sex with a 13th in a dream does not affect your orientation in any way! Simply, the dream warns you of possible problems at school, because it’s already the end of the year. And you watch House, and get distracted by little things - (hardly a girl with such interests! She's bored..))) - from the main task of all modern students. By the way, okay, movies and wine – but what about dominoes, seriously? Or for the sake of a nice word?

Dream Interpretation - Late friend and strawberries!

I will allow myself three interpretation options for three Reflections of this World: Nav: your friend did not propose to you at the time, because he did not want to hurt you with his early departure. His Soul remembers and loves you, and you will be together. Edit: you should have forgotten and let go even when he couldn’t propose to you. You can do this now, then your personal life will be settled. If you don’t, then you will have a second “guardian angel”, or ministering spirit. Reality: your favorite activity (work?) will bear fruit, and you will breathe a sigh of relief and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Late friend and strawberries!

Most likely, the dream may mean returning to the previous path in life from which you left. This path could lead you to your dream. It is possible that we are not talking about that person, but about a situation, events in life that led you to happiness. Remember what you strived for and dreamed about when you were together. It is possible that there is some common dream of yours that you could now realize, but alone. Perhaps you have dreamed of going somewhere? Or get a specific job? What did you dream about in school? Strawberries from underground are perhaps something that is hidden in memory and can bear fruit in the present. Perhaps your friend wants you to remember something very important in your past and he works hard for this. Perhaps you must discover this important thing within yourself in order to taste its fruits. That is, joy and happiness. Good luck!

Borrow money from a dead person

Dream Interpretation Borrow money to a dead person dreamed of why you dream about borrowing money from a dead person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see borrowing money from a dead person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Borrow money

See Borrow, Money, Lend.

Dream Interpretation - Loan, borrow money

Borrowing in a dream is a sign of loss and powerlessness. If someone borrows money from you, you will get help when you need it. Your true friends remember you.

Dream Interpretation - Loan, borrow money

Failures in business and breakup of a love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation – Making love with a dead person

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead person means he is asking for the repose of his soul.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Dream Interpretation – Deceased (dead fathers)

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - severe illness, grief; dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick); to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death; man - success; woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead means to have enemies; seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness; to see a sick person dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; giving him something is a loss, a loss; moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness; congratulating is good; talk - interesting news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dead man wants to make love

Dream Interpretation - My love

You and your girlfriend are on the same wavelength of feelings. Green (if it is light and sparkling) is the color of love. Dance is unification. Hats - a look at life. A fight with friends is perhaps a struggle for authority. The right hand is the ability to act, which is threatened by something (a friend grabbed the hand). Picking up sticks means collecting awards, honors. Gain strength. Perhaps in life you will have to prove something to yourself (friends) and your girlfriend. You gain new experience, find your place in life. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation – Dead Man, Phone, Love

He may be looking for a way to reconnect with you (from another world). He may be asking for your permission to help you in life. Perhaps he wants to give you information and advice. It is also possible that the dream is asking you to pay attention to something important that happened in the past while he was alive. You must somehow establish a connection with this past, take something good from there into the future: some kind of dream or plan. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation – Former man (ex-love)

The dream shows an imbalance in the emotional sphere of the Dreamer, concentration and release during sleep of energy accumulated in the second energy/chakra (the Dreamer is pierced, as if by an electric current in a dream, due to her current position). Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation – Undefined Pregnancy and Love

You will have some troubles, confusion. You will want to understand what has not yet come, but, in your opinion, should come. First, you will rely on Fate, then you will begin to look for helpers in advance who will try to help you, but there is nothing yet - all in vain. Then you let go of the situation, but whether there was something to worry about or not, you won’t really understand.

Dream Interpretation - Someone wants to open the front door

You stubbornly do not want to notice the obvious way out (door) from some situation that worries you, because you believe that you will not let into your life what you want. And who said that your desires and reluctances are correct? Good luck.

Well Tatyana, patience really is a cross. In my opinion, you learned this from me, from previous interpretations. A dream in the dark, as if cloudy, is usually prophetic. At least this happens to me. Like in the movies. The footage is coming. I think it won't be a burden. Remember what I wrote before. Relationships will change with him. You need to be patient, or each of you. A gold ring is usually a sign of separation. But in this context of sleep, I think it’s still about marriage. Or close to this relationship.

Dream Interpretation - A man wants to put a cross on me

Such a dream suggests that this person... In life, is trying to “lasso” you, i.e., to subjugate you, although he is hiding behind something “supposedly good on his part” (cross). I.E. As they say. She lays down softly, but then sleeps hard. The episode with the ring suggests that. Seeing. That he doesn’t succeed in one way in relation to you, he uses something completely different, some promises and obligations, but they don’t touch you, and on the other hand, he prefers to remain silent about something. In general, as a rule, vague dreams are not considered prophetic... These are experiences.

Dream Interpretation - A man wants to put a cross on me

You do not want a strong, marital relationship with this man, because THIS is a burden for you. But he is your destiny (ring), you have come to terms with this.

Dream Interpretation - He probably wants me to sell him my soul

What a dream. Full of esotericism. Class. But nightmares are a good sign, it means your psyche has digested some of your recent stress. You made several mistakes that cost you your nerves, but your virtues will save you!

Dream Interpretation - In a dream it seemed to me that my husband wanted to kill me

Your dream is precisely about the fact that your attitude towards your husband is the reason for your lack of internal and external harmony (relationship with your husband). Symbolically, your fear that your husband will kill you means that your relationship with your husband is killing you. Don’t be upset, everything can be fixed, but just think about what you personally are ready to change, let go, forgive, forget in order to become HAPPY again. After all, we ourselves are the cause of our own happiness and unhappiness, and no one else. Sincerely, LIVIA.


I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. I'm driving with a man and some boy in a luxury car, somewhere abroad. All around there is nature and a river or sea and beautiful houses. We stopped for something to eat and started making love. And then I swam in the sea or in the river.

In a dream, I made love with a long-dead man, with whom during his lifetime there was not a close relationship, just acquaintances, I didn’t even have any feelings for him, but in the dream it was cool

I dreamed of an evening, my late husband silently took me by the hand and led me to the car. I don’t remember what we were driving, but we ended up in some kind of residential area with multi-storey buildings. Someone was going to a meeting (I think it was a man), my husband took me to some destroyed houses, all the time I understood him by his look, what he wanted to say or do to me. Then he hugged me to him and everything happened as if in reality, I felt pleased to cuddle up to him, and when I woke up, I was in shock. When my husband was alive, he was sick for many years and we had nothing for a long time, but here I felt everything as if in reality - what was it and what should I prepare for?

I was a lowlife, everyone avoided me, and then I meet my first (which in reality) love (only in reality this love is unrequited).

He likes me, we start dating secretly. He is always on his bike. CONSTANTLY. We see each other every day and every time I see him he smiled at me and I was embarrassed. We met late at night under some kind of streetlight... Then I lost my virginity to him ...Then I woke up...


Hello! I dreamed that I had sex with my late husband. He also said that if my husband made a mistake, then I would be able to guide him, and he also dreamed that he didn’t have two fingers on his hand.

in the dream there was intimacy (both emotional and physical) with a girl who died several years ago; we weren’t together during life, but there was sympathy

I had a dream that I was making love to an ugly man (he was very ugly in appearance), but it didn’t bother me; we had such passion with him and I experienced such physical satisfaction, despite the fact that in reality I had my period and my stomach hurt like crazy. We we locked ourselves in the bathroom like a freak so that no one could notice us and did our dark deed with such passion that it was almost creepy.

Hello! I am very pleased that you were interested in my dream, but there was not one, but three, and they all scared me: I don’t remember the first one exactly. In the second, everything was fine at first: I came with huge bags of outfits. In one package there were oriental costumes (these are the ones used to dance oriental dances), and in the other there were elegant, but our, Russian things. I decided to try on ours first: the first dress was black with white stripes, when I put it on, I realized that it was my grandmother’s dress and it was too big for me, then I suddenly found myself in the pink one I wore to prom. And it seems like I’m about to have my second graduation (institute), which I already had in real life, and I’m racking my brains about what to do, because they’ve already seen me in this dress. And suddenly I find myself, unnoticed by myself, in another one, also pink, only of a different model, I lie down in bed in it, open my eyes and see horror: the wallpaper has moved away from the walls and ceiling, the wall and floors are torn up - white wallpaper spiders are frightening. I run to my mother and grandmother’s room, I wake them up in fear, my grandmother says: “don’t shout, otherwise tomorrow you will be ashamed of your behavior” and asks me to give her my hand. I give her my hand and wake up in fear. In my last dream, an unfamiliar guy lay in my bed (I don’t know if he is or not, but it seems like the guy I went to school with. In real life, he already died about 3 years ago, this is my neighbor on the floor below) . We didn’t have any mutual sympathy during our lives, and maybe it wasn’t him at all, who knows - I dreamed about the night, I didn’t consider it. I was scared to open my eyes in a dream, I just felt how he was making love to me, but then suddenly someone suddenly grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into the bathtub, I almost hit the door, then I grabbed the bars in the bathroom, then me pulled towards the hall, I threw the bars and shouted: “Mom, help!” And I woke up. I think maybe it wasn’t him, since between stages in the same dream a young woman came to me and didn’t smile kindly.

Tatyana, I dreamed that I was swimming in a lake, there were boats upside down, but at the same time I was making love, a man looked like my neighbor, but I didn’t think about him at all, such a dream

I dreamed about how I made love to my uncle, who is no longer alive. He was wearing a white shirt and then brought me a branch of grapes.

My loved one died five months ago. I dream about him almost every night. Today I dreamed that we had sex, as in reality, I felt it. They hugged tightly, lay on the bed, afraid to part.

Hello. I dreamed that I made love to my deceased boyfriend.

I dreamed that I was walking in some shabby, huge old house, and going down from the upper floors. On the first floor there were people, or rather souls, in shabby clothes, some on chains, some just floating translucently, some just lying on the floor and I walked past them, and suddenly I was met by my boyfriend, who died more than half a year ago. He jumps into my arms like a little one and starts kissing me. We kiss and then start making love, I ask if you can come here too, he replies that no one cares here.

Hello, somewhere from 04-00 in the morning on January 19, 2015 to 09-00 on 01/19/2015 I had a dream about how I made love with my beloved man, who died on February 3, 2007

I made love with my husband’s grandfather, who died a long time ago; my husband was alive, but in the dream it was assumed that he had died. Also in the dream, my already deceased mother-in-law was present

I am making love with my beloved man, with whom we have been separated for more than a month (married). we are lying on the bare ground, there is a wasteland all around, only one house nearby, a breath of a light breeze, he tells me that I will be his last breath, his dying cry, and on my feet at that time I saw pale blood, as if diluted with water .

Hello! I dreamed of a lot of mosquitoes sitting (like a carpet) on the wall in the kitchen and I swept them away with a broom, they were somehow sleepy, did not fly, did not bite.

I made love with my beloved man, in the dream there were many children, both boys and girls. in reality this man is married

Made love to a deceased loved one. I felt his touch as if in reality. He decided to swim (I myself can’t swim), I understood that the reservoir was very shallow, but cold, the snow had not yet melted. I was so afraid of losing him again, I begged him not to do it. Fortunately, in his dream he swam across safely.

hello Tatyana, I dreamed from Sunday to Monday that I was making love with my beloved, it seems that I came to his village to his house, he had his children at home and then we retired with him and there was love, but he sprayed me, well, you understand

Today I dreamed that I got married, but he has been dead for 1.5 years, this man is my first love... as if we were living with some of his aunts and we had our wedding night, we made love all night and it was like this ok, I woke up covered in a cold sweat. I've never felt so good.

I made love to a man who died 40 days ago. Woke up in a cold sweat. The dream was bright and warm!! I felt the person as if he were alive!!

Hello, I dreamed about my husband on June 21 (he would have turned 50 on June 21). I hug him, but for some reason I myself am trembling very strongly (with my whole body). And then we start making love and I feel VERY good with him

Hello Tatiana! It’s not a pleasant dream, and the topic...

I dreamed that I was making love with a now deceased person. During our lifetime we had friendly relations. Even. Without likes or dislikes. After everything, I allegedly get up to change the pad (in the dream I understand that I am also having my period, I see blood ).and he’s waiting for me to continue. What’s more, I remembered that he’s not alive only when I woke up. Usually dreams are with the dead - I remember that they’re no longer alive even in my dreams

Hello, a couple of days ago I dreamed of my deceased ex-boyfriend, in the dream everything was as if in reality, we were hugging and kissing. And tonight he came to me in a dream again, this time he was not as affectionate as the last. I saw him in my apartment with my current husband, in a dream I knew that he was dead, he said that he was released on earth to the person he loves for an hour and that in heaven they cannot make love, and that he is very “hungry” in this regard and attacked me, his eyes were kind of scary, please explain to me what this all means and what I need to do?

Good afternoon. On June 28, 2015, my husband died. Last night I had a dream. I see in a dream how we hug, make love, I confess my love to him

in reality we didn’t see each other, but we’ve been communicating for 7 months because he’s serving time. my dream is that I came to him, they let me in secretly. We met in the billiard room, a tear was running down his cheek, we made love

sex. but all the time they were silent, stood in an embrace near the window and looked into the eyes for a long time, but never said a word. everything in the dream was wonderful. at the end there were tears, then I woke up. Yes, we saw each other in the photo. And I It always seems like I’ll see him unexpectedly. What could it be?

I dreamed that I was making love, kissing my ex-lover, and he had died a long time ago, the dream was very clear and we were walking somewhere, and making love in a room where we were not alone. He talked to me.

from Monday to Tuesday I dreamed of my dead husband and I had sex with him, what is this dream for?

I made love with my ex-girlfriend, she even offered anal sex. Everything was nice and colorful

Hello! I had a dream today where I was in a village, as if a truck had driven up to the house, some people started stealing boards from the garden, some iron and something else, then my ex-boyfriend came up to me, he had already died, he started to attack me calm down, then kiss and we make love. And from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that I was making love with my ex, but he was alive. We are enemies, he is the father of my eldest son.


At first I had sex with my friend whom I hadn’t seen for 16 years and then with a guy for 8 years since he died and I told him that it was bad, I didn’t like it, that I felt good with Inna

On New Year's Eve, I dreamed of a long-time loved one who died a long time ago and from whom I had a child. In the dream, I found myself pregnant with a small belly when I told him that I couldn’t bear the child because... I’ve been around for quite some time now, he answered, “You can’t bear it, you can’t bear it.”

I often have dreams of making love either with my ex-husband, or with my ex-boyfriend before marriage... And today with my uncle... And what does this mean... My uncle didn’t lag behind, we were with him in one room, then in another room...

Hello. I made love to a man I knew in a dream, who died, and I enjoyed it. Tell me, what is this for?

The dream occurred from Sunday to Monday. At first, the girls and I were preparing for someone’s wedding, and suddenly I saw my ex-boyfriend (who died, after me he started a family, has a daughter.)) in a suit with a glass in his hands. he smiled and turned around and went back. I wanted to follow him, but my friend led me in a completely different direction. I then woke up and fell asleep. and Sleep again. this time we slept with the same person, the feelings were the warmest, to the point that even in reality I received satisfaction. He didn't say a word, he just smiled. What could it be. I saw him twice during the night

Hello! I am 44 years old, married. Third marriage. I divorced my first husband more than 20 years ago, he died about 4 years ago and after that I began to dream about him in different situations.. He has a son, he is 24 years old. Today’s dream scared me. I dreamed that I was making love to my deceased first husband, and he was walking around naked for a long time, showing his genitals. What is it for?

I kissed and made love with my deceased husband and received satisfaction.

Hello Tatyana, my husband died 1.5 years ago. In a dream, I came to see him in the hospital, they told me which ward he was in, I went to look for her and I couldn’t find her, the hospital was a complete labyrinth, I walked for a very long time until I found him, I hugged him and started kissing him. his head in the place where they operated said how much I miss him, he had a lost look, he answered my question how he did well. The continuation of the dream was in the morning I also hugged his head and kissed the wound when we almost made love, he asked to turn off the light, but there was no light in the house, the alarm clock rang and I woke up

Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream: it was as if my classmate had died (but in fact he was alive). I went to the funeral with the rest of my classmates. But his last wish before he died was to bury him after he spent the night with me.

In the dream he was dead, but he communicated with me as if he were alive. Tried to do everything and please me on the last night.

Woke up in tears.

the late teacher wanted to make love to me. but there was nothing

Hello) I now live in a completely different city. And where was I born? in a dream... and then we made love... sex was my initiative. Well, I really wanted it... but it hurt me physically...

I dreamed in a dream I made love with my boss

I stayed in the room with this man and he came close and began to kiss me tenderly, I understand that I need to leave, refuse, but I don’t do anything, and then everything was very gentle, which men rarely do in reality, and then I woke up

Good afternoon. Please help me. In a dream, we met my friend at our school. I was very happy about our meeting. We had sex with him on a bench under a blanket. There were people there, but no one noticed us. Then we got up. I started getting dressed. And he disappeared. I didn’t see him. Then, after getting dressed, I turned around the corner. He stood there, dressed, alone. I called him. He didn’t want to go at first, but then he so modestly followed me. Then I see that we are not on the street and he went to accompany me. We walked a little and when he saw my daughter he stopped to talk to her. I had to go and I asked him whether he would come with me or not. He refused.said that he would go to his place and that we would meet again soon.see again. I ran across the road, and he looked after me. He had a sad look all this time. He was upset about something. His gaze was dull and anxious. He felt lonely. And he was there alone in the whole world. I was very worried about his condition and I wanted to take him with me. So that he would not be left alone and so that he would be next to me. But he promised to come to me again