Walkthrough Dragonborn - Side quests. Dragonborn Walkthrough Skyrim falbtarza steam engines walkthrough

Passing the quest Kagrumez The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Dragonborn).

Falbtarz is a Dwemer ruin located in the west of the island of Saltheim.

As a matter of fact, there is no quest there, but the ruins are notable for two things - the kosher Dwarven helmet Shape of Mzund and the resonating stone of Kagrumez, therefore I give a 99% guarantee that you will scurry here :)

So, let's begin

Rieklings will meet you at the entrance to the ruins. There are not many of them, so they will not create problems for you. We go into Falbtarz and go forward, gradually shooting off the Rieklings (pay attention to the two corpses of dwarfs - there is a trap). We go out into the hall with the Dwemer sphere and in front of us is a “guessing game” - a panel of buttons, one of which opens the door, and the rest hurt you. Bottom row, second button on the right and you joyfully rush along the corridor, scaring away oil spiders (yes, there are such here). Going a little forward, you will stumble upon a closed door, and next to it is a window with a resonator.
We shoot at him, we run to the next closed door. There is also a resonator here, but it is hidden under the cobwebs, so carefully examine the left wall.

We leave into a large hall with huge gears.
Admire the power of engineering of the ancient people and go down to the right to the gears. We jump on them (carefully, spiders!) up to the door to the Corridor. In the Corridor, we simply go upstairs and exit back, but already on the floor above. We pull the lever and run along the fallen bridge, then turn left and jump onto the already familiar gears.

We move along them (there are coins and a glass shield on one of the gears) and find the corpse of a certain Eidis, from which we select a diary.

The valve located nearby is of little interest to us, and therefore we immediately go to the Steam Engines. We rise to the platform (perverts can use pistons, but it's easier to get around this whole thing), we find Ulin's corpse and his diary. From it we learn the approximate essence of the puzzle, which the deceased did not have time to solve ...

The bottom line is this: in front of us is a panel of a large steam boiler, on the sides of it there are three resonators.

When it hits the resonators, a certain number of pistons in this boiler are launched. We need exactly 20 pistons to start, in case of an error, we fight off the mechanisms, hide from traps (very painful) and start over again. The scheme of actions is this - we shoot at the middle one on the right, then at the first and second from the left (if you count from left to right). Here's a short video for you:

We go to the gate and again we leave into the hall with gears. We pull the lever, run along the bridge to the end and jump onto the gears. We pass along them to the next tower and along the bridge to the resonator. Attention! Do not reach the end of the bridge, stay on it and shoot at the resonator. The tower with your bridge will deploy (the main thing is not to move) and you will calmly get to the door to the Great Hall.

In the main hall we deal with two centurions (we need to wake them up) and be sure to pick up their cores (!). We go upstairs, put the cores in two dynamo drives, go through the open gates and here it is, our reward !! The Shape of Mzund Helm and the Resonating Stone of Kagrumez.

The passage of Falbtarz is completed;)

This page provides a walkthrough side quests, which can be obtained in the vastness of Solstheim (in Dragonborn, an add-on for Skyrim).

Glove of Kagrumez

You can complete this quest only if you have four so-called Kagrumez Resonator Stones. Given that two of them are located in Kagrumez itself, you can start the quest with just a couple of stones.

Location of resonator stones:

So, if you have already found the two stones you need in Nchardak, Falbtarz or bought from the Dunmer, then you can safely go to Kagrumez. At the entrance, you will encounter three hapless adventurers who will encroach on your life. After explaining to the bandits that their efforts are in vain, grab the two remaining resonator stones and Raleth Eldrie's diary. It contains a reasonable suggestion that the clues to the successful passage of the ruins should be sought on the gate, which is somehow connected to the console.

Look at the drawing marked on the gate and put the resonators in the order indicated there. Dwemer things will attack you from different sides - destroy them.

Pay attention to the corner of the room

There is a Dwemer spider there, ready to be your companion. Better leave him here for the future, Kagrumez's trials may be too harsh for him.

In the next room is another satellite - a Dwemer sphere.

And again, a similar procedure awaits you, except that Dwemer traps will be added to the opponents, and you will need to use a resonator more. Having dealt with the difficulties, follow the last room. Here you will need all four resonators.

In the last room you will find the Dwemer Black Bow of Doom, which has an interesting ability to absorb with a 50% chance of 25 damage. arbitrary attribute (health, magic, endurance).

Cold Moon Invitation

Geldis Sadri, owner of a tavern in Raven Rock, will talk about werewolves in the mountains of Solstheim. You need to recover on the cliff of the icy moon(north-northeast of Raven Rock) and talk to the hunters. The Nord hunters you find on this cliff are not really hunters at all, but the most werewolves out there.

If you yourself are not a lycanthrope, then nothing good will be said to you in this camp, and they may even attack you. But if you are a lycanthrope, then the leader Majni will be very welcome and ready to sell four unique rings that enhance the form of a wolf. In wolf form, you can only wear one ring, so you do not need to buy all four, unless you are, of course, an avid collector.

werewolf lair
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

Werewolf Rings:

  • Ring of Bloodlust allows you to deal and receive 50% more damage.
  • Ring of the Moon increases howl duration by 25%.
  • Ring of the Hunt grants regeneration while in Werewolf form.
  • Ring of Instinct slows the world for 20 seconds while in werewolf form.


Meeting in Kolbjorn

To the northeast of Atiya Farm is Kolbjorn Mound. In the barrow you will meet a Dunmer named Ralis Sedaris. He came from Mournhold itself (the former capital of Morrowind) to excavate on behalf of a representative person. However, as it turned out, it turned out to be almost impossible to carry out excavations: the entrance turned out to be walled up too deep, and the earth fills the hole back faster than it can be dug. Dunmer needs a reliable partner who is ready to sponsor this adventure and share the profits in half.

Wouldn't you turn down one of Dragonborn's most not so interesting as complex side quests for some miserable wad of cash? Give Ralis 1000 gold and wait for the note.

There will be many such expectations in the process of completing this assignment. Therefore, if you are not eager to waste time in vain, or if you want the task to harmoniously fit into the planned scenario, you should go to the excavations as soon as you see a messenger with a note.

First visit

After receiving the note, head to the mound. As you will notice, the Dunmer spent the money for a reason: the entrance to Kolbjorn was found, but the draugr, disturbed by the work of the diggers, awakened and killed all the workers. Only Ralis survived, and the passage further is completely closed - the help of a "specialist" is required.

Go down and destroy every single Draugr. Then remove the skull from the table in the lower hall. He will open a passage to a new hall, in which, in the most prominent place, you will find Ahzidal's boots of walking on water. Now you can go back to Ralis. He will demand 2000 Septims from you for further excavations: now there are fewer people who want to work here. There is nothing to do - agree.

Second visit

After receiving the second note, you will find out that something happened again. When you arrive at the excavation site, you will find out that two workers are missing, the rest are dead.

Climb down and deal with a bunch of draugrs that have flooded the ruins. Return to the place where you found Ahzidal's boots and then down into the central tunnel. Along the way, you will find the body of one of the workers. The entrance to the left opens with chains. Reach the door with four handles and pull the second one on top and bottom. When you find the body of the second missing, you will be attacked by a cluster of draugrs. After that, go to the left: the handle below will open a secret room with Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy. Go back to Ralis. The Dunmer are now asking you for 3000 Septims for new workers and guards.

Third visit

When you arrive at the excavation site for the third time, you will find that at least some of the workers and guards are now alive. And again, further work is hindered by draugrs. Take diary #22 from Ralis's desk, in which the Dunmer complains that the diggers are too clumsy to run properly over some tiles.

After descending into the tomb, deal with the undead that filled it. In the central hall with a column, climb to the second tier and follow towards the previously hidden door with a wall chain. Pull the chain, go back a little and turn right - there you will find Ahzidal's Gloves of Warding, which allow you to absorb spells. Go back to the chain room and open the other door. A new batch of Draugr will attack you. Deal with them, clear the cave and return to Ralis.

Ahzidal's Ring of Sorcery

Before returning, you can get Ahzidal's ring of magic, which will allow you to cast a couple of new spells: "freeze" and "ignite". This can be done either with the help of telekinesis, which is quite challenging task, or with the help of tips in the diary. In this case, it makes sense to use the time dilation cry.

The new amount required by the restless Dunmer to continue the adventure is 5,000 Septims.

Fourth visit

Having handed over a new letter to you, the courier will warn you that it is the last one: he becomes ill near these excavations. When you arrive at Kolbjorn, you will see that absolutely everyone is dead this time: their guards, and ordinary workers. If you look into Ralis's tent and read his last diary, you will realize that he is crazy and is going to revive the ancient dragon mage Ahzidal.

After descending into the central hall of the mound, learn the new word for the shout "Cyclone", and then head to the hall in which Ahzidal's ring of magic was located. Deal with the Draugr, proceed to the far end of the hall and go down the stairs. In the new hall, in a room behind bars, there is Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution. To open it, turn the obelisks "fish" in your direction and pull the lever. Then turn the obelisks "eagles" towards you and pull the lever again. A passage will open in the floor.

After destroying the draugr attacking you, pay attention to the grate on the right: there is an artifact of Ahzidal's Helm of Insight. Set the obelisks "snakes" to you, pull the lever and you can take your helmet.

Dragon Priest Ahzidal
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

After destroying Ahzidal, take his mask and decide the fate of Ralis, who killed all the workers in the mound. He, nevertheless, sacredly swears that he committed murders under the influence of the beckoning call of Ahzidal and could not resist the will of the latter. If you leave Ralis alive, he will settle in Raven Rock and become your potential companion. If you decide to punish him, you will receive a unique pickaxe, but you will not return your money.

The exit from the hall is in the southwest side. It leads to the sanctuary of Hermaeus Mora with the black book Filament and Filigree. This completes the quest.

Death Brand

In the vastness of Solstheim, you can stumble upon a book called "The Brand of Death." When you read it, a new marker will appear on the map - "Haknir's Shoal". The book can be read after finding one of the chests, for this it is enough to search the corpses of the killed adventurers.

This task involves searching for a set of special weapons and armor in various places on the island. It can be done along with other quests.

Typical treasure guard
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

Chest #1

This chest is guarded by a horde of robbers. Defeat them and get a helmet that allows you to breathe underwater and increases your armor rating when worn complete set. There is also a pendant of the Eastern Imperial Company lying nearby. Grab him too.

Chest #2

Off the coast north of Raven Rock, you'll find a few bandits and a buried chest containing Haknir's Armor, which increases stamina with each piece of the Deathbrand set.

Chest #3

This chest is located next to the waterfall. It contains the Gloves of Haknir, which increase the damage of two-handed weapons for each piece of the set equipped.

Chest #4

The fourth chest can be found at Tel Mithrin: you need to go to the mouth of the river flowing nearby. Tucked away here are boots that increase your maximum carry weight for each piece of the set you're wearing. In the same chest you will find the key to the Gildenhul Mound.

Mound Gildenhul

Before you can recover in the indicated mound, you need to get an ancient Nordic pickaxe. This can be done by completing the quests Glover Mallory from Raven Rock or Deora from the Skaal Village.

With this pickaxe in the mound, you will dig open the stalhrim in one of the sarcophagi and open a passage for yourself further, where the legendary pirate Haknir will challenge you. As a result, you will receive two swords: the Bloody Scythe and the Strangler, which, when used mutually, weaken the enemy’s defense and absorb his vitality.

Ebony Warrior

A prerequisite for obtaining the task: the level of the hero is at least 80.

On your next visit to one of the cities of Skyrim, you will be visited by a huge warrior, fully dressed in ebony armor, and says that only you can send him to rest in Sovngarde. He had no villains left to destroy, no tasks to complete. He challenges you to a duel in the Velothi Mountains region (a marker will appear on the map).

Obviously, this task is some kind of Easter egg for a player who has passed along and across the whole game. In addition, in TES III: Morrowind, namely in the Tribunal add-on, there was a very unpleasant meeting for the player with an incredibly strong aka god Bosmer, who first blackmailed the player, and then appeared dressed from head to toe in ebonite armor and tried to kill him. Very similar to a referral.

Ebony Warrior
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

The Ebony Warrior is a difficult opponent. For level 80, of course, not such a problem, but still keep in mind that he has the thu'ums Ruthless Force and Disarm, and his equipment has resistance to all magical destructive effects.

After killing him and taking the armor, you will discover that the Ebony Warrior is a Redguard. Well, it's not for nothing that the Redguards are known as the strongest swordsmen.

Calling Karstaag

Before completing the task, you should make sure that you are able to deal with a strong opponent, because Karstag is exactly that.

In the Ice Cave in the north of Solstheim, you will find a rickling lair. Defeat them and take the skull of Karstaag at the back of the cave. With this skull, you need to go to the ruins of Karstag Castle. After wandering through the caves there or picking the master level lock, go to the back of the courtyard. Approach the throne and activate it with the skull.

Spirit of Karstaag
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

And now, as they say, "load a saved game in order to restore the course of fate, or live on in the damn world that you yourself created." A giant that appeared out of nowhere has enormous health, regeneration and immunity to physical and magical attacks. His only weakness is fire.

As a reward for destroying Karstaag, you will be able to summon him three times in an open area.

Mzund's Insight

This job does not appear in the log.

Travel to the Dwemer Ruins Falbtarz (in the center of Solstheim east of the Water Stone). The ruins are full of ricklings, which you will have to deal with in order to proceed further. On the remote with ten buttons, select the bottom second button from the right, otherwise you will have to fight off the attacks of crawling Dwemer spiders or endure the action of gnome traps.

Ruins of Falbtarz
Screenshot: "UESPWiki"

Next, you will find locations filled with spiders. Please note that the resonator locks open with a blow. One of them is hidden by cobwebs. Jumping on the gears, you must penetrate into Falbtarz's gallery, activate the lever and valve there, and then again go through the gears to Falbtarz's steam engines.

In the end, you will "run into" another riddle, poring over the solution of which, a couple of adventurers have already failed. There is no secret here - just try to activate the resonators and watch the result. This way you will arrive at the correct sequence.

In the large hall, you need to activate the lever on the right. The platforms that appear will open access to the center of the hall, where you will activate another resonator. The southern part of the hall leads to The Great Hall of Falbtarz, where you will need to use two Centurion Cores. If there were none at hand, do not worry - the developers carefully put two steam centurions next to them, which can be awakened.

Grab a resonator stone if you need it for the Gauntlet of Kagrumez quest, and a unique Dwarven helmet that allows you to breathe steam on enemies at the expense of your own stamina, and away at will.

This quest does not appear in the journal.

In order to get a unique Dwemer helmet with exotic name"Insight of Mzund" (Visage of Mzund), which makes it possible to attack the enemy with steam at the cost of stamina, you will have to explore the unusual gnome city of Fahlbtharz, overcome deadly traps and solve a lot of mysteries. Note that compared to Falbtarz's designs, the tonal lock from the Dawnguard addon is a child's toy.

Go to the Dwemer ruins of Falbtarz in the center of the island, navigate conveniently to the Water Stone, and then go east. The initial part of the ruins is occupied by ricklings, you will have to deal with them in order to go further. Go forward until you come across a remote with ten buttons. Pressing the right button will open the way to the depths of the city, the wrong button will release the spider guard or make the trap work. If you want to avoid trouble, select the bottom button second from the right.

Going further, you will find yourself in a part of the city inhabited by spiders (mostly not mechanical, but alive). Inhabitants leave useful for experiments with spiders"spare parts". Go forward, opening all the resonator locks with a blow of the sword. One of them is hidden behind a web, be careful.

Moving further, you will find yourself in an unusual room with an incredible amount of moving gears, and they will help you get to the right places. When jumping on the gears, be careful: mechanical spiders lurk on them. Your first task is to use the gears to get to the Fahlbtharz Corridor Gallery, located at the southwestern end of the hall, see below. map.

After passing through the gallery, you will enter a room with a lever and a valve, activate them. The extended platforms will allow you to go further, then jump down and again on the gears get to the Fahlbtharz Boilery steam engines in the eastern part of the hall, see above. map.

Before entering the "boiler room" find the body of Eydis and her diary. Go to the new room, there you will see a shelf with a bow and arrows, if you do not have ranged weapons with you, take them - they will come in handy. The path leads you to a hall with the body of another adventurer, Ulin. From his diary, it becomes clear that he tried to deal with the mechanism in the middle of the hall, but, judging by the state of Ulin himself, he failed.

In the center of the hall there is a round structure with twenty nests, six resonators on the sides. Do not rush to shoot at all the resonators at once. Try to activate them one by one with shots, look at the result and deactivate again with a second shot. If you number them from left to right with numbers from 1 to 6, then, as it turns out, when resonator number 1 is activated, 3 cylinders are advanced, 2 - 4, 3 - 6, 4 - 9, 5 - 13, 6 - 18. Obviously, you need to extend exactly 20, a combination of resonators is suitable: 1 (leftmost), 2 (second from left) and 5 (middle right). The mechanism works and opens a previously inaccessible door.

After leaving again in a large hall with gears, but on its upper level, pull the lever on the right, and new platforms will appear, allowing you to reach the center of the room, where another resonator is located. Next, get to the southern end of the hall, see below. map.

You have entered the Fahlbtharz Grand Hall. Deal with the spiders inhabiting it and go to the elevation in the far part of the room.

To activate, you will need a pair of Centurion Dynamo Cores. If, by chance, there are none in your backpack, you will have to wake up the guardians, placed at the bottom, and borrow the necessary details from them. The door to the treasure is open.

Take the unique Dwemer helmet and take Kagrumez's resonator stone if you haven't already completed the quest