Passage of side tasks for the Guardian of the Dawn. Dawnguard

Skyrim is huge, and there are many things to do in it. Here and the fight against dragons, and the war for independence (or vice versa), and guilds that desperately need our help, and the abyss of side quests. In such a world, a detailed guide will not hurt. And he is in front of you.

Alduin rocks!And here is Helgen. All of us have already gathered, only the dragon is missing.

Here we will lay out in parts all the most useful for the traveler - the passage of the main plot, and everything else. We will pay special attention to important non-obvious details and secrets that are easy to overlook and miss.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: part of the guide will be devoted to bugs encountered in tasks. We will tell you what difficulties may arise, how to avoid them, and, which is also very important, how to solve the problem if an evil bug still overtakes you.

Main plot

To freedom!

So, our hero was captured while crossing the border. We ran into an Imperial ambush, and now we're being taken to execution along with the rebels. On the cart next to us - the leader of the resistance Ulfrik, his ally Ralof and the horse thief Lokir who fell under the hot hand. After a long journey through the forest, the procession enters Helgen.

After the carts stop, and Lokir plays the role of the "third corpse from the left", we will have the opportunity to choose the race, appearance, gender and name of the hero.

ADVICE: If you don't want to wait for the ride cutscene every time you create your character, save right after you get off the cart.

And then the dragon Alduin will fly in and drive everyone out of the forest. Enjoy the spectacle. When the game returns control, slowly step into the tower. Everyone around will pretend to hurry and panic, but do not worry - even if you fall under a jet of flame, it will not cause much harm. Just do what Ralof says.

“Black Arrow, you never let me down! Hit it right!"Which sword to use? And most importantly - who?

Climb the stairs of the tower, jump into the tavern and, under the guidance of Hadvar, slowly move through all of Helgen to the dungeons. Next, you will be offered a choice - go down to the dungeon with the Imperial Hadvar or with the rebel Ralof. This is not yet the choice of the side in the conflict, so there is not much difference.

ADVICE: however, if you plan to become a blacksmith, it is better to choose Hadvar. Escorting him to Riverwood will give you free access to blacksmithing supplies.

Now your hands are free and you are able to pick up things and help your companion in battle. Move through the dungeon, destroying enemies and collecting everything that is bad.

ADVICE: use the slightest opportunity to collect the initial set of armor and weapons. Decide what exactly you need - light armor or heavy. Search all bodies and chests. Don't rush - they won't start without you.

Together with a companion, you will pass through the barracks (or tower), a warehouse, an interrogation room where you can wield a master key, and get into a cave. There, soldiers, spiders and a bear will become enemies (you will be offered to quietly bypass it).

That's the end of the underpass, and with it the quest.

Before the storm

And here is Whiterun, the best city in Skyrim.

You can immediately go about your business, but it’s better not to leave your companion - go with him to Riverwood to meet new friends, the blacksmith Alvor or the mistress of the sawmill Gerdur. And do not forget to choose a suitable guardian stone along the way.

Now that we know about the return to the world of dragons, it would be good to go to Whiterun and tell the jarl there about it. Of course, there is no rush - it can be done even in a year.

ADVICE: even if you don't plan to go through the main story, it's still better to get to dragons and voice magic through it in order to be able to absorb souls, study screams and accumulate valuable materials for forging armor.

It is easy to complete the task - we cross the bridge, climb the road up the mountain and cross the hill. The city of Whiterun is already visible there. To enter, talk to the guards. The Jarl lives on the top of the hill, in the castle of Dragonsreach.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: along the way you will get acquainted with the Order of the Companions - the local equivalent of the guild of fighters. However, joining this order provides both some advantages and very serious disadvantages - namely, lycanthropy, which, due to bugs, is not completely cured. Therefore, before joining the Companions, make sure you understand the risk: you risk walking around with hairy ears for the rest of your days.

Talk to the housecarl, and then talk to Jarl Balgruuf the Elder himself.

windy peak

Bandit Arvel beat-beat the spider, did not finish it off. We'll have to finish off the creature with a slipper.

The jarl will direct the secret fire to the court magician named Farengar. The magician will ask you to find the Dragonstone tablet in the Windy Peak dungeon.

Windy Peak - these are the same stone structures that we saw on the way to Riverwood.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you have already cleared Windy Peak on the Riverwood Merchants quest and don't forget to take the Dragonstone there, you will be able to present it to Farengar on the spot.

The easiest way to get to Windy Peak is from Riverwood. We cross the bridge, go along the path, turn left to the lonely tower. From it - to the right and through the pass. The entrance to the dungeon is guarded by bandits.

Inside, your enemies will also be bandits. If you do not attack immediately, but eavesdrop on their conversation, you will learn about the dark elf Arvel, who fled into the depths of the dungeon.

In the puzzle room, before pulling the lever, deploy the pillars in a snake, snake, whale configuration.

After the fight with a flock of rats, get ready to repel the attack of a giant spider under the screams of that same Arvel, hanging in a cocoon in the web. You should not stand on ceremony with him - he is not going to keep his promise. Kill him or wait for him to ask for trouble himself. Take the golden claw from his cold corpse.

In the next rooms, you have to learn to recognize draugrs pretending to be dead in stone niches. The rule here is simple - if the draugr is in clothes (loincloth), then he is pretending. You can shoot him from afar. Here you will meet traps - a door with spikes and swinging blades.

ADVICE: if your companion keeps running into the same trap and can't get past it, just leave him behind and move forward. He will catch up.

In the large room, you can shoot down the lamps hanging over the pools of oil, arranging fire barriers and traps for the draugr. In the hall with a waterfall, open the grate and move downstream into the depths of the caves. To open the door with a secret, look closely at the Golden Claw and repeat the configuration of the pictograms - "bear, butterfly, owl."

Now you just have to defeat the draugr that has risen from the coffin and, approaching the wall with cuneiform writing, absorb the word of Power. The exit is on the left.

THIS IS A BUG: it is necessary to read the word of Power on the wall while standing. If the hero at this moment is in stealth, you may be overtaken by an evil bug that prevents you from taking the Dragonstone from the body of the draugr. If the bug still happened, try saving and reloading.

Return to Farengar and don't forget to bring the Golden Claw to the merchants. As a reward, the jarl will allow you to buy a house in the city for five thousand gold pieces. But not now, but only after the next quest is completed.

dragon in the sky

"Dovakin! Not!"

A guard runs into the room and says that a dragon has been seen near the city. Go to the jarl and discuss the problem - he will order to accompany the housecarl and soldiers to the watchtower in the role of "dragon expert" (after all, the hero has already met with one and survived - why not an expert?).

The path to the tower will be long, but effective - a fire-breathing dragon named Mirmulnir really showed up. Now your task is to stay alive. This fight is perhaps one of the most interesting, because Mirmulnir is really dangerous for an early-level hero. Mirmulnir "burns with fire", beats with his tail and bites. It is best to beat him from the side, and even better - from a distance, preparing to dive into the tower at any moment, escaping from the flames.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: nevertheless, in such battles it is better not to leave the dragons to the guards, but to inflict at least some damage - otherwise it may happen that the dragon will not share his soul

Before dying, the dragon will swear loudly: they say, did I really run into Dovakin. The hero will consume his soul. Use the shout, and the Huscarl will order you to return to Whiterun. Walk on foot to hear the distant cry of "Dovakin!" from a nearby mountain.

The jarl will tell you that the cry from the mountains is the call of the elders from the monastery of High Hrothgar. Time to visit the old people. If you wish, take Lydia with you - your new companion, your personal housecarl.

The path of the voice

And now the aksakal will teach us to run faster than a fallow deer.

Getting to High Hrothgar is not easy. It is better to get around the mountain from the north, passing by Honning's meadery and Valtheim tower. Follow the road without turning anywhere until you pass Amol Fort. Behind him is a bridge at a wide waterfall and a fork. On it, select the mountain path and turn right again at the next fork. Move along the path higher and higher. If you come across a cave with a troll, then you have almost reached your first stop - the village of Ivarstead.

At the bridge, take the quest to deliver provisions to High Hrothgar. Climb the famous Seven Thousand Steps Road. On it, the main danger will be an ice troll in the middle of the path. If you feel that the hero is too weak to fight with such a monster, just go around his cave.

ADVICE: you can also bring the troll with you to High Hrothgar - the elders will instantly scream him to death.

At the entrance to the monastery, throw off the provisions in the chest (then do not forget to return to the village for a reward). Inside you will be met by the elders. They will ask you to shout at them, and then they will teach you the second syllable of Unrelenting Force and the first syllable of Rush.

After the hero successfully slips through the rapidly opening and closing gates, you will be given a new quest - to find the horn of Jurgen Windcaller. The horn lies in the tomb of Ustengrav.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if you read all ten signs along the road on the way to Hrothgar, then wild animals will not attack you for a day.

Horn of Jurgen

The same cuneiform where we will learn the word "ghostly form." Pay attention to the waterfall on the left - there is a secret.

To find the horn of Jurgen, you need to go through the vast dungeon Ustengrav, which is near the city of Morthal. I advise you to take a companion with you to have more fun.

Dungeon - a mound, next to which is a bandit camp (most likely, when you arrive, bandits and magicians will fight there). To enter, you have to go down a spiral staircase. Inside are magicians, their zombies and draugrs.

Clear the first hall, turn left and move along the corridors. When you meet draugrs fighting necromancers, help those who are weaker, and finish off the survivors.

Clean out the rooms with large urns, and in the next large hall, deal with the draugr crawling out of the sarcophagi. After that, the corridors will lead you to the Depths of Ustengrav.

To descend into the huge cave, you need to go through the dining hall. When you spot the lamps above the oil, get ready to use them to tame the new draugrs that emerge from their sleeping quarters. To look into the room with the pentagram of souls, activate two handles - one next to the bars, and the other - on the right on the wall, next to the sarcophagus.

You are now in a large cave. There are a lot of interesting things here:

  • Below by the lake - the word of Strength: Incorporeality (do not miss the chest nearby).
  • Behind the waterfall, right next to it, is a secret chest and a secret draugr guarding it.
  • A secret area that can be accessed by dash-jumping between pillars above broken bridges.
  • A fire trap, which is likely to fall on some kind of skeleton.
  • A skeleton sitting on a throne pretending to be dead.

Behind the bridge is a puzzle. Three stones with motion sensors open three grates in one corridor. To get through the corridor, you need to stand at the stone closest to the bridge and with a two-syllable Dash dash through the bars, activating two other stones along the way.

The horn of Jurgen returned to its rightful place, and the hero received a free dragon soul as a reward.

Further we are waiting for fire traps and frosty spiders, including one giant. Then you need to crucify the web covering the road. And finally we get into the hall where the horn should be. But he is not there - instead of him a note. Someone unknown is waiting for the hero in the attic of the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood. Which is strange, since this place doesn't have an attic.

The hero was saddened, but there was nothing to do. After coming to the surface, go to the tavern and ask the hostess named Delphine for a room in the attic - this will serve as a password for identification. After a serious conversation, the hero receives a horn and can now safely take it to High Hrothgar.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if, after visiting the monastery, you return Jurgen's horn to the dungeon and put it on the same pedestal where you took the note, you will receive a free dragon soul.

It is not necessary to go to the monastery right away, first you can complete another story quest, “A Blade in the Darkness”. But it is still recommended to visit Hrothgar, because there they will not only recognize us as Dragonborn, but they will also give out the last syllable of Ruthless Force.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: now you can ask the elders where you can get more spell syllables - sometimes they will mark potentially “fishy” places on the map.

Blade in the dark

Another dragon has risen from the barrow. Now we will extract a skeleton from it.

Through complex mathematical calculations, Delphine found out where in Skyrim a new dragon would emerge from the grave. This is Keene Grove. Let's go there.

At the foot of the hill next to the inn "Wooden Lace" we will be met by a village woman. She is in a panic - a dragon has appeared on the hill. But this is not yet our dragon, but Alduin, who is engaged in his resurrection. In order not to jump on the rocks, use the path behind the stone, near the far corner of the tavern.

Shooting at Alduin is useless - he will finish his job. Dirty cursing the hero, the dragon will resurrect the dead fellow Saloknir, and he will fly away.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: now from time to time you will come across not just dragons, but Alduin, reviving dragons before our eyes.

The sooner you attack the resurrected dragon, the better - he will not have time to grow flesh and gain strength. But even the battle with the skeletal Saloknir will not be easy for a weak hero. He spits fire, and there is no tower nearby to hide. Not confident in your abilities - let the lady (Dolphin) go ahead. Unless, of course, they took her with them.

After the conversation, Delphine will suggest that the Aldmeri Dominion is involved in the resurrection of the dragons. To find out if this is so, you need to visit the Thalmor embassy.

Diplomatic immunity

What things to give the elf-"smuggler"? Yes, all at once!

Delphine sets the task: to get into the Thalmor embassy. First you need to meet with the Bosmer Malborn - our man (that is, an elf) embedded in the embassy. The occasion will be a gala reception hosted by Ambassador Elenwen.

Malborn is waiting for us at the Laughing Rat Inn in Solitude. He demands to give him everything that needs to be carried to the embassy.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: for camouflage at the embassy, ​​it's a good idea to stock up on hooded Thalmor robes. But these clothes will help only those who do not have tails, fangs or scales.

You can give Malborn in general the entire contents of the duffel bag, right down to the clothes. This is convenient, because then it will be possible to take everything on the spot, at the embassy. Delphine, whom we meet at the stables, next to the city gates, will provide us with new clothes and an invitation. There we get into the carriage and go to the embassy. We present the invitation to the guard.

Elenwen herself will meet us inside. Malborn is right there - he's a bartender. In order for the elf to lead us through the kitchen to the "regime" part of the embassy, ​​we need to distract the public. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is to directly ask the Redguard Razelan to entertain the people. Give him a drink and when the show starts, go with Malborn to the kitchen. On the way, take your things from the chest.

Then there are two options - either break into Elenwen's private quarters with a saber drawn, or sneak in there. The second is more difficult. First you need to wait until the talking guards leave, then sneak behind the magician on the second floor. In the courtyard between the embassy and the solarium, guards are also on duty, but the most difficult thing is to lure aside from the wizard, who leaned his back against the desired door.

Elenwen's private quarters will make it easier to play hide-and-seek. Search the chest - it will reveal a report on dragons, a couple of dossiers and a key to the basement.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: in one of the bedrooms on the second floor stands "Unusual Stone". If you do not take it, you will not be able to complete the "thieves" quest to collect the stones of Barenziah (the game simply will not let you into the embassy a second time).

Now go down to the basement, where the Thalmor are torturing a prisoner - a thief named Etienne. Kill the executioners without delay while the prisoner is still alive.

Almost got out! The ice troll is knocked out - it remains only to take a step out of the cave into the fresh air.

As soon as you exchange a few words with Etienne, a second prisoner will appear in the basement - our old friend Malborn. His cover is blown, and a couple of Thalmor promise to kill Malborn if the hero doesn't show up. It is advisable to attack the Thalmor as quickly and energetically as possible so that Malborn survives and can join.

The key to the hatch is on one of the Thalmor. An ice troll hides in a small cave under the solarium. There are three of us, so the alignment seems to be in favor of the forces of good. But if you don’t feel like fighting, you can run away - and immediately go with a report to Riverwood.

It is enough to approach any member of the guardians of the dawn in order to receive the task. You come up and ask: "How can I help?". You are sent to a certain person, and he gives you a task.

Cleansing light.

This quest is given by Ganmar. He will ask you to kill the inhabitant of the cave - the Vampire - the owner of the night, and he will not mind if you also destroy everyone who wants to interfere with you. The vampire is in Heimar's Cave, but the location is random, so it could be another cave or fort for you. Once in the cave, kill the vampires and their thralls. One vampire dared me to shout: "Tighten up!". Well, what can I say?

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard
She quickly lost her head, and will no longer be able to shout such words. As a reward for the task, we get a hoop of great magic.

ancient technology.

This quest is given by Sorin. She is a master of Dwemer technology and will ask you to find a blueprint for an improved Dwemer crossbow. The blueprint for the improved Dwemer crossbow is located in a place called Gallows Rock, but, as I said earlier, the place can be anywhere. We go into the fortress, pull the chain and pass on. Surprisingly, not vampires settled in the fortress, but warriors of a silver hand. My heroine immediately flew in and grabbed the first enemy she came across by the throat, he did not suffer for long, yes. Run further into the fortress, killing the enemies. At the end of the fortress there will be a chest, open it and take the blueprint from there. Now you can return to Sorin. As a reward, Sorina will give us a hoop and teach us how to forge Dwemer crossbows. So it goes.

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Strengthening the ranks.

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard
The task is issued by Sorin. She will ask to bring another person into the guard of the dawn - the former priest Florentius, but the problem is that she does not know where the priest is now, but knows Isran, but Sorin is afraid that the conversation may not take place, so she asks to talk to Isran and us and find out the whereabouts of the former priest. It turns out that Florentius is now in the ranks of the Watchers of Stendarr, and you know how Isran hates them, but still agrees that we will need him. Florentius is currently excavating in Ranwald. At the excavations, all the sentinels turned out to be drugged, I can smell the vampire presence. We'll have to break through with a fight. The sentinels also brought huskies with them. I killed and cried. Cried and killed. Having passed the excavations, I ended up in the Ranwald temple. Inside, I found a vampire who subdued everyone, as well as Florentius Basnia. After talking with Florentius, I persuaded him to come to the Fortress of Dawn. He also talks to himself.

Preemptive strike.

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard
The task is issued by Ganmar. He asks to kill a vampire who settled in Orothheim and surrounded himself with a gang of bandits. Need to hurry, otherwise his squad will turn into vampires? The task is very easy: we go into the cave and cut everyone out, after that we report to Ganmar about the successfully completed mission. As a reward, we receive a Bow of Exhaustion. One more thing: the reward is level-based, so you can get a Daedric bow instead of an elven one, or a longbow instead of an orcish one.

Lost relic. Rune Hammer and Rune Shield.

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard
The task is issued by Florenty Bazniy. He will ask you to find the Runehammer of the Dawnguard in a place called Fort Fellhammer. The task is easy. Come to the fortress and kill all the enemies. After that, go inside and kill the leader of the bandits. Dawnguard Runic Hammer will be in a chest. Take it and return to Florentius Basnius. As a reward for the quest, we receive the Dawnguard Runic Hammer. Now it's yours, enjoy it.

Also, Florentius Bazniy issues a quest to find the Rune Shield. He gives you the location, you come in, clear the location, pick up the item and go back to Baznia.

Hide and Seek.

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard

Dawnguard. Walkthrough side quests for the Dawnguard
The task is issued by Ganmar. He will ask you to kill a vampire who is hiding among civilians. The vampire is in Ivarstead and has disguised himself as an advisor. Again, the location is chosen randomly and the position of the vampire in society is also random. And one more thing, you must kill the vampire discreetly, yes, discreetly, no need to harm the reputation of the guardians of the dawn. Honest citizens do not know that you will kill a vampire.
After killing the vampire, return to Ganmar. As a reward we get an orc mace.

The rescue.

The task is issued by Florenty. He reports that our friend has been kidnapped by vampires. Let's go save a friend. This can be any partner with whom you traveled through Skyrim. In my case - Lydia, who is in the Torch Mine. Together with the release, we need to kill the main vampire. There will be bandits in the cave, we kill them and go to Lydia's cell, kill the jailer and take the keys. After that, we kill the vampire and report to Florence.

Quest Giver: Jonna
Requirements: None.
Reward: 750+1200 gold, the right to claim the title of Thane of Morthal.

Heading to Morphal:

We pass by the Jarl's house, we see some kind of meeting (Only the first visit to the city). We head to the tavern, talk to Jonna, find out about the burnt house, she directs us to the jarl:

We go to the Hall of the High Moon, we speak with the jarl, we offer our help.

She offers to investigate the fire. We go to the burnt house, we see a ghost girl there, we speak with her.

The burnt house is here:

The girl asks us to play with her and find her at night. We are waiting until night (To be sure - wait until 10 am. Wait - T (E) by default).

As soon as it got dark, we go in search of Helga.

You can wander around Morthal all night if you don't know where to look. Therefore, we head to the cemetery, which is located east of the burnt house.

There's a vampire waiting for us.

As soon as we approach the vampire, she will attack us.

We kill her, open the children's coffin.

After that, the husband of the dead vampire comes running to us and speaks to us:

We learn that the culprit is Alva.

We go to Alva's house.

Be careful: firstly, the house is closed and we will have to break into it, and secondly, Alva herself may be inside, which can cause problems.

After we have dealt with the opponents in the house, we go down to the basement, take the diary from the basement.

We return to the jarl and give her the diary. For the completed investigation, she pays us 750 gold, but asks for one more favor. We agree.

We leave the jarl's house, we see an interesting picture:

A militia gathered against the vampires. We speak with Tonnir, after which we follow this group.

As soon as we come to the cave, all our militia dissolves. Only Tonnier remains.

It's up to you whether to take him with you or not, but I think that he will not provide serious support, and maybe he will die.

Location "Movarth's Lair":

Vampires are naturally very strong, especially in the numbers they are found in the cave.

Plus, they use magic that is hard to find protection for (Always different).

We go inside, deal with everything that moves. At the end, the boss is waiting for us:

The boss is very strong. His support is very good: several vampires attacking from a distance from above, and Movart himself is very tenacious.

This is what I found on his corpse:

I don't know if it's a random item, but even if it's a random item, expect to find an item of the same level there. (Write in the comments what you found from him).

Dungeon Map:

After killing him, we return to the jarl, we get another 1200 gold.

Mission completed.


After this quest, you can claim the title of thane of the city. Talk to the jarl about it.

I liked the assignment very much. Intriguing and exciting, in the style of a detective.

And get to the task "Ancient Knowledge". If it so happened that you gave the Elder Scroll to the orc librarian at the College, then buy it back for 4000 septims (or 2000 if you are an archmage).

When you bring both scrolls to the Ancestor Moth Monk, you will find that, due to an occupational illness, he is no longer able to read them. But there is a way out: you need to go to the sacred grove and perform the ritual of the Moth.

Passage for vampires:
The same thing, but the monk Dexion sits in the vampire fortress and terribly apologizes for the fact that he can no longer serve the owner.

Unseen Visions

Our next stop is in a cave east of Falkreath. The plow required for the ritual can be found in a strangely shaped tree. With this plow, you need to remove the bark from the singing tree, and then run through seven flocks of moths flying through the cave. By the end of the action, the hero will literally be covered with huge butterflies.

The next step is to enter the central pillar of light and read the Ancient Scroll of Blood. It is done! Talk to Serana. Apparently, the scroll leads us to the Twilight Cave, where the magic bow is hidden, capable of blocking the light of the sun.

A small army of vampires will come to the sound of the wings of butterflies - you will have to fight.

Passage for vampires:
Similarly, after reading ancient scroll not vampires come running, but Dawnguards.

Touching the Sky

Walkthrough for the Guardians of the Dawn:
The Twilight Cave is located on the western outskirts of Skyrim, west of Solitude. You need to jump into the turbulent water flow of the underground river, and then fight with a small army of spiders. When you see the body of a Breton, carefully go down the cave, being careful of the stretch marks.:

Behind the cave with the trolls, you will find a paladin named Gelebor guarding the temple of Auriel. Gelebor is the penultimate of the true Falmer, snow elves. He will ask the hero to kill his brother Virfur. No problem! Let's make Gelebor last!

To fulfill the request, you need to find it through five portals guarded by ghostly guards. They will let us through when they see the paladin's jug, the symbol of the temple initiate.

Let's hit the road. Behind the first portal is a large Twilight Cave with strange plants, Falmer and a new kind of enemy - flying corus. Be careful when you see a brightly lit chest under the bridge. It is a trap!

When you reach a dead end, find two ropes on the wall. Pull the left and be ready to repel the attack of the cave saber cat. The easiest way to do this is by pulling the right rope - it activates traps in the path of the beast.

After meeting a few more representatives of the cave living creatures, you will stumble upon the ghostly prelate Sidanius. He will open a second portal for us - to the Forgotten Valley (do not forget to scoop up water in a jug). In the Forgotten Vale, in the open air, you will find the Prelates of Atringa, Celebriath, and Nirilor. All of them will help to draw water from the sanctuaries.

In addition to the prelates, the valley is home to ice giants, saber-toothed tigers and a pair of merry dragons - Voslaarum and Naaslarum. After battling the dragons on the frozen lake, don't forget to learn the second word of the life-draining scream.

To get to the last ghostly prelate, you need to go through an exorbitantly large and somewhat meaningless cave - Ice Crevice. Inside are many Falmer and ice ledges. At the exit from the cave, you will also have to tinker with a crowd of Falmer, running along the bridges of their buildings. Only at the end of a long journey will you see Edelbor, the last guardian of the sanctuary.

After scooping up water, leave the sanctuary and go to the tall building behind. This is the place where we need to get to kill Wirfur. Pour the water from the pitcher onto the altar behind the snow elf statue. The doors will open and you can get inside. Inside you will find a crowd of icy statues. These are truly snow elves. They are everywhere. Some of them may still come to life when you run past or take valuables out of their icy hands.

Upon entering Auriel's Chapel, you will quickly find Virfur. He sits on a throne surrounded by frozen Falmer. Virfur doesn't want to give us the magical bow. First, he will set the ice figures coming to life on us. Then he will put a very powerful frost atronach into action, and only after that... will he run away, bringing down the walls. You will find it on the balcony. There will be a conversation that will clarify a lot about his motives and intentions. Then you have to fight.

Immediately after the battle, Gelebor will return. Tell him what happened. As a reward, he will give you Auriel's bow and promise that he can make magical Solar arrows from elven ones (twenty pieces at a time). These magical arrows have increased killing power, especially against the undead.

Passage for vampires:
Visit to the cave Twilight will pass similar.

Kindred Judgment (Kindred Court)

Walkthrough for the Guardians of the Dawn:
Head back through the portal and cave to Dawnguard Hold.

Isran is happy to know that Auriel's bow is finally with us. He will quickly gather his people and make a speech. It's time to visit the vampire lair, and with it Harkon.

The gargoyles at the entrance to the castle, of course, will come to life, and already on the bridge, vampires will oppose us. Inside, in the banquet hall, it will be hotter. The element of fire and lightning reigns here, and it is not so easy to distinguish between friends and foes in battle.

Harkon will meet us at the chapel. As the genre suggests, we'll have a little chat before the fight. The old vampire will offer to give him a bow. Don't trust his good intentions. The fight will start anyway.

Lord Harkon is a serious enemy. He sucks blood, teleports, summons skeletons with gargoyles, and then pupates into a magic ball, temporarily becoming invulnerable to any weapon except Auriel's bow and solar arrows.

When the vampire lord is finished, speak with Serana and Isran. The deed is done - the main quest is completed!

Passage for vampires:
Passing the quest from the vampire side is easier. After talking with Serana, go straight to Volkihar. You won't have to fight with fellow vampirists - go to the chapel and fight Harkon alone.

Since you're playing as a vampire, after winning you might want to slightly "spoil" Auriel's bow - drip Serana's blood on it and turn the bow into a weapon against the sun. Shooting a solar arrow in the direction of the star will extinguish it for several hours and enable the vampire to run and fight normally in daylight.

Let me remind you that new solar arrows can be taken from Gelebor - he makes them from elven ones twenty pieces at a time.

Side quests

Dawnguard quests

  • Ancient Technology. A trip to a random location for the blueprints for an improved Dwemer crossbow. The quest can be repeated four more times. The task is issued by Sorin.
  • Bolstering the Ranks (Strengthening the ranks). A trip to the mine to rescue a character useful to the Dawnguard from the clutches of a vampire. The task is given by Isran.
  • Cleansing Light. Destruction of a vampire in his own lair. The parameters of this quest, like many other side quests, are determined by the Radiant Story system. The task is given by Gunmar.
  • Hide and Seek (Hide and Seek). The vampire hides under the guise of an ordinary traveler. Kill him - as quietly as possible. The task is from Gunmar.
  • Hunting the Monster (Monster hunting). Another task from Gunmar is the usual hunt for vampire lords in the secluded corners of Skyrim.
  • A Jarl's Justice (Jarl's Justice). Quest from Isran. The vampire crept into the inner circle of one of the Jarls of Skyrim. Tell him about it and get proof - orders from the pocket of a disguised vampire. However, you can just kill him.
  • Lost Relic (Lost relic). Task from Florenty Benus. He asks to get three ancient artifacts from three dungeons for the organization. As a reward, he will give the artifacts to us.
  • Preemptive Strike (Preemptive strike). Quest from Gunmar. You need to clear the site chosen by Radiant Story by killing the vampire lord.
  • Rescue. Quest Florence. Rescue of a victim kidnapped by vampires from a randomly selected dungeon.

Vampire quests

  • Amulets of Night Power (Amulets of night power). The task is given by Feran Sadri. He will ask us to clear two dungeons in order to get two ancient amulets.
  • Ancient Power. Another quest from Feran Sadri is to search the dungeon for the remains of an ancient vampire.
  • Culling the Beast. Hunt for the "wrong" wild vampire from a random dungeon. The quest is given by Fura Bloodmouth.
  • Deceiving the Herd. Quest from Feran Sadri, and somewhat unusual: you need to change into the form of the Guardians of the Dawn and kill a resident of the city in front of everyone.
  • Destroying the Dawnguard(Destroy the Dawnguard). This quest is started by Garan Mareti. You need to go to the fortress of the Guardians of the Dawn, take it by storm and kill all the leaders.
  • The Gift (Gift). Task from Vingalmo: infect a spouse with vampirism (cast vampire spells and bite). Of course, this task will not be given to a single character.
  • The Hunt(Hunting). A simple quest from Garan: Kill a Dawnguard agent undercover. To do this secretly, you can try to speak their teeth and take them into the wilderness.
  • New Allegiances (New owners). A task from Vingalmo to convert the desired character into vampirism. The mechanism is already familiar: we induce vampire charms, then we bite.
  • Protecting the Bloodline. Another task for the benefit of the clan: you need to either infect a new character with vampirism, or destroy a hostile clan's vampire in the dungeon. The quest is issued by Vingalmo.
  • Rings of Blood Magic. This task is to search for two artifacts - magic rings. The place is chosen randomly, and the quest is given by Feran.

basic information


Arrive at Arkntamz for the first time

Quest giver

Etherium crown or ethereal shield or ethereal staff. Marshmallow (optional)


In the ruins of Arkntamz, you can meet the ghost of Katria, an adventurer who died during a collapse that occurred here. Talking to her will start the quest. It turns out that Katria during her lifetime managed to get close to unraveling one of the greatest secrets of the Dwemer - the location of the forge of etherium, an extremely rare mineral with unique properties. Katria has done a lot of research on this topic, more details about her findings can be found in her diary and the book "Aetherium Wars" that can be found on her body. The body itself lies in the same room where her conversation with the hero took place, on a cliff in the middle of the abyss. Since the only way to get to the other side is just over the cliff, the body cannot be missed. Above the abyss at the end of the log lies a Zephyr bow. If desired, Katria will join the protagonist, helping quite well with both hints and well-aimed archery. If someone is already traveling in the company with the main character, it’s not scary - he will also remain in the team.


After reading the diary and the book, it becomes clear that the forge was hidden from prying eyes, and you can get into it only with the help of some special key, which is divided into four parts, the location of which is indicated in the diary. One of them is stored in Arkntamz. Next, you have to make a difficult path to the very top of the ruins (since Arkntamz was built inside a mountain (apparently, an extinct volcano), and its tiers do not go deep into the earth, but up - to the top). This path leads to the heart of the ruins - the center of etherium research. To enter it, you have to solve correct order activation of five locks that lock the gate. The clue is on the last page of Katria's diary or, if the diary hasn't been picked up, on a piece of paper that can be found on the body of an unnamed adventurer lying next to the gate.


  1. Bottom left.
  2. Right below.
  3. Top left.
  4. Top right.
  5. Down center.

After everything turned out, you can pick up the first part of the key - the ethereal fragment. Katria, after a short conversation, will leave the protagonist and go in search of other fragments. Dovakin should also do this. The order in which the fragments are collected does not matter, but the following is a description in increasing complexity.

Deep Folk Crossing

Everything is simple here. There are no enemies in the location. The only difficulty, and then a miserable one, is in finding a local fragment (if the quest is not marked as active in the quest log and there is no map marker). The fragment is located behind the Dwemer bridge, behind the octagonal pedestal. After the protagonist picks it up, Katria will appear and praise him for his promptness.


There are no difficulties here either. There is no need to go to Mzulft itself. The fragment is located in a separate building on the territory of the ground part of the city - the pantry of the gnomes. If this location has not yet been visited, then a pleasant addition to the fragment awaits here - a huge amount of Dwemer metal and other valuables. The main difficulties are to cope with the three locks of the warehouse departments (two levels "Student" and one - "Expert"), and carry away all the trophies. Katria will already be here and will reproach her for her sluggishness.


This is the only place where getting a fragment is risky. The fact is that it is located at the very end of the dungeon, next to the exit from it and the local entrance to the Black Limit. Therefore, if these ruins have not been cleared earlier and access to the Black Reach has not yet been obtained, you will have to fight your way through the entire Raldbthar. If any of the above has already been done, then you can enter directly into the last room of the city through the Black Reach or from the surface, going down the elevator. One way or another, a small room will be found here, at the far end of which, near the stand with the fragment, Katria is already waiting. However, the passage to it is blocked by a Dwemer sphere and a spider. It is not clear how they were going to keep the ghost, apparently, their program simply does not provide for such a situation. Either way, she and Katria don't attack each other. After destroying this small obstacle, you can pick up a fragment. Katriya is relieved to see that it's finished and asks if all the pieces of the key have been collected.
It doesn't matter which part is found last. After she is found, and after the obligatory phrase (see above), Katria will report that everything is now ready for penetration into the forge, and will offer to meet there, after which she will disappear as usual.
Aetherium Forge

The forge itself is located in the ruins of Btalft. It's southeast of Ivarstead. The ruins themselves are inhabited by several bandits, as well as metal structure clearly Dwemer work in the form of a sphere with an arrow. In the pedestal on which it is installed, there is a recess of a characteristic shape. It is necessary to insert the found fragments into it, and they will merge together, turning into an “ethereal emblem”. After that, the elevator to the forge will open. Behind the waterfall there is a chest locked with an Adept level lock, and not far from the waterfall, at the bottom, lies a great soul stone. Next, you have to close two valves responsible for the supply of steam, which interferes with the passage. On the approaches to the forge, a fight with many Dwemer spiders and spheres awaits, and to top it off, a huge centurion, the Master Smith, will appear, attacking with fire. Having dealt with everyone, you can start inspecting the chests and collecting trophies, and then head to the forge, to activate which you need to use the ethereal symbol. Now it remains to choose a reward.
What about Katria? Her strongest desire - to get confirmation of her theories and proof of the existence of the forge, is finally fulfilled, and she leaves the main character again, now forever ...

Using Shout "Rapid Charge" or "Ethereal", you can get to the chest on the other side of the lava lake. Also, from the side of the lava lake, two secret gates are visible. You can get to them in the same way as to the chest. Behind them you can find several Dwemer parts, scrap metal and chests.


Only one item can be crafted in the forge to choose from:

  1. Etherium crown - a hoop, makes it possible to activate two Guardian Stones at the same time.
  2. Etherium staff - summons a Dwemer sphere or a spider (who exactly appears is chosen randomly).
  3. Aetherial shield - heavy armor, when it hits an enemy, it dematerializes it for 15 seconds, which can be useful in battles against a group.

Note: after completing the quest, the hero will meet Taron Dreth with his mercenaries. He will ask how main character was able to forge that item (crown, shield, or staff). In any case, he will say that the protagonist knows too much, and the gang will attack Dovakin.