Calculation of the Tise foundation. Tise foundation: we build it ourselves What load can Tise piles withstand?

TISE foundation – one of those foundation options that even novice builders will like. It is easy to manufacture, economical, affordable and at the same time extremely durable even with a heavy structure. A special foundation construction technology ensures rapid construction of the foundation without the involvement of expensive construction specialists.

This is how drilling happens in the video. Chise using a hand held gas drill

Main features of the TISE foundation

In many ways, the foundation of TISE is similar, but TISE has many advantages.

Firstly, this is a technology in which the piles have an expansion at the bottom.

This shape with a support cap allows the TISE foundation to:

  • perform well on any soil,
  • resist the forces of heaving,
  • reduce vibration if the structure is being built next to a railway or major highways,
  • have high load-bearing capacity.

The TISE foundation grillage is installed at the so-called zero level and does not contact the ground, which provides the structure with additional reliability.

Reliability of this type of foundation for do-it-yourself houses

The TISE foundation is erected on any type of soil, and even in seismic hazard zones.

For the work, a special TISE drill is used, which allows the installation of special piles with a support cap. This drill allows you to build it yourself, perfect for frame houses.

Site preparation and marking

Preparatory work includes clearing the site of debris and marking the future foundation.

Basic construction work TISE foundation consist of drilling wells and filling them with concrete mixture. You can make holes for future piles yourself using a special drill with a removable plow.

Construction of a house using TISE technology step by step

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a TISE foundation in 7 steps

  1. Leveling the area
  2. We are building a cast-off for the foundation
  3. Drilling wells for foundation
  4. Expanding wells
  5. We reinforce
  6. We lay roofing material and pour concrete
  7. We manufacture

Craftsmen who have experience in constructing foundations using this technology advise making several main drilling holes at once, and only then using a special drill attachment to expand the base of all drilled holes at once. This will allow you to save time on re-equipping the drill (installing the plow).

How to soften the soil for the foundation of Chise?

To reduce soil resistance while drilling, you can pour several buckets of water into the hole. This will soften the hard ones and things will go faster.

Pouring the foundation with concrete mixture

When the wells are properly drilled and each of them has a hemispherical depression at the base, you can begin to install the reinforcement and fill the well with concrete mixture.

The reinforcing rod is bent and installed along the entire length of the future pile. It is most convenient to use as a pile, which holds its shape well and is easily distributed over the surface of the well.

It is also worth considering that the construction of such a foundation will require a fairly large amount. Therefore, in order not to delay construction, it is better to order a concrete mixer.

Making a grillage on the TISE foundation

When the stage of pouring the piles is completed, we proceed to manufacturing. To do this, a wooden formwork is made, which needs to be covered with polyethylene. The formwork is secured with pins. Next, a reinforcing mesh is installed underneath and the concrete mixture is poured.

The TISE foundation in private construction is already familiar to many today, and those who built houses using it talk about its reliability, ease of construction and cost-effectiveness; the absence of construction flaws also cannot but please the builder.

Where to buy Bur Tise and what is the price?

Watch a video of a professional in the field of foundation construction using TISE technology

The TISE foundation costs two to three times less than other options, and the low cost in no way affects its quality and safety.

Individual construction in the country is developing rapidly. Developers with a good cash reserve build their own houses, caring only about their reliability - they care little about the cost of this enterprise.

Another thing is people with modest capabilities. They have to carefully calculate costs at each stage of construction. It is for this category of developers that TISE has developed a unique technology that allows them to build an inexpensive but reliable foundation for housing.

So, what is the foundation of TISE? This is a pile-tape structure consisting of reinforced concrete supports and a reinforced concrete grillage ().

The peculiarity of this design lies in the shape of the pile: in its lower part there is a hemispherical extension. This form of support helps to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation and prevents it from being squeezed out on heaving soils.

TISE piles bear the load of heavy stone and light frame houses equally well (), without shrinking.

The purpose of the grillage is to connect all the supports into a single structure. It does not contact the ground, evenly distributing the load from the house between the piles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the TISE type foundation include:

  • low cost;
  • no need to use heavy construction equipment;
  • autonomy of work during construction: to perform technological operations, no connection is required;
  • high speed of construction and minimal labor costs;
  • the possibility of independent construction by individual developers who do not have experience or special skills;
  • ease of installation of utilities even at a fully constructed facility.

Disadvantages of TISE foundation technology:

  • this construction method cannot be used in swampy areas, waterlogged and silty soils;
  • using only manual labor: this makes the construction process very difficult on rocky and hard soils. True, they have now begun to produce TISE drills with a mechanical drive powered by a light gasoline engine;
  • it is not possible to build a basement under the entire house;
  • a blind area of ​​increased width is required.

The above disadvantages of the TISE foundation are offset by advantages, so this technology can be considered the most economical and progressive for private construction.

The main and only working tool that you will need when building a foundation using TISE technology with your own hands is the TISE-F drill.

Structurally, it is made in the form of a sliding rod, equipped with two handles and cutting edges. Its weight is only 7.5 kg. The tool is equipped with cutters and a locking mechanism. The plow is lifted by means of a cord, one of the ends of which is attached to the crossbar.

The rod can be extended to any length using a threaded lock. It also transmits torque.

The plow is mounted on a movable bracket between the drill and the rod. It is released at the drilling level where the expansion of the TIS pile is planned. The role of a soil accumulator is played by the drill body.

Drilling technology

Drilling using TISE foundation technology consists of several simple operations:

  1. The piles are being marked.
  2. At the drilling sites, the turf is removed.
  3. A hole is dug exactly in the center of the future pile with a diameter equal to the diameter of the drill and a depth of 0.15 m. This operation can be performed using a shovel or a special device included with the drill.
  4. The plow is removed from the bar, and a handle is installed on its upper part.
  5. The initial length of the rod is set (for this there are three holes in its body).
  6. The kit also includes an extension cord. If it needs to be used, it is mounted on a bar instead of a handle. The latter is transferred to the end of the extension cord.
  7. During the drilling process, the soil is collected in a container. As it fills, the storage tank is lifted and released from the ground.

Piles using TISE technology have a small diameter, so it is necessary to carefully control the verticality of the well: concrete does not bend well, and if it deviates from normal, it may burst during operation.

After reaching the design mark, the well is expanded in its lower part.

This is done like this:

  • two bolts on the container are unscrewed;
  • The plow is installed and secured: first read the instructions for the drill. There you will see that there are three installation positions for this part - depending on the size of the extension (400, 500, 600 mm);
  • a cord is attached to the bracket (crossbar), by means of which the plow is raised to the transport position;
  • after the plow is lowered into the hole, the cord is released - the tool takes its working position;
  • the drill is rotated counterclockwise, cutting out a hemisphere in the ground.

It is more convenient to build TISE piles with a partner.

Foundation calculation

Before starting practical work, you need to find out how many supports can withstand the load from your building.

Foundation calculations using TISE technology are performed according to the classical scheme:

  • the total load from the building is calculated (it is the sum of the weight of all building materials, wind and snow loads);
  • The bearing capacity of one bored pile is determined: it is better to entrust this part of the calculation to specialists, for example, from the architectural department of the city administration. They will ask you for the cadastral number of your plot, check the data of geological research in the area in the register - and, using just one formula, they will quickly make a calculation;
  • divide the load by the load-bearing capacity of the pile - and you will determine their number.

Now all you have to do is place the supports on the foundation plan. Placement of piles should begin from the corners of the building and the intersections of walls. Distribute the remaining supports evenly around the entire perimeter of the foundation. After that, all you have to do is take the markings to the area.

Pouring piles

To fill the supports, concrete grade M300 () is used. Crushed stone fraction – no more than 25 mm.

Along the axes of the well, install four reinforcing bars A-4 with a diameter of 14 mm. Their length should exceed the depth of the hole by 15-20 cm. After this, pour concrete into the well, periodically compacting it with an internal vibrator. If you don't have such equipment, use a long stick. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the possibility of voids forming in the concrete mass.

Immediately after pouring, the pile head is concreted. You can use a large diameter plastic pipe.

Rules for grillage construction

When building a foundation using TISE technology, you should not make the grillage too high. A massive monolith will become an additional burden on the piles and on the developer’s wallet.

A technically unjustified increase in the consumption of expensive concrete will negate the main advantage of the TISE pile-grillage foundation - low cost. The width of the reinforced concrete belt must correspond to the thickness of the wall. If in the future you plan to cover the house with bricks, take this into account when determining the width of the grillage.

Before installing the formwork, make a cast-off - use cords to mark all the axes of the future structure (). This must be done because when drilling and pouring pile supports, their exact axial location is difficult to maintain. But the grillage must be made in compliance with the perpendicularity and parallelism of all its sides. Otherwise, the walls of the house will rise at random.

The grillage is reinforced at the bottom. The reinforcing mesh must be connected to the rods released from the pile heads. The pouring should be done at one time - there should be no seams in the reinforced concrete body.

Video about the foundation of TISE.

Due to the fact that the TISE foundation is manufactured without special equipment by the individual developer’s own resources, the technology is quite in demand in low-rise buildings. However, when choosing “Individual Construction and Ecology Technology”, you should take into account both its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other types of foundations.

For convenience, below is a comparative analysis of each stage of building a TISE foundation with your own hands.

TISE technology is a columnar grillage with a widened base of the vertical posts. All columnar foundations have the following disadvantages:

  • they are unsuitable for wet soil (high ground level, swamp), fresh embankments and slopes with a height difference of more than 1.5 m between opposite walls of the building;
  • making a full-fledged underground or basement floor on pillars is impossible;
  • floors on the ground, considered the most economical option, can only be made with a low grillage, which reduces the service life of wall materials, unlike a hanging grillage;
  • when using floors in the form of PC slabs or on beams, heat loss increases and insulation consumption increases;
  • underground communications should be additionally insulated;
  • For any grillage, a backing is required, which increases the construction cost, since the beams are prohibited from resting on the ground.

Technical solution for TISE piles on a steep slope.

The creator of the technology, Yakovlev, considered the lack of special equipment and the minimum possible construction budget to be the main advantages, without specifying what the TISE foundation was compared with. The main advantage is the widening of the base of the pillars, which dramatically increases their load-bearing capacity. It was for the design of the TISE drill, which allows increasing the diameter of the well at the bottom to 60 cm without the use of special equipment, that the author received a patent.

Conventional hand tools and motor drill equipment allow you to drill holes with a maximum diameter of 50 cm. To make a widening of a standard post using classical technology, you will have to either dig a larger hole or use a hole drill to drill a hole of the appropriate diameter.

In any of these options, you will have to cast a slab at the face, then install smaller formwork, and fill the gaps after the concrete has hardened. The bearing capacity of the column will increase due to the wide heel, but will decrease due to a decrease in lateral friction with the layers adjacent to the body of the column.

For example, when TISE is supported on clay, each vertical post has a load-bearing capacity of 10 - 12 tons. This is three times more than that of pillars without widening or screw/bored piles.

Table: Load-bearing capacity of TISE piles.

The TISE foundation is inferior to other technologies in the following positions:

  • allows you to build a cottage on wet soil;
  • the tape is suitable for projects with a basement;
  • and screw piles lie not just “below the freezing mark”, but reach the bearing layer, that is, much more reliable than TISE;
  • – the only technology that allows walls to be erected the very next day, since the concrete inside their cavities is not structural, but serves only to protect the internal walls from corrosion;

Due to the high cost of geological surveys, they are replaced by trial screwing in a screw pile in 3 to 5 places inside the building area. The technique allows you to save money (it will cost 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles instead of 30 thousand).

Setting out full-scale axes and excavation work

Since the TISE technology includes pillars and a grillage, when marking the axes of the building, three cords must be pulled. However, when using cast-offs this is not a problem. The main advantages of the technique:

  • lack of planning, which is typical for all grillages, and not just for TISE;
  • maintainability of communications that do not pass through the power structures of the foundation.

At this stage there are no disadvantages; if necessary, the fertile layer can be removed and used in landscape design or in beds.

Drilling, formwork of pillars and grillage

The TISE foundation reveals the most serious shortcomings at this stage:

  • to drill wells with a dome-shaped widening at the bottom, you will have to buy an original drill from the author of the method, R. Yakovlev, which costs 5,000 - 6,000 rubles on the official website or from dealers in the regions of the Russian Federation;
  • or (there are no exact drawings on the Internet, since this is the intellectual property of the author);
  • large boulders at any depth become an insurmountable obstacle, the drill moves to the side, the work begins again, which sharply increases labor costs;

Drilling wells with expansion at the bottom.

On the other hand, the technology is energy-independent; wells can be made in an open field and on a site in a non-electrified cottage community. Apart from the TISE drill, there is no tool that allows you to expand the heel of the post. The advantages usually outweigh the disadvantages, which explains the popularity of the technique.

The formwork work is identical to the installation of tubular formwork for bored (drilled) piles. Depending on the budget, polyethylene or asbestos-cement pipes and a piece of roofing material rolled into a cylinder are used.

Depending on the height of the grillage above the ground, labor costs and material consumption for the manufacture of formwork for this foundation element increase significantly:

  • low grillage - the lower deck is polystyrene foam (non-removable option) or a layer of sand (removed after the concrete has hardened);

Pouring a grillage with a permanent polystyrene foam lower deck.

  • hanging grillage - plywood or plank board on H-shaped posts.

Therefore, the construction budget at this stage is comparable to MZLF, bored piles and much higher than that of a floating slab (where formwork is needed only on the outside).

Reinforcement and concreting

Since in construction regulations (pile foundations), (foundations of structures/buildings), (design of foundations) reinforcement of underground load-bearing monolithic structures is mandatory, the TISE foundation is no exception.

Reinforcement technology has the following nuances:

The easiest way is to make a reinforcement cage on a construction site or buy it at a construction market and then place it inside the formwork, but in this option it is impossible to place the reinforcement inside the widening. Therefore, more often, vertical rods are bent at a right angle, lowered inside the formwork and inserted into the dome part of the widening heel, then tied with horizontal clamps, but only in the upper part.

This leads to the disadvantages of the methods - in the first case, the widening remains unreinforced, in the second, the vertical rods can separate at the face when filling the formwork with concrete.

Waterproofing and sealing

Like all load-bearing concrete structures in contact with the ground or operating underground, the TISE foundation needs protection from getting wet. After stripping, all accessible surfaces are covered with waterproofing materials. In this regard, the technology does not provide any advantages to the individual developer.

In a low grillage, it is necessary to protect the distance between the bottom of the beams and the ground from filling with earth. Therefore, sheet material that is not subject to rotting (CBF or asbestos cement sheet) is installed on the sides.

Protection of the grillage from soil swelling.

An underground appears in the hanging grillage; the function of protecting its perimeter is taken over by a false base (), made of brick, corrugated sheet or base siding.

Blind area and drainage

The advantage of any columnar or pile grillage, including the TISE foundation, is the absence of the need for drainage (wall or ring) and insulation of the blind area and backfill. There are no heat sources inside the underground, the soil is completely frozen, so thermal insulation here is pointless.

The disadvantages of this stage of construction are common to all existing technologies. It is necessary to fill the blind area to remove melt, flood waters and precipitation from the walls of the building. To prevent runoff from eroding areas of fertile soil adjacent to the blind area, stormwater gutters are usually built along its outer perimeter, and point rainwater inlets are installed under the vertical pipes of the roof drainage.

Thus, the TISE foundation is more expensive than a non-buried columnar grillage, the racks of which are made of brick or a wall block of 2 x 2 x 4 dm format. Of all the other technologies, only the pile-screw foundation and grillage on bored piles compete with it.

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The calculation of the TISE foundation determines the drilling depth, pitch and number of supports. This guide will help you avoid mistakes when calculating and constructing the TISE foundation.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a very simple TISE foundation calculation methodology, the essence of which is to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. It will allow an individual developer to understand the principle and apply the method with a sufficient degree of accuracy to build a foundation with his own hands using TISE technology. If it is necessary to obtain a complete and detailed calculation, when, for example, difficulties arise with determining the type of soil, the complexity and peculiarity of the terrain of the site, you need to contact qualified specialists.

  • TISE-2 weighs 270 kg;
  • TISE-3 weighs 400 kg;
  • from aerated concrete blocks 600*200*400 with a density of D500 - 250 kg.
determined by the weight of materials (reinforced concrete slabs, wooden beams), the density of insulation, the weight of flooring, ceiling material. For 1m2 it is necessary to use:

  • wooden beams and insulation with a density of 200 kg/m2 - up to 100 kg for attic and up to 150 kg for basement floors;
  • reinforced concrete monolithic slabs – 500 kg;
  • concrete hollow-core floor slabs – 350 kg.

Roof weight determined by the weight of the roofing pie materials. 1m2 of roofing weighs:

  • from slate – up to 50 kg;
  • from ceramic tiles – up to 80 kg;
  • from sheet steel – up to 30 kg.

Operating load

These are furniture, engineering equipment and communications, household and economic equipment, people. The value is significant and cannot be neglected when calculating the foundation. If we assume that the load is distributed evenly over the area of ​​the interfloor floors, we obtain the following values:

  • basement and interfloor ceilings – up to 200 kg;
  • attic floor – up to 100 kg.

Snow load

This value for Ukrainian cities, as well as the mechanism for determining the snow load for roofs of different configurations, are determined by the relevant regulatory documents.

For snow load, a correction factor is introduced, the value of which depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. So, for a pitched roof it is equal to 1, regardless of the angle of inclination. For a gable roof with a slope of 25 0, the coefficient value is 1, with a slope from 26 0 to 60 0 - 1.25. If the angle of inclination is greater than 60 0, then the snow load is not taken into account.

Having calculated the weight of the house, the foundation, the weight from the operating load and snow cover, we sum up all the terms and multiply the result by a correction factor of 1.3 to ensure a safety margin, thus compensating for possible shortcomings when calculating the total weight of the house.

Bearing capacity of TISE foundation piles

The next step in calculating the TISE foundation will be to determine the load-bearing characteristics of the piles and soil. The ability to withstand a particular load depends on the type of soil and the magnitude of its resistance. These soil characteristics are determined by construction regulations.

The load-bearing characteristics of piles for the TISE foundation are given for dense sandy soils of average moisture and hard clay soils of low porosity.

! Note to the developer
In practice, the load-bearing capacity of TISE foundation piles is usually higher. Due to the seepage of cement laitance into the soil around the expansion of the support, soil concrete is formed. The soil-concrete mass, in the absence of groundwater in the well, can reach a thickness of 5-10 cm, which increases the bearing capacity of the support by one and a half to two times.

Drilling depth for TISE foundation

The correctness of the calculation of the foundation and its reliability directly depends on the depth of drilling wells, which is determined by the level of soil freezing in a given area and should be 20 centimeters below this level.

The map shows that the level of soil freezing depth in Ukraine lies in the range of 70-120 cm.

Calculation of the pitch and number of pillars for the TISE foundation

After we have calculated the weight of the house, figured out the soil resistance, bearing capacity of the supports and their depth, we move on to the final stage of calculating the TISE foundation - determining the number of piles and the step between them.

Let's say that we plan to build a house measuring 5 m by 10 m. Construction will be carried out on clay soil. The house weighs 350 tons. Having the initial data, we find that the perimeter of our future foundation is 30 m. Clay has a load-bearing capacity of 6 kg/cm 2. With a base expansion of 60 cm, the bearing capacity of the pillar will be approximately 17 tons.

Dividing 350 tons by 17 tons, we find that we need to form 20 TISE foundation piles. Dividing the length of the foundation by the number of supports, we calculate that the distance between the pillars will be 1.50 meters. Thus, having decided on the step and number of supports, we can say that the calculation of the TISE foundation has been completed. Next we proceed to marking the foundation and installing the cast-off.

The Technology of Individual Construction and Ecology (TISE) is patented in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, and has its own protective hologram and trademark. The author of the method, R. Yakovlev, created it with the expectation that all operations would be performed in TISE with his own hands, but with a special tool, which is subject to his copyright.

The essence of the TISE foundation is the construction of a grillage for the house along the heads of pillars that have a widened base. Therefore, some individual developers consider them to be piles, since wells are drilled by analogy with bored structures. However, the depth of the supports of a columnar foundation is always less; there are no widenings on piles.

The creator of the TISE technology installed a columnar grillage in it to eliminate the impact of heaving forces on the foundation:

  • deepening the piles below the seasonal freezing of the region;
  • small contact area with the ground of the side surface of the racks;
  • replacement of heaving soil with crushed stone in the building area and beyond its perimeter by 1.5 - 2 m, if necessary.

Yakovlev received a patent for the original design of the TISE foundation, combining the advantages of piles and pillars:

  • using the classical method, you can make pillars with a widened heel by drilling a hole of a larger diameter, filling the base and installing smaller tubular formwork on it;

A column with a widened heel in a well of obviously larger diameter.

  • however, in this case, you will have to fill the boreholes with non-metallic material, creating with your own hands a technogenic zone with high drainage properties, in which perched water will inevitably accumulate, and the calculated resistance of the soil adjacent to the body of the pile and, accordingly, the bearing capacity of the structure will sharply decrease;
  • when using a standard pile without widening the base, it will be necessary to increase the depth, since the reinforced concrete pillar must rest on the bearing layer, which is usually located much deeper than 2 m, which is already enough to pass the freezing mark and eliminate the buoyancy forces of clay soils from below the base;

At the same time, vertical reinforcement is preserved inside the rack, so calculations of the load-bearing capacity show that a one-story frame house can easily rest on 2 - 3 TISE racks. This provides a multiple margin of safety for the building.

The only problem when choosing a house construction technology is the lack of equipment that can be used to expand the bottom of the well. An original TISE drill costs from 3.5 – 5 thousand depending on the diameter; many individual developers prefer to save money and construct from scrap materials.

Original TISE drill designed by Yakovlev.

Site preparation

Pile and columnar grillages make it possible to do without territory planning. However, it will be necessary to demolish the buildings and foundations that interfere with the construction of the home, and uproot stumps and trees whose roots are dangerous to underground structures.

If the house is planned on an undermined area (a fresh embankment prone to soil subsidence), you can replace part of the soil with crushed stone or other non-metallic material. On the other hand, piles do not require wall drainage or insulation of the blind area or foundation.


Since the house rests on a columnar hanging grillage, it is necessary to place three axes for each load-bearing wall in the building area:

  • in the center of the piles - to drill wells;
  • along the outer and inner edges of the grillage - for installation of formwork panels.

In a foundation with a grillage, the amount of excavation work is minimal; site leveling is required only in complex terrain to correct large differences in relief. However, a thrifty owner can remove the entire fertile layer (usually 0.4 m deep) to use it in beds or in landscaping. In any case, it is done in stages:

  • cast-offs are made (2 pieces for each wall) - vertical pegs with a horizontal bar;
  • cast-offs are mounted 1.5 m from the corners of the building - the horizontal planks are aligned at the same level, 3 cords are attached to each of them, which can be removed at any time, then installed back according to the marks.

Installation of castoffs for the TISE foundation.

The main facade is usually located parallel to the street or at right angles to it. After marking the building site, it is necessary to measure the diagonals and ensure that they completely coincide with each other.

Important! The length of the cast-off posts should ensure that the horizontal crossbar is located 2–5 cm above the design mark of the top edge of the grillage. The length of the lintel is 10 cm greater than the width of the grillage.

This is necessary to secure the cast-offs once, and to be able to pull the cord multiple times.

Production of wells

With a significant safety margin of the foundation, it becomes possible to adjust the location of an individual pile in each row. For example, if a stone is encountered while drilling, the hole in the ground can be moved in a convenient direction without a general loss of the load-bearing capacity of the foundation of the house. The sequence of operations is as follows:

  • leader-holes - the creator of the method recommends making pits to a depth of 0.2 - 0.4 m with a bayonet shovel to immerse the entire drilling bit;
  • drilling - the plow is removed from the tool or fixed in a vertical position with a special stopper, after 2 - 5 rotations of the drill clockwise, depending on the composition of the soil, the receiver is filled with rock, it is removed and the earth is shaken out to the surface;
  • widening of the heel - when the design mark is reached, the plow is released at the face, rotation is carried out without vertical pressure, the knife breaks out the rock in a dome-shaped manner, the tool is periodically pulled to the surface for shaking out.

Technology of drilling a well with expansion at the bottom.

The depth of the well is controlled by the length of the rod and additional extension pipes. The vertical is controlled by a bubble level, which is especially important on slopes. It is recommended to soak hard rocks with water, and crush large stones to a fraction of 5 cm, which the drill can handle on its own - they fit into the hole to capture the soil.

Advice! When making a dome-shaped widening, you cannot change the direction of rotation. For light buildings, 40–50 cm is enough; for heavy cottages, you should use all the capabilities of the drill and make a widening of 60 cm.

When passing through hard rocks, you can tilt the rod alternately in different directions or use a drill with a smaller plow diameter first.

Formwork and reinforcement

So that the house receives the maximum possible resource, using the technologies given in. The use of rolled metal scraps (pipe, I-beam, channel), chain-link mesh and sheet iron is not allowed. Piles must have:

  • vertical reinforcement – ​​bars of periodic profile (“corrugated”) 8–14 mm thick, protruding 40 cm above the edge of the formwork;
  • transverse reinforcement - frames made of smooth reinforcing bars with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm, square or ring-shaped with a vertical frequency of 40 - 60 cm.

The vertical rods will later be bent at right angles at the level of the lower and upper armored belt of the grillage, and tied to them with wire twists. When placing reinforcement inside concrete, it is necessary to take care of a protective layer that will prevent corrosion of the metal when the structural material gets wet.

Therefore, formwork is first installed in the well, and then reinforcement cages are mounted, onto the rods of which plastic washers are attached to prevent contact of the metal with the inner wall of the formwork.

Foundation piles are cast in several types of formwork, depending on the construction budget:

  • roofing felt - a piece of the required length is cut from the roll, rolled into a cylinder, the edges are fastened with a stapler, then the formwork is wrapped with knitting wire;

  • asbestos-cement pipe – adds rigidity to the structure, but is not a waterproofing material and can be destroyed in groundwater;

  • polymer pipe - most often polyethylene, which is not afraid of solar ultraviolet radiation, less often, red PVC sewer pipe for outdoor work.

Important! Manufacturers of polymer pipes produce a limited number of diameters, which must be taken into account when designing a columnar foundation and checking the availability of the required range on construction markets in the region.

The height of the formwork should be slightly higher than the base of the grillage, but below its lower reinforced belt. Typically, rack piles are launched into the body of the grillage by 5 - 7 cm.

Concrete laying and maintenance

Due to the small diameter of the formwork, it is very difficult to place the mixture into it - the concrete partially spills out. The problem is added by the vertical reinforcement of the foundation pile of the house; protruding frame rods do not allow the installation of a funnel. Therefore, a funnel can be built from a piece of roofing felt or cardboard on site, connecting the edges with wire or staples. The main nuances at this stage are:

  • filling the formwork halfway with concrete;
  • seal with the tip of a deep-well vibrator;
  • filling to the design level;
  • repeated compaction with the same tool or bayonet reinforcement with a rod.

To make the house durable, concrete care is necessary in the first three days:

  • backfilling the column that is beginning to harden with sand or sawdust;
  • moistening with a watering can as needed.

It is impossible to cover the upper edges of the racks with film, since the reinforcement cages interfere with this.

If the house has a basement, the piles can be extended to install gates and doors. On top of foundations with a grillage, only beam-based floors or factory-made PC slabs are used. It is impossible to fill the floor on the ground. Therefore, on external walls the load from the beams is less, since the beams rest on them at one end. For interior walls, it is advisable to reduce the pitch between the posts, since two beams rest on them at once.

Location of TISE piles

Grillage formwork

To reduce the time of the zero cycle, the construction of grillage formwork begins immediately after concreting the supports. To do this, the side cords are tightened again on the cast-offs; the middle string is not needed, since it will interfere with leveling the concrete surface with a trowel or trowel.

The formwork technology for a hanging grillage is as follows:

  • production of decks - knocked together from edged boards or constructed from plywood, OSB, wrapped in polyethylene so that these materials can be reused in partitions, rafter system or sheathing;
  • installation of decks - holes for piles are made in the panels, then they are put on the bodies of underground structures protruding from the ground, fixed at a given level with H-shaped posts at intervals of 0.5 - 0.7 m;

Installation of grillage on the lower deck posts.

  • side formwork - since the cords are stretched above the design level in a single horizontal level, vertical panels are installed flush along them, fixed on the lower deck with self-tapping screws;

Important! At this stage, there is no need to tighten the side panels with pins and attach internal struts. These operations are carried out after laying the reinforcement cages.

Unlike MZLF, the height of the grillage is usually smaller. Therefore, it is prohibited to manufacture ventilation ducts and communications input units inside it, which weaken the foundation structure.

The lower formwork panel can be replaced with the following structures:

  • a layer of non-metallic material - usually sand 0.2 - 0.4 m thick with compaction of 10 cm layers with a vibrating plate (there is no need to spill water, but it is necessary to moisten it from a watering can);

  • extruded polystyrene foam - additionally insulates the structure, but is expensive;

Fixed polystyrene foam lower grillage deck.

The sand is covered with a waterproofing material, which prevents the leakage of cement laitance into a layer with high drainage characteristics. After the grillage has gained strength, the material is removed from under it with shovels so that when the clay soil beneath it swells, the grillage does not tear away from the posts, which are not affected by heaving forces due to the small contact surface of the side walls.

Expanded polystyrene is a non-removable formwork, so it is necessary to choose low-density PSB material. If swelling occurs, the soil will crush the insulation sheets without causing damage to the grillage. In spring, the heaving will disappear and the material will return to its original position until the next frost.

Beam reinforcement

The installation of a grillage on a columnar foundation makes it possible to distribute uneven loads of individual sections of the building (partitions, concentration of furniture and equipment). Unlike a strip foundation, the grillage should not have contact with the soil so that it does not get torn off from the pillars. The grillages are reinforced with frames reinforced at the junctions of the walls with L-shaped or U-shaped anchors according to the technology:

  • the vertical rods of the racks bend at right angles - part at the level of the lower chord, the other at the level of the upper chord;
  • frames are laid inside the formwork, in which longitudinal rods of corrugated reinforcement with a diameter of 8–12 mm are tied with transverse and vertical jumpers or rectangular clamps bent from smooth reinforcement 6–8 mm thick;
  • external corners are anchored with U-shaped or L-shaped elements; it is strictly forbidden to overlap the bars of adjacent walls, as this will break the reinforcement;
  • To provide a protective layer, the frames are laid on the lower deck through polymer or concrete pads.

If necessary (for example, for log houses and buildings made of timber), additional embedded elements (bolts, studs) are installed.

Concreting and maintenance

The construction of a grillage is much simpler than a strip foundation, so the entire formwork is filled with the mixture in a circle. After which, the concrete is compacted by bayonet or the attachment of a deep vibrator. The air must leave the mixture completely, cement laitance forms on the surface and all crushed stones are buried in the thickness of the concrete.

The care is standard - the surface should be covered with a film to prevent excess dehydration or a wet compress should be provided in the first 3 days with sawdust watered from a watering can.


Regardless of the type of soil on the site, the accessible surfaces of all reinforced concrete foundation structures should be protected with waterproofing material:

  • built-up roll with a bitumen layer;
  • painting from epoxy, polymer or bitumen mastic;
  • plastering from special waterproof mixtures;

In severe geological conditions (clayey or wet soil), this will provide protection from getting wet and the foundation will last longer.

Removing the grillage

The default hanging grillage device provides an underground space in the house, which should be protected from excessive ventilation, animal access and moisture accumulation. This space is not a full-fledged basement, but for example, on slopes it can be made usable by making a gate or door in the back.

Basement siding, brickwork or sheet materials covered with flexible tiles. To do this, you need to make purlins along the vertical elements of the foundation and attach the cladding to them, leaving ventilation vents measuring 1/400 of the underground perimeter.

The perimeter of the building is a vulnerable place for collecting storm and melt water. To protect foundation elements from getting wet, a blind area is used:

  • it must be attached to the intake through a damper tape;
  • make roof overhangs 10 cm wider;
  • give a slope of 4 - 7 degrees outward;
  • Build storm water inlets for roof drainage pipes and stormwater gutters into the outer perimeter.

Scheme of the foundation blind area using TISE technology.

Thus, the TISE foundation has practically no restrictions on the geological conditions and topography of the site, and the wall materials of the cottage. The design is available for manufacturing in-house, but only with a special TISE drill with a folding plow.

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