Recipe for honey from rowan flowers, how to make it. Your home doctor - mountain ash

Everyone knows that red rowan has a number of useful elements, including magnesium, carotene, iron, vitamins C, B and E. Thanks to these elements, the berry helps in the treatment of various diseases and is used as a prophylactic.

In addition to the beneficial properties of the berry, it is worth noting the fact that red rowan is completely unpretentious and quite resistant to sudden changes in weather conditions. It is recommended to pick berries only when cold weather sets in. They are the cause of the destruction of one of the elements of sorbic acid, which gives the berry a bitter taste. At the same time, it is precisely because of frost that the skin of the berries becomes softer and easily bursts during heat treatment. Therefore, if you want the berries to remain intact, they must be collected before the weather gets cold.

Rowan with honey

You need to prepare:

  • 500 grams of freshly picked rowan berries;
  • 300 grams of honey from flowers or linden;
  • water (added as needed).

Necessary manipulations:

First of all, you should blanch the berries in boiling water for exactly one minute. This will help get rid of bitterness, but not damage the integrity of the berries. Some housewives recommend piercing each berry with a needle. After blanching, the berries are laid out on a towel to dry.

Boil water, then carefully pour boiling water over the rowan and leave for 25-30 minutes. We drain the water, dry the berries and place them in a container in which the jam will actually be cooked. Add honey there and mix carefully. Leave the mixture for several hours so that the rowan berries release their juice and the honey dissolves.

Place the container on low heat and cook until it boils. It is important to remove foam during the process, of which there is quite a lot. Cook the delicacy for 30 minutes, and then put it in small jars. You can store jam only in a cool, dark place, tightly sealing the containers.

Rowan with honey: option 2

A kilogram of berries collected before frost is specially sent to the freezer for several days. After this, pour cold water to soften them.

Pour two glasses of water into the container and add 0.5 kilograms of honey. Place on the fire and wait for the honey to dissolve and the syrup to boil. After boiling, add the berries dried from water and cook until the jam is completely ready. We put the still hot delicacy into the jars, but you can put the jam into storage only after it has cooled completely.

Red rowan, perhaps, of all the berries, is the most unpretentious to weather conditions, but also the most capricious in preparation, so it is usually collected after the first frost, which destroys one of the sorbic acid derivatives, which gives bitterness to red rowan berries.

However, you should also know that the first frosts not only help get rid of bitterness, but also damage the berries, the skin of which easily bursts in hot water and no longer has a “marketable appearance”. We collect red rowan before the cold weather, and remove the bitterness by blanching the berries in boiling water. In general, if there are children in the family, then all dishes prepared with red rowan berries are a real storehouse of substances useful for the child’s body, so red rowan should be prepared in any form, including with honey.

- red rowan berries – 500 grams
- fresh honey (linden or flower) – 300 grams
- water – if necessary

1. Rinse the red rowan thoroughly under running water, wash away any black dust, and remove small or damaged berries. Dry on a clean towel

2. To prepare the berries for blanching, you need to pierce each berry with a wooden knitting needle or a regular needle. The berry must be pierced through, that is, through the middle of the berry.

This way, when we process the berries with boiling water, they will not wrinkle and the skin will remain intact. At the puncture site, the skin of the red rowan will shrink just a little.

3. In advance, put water in a large saucepan over high heat, bring to a boil, then pour in the red rowan in the container where it was placed after pre-treatment. There is no need to put berries in boiling water on the fire! After 20-25 minutes, drain the boiling water, dry the berries again on a towel and put them in a saucepan, where we will cook the berries with honey. Add honey according to the recipe there and carefully mix the berries with honey. Leave for a while so that the berries give juice and the honey dissolves a little in it.

4. After the juice appears, put the pan on low heat and bring the jam to a boil, constantly skimming off the foam (there can be a lot of it!).

Today we would like to talk about rowan and recipes from this wonderful berry.

The common rowan is a fruit plant, known even in Ancient Greece. People use it not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a medicinal and even magical plant.

Rowan grows in North America, Europe, Asia; in Russia alone there are more than thirty species of rowan.

In general, about a hundred species of rowan are known in the world; the most popular is the common rowan. This is a tree from the Rosaceae family, with smooth bark and an openwork crown, only about ten meters high. The flowers are numerous, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences, and have a bitter almond scent. Rowan blooms from May to June.

Rowan berries are bright orange or bright red, the pulp has a bitter taste. The fruits ripen in August-September and hang on the trees until winter. Rowan does not bear fruit every year, but after about a year or two.

At the end of September there is a day called “Peter-Paul Rowanberry” - which means the beginning of the collection of ripe rowan fruits. Rowan fruits become sweeter after frost. When collecting fruits, they always leave some of them on the tree for the birds.

Even in ancient times, the medicinal and nutritional qualities of rowan were known.

The Romans and ancient Greeks noticed that rowan fruits have disinfectant and astringent properties. The ancient Scythians squeezed the juice from freshly frozen rowan berries, which then fermented to form mash. In Kievan Rus, the Slavs ate pickled rowan berries with honey. Later, the Slavs began to add rowan berries to the dough when baking bread, thereby giving it a piquant taste.

The magical properties of rowan

Rowan is a phytoestrogenic plant that contains a substance similar to female sex hormones, so it is considered a female tree. It is believed that rowan has a strong magical property that can ward off evil spirits.

Currently, village women make beads from rowan fruits and hang them in the entryway at the entrance to the house, thereby protecting their home. The beads should hang until new fruits appear. When making new rowan beads, the old beads were burned.

In order to reduce the bitterness of rowan fruits, they need to be immersed in a boiling 3% solution of table salt for five minutes. If the fruits were collected after frost, then they are dipped in a salt solution for just two minutes.

Red rowan jam.

First way. Take 700 g of good, unspoiled rowan berries. Blanch them in boiling water for five minutes. Place the berries in a colander and let the water drain. Pour eight hundred grams of sugar into 2.5 glasses of water into the same water and boil the syrup. Dip rowan and three hundred grams of apples into the finished syrup. The finished syrup with apples and rowan berries is wrapped in a towel and left for ten hours. After time, add 400 g of sugar and boil. Leave again for eight hours. The jam should be cooked in three batches, over low heat, for ten minutes at an interval of eight hours. This method of making jam takes a lot of time, but this does not matter, what is important is the result of a tasty and healthy product.

Second way. Rowan, which is slightly frozen, should be kept in the oven for one hour at low temperature. Then blanch for five minutes. To prepare the syrup you will need: one and a half kilograms of sugar, three glasses of water per kilogram of rowan fruit. Immerse the fruits in syrup for eight hours. Then let the jam boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and let stand for fifteen minutes. This needs to be done four times, as this allows the fruits to soak well in the syrup.

Rowan marmalade

Two kilograms of rowan will require one kilogram of sugar and three hundred milliliters of water. Rowan must be poured with boiling water, left for ten minutes, and the water drained. Grind the berries in a blender, add water and boil a little. Afterwards, grind all the pulp in a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass. The entire prepared mass must be covered with sugar and cooked until thickened. When the mass thickens, it needs to be transferred to parchment sprinkled with sugar, leveled and placed in the oven. As soon as the marmalade has dried, it should be removed from the oven and sprinkled with sugar. The marmalade is ready to eat.

Rowan, soaked

Ingredients: water - 1l, sugar - 50g, a piece of cinnamon or cloves - 5-7 pieces, rowan.

Place frozen, well-washed rowan berries in a bowl. Cook the filling, add any spices and sugar. Then cool it and pour it over the rowan. All this needs to be covered with any cloth on top and oppression should be placed. Let it stand for six days, after which it can be stored in the refrigerator. The rowan will be ready in a month.

Rowan kvass

For one kilogram of rowan you will need: 4 liters of water, 2 cups of sugar and 10 grams of yeast.

Rinse the rowan well, blanch for five minutes, then mash and add water. Cook for ten minutes. Then strain and add sugar to the juice. Dissolve the yeast and add it to the juice after cooling. Mix everything well and can be bottled. Kvass will be ready for use in three days. Store in a cool place.

Rowan on cognac

To prepare cognac with rowan you will need: two glasses of cognac, one glass of rowan, one tablespoon each of honey and oak bast (part of the oak bark).

A glass of selected berries should be filled with a bottle of cognac. Add a tablespoon of honey and oak bast. Mix everything and leave to brew for three months.

Rowan candies

Ingredients: 2 cups of ordinary rowan, egg white, 150 grams of sugar, powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Grind the egg whites with sugar, gradually add lemon juice and beat until thickened. Roll the berries in this mixture, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Place on a tray to dry. The candies are ready to eat.

Rowan with cottage cheese

You will need: cottage cheese – 70 grams, rowan fruits – 40 grams, sugar – 20 grams.

Rowan berries kept in the freezer for 24 hours are ground with sugar until a paste forms. Then mixed with cottage cheese.

Rowan with honey

One kilogram of rowan berries will require 350 grams of honey.

Wash the berries, place on a baking sheet and dry until softened in the oven. Bring honey to a boil and add dried berries to it. Cook until done.

Natural rowan

Separate the rowan berries from the stalks, rinse and blanch for three minutes. Place the berries in sterilized jars and fill them with boiled water. Close the lids and sterilize liter jars for thirty minutes, half liter jars for twenty minutes. Roll up and turn over, wrapping the jars in a fur coat, leave until completely cool. Then put in a cool place.


Rowan is one of the most “Russian” plants. A huge number of poems and songs are dedicated to her. Red rowan is considered a “female” plant, and images of rowan invariably make us remember fragile, gentle, but at the same time very strong and strong-willed female representatives.

Red rowan has been known in our country since time immemorial. Currently, it is used mainly for decorative purposes. However, our distant ancestors actively used rowan as a food product and as a medicine.

When is the best time to collect red rowan?

In Russia, red rowan fruits, collected after the first frost, become sweeter and tasty. Large, bright red fruits should be soft and shiny.

How to use red rowan

A teaspoon of fresh berry juice before meals will significantly reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Rowan helps pregnant women overcome toxicosis. To do this, you need to grind 40 grams of rowan and 10 grams of sugar and consume it when you feel nauseous.

Storage Features

Red rowan will perfectly retain its properties in fresh, dried and frozen form.

Dried berries. The berries are sorted, washed and placed on a baking sheet in one layer. Dry in the oven at a temperature of 70-80° until it stops releasing juice when pressed. Dried rowan is sometimes made into flour and added to baked goods.
Frozen berries. The berries are also sorted, washed, dried and stored in a fabric bag or plastic container in the freezer. The longer the rowan is frozen, the better its properties become, and the amount of keratin increases significantly.

In addition, rowan berries are covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio or poured with honey and stored in a cool place, consumed as needed.

The benefits of red rowan

We can talk a lot about the beneficial properties of red rowan for a very long time. And the secret of this lies in the rich composition of rowan. It contains such invaluable substances for human health as iron, phosphorus, pectins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, as well as vitamins B, C, A and E.

The properties of mountain ash in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies and overwork, both mental and physical, are unprecedented. The benefits of red rowan have been proven for the digestive system. Thanks to the substances included in its composition, metabolism and the digestion process as a whole are normalized. In addition, rowan is indispensable for the circulatory and genitourinary systems.

Traditional medicine recommends using rowan juice for people suffering from gastritis and hemorrhoids. The fruits of this unique plant help in the fight against fungal diseases. Red rowan is useful for those who live in the highlands, because the fruits of this plant can increase the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. Organic acids and sorbin, which are contained in rowan, have a pronounced choleretic effect. In addition, the benefit of red rowan is that it helps remove toxic substances and waste, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The food use of rowan is no less wide and varied than its use for medicinal purposes. Unusually healthy preserves, jams and compotes are prepared from rowan; liqueurs, tinctures and wines are made from it. The calorie content of red rowan is 50 kcal. per 100 gr. Another thing is that eating fresh rowan is very problematic, because its berries have a bitter taste.

Harm of red rowan

The harm of red rowan can affect people with increased blood clotting and stomach acidity, as well as those suffering from certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Calorie content of red rowan is 50 kcal.

Energy value of the product Red rowan (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Protein: 1.4 g (~6 kcal)
Fat:0.2 g (~2 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 8.2 g (~33 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 11%|4%|66%

Rowan in cooking

Rowan berry brushes are good for decorating various dishes. To do this, rowan berry brushes need to be blanched for about 4 minutes. in boiling salt water. Then place tightly in prepared sterilized jars and pour boiling syrup over them.

Syrup: 1 l. water add one and a half cups of sugar, citric acid 1 teaspoon, 5 pcs. cloves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 gram of ascorbic acid.

Jelly “Rowan Soul”: Remove the berries from the brushes, wash thoroughly, and place 2/3 full in an enamel bowl. Pour water level with the berries and wait until it boils. Keep over low heat, stirring, until the berries are softened. Let cool. Filter the entire mass through a thick cloth and squeeze vigorously. Mix the resulting juice with granulated sugar (in equal quantities) and put on fire. Cook, constantly skimming off the foam. As soon as the foam stops appearing, remove and cool to room temperature. Pour into jars, cover with regular lids. After some time, the juice turns into jelly, which can be stored for a long time.

“Rowan berries with cognac”: rinse red rowan berries, collected after the first cold weather, in cold water, dry a little and put in a bottle. Pour some cognac in there. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain, pour into bottles, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

The benefits of red rowan and treatment

The benefits of red rowan are reflected in traditional medicine recipes. Most often it is used to reduce blood pressure. Rowan juice is used as a decongestant, antimicrobial and hemostatic agent. It has also been observed to act as an anti-cancer and wound healing agent. The juice has the ability to normalize metabolism, and it also reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. In addition, the substances contained in red rowan reduce the amount of fat in the liver, and they also resist the occurrence of putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines.

It is also known that when treating diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to consume red rowan fruits. Such problems include, for example, anemia, atherosclerosis, capillary fragility, anemia, and heart failure. In addition, it is known that if the pulp of the berries is applied to warts, then after several procedures you can get rid of them.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes using fresh or dry rowan. They are aimed at treating hemorrhoids, gastritis and other diseases. It is recommended to use berry juice to improve vision.

Useful, medicinal and healing properties of red rowan berries

Red rowan berries, depending on the variety, are toxic, but the harmful properties disappear when heated or when frozen for a long time. As soon as the viscosity disappears, the beneficial properties of red rowan are fully revealed; Recently, unique organic compounds were discovered in the berries, due to which rowan has been described as a “super-food.”

The main benefits of eating rowan berries:

  • Stimulation of the immune system. Rowan berries are not packed with vitamins, but they do contain an incorrectly high amount of vitamin C (4 times more than lemon). Ascorbic acid stimulates the production of white blood cells and also acts as an antioxidant. Additionally, vitamin C is essential for the creation of collagen, which strengthens muscles and helps build/repair blood vessels.
  • Strengthening the respiratory system. In folk medicine, juice from rowan berries is used to reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract, relieve asthma symptoms and as an antiviral agent to combat sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils, and hoarseness.
  • Improved digestion. Fiber, which is found in moderate quantities in rowan berries, facilitates digestion and reduces constipation. Organic compounds in rowan fruits relieve symptoms of diarrhea.
  • Preventing certain types of cancer. The high content of antioxidants, in particular sorbic acid, prevents the negative effects of free radicals. Rowan berries significantly increase antioxidant levels, preventing the formation of cancer cells, reducing the likelihood of premature aging, enhancing cell regeneration and improving eye health, including reducing the likelihood of macular degeneration.
  • Reduce bacterial infection. Sorbic acid is directly linked to reducing the impact of germs and bacteria on the skin and body. Therefore, rowan berries are sometimes used in cosmetology as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent.

Rowan berries are saturated with iodine, so they are used for thyroid disease and hypertension.

Vitamin tea made from rowan berries, especially in combination with rose hips, is a tonic and cleansing drink for the liver and kidneys.

The beneficial properties of rowan are present not only in the berries, but in the leaves and bark.

Chemical composition

Red rowan berries are one of the best sources of carotene (more than carrots). The high content of sorbitol in combination with a set of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances significantly help get rid of vitamin deficiency:

  • vitamin A (carotene);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin E;
  • folic acid.

Rowan contains many microelements important for health:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron (4 times more than in apples).

Thanks to this chemical composition, rowan berries have long been used as a cure for all diseases in folk medicine in different countries (Scotland, England, Russia).

Red rowan and diets

Despite the fact that rowan is 80% water and is quite rich in fiber, it is rarely used in diets or not used at all. Rowan berry tincture is used as a vitamin supplement, replenishing the deficiency of substances necessary for the body.

What does red rowan go with?

In cooking, rowan berries are used to make jam, jam, compote, tincture and sauce for meat and fish.

Red rowan goes well with:

  • with other berries (chokeberry, rose hip, sea buckthorn, plum) in pies and jams;
  • with vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots) for preparations;
  • with meat (beef, boiled pork, lard) in the form of sauce;
  • with red fish (pink salmon, salmon);
  • with honey;
  • with fruit (apple);
  • with citrus fruits (lemon, orange);
  • with spices (anise, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger).

Harm and contraindications

Unripe rowan berries contain high levels of parasorbic acid, which causes kidney damage, stomach upset, hepatitis and a number of other diseases. However, when frozen or heated, this acid changes to the beneficial sorbic acid. It is considered very beneficial for our body. Therefore, before eating rowan berries, make sure you prepare them properly.

Red rowan is contraindicated:

girls who want to get pregnant soon;
patients with chronic gastritis and ulcers;
patients with a tendency to form platelets.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there may be a tendency to allergies (due to the high content of vitamin C).

Housewives rarely attach importance to the beneficial properties of red rowan. This berry contains all the best from foods such as carrots, lemon or apple, having a lot of positive effects on our body.

Did you know that red rowan brings such benefits to our body? What recipes using red rowan are you familiar with, and which of them have you already tried at home?

Red rowan has many beneficial and medicinal properties, and its use is recommended for almost everyone. We will give recipes for preparing red rowan for the winter below, and will also tell you how to prepare rowan in the form of wine, tincture or baked goods.

Red rowan - recipes for winter

Dried red rowan - recipe

After the first frost, clusters of berries are carefully broken off from the branches and hung on a thick thread in the attic or in any dry room. Dry berries are separated from the branches and stored in cardboard containers. You can dry brushes in boxes over any heat source - for example, a radiator or stove.

How to cook frozen red rowan

Hang bunches of berries in a cold attic at home and use them as needed. You can freeze the berries in the freezer, but then they should be kept in bags to maintain moisture.

Rowan syrup - recipe

Pour an equal amount of water over the berries, boil for 15-20 minutes and rub through a sieve with a pestle. Throw away the pulp, add sugar to the broth, bring to a boil and pour into clean bottles, sealing them tightly. Sugar is added at the rate of 73 - 1/2 of the juice volume.

Red rowan tincture recipe

The ripe berries are poured with a small amount of water and steamed over very low heat or in the stove. The mixture is poured into 73 volume jars and filled with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, filter through a cotton ball and add sugar to taste.

Rowan with vodka - Ryabinovka recipe

Berries picked after frost are poured into the bottle, tapping to compact it, and filled to capacity with vodka. After a day or two, add vodka, as the berries absorb moisture. This is done for a week until the berries completely swell. After 2 months, drain half of the tincture and fill the bottle with a new portion of white vodka. After a month, the berries are separated, both fractions are combined and slightly sweetened.

How to make wine from red rowan

Take 10 liters of hot water, add 5 kg of ripe rowan and 50 g of fresh yeast. Leave to ferment in a container at a temperature of 16-18°C until fermentation ends. Then it is distilled 3-4 times in a still.

How to make wine from red rowan and raspberries

Ripe berries are doused with boiling water and kept covered for an hour. Add water, sugar and berry starter. Leave to ferment in a warm place under a water seal or a glove placed on the neck of the bottle, with a finger pierced with a thin needle. After gas separation stops, the wine is drained through a hose, filtered and bottled, which are stored sealed underground for 2-3 months. To obtain table wine, take 3 liters of rowan juice (can be combined with other berries), 7.5 liters of water and 1.5 kg of sugar. Berry starter is prepared from 2 cups of raspberries, 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water - after fermentation for 3-7 days, such a starter is ready.

How to cook rowan - recipes

Red rowan pastila - recipe

Frozen rowan berries are steamed in a saucepan with a lid in a small amount of water until they soften. Place on a sieve and rub with a pestle, add sugar to the pureed mass and spread in a 1 cm layer on a baking sheet. Dried in ovens or ovens at very low heat and cut into portions. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar. For 1 kg of berries - 600 g of sugar.

Red rowan compote for the winter - recipe

Frozen berries are poured with boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and sugar and a slice of lemon are added to the broth. The healing drink will help with the flu epidemic, spring loss of strength and many other ailments.

How to make cookies with rowan berries

Pour water over the frozen berries and boil until softened. Rub through a sieve, add sugar and boil to the desired thickness. For 1 kg of berries take 0.5 kg of sugar and 0.5 glasses of water. Prepare shortbread dough from 200 g margarine, 1 egg, 2 cups flour and 0.5 cup sugar. Bake 2 cakes, cool and glue together with rowanberry jam. Cut into cubes and apply rowan berry fondant on top. To do this, boil 6 tablespoons of sugar in 5 tablespoons of water until the syrup turns white. Add 10 drops of lemon juice into it and cool, stirring all the time until a thick white lipstick forms. Pour 1 tbsp into the still warm mass. l. thick rowan tincture and warm applied to the surface of the strips.

Red rowan with honey - recipe

Mix 1 kg of honey, 1 liter of rowan juice and 3.4 liters of water. Boil over low heat until the mixture has evaporated by 400 g. Cool the mixture and place in a warm (30-35 ° C) place for a day, then pour in the starter (20 g of hop cones are boiled in 80 g of water for 10 minutes, cool and add 3 g yeast) and leave for 24 hours. The liquid is drained, the hops are squeezed into a separate saucepan and this liquid is evaporated to half its volume. Add 1/2 cup of brewer's yeast to it and pour it into the pan with the infusion. Place in a warm place for a month for vigorous fermentation. Then filter and place in a cool place for a year. During this time, quiet fermentation occurs and the honey becomes clearer.

Tea with rowan - how to prepare

Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. dried rowan berries, 1 tbsp. crushed rose hips in a mortar, add 5-6 slices of dry apples and pour boiling water over it - about 1 liter. Leave for 5-6 hours, then drain through a strainer and drink with honey, sugar or jam. A vitamin potion should be on the menu every day at the end of winter.

Video with folk recipes based on red rowan