The meaning of the name Volodya. The meaning of the name Vladimir

In childhood, the meaning of the name Vladimir is revealed by the young creature’s ability to be adventurous. The boy has great potential for learning, the child quickly adapts to unfamiliar situations. While he is very young, he listens to the advice of his elders; as soon as he grows up, he does everything his own way, although he continues to patiently listen to other people’s wishes.

In a team, the boy always takes a leadership position, is not afraid of responsibility and is always responsible for his words. He is pleasant to talk to, good-natured, has many friends and acquaintances, including many older children. He does not like conflicts, he tries not to bring the dispute to a peak and quickly resolve the situation.

Academically capable, however, a child's success depends on the degree of interest in the subject. Good at technical sciences. He will be happy to go to sports clubs and pays attention to his physical development.

Clean, loves order. The boy's room is always tidy, all things are placed in their places. Values ​​comfort and coziness, attaching special importance to them. Does not welcome animals in the house.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Vladimir for a child acquires new character traits. The young man attaches great importance to his appearance. He gets along with people easily and often makes new acquaintances.

In other people he values ​​strength and intelligence. Active, diplomatic, has a fairly quick reaction. Enterprising and resourceful, he will always find an opportunity to earn extra money and will not miss his chance.

He is selfish and pays great attention to the opinions of others. Loves to be praised. By nature he is not touchy, but if this has happened, it is very difficult to forgive insults. The young man does not talk much about his grievances, preferring to remain on equal terms with others.

He values ​​friendship highly, does not forgive betrayal, preferring in the future to stay away from his former friend, remaining on fairly even terms with him. He is capable of much for his friends, but in return he expects maximum return.

What makes the boy stand out from the crowd is his calm confidence in himself and his abilities. Often has hidden talents that are revealed in early childhood. Moderately gambling, he often gets lucky in card games.


Tends to idealize the girl he likes. He chooses a bright and extraordinary woman as his chosen one, which means he has a desire to admire his partner.

In love, the meaning of the name Vladimir for a boy is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, a man tries with all his might to conquer the woman he likes, on the other hand, he does not really show his chosen one great feelings and affection. Has a hard time dealing with breakups.

In most cases, he remains faithful to his chosen one and not at all because of his personal principles, but only because of the lack of free time and the reluctance to complicate his life. Loving and active in bed.


The interpretation of the name Vladimir in a family reveals a man as a good family man who, as a real breadwinner, will try with all his might to provide for his family.

He is very whimsical in everyday life, appreciates comfort and order, and is picky about food. This moment means that the wife is required to fully fulfill all household “female” duties.

He loves his children very much, but cannot tinker with them or communicate with them for a long time, preferring to shift their upbringing onto his wife’s shoulders. She is only concerned with the education of her children, often helping to solve complex problems.

Business and career

A man is well versed in technology, which means he is often interested in cars or motorcycles. The young man has all the leadership skills with which he can become an excellent leader. Hardworking, knows his worth.

Origin of the name Vladimir

The origin of the name Vladimir has ancient Germanic roots and dates back to the time when it was fashionable to form names from two bases. Waldemar, whose name became the progenitor of the modern name Vladimir, consists of two words “waltan” and “mari”, the etymological translation of which is “to rule, own” and “famous, rich”, respectively.

As the story goes, the ancient German name Waldemar on Russian soil, under the influence of the common stem “world”, gradually began to take on a modern shape, the mystery of the name also changed its meaning. And regardless of where the name came from, the male name Vladimir began to stand for “owning the world.”

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

The characteristics of the name Vladimir allow potential parents to correctly assess the pros and cons of the character of the unborn child. It is worth noting the strong character of the young man, his determination, and active life position.

From childhood, little boys should be brought up in strictness, trying to give as many tasks as possible and monitor their completion. It is very important to teach your child discipline, which will certainly be very useful to him in the future.

Also, great importance should be given to the dialogue between the child and parents, since in adulthood a man will follow the principles instilled in him from childhood.

Very often in family life he copies his father’s behavior, his attitude towards his mother, money, neighbors, work.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – jasper, topaz, ruby.
  • Name days - January 21, 24, 31, February 7, 10, March 7, 21, March 25, April 3, 6, June 4, July 10, 28, August 27, September 7, 15, 1, 4, 9, 17, October 21, November 3, 4, 5, 16, 25, December 3, 5, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31. According to the Catholic calendar - April 2, July 15, 28.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.
  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Color – green, blue, light blue, purple.

Famous people

  • Vladimir Putin (1952) – Russian politician, President of the Russian Federation.
  • Vladimir Presnyakov (1967) – Russian pop singer, actor, composer, arranger. He is legally married to singer Natalya Podolskaya.
  • Vladimir Mashkov (1963) - Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia. He became famous after playing the role of David Goltsman in the television series “Liquidation”.

Different languages

The translation of the name Vladimir into English is similar to its Russian counterpart - Vladimir. In German, the name is translated Waldomar, Valdemar, Woldimar, Waldmer, Walmar, Gualdimar. In Ukrainian - Volodymyr, in Belarusian the name is translated as Uladzimir, Uladzimer, in Polish - Włodzimierz (Wlodzimierz, Wlodzimierz), Włodzimir (Wlodzhimir, Wlodzimir).

In Spanish, the name is translated as Vladimiro (Vladimiro), the diminutive form is Miro (Miro), in Italian - Vladimiro, Wladimiro (Vladimiro), Valdimiro, Waldimiro (Valdimiro), Valdemiro (Valdemiro), Valdomiro (Valdomiro), in Danish - Valto (Valto). In Chinese 佛拉基米尔 (Folajimier), in Japanese - Heiwanushi (平和主) - Lord of the World.

Name forms

  • Full name: Vladimir.
  • Options - Voldemar, Valdemar, female form - Vlada, Lada.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated forms) - Vova, Vovchik, Vokhasik, Vokha, Volodya, Vovochka, Vovka, Volodka, Vovusya, Vovulchik, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusik, Vovan.
  • Declension of the name - Vladimir-Vladimir.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Vladimir.

Surely, in your circle of acquaintances there is at least one Volodya, whose full name, as you know, is Vladimir. And this is not surprising, because modern children are called this quite often.

Have you ever thought about what it means? Perhaps its owners have certain character traits?

All this will be discussed in today's article.

Meaning of the name

All our friends, relatives and just acquaintances, whose names are Vova, Vovchik, or Volodya, of course, also have a full name. In official documents they are all called Vladimir, which means “who owns the world.”

From a semantic point of view, this name has two roots at once - “rule” and “peace”. It came from a Slavic dialect, and at first it was considered pagan. Few people know that only after the baptism of Kievan Rus did the Orthodox Church canonize the name Vladimir (Vova, Volodya).

Mystery of character

Of course, we are all different, however, according to scientists, character is still formed in childhood.

For example, a child named Volodya (full name Vladimir) is very inquisitive, and the whole world around him arouses increased interest in him.

There are quite a few excellent students with this name, since Vova studies according to her own abilities. Although in most cases Volodya does as he pleases, from childhood he is considered an obedient child.

Little Vladimirs are balanced and non-conflict boys; during quarrels they remain on the sidelines and in various controversial situations they avoid “sharp corners”. Despite this, if trouble happened to his family or friends, Volodya will take revenge and fight back.

An adult man with this name is enterprising and intelligent, and a leader by nature. He never risks what he has, and before participating in any business, he will calculate the results and think through everything to the smallest detail. These representatives of the strong half of humanity are excellent speakers, as they have the ability to convince their interlocutors.

Adult Vladimir (teenage Volodya too, but to a lesser extent) has the temperament of an introvert. It is quite difficult to unbalance him, but if this happens, he becomes very angry and uncontrollable.

A man is purposeful and has a strong-willed character, but if the business he has started is plagued by constant failures, then he will most likely abandon it almost immediately and switch to something else. With the support and care of his family, a guy can move mountains.

The owner of the name Vladimir can make an excellent doctor, actor or excellent writer, but he tends to be drawn to the activities of an entrepreneur. He is intelligent, tactful, reasonable, with a cool mind and the qualities necessary to achieve his goal.

Despite the fact that Vova can reach quite impressive heights, he will always remain a simple person and the soul of the company.

Name compatibility

Vladimir overly idealizes representatives of the opposite sex, so he is very often disappointed in them. While not yet married, he may have a couple of affairs at one time. Vova will easily part with his chosen one if he notices that she does not satisfy him in some way.

A man will take an intelligent wife, not deprived of natural and spiritual beauty, who will always walk by his side - in sorrow and in joy. And one cannot help but note the fact that the Vladimirs never get married right away; first they look closely at their passion.

Volodya, whose full name is primarily Vladimir, although one can often meet Vladlen, is by nature a faithful husband and a good father, but if he notices reproaches and misunderstandings from his wife, he can find an outlet on the side.

Alexandra, Valentina, Nina, Lilia, Olga, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Tatyana, Polina, Sofia, Tamara and Lydia are perfect for creating a family for this person.

It is unlikely that you will have a successful marriage with Valeria, Svetlana, Inna, Ksenia, Nika and Alisa.

Famous Vladimir of the world

History knows a lot of famous Vladimirs: V. Monomakh, V. Putin, V. Mayakovsky, V. Vysotsky and others, for example, one cannot help but note such personalities as:

  • Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) - Soviet global politician, publicist and revolutionary who founded the Bolshevik Party and the USSR.
  • Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) - world famous American and Russian writer and literary critic. His prose is permeated with romantic ideas, tragic incidents, fleeting experiences and the fragility of true beauty.

There are a huge number of names in the world, each of which is beautiful in its own way and shrouded in mysterious mystery. This article will reveal: the secret of the name Vladimir and its meaning, as well as the characteristic features of the people named by it. from Slavic - “lord of the world.” This majestic name, which has many diminutive forms, was very popular in the old days. These days, calling boys this way has become much less common.

Origin of the name

This name has pagan origin. But after Rus' became a Christian country, it was believed that it had Russian Orthodox roots.

One of his main patrons is Prince Vladimir, thanks to whom Christianity reigned in Rus'. According to legend, at first the prince was a pagan, but his marriage to Queen Anna of Byzantium, a Christian, and his acquaintance with the cultural traditions of this country changed his worldview. He himself accepted the Christian faith and performed the baptismal ceremony of Rus'.

What does astrology say?

The secret of the name Vladimir testifies that it is capable of protecting people named this way from negative intentions and other troubles, freeing them from fears and concerns, and increasing self-esteem.

The totem animals of this name are the deer and the hawk. The deer represents prosperity, rebirth, creativity and spirituality. The hawk symbolizes strength and belonging to the nobility.

Heather symbolizes inspiration, love and desire.

Birch is a symbol of light, purity and beauty.

Maple represents modesty, self-control, as well as financial well-being and the beauty of the world around us.

Naming can leave an imprint on the future fate of the child. Having information about the character of the boy named Vladimir at birth, parents will be able to properly raise and guide their son on the right path.

Vova is endowed with a cheerful, bright disposition and friendliness. In childhood, he is distinguished by curiosity and interest in the world around him. The boy (the secret of the name Vladimir and its meaning confirm this fact) has a rich imagination and strives to comprehend the laws of the universe. He loves to invent and tell others various fantastic stories, being in a dream world.

Volodya has a good memory, quickly remembers and retells fairy tales to his friends. The boy is endowed with artistry, dances and sings well. Parents definitely need to reveal their son’s creative abilities in time and support them. The secret of the name Vladimir for a child does not exclude the possibility that its owner may succeed in a creative profession and become a famous person.

Character traits in childhood

Positive character traits of little Volodya include hard work and diligence. He always fulfills the requests of his family and friends and offers them his help. It’s just not recommended to give the boy several tasks at once; he simply may not be able to cope with them. Vova studies well at school and does not cause problems for her parents.

It can be difficult to piss Volodya off. The secret of the name Vladimir lies in the fact that nature rewards its owner with a calm disposition, which is his main advantage. This child quickly forgets insults. He is unable to keep negative emotions to himself.

Relatives are often touched by Vova’s childhood pranks. From early childhood, the boy is the ringleader among his friends, of whom he always has many.

What is the secret of the name Vladimir for a boy? The fact is that it is capable of influencing his future destiny, promoting the development of certain character traits and abilities.

Vladimir in his youth

As a teenager, Vladimir is distinguished by his activity and goodwill, his quick reaction to what is happening. For this young man, who is an independent person, the opinions of others are important. Critical statements can strike a blow to his pride, but Vladimir never loses his composure.

In high school, and then in higher education, he is actively involved in social work. The craving for independence and the desire to become a leader lead to the fact that the young man begins to speak out against existing stereotypes, thereby gaining ill-wishers.

Volodya prefers to be friends with ambitious and intelligent people like him. In friendship, he is distinguished by loyalty and constancy.

The meaning of the name for an adult male

Vladimir is distinguished by his hard work and brilliant mental abilities. If a given man sets a specific goal for himself, he does not stop going towards it halfway, always following to the end.

Volodya is an active and energetic representative of the stronger sex. He is a born leader, always in the center of attention, communicating politely and kindly with others. This ambitious man is endowed with the ability to lead people.

Sometimes it may seem that Vladimir is an impulsive person who likes to take risks. But this is far from the truth. Before doing anything, he will carefully weigh and think about everything.

Vladimir listens carefully to the reasoning of those around him; public opinion is important to him. This man may be hurt by an offensive statement, but he will not harbor evil or resentment.

The designation of the name Vladimir for a child and an adult indicates that this representative of the stronger sex does not lose his calm and balance over time. Violent expression of feelings is not typical for him at any age.

Professional activity

Vladimir can succeed as an artist or designer. In addition to creative professions, he can submit to a large number of specialties from various fields of activity. This neat and charming male representative is able to achieve success in all his endeavors.

Thanks to his love for cleanliness and order, Vladimir can become an excellent doctor and achieve great heights in his medical career.

He can make a good diplomat, politician or lawyer, because from childhood the secret of the name Vladimir rewards him with oratorical abilities and the ability to closely study details.

Qualities such as ambition, prudence, sociability, and entrepreneurship allow this man to achieve success in business. Thanks to his sober mind, he can successfully develop his business. At the same time, success is not capable of awakening arrogance in this representative of the stronger sex; Vladimir remains an open person.

This man is able to place the process of business development above its financial component.


Vladimir is most often sanguine. This calm man can still be angered, and then he becomes an irritated, uncontrollable person. Volodya has pronounced strong-willed qualities, but in some cases he needs to be patient and persevering in order to bring a matter that requires enormous effort to a victorious end.

This man has no complaints about his state of health, but over time he may experience disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory and intestinal organs, and visual acuity may decrease.

Vladimir tends to get tired quickly, so rest is important for him.

Love relationship

The characteristics of the name Vladimir in love indicate that this man is popular with the fairer sex. He gives his preference to ladies who are distinguished by their originality and who put care, affection and sublimity in the first place in relationships.

Of great importance for this male representative are: beautiful appearance, level of education and intelligence, and spiritual qualities of his chosen one. She must properly emphasize his position in society.

The secret of the name Vladimir endows the bearers of this name with tenderness and excessive affection. This man can be amorous, but only until he meets his soulmate. He can easily break up with a woman who does not meet his requirements.

Married relationships

In his wife, Vladimir, first of all, wants to see a reliable friend. He must trust his soul mate infinitely and never doubt her devotion.

A representative of the fair sex should not expect a marriage proposal from this man anytime soon. It is typical for him to evaluate his beloved for a long time before making such a fateful decision. If Vladimir’s chosen one manages to interest this positive, caring man, happy family relationships await her in the future.

Executive and responsible, Vladimir is capable of being an exemplary husband and father, the dream of any female representative. The sense of beauty inherent in this man by nature allows him to treat his wife and children with extreme care and reverence.

The secret of the name Vladimir: compatibility with some female names

The representative of this name and Olga have different characters and outlooks on life. Therefore, it is not surprising that their relationship inevitably comes to a logical conclusion.

Vladimir and Anna can become a happy married couple. These people, for the sake of true love, are ready to sacrifice their freedom. Representatives of these names put sincere feelings, not material wealth, in the first place in relationships.

The owner of this name has the same life priorities and desires as Elena, so the marriage of this couple is doomed to success.

The relationship between this man and Tatyana is filled with sensuality, romance, and a tender attitude towards each other. Only material problems can darken them.

The family union of Volodya and Marina is based on strong friendship, which has every chance of degenerating into positive family cooperation.

The relationship between Vladimir and Lyuba is often filled with misunderstanding and inconsistency. Opposing views on life often lead to discord.

The relationship between the representative of this name and Larisa is full of Mexican passions, quarrels and reconciliations, but such a union completely suits this couple.

The union of this man and Valentina is usually built not on passion, but on generally accepted family values. These two agree that spouses should be friends first.

The characteristics of the name Vladimir for a boy and an adult man indicate that its owner is endowed with a broad and noble soul, sociability, self-confidence, kindness and many other positive qualities. Even in its sound, the name is devoid of aggression, which is its main distinguishing feature.

The meaning of the name Vladimir: The name for a boy means "who owns the world." This affects the character and fate of Vladimir.

Origin of the name Vladimir: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of name: Vova, Vovik, Vovka, Volodya, Lodya, Ladik, Vladik, Volya, Volka.

What does the name Vladimir mean: The name Vladimir consists of two roots: “vlad” (to own) and “mir” (peaceful, peace). Vladimir is translated as “who owns the world.” Another meaning of the name “ruler of the world.” The owner of such a name, like his namesake, V. the Great, is a born diplomat. A guy with this name will be able to unite even blood enemies who accidentally find themselves in the same room. He is tactful, receptive to knowledge, the main thing for him in life.

Patronymic name Vladimir: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vladimir celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • July 28 (15) - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, who converted Russia to Christianity.
  • October 17 (4) - St. Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod.

Signs: On October 17, goblins play fools in the forests: they wander, scream, laugh, clap their hands, break trees, chase animals and fall through the ground until spring.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Green color
  • Auspicious name tree - maple
  • Treasured plant - heather
  • Patron name - deer
  • The talisman stone is green jasper.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Positive features: The name Vladimir gives heightened intuition, strong will, curiosity, and concrete embodiment of ideas. In a society of peers, a man with this name occupies a leading position. At the same time, Vladimir is characterized by friendliness, cordiality, and a subtle sense of humor. He values ​​cleanliness, order, and comfort in everyday life. He has a quick reaction to events and prefers to plan his actions.

Negative features: The name Vladimir brings a tendency to risk, dependence on mood, and conflict. When he gets pissed off, it becomes dangerous. A guy with this name does not spare himself in his work, so more than once in his life he finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Character of the name Vladimir: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vladimir? Volodya is inquisitive, receptive to knowledge, and has an excellent memory. He is a leader by nature and loves to rush into all sorts of new endeavors - however, he carefully thinks through and calculates everything, but outwardly it appears that everything was done out of enthusiasm or under the influence of an impulse. A man named Vladimir is active, diplomatic, and has a quick reaction. He is amorous, and his attention is usually attracted to special women. If Volodya is submissive sensually, then he remains devoted to his love all his life.

The meaning of the name Vladimir in childhood. The guy is very inquisitive, loves to come up with different stories - he flies to the moon, communicates with gnomes, he has excellent artistic and musical abilities, a creative mind that should be developed. A guy with this name willingly carries out various tasks, but you should not give him two tasks at the same time: the person with the name will think for a long time about what is more important, and in the end will not do any of them. It is difficult to piss him off, but once this has happened, he becomes irritable and angry.

The opinion of others about him is very important to him; he is easily vulnerable and selfish. She values ​​intelligence and strength in men. He sincerely strives to be useful to his friends. He has a lot of them due to his busy schedule and wide range of communications.

Vladimir is a big and loud name, even in its diminutive forms: Vova, Volodya. Volodya has few long-term plans and deliberate moves, intellectual complexity, but more immediate strength, pressure, he is not alien to the displacement of his dreams with the truth, the most responsible things in life are given to him easily, without much pain. If there is creativity in his life, Volodya blossoms and reveals himself in brilliance. Here his broad mind, although devoid of true depth, and his kindness can most easily manifest themselves. The man named Vladimir is a good tree, but he needs rich soil. What would certainly deserve censure in others, when it comes from Vladimir, is met without indignation, with a benign smile and secret indulgence. The word “well done” goes to Vova. In the company, he easily resolves all world issues. The broadest generalizations, generous impulses, brilliance and flamboyance of life are the natural state of this person.

Volodya is Vasily, who grew up on Russian soil, and therefore it is clear that for Russia this is the most significant of the names, the typical name of a great Russian only.

Vladimir and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: A favorable alliance is with Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Milolika, Natalya, Raisa, Sbyslava, Svetlana. The name Vladimir is also combined with Sophia. Difficult relationships can develop with Ada, Bronislava, Daria, Claudia, Nina, Predslava, Tamara.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vladimir promise happiness in love? Volodya is interested in women with a predominance of strong-willed qualities, and he is faithful to his wife. A guy with this name is ready to give in in many ways, while maintaining his inner independence. The guys get married early, but he soon disappoints them. Repeated marriages are likely.

Vova values ​​romantic qualities in a woman. He Vladimir notices how she looks, how she is dressed, but does not focus on it. He is amorous and has several affairs in his youth, but he is also faithful in marriage, however, not because of great love for his wife, but as a result of complete immersion in work and unwillingness to ruin an already established life.

In everyday life, the person with the name Vladimir attaches great importance to comfort, loves beautiful furniture, expensive things, paintings. Requires ideal cleanliness and order. He treats his children calmly and leaves their upbringing to his wife.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Organizational work, politics, business, entrepreneurship. Technical sciences are easy for Vladimir. A guy named Vladimir has a deep mind, occupied with extensive plans, and is able to convince his interlocutor that he is right. The ability to make an impression, a lively, rich imagination, and artistry help Volodya achieve success in the creative field.

He is smart, hardworking, persistent in achieving his goals. He is receptive to knowledge and has an excellent memory. He has a wide field of activity, he can reach heights in technical sciences, medicine, be a politician, economist, a wonderful actor, an excellent writer, and playwright. Volodya is passionate about his work, and, if necessary, breaks away from it with frustration.

Vova is active, friendly, and friendly. Has a quick reaction to current events and is able to make independent decisions.

Business and career: A guy named Vladimir knows how to make money and often takes risks. Basically, luck and success accompany him, but he tends to spend his earnings completely unexpectedly. To implement his plans, Vladimir seeks to use large sums of money, but at the same time he needs to be careful - any miscalculation can allow his enemies to push him from the heights he has achieved. It is recommended to purchase real estate and land.

Volodya's achievements are as extensive as they are fragile. They do not have sufficient substance, they seem more than they are, but there is an undoubted power of creation in it. Vladimir's mind is occupied with extensive plans. Narrow and special topics are not his cup of tea. For him, everything that is general is of particular importance, but not abstractly theoretical, but entailing practical consequences, opening up broad organizational prospects.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Vladimir from a medical point of view. Vova’s health depends on his ability to self-control. There may be periods of imbalance, affect or depression, diseases of the heart and digestive tract. Stimulants, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

The fate of Vladimir in history

What does the name Vladimir mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vladimir Atlasov (Volodimer Otlasov) - conqueror of Kamchatka. Ustyug peasant; Having moved to Siberia due to poverty, he became a Yakut Cossack, rose to the rank of Pentecostal and was appointed (1695) clerk of the Anadyr prison. Having scouted about Kamchatka through the Cossack Luka Morozko, whom he had sent, Atlasov in the spring of 1697 with a hundred people undertook a campaign, took four Koryak forts, erected a cross on the Kanuch River and founded a fort on the Kamchatka River. He returned in 1700 to Yakutsk, from where the governor escorted him to Moscow. In 1706, he was again sent as a clerk to Kamchatka with service men and two cannons, and he was given the authority to execute foreigners with death for disobedience and failure to pay yasak, and to punish his subordinates “not only with batogs, but also with a whip.”
  2. Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1053-1125), nicknamed Monomakh, was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich from his marriage with the Greek princess Anna Konstantinovna - “monomakhine”, that is, the daughter of the Greek emperor Constantine, who was called “Monomakh”, which translated means “Combatant”. Chronicles report that Vladimir Monomakh was the bravest prince on the battlefield. Already as a 13-year-old boy, he went from Pereslavl, the inheritance of his father, to Rostov, then to Vladimir Volynsky, twice to Polotsk, together with his father and uncle Svyatoslav he besieged Chernigov, and in 1078 he was installed there as a prince. Vladimir Monomakh worked a lot on laws and sought to improve them.
  3. Vladimir Putin is the second president of Russia.
  4. Vladimir Mayakovsky - poet.
  5. Vladimir Nabokov - writer.
  6. Vladimir Pozner - (born 1934) television journalist.
  7. Vladimir Dal - doctor, writer, lexicographer, dictionary compiler.
  8. Vladimir Lenin - Soviet statesman.
  9. Vladimir Vysotsky - poet, composer, actor, screenwriter.
  10. Vladimir Durov is a famous trainer and circus performer.
  11. Vladimir Gilyarovsky - writer, journalist.
  12. Vladimir Solovyov is a Russian philosopher, poet, and publicist.
  13. Vladimir Suteev is an artist, writer, film director and screenwriter.
  14. Vladimir Rusanov - traveler, polar explorer.
  15. Vladimir Spivakov is a Russian violinist, conductor, and public figure.
  16. Vladimir Basov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia.
  17. Vladimir Kornilov - vice admiral of the Russian fleet, hero of the Crimean War.
  18. Vladimir Vernadsky is a natural scientist, thinker and public figure.
  19. Vladimir Obraztsov is a scientist in the field of transport, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In Ukrainian it is translated as Volodymyr [Volodymyr], in Belarusian: Uladzimir [Uladzimir], in Polish: Wlodzimierz [Vuodzimierz], in Czech: Vladimir, in Slovak: Vladimir, in German: Waldemar, in Danish: Valdemar.

Vladimir has strong intuition, will, is inquisitive and wants to bring almost all his ideas and dreams to life. What does the name Vladimir mean? This question interests many, because the owners of this name always strive to occupy a leadership position. Always remains friendly, kind, with a subtle sense of humor. Loves comfort, order and punctuality. He reacts quickly to events happening around him and likes to plan all his actions in advance.

Origin of the name Vladimir

There are several options for the appearance of the name Vladimir. In the first case, it came from ancient Germany, when it was fashionable to create a name using two stems. Comes from the ancient name Voldemar, which translated means “to rule” and “to own,” “owning the world.”

There is another version - the name Vladimir has Old Slavic roots and comes from two roots - vlad (translated as “power”) and peace. In Ancient Rus' it was interpreted as “consent” or “agreement”.

Love and sexuality

Vova is amorous, most often pays attention to interesting, stylish, extraordinary and self-confident girls. The chosen one should be beautiful, bright, attractive and sexy. It is important to have an energetic, intelligent and educated woman nearby, with whom you will not be ashamed to go out into society. The ability to play a musical instrument or work in the arts becomes an advantage for Vladimir. Even the ability to cook deliciously is not so important.

Vladimir will never tell anyone about his sexual exploits or addictions. This behavior periodically raises doubts about his masculinity. The owners of this name are quite loving, sometimes becoming too feminine. There is a tendency to develop a male inferiority complex. This is why Vova so desperately needs constant proof of her capabilities.

Loves a beautiful environment and doesn’t mind talking to his partner in bed. Prefers plump, but not fat women. He often pays attention to slender beauties, but if they are not educated, he quickly loses interest.

Marriage and family

Vladimir becomes the real support of the family. A man with this name wants to see a beautiful woman next to him, but order in the house is also important for him.

Considers it his responsibility to provide financial support for his family. He does not always pay enough attention to raising children and does not like to help his wife around the house. Always listens to the opinions and advice of his other half. He will not protest at all if the woman he loves wants to take a leading position in the family. This state of affairs suits Vladimir quite well. Easily gives in, but at the same time can maintain his own internal independence.

In marriage, Vladimir is always faithful to his soulmate. This behavior is dictated by moral principles, which he always tries to adhere to. In addition, Vladimir absolutely does not want to bring new problems, scenes of jealousy and scandals into the family. Adventures on the side can take up all his free time, which does not suit Vova at all.

Vladimir's birthday

In January - 21st, 24th and 31st.

In February - 7th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 26th.

In March - 3, 7, 21 and 25.

In April - 3rd and 6th.

In June - 20th and 27th.

In July - 10th and 28th.

In August - 13th and 27th.

In September - 2, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16.

In October - 1st, 4th, 9th, 17th and 21st.

In November - 3, 4, 5, 16 and 25.

In December - 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31.

The magic of the name Vladimir

Vladimir's planet is the Sun.

Vladimir's element is Air.

Vladimir's talisman stone is Green Jasper.

Day of the week in Vladimir is Friday.

Vladimir's number is 2.

Vladimir's color is green.