Sweet popcorn at home. How to Make Salty, Sweet and Caramel Popcorn at Home: Best Recipes

Each of us has bought caramel popcorn more than once in the park or cinema, and at the same time we all try to choose cornflakes that are maximally covered with caramel crust. Sometimes there is a real struggle for them, because they are covered unevenly, some more, others less. And I’ve been preparing this delicacy at home for a long time, and I always have a lot of caramel, there’s no need to fight)). It turns out both tastier and much cheaper, since special corn kernels for popcorn are quite inexpensive. There is nothing complicated in the preparation process: a few minutes - and now the family is crunching caramel popcorn.

On a note:

  • both caramel and corn need to be cooked at the same time, it is important that both of these components are hot;
  • when preparing caramel, stirring is allowed only by rotating the pan; you cannot use a spoon for this, otherwise the crystallization process may begin, which will be irreversible;
  • You need very little soda, it should only make the caramel more “loose”, which will help it distribute evenly.


  • 1/2 cup popcorn corn
  • sugar 1 cup.
  • water 50 ml
  • butter 50 g
  • baking soda on the tip of a knife

How to make caramel popcorn

  1. I pour the corn into a frying pan, put it on medium heat and cover with a lid. I shake the pan periodically to turn the grains, but the lid must remain closed.

  2. Soon, under the influence of temperature, the corn will begin to open, it will “shoot”. If you open the lid, the popcorn will fly all over the kitchen. When the first “shots” begin, I reduce the heat to minimum so that the grains do not burn. Over time, the popping will become less and less frequent, and after a few seconds it will stop altogether.

  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add cold water.
    I put it on the fire and cook until it has a light caramel color. Pay attention to the amount of sugar: if you don't like the classic sweet taste of popcorn, reduce the amount of sand to 3/4 or half a cup.

  4. I spread the butter.

  5. Then I add baking soda. Here you can mix with a spoon. The mixture will immediately begin to actively foam, as it should be.

  6. I immediately pour the caramel over the popcorn.

  7. Stir with a spatula to ensure even distribution. If the corn itself is still warm, the caramel will not harden too quickly.

  8. I separate the cooled caramel popcorn with my hands.
  9. Delicious homemade popcorn with caramel is ready.

Translated from English, popcorn is “puffed corn”, which is grains that burst inside during the heating process. The delicacy is served salty or sweet. Popcorn requires special varieties of corn. For large volumes there are special installations; small quantities can be prepared independently. How to make sweet popcorn at home?

General rules for making popcorn at home

Making popcorn was practiced by the ancient Indians from a type of maize that puffed up when heated. This occurs due to the structure of the grain, which contains a component - endosperm - containing water. If the grain is heated to a temperature of about 200°C, the water boils, the shell of the grain explodes, and it opens. In this case, the starch turns into a foamy structure, and after cooling it hardens.

The easiest way to make popcorn at home is to heat the grains of a special type of corn (exploding) in a convenient container (frying pan, saucepan). There is a dry method of preparing the product and with the addition of oil.

With the dry method, pour a thin layer of clean grains into a well-heated frying pan (preferably cast iron), heat over low heat, stirring constantly, and as the grains explode, remove them into the prepared container.

To cook popcorn in oil, heat a frying pan, pour in a little oil, bring it to a boil and place in a thin layer of kernels. Cover with a lid and shake the pan from time to time.

Making sweet popcorn at home

You can make healthy and tasty popcorn on your own in the oven, microwave or on the stove in a frying pan, which is most convenient. Sweet popcorn is best cooked with butter.

Sweet crispy popcorn cooked in a frying pan with butter

Delicious and crispy popcorn is best obtained by cooking it in a frying pan. This is due to the fact that the cooking process is visible and can be constantly monitored, which is more difficult to do in an oven, and completely impossible in a microwave oven.

It is advisable to have a large diameter frying pan for making homemade popcorn with a transparent lid. Pour a thin layer of oil into the bottom of the frying pan, cover with a lid and place on the stove over high heat.

After the oil is hot, place one layer of corn seeds in the dish, sprinkle with sugar on top. Approximate calculation rate: for 100 grams of grains, take 4 or 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar or to your taste. Sugar must be distributed evenly over all grains.

Cover the pan with a lid and leave the heat the same. The pan with the contents should be shaken constantly to prevent the sugar from burning and to ensure that the corn is evenly glazed. After a few minutes, the seeds will begin to explode. During this period, the pan must also be shaken to prevent the settling of seeds that have not yet exploded. The popcorn is ready when the popping noise has completely stopped.

Place the cooked popcorn in a suitable container and cool for 5 minutes. Delicious, crunchy, homemade sweet popcorn is ready to eat. You can enjoy it.

Pie - belly friend

Homemade caramel popcorn

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Recently, it has become almost a tradition when going to the cinema, to the park, or for a walk, to buy a tasty and everyone’s favorite treat - popcorn. It can be both salty and sweet. Puffed corn can always be purchased at street outlets.

However, in addition to the fact that it is expensive, the conditions and technology for its production are in great doubt. It's not difficult to make popcorn at home. It won't take much time or effort.

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The main ingredient is special corn for popcorn, which can be found in all large stores in the nuts and dried fruits section.

Caramel popcorn turns out to be very tasty, because store-bought popcorn often lacks that same caramel. You can also try making paprika-flavored popcorn with aromatic herbs and other favorite seasonings.


  • 100 g corn for popcorn
  • 6 tbsp. Sahara
  • 6 tbsp. cold water


Pour the corn kernels into a well-heated dry frying pan and place over medium heat. Be sure to close the lid. If this is not done, the popcorn may fly all over the kitchen.

At the same time, pour sugar into a clean saucepan and add water. If desired, you can take a little more or a little less caramel components, but the ratio should always be approximately 1:1. Also put it on gas.

After 1-2 minutes, the popcorn will begin to “shoot” and the characteristic sounds of hitting the lid will be heard. Stir the pan with rotating movements, do not open the lid. When the beating stops, it means all the popcorn has popped and it’s time to remove it from the heat; the lid can be removed.

During this time, the caramel should boil. The bubbles will be light at first, but soon the contents of the pan will begin to darken. From this moment on, do not take a single step away from the stove and stir continuously; the caramel can burn very quickly.

Bring the caramel to a rich amber color, remove from heat, pour over the popcorn and stir quickly. It is very important to try to ensure that the corn and caramel are cooked almost at the same time. The popcorn should be hot so the caramel will be evenly distributed. The grains will stick together a little, but you need to leave them like that until they cool completely. Cold popcorn can be easily separated by hand.

Sweet popcorn is a snack that everyone loves to eat in the cinema while watching a movie. What if you like to watch movies at home with friends or with your family? Here is a step-by-step, detailed recipe for making sweet popcorn with aromatic caramel without using a microwave or special equipment.


Dry corn for popcorn – 100 g
Sugar 40 g (2 tablespoons)
Honey 10 ml (1/2 tablespoon)
Vegetable oil 20 ml (1 tablespoon)

Step 1

Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or thick-bottomed saucepan. ATTENTION!!! It is important to use the correct container, otherwise the popcorn may burn.Add dry corn to the oil. The oil should lightly coat the corn in the pan.

Step 2

Fry the popcorn with the lid open for 5 minutes. It is important to fry the popcorn without a lid for the first 5 minutes so that all the moisture evaporates freely. At the same time, at the beginning of frying, the popcorn will not open and fly out of the pan. After 5 minutes, cover with a lid and fry over high heat for another 5 minutes. You will see and hear the popcourt opening and hitting the lid. After 5 minutes (or after the popcorn stops popping), open the lid

Step 3

Pour sugar and honey into a separate pan and heat it until the caramel begins to boil.

Step 4

Stir the caramel regularly to prevent it from burning. After 5 minutes, the caramel should acquire a golden color.

Step 5

The caramel for the sweet popcorn is ready. Add the previously prepared popcorn to the pan with caramel and, without turning off the heat, mix well and thoroughly. ATTENTION!!! It is important not to turn off the gas. Otherwise, the caramel will cool quickly and will not be distributed evenly over the popcorn.

Step 6

When the caramel is evenly distributed throughout the popcorn, turn off the gas and transfer our sweet popcorn to a separate cup to cool. After 5 minutes, stir the popcorn again. ATTENTION!!! While cooling, the popcorn will stick together and therefore it is very important to stir it 1-2 times.If you do everything on time, you will get crumbly, crunchy, sweet popcorn.

Transfer to a serving bowl.

Bon appetit!


- a popular (and not only in America) food for consumption in movie theaters or, as they say, on the go. Properly prepared popcorn is even healthy. The same cannot be said about the wide variety of popcorn offered by retail chains and movie theaters. This product may contain additives that are not beneficial at all, including trans fats, preservatives, dyes, etc.

We'll tell you how to make sweet popcorn at home. Sugar, of course, is also unhealthy, especially in large doses, but sometimes you want something sweet, especially since we don’t normally eat popcorn every day.

Let's start looking for suitable corn varieties. Corn grains of these varieties explode well. It is best to choose corn for popcorn at food markets, after consulting with sellers (preferably with trusted ones).

At home, popcorn can be cooked in the microwave, in the oven on a baking sheet, or simply in a large frying pan. The last method is the most primitive and most convenient (in any case, the indigenous people of America before Columbus prepared it approximately this way). There are two options for popcorn: with or without butter. Since the classic version (with oil) uses natural coconut oil (it practically does not go rancid for a long time), there is an opinion that it is better to cook without oil. It will be more useful.

Sweet popcorn


The grains must be clean. Heat a large thick-walled dry frying pan without any newfangled coatings (cast iron or aluminum) over low heat and add the grains. There shouldn’t be too many of them, just cover the bottom in one layer. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden or metal spatula. As they explode, remove the grains and place them in a ceramic bowl.

This is the healthiest popcorn we have. It is better to eat it without any further manipulation.

Let's think about how to make popcorn sweeter and healthier. You can, of course, fry the grains immediately with sugar in a frying pan. But we also want it to be useful. So?

There are different methods of caramelization, we use the most gentle one. Let's prepare a saturated sugar syrup: 1-1.5 parts sugar to 1 part water. To give popcorn additional flavor, you can use (0.5 parts) instead of or mixed with water. for example, orange cherry or raspberry.

Heat the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. We put popcorn in it. Remove it with a slotted spoon and place it loosely on a baking sheet lined with thick paper (preferably parchment) or foil. You can lay it out without a backing on a clean work board. Once the water has evaporated, the syrup coating the popped kernels will create sweet, caramel popcorn. Pour it into a ceramic bowl or suitable glass container and enjoy. Drink well with hot mate, rooibos or other infusions.