Dictionary. Highways designed for representative purposes may or may not have been a serious hindrance to traffic.

The subject and specificity of philosophical knowledge.

1. (P) Are the concepts of "philosophy" and "worldview" identical?
c) These concepts partially coincide (overlap each other), since the worldview, along with philosophical knowledge, includes the conclusions of the natural and other sciences.
Answer: c).

2. (P) Establish a correspondence between the questions posed in the philosophy of I. Kant and those philosophical disciplines that provide answers to these questions:
Questions: a) What can I know? b) what should I do? c) what can I hope for? d) what is a person?
Philosophical disciplines
1) philosophical anthropology; 2) epistemology; 3) ethics; 4) philosophy of religion.
Answer: a - 2; b - 3; at 4; g - 1.
3. (P) What is "ontology"?
a) the doctrine of being;

4. (P) Do the concepts "philosophy" and "science" coincide in scope?
a) yes; b) no; c) partially coincide.
Answer: c.

5. (C) Choose the correct statement:
c) materialism is the recognition of the primacy of nature, matter and secondary, the dependence of the ideal principle, consciousness;
Answer: c.

6. (P) Choose the correct statement:
b) idealism is the recognition of the ideal principle as primary, determining the material;
Answer: b.

7. (PS) "Philosophy is talented or mediocre, smart or stupid, but it is not right or wrong. Is it true?
a) Yes, since the criterion "true - false" cannot be fully applied to philosophical knowledge, which has a value character.
Answer: a.

8. (C) Determine which philosophical direction the author of the following judgment belongs to: "I see a cherry, I feel it ... it is real. Eliminate the feeling of softness, moisture, astringency - and you will destroy the cherry."
c) subjective idealism;
Answer: c.

9. (C) Early philosophy is famous for its interest in the structure of the cosmos, the arrangement of the universe. Can the problem of the structure of the universe be considered philosophical today?
c) Partially, not directly: today's philosophy is not interested in the structure of the Universe itself, but whether there is a connection between this device and human life, and also how historically changing ideas about the Universe influence the values ​​and goals of society and man.
Answer: c.

10. (P) "Contradiction is the root of all movement and vitality; it is only insofar as something has contradiction in itself that it moves, has impulse and activity." The main principle of what philosophical direction is expressed in this statement?
d) dialectics;
Answer: Mr.

11. (C) "Our knowledge of the world is conjecture and nonsense,
Everything will disappear, die - and the trail will vanish.
There is not what we think exists.
Nothing really is certain."
(O. Khayyam)
What philosophical position did the poet express with his quatrain?
e) agnosticism;
Answer: d.

12. (C) Philosophy "constantly concerns itself with such eternal questions of human thought, in relation to which the last word can never be said." (V.I. Vernadsky)
What is the reason for the "eternity" of philosophical problems?
c) Each new era opens up new perspectives and the depth of their solution.
Answer: c.

13. (P) "Historically, the life of peoples was determined primarily by their basic beliefs, their common worldview." (V.S. Soloviev)
How can one determine the philosophical position of the author of the statement:
b) idealism,
Answer: b.

14. (C) "We are a source of fun and a mine of sorrow.
We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant and - he is immensely great.
(O. Khayyam)
The center of what philosophical doctrine was the characteristic of being noted in this quatrain:
c) dialectic,
Answer: c.

15. (C) In the old days, philosophy was considered the "queen of the sciences" or the "science of sciences." An exaggerated expression of what function, still retained by philosophy, was this state of affairs:
b) methodological,
Answer: b.

16. (P) Fill in the missing concept:
"... - the doctrine of development through the formation and resolution of contradictions."
Answer: dialectic.

17. (P) Fill in the missing concept:
"... - a philosophical direction that postulates the primacy and uniqueness of the material principle in the world and considers the ideal only as a property of the material."
Answer: materialism.

18. (P) Fill in the missing concept:
"... is a philosophical doctrine that attributes an active, creative role in the world to an exclusively ideal principle and makes the material dependent on the ideal."
Answer: idealism.

19. (P) Insert a term for a type of philosophical idealism into the following definition:
"... idealism is a philosophical trend that affirms the dependence of the external world, its properties and relations on human consciousness."
Answer: subjective.

20. (P) Insert a term for a type of philosophical idealism into the following definition:
"... idealism is a philosophical direction postulating not only the primacy of the ideal principle, but also its independence from human consciousness."
Answer: objective.

21. (P) What types of dialectics have existed in the history of philosophy:
a) objective
b) subjective,
c) materialistic
d) idealistic
e) metaphysical?
Answer: (a), (b), (c), (d).

22. (C) What is the specific epistemological function of philosophy?
a) Philosophy studies not only the subject of knowledge, but also the mechanism of knowledge itself.
Answer: a.
23. (P) The difference in the solution of what problem gave rise to such philosophical directions as dialectics and metaphysics:
b) the ratio of variability and constancy;
Answer: b.

24. (P) Which of the following statements represents philosophical dualism?
c) Material and ideal are two independent and equal substances.
Answer: c.

25. (C) "To exist is to be perceived."
What philosophical direction does this statement represent?
d) subjective idealism,
Answer: Mr.

26. (P) What does the term "agnosticism" mean?
a) Recognition of the fundamental unknowability of the surrounding world.
Answer: a.

27. (P) What type of philosophizing is consistent materialistic philosophy:
a) monism
Answer: a.

28. (C) What is the name of the philosophical position, whose supporters recognize the co-creation of the world by God, but deny his subsequent intervention in earthly affairs:
c) deism
Answer: c.

29. (P) What is epistemology:
d) the doctrine of knowledge;
Answer: Mr.

30. (PS) Establish a correspondence between the philosophical questions posed and the name of the philosophical currents that answer these questions:

Philosophical currents





What is the basis of the world matter or spirit:

  • matter

The basis of the world is one or many:

  • one
  • dual
  • multiple

Do we know the world?

Answer: (A - 1), (A - 2); (B - 3), (B - 4), (B - 5); (AT 6).

Section II. The main stages and directions of development of philosophical thought.

Topic 2. Ancient philosophy

31. (C) Match the following philosophers and philosophical schools and currents.
Philosophers: 1) Thales, 2) Parmenides, 3) Anaximander, 4) Epicurus, 5) Plato, 6) Democritus, 7) Seneca, 8) Socrates, 9) Plotinus, 10) Aristotle, 11) Anaximenes.

Answer: (A-5), (A-8), (A-10); (B-1),(B-3),(B-11); (IN 2); (G-6), (G-4); (D 7); (E-9)

32. (P) Which of the following is consistent with Socrates' understanding of virtue?
b) "Virtue is knowledge, wisdom. Evil deeds are generated only by ignorance, and no one is evil out of good will."
Answer: b).

33. (PS) Match the main principles and names of these philosophical systems:
Principles of philosophical systems:
1. I know and act accordingly.
2. I know and avoid.
3. I know and obey.
4. I don’t know, and therefore I live as I live: refraining from judgment and following custom or common sense, prudence or life experience.
What directions of ancient thought do these attitudes correspond to?
Names of philosophical systems:
a) Skepticism. b) Stoicism. c) Epicureanism. d) Platonism.
Answer: (a - 4); (b - 3); (in 2); (r - 1).

34. (P) Which of the ancient Greek philosophers considered self-knowledge to be the main task of philosophizing, promoting the slogan "Know thyself":
a) Thales, b) Heraclitus, c) Socrates, d) Aristotle, e) Seneca?
Answer: c).

35. (C) In the teachings of ancient philosophers (Democritus, Plato, Zeno of Elea, Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Heraclitus), the "key" concepts are: water, fire, air, apeiron, aporia, atom, idea (eidos ), number.
Match each name with one or another concept from the above, which represents the essence of the thinker's views.
Answer: Democritus - atom, Plato - idea (eidos), Zeno of Elea - aporia, Thales - water, Anaximander - apeiron, Anaximenes - air, Pythagoras - number, Heraclitus - fire.

36. (C) Match the philosophers and their approach to understanding the goal of philosophical knowledge:
Approaches to understanding the purpose of philosophical knowledge:
1) The goal of philosophy is to ensure the serenity of the spirit (ataraxia), freedom from fear of death and natural phenomena.
2) Philosophy - the knowledge of what is good and evil, since this guarantees a virtuous and happy life: a person who knows what good is will not do bad things.
3) The purpose of philosophy is to teach a person to maintain self-control, dignity and equanimity of spirit in a difficult situation, to teach him the ability to live and die.
a) Socrates, b) Seneca, c) Epicurus.
Answer: a) - 2; b) - 3; in 1.

37. (P) Which of the ancient philosophers is the creator of formal logic?
c) Aristotle.
Answer: c).

38. (C) Determine which of the Hellenistic schools of thought reflects the following statement:
"Fate leads the humble, but drags the rebellious"?
b) Stoicism.
Answer: b).

39. (P) "The wise one said: - I only know
That I don't know anything -
The greatest with the least
Equal in unparalleled humility."
(Lope de Vega)
Which of the ancient philosophers is the Spanish poet referring to?
c) Abbreviated.
Answer: c.

42. (P) "Philosophy started with… he was the first." (Cicero)
Insert into Cicero's judgment the name of the founder of philosophy and science.
Answer: Thales.

43. (PS) "Only in general opinion is there sweetness, in opinion bitterness, in me-nii warmness, in opinion coldness, in opinion color, but in reality only atoms and emptiness exist." (Democritus)
What philosophical problems are presented in this statement:
a) the relationship between the sensual and the rational;
c) the relation of essence and phenomenon;
d) the relationship of being and non-being;
Answer: a; in; G.

44. (C) Here are some examples of ancient philosophers' reasoning:
- What you have not lost, you have. You didn't lose the horns. So you have horns.
- The medicine taken by the sick is good. The more you do good, the better. This means that you need to take as many drugs as possible.
- A thief does not want to acquire anything bad. The acquisition of good things is a good thing. Therefore, the thief desires good things.
What is this type of reasoning called?
a) dialectical; b) irrational; c) sophisms; d) aporias; e) antinomies?
Answer: c.

45. (P) Match the stages of ancient philosophy with the philosophers who created their teachings at these stages:
Stages of ancient philosophy:
I - Hellenic (VII-V centuries BC);
II - classical (middle of V - end of IV century BC);
III - Hellenistic (late IV century BC - V century AD).
Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Thales, Aristotle, Seneca, Epicurus, Parmenides, Plotinus?
Answer: I - Thales, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Parmenides.
II - Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
III - Seneca, Epicurus, Plotinus.

46. ​​(P) Which of the following philosophers can be called representatives of the dialectical tradition in philosophy?
b) Heraclitus.
d) Abbreviated.
d) Plato.
Answer: b; G; d.

47. (P) Which of the following ancient philosophers developed the materialistic trend in philosophy?
a) Thales.
b) Heraclitus.
e) Democritus.
Answer: a; b; d.

48. (C) Match the philosophical schools of antiquity and the founders of these schools:
Philosophical schools of antiquity:
A - Academy,
B - Likey,
B - standing.
The founders of the schools of antiquity:
1) Aristotle, 2) Plato, 3) Zeno of Kitius
Answer: (A-2); (B-1); (IN 3).

49. (C) "Nothing more this than that." What ancient philosopher's motto was these words:
e) Pyrrho?
Answer: d.

50. (P) Which of the philosophical schools of antiquity is Aristotle talking about in the passage below?
Representatives of this school "... having taken up mathematical sciences, they began to consider them to be the beginnings of all things."
b) Pythagoreanism.
Answer: b.

51. (P) Which of the ancient philosophers owns the statement: "Man is the measure of all things that exist, that they exist, non-existent, that they do not exist"?
c) Protagoras.
Answer: c.

52. (C) What characteristics did the ancient philosopher, the founder of the Eleatic school, Parmenides, attribute to being?
a) Being is one.
c) Being is motionless.
e) Being is indivisible.
Answer: a; in; d.

53. (P) Indicate in the list of ancient philosophers below the representatives of atomism:
c) Democritus; d) Leucippus; e) Epicurus.
Answer: in; G; e.

54. (P) Which of the ancient philosophers is the author of the aporias "Achilles and the tortoise", "Arrow", "Dichotomy", "Stadium", etc.?
c) Zeno of Elea.
Answer: c.

55. (C) Establish a correspondence between the provisions of ancient philosophy and the philosophical movements to which they belong:
The position of ancient philosophy:
A - the world of ideas is unchanging and eternal, it is the root cause of everything that exists;
B - every affirmation is at the same time a negation, every "yes" is at the same time a "no"; the only worthy position in such a situation is silence;
B - "Numbers are the beginning of all things."
Philosophical currents:
1) Platonism; 2) Pythagoreanism; 3) skepticism.
Answer: (A-1); (B-3); (IN 2).

56. (C) In the teaching of the ancient philosopher Plotinus, being is hierarchized and includes four elements: a) "matter"; b) "soul"; c) "mind"; d) "one (good)". Establish the sequence of these elements in the hierarchy of being (according to Plotinus) from the "highest" level to the "lowest".
Answer: g; in; b; but.

57. (P) In Aristotle's doctrine of being, there were four primary causes of everything that exists:
a) material;
b) (………);
c) active;
d) target.
Indicate the missing root cause in one word.
Answer: (formal).

58. (P) For Plato, being is ideas, and non-being is ... .
Specify in one word.
Answer: (matter).

59. (C) In Aristotle's doctrine of the state, six forms of government are distinguished: three correct (aimed at the common good) and three incorrect (aimed at the personal good).

Fill in the rest of the line in the table.
Answer: democracy.

60. (P) Which of the ancient philosophers is the author of the doctrine of the unity and struggle of opposites? He owns the following statements:
"The immortals are mortal, the mortals are immortal; they live by each other's death, they die by each other's life."
- "War is the father of all, the king of all: she declares some to be gods, others to be people, some she creates as slaves, others as free."
“One should know that war is universal, and truth is a struggle, and that everything happens through struggle and out of necessity.”
c) Heraclitus.
Answer: c.

Topic 3. Medieval Christian philosophy and the philosophy of the Renaissance

61. (P) Define an understanding of being consistent with the principles of medieval Christian philosophy:
d) The existence of universal truths must be thought of as the existence of ideas in God.
Answer: d).

62. (C) match medieval thinkers with the philosophies to which they belong:
Set match:
1) I. Roscellin, 2) F. Aquinas, 3) I. Duns Scott, 4) W. Ockham
a) realism b) nominalism c) conceptualism.
Answer: (a-2); (b-4); (b-1); (in 3).

63. (P) What was the dominant philosophical trend in the Middle Ages?
b) idealistic.
Answer: b).

64. (PS) Match the following judgments with the philosophies to which they relate:
Philosophical judgments:
1) "... Our intellect, through the intellectual image of a person, cognizes in some way an infinite multitude of people, but not in the differences that they have among themselves, but only in the generic nature that unites them."
2) "Philosophers, arguing that universals exist in the mind, and not in the objects of the external world, ... by this they do not at all want to say that universals do not exist at all in the objects of the external world."
3) "The general and the universal are the creations of the human mind... The general and the universal do not refer to the actual existence of things, but are invented and created by the mind for its own use...".
4) "... The universal name does not mean either a thing that exists in nature, or an idea or image that pops up in the mind, it is only the name of a name."
Philosophical currents:
A - realism; B - nominalism.
Answer: (1-A), (2-A); (3-B), (4-B).

65. (P) What is philosophical realism?
b) A philosophical trend that affirms the independent existence of the common in things.
Answer: b).

66. (C) Match each thesis expressing one or another solution to the problem of the relationship between faith and reason with the name of a particular thinker.
Philosophical theses:
a) I believe, because it is absurd.
b) To know in the light of reason what is already accepted by faith.
c) Harmony between faith and reason with the priority of faith.
1) F. Aquinas, 2) Tertullian, 3) Augustine the Blessed.
Answer: (a-2); (b-3); (in 1).

67. (C) Match the distinctive features of philosophy with the stages of its development.
Philosophy features:
a) Theocentrism; b) cosmocentrism; c) monotheism; d) skepticism; e) eschatologism; f) opposition of "city of the earth" and "city of heaven"; g) dialectic; h) understanding of nature as a lower level compared to man in the hierarchy of the world.
Stages of development of philosophy:
1. antiquity; 2. Middle Ages.
Answer: 1-b, 1-d, 1-g; 2-a, 2-c, 2-d, 2-e, 2-c.

68. (C) Christian medieval philosophy is an organic continuation of the ancient one. Which of the directions of ancient philosophical thought can be called the ideological sources of Christian philosophy? Select three such sources from the following philosophical schools:
b) Platonism and Neoplatonism;
c) stoicism;
f) Aristotelianism;
Answer: b), c), e).

69. (P) The history of medieval Christian philosophy is usually divided into two stages: from the 1st to the 8th centuries. and from the 9th to the 14th centuries. The first of them was called “patristics”, the second - “...”.
Insert the missing title.
Answer: scholasticism.

70. (P) The teaching of which medieval thinker in 1878 By decision of the Pope of Rome, it was declared the official philosophy of Catholicism:
d) F. Aquinas,
Answer: Mr.

71. (P) What is the issue at the root of the nominalist vs. realist dispute:
a) the relationship between faith and reason;
c) universals;
Answer: c.

72. (P) Match the stages of development of medieval Christian philosophy and the thinkers who belong to them:
Philosophical thinkers:
1. Tertullian, 2. F. Aquinas, 3. I. Roscellinus, 4. W. Ockham, 5. Augustine the Blessed?
Stages of development of medieval philosophy
A - patristics;
B - scholasticism.
Answer: 1-A, 5-A; 2-B, 3-B, 4-B.

73. (P) Match the features of medieval Christian philosophy and philosophical propositions:
Philosophical positions:
a) The doctrine of the creation of the world by God;
b) recognition of the reality that determines everything that exists, God, and not nature;
c) understanding of history as the fulfillment of God's plan for the salvation of man?
Features of medieval Christian philosophy:
1. Theocentrism. 2. Creationism. 3. Providentialism.
Answer: a- 2; b - 1; in 3.

74. (P) Insert the missing concept into the following definition:
“... is a philosophical trend, according to which only single, specific things (this house, this book) have a real, independent existence, while the common thing in things is just a name, a name, a concept.”
Answer: nominalism.

75. (C) Medieval Christian philosophy offered a new understanding of the essence of the relationship between man and nature in comparison with ancient philosophy. It consisted in the fact that medieval philosophy:
a) exalted man as a being close to God (man was created “in the image and likeness” of God), thereby relatively lowering the status of nature (although God’s creation, but “lower” than man);
Answer: a.

76. (P) What is the meaning of the Renaissance name? What exactly is being reborn?
a) ancient art, philosophy, way of life;
Answer: a.

77. (C) Correlate the areas of spiritual consciousness and those thinkers of the Renaissance who made the greatest contribution to their development:
Areas of Spiritual Consciousness:
a) philosophy, b) religious reformation, c) art, d) natural science, e) social utopias.
1. Martin Luther, 2. John Calvin, 3. Nicolaus Copernicus, 4. Francesco Petrarch, 5. Nicholas of Cusa, 6. Thomas More, 7. Tommaso Campanella, 8. Niccolò Machiavelli, 9. Johannes Kepler, 10. Michelangelo Buonarotti.
Answer: a-5, a-8; b-1, b-2; in-4, in-10; g-3, g-9; d-6, d-7..

78. (P) What era does the formation of utopia as a genre of socio-philosophical creativity belong to:
c) Revival?
Answer: c.

79. (P) Which of the following ideas characterize the views of Giordano Bruno:
a) the idea of ​​the infinity of the universe;
c) the idea of ​​the existence of an infinite number of worlds in the Universe;
Answer: a, c.

80. (P) What is pantheism:
d) doctrine identifying God and nature;
Answer: d).

81. (P) Match the epochs of the development of philosophical knowledge and their characteristics:
Characteristics of philosophical knowledge:
a) cosmocentrism, polytheism, demythologization;
b) anthropocentrism, pantheism, secularization;
c) theocentrism, monotheism, sacralization?
Epochs of development of philosophy:
1) - antiquity, 2) - Renaissance, 3) - Middle Ages
Answer: (a-1); (b-2); (in 3)..

82. (C) A distinctive feature of the philosophy of the Renaissance is called humanism. Does this mean that:
c) the philosophers of the Renaissance, in comparison with the Middle Ages, bring man closer to God, focusing on the power and greatness of man, and not on his helplessness in comparison with the deity?
Answer: c).

83. (P) The prince "... cannot observe everything that gives people a good reputation, since he is often forced to act against fidelity, against love for one's neighbor, against humanity, against religion in order to preserve the state. Finally, he must always be ready to turn around at any moment, depending on how the winds and fluctuations of happiness dictate, and ... not to deviate from good, if possible, but to be able to enter the path of evil, if necessary.
What term, derived from the name of a famous thinker, denotes such a position:
c) Machiavellianism.
Answer: c.

84. (P) Which of the Renaissance thinkers drew the image of an ideal state without private property, but with universal labor service, and placed it on the island of “Utopia”:
d) T. Mor,
Answer: Mr.

85. (P) Renaissance thinkers did not support the dialectical tradition of philosophizing. But nevertheless, one of them came in his philosophy to the dialectical principle of the coincidence of opposites. Who exactly:
b) N. Kuzansky,
Answer: b.

86. (C) Indicate from the list of historical conditions below those that were the prerequisites for the emergence of the philosophy of the Renaissance:
a) the crisis of feudalism;
b) the development of crafts and trade;
d) strengthening cities;
e) centralization of European states, strengthening of secular power;
f) the crisis of the Church and scholastic philosophy;
g) raising the level of education of the population;
i) great geographical discoveries;
j) scientific and technical discoveries and inventions (gunpowder, clocks, book printing, heliocentric system, etc.);
Answer: a, b, d, e, f, g, i, k..

87. (C) Match the statements about the relationship of God in the natural philosopher of the Renaissance and the thinkers who asserted them:
Judgments about the relationship between God and the world:
a) God, embracing all that exists, contains the world in itself (the world in God);
b) God does not oppose the world as a creator, but is in nature itself as an inner active principle (God is in the world).
1) N. Kuzansky, 2) D. Bruno?
Answer: (a-1); (b-2).

88. (P) What concept can characterize the ontology of N. Cuzansky and D. Bruno:
c) pantheism
Answer: c.

89. (C) Determine why the focus on art, the dominance of the aesthetic understanding of the world, turned out to be a distinctive feature of the philosophy and culture in general of the Renaissance?
c) Because it is in art that a person is likened to God, i.e. creates, creates something new, previously unprecedented.
Answer: c.

90. (C) Correlate the areas of philosophical knowledge of the Renaissance and the thinkers who made the most significant contribution to their development.
Areas of philosophical knowledge:
a) in natural philosophy,
b) in political philosophy,
c) socio-philosophical utopias.
Renaissance thinkers:
1. D. Bruno, 2. N. Kuzansky;
3. N. Machiavelli, 4. J. Boden;
5. T. More, 6. T. Campanella.
Answer: a-1, a-2; b-3, b-4; in-5, in-6.

Topic 4. Philosophy of the New Age and the Age of Enlightenment

91. (P) F. Bacon identified four types of idols of knowledge that create false ideas in a person. According to Bacon, what kind of idols is blind faith in authorities:
d) theater?
Answer: Mr.

92. (P) Which of the philosophers of the XVII century. based his doctrine on the proposition: "I think, therefore I am":
b) R. Descartes?
Answer: R. Descartes.

93. (P) Which of the philosophers of the New Age developed the doctrine of induction as the main and universal method of cognition:
a) F. Bacon?
Answer: a.

94. (P) The following statement belongs to Democritus:
"There are two kinds of knowledge: one is true, the other is dark. All the following (types of knowledge) belong to the dark: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. As for the true (knowledge), it is completely different from the first, it appears in thinking and has a finer cognitive organ."
Determine which of the directions in epistemology was Democritus the forerunner?
b) Rationalism.
Answer: b.

95. (P) Select the representatives of rationalism from the number of philosophers listed below.
c) R. Descartes e) B. Spinoza f) G. Leibniz
Answer: c), e), f).

96. (C) Illustrating the limitations of one of the methods of scientific knowledge, B. Russell draws an analogy with a chicken, which, having been taught to run out at a call in the hope of getting food, is finally cut, "showing that more refined views on the uniformity of nature. What is the method of cognition?
c) Induction.
Answer: c.

97. (P) What philosophical position does the judgment express: "There is nothing in the mind that was not previously in the senses":
a) sensationalism?
Answer: a.

98. (P) Which of the following definitions of freedom belongs to B. Spinoza?
b) Freedom is the knowledge of necessity and agreement with necessity. Freedom is the domination of the mind over the senses, the overcoming of sensual affects by the passion for knowledge.
Answer: b.

99. (P) Select from the group of 17th century philosophers. authors of the concepts of natural law and social contract:
e) T. Hobbes,
f) D. Locke.
Answer: d, e.

100. (C). Match sets of philosophical concepts with the names of four great thinkers of the 17th century.
Sets of philosophical concepts:
a) objective idealism, pluralism, deism, rationalism;
b) materialism, monism, pantheism, rationalism;
c) materialism, monism, empiricism;
d) dualism, rationalism.
Thinkers of the 17th century:
1 - G. Leibniz; 2 - B. Spinoza; 3 - F. Bacon; 4 - R. Descartes.
Answer: (a - 1), (b - 2), (c - 3), (d - 4).
101. (P) “... is a direction of philosophical thought oriented towards mathematics, considering the mind as the main source of knowledge and the highest criterion of its truth.”

Answer: rationalism.

102. (P) “... - a direction of philosophical thought, oriented towards experimental natural science, which considered experience as the source of knowledge and the criterion of its truth, and above all, scientifically organized experience - experiment.”
Insert the missing concept.
Answer: empiricism.

103. (C) What characteristics do “truths of reason” have in the teachings of G. Leibniz, in contrast to “truths of fact”:
a) generality;
b) necessity;
c) obtaining by deductive means;
Answer: a, b, c.

104. (P) Match the key concepts of the philosophical teachings of the 17th century with the names of philosophers:
Key concepts of philosophical teachings:
a) idols (ghosts) of knowledge, induction;
b) monad, pre-established harmony;
c) substance as “causa sui” (the cause of itself) and its modes;
d) intellectual intuition, deduction, doubt.
1. F. Bacon. 2. R. Descartes. 3. B. Spinoza. 4. G. Leibniz.
Answer: (a - 1); (b - 4); (c - 3); (d - 2).

105. (P) The philosophy of the three great thinkers of the 17th century - R. Descartes, B. Spinoza and G. Leibniz is ontologically different in nature:
a) monistic
b) dualistic,
c) pluralistic.
Establish a correspondence between the ontological nature of philosophical systems and the indicated authors.
Answer: a - B. Spinoza; b - R. Descartes; c - G. Leibniz.

107. (P) D. Locke is considered the founder of what ideology:
a) liberal?
Answer: a.

108. (P) What philosopher's position is reflected in the following judgment: "The natural state of society is a state of war of all against all. A necessary condition for the transition from the state of nature to civil society is absolute power sanctioned by the social contract"?
c) Hobbes.
Answer: c.

109. (C) Which of the French Enlighteners most thoroughly substantiated the idea of ​​social progress based on the improvement of the human mind?
c) Condorcet.
Answer: c.

110. (P) What characteristic of the philosophy of the Enlightenment reflects the following statement by P. Holbach: "Peoples will be happy only when philosophers become kings or when kings become philosophers":
b) rationalism?
Answer: b.

111. (C) Determine the correspondence of the following characteristics of philosophical knowledge with the historical stages in the development of philosophical thought.
Characteristics of philosophical knowledge.
a) Criticism of scholasticism.
b) Criticism of metaphysics.
c) Primary interest in epistemological problems.
d) Primary interest in social problems.
e) Attempts to harmonize religious and scientific pictures of the world.
f) Attempts to replace the religious picture of the world with a scientific one.
Stages of development of philosophical thought.
I - the philosophy of the New Age (XVII century); II - the philosophy of the Enlightenment (XVIII century)
Answer: (I - a, c, e); (II - b, d, f).

112. (C) What was the meaning of the principle of equality of all people proclaimed by the philosophy of the Enlightenment?
b) Equality of opportunities for different people, i.e. legal equality.
Answer: b.

113. (P) What criterion of social progress was used in the philosophy of the Enlightenment?
b) The degree of perfection of the human mind.
Answer: b.

114. (C) Select from the list below the characteristics that are characteristic of the philosophy of the Enlightenment:
a) the predominance of materialism;
c) anti-clerical character (up to atheism);
e) historical optimism;
g) predominant interest in social issues;
i) social radicalism;
Answer: a, c, e, g, i.

115. (C) In the following list of philosophies of the French Enlightenment, identify those that are innovative:
a) the announcement of reason as the dominant of social development: “opinions rule the world”;
b) the idea of ​​the determining role of the social environment in the formation and upbringing of a person;
d) the concept of reasonable egoism;
e) the egalitarian version of the social contract theory;
f) the concept of social progress;
Answer: a, b, d, e, f.

116. (PS) In J.-J. Rousseau's treatise "On the Causes of Inequality" one can read: believe, was the true founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars and murders, how many disasters and horrors would the human race be saved from by someone who, pulling the stakes out of the ground and filling up the ditch, would shout to his loved ones: “Better not listen to this deceiver, you are lost if you are able to forget that the fruits earthly things belong to everyone, and the earth belongs to no one!”.
As a result, J.-J. Rousseau offered:
c) limit it to small sizes, distributing it equally among everyone if possible?
Answer: c.

117. (P) Why did many French enlighteners (Didero, d'Alembert, Holbach, Condillac, Helvetius, etc.) receive the nickname "encyclopedists":
b) for compiling the “Encyclopedia of Sciences, Arts, Crafts”;
Answer: b.

118. (C) “... is everything that affects our senses in some way.” (P. Holbach)
What fundamental philosophical category did P. Holbach define in this way? Insert the missing concept.
Answer: matter.

119. (PS) Match the types of materialism in the philosophy of the French Enlightenment of the XVIII century and philosophers:
Types of materialism:
a) moderate deistic materialism (which admitted the existence of God as the root cause) and
b) consistent atheistic materialism.
1. Rousseau, 2. Diderot, 3. Voltaire, 4. Holbach, 5. La Mettrie, 6. Montesquieu.
Answer: (a-1), (a-3), (a-6); (b-2), (b-4), (b-5).

120. (P) Helvetius compared the process of knowledge with the court: 5 senses are 5 witnesses, only they can clarify the truth. His opponents, however, objected to him that he had forgotten the judge. What did they mean:
b) mind
Answer: b.

Topic 5. German classical philosophy

121. (P) Which of the German philosophers analyzed the historical movement of human thought and expressed its integral, regular development in terms of "world reason", "absolute idea":
c) Hegel?
Answer: c.

122. (P) Which of the following statements corresponds to the moral position of I. Kant?
c) "Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation."
Answer: c.

123. (P) Which of the following statements is consistent with Hegel's understanding of the source of development?
a) The source of all development is the self-development of the concept, which means that it has a logical, spiritual nature.
Answer: a.

124. (C) Of all the representatives of German classical philosophy, only L. Feuerbach:
a) a materialist, c) a metaphysician.
Answer: a, c.

125. (P) What does Kant's concept of "a priori" mean:
a) an irresolvable contradiction;
c) inexperienced knowledge;
Answer: c.

126. (P) Which of the following explanations for the emergence of religion is due to L. Feuerbach?
c) Religion is the result of the alienation of the essence of man.
Answer: c.

127. (P) What characteristic of Hegel's philosophy is reflected in the following statement: "Contradiction is the criterion of truth, the absence of contradiction is the criterion of error":
d) dialectics?
Answer: Mr.

128. (P) Which of the following terms characterize the teachings of I. Kant:
b) antinomy, c) imperative, e) a priori, g) thing-in-itself?
Answer: b, c, e, f.

129. (P) Match the representatives of German classical philosophy and philosophical trends:
Philosophical directions:
a) materialism;
b) subjective idealism;
c) objective idealism.
Representatives of German classical philosophy:
1. L. Feuerbach; 2. I. Fichte; 3. F. Schelling, 4. G. Hegel.
Answer: (a-1), (b-2), (c-3), (c-4).

130. (P) Some of the innovations of the classics of German philosophy (late 18th - early 19th centuries) can be represented by the following list:
a) the idea of ​​the cognitive activity of the subject;
b) interpretation of religion as a process of alienation of the essence of man;
c) systematics of laws and categories of dialectics.
Determine the authorship of these ideas by matching them with the names of philosophers: I. Kant, G. Hegel, L. Feuerbach.
Answer: a - I. Kant; b - L. Feuerbach; c - G. Hegel.

131. (C) Match the classics of German philosophy with the key concepts of their philosophical system:
Key concepts of philosophical systems:
a) a priori; b) "absolute I"; c) science teaching; d) categorical imperative; e) an absolute idea; f) anthropological materialism; g) world spirit (mind).
Classics of German philosophy:
1. I. Kant, 2. J. Fichte, 3. G. Hegel
Answer: (1-a), (1-d); (2-b), (2-c); (3-d), (3-e).

132. (P) Match the works of the classics of German philosophy and their authors:
Works of the classics of German philosophy:
a) "Critique of Pure Reason";
b) “Phenomenology of Spirit”;
c) "Science of Logic";
d) “The Essence of Christianity”;
e) "Critique of Practical Reason".
Authors of works:
1. I. Kant; 2. G. Hegel; 3. L. Feuerbach.
Answer: (a-1); (b-2); (in 2); (g-3); (d-1).

133. (C) How can one formulate the essence of the main epistemological discovery of I. Kant:
c) the essence of scientific knowledge lies not in the passive contemplation of its subject, but in the activity of constructing it, generating idealized objects, which alone can be the subject of science;
Choose the correct sentence.
Answer: c.

134. (P) Choose among the abilities listed below those that I. Kant shared in his theory of knowledge:
a) sensibility
b) mind
c) mind
Answer: a, b, c.

135. (C) The historical significance of I. Kant's epistemology was:
a) demonstrating the limits of the possibilities of scientific knowledge;
Point out the correct sentence.
Answer: a.

136. (P) Of the judgments below, only two are I. Kant's formulations of the categorical imperative. Specify which ones?
a) “Act only according to such a maxim, guided by which, at the same time, you can wish it to become a universal law.”
c) “Act in such a way that you always treat humanity in your own person, and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.”
Answer: a, c.

137. (P) In which of his works does I. Kant develop the doctrine of morality (ethics)?
c) "Critique of Practical Reason"
Answer: c.

138. (C) In the Critique of Pure Reason, I. Kant formulates several antinomies, i.e. pairs of contradictory propositions that are either both provable or both unprovable (“The world had a beginning in time - the world has no beginning in time”). What, according to I. Kant, is the reason for the antinomy of reason:
b) the exit of the mind beyond the limits of finite experience when reasoning about the universal (the world as a whole, God, etc.);
Answer: b.

139. (P) Highlight the interpretation of space and time advocated by I. Kant:
b) space and time are a priori forms of sensibility of the cognizing subject;
Answer: b.

140. (C) What does the category “absolute I” mean in the philosophy of J.G. Fichte:
c) not just human consciousness, but a creative force, a “receptacle” of the surrounding world, a certain higher substance, a synthesis of “I” and “not-I”;
Answer: c.

141. (P) J. G. Fichte's philosophy can be characterized as:
c) subjective-idealistic,
d) dialectical,
g) rationalistic,
Indicate the correct characteristics of the philosophy of J.G. Fichte (3 points).
Answer: c, d, f.

142. (P) Indicate in the list below those characteristics (3 points) that are applicable to the philosophical system of F. Schelling:
b) objectively idealistic,
d) dialectical,
g) rationalistic,
Answer: b, d, f.

143. (C) In what exactly in the philosophical system of F. Schelling is the absolute identity of the subject and object, nature and spirit, the awareness of the “world soul” of itself revealed:
c) in art and intellectual intuition;
Answer: c.

144. (C) Establish a correspondence between the stages of the development of the spirit in the philosophy of G. Hegel and the forms in which these stages of the development of the spirit are embodied:
Stages of development: I - objective spirit; II - subjective spirit; III - absolute spirit.
Forms of the embodiment of the spirit:
a) in the mind of a person;
b) in the family, civil society, state;
c) in art, religion, philosophy?
Answer: a - I; b - II; c - III.

145. (P) The dialectical mechanism of the development of any object, according to G. Hegel, necessarily includes three stages, briefly designated (Hegel's terminology): thesis - antithesis - ... .
Insert a final concept.
Answer: synthesis.

146. (P) What G. Hegel saw as the main criterion of historical progress:
a) in the growth of consciousness of freedom, objectified in the state, law, art, religion, philosophy, etc.;
Answer: a.

147. (C) Match the works of G. Hegel and their content:

The work of G. Hegel

1. the doctrine of being

“Philosophy of nature”

science of logic

2. mechanics

3. the doctrine of essence

5. organic physics

6. the doctrine of the concept

Answer: (A-2), (A-4), (A-5; (B-1), (B-3), (B-6).

148. (PS) The well-known modern philosopher K. Popper considered G. Hegel (along with Plato) the ideological inspirer of political totalitarianism, which was formed in the twentieth century in many countries (Germany, Italy, the USSR, etc.). What socio-political ideas of G. Hegel gave grounds for this? (Give two points.)
a) “The existence of the state is the procession of God in the world; its foundation is the power of reason...”.
c) General interests are higher than private ones; the individual and his interests can be sacrificed for the common good.
Answer: a, c.

149. (P) Indicate in the list below those characteristics that apply to the philosophy of L. Feuerbach:
a) materialistic
d) metaphysical,
g) rationalistic,
Answer: a, g, f.

150. (C) What exactly did L. Feuerbach offer, revealing the earthly roots of religion and its illusory essence:
d) to abolish the traditional religion and replace it with the religion of love within the family as the most appropriate to human nature.
Answer: Mr.

Topic 6. Marxist philosophy

151. (P) F. Engels argued that "we owe two great discoveries to Marx." The first is "the discovery of the secret of surplus value." And what was the second philosophical discovery of K. Marx:
c) the discovery of a materialistic understanding of history;
Answer: c.

152. (P) K. Marx and F. Engels saw the difference between their dialectic and Hegel's in that it became... .
Complete the sentence with one of the following definitions:
c) materialistic.
Answer: c.

153. (P) What problem is considered in Marxist philosophy as the "basic question of philosophy":
a) the relationship of matter and consciousness, being and thinking;
Answer: a.

154. (P) Which of the following statements expresses the essence of the Marxist approach to understanding social life?
b) "... The head planning work already at a very early stage in the development of society ... had the opportunity to force not its own, but other people's hands to carry out the work planned by it. They began to attribute all the merit of the rapid development of civilization to the head, the development and activity of the brain People are used to explaining their actions from their thinking, instead of explaining them from their needs ... ".
c) "In order to change the established course of life in oneself or in people, one must fight not with events, but with those thoughts that produced them."
Answer: b.

155. (P) Philosophical materialism has received the following characteristics in history:
e) complete (applied to society), f) dialectical, g) practically effective, i) atheistic.
Which of these characteristics can be attributed to Marxist materialism?
Answer: d, f, f, i.

156. (P) Which of the following statements reflects the originality of Marxist epistemology?
d) Introduction of the category of "practice" into epistemology.
Answer: Mr.

157. (P) What is considered in Marxist philosophy as the criterion of social progress?
a) The level of development of productive forces.
Answer: a.

158. (P) Which of the following theses expresses the essence of the materialistic understanding of history by Marxist philosophy?
b) Social being determines social consciousness.
Answer: b.

159. (P) Marxist philosophy considered itself the heir and successor of the German classical philosophy of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. What specific concepts of their predecessors did K. Marx and F. Engels rely on:
e) the dialectics of G. Hegel;
f) L. Feuerbach's materialism?
Answer: d, e.

160. (P) K. Marx and F. Engels considered all previous materialism to be “incomplete”, “unfinished to the top”. What, according to K. Marx and F. Engels, provided their own materialism with “completeness” and “completeness”:
d) extending the principles of materialism to social life?
Answer: Mr.

161. (P) How K. Marx interpreted the essence of man:
b) the essence of a person is a set of social relations;
Answer: b.

162.(C) Establish a correspondence between the definitions of dialectics and philosophers - the authors of these definitions:
Definitions of dialectics:
a) the art of leading a philosophical discussion, defining and connecting concepts;
b) the logic of ideas; the inherently contradictory movement of ideas, the ascent from the abstract to more and more concrete ideas;
c) the logic and laws of the development of the material world, which are reproduced in the human mind in an ideal form.
The authors of the definitions of dialectics:
1. G. Hegel; 2. Socrates; 3. K. Marx.
Answer: (a - 2); (b - 1); (in 3).

163. (C) The credo of Marxist philosophy is expressed in the famous thesis of Karl Marx: “Philosophers have only explained the world in different ways, but the point is to... .”.
Complete the thought of K. Marx by choosing one of the following expressions:
c) change it;
Answer: c.

164. (P) What is the content of Marxist philosophy in the category of "practice":
d) material, sensory-objective human activity, which includes both production activity and revolutionary-transforming activity of the masses, political struggle, legal regulation of social relations, etc.?
Answer: Mr.

165. (P) What type of social relations is declared in Marxist philosophy to be the main, determining the development of all others:
c) economic (production);
Answer: c.

166. (C) What content was invested by K. Marx in the concept of “socio-economic formation”:
a) society as a whole, taken at a certain stage of its development, the specifics of which are determined by a special mode of production;
Answer: a.

167. (C) What is the content of the category "social being" in Marxist philosophy:
b) the entire material life of society, i.e. first of all, material production, as well as the material aspects of the life of the family, classes, states and other social communities;
Answer: b.

168. (P) How does the Marxist materialistic understanding of history differ from the idealistic one:
a) by the fact that he proposes to seek the ultimate causes of all historical events in the material life of society, most of which is the sphere of material production;
Answer: a.

169. (P) What is the nature of the state from the standpoint of Marxist philosophy:
b) the state is a product and manifestation of the irreconcilability of class contradictions; it is a machine of oppression, of crushing the resistance of the exploited classes;
Answer: b.

170. (P) Which of the famous representatives of Marxist philosophy is considered the author and developer of the labor theory of anthropogenesis:
b) F. Engels?
Answer: b.

171. (P) What social phenomenon is characterized by F. Engels "as a fantastic reflection in the minds of people of those external forces that dominate them in their daily life - a reflection in which earthly forces take the form of unearthly ones."
a) art;
b) religion;
c) morality.
Answer: (2).

172. (P) What principle underlies Marxist epistemology:
e) the principle of reflection?
Answer: d.

173. (P) The role of practice in the process of cognition in Marxist epistemology is interpreted as follows:
a) the basis and driving force of knowledge;
b) the purpose of knowledge;
c) the criterion of truth;
Answer: (a), (b), (c).

174. (C) What are the characteristics of truth (knowledge corresponding to reality) from the standpoint of Marxist dialectical materialist philosophy (select three):
c) objective-subjective,
e) absolute and relative at the same time,
h) specific?
Answer: c, e, h.

175. (P) Establish a correspondence between the laws of dialectics and the elements of development they characterize:
Laws of dialectics:
I. The law of interrelation of quantitative and qualitative changes; II. The law of denial; III. The law of unity and struggle of opposites.
Development elements:
a) mechanism, method of development;
b) direction of development, its cyclicality;
c) the source and driving force of development.
Answer: (I - a); (II-b); (III - c).

176. (P) What is the understanding of politics in Marxist philosophy:
a) politics is a relationship between classes;
Answer: a.

177. (P) How is the essence of law interpreted in Marxist philosophy?
b) "Law is the will of the ruling class elevated into a law."
Answer: b.

178. (C) From the following list of ideas and concepts, highlight the philosophical innovations of Marxism:
a) the discovery of a materialistic understanding of history;
d) the idea of ​​the decisive role of material production in the development of society;
e) the theory of socio-economic formations;
g) the creation of materialist dialectics;
Answer: a, d, e, f.

179. (C) F. Engels in his work “Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of German Classical Philosophy”, having formulated the main question of philosophy, singled out two sides in it. The first is the question of the relation of thinking to being (what comes first?). What F. Engels considered the second side of the main question of philosophy:
b) the question of the cognizability of the world;
Answer: b.

180. (P) “(.…..) there is a philosophical category for designating objective reality, which is given to a person in his sensations, which is copied, photographed, displayed by our sensations, existing independently of them.” (V.I. Lenin)
(Indicate the missing concept in one word).
Answer: matter.

Topic 7. The main directions of modern Western European philosophy

181. (C) Match the group of concepts and philosophical trends:
Concept groups:
a) border situation, inauthentic existence, communication, alienation, humanism;
b) verification, logical atomism, meaningless sentence, clarification of the language of statements, analysis of sentences;
c) analogy of being, harmony of faith and reason, matter and form;
d) the unconscious, sublimation, archetype, libido.
Philosophical directions:
1) neopositivism; 2) neo-Thomism; 3) existentialism; 4) psychoanalysis.
Answer: a - 3; b - 1; in 2; g - 4.

182. (P) In which of the main directions of philosophy of the twentieth century. man is the true center of philosophizing:
c) in existentialism.
Answer: c)

183. (C) Identify among the definitions of philosophy below those that belong to neo-positivism:
a) Philosophy is a no man's land between science, religion and common sense.
b) Philosophy is a disease that needs to be cured.
c) Philosophy is the struggle against the bewitchment of our intellect by means of language.
Answer: (a), (b), (c).

184. Choose among the following definitions of freedom those that belong to existentialism:
b) freedom is the autonomy of choice;
Answer: b.

185. (C) Traditions of what philosophical trend neo-positivism continues in the 20th century:
a) empiricism.
Answer: a.

186. (P) "Only that theory can be recognized as scientific, which is refutable in principle, i.e., which is capable of proving its falsity."
The formulation of what principle is presented in this judgment:
b) the principle of falsification;
Answer: b.

187. (C) The spirit of which of the leading trends in philosophizing of the twentieth century. answers the following definition of the central problem of philosophy: "There is only one really serious philosophical problem - the problem of suicide. To decide whether or not life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy. Everything else ... is secondary"?
b) existentialism.
Answer: b.

188. (C) Read the following statements:
* Absurdity lies in the opposition of the human need for meaning, on the one hand, and the indifferent, meaningless world, on the other.
* Freedom imposes on us an immeasurable responsibility, and therefore people often live in "bad faith", avoiding responsibility for their own lives by denying the reality of their freedom.
* ... Even if there is no god, then there is at least one being, in which existence precedes essence, a being that exists before it can be defined by any concept, and this being is a person ...
Which of the leading trends in the philosophy of the twentieth century characterizes this set of ideas:
c) existentialism.
Answer: c.

189. (C) What does the term "scientism" mean?
a) The declaration of science as the highest cultural value, with which all other forms of spiritual life must measure their content.
Answer: a.

190. (P) Which of the following philosophical trends can be attributed to the rationalist tradition of philosophizing:
d) postpositivism;
Answer: Mr.

191. (P) Set between philosophical schools and groups of philosophers who belong to them:
Philosophical directions:
1. neopositivism;
2. philosophy of life;
3. existentialism;
4. neo-Thomism;
Groups of philosophers:
a) E. Gilson, J. Maritain, Y. Bohensky;
b) G. Marcel, J.-P. Sartre, M. Heidegger;
c) L. Wittgenstein, B. Russell, R. Carnap;
d) F. Nietzsche, W. Dilthey, A. Bergson?
Answer: (1 - c); (2 - d); (3 - b); (4 - a).

192. (P) How can one imagine the essence of the problem that is at the center of attention of postpositivism:
a) philosophy of science;
Answer: a.

193. (P) Which of the following philosophers can be attributed to the direction known as the "philosophy of life":
b) F. Nietzsche, d) W. Dilthey, e) A. Bergson,
Answer: b, d, e.

194. (P) Why is the “philosophy of life” (F. Nietzsche, W. Dilthey, etc.) usually referred to as an irrationalist tradition of philosophizing:
c) because it declares life to be irreducible to reason and postulates a fundamentally irremovable element of the irrationality of any life;
Answer: c.

195. (PS) Analysis of the work of one of the philosophers of the late XIX century. allows us to formulate the following characteristics of his position. His views:
- anti-moralistic,
- anti-socialist
- anti-democratic
- antifeminist,
- anti-intellectualistic,
- anti-religious and anti-Christian.
The ideas of which of the following philosophers can be characterized in this way:
a) A. Schopenhauer, b) F. Nietzsche, c) W. Dilthey, d) A. Bergson, e) G. Simmel?
Answer: b.

196. (C) Which of the following theses corresponds to the position of one of the founders of the “philosophy of life” V. Dilthey:
a) we explain nature (since it is something alien, external for us), we understand spiritual life (it is given to us directly);
Answer: a.

197. (P) What is the fundamental principle of the world in the concept of A. Schopenhauer:
b) world will,
Answer: b.

198. (C) Match the basic concepts of philosophical concepts and those philosophers to whom they belong:
Concepts: a) “will to live”; b) "world will"; c) “creative evolution”; d) “understanding and explanation”?
1) A. Schopenhauer,
2) F. Nietzsche,
3) V. Dilthey,
4) A. Bergson.
Answer: 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - g; 4 - c.

199. (C) The following groups of famous philosophers' names represent the four stages in the historical evolution of positivism (classical positivism, empirio-criticism, neo-positivism, post-positivism). Arrange them in the chronological sequence of the change in the stages of development of positivist philosophy.
a) O. Comte, G. Spencer;
b) K. Popper, T. Kuhn, P. Feyerabend;
c) E. Mach, R. Avenarius, A. Bogdanov;
d) R. Carnap, L. Wittgenstein, B. Russell.
Answer: a, c, d, b.

200. (P) Three layers of the human psyche are distinguished in Freud's dynamic concept of personality. Which of the following words characterizes the unconscious?
c) Yoi (“it”).
Answer: c.

201. (C) How does the psychoanalytic concept of Z. Freud interpret the source of the emergence of human culture:
a) culture is the result of sublimation, i.e. transformation of people's sexual energy into a socially acceptable channel;
Answer: a.

202. (C) Culture in existentialism is understood as:
c) the final result of the choices made by a person throughout the past life of behavior, occupation, life companions, beliefs, etc.;
Answer: c.

204. (C) Which of the Russian thinkers is considered to be the forerunners of existentialist philosophy, and their work - its sources? (Give three names.)
b) F.M. Dostoevsky, d) L. Shestov, f) N.A. Berdyaev.
Answer: b, d, e.

205. (P) What is "hermeneutics":
b) the science and art of understanding;
Answer: b.

206. (P) What direction of modern philosophical thought can combine the names of such famous philosophers of the twentieth century as J. Baudrillard, J. Deleuze, J. Derrida, M. Foucault, J. Lyotard:
e) postmodernism?
Answer: d.

207. (PS) What research method is the essence of the following proposition?
“Its meaning as a specific methodology for the study of a literary text is to reveal the internal inconsistency of the text, to discover in it hidden and not noticed not only by an inexperienced,“ naive ”reader, but eluding even the author himself“ residual meanings ”, inherited from speech, otherwise - discursive, practices of the past, fixed in the language in the form of unconscious mental stereotypes, which, in turn, are transformed just as unconsciously and independently of the author of the text under the influence of the language clichés of his era.”
Specify the name of this method:
c) deconstruction.
Answer: c.

208. (C) The concept of “postmodernism” is translated into Russian as “post-modernity”. But what is meant by “modernity” in this case:
a) rationalistic reform projects of the Enlightenment (XVII - XVIII centuries), implemented in the practice of Western civilization;
Answer: a.

209. (C) The characteristic features of one of the modern directions of philosophizing can be represented by a set of the following concepts: language games, disconsensus, multiplicity, instability, fragmentation, deconstruction, randomness, anarchy, uncertainty, locality, discreteness, etc.
Which philosophical movement meets the following characteristics:
b) postmodernism,
Answer: b.

210. (C) A) discourse, narrative, deconstruction;
b) the unconscious, sublimation, libido;
c) falsification, paradigm, scientific revolution;
d) existence, essence, alienation, freedom, absurdity.
The above sets of concepts are distinctive "signs" of some modern philosophical trends. Put each group of concepts in accordance with one of the following philosophical directions:
1) psychoanalysis;
2) existentialism;
3) postpositivism;
4) postmodernism.
Answer: 1 - b; 2 - g; 3 - in; 4 - a.

Topic 8. Russian philosophy of the XIX - XX centuries.

211. (P) In Russian philosophy of history, two concepts of the paths of the historical development of Russia have developed - Slavophilism and Westernism. Match the thinkers listed below to these trends.
a) P. Ya. Aksakov I.S., h) Samarin Yu.F.
I - Slavophiles; II - Westerners.
Answer: (I - c, g, g, h); (II - a, b, e, f).

212. (P) Match the philosophers listed below with the directions of Russian philosophical thought:
a) Berdyaev N.A.; b) Fedorov N.F.; c) Shestov L.I.; d) Solovyov V.S.; e) Bulgakov S.N.; f) Tsiolkovsky K.E.
Directions of Russian philosophical thought:
1) Russian cosmism; 2) the philosophy of unity; 3) existential philosophy.
Answer: 1) - b, 1) - e; 2) - d, 2) - e; 3) - a, 3) - c.

213. (P) What does the concept of "sobornost" mean:
a) free spiritual unity of people based on their love for God and preference for moral values;
Answer: a.

214. (P) Select from the list below those Russian thinkers whose philosophical outlook was based on materialism.
c) Herzen A.I., e) Chernyshevsky N.G., h) Tsiolkovsky K.E.
Answer: c, d, h.

215. (P) The Russian philosopher NF Fedorov is the author of the work "Philosophy of the Common Cause". What exactly is meant by "common cause":
b) the struggle against death and the resurrection of the dead;
Answer: b.

216. (C) Which of the following three sets of concepts can characterize the philosophy of KN Leontiev:
c) conservatism, aristocracy, organicism?
Answer: c.

217. (C) In Russian philosophical thought, several original concepts have developed:
c) space philosophy of N. Fedorov, K. Tsiolkovsky;
Answer: c.

218. (P) From what tradition of Russian philosophical thought does such a direction as "pochvennichestvo" grow out of it:
b) Slavophilism;
Answer: b.

219. (P) The Minister of Education under Nicholas I, SS Uvarov, formulated the famous "formula of Russian culture": "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality." Which of the directions of Russian philosophy is it closest to:
b) Slavophilism,
Answer: b.

220. (C) Establish a correspondence between the concepts and Russian philosophers in the concept of which they were applied:
Concepts: 1) cultural-historical type; 2) catholicity; 3) unity; 4) resurrection; 5) Byzantism?
Russian philosophers: a) V.S.Soloviev, b) K.N.Leontiev, c) N.Ya.Danilevsky, d) N.F.Fedorov, e) A.S.Khomyakov.
Answer: a - 3; b - 5; in 1; d - 4; D 2.

221. (C) An unusual term was invented to characterize the work of one of the Russian philosophers - “religious naturalism”. The originality of the views of this philosopher earned him the nickname of both the “Russian Freud” and the “brilliant layman”. The modern characterization of his ideas is as follows: “... the theoretician of human nature, primarily family (and, accordingly, sexual) life. Another feature ... that created his popularity ... is his amazing sensitivity to national, mainly Russian problems, to the life of a simple Russian family.”
The work of which Russian philosopher can be characterized in this way?
c) V.V. Rozanov.
Answer: c.

222. (C) One of the famous Russian philosophers described his own teaching as follows: “I define my philosophy as the philosophy of the subject, the philosophy of the spirit, the philosophy of freedom, the dualistic-pluralistic philosophy, the creative-dynamic philosophy, the personalistic philosophy, the eschatological philosophy.”
Which of the Russian philosophers could describe his philosophy like this:
d) N.A. Berdyaev?
Answer: Mr.

223. (C) According to V.S. Soloviev, the end result of world development should be absolute pan-unity. On the way to it, evolution has four stages: the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the human kingdom. Which, according to V.S. Solovyov, should be the fifth, last stage of evolution, which marks the achievement of absolute unity:
a) the kingdom of God
Answer: a.

224. (P) Whole, universal knowledge in the concept of VS Solovyov acts as a synthesis of science, philosophy and religion. What element of this trinity did V.S. Soloviev consider fundamental, uniting the rest:
c) religious faith?
Answer: c.

225. (P) The concepts of which Russian philosophers from the list below can be unambiguously attributed to the type of religious philosophizing?
b) V.S.Soloviev, c) N.F.Fedorov, g) L.Shestov, h) S.N.Bulgakov.
Answer: b, c, g, h.

226. (P) KN Leontiev's concept of the organic development of society implies, as is well known, three stages or stages of evolution (primary simplicity, flourishing complexity, and secondary mixing simplification). What is the idea behind this scheme?
b) the idea of ​​cyclical social development;
Answer: b.

227. (PS) How can one formulate the leading idea of ​​the poem about the Grand Inquisitor (inserted novella in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”) by F. M. Dostoevsky?
c) The freedom longed for by mankind will not bring him happiness; the burden of responsibility imposed by it is unbearable for most people, they will still look for “whom to bow before”;
Answer: c.

228. (C) How N.Ya.Danilevsky saw the relationship between the types of cultures in Russia and Western Europe:
d) types of cultures are different to the point of absolute incompatibility and hostility?
Answer: Mr.

229. (C) According to the teachings of N.Ya. Danilevsky, the basis of the emerging Slavic cultural and historical type is:
d) economic organization, religion, politics, culture
Answer: Mr.

230. (C) The teaching of which Russian thinker is described by the following characteristics: anthropological materialism; communal socialism; revolutionary transformation of society on the basis of the struggle of the peasant masses; ethics of rational egoism?
b) N.G. Chernyshevsky.
Answer: b.

231. (P) “Yes, we were opponents, but very strange. We had one love, but not the same. (Author's spelling.)
From an early age, they and we had one strong, unaccountable, physiological, passionate feeling that they took for a memory, and we - for a prophecy: a feeling of boundless, embracing the whole existence of love for the Russian people, Russian life, for the Russian mindset. And we, like Janus or like a double-headed eagle, looked in different directions, while the heart beat one.”
(A.I. Herzen “The Past and Thoughts”)
About the relationship of what areas of Russian thought does A.I. Herzen speak about in this passage:
c) Slavophilism and Westernism;
Answer: c.

232. (P) To which trend in the development of Russian philosophical and socio-political thought should Slavophilism be attributed:
b) conservative,
Answer: b.

233. (PS) “The state was for [him] the source of all the evils of world history, the enslavement and captivity of man and people. But faith in God was the main pillar of the state. All authority is from God. For [him] this means that all power is from the devil. God for him is the devil, the source of man's power over man, enslavement and violence.” (N.A. Berdyaev)
Which of the famous Russian thinkers is N.A. Berdyaev talking about in this passage?
c) M.A. Bakunin.
Answer: c.

234. (P) Determine the chronological sequence of the appearance in Russian philosophy of various schools and trends, represented by the names of the following thinkers:
a) N.F. Fedorov, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, A.L. Chizhevsky;
b) M.V. Lomonosov, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev;
c) A.S. Khomyakov, I.V. Kireevsky, Yu.F. Samarin;
d) A.A.Grigoriev, N.N.Strakhov, F.M.Dostoevsky.
Answer: b, c, d, a.

235. (C) Establish a correspondence between the periods of development of Russian philosophical thought (according to V.V. Zenkovsky) and the philosophical creativity of Russian thinkers:
Periods of development of Russian philosophical thought:
1) Prologue to Russian Philosophy (through the 18th century).
2) The first period - before the emergence of philosophical systems (XIX century to the 70s).
3) The second period - the emergence of systems (the end of the 19th century - the first two decades of the 20th century).
4) The third period - the twentieth century. (after 1917).
Russian thinkers:
a) P.Ya. Chaadaev, b) V.S. Soloviev, c) M.V. Lomonosov, d) A.S. Khomyakov, e) A.N. N.A. Berdyaev, h) S.L. Frank?
Answer: 1 - c, d; 2 - a, d; 3 - b, f; 4 - f, h.

236. (P) Which of the Russian thinkers can be considered the founder of the materialist tradition in Russian philosophy?
b) M.V. Lomonosov.
Answer: b.

237. (C) The development of what concept united such Russian philosophers as N.S. Trubetskoy, P.N. Savitsky, G.V. Florovsky, A.P. Karsavin:
d) Eurasianism,
Answer: Mr.

238. (P) Many of the works of the Russian thinker K.P. what he fought in his articles:
d) with parliamentary democracy,
Answer: Mr.

239. (P) What did the Slavophils see as originality, features of the Russian path of historical development, which, in their opinion, should be supported as viable principles:
a) Orthodoxy
c) the community
d) conciliarity
g) monarchy?
List a few items.
Answer: a, c, d, f.

240. (P) Match the following thinkers with the trends in Russian Westernism:
Russian thinkers:
A) A.I. Herzen, b) V.G. Belinsky, c) T.N. Granovsky, d) K.D. Kavelin, e) M.A. Bakunin.
Directions of Russian westernization.
I - liberals; II - radicals.
Answer: I - c, d; II - a, b, e.

Topic 9. The problem of being. Philosophical understanding of matter.

241. (P) What is the essence of the philosophical problem of being?
a) In determining the mode of existence and the direction of the evolution of the world as a whole and of man in it.
Answer: a.

243. (P) In what historical epoch did the substantial concept of being prevail in philosophy:
b) in the 17th century (Descartes, Spinoza);
Answer: b.

244. (C) What is “ontological nihilism” (M. Heidegger’s term):
a) the denial of a special, transcendent reality that forms the basis and limits of the world accessible to man, hidden from direct perception;
Answer: a.

245. (C) “We tried to define a person as being, thanks to which Nothing appears, and this being appeared to us as freedom ... The existence of a person is related to his essence not as existence - to the essence of the material world. Freedom precedes the essence of man, freedom is the condition by which essence is possible at all. What we call freedom is inalienable from human reality. It cannot be said that a person first exists, and then he is free: there can be no difference between human existence and freedom.”
In what philosophical direction is such an interpretation of human existence possible:
c) in existentialism,
Answer: c.

246. (P) What characteristics are attributed to being by the ancient philosopher Parmenides:
a) being is one, indivisible, unchanging, motionless;
Answer: a.

247. (C) Why did the ancient philosopher Plato have ideas (eidoses) that constitute being, while matter is declared non-being?
b) Because only ideas have the properties of unity, indivisibility, immutability, indestructibility, i.e. are an absolute.
Answer: b.

248. (P) What section of philosophical knowledge is devoted to the study of the problem of being:
b) ontology,
Answer: b.

249. (C) Why is the problem of being (what is the world and how does it exist?) philosophical and not natural science?
a) Because the principles for its solution go beyond any possible human experience and include irreducible value preferences.
Answer: a.

250. (PS) Establish a correspondence between the philosophical models of the unity of the world and the ontological concepts of philosophers:
a) substantial - it is assumed that the basis of being is a certain substance, from which all the diversity of the world is derived;
c) functional - the unity of the world is explained by the presence and functioning of uniform laws in the world.
Ontological concepts of philosophers:
1) the materialism of Spinoza, the dualism of Descartes, the monadology of Leibniz;
2) the materialism of the French Enlightenment (La Mettrie, Holbach);
3) dialectical materialism of K. Marx and F. Engels?
Answer: (a - 1); (a - 2); (b - 3).

251. (P) Which of the following statements are philosophical:
c) matter is an objective reality given to us in sensations;
d) is matter the otherness of the absolute idea?
Answer: in

252. (P) Arrange the following concepts in ascending order of their degree of generality.
a) the material world, b) the natural world, c) the organic world, d) the inorganic world, e) the social world.
Answer: d, c, d, b, a.

253. (P) Establish a correspondence between the philosophical elements of being and the concepts listed below:
Elements of life:
a) object; b) object properties; c) the relation of the object.
1) planet, 2) law of nature, 3) energy, 4) genetic code, 5) gravity, 6) atom, 7) property, 8) consciousness, 9) man?
Answer: (a-1), (a-6); (b-3), (b-5); (in-2), (in-4).

254. (P) What is a "system property"?
b) A property that appears as a result of combining elements into a system, but is not inherent in them separately.
Answer: b.

255. (C) Elementary particles and atoms belong to different structural levels of matter organization, because:
d) do atoms and elementary particles have different internal structures and laws of interaction?
Answer: Mr.

“But even knowing the genesis
Mysterious universe
And substances living composition,
Alive do not create tissue.
Trying to listen to life in everything,
Phenomena rush to desensitize,
Forgetting that if they violate
inspiring connection,
There is nothing more to listen to.”
(I.V. Goethe)
What error in knowledge does the poet warn against through the words of his hero:
c) reductionism,
Answer: c.

257. (P) What is the genesis of the relationship between “higher” (more complexly organized) and “lower” structural levels of matter organization from the standpoint of the modern worldview?
b) The higher levels arise in an evolutionary way on the basis of the lower ones, building on them.
Answer: b.

258. (P) Ancient philosophers considered the power of movement to be the principle of life. After all, animals move by themselves (the soul moves the body), while dead matter moves only under external influence. But the Sun and the planets move without visible external influence, which means they are also animated, or at least moved by the gods.
Which of the principles discovered by modern science showed that the ancient philosophers were wrong:
a) the principle of inertia;
Answer: a.

259. (P) Match the following groups of concepts and theories of viewing the world:
Concept groups:
a) Contradiction, negation, development, quantity, quality.
b) Nonlinearity, bifurcation, dissipative system, attractor, chaos.
c) Structure, element, integrativity, integrity, hierarchy, summativity.
Theories of considering the world:
1) systems theory;
2) synergy;
3) dialectics.
Answer: a - 3; b - 2; in 1.

261. (P)
* The universal interconnection of all phenomena.
* Universality of movement, development.
* the source of development is the formation and resolution of contradictions.
* Interrelation of quantitative and qualitative changes.
* Development through double negation.
The principles of what methodological approach are presented in this list:
d) dialectical,
Answer: Mr.

262. (P) What principle of dialectics is considered in it to indicate the source of any development:
a) the principle of unity and struggle of opposites;
Answer: a.

263. (P) What four philosophical categories are used to express the dialectical principle of the relationship between the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object:
c) quantity, quality, measure, leap;
Answer: c.

264. (P) Which of the following phenomena can be considered as an illustration of the operation of the dialectical principle of negation of negation?
a) Seed - plant - seed.
c) Goods - money - goods.
Answer: a, c.

265. (P) What is “synergy”:
d) the theory of self-organization of open non-equilibrium systems?
Answer: Mr.

266. (C) Which of the following phenomena can be attributed to synergistic processes:
a) the mechanism of action of the laser;
b) speciation in flora and fauna;
c) the process of class formation in society;
Answer: a, b, c.

267. (C) A star named "Sun" is many times more massive than the planet Earth. Does this difference affect the characteristics of space-time near these celestial bodies?
b) Influences, and this influence is fixed empirically.
Answer: b.

268. (P) How is space and time related to each other? Specify the correct answers:
b) that any (large enough) local region of space has its own division of events into past, present and future;
c) that the spatio-temporal characteristics of objects depend on the speed of their movement, and at the same time, the magnitude of changes in spatial parameters uniquely corresponds to a certain change in time, and vice versa;
Answer: b, c.

269. (C) How should the slogan-slogan of synergetics be understood: “Chaos gives birth to order”?
d) A chaotic state is included in the system development cycle: in each cycle, it can “rise” to a higher level of organization and order only after passing through a phase of strongly non-equilibrium, i.e. chaos-like state.
Answer: Mr.

270. (P) In the history of scientific and philosophical ideas about space and time, two concepts have been formed: substantial and relational. In the first of them, space and time are considered as independent entities that exist along with matter and independently of it. In the second, space and time are understood as systems of relations formed by interacting material objects.
Which of these concepts is currently prevailing:
b) relational?
Answer: b.

Topic 10. Consciousness as a subject of philosophical analysis. Knowledge, its possibilities and limits.

271. (P) T. Huxley claimed that he did not believe in the existence of the soul because he could not "detect it in a test tube." Is the famous naturalist right?
C) Wrong, because it does not take into account the fundamental difference in the nature of material and ideal objects.
Answer: c.

272. (C) Consciousness and matter are opposites. But according to dialectics, opposites mutually posit each other, i.e. do not exist without each other. So, if there is no consciousness without matter, then there should not be matter without consciousness either. Consequently, consciousness is a universal property of matter, i.e. inherent in all material objects?
C) No, since consciousness is a property of only highly organized matter, associated with the formation of a person's social lifestyle. Therefore, the thesis about the interdependence of opposites (matter and consciousness) is applicable only to the highest form of the movement of matter - social.
Answer: c.

273. (P) Could the story described by R. Kipling in the fairy tale "Mowgli" have happened in reality?
C) No, since the main element of consciousness - abstract thinking - is not inherited by a person biologically, but is formed in the process of his upbringing exclusively in the socio-cultural environment.
Answer: c.

274. (P) Arrange the following forms of reflection in order of increasing difficulty:
a) sensitivity
b) consciousness
c) psyche,
e) irritability.
Answer: d, a, c, b.

276. (P) D. Diderot noted that particles of certain substances (salt, sugar, water), getting into our body with food and, consequently, into the brain, become thinking, sensing matter. This means that these particles must have had such abilities even before they entered the brain. From which it follows that inanimate matter can think. Is this true?
D) False, since thinking is a system property, i.e. one that occurs in a set of elements as a result of their combination into a system, but is not inherent in each element separately. Moreover, for thinking, this is a system of a much higher order than atomic or molecular systems.
Answer: Mr.

277. (C) The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov is said to have fined his collaborators for expressions like: “the dog thought that...”, “the dog imagined...”, etc. And why, in fact, the dog can not think about something?
C) It cannot, because there is “nothing” to think with: a person thinks in terms, abstractions, which are formed only on the basis of specific subject-practical activity in the social environment.
Answer: c.

278. (C) Consciousness creates an image of the external world. Consciousness exists only if the human brain works, and therefore is its product. What does this product “look like”, what does it have more similarities with?
D) With Morse code, where any reality can be represented by combinations of dots and dashes.
Answer: Mr.

279. (P) What two factors played a decisive role in the emergence of human consciousness:
a) subject-practical activity and speech;
Answer: a.

280. (P) Which concept can be defined as follows:
“... - the relation of representation, in which a certain object, remaining itself, nevertheless represents (symbolizes, designates) something completely different, in no way connected with the nature of the representing object”?
Specify the defined concept:
b) ideal.
Answer: b.

281. (C) Can ideal phenomena have the property of objectivity?
D) They can, since ideality is not limited by the limits of the human psyche, but is objectified, objectified in objects, norms, cultural institutions, and in this form it opposes the subject as an object.
Answer: Mr.

282. (C) I. Kant, wishing to demonstrate the difference between the real (material) and the ideal, cited as an example the difference between a hundred "thalers in the pocket" and the same hundred coins in the mind (in the imagination, in dreams). Is this example good?
C) No, because “thalers in the pocket” is both a material and an ideal object, since certain ideas of people are objectified and objectified in it.
Answer: c.

283. (P) What is the semantic difference between the concepts of “human psyche” and “consciousness”?
B) The concept of “human psyche” also includes the sphere of unconscious phenomena not controlled by consciousness.
Answer: b.

284. (C) Consciousness has the ability to objectify, materialize in products of labor, works of art, etc. Does the human unconscious materialize?
D) Yes, but in a hidden, sublimated form.
Answer: Mr.

285. (P) The concept of which thinker of the twentieth century can be identified by such “key concepts” as: “collective unconscious”, “archetype”, “shadow”, “self”:
b) C. G. Jung?
Answer: b.

286. (P) Specify the forms of sensory knowledge:
c) sensation, e) perception, g) representation.
Answer: c, d, f.

287. (P) "All the thoughts and actions of our soul flow from its own essence and cannot be communicated by the senses."
Determine what epistemological position the author of this judgment takes:
c) rationalism,
Answer: c.

288. (P) According to legend, one of the ancient Greek sages blinded himself, filled his ears with wax and retired to a cave in order to “deeper to know the world”. What epistemological direction did he express by his behavior:
d) rationalism,
Answer: Mr.

289. (P)
“We all look at the world in our own way.
And everyone is right - with his own view.”
(I.V. Goethe)
What characteristic of truth does the poet draw attention to:
b) subjectivity,
Answer: b.

290. (P) "Simplicity is the seal of truth," said the ancients. Is this judgment correct?
C) Partially true, because simplicity is relative: now the idea of ​​the sphericity of the Earth seems insanely simple, but once upon a time it was very difficult to accept it.
Answer: c.

291. (P) What does the principle of the concreteness of truth mean?
A) The connection of truth with the conditions for the existence of that phenomenon, the knowledge of which we consider to be true.
Answer: a.

292. (P) Can practice be the criterion of truth in judgments about the historical past?
D) Yes, since new historical documents, archival materials, archaeological objects can be found, and their search is also a practice.
Answer: Mr.

293. (P) Match the methods of cognition with their definitions:

Definition of methods of cognition

Methods of knowledge




Cognitive procedure of mental (or real) dismemberment, decomposition of an object into its constituent elements in order to identify their systemic properties and relationships.

A method of reasoning in which a general conclusion is made on the basis of a generalization of particular premises.

The method of thinking, which consists in abstracting from the properties and relations of the object under study that are not significant, not significant for the subject, while simultaneously highlighting those of its properties that seem important and essential in the context of the study.

A way of reasoning or a method of moving knowledge from the general to the particular, i.e. the process of logical transition from general premises to conclusions about particular cases.

Answer: (A-4); (B-2); (IN 3); (G-1).

294. (P) “... is a way of reasoning or a method of moving knowledge from the general to the particular, i.e. the process of logical transition from general premises to conclusions about particular cases.”

Answer: deduction.

295. (P) “... is a way of reasoning or a method of obtaining knowledge in which a general conclusion is made on the basis of a generalization of particular premises.”
Insert the term you want to define.
Answer: induction.

297. (C) Epistemology is interested in questions: is truth objective or subjective? Absolute or relative? Concrete or abstract? There are many answer options. Please indicate the correct one:
e) truth is objective and subjective, absolute and relative, concrete, but not abstract;
Answer: d.

298. (P) To illustrate such a property of truth as "absoluteness", examples of the following kind are often given: "Napoleon died on May 5, 1821." Is this example good?
C) Not really, because in those days death was recorded by stopping breathing and heartbeat, and now - by stopping the brain. So it is quite possible that this judgment needs to be clarified and will be changed.
Answer: c.

299. (P) To illustrate such a property of truth as “relativity”, examples of the following kind are often given: it used to be believed that the atom was indivisible, or that the Sun revolves around the Earth, but today it is believed differently. Do such examples demonstrate the relativity of truth?
B) No, since truth is knowledge that corresponds to reality, but the knowledge “the atom is indivisible” never corresponded to reality, no matter what was considered there, which means that it was always not true, but a delusion. Therefore, such examples do not demonstrate the relativity of truth, but simply its birth.
Answer: b. or log in to the site.

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Asceticism- voluntary restriction by a person of his needs: refusal of a variety of food, from warm and beautiful clothes, at home, from the joys of the family, from entertainment, etc. The goal of Christian asceticism is liberation from the needs of the "sinful body" for the "salvation of a pure soul", spiritual union with God.

Ancient Greco-Roman Civilization- the unity of the Mediterranean countries within the boundaries of the Roman Empire and the cultures of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The centers of life of ancient civilization were self-governing trade and craft cities (communities of citizens), surrounded by agricultural farms. Antique writing was created in Latin (Roman) and Greek. Ancient philosophy and literature proclaimed the freedom and dignity of man, his ability to achieve personal success in work, science, art, politics, sports, and war. Antique architecture, sculpture, painting emphasized the beauty of nature and the human body, the love of a man and a woman, fidelity to duty and civic feat. Antique laws protected the equality of free citizens, their private property (including slaves), joint participation in the management of the state and its protection.

Corvee- free forced labor of dependent peasants in the economy of the landowner (feudal lord).

Baskaks- officials of the khans of the Mongol Empire, who ruled individual territories, were responsible for collecting taxes.

Birch bark letters- written monuments of Russia, which are everyday entries made on the back of the birch bark with a special stick - writing.

Boyars- the most noble and privileged inhabitants of Russia, landowners-patrimonials; as a rule, carried military and state service.

epics- Old Russian folk tales about the exploits of heroes.

Bible- a collection of sacred books of Judaism (Old Testament) and Christianity (Old and New Testament).

Buddhism- a religion, the founder of which is considered the prince of one of the ancient Indian principalities, Sidhartha Gautama (5th century BC). According to Buddhist tradition, Gautama, having seen the evil and suffering reigning in society, retired from people and sat for a long time in the jungle under a tree, thinking about the causes of evil, plunging into the world of his soul. Thus, the truth was revealed to him, and he became a Buddha - "enlightened". The Buddha argued that earthly life is suffering, which is generated by a multitude of human desires. After death, the soul leaves the earthly world for the spiritual world, but circle of rebirths returns to earth in a new body, and the suffering continues. To get rid of suffering, you need to overcome all your desires, then the soul will break out of the circle of rebirth and fall into nirvana- a state of peace and happiness. In order to bring oneself closer to nirvana, a person needs to avoid extremes throughout his life, be calm, indulge in spiritual reflections and do good deeds. By doing evil deeds, a person plunges himself into the abyss of painful rebirths, illnesses, and poverty. The fastest way to bring their souls to nirvana Buddhist monks- people who have abandoned the hardships of earthly life (from the family, the acquisition of wealth, entertainment). By their example, by prayers, the monks help ordinary people to go to nirvana, and in return they should share food with the monks.

Barbarian- the name that developed in the Roman Empire for representatives of all peoples and tribes not familiar with ancient Greco-Roman culture.

Vassal- a feudal lord who received land with peasants from a larger vassal and swore an oath to serve him - to appear in his army with weapons, help in management, etc.

Great Migration- mass migration of Germanic, Slavic and other tribes in the territory of Eurasia.

Veche city- a meeting of all the boyars, merchants and artisans of the city, with the decisions of which the prince and posadniks had to reckon.

Veche tribal- a people's assembly, where they discussed and resolved issues important to the entire tribe.

Vira- a large fine awarded under the laws of Russkaya Pravda for the murder of a free person.

Governor- the leader of the princely army, who led individual regiments on campaigns.

Volosteli- officials of the Russian state, rulers of volosts.

Magi (witches, sorcerers)- pagan Slavic priests, who, according to the ideas of the Slavs, could negotiate with the powerful forces of nature (pagan gods and spirits).

Votchina- the type of land ownership (possession of the father), which was inherited in one family from father to son.

"Eastern despotism"- the designation adopted in Europe for many states-monarchies of the East. The head of state (despot) is considered a deity or sacred vicar of God on earth. The orders of the despot must be immediately and unconditionally carried out. At any time, by one decision, he can deprive any of his subjects of life, liberty or property.

rebirth- an era in the development of European culture (XIV-XVI centuries), transitional from medieval culture to the culture of the New Age. Distinctive features of the Renaissance culture: 1) secularism (non-churchism); 2) humanism - an appeal to a person as a higher principle, the approval of the ideal of a liberated creative personality, which combines the beauty of the body and soul, feelings and thoughts; 3) appeal to the cultural heritage of antiquity: search and restoration of ancient Greco-Roman buildings, sculptures, paintings, manuscripts; imitation of ancient models.

City- a settlement, which is the center of power, craft and trade for the surrounding lands; as a rule, surrounded by fortified walls ("fence").

State- organization of management of society, people who live in a certain territory (within the borders of the state). In every state there are manadgement Department, that is, professional rulers-officials; system of laws(right); law enforcement services(city guard, police, militia); army to protect the borders, independence and interests of the state; collection taxes from the population for the maintenance of the army, police, officials and other state tasks.

State fragmentation- a state in which a single state is divided into many independent ones, but at the same time the memory of the unity of the country is preserved: as a rule, a common name, a special title of the head of state (without giving him real power), the significance of the old capital, the unity of language, customs of culture, religion residents.

duke- the title of a representative of the feudal nobility in Western Europe, as a rule, a descendant of an independent leader of the Germanic tribe

Guests- merchants in Russia, engaged in distant "overseas" trade.

Graph- the title of a representative of the feudal nobility in Western Europe.

Hryvnia- 1) decoration - a massive twisted ring made of copper, silver or gold. 2) the main monetary unit of Russia in the 9th-14th centuries. - a piece of silver.

Humanism- addressing a person as a higher principle, affirming the ideal of a liberated creative personality, which combines the beauty of the body and soul, feelings and thoughts.

Far Eastern civilization- the cultural community of the countries of East Asia that developed in the Middle Ages (China, Japan, Korea, and partly - Vietnam, Mongolia, Tibet). Among the values ​​(main features) one can single out the interweaving of the religious traditions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and local beliefs; dissemination of literature using writing based on Chinese characters. According to tradition, in the "correct state" all power should belong to the emperor - "the son of the supreme deity." He governs his subjects like a father to a family, and his officials must organize a fair life in the country. In the “correct society” each person is a part of some community, layer, and the lower ones are subordinate to the higher ones as “junior” “senior”, and all together they bear obligations to the state. In a “correct economy”, the state should have supreme ownership over all the lands and property of its subjects, and organize a “correct” economic life.

Tribute- obligatory gifts of the subject population to their ruler.

Taoism- religion and philosophy that developed in ancient China on the basis of the teachings of the sage Lao Tzu (VI-V centuries BC). The main book is "The Book of Tao (Way, Road) and Te (Good Power)". "Tao" - in Chinese, the way or the road along which the whole world moves and develops. Everything in the world consists of two halves (beginnings) - Yin and Yang (feminine and masculine, dark and light). Obeying the path of Tao, they flow into each other, create balance and beauty of the world. This natural order of the Tao is violated by people who strive to possess more and more things, arouse passions in the world with their deeds. A person, walking along the path of his life, should not strive to change, remake something. He needs to understand his path (his Tao), and then he will be able to follow the order established by nature, be healthy, happy, and eventually become an immortal being, "able to fly and change with the seasons." To come to this, a Taoist (follower of Taoism) needs to get rid of the most harmful actions: “do not kill, do not indulge in depraved pleasures, do not muddy your mind with wine, do not steal, do not say anything that contradicts the inclinations of the heart.” In addition, in order to merge with the Tao (dear nature), one must learn to communicate with the spirits of nature: the heavenly lords, the spirits of every stone, plant, animal, natural phenomenon, dead people. In the peace and quiet of small temples, Taoists pray to spirits for help in good deeds, and cast out spirits with magic spells if they do evil.

dual faith- a combination in the beliefs of the inhabitants of Russia in the X-XIII centuries. pagan and Christian beliefs.

nobles- the estate of people who served at the sovereign's court, and later in the sovereign's army, who received land ownership for their service.

double field- a method of farming in which half of the arable land was used for sowing, and the other half "rested" at that time.

Deacon- the lowest spiritual rank (rank) of a priest in the Orthodox Church, assistant to the parish priest.

Sofa- a council consisting of viziers and officials under the Turkish Sultan, Khan of the Golden Horde.

Old Russian people- the unity of the inhabitants of Russia in the 11th-13th centuries, connected by a common language, common beliefs, common methods of managing, and a way of life. Its predecessors are the tribes of the Eastern Slavs and their closest neighbors, the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples, and the heirs are modern peoples: Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians.

clerk- an official of the central apparatus in the Russian state.

Dervish- (from the Persian word "beggar") a Muslim ascetic who, having renounced wealth, spends his life wandering, and through mystical dance and frantic prayer seeks direct communication, merging with Allah in order to understand the world and his place in it.

Dynasty- a number of consecutively ruling monarchs from the same family, replacing each other by the right of kinship and the laws of succession to the throne.

Druzhina- an association of warriors (friends) that developed around the prince (tribal leader), who served the prince, making war their profession, and lived off the military booty and income of the prince (tribute).

Bishop- one of the highest degrees of the priesthood in the Christian church, the head of the church area - the bishopric.

Heresy- a religious doctrine that opposes the prevailing church doctrine.

Dependent peasant (farmer)- a farmer-community living on land belonging to the master (seigneur-feudal lord), having the right to life-long use of the allotment and running his own household, but obliged to pay dues for this and go to corvée in favor of his master (seigneur-feudal lord).

Law- a mandatory rule approved by the state for the behavior of citizens, for the violation of which state punishment is due (fine, prison, etc.)

Procurement- temporarily dependent people who, in the years of famine, borrowed a kupa (any property: grain, cattle, tools) from the votchinnik and had to work it out.

hegumen- Abbot (head) of the monastery in the Orthodox Church.

Hierarchy- the location of service ranks in the order of their subordination (hierarchical ladder)

Icon- a Christian image (image) of Christ, the Mother of God, saints and other spiritual forces. Written with paints on a wooden board, the icon was supposed to betray not an external bodily resemblance, but a spiritual content - thought, feelings. Creating an icon, the icon painter hoped to receive the help of higher powers through prayers and a pure lifestyle. Then God, the Mother of God, the saint, whom the icon painter wrote, themselves “led him by hand”, and part of their spiritual power was transferred to the icon. It became, as it were, a window from the earthly world into the heavenly, spiritual world. A prayer addressed to such an icon could be heard by those whose image it represented. And in response to prayer, the spiritual power of the saint rushed into the earthly world and worked a miracle - it healed from illness, led the enemy army away from the walls of the city, and helped to overcome hatred and anger in itself.

Empire- a large state that united (as a rule, as a result of conquests) territories with different populations, economies, traditions, but ruled from one center, as a rule, by one person (emperor). The head of an empire is often considered the viceroy of God on earth, or even a living god.

Indian civilization- the cultural community of the countries of South and Southeast Asia that developed in the Middle Ages (India, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia). Among the values ​​(main features) one can single out: confrontation between the religious traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam; division of society into castes- hereditary, completely closed layers that determine a person's profession, everyday customs, social circle and marriage ties. According to tradition, the “correct state” should defend the country, exist at the expense of the customary tax from neighboring communities and not interfere in their internal economic life. Most of the accumulated wealth should be in communal and state ownership, and not in personal.

Hinduism- a religion that developed in ancient India as a result of the development of ancient pagan beliefs. The main sacred texts are the "Vedas" - collections of ancient myths. Hinduism recognizes thousands of ancient Indian gods and those introduced by new teachings (for example, Buddha). Three are recognized as the main ones - Brahma (the creator of the world), Vishnu (the guardian of world orders) and Shiva (destroying and building the world anew). Temples are erected to each of the thousands of gods. Every Hindu (follower of Hinduism) can offer prayers to the deity that he himself, his caste, his countrymen worship. As a result, many different teachings coexist within Hinduism. Here, at the same time, there are "kama sutra" (the science of love pleasures) and the teachings of yogis about the ascetic life of a hermit who frees his soul from the body shell to communicate with higher powers. According to the ideas of the Hindus, the soul of a person after death goes through a circle of rebirths, hellish torments, heavenly pleasures and returns to earth again, incarnated in the body of a born baby, animal or plant. From Buddhism, Hinduism adopted the idea that this eternal rebirth returns a person to the suffering of earthly life. The goal of a person is to break out of the circle of rebirths, so that his soul goes “the way of the gods” to freedom and bliss. By evil deeds that are contrary to world law and caste rules, a person burdens his soul, and in the next rebirth he will have to atone for his guilt - he will be born in a lower, despised caste, become an animal, move away from the liberation of the soul. In order to get closer to liberation, a person can simply honestly fulfill his duty (to protect a warrior, to plow for a farmer, to obey a servant). One can also meditate and comprehend with the senses the wisdom of the sacred books, and here a special role belongs to the highest Indian caste - the Brahmin priests, who alone can read and interpret the sacred books of the Vedas for others.

Inquisition- the body of the Catholic Church, searching for, judging and punishing its opponents.

Art- creativity of people who create artistic images (literary, musical, sculptural, etc.) of what they see, feel, realize.

Islamic civilization (Islamic world)- the cultural community of countries that developed in the Middle Ages, in which the Islamic religion dominates. Some common features can be identified. IN cultural life- dissemination of literature using writing based on the Arabic alphabet; the idea that all the main truths are revealed to people in the Koran, but they still need to be understood (this led to the widespread development of science in the Islamic world); the idea that the only creator in the world is Allah, and poets and artists are the “tools” with which Allah supplements the world (this determined the flourishing of the arts in the Islamic world). IN "proper society" true Muslims must be equal in the face of Allah and constitute a single community of Muslims (devoted to Allah). IN "correct Muslim state" the ruler (deputy of the prophet - caliph) rules in accordance with the Islamic norms of the Koran and Sharia (code of laws), which do not separate power into secular and spiritual: sin (violation of the religious commandments of God) is a state crime and punishment from the authorities is prescribed for each of the sins. In the organisation economic life the supreme ruler has supreme ownership of land and property, is responsible for the welfare of the faithful, including the development of private trade and entrepreneurship, which is limited to a ban on usury and the obligation to pay tax in favor of the poor.

Islam- religion, the creator of which is the prophet Muhammad - an Arab merchant of the 7th century. The sacred scripture of Islam The Quran is considered the words of the one God - Allah, with which he addressed people through Muhammad. Islam recognizes Muhammad as the last prophet chosen by the one God after people (followers of Judaism and Christianity) “misunderstood” Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa). Thus, Islam is based on the traditions of the biblical religion of the ancient Jews and Christianity. In the views of Muslims, the world also consists of paradise (the heavenly world), the earthly world of people and hell (the world of Satan - “shaitan”). People commit sins and thereby destroy their immortal soul, which shaitan takes to hell. In order to be saved, a person must enter the community of Muslims devoted to God: recognize the one God of Allah, pray to him daily, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay tax in favor of the poor, make at least once in a lifetime a pilgrimage (hajj) to the Kaaba sanctuary, to the wall which is immured with a "black stone", given to people by Allah as a reminder of the lost paradise. Muslims should avoid sins and treat each other as brothers, “wish to their brother what they wish to themselves.” To assert the true faith, a Muslim needs to make jihad ("effort") - to fight evil in himself and in the world around him.

historical source- an object (record, object, building, legend, etc.) that has been preserved from past times to the present day, which carries information (information) about life in the past.

Judaism- the religion of the Jewish people, which arose at the turn of the II-I millennium BC. in the Hebrew kingdom of Israel as the worship of the one god Yahweh (Lord) in the only temple in Jerusalem. After the final destruction by the Romans (in the 1st century) of the Jewish state, the temple was destroyed and the Jews, scattered in different countries, created another form of worship - modern Judaism. The holy scripture of Judaism is the Hebrew Bible (in Christianity called the Old Testament) and the Talmud - a collection of books of Jewish sages of the era of dispersion. According to the Bible, there is a single almighty God in the world, the creator of all things and the first people, whom, unlike all other creations, He created in the spiritual “image and likeness of His own” – endowed with the freedom to decide how to act. However, the first people Adam and Eve violated the commandments of the Lord, were expelled from paradise to earth, and since then their descendants have constantly sinned, killing each other, stealing, worshiping fictional gods. To explain to people how to act, the Lord made a Covenant (agreement) with the prophet Abraham (the progenitor of the Jews): Abraham and his descendants will fulfill the commandments of God, and God will protect this people, chosen by him to enlighten people. Subsequently, in confirmation of his Covenant, the Lord gave the Jews, through the prophet Moses, stone tablets (tablets) with ten commandments: to worship only one God, not to depict him, not to mention his name in vain, observe the holy day of rest - Saturday, honor parents, do not kill, do not commit adultery , do not steal, do not bear false witness. The troubles that befell the Jewish people are considered by Judaism as a punishment for violating the commandments, as the burden of God's chosen Jews. The troubles must end when the messenger of God comes to the world - the king-deliverer, the "anointed one", the messiah. Under him, the souls of the righteous will be resurrected in new bodies and a “heavenly Jerusalem” will arise, where all Jews will be transported. At the same time, any person who converted to Judaism can become a Jew. After the scattering of the Jews, Jewish communities were created in all the villages where they lived. Services are held in prayer houses - synagogues - specially trained in higher Jewish schools experts in the Bible and rituals - rabbis (teachers).

kagan- the title of the supreme ruler in some states created by the Turkic-speaking tribes of pastoralists-nomads, the power of the kagan was considered bestowed by the God of Heaven.

Cossacks- the estate of the Russian state, who lived on the outskirts of the country and was engaged in agriculture, hunting and military trade.

Caravanserai- an indoor market, a trading warehouse and a hotel for merchants in the cities of the East.

Catholicism- the Western branch of Christianity, represented by a single Catholic Church headed by the Pope, with significant independence of monastic orders. The most notable differences from Orthodoxy are: the assertion that the Holy Spirit proceeds both from God the Father and from the Son; belief in the existence of purgatory, where, on the eve of paradise, souls are freed from sins; the use of only Latin for sacred texts and worship; decoration of temples not only with icons, but also with statues; use for the main sacrament - communion - unleavened bread (without yeast); priests partake of bread and wine (“Body and Blood of Christ”), while ordinary believers partake only of bread; parish priests, like monks, do not have the right to marry.

Catholic civilization- the cultural community of European countries that developed in the Middle Ages, in which the Catholic branch of Christianity dominates. Some common features of the Catholic civilization can be identified. IN cultural life- dissemination of literature using the Latin language and alphabet; the development of the tradition of explaining divine Christian truths by logical arguments of reason, the spread of universities and secular science on this basis; the development, in addition to the church-ascetic culture, also of a secular urban, chivalrous culture, glorifying earthly human feelings. IN power organizations- the existence of many independent states, united by the spiritual power of the Pope, who fought for the supreme secular power with sovereigns (kings, emperors); the presence of self-governing class associations (monastic and knightly orders, craft workshops, merchant guilds) and the tradition of concluding agreements between sovereigns and elected representatives of the estates (on the payment of taxes). In public division- traditions to celebrate personal merits and achievements of individuals in society, to conclude agreements on the rights and obligations of different classes (between feudal lords on vassal service, between feudal lords and peasants on duties, between feudal lords and cities on free self-government). In economic life- the predominance of feudal relations and feudal farms with conditional (feudal) property, but at the same time - the development of trade and craft cities, in which private property and private farms were strengthened.

Cyrillic- Slavic alphabet, created on the basis of the Greek alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Prince- the elected military leader of the Slavic tribe, later (in the IX-XV centuries) - the title of the hereditary head of the state-principality.

prince great- the title of the supreme ruler of the state adopted in Russia.

service prince- a former independent lord of the principality, who, during the creation of the Russian state, entered the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow.

prince specific- the ruler of a semi-independent possession (lot) in the principality, who himself collected tribute in his inheritance, recruited a squad, and ruled the court.

king- the leader (prince) of the Scandinavian peoples.

Confucianism- religion and philosophy that developed in ancient China on the basis of the teachings of the sage Confucius (5th century BC), described in the book "Conversations and Judgments". Confucianism, like pagan Chinese beliefs, does not divide the world into earthly and heavenly. In a single world, besides people, there are many spirits - rivers and forests, rain and wind, hearth, wealth and longevity, as well as the spirits of dead people - simple and great sages. The will of the Great Heaven reigns over the entire world of people and spirits. To get help from the spirits and Heaven, Confucians build temples, read prayers, and make sacrifices. However, the main goal of Confucianism is different - to properly organize the life of society, so that people overcome the wild beast in themselves and preserve human culture. To do this, you must strictly observe the rules of action (rituals) that connect Heaven with people, and people - with each other. It is necessary to honor the ancestors who understood and wrote down these rules of action (rituals). It is necessary to love people - "do not do to others what you do not want for yourself", "repay good with good, and evil with justice." You need to know your place in society - obey the elders and take care of the younger ones. Only “bookish, service people” can organize such a life in the state - officials who study the wisdom of their ancestors, know the “will of Heaven”, fairly and philanthropicly govern the people and obey the emperor - “the son of Heaven”.

Koran- the holy book of Muslims is a collection of prophecies of Muhammad, who conveyed to people the words of Allah (one God).

King- the title of the head of the monarchical state (kingdom) in the countries of Europe.

Blood revenge - a primitive custom, according to which members of the same clan took revenge for any offense inflicted on their relative.

kurultai- a collection of Mongolian nobility.

Annals- records of the events of Russian history, arranged by years.

Localism- the order of appointment to the highest state (boyar) positions in accordance with the antiquity and merits of the family from which the person comes, and not his personal qualities.

Mosque- a Muslim religious building, a room for prayer.

Minaret- a tower attached to a mosque, from which believers were called to prayer.

World religion - one of the religions that have spread among many peoples of the world.

Mystic- a person who believes in the mysterious supernatural world and the possibility of direct communication with it.

Metropolitan- one of the highest degrees of a priest in the Orthodox Church, the head of several bishoprics.

Mosaic- an image made of colored stones.

Monarchy- a state headed by a single ruler - a monarch, who transfers his power by inheritance.

Monarchy estate-representative - a state in which the monarch rules the country, based on the decisions of the assembly of elected representatives of various estates

Monastery- a community of monks or nuns who accept the same rules of life.

Monk- a member of a religious community who has taken vows (promises) of poverty and celibacy and retired from the world of people

Morality- a set of moral norms (rules) of people's behavior in society.

Murza- commanders in the army of the Golden Horde

Muslim A person who professes Islam and worships Allah.

People- a group of people who are united self-name(name of the people), one language of communication, special lifestyle, habits.

Natural economy- an economy in which almost everything necessary for life is produced within the economy, and not for sale, but for own consumption.

The science- people's knowledge of the laws of nature and society through observations, putting forward versions (hypotheses), testing them with practical experience and creating theories, systems of scientific knowledge that explain the world.

Moral- internal, spiritual qualities of a person that determine the rules of his behavior.

Quit money- the amount of money that the peasant had to constantly pay the owner of the land for the right to live on it.

Quit natural- part of the harvest and other incomes of the peasant economy, which the peasant had to constantly pay the owner of the land for the right to live on it.

Social stratification- the process of destruction of the tribal system, during which layers of a new civilized society stand out from the community.

Society- a lot of people who are united by a common life and activity according to accepted rules (morality, laws). All actions of people in society can be divided into four main areas: economy(labor for the production and distribution of everything that is necessary for life), public division(separation of people into different groups, layers, organizations within society), power(managing the life of society to establish order), spiritual culture(people's knowledge of the world through science, art, religion and all achievements in these areas).

Society- a lot of people who are united by a common life and activity according to accepted rules (morality, laws). All actions of people in society can be divided into four main areas: economy (labor for the production and distribution of everything that is necessary for life), social division (separation of people into different groups, layers, organizations within society), power (managing the life of society to establish order), spiritual culture (people's knowledge of the world through science, art, religion and all achievements in these areas).

ognischanin- the chief servant-manager of the estate's economy.

Militia city- the armed forces of the city, consisting of non-professional soldiers - citizens.

Militia of the land-principality- part of the army of Russian principalities and lands of the 9th-14th centuries, consisting of non-professional soldiers - artisans, merchants, farmers.

Militia tribal- the armed forces of the tribe, consisting of all combat-ready men of tribal communities.

Pans- privileged class of large service landowners in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Patriarch- the highest degree of a priest in the Orthodox Church, the head of an independent church organization.

Primitive society(primitive system) - the first stage in the development of society, in which people live in camps or in villages, unite in tribal communities and tribes, which are managed by people's assemblies, elders and leaders, knowledge is stored and transmitted mainly through oral stories.

Tribe- the union of tribal communities, which are united by a single elected leader, a common protected territory, the custom of marriage, common beliefs.

Elderly- the payment established by the laws of the peasant to the owner of the land for the right to move to other lands, to another owner.

polyudie- existed in the East Slavic lands in the IX-X centuries. the custom of a princely detour of subject lands to collect tribute (by people).

Estate- conditional land ownership, which was issued to the nobles of the Russian state on condition of service in the army without the right to sell, transfer to heirs. For negligent service, the sovereign could deprive the landowner of his land.

priests- parish priests in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Posad- the name of the trade and craft part of the city in Russia.

Posadnik- the ruler of the city, "planted" (appointed) by the prince and on his behalf administering court, collecting tribute.

Posadskiye people - taxable residents of urban settlements in Russia, whom the prince "planted near the city" (allowed to build a house next to the prince's fortress).

Orthodoxy- the eastern branch of Christianity, represented by several churches, led by patriarchs and church councils. The most notable differences from Catholicism are: the assertion that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from God the Father; lack of conception of purgatory for the souls of sinners; the use of Greek and other languages ​​for sacred texts and worship; a ban on decorating temples with statues; the use of yeast bread (baked with yeast) for the main sacrament - communion; ordinary believers, along with priests, take communion with bread and wine (“Body and Blood of Christ”); parish priests, unlike monks, have the right to marry.

Orthodox civilization(Orthodox world) - the cultural community of countries that developed in the Middle Ages, in which the Orthodox branch of Christianity dominates. Some common features of Orthodox civilization can be identified. IN cultural life- dissemination of literature using both Greek and local national languages ​​and alphabets; a stable idea that most of the divine truths are not accessible to the human mind, they can only be comprehended by faith and feelings, with the help of divine revelation, and the development on this basis of a special art of icon painting; the predominance of church-ascetic culture. In the organization of power- the idea of ​​an ideal state as a centralized Orthodox empire (kingdom), in which secular power (king, emperor, prince) and spiritual power (patriarch and church council) exist separately and act in concert in a symphony; the tradition of subordinating layers and communities to strong state power. In the public order- the tradition of not emphasizing the personal merits and achievements of individuals in society. The prominent role of the state in the organization economic life, coexistence of state, conditional, communal and private property.

Orders- departments of the central administrative apparatus of the Russian state.

Appropriating economy- the economy of hunters and gatherers who do not grow food, but with the help of tools they extract and appropriate what is grown in nature.

parishes- communities of believers of the Orthodox Church in Russia.

Producing economy- agriculture and cattle breeding, in which people learned to produce (grow) food, and not appropriate what is grown in nature.

pleased- Council of the highest nobility under the Grand Duke in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Early state- the union of tribes resulting from the collapse of the tribal system. In the early state, the state apparatus, the tax system, is emerging, but many signs of a mature state (written laws, a standing army, etc.) are still missing.

Religion- the belief of people in God or gods, in some kind of supernatural forces that can work miracles, as well as the belief that a person has a soul that continues to exist after the death of the body. In developed religions, as a rule, there is Holy Bible laying out the basics creeds- an idea of ​​the world and deity, of the purpose and rules of human life. Moreover, in religion there are rites(rules of worship), sacred places and temples- buildings for worship; priests(clergy) - people conducting rituals, mediators between simple believers and supernatural forces.

tribal system- the organization of society at a primitive stage of development, in which people unite into clans and tribes, and perceive each other either as "their relatives" or as "strangers".

tribal community- the union of families descended from one ancestor, jointly owning land and managed by tribal elders.

Ruble- from the XIII century. - the main monetary unit of the Novgorod Republic, and later - the Russian state; existed in the form of an ingot of silver, not a coin.

Knight- in Europe, the name of a heavily armed horseman, a feudal warrior.

Saint(in Christianity) - a person who accepted death for the Christian faith or became famous for his pious life, feats and miracles performed in the name of God, who, after his death, by decision of the church, were canonized and began to be revered.

Senior- a feudal lord who distributes land with peasants to his vassals and for service.

buffoons- wandering artists in Russia.

Smerdy- part of the inhabitants of the rural communities-worlds of Russia, who depended on the prince and had to go with him on military campaigns.

church cathedral- a meeting of church ranks (high priests) for advice and decision of the most important issues.

Own- the right to own, use, dispose of something. For example, the owner of a plot of land can enclose it with a fence, grow bread on it, transfer the plot by inheritance or sell it. The property may be private(one person) communal, state, feudal(conditional - given under the service condition).

Neighborhood community (rural community, peasant community)- a union of unrelated families that live in the same settlement (village, village), jointly own land, but each family runs its own household on a plot allocated to it. The neighboring community is governed by the assembly of householders and the headman elected at it.

estate- a group of people with special rights and responsibilities in society. According to Western Europe, clergy prays for everyone and receives a tenth of the harvest, chivalry protects people and owns lands with peasants, third estate(peasants and townspeople) work and feed others.

Union of Tribes- an association of kindred tribes headed by one of the tribal leaders who jointly defended their lands.

Tiun- a servant-manager in the household of a votchinnik; princely tiuns also carried out various government assignments.

Troubadours- in Western Europe, songwriters and poems, sometimes knights, and sometimes itinerant artists.

Tumen- a large military formation of the Mongolian army of Genghis Khan and his successors (10 thousand horsemen).

Tysyatsky- elective position of the leader of the city militia in Russia.

tax- all the duties that the taxable people of the Russian state carried in favor of the Grand Duke, that is, the state (taxes and some work - the construction of fortress walls, the supply of provisions for the army).

lot- part of the principality-land, semi-independent possession, allocated to one of the younger members of the ruling dynasty.

county- the main territorial-administrative unit of the Russian state.

Ulus- a self-governing part of the Mongol Empire, created as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan.

university- in medieval Western Europe (since the 11th century) - a self-governing union of teachers, professors and students, a higher educational institution that trains theologians, lawyers and doctors at three faculties.

strife- the struggle for power in one principality or for the formation of an independent reign.

Ushkuiniki- Novgorod robbers, who, moving along the northern rivers, mastered and annexed new territories to Novgorod.

Feudal lord- a conditional owner of a large land holding, who has the right to receive dues from peasants dependent on him and appoint corvee (compulsory work) for them.

Feudal relations- social and economic relations between people, involving: 1) ownership of land (feud) subject to vassal service to the supreme owner of the land (seigneur, sovereign), and 2) the right of feudal landowners to dues and corvee from dependent peasants.

Feudal fragmentation- a stage in the history of medieval Western European states, when they were divided into feudal estates and the owner of each of them himself legislated, judged, collected taxes, maintained his army, and the central ruler had no real power.

Fresco- wall painting with paints on wet plaster.

serfs- (in Russia) slaves who personally belonged to any person

Christianity- a religion, the founder of which is considered to be a god-man - the son of the Lord God and the earthly girl Mary Jesus Christ (according to legend - a carpenter from the Roman province of Judea, who lived in the 1st century). The Holy Scripture of Christians - the Bible - consists of the Old and New Testaments. Christians believe in the almighty Lord God, one in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. According to Christian ideas, the world created by the Lord consists of the heavenly world - paradise, where God himself resides, angels and souls of righteous people, the earthly world and hell, where Satan (the devil) commands - an angel who rebelled against God. In the earthly world, a person has a mortal body and an immortal soul. Already the first people - Adam and Eve, who lived in paradise, at the prompting of the devil, committed the first sin - they violated the prohibition of God not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Since then, people were expelled from paradise and in the earthly world they constantly committed sins - they killed each other, stole, worshiped fictional gods. Souls burdened with sins were taken by the devil to hell, where eternal torment awaited them. The coming into the world of the Son of God - Christ - gave people the New Testament - a commandment in the relationship between God and people. Through suffering and death on the cross, Jesus as a man atoned for all the sins of people. The Resurrection of Christ shows all people the way of soul salvation for eternal life. For this, it is necessary to “love the Lord your God with all your heart”, “love your neighbor as yourself”, “treat others as you would like them to treat you”, “forgive your enemies”. A Christian must avoid sins (pride, envy, anger, laziness, greed, wastefulness and gluttony) and keep virtues (faith, hope, love). The New Testament predicts the end of the world, when the Antichrist will appear in the world and “nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom.” After that, Christ will come to the world for the second time and the Last Judgment will take place - sinners will be condemned to eternal torment, and the righteous will be resurrected. To help each other in the salvation of the soul, Christians are united in a church (community). Priests perform the sacraments (ceremonies), the main of which is communion - the eating by believers of bread and wine, reincarnated into the "body and blood of Christ." In the Middle Ages, the Christian religion was divided into several branches, the most famous of which are Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

centralized state- a state in which the central government has all the power, publishes uniform laws, collects taxes, maintains a single army and appoints officials to their places.


  • 1. The organization of believers of one religion, united by the common foundations of faith (dogmas), common rules of worship (cult), unified management of ordinary believers by the rank and file and higher clergy (priests).
  • 2. Christian temple - a building with an altar for worship.

    church cathedral- a meeting of the highest leaders of the Christian church, to resolve important issues: theology, the election of leaders, changing rites, etc.

    Civilization- this concept has different interpretations in science. This textbook is used in two meanings:

  • 1. The stage of development of society following the primitive system (primitive society), from which civilization is distinguished: the emergence of cities, the division of people into social strata, the creation of states and the invention of writing.
  • 2. A large community of people, which, as a rule, includes several peoples and states that are united by cultural and religious traditions that determine the ideas of good and evil, beautiful and ugly, and so on, as well as features of housekeeping, special rules for relations between people, features state management.
  • nobility- class of service landowners in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

    Paganism- religious beliefs based on primitive myths about a multitude of gods, spirits, personifying the forces of nature (sun, rain, fertility), human occupations (agriculture, trade, war).

    Labels- Khan's letters of permission for the right to own this or that land in the Mongol Empire.


    Results of observations

    9. In the historical core of cities and in areas of industrial construction carried out in the 19th century, overpopulation is noted (density reaches 1000 and even 1500 people per hectare)

    Density, i.e., the ratio between the number of the population and the area of ​​the territory on which it lives, can be significantly changed by varying the height of the building. But until now, the number of storeys of buildings has been limited to six or seven floors. The densities allowed for such a number of storeys are 250-300 inhabitants per 1 ha. If this density, as is the case in many areas, reaches 600, 800 or even 1000 inhabitants, then slums are formed, characterized by the following features:

    1) insufficient living space per person; 2) extremely low illumination of the premises; 3) insufficient insolation (northern orientation of the premises or their darkness in narrow streets and cramped courtyards); 4) dilapidation of buildings and the presence of pathogenic conditions (tuberculosis); 5) absence or insufficiency of sanitary facilities; 6) overcrowding of the population living in cramped apartments, poor houses located in unfavorable conditions.

    The core of ancient cities, surrounded by defensive fortifications, as a rule, is densely built up with houses, deprived of the free space surrounding them. Outside the city walls, there were vast green areas easily accessible to the public. Over time, urban development grew, and green vegetation gave way to stone buildings. So the "lungs" of cities were destroyed. Under these conditions, high density means a sharp deterioration in the life of the population.

    10. The overcrowding of urban areas creates detrimental living conditions for the population. These conditions are caused by the lack of necessary living space and proper maintenance of the buildings (the operation of the houses is based on speculation). The situation is aggravated by the presence of a large number of people with a low standard of living, unable to provide themselves with protective measures against diseases (mortality reaches 20%)

    The slum nature of a dwelling is determined mainly by its internal condition. But poverty continues beyond the flats - in narrow and gloomy streets, devoid of greenery - a source of oxygen, so necessary for the development of children.

    The funds invested in the construction of these cities in ancient times have long been amortized; but still it is considered possible that the owner of a squalid dwelling exploits it as a marketable commodity. Despite the fact that the true value of such housing is negligible, it continues to bring considerable income to its owner with impunity. A butcher who sells rotten meat would be severely punished, but giving poor people a rotten dwelling is permitted by law. For the sake of the enrichment of a handful of egoists, it is considered possible to allow horrendous mortality and the spread of various diseases that cause heavy damage to our society.

    11. Sprawling cities are gradually destroying the adjacent green areas that previously adjoined their border regions. As a result, residential areas are increasingly moving away from the natural environment, which leads to a deterioration in hygienic conditions.

    The more the city grows, the more damage is done to "natural conditions". By "natural conditions" we mean the presence of a sufficient number of necessary factors for the development of living beings - the sun, space, greenery. Uncontrolled sprawl has robbed cities of their basic psychological and physiological lifeblood. A person who has lost contact with nature pays a heavy price for this - he is subject to disease and degeneration, he loses his health and becomes decrepit for the sake of the illusory joys of city life. All of this has become especially widespread in the last century.

    12. The location of residential buildings in cities is in conflict with the requirements of hygiene

    The main task of urban planning is to provide the necessary conditions for the full development of people. The health of each person depends on how he is provided with satisfactory "natural conditions". The sun, which controls the growth and development of all living things, must freely penetrate into every dwelling, pierce it with its rays, which have such a beneficial effect on people's lives. A green environment should fill the dwelling with air purified from dust and harmful gases. Houses should be freely placed in space. It should not be forgotten that the feeling of space is an important psycho-physiological factor, and crowded streets and courtyards have a detrimental effect on health and negatively affect the general condition of people. The Fourth CIAM¹ Congress, held in Athens, proclaimed the following postulate: sun, greenery and space are the three essential elements of urban planning.


    ¹ CIAM - International Congresses on Contemporary Architecture. A society that brought together architects from different countries in order to update architecture and fight against academicism, eclecticism and routine. Created in 1928. Main organizers: Le Corbusier (France), Gideon (Switzerland), Sert (Spain) and Gropius (Germany). (Note per.).

    The adoption of this postulate makes it possible to correctly assess the current situation and develop proposals for the future from truly humane positions.

    13. The most densely populated areas of cities are located in the most unfavorable zones (poor orientation, areas shrouded in fog of industrial emissions, gas, areas prone to flooding, etc.)

    There are still no laws that determine the optimal conditions for modern housing, conditions that not only ensure a normal standard of living, but also contribute to the constant prosperity of man. Land plots for building residential buildings are allotted arbitrarily as cities grow, guided by random, and sometimes base interests. A government official will not hesitate to lay out the routes of new streets in such a way that the newly built houses will deprive thousands of apartments of the sun. Unfortunately, individual members of the municipalities have been given the opportunity to place new working quarters in areas previously considered uninhabitable due to their excessive dampness. Such an official believes that the northern slope, which has never attracted anyone, is a damp, smoky place, an accumulation of smoke, gas and harmful industrial emissions, quite a suitable place for settling the so-called alien labor force - workers who come to work from other countries and cities. ..

    14. A good, airy dwelling (houses of the rich) is located in the best areas, protected from adverse winds, in places with magnificent views of the surrounding landscape - lake, sea, mountains, etc. These areas are generously illuminated by the sun

    The most favorable areas usually house the luxurious homes of the wealthy. This proves that, having material resources, people instinctively strive to settle in good places, arranging their home in the best natural conditions.

    15. Such a distribution of housing is considered normal and legal by the city authorities and is called zoning.

    Zoning is the division of a city plan for the purpose of locating its various functions and individual residents. It involves the distribution of urban space according to various types of human activity: housing, industrial and commercial centers, territories and structures intended for recreation.

    But if, by virtue of the established order, the dwellings of the rich are separated from the dwellings of the poor, which is dictated by the "sacred right" of the propertied to create for themselves the best and most healthy living conditions, we categorically condemn this. There is an urgent need to change some established practices. It is necessary to ensure that an irreconcilable law prescribes certain living conditions for each person, regardless of his financial situation. It is necessary to achieve urban planning legislation that excludes such a situation when entire families of urban residents are deprived of light, air and space.

    16. It should be established that houses built along highways and at their intersection are not suitable for housing due to noise, dust and harmful gases.

    If such a ban is introduced, then separate zones for housing and transport routes will have to be allocated. Then residential buildings will not be "soldered" to the street with the help of sidewalks.

    They will be placed in a clean environment, in silence, among the sun and air. Roads should be divided into slow traffic roads for pedestrians and high-speed traffic roads for mechanical vehicles.

    These roads will each perform their own functions, approaching the dwelling only in the necessary places.

    17. The traditional placement of residential buildings along the streets provides normal living conditions for only a minimal part of the residents

    The traditional placement of residential buildings along the streets leads to their forced placement.

    Parallel or diagonal highways, intersecting, form square, rectangular, triangular or trapezoidal quarters. Being built up, they form "blocks". The need to illuminate the central space of such blocks gives rise to the creation of courtyards of various shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, legal regulations allow owners, who are hungry for maximum profits, to reduce the area of ​​​​these yards to truly scandalous sizes. All this leads to such a sad result: one of the facades, whether facing the street or the courtyard, is oriented to the north and thus is always devoid of the sun, and in the rest, given the cramped streets and courtyards and the shadows falling from nearby buildings, also half devoid of sunlight. Studies have shown that in cities, about half or one third of the facades of residential buildings do not receive sunlight. In some cases, this ratio is even more catastrophic.

    18. Placement of household facilities arbitrarily

    The lives of individual families take place in apartments, and each of them strives to create the most favorable conditions for itself and achieves this to the best of its ability. In addition, each family needs a number of public buildings, which are, as it were, a continuation of the dwelling. These are shopping centers, medical institutions, kindergartens and nurseries, schools, as well as institutions and territories designated for sports and recreation - "health complexes". The positive significance of these collective institutions is indisputable, but their necessity has not yet been adequately realized by the masses of city dwellers. Their construction is just beginning and is carried out fragmentarily, without taking into account the general needs of the population.

    19. Schools, as a rule, are located near transport routes and are significantly removed from residential areas.

    School buildings, built according to special projects in accordance with certain requirements of the educational process, are usually poorly located in urban areas. They are built away from home, exposing students to the dangers of the streets. In addition, children under 6 years of age and adolescents over 13 years of age are deprived of a number of pre- and post-school institutions so necessary for their overall development.

    The location of residential buildings in cities does not provide the opportunity for the proper placement of the necessary childcare facilities. Properly placed children's institutions not only protect children from the dangers of the street, but also provide a full-fledged education and development of their physical and moral qualities.

    20. Suburban areas are built up without a plan and are not provided with convenient connections with the city

    The suburban areas of modern cities are degenerated suburbs and settlements. Ancient cities in the past were military settlements surrounded by defensive fortifications. Outside the defensive walls, settlements arose along the access roads. They housed the surplus population that had no place within the city walls. People settled here at their own peril and risk, exposing themselves to all sorts of dangers.

    Over time, the settlements, in turn, were built up with defensive walls, incorporating sections of roads branching off from the city. This caused the first damage to the clear outline of the plan of the original city.

    A characteristic feature of the era of machine technology is the creation of suburbs, haphazardly built up by the territory, where there is located what does not find a place in the city, where all kinds of "risky" enterprises are created and small craft workshops are located, the products of which, as a rule, are considered unimportant and temporary. In fact, many of these workshops sometimes grow to gigantic proportions. Suburbs are a kind of foam beating against city walls. In the XIX and XX centuries. this foam turned into a sea tide, and then into a flood. She seriously compromised the fate of the city and the possibility of its regular expansion. Being a place of settlement for the casual and poor people suffering from poverty and many other misfortunes, the suburban areas have become a life-giving ground for various disturbances and unrest. Suburbs often occupy areas many times larger than the cities themselves. And from these flawed suburbs, for which the problem of distance - time does not find a solution, they are trying to create garden cities. Ghostly paradise, reckless undertakings!

    The suburbs are an urban vice that has spread all over the world and is the ugliest in America. They represent one of the worst curses of our age.

    21. An attempt was made to include the suburbs in the administrative boundaries of cities

    Too late! Attempts to include suburbs in the administrative boundaries of cities were made with great delay. The law on the right of private property stood in their way as an insurmountable obstacle. The expropriation of a property located in a vacant lot on which its owner has built several barracks, a warehouse or a workshop is associated with great and numerous difficulties. Sometimes these territories are sparsely populated and hardly exploited, and the city is forced to provide the suburban area with all the elements of equipment and services: build roads, conduct underground communications, create transport links, lighting, build schools, medical facilities, etc. Due to the small number of population, living in these areas, the costs of developing the latter do not justify themselves and may threaten the city's budget. Whenever city authorities set themselves the task of redevelopment and urban planning of suburban areas, they are faced with such great financial difficulties that they are unable to overcome them.

    If city governments want to ensure the harmonious development of suburban areas, they should begin to exercise leadership in this matter even before the birth of the suburbs.

    22. Suburbs are often low-value development areas that do not create the necessary conditions for development

    Clumsily put together shacks, plank barracks filled with a wide variety of materials, a refuge for beggars and vagabonds - this is what the suburbs are. Their ugly and dreary appearance is a disgrace to the cities they surround. The taxes collected from the semi-poor population are meager sums that do not make up for the cost of improving the suburbs, so their maintenance places a heavy burden on the main population of the city. The suburbs are the dirty fronts of the cities; they come out by numerous streets on the main highways connecting the cities with each other, breaking and making dangerous movement along them. From an airplane, they look like a web of randomly scattered buildings and streets; they make a very unsightly impression on people arriving in cities by rail.

    Must be demanded

    23. From now on, the best urban areas should be allocated for residential areas, taking into account optimal topographic and climatic conditions, parts that are most illuminated by the sun and adjacent to green areas

    The cities that exist today were built without the desire to create favorable conditions for the population. History shows that their gradual development took place naturally, in accordance with the requirements of the time, and that cities not only grew, but were sometimes rebuilt within their territories.

    The era of machine technology, which grossly violated the established order for centuries, led cities to chaos. Our task is to put things in order in the development of cities by developing projects designed for their gradual reconstruction. The development of residential areas and the problem of creating new types of apartments are tasks of paramount importance. The best territories should be reserved for the habitation, and if, through indifference and greed, they have been brought into a bad condition, every necessary effort should be made to restore them to full order. To create the best conditions for housing, a number of requirements must be met. It is necessary that when placing the dwelling, the following should be carried out simultaneously: picturesque perspectives should open from the windows of the apartments; areas should be with clean air, protected from winds and smoke, slopes with optimal orientation. It is necessary to use the existing green spaces as much as possible, restore them, and create new ones.

    24. The choice of residential areas should be determined by the requirements of hygiene

    The state of many cities does not meet modern, legally defined hygiene requirements. But establishing a diagnosis and recommending ways to solve a problem is not enough; it is necessary that the authorities take the necessary measures to rectify the situation. In the name of public health, entire city blocks must be destroyed. Some of these quarters - the result of premature speculation - should be demolished to the ground; others of historical value, having monuments of culture and art, should be partially preserved. Everything that is of artistic and historical value must be saved, and everything that is in a threatening position and represents a danger is ruthlessly destroyed.

    Just putting the dwelling in order is not enough; it is necessary to create its continuation outside the residential buildings in the form of sports grounds and facilities that are organically included in the master plans of cities.

    25. Depending on the natural conditions of the site and accordingly designed residential buildings, the necessary population density should be determined.

    The population densities of cities should be established by law. Depending on the specific conditions, the densities can be different: in one case, the cities will be freely placed on the terrain, in the other, they will be built compactly. Determination of population densities is a highly responsible mission for the governing bodies.

    With the beginning of the era of machine technology, a spontaneous and uncontrolled growth of cities began, which was the cause of the misfortune of many of them. The creation and development of populated areas should be based on a deep study of specific conditions. The design of the city should be carried out for a long term, for example, for 50 years. The project should determine the optimal population size. The 50th anniversary plan should provide for the rational distribution of the population, taking into account the time-distance factor. With the establishment of the population and the size of the urban area, the density of its settlement will be determined.

    26. Minimum insolation should be set for each apartment

    By studying solar radiation, science has determined its beneficial and sometimes detrimental effects on humans. The sun is the source of life. Medicine has established that tuberculosis spreads where there is no sun; it demands that people live in the best "natural conditions" possible. For several hours a day, the sun should penetrate into every apartment, even during the unfavorable season. Society will no longer tolerate whole families being deprived of the sun. Any project of a residential building in which one of the apartments will be turned entirely to the north or deprived of the sun due to shading must be categorically rejected. Designers must be required to submit an illumination diagram showing that even during the Earth solstice, each apartment will be illuminated by the sun for at least 2 hours a day. Otherwise, the project should not be eligible for implementation. Introducing the sun into a dwelling is a new and indispensable duty of an architect.

    27. The construction of residential buildings along transport routes should be prohibited

    Transport arteries, that is, the streets of our cities, do not meet the requirements of our time. Various streams flow into them: in one case it is the movement of pedestrians, in the other - the movement of public transport - buses, trams and faster - cars and trucks, constantly interrupted by stops.

    Sidewalks, created in the era of horse traction in order to protect pedestrians from carriages and carts, in our time of high mechanical speeds do not meet their original purpose. The entrances of many houses in the cities face directly into these dangerous places; an endless number of windows of residential buildings look out onto noisy and dusty streets filled with noxious gases emitted by heavy traffic of mechanical transport.

    This provision requires radical changes: pedestrian speeds of 4 km/h and mechanical speeds of 50-100 km/h must be separated. The dwelling should be removed from mechanical speeds, which should be allocated to special routes.

    28. It is necessary to use the possibilities of modern technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings

    In each era, buildings were built using the technical capabilities of their time. Up until the 19th century. the houses had load-bearing walls only of stone and brick, and the interfloor floors were wooden. 19th century was transitional and was marked by the introduction of profiled metal structures. And finally, in the XX century. monolithic reinforced concrete and all-metal structures appeared. Prior to this truly revolutionary innovation in the field of building construction, the height of residential buildings did not exceed seven floors. These restrictions do not exist today. Buildings reach 65 or more floors. Now, as a result of a serious and thorough analysis, it is necessary to determine the height of urban development for each individual case.

    To determine the required height of modern residential buildings, one must proceed from the task of choosing good viewpoints from windows, providing clean air and maximum insolation, the possibility of creating in the immediate vicinity a number of necessary public facilities - schools, children's and medical institutions and playgrounds, which are both would be a continuation of the dwelling. High-rise buildings can best meet all these requirements.

    29. Placing high-rise buildings at a considerable distance from each other will free up land for the creation of large green areas

    Such houses must necessarily be located at a sufficiently large distance from one another, otherwise they will significantly worsen the living conditions in them. Gross mistakes in this respect were made in the cities of both Americas.

    The development of cities, including the erection of private buildings, must be carried out in accordance with a given program. A sufficiently high building density should be ensured so that the necessary public buildings can be built, which are an extension of the dwelling. Establishing the density will allow you to calculate a reasonable population and then determine the size of the territory required for the city.

    The most responsible duty assigned to the state authorities is to determine the ratio between the built-up and free territories, the reasonable placement of residential buildings, private buildings and their continuation in the form of public facilities. The authorities must determine the size of the urban area in the future and prevent its expansion. All this should be expressed in the issuance of a law on the development of urban areas.

    Thus, from now on, the development of cities will be strictly regulated within the limits determined by law, provided that ample opportunities are provided for the manifestation of private initiative and the imagination of the artist.

    "Plan Voisin" (1925) - an experimental project for the radical reconstruction of Paris, which in 1925 was presented by Le Corbusier at the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts. The Voisin plan called for the construction of a new business center of Paris on a completely cleared area; for this it was proposed to demolish 240 hectares of old urban development. Eighteen identical skyscrapers-offices of 50 floors each were located according to the plan freely, at a distance from each other. High-rise buildings complemented the horizontal structures at their foot - with the functions of all kinds of service and maintenance. At the same time, the built-up area was only 5%, and the remaining 95% of the territory was allocated for highways, parks and pedestrian zones. Illustration from the book: Le Corbusier. La Ville radieuse (1935).

    A fragment of the Plan Voisin with a multi-level transport interchange in the city center. Illustration from the book: Le Corbusier. La Ville radieuse (1935).


    Results of observations

    30. As a rule, free territories are never enough

    There are still free territories in the cities. These are lands miraculously preserved to our time: parks surrounding royal and princely palaces, gardens belonging to wealthy citizens, and shady boulevards created on the site of destroyed defensive fortifications. Over the past two centuries, these reserve areas have been rapaciously built up. Thus, the historically formed massifs that served as the "lungs" of the city were destroyed. In place of lawns and green areas, residential buildings were erected and stone pavements were made.

    In the past, green spaces were the property of a limited circle of privileged people. Now a different social approach to solving this problem is needed. Green spaces should receive another purpose - to become a direct or distant continuation of the home. Direct, when they surround residential buildings, and remote, when they are large arrays at a distance from them. In both cases, their purpose is similar: to be places for collective recreation for young people, games, fun and walks.

    31. Sometimes free territories are quite extensive, but poorly located and therefore difficult to access for the population

    If there are several vast free territories in a modern city, then they are either located far from the central districts, or these are gardens adjacent to rich mansions located in the city center.

    In the first case, green areas are far from the place of residence of the bulk of the population and can only be visited on Sundays. Therefore, they do not have the necessary and beneficial effect on the daily life of citizens, which takes place in detrimental conditions.

    In the second, they are inaccessible to the general public, therefore their function is reduced only to decorating the city, but not to fulfill the role of an everyday and useful continuation of the home.

    Thus, in both cases, the most important problem of national hygiene remains unresolved.

    32. Free spaces located on the periphery of cities do not contribute to improving the living conditions of the population living in the central overcrowded areas

    The task of urban planning is to develop rules that provide favorable living conditions for the population, not only by improving their physical condition, but also moral, to make life joyful. After sometimes hard, physically and nervously exhausting work, people should have a sufficient number of hours of rest. These free hours, which will undoubtedly increase due to the introduction of machine technology, must take place in favorable natural conditions.

    Therefore, the creation and protection of green areas of cities is the most important measure that contributes to the improvement of people's health. This is one of the main tasks of urban planning, to which the state authorities should pay maximum attention.

    The problem of housing can be satisfactorily solved only if the correct proportions between the built-up area and the vacant area are ensured.

    33. The rare sports facilities built near residential areas are often temporary, built on sites intended for future residential or industrial development. Hence their constant restructuring and transfers to new places

    Showing concern for the leisure of the population, sports societies create various complexes in temporarily free territories, but the construction is carried out unofficially, so their existence is short-lived.

    The time allotted for recreation and entertainment can be divided into three categories: daily, weekly and annual. Everyday free time should be spent in the immediate vicinity of the dwelling. Weekly allows you to travel outside the city and within the region. The annual rest or vacation time can be spent traveling outside the city and region.

    Thus, reserve green areas should be provided: 1) in the immediate vicinity of the dwelling; 2) in areas adjacent to cities; 3) in different parts of the country.

    34. Territories that could be developed for weekly rest are often poorly connected to the city.

    After choosing a territory for organizing a weekly vacation in suburban areas, the problem of organizing transport communications arises. This problem should be solved at the initial stage of planning work. Various types of transport links should be used - the laying of highways and railways, the development of river routes.

    Must be demanded

    35. From now on, green areas should be created in every residential area to accommodate children's playgrounds and sports grounds, as well as places of recreation for adults and the elderly.

    This can be ensured only if there is a law on the distribution of urban land. The law should provide for the possibility of ensuring optimal conditions for the population of cities. Thus, population density, percentage of vacant land and built-up area will vary according to function, location and climatic conditions. The buildings under construction will be located among the surrounding green areas. Residential and green areas should be mutually positioned so that they are easily accessible. The general urban planning scheme of populated areas should change: agglomerations will gradually turn into green cities. Unlike what is the case in garden cities, green spaces should not be divided into numerous private properties, but should be single areas intended for collective use as an extension of the dwelling.

    Gardening, which was of no small importance in the creation of garden cities, will continue in this case. A certain amount of land will be allocated for vegetable gardens, divided into numerous individual plots; but their cultivation, irrigation or watering will be organized on a collective basis, which will facilitate their maintenance and will contribute to an increase in productivity.

    36. Slum neighborhoods should be demolished and turned into green spaces. This will improve the sanitary condition of the neighborhoods adjacent to them.

    Just a general knowledge of hygiene is enough to be able to identify slums and dilapidated quarters. These neighborhoods must be razed to the ground. The territories liberated from them must be turned into parks, which will be the initial stage in improving the living and sanitary conditions for neighboring quarters. But it may turn out that the territory freed from dilapidated buildings is convenient for placing a number of structures necessary for the life of the city. In this case, a reasonable urban planning proposal will determine the feasibility of setting up an appropriate structure, which will be taken into account when drafting the regional planning and the general plan of the city.

    37. New green areas should be designed for a specific use: placement of kindergartens, schools, youth centers and other public buildings necessary to serve the population

    Green areas that will house residential buildings will be intended not only to decorate the city. First of all, they will perform a utilitarian function. The greenery will house public buildings: nurseries, pre- and post-school facilities, youth clubs, cultural and sports facilities, reading and play pavilions, sports fields, jogging tracks or outdoor swimming pools. They will be a continuation of the dwelling, and therefore their creation should be provided for by the "law on the distribution of urban land."

    38. Weekly rest hours should be spent in specially equipped places for this purpose - in parks, forests, sports fields, stadiums, beaches, etc.

    So far, nothing or almost nothing has been created to organize the weekly rest of the population of cities. For this purpose, vast areas in suburban areas will be reserved and landscaped. Necessary and convenient transport links will be provided with these places. This is not about simple clearings surrounding residential buildings and planted with trees. These should be real prairies, forests, natural or artificial beaches, located on alienated and carefully protected lands and intended for recreation and entertainment of city residents. Such territories exist at short distances to each city, and they can become quite accessible to the population, provided that a well-established transport connection is created.

    39. Parks, sports grounds, stadiums, beaches, etc.

    The recreation program should include a variety of activities: collective and individual walks in picturesque places; various sports - tennis, basketball, football, swimming, weightlifting; spectacles - concerts, arrangement of green theaters, sports competitions and games. At the same time, a number of specialized facilities should be provided: rationally organized vehicles for delivering the population, hotels, camp sites, taverns, youth camps. An important task is to organize the supply of all places of recreation with food and drinking water.

    40. You should also make reasonable use of existing natural factors - rivers, forests, hills, mountains, meadows, lakes, the sea, etc.

    The problem of distances, taking into account the development of vehicles, will not play a decisive role. In this regard, it is sometimes more expedient to place recreation areas at some distance. When developing the territory for recreation areas, it is necessary not only to take care of the existing preserved landscape, but also to restore the places that were damaged.

    Local authorities are entrusted with the most important task of social significance - to organize recreation in such a way that it really restores the physical and moral strength of people. Efficient use of free time will strengthen the health and moral qualities of the urban population.


    Results of observations

    41. In our time, the places of application of labor are irrationally located in the system of urban development. These are industry, craft workshops, administrative and commercial buildings.

    In the past, the dwelling and the craft workshop were located close to each other, and sometimes formed a single whole.

    The rapid development of machine technology disrupted these harmonious conditions. In less than a century, it changed the face of cities, destroyed centuries-old traditions, and gave rise to a new kind of nameless and ever-moving workforce.

    The development of industry largely depends on the possibility of delivering raw materials and organizing convenient sales of finished products. Therefore, industrial enterprises literally bred along the routes renovated in the 19th century, railways and on the banks of rivers, using riverboats as transport. Desiring to exploit the proximity of workers and the existing supply base, industrialists located their enterprises in existing cities or in their immediate vicinity, neglecting the misfortunes that these plants and factories would bring to the city dwellers.

    Plants and factories located in the middle of residential areas filled them with smoke and noise. If they were located at a considerable distance from residential areas, then this forced the workers to make daily tedious and long journeys in difficult conditions and thus deprived them of part of their rest time.

    The violation of the patriarchal conditions of the organization of labor caused unimaginable disorder, created problems that no one is able to solve to this day, and gave rise to the great vice of our era - the nomadic way of life of the working population.

    42. Links between places of residence and work have been disrupted, necessitating long journeys

    The most important factor of modern life - the connection between housing and work - turned out to be broken. The suburbs are flooded with workshops, factories and large industrial enterprises, which constantly and limitlessly grow, capturing more and more new lands.

    Cities were overpopulated, unable to accept new residents. As a result, in the suburban areas, villages began to spring up, which are a collection of squalid residential buildings and leased plots.

    The labor force, not associated with certain industries, constantly changing jobs, day and night, winter and summer, is on the move, disorganizing and overloading urban transport.

    The unsystematic movement of people leads to large losses of time.

    43. Business of urban transport during peak hours has reached the limit

    Public transport - suburban trains, buses and subways - operates at full capacity only four times a day. During peak hours, the traffic becomes extremely intense. The population is forced to spend significant funds to pay for transport, which causes them great inconvenience, which is aggravated by fatigue after a working day.

    The operation of public transport is associated with significant costs. The money paid by passengers does not make up for operating costs, so the maintenance of transport is a heavy burden on the city budget.

    Contradictory solutions are proposed to overcome the current situation: should we create the best conditions for organizing transport or take care of passengers? We must choose! In one case, it is proposed to reduce the territory of cities, in the other - to expand them.

    44. The lack of long-term plans leads to uncontrolled urban sprawl, land speculation, etc. Industry is located spontaneously, not obeying any rules

    Almost all urban and suburban lands are owned by private individuals. The industry is also in the hands of private companies, subject to crises and other phenomena that disrupt their activities.

    Nothing has been done to subordinate the development of industry to logical regularity. On the contrary, its development took place spontaneously, bringing profit to individuals and causing inconvenience to the entire population.

    45. Administrative buildings are located in business centers. These centers are located in the best parts of the cities and are provided with a developed transport network, so the spirit of private profit and land speculation reigns in them. These areas also do not have rational development plans.

    The development of industry causes the growth of the administrative and commercial apparatus, and in this area, too, everything develops haphazardly and unplanned. It is necessary to buy and sell, to ensure the contacts of factories with suppliers, with clients and with other enterprises. All this necessitates the creation of an administrative and managerial apparatus and, consequently, the construction of special buildings equipped with sophisticated equipment. This equipment in a dispersed form is quite expensive. The concentration of management in large organizations would be much more rational, since it is easier to interconnect individual industries, it is more convenient to establish links with other organizations. In addition, the working conditions of employees would be improved. This would be facilitated by good illumination of the premises, central heating, air conditioning, maintenance - expedition, post office, telegraph, etc.

    Must be demanded

    46. ​​Distances between places of work and residence should be kept to a minimum

    To do this, it is necessary to carefully develop a plan for locating places of application of labor and begin to relocate enterprises.

    The location of industrial enterprises in a ring-like fashion around large cities could be convenient for a number of entrepreneurs and contribute to their enrichment, but such a principle should be abandoned due to the fact that this will worsen the living conditions of the majority of the population and lead to excessive crowding of cities.

    Industrial enterprises should be moved to the routes of movement of raw materials and built along highways and railways and rivers. Transport routes have a linear extended character, so industrial cities should not be concentric, but linear.

    47. Industrial areas should be separated from residential areas, and the space between them turned into green space

    Industrial cities should be built along canals, highways and railways, or sequentially along the three listed paths. The city will become linear rather than concentric. In this case, residential areas will be built in parallel with industrial enterprises and expand as they grow. They will be separated by a green zone.

    From now on, housing will be created in the middle of nature, it will be completely protected from noise and dust, while remaining close to the place of work, which will eliminate long daily journeys and allow people to use their family hearth more. Development will be carried out in three types of residential buildings: individual houses, usually built in garden cities, individual houses with small plots, and, finally, apartment buildings with advanced services that provide comfortable living.

    48. Industrial zones should be built along railways, canals and highways

    Increasing speeds of mechanical transport require the creation of better transport arteries or the reconstruction of existing highways, railways and canals. Reconstruction should be carried out taking into account the new location of industrial enterprises and the dwellings for workers being built along with them.

    49. Handicraft production directly serving the population must be located in specially designated areas within the city

    Handicraft production differs from industrial production and should be located in close proximity to the consumer. Its source is the very life of the city. Printing and jewelery production, tailoring and fashion are created and inspired by the very atmosphere of city life. These are enterprises that directly serve the daily needs of urban residents, so their location can be allowed in the central parts of cities.

    50. The business center, which houses public and private administrative offices, should be well connected to residential and industrial areas, as well as to handicraft enterprises located in or near the central parts of cities.

    Administrative institutions have become important in modern life, so their placement in the city should be given special attention. The business center should be located at the intersection of transport arteries that connect residential and industrial zones, places for the location of handicraft enterprises, administrative offices, individual hotels, railway stations and airports.


    Results of observations

    51. The modern street network in cities is a web of streets that has developed around the main roads, which began in ancient times. In European cities, the creation of these roads dates back to the Middle Ages, and sometimes even to antiquity.

    Some walled cities or centers of colonization already had clear and compact plans at their inception. First, defensive fortifications of strictly geometric outlines were applied to the drawing; the main roads approached the fortifications. Inside, these cities also received a clear layout.

    Cities of another, more common type were created at the intersection of two large roads passing through the whole country, or at the intersection of several radial roads. The roads are closely related to the topography of the area and therefore often had a winding track. The first houses were built along these roads. This was the beginning of the creation of the main streets, to which, as the cities grew, numerous streets and lanes of secondary importance adjoined.

    The directions of the main streets have always been dictated by certain geographical conditions. Over time, they could be rebuilt and restored again, but still they always retained the historical trace.

    52. Large streets were built for pedestrians and horse-drawn vehicles. Today they do not meet the requirements of mechanical transport

    Ancient cities were surrounded by walls for protection. Therefore, they could not expand due to population growth. It was necessary to arrange housing economically in order to accommodate the maximum number of people. This explains the close network of streets and lanes with many entrance doors. This approach to development led to the creation of a system of small blocks with narrow facades of houses facing the streets and courtyards-wells.

    Subsequently, when the walls were moved to new frontiers, avenues and boulevards were created outside the historical core, within the boundaries of which the existing web of streets was preserved. These areas, which no longer meet the requirements of modern times, continue to be preserved.

    They are still a system of small residential neighborhoods that are the product of the historical development of cities. Facades of houses overlook narrow streets and yards. The streets have frequent intersections. The street network created in ancient times is completely unadapted to the speeds of modern urban transport.

    53. The size of the streets of old cities do not meet the requirements of modern high-speed transport and hinder the development of these cities

    The problem of transport arose from the impossibility of matching the natural speeds of a pedestrian or horse with the mechanical speeds of cars, trams or buses. Their confusion is the cause of thousands of conflicts. The pedestrian moves under constant threat to his life, while the mechanical transport is forced to slow down endlessly, while remaining a deadly threat to pedestrians.

    54. Distances between street intersections are too small

    In order to develop the normal speed of mechanical transport, it is necessary to turn on the motor and gradually increase its speed. Braking should also not be instant, as this spoils the motor. Therefore, a certain distance must be traveled before the vehicle stops completely. But street intersections in modern cities, located at a distance of 100, 50, 20 and even 10 meters from one another, do not favor the normal movement of mechanical transport. These distances should reach 200-400 meters.

    55. The width of the streets is insufficient. Street widening is a very expensive and not always successful business.

    There can be no uniform standard sizes for the width of streets. It all depends on the traffic intensity and traffic capacity of the street. The historically developed main streets of cities, whose routes in ancient times were determined by geographical and topographical conditions and into which an infinite number of streams enter from secondary streets and lanes, have always been loaded with traffic. Usually these streets are narrow, and their expansion is sometimes very difficult and inefficient. Therefore, the reconstruction of old cities should pursue more cardinal goals.

    56. With the introduction of mechanical transport, the street network of cities turned out to be irrational, devoid of proper routing, flexibility, diversity and modernity.

    The organization of traffic in modern cities is a very complex matter. Highways should be used for moving cars from one building to another, as well as similar movement of pedestrians. Buses and trams must move at the speeds determined by the timetable; trucks - make numerous trips along specified routes; part of the transport is to cross the city in transit.

    It would seem that each of these routes should have its own route, providing normal and unhindered traffic. Therefore, the task is to carefully study the current state of the movement, to develop proposals that allow us to correctly solve this problem.

    57. Highways created for representative purposes could or could be a serious obstacle to traffic

    What was permissible and even magnificent in the days of pedestrians and carriages may today be the cause of constant inconvenience and danger. Some avenues, built to create a monumental perspective, culminating in a monument or some kind of front building, are today dangerous places for traffic delays and traffic jams. These urban compositions should not be oversaturated with modern mechanical transport, for which they were not created and to whose speeds they can never be adapted.

    Traffic is the most important function of a modern city. Therefore, the transport program requires a serious and scientific solution capable of regulating its flows, creating the necessary redundant directions, achieving the elimination of excessive congestion, traffic jams and the inconvenience associated with them.

    58. In most cases, with the growth of populated areas, the railway network becomes a serious obstacle to urban reorganization of cities. Railway tracks cut through residential areas, disrupting the natural contacts of the urban population

    And in this matter, events developed too quickly. The railroads were built before the boom of industrial development they themselves generated. Currently, railway tracks have arbitrarily penetrated cities and cut through residential areas. Crossing the railroad track is not allowed, so it separates the residential areas of cities, disrupting the necessary contacts between the population.

    In a number of places this creates serious difficulties in the development of the urban economy. Therefore, the primary task of urban planners is to immediately solve this problem by moving railway junctions outside the cities, which will ensure the normal functioning of urban life.

    Must be demanded

    59. It is necessary to carry out thorough statistical studies of the traffic flows of cities and their surrounding areas and develop new urban traffic patterns, taking into account the traffic intensity on individual highways.

    Movement is a vital function of cities. Its current state should be expressed in graphs, which will especially clearly reveal stressed nodes, which is necessary for the development of project proposals. It will be possible to provide for the separation of traffic flows for pedestrians, cars, freight and transit vehicles in the projects. Each highway must receive characteristics and dimensions that ensure its transport function. In addition, special attention should be paid to crossings and junctions of streams.

    60. Roads and highways should be classified according to their purpose and built in accordance with the speeds and nature of the traffic passing through them.

    In ancient times, there were single streets along which pedestrians and riders moved simultaneously, and only at the end of the 18th century. after the introduction of carriages and carriages, the first sidewalks appeared. In the XX century. like a disaster, a mass of mechanical transport fell on the old streets - bicycles, motorcycles, trams, cars with their high speeds. The staggering growth of some cities, such as New York, has caused huge traffic congestion in a number of areas.

    The time has come to take decisive action to remedy the situation, which is becoming disastrous. The first reasonable measure would be to separate the flow of pedestrians and vehicles on the busiest highways. Secondly, freight transport should be directed along roads specially designated for this purpose. Thirdly, this is the creation of high-speed highways for transit transport and secondary roads for non-intense urban traffic.

    61. Busy road junctions must be dealt with in different levels

    Cars in transit should not linger at all intersections, uselessly slowing down traffic at them. The best way to solve this problem would be to have a level crossing at each intersection. For ease of movement, large transit highways at certain distances must have branches for connections with ordinary city streets.

    62. Pedestrian must be able to move on roads free of vehicles

    This will be a complete reconstruction of urban traffic, the most reasonable, opening a new page in the history of urban planning.

    Such a requirement regarding the organization of movement in its significance can only be compared with the prohibition of the northern orientation of the dwelling.

    63. Streets should be differentiated depending on their purpose: residential streets, walking streets, transit highways, main arteries

    Streets must perform certain functions according to their different purposes. Residential streets and areas allocated for public use require the creation of certain conditions.

    In order to ensure silence, peace and well-being of the dwelling and its “continuation” in nature, mechanical transport should be taken to special highways. Transit highways will communicate with city streets only at their entry points. The main arteries providing communication with the surrounding areas and other cities will be the most important communication roads. In addition, walking streets will be allocated, where the limited speed of transport will not disrupt the movement of pedestrians.

    64. Expressways must be fenced off with green areas

    Transit and express roads will be separated from the main urban highways and, therefore, from residential areas. But still they need to be protected by a dense green barrier.

    Historical heritage of cities

    65. Historical architectural values ​​(individual monuments or town-planning ensembles) must be preserved

    The life of the city is a historical phenomenon that passes through the centuries, the memory of which remains architectural monuments. These monuments give the city a unique character. These are precious witnesses of the past, which over time acquire historical and spiritual value. In addition, these structures depict the features of the highest rise in the artistic creativity of the people. Monuments are part of the world's historical heritage, so every effort must be made to preserve them today and for the future.

    66. They will be preserved if, being national cultural values, they will also be of interest as monuments of world culture.

    In assessing the artistic value of monuments, it is necessary to distinguish true values ​​from works of little value. Not everything old is worthy of preservation, therefore, it is necessary to make a selection with great skill and wisdom.

    In the event that the interests of the reconstruction of the city suffer from our desire to preserve a number of monuments of past eras, a reasonable solution must be found that reconciles opposing points of view. In the event that we are talking about monuments that are available in several copies, then some of them should be preserved as historical samples and the rest should be destroyed. In other cases, it is advisable to preserve and restore the most valuable part, adapting the rest to the needs of the city. And, finally, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to move monuments that are of great historical and aesthetic value, but interfere with reconstruction work.

    67. If the conservation of historical values ​​is associated with the preservation of unsanitary living conditions for the population, then ...

    An excessive cult of antiquity must not neglect the laws of social justice. There are lovers and connoisseurs of antiquity who, out of blind admiration for the aesthetic qualities of the latter, advocate the need to preserve a number of picturesque old quarters, regardless of poverty, crowding and diseases that occur in people living in such conditions. In such cases, one must carefully consider and, perhaps, make a compromise and the most wise decision. But in no case should a shanty dwelling that morally oppresses people be preserved.

    68. If the demolition of valuable works of architecture is the only possible proposal for solving a transport or other urban planning problem, then in some cases it is necessary to consider the issue of transferring the planned complex or structure to another location

    The rapid growth of the city can sometimes put designers in a dead end, from which you can only get out at the cost of sacrifice. Assume that the objects that are an obstacle must be demolished. But if this proposal forces the demolition of genuine architectural, historical or cultural values, then it is better, of course, to try to find a different solution. Instead of eliminating the obstruction that disrupts traffic, you should change the route of the highway and bypass it or lay a tunnel under it. Finally, it is possible to move a complex administrative and transport hub to a new location and completely redesign the highway system in an overstrained part of the city. Ingenuity, imagination, combined with the use of the possibilities of modern technology will always help to solve such problems.

    69. Destruction of shantytowns surrounding historical monuments will provide an opportunity to create green spaces

    It happens that the demolition of dilapidated houses and shantytowns around a valuable historical monument destroys the color of the environment that has been formed for centuries. This phenomenon is annoying, but inevitable. This situation should be used to create green spaces. In this case, historical monuments will find themselves in a different, sometimes unexpected, but still acceptable environment. But at the same time, the town-planning situation of the adjacent quarters will be much improved.

    70. The use of archaic architectural elements to decorate new buildings erected in the area of ​​historical monuments under the pretext of their architectural linkage can lead to detrimental consequences. Such creative proposals are not allowed.

    Such methods contradict the experience of history. Never has a return to the past been encouraged, never has man moved backwards. The masterpieces of past eras convince us that each generation thought in its own way, created art and aesthetics, using the best technical achievements of its time in its work.

    To slavishly copy the past is to doom oneself to a lie, it is to create in principle a false one, because modern buildings will not be built using ancient methods, and the erection of archaic structures using modern building technology can only lead to a senseless imitation of the works of past eras.

    Mixing the old with the new, it is impossible to create a truly ensemble solution that is distinguished by the unity of style. It will be a pure imitation, hindering the perception of a true monument of art, for the sake of which such an unreasonable initiative was taken.

    III. Conclusion. Basic provisions of the doctrine

    71. Most of the cities studied today are a chaotic spectacle: they absolutely do not meet their main purpose - to satisfy the urgent biological and physiological needs of their population

    In connection with the preparation for the Athens Congress, the national sections of the International Congresses of Contemporary Architecture (CIAM) examined 33 cities: Amsterdam, Athens, Brussels, Baltimore, Bandung, Budapest, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​Charleroi, Cologne, Como, Dalat, Detroit, Dessau, Frankfurt , Geneva, Genoa, The Hague, Los Angeles, Latakia, London, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Utrecht, Verona, Warsaw, Zagreb and Zurich. They give a complete picture of the history of the development of the white race in various climatic conditions and at different latitudes.

    All cities testify to the same thing - the introduction of machine technology has violated the existing relative order. None of the cities showed serious attempts to adapt to the new conditions. In all these cities, people are oppressed by everything that surrounds them. In cities, nothing that is necessary for human health and the flourishing of his spiritual life has not been preserved or restored. On these cities lies the stamp of the general crisis of mankind, which is spreading everywhere. The city no longer answers its function - to protect a person, and, moreover, to protect well.

    72. This situation, which arose with the beginning of the era of machine technology, is explained by the ever-increasing offensive of private interests

    The predominance of private interests, engendered by the lust for personal gain and wealth, is the basis of this deplorable position.

    The forces that contributed to the development of machine technology did nothing to prevent the damage caused by it, for which, in fact, no one is now responsible.

    For a century, enterprises were built spontaneously. The construction of dwellings and factories, railways, highways and laying of waterways was carried out in incredible haste under the sign of individual money-grubbing, there was no question of any pre-designed plans and thoughtful actions. But today evil happened. Cities are not suitable for human life. The cruel intransigence of individual private interests has given rise to the misfortune of a huge number of people.

    73. The inexorable cruelty of private interests has caused a fatal imbalance between the development of the productive forces, on the one hand, and the weakness of state leadership and the impotence of social solidarity, on the other.

    Feelings of administrative responsibility and social solidarity are trampled and belittled daily by the constantly advancing and renewing force of private interest.

    These oppositely directed sources of energy are in constant confrontation, and when one of them attacks, the second one defends itself. Unfortunately, in this unequal struggle, private interest often wins.

    But the victory of evil can sometimes give rise to good. The enormous material and moral destruction of modern cities may eventually lead to the birth of legislative acts on cities, on the basis of which the authorities will acquire the necessary authority to protect human dignity and bear responsibility for the health of the urban population.

    74. Despite the fact that cities are constantly being rebuilt, their reconstruction is carried out without a definite plan and control, and also without taking into account modern urban planning science, which is the fruit of the work of highly qualified specialists

    The principles of modern urban planning have been developed as a result of the work of a huge number of specialists: builders, doctors, sociologists. They are presented in articles, books, materials of congresses, public and private discussions. But the task is to force the state bodies and representatives of the authorities to be guided by these principles, because they are entrusted with responsibility for the fate of cities. However, these bodies are often quite hostile to bold urban renewal proposals based on modern science.

    First of all, it is necessary to convince the governing bodies to act in the right direction. Foresight and energy will help to come to agreed decisions.

    75. The city must ensure the spiritual and material freedom of the individual and promote the flourishing of collective activity.

    Individual freedom and collective action are the two poles between which human life flows. In all activities to improve human conditions, both factors must be taken into account. If the measures taken fail to meet these often conflicting demands, they are doomed to inevitable failure.

    Harmonious satisfaction of both requirements can be ensured only if there is a carefully thought-out program that excludes any random actions.

    76. Everything that is created in the city must correspond to the scale of a person

    The natural dimensions of a person should form the basis of the scale of everything that is connected with his life and various activities. This applies to the scale of sizes and areas, the scale of distances, set taking into account the natural speed of human movement, the scale of the daily routine, linked to the speed of the daily movement of the sun.

    77. The keys of modern urban planning are in four functions: live, work, relax (during free hours), move around

    Urban planning expresses the essence of the era. Until our time, it dealt mainly with one problem - the organization of the movement. Urban planners limited themselves to laying avenues and streets that formed residential areas, the development of which was at the mercy of private initiative. This was a narrow understanding of the city planner's mission.

    In our time, urban planning is called upon to perform four main functions:

    First, to provide a person with a healthy home, which means placing the home in places and in space provided with fresh air and sun, that is, in truly "natural conditions";

    Secondly, to organize the places of application of labor in such a way that they turn from places of heavy enslavement into places of natural and joyful human labor;

    Thirdly, to provide everything necessary for the organization of free time in such a way that it is spent with benefit and pleasure;

    Fourth, to provide convenient links between these places, creating transport networks that can satisfy the population of the city and the requirements of each of its zones.

    These functions cover a huge area of ​​activity. Urban planning is a consequence of a certain way of thinking introduced into people's lives as a result of their active and purposeful activities.

    78. Urban development projects will determine the structure of each of the sectors that make up the four key functions, as well as their location in the overall city plan.

    In order to ensure the implementation of the key functions of urban planning proclaimed by the Congress of Athens CIAM, they must be carried out in life in the broadest and most complete sense of the goal. It is necessary to establish order and classify the conditions of modern life of people, the conditions of their work, the breadth of cultural needs, in order then to create the most favorable conditions for their satisfaction and flourishing.

    Pursuing these goals, urban planning will change the face of cities, destroy existing and obsolete contradictions in their life and reveal the necessary opportunities for creative activity.

    Key functions should be autonomous, they will be implemented on the basis of data dictated by climate, topography, customs. They will be the basis for the development of territories and the placement of facilities. The development of cities and populated areas should be carried out on the basis of the wide use of advanced technological achievements.

    When creating and planning settlements, the vital needs of people and each person individually will be taken into account, and not the selfish interests of private groups. Urban planning should ensure individual freedom and at the same time promote the flourishing of social activities.

    79. The cycle of daily human functions - to live, work, rest (recuperation) - will be determined in urban planning, taking into account the maximum saving of time. The center of attention of urban planning and the starting point for determining the size of territories should be housing

    At first glance, it may seem that the desire to recreate the “natural conditions” of everyday life is associated with the unrestrained growth of cities on a plane, but in reality this is dictated by the need to regulate the time budget of human activity in accordance with the length of the day, since significant human movements can take away time for rest.

    The center of attention of the urban planner is the dwelling, so its placement in the city plan should be consistent with the duration of the day, equal to 24 hours. This measure allows you to accurately distribute people's activities over time and correctly solve urban planning problems.

    80. New mechanical speeds have fundamentally changed the urban environment, creating a constant threat to the life of the population, causing endless traffic jams that paralyze urban traffic, as well as deteriorating hygiene conditions

    Mechanical transport, due to its high speeds, should have provided great time savings. But congestion and congestion of cars disrupt traffic, being hotbeds of constant danger. Cars are increasingly damaging the health of urban populations. Exhaust gases hovering in the air affect the lungs, and the incessant noise of the engines affects the nervous system. The high speeds of modern motor vehicles have given rise to a love of long-distance travel to picturesque corners of nature. The unbridled desire for long-distance travel disrupted the normal rhythm of family life and, in general, the rhythm of society. People spend long tiring hours behind the wheel, gradually weaning from the most natural and healthy way to get around - walking.

    81. The principles for organizing intracity and long-distance travel should be reviewed. It is necessary to classify the existing speeds. Reorganization of zoning in accordance with the key functions of urban planning will create convenient natural connections between zones and a rational network of main highways

    Zoning, carried out in accordance with the key functions "to live, work, rest", will streamline the urban areas. The fourth function - the movement should pursue only one goal - to connect the other three in the most convenient way. Thus, a radical reconstruction is inevitable.

    The city and adjacent suburban areas should be provided with a network of roads that allows the most efficient use of the capabilities of modern vehicles. All modes of transport should be classified and differentiated, providing each of them with independent paths. A reasonably organized transport network will not disrupt the normal life of residential and industrial areas.

    82. Urban planning is a science of three, not two dimensions. High-rise construction will provide the necessary conditions for organizing a modern network of roads and recreation areas through the creation and use of free territories

    The key functions of "live, work and play" inside buildings require the provision of three necessary conditions - sufficient space, sun and fresh air. The dimensions of the erected structures depend not only on the occupied territory with two dimensions, but especially on the third - height. Only through high-rise construction will urban planning receive free territories necessary for road networks and for green spaces intended for recreation.

    It should be borne in mind that inside buildings the third dimension plays a very important role, referring to vertical movements. As for urban transport, two measurements are used here - mainly movement on the ground, and only in exceptional cases, raising to an insignificant height when flows are decoupled at different levels.

    83. The planning of the city should be carried out simultaneously with the drafting of the regional planning. Instead of the usual municipal plans, there should be a single master plan for the city and its zone of influence. The boundaries of the agglomeration will be determined by the radius of economic ties of the city

    The initial data of the general plan of the city should take into account the entire complex of territories economically connected with the city. Economic substantiations of the city plan should provide for the stages of its gradual development. Similar work should be carried out in relation to the districts of the region adjacent to the city. This will make it possible to make a correct forecast of the integrated development of the city. Then it will be possible to develop proposals for expanding or limiting individual areas, taking into account the local characteristics of this city and its surroundings. As a result, each settlement will receive a certain place and importance in the system of the economy of the whole country. A scientific approach to planning work will make it possible to establish the boundaries of economic regions. Only in this case can we speak of true urban planning, which ensures an even distribution of resources across the economic region and the entire country.

    84. On the basis of a functionally drawn up plan, the harmonious development of the city and all its parts will be ensured. As the urban area grows, free spaces and new networks of streets and highways will organically fit into it.

    The creation of the city will be carried out as construction, carried out according to a pre-drawn project based on the instructions of the master plan. People who know how to look ahead will outline the paths of its future development. Their project will provide for the scale of prospective construction, determine the nature of the settlement and determine the boundaries of the future territory.

    Built according to a plan linked to the district plan, taking into account four key functions, the city will no longer be a collection of randomly erected buildings. The growth of the city will not create a catastrophic situation, but, on the contrary, will lead it to flourish. The growth of the urban population will no longer be accompanied by a fierce struggle for existence, characteristic of the cities created in the past.

    85. There is an urgent need to develop development plans for each city and enact laws to ensure their implementation.

    Chance will give way to foresight, the project will replace improvisation. Each project will be drawn up taking into account the district planning plan; Territories will be distributed according to a specific purpose. Work on the implementation of the project will be carried out immediately and in stages. The approved "Law on the distribution of urban areas" will ensure the most favorable implementation of the layout, taking into account key functions, which means the placement of buildings in the best areas and the establishment of optimal distances.

    The project should also determine the location of reserve areas for future development. The law will be able to permit or prohibit construction, it will promote the implementation of rational proposals and ensure that they are carried out according to the master plan and always in the collective interest.

    86. The design program should be drawn up as a result of scientific research carried out by specialists. It must provide for stages of consistent development in time and space. The program should bring together information about the natural resources of the territories and general topography, as well as economic data, analysis of sociological research and spiritual needs.

    Buildings will no longer be carried out according to random schemes drawn up by a topographer who randomly placed heaps of houses and land.

    It will be a truly biological structure with regularly placed and therefore properly functioning organs. Land resources will be studied and taken into account and general surveys of the area will be carried out in order to identify and make the best use of natural factors. The main transport routes will be laid with regard to their maximum efficiency and equipped according to their purpose. A specially designed schedule will determine the economic development of the city. Immutable laws will ensure the creation of good-quality dwellings, the improvement of working conditions and the prudent use of leisure time.

    87. The scale of a person will serve as a measure and a dimensional scale for an architect-urban planner.

    After a period of degradation of the fruitless form-creation of the past century, architecture must again be put at the service of man.

    No one is capable of fulfilling this mission except the architect, who has excellent human knowledge. The architect must discard illusory projecting and mobilize his creative abilities to create a city that carries true poetry in itself.

    88. Housing (apartment) is the fundamental core of urban planning. Combining a group of apartments into a single organism forms a residential unit of the appropriate size

    If the cell is the primary element in biology, then the family hearth is the cell of the social environment. The creation of this hearth, which has been dominated by cruel games and speculation for more than a century, must turn into a humane activity. The hearth is the primary stage of urban planning. It makes life easier for a person, guards his daily joys and sorrows. It must be permeated with the sun, saturated with fresh air and receive its continuation outside the dwelling in the form of a series of public institutions.

    In order to best organize domestic and cultural services (food, education, medical care, recreation), it is necessary to group the apartments into housing units of the appropriate size.

    89. The creation of Residential Units will allow for the establishment of optimal links within the city between housing, place of work and facilities intended for recreation.

    The main task that should attract the attention of the city planner is the creation of optimal living conditions. It is also necessary to significantly improve the conditions of production activities. Office buildings, enterprises, factories must be equipped with the necessary set of household appliances that can ensure the fulfillment of the second function - labor.

    And finally, you need to constantly take care of the third function, which involves healthy rest, hardening of the body and spirit. All these responsibilities rest with city planners.

    90. In order to fulfill this responsible task, it is necessary to widely use the advanced achievements of modern science, technology and building art.

    The era of machine technology gave rise to new capacities, which became one of the reasons that violated the usual order in cities. And in spite of this, it is precisely the powers of our age that must contribute to their decisive reorganization. New technical means brought with them new methods of work, facilitated work and gave rise to updated measurement scales. In the history of architecture, they opened a truly new page. Modern construction is characterized by a variety of building types and an unprecedented complexity of design solutions. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him, the architect must resort to the help of numerous specialists at all stages of the work.

    91. The scale of new construction will depend on the sum of political, social and economic factors

    By itself, the introduction of the Urban Development Act and the introduction of new construction methods will not solve the problems of urban renewal. To implement this, three factors are required: decisive, far-sighted and firm power, purposefully aimed at the implementation of the developed, design solutions; a population that is aware of the need for urban reorganization and persistently achieves this; finally, a strong economic position, allowing to undertake and carry out significant work.

    But sometimes circumstances may develop in such a way that, in an extremely unfavorable political and economic environment, there is an urgent and urgent need for a decisive expansion of the scale of construction. In this case, the authorities are forced to mobilize all the necessary resources and start major planning and construction work.

    92. In these circumstances, architecture becomes paramount

    Architecture determines the fate of the city. Architecture determines the structure of the dwelling, the fundamental principle of the urban plan. The quality of the built dwelling, its ability to bring joy to people depend on the architect. Architecture groups dwellings into large complexes based on precise calculations.

    Architecture determines the location of free spaces in advance and indicates the location of structures. It creates continuations of dwellings, indicates the most favorable places for industrial enterprises and recreation areas, develops schemes of transport networks and thus ensures the establishment of contacts between different zones. Architecture is responsible for the organization of favorable living conditions and the beauty of the city. It is she who points out the ways of creating and reconstructing populated areas, rationally planning the territory, achieving optimal living conditions for the population, harmoniously and reasonably distributing the elements of improvement and consumer services. Architecture is the foundation of everything.

    93. The sheer scale of urban refurbishment and beautification work required and the existence of countless private land holdings are two antagonistic circumstances.

    It is necessary to immediately begin to carry out huge reconstruction work, since all the ancient and modern cities of the world are characterized by the same vices generated by similar reasons. These works can be carried out only if the program being implemented is part of a single project of the district planning and the master plan of the city. The implementation of the project can be carried out fragmentarily, provided that part of the territory is immediately built up and subsequent work is postponed to a more distant period. Numerous private properties must be expropriated and properly documented. At these moments, the vile speculative operations are dangerous, which often paralyze in the bud the largest activities aimed at the public good.

    Expropriation under the conditions of private ownership of land and buildings is a complex problem for the city, its surroundings, as well as on the scale of larger territories occupying entire regions.

    94. The cruel contradictions noted by us are the most difficult problem of the era. The task is to solve it in the shortest possible time by legislative means, ensuring the possibility of rational development of the territory and the creation of the necessary conditions for the full satisfaction of the vital needs of the individual and the whole society.

    For many years, all over the world, any attempt at urban renewal was shattered by the ossified laws of private property. Land, the entire territory of the country must be freely provided for urban planning needs at a fairly established cost. When it comes to the general interest, land should be subject to expropriation without any restrictions.

    Peoples suffer many hardships and troubles because they were not prepared for the invasion of new technology and the consequences associated with it, which disorganized personal and social life. Disregard for urban planning laws is the cause of anarchy that reigns in the development of cities and the location of industry. The absence of urban planning legislation has led to the devastation of villages, to the reckless overpopulation of cities, to the excessive concentration and chaotic distribution of industry. The dwellings of the workers turned into slums. Nowhere has anything been done to protect the people. The result is catastrophic, and the situation is similar in almost all countries. This is the sad result of a century of spontaneous development of machine technology.

    95. Private interest must be subordinated to the interests of the collective

    Being left to himself, a person will inevitably find himself crushed by the difficulties that fall upon him, which he is not able to overcome alone. Forced to constantly unquestioningly obey the will of the collective, he loses his individuality. Personal law and collective law must be combined with each other, enrich each other and harmonize their capabilities by combining the positive and constructive qualities inherent in each of them. Personal right has nothing to do with greedy private interest. The latter, which serves to enrich the minority and dooms the masses of people to a miserable existence, is worthy of the most merciless eradication. The private interest must be everywhere subordinated to the collective interest. And then every individual will have every opportunity to satisfy his aspirations for the well-being of the family hearth and the beauty of the populated areas.

    IV. Brief information about international congresses on contemporary architecture

    1928 Creation of CIAM

    Thanks to the generous hospitality of Mrs. Helene de Mandro, a group of innovative modern architects met in 1928 in Switzerland at the Sarraz Vaux castle.

    After discussing the pressing issues of architecture and building according to a program previously developed in Paris, they decided to unite in order to help raise architecture to the level of its tasks. Thus, an association was created, which received the name "International Congresses of Contemporary Architecture" - CIAM.

    Sarraz Declaration

    The undersigned architects, representing national groups of contemporary architects, declare complete unity of views on the basic concepts of architecture and on the nature of their professional duties.

    They argue that the activity called "construction" is an elementary human activity, inseparably linked with the development of life. The purpose of architecture is to express the spirit of the era. They declare the need to develop a new architectural concept that would satisfy the material, spiritual and aesthetic needs of modern life.

    Taking into account the profound upheavals caused by the era of machine technology, they believe that the changes that have taken place in the field of social life and the economic system must, with fatal necessity, lead to corresponding changes in architecture.

    They united in order to achieve a harmonious unity of everything that is characteristic of the modern world, and in order to return to architecture its true meaning. They believe that architecture should serve the benefit of man in an economic and social sense. Only in this case architecture will be saved from the suffocating dominance of the academies.

    Convinced of their views, they declare that they are united in order to put their ideas into practice.

    General line of development

    The development interests of each country demand an inseparable unity of architecture with plans for the development of the national economy.

    The pursuit of increased productivity and "profitability", which is considered an axiom of modern life, should not be pursued only by the commercial goals of maximizing profits, it should be seen as the need to obtain products in sufficient quantities to fully meet human needs.

    True profitability in the construction business can only be achieved as a result of the rationalization of the production process, the introduction and normalization of industrial methods in the creation of a work of modern architecture.

    Instead of resorting to degenerate artisanal methods of construction, architecture must immediately take advantage of the enormous advantages of modern technology, without fear that this will lead to the creation of works that are in many ways different from those built in past epochs.

    urban planning

    Urban planning is the development and improvement of various populated areas and territories intended for the development of material, spiritual and aesthetic life in all its individual and collective manifestations.

    It covers the design and construction of cities and rural areas.

    Urban planning cannot serve purely aesthetic purposes. In essence, this is a functional phenomenon.

    The three main functions that urban planning should deal with are: 1) to live; 2) work; 3) rest. Its main tasks should be considered: a) placement on the territory; b) organization of traffic; c) development of legislative documents.

    The current state of populated areas does not provide a rational combination of the above three main functions. It is necessary to re-plan the territories of the corresponding three zones and determine the ratio of the areas of built-up and free territories. Building densities and transport networks should also be reviewed. Instead of senseless distribution of land plots, carried out as a result of sale, speculation and private transactions, it is necessary to carry out their redistribution on the basis of new land legislation. The new redistribution of land based on the requirements of modern urban planning will ensure the fair satisfaction of private and public interests.

    Architecture and public opinion

    It is necessary that architects influence public opinion and acquaint it with the means and possibilities of modern architecture.

    Academic education perverted the tastes of the general public, and the pressing issues of housing construction were not touched upon at all. The public is poorly informed, so consumers are not even able to formulate their requirements for a modern home. In addition, housing issues for a long time were out of sight of most architects.

    General knowledge of housing does not exceed the theoretical baggage received by people in elementary school. It is necessary that the new generation have a clear idea of ​​​​what a complete and healthy home should be. Prepared in this way, a new generation of future clients of the architect will be able to present their demands on the vital problems of the dwelling, which for too long have been neglected.

    Architecture and State

    Architects, filled with a strong desire to work for the benefit of modern society, believe that the academies hinder social progress, bowing to antiquity and ignoring the problems of housing in the name of purely decorative and ceremonial architecture.

    By taking over education, the academies compromise the title of architect. In view of the fact that the bulk of state orders for design pass through the academies, the latter prevent the penetration of a new spirit into architecture.

    Without the introduction of modern ideas in the business of construction and architecture, it is impossible to update and raise them.

    CIAM Goals

    The goals of CIAM are to formulate the tasks of the creative development of modern architecture, to introduce these ideas into the technical, economic and social spheres, to achieve the realization of the ideals of modern architecture.

    1952. City family hearth. Publisher Lund Humphrey. London (in English)

    1954. City center. Publisher Ulrico Hep. Milan (in Italian)

    First of all, society to a certain extent destroys the existing natural complexes, relationships in nature. Society in the course of its life does not just change natural connections and complexes. Deforming, destroying, it also creates. All these changes fit into the pre-existing natural complexes and relationships, becoming their integral part. Finally, it should be emphasized that society affects nature and the waste of its production and other activities. Thus, the impact of society on nature is diverse not only in the specific content of the development of natural resources. This impact is versatile and in its focus on the development of nature: it develops and improves some of its capabilities, and destroys some. In a word, this influence represents the unity of creation and destruction.

    The resistance of nature to the influence of man is a developing quantity. The possibilities of nature are endless, the growth of human needs is unstoppable. Therefore, each new peak in the mastery of nature is, in essence, the beginning of a new round in the relationship between society and nature. And on this new turn - a new resistance of nature. Apparently
    in this increase in the resistance of nature lies one of the reasons for the progressive and accelerating development of society.

    In a word, nature in its opposition to man puts before him, as it were, two barriers: on the one hand, this is the closeness of nature, the cemented nature of its connections, the unresolved nature of its laws; on the other hand, on the contrary, the openness of nature, its plasticity and vulnerability. Mankind always needs to comply with the measure in overcoming these barriers. If it weakens its labor pressure, its cognitive power, it will "miss" a lot from nature, and will reduce the possibilities of its development. If it “goes over” in its transformative zeal, then, in the end, it will also come to negative results for itself, cutting down the branch on which it sits.

    In the twentieth century, during the scientific and technological revolution, the scale of material activity increased so much that the waste of this activity fell upon nature with great force.

    (According to the materials of the online edition)

    1. Plan the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.
    2. What two manifestations of the contradictory impact of society on nature are considered in the text?
    3. For what purpose does society change the natural environment? How, according to the author, is the resistance of nature to the impact of man connected with the development of society?
    4. What two barriers, according to the author, does nature put before a person? Illustrate with an example the author's call for compliance with the measure
    in overcoming these barriers.
    5. How does the author evaluate the results of human material activity in the 20th century? What social process does he associate these results with? Using the facts of public life, give an argument confirming the position of the author.
    6. Many contemporary public figures urge society to change its attitude towards nature. Using social science knowledge and the facts of public life, indicate three possible directions for this change.

    Option No. 3041198

    When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other extra characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

    If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

    Version for printing and copying in MS Word

    Write down the missing word in the table.



    In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word.

    Share, bond, bill, security, check.


    Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are political institutions.

    2) parliamentarism

    3) property

    6) university

    Find two terms that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


    Select the correct judgments about the formational approach to the study of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) The formational approach to the study of society was most fully formulated by K. Marx and F. Engels.

    2) Within the framework of the formational approach, the leading role in the development of society is assigned to the ideological and cultural factor.

    3) The formational approach describes the development of society as a movement from a lower to a higher level.

    4) The formational approach assumes the universal nature of the laws of social development.

    5) The formational approach emphasizes the uniqueness and diversity of various geographical and historical forms of society.


    Establish a correspondence between religions and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



    Country Z has established a Center for the Study of Global Environmental Problems. What problems can become the object of study in this center? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) the North-South problem

    2) climate warming

    3) sea level rise

    4) the spread of the AIDS virus

    5) ozone holes

    6) global overpopulation


    Choose the correct judgments about economic crises and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) The economic crisis is an integral part of the economic cycle.

    2) Economic crises are characteristic of all types of economies.

    3) The economic crisis is characterized by a sharp drop in production volumes.

    4) The economic crisis is characterized by rising unemployment and falling real incomes of the population.

    5) An economic crisis is always characterized by high inflation.


    Establish a correspondence between the objects of study of economic science and its sections.

    Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



    In country T, an intensive path of economic development prevails. Which of the following factors indicate this? Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) growth in labor productivity

    2) low inflation

    3) employment growth

    4) the growth of savings of the population

    5) increase in the share of high-tech goods in exports

    6) distribution of resource-saving technologies



    Choose the correct judgments about moral standards and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) Moral norms are based on social ideas about good and evil.

    2) Moral norms are formed gradually in the process of development of society.

    3) Moral norms are formalized in legal acts.

    4) Moral norms differ in different social groups.

    5) Compliance with moral standards is ensured by the power of state coercion.


    Among different age categories of the population of country Z, a sociological survey was conducted on the topic: “Which social institutions do you trust the most?” His results are shown in the diagram.

    Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) In all age groups, the school is the least trusted.

    2) Representatives of the older age group trust the church the most.

    3) The level of confidence in the school in the middle age group is higher than in other groups.

    4) The family is the most trusted in all age groups.

    5) The level of trust in school and church in all age groups is approximately the same.


    Choose the correct judgments about the presidential republic and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) The President is elected by Parliament.

    2) The President heads the executive branch of government.

    3) The government is responsible both to the president and to the parliament.

    4) The President does not have the right to veto laws passed by Parliament.

    5) The President does not have the right to dissolve Parliament.


    Establish a correspondence between the powers and state authorities of the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



    Party N stands for the preservation of the existing political system and economic structure. What other provisions of the party N program indicate that it adheres to a conservative ideology? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) active foreign policy

    2) protection of traditional religious and national values

    3) lower taxes on big business

    4) support for the development of science and education

    5) the natural nature of social inequality

    6) ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen


    What obligations are established for citizens by the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) pay legally established taxes and fees

    2) to work for the good of society

    3) receive secondary general education

    4) preserve nature and the environment

    5) defend the Fatherland


    Choose the correct judgments about disciplinary responsibility and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) Disciplinary responsibility arises in case of violation of labor discipline by an employee.

    2) The commission of a disciplinary offense by an employee always entails the application of measures of disciplinary liability to him.

    3) The imposition of a disciplinary sanction is always issued by a written order of the employer.

    4) The employer may apply to the employee any measures of disciplinary liability that are not prohibited by law.

    5) An employee may challenge a disciplinary sanction imposed on him.


    Establish a correspondence between legal facts and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



    A criminal case has been initiated against Mikhail Romanov on charges of causing grievous bodily harm. Under what conditions is Mikhail NOT subject to criminal liability? Write down the numbers under which the corresponding conditions are indicated. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

    1) Harm caused in a state of passion.

    2) The harm was done in a state of necessary defense.

    3) The harm was done in a state of emergency.

    4) harm caused in a state of intoxication

    5) Harm caused in a state of insanity.

    6) The harm was caused due to a combination of difficult life circumstances.


    Read the text below with a number of words missing.

    Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

    Social ____________ (A) characterizes the differences in the position of people and their associations in relation to each other. It existed in society at different stages of its development, but for each period there were certain features and signs inherent in this particular era. People in society, as we know from history, were not equal in their position, there was always a division into rich and poor, respected

    and the despised, the successful and the unsuccessful.

    The ancient and medieval society was characterized by a division into ______________ (B), that is, a group of people with certain rights and _____________ (C), inherited. Some of these groups had _____________ (D) - special rights that exalt these people and allow them to live at the expense of others. An example is the nobility in the Russian Empire. And, on the contrary, the vast majority of people in the country were deprived of even elementary human rights. Serfs were the property of the landlords, they could be sold and bought, and even children separately from their parents.

    With the beginning of the industrial revolution, the structure of society has changed, the main social groups are ___________ (D). The new division is carried out, first of all, according to the place of people in the economic system, in relation to _______________ (E), according to the amount of income they receive. Such social affiliation is not inherited, social mobility is not regulated in any way, much depends on the person himself.

    The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

    List of terms:

    The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

    Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



    (K. S. Gadzhiev)

    What are the three goals of state sovereignty indicated by the author? Involving social science knowledge, the facts of public life, name another goal of state sovereignty that is not indicated in the text.

    Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

    A modern state is unthinkable without the idea of ​​sovereignty...

    It is difficult to establish the source of state sovereignty. However, it is a real phenomenon. In this territory there is no authority higher than the state. It is sovereign over all other powers in the territory. As P. I. Novgorodtsev noted, the supreme power is one and indivisible in the sense that under no circumstances can it “allow another power standing above it and next to it.”

    The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, the inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or external force violates the borders of this state or forces it to take this or that decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

    Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law from primitive law, and so on. The state, wrote a nineteenth-century French jurist. A. Esmen, "there is a subject and support of public authority." This power, essentially not recognizing a superior or competing power over itself in the relations it governs, is called sovereignty. It has two aspects: internal sovereignty, or the right to rule over all the citizens that make up the nation, and even all who live on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

    Another important tool and attribute of the state, which ensures its universality, is the law. In a sense, law is the expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by all, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

    (K. S. Gadzhiev)

    Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
    On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

    What are the three principles of sovereignty named by the author? Using the facts of public life and personal social experience, give an example of how each of these principles is implemented in the activities of the state.

    Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

    A modern state is unthinkable without the idea of ​​sovereignty...

    It is difficult to establish the source of state sovereignty. However, it is a real phenomenon. In this territory there is no authority higher than the state. It is sovereign over all other powers in the territory. As P. I. Novgorodtsev noted, the supreme power is one and indivisible in the sense that under no circumstances can it “allow another power standing above it and next to it.”

    The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, the inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or external force violates the borders of this state or forces it to take this or that decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

    Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law from primitive law, and so on. The state, wrote a nineteenth-century French jurist. A. Esmen, "there is a subject and support of public authority." This power, essentially not recognizing a superior or competing power over itself in the relations it governs, is called sovereignty. It has two aspects: internal sovereignty, or the right to rule over all the citizens that make up the nation, and even all who live on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

    Another important tool and attribute of the state, which ensures its universality, is the law. In a sense, law is the expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by all, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

    (K. S. Gadzhiev)

    The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, the inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or external force violates the borders of this state or forces it to take this or that decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

    Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law from primitive law, and so on. The state, wrote a nineteenth-century French jurist. A. Esmen, "there is a subject and support of public authority." This power, essentially not recognizing a superior or competing power over itself in the relations it governs, is called sovereignty. It has two aspects: internal sovereignty, or the right to rule over all the citizens that make up the nation, and even all who live on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

    Another important tool and attribute of the state, which ensures its universality, is the law. In a sense, law is the expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by all, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

    Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
    On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

    Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

    Designate at your discretion one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand it (them). When disclosing the main idea(s) you have indicated, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions) in reasoning and conclusions, illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

    To illustrate your theoretical statements, reasoning and conclusions, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly connected with the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

    29.1 Philosophy:“Those doubts that theory does not resolve, practice will resolve you.” (L. Feuerbach)

    29.2 Economy:"Competition is central planning carried out by many independent individuals." (F. Hayek)

    29.3 Sociology, social psychology:“You are not born a person, you become a person.” (A. N. Leontiev)

    29.4 Political science:“Morality without politics is useless. Politics without morality is inglorious." (A.P. Sumarokov)

    29.5 Jurisprudence:“At the trial, not only what was obtained during the preliminary investigation is examined, but also how it was obtained.” (A.F. Koni)

    Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
    On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

    Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.