Pumpkin juice is delicious. How to make pumpkin juice? Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

Pumpkin juice is a healthy drink for maintaining good health. It enriches the body with vitamins, treats some diseases and helps keep the figure in great shape. And if you prepare it for the winter, combining it with apples, carrots, oranges and other fruits, problems with low immunity will not be a problem. This article will talk about how to make pumpkin juice yourself and what beneficial properties it has for people of any age.

Necessary equipment and utensils

Making pumpkin juice at home is not difficult. First you need to decide how you can get it. The first, fastest one is using a juicer. The second is when the product is cooked in a juicer. The third, more labor-intensive method, in which the pumpkin is grated and then the juice is squeezed through several layers of gauze. Another, fourth cooking option is boiling pumpkin cut into pieces in water and then grinding it in a blender. Any of the listed methods for obtaining pumpkin nectar is good in its own way, so everyone can choose an acceptable option for themselves.
We will take a closer look at the fourth method of producing pumpkin drink, which was mentioned above. So, to prepare it we will need:

  • Juicer.
  • Blender.
  • Table-knife.
  • Pan (at least 8 liters).
  • Sterilized jars.
  • Seaming machine and lids.

Required Ingredients

Here is a list of products from which we will prepare our juice:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 3 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Citric acid - 10 gram sachet (2 tsp).

Features of product selection

Regardless of the method of obtaining the drink, you first need to choose the right vegetable itself. There are three varieties of table pumpkin suitable for human consumption: hard-barked, large-fruited and nutmeg. Which one to choose is up to you.

- the most common type. This variety ripens faster than others. As the name suggests, the bark of this fruit is hard and dense. The inside of the pumpkin is fibrous, with a delicate aroma, the pulp is sugary, with many soft yellow seeds. Such a fruit is difficult to peel.
- biggest pumpkin Five-kilogram representatives of this species are a common occurrence. The taste of this fruit is sweet and delicate. It has a soft skin, so it is easy to clean.

- ripens later than others, its fruits are bright orange, not very large, with a soft crust. This type of pumpkin is one of the most delicious.

Did you know? The nutmeg variety has the highest sugar and carotene content, large-fruited pumpkin is high-yielding, and fruits with a hard crust can be stored the longest.

If you have to buy pumpkin at the market to prepare nectar, you need to consider several important points:

  • Choose firm, fairly ripe fruits that have evenly colored skin.
  • A quality vegetable should not have its tail cut off, it should break off on its own. If the tail is cut off, it means that you have an unripe fruit.
  • It is better not to take pumpkin that has already been cut into slices. It is not known in what sanitary conditions the fruits were stored before slicing, and they were not necessarily washed beforehand. Also, the cut vegetable could be rotten.
  • If you do buy chopped vegetables, then taste the seeds. They must be ripe and large, which means that the fruit is ripe and has absorbed all the beneficial properties.

Did you know? The older the pumpkin, the higher the nutritional value of its seeds.

Step-by-step process for preparing pumpkin juice at home for the winter

The process for preparing pumpkin juice is as follows:

Important! Canned juices can be stored not only in a cool place, but also at room temperature. The only caveat is that they should not be exposed to sunlight, otherwise the oxidation process will begin and the beneficial properties will be lost.

How to clarify juice and is it necessary?

The pumpkin drink is not transparent due to the particles suspended in it, for this reason not everyone likes its taste.

A way to make juice clearer

To get a clear drink, you need to filter it through gauze folded in several layers, let it settle in a cool place, and then pour the settled liquid without sediment into another container. But is it really necessary to do this?

Is there any benefit from lightening?

According to nutritionists, it is unclarified juices, in which the pulp is preserved in the form of suspended particles, that are especially useful for maintaining health. Such drinks contain fiber and pectins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also reduce cholesterol levels.

Beneficial properties of pumpkin juice

Medical experts advise drinking juice for both adults and children, even infants. It has the following positive effects on organs and systems:

  • It contains many amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • Increases the body's defenses.
  • Promotes cleansing of fats, toxins and impurities.
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Removes radionuclides.
  • Helps fight cancer.
  • A product with the addition of honey helps fight insomnia.
  • Increases vitality and performance.
  • Removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  • Improves the functioning of the circulatory system and heart.

For adults

Now let’s learn more about the benefits of a pumpkin drink for an adult if consumed regularly:

Important! How much juice you can drink daily is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It must be remembered that the maximum volume required for a healthy adult is 2 glasses per day. The body will not be able to fully absorb more.

For children

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend introducing pumpkin into the diet of babies at a very early age (from 5-6 months) as an additional nutrition, starting with 5 ml (1 teaspoon). It should be given carefully, observing the child’s skin reactions, as individual intolerance to pumpkin products may occur. Older children, from 3 years old, can drink on average 200-300 ml of pumpkin product per day.

With the regular presence of pumpkin drink in the children's menu, the following positive effects on the children's body are observed:

  • The stool is regulated, as a result of which the gastrointestinal system works well.
  • If there is no intolerance to pumpkin products, then this juice can even eliminate existing allergies to other products.
  • A rich set of trace elements, minerals and vitamins protects the child’s body from the effects of free radicals and promotes good growth and development.

What can you add to regular pumpkin juice?

Although pumpkin drink is healthy, due to its specific taste and smell, not everyone likes it. The problem can be solved by mixing it in arbitrary proportions with other nectars that are no less life-giving.

Did you know? pumpkin flowersSamecan be eaten. In Italy, the most common recipe for preparing them is stuffed flowers with mozzarella and tomatoes.

Apple, orange, carrot, cranberry juices, as well as dried apricot compote go well with pumpkin nectar. Below are short recipes for making cocktails in your home kitchen:


To make the pumpkin apple drink, you must first prepare the pumpkin according to the recipe above. At the end of cooking, we cook the apples. You can take fruits of any favorite variety, but green ones are best, they are usually more juicy. Then you need to remove the cores and stalks from them. Squeeze the juice through a juicer, add sugar, lemon zest and boil. Pour the apple mixture into the prepared hot pumpkin product and let them simmer together for 3 minutes, no more. Pour into prepared jars and roll up.

To prepare this mix you will need (for 3-4 liters of prepared pumpkin juice):

  • 3 kg of apples, peeled and cored;
  • 550 g sugar (less can be done if you need pronounced sourness);
  • Zest of 2 lemons, grated.


In itself, it is a very healthy vegetable, so it will be an excellent addition for preparing mixed nectars, especially since, thanks to carotene, it has an orange-yellow color similar to pumpkin. The carrot-pumpkin mixture can be prepared in the same way as the previous method. To do this you need to take (per 4 liters of finished pumpkin product):

  • 4 pieces of carrots;
  • 1-2 cups sugar (to taste);
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 2-3 clove inflorescences (optional).
Prepare carrot juice, mix with pumpkin juice and boil. Pour into sterile containers and roll up.

Important!To improve your health, you need to drink 0.5 glasses of pumpkin juice every morning half an hour before meals. For better absorption of carotene, you can add another teaspoon of sour cream, cream or vegetable oil (especially important for pumpkin-carrot mixture).


Another ingredient included in a pumpkin drink can be orange juice. Oranges have a red-orange color, a lot of useful substances and a citrus aroma. To prepare a wonderful, bright drink, you will need (for 4 liters of pumpkin juice):

  • 4 things. peeled oranges;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  • A small pinch of citric acid.
  • You can add vanilla at the tip of the knife.
  • Squeeze the juice from the oranges through a juicer, stir with sugar, vanilla and citric acid. Mix two ready-made juices, boil, pour into jars, and roll up.

To prepare a version of the drink with dried apricots, you must first cook a compote from these dried fruits. The compote recipe is simple and doesn’t take much time:
Rinse 300 grams of dried apricots thoroughly under running water, cut into pieces with a knife and place in a container prepared for cooking compote;

  • Pour 2.5 liters of water over dried fruits;
  • Add 150 g sugar;
  • Add a little citric acid (to taste) or pour in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • After boiling, simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes.
  • Mix the compote with pumpkin broth, boil the mixture for no more than 3 minutes and roll up.

Cranberry has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, and in combination with pumpkin it will become a vitamin home pharmacy for a long winter period. When making this useful preparation for the winter, you need:

  • Squeeze juice from 3 kilograms of washed cranberries;
  • Mix cranberry juice with 3 liters of prepared pumpkin liquid;
  • Add 800 g of sugar to the mixture (less or more can be used).
  • Boil the substance for 5 minutes.
  • Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

In addition to all of the above beneficial properties, pumpkin has certain contraindications for consumption:

There may be an allergy or individual intolerance to this product. Therefore, you need to start drinking this drink in small portions and monitor your condition. Particular care must be taken when introducing it into a child's diet.

People with reduced secretory function of the stomach and a tendency to diarrhea should not drink this drink due to the fact that this juice has a powerful cleansing property, which can cause severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as an exacerbation of the above diseases.

All of the above suggests that drinking pumpkin juice, either as a stand-alone drink or in a mix with other vegetables and fruits, brings more invaluable benefits to people’s health than harm, especially in winter. Of course, consultation with your doctor is required so as not to harm yourself and your child. If you use our recipes, you can prepare this excellent preparation for the winter yourself and without unnecessary fuss.

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Pumpkin juice is a healthy and tasty preparation for the winter. An orange drink with a delicate velvety taste will remind you of the warm, gentle summer sun and fills the body with health. Indeed, thanks to its vitamin composition, pumpkin juice occupies a leading position among fruit and vegetable juices.

Homemade pumpkin juice is a rich source of vitamin K, iron, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene.

Recipes for making pumpkin juice for the winter

Pumpkin juice is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, such a drink should be on the table in every home. The juice is prepared quite simply and quickly. Let's look at some of the most popular recipes, in particular, we suggest looking at pumpkin juice for the winter at home with orange.

Pumpkin juice with orange for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos


  • large pumpkin - 1 pc. (about 5 kg.);
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 300 g.

Cooking time: 2 hours, of which 30 minutes are preparation of ingredients.

Calorie content of juice: 100 g - 30.67 Kcal.

The yield of juice depends on the size of the pumpkin and the method of preparing the puree (if you rub it through a sieve, the juice will be thick, but there will be little of it; when pureeing using an immersion blender - at least 3 three-liter jars).

It’s not for nothing that pumpkin is called the queen of autumn. You can make a lot of things from it: juice, puree soup, a variety of pastries, and candied fruits. Let's take a closer look at juice. But it won’t be just pumpkin juice, but with the addition of oranges. The bottom line is that the sweetness of the pumpkin will be complemented by a slight sourness - vitamin C, which is very necessary for the human body. Pumpkin juice with orange for the winter turns out to be very tasty and healthy, it is stored perfectly in an apartment: it will last for a year without any problems. The recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter is very simple, even a young housewife can handle it.

How to prepare pumpkin juice with orange for the winter at home - step by step recipe with photos

First, you need to sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you: in the oven, on the stove, in a convection oven. Metal lids also need to be sterilized.

The pumpkin must be washed under running water, peeled and cut into cubes.

Place the pieces in a saucepan and add water until it is level with the pumpkin. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Then the mass must be rubbed through a metal sieve.

You can, of course, use an immersion blender, then you will get much more juice, but I prefer thick pumpkin juice.

Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Roll up the lids.

Pumpkin-orange juice is ready for the winter! It is very tasty and incredibly healthy! Agree that even a person who has never prepared anything before can prepare pumpkin juice with oranges at home for the winter. During the cold season, it will be so nice to open a can of juice and enjoy every sip. I hope you liked the recipe and now you can easily answer the question of how to make pumpkin juice without a juicer at home for the winter. Prepare this wonderful drink at home, I assure you, you will not be disappointed.

Above is orange-pumpkin juice - a recipe at home for the winter with step-by-step photos. Below you will find other variations of pumpkin juice.

Pumpkin and carrot juice for the winter through a juicer

Such a wonderful bright orange drink with a delicate taste will retain all its vitamins, because... amenable to minimal heat treatment.


  • pumpkin 1.2 kg
  • granulated sugar 100 g
  • carrot 800 g

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into small pieces to get more juice. Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds, cut off the rough skin and also cut into small cubes.
  2. Separately, pass the vegetables through a juicer. The output will be 250 ml of carrot and 300 ml of pumpkin juice.
  3. Pour the resulting cake with a liter of water and put it on the stove to boil. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.
  4. In a saucepan, mix the vegetable broth with juice and sugar. Heat the mixture until the first bubbles appear, immediately set aside and pour into sterile jars. Screw on the lids, insulate and leave until completely cool.

Apple-pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer and without it

This recipe requires a minimum of ingredients, and a juicer will do all the work.


  • pumpkin 800 g
  • sugar 300 g
  • apples 1.2 kg

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut off the peel. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater. Pour a little water over the grated pumpkin and cook until tender.
  2. Then pass the resulting mass through a juicer.
  3. Cut the apples into fairly large slices, cut out the seed pod. Pass the fruit through a juicer.
  4. Pour fruit and vegetable juices into the pan, add sugar and stir.
  5. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 7 minutes. Then pour into sterile, clean jars.
  6. Immerse the jars up to their hangers in hot water and sterilize for 20 minutes. Cover the jars with lids and cool.
  7. You can also prepare apple and pumpkin juice for the winter without a juicer. To do this, replace apples with apple juice. For 800 g of pumpkin you will need 300 ml of apple juice and 2/3 cup of granulated sugar.
  8. As in the first case, boil the pumpkin until tender, adding a little water to the pumpkin pieces.
  9. Rub the pulp through a sieve. Mix the resulting puree with apple juice and sugar.
  10. Warm the juice on the stove for 7 minutes and roll up.

Pumpkin juice with lemon for the winter

This recipe will be useful for those who do not have a juicer in their kitchen arsenal. Our grandmothers used this technology for preparing pumpkin juice.


  • unpeeled pumpkin 3.5 kg;
  • sugar 12 tbsp.
  • water 1 l
  • large lemon 0.5 pcs.
  • citric acid 5 g

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into slices, cut off the peel and cut the pulp into arbitrary pieces. Place the vegetable in a saucepan, add water and cook over medium heat. Stir the contents periodically. It will take about 40 minutes to cook the pumpkin.
  2. Using an immersion blender or masher, puree the pumpkin mixture. Add sugar, citric acid and juice from half a lemon. To remove solids, pass the juice through a fine-mesh sieve, using a spoon to help.
  3. Place the container with the juice on the stove and cook at a low simmer for about 5 minutes after the boiling point.
  4. Pour the hot juice into sterile glass containers, screw on the lids and cool under a blanket.

Pumpkin juice with dried apricots for the winter

A very unusual combination of flavors of sweet and sour dried apricots and pumpkin. Add lemon juice to add a pleasant sourness to the preparation.


  • pumpkin pulp 650 g
  • dried apricots 100 g
  • small carrots 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 1 tsp.
  • sugar 300 g

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the prepared vegetables into medium pieces, mix with dried apricots and place it all in a saucepan. Fill the contents with water until the liquid completely covers it. After boiling, simmer the mixture for 40 minutes until all ingredients are soft.
  2. Using an immersion blender, puree the mixture. Add lemon juice and sugar, stir. Pour in 1 liter of water, boil the juice for 10 minutes and roll into jars.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn for the winter without sugar

You can stock up on pumpkin and sea buckthorn juice after the main harvesting season. Sea buckthorn remains on the branches until frost, so there is no need to rush to harvest it. Moreover, after hanging longer on the branches, the berries accumulate more vitamins.


  • pumpkin juice 5 l
  • sea ​​buckthorn 1.5 kg
  • water 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare pumpkin juice in any convenient way.
  2. Wash the sea buckthorn and sort it, removing damaged and rotten berries. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and simmer over medium heat until soft. Rub the berry mass through a sieve, periodically clearing it of cake.
  3. Mix two types of juice in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. To retain most of the nutrients, simmer the juice for no more than 5 minutes over low heat.
  4. Pour the boiling juice into sterile jars and seal with tin lids.

Pumpkin juice with citric acid

Pumpkin juice is a nutritious, tasty and surprisingly healthy drink. This recipe is easy to prepare and requires a minimum of ingredients.


  • peeled pumpkin 2.5 kg
  • water 2100 ml
  • sugar 1.5 tbsp.
  • citric acid 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the pumpkin as described in the previous recipes. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add half a glass of water, and place on low heat. Simmer the pumpkin until soft, about 20 minutes. Remove the boiled pumpkin from the stove and puree with a blender.
  2. Boil syrup from the remaining sugar, citric acid and water so that the sugar and acid crystals are completely dissolved. Add pumpkin puree to the syrup simmering over low heat and mix thoroughly. Cook the mixture for a quarter of an hour at a low simmer.
  3. Pour the prepared hot juice into jars and roll up the lids.

How to make pumpkin juice for the winter?

Pumpkin juice can be prepared at home in various ways, using different additives and fillers. You will learn all the subtleties and secrets of preparing this healthy drink from this article.

Which pumpkin is best to choose for making juice?

The quality of the final product depends on the quality and variety of pumpkin. When choosing a pumpkin, you must take into account that not all varieties are suitable for making juice. The varieties “Butternut”, “Amazonka”, “Vitamin Gray” and “Candied Fruit” are perfect for juice. Moreover, each variety has its own special aftertaste.

As for the quality of vegetables, for juice it is necessary to select fresh vegetables without damage, recently picked from the garden. The fruits should not be very large (no more than 5 kg), large pumpkins are dry and bitter inside.

The pumpkin must be fully ripe, without damage. In such a fruit, the dry tail breaks off easily. The pulp of a pumpkin suitable for juice should have a rich, bright color. The brighter the color, the more vitamins the pulp contains. It is not recommended to purchase pumpkin cut into pieces, because... she could have been damaged.

The longer a pumpkin is stored, the more moisture and nutrients it loses. Therefore, you should not delay the preparation of juice and start stocking up for the winter in the fall.

How to prepare pumpkin for cooking?

Before you start making juice, you need to prepare the main ingredient for processing. To do this, wash the pumpkin thoroughly under running water and cut it into 2 or 4 parts. Scrape out the fibrous pulp with seeds and cut the pumpkin into slices. And then cut off the tough skin from each piece.

If you plan to prepare juice with pulp, then the fibrous core can be left, removing only the seeds.

Further preparation of the juice occurs in accordance with the selected recipe. The juice can be squeezed out of the raw vegetable or the pumpkin can be pre-simmered for softness. And then puree or rub through a sieve.

How long can pumpkin juice be stored?

Depending on the method of preparing pumpkin juice, its shelf life differs.

Freshly squeezed juice is consumed within 10 minutes, so it is not advisable to prepare it in large volumes. Even in the refrigerator, pumpkin juice loses its nutritional value every minute.

If the juice is intended for winter storage, it must be consumed within 6-12 months. Pasteurized juice can be stored for up to six months, and a sterilized drink can last in the basement for up to a year.

Can you drink raw pumpkin juice?

You can not only drink pumpkin juice raw, but you should. The freshly prepared drink contains the highest percentage of beneficial vitamins, microelements and minerals. It is indispensable for seasonal vitamin deficiencies and is recommended even for children, because is a hypoallergenic product.

Methods for making pumpkin juice at home

Modern technologies have greatly simplified the life of housewives in the kitchen. Therefore, today you can make pumpkin juice for the winter in various ways. Let's look at several ways to prepare pumpkin juice for the winter.

Preparing pumpkin juice in a juicer

To prepare juice in a juicer, prepared pumpkin pieces are passed through the machine. This process is quite easy and fast. To taste, the juice is flavored with sugar, honey or diluted with other fruit, vegetable or berry juices. Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed immediately.

To prepare squeezed juice for the winter, it is heated over low heat for 3-5 minutes and rolled into sterile glass jars.

You can make an excellent thick jam or a delicious pie filling from pumpkin pulp.

Pumpkin juice in a juicer

In a juicer, juice is prepared under the influence of steam. Water is poured into the lower part to the desired level. Prepared pumpkin cut into pieces is placed in the upper container with holes. When the water boils, steam rises and heats the raw material. Pumpkin juice is gradually released and flows down the spout directly into a sterile container.

If the recipe for pumpkin juice in a pressure cooker for the winter contains additional ingredients, then the juice is collected in a saucepan. Then it is mixed with the necessary additives and reheated on the stove. After which it is packaged in jars.

Pumpkin juice - a recipe through a meat grinder for the winter

If you don’t have a juicer or a juice cooker, and you don’t want to rub the mass by hand through a sieve. To prepare juice, you can use a regular meat grinder. To do this, cut the prepared pumpkin into small pieces so that they fit into the socket of the meat grinder, and grind.

The resulting mass is squeezed through a double layer of sterile gauze or other fabric that allows liquid to pass through well. Mix the juice with sugar and citric acid and heat it at 90 degrees for 5-10 minutes. This process is called pasteurization. After such heat treatment, almost all useful substances remain in the product, and its shelf life increases significantly.

Subtleties of preparing pumpkin juice and difficulties that may arise

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in preparing pumpkin juice. But sometimes, unpleasant situations happen. Next we will talk about what to do in the event of force majeure.

Why does white sediment appear in homemade pumpkin juice?

Juices stored for the winter in glass jars should be stored in cool, dark rooms. If storage conditions are violated and the workpiece is stored in the presence of light, then ascorbic acid begins to degrade. At the same time, the color of the drink changes and a whitish sediment appears at the bottom of the jar. This juice is not suitable for consumption, because... it contains almost no substances useful to the body.

Why is pumpkin juice bitter?

Sometimes canned pumpkin juice tastes bitter. This means that it was made from large overripe fruits. In addition, some varieties of pumpkin have a bitter taste. Also, bitterness can appear in any type of pumpkin if the plant did not receive enough moisture during the period of growth and ripening of the fruit.

Another reason for bitterness is long-term storage of fruits. If you make juice from such a vegetable, it will most likely also taste bitter.

Why does pumpkin juice thicken?

Pumpkin juice itself has a viscous, thick texture. Therefore, the consistency of the juice directly depends on the amount of water or syrup added to the pumpkin puree. To make the juice less thick, you can add thinner apple or orange juice.

What to do if pumpkin juice has fermented?

Pumpkin juice does not contain its own acid, so another acid is usually added to it for storage. But it often happens that the juice begins to deteriorate and ferment. In this case, the jar must be opened and the juice boiled again for 5-10 minutes.

This drink is no longer suitable for re-canning. But you can use it to make delicious fruit drinks, jelly, jelly or homemade wine.

Pumpkin juice - benefits and harms

The beneficial properties of pumpkin can hardly be overestimated. It has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the human body. The greatest benefit comes from freshly prepared pumpkin juice, the main part of which is water. Surprisingly, this liquid is very close in structure to human blood plasma and lymph.

Fiber and pectin, contained in large quantities in pumpkin pulp, bring invaluable benefits to the body. These substances have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, effectively cleanse the intestines and normalize metabolic processes.

With a small amount of fat, pumpkin is rich in vegetable protein and vitamins A, E, K, B, C, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and a number of other minerals and trace elements.

Pumpkin juice is often used to prevent and treat many diseases.

Despite all the pros, pumpkin juice also has its cons.

  • First of all, the juice should not be consumed by people with individual intolerance to this product.
  • You should also use this drink carefully if you have stomach diseases.
  • You should not drink juice if you have diarrhea, because... taking it can only make the situation worse.

What are the benefits of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice?

When cooked, any product loses most of its nutrients. The same thing happens with pumpkin juice. Therefore, fresh pumpkin juice will bring the greatest benefit to the body. It is rightly called healing or living water.

Fresh pumpkin juice has a general strengthening effect on the body and improves blood circulation. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps remove heavy metal salts from the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Is it possible to drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice every day? If there are no contraindications, then daily consumption of pumpkin juice is welcome. A healthy person can drink 0.5 glasses of fresh drink before breakfast.

Pumpkin juice - benefits for women

Pumpkin juice has a very beneficial effect on the health and appearance of women.

Firstly, fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins and speeds up metabolism. This, in turn, causes a natural reduction in body weight, the skin of the face is refreshed and tightened, acne disappears, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Secondly, the immune and nervous systems are strengthened, blood composition improves, swelling disappears and the heart muscle is strengthened.

What are the benefits of pumpkin juice for men?

Men should pay attention to the positive effects of pumpkin juice on the prostate gland. Regular consumption of this drink has a positive tonic effect on men's health. Supports sexual function and promotes the production of male hormones.

The juice also cleanses the bile ducts, which improves the functioning of the gallbladder. Has a preventive effect against adenoma and prostatitis.

What diseases is pumpkin juice good for?

Pumpkin juice is an excellent prevention and additional way to treat many diseases. But we must remember that any course of treatment, even with healthy pumpkin juice, should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Is it possible to drink pumpkin juice for gastritis?

If the disease occurs against the background of increased secretion of gastric juice, then pumpkin juice will help improve digestion, increase the secretion of bile and normalize the production of hydrochloric acid. If the acidity is low, juice should be excluded from the diet.

Is it possible to drink pumpkin juice for pancreatitis?

Patients with acute pancreatitis should not drink pumpkin juice, because it contains many organic acids.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, pumpkin juice is allowed in the diet in small quantities.

Does pumpkin juice help with kidney stones?

Pumpkin juice is famous for its ability to break down stones and its strong diuretic effect. Therefore, this makes it an indispensable product for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Please note that you should start taking juice only after consulting a specialist and a full medical examination.

Pumpkin juice is rich in microelements and vitamins, so it is useful for both children and adults to drink in winter. This drink will not only strengthen the immune system, but will also help in the fight against various chronic diseases. Therefore, you can forget about vitamin deficiency.

To improve its taste, it is prepared with the addition of various ingredients. We will look at popular recipes for preparing food for the winter. This drink can be stored for a long time, so roll up several cans at once.

Pumpkin juice is also useful for overweight people and older women, as it improves the condition of the skin, hair and has excellent cleansing effects, removing toxins from the body.

So, let's get acquainted with the technology for preparing this miraculous drink in various versions.

Pumpkin juice at home according to a very tasty recipe

This is a very popular and simple preparation. The juice has a rich and pleasant taste. Therefore, the first recipe will be without adding other vegetables and fruits.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • Sugar and lemon juice to taste.


Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and rinse under running water. Then we put them in a saucepan, pour in clean water and cook until soft.

When the vegetable is cooked, it must be crushed using a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add lemon juice and sugar. Bring to a boil again and remove from the stove.

Pour the hot drink into sterile glass jars and screw on the lids.

The workpiece must cool down before storing it in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin juice with orange and lemon for the winter

Pumpkin can be stored for a long time, so you can make a drink from it not only in the fall, but also in the winter. The first quick cooking recipe. Any housewife can handle this process, even those who have never made such a preparation.


  • 5 kg pumpkin;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 10 g citric acid;
  • 3 cups white sugar.


Be sure to wash the vegetables. Then we cut it into several large pieces, remove all the insides and seeds. Then cut off the peel and cut the pulp into small cubes. It is recommended to wash the slices with cold water.

Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill completely with clean water. Place the container on the stove and cook until the vegetable becomes soft. Then turn the mixture into a puree.

Pour boiling water over oranges and lemons and dry. After this, peel and pass through a meat grinder. Add fruit pulp, zest and granulated sugar to the puree. Cook over medium heat.

When the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in the mixture, add water in a ratio of 3:1. Bring the liquid to a boil.

The resulting drink is poured into jars, which must first be sterilized. Seal with metal lids and place upside down in a warm place.

Pumpkin juice for the winter - a finger-licking recipe

Despite the fact that all the methods for preparing the drink are quite simple, the juice is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Let's consider one of these methods.


  • 700 g pumpkin;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp sugar.


Cut the fruit pulp into medium pieces, place them in a saucepan and fill with cold water. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour under a closed lid.

After cooling, add the required amount of sugar and lemon juice. If you want to give the drink an original taste, you can use cinnamon and nutmeg.

Grind all ingredients using an immersion blender.

Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

From the specified amount of ingredients, we got 1.5 liters of a healthy drink.

How to make pumpkin juice with apples without sugar

If you want to make a natural product without any additives or granulated sugar, then use this recipe. Step-by-step instructions are shown in the following video:

You need to spend a little time to enjoy a vitamin drink with a pleasant taste in cold weather. If desired, you can add spices to achieve the original aroma.

How to make carrot-pumpkin juice for the winter using a juicer

Pumpkin is known for its beneficial properties, but if you make a drink from it and add carrots, then this product will have no equal. But if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this juice is contraindicated.


  • 2.5 kg carrots;
  • 7.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 100 g granulated sugar.


First, let's prepare the vegetables. Peel and cut into convenient pieces.

Alternately put the pumpkin and then the carrots through the juicer.

From the specified amount of products we will get 1 liter of carrot juice and 3 liters of pumpkin drink. Mix them together.

Place the pan on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. Be sure to skim off the foam, then add granulated sugar. Stir and cook for about 3 minutes.

We pour the resulting drink into jars that we have previously sterilized. All that remains is to screw on the lids, turn the workpiece over and leave it until it cools completely.

Try this recipe and you won't regret it. The drink will appeal to all family members. Jars should be stored in a cool place.

How to make pumpkin juice with pulp for the winter at home

If you drink 300 g of the drink prepared according to this recipe every day, you will forget about seasonal viral diseases. Prepare several jars so that you don’t experience vitamin deficiency during the winter.


  • 1.5 kg of peeled pumpkin;
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 1700 ml water;
  • 100 g sugar.


We cut the fruit, remove all the insides, and also cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into pieces of arbitrary shape.

Fill the pumpkin with water at room temperature, place it on the burner and after boiling, cook with the lid closed over medium heat until the vegetable is completely cooked.

When the pumpkin becomes soft, grind it using a blender. If you don’t have this kitchen tool, you can grind it through a sieve.

Place the pan back on the heat and bring the puree mixture to a boil. If you think the consistency is too thick, then pour in boiled water. After boiling, remove the foam, add sugar and remove from the stove.

Now pour in the specified amount of lemon juice and pour into sterile jars.

Screw the lids on and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

To prepare a short-term storage drink, instead of sugar it is better to add 4 tsp of natural honey, which dissolves not in hot, but in warm liquid, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

Pumpkin juice with dried apricots through a juicer at home

To simplify the process of preparing drinks, you should buy kitchen appliances such as a juicer. With its help, you can make a delicious drink without much effort.


  • Pumpkin pulp;
  • Dried apricots.


  1. We fill the lower compartment with water to the upper mark and send it to the stove;
  2. We place a device on top into which the drink will be collected and install a sieve;
  3. Place the chopped pumpkin pulp and dried apricots into a sieve and cover with a lid. Steam over medium heat.
  4. We immediately place the jars under the hose from which the juice will flow.

We must sterilize containers in the oven, microwave, steam or other convenient way.

  1. Close the jars immediately and put them in a warm place until they cool.

This juice should be stored in the cellar, or best of all in the refrigerator. This will increase the shelf life of the healthy drink.

How to make pumpkin juice for the winter without a juicer

To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you do not need to have special kitchen devices. There is a simple method of preparation, which we will now look at.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • ¼ lemon;
  • 1 orange;
  • 150 g sugar.


Cut the fruit and remove the peel. Cut into slices of any shape.

Fill the pieces with water and put them on the stove to cook until fully cooked.

Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from the lemon and orange. Try not to get any bones into the liquid.

In about half an hour the vegetable will be ready. Grind the pieces with an immersion blender and pour in the citrus juice. Then add sugar and taste it. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.

All that remains is to pour the drink into sterilized jars and roll it up using a special key.

Wrap the workpiece upside down and leave to cool.

Jars should be stored in a cool place. The juice will not spoil throughout the winter period.

Pumpkin juice with citric acid in jars for the winter

There is another simple recipe for making a healthy drink for the winter. We will need no more than half an hour to make the workpiece and leave it to cool.


  • 3 kg peeled pumpkin;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp citric acid;
  • 400 g sugar.


Cut the pumpkin pulp into medium pieces, fill with cold water and place on the stove. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

Grind the boiled pieces through a juicer. You can also use a blender or grind through a sieve.

Add citric acid and granulated sugar to the liquid. Place the pan on the burner. After boiling, remove the foam and cook for about one minute.

Pour the juice into sterile jars, screw on the boiled lids and turn over.

If you are looking after your health, be sure to make this drink, which will strengthen your immune system during the winter.

Pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn: the best recipe

Thanks to this preparation method, you can prepare juice, the usefulness of which cannot be underestimated. In addition, it turns out tasty, so children will like it. Watch the following video for step-by-step instructions:

It is better to store jars in the refrigerator. And if there is no space, then put it in the pantry or cellar.

This juice should not be drunk if you have low stomach acidity. And for gastrointestinal diseases, this drink should be completely excluded from your diet. In some cases, an allergic reaction is possible.

If you and your family members have no contraindications, then be sure to roll up a few jars for the winter.

People say that pumpkin is the best home healer. And how many different delicacies can be prepared from it: first courses, second courses, and, of course, homemade pumpkin juice. Rich and healthy, bright and tasty, and, most importantly, natural, homemade pumpkin juice is a wonderful opportunity to combine business with pleasure: both enjoy the unique taste and replenish the body with minerals and vitamins. Moreover, preparing homemade pumpkin juice won’t be too difficult for you. The main thing is to choose the right pumpkin, the one from which homemade pumpkin juice will be richer and sweeter.

The pumpkin should be young, weighing up to 6 kg with bright orange flesh. Only in this case will it be distinguished by a large amount of carotene and natural fructose. Butternut squash is our pick. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice at maximum speed. There is no juicer - grate the pulp and squeeze out the juice using gauze folded in several layers. Although, I must say, this option is much more troublesome. It is advisable to consume the finished juice immediately, literally within 10-15 minutes; it should not be stored for too long.

Be prepared for the fact that the pleasant, sweetish taste of homemade pumpkin juice may not be to the taste of your household, as it still has some specific nuances. But this situation can be easily corrected by diluting homemade pumpkin juice. It goes well with juice from apples, pears, oranges, carrots, and celery. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a little sugar or honey - this will only improve the taste of your juice and make it richer and softer.

You can also stock up on homemade pumpkin juice for future use. You can do this in two ways: with and without pasteurization. The difference is that in the first case, the juice is poured into jars and pasteurized in them, and in the second, the juice is boiled for 5-10 minutes, then poured into jars and rolled up. In addition, pumpkin cut into pieces can be frozen, and before cooking, remove from the freezer, defrost and then prepare the juice in any way at your discretion.

Homemade freshly squeezed pumpkin juice

1 ripe pumpkin, weighing up to 5 kg.

Peel the pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Pass them through the juicer and extract the juice at maximum speed. Bright orange pumpkin juice is ready.
If you want to get pumpkin-carrot, pumpkin-cabbage, pumpkin-currant, pumpkin-apple or other juices, add any freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables and fruits to the pumpkin juice in a 1:1 ratio and add honey or sugar to taste.

Pumpkin juice with pulp

1 liter of water,
100 g sugar,
500 g pumpkin pulp,
juice of 1 lemon,
a few sprigs of mint.

Add sugar to the water and boil. Add the cake to the prepared syrup and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then rub the mixture through a strainer. Place the resulting juice and pulp back on the fire, bring to a boil, add lemon juice and mint sprigs. Remove the pan from the heat, let the juice sit, then remove the mint and cool. To preserve all the beneficial substances in the juice, boil the pulp with mint without adding juice, cool and only then mix with the juice. To prepare juice with pulp, use the pulp from the previous batch of juice.

Homemade pumpkin juice with lemon for the winter

1 kg pumpkin pulp,
250 g sugar,
2 liters of water,
1 lemon.

Grate the pumpkin pulp, pour boiling sugar syrup over it, stir and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and cool. Grind the mass with a blender or rub through a sieve and return to the pan, immediately add lemon juice, bring the mass to a boil and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and seal.

Pumpkin-orange juice for the winter

1 small pumpkin
3 oranges,
200 g sugar,
10-15 g citric acid,

Pour water into the pumpkin cut into pieces so that it completely covers them, and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Then cool and rub the pumpkin pieces through a sieve. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add freshly squeezed orange juice, citric acid and sugar. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and seal.

Pumpkin juice with carrots and dried apricots for the winter

3 kg pumpkin,
4 carrots,
500 g dried apricots,
1.2 kg sugar,
3 liters of water,
15 g citric acid.

Cut the pumpkin, carrots and dried apricots into pieces, place all the ingredients in a saucepan, add water and cook until soft. Then cool and puree using a blender. Attention: do not pour out the broth. Place the crushed mass in a saucepan, add 1 cup of broth, sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Immediately pour the juice into pre-sterilized jars and seal.

Pumpkin-apple juice for the winter

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg apples,
250 g sugar,
zest of 1 lemon.

Using a juicer, extract the juice from the pumpkin and apples, mix them in a saucepan, add sugar and lemon zest. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then leave the juice to simmer a little on the stove, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Pumpkin juice with gooseberry juice

800 g pumpkin,
800 g gooseberries,
300 g honey.

Squeeze the juice from pumpkin and gooseberries, mix well with honey, pour into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes. Then roll up the jars with pre-boiled lids and leave until completely cool.

Of course, all recipes for pumpkin juice for the winter can be used for everyday use, bypassing sterilization and storing the juice for no more than two days in the refrigerator.

Finally, a few warnings. Pumpkin has powerful potential. When introducing homemade pumpkin juice into the diet of young children, do it carefully and gradually, as a large amount of keratin can cause an allergic reaction. People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should consume homemade pumpkin juice with caution.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Do you want to preserve the taste of the tenderness of the last rays of the passing autumn? Prepare healthy and tasty pumpkin juice for the winter. And then on cold winter evenings the rich aroma of this yellow drink will remind you of warm summer. What are the features of this “sun in a glass”? Let's look at its beneficial properties, as well as several recipes on how to make pumpkin juice at home.

Vitamin rainbow

The drink has a rich orange color palette. And the vitamin composition is just as rich and “bright” in composition. What are the benefits of pumpkin juice? It contains microelements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, cobalt. In addition, the concentration of sucrose and pectin substances is high. Vitamins include C, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6. Due to its high fiber content, pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, tending to slightly increase bile secretion. The drink is also recommended for people with heart and vascular diseases, especially with frequent swelling and problems with the kidneys and liver. The duration of the course of treatment and the required doses for administration are selected individually in each case. But, in general, there are no specific contraindications, unless there is an individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, juice in normal volumes (on average 1 glass per day) can be drunk at any age. Let's look at several recipes for preparing the drink - from regular (one-ingredient) to assorted.

How to prepare pumpkin juice for the winter: rules for selecting ingredients. Classic version

Regardless of the composition of the drink and the preparation method, the finished result will largely depend on the quality of the raw materials. Thus, certain varieties of root vegetables are preferable to use for baking in the oven, others are especially tasty when cooked as part of porridges, and still others are especially suitable for making homemade pumpkin juice. Whether the raw materials have the required taste quality can be checked immediately before starting work. Peel part of the fruit from the peel and internal fibers with seeds. Using the middle part of the pulp, cut a small, thin slice of pumpkin from the total mass and taste it on your tongue. If sugar saturation is clearly present, and the piece looks juicy in appearance, you can safely use this raw material to prepare the drink. When growing pumpkin on your own plot, you should not immediately send the raw materials from the garden to a jar. As a rule, after harvesting, root vegetables are allowed to lie down for a while, as if to “ripen,” in a cool room with low humidity. After about 5-7 days, you can begin processing into juice.

Main stages of raw material preparation and processing

  1. Cut the fruit lengthwise or crosswise into 4-6 pieces. It is most convenient to work with oblong pieces in the form of slices.
  2. Using a tablespoon, remove the inner pulp and seeds from each part (by the way, they can also be used, for example, dried and fried) and rub through a metal sieve.
  3. Then peel the tough skin and surrounding area from the pumpkin. Depending on the variety, it is necessary to cut from 1 to 3-4 cm of the greenish dense layer.
  4. Rinse the pieces prepared in this way quickly under running cold water and let them drain, placing them in a colander or on a plastic wire rack.
  5. Next, preparing pumpkin juice from the pulp should be done in one of the following ways:

Grinding in a juicer;

Manual mechanical processing on a grater.

Each of these options has its own technological features, which are described below.

Options for grinding raw materials and obtaining pumpkin juice

There is an opinion that when preparing you should try to minimize the time of contact of the pulp with the metal elements of the devices, since this can destroy vitamins. But modern coatings on both electric juicers or blenders, and graters (as well as other kitchen utensils) are completely harmless. Therefore, you can safely use any of the methods:

When processing raw materials manually, grind the prepared pieces (1 kg) using a meat grinder or grater and pour in sugar syrup (250 g of sand per 1-1.5 liters of water). Bring the mixture to a boil, and then, after cooling, rub through a sieve and strain.

For automated processing, pour the resulting juice into a separate container, and mix the pulp with syrup using the proportions indicated above and boil a little. Then combine the two masses (after straining) together and carry out further thermal preservation. If desired, you can add the juice of one lemon to the pumpkin juice. Other spices are also welcome - cinnamon, vanillin, herbs. This is how freshly squeezed pumpkin juice is prepared, completely ready for consumption after pre-processing. The recipe for the winter will differ in the need to heat treat the drink. The main features of the two options are described below.

Is sterilization required? Secrets of heat treatment

Before sealing jars when preserving raw materials, it must be heated. Therefore, any homemade pumpkin recipe includes a heat treatment step. It is preferable to sterilize jars filled with the prepared drink. To do this, cover the containers with lids and place them in a tall saucepan, placing them on a cloth-lined bottom. Then pour cold water into the space between the jars so that its level is “up to your shoulders.” Place the dishes on low heat and bring to a boil. For liter containers it will take 5-7 minutes, 1.5 liters - 10 minutes, 3 liters - 20 minutes. Then remove the jars and roll up the lids. For the second option of heat treatment of juice, boil the liquid for 10-15 minutes. and immediately pour hot into containers and seal. Turn the jars over, placing them upside down on a soft surface, and wrap them until they cool completely. Store in a cool place. Shake well before use.

First assorted recipe: orange “rainbow” with orange

Pumpkin juice (recipe for the winter) can be prepared by mixing with other fruit ingredients. The resulting drinks will sparkle with new flavor “colors” and be enriched with additional beneficial substances. In the classic recipe, you can replace lemon juice with orange juice. When preparing, adhere to the following proportions:

1-1.5 kg of pumpkin pulp;

200-250 g sugar. sand;

2-3 juicy oranges.

Fill the pumpkin, chopped into small pieces or using a grater, with so much water that the mass is just covered with liquid. After boiling with sugar for 5-7 minutes, cool the mass, wipe and mix with squeezed orange juice. Pour the juice into jars, sterilize and seal with lids.

The second option for preparing a multi-ingredient drink: with dried apricots and carrots

A rather original taste is obtained when mixed simultaneously with fruit and vegetable raw materials. Prepare the following ingredients:

Pumpkin weighing 2.8-3 kg;

3-4 medium carrots;

1.2-1.5 kg of sugar;

500 g dried apricots;

1 tbsp. l. citric acid;

9 liters of cold water.

To obtain this juice, first process the pumpkin by cutting off the skin and removing the seeds. Then chop the pulp, peeled carrots and dried apricots into cubes. Fill the mixture with water (3 l) and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 1.5-2 hours. Then cool a little and grind with a blender. Add 6 liters of water, sugar and citric acid to a fairly thick mass. Cook the juice for about another hour. Pour the hot drink into sterile jars and seal.

Third assorted recipe: homemade pumpkin juice with apple pulp

Let's consider another, quite popular cooking option. The orange drink with apple pulp is especially tasty. This homemade pumpkin recipe will be as follows:

  1. Using a juicer, process the prepared raw materials. To do this, take pumpkin and apple pieces of equal weight (1 kg each), peeled and peeled.
  2. Add sugar (about 1 glass) and a little lemon zest to the resulting juice to taste. The proportions of these ingredients will depend on taste. So, if the apples are quite sour, you will need to slightly increase the amount of sugar.
  3. Heat the semi-finished product over low heat for 5-10 minutes, and then, after pouring it into jars, further sterilize it. Cork and wrap.

How to prepare a vitamin honey-spicy drink?

How to prepare pumpkin juice for the winter with a twist? Try adding additional palate-refreshing ingredients such as honey, cinnamon and cloves. For 1 liter of juice, use 100 g of sugar, 0.5 tsp. spices and 1 full table. l. "bee" mixture. After boiling, pour into sterile jars and heat further by placing the containers in a pan of water. It is advisable to pour such juice into small containers in order to avoid long-term heat treatment, which negatively affects the preservation of the beneficial qualities of the honey component in the drink. Seal and store in a cool place once cooled.

Diversify your range of winter preparations with new dishes! A healthy and tasty pumpkin drink will surely please your loved ones, adding warmth and rainbow light to your everyday winter menu!