Tantric sex is the highest form of love relationship. Love Technique: Tantra as the Art of Meditation

In this article, I would like to dispel all prejudices and prejudices about the ancient teachings of Tantra. Tantric practices should not be confused with permissiveness or free relationships. What does it really mean to practice Tantra? And what is it for you?

When a "trend" was created from the Indian teachings of Tantra, its understanding began to be emasculated, modified, made unnecessary accents and missed the important. Today, Tantra is often referred to as a special physical act rather than an approach to relationships and the creation of a Love Field.

Love is an inspiring state that you need to develop in yourself, it is impossible to learn it!

The word "Tantra" is interpreted from Sanskrit as "truth". The teaching is aimed at opening the consciousness and enriching the inner world. Practices for couples are the foundation for developing healthy and harmonious relationships. But these teachings are not based solely on sexual experience.

Many of the so-called connoisseurs of the tantric art present the teachings as the path of rebirth, which saves a person from suffering. But this is just speculation to attract customers and grow the business.

Tantra in detail

Tantra includes ancient Indian knowledge about the laws of the Universe, the rules of the harmonious existence of a person in understanding the meaning of life and the purpose of existence. Such a spiritual approach to all living things does not put physical contact in the first place, but, undoubtedly, helps the closest merging of loving partners for the development and improvement of relationships.

Tantra does not mean exotic postures, unusual places, incense, or the exchange of partners. Tantric love is, first of all, respect, harmonious spiritual merging and acceptance of each other.

Love and the rejection of selfishness contribute to the development of any relationship. All tantric practices and exercises are based on accepting your beloved as a higher being. They are also aimed at achieving orgasm by both partners. The tantra of love is a tool for uniting the energies of two people at the highest spiritual level, and not a physical release or a vivid sensation.

Orgasm is a sensual physical and powerful energy process. It is energy blockers that prevent two partners from merging together, as a result of which problems arise in relationships over time. Such difficulties affect the well-being of family relationships, prevent pregnancy and lead to divorce. Tantra has a huge number of exercises and techniques that help remove these blockers and establish the process of energy exchange, which brings the relationship of two people to a qualitatively new spiritual level.

Tantra and orgasm are just tools for improving marital relations, a means of self-disclosure, emotional and spiritual enrichment of marriage.

History from Victoria

- "Dear, Alechka! I remember your desperation and shyness at the very beginning of the seminar, and probably I will never forget the beautiful smile of a confident woman at the end of the event! I am grateful that you found time for yourself and nevertheless decided to make the first a step towards change by coming to my training.You have no idea how important it is for me to help such charming women like you.So many problems and worries fall on a woman's fate, but we do not get tired of moving forward, putting personal needs and desires into the background "My goal is to help every woman live better and happier, to seek the love and attention of men, to rehabilitate marriage relationships and save unhappy families! Alevtina - you are an example of how every woman should cope with difficulties. You need to BE AFRAID and LOOK for a solution, not put up with problems. Love yourself, and let your husband idolize such a wonderful woman nearby!"

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Do you think tantra and other oriental wisdom is needed only for geishas? No matter how! Methods proven over the centuries will help a modern woman. Even having mastered the basics, you can prolong youth, improve health and become damn attractive.

It is a harmonious, self-confident woman that a man perceives as beautiful and attractive - regardless of external data. Where do you get these qualities, you ask? In yourself, of course! Our body generates enough energy so that we can carry out our plans, enjoy life, improve and enjoy every moment. And the key to the inexhaustible source is techniques from tantra, yoga and Taoist practices.

Divine Approach
The birthplace of the "Kama Sutra" India gave the world not only a practical guide to bodily love, but also a theoretical doctrine of the union of male and female principles - Tantrism. Translated from Sanskrit, “tantra” means “continuity”, “connection”. When in the West they talk about sex, they mean physical pleasure from the contact of bodies, and in the East it is believed that every act of love is a sacred union of two deities. An example to follow is the athletic god Shiva and his feminine beloved goddess Shakti. So it is recommended to treat your partner as a deity, no more, no less. It is not necessary to copy images from Hindu mythology. Just imagine that Apollo suddenly turned out to be your spouse! Yes, and you yourself would probably want to be reincarnated as Aphrodite ... In a word, boldly dream, the main thing is that the mental image be beautiful in every respect and evoke the most quivering, lofty feelings in you. Thoughts are material, therefore, entering into union with the deity, you will experience more vivid sensations. You can tell your partner about your innocent fantasies - he is unlikely to be jealous of the gods, and a comparison with ancient Greek athletes will even flatter him. And don't forget that you are also a perfect goddess of love!

Tantra Workshop
Pragmatic Westerners simplify the ancient teaching to applied New Age Tantra: Tantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Pair Yoga and others. They use bodily, respiratory and mental techniques. It sounds serious, but in reality they are all ways to increase sensitivity, sensuality and control over perception. And that means enhancing the pleasure of almost everything you do.
Do not expect magic from tantric exercises - at one time in yourself and your relationship with a partner, it is unlikely that something will miraculously change. But over time, repeating the mini-practice described here or continuing classes in a yoga studio, you will surely become freer, more confident and more joyful. And perhaps the most important thing is to understand: no matter who your tantra partner is (spouse, good friend, just acquaintances), you work primarily with yourself and your feelings. No wonder they say that you always need to start with yourself, because only when you discover and open your own resource, you can share it with others. That is, learn to hear yourself - hear those around you, love - get the opportunity to give love to someone else.

Paired Meditations
The first step to tantra is meditation. It helps to “relax” the mind and learn to feel your body. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult, you just need to observe your breathing and sensations. Try it and be careful, because this is a great opportunity to get to know yourself and your partner better.

A partner can be either a man or a woman. A person you trust will do. For relaxation, it is advisable to turn on quiet, calm music. It's good if these are three or four compositions lasting 3-5 minutes, because the exercise consists of several parts, and the beginning of the song will mark the transition to the next phase.
1. Sit opposite at a short distance, cross-legged in Turkish or in any way that suits you. Close your eyes and try to feel the presence of your partner. Feel if there is an attraction between you and track where it is concentrated in your body. Try not to evaluate your feelings, but simply immerse yourself in them. Notice the desires that you have (for example, approach your partner, hug him), but do not follow them.
2. Now that you have become familiar with your “magnet”, try to feel it in your counterpart. How strong is its attraction, where does it come from? If you feel like laughing or tears come to your eyes, don't be surprised and don't hold back. Let your feelings out and try to relax.
3. Concentrate your inner magnet in the center of the chest, near the heart. Imagine that your partner has it in the same place, exactly opposite. Since the heart energy is a very powerful unifying force, you will most likely be overcome by a feeling of joy, happiness, unity with the world.
After 10-15 minutes, open your eyes and thank your partner. It is very important to keep the resulting pleasant state at least during the day. You will notice that even while doing your normal activities, you continue to feel connected to your meditation partner.
Benefit: this public practice will add confidence in each other and provide mutual moral support. By doing it with your loved one, you will strengthen your union.

"Leader - Follower"
Before starting, distribute the roles in pairs: one should be the leader and the other the follower.
Stand next to me and hold hands. The follower closes his eyes, tries to feel the leader and tune in with him. To avoid the temptation to peep, it is better to blindfold with a thick cloth. As a sign of readiness, he nods to the leader, and he begins to carefully drag him along. Talking is not allowed - contact occurs only through the hands. Move carefully and smoothly. The leader should not make sharp turns. Its task is to ensure a pleasant joint passage of the path.
As a follower, you will feel how the unknown sharpens perception and stops the internal dialogue, allowing you to hear the voice of intuition. Your goal is to achieve a state of simultaneous concentration and relaxation in the process of walking, as well as to trust your partner as much as possible.
The leader during practice learns tactile control. This role also requires attention and relaxation at the same time, because the follower feels the slightest tension and regards it as a signal of danger. After 5-10 minutes of “journey”, you can stop, switch roles and repeat all over again.
Benefit: this practice seems like a game, but it significantly builds trust between partners, develops the ability to cooperate, respect each other's feelings and needs.

Sexual energy strengthens health and prolongs youth

Yoga for tone
Tantra yoga exercises help to recharge your energy. They act primarily on the pelvic organs and train the pubococcygeus muscle. It is worth working on it: when it is activated, all nearby erogenous zones become even more sensitive. This is probably the most enjoyable workout you can imagine. And besides, for women's health, the active movement of blood and lymph in the genital area is very important. It is provided by all asanas (body positions) that work out the pelvic region, and the so-called inverted (legs above the head). They are very useful because they relieve tension from the lower body, preventing the development of genitourinary diseases and hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins. And of course, regular training will make your sexual relationship brighter, increase the frequency and duration of orgasms.

Doing this exercise is like flapping the wings of a butterfly. Sit on a mat with a straight back, pull your feet as close to your groin as possible, spread your knees to the sides so that the soles touch. Interlace your fingers into a lock and clasp your feet with them. Imagine that your bent legs are wings, and “wave” them, raising and lowering your knees. Gradually increase the speed of movement and swing, maintaining a deep and smooth rhythm of breathing. After one or two minutes of “flight”, stop and relax. If at first you find it difficult to perform a full butterfly, start with one “wing”, pulling only one leg towards you, and straighten the other freely.
Benefit:"butterfly" activates blood circulation in the pelvic area, serves as a prevention of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, strengthens the muscles of the thighs, relieves leg fatigue.
Contraindications: pregnancy, knee problems.

We remember the stand on the shoulder blades from physical education classes, and in yoga this body position is called “sarvangasana” and, if performed correctly, is considered one of the most universally useful.
Lie on your back, raise your legs and lower back, bend your arms at the elbows, supporting your back with them, preferably closer to the shoulder blades. Body weight should be on the shoulders and elbows, not on the neck. Inhale and exhale as much as possible stretch up straight legs. Strive to ensure that the back, pelvis and legs are in the same vertical plane. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths. Gradually lower your palms to the shoulder blades, stretching the spine more and more up. Breathe freely, preferably with your stomach, to relax your lower back. At the slightest discomfort, if you feel an unpleasant tension in your neck or lose your balance, gently lower your back onto the mat and lie down, trying to relax.
Benefit: the oblique muscles of the abdomen are strengthened, which form the feminine curve of the waist, the tension in the pelvic area is relieved, the pressure is reduced.
Contraindications: violations in the cervical spine, weak muscle tone (regular exercises under the guidance of an experienced instructor will help strengthen them).

air element
Difficulty breathing is a sure sign of disharmony. After all, it is it that awakens our energy centers and fills us with vitality. The health of the whole organism depends on how free the air, and hence the energy circulates through the body.

"Breath of love"
Standing, sitting or lying down, hug your partner, try to breathe with him in the same rhythm for several minutes, imagining that the air passes through your body. It is as if you are inhaling through the perineum, and exhaling through the heart center or between the eyebrows. After several cycles, change the direction of visualization: "inhale" through the forehead or heart, "exhale" through the lower abdomen. Try to “colorize” the practice by imagining multi-colored air currents. This is how you activate different levels of energy. For example, orange enhances sexual desire, green - love and tenderness, blue - creativity, silver - intuition. Breathe in all the colors of the rainbow in unison with your loved one.
Benefit: the exercise helps to tune in to the partner’s energy, to feel each other as one.

Geisha's Secret
Taoist techniques, including sexual ones, are the so-called Chinese branch of tantra. In the East, not only geisha mastered the art of developing intimate muscles. After all, sexual energy is equal to the energy of life, it even affects the prosperity and prosperity of the family. And the ability to control the necessary muscles not only increases the pleasure in intimate life, but also improves health and prolongs youth. Taoist masters believe that menopause begins when a woman has used up her personal energy reserve. The body refuses the reproductive function as not necessary for survival and distributes energy to other vital organs. And then the woman ages dramatically ... But it is in our power to postpone this process! It is enough to master a simple exercise and perform it regularly. In the Western world, it is called the tough word "wumbling", and initially it was called much more flirty...

To feel the work of the vaginal muscles, you need to hold urination for a few seconds. Once you've become familiar with the right effort, try doing it daily while you're commuting, sitting at work, or standing in line. Every day, increase the number of repetitions, gradually bringing it up to one to two hundred times a day. And it is best to practice before a date, then your chosen one will definitely pay attention to the exciting sparkle of your eyes. Indeed, after performing “blinks”, it is quite natural to feel a slight excitement.
Benefit: prevention of inflammatory diseases and prolapse of the vagina, strengthening the sphincter of the urethra. The development of intimate muscles helps to accumulate vitality, sexual desire increases, the onset of menopause is delayed, skin elasticity and feminine body shapes remain longer, which means you look younger and more seductive. Q.E.D.

Expert opinion
Natalya Bortnichenko, yoga instructor
Tantra yoga techniques purposefully strengthen the muscles of the perineum and vagina, develop the sensitivity of the body. After training, it is easier to achieve orgasm, it feels brighter, stronger and longer. And if you devote enough time and diligence to practice, then you can get closer to the so-called tantric sex, when a woman, being at the peak of sensations, dissolves in an endless merger with her partner. If you are still alone, the exercises will activate blood circulation in the genital area and relieve sexual tension by distributing the accumulated energy throughout the body. Thus, tantra yoga allows you to be less dependent on the presence of a partner and other vicissitudes of fate, makes it possible to gain peace, harmony, self-confidence and magnetic attraction.

Tantra is a teaching, the origins of which begin in the depths of millennia of past civilizations. No one knows what specific culture, language and traditions it belongs to. Translated from Sanskrit, "Tantra" means "expansion of consciousness" and "principle".

Tantric yoga is a system of rituals and practices that use sexual energy to lift a person to a higher state of consciousness.

This is her main goal. But few people know that Tantra is also a preparation for death. So pranayama, called the method of mastering the breath, means "prana" - life, yama - death. In India, knowledge of Tantra's connection with death is common. In Europe, no. Although the French say about orgasm "little death" ... Because a lot of energy is lost during it. Thanks to orgasms, a person is renewed.

Bhagawan Shanmukha Anantha Natha is one of the few living masters of traditional classical Tantra who has been researching and practicing this knowledge for over 40 years. Bhagawan Shanmukha is the founder of the Sri Kali Ashram in India and the author of a book that is an innovative interpretation of ancient treatises. It deciphers messages deeply encoded in a metaphorical language full of symbols and translates into modern language.

Bhagavat Natha said about yoga that it is not a traditional science, it is not a sport or entertainment. Yoga by its very nature does not teach competition. Compete means that someone is compared to others, according to a rating scale (worse-better).

Yoga supports integration in oneself, builds and maintains inner potential and strength.

Along with these inner values, they improve their nature and life. Improving life through yoga gives fulfillment of desires and frees one from the need to compete with others.

The practice taught by Bhagawan Shanmukha is different from other contemporary Indian and international yoga schools. The main difference is that it is not based on the materiality of the body. The person who practices it is not perceived as a set of muscles and bones bending and stretching in robotic positions.

His yoga - traditional tantric - is based on the subtle human energy system - Prana, in Chinese culture, known as "chi". The sequence of asanas is designed in conjunction with deep relaxation and a harmonious prana balancing system that ensures balance and holistic health of our entire being.

Tantric yoga works "from the inside" - healing the Prana system, which through the endocrine system affects our body and psyche.

Asanas in the tantric practice of Bhagwan Shanmukh are the same as needles in acupuncture. If you are looking for deep relaxation, relaxation and the ability to cope with stress, traditional tantric exercises are the perfect remedy.

The fourth and highest division of tantric practice is called Maha annutara yoga tantra. It consists of the stages of regeneration and completion. Through this practice one can attain complete enlightenment within one lifetime.

Step by step

Tantra teaches us love and integration with the universe. This is a way to get rid of all the restrictions that you have imposed on yourself or taken from the external environment. Tantric yoga comes from the Kaula system as well as Ayurveda. Based on the system of subtle energy (Prana), the practice stimulates prana, which helps to maintain balance in every aspect of our personality:

  • emotional;
  • physical;
  • mental.

And thus improves health. According to Ayurveda, all health problems in our body can be investigated by identifying and balancing Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). According to the Kauli system, disharmony in the body is balanced by practicing a series of tri-dosha asanas.

This basic practice of Tantra yoga has a good effect on overall health. The teacher guides his students through asanas in a relaxing rhythm, cultivating meditation and helping them relieve stress.

Tantric Philosophy:

  • enhances the ability of clairvoyance and healing;
  • promotes the development of creative potential;
  • opens up for a career in the chosen field, for wealth.

Psychotherapy enhances feelings of joy, happiness and fulfillment. It also fights women's problems, problems with potency, facilitates pregnancy and childbirth, but it is also a natural method of contraception. The practice of Tantra activates dormant forces in each person and helps to find a purpose in life. It also helps to attract the right person to you.

Tantra Yoga is a great way for new erotic sensations

Practitioners often perceive it as a method of developing sensitivity, which is not entirely correct. Ignoring many methods that develop sexual energy and eroticism have nothing in common. Tantric yoga involves more than changes only on the physical level. Treatises and textbooks on yoga tantra teach to consider your body as a temple of God, to cherish, love and cherish it. This is a rare type of yoga that does not diminish the importance of the ego, only increases it. With yoga tantric exercises, partners approach each other.

Asanas use sexual energy to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

Tantra yoga is good for everything. She:

  • improves physical health;
  • mental health;
  • increases energy;
  • calms the mind;
  • helps to improve sexual life, which will move to another stage.

Tantra yoga is not only addressed to the individual, it is especially beneficial for couples. The sexual methods that are part of Tantra combat the monotony in bed, re-awaken partners to sexual life, and also teach a greater understanding of sex and relationships, a previously unknown intimacy.

Tantra yoga, or Tantra kriya yoga, should not be considered as sexual gymnastics.

Emotions are important and to understand, to feel both yourself and your partner. Her practice helps to get rid of complexes and teaches you to accept yourself. If you do not love your body, do not discover your sexuality, you will never know the secret of the greatest pleasure. People who have a successful and enjoyable sex life are happier, healthier and live longer, and are more successful in life.

It is important to understand that human power is sexual energy, which is lost in excess, during traditional sex, menstruation or erectile dysfunction. Tantra yoga helps to accumulate and transform this sexual energy for various purposes.

It is also important to understand that the yoga of love has an incredibly healing power. According to statistics, more and more people have problems with erectile dysfunction, impotence. Medical treatment of this type of disease is time consuming, expensive and negatively affects the overall health of the patient. Tantra yoga improves health in a much cheaper, faster and more enjoyable way without causing any side effects.

You just need to perform the appropriate exercises that lengthen and strengthen the erection, such as squeezing the perineum.

These exercises help to get back in shape, as well as gain greater control over ejaculation and thereby prolong sexual intercourse. This is extremely important, because ejaculation in every person shortens life and weakens his health. Tantrikas can make love to a partner for hours without ejaculation and have multiple orgasms that other men cannot.

Types of Tantric Practices

There are three tantric practices:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red.

Red Tantra Yoga

This type to some extent reflects the sexual reality. The practice includes special exercises and meditations, which, in certain cases, provide not only touching a person of the opposite sex, but also sexual intercourse. Thus, the slogan “here and now” is realized. Energy is directed exclusively for sexual purposes.

White Tantra Yoga

Directs a person from the present to the future, the meaning is the elevation of the soul. Compared to other Tantra yoga of love is the most effective and valuable practice.

It is done in pairs as a group meditation. Sitting in front of a partner and following the instructions given on the video of the tantrika Mahan, Yogi Bhayan or other equally famous mentors.

Classes include six or 8 kriyas. Kriya is a meditation that includes:

  • asanas;
  • some breathing techniques (pranayama);
  • hand position (mudra);
  • some points of focus of the mind;
  • mantras.

Sometimes kriyas are accompanied by music, varying in length from 31 to 62 minutes. Break after each kriya.

Black Tantra

This is a special kind of practice that teaches the science of manipulating people, developing personal mental strength, makes it possible to quickly achieve any goal.

Each of these methods tends to exalt a person in all his forms, physical and spiritual, teaches how to manage life, develop sexual energy, gain skills to use them in various directions.

Release emotions

Most of us throughout life is a slave to emotions. We do not show them, suppress them, do not let them take over us. But the biggest aspect of love yoga practice is being aware of your sexuality and being open to contact with your partner. Tantric exercises include:

  1. Body sensation.
  2. Breathing rhythm.
  3. The emotional state of you and your partner.
  4. What do you think about the act of love.

Practice teaches a different approach to the sexual sphere, helps you to approach each approach with your partner more consciously, and at the same time, rediscover yourself and him. Allows you to ascend to the heights of pleasure and more complete satisfaction from sexual intercourse. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to change the attitude towards sexuality, first of all, to stop worrying about whether you succeeded, were you good or not. You are the fertilizer and your sexuality is the instrument. If you understand this, learn how to use it, then instead of fear, you can satisfy your partner and yourself. You will begin to use the same contacts, foreplay and caresses that can last for several hours, giving yourself and your partner an unforgettable experience.

Adherents of Tantra yoga are not only excellent lovers, but also partners in everyday life.

They are caring, patient, sensitive, they have enough creativity in love games, so that you will become closer to each other, begin to understand better, and your sex life will not become a routine.

Exercise 1. Strengthening the muscles of the anal sphincter

A basic and very simple Taoist exercise. In the Taoist tradition, the vitality and actual biological age of the elasticity of the anal sphincter are measured. The deer, which often strikes fire, has become a symbol of longevity, thanks to the very great strength of the muscles of the anus.

The exercise consists of alternately squeezing and loosening the muscles of the anal sphincter. You have to do this dozens of times.

There is also an extended version of the exercise that focuses on specific parts of the anal sphincter: tighten and loosen the front of the sphincter, then the back, then the right, then the left, then the middle. The order may be arbitrary, but each type of clamp in the rectum produces a different stress response on the internal organs.

These exercises:

  • reduce the likelihood of hemorrhoids;
  • mobilize the vital forces of the body;
  • improve sexual function;
  • help the direct sexual energy rise up.

Exercise 2. Massaging the Hui-yin point

The point is located between the genitals and the anus. Because this area is very delicate, traditional tantric practice recommends doing this with a cloth. Gently massage this area in circular motions for 1-2 minutes. This is a kind of acupressure using the point of intercourse. Helps to unblock the energy of this region so that it can flow smoothly up the spine.

Men using this technique can stop ejaculation (by massaging the point a few seconds before ejaculation).

Daily massage of this place helps to relax the prostate and maintain health.

Exercise 3. Vaginal contractions

After inserting two fingers into the vagina, women alternately contract and relax the muscles.

Such an exercise increases awareness of one's own sexual response, reduces the risk of vaginal prolapse (prolapse).

Exercise 4. Interrupting the flow of urine

  • strengthens the sexual muscle;
  • has a therapeutic rejuvenating effect;
  • increases sexual activity;
  • used by women preparing for conscious childbirth.

Tantra is one of the oldest and most popular esoteric movements in Hinduism.

Tantra originated long before Christianity, in the era of matriarchy, on the territory of the Hindustan Peninsula. It is quite obvious that the information about Tantra that has come down to us after five thousand years has been overgrown with numerous interpretations, comments and, possibly, conjectures. The main thing in tantra is an all-encompassing harmony.

Tantra literally means "weaver, weaving". According to Tantra, our world is an endless canvas (fabric), where everything has its place and everything happens under its roof. Tantra is based on the law of the unity of man and nature, which is identified with the Higher Forces, or with God. Each person is considered as a Divine creation, which carries a piece of God. Thus, each person is perfection, and in the tantric tradition it is proposed to treat other people as the same perfect being.

Inheriting the traditions of antiquity, Tantra says that every woman is the personification of the female essence, which in India bears the name of the goddess Shakti. From the point of view of Tantra, any person is under the auspices of Mother Nature, that is, the feminine principle. The man, in turn, symbolizes the male essence, which is embodied in the god "Shiva".

The main position of Tantra is that you are now, at this moment, perfect as a God, or perfect as a Goddess. That is why many tantric techniques are aimed at revealing the inherent abilities of clairvoyance, at activating intuition, opening energy channels that connect with the Universal Energy. Tantra expands consciousness, and this happens naturally due to the harmonization of the male and female principles in a person, the functions of the right and left hemispheres, awareness of the importance of one's body and its connection with the spiritual qualities of a person.

As you know, Tantra is often associated with erotica. Indeed, in the Tantra tradition there are many techniques using sexual energy. But most of them, in our understanding, have nothing to do with erotica. Tantra instructs us to turn to the senses, not to the mind. And "tantric sex" is not at all the satisfaction of a natural instinct. Based on the traditions of Tantra, a more appropriate term for the interaction of partners is "tantric intercourse", which is seen as an act of unity between the male and female principles. This is a joint meditation aimed at establishing harmony between the female and male essence.

Modern medicine has proven the relationship of sexual energy with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Sexual energy stimulates their function, affects physical and intellectual development, behavior and perception of reality. This means that there is a direct connection between sexuality and spirituality. Tantra makes it possible to find this connection and open up to the inner beneficial forces that exist within and around us.

Tantra is an esoteric teaching, the purpose of which is the expansion of consciousness and knowledge of oneself and the world. What is tantric contact? This is a connection of the energy flows of two lovers for a sense of unity and spiritual merging. How does this happen, what exercises need to be performed for the energy merging of two bodies? Consider the questions in the article.

In tantric sex, the leading role is given to both partners, however, the role of a woman has its own characteristics. Eastern sages claim that it is a woman who saturates a man with energy. In order for a woman to generate the necessary energy, she needs to be charged with positive emotions. A woman gives a man the energy with which he can succeed in life. He, in turn, supports a woman in this world and fills her with emotions.

If the partner does not receive positive emotions, she is not able to generate positive energy. Such a couple is doomed to parting. In tantric sex, the interaction of the sexes occurs at a distance or physical connection: both partners are filled with the desire for love and excitement. The consequence of this is the connection of energy flows, in which the partners dissolve into each other.

Note that tantric sex requires a regular partner, casual relationships are unacceptable.

Both partners should experience a mutual feeling of love and admiration. This allows you to reach the highest moment of pleasure in the connection.

Tantra Principle

What is needed to connect a pair in a single energy flow? The spiritual connection of a man and a woman opens the subconscious, the partners feel unity with each other and the whole world, they are filled with delight and bliss. Space and time disappear, the highest point of bliss is felt in the realization of the infinity of ecstasy. How to achieve this? You must follow the rules:

  • Sexual games should take place with a permanent partner.
  • It is necessary to strive to satisfy the sexual desires and preferences of the partner.
  • The goal of tantra is spiritual fusion, not physical contact.
  • You need to be able to throw out your emotions outward, and not be shy to show them. Shy tantra is contraindicated.
  • Thoughts about sin and the fall will not allow you to practice tantra, they need to be thrown out of your head.

During actual physical contact in tantra, one must be graceful and graceful. It is impossible to allow physical aggression, to tire the body with active movements. Tantric sex should last at least two hours, so it is unacceptable to expend energy right away.

Great importance in tantric sex is given to stroking, touching and caressing. Contact in intercourse should be easy, without rough and sudden movements. This is a dance of love filled with the breath of romance and dreams. Tantra has nothing to do with everyday sex: the goal is different. If ordinary sexual contact implies physical relaxation, then tantra aims to achieve the spiritual beginning of sex and the union of souls together.


To learn the correct tantric contact, you need to train your senses. To do this, you need to perform a small set of exercises daily, which will not take more than ten minutes.

  1. Lying on the floor on your stomach, you need to raise your head and look at the ceiling - 3 or 5 times.
  2. Stand with your back against the wall so that your heels and buttocks are in close contact with it. Tighten and relax your stomach several times in a row.
  3. Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. Touch the wall with your forehead and chest and lift your pelvis as high as possible.
  4. Sit on the floor with straight legs, put your hands on your knees. Tightening the muscles of the buttocks, move forward. Help yourself by bending and straightening your knees.
  5. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning on your heels, slide your socks in and back out. Do the same exercise with support on socks - move your heels.

What are these simple exercises? If you perform them for at least two months daily, sensitivity develops during sexual contact.

Displacement of the point of consciousness

Consciousness plays an important role in tantric contact, so it must be given due attention. Let's get started.

Imagine that your left leg is growing out of your head. Hold this visualization for as long as possible with your eyes closed. There may be various sensations, up to dizziness. With practice, you will be able to create and hold this visualization for as long as it takes.

Development of the senses

A person has 5 senses with which he perceives the world. These organs must be developed to the maximum in order to receive maximum pleasure during sexual contact.


You can do this exercise on your own or with a partner. You will need several samples of fabrics of different textures - cotton, silk, nylon, etc. Examine each sample by touch. Then, with your eyes closed, try to determine which fabric you are holding in your hand. The next exercise is for a partner to touch a piece of fabric in your skin, and you determine its texture.


Make swatches with several types of smells. It could be a scented fabric or something else. First examine the smells with your eyes open, and then identify them with your eyes closed. It is not recommended to exercise for a long time, since odors can merge with each other: then their determination becomes difficult. Do not touch your nose with a piece of cloth so that the fragrance does not remain on the skin - it will interfere with the perception of another fragrance.

Color perception

Choose a painting and study its color scheme in detail. Classify colors and shades. Then look at the painting with a magnifying glass and note which colors you didn't notice when viewing without a magnifying glass.

Sound perception

Turn on the music and listen to the song until the end. Now turn on the same composition and try to isolate the sound of any one instrument and listen only to it. With practice, this will become easy. Listen to another musical instrument next time.

Listening to the singing of birds, the melody of a running stream and other sounds of nature helps the development of sound perception. You can listen to your partner's heartbeat.

Development of taste buds

To develop taste sensations, you need to dissolve any products in water. For example, salt and sugar, honey and lemon - separately. Then try and try to determine the product to taste.

The tantra of love is the supreme art of attaining true bliss. Man and woman in this art are compared with deities. The main thing in tantra is to give maximum pleasure to the partner, to fulfill his desires of the heart.

First exercise

Sit opposite each other and touch different parts of your partner's body with your fingers. At the same time, it is necessary to catch internal sensations and fix attention on them. Do not rush, all movements should be leisurely and light. Note which touches give your partner the most pleasure.

Second exercise

Lie on your side, take the same pose. Your bodies should be in the same position, that is, both of you should lie on the same side. Cling tightly to each other, connect the rhythm of breathing and try to feel that you are a single being.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: